#i love everybody who plays theorist!
max1461 · 2 years
only tangentially related but sometimes I wonder if survivorship bias makes us view modern art as less than older art, that time and cultural memory acts as a natural bullshit filter, that actually people were just as vapid and pretentious back then, but none of the vapid and pretentious work had enough cultural value stick around to be examined now
I think it's partly this, but it's partly something else.
This is probably gonna piss a lot of people off, but I think in a particular sense, contemporary art is just... straightforwardly more advanced than older art. I know, I know, but hear me out: I don't mean that as a value judgement. What I mean is like...
Ok, take math as an example. Math started out talking about things that everybody's heard of: triangles, circles, whole numbers. But as those concepts were better understood, they got abstracted more and more. Symmetries of shapes where abstracted to symmetry groups, numbers abstracted to rings and fields, eventually it was all abstracted to category theory, and so on. And now if you look at major research topics in modern math, things like e.g. the Langlands program, as a non-expert, it often looks like a bunch of fucking nonsense about bullshit objects that don't have anything to do with the real world! But even though I don't understand the Langlands program itself, I know enough math to understand why all the levels of abstraction that I have understood are meaningful and valuable, and I can see why going even further would be too. And math is useful enough that the results often speak for themselves.
So I think contemporary art is much like this. If you read contemporary art theory, you will immediately see that it is all very meta. Art used to be made about very concrete things—people and nice looking vistas and so on—that anyone could understand. And then theorists came along and built up frameworks for thinking about art, because they wanted to understand why that art worked, why it was powerful and emotive. And then new, avant-garde artist came along and made art about the frameworks, pushing at their edge-cases or exploring their unintuitive implications. And then new frameworks were built up to understand that art, rinse and repeat. This account is, as I understand it, a little bit ahistorical—the building and the pushing of frameworks was often simultaneous and often not clearly articulated. Although, frankly, the same could be said for the history of math. But in retrospect I think a pretty undeniable picture emerges.
So, to put it bluntly, I think one of the reasons so much contemporary art looks vapid is that it isn't for you. It's about things you've never heard of, in the same way that category theory is about spaces and morphisms, and explaining that to someone who's never heard of groups or topological spaces is basically impossible. And I think there are some differences—art is obviously, you know, totally vibes based in a way that math isn't. If a big wire sculpture with styrofoam cups on it or whatever doesn't speak to you then it doesn't speak to you, no one can defend it on "objective" grounds. And art isn't useful in the way that math is, so it doesn't demonstrate its validity to people who don't get it in any way. But what I wish people understood is that there are people, who know a bunch of art theory and art history, who that wire sculpture with styrofoam cups on it does speak to. It makes them go "oh, I love how it plays off of X and contrasts with Y" etc. etc. And that isn't going to happen for you because, like, you don't know what X or Y even are! But that doesn't make it valueless, it just makes it insular. Which, you know, contemporary art really is! I think there are a lot of contemporary artists who claim to not be doing what I just described, who claim to be making art "for everybody", but I think if you read their artist statements and stuff it often becomes pretty clear that this is not the case. And this is a valid criticism of contemporary art! But "vapid" is mostly not.
Pretentious, definitely. It's pretentious as fuck.
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khanrelli · 4 months
a cross-country winter | kamala x bruno
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a fanfic with Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli from Ms. Marvel
Bruno is practically drunk on anesthesia after having his wisdom teeth removed and has some things to say to Kamala. word count: 479 warnings: none read it on archive of our own! dedicated to icee
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Caltech has been a rough adjustment. Everybody is so different, it's wildly expensive, he barely knows where anything is and most importantly? The weather is horrid. By Jersey standards that is. At least the school aspect has been easy.
He's finished all his work for the week and now he just needs to finish his Humanities paper. Ready to do some hardcore Googling, he sees news on his sidebar: " Heavy Snow Blankets New Jersey, More May Be On The Way" .
That can't be good.
BRUNO: I heard there was a snowstorm in Jersey??
BRUNO: You guys ok?
KAMALA: Have to stay inside all day 😕
BRUNO: Not a problem though for you
KAMALA: Can you shut up 🙄
KAMALA: How's the weather California boy 
BRUNO: I'm here for 3 months and I'm already "California boy"?
BRUNO: Anyway
BRUNO: Not used to it, it's 67 over here??*
*19 degrees Celsius.
BRUNO: I miss my 40s
BRUNO: You think Thor can make it rain over here for me?
KAMALA: Probably too busy playing Fortnite
BRUNO: You still stand by that theory?
BRUNO: Sure thing conspiracy theorist
KAMALA: I'm very much freezing
KAMALA: Ammi refuses to turn on the heating all the way because we can just "wear more layers"
BRUNO: Classic Mrs. Khan!
BRUNO: If I was there, I'd warm you up
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kamala mutters to herself.
Ironically, a similar thing is said 2,886 miles away.
"What did I mean by that?" Bruno mutters to himself. He quickly tries to remedy the situation.
BRUNO: Ik how to make an effective heater with an electric fan and lots of copper wire 
"OH! Oh, okay.." Kamala murmurs, slightly disappointed although she can't pinpoint why she is. 
KAMALA: Dang where's our token white boy when we need him 
Suddenly, Bruno hears his name get called by his roommate, Kwezi. "Yankee Doodle, we're going to go put 'snow' all over the Blacker house, wanna come?" The roommate says, accompanied by their other friend Michelle. 
"We borrowed the huge snow machine." She says excitedly.
The paper can probably wait. But he would never leave Kamala hanging.
BRUNO: Ok apparently we're going to go put fake snow over one of the dorms
BRUNO: Payback for replacing our vending machine food with carrots
BRUNO: I'll ttyl?
KAMALA: You are really living the life over there B
KAMALA: Don't have too much fun over there we miss you
She wants to say "I miss you" but that's too bold for the girl.
BRUNO: Sure thing :)
Hopefully, going out for a prank can help him get over how much he misses home. And by home, he's not talking about his chilly hometown but rather a certain Captain Marvel fangirl who loves gyros.
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feminist-minimalist · 9 months
Psychiatric Wards & Hospitals, My Experiences
I've been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, a few other things that seem to have been merged into these diagnoses after further context and I've had some odd experiences as psych patient.
First, let me say this: sometimes, they *can* help. They *can* be a way to decompress and stabilize. Everybody's experience is different as is everybody's mental health team and psych ward/hospital rules. This serves as a disclaimer to say that I am not a licensed mental health professional.
That said, I have to say, they are not the best and have served me more bad than good. Let me explain.
The first time, I called the cops on myself. I was angry and distraught that I had tried to seek him out for support because I was feeling really suicidal and depressed about my time with a hostile and toxic work environment. Even though I left, I still felt the effects. The cop was professional, caring, and receptive, to be fair. But..also, a Jordan Peterson follower. So....eh. Not great, but not terrible. I kind of just tuned out. I had a chef's knife to my chest, but called the cops before I took irreversible action. I still can remember how sharp it was, with the tip brushing up against me but also how annoyed I was that I didn't think I could press down hard enough.
So, the hospital. Honestly? I had a mixed experience, but in some ways, kind of was really...all right. I called the cops on myself to get help, and I really did feel connected to the patients there. Food was fucking amazing. I slept a little better. Had some meds. The only bad parts? An annoying conspiracy theorist for COVID as well as a misogynist, and a few other people that I just...honestly felt sorry for but still were these angry balls of addiction. They calmed down after awhile and though they were still struggling, were ok conversationalists. The only bad part? One of the employees there kept saying "he's still your dad", which didn't help though it was meant in a loving way and I took it in the spirit they were implying. Still was invalidating though. The experience after coming home sucked. I was going through it with a bad landlady. I got her fired though. Still sucked to go through.
Next! So the next hospital. Really not great. It was an inpatient/outpatient facility and they knew me on an outpatient basis. Or I thought they did. I never felt respected by them as an abuse survivor. While I did CBT shit, they kept trying to diagnose me with something that was obviously untrue. Doesn't matter what it was now though since I ceased services and really made it clear I wasn't happy with them. This was in Florida during COVID. So. Yeah. That caused some problems considering I was definitely one of those "mask up and vaccinate" types and everyone else really wasn't. It literally caused so much stress with their neglectful attitude towards my very real complaints and concerns that it brought up this trauma from BEFORE Urissa. I had body memories of my Uncle Scott tackling me out of nowhere when I was a toddler. Big drunk guy who was a careless idiot. There were witnesses but I never went to the hospital and no charges were filed even though I was crawling around. I barely could stand after he tackled me. We weren't playing football and I wasn't interested in sports. So...yeah. Anyway.
That was probably the most directly damaging one. The way they framed me was acting out. But I had been repressing this shit FOR YEARS and unsafe people and places were essentially a "get over it" thing for the people I went to for help. They also misdiagnosed me. I had to argue with them to change it. It sucked. I got blamed for things that weren't my fault.
Again though, food was fine. People mostly fine except for some annoying patients and caregivers. But the reasons why I was there was dumb. I felt like I was heightened into a psychotic break *because* caregivers weren't caring. I came back a little better with a new perspective with my trauma finally jostled, but I was gobsmacked by the mistreatment there and at UNF. Wasn't suicidal on admittance, but definitely was in a position to have a full blown PTSD flashback, turned psychotic break. I was there to get permission for a medical withdrawal, which turned out to um...not be needed. Also, UNF campus security was attempting to silence and dismiss my issues. They did that.
Moved to a different state. Felt the walls closing in after I failed my truck driving skills test and didn't have a plan to return to uni (back at uni now of course though). Confronted poor family support, financial support cut off. Emotional support always nonexistent. So. Here's the thing with that. I had tried to kill myself by starving myself and not drinking water. I went to Lovelace and they said "eh" and threw me out. I tried again. I went to my uni hospital. They checked me out. Did find my vitals to be off and a thyroid problem. Gave me fluids. Sent me to psych hospital. Guess what happened? They turned me away when I called them out on giving me an inappropriate medication! They basically told me "yes, I think you need help, but no inpatient.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I still don't know how to feel about that. I mean. I'm glad I could have my sleep apnea device at home. I'm glad I got some food (still dealing with food insecurity due to being a student and not eligible for food stamps). I'm glad I could masterbate in the privacy of my own home. But still. Food good. I felt really bad. And I was hoping for three square meals til I felt better after my suicide attempt since I had no money, but I had Medicaid!
Anyway, I think the takeaway here is that, yes, in some cases, they can help. But all I can think about are the injustices and annoyances of some of them. I'll say this much. I wasn't comfortable as a sexual assault and rape survivor forced to spend time around other people with no fucking privacy. Other people definitely exposed themselves on purpose and seemed to kind of prod me over that fact. It was deeply violating. Fuck you that One Florida Mental Hospital.
Now there was one time where I went to a psych ward just to get away from Urissa. And I really was having a major dissociative moment where I was like "what the fuck is this chick doing"?!! And that really was just a floor. No privacy. No bed. Just a fucking chair with a table like in a school. Now. I will say this. I loved being away from Urissa. I loved being able to sleep (albeit in a chair like Grandpa Simpson). The burgers and fries for food was good. Really good. But I still was just...not having any space for myself. The caregivers were overworked. But I got some time to decompress from my abusive rapist.
And that's that.
No. You are unlikely to be 100 percent comfortable and unbothered in a psych ward. I wasn't allowed electronics in any of the places I went to, which made it worse, or have any space for myself. I hated not being able to masturbate. But I never just fucking jacked it in the open like some of the other patients I was with. Sometimes you'll deal with people that will not help you get better. The only reason why I'm saying that wellllllll yes, they can be helpful is that if you are someone that has always kind of self-parented, was neglected, but still figured it out, you'll have a space to ponder without those family members that don't help and no school or work to work through it on your own. With That One Florida Mental Hospital, I literally had a psychotic break to help me through it. I've never had psychosis before or after. It was literally just my brain going "LISTEN TO ME, YOU ARE TRAUMATIZED WORK THROUGH IT!!!!" But the fact that they just kind of diagnosed that instead of straight PTSD always irks me.
Also, if you are obese and short, good fucking luck if you went in involuntarily without allowable clothes on the floor. Because when I went in, the scrubs kept breaking and actually exposed me involuntarily and that's not great for people who have been sexually abused and raped.
They really are a mixed bag. And if you wanna get better, you really have to advocate for yourself and make good faith attempts to plead your case if you are unheard.
Good luck with them! You deserve a therapeutic relationship with your caregivers and to be heard on your concerns!
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atlaskrr · 11 months
GUESS WHO JUST FINISHED WATCHING THE FNAF MOVIE WITH FRIENDS. ME MFS. I made sure to set my bar very low to not get dissapointed and im sure that helped but it was genuinely good. A solid 8.8/10. LEMME BULLET POINT SOME THOUGHTS (absolutely no order to them). Spoilers below the cut.
i LOVE how they kept mikes last name hidden to keep us wondering is the s was a red herring or not
the whole internal conflict with mac aidyryyfuejd
also the aunt deserved to die she can go fuck herself
the repeated dream sequence RAH
i wish the springlock scene was as bloody and agressive as in the game but it was fine
the whole theatre freaked out when matpat and cory popped up. BUT THATS JUST A THEORY.
baloon boy was still annoying as FUCK in the movie. was not expecting to see that lil shit
ngl the whole friendship thing worked out pretty well ish
the scene where they built the fort though was giving TOGETHER WE ARE FNAF. but no yeah it rlly showed how their still just kids.
as soon as the credits started the whole theatre started clapping. VERY AGRESSIVELY (my group may have started it bcs the living tombstone fanatic among us heard the sone)
my group freaked out when we saw 6:00 am at the start
when the springtrap suit came into view we were all like naaah
then he said the line and like- the entire theatre was like HOLY SHIT
i need to get my theorist brain wracking at this
also why was the first security gaurd so memeable
like he got me laughing
also the fact its like foxy has some personal ass grudge being the one always attacking is how it felt when you play the game
i wish we had phone guy :(
and mike afton cause i need my decaying boy
its not perfect but in general im happy
theres a lot of serious topics dealt in it too so thats nice
im so curious on this code eveyone is talking abt cause i left the theatre before that
anw we got it gang. after SO MANY YEARS
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shizukahaiji · 4 months
Oh yeah let me actually post my full Blue Lock predictions right now. Most of them are based on nothing but pure vibes alone and sound insane but Trust me. My brain is massive
- Nagi’s getting cut out from the project after this arc, Reo leaving him behind. Ego has some harsh words to say to him before he’s gone since he never liked Nagi to begin with, and Nagi’s crushed because he finally, FINALLY found meaning in his own soccer and was so excited to get to play it with Reo, so he leaves full of spite and just fed up and tired
- ^ Addition to above Nagi leaving is like Reo’s own personal 9/11 but in the time that Nagi’s gone he gets to perfect his own soccer and actually knows what he wants from a dream without Nagi
- I think Hajime Nishioka also gets kicked off the project after the NEL arc too but he does show up later. Trust me on this
- Some characters accept offers and end up playing for different teams in the internationals arc (I want Raichi to play with Kaiser and Ness and Shidou to play for Sae’s team again)
- Three of the background characters from Third Selection make it to the internationals team because Blue Lock LOVES bringing characters from that arc for new arcs but as for who. I can beg for Shizuka Haiji but who knows
- I don’t think they go immediately into internationals next arc I think that’s saved for a different later arc. But I Do think it’s soon
- There’s an arc where Kira comes back and directly challenges Blue Lock by like. Bringing light into the more unethical aspects of the Blue Lock project. Kunigami has a character arc here where he fully comes to terms with what happened to him in Wild Card
- ^ Ray Dark starts having extreme doubts about keeping the Blue Lock project ongoing because of this but less because he’s concerned with morals and more because it’s HORRIBLE for business
- Scandal arc leads up to Kira’s team composed of a lot of former Blue Lock players (Kuon, Hajime and Nagi specifically) challenging Blue Lock for a new place in the U-20 team. They obviously lose but instead of being emotionally affected everybody’s just numb and that’s more painful to read
- Kira is a melodramatic little cunt the entire arc and he’s overexaggerating his experiences at Blue Lock for attention
- Probably teams up with the U-20 coach in a kind of similar way that the otaku character and the theorist in As The Gods Will do to figure out the truth behind the death game
- Everybody is a genuine threat in the Scandal arc match but Hajime is essentially carrying the team and then he gets ANOTHER injury mid match and everything starts falling apart for them
- Reo has a moment after this match that parallels the post-Second Selection match’s “you’re a hassle” Nagi breakup scene and it is heartbreaking and life ruining
- Related to above Imamura is an idol post-Blue Lock based solely on the fact a character does that in As The Gods Will after the death game and it would be funny and also I want to see it
- Kaiser and Sae meet in the internationals arc and fucking HATE each other
- ^ We also find out what finally happened to Sae overseas in the internationals arc
- Ray Dark is Blue Lock’s real villain based solely on how his name is fucking. Ray Dark. That has to be intentional and I’ll believe it until proven otherwise
- At some point in a match with both Chigiri and Yukimiya, Chigiri injures his leg again (it ends up being just a scare and he’s completely fine and it’s manageable) and Yukimiya’s eyesight gets worse (it is Not ok and it’s heartbreaking)
- I kind of want to say they don’t even make it to the final match and the project ends abruptly before they can and they’re fully disqualified
- Blue Lock ends with Anri going to jail and Ego just completely missing
- I do Not think Blue Lock will have a happy ending for most of these characters just based entirely on Kaneshiro’s past writing
- I think Isagi specifically is going to be kind of like Shun post-death game where he’s listless and obsessed with getting revenge, and honestly I think he’s already getting close to that in the present day manga and I want to see him get worse but I don’t think that should be the end of his character arc at all and I think he should find closure somehow
- Kaiser’s birthday is on Christmas and Ness’s birthday is in May
- Rin gets the worst ending out of any character and his life is ruined by the end of the manga
- Bachira gets the best ending out of any character and is probably the catalyst for Isagi coming out of his downward spiral
- Trust me on these guys. Trust me
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certainlysleepy · 2 years
Is it OK to ask what are you gonna do about graystripe? I feel.... strongly about his character. Don't like him much. I really want to see what you do with him!
And, are mottled and fire going to be alive at the same time in the story? Weird question but I want to play theorist too!
Literally anybody who wants to play theorist about OFND and ask me questions is my new best friend
Graystripe!! I’m not a fan of him in canon. Canon Gray just feels like,, they want to present him as the ultimate best bro who always has Fire’s back, but his actions directly contradict that?? To quote the almighty Moonkitti, “he’s the wishiwashiest traitor to ever betray his leader”, and he does it like. Six or seven times over the course of his life
Graystripe (renamed Bearpaw in OFND because color) is more leaning towards being very unsatisfied in the Underwood Guild. He loves his mom, he respects his older brother, he adores his mentor, but he’s never felt like he belonged in the guild he was raised up in. Fire comes along, and the two are actually on pretty bad terms with one another at first; Fire kicks his ass when they first meet, and when news that a half-starved fluffball of an outsider got the best of Bear, the combat-oriented Underwood Guild pretty quickly starts to whisper about Bear, which only adds to his feelings of not belonging. But the two bond, and have a pretty tight relationship, but for the most part it’s strained up until they both get their full names, and Bear gets an apprentice. And then he meets Silverstream.
Mottled and Fire have many interactions, yes! Mottled actually takes acute interest in him when he first comes into the guild and takes him under his wing, which leads to Sand’s reasoning for bullying him because he gets so much attention from her father. If Mottled didn’t already have an apprentice at that time (Raven), no doubt he would have taken over Fire’s training. Mottled dies shortly before Fire gets his full name, however, and his death kicks off the real start of the plot
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rainbow--panic · 3 years
A letter
Hello guys, i just wanted to write something because i just saw markipliers ‘final’ fnaf episode and i'm emotional right now. In all honesty i just wanna get my opinions/emotions out there, i hope yall dont mind.
For some of you reading this, fnaf is a new thing for you, maybe you saw people hopping onto the trend of liking fnaf and decided what the hell, maybe you saw fnaf and genuinely thought it looked cool, i'm not sure. But to me, fnaf is more than just a trend and I noticed lately the fandom has become toxic, I think it's the most toxic it's been for a while. I would just like to remind everybody what fnaf was all about. It was about us, getting challenged night after night, hour after hour, being a security guard just trying to survive animatronic horror while trying to find out which kids died where and when.
It was a sticking point for some of us, a place we would always come back to because it was the only place that accepted us. I joined the fandom back when i was only 13, but now 7 years later my life has changed for the better. FNAF is constantly giving me inspiration, motivation to better myself and help those around me, and lastley happiness.
Now, all these years later, a lot has changed. I feel like I may have lost more than I gained. I have lost friends, loved ones,a bond with both of my parents, and sadly of all, my best friend (R.I.P Sweetc), but it doesn't matter what i have lost, i have gained true friendship with people who actually care about me, a job which i am happy at, and i have regained a bond with my sister that i thought i lost long ago, and all through this fnaf was always there to distract me from the sorrows of life.
Fnaf has taught me that your ideas can fail miserably time and time again, but, it doesnt matter how many times you fail just get up and try again, and you will fail and fail and fail until you are strong enough, motivated enough, and inspired enough to succeed.Fnaf shows us that in its own game play. Over and over again you have to play the nights until you make it to six a.m. only then to be rewarded with lore. And lets not forget about the most important part of fnaf, Scott cawthon.
Regardless of how you feel about scott, you need to remember that he was not a man to discriminate one based on their sexuality, sex, or race. Scott was different, he gained money from fnaf, that is true, but he also funded projects made by others inspired off his game. He uplifted people and gave them confidence, he inspired us to go fourth and draw or write or just create in general. I've noticed many talented artists had a fnaf phase, myself included, and that just goes to prove that fnaf has, at one point, helped many people and now we have people walking around who wouldn't be a game dev, or an artist or singer, or theorist if it wasn't for this game series he put so much time, effort, and love into.
I understand many people are mad with scotts’ political views but hear me out. Politics are dumb as shit and its wrong to hate people based on their politics, also you need to remember that people who fund political campains are not the politician, two different people with two different world views. Sadly though its not common for people to base other people solely on their actions and how they have affected an area. I am at no point trying to point fingers at anyone, I have done this too, based people off their politics which i really knew nothing about.
Once Scott retired from the scene I started to have a conversation with myself. ‘Is one's politics that I may or may not understand a worthy reason to throw hate at a person?’
My conclusion: no, because politics are dumb, if someone wants to become president i say we throw them onto an island to 1v1 eachother, winner gets a chili dog and the rest of us talk about a better way to run our country because honestly politics end more healthy relationships then it creates.
I know what I am writing may make people angry, you may want to type out a long paragraph and tell me how my views are wrong or how maybe i should go fuck myself or anything you may think of in your head, and you have all the right to state your opinion on my opinion, thats how we grow as people and further bonds with eachother. Each and everyone of us has an opinion and idea and thought. That's what fnaf was all about. I can guarantee most fans have a headcanon on a character, have their own version of timelines, events and every fan has an idea about the series and that's what connects us all to one sticking point.
Never before in my life have I seen a game which brings so many people, from many platforms, and so many ideas together. One person will have an idea and then another will have an idea about that idea and someone else will have a completely different idea from that, and that is amazing. Say what you want about Scott but he is the sole reason we are still here, he is the sole reason you are reading this, he brought us together.
But then he left. I have an idea, which of course you can build upon, and that idea is, the people who threatened scott and forced him into retirement were not fnaf fans, they saw a way to hurt him and hit him hard. I refuse to believe that a member of our community could look at a well functioning, welcoming, safe home and still be convinced to tear it all down.
I'm not sure what point in time you had joined the fandom. I have no idea why you are here, why you decided to read this far, but surely you must care, just a little. FNAF was not only a game, it was a safe haven for all of us stuck in a closet, for us who were trapped in a corner with no place to go. Fnaf kept some of us from stepping off the edge, whether that be physically or metaphorically. Fnaf, it was amazing, we may have fallen down a well but fnaf was the rope that helped us out.
I am not sure if fnaf is over, I know the Scott Cawthon portion of it is. But regardless, fnaf will always be my comfort zone, it will always be my safe space, it will always be that place that united us and brought us together. Hell my account wouldn't have gotten so popular if it wasn't for fnaf. I wasn't originally going to make any fnaf stories. I loved the series and decided, what the hell, why not make a small story to contribute to it and well, i'm glad i did.
At the end of the day, fnaf is not about politics, its not about which animatronic murder bot you like more, hell its not even about the lore. Fnaf is about a generation of children, who were faced with responsibilities that frankly, we couldn't handle. Too much weight was put onto our shoulders and it killed us, but we came back, we always do. Now we are just shells of our former selves trying to piece back the lives we once had, but everyday there's a new problem in our world which continuously stresses us out. We become sick of the adults who burdened us and left us to rot, we become hostile to those who wore a badge of our former wardens. However, when we see a child, we do end up wanting to protect them from the horrors and the responsibilities that we saw that eventually ended up killing us.
Maybe that's what william afton is. Responsibilities put on a child's shoulder that they cannot carry. William has killed us, but we are resilient, if he is around, then we are. Forever we are following him as he kills child after child. For a while we trapped him in a suit he cannot escape, and with the help of some older generations that actually listen to us we trap these responsibilities behind a wall. But they always come back and alone we cannot fight them. We must ban together and create a world where vanny’s do not exist. We must come together and fight the evil, or else we will all be remnants of who we once were.
It is like the lore is telling us, William Afton is a virus and it affected vanny, a child who grew up alongside us. William Afton is a problem and that problem has given rise to another worse problem. If we don't stop vanny then she will infect another and they will affect another and so on. The problem will continue if we cannot band together, get our heads straightened out and figure out what really is important to us, the sake of Gregory, the younger generation, depends on us. We are stuck in a pizza plex, which is just modern day life but we are stuck in the past and must find a way to protect our futures.
Lastly, I would like to write a letter to Scott himself, who may never even see this, but that's ok.
Dear Scott Cawthon,
Thank you. You have helped me grow and keep me stable through my darkest times. Fnaf has had a huge impact on my life and has constantly inspired me to do more with my life than just sit around and wait for something to happen. My younger self would be proud of me because of you, your work has inspired me to be a better person and constantly ask myself hard questions on how i should judge and treat those around me.
If it wasn’t for you I probably wouldn't have made it, my darkest time i had always feared since i was small came true last year and I relied on your work to soothe the pain. I always smile when I think of your games or the theories made off it or any content that has to do with your game because it reminds me that you did this, you brought us together, you brought us a light that guided us out of the dark tunnel.
Scott, you have united us, you have given us a foundation to stand on when our own role models looked down at us and spat on our heads. You were here for us when we were being torn apart and you told us that we could if we desired to and then you gave us tools to tear down tyrants.
I think I can speak for most OG’s when I say, thank you, for everything. We all love and appreciate what you have done for us. And thank you for leaving us Glamrock Freddy, we needed a father figure to hold our hand through this.
With all my love and unconditional support,
E. Rainbow, a lost soul that was found thanks to you.
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lcdrarry · 3 years
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LCDrarry 2021 Master List
Dear lovely Participants, Creators, Alpha and Beta Readers, Commentors, Cheerleaders, Readers and Fans of our fest,
Our 3rd installment of LCDrarry is coming to an end, and we'd like to thank you all for taking part in our little fest, for creating so many amazing new Drarry works for us all to enjoy, for commenting on your favourite creations, for sharing and recommending the LCDrarry gems with your friends and blog followers, and for making this fest another amazing experience for everybody!
You can find out under the cut who created what ;D
~Your LCDrarry Mods Tami ( @celilasart​ ) and Suzi ( @erin-riwen​ )
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information and more detailed warnings.
PPS: As always, reblogs are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry.
Thank you! :)
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[Podfic] Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix
Title: "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" Written by: postjentacular Read by: @porcelainsalt​ | bluedreaming (AO3) Word Count: 1,304 words / 8 minutes Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: An exasperated werewolf-slash-professor, a decidedly not-dead drama queen, a brat, and a straight white man settle down to watch a movie. It goes as well as you’d expect.
Listen to "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" on AO3.
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[Art] At the Beginning (With You)
Prompt: "Anastasia", 1997, Don Bluth and Gary Goldman Artist: @zandragorin​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: It's one, two, three, and suddenly he sees it a glance.
View "At the Beginning (With You)" on AO3.
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[Art] Between Your Heart and Mine
Prompt: "Crimson Peak", 2015, Guillermo del Toro Artist: @kryptidfox​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Auror Harry Potter is called to investigate barren and isolated Malfoy Manor, home to Sir Draco Malfoy. There, he finds forgotten secrets, lingering ghosts and perhaps even love.
View "Between Your Heart and Mine" on AO3.
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[Art] Fallen
Prompt: "Chocolat", 2000, Lasse Hallström Artists: @julcheninred​ & m4gOrtz Art Medium: paper, thread, chalk, ink Rating: General Warnings: Food, Depression, Clergy
Summary: As Père Harry passed the window of the chocolate shop early on Easter morning, he was shocked to discover the Comte de Malfoy, who had destroyed the shop's window display and fallen asleep in his grief and exhaustion.
View "Fallen" on AO3.
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[Art] I am only one side of a coin.
Prompt: "Merlin", 2008-2012 Artist: @digthewriter​ Art Medium: Digital Art in Photoshop Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: The better side, obviously. Merlin/Harry Potter fusion. Harry as Merlin & Draco as Arthur.
View "I am only one side of a coin." on AO3.
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[Art] No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Artist: writingsbydestiny Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Inspired by Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare starring Draco Malfoy as Juliet Capulet and Harry Potter as Romeo Montague.
View "No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin" on AO3.
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[Art] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: @moondraconis​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Draco have just got engaged. Now Harry has to sit for a family portrait with his weird new in-laws.
View "[Art] The Malfoy Family" on AO3.
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[Art] The Poet's Choice
Prompt: "Portrait of a Lady on Fire", 2019, Céline Sciamma Artist: @kairennart​ | Personaje (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteen century, Harry is commissioned to paint a wedding portrait of Draco without him knowing, since he refuses to pose. That means a lot of staring, and a lot of time together. Time goes by, and, inevitably, like everything in life, they fall in love. But Harry has to finish his painting, and Draco has to get married.
View "The Poet's Choice" on AO3.
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[Art] there are dangerous men about
Prompt: "The Legend of Zorro”, 2005, Martin Campbell Artist: @dragontamerdame | dragontamerdrarry (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Two wizards engaging in a vicious duel, but make it gay and sexy.
View "there are dangerous men about" on AO3.
Fic & Art
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[Fic & Art] One More Lantern
Prompt: “xxxHoLiC”, 2006-2010 (anime)/2013 (live action) Author/Artist: vivi1138 Word Count/Art Medium: 8,373 words & Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: Smoking
Summary: Harry is plagued by spirits who seem intent on devouring him, and there’s only one place they can’t follow: a house hidden in wizarding London, belonging to Draco Malfoy. Harry didn’t intend to stay. He certainly didn’t foresee falling in love. Yet here they are. A slice of life where Draco is a sap, Harry buys ice cream, and spirits keep throwing their peaceful life into chaos.
Read and view "One More Lantern" on AO3.
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[Fic & Art] In the Shadow of Your Heart
Prompt: Howl's Moving Castle, 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Author: @fantalf​ Word Count/Art Medium: 854 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: sectumsempra scars, memory loss
Summary: When the recluded ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy finds Harry Potter wandering around the hills, with no memory whatsoever of who he once was, he and Teddy decide to welcome him into their little family.
Read and view "In the Shadow of Your Heart" on AO3.
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[Fic] Paging Healer Twatwaffle
Prompt: "House M.D.", 2004-2012, TV-Series Author: @veelawings​ Word Count: 1,550 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mild dub-con and manipulation, but they’re already friends with benefits.
Summary: Healer Malfoy is an absolute wanker.
Read "Paging Healer Twatwaffle" on AO3.
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[Fic] (Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow
Prompt: "Holidate", 2020, John Whitesell Author: Melacka Word Count: 1,886 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Harry and Draco have a mutually beneficial arrangement: automatic dates for all holidays and public events, no questions asked, no obligation, no strings. It all seemed like such a good idea when they started. Harry certainly never expected to develop feelings for Draco.
Read "(Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow" on AO3.
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[Fic] Jurassic Drarry
Prompt: "Jurassic Park", 1993, Steven Spielberg Author: PhenomenalAsterisk Word Count: 1,941 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: Unconventional disposal of dinosaurs; fanart includes graphic image of meat
Summary: An unflappable palaeontologist, a sexy chaos theorist, and a distracted palaeobotanist are called in to tour an eccentric billionaire's pet project.
Read "Jurassic Drarry" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me
Prompt: "Hercules", 1997, Ron Clements, John Musker Author: fwooshy Word Count: 5,012 words Rating: Teen Warnings: Texting fic
Summary: Long ago, in Ancient Greece, there was a man named Draco Malfoy who sold his soul to Voldemort. Tortured by his sins, he... oh, who am I kidding? This is a Hercules AU texting fic, not some Greek tragedy! Harry and Draco get together and everyone has phones in Ancient Greece. Please enjoy.
Read "My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me" on AO3.
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[Fic] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: floydig Word Count: 7,088 words Rating: Mature Warnings: All Addams Family Warnings Apply, Morbid and Dark Humor, Loving Horror, Mild Body Horror (fun), Carnivorous Plants, Blasphemy, Necromancy, Implied Sexual Content
Summary: The Malfoy Family is the Addams Family, and things are about to get interesting. Draco and Harry Malfoy are odd, intriguing, endearingly creepy, and completely and utterly infatuated with one another. This is going to be a fun one. Featuring deadly magical creatures as house pets, recreational use of Unforgivable Curses, hungry carnivorous plants, and plenty of mayhem in between. Also, the whole thing takes place at a Magical Multi-Purpose Store. The Malfoy Family goes shopping!
Read "The Malfoy Family" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love that Blinds
Prompt: "The Batman", 2004-2008, TV-Series Author: aminathescorpio Word Count: 7,245 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Brief graphic descriptions of violence, dubious consent, gaslighting
Summary: When Draco Malfoy gets accepted to work as a psychiatrist in Azkaban Asylum, he finds himself caught in a complicated relationship with none other than Azkaban's most infamous resident: Harry Potter.
Read "Love that Blinds" on AO3.
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[Fic] Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion
Prompt: "The Proposal", 2009, Anne Fletcher Author: @bisexualronaldweasley​ Word Count: 9,530 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Nudity, Boat Incident, references to past abuse/neglect
Summary: Faced with exile, Draco pretends to be engaged to Harry Potter, who agrees to play along for Narcissa's sake. When they're forced to spend a weekend together celebrating the engagement with the Weasleys, they might try to kill each other, or... they might just fall in love. . Based on the movie The Proposal (2009), though you don't have to have seen the movie to understand the fic!
Read "Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion" on AO3.
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[Fic] Ghost
Prompt: "Ghost", 1990, Jerry Zucker Author: @maraudersaffair​ Word Count: 10,761 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: major character death (MCD), canon-typical violence, grief and mourning
Summary: When Harry is killed tragically during an Auror raid gone wrong, Draco does his best to move on. He's even a little cheered when Theo Nott starts pursuing him. Then Sybil Trelawney visits Draco.
Read "Ghost" on AO3.
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[Fic] all in good time
Prompt: "Groundhog Day", 1993, Harold Ramis Author: saltwatergarden Word Count: 13,054 words Rating: Mature Warnings: mentions alcohol
Summary: Draco Malfoy's life is boring and repetitive. He supposes he shouldn't complain, since that's better than sharing a house with Voldemort, or doing time in Azkaban. When he gets trapped in a time loop, however, he is forced to confront the routine he has fixed for himself, and try to break out of it. It isn't all bad, facing no consequences for his actions can be fun for a bit. But after he starts visiting the Auror Headquarters and having brief but remarkably pleasant conversations with one Auror Potter, he finally has the real motivation to break out of the time loop - something worth sticking around for.
Read "all in good time" on AO3.
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[Fic] Star Crossed
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Author: GallifreyisBurning Word Count: 13,615 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Two Quidditch teams, alike in dignity, In fair Great Britain, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. The Wimbourne Wasps and the Appleby Arrows have been bitter rivals for centuries. When a nasty brawl ends one of their Seekers’ careers, the teams need new blood to take up the slack and divert attention from the bad publicity. And who better to distract the press than the infamous Draco Malfoy and golden boy Harry Potter? Called back from successful careers abroad, the pair are once again to be pitted against one another in an epic feud. Too bad no one told them that before they started flirting…
Read "Star Crossed" on AO3.
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[Fic] The Slytherin Host Club
Prompt: "Ouran high school host club", 2006, Bisco Hatori and Takuya Igarashi Author: shushu_yaoi_lj Word Count: 14,377 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: explicit sexual content, scars, non-graphic mention of past abuse
Summary: Harry is simply looking for a quiet place to finish his Potions essay.It's a pity he ends up at the Slytherin Host Club instead. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise, since he's had a crush on Malfoy since the beginning of his eighth year...
Read "The Slytherin Host Club" on AO3.
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[Fic] It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)
Prompt: "Call Me By Your Name", 2017, Luca Guadagnino Author: opaleopioid Word Count: 16,372 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: implied switching, rimming, anal sex, no age difference (HP canon-compliant age difference)
Summary: Harry’s having it all, now that the unpleasantries of being treated like a loose cannon is gone: the war is well over, and Voldemort is long dead. He’s made the choice to stay in B, an unplottable magical town in Northern Italy, whose protection wards had kept him in one piece at the height of the second wizarding war, and whose seclusion provides him with the quiet, normal life that he now lives. Harry adores the grassy hills that enclose B like the warm arm of a mother; Likes playing the grand piano from dawn to dusk; Cherishes his current life, on the whole. He gets himself Mocaccino every morning and sometimes has dinner with the Weasleys at their cottage nearby. With the majority of his friends and family falling in love with B and gradually settling down as well, Harry feels like this is the last place he would ever want to leave. To say that the arrival of a certain wizard—a razor-sharp, infuriating blond—makes anything remotely different for Harry would be absurd, of course.
Read "It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)" on AO3.
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[Fic] In Search of Our Better Selves
Prompt: "Mad Max: Fury Road", 2015, George Miller Author: alrespirar Word Count: 17,519 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mentions of past torture, mentions of past rape, brief mention of miscarriage, descriptions of gun violence and injury. Sexual content.
Summary: Five times Imperator Draco saved Potter’s life and the one time Potter saved his.
Read "In Search of Our Better Selves" on AO3.
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[Fic] Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?
Prompt: "Carmen Sandiego", 2019, Series Author: Anaxandria Word Count: 18,029 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Minor mentions of homophobia, violence, and blood
Summary: After the war, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter took parallel paths of fighting crime. Draco discovered the existence of VILE, an international organisation dedicated to the eradication of Muggle-borns. With the help of his best friend, Blaise, he commits international capers to steal artifacts before VILE can get their hands on them. Harry is the auror investigating the heists, but his instincts tell him there’s more than meets the eye.
Read "Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Fair Gentleman
Prompt: "My Fair Lady", 1964, George Cukor Author: emilattes Word Count: 20,766 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: light alcohol use and mentions of child neglect by Dursleys
Summary: After an extended stay at Charlie's Dragon Reserve in Romania, Harry returns to London and makes a fool of himself at his first Ministry Gala. Minister Shacklebolt orders Harry to seven months of etiquette lessons with Draco Malfoy. Will Harry pull through and become an expert in PR? Will Draco manage to make over the biggest PR disaster the wizarding world has seen in years? Wouldn't it be loverly?
Read "My Fair Gentleman" on AO3.
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[Fic] saying yes (instead of no)
Prompt: "Schitt's Creek", 2015, Series Author: Pineau_noir Word Count: 21,022 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: canon typical alcohol and drug use, marijuana use, explicit smut
Summary: “It’s a general store that’s also a very specific store,” Draco grumbled. “Most people won’t realise this, but I want to market Muggle goods to the Wizarding world as well. I want something that will help boost the economy of the Hamlet and Muggles have so many amazing things we don’t have.” . Draco sighed again. “I think it would benefit everyone.” He glared at Emily. “But there’s not a single witch, wizard, or wix who will shop at a place owned by Draco Malfoy.” . “What if it’s owned by Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?” Potter asked. . “That would be preposterous,” Draco mumbled. “Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy would kill each other before the store opened.” . “What if you didn’t?” Emily asked. Draco opened his mouth to let her know, they would indeed kill each other, but before he could say anything, she continued, “What if it turned into a lovely business?” . “There’s only one way to know,” Potter said. “I really think this is a good idea, Draco."
Read "saying yes (instead of no)" on AO3.
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[Fic] A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)
Prompt: "The Mummy", 1999, Stephen Sommers Author: @cibeewastaken​ | Cibee (AO3) Word Count: 21,948 words Rating: Mature Warnings: minor violence elements
Summary: Draco hopes to find an ancient spell book rumoured to be in Hamunaptra after Astoria found a map to the lost city. If he makes this discovery, maybe the Magical British Museum will finally look at his application, and his annoying colleague will finally leave him alone. It’s a good plan, until Draco is reunited with Harry Potter for the first time in ten years, as the man is about to be hanged.
Read "A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)" on AO3.
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[Fic] Wicked Game
Prompt: "Jumanji", 1995 or 2017 Author: DearJames Word Count: 22,044 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sexual Content, Implied PTSD
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy crossed a line during one of their late-night Astronomy Tower Bonding Sessions and neither are sure what that means. Not that they got particularly far, considering they were caught and assigned detention for their antics. And, now, they've been sucked into a boardgame. That's just fantastic...
Read "Wicked Game" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love in Three Parts
Prompt: "Bridgerton", 2020, Series Author: static_abyss Word Count: 24,172 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-typical content
Notes: Thanks so much to my beta, L, for all her help and her encouragement as I wrote this fic. Thanks to the mods for hosting this fest and to the Anonymous prompter who inspired this fic.
Summary: Draco has everything needed to be the diamond of the season. He has the looks, the pedigree, and if he should be short on the money end, well, it isn't up to him to convince anyone they want to marry him. And yet, he finds himself with no prospects and no suitable matches until Harry James Potter, Wizarding Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor, makes his first appearance in proper Wizarding society for the first time in five years. Together, they hatch a plan to secure Draco a husband and keep the debutantes' mothers away from Harry. And if someone should develop feelings along the way, well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Read "Love in Three Parts" on AO3.
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[Fic] He would always win the fight
Prompt: "Killing Eve", 2018 - ongoing, TV Series Author: Akira-kun Word Count: 26,578 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Serial Killer, Off Screen Murders, Corpses, Political Polarity, Corruption in Government, Corruption in Justice System, Off Screen Violence, Post War Instability, Ambiguity, Dark!character, Vengeance, In a Twisted Way, Obsessive Behaviour, Crime Mystery, Open Ending
Summary: “But you were always just a puppet, weren’t you, Potter?” That voice kept haunting him, in his dreams and during his days, as if hovering over his shoulder, cold as a ghost, lost and lifeless. He wasn’t sure why it hurt like that. Maybe because it was an ugly truth that Harry hoped no one would ever throw back in his face. Or maybe because it was Malfoy. . Killing Eve inspired Drarry where people are getting killed, Harry is getting desperate, Draco is too sexy for his own good, and all hell will break loose.
Read "He would always win the fight" on AO3.
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[Fic] Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid
Prompt: "Modern Love", 2019, Series Author: shortie990 Word Count: 27,755 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: suicidal thoughts, mental health issues
Summary: In love there is no real hiding. You have to be pretty up front on who you are. The problem was though, Harry didn’t have a clue who he was one moment from the next.
Read "Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid" on AO3.
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[Fic] Outwit, Outlast, Outplay
Prompt: "Survivor", 2000-ongoing, Series Author: Albuss Word Count: 30,976 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Brief homophobia, mentions of past health issues
Summary: Draco loves Survivor. Loves it. So when his job at the Dept. of Mysteries offers him the opportunity to go on as a contestant, he can't think of anything that could go wrong. He is sorely mistaken, but a little chaos turns out to not be such a bad thing. Featuring gratuitous descriptions of Survivor game-play, really jargon-y magical theory I got way too excited about, and Draco's best friend Isabelle being an absolute QUEEN.
Read "Outwit, Outlast, Outplay" on AO3.
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[Fic] Advantage Rule
Prompt: "The Queen's Gambit", 2020, Series Author: @ziezie13​ Word Count: 42,738 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Character death, Parental neglect, Brief references to eugenics, Sexual content, Mild homophobia, Alcoholism, Drug abuse
Summary: Draco's life has been struggle after struggle. He was exiled as a baby, his mother died, he was forced to live with muggles... Need I go on? Quidditch was supposed to be his escape, but how is he supposed to beat Victor Krum and take the world title if he can't even beat Harry Potter? ~No knowledge of The Queen's Gambit required~
Read "Advantage Rule" on AO3.
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[Fic] (This Will Be) An Everlasting Love
Prompt: #12 (also fulfils #6) | "While You Were Sleeping," 1995, Jon Turteltaub Author: @drarrelie​ & @janieohio​ Word Count: 45,139 words Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. That’s what Draco’s mother always used to tell him, but Merlin, who could have predicted how right she would be? A story about feisty dragons, loneliness, family, and friends — and finding love in places you least expect.
Read "(This Will Be) An Everlasting Love" on AO3.
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[Fic] In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods
Prompt: "The Untamed", 2019, TV-Series Author: @outstandingmoralfiber​ Word Count: 83,399 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Three notes, and yet they made all the difference. Draco could feel it, the slight magic and wavering notes, washing over him in a brief but calming wave that lit his soul and it was then that he knew that he was going to learn how to play this guqin no matter what. Little did he know that, like dominos, this one simple decision would diverge him onto a path he would've never imagined. - Wizarding world in the Untamed setting, (but you don't need to know anything about the Untamed). Drarry AU starting from Goblet of Fire. Rated E for the smut scene in Chapters 13 & 14, but is otherwise rated T.
Read "In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods" on AO3.
As always, reblogs here on tumblr are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry. But of course, please also shower our creators with comments and kudos on AO3 ;D
And yes, dear creators, you can now credit your alphas and betas and cheerleaders and of course answer the comments :)) 
And if you like, use the banners here to promote your works on your own blogs. Tag us, so that we can reblog your claiming posts.
Thank you again for participating! See you 2022 ;)
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myfriendpokey · 3 years
Pleased and delighted to be here hosting the official "Game'wards" for the 200th year in a row. What was the best game.. what WERE the games? What year is this? The choices you make will define who you become.
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Everyone's friend, Obaca, makes a triumphant return - this time as an NFT. Add it to your "digital wallet" and watch as his silently grimacing face gazes back at yours, perhaps enraged by your frivolous purchasing decisions. I can't help it, Dad. I love to spend.
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Everybody's swishing nowadays. The Cyber Swish allows you to customise your swish sessions for optimal results. We talk a lot about games for change but this one is really walking the walk in terms of bringing the benefits of technology to the un-swished masses. Nobody will thank us for it but I don't care. It's about doing what's right.
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A lot of people complain about AAA but the fact is they're the games that people want to play. Super 20 In 1 Game List may not have an "emotion button" or a "morality QTE" like the young people are crazy about but it delivers the goods whether your genre of choice is Master Shooter, Booky Man, JP Ronny or Tanks. Everybody is represented in this list, the dream of the melting pot is still alive.
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Enigmatic world power TOMY have never stopped innovating in the domain of terrible machines and this one screams at you as well now, I guess. Dapper yellow buttons are your interface with the inscrutable domain of object life; careful positioning makes them hard to chew off and believe me I've tried!! Winner of the Interface Award from highly compensated UI theorist "ButtonMan".
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Like it or not - this is the "Ideal". His smiling face presides over our most intimate ambitions and dreams. Dead men fall from his hands like dew from the petals of a rose.. Standing atop the wreckage of the murderous charnel house that is world history he exclaims "Some SCRAP, Eh Kids !!" to nobody in particular. How true!! No doubt about it - that's the Ideal!
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Begin building your own Realistic Woman today. It's never been easier with the help of this hand.
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Yes, just like the Devo song. "How many sad cats can I buy for a dollar?" These wonderful objects will surely form the basis of a new novelty twitter account in which videogames are "rated" according to how many sad cat pictures they contain, thus accidentally creating a shadow economy of games loading up on sad cat pics for the purposes of temporary internet engagement. However "Game, Award" shall countenance no competition - we stand and wait with flaming sword at the gate to metrics paradise. Dreadful will be our wrath once we've got our shit together, maybe learned to drive. Watch out!
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Stiff competition in the hand biz. It reaches out to grab a coin, thus making a trenchant social point about something or other. I'm sure you can find many uses for this hand. For example: if the little hand steals something, are you legally culpable for what it grabs? What about if you "find" something it stole? Rediscover the founding incentives of automation as a discipline, today.
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Folks we really have an all-timer here. Are you even a true gamer if you don't contemplate the Golden Mask?
Well that's all we have, it's been a wonderful year, an incredible year! Truly a remarkable year, the great year, uh... year X, the secret year, the forbidden year. Watch out! Ha ha ha! We're all having fun in this crazy year of (helplessly guessing) 1913. Certainly a year that mankind will look back on later, and say that wow, it was all uphill from here.
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What the--?! A true upset, makes you think, the social order is overturned, and then returns, healthier than ever. Everyone is dancing and celebrating, all around me, pumping their fists at another win in the great beyblades arena that is cultural history. I try to look excited too but it's hard for me to keep up with all that's happening. For example - is it meant to be the Corpses that are large, or the Collection? Well, I never claimed to be able to understand art.
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Another Saturday, another episode! Let's take a look at Keeping Up A-fear-ances!
(Good lord I'm starting to make myself sound like some sort of content creator)
Oh, okay, we're just starting at that level of intensity, huh?
Chest gem origins
Gwendolyn not being satisfied with managing the curse and determined to cure it? I'm sure this won't be a real world allegory in the slightest.
Oh, so Eda literally just stumbles upon the portal? I could call that contrived, but honestly it's not dissimilar to how Dipper found Journal 3. For that matter, the entirety of Lord of the Rings is predicated on an accidental discovery like this and nobody gave Tolkien shit about it.
Was the eye on the portal cracked in previous episodes? I don't remember.
Seems like Gwen is the "well-meaning but ultimately misguided" flavor of mom.
As an aside, I am now quite curious about how Eda's first trip to the human realm went. Maybe a future episode will cover it? At any rate, I smell a new favorite fic prompt.
The screaming alarms in the Demon Realm will never not be funny to me.
Also, that is a worrying number of hearts. Eda is straight up murdering these poor creatures.
For some reason the gold fang being removable never occurred to me as a possibility, and now I feel like a kid who's discovered that Santa isn't real.
Oh hey, the new outfit! I'm also impressed how close to symmetrical that tearing was.
I need to get a screencap of Luz sleeping on that stack of books because she is adorable.
Also, staying up all night researching? This season seems determined to completely eradicate the notion of Luz being dumb, and I am here for it.
I have a feeling the Hexside mug will be making its way to The Mystery Shack in the near future.
Lilith's first experience with transformation and she seems understandably horrified.
The curse acting stronger when stressed? That seems...important.
Ah, so the dismemberment is from the curse! A surprisingly useful side effect from what we've seen so far.
Can I just say that I appreciate how Eda's reaction to Lilith's first taste of transformation is immediate remedy, explanation, and reassurance? And doesn't make any snarky comments along the lines of "now you know what it's like?" Whatever happened in that week and a half must have been cathartic as hell.
"Always. Always curious." Luz is the TOH fandom.
(Also, Eda, you know she is, considering how much she went on about your "mysterious past" at the Covention)
"Magic bird tornado?!" Luz has a way with words that's just *chef's kiss*.
"Gwendolyn." Eda is already just fucking done.
"MOM?!?!" Jeez, Lilith, you're just now hearing all this?
I was charmed by how motherly Gwen was acting toward Eda, but then she kinda just...dismissed Lilith, and now I'm somehwat less charmed.
(Sweet flea as a term of endearment is kinda cute, though might have some unfortunate implications depending on how you want to interpret it)
"Who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" OH WE GOING FOR THE ANTI-VAXXERS NOW YESSSS
Luz and Lilith's reaction to that whole exchange is priceless.
Everyone's perspective here makes perfect sense for who they are and what they've been through.
Poor Lilith. Her cursing Eda is beginning to make more sense.
Ah, thus begins the collaboration.
"We'll be consulting someone very special." Why does that seem so...ominous?
Is there anyone who watched this episode for the first time whose bullshit detector didn't go off immediately when Gwen mentioned finding someone who promised a cure?
Heh, Palm Stings.
Nonbelievers will be blinded by the power of the tome? I'm sure they will be, Wartlop.
I must say, as something of a scientist myself (okay that's not true, I'm a QA tech for a food manufacturer, but I do have a chemistry degree), I am 100% here for the swings being taken at faith healing/"miracle" cures/anti-vaxxers in this episode
Oh, we Wile E. Coyote now, huh?
Also, interesting how much apple blood is being played up in this episode.
Lilith please you're projecting your mommy issues on a literal child
You're right, Luz, Gwen's bicep game is goals.
(Somewhat disappointed the scars are from questing and not beastkeeping, but eh)
Why do I get the feeling there's gonna be a future episode where everybody stages an intervention for Eda's apple blood problem?
"Those feathers mean we're driving the beast out" Gwen no
Hooty is holding the brain cell? Oh no...
If that ice cream came from the Night Market it would explain why Lilith sounds drunk.
(Side note: I can't be the only one getting flashbacks to Mermista's ice cream binge, right? Different context, but still)
"Abomi-berry" "Franken fruit" "Key slime pie" These are A+ flavor names.
Oh, there's the transformation...
I must say that whole segment kinda rubbed me the wrong way. The way King's opinion on his dad was changed seemed...I don't know how to describe it. I get that they needed a trigger for Lilith's transformation, but honestly if any part of the episode is contrived it's this.
"¡It really is that good!" So that's what an accent slip in written form looks like. (The upside down exclamation point is used in Spanish, in case anyone didn't know)
I keep half expecting Eda to say "Beep! Beep!" at this point.
Luz is finally asking questions. Took long enough.
Ah, the classic "moving the goal posts to extract more money from a desparate family member" technique.
Luz channeling Scorpion, we love to see it.
There is an exquisite irony in Eda's mom being scammed, I must say.
Ah, so that's where the elixirs went. Dammit, Gwen.
Luz is definitely thinking "Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"
Beast!Lilith is massive.
"Sweet flea?" Gwen just realized she done goofed.
"I can see you still need a little time." God Luz is so fucking smart.
The con revealed.
(Also I am terrified of bees/wasps, so extra scary mama in my book)
The scam is revealed, goblins, getting back into the Wartlop disguise is kinda pointless.
She joined the Beast Keeping coven entirely to cure the curse? That's dedication. A shame you couldn't have spared some of that for Lilith.
Still, I do like badass scary mama Gwen. I'd be down to see more of that.
Owl Beast fight!
I am slayed by the fact that the portraits are now officially a recurring gag 😂
Aw, here's The Moment™️
"My turn to drive" Does this imply cars are a thing on the Boiling Isles after all?
Lilith crying almost immediately💔 She was holding onto a lot of pain.
Yes, King, she was trying to do her best. I mean, road to hell or whatever, but at least Gwen got there in the end.
Terrace, that's just cruel. (Worthless brownie points for whoever understands that reference)
No, seriously, you can't just give me my favorite inter-character relationship in the series after Lumity and just...take it away like that, come on! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I know I should remark on how Lilith told Gwen about the circumstances of the curse, how Gwen rightfully accepted responsibility for the whole situation, and how Luz finds the big hair aspirational, but...NOOOO DON'T END THE ADVENTURES OF LULU AND HOOTCIFER WHYYYYYYYYY💔😭💔😭💔😭
I will never emotionally recover from this.
Okay, I think I got that out of my system. Anyway...
Not the only human, huh? Cue the "Belos is a human" theorists going into maximum overdrive.
That said, a tantalizing lore dump.
We certainly do have a lot of garbage. Some of it even holds office. HEY-O!
Setting up the next episode, too. Continuity!
Camp's over, huh? That means it's been three months.
Way to misdirect with Camila, guys. That said, we have now seen Camila cry and I HATE it. (In the right way, I think)
(It's hard to keysmash on a phone, even with autocorrect off)
That wraps it up! The flaws in this episode seem more pronounced than any others in the season so far, but the good stuff was really good! Overall a solid episode! I know everybody's looking forward to library Lumity in the next one (so am I), but I'm personally eager to see what they do with Gus. His part is the A plot, after all.
Anyway, I'll be back at this next week! Still hard to believe this is a thing, but that's life, I guess.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
Fuck the Afterlife
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Don’t worry, nobody’s dead...that we know.  Harringrove April Prompt Day 24: Afterlife!  A misunderstanding leads to everybody appreciating Billy a whole lot.
Billy couldn’t stop snickering under the sheet, even with Steve’s arms around him, and his face sniffling against Billy’s side, so Max stalked over to the bed and kicked Billy’s leg.  “Shut up,” she slurred, at five in the morning, her hand locked with Lucas’.  Their wedding rings gleamed.  “You’re dead, remember,” she told Billy, “—so shut the hell up.”  Will giggled from over by the window, wiping his eyes, but El still looked solemn.
“You shut up,” Billy hissed back.  “Stop drinking, everybody, jesus, how come I’m the only sober person here.” 
“You think I’m gonna turn down free liquor,” Erica Sinclair said, sitting against the windowsill, and playing with the little umbrella in her glass.  Robin laughed, leaning against the window, tears streaking down her face.
“Because…’cause we all thought.  Thought you were dead,” Nancy muttered, staggering into the foot of the bed, and leaning her elbows on the footboard.  “Steve here was drunk before he even called us.”
“I’m just saying, if I have to lie here like a corpse with a sheet over my face—” Billy started, but Max cut him off.
“Dead men don’t get cocktails,” she said, waving something blue, and taking a swig.  “We gather here to celebrate the life of one Billy Hargrove,” she intoned, to general sniffles and giggles.  “So shut up and listen, dead man, you brought this on yourself.  Billy Hargrove,” she sighed, “—a man I definitely did not know and had no relation to, who died due to gross sex crimes.”
Everyone laughed harder, and Billy threw the sheet back, propping himself up on his elbow to glare around at the Sinclairs, and Robin Buckley, and what seemed like half the town.  His face was flaming.  “Hang on now,” he said, waving his splinted finger.  “I’m not gonna sit here—”
“Lie here,” Dustin put in, from where he sat by Steve’s feet, and Billy flipped him off.  
“I’m not gonna lie here and get accused of gross sex crimes when that’s not even what happened—”
“Don’t you look me in the eyes and tell me you’ve never committed any gross sex crimes, you fucking liar,” Max growled, and Billy stared around at the faces gathered around his bed, opened his mouth, cocked his head, and closed his mouth again.  “And I can’t hear you anyway, you’re fucking dead, shut up.”
“I’m so glad you’re not really dead,” Steve sniffled into Billy’s chest, reeking of tequila.  He rolled to flop an arm over Billy’s stomach and elbowed him in the gut, and Billy oof’d, and then put his splinted hand around his boyfriend, and leaned to kiss his hair.  “Love you,” Steve mumbled, into Billy’s chest.  “Don’t be dead.  I miss you,” he gulped.  “I miss you so much.”
“I’m not dead,” Billy said, for like the nine-hundredth time.
“Look at him,” Max pointed to Steve.  “Look what you did.”
Billy laughed harder, grimacing.  “I just jammed my finger!  I didn’t die!  I definitely didn’t die of any gross sex crimes without you, babe,” he whispered into Steve’s hair, and Steve harrumphed.
“Damn straight,” he mumbled.  “No sex crimes without me.  Love you.”
“Gross, this is a sex crime, my eyes are suffering, oh my god,” Max groaned.
“We’re all suffering, Billy,” Nancy said, finally, putting her hands on her hips.  “How dare you drive yourself to the hospital with a broken finger and not call anyone for nine hours and then drive yourself home—”
“It’s not my fault they got the records mixed up!” Billy yelled again, laughing, and squeezing Steve gently.  “I thought Steve was asleep!  Look, I just jammed my finger and it swelled up, I didn’t wanna wake anybody—” Billy grimaced.
“How’d that happen,” El asked, frowning at his splinted hand, and Billy groaned.  
“I...uh,” he grimaced, reluctant to admit he’d nearly died of what Max would definitely consider a gross sex crime—showering the jizz off himself after Steve fell asleep, he’d had a little jerk-off session remembering how good the night had been, gotten lightheaded as the blood rushed to his dick, and fallen in the shower.  He cleared his throat, grimacing, and felt his face redden further.  “I fell in the shower,” he said, sniffing as though Robin’s snickering was unfounded.
“You gross sex criminal,” Max hissed.  “How dare you almost die of sex crimes—”
“You have people who care,” Nancy yelled, wiping her eyes.  They’d all been crying, Billy registered, again.  It didn’t seem any more believable than an hour ago, when he’d gotten home from the hospital, crept in from the garage so as not to wake Steve, and everyone had screamed, running towards him.  Lucas Sinclair and Max had shaken him until his teeth rattled, both crying, and Nancy Wheeler had hugged him until his back cracked, taking ragged breaths into his shoulder.  Steve hadn’t let go of him since.
Erica had tried to get Billy to lie down with his arms crossed on the coffee table, like a vampire, but he’d rolled his eyes and hauled Steve—and the crowd of crying drunks—upstairs.
Billy was pretty sure he was having a really weird dream.  
“You can ask for help next time,” Nancy said, pointing at him, and rubbing her runny nose.  She flailed a hand behind her, and Robin handed her a kleenex.  “Wake your boyfriend up!  Call me!”
“Yeah, shut up and take your punishment,” Erica Sinclair sighed.  “You turned them into this, now lie the fuck down, you stupid corpse.”
Billy did so, sighing, but he left his arm sticking out to stroke Steve’s hair.  “‘M not dead,” he muttered.
“We gather here to celebrate the life of one Billy Hargrove,” Max said again, “—my brother, who is annoying as shit, and I’m really pissed at him,” she said, her voice shaking, “—b-because I thought he died tonight.”
“Guys,” Billy mumbled, his eyes stinging, now, and she kicked his thigh.
“Shut up.  I had to make Lucas drive me over here,” she said, sniffling, and clearing her throat, “—because I kept letting the clutch out and killing the engine, and all I could think was my brother’s goddamn ghost voice saying ‘—clutch, Max.  Don’t murder my car, Max,’ and then I thought I-I’ll never have to take his shit again—” she covered her mouth, shutting her eyes tight on a strangled noise, and Billy peered wide-eyed at her over the edge of the sheet.  “—and I missed you,” she choked out, and Billy tried to scramble up, but she kicked him in the leg again, bruising, by now, he was fairly sure.  
“Stay there,” she hissed.  “I pulled a sweatshirt of yours on on the way and smelled your stank and I thought—I thought I’ll never smell it again, I’ll have to just—just curl up in this, it’s the last time I’ll smell your shitty cologne—”
“It’s nice cologne,” Steve mumbled.
She stomped forward to kick Billy again, choking back a sob, and Lucas grabbed her around the waist, holding her back.  
“Glad you’re okay, man,” he said, and Billy nodded, relieved, but Erica raised her hand.  
“Foul,” she said.  “This is a wake.”
“Okay, okay,” Lucas said, obviously thinking.  “Thanks for...getting better,” he said, grimacing.  “You...you went from just being Max’s scary brother to saving one of my best friends,” he said, then paused, biting his lips together.  “I’m glad you’re my brother too,” he said, shrugging a shoulder, and Billy groaned and made a face at him, knowing Lucas Sinclair was probably the only person as embarrassed by this situation as he was.  Lucas grimaced back over Max’s head, but grinned.
 After a long pause next to the bed, Will said “I’m so glad you’re not dead,” so shakily even Erica didn’t try and make him keep talking, and then El broke the rules of the fake funeral, and just hugged Billy.
Billy tried not to die of embarrassment as Nancy talked, long and sincerely, about how happy he made Steve, and Steve nodded against his side, occasionally raising his arm with a thumb up.  
“S’all true,” he mumbled.
Robin waved Max and Erica off when they tried to get her to talk, smiling.  She wiped her eyes too.  “I’m just glad I don’t have to call everyone and tell them another gay dude died,” she said, a little bitterly.  “Everybody asks about you.”  Her eyes filled with tears, though, and Billy felt a pang of guilt for scaring her.
Dustin hauled off with a whole best man speech at that point, all about how annoying Steve was when they’d first started fucking, and Billy thought he might melt away at the news Steve had liked him so soon.  Dustin, the little shit, knew exactly what he was doing.  “He kept saying ‘I never want him to leave’,” Dustin said, just dropping that bomb with a sly grin.  “Like, ‘Is that weird?  Am I crazy?  I never want him to leave.’”
“Oh my god,” Billy mumbled.
“S’true,” Steve sighed.
“I am conditionally glad you’re alive,” Erica said, and Dustin started cackling, “—because of the way the hospital told Steve you died.  I was really looking forward to telling everybody,” she said, sighing.
“Wait, what the fuck did they tell you,” Billy asked, yanking the sheet off his face again.  
“And then I remembered I’d lose my quiz night teammate,” Erica said, crossing her arms.  
“Said I c’d do it,” Steve slurred.  “Said—”
“Fucking hell fucking no, Steve,” Erica said calmly.  “Billy told me about when you got the ‘who was president during the first gay marriage’ question—”
“ABE LINCOLN!” Steve yelled, again, and Billy groaned, cackling, as Max snorted loudly.  
“...hun,” Billy said, and Steve shook his head, pushing himself up to frown back woozily.
“All...men...created...equal,” he enunciated carefully.  “Abe Lincoln.”
“I mean, to be fair, that shoulda handled it,” Robin pointed out, and Steve gave her two fingerguns.  
“I’ll stay alive and be your bar quiz partner,” Billy told Erica, crossing his heart, and she narrowed her eyes.
“Good, because your man there doesn’t believe in narwhals,” she said, and Steve groaned.
“Stop lying to me about narwhals,” he mumbled.  “I’ve been to the zoo.  Din’t see any...unicorn...whales.”
“They don’t keep them in cages, babe, they’re still whales,” Billy told him, and got a hard prod.  
“He’s a conspiracy theorist,” Steve mumbled sadly.  “Came back from the dead to lie to me about narwhals.”
“I didn’t die, babe,” Billy told him, leaning in for a tequila-flavored kiss.  
“I couldn’t wait to tell the whole dorm a guy I knew shoved a lightbulb up his ass and electrocuted himself over Spring Break,” Erica said, sighing wistfully, and Nancy and Robin started laughing so hard they leaned in to each other.  Billy shot upright in bed, dumping Steve off his shoulder, and nearly clonking skulls with El.
“I’m sorry, they said what,” he said flatly.  “You guys really believed I stuck a lightbulb up my ass and electrocuted myself?  How fucking stupid do you think I am?!”
“You have me,” Steve mumbled, sniffling and reaching for the Tequila, and Dustin snatched it away.
“Oh, no, buddy, you don’t need any more of that,” he said, and Billy nodded.  
“You don’t need to put a lamp up your ass,” Steve mumbled into Billy’s thigh, sniffling, as Billy laughed helplessly.  “You have me, babe—don’t cheat with a lamp.” 
“Yeah, sweetie,” Billy said, yanking him into a tight hug.  “Fuck heaven, right?  Never gonna leave.”
 Here are my other Harringrove April prompts!
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heartlandians · 3 years
All this talk about GW I totally agree with. I see this too often where an actor puts a dark cloud over a show for one reason or another - it seems like there's at least one on almost every set. I've never been prone to think an actor is exactly like their character (people are strange), but I do find it hard sometimes to not dislike looking at their faces on screen after hearing about things they've done/said. I've learned to avoid info on actors for this reason. I rather live in ignorance because boycotting a show over 1 actor is just punishing the hundreds of other people involved directly/indirectly (and myself!) for no reason. And often I love the characters these actors portray. Which was the creator's/writers' character 1st anyway. So it doesn't stop me from enjoying their characters or the show if I can help it. I just think it's awful when people use any kind of fame they have to push their ideas on often younger, malleable fans (or worst). People like GW are all the same. They are looking for excuses to not do as told because it inconveniences them. They find others online who think the same as "proof". Either nothing they say is based on fact, or they twist the truth to get their way (or are too uneducated to understand how science/politics really work).
There was a woman who came into my workplace the other week and talked to our secretary about Covid vaccines. She said she works at a place that makes the vaccines and got her daughter vaccinated against Covid. She said it best: "I know what goes into those vaccines, and I gave my daughter the vaccine. Do you think if it was dangerous, if they were putting stuff in there that they shouldn't, etc. that I would let my daughter get the vaccine?!" It's clear it was a big NO. NO she wouldn't.
People like this, conspiracy theorists, are more dangerous than anything in the modern world today besides actual diseases. Yes, we can't believe everything the governments/politicians tell us, but I trust some random celebrity, extreme-winged journalist, or guy in his basement even less. People need to critically think more about what "facts" are being fed to them and where they are coming from. When they fall for manipulated information played off as "fact" they aren't just harming others, but themselves too, even if they don't know it. And those types seem to care a lot about themselves, so they should note that.
(I'd like to point out that I personally step aside if I don't know what is going on. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm not sure instead of picking a side just because it is in my best interest - I won't do that if there is a cost to others. As long as it doesn't endanger my life, I rather play safe than sorry.)
Your thoughts here are pretty much like mine!
I'm not saying trust everything immediately, because I sure don't. But I'm also skeptical about people who have "done their own research", because in my mind I can do My Own Research about which pillow has the biggest support for my neck, but I won't do My Own Research about something like covid. There's no way my one woman team is as good at it as professionals who do that for a living.
One of the things I wonder about people who believe in conspiracy theories (just going to ignore this whole aspect about some (not covid related) conspiracy theories turning out to be true in the past for the conversation sake) is that, at the end of the day, is there anything they can trust? Do they get so paranoid that they can't even trust their own family or friends? That is sad to think about. I mean, once you open that portal to "it always goes all the way to the top", where does it end? Does it end?
When the vaccines first rolled out, I wasn't like "gimme, gimme!" I waited, observed the situation from isolation and when I had seen/heard enough, I was like, "okay, I feel like it's safe for me to do this, so I'm going to". But while it was relatively easy decision for me, I understand it is not for everybody and that is why people should be able to have conversations about it, despite the urgency of the situation. I know not everyone can do what I did because of health related reasons - which was even more the reason for me to do it. It's like whenever I donate blood or why I'm listed in a stem cell directory (or whatever it's called in English); I get nothing from it, really, but because I feel comfortable doing it, why wouldn't I? It can save someone else's life.
It's a miracle HL has had such a wholesome reputation behind and in front of the cameras as long as it has. I don't claim to know what has happened behind the scenes, but I sure do feel this shift in the fandom and it makes me sad that there's this divide due to one person's actions. I don't know if we can ever go back to what used to be, but I can hope. Right now everything feels like a minefield.
Just like you said, maybe this is part of the reason why I tend to casually enjoy shows/artists, because like you, sometimes knowing too much ruins the experience, but it was like "Heartland chose me" and now I know too much to leave, ha... So I guess I gotta deal with whatever's coming with it as long as it feels worth it.
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arbiterofthedead · 3 years
The Sorrow of Werlyt
While I know there are some who disagree, I loved the Sorrow of Werlyt questline...it really struck a major cord with me, which doesn’t usually happen to me for most MMORPG stories that I’ve run into. Which was mostly from WoW which I found caring about less and less as the story became far to large for me to even care about.
Below are my thoughts, this is by no means a thought that everybody should share, that’s the beauty of this. I know Ishikawa had a hand in this storyline, as far as what I could find online about the matter, I adore her work and the direction she takes with characters so I am naturally biased in that regard.
Enjoy my ramblings!
What the story meant to me is that Gaius knows where he went wrong, how his actions resulted in the deaths of countless people as he marched onward to take over new lands. We see this as an inherently bad thing, considering the toll such conquest takes on the people who were unfortunate enough to live under Imperial rule. We’ve seen how brutal Imperial rule has been, it takes a massive toll on the people as we’ve seen with the likes of Doma, Ala Migho and other regions that were subjected to the Iron curtain of Garlemald.
I would argue that Gaius as we encountered him in ARR and even before ARR, where he let the information leak that Nael van Darnus planned to bring Dalamund upon Eorzea to purify it from the beast tribes and bring an end to their summoning of primals. Is by far one of the more ‘human-like’ Garlean characters that we’ve been given so far. I put forward this notion because most of the Imperial characters we’ve encountered are downright evil or deeply misguided individuals.
We see how his methods differed from his contemporary in that aspect but we also see it in an echo flashback (for those who played the game before ARR) where Gaius saw the bringing down of the moon as a senseless act of genocide.
I would put forth the idea that Gaius was perhaps one of the more reasonable of the Garleans as the other military leaders, and even the Emperor, seem to want to crush everything and everyone. We see how grisly some of these leaders can be when Valens used one of the children to effectively make the Diamond weapon functional. For us as outsiders looking in, we can see completely that this act is horrendous and that Valens deserved punishment for what he did and for what he put the children though, which was 100% very abusive in every single sense of the word..
We see that many of the Garlean leaders, at various points of the game, are more or less psychopaths who wish to cause the most amount of destruction as possible. I believe this is intentional placement as I believe, as some lore theorists point to this, that the Garlean Empire was but a machine to bring about rejoining's and that that the Empire needed to put into place people who were ruthless in all aspects of their lives. I see that most of these Imperial leaders are highly unstable, in my assessment, as many of them engage in severely reckless behavior and also engage in war crimes that make us as outsiders cringe.
We see this time and time again with the leaders of the Empire seemingly being uncaring and ruthless oppressors, and I would completely agree with that assessment given what we see the Empire doing in various points of the game.
This is becoming longwinded but I wanted to give some idea of who Gaius is and why he turned against the Empire and seeks to better himself. He doesn’t run from his past, he knows that he is responsible for a great deal of suffering. I refuse to damn him for all eternity because the world isn’t as simple as that.
He may never be fully redeemed for what he’s done, and I believe the writers recognize that fully. I see his openness to help Terncliff recover, as well as his desire to help the remaining children move beyond their horrific ordeal as a genuine attempt to set himself upon the path to make a future where the Black Wolf isn’t seen as an irredeemable villain.
What is done is done and Gaius knows this...but his future remains unwritten and he wants to make it a future where he honors the memory of the children he lost, and to honor the ones he can yet save.
I know this story isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I wanted to work through my own thoughts about this. You are free to agree or disagree, my main goal was to add a bit more nuance to this conversation that I’ve seen going around on Tumblr and Twitter to some degree.
If you got to the end, thank you for reading the ramblings of a nerd with too much free time on their hands!
Much love and I hope you have a lovely day!
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cadaceus · 4 years
Hello everybody, and welcome back to my weekly freak outs live blogs! The Mighty Nein have had a seriously long week, somebody please dear god let them rest. Also, my heart was racing so hard for so much of this episode, help. Spoilers for Campaign 2, Episode 128 of Critical Role below so please do tread carefully!
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- Ashley Johnson you’re so adorable.... I love you....
- I was really not prepared for combat......... I was not anticipating a TPK until this fighting started I thought they were going to bamf I truly did 
- Twelve of them?! Maybe give one to Essek too??
- Oh god.... please someone go check on Essek.... Trent knows it was him who taught Caleb, he knows it..... (I’m worried for Astrid too, I feel like she might be put into trouble with this) 
 - “I’m worried about Essek” [insert the ‘bitch me too the fuck’ meme here] 
- Someone hug Caleb.... babey 😭
- Veth recasting just to say “I love you” to her husband is the sweetest thing on Earth
- Yasha Nyoordin, Avatar of the Stormlord
- nooo please don’t message Trent again, I’m sick of hearing that evil man speak  😭
- Veth is retiring after this arc...... so does this mean Eiselcross is the last arc or is Sam gonna bring in a new character?
- Yesss, I knew those books were going to be for Luc, this is such a heartwarming conversation give me more of teacher Caleb please I adore him
- oh my god is it Astrid???
- Stop implying that Astrid is untrustworthy she’s doing her bestttt
- “Our intentions are not good.” vs “My intentions were never good, they were important” ........ poetic cinema
- Is that 40ish years old Scourger lady the Archmage Jenna? Or was Jenna younger?
- does the Dragon Yussa theorist on Reddit know how deeply they have changed my perception of this specific mage....... literally all i can think is dragon....
- Please don’t be self sacrificing right now my heart cannot take this...
- All this planning with the knock at the door is giving me such bad anxiety help them someone please
- SHE LET THEM GO AAAAH ASTRID I LOVE YOU I KNEW I COULD TRUST YOU (even if I’m now worried for her safety, I hope Trent doesn’t find out/Trent doesn’t punish her)
- Ending the episode on a split party again, but this time with Marion and Yeza and Luc in tow... I’m so curious as to where the heck they’re all going to end up! And Lucien hasn’t come back into play for a good long while now, I really feel like they need to get back to Eiselcross soon.... but until then, I love you all very much and is it Thursday yet!  🥰
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Ice Age reader insert Chapter 3
"What are you doing? Just drop it on the ledge." Manny frowns.
The baby is put on the ledge and makes a squeal of excitement.
"Should we make sure they found him?" Sid asks.
"Good idea." Manny smirks.
"No, no no! Wait wait wait! AHHH! Don't spear me!" There's a pause, then Sid frowns, "Oh, this is a problem."
Y/N jumps over the ledge and frowns, looking through everything for something useful.
"Now what?" Manny asks, looking at the camp. "Oh, that's perfect!"
Y/N picks up some rope and shoves it in her backpack. She then takes apart the tents and folds the fabric, putting it in her backpack.
"What are you doing?" Diego asks, appearing behind her.
Y/N answers while putting another rope in her backpack, "Simple. I have few provisions to keep myself warm, and seeing as the previous humans aren't here, and they haven't been for a few hours, meaning they won't be back, I'm taking their stuff so it doesn't go to waste."
She looks over to Manny to see him looking at a baby hugging a chair. Diego walks up to him as the baby falls in a basket.
"I told you they were gone." Diego frowns.
Manny scoffs, "Well, look who it is. Don't you have some poor defenseless animal to disembowel?"
E/N chuckles, "Damn, I forgot how savage Manny can be."
Sid interrupts Y/N's train of thought, trying to figure out where the humans went. Y/N picks up some ashes out of the fire and rubs them between her fingers, feeling how hot it is.
"You don't know much about tracking, do you?" Diego asks Sid.
Sid answers, "Hey, I'm a sloth. I see a tree, I eat a leaf, that's my tracking."
Y/N frowns, "We didn't miss them by much. The fire pit's warm enough to touch. My estimation is the fire was put out about two hours ago, and by the way the camps in shambles, I'd say they were attacked by something and had to run."
She sees Diego stiffen slightly as he agrees, pulling out some straw from the chair, "It's still green. They headed North two hours ago."
Sid mocks the human and tiger, causing Y/N to snarl at him. The baby falls on a stick over the fire, causing a fish to be flung onto Manny. Y/N takes the fish and cuts it up, starting to eat it, causing everyone to stare at her.
"What? I haven't eaten for a while. I'm hungry. Fish is a good part of any human's diet. And it's only a few hours old." Y/N shrugs as she eats.
Diego frowns, "You don't need this aggravation. Give me the baby. I can track down humans a lot faster than you can."
Manny retorts, "And you're just a good citizen helping out, right?"
Suddenly, the two seem to be in the middle of a tug of war with the baby, causing Y/N to watch and eat the fish like Popcorn.
"I just know where the humans are going." Diego explains.
"Glacier Pass. Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side." Manny replies, picking up the baby.
"Well unless you know how to track, your never gonna reach them before the pass closes up with snow. Which should be like... tomorrow. So, you can give that baby to me, or go get lost in a blizzard. It's your choice." Diego smirks, thinking he's got the plan.
Y/N gobbles down the last of the fish, quite satisfied, and throws the bones over the edge of the cliff as Manny picks up the baby and hands it to Sid.
"There's your little bundle of joy. We're returning it to the humans." Manny frowns.
Y/N shrugs, "Let's get moving, mammals."
Sid teases, "Oh, the big bad, tigey-wigey's being left behind. Oh poor tigey wigey-"
Y/N smirks, "Sid. Tigey-wigey's leading us to the humans."
Manny nods, "She's right."
Sid pales, "Uh, Manny, N/N... Can I talk to you for a second?"
Manny and Y/N chorus, "No."
Manny frowns, "The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of Mr Stinky-drool face. And the baby too."
E/N cackles, "I'm loving this guy! Are we sure he's not even a little evil?"
Diego frowns towards Sid, "You won't always have Jumbo around to protect you. And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back. Cause I'll be chewing on it."
Manny calls Diego, "Hey, uber tracker! Up front, where I can see you!"
Y/N walks to the front with Diego and smirks, "Nice silver tongue, Tiger. But you better watch your back. If you sell us out to any Saber-tooth pals you have, you won't live to see the morning after the betrayal. Capiche?"
Diego asks "What makes you think I know other Sabers?"
"You're a pack animal. It all comes with the territory. I'll be watching you." Y/N smirks as she falls back to Manny.
After a few hours walking, the baby starts crying. Y/N pulls the headphones out of her bag and places them on her head, muffling the noise. But it doesn't get muffled enough, so she connects it to her phone and turns up the volume, playing F/S that's been downloaded. Eventually, Manny cracks.
"Oh you gotta make it stop! I can't take it any more!" Manny exclaims.
Y/N stops the music and turns of the headphones, hanging them around her neck.
"I've eaten things that didn't complain this much!" Diego yells.
E/N smirks, "Of course they didn't complain. They were dead when he ate them. How long until they realise he's hungry?"
Y/N mentally answers, "Let's give them five minutes."
Sid says, "It won't stop squirming!" holding the baby upside down.
Diego yells. "You're holding it wrong!"
"Watch it's head!" Manny exclaims.
Y/N groans and snatches the baby off Sid and puts it on a rock and shushes it, making it quiet for a moment.
"How'd you do that?" Diego asks.
Y/N answers, "It's only temporary. Now I can think. Figure out a way to keep it happy while I can think again."
The baby starts crying again while the boys input ideas.
"Hey, it's nose is dry." Diego notices.
Sid frowns, "That means something's wrong with it."
"Someone should lick it, just in case." Diego inputs.
Y/N calls out, "Wrong! Human noses are naturally dry!"
Manny inputs, "Hey, he's wearing one of those baby thingy's!"
Sid asks, "So?"
"So if he poops, where does it go?" Manny replies.
E/N frowns, "That's the only smart guess they've had. Too bad it's not it."
Sid frowns, "Humans are disgusting."
Y/N nods, "Tell me about it."
Manny points at Sid, "Okay you. Check for poop."
"Wait, why am I the poop checker?" Sid asks.
Manny lists, "Because returning the runt was your idea. Because your small and insignificant. Because I'll pummel you if you don't."
Sid asks, "Uh, why else?"
"NOW, SID!" Manny orders, it echoing slightly.
Y/N watches the idiots check the diaper, only to find out it's clean, when Manny hits Sid in the head, causing the baby to laugh. The baby starts crying again.
"Hey do that again. He likes it!" Diego smiles.
Manny hits Sid again, causing the baby to giggle again.
"It's making me feel better too." Manny smiles.
Sid goes over to Diego and frowns, "Here, you hold him."
Diego hits Sid, causing the baby to laugh. The baby tries slapping Sid now. Sid grabs the baby's hand and puts him back on the rock. Diego's turn now. He does the "Where's the baby" trick, but it scares the baby.
"You guys know the baby's hungry, right?" Y/N frowns.
The boys turn to Y/N in shock, and two of the faces are angry.
"How long have you known this?" Diego growls.
Y/N shrugs, "I figured after the second hour of screaming, but there was no food around, so I just droned him out until you guys cracked. Then I wanted to see how long until you guys figured it out."
She then walks over to a bush where a watermelon pops out. She quickly picks it up, only for a dodo bird to snatch it off her.
"Oi! Give that back to me, you prehistoric buttsnack!" Y/N chases after the bird.
The group follows Y/N to a dodo bird nest-like place, where dodo's are acting like soldiers and conspiracy theorists.
"Prepare for the ice age!" A dodo yells.
Sid asks, "Ice age?"
Diego frowns, "I've heard of these crackpots."
Y/N scoffs, "I'm sure humans have their own version of these weirdos."
The dodo that stole the melon from the group sees them then yells out, "Intruders!"
After running like a maniac, he falls into a tar pit where he dies.
Manny asks, "Hey, can we have our melon back? Jr's hungry, and-"
A dodo interrupts, "No way! This is our private stockpile for the ice age! Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for over a billion billion years!"
Y/N frowns, "You only have three melons. You should've started stockpiling at least three years ago with food that won't rot so quickly and with a few seeds to grow your food, buttsnacks."
The birds look towards the melons, then back towards the mammals.
"If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead then doom on you!" The dodo scowls.
The other dodos chant, "Doom on you!" as they walk closer to the mammals.
Manny frowns, "Get away from me!"
Y/N slaps a dodo that gets too close when a melon rolls towards the mammals.
"Mine now! Thank you! Tata!" Y/N smirks as she runs away with the Melon.
"Retrieve the melon! Tai-kwon-dodos! Attack!"
Y/N pales as she remembers this part. A dodo kicks another dodo, and a dodo manages to kick the melon out of her hands.
"Oh come on!" Y/N frowns.
She then watches as the melon is thrown over a cliff.
"That's one." Y/N frowns as a few dodos fall off the cliff trying to get the melon back.
She sits down next to the baby and watches the show, quite entertained.
*Skip to the last melon*
She watches as the dodos attack Sid and winces. The melon bounces towards Manny, who catches it and keeps it out of the dodos reach. A dodo decides to bite his tail, causing him to throw it.
"And this is how football/soccer was invented. With a watermelon." E/N smirks.
Sid catches it, and finds himself cornered. Y/N nods at him, telling him to run. He puts his hand out and closes his eyes, somehow getting to the end of the line without much of a struggle, somehow causing some dodos to stack on top of one another. The dodos surround him again and he jumps, causing them all to run into each other. He lands on the ground, away from the dodos, causing everyone to cheer. He then throws the melon onto the ground, cracking it open.
"Oh, Sid! Now we gotta find more food!" Diego frowns.
Y/N smirks, "Actually, he just made it easier to get to the good stuff. Look."
The mammals look to see the baby eating it.
"I'm getting sick of calling it “the baby”. Can we please call it Junior?" E/N asks.
Y/N silently agrees as Junior continues eating.
"Hey, Junior? Can I have some please?" Y/N asks.
Junior passes some to her and she eats it.
"Thanks buddy."
The dodos stacked up try to tell the guy on the bottom where to go as they pass the mammals.
"Hey look at that. Dinner and a show." Manny jokes.
Y/N yells at the dodos, "May your ears turn into buttholes then crap on your shoulders!"
Everyone stares at Y/N in shock as the dodos fall of a cliff.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Eek! I requested but tumblr was being dumb, so I dunno if you got it or not! I remember it though! - I'm happy to have made your day! I relate to you on the insomnia, especially sleeping at 4 am. I hope you get some sleep! I think I just need some fluff right now, (it's 4:19 am and I'm playing with my piercings while reading and listening to music, so perhaps something involving the insomnia we share? I dunno) and who better to be fluff with than Marko? Right? The boy just needs some love 🥺❤️
Sounds perfect! I just so happen to have some perfect fluff in my handy dandy notebook!
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Marko is my sweet baby, I adore him, I'll take any excuse to write more about him!
Marko gets a tad fidgety before bed, very similar to a toddler with that sudden burst of hyper just before the sun comes out. He'll take a good few hits of Paul's wacky tobacky to curve his energy. He knows the sun is rising, he should be tired... but he can't help it, his mind is going a million miles an hour! The best way to describe it is a loopy kind of tired, he'll usually either get giggly, or try to keep the other boys from falling asleep so he's not awake alone, or start asking the most ridiculous questions. Just hanging upside down in the cave with his hands behind his head as something will randomly pop in his head
"Psst, Paul. Paul. Hey man, you still awake?"
"Yeah dude, what's up?"
"Do you think pigeons get nightmares?"
"I dunno... maybe? Probably I guess. Like cats and stuff?"
Cue David in the most half asleep, mumbled monotone he can muster through his teeth.
"I'm going to give you two ten seconds to shut the fuck up and go to sleep"
He does secretly miss the sunset, the way it used to light up the whole sky in fire. It's one of the few things he misses about being human. Thankfully with the plethora of cinema now he can be content with watching movies. The beach waves really help him sleep, it's something he could never be bored with. The seagulls trying best in their cave, that gets old quick. When he first turned he would still try to peek at the sunset, but of course any glimmer of sunlight would char his undead skin. Cue him sulking for a few hours in the cave, arms crossed with a pouting lip.
Wrestling is pretty common amongst the 4 boys when bored out of their skulls. Marko is quick with a headlock, laughing like an idiot when Dwayne lifts him by his belt and flings him over his shoulder. Doesn't stop him from flying onto the ceiling then dive bombing Paul. Noogies for all, beware! Four teenage guys under one toppled, hole filled roof? Roughhousing will ensue, and furniture is not against the rules. Well, really there are no rules at that point. 
"Dudes, boardwalk's having a movie night we gotta go!" Waves flyer as he runs into the cave, leaves out the part he only found it because the wind slapped it up against his head on his way back from a food run. He'll beg to go, which doesn't take much convincing since it always got slower around winter time. Popcorn is a must, and he'll plop down in the comfiest spot. It's gotta be just right, middle not too close, not too far away. Definitely one to shush you if you try talking over his favorite scenes. His favorite movie is probably either Aliens or Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Who doesn't love cartoon violence? I absolutely picture him being a secret scifi nerd, like loving all the futuristic space stuff , "buying" tabloids with the most ridiculous titles (ie "I Married a Wolf Man"). He's not really a conspiracy theorist or anything, but he's definitely curious what else could be out there
When Chinese food grows old, his next favorite food is a good, classic burger. Honestly he's a bit of a foodie, he loves trying whatever weird concoction they have brewing on the boardwalk. He'll ride down to the nearest burger joint and order a chocolate shake and a double bacon cheeseburger with chili fries- hold any garlic. He'll of course get something for everybody, carrying a little scrap of paper with the various requests. You don't tell him what you want, fine it'll be a surprise. Paul of course has to steal some fries, to the point that Marko will get him an order even if he says he doesn't want any.
"My fucking fries count as wanting fries, man."
Believe it or not he does read when bored, but even better if someone reads to him. Hopeless romantic is too strong a word, but he does secretly wonder about how it'd be to have a mate. Laying on their lap, listening to them read aloud while playing with his hair. The thought always makes him smile. His favorite book is Lord of the Flies, second being The Crucible, it makes him wonder if there really are witches. He figures if vampires exist, why not other things? David is the first to dismiss said questions. It's not like knowing would make much a difference, he's content with what they already know. Fair enough, but he still keeps his little questions locked in his own mind. On lazy nights he'll lounge on a torn up couch with his feet propped up zoning out to a good read, sinking until he's practically being eating by the cushions. He'll definitely fall asleep on the couch with the book covering his face if you leave him there
Red hands is a favorite boredom game he'll challenge Paul to. Rock, Paper, Scissors was too predictable. Both are pretty evenly matched and snicker like idiots every time to other flinches. Lots of cussing whenever they lose, and you bet they count flinching as a reason to lay down a quick SMACK!
"Two for flinching!"
"It's only one you ass!"
Eventually try to challenge Dwayne to it and pester him until he agrees, only become increasingly frustrated when he repeatedly loses. When he finally gets a hit in, he definitely gets over excited and it's like being slapped by a bear. They've since stopped bugging him to play. Paul was ballsy enough to try and challenge David, and Marko had never seen him move so fast. Paul lost five times in a row and just rage quit by that point.
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