#louis en peru
louisupdates · 3 months
leonardofloresphoto #Pov: Vas a fotear a #LouisTomlinson en tu país 🇵🇪🔥
Hace un mes @louist91 volvió a #Lima con su gira #FaithInTheFutureWorldTour en @arena1pe y haber tenido la oportunidad de fotearlo fue una de las mejores cosas que me pudo pasar este año. :)
@lt91.peru @primerafila.pe @leonardo.flores_
leonardofloresphoto #Pov: You are going to photograph #LouisTomlinson in your country 🇵🇪🔥
A month ago @louist91 returned to #Lima with his #FaithInTheFutureWorldTour at @arena1pe and having the opportunity to photograph him was one of the best things that could have happened to me this year. :)
@lt91.peru @primerafila.pe @leonardo.flores_
Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT24: Lima [26.5.2024] 📸 Leonardo Flores
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"The emotional stability that I have has cost me a lot of work"
The singer Liam Payne comes to Peru for the first time as a soloist after the separation of One Direction. In an interview with El Comercio, the British artist spoke about his solo career, his identity as an artist after being part of a boy band and more.
“I remember when I was first in Peru, I liked the food, but what always surprises me is its culture and its history. Something that stuck in my head was seeing a sunrise with peacocks and the energy of Machu Picchu entering my body”, says Payne in an interview with El Comercio.
Since your debut, was it difficult to keep current?
It's hard to stay in this music industry, even more so with social media putting pressure on you every minute of the day, and you need to create and create all the time. In my case, I do it when I feel good, but it never ceases to amaze me that the new generations always demand new content and songs that maintain my style.
2. 9 years ago you visited Peru when you were part of One Direction. At that time, were you already beginning to form your own style?
I always had fun with the boys. I didn't really think about it much when I started because I didn't know myself that well, but now I know who I am. Well… I'm still on that journey. The only thing I know is that [Peru] is the best place to return to the music scene again, but this time with better things.
3. How do you find the balance between self-discovery and exposure to fame?
Control is the key to finding the balance between both fields, especially with fame. The emotional stability that I have has cost me a lot of work. It was very difficult for me to find that stability after being left alone in my music career.
4. After One Direction?
Yes, for me it has been a great challenge to find a new sound to accompany my voice. It had to be at the level or better than the early boyband sounds, but I think I finally managed to create something unique and different.
5. Will we be able to appreciate that new sound in some new production?
I have a new album that I may release in October, in which I am inspired by moments in my life such as relationships, love and emotional processes to be better. Although as a composer and musician, I will always have a constant search for my sound and identity.
6. International media point out that Louis, Niall and you are the ones who get together the most. Will they participate in any collaboration?
I would say no, although I am really proud of my boys, but not at the moment.
7. And for your presentation in Lima, will they all be songs from your new productions?
I hope that my audience is ready for the concert that I will give, because I will put the best of me and my repertoire of songs, and maybe a couple of One Direction songs.
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aurianneor · 9 months
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El acuerdo UE-Mercosur
En virtud del acuerdo UE-Mercosur, las mercancías circulan libremente sin controles ni impuestos. Existe un riesgo sanitario para los consumidores europeos. Estaremos creando unas condiciones de producción deplorables en términos sociales, de salud humana, bienestar animal y medio ambiente. Por ejemplo, el 27% de los pesticidas utilizados por los agricultores brasileños están prohibidos en Europa. Muchas empresas se deslocalizan en Europa para obtener más beneficios mientras contaminan tranquilamente. Todos los empleados de la industria agroalimentaria perderán su empleo. Hacer allí lo que aquí está prohibido y seguir vendiendo al mismo precio, ese es el objetivo de este acuerdo.
Como la Unión Europea no se gestiona democráticamente, los ciudadanos no tienen voz ni voto. Es una negación de la democracia y una negación de la justicia, porque todos los litigios tienen que ser tratados por un tribunal de arbitraje compuesto no por abogados, sino por industriales.
Debemos dar nuestro voto a los candidatos que están en contra del acuerdo UE-Mercosur y a favor de que el Parlamento Europeo asuma el poder, a favor de la soberanía del Parlamento Europeo.
Durante el juramento del Jeu de Paume, el 20 de junio de 1789, los diputados franceses se proclaman autoridad suprema para la expresión de la democracia y afirman que el ejecutivo está a su servicio. “Corresponde únicamente a los elegidos contribuir a la formación de la voluntad nacional, y puesto que todos los representantes deben estar en esta asamblea, sigue siendo indispensable concluir que es a ella y sólo a ella a quien corresponde interpretar y presentar la voluntad general de la nación”.
Los eurodiputados también deben declarar la soberanía del Parlamento Europeo. Europa es el mayor mercado del mundo. El comercio con el resto del mundo debe cumplir las normas medioambientales y sociales.
Farmers, environmentalists slam ‘sell-out’ EU-Mercosur trade deal – France 24: https://www.france24.com/en/20190629-eu-south-america-agriculture-trade-mercosur-farmers-environmentalists
L’accord du MERCOSUR : une menace pour l’agriculture européenne ?: https://journalisme.ulb.ac.be/laccord-du-mercosur-une-menace-pour-lagriculture-europeenne/
For people and the planet, say no to EU-MERCOSUR: https://www.greens-efa.eu/en/campaigns/mercosur
Mercosur : une nouvelle étude alerte sur les dangers de l’accord! – Le sillon belge: https://www.sillonbelge.be/11248/article/2023-06-28/mercosur-une-nouvelle-etude-alerte-sur-les-dangers-de-laccord
Parti Pirate – Programme – Européennes 2024: https://europeennes.partipirate.org/soccivile.html
Jacques-Louis David – Serment du Jeu de paume, le 20 juin 1789: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jacques-Louis_David_-Serment_du_Jeu_de_paume,_le_20_juin_1789–P67–musée_Carnavalet-_0.jpg
Elecciones europeas 2024: https://elections.europa.eu/es/
Les autorités illégitimes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-autorites-illegitimes/
Perú, biodiversidad en peligro: https://www.aurianneor.org/peru-biodiversidad-en-peligro/
Qui se cache derrière le drapeau?: https://www.aurianneor.org/qui-se-cache-derriere-le-drapeau/
Commerce équitable et bio: https://www.aurianneor.org/commerce-equitable-et-bio/
Le EU-Mercosur: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-eu-mercosur/
EU-Mercosur: https://www.aurianneor.org/eu-mercosur/
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 4.28 (before 1950)
224 – The Battle of Hormozdgan is fought. Ardashir I defeats and kills Artabanus V effectively ending the Parthian Empire. 357 – Emperor Constantius II enters Rome for the first time to celebrate his victory over Magnus Magnentius. 1192 – Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat (Conrad I), King of Jerusalem, in Tyre, two days after his title to the throne is confirmed by election. The killing is carried out by Hashshashin. 1253 – Nichiren, a Japanese Buddhist monk, propounds Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō for the very first time and declares it to be the essence of Buddhism, in effect founding Nichiren Buddhism. 1294 – Temür, grandson of Kublai, is elected Khagan of the Mongols with the reigning title Oljeitu. 1503 – The Battle of Cerignola is fought. It is noted as one of the first European battles in history won by small arms fire using gunpowder. 1611 – Establishment of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines, the largest Catholic university in the world. 1625 – A combined Spanish and Portuguese fleet of 52 ships commences the recapture of Bahia from the Dutch during the Dutch–Portuguese War. 1758 – The Marathas defeat the Afghans in the Battle of Attock and capture the city. 1788 – Maryland becomes the seventh state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1789 – Mutiny on the Bounty: Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 sailors are set adrift and the rebel crew returns to Tahiti briefly and then sets sail for Pitcairn Island. 1792 – France invades the Austrian Netherlands (present day Belgium and Luxembourg), beginning the French Revolutionary Wars. 1794 – Sardinians, headed by Giovanni Maria Angioy, start a revolution against the Savoy domination, expelling Viceroy Balbiano and his officials from Cagliari, the capital and largest city of the island. 1796 – The Armistice of Cherasco is signed by Napoleon Bonaparte and Vittorio Amedeo III, King of Sardinia, expanding French territory along the Mediterranean coast. 1869 – Chinese and Irish laborers for the Central Pacific Railroad working on the First transcontinental railroad lay ten miles of track in one day, a feat which has never been matched. 1881 – Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln County jail in Mesilla, New Mexico. 1887 – A week after being arrested by the Prussian Secret Police, French police inspector Guillaume Schnaebelé is released on order of William I, German Emperor, defusing a possible war. 1910 – Frenchman Louis Paulhan wins the 1910 London to Manchester air race, the first long-distance aeroplane race in the United Kingdom. 1920 – The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic is founded. 1923 – Wembley Stadium is opened, named initially as the Empire Stadium. 1930 – The Independence Producers hosted the first night game in the history of Organized Baseball in Independence, Kansas. 1937 – South African medical researcher Max Theiler develops the yellow fever vaccine at the Rockefeller Foundation in New York. 1941 – The Ustaše massacre nearly 200 Serbs in the village of Gudovac, the first massacre of their genocidal campaign against Serbs of the Independent State of Croatia. 1944 – World War II: Nine German E-boats attacked US and UK units during Exercise Tiger, the rehearsal for the Normandy landings, killing 946. 1945 – Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are shot dead by Walter Audisio, a member of the Italian resistance movement. 1945 – The Holocaust: Nazi Germany carries out its final use of gas chambers to execute 33 Upper Austrian socialist and communist leaders in Mauthausen concentration camp. 1947 – Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki to demonstrate that Peruvian natives could have settled Polynesia. 1948 – Igor Stravinsky conducted the premiere of his American ballet, Orpheus at the New York City Center. 1949 – The Hukbalahap are accused of assassinating former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon, while she is en route to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late husband; her daughter and ten others are also killed.
0 notes
louis-in-red · 2 years
Fuck anyone who said Louis can’t sing
Fuck anyone who said Louis found his voice backstage
Fuck anyone who said Louis was better as a mentor
Fuck anyone who said Louis wouldn’t have a successful solo career
Fuck anyone who said Louis couldn’t carry a note
Fuck anyone who ever doubted Louis belongs on stage
I may sound like a broken record, but the Louis I saw yesterday and in Argentina, BELONGS ON THE STAGE!!! Always always amazed by his voice, his talent, his ability to make us feel united and loved, his personality and his professionalism ❤️
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lotuswangxian · 2 years
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happieasa · 3 years
Hola A , louis no va venir al Peru y estoy muy triste, yo quería cantar con él todo walls. Bueno paso para preguntarte si el sorteo que estas haciendo también cuenta en Peru ? ❤❤
Pueden participar de todo el mundo pero los boletos son en Mexico 🥺
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habithlarry · 4 years
Traducción de receipts
1. MITAM Carpool receipt original aca
2. El mismo vestidor receipt original aca
MITAM Carpool
Anónimo ha dicho:
Mi papá es un chófer privado. Y una vez fue un de los choferes para 1D cuando ellos estaban en LA para el Carpool karaoke. Y el dijo que sólo se habían necesitado 3 carros porque "el pequeño" y el del "moño" compartían el mismo carro. Los condujo después que dejaron JK Corden. Ellos fueron muy amables y educados. Y se susurraban uno al otro y reían. Y cuando él abrió la puerta para dejarlos salir, Louis tuvo que apartar sus piernas del regazo de Harry. No es mucho pero sigue siendo adorable.
2) El mismo vestidor
Esto me fue enviado fuera de anon
Te envié esto antes pero no se si lo leíste. Mi padre es alguien importante en los medios peruanos, y conoce un montón de personas. Uno de ellos es (nombre) quien trabaja para él y ahora es uno de los dueños de (nombre) la compañía productora que trajo 1D a Lima, Peru, Ella trato de darnos pases a mí y a mi hermana pases para el backstage pero no los pudo conseguir porque mi padre se los pidió muy tarde, pero no importa!!! Ella viene a casa regularmente, y un mes después del concierto moría por hablar con ella. Entonces ella vino a mi casa, y le pregunté sobre los chicos, si eran dulces, humildes y esas cosas, y no quería ser molesta y preguntarle sobre H&L pero ella siguió hablando y me dijo que estaba sorprendida porque solo tuvieron que hacer 4 vestidores/camerinos porque 2 de los chicos compartían. Estaba literalmente saltando en mi asiento y le conté un poco sobre Larry, y ella estaba CON ¡OH! Eso tiene sentido, pensé que eran buenos amigos pero ahora que me lo dices, es algo raro que los mejores amigos coqueten entre ellos llamándose terrón de azúcar y sweet cheeks. Y EMPEZE A HIPERVENTILAR y hablamos un poco más sobre lo que a ellos les gusta hacer antes de los shows y eso pero si ❤️ solo quería decirte eso
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jpelsous · 3 years
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Detalle de la Victoria alada que corona la columna conmemorativa del Combate del Dos de Mayo, bello monumento diseñado por el arquitecto Edmund Guillaume y el escultor Louis-Leon Cugnot e inaugurado en 1874 en la plaza que lleva su nombre en Lima. #lima #igerslima #peru #igersperu #arquitectura #architettura #architecture #archilovers #escultura #sculpture #arte #art #republica #columna #column #victoria #patrimonio #heritage #patrimoniocultural (en Plaza Dos de Mayo) https://www.instagram.com/p/COO8Fj1hlpa/?igshid=10tljpd3u173t
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ltfour · 4 years
La merchandising de Louis ahora puede hacer envíos a Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Georgia, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Guyana, India, Paraguay, Peru, Réunion, Singapore, South Korea, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela!
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Estos son algunos modelos que tiene la página,si quieren comprar háganlo ahora antes que se acabe el stock porque en cualquier momento se acaba.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.28
224 – The Battle of Hormozdgan is fought. Ardashir I defeats and kills Artabanus V effectively ending the Parthian Empire. 357 – Emperor Constantius II enters Rome for the first time to celebrate his victory over Magnus Magnentius. 1192 – Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat (Conrad I), King of Jerusalem, in Tyre, two days after his title to the throne is confirmed by election. The killing is carried out by Hashshashin. 1253 – Nichiren, a Japanese Buddhist monk, propounds Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō for the very first time and declares it to be the essence of Buddhism, in effect founding Nichiren Buddhism. 1294 – Temür, grandson of Kublai, is elected Khagan of the Mongols with the reigning title Oljeitu. 1503 – The Battle of Cerignola is fought. It is noted as one of the first European battles in history won by small arms fire using gunpowder. 1611 – Establishment of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines, the largest Catholic university in the world. 1625 – A combined Spanish and Portuguese fleet of 52 ships commences the recapture of Bahia from the Dutch during the Dutch–Portuguese War. 1758 – The Marathas defeat the Afghans in the Battle of Attock and capture the city. 1788 – Maryland becomes the seventh state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1789 – Mutiny on the Bounty: Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 sailors are set adrift and the rebel crew returns to Tahiti briefly and then sets sail for Pitcairn Island. 1792 – France invades the Austrian Netherlands (present day Belgium and Luxembourg), beginning the French Revolutionary Wars. 1794 – Sardinians, headed by Giovanni Maria Angioy, start a revolution against the Savoy domination, expelling Viceroy Balbiano and his officials from Cagliari, the capital and largest city of the island. 1796 – The Armistice of Cherasco is signed by Napoleon Bonaparte and Vittorio Amedeo III, King of Sardinia, expanding French territory along the Mediterranean coast. 1869 – Chinese and Irish laborers for the Central Pacific Railroad working on the First transcontinental railroad lay ten miles of track in one day, a feat which has never been matched. 1881 – Billy the Kid escapes from the Lincoln County jail in Mesilla, New Mexico. 1887 – A week after being arrested by the Prussian Secret Police, French police inspector Guillaume Schnaebelé is released on order of William I, German Emperor, defusing a possible war. 1910 – Frenchman Louis Paulhan wins the 1910 London to Manchester air race, the first long-distance aeroplane race in the United Kingdom. 1920 – The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic is founded. 1923 – Wembley Stadium is opened, named initially as the Empire Stadium. 1930 – The Independence Producers hosted the first night game in the history of Organized Baseball in Independence, Kansas. 1941 – The Ustaše massacre nearly 200 Serbs in the village of Gudovac, the first massacre of their genocidal campaign against Serbs of the Independent State of Croatia. 1944 – World War II: Nine German E-boats attacked US and UK units during Exercise Tiger, the rehearsal for the Normandy landings, killing 946. 1945 – Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are shot dead by Walter Audisio, a member of the Italian resistance movement. 1945 – The Holocaust: Nazi Germany carries out its final use of gas chambers to execute 33 Upper Austrian socialist and communist leaders in Mauthausen concentration camp. 1947 – Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki to demonstrate that Peruvian natives could have settled Polynesia. 1948 – Igor Stravinsky conducted the premiere of his American ballet, Orpheus at the New York City Center. 1949 – The Hukbalahap are accused of assassinating former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon, while she is en route to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late husband; her daughter and ten others are also killed. 1952 – Dwight D. Eisenhower resigns as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in order to campaign in the 1952 United States presidential election. 1952 – The Treaty of San Francisco comes into effect, restoring Japanese sovereignty and ending its state of war with most of the Allies of World War II. 1952 – The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War. 1965 – United States occupation of the Dominican Republic: American troops land in the Dominican Republic to "forestall establishment of a Communist dictatorship" and to evacuate U.S. Army troops. 1967 – Vietnam War: Boxer Muhammad Ali refuses his induction into the United States Army and is subsequently stripped of his championship and license. 1969 – Charles de Gaulle resigns as President of France. 1970 – Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard Nixon formally authorizes American combat troops to take part in the Cambodian campaign. 1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, recorded in Abbey Road Studios goes to number one on the US Billboard chart, beginning a record-breaking 741-week chart run. 1975 – General Cao Văn Viên, chief of the South Vietnamese military, departs for the US as the North Vietnamese Army closes in on victory. 1977 – The Red Army Faction trial ends, with Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe found guilty of four counts of murder and more than 30 counts of attempted murder. 1978 – The President of Afghanistan, Mohammed Daoud Khan, is overthrown and assassinated in a coup led by pro-communist rebels. 1986 – High levels of radiation resulting from the Chernobyl disaster are detected at a nuclear power plant in Sweden, leading Soviet authorities to publicly announce the accident. 1988 – Near Maui, Hawaii, flight attendant Clarabelle "C.B." Lansing is blown out of Aloha Airlines Flight 243, a Boeing 737, and falls to her death when part of the plane's fuselage rips open in mid-flight. 1994 – Former Central Intelligence Agency counterintelligence officer and analyst Aldrich Ames pleads guilty to giving U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union and later Russia. 1996 – Whitewater controversy: President Bill Clinton gives a 41⁄2 hour videotaped testimony for the defense. 1996 – Port Arthur massacre, Tasmania: A gunman, Martin Bryant, opens fire at the Broad Arrow Cafe in Port Arthur, Tasmania, killing 35 people and wounding 23 others. 2004 – CBS News released evidence of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse. The photographs show rape and abuse from the American troops over Iraqi detainees.
0 notes
louis-in-red · 2 years
I saw Louis in my city!!!
Ever since that boy stepped in Peru, Lima has been WAY TOO SUNNY for autumn/winter! Usually, Lima is very gray with minimun sunlight during this time of the year, but the sun really came out the days Louis was here, and I'm so happy because the city looked extra beautiful (he also stayed in one of the fanciest places in the city near the beach and the hotel had a pool so I hope he took advantage of it).
I couldn't get the day off yesterday because I was on holiday last week, so my chances of queuing early were none (I wasn't planing on going in the morning either way but I didn't want to go late). Because of work (adult life sucks) I arrived at the venue around 7pm (also the venue is far away from where I live, it took me an hour to get there), expecting everyone to already be inside because doors opened at 6pm, but I was surprised to see a very long long line that circled the Mall (the venue is inside a mega huge mall). I waited for my friends to arrived and we waited closed to the entrance until everybody got in, but after a while we realized it was better if we just queued😩. At the end we entered around 8:30pm when Sunroom was already playing so we missed the majority of their set. Since there was time till Louis started, I bought merch (the black t-shirt with the red eye) and then just waited with my friends for the concert to star 😄
He was late 😅 like for 10 minutes I think? but soon enough we saw the band getting on stage and the lights and We Made It started playing and then HE GOT ON STAGE and MY GOD!!!! I couldn't see him properly because I was almost in the back haha but the screens helped a lot!! (I saw jdelf🔪…) And I have to mention here how important and relevant was to start the concert with that song for us Peruvians because I know many Peruvians Louies fought very hard to have Louis here in our country which often is not included in tours 🥺. It was extra special and I was super emocional during that song. The energy in the venue was great since the start, specially during the 1D songs... which tbh I didn't mind because I know the fanbase is still very much 1D focused, but they totally made the concert about HIM. I didn't see any signs about a 1D reunion or about any ship or any dolls that weren't Louis, at least in my section, and that made me so happy because I was quite scared since I know how popular that ship is here in Peru (someone even mentioned it in the news but I won't focus on that), and from the photos I've seen of the barricade, I think the focus all the time was on Louis, which is how it's supposed to be.
I was sort of surprised that many didn't know the lyrics of Change(s) or Copy, but then I realized maybe it's because most of the people around me seemed like casual fans (not very much invested in the personal life or obvs not into deep in the fandom as me haha) and maybe they didn't even watch any livestreams before. At the end I realized it didn't matter that not everyone sang the new songs, because when Louis asked us to scream we delivered. I was also a bit concerned about the outdoor venue because a close one helps with the acoustic of the screams and the noise (and I wanted us to be super loud), but the crowd really came through!!! like the energy was amazing, super fun and electric and you could tell everyone there loved Louis.
I have to mention how special hearing Change(s) felt this time, as well as DLIBYH. Mainly because for a while I was feeling a bit meh about many things, including my job and in times the fandom, like for a bit I was feeling way too many things and many aspects started to bothered me way more that they should... I'm rambling haha... I feel way better now, like I think I needed this leg of the tour to happen to feel this energy, to feel Louis close to us, and those two songs are just... so great 😭 so comforting. Even my friend who didn't listen to Change(s) before said it was the best song, lyrically and emotionally and that she can't wait for the next album to come out (honestly same haha).
Now... Michael... what the hell??!!! he is so HOT!!! playing his guitar, being all daddy on stage and then all shy when fans approach him in the streets. Like everyone was always screaming for him, specially me and my friends haha like the thirst for Mikey is real (Louis would approve, I know it). My friend already follows him on insta and says he is a hottie 🥵
I loved being there with one of my best friends! since I'm always second guessing everything I was thinking maybe she wasn't going to enjoy it that much since she isn't fan of Louis like me, but I was surprised to see that she knew every song in Walls and that she loved the concert and that now she is hopefully closer to being a Louie 🫢 The other friends I was with were also happy and jumping and singing at the top of their lungs, and they just made the whole experience a great one!! I felt so young again!!
Last but not least, experiencing this in my own country was extra especial and even though I wasn't anywhere near him as I was in Buenos Aires, this felt different because ... this is where I live, this is where I was born, where I've lived most of my life... Louis WAS HERE??? AND HE LOVED IT? HE KEPT SAYING "LIMA/PERU" AND MY HEART COULDN'T TAKE IT? LIKE HE WAS THE SWEETEST VOICE??!!! And he was so baby yesterday, clean shaved and in his baggy shirt and his almost tight black jeans, and he kept saying that he felt our love, that our country was beautiful and he just has my heart you know? he already had it but now he has it more 😩
So yeah... this was long and I could probably write more but I just want to close this by saying that every time I think I couldn't be more proud of Louis, he shows me that I can. Yesterday was magical, healing, lovely. I wish Louis the very best all the time, and I hope he knows, I hope he knows how much we love him and how much he deserves this because he does❤️
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hlupdate · 5 years
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radioplanetfm: ¡Sé uno de los 5 afortunados que podrán escuchar la nueva canción de @louist91! Participa y forma parte del Louis's Listening Party junto a tus locutores del Planeta este Lunes 21 de octubre. Sorteo: 20 de octubre. Ver términos y condiciones en planeta.pe
A listening party for Louis’ new song will also be held in Peru - 18/10/19
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peliscineuhdgratis · 4 years
V-E-R (@pelisplus) Onward PELICULA completa en Espanol y Latino HD 4K
CINE HD 🎬 ● VER_ Onward pelicula gratis [Repelis] Espanol 2020
|4K UHD|1080P FULL HD|720P HD|MKV|MP4|FLV|DVD|Blu-Ray|
🎬VER PELICULA 👉👉 https://bit.ly/2VvcmV2
🎬DESCARGAR 👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/y7mcp35j
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6 de marzo de 2020 / 1h 42min / Animación, Fantasía
Dirigida por Dan Scanlon
Reparto Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Nacionalidad EE.UU.
Película no recomendada a menores de 13 años
Hace mucho tiempo el mundo estaba lleno de maravillas y existía la magia. Como no era fácil controlarla, se decidió buscar una forma mas sencilla de hacerlo funcionar. Hoy ese mundo está poblado de elfos, hadas, trolls, pegasos y unicornios, pero se ha perdido la magia por completo. En los suburbios de este mundo de fantasía viven dos hermanos, los elfos adolescentes Ian y Barley Lightfoot. Sus vidas cambiarán por completo cuando lean una carta que su padre les grabó antes de morir. Junto con esa carta, el padre les ha dejado un bastón de mago como herencia. Será entonces cuando se embarquen en una extraordinaria misión para descubrir si todavía hay magia en el mundo, y para pasar un día con su padre. ¿Quedará al menos un poco de magia en ellos para conseguirlo? Esta película de animación está producida por los estudios Pixar y Disney.
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Esapnol
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Mexicano
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Castellano
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Latino
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Argentina
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Bolivia
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Chilena
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Colombia
Onward (2020) Películas costarricenses completes
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Paraguay
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Cubana
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Peru
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Venezuela
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Uruguay
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Panama
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Honduras
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Nicaragua
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Puerto Rico
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Equatorial Guinea
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa El Salvador
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Ecuador
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Dominican Republic
Onward (2020) Doblaje Espana
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Pelis24]] My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising Pelicula Completa online | en Espanol Latio Gratis
CINE HD 🎬 ● VER_ My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising pelicula gratis [Repelis] Espanol 2020
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6 de marzo de 2020 / 1h 42min / Animación, Fantasía
Dirigida por Dan Scanlon
Reparto Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Nacionalidad EE.UU.
Películas para niños a partir de 6 años
Hace mucho tiempo el mundo estaba lleno de maravillas y existía la magia. Como no era fácil controlarla, se decidió buscar una forma mas sencilla de hacerlo funcionar. Hoy ese mundo está poblado de elfos, hadas, trolls, pegasos y unicornios, pero se ha perdido la magia por completo. En los suburbios de este mundo de fantasía viven dos hermanos, los elfos adolescentes Ian y Barley Lightfoot. Sus vidas cambiarán por completo cuando lean una carta que su padre les grabó antes de morir. Junto con esa carta, el padre les ha dejado un bastón de mago como herencia. Será entonces cuando se embarquen en una extraordinaria misión para descubrir si todavía hay magia en el mundo, y para pasar un día con su padre. ¿Quedará al menos un poco de magia en ellos para conseguirlo? Esta película de animación está producida por los estudios Pixar y Disney.
 My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa En Espanol
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Mexicano
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Castellano
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa En Latino
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Argentina
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa En Bolivia
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Chilena
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa En Colombia
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Películas costarricenses completes
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Paraguay
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Cubana
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa En Peru
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Venezuela
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Uruguay
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Panama
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Honduras
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Nicaragua
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Puerto Rico
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Equatorial Guinea
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa El Salvador
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Ecuador
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Pelicula Completa Dominican Republic
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2020) Doblaje Espana
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OFICIAL.ver_Onward - Disney. España 2020 pelicula-completa en Espanol y Latino (ONLINE)
CINE_HD : Onward (2020) Película completa doblada en línea ~ Lanzamiento Espanol HD. Mira los subtítulos completos en línea de Onward (2020). Onward Mira películas completas gratis.
========================== Ver Pelicula aqui ➥〚 https://bit.ly/2W2vXfx 〛 Descargar In HD ➥〚 https://tinyurl.com/umq2a9r 〛 ========================== |4K UHD|1080P FULL HD|720P HD|MKV|MP4|FLV|DVD|Blu-Ray|
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Lanzamiento: Feb 29, 2020 | Duración: 102 minutos | Género: Animación, Familia, Aventura, Comedia, Fantasía Estrellas: Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer, Mel Rodriguez, Kyle Bornheimer
Sinopsis y detalles
Onward (2020) - Animación Películas 102 minutos. Dois Irmãos: Uma Jornada Fantástica, 1/2的魔法, 二分之一的魔法, 魔法环游记, Unidos, Unidos, Fremad, Bora Lá, Вперед. Ambientado en un mundo de fantasía suburbana, dos hermanos elfos adolescentes, Ian y Barley Lightfood, se embarcan en una aventura en la que se proponen descubrir si existe aún algo de magia en el mundo que les permita pasar un último día con su padre, que falleció cuando ellos eran aún muy pequeños como para poder recordarlo. elves, fantasy world, teenage protagonist, brother brother relationship, disney
Onward Ver película completa, Onward Película en línea, Ver Onward Película en línea, Ver Onward  Película en inglés completo, Onward Película subtitulada PT, Onward Película completa doblada , Onward Película completa subtitulada, Onward Película completa.
Etiquetas :
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Espanol
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Mexicano
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Castellano
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Latino
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa Argentina
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Bolivia
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Chilena
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Colombia
Onward (2020) Películas costarricenses completes
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Paraguay
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Cubana
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Peru
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Venezuela
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Uruguay
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Panama
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Honduras
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Nicaragua
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Puerto Rico
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Equatorial Guinea
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En El Salvador
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Ecuador
Onward (2020) Pelicula Completa En Dominican Republic
Onward (2020) Doblaje Espana Pelicula Completa VER MEGA HD 4K MP4
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