#louis' tour been amazing
ladychlo · 2 years
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monpetithl · 1 year
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happy 2023 🌟
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nobodymoves · 5 months
i have not been able to stop watching this video for the past 22 hours i’m obsessed with it
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ocean-sailor · 1 year
Lets be honest his tickets are cheap beacause they are not selling the way they expected it.and I am saying this as louie which you wont belive I guess
If you're a Louie and want to have an honest discussion, why are you on anon?
Anyway, I disagree. The FITF tour doesn't even start until May 26 - more than four months away - so not being sold out on every date (there are some already) is normal.
Most of the world is dealing with increased expenses due to inflation and the war in Ukraine. And on top of that, there is a decent chance of a recession so people are likely being a bit careful with their money.
When tour is closer, fans will be excited about going, will have had time to save up if they need to, and tickets will sell out. Fans will be live streaming shows again and that will build even more excitement.
Louis' tickets are a range of affordability - which used to be and should be normal and I appreciate it. For his Vancouver show, I was lucky enough to buy tickets when it was first announced and got a good seat for ~$120. Seats near me on resale are over $400 on Ticketmaster atm. There are some non-resale tickets available a bit further back for normal prices tho ... so a good range.
Going to a show shouldn't be a choice between paying for rent/food or seeing your fave live. That's the greed of Ticketmaster capitalism - it's relatively recent and it's very wrong.
Louis loves his fans AND he wants to give everyone a chance to see his show. That's a very good thing imo. What's not to love about that?
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
Ok but these fan projects must make Louis feel so loved! He may not have #1charting songs but we all go so hard for him. The AFH festival is over a month out and Spanish Louies are killing it.
I really hope he has someone on his team (Oli looking at you) who’s keeping a tally of all the projects that fans do for him! And I hope he feels loved. Cuz that’s what louies want for him, to somehow make sure he know just how loved he is! And how insanely proud we are of him.
The Spanish louies projects for ahfh22 are quite literally next level! It’s going to be one big giant party, and I’m so happy for louies who get to go (also very very jealous ngl)!
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rainbowbeanstyles · 7 days
To celebrate it being the last show of FITFWT, what have your favourite moments been of the tour? 💕💕
thank you and the other anon that sent this!! and to be honest i didn't reaaaly catch up with most of the tour🤣 i'll give you some at the top of my head, excuse me while i remember
MEXICO. just louis being here, the whole feqw show was an absolute dream to watch and i appreciate how much louis loves my country:'''), seeing all my mexican louies living their dream of seeing louis live, it was also really nice finding out some fellow mexicans and spanish speakers here in tumblr! there's so many! THE FLAG WRAPPED AROUND LOUIS. !!!!!!
another moment I really liked seeing was the kmm project back with its roots in chile, it looked wonderful and you can just feel the amaaazing energy and excitement, nobody beats latam fans lol
BACK TO YOU ANGELS FLY BACK TO YOU ANGELS FLY (def the songs im always looking forward to listen to when watching a live)
that time when louis showed up with a tanktop, i wasn't watching (FUCK), completely missed that moment and when i checked dash everybody was absolutely destroyed lmao it was so fun to witness
every picture of the scar<3 in all it's glory that little shitt
wasn't too specific but the whole tour was amazing, seeing louis grow and becoming even more confident in himself has been such a joy to watch, im proud of this man damn! every emotional speech coming from his big heart, everytime he sat down to admire the crowd and what he's been able to achieve, everything just simply perfect<3
ALSO being part of this amazing collab with so many great artists, hope we can post our art soon ahh!!
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louistardust · 1 year
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louismygf · 2 years
the end of ltwt 2022 ⚰️💐
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cbrownjc · 25 days
So it really seems like Armand is Alice - or Daniel's lost memories of Armand have been conflated with his memories of Alice, or something. I'd be really interested to know your thoughts on how much Louis knows? We see malicious triumph from him but (I think) not really an awareness that this specific memory has heavy shades of Armand in it, more like he was happy to weaponise any terrible memory of Daniel's that came to hand.
But how could Louis not know? If Armand and Daniel were together in the past I bet Louis knew about it and probably still does?
(Also your Tumblr is amazing and fascinating and ILU)
Hello! I'm glad you like my Tumblr and thank you for the amazingly kind words! *hugs* 💕
So, Armand & Daniel and Louis. Now, my gut feeling at the moment is that Louis knows a lot about what happened between Armand and Daniel. But possibly not everything.
Or, more directly, I do think it's possible that Louis doesn't fully know how serious it really got between Armand and Daniel; that Armand and Daniel actually truly, deeply, and sincerely fell in love with each other. I may be wrong about that (as I've only had a chance to watch the episode once so far), but there are some little things that are making me think that for now.
The main reason is that we now have an answer for why Louis has called Daniel "our boy" before. (Which he hasn't done this season yet, but I'm sure it's coming.) IMO the reason was indirectly revealed in the scene when Real Rashid brought out the pictures . . . and what Louis and Armand both said about who some of the pictures were of: which is that they were pictures of young human men that were kept with Louis and Armand -- in their company -- for a period of time.
These two -- Louis and Armand -- would basically add a third into their relationship at one time or another. And that they did so a LOT more than once. And that it was something that was always initiated by Louis -- probably because it was something that was Louis' idea to do in the first place, back when they first did so with whomever the first young man they pulled in was.
We don't know how long these young men were kept with them, but I don't think it's wrong to guess that some were kept for rather long periods. It was Louis who would draw these young men into them . . . then some would be drained dry at some point if they weren't just let go.
And Daniel was basically set to be the next in the long line of young men that Louis and Armand would do this with. That is what was initially happening that night at Polynesian Mary's. With Louis, once again, being the one to draw the young man -- in this case, Daniel -- in.
But what made everything different this time -- and what made Daniel different from all the young men that had come before him wrt this -- was that first interview. And I think Assad hinted in an interview during the press tour as to why Armand steps in and saves Daniel's life when Louis attacks Daniel. And that reason is that during that interview, Daniel is able to understand and connect with Louis in a way that Armand hasn't been able to during all their years together. And so becomes fascinated by Daniel because of that.
And I don't think I'm guessing that Armand never became fascinated in such a way with any of the other young men that Louis lured into a triad with them. (Or, if Armand ever did, it was a very fleeting thing).
So, I think in this instance, the third that was lured in by Louis actually ended up fully capturing Armand's attention and, eventually, his heart. And while, as with all the other young men they had done this with before, Daniel was very much "our boy" for both him and Armand in Louis' eyes . . . there were deeper emotions that were growing between Armand and Daniel during that time that Louis just didn't really see -- or that maybe Armand kept Louis from seeing.
Because remember, Armand is much more skilled at the Mind Gift than Louis is. And Louis, very possibly, might have still been under the veil that -- in the books -- his mind gets clouded over by Armand after they first leave Paris.
So there are many reasons Louis may not have fully noticed everything that was happening between Armand and Daniel during however long Daniel was with them. (And, IMO, it is very much looking like it was at least 12 years, which was the length of the whole Devil's Minion saga -- before Daniel was finally turned -- in the book QotD).
Louis knows some things I feel sure of. Like, Louis knows Armand and Daniel had sex because . . . yeah. Armand and Louis weren't just pulling in young human men to be a third with them to play cards or something. 😏 But I'm not sure that Louis knows about the full emotional depth (and heartbreak) of everything that went down between Armand and Daniel.
So yeah, Louis knows about Armand & Daniel -- because he was the one to draw Daniel in to be a third with him and Armand in the first place. But I don't think Louis knows just how deeply and emotionally serious it really got between them. And maybe it's mostly because Armand just kept that part of it from Louis.
As to the Alice = Armand thing and if Louis knows that. . . again I'm not sure. It is one reason I kind of still sort of lean toward the idea that Alice is a real person, but many things about her have been merged with Armand in Daniel's mind. And Louis doesn't actually know which is which.
However . . . Louis could very well know how serious it got between Armand and Daniel, and that Alice isn't real and just really is Armand; and Louis just did what he did -- emotionally going in on Daniel like that -- because Louis really just wanted to hurt Daniel in that way because Daniel had hurt him in the same way just by asking about Lestat like that. Louis does have a very sadistic streak in him, I think that has been very well-established. And it would just be the simplest answer too for it all as well.
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
Can you write a mini story of Jack and the reader. And can the trope be a fake dating for the media. Also can you the reader as an actress as well. And during their fake dating fling, they developed their feelings for each other but weren’t that sure to admit. So Jack calls it off and starts dating another girl. Later on, he realizes he still has feelings for the reader. And you can write the ending, please surprise me!
hi! i love this trope😫 hope you enjoy it🤍!
lost in translation — jack champion
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word count: 2,944
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are working on a rom-com together and are asked to fake date. feelings bloom and jack calls it off, breaking y/n’s heart and, as collateral damage, their friendship.
author’s note: this is me claiming my love for louis partdrige (he’s so pretty😫) and lynn painter (read her books she’s amazing)
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Y/N HAD ALWAYS BEEN A BIG ROMCOM LOVER, SO WHEN SHE GOT THE ROLE OF LIZ ON THE ADAPTATION OF BETTER THAN THE MOVIES, SHE WAS ON CLOUD NINE. She met Jack (the boy who was going to play Wes, her love interest) on the chemistry read and the director instantly fell in love with their dynamic, and that’s how they got the role.
During the shooting, Y/N and Jack developed a close friendship. But the fans of the well-known rom-com book started shipping them even when the content the community managers shared was very scarce—just a few pictures of them on their breaks or during the filming, and some bloopers. The whole media kept talking about them, about how good they looked together, how their chemistry transcended the screen; and so the people involved in the publicity of the movie made a decision.
“You want us to what?” Y/N asked dumbfounded.
“To fake-date. The press tour is about to start, and we think you two dating can really boost the excitement for the movie” the head of publicity stated. “We can’t actually make you do it, as it wasn’t originally in the contract, but we think this is a great idea. The people love you”.
Y/N looked at Jack, who hadn’t moved a muscle ever since the suggestion. “Jack? What do you think?”.
“Can we talk about it? Alone?” he asked to the man in front of them, who reluctantly nodded before leaving the office. “I honestly don’t know shit about publicity, but if they think it’s going to help, then we should do it”.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
Jack nodded “It’s you the one who doesn’t seem sure”.
“I don’t have a problem with fake dating you, I just don’t want our friendship to become weird or anything, because I value it a lot” Y/N told him. Jack’s heart broke, knowing how hard it was for her to establish friendships after her old friends started acting weird and became more interested in the events she could take them to rather than in her well-being and life. He knew he was one of her only real friends and now felt bad she had been put in such a spot.
“Hey, no. It won’t, it’ll be just like when we were filming, right? Just that we will do it in public” Jack tried to reassure her, pulling her into a hug.
“Okay… let’s just promise that if we get uncomfortable or if it’s becoming too much, we’ll be honest with each other and call this thing off, okay? Our friendship is way more important that the publicity” she said, looking him in the eyes.
Jack smiled, and showed her his little finger “I pinky promise”. Y/N laughed, wrapping her pinky with his.
And so their fake relationship began, not knowing that no promises could stop the feelings that were meant to evolve.
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THEY COULDN’T REALLY TELL THE EXACT MOMENT EVERYTHING CHANGED. The shift in their relationship was so natural and gradual that they almost didn’t notice.
Everything was done more often—dates, kisses, hand holding—, physical touch seemed to be a need now—it could be just intertwined fingers or his arms wrapped around her shoulders and hers around his waist—, longing glances when the other wasn’t looking, eyes drifting to each other’s lips everytime one of them was talking. They even had dates out of the public sight—even though none of them called it a ‘date’, they simply convinced theirselves it was a friendly hang out. They slept at each other’s houses, waking up the following day with Jack’s arms draped around her waist while her back was pressed against his front or, their personal favorite, Y/N’s head on his chest and arms around his torso while Jack’s was wrapped around her shoulders pressing her more against his chest.
So yes, it was so slow and felt so natural that it took them time to realize they had fallen for each other. Both of them had completely different reactions—while Y/N decided she was going to take a risk and confess her feelings, Jack’s fears blinded him. It’s not that he didn’t want to admit his feelings, but everytime the option of confessing crossed his mind the words she spoke came to him: “I just don’t want our friendship to become weird or anything, because I value it a lot”. Y/N had been so scared of their friendship being ruined because of the fake dating thing, Jack knew keeping his feelings hidden was the best option. But also, he couldn’t keep hurting himself and that was exactly what he was doing by pretending to be her boyfriend when he wanted it to be real.
Friday came around, meaning it was their sleepover day. They had just finished eating the spaghetti Y/N made, and were about to choose a movie to watch when Jack decided to speak up at the same time Y/N opened her mouth to confess.
“Oh, sorry. You can tell me” Jack told her. Y/N shook her head, signalling him to go ahead. “I have been thinking and I think we should call the fake dating thing off”.
Y/N’s mouth was open, yet no words came out of it. She had been thinking for days what the best way to express her feelings for him would be. She had a whole speech planned and was now left speechless.
“Oh… okay, if you feel is the best thing” she faked her best smile, while trying not to fall apart right in front of his eyes. “I just… need to ask, is everything okay? I mean, this is very sudden”.
“I just feel this is becoming too much, and you said we should be honest with each other” he simply answered.
Y/N nodded playing with the remote control in her hand. It was clear, he felt uncomfortable being her fake boyfriend because he only saw her as a friend. “Right, yeah. Thank you for telling me, then. We should talk to the head of publicity tomorrow. The press tour is almost over, so there shouldn’t be any problem”
“Cool” Jack nodded. He should’ve felt relieved that she took it so well, but instead, he felt sad. Maybe even disappointed in the fact that she didn’t fight the decision. And he also felt angry at himself for expecting so much of her part when it wasn’t her fault that he had fallen for her and she didn’t feel the same.
Jack had wanted to save their friendship so bad, he didn’t realize that the conversation had been the first crack in the glass.
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Y/N REALLY DID TRY TO NOT LET THE CIRCUMSTANCES INFLUENCE THEIR FRIENDSHIP, BUT THEY WERE SLOWLY DRIFTING APART. The texts were becoming less frequent and drier, the hang outs were brief and filled with awkwardness and so were their conversations.
The publicists thanked all the gods that the press tour was over, because they had never seen two people have less chemistry than Jack and Y/N. It was so hard for everyone to comprehend how two people whose eyes used to spark when they were around the other suddenly became lifeless.
But their breaking point came a few weeks later, it was the thing that made them stop talking for good. No more texting at all, no hanging out—alone or in public—no conversations, no looking at each other, no interactions at all.
Y/N was watching a movie with her friends, Millie and Louis, when Millie suddenly gasped. Y/N and Louis laughed “Mills, if you are with your phone while we’re watching a movie at least be discreet” the girl said, but Millie didn’t laugh or apologise, she just stared at her with saddened eyes, which made Y/N frown. “Is everything okay?”.
“When was the last time you opened social media?” she asked, while Louis took her phone to see what she was looking at.
Y/N saw him clench his jaw, which made her feel more confused “Um, I barely use my phone anymore, just to text… why? You’re scaring me, guys” she laughed nervously, trying to take a peek at the phone but Louis hid it quickly “Lou, give me the phone”.
The boy sitting next to her shook his head “It’s not the best idea”.
“Tell me what is going on, please. You’re making me anxious” Y/N’s voice was almost begging.
Millie sighed “It’s a picture someone took of Jack… he’s with a girl. They are… holding hands and exiting a restaurant”.
“Let me see” Y/N said extending her hand, but Louis just refused to do it. “Louis. Phone. Now”.
“Come on, Y/N/N, don’t be a masochist” Louis told her.
“I’m just going to see it on my phone later, so what you’re trying to do is useless” Y/N pointed out.
Louis sighed in defeat and gave her Millie’s phone. Y/N stared at the picture—Jack was looking as gorgeous as ever and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She missed him so fucking much, she hadn’t heard his voice in days (now she knew why, he was too busy). And then her eyes trailed to the girl holding his hand. She was very pretty—tall, long legs, blonde, muscular, stylish—and Y/N couldn’t help but compare herself with her.
“Stop it, I know what you’re doing and just don’t” Louis said, turning the phone off. “You’re gorgeous and way too good for him. It’s his loss, and he doesn’t deserve you”.
Y/N broke down for the first time in weeks, her feelings had been bottled up and the glass that held them inside finally exploded. Louis quickly put his arms around her, and Millie joined them in a heartbeat.
“I still have the fucking premiere” she cried harder when she remembered “What if- what if he goes with her? I can’t go”.
“Are you kidding me? You’re not going to miss the premiere. You work so hard for this! It’s your favorite rom-com and you are the main protagonist!” Millie said. “This is your dream. And you’re not going to let this ruin it”.
“I know, Mills. But I won’t be able to handle it. He’s going to be there, and even if she’s not there, I know he’s with her and looking at him knowing that will kill me” Y/N said, brushing away the tears. “Besides I can’t face that alone”.
“You’re not going to be alone. I’ll go with you” Louis offered.
“You actually had a great idea for once!” Millie exclaimed, making Louis roll his eyes and Y/N let out a little laugh. “Lou will be there for moral support, and you won’t feel alone. But you are definitely not going to miss your premiere”.
“Thank you, guys. I love you”
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JACK’S MIND HAD BEEN A MESS LATELY. Y/N stopped responding his texts, it’s been two weeks with no signs of her. He would’ve been worried if he hadn’t seen the instagram stories her friends, Millie and Louis, posted with her. So it didn’t take a genius to realize she was ignoring him on purpose, and he didn’t have a clue why. He missed her so much, it was driving him insane. Jack wanted to go back to that night and take back everything he had said, they still would be fine if he hadn’t opened his mouth.
Jack thought that by cutting off the deal, they would go back to being friends and his feelings would have eventually faded away. He even started dating a girl he meet at the gym, but Y/N lingered on his mind all day, every day. And when the day of the premiere came, his eyes searched for her figure as soon as he arrived to the red carpet.
Jack’s smile widened when he saw her. She looked absolutely breathtaking—as always—but then his smile fell when he realized she was with someone else.
“Can you at least be a little less obvious?” Kate asked.
“Sorry” Jack apologised. “Thank you for coming with me, even after our breakup”.
“It isn’t a break up if we weren’t really together. It was just a couple of dates to benefit the other. You needed to get your mind off her, I needed to get my mind off my ex” she answered. “Although I have to say, I don’t know if me coming was the best idea”.
“Maybe not” Jack said, stopping for a picture “I just couldn’t face it alone”.
“He’s with her” Y/N said to Louis, faking smiles as the photographers flashed their cameras at them.
“I know. I’ve been feeling his stare ever since we arrived” Louis replied. “He’s totally jealous, I can feel it”.
Y/N shook her head “You’re speaking nonsense”
“Nope, I know what I’m talking about. And I get it, you’re looking incredibly stunning and you have an eye-candy with extremely good bone-structure on your arm”
“And with a big ego” she added with a laugh. “Let’s go, eye candy”.
“Don’t you need to take pictures with him?” Louis asked in a whisper as they approached Jack and his date.
“Yeah” Y/N sighed, chest tightening as they reached them. “Hi” she greeted, looking at Jack—who looked beyond handsome—and then set her eyes on the girl next to him. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you”.
“Kate” she greeted with a smile “And we both not that’s a lie” Kate laughed, surprising her. “It’s okay. Just, take the pictures and please, for the love of god, talk to each other!”
“Hi, I’m Louis and I’m very confused” the tall boy next to Y/N spoke up. “But I agree with the last part” he added, then looked at his friend “I’ll see you later to see the movie, okay? Let’s go…”
“Kate” the blonde girl reminded him as they walked away.
The two teenagers looked at each other, not knowing what to say. “We should… pose for the picture maybe?” Y/N broke the silence.
Jack nodded nervously “Yeah, yeah”.
He put his hand on her waist, and they both tensed. It had been so long since they were this close, their skin felt like burning and their hearts were beating at a dangerous rhythm. They only posed for a couple of seconds, yet it felt like an eternity. But once it was over, the awkwardness came back.
“Let’s go inside, our dates are waiting” she spoke up.
They entered the place, but as Y/N began to walk away, Jack’s hand grabbed hers making her stop in her tracks. “No. We need to talk first”.
“Jack, the movie is starting in a few minutes”
“A few minutes is all I need. I—we—can’t go on like this” Jack said. “I’m sorry. If I’m being honest, I don’t know exactly what I did, but I’m sorry for not trying hard enough to save our friendship”.
“That’s the thing, Jack. It isn’t your fault, it’s all on me. I’m the one who drifted apart because I didn’t know how to handle my feelings” Y/N let her guard down, willing to be completely honest. After all, their friendship was already dead.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked confused.
“I love you, Jack. I- I wanted to tell you. In fact, I planned on telling you during our last sleep over but-“
“But I called our deal off” he finished, cursing himself.
Y/N nodded “I understood that acting as my boyfriend was too much for you, because you only saw me as a friend. But I just couldn’t go back to being just your friend, I tried for a while but it was really hard. And then, you started dating her and… it killed me. I just couldn’t talk to you knowing you had someone else”.
Jack shook his head, wanting to laugh at the situation “The reason I called it off is because I fell for you, Y/N/N. I didn’t think you felt the same, and I knew how important our friendship was to you. I wanted to protect it, but instead I messed it up”
Y/N looked at him with her mouth open, and then laughed drily “Really? All this time we felt the same thing and we ruined it because we got lost in translation?” she said in a tone of disbelief “And now it’s already too late”.
“What? Why?” Jack asked surprised. “I still love you… you don’t love me anymore?”
“Of course I love you Jack, but you have a girlfriend”
“Kate is not my girlfriend. She never was” Jack told her.
“I saw the pictures, Jack”
“We went to a couple of dates, we both needed to get our minds off the people we loved. But we stopped once we realized how silly it was, we’re just friends” he explained. Jack took one step closer to her until her back touched the wall behind her “I love you and I want to be your boyfriend… that is if you aren’t dating Louis”.
Y/N laughed, her smile now impossible to erase “No, he came as a friend”
Jack smiled in relief “So…”
“So, boyfriend, we should get inside, our dates are waiting” Y/N said, a teasing smile on her face.
Jack laughed “Can I kiss you first?”
“I’m begging you” she said, grabbing the collar of his suit to push him down. Their lips met in the middle and they both smile through it “I missed this, I missed you”.
“God, I missed you too. You have no idea” he said, kissing her harder.
“Hey, this is a family friendly place” Louis’ voice interrupted them “Get inside, love birds, your movie is about to start”.
Jack and Y/N looked at each other with lovey smiles and, hand in hand, they entered the theatre to see the movie that brought them together.
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blouisparadise · 12 days
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of May. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) My Heart's In Overdrive, And You're Behind The Steering Wheel | Explicit | 1,649 words
Being late to class means Harry and Louis have to pose together for figure drawings. That being said, the hate each other, but maybe they don't?
2) It's A Question Of Lust, It's A Question Of Trust | Explicit | 2,258 words
Louis is shaken up after being assaulted at the barricade in Panama City and feels guilty, he can't get it out of his head. Harry knows what he needs to escape the worry. Harry steps over, speaking quietly into his ear. "Good boy, doing as I asked." He looks beautiful, his skin golden, dark nipples puckered, his cock starting to get hard. His breath already ragged. "Not that you always do, eh?" "Sir?" His blue eyes stare at Harry, nervous, uncertain. "Letting those tarts fondle and grope you after each show. When you know you belong to me."
3) If Walls Could Talk | Explicit | 2,394 words
Louis is waiting backstage for Harry after his second show in Coventry. It's their last night together before Louis leaves for his own tour. Harry's mission for the evening is to worship Louis' body and make him see himself through Harry's eyes.
4) In An Octopus's Garden With You | General Audiances | 4,682 words
Autistic alpha Harry, a teacher, spends an overwhelming day on a field trip to the aquarium. Luckily, his omega, Louis, knows just what he needs.
5) I Didn't Have To Search Cuz I Still Know Your Number| Explicit | 5,161 words
As Louis approaches the front of the old flat he sees a light on upstairs in what used to be their master bedroom. A memory flicks through Louis’ mind of Louis spread open on the duvet with Harry between his legs nipping and sucking on his hole while Louis whimpered and writhed, clutching the sheets and moaning out Harry’s name. Louis looks down to see his dick at half mass and sighs. Louis flicks the butt of the cigarette to the ground and pulls his phone back out of his pocket. He exits the Uber app and pulls up his contacts, scrolling down to the H’s until he lands upon Harry’s name in his phone. He pulls up their messages and sees the last time they talked was right after the break up all those years ago. Louis begins to type out a message to Harry, hoping he hasn't changed his number. Louis: U up? (sent at 1:14am)
6) You Have Me | Not Rated | 5,529 words
Louis is escaping his mundane reality, avoiding his fiancée, and going to an anonymous hook up party in the woods. When the mysterious stranger who has been eyeing him all night asks him to come back to his tent, Louis is game for anything. He doesn’t know that he’s going to get an offer he can’t refuse.
7) All My Life | Not Rated | 5,553 words
The four times Harry tries to propose and the one time he gets it right (or does he?)
8) Limping In The Limelight | Explicit | 5,832 words
Harry breaks his accessory navicular during a concert in Birmingham in 2015.
9) I Like to Watch | Explicit | 9,287 words
If there’s one thing Harry loves, it’s watching his husband Louis get fucked by other men. After picking up a lad called Zayn who is baffled by this concept, the three men are in for a wild night.
10) House Husband | Mature | 11,853 words
Louis and Harry are happily married with two beautiful kids. Harry is a lawyer who provides for his family and Louis is his sassy house husband. This is a week in their life.
11) For A Sushi Restaurant | Explicit | 13,345 words
And yet, in the depth of the sea, where water started to go from that sky blue to the dark petrol blue, almost black, of the unknown, creatures moved, ready to attack at a moment’s notice, sleek tails and pale, blueish skin helping them with mimesis. Or, cecaelia Harry and human Louis.
12) Peaches And Soft Myth | Explicit | 36,192 words
“Greta kissed me,” he said at last. It wasn’t the main issue, but it was a start. Louis’ smile was radiant. Eyes sparkling with genuine happiness. Harry’s stomach felt a little funny, wishing he could feel as happy as the cheerleader. "Oh, my god? We did it! I’m a genius ! Was it long? Slow and sensual, full of lust and passion, tongues intertwined—" he gasped. “Did she tremble in your arms?” He hugged himself. “That’s not—” “No one believes me when I say I am a good matchmaker. They are always like, ‘Oh Louis, you have the worst eye for couples and men. You always miss the real connections.’ Who missed now? Not me. Nuh-hu, I saw the potential. Your grumpy attitude did not deter me. I'm probably the greatest matchmaker on campus. Don’t you think?” Louis’ smile faltered. “Wait… why do you look as if you were about to throw up?” “She told me her roommate leaves for a few days after spring break. She invited me to her dorm room.” “Okay?” Louis said slowly. “Am I missing something? Is it about clothes? Because I can totally find something—” Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. “It’s not about that.” “Then what?” “I…” Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m a virgin.”
13) The Maddest Obsession | Explicit | 100,974 words
One fears the dark. One rules it. Harry Styles, the dangerous mob enforcer, finds himself entangled with Louis, the strong-willed mafia-princess. As they navigate the treacherous underworld of New York, their forbidden love sparks a deadly game of loyalty, betrayal, and passion. Will their devotion to each other overcome the chaos surrounding them, or will their love be their downfall?
14) At Our Seams | Explicit | 185,290 words
Newly mated and happily engaged Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, are moving into a new phase of their lives. Together, their world felt complete. However, the world beyond their bubble has been strung into chaos. Political strife is raiding the streets and oppressive policies are being enacted everyday. Louis is desperate for something to change, to finally set the record straight for omegas and non-soulmate children everywhere. Harry is determined to keep his mate safe, even if it goes against Louis’ wishes. Unfortunately, he can’t control everything, and things quickly fall out of his hands. Who’s this new alpha who’s entered the beloved couple’s life, giving Louis another purpose Harry hadn’t been expecting? What happens when the soulmates don’t exactly see eye to eye? Will the protective alpha get his wishes, or will he concede to his cherished but oh, so stubborn omega? How strong are the seams that bind? Only time will tell.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 12 days
Long Distance Fic Recs
I didn't know this would happen when I picked this theme, but my fiancée spent the last week away at her sister's -- celebrating a new nibling! So an exciting time, but I definitely missed her, even for only a few days. So really feeling this list of long distance recs, loving each other despite the miles and yearning to be reuinited. Here are seven amazing fics!
Baby, I'm Right Here by FallingLikeThis/suddenclarityharry (8186, Explicit, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles) – fic post
Leave it to Harry to not realize he's in love with his friend until they're living in different hemispheres. It takes a date with a lovely guy who just isn't HIS lovely guy for Louis to finally say what they've both been thinking.
Reccer says: I love their easy back and forth banter and the comfortable solidness of their friendship. And when that transitions into romance -- beautiful. I'm always a fan of a meddling Niall, too, even if he's meddling in a different way than usual here!
Danger I can’t hide by CelticSky (227290, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Flying Officer Styles and Sergeant Tomlinson would have likely never crossed paths in a time of peace, their lives laid out neatly, predictably before them. But then the world became unrecognisable. Too soon they grew accustomed to fear, surrounded by death and destruction, not even their freedom a certainty any more. Until they found eachother. Comfort. Companionship. Understanding. Another person to lose.
Reccer says: In my opinion, this fic is the masterpiece of 2023. It's one of those fics that should be a movie. It's perfect. The script is masterful. The story is gripping. The characters are masterfully constructed. There's emotion, anguish. It's beautiful. It's powerful. A gem.
Du är mitt livs kärlek (You are the love of my life) by goldenkinglouis (1749, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry finally meets Louis at the airport after six months of long-distance love.
Reccer says: This fic is so sweet my teeth hurt and I just want more. So adorable and romantic and full of love.
From Eight Until Late, I Think About You by supernope (35227, Explicit, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles)
Louis and Harry are both YouTubers, and if they didn't want all their viewers to ship them they should maybe stop flirting in the comments of each other's videos. They don't live all that far apart in miles, but it still takes almost a year for them to meet in person. When they're paired up as roommates at a YouTube meetup, there is NOT only one bed, but that doesn't stop them.
Reccer says: I always love watching a relationship build and grow, and this fic does it beautifully. From joking comments to texting to Snapchat to meeting up (and promptly making VERY questionable but hysterically funny decisions together) it's just great.
miles away from seeing you by LiveLaughLoveLarry (SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFic) (1749, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is in his final year studying marine biology, and is doing an international exchange at the University of Auckland. This fic is entirely told through images of social media posts and conversations (Image descriptions are available)
Reccer says: it was the first all-media fic i've read, but i was impressed how the entire story/feelings etc came across in just pictures
seven hours behind by justanothershadeofblue (5000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry gets Louis off over the phone during Louis’ first tour.
Reccer says: Really fun slice-of-tour-life fic, and also hot!
the blue never ending sky by justanothershadeofblue (4000, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
a heart-aching AU where Harry and Louis had a dream to go off and make music together after school, but then Harry goes… without Louis. Louis PoV, with an epistolary element.
Reccer says: this fic is simple but perfectly angsty! you don’t see a lot of ambiguous-ending fics in this fandom, but this one nails it.
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dailytomlinson · 20 days
Santiago recap
Louis showed up wearing a Wales Bonner track jacket
Setlist had 22 songs
Kill My Mind Project coming back to its origin: here / here / here / HQ
“Santiago, we're off to a flyer.”
“I’ve just stood up here for the first three songs with the biggest fucking grin on my face. Look what we have done. It’s incredible. I love you, I love you!”
On the return of Lucky Again, Louis said: A lot of people weren’t expecting that!
Louis teaching fans on how to play the circle game: “Gotta be below the waist, babe.” / “You see, you can't play the circle game unless it's below the waist. You live and learn”
“Chicken in Chile, LOVE THAT! That's a throwback.”
"'Cause if you're lonely in Santiago, you can call me, baby" / Louis’ mouthing ‘Santiago’ instead of Chicago
“Santiago, Chile, how we doing? This gig has been fucking incredible so far. Just doing a quick talk, we'll be back in a second. [...] I see you love but I'm talking, just give me one second, I'll flag you off in a second. This tour has been absolutely fucking incredible,  sometimes when I walk out into a big show, it just knocks my fucking head off but I feel really really good onstage tonight and that is all thanks to you. For the last maybe two and a half years, best part of three years, you guys collectively, all the fans, have given me so many incredible fucking memories. When I get up on stage every night, I hopefully deliver the same for you guys.”
“Who has seen that video 'Chicken in Chile'? Absolute classic! Good ol' days, good ol' days.”
Copy of A Copy of A Copy fan project: here / here /  "That was fucking amazing, by the way. You guys are good at this stuff, innit?"
Saturdays Lights
Louis knocking the stage lights
“This has been a really really fucking special gig, one more time thank you, thank you, thank you. And it's cold, not like the other night, but it is cold so I appreciate you all, love you all.We're nearing the end of this whole tour which means there's not many shows left, I know, you're sad, I see your face. Give me every last bit of energy you've got, here we go.”
“Santiago, this show will live with me forever, I fucking love you all, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
"I'm stood up on stage trying to find ways to repay you. I love you all, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Closing: Silver Tongues
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daisyblog · 28 days
Uncle Liam
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: Liam attends Louis show in Uruguay.
YN and Arthur had flown out to join Louis for a few shows, including the Uruguay one. Louis and Arthur had spent the afternoon playing football together, letting a pregnant YN rest on the tour bus ahead of the show. 
It was getting busier backstage as the show grew closer to start, so YN decided it would be best if they found their place in the family box. 
“Good luck out there”. Louis held YN in a cuddle, her small bump sat between them as they shared a kiss. "I love you". 
"I love you more". Louis left one more kiss on her mouth. "Daddy loves you little peanut". He leaned down to leave a peck on YN's bumps as his hand felt for movement. 
"Dad!". Arthur came running up the corridor after he had been for a walk around the arena with Oli. 
“Hey my boy!”. Louis caught his son in his arms and holding him close. “You look after your Mum for me and have fun okay?”. 
Louis put Arthur back down as he ruffled his hair. “I always do…remember our thumbs up”. 
After exchanging their “I love yous”, YN and Arthur walked along the corridors to the box. They chatted as they walked and YN could see how excited Arthur was for the show tonight. Entering the top section, YN took a double look at the figure that was looking over the railing, but a small voice confirmed her thoughts. 
“Uncle Liam!”. Arthur wasted no time running towards the man who had been in his life since he was young. 
“Arthur!”. Liam held his arms out to catch him. YN took faster steps with a grin on her face. “Look at you…you’re almost as tall as me”. 
The younger boy laughed at the teasing, before turning to his mother who was now walking towards them. “Mum..look it’s Uncle Liam”. 
“Hey…this is a nice surprise”. YN initiated a hug with Liam. 
“I wanted to surprise Lou”. Liams grin was bright as he said Louis name. “Bump is growing nicely”. He gestured down to where the next Tomlinson was growing. 
YN ran her hand over her bump. “Bump is going to be a footballer if their kicks are anything to go by”. She joked, as she felt another niggle. 
“Oh another Louis ey”. Liam pulled Arthur into another hug as he passed them. “And how’s this little lad doing?”. 
“I had thirty out of thirty in my spelling test last week”. Arthur said with a proud smile as fidgeted on the spot. 
“Wow! Clever boy!”. Liam praised, before watching him make use of the space around them. “You and Lou have done an amazing job…you should be proud of yourselves”. 
“Hormones Liam…you’ll start me off”. But cutting their conversation short was the lights dimming and the sound of The Greatest beginning. 
During the show, fans are quick to capture them all as they enjoy Louis show. But naturally whenever he sang a One Direction song all eyes went to Liam who had Arthur on his shoulders as they sung and danced along. 
Wanting to greet Louis as he came off the stage, they all left their seats just before the show ended and made their way backstage. Louis’ voice could be heard as he made his way to his dressing room and as he entered he was tackled by two small arms. “Aw my number one fan…did you enjoy the show lad?”. 
“Best show ever…and guess what Dad?”. Arthur didn’t give Louis a chance to answer. “Uncle Liam is here!”. 
Louis’ head whipped around quick and then he spotted Liam standing next to YN. But the two men wasted no time in bringing eachother in for a brotherly hug. 
“Good to see you brother!”. 
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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louisupdates · 2 months
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WORLDMUSICAWARD: #LouisTomlinson's amazing new surprise album 'LIVE' shoots 7->3 on the Worldwide iTunes Album chart and lifts 8->5 on the European iTunes Album chart after reaching #1 on iTunes in 10 countries so far! 💪💿🚀3⃣🌎🎵 & 📈5⃣🇪🇺🎵➕💥1⃣✖️🔟🌎🔥👑💙
The album has reached #4 on US iTunes! 👏📈4⃣🇺🇸🎵🔥
Louis had his biggest streaming day of 2024 on Spotify on April 25, scoring 1.28M streams after drawing 572.082 plays during its partial release day!🔥
Louis: "I’ve been lucky enough to spend the last 3 years touring the world twice over, the feeling I get sharing those live moments will be with me forever. This record is a true collaboration between me and you. Thank you for the amazing memories! Enjoy! "
STREAM: louist.lnk.to/live
#1s on iTunes
#1. Brazil 🇧🇷
#1. Chile🇨🇱
#1. Colombia 🇨🇴
#1. Czech Republic 🇨🇿
#1. India 🇮🇳
#1. Kenya 🇰🇪
#1 Philippines 🇵🇭
#1. Poland 🇵🇱
#1. Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
#1. Turkey 🇹🇷
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louismygf · 2 years
guys.... louis' heart is just so tender.
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