#louisa x min
263adder · 2 years
Someone, anyone out there. Please tell me I'm not the only one who ships it.
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Jackson Lamb is the unfeeling, spiteful boss.
Catherine Standish is the den mother and voice of reason.
But scratch beneath the surface and Lamb is feeling, he goes out of his way to solve the murder of someone he didn't even like. Standish is more than an administrator, she's cleverer than people give her credit for.
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They're on the same level. Not just in age (a rarity for onscreen older m/f couples) and at Slough House (sharing a floor just like River/Sid and Min/Louisa shared an office), but they've gone through very similar experiences just from different sides.
Lamb was a field agent and that's where his skills lay - murder, tracking, observation. Standish was an administrator and that's given her a keen insight into the service and how to disarm people with politeness. Both know the MI5 but it's given them different skills which work well together.
Now I know how you'll respond - but he constantly tries to make her start drinking again even though she's an alcoholic. Yet Lamb has also gone out on a limb repeatedly to protect her, from treason accusations, dismissal from MI5 and more (spoilers for the next season if it follows the book). When he knew the dogs were going after his horses, who did he go to retrieve... Standish. And even when she had no reason to take his side, Standish pulled a gun to get them out of a jam.
So I repeat again - IS THERE ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE?????? I'm losing my mind here!!
Also I love older ships, they're usually wholesome but this wouldn't be and I think that would be really interesting.
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lovetgr76 · 28 days
Catherine & Jackson
They’re not a couple, but they kind of are… here’s how… or why… maybe… Starting from S1e1 - written for a friend to show how this show is NOT about Catherine and Jackson... but also, it's TOTALLY about Catherine and Jackson! lol - feel free to chime in with thoughts, feelings, etc.
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S1e1 Failure is Contagious
First time we see Jackson, he’s waking up, it’s a mess, he’s coughing and smoking at the same time, he looks outside, gloomy, raining, but wait… his eyes are caught by something, and he follows …
Catherine is seen crossing the street, in her boots and coat and purse strapped across her chest, with the floral print umbrella.
Standish, make her way up the street, clocks Moody at the bus stop, makes her way up the 4 floors at Aldersgate and is unseen/ignored by all of the other Slow Horses.  She gets to her office, turns on the light, puts away her things and 3 seconds later…. “STANDISH!” lol – she’s been noticed!
She is seen making her way to his office with a stack of folders but stands at the doorway to his office and doesn’t speak until she is spoken to –
Are they all in? – Lamb; All except River and Sid – Standish; Last one in can clean my lav - Lamb
*banging happens as someone is opening the door downstairs*
Standish and Lamb look disappointed in the slow horses in general for a moment.
I thought spooks were supposed to be stealthy – Lamb
Catherine grants him a tiny smile as she turns to go back towards her office.
Other Slow Horses comments and interactions w/ Standish
River – makes the “a reason not to blow my brains out!” comment
Struan – that Catherine is a tough nut to crack
Min – She never lightens up. Lamb’s lackey.
Louisa – talks about … what happened before (aka Partner)
Sid arrives with the laptop – aka SOMETHING happens at Slough House and …
“STANDISH! Flash Box!” – Lamb
Standish brings the Flash Box, stands silently, assists in getting it open…
“I’ve got a call to make, so if the pair of you wouldn’t mind, you know, fucking off” – Lamb
To Standish – Get me Lady Di.
Jackson is sleeping (or is he?) with his feet on the desk & Catherine (with coat and scarf on, as if ready to leave for the day) comes in to put a stack of folders on his desk.
She moves another folder to make room for the stack, putting them carefully on the edge of his desk.
Lamb kicks them over, on purpose, without reason… other than his… amusement? Into the trash can next to his desk and onto the floor as he leans back and sighs while watching her
What did your last servant die of? – Standish
Interesting that she calls herself servant, instead of secretary or personal assistant.
She immediately kneels to pick up the folders.
What did your last boss die of? – Lamb
He puts his feet back on the floor and reaches into a drawer to pull out TWO glasses and a bottle.
Because Standish is kneeling, this is at eye level for her and she hears the clinking of glass, trying to keep her head down.
She clearly sees Lamb pulling out TWO glasses, while gathering the folders in her arms, but is seen looking up at him, and then back down to the floor, then at the glasses being filled… as the moody music starts to play – this is dangerous territory, even if we don’t know it yet.
Standish puts the stack back on the corner of his desk and stands up while staring at the two glasses… she glances at Lamb, but goes back to staring at the booze. Dark music continues to suggest the seriousness of the moment.
Standish standing straight is seen as trying to calm her own desires as we see her shoulders go from tense and tight to her seemingly sighing and becoming resolved… as Lamb moves a glass of whiskey directly in front of her, taking a deep breath himself, in direct contrast to her own breathing.
Wanted to add that this particular moment has been brought up to the actors in interviews where Gary Oldman was asked WHY Lamb would offer Standish a drink knowing she’s an alcoholic.  Oldman stated that he sincerely believed Lamb was a bit jealous of her, her ability to say no, her resolve.  He, Lamb, would not or could not say no to whiskey and he admires / appreciates that she won’t… no matter how he tries to needle her – to anger her – to provoke her – and then to offer her – her preferred poison… his preferred poison!
Standish glares at him for a moment shaking her head “NO”… she will NOT drink today, and walks off as he’s already finishing his own drink.
Lamb finishes his drink in one gulp as Standish walks out and he’s left alone looking down at her offered drink, gulping that one down as well.
Next time we see Standish, she’s at her AA meeting.  She is not speaking, just listening, but we see her struggling a bit emotionally.  She is remembering finding Charles Partner’s, her ex-boss…
She is seen with flowers, she’s younger (hair color is darker?!) – she’s got makeup on – she wears no makeup now – her skirts are a bit shorter, her neckline a bit lower – she’s smiling and looks beautiful as she calls out for Charles. She finds him, though, we only see clues – he’s got Opera music playing, he’s in the bath, there’s blood dripping outside of the bath, and she sees him, she gasps and covers her mouth in shock. Music is intense and dramatic, this is traumatic.
Catherine is called out in her AA meeting, asked if she wants to speak. 
My name is Catherine and I’m an alcoholic. I’ll just listen tonight. – Standish.
Slow Horses are gathered in Roddy’s office watching the latest news about the hostage situation when Lamb is seen walking in from the stairs. Lamb says explaining the situation to them is like explaining Norway to a dog, and demands that they all go back to shuffling papers.
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lydiaas · 2 years
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SLOW HORSES 1x04 Visiting Hours / 2x06 Old Scores
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months
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Cinderella at 2am
yunseo x juwon 🍄
Queen of Tears
hae-in x hyun-woo 🧸
Lovely Runner
sol x sun jae 🧸
Marry My Husband
kang jiwon / jiwon x jihyuk 🧸🪩
jeong su-min / su-min x min-hwan 🧸🪩
Tell Me That You Love Me
moeun x jinwoo 💌
Twinkling Watermelon
eun gyeol x eun yoo 💌🧸
yichan x cheong-ah 💌🧸
on eun yoo 💌🧸
yichan and eun gyeol 🧸
twinklemelon as a whole 💌
my euneun au 🍄
Live Up To Your Name
im x yeon kyung 💌
Crash Landing On You
jeong hyeok x se-ri 💌🧸🪩
dan x seung-jun 🧸
The Matchmakers
jung woo x soon deok 🧸
Castaway Diva
seo mok-ha / mok-ha x ki-ho 🍄
Our Beloved Summer
yeon-su x ung 🧸
Familiar Wife
ju-hyeok x wu-jin 💌🧸
Hometown Cha Cha Cha
hye-jin x du-sik
The Wind Blows
do-hun x soo-jin 🧸🍄
Hidden Love (c-drama)
zhizhi x jiaxu 🧸
period dramas
Emma, Jane Austen
frank x jane 💌🧸
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
marianne dashwood / marianne & willoughby / marianne x brandon 🧸🪩
The Blue Castle, Lucy Maud Montgomery
valancy x barney 💌
Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
fanny price / fanny x edmund 💌
maria bertram / maria & henry 🧸
North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell
margaret hale / margaret x john 🧸
john thornton / my reading playlist 🍄
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
jo march / jo x friedrich 🧸
Poldark (TV)
morwenna x drake 💌🧸
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare
romeo x juliet 🧸🍄
my ocs
seon-hwa x henry (Hardwick House) 🍄
twilight x yor (Spy x Family) 🍄
rapunzel / rapunzel x eugene (Tangled) 🪩
anna x william (Notting Hill) 🧸🪩
diana & charles (The Crown) 🧸🪩
margaret & peter (The Crown) 🧸
milo x amanda (Milo Murphy’s Law)
phineas x isabella (Phineas and Ferb) 🧸
candace x jeremy (Phineas and Ferb)
barbie & ken (Barbie, 2023) 🧸
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💌 = favorite
🧸 = play in order
🍄 = needs work
🪩 = taylor swift centric
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noforkingclue · 2 months
Fractures Chapter 3 (James 'Spider' Webb x OC x River Cartwright)
Author's Note: I have a feeling that you guys might hate me for this chapter...
Slow Horses tag list: @cillmequick
Warnings: Duffy
How could he have been so stupid?
River paced around the small storage room. Admittedly there wasn’t much space but moving felt better than doing nothing at all. He wanted to have trusted Sid, a friend in Slough House. He didn’t realise just how lonely it could be until he was there. Before he always had Spider and Rebecca.
Fucking, cunty Spider.
He ran his hands over his face. Fuck. Now he’d never get a chance to tell her everything that he’d been meaning to. All the places that he’d love to take her even on a Slough House salary. Despite what Spider implied he knew that Rebecca didn’t care about his lack of decent salary. She liked him for him. She still wanted to maintain their friendship, despite the stigma around it.
And now he was locked in a fucking storage cupboard, with a Dog on guard and no idea what was happening to Sid or to Becca.
It was always Rebecca.
Never Becca.
River froze as he heard the sounds of fighting outside. He quickly took off his shoe and put it in a bag. Ok, it was a pathetic weapon but it was better than nothing. Maybe it was Rebecca coming to save him? Maybe she finally got proof of everything he’d been saying about Spider. But no, Rebecca was never much of a fighter but maybe, just this once she’d-
Ok, literally anyone would’ve been better than Lamb apart from maybe Spider and possibly Roddy. It wasn’t long until River was back in the relative safety of Lamb’s car although from the general state of it River was in half a mind to go back to the hospital and wait for the Dogs. Immediately he pulled out his phone.
Got to make sure that Rebecca was ok.
“Got something more important to do?”
River glanced over at Lamb. He was focusing on the road but this was still Jackson Lamb. He looked back at his mobile and grimaced. He didn’t want Lamb to know about Rebecca. Wordlessly he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
“No, no,” said Lamb, “one of your colleagues got shot and is in intensive care but go on- message your girlfriend.”
“She isn’t my girlfriend.”
“But you want her to be. ‘Course now you’re a slow fucking horse you don’t have a fucking chance. Not that you probably had a chance to begin with.”
River gritted his teeth and refused to rise to the bait. He looked out of the window as he watched London fly by.
“Or maybe,” Lamb continued and River could hear the amusement in his voice, “she had her eye on someone else. You wanted her, she didn’t want you which is,” Lamb waved a hand at him, “fucking understandable.”
River’s eye twitched as he thought of fucking Spider.
Rebecca and Spider
Spider and Rebecca.
“And now she’s forgotten all about you. She’s moved the fuck on and you’re not even registering on her thoughts. You really think that fucking texting her will change that? Or maybe you’re just trying to gain some sympathy from her. One of your colleagues died, you got locked up by a Dog. Trying to get a sympathy fuck from her.”
“Rebecca isn’t like that.”
Damn it and now Lamb has her name. It wouldn’t be too difficult for him to find out who Rebecca is, even if he was at Slough House. He was still Jackson Lamb at the end of the day. Fuck, he really needed to talk to Rebecca.
When the door to Slough House finally slammed shut, River immediately pulled out his phone again. The others were still crowding around Moody’s body and he thought that Min was going to throw up. Louisa seemed to be sobering up quickly so he needed to be quick.
“Rebecca,” he let out the breath he’d been holding, “fuck. Are you ok?”
“Yes. Hang on, let me go somewhere a bit more private.”
“Are you still at The Park?”
“Yeah I was just about to leave. Why?” her voice lowered, “you don’t want something do you? If I do I don’t know-”
“No, nothing like that. I’d never ask you to do that. I just-”
River was in the kitchen and sat down heavily. He ran a hand over his face as he struggled to find the words he was looking for. Everything he wanted to say he didn’t want to say over the phone.
“River? Is everything ok? You’re starting to worry me.”
River drew in a shuddering breath as he tried to figure out what to say. I’m what? Not ok? Saw my colleague get shot in the head and it’s all my fault and she might or might not die?
Or that all I want right now is to hear your voice.
“Are you still there?”
“Yeah,” fuck was that really his voice? It didn’t sound like him, “Yeah I am. It’s… nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
“Something’s happened. Tell me.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not? You’re my friend and I’m worried about you.”
But those weren’t the feelings that River wanted Rebecca to feel for him.
“I just wanted to make sure that you’re safe,” he said quietly, “and to be careful.”
“I’ll explain later.”
If he survived that is.
“I really can’t talk about it now. Just… promise me that you’ll stay safe.”
“I promise. But don’t think you’re getting out of this easily. I’m expecting an explanation.”
“I expect nothing less.”
Much to River’s displeasure he eventually hung up. He drew in a shuddering breath and ran his fingers through his hair.  Hearing Rebecca’s voice had made him feel slightly better. He had made up his mind- when this was all over he was going to tell her how he really felt. Damn Spider, this didn’t concern him any more.
But he couldn’t, he shouldn’t. He couldn’t do that to their friendship if she didn’t feel the same way. Fuck, he really, really needed a drink.
“So, who were you talking to.”
River hadn’t realised that Min and Louisa had joined him in the kitchen. Min was smiling at him and immediately River grabbed his phone. Ok, so he wasn’t exactly being subtle but he had a fucking awful evening.
“A friend.”
“A friend or a friend.”
River winced at those words, the same ones the Sid had used earlier that evening. Their conversation in the car seemed like a lifetime ago. And as far as he knew, for Sid it probably was.
“Jesus Christ Min,” said Louisa, “what are you? Twelve.”
“I was just saying,” Min rocked back in his chair and held up his hands, “I can give River some advice.”
“Why would he want advice from you?”
“Because I’m the one who’s married.”
Louisa muttered something under her breath which River missed but caused Min to glare at her.
“So,” Min said, “why haven’t you told her.”
“Told who what?” asked River
“Your friend about how you feel about her.”
Louisa joined Min and River, sitting next to Min. River noted that she was sitting slightly closer to Min then she usually would. Maybe it was just the alcohol in their system causing them to act like this but a pang of longing coursed through River. He missed the nights when it was him and Rebecca (and unfortunately Spider) on Rebecca’s sofa. A bit too much alcohol and simpler times when all three were at The Park.
“Because,” River sighed and gave up trying to deny it, “because it’ll fuck up our friendship.”
“And what’s the worst that can happen?” asked Min
“She says no and says that we shouldn’t see each other again because it’ll make things awkward. So I’ve fucked up our friendship for absolutely nothing.”
“You’ve thought way too much about this haven’t you?” asked Min
“What,” Min hiccuped, “You need to do is give her roses!”
“Roses.” said River, giving Min a serious look
“Yeah, everyone fucking loves roses,” he over at Louisa, “do you like them. Roses.”
“They trigger my hayfever.” Louisa said dryly
“Huh.” replied Min, seemingly lost in thought
“No,” River shook his head, “no. She doesn’t even like me that way.”
“Have you asked her?” asked Min
“I didn’t need to,” muttered River, “there was someone at a Christmas party…”
He cut himself off and looked away, Min and Louisa shared a look and once again River had the feeling of being left out. No partner (both professionally and romantically), being left out at Slough House now Min and Louisa had each other, not part of anything at The Park for obvious reasons.
Maybe, for once, Min had a point.
Spider looked down over The Park’s reception. He liked being up here. Being able to watch people without them spying back at him. Seemingly automatically his gaze drifted to Rebecca who was making her way across the foyer. She was pulling on her coat, the same one he brought her for Christmas one year. She had insisted that it was too much but he wanted her to have it.
Who else would he spend his money on?
Just before she got to the doors she stopped and pulled out her phone. Even from this distance Spider could see the look of worry on her face. A look that only meant one person-
River fucking Cartwright.
Whenever the surname ‘Cartwright’ was mentioned everyone became worried and suddenly plagued by migraines. Rebecca slowly walked away from the door and Spider’s hands curled around the railings.
“Fucking hell. Just tell her.”
Spider looked over his shoulder and had to hold back his sneer.
Fucking Dogs.
This was what all his hard work had brought him down to. Working with thugs like Duffy.
“Tell her what exactly?” Spider replied curtly
“That you want to bend her over the nearest surface and fuck her until the only thing she can remember is your name. Surely even you could manage that. I wonder,” Duffy walked closer, “do you think she’ll be screaming Spider or James.”
Spider knew better than to rise to the challenge. He glanced back at Rebecca who was now in the middle of the reception area. She glanced up and made eye contact with Spider and smiled softly at him. She raised a hand in greeting before turning her attention back to her phone call. Spider only raised a couple of fingers in response, slightly hurt that Rebecca would pay more attention to someone behind a phone then to someone in the same building.
Beside him Duffy rolled his eyes. Fucking hell, this was who Taverner told him to work with. This ‘spook’ couldn’t even muster up the courage to tell this girl that he wanted to fuck her. What use was he going to be in the field?
“Fucking hell,” said Duffy, “how hard is it to tell her what you want to do to her.”
“Because,” Spider started and cut himself off, “because by doing that I could have a HR complaint filed against me. Besides, there was an incident at Christmas-” He broke off and shook his head, “doesn’t matter and it’s none of your business.”
“A HR-” Duffy shook his head, “fuck, even you could make that go away.”
“I know,” Spider said, trying his best to keep his voice level, “but Rebecca is my friend.”
“You friend,” Duffy rolled his eyes, “look, what you need to do is take her out for dinner-”
“We do go out for dinner. It’s what… friends do.”
“And you pay?”
“And she doesn’t give you anything in return.”
The implication made Spider freeze. He would never consider taking advantage of Rebecca like that and yet that’s what Duffy was unashamedly suggesting. Duffy slung what he probably thought was a friendly arm around Spider’s shoulders and led him away.
“Then you have a couple of drinks,” he said, “whatever the fuck someone like you drinks. And you take her back to yours and if you can’t get her into bed after that then there really is no hope for you.”
Spider shrugged off Duffy’s arm and ignored the way Duffy’s eyes narrowed at him. Spider brushed some dust off his jacket and looked down at Rebecca. She had hung up and was heading back towards the archives. Shit, he needed to hurry up.
“I’ll meet you downstairs.” he said as he quickly made his way downstairs
It didn’t take James long to find Rebecca. She was making her way towards the archives but paused when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Rebecca remembered River’s warning to be careful so she was on higher alert than usual. She was an archivist, not usually someone that people targeted unless for major reasons.
Oh. James. That made Rebecca relax and lean against the wall. She smiled at him as he finally stopped directly in front of her. There was no one else around. Most people were either in the main control room or busy looking for these terrorists. She only hoped that they weren’t too late to save Hassan.
“Everything alright?” she asked, pushing herself off the wall
“Yeah. Just-”
James took a deep breath and took a small step closer. He raised a hand and cupped Rebecca’s cheek. She froze under his touch as he bent down and before she could step away pressed a brief kiss against her lips. It was soft and gentle and just a hint of uncertainty in it. His other hand rose and hung in the air awkwardly before settling stiffly on her waist. Rebecca closed her eyes and took a small step closer, putting her hands on his shoulders. When James broke the kiss he remained close, his lips brushing against hers.
“Stay safe,” he said, “there’s a lot of shit going on tonight and I don’t want you to get caught up in it.”
“I know. I’ve-”
Rebecca cut herself off and James narrowed his eyes slightly. So, Cartwright must’ve already warned her.
“I am in Service,” Rebecca said instead, “I’m not a complete idiot.”
“I know,” he said and pressed his forehead against hers, “Fuck, I know. Just keep safe. For me?”
Rebecca smiled and nodded.
“For you.”
He pressed another kiss against her lips. This one was more confident and Rebecca could feel the longing behind it.  He raised his hands and cupped her cheeks, brushing the pads of his thumbs over her cheekbones. Rebecca returned it eagerly, raising her hands and tangling her fingers in his hair. Fuck, she wanted this so much. Finally, and much to Rebecca’s annoyance, he broke the kiss.
Spider and Rebecca remained close, noses brushing against each other. Spider’s lips grazed achingly close to Rebecca’s but he stopped short of kissing her again.
“Like I said,” Spider said, “I want you to keep safe.”
He hesitated for a moment before reluctantly stepping away. Rebecca looked at him wide eyed as Spider gave her a brief smile before turning on his heel and marching away. Rebecca could see how red his face had become but also the triumphant smile on his face. When he had disappeared from view she leant heavily against the wall and touched her lips.
Why couldn’t that have happened earlier?
Why did he have to wait so fucking long?
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mzannthropy · 1 month
I have done it.
I have watched Me Before You. Celebrate me!
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Truthfully I was sitting at my laptop while it was on and only gave it half my attention (for the sake of my mental health), I was messaging with my brother on Facebook (also DM'd some with @jesstasticvoyage thanks for putting up with me as always lol) so my rage remained in the low levels, thank the gods. It's actually why I at first wanted to look for someone for a hate watch, I wanted to ask my brother, but last night, after I made that still-to-watch list of Sam Claflin's filmography, I realised I was being ridiculous and making a bigger deal out of it than it was (for context, I have read the book and it's my most hated book in the whole universe and I loathe Louisa Clark with my whole being, she's my most hated character of all time. Just FML that I had to get into Sam Claflin. No, correction, it's not FML that I had to get into Sam Claflin, the FML is that it is still such a popular film/role of his, when he's done much better projects. Hopefully this is changing now as more time passes.) I told myself, come on, it's just a film. Stop being a fucking snowflake, you're gen x, you can handle anything. So I made a decision I would watch it today, and woke up with the intention of doing it and I did it! (And my brother told me he doesn't do hate watching anyway.)
I took some notes and will make its own post on it, but for now I'll say, the most puzzling thing about this film is that it's... not even anything special? At my most generous I'd rate it as barely mid. It has some nice locations and good cast (Charles Dance! Joanna Lumley! what a waste of talent here) but that's about it. Most baffling is that it's not even that great a film for a Sam fan? Like, I almost didn't notice him bc the whole movie revolves around Emilia Clarke. She has the most screentime and lines. It's her film more than anyone else's. He doesn't really do much, not bc he can't move, but. His character does nothing but waits for his death. His best scene was right at the beginning, the morning of his accident. It would have been much more interesting to have a film about Will as he was, without the accident. His stunts, his work, his relationship with Alicia. (Will x Alicia shipper here. Never underestimate my ability to get even more unpopular.) He's played much better, well rounded, fleshed out characters in literally everything else except Love Rosie. The film is not romantic, inspirational, deep or tragic in any way. It's 1 hr 50 mins of tacky trite.
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tripeakathlete · 2 years
Weekend of Feb 18 - 19, 2023
Enclosed you will find the weekend update:  Saturday Time: 8:00 am Sport: Breakthrough Brick Location: Lake Louisa State Park Duration:  LongCourse: Bike: 90 min / Run: 90 min  Short Course:  4 x rounds: 10 mile bike / 1 mile run – 5 min easy spin recovery Sunday Time: 7 am  Sport: Run and Jog/Walk Group Location: Tri Peak Athlete – 1700 S. Bumby Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 Duration: 5…
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dutifullylazysalad · 4 years
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101
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Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 5th
Reading Literacy Worksheets
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 Lesson
What every teacher should know
Feb 6, 2018 - Explore Lauren McGlone's board 'Literacy - Library', followed by 361 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about classroom library, reading classroom, classroom organization.
Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing
Literacy Centers 101: Pocket Chart Center Day 3 of my summer vacation and what am I doing??? Well, I did have a wonderful time today at Centre Island with my husband, kiddies and dear friends of ours.
Emergent Literacy Reading 63 IV. Emergent Literacy Writing 79 V. Mathematics 87 VI. Science 101 VII. Social Studies 107 VIII. Fine Arts 113 IX. Physical Development 117 X. Technology 122 Appendices 124.
The Certification Exam for Educators of Reading Instruction (CEERI) Teachers who complete the Reading 101 modules will learn about critical skills for proficient reading and best practices that support students’ acquisition of these skills.
In this book we have an English 101 class explaining what “literacy” means to them and the way this word has gained meaning as they have grown older and gone through many experiences. The personal stories that are shared within these pages reflect where reading and writing started for each student and the way that their literacy journey.
Reading 101 is a collaboration with the Center for Effective Reading Instruction and The International Dyslexia Association.
Learn the definitions of phonological awareness and phonemic awareness — and how these pre-reading listening skills relate to phonics.
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Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness: what's the difference?
Phonological awareness refers to a global awareness of the sound structures of speech and the ability to manipulate those structures. Phonological awareness is an umbrella term that encompasses both basic levels of awareness of speech sounds, such as rhyming, alliteration, the number of words in a sentence, and the syllables within words, as well as more advanced levels of awareness such as onset-rime awareness and full phonemic awareness.
Phonemic awareness is the most advanced level of phonological awareness. It refers to a child’s awareness of the individual phonemes — the smallest units of sound — in spoken words, and the ability to manipulate those sounds.
Phonological awareness (PA) involves a continuum of skills that develop over time and that are crucial for reading and spelling success, because they are central to learning to decode and spell printed words. Phonological awareness is especially important at the earliest stages of reading development — in pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade for typical readers.
Explicit teaching of phonological awareness in these early years can eliminate future reading problems for many students. However, struggling decoders of any age can work on phonological awareness, especially if they evidence problems in blending or segmenting phonemes.
How about phonological awareness and phonics?
Phonological awareness refers to a global awareness of sounds in spoken words, as well as the ability to manipulate those sounds.
Phonics refers to knowledge of letter sounds and the ability to apply that knowledge in decoding unfamiliar printed words.
So, phonological awareness refers to oral language and phonics refers to print. Both of these skills are very important and tend to interact in reading development, but they are distinct skills; children can have weaknesses in one of them but not the other.
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For example, a child who knows letter sounds but cannot blend the sounds to form the whole word has a phonological awareness (specifically, a phonemic awareness) problem. Conversely, a child who can orally blend sounds with ease but mixes up vowel letter sounds, reading pit for pet and set for sit, has a phonics problem.
Dr. Louisa Moats explains to a kindergarten teacher why it is critical to differentiate between the letters and sounds within a word when teaching children to read and write.
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Reading 101 is a collaboration with the Center for Effective Reading Instruction and The International Dyslexia Association.
What are the key critical reading skills, and how do we use them to comprehend? And why does background knowledge matter?
This section presents my latest thinking on comprehension with The Comprehension Process Staircase as a visual aid.
(Illustration by Sandy Gingras, whose Website is here.)
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 5th
Here's an important essay on why background knowledge matters: 'There's No Such Thing as a Reading Test' in The American Prospect by E.D. Hirsch and Robert Pondiscio (June 13, 2010)
Here are two video training modules that explain key topics on this page:
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Comprehension Process MODULE:
This 23-min SELF-PACED video explains The Comprehension Process Staircase and how to use the Quadrant Analysis Approach to images (reinforcing the comprehension process with visual analysis).
For more resources to support your work around comprehension, please check out the following:
TLC Website “Comprehension 101” page--lots of tools to download! And you can show students the Comprehension Process Staircase!
TLC Blog post on Quadrant Analysis--a detailed explanation of how to teach the Quadrant Analysis approach (which is also explained in the video)
Here's the FREE link to the Comprehension Process Module PowerPoint.
This 20-min SELF-PACED video explains the four key critical reading skills (paraphrasing, inference, vocabulary in context, and summarizing/inferring main idea) and how to teach them. NOTE: Watch The Comprehension Process MODULE before this one.
For more resources to support your work around key critical reading skills, please check out the following:
TLC Website “Comprehension 101” page--lots of tools to download!
TLC Website 'Analyzing Literature' page--ditto!
Here's the FREE link to the 4 Key Critical Reading Skills Module PowerPoint.
Here are the 4 key critical reading skills:
(AKA Literal Comprehension)
“The man fell down.”-> “He collapsed.”
Paraphrasing means “translating literally” or “putting something in your own words.” This requires you to:
Unpack vocabulary (attack roots; use prior knowledge and context clues).
Unpack syntax and grammar (unpack clauses and phrases; pay attention to punctuation).
Draw inferences from idioms.
NEW: For a useful strategy, seeHow to Paraphrase-3rd grade Practice, How to Paraphrase-MS Practice, How to Paraphrase-HS Practice. For tips on how to create critical reading questions, see How to Create Critical Reading Questions: A Recipe.
See also Rewordify.com, a powerful, free, online software that intelligently simplifies difficult English, for faster comprehension (IN OTHER WORDS, it paraphrases for you).
In other words
According to the story/passage
What does this mean?
(AKA Extended Reasoning)
“The man fell down.”-> “He must have been sick.”
Inference entails drawing a conclusion, making a prediction/guess, or figuring something out. To do this, you need facts/information, and you need to ask questions about the given information. See the comprehension process described below for more explanation.
NEW:Paraphrasing and Inference Organizer AND Quotations to Paraphrasing and Inference in the Download Zone will help students practice these skills. Also check out Character Traits: Quote and Explain and Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER, Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER MODEL, and Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER MODEL LESSON PLAN
Here's a fun way to invite students to apply their inference skills: Read 'The Conversation Piece' by Ned Guymon (which originally appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine in 1950) and figure out what is going on in this dialogue.
Most likely
VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT“They’re not interested in being diverted from their direction with alternative routes.” The word “diverted” in this context means
A) amused B) less experienced C) taking the same route D) sent in a different direction
Vocabulary in context requires you to infer meaning of words using the context and your prior knowledge.
What does ____ mean in this context?
Based on the passage, what does ____ mean?
NOTE: At least one distractor will use an alternative meaning of the word in question. In this example, “A” is the distractor. FINDING MAIN IDEA/ARGUMENT
(AKA Summarizing)
The main idea of this passage is
The yearly festival in Pamplona, Spain, always includes the Running of the Bulls.
Running alongside the bulls as they are moved from the corral to the bullring in Pamplona, Spain, has become an exciting and dangerous sport.
The bravest runners carry newspapers with which they touch the bulls as they run through the streets.
The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, has been going on for about three hundred years.
Finding the main idea/argument, AKA summarizing, requires you to infer the key message(s) from the text. Your ability to do this is based on how well you are able to paraphrase, infer, and determine vocabulary meaning from context. Also, you have to understand the difference between ARGUMENT and EVIDENCE. See the comprehension process described below for details.
After reading the article/passage/story…
The central idea
The theme
This passage is mostly about
The author would probably agree
The best summary
How do we use these skills to comprehend? See below. Start at the bottom.
Draw new inferences and generate more explanations. These join your prior knowledge/skills.
Ask more questions… MORE “TEXT”
Paraphrase, etc. This “text” may confirm or challenge your prior knowledge/previous inferences.
FOR EXAMPLE: If the next sentence says, 'He had had a fever all day,' your prior inference is confirmed. If, however, the next sentence is 'He should've bought the shoes with velcro straps,' you would correct your incorrect prior assumption/inference.
Draw inferences in response to your questions, and support them with explanations. These infererences and explanations join your prior knowledge/skills. FOR EXAMPLE: Given no additional information about the man who collapsed (no mention of shoelaces or attackers) and knowing that healthy people are generally able to stand up without falling down, you might infer that he fell down BECAUSE HE WAS SICK. NOTE: You will continue to think this until new information challenges your thinking.
Ask questions based on paraphrasing/translation and your prior knowledge/skills.
FOR EXAMPLE: Given the case of the falling man, you might ask, 'WHY did he collapse?' You might recall prior instances of seeing people tripping over shoelaces, fainting, or being knocked down.
^ ^
PARAPHRASE: Put the “text” in your own words. NOTE: “Text” could be almost anything: words, pictures, or a situation (e.g., reading the defense on a basketball court).
Unpack vocabulary.
Unpack grammar/syntax.
INFER from idioms.
FOR EXAMPLE: Given the text 'The man fell down,' you could paraphrase this as 'He collapsed.' For a useful strategy, see How to Paraphrase-3rd grade Practice,How to Paraphrase-MS Practice, How to Paraphrase-HS Practice in the Download Zone.
^ ^
Start here.
You approach the 'text' with your prior knowledge, which includes:
Previous experiences
Texts read/academic content knowledge
Knowledge of conventions (genre, grammar, syntax)
NOTE: If your 'prior knowledge' is incorrect, it will affect your ability to process the 'text.'
FOR EXAMPLE: If you believe that 5 times 5 is 30, then when faced with a math word problem requiring the multiplication of 5 x 5, you will not solve the problem correctly.
Reading Literacy Worksheets
For more information on strategies for teaching the 4 key critical reading skills, see Reading Comprehension Strategies Overviewin the Download Zone. For a 'Sample LESSON PLAN to LABEL CRITICAL READING QUESTIONS,' see MS English Lessons & Units. Want to review the FOUR CRITICAL READING SKILLS (paraphrasing, inference, vocabulary in context, and summarizing/inferring main idea) and teach your students how to identify test questions that deal with these skills? Check out this Sample LESSON PLAN TO LABEL CRITICAL READING QUESTIONS and HANDOUTS for the lesson. Also, see READING Home Page for other helpful subsections.
Sometimes, to demonstrate comprehension, we want students to explain quotations. Check out the Explanatory Quote Response Organizer and Explanatory Quote Response Organizer MODEL.
For additional excellent resources on reading instruction (esp. nonfiction text support), even if your state doesn't use PARCC assessments, check out the PARCC Prep page.
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 Lesson
IN THE DOWNLOAD ZONE for Comprehension 101:
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noona-clock · 5 years
Look After You - Part 5
Genre: Regency!AU/Single Parent!AU
Pairing: Choi Minho x You (Female Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death and some mature themes
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 3,596
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You had, obviously, apologized profusely to Minho for kissing him, even though he had reassured you -- many times -- there was no need.
You truly hadn’t known what had come over you!
But... you would be lying if you said the kiss hadn’t been enjoyable. And you would be lying even more if you said you hadn’t thought about it for the rest of the day. And night. And, most likely, the whole carriage ride back home a couple of days later.
After Minho’s confession and your kiss, you had made a point to not avoid him, as you didn’t really want to send him the wrong message. You weren’t sure if you did have feelings for him, but you also knew you didn’t... not have feelings for him. 
...If that makes sense.
But you did pretend the kiss had never happened. You simply tried your best to act as you had before: friendly, polite, and like you hadn’t kissed him.
Thankfully, you hadn’t had to pretend for too much longer, for your family had originally prepared to leave just two days later.
The housemaids and footmen were bustling around all morning getting all of your trunks packed and stacked on the backs of your carriages, and since Minho was now the only head of household available (seeing as his brother was on his honeymoon with your sister), he was responsible for seeing your family off.
You watched as he shook hands with your father and younger brothers, kissed the back of your mother’s hand, and when he reached you, Caroline, and Louisa, he crouched down on his haunches.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Caroline,” he said to your eldest, holding out his hand. When she set her small hand into his large palm, he brought it up to his lips just as he had your mother’s. “I very much enjoyed our time together.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you, as well, My Lord,” she replied with a small curtsy. “Thank you for putting on such a lovely tea party for us and --”
She lowered her voice to a whisper even though your parents had already begun heading over toward their carriage.
“For saving us from Hercules.”
“You are most welcome,” Minho whispered back. And then he turned toward Louisa, holding his hand out for her, as well.
You weren’t expecting your shy youngest daughter to say much other than ‘It was a pleasure meeting you, as well, My Lord,’ but to your surprise, you heard her soft voice murmuring, “I hope we get to see you again. Will you come and visit us at our house?”
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, but you heard Minho chuckle as he shook and squeezed Louisa’s hand.
“If your Grandfather would like to invite me, it would be an honor to come and visit you,” he told her with a grin you had come to label as his Signature Charming Grin.
And then Minho stood. He took a step or two sideways, coming to stand right in front of you -- tower in front of you, more like it. And, just as he had with your mother and daughters, he took your hand and brought the back of your palm to his lips.
(You could have sworn he lingered over your hand just a little longer than he had the others, though.)
“It was a pleasure to meet you, as well, M’lady,” he said softly.
“The -- the feeling is mutual,” you whispered, struggling for breath at his closeness, at his touch. “Thank you for being such a hospitable host and for being so wonderful to my daughters.”
Minho’s Signature Charming Grin reappeared... but you couldn’t help but notice it was softer than normal. And his eyes -- the way they gazed into yours --
“You have raised two very lovely girls,” he said, interrupting your thoughts. “I hope... I get to see them again.”
A tiny, bashful smile tugged at your lips as you replied, “I hope so, too.”
Obviously, Minho took that as you saying you would like to see him again, too, because his grin widened, showing off his beaming, almost perfectly straight teeth.
For a split second, you honestly thought there had never been a more attractive smile in the entire universe.
“Safe travels, M’lady,” he said, his voice now at a normal volume. “I hope the weather fares well for your journey.”
“Thank you, M’lord,” you replied before dipping into a small curtsy. When you rose back up, your gaze locked with his one more time before you turned toward your carriage.
Great. So, now, you would spend the whole carriage ride back home thinking about his kiss and his smile.
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Returning home from a long journey was always quite an exquisite feeling. It felt like sitting down in a comfortable chair in front of a roaring fire after being stuck out in the snow for ten hours. It felt like sinking into a plush mattress and falling asleep for three days after working in a rock quarry all day. It felt like biting into a freshly baked meat pie after going without food for too long. It felt like...
It felt like kissing Minho.
As much as you’d tried to concentrate on something else -- anything else -- your mind had been distracted practically the whole journey home by the tall, broad-shouldered, charming man you’d left behind.
Caroline and Louisa hadn’t seemed to notice, however, as you often experienced motion sickness from the carriage rocking back and forth -- a seemingly lasting symptom from your first pregnancy. You spent a vast majority of carriage rides sitting quietly and gazing out the window to take your mind off the movement.
When you continued on being distracted by thoughts of Minho for the next few days, though, your mother did notice.
“Are you all right, my dear?” she asked one day as she worked on her embroidery in the drawing room. You had joined her only half an hour ago with a book in your hand, but you’d barely even made it through one page.
“Hmm?” you hummed, snapping your gaze over to her chair across the room.
“You don’t seem quite yourself these days,” she noted, pausing in her needlework. “Ever since we arrived home from the wedding, you’ve been... somewhere else.”
A soft sigh escaped your lips, and you set your book down on the couch cushion beside you.
If you were a typical young lady being questioned by her mother, you would assure her nothing was wrong, everything was fine, there was no need to worry.
But you were not a typical young lady. 
Your parents’ marriage was a true love match; they still, to this day, adored each other with their whole hearts. Your childhood had been somewhat idyllic, and you had grown close to the both of them through your adolescent years.
You’d grown even closer to your mother after your husband died, and you now felt comfortable enough to tell her just about anything. Plus, your mother always seemed to have some bit of wisdom tucked away in her brain which was extremely helpful to whatever situation you found yourself in.
“I...” you began, your brow furrowed deeply. “Mr. Choi... a couple of days before we left, he... confessed. To me.”
“He --”
“And I kissed him.”
Your mother’s embroidery hoop promptly fell to the floor.
“Oh, dear,” your mother mumbled as she bent to pick it back up. And then she turned her gaze -- and her agape mouth -- to you. “You... kissed him?”
“Yes,” you replied with a bit of a whine.
“Wh -- well, I mean -- are you -- do you have an understanding with him?” she stammered.
“No, Mama, I do not have an understanding with him,” you sighed. “He told me he’s never felt that way about anyone else before, and I told him... I told him I wasn’t sure if the timing was right.”
“And then you kissed him?”
“And then I kissed him.”
“That is not a rejection,” your mother pointed out.
“No, it is not.”
“So... you return his feelings, then?”
Your brow furrowed even deeper, and you waited a few moments before responding with a shrug and a shake of your head.
“What do you know?” she asked gently.
“I know that I enjoyed spending time with him. He was incredibly good with Caroline and Louisa; they adored him. He seemed to adore them. I liked listening to him, no matter he was talking about it. I admire him, I admire his character. I --”
“Do you find him handsome?” your mother interrupted with a waggle of her eyebrows.
“Mama!” you chuckled. But you couldn’t resist telling the truth. “Yes, I do. And before you ask: yes, I enjoyed kissing him.”
Your mother set down her embroidery hoop and moved to sit next to you on the couch, just barely missing squashing your book.
“Well, then, my dear,” she said, taking your hand and clasping it in both of hers. “What is there to be unsure of?”
“Everything,” you replied in a shaky whisper. Your eyes began to fill with tears as you looked at her, and you swallowed down the lump of emotion forming in your throat. “What if I’m not ready -- I still miss him. I still love him.”
Your mother squeezed your hand, her sympathy for you reflecting in her eyes. “My darling girl, you will always miss and love him. Your grandfather passed away almost twenty years ago, and I know losing one’s father and losing one’s husband is not quite the same -- but still, not a day goes by when I don’t think about him. It hurts a little less than it used to, but my heart will always ache for him, just as yours will always ache for your husband. But that doesn’t mean you won’t ever be ready to move on and find love again.”
You blinked back tears, though one managed to slip through and splash down onto your cheek. “But they were friends. They knew each other back in boarding school, and he would read my letters out loud, and they were close. He trusted Min -- Mr. Choi. Wouldn’t that be a -- a sort of betrayal? If I were to get remarried and my new husband was his friend?”
“If you feel it would be a betrayal then, in your heart, it would be,” your mother answered, though admittedly, it wasn’t the answer you wanted to hear. “What really matters, though, is how he makes you feel. Mr. Choi. Do you think he could make you happy?”
You didn’t even have to think about it, which was terrifying and relieving at the same time.
“Yes,” you answered with a watery grin. “Yes, I believe he could.”
Your mother let go of your hand, but only so she could bring hers up to cradle your face, wiping a tear away delicately with her thumb. “He wanted you to be happy. That’s all he talked about for the last two months of his life. How many times did you promise him that you would find someone who made you happy?”
“More times than I can remember,” you murmured.
“So... would it be a betrayal if Mr. Choi is the one who could make you happy? Who could love you as he loved you, as you deserve to be loved?” she pointed out with a barely detectable arch in her brow. “Need I remind you, my love, you cannot control your feelings as much as you can control your time on this Earth. Your husband knew that, probably better than anyone.”
You gulped anxiously, but... you couldn’t deny it any longer.
“You’re right, Mama,” you whispered. “Of course, you are. But -- but what should I do?”
“What do you mean what should you do? Write to him!”
“Write to him? But what would I --”
“If you are not sure if you’re ready just yet, then simply start a correspondence,” your mother suggested. “Get to know him better. A courtship through letters, if you will.”
...Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea. And, now that you had the thought in your mind, you wanted to get started as quickly as possible.
A smile tugged at your lips, and you leaned forward to kiss both of your mother’s cheeks. “Thank you, Mama,” you enthused. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Well, I can’t say that’s an exaggeration,” your mother chuckled as you stood from the sofa and began your journey to the writing desk in the study. And then your mother called out after you, “You wouldn’t be here without me!”
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Dear Mr. Choi,
I hope this letter finds you well, and I dearly hope you do not mind my writing to you. I know it is a bit out of the blue, but I figured it wouldn’t be amiss to keep in touch. After all, you first met me -- unofficially -- through letters, did you not? However, I will not be offended if I do not hear back from you.
(Very well; I would be at least somewhat pained if you decide to leave me in the lurch, though please do not respond solely on my account.)
I would just like to repeat the sentiments I conveyed to you on the day of our departure: my stay at your estate was a very pleasant one, and both the girls and myself enjoyed it immensely. The tea party, especially, was incredibly thoughtful and delicious. One I shall certainly never forget. Caroline has been begging for a tea party since we arrived home, but I’m afraid my efforts will not measure up. I should like to be cross with you for ruining tea parties for my children forever -- for how can any be as delightful as the one we had? -- but I find I cannot be. I don’t believe I can be cross with you about anything, really.
If you decide to continue our correspondence, please let me know how your animals are getting on. Louisa would like to ask after Penelope the Horse, while I would like to check-in on Daisy the Dairy cow. Caroline, of course, is eager to know if Hercules has been a good boy and stayed in his pen. After she got over the frightening episode, I do believe she has become rather fascinated with him -- I’m not sure how well that bodes for her future as a young woman seeking a husband... nor how well it bodes for me, as her mother.
You must be terribly busy so I won’t keep you reading this letter any longer. I, myself, must go and --
Oh, all right. I mustn’t go and do anything. I shall simply post this letter and then wait for your response. I dearly hope I do get one.
Sincerely yours,
Lady Y/N
P.S. If I may be so bold -- It is not only the tea party I think of often but what occurred after the tea party, as well.
You regretted adding that postscript as soon as you’d sealed the envelope, but you forced yourself to post the letter, anyway. You wanted to get to know Minho better, but you also didn’t want him to think you were only interested in friendship.
After your talk with your mother, you were fairly certain you were not only interested in friendship. And while you were also fairly certain Minho wasn’t, either, you still waited on tenterhooks for his reply.
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Dear Lady Y/N,
Why on Earth would you think I wouldn’t reply? If only you could have seen my face when your letter arrived -- your doubt would have been erased instantly. I had thought of writing you, myself, but I had the idea it might be presumptuous of me.
You have no idea how pleased I am to read your words. All of them, but especially the last ones.
Have I truly ruined all tea parties for you? Well, I cannot pretend to be sorry. I will take pride in anything I can do to please and amuse you and the girls. And I would love to someday host yet another tea party for the three of you; please say you would come.
Penelope the Horse is healthy and happy as ever, though Daisy the Dairy cow uttered -- or should I say ‘uddered’ -- to me that she misses you terribly. Hercules has been the definition of a gentleman, so there is no need to worry about Caroline’s future marriage prospects. Maybe they will seem terrifying at first, but in the end, one will turn out perfectly.
Funnily enough, the descriptions of all three animals could also be used to describe my current state: healthy, happy, the perfect gentleman, and missing you terribly.
How are the girls, anyway? How are you? How was your journey home? I daresay you didn’t include many important details in your letter. I believe you should continue writing to me merely so you can practice -- you don’t seem to be quite talented at it yet. I gladly volunteer to be your target practice.
And since you were so bold at the end of your letter, I shall be so bold at the end of mine: I was always envious back in boarding school. Your letters were so comforting and pleasant, I wanted you to write to me, too -- even though you didn’t even know me. I can, with the utmost certainty, tell you it was worth the wait. (And, of course, I was joking when I said you had no talent for letter-writing. You always have, and you always will. I just want you to keep writing to me.)
You said ‘Sincerely yours,’ which I hope you meant. I will just say --
Obviously, you sat down at the writing desk to reply to his letter immediately, a grin tugging at your lips the entire time.
And so it continued for almost three months: as soon as you received a letter from him, you wrote one of your own in reply. You posted it within minutes of finishing, and after waiting for several days, you received one back. Like clockwork. 
Each letter was a bit longer than the previous one so after twelve weeks, your letters took almost an hour to compose. Caroline and Louisa helped you some, requesting you add in their own messages to their favorite tea party host. His replies to them were always heartwarming -- at least for you -- and you could never stop yourself from thanking him in your next letter.
In fact, you were writing such a passage now. In his most recent letter, Minho had included the recipes for both Caroline’s favorite sandwich and Louisa’s favorite biscuit from the tea party.
I cannot express how much your kindness means to us -- all of us. To any other man, a tea party would be trivial and meaningless. The fact you take it seriously, for their sake, says more about who you are than anything else. Please do accept my sincerest gratitude and amity.
Sincerely yours,
Lady Y/N
You were just about to fold the paper and seal it with wax but you remembered one very considerably significant detail you hadn’t included.
P.S. The girls and I will be leaving tomorrow to move into our new home -- the one my brother-in-law has offered us on his estate. I’ve included the return address on the outside so you know where to send your next letter.
And then you folded the paper and sealed it with wax.
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Not even three days later, you and the girls were almost fully settled in your new home. It was only an hour’s carriage ride from your parents' estate, which did help soften the blow.
It had been a bit more difficult to leave your childhood home than you’d thought, though. Yes, you did want to go back to a life of independence, but you’d, apparently, gotten used to living with your family over the past two years. The first night in your new house with just you, Caroline, and Louisa had been... incredibly quiet. Not quite lonely, but almost.
You had woken far too early this morning, but it had given you plenty of time to put the finishing touches on your new living quarters. You had two trunks full of knick-knacks to put away, the little bits and bobs which brought everything together and made a house a home.
You placed miniature portraits on the mantelpiece. You set handmade doilies on side tables and underneath candlesticks. You arranged the embroidered pillows your mother had sewn on the sofa. And, last but not least, you put away the books in the small library.
Just as you had filled up the tallest shelf you could reach, you heard a knock at the door.
A soft huff escaped your lips as you came off your tip-toes, landing back on your heels and shifting your gaze toward the entryway.
“Yes, I’m --”
But another knock interrupted you, this one more hurried and panicked than before.
“I’m coming!” you cried out, stepping away from the bookshelf and rushing to the door as quickly as you could.
“Yes, what --”
Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him standing there, disheveled and dusty and out of breath and as handsome as he’d ever been.
Part 6
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btsismy6thkink · 6 years
A/Z Tag
i was tagged by the queen @razorblades-killed-me
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better!
A: age - 21, sometimes i forget this and say 20 B: birthplace - Odense, Denmark C: current time - 15:30  D: drink you had last - water E: easiest person to talk to - The person i’m tagging to do this  F: favorite song - Lie by BTS(but really its just Jimin) G: grossest memory - I threw up over breakfast, when we were on a family vacation so that was great. H: hogwarts house - Gryffindor but at this point i feel more hufflepuff J: jealous of people - Not really, sometimes i am but i like seeing other people being happy.  K: killed someone - I’ve killed before yes...its a hobby of mine to kill my sims people  L: love at first sight - Like at first sight, but i don't believe you can fully love someone until you know their flaws M: middle name - Louisa N: number of siblings - 1 O: one wish - For my best friend to meet BTS, but more than anything meet Min Yoongi bc that’s a ship i believe in. R: reasons to smile - My animals, my best friend, BTS and food S: song you sang last - Daydream - J-Hoooooooooopeeee T: time you woke up - 7am U: underwear color - Black V: vacation destination - South Korea, Greece, England and Berlin  W: worst habit - Procrastinating and giving people third and fourth chances. X: xrays - the drink? no Y: your favorite food - Lasagne, noodles, Pizza, Burgers, NUGGETS, ice-cream, carrot cake. Z: zodiac sign - Sagittarius 
@honey-yoongles (You had it coming)
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fallin-flcwer · 4 years
Next Generation Connections
Helloooo! Here is a list of current and wanted connections for my muses x
Whitney Mendoza-Cruz (St. Judes)
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Thea, Judah & Tilly: Her siblings. I think she's closest to Judah, but she loves them all more than anything else and will always be there for them even if they aren't all as close as they used to be.
Rowan & Aurora: Childhood friends! Being the children of Chris, Hensley and Soraya, they were all brought up together. Whitney definitely misses them a lot now that they've gone away and tried her best to keep in touch with them whenever she can
Peter R: They're related through Blake being Flo's step-brother, but I don't think they really became friends until he and Aurora started dating. Whenever Peter has some trouble he usually goes to Whitney to vent, and she's always there to listen to him
Dixie: Like Peter R, Dixie and Whitney are step-cousins through Blake. While they do get along well, they can be seen clashing just as much but they always seem to make up by the next time they see each other.
Noah: One of Whitney’s first relationships was with Noah. For him, Whitney was most of his first - first date, first kiss, first time etc. but since Whitney was always more outgoing the relationship eventually fell flat and she ended up breaking up with him. All in all, I think Whitney still cares about him to some extent, and there’s a special place in their hearts for each other.
Young-Mi: Best friend and roommate in St. Judes. With the two of them being very sociable and adventurous they often found themselves in the same group and eventually got closer to the point where they were constantly hanging out doing whatever together.
St. Judes Friends: Whitney's always been a social person but now that her friends have moved away she'd definitely put effort into getting to know people in the uni.
Ex-Flings: Whit is 100% a bruh girl but she definitely went through a short phase where she was continuously hooking up with guys, and getting herself into messy situations and decided that it wasn't for her LMAO.
Exes: Genuine relationships she's had over the course of high school. I think they'd go well for a few months but then after a bit Whitney would get bored if they weren't as outgoing as her LMAO. We can always discuss whether of not they ended on bad terms.
Tilly Mendoza-Cruz (Diamond Bridge)
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Thea, Judah & Whitney: Older siblings. Being the baby of the family, Tilly is easily the most naïve and sheltered out of the four and would've looked up to them all a lot growing up, especially her sisters.
Min-Hyuck: A dancing friend. Although they go to different unis they’ve formed a bond through dancing and kind of have a partner in crime kind of friendship
Roommate/Mum friend: Going straight from living with her family to moving to Diamond Bridge, Tilly would not last a day living alone LMFAO. So maybe a roommate that teaches her basic stuff like how to cook and do laundry, and while they can be annoyed with her sometimes, they tolerate and take pride in teaching her.
Dancing friend(s): Dancers inside and outside of Diamond Bridge that she hangs out with. Maybe there's some where's like a little playful rivalry going on, but generally I don't Tilly would have the heart to wholeheartedly pit herself against other dancers
Dancing student: They don't really have to be a dancer, but I think it'd be cute for Tilly to have a plot where someone sees her dancing, they become friends and now she always teaches them different choreographies. I think she'd really enjoy something like that, since she isn't the one being taught for once
Sylvia Jimenez-Lin (Liberty)
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Jay: Her ex and crush. She left him without telling him the reason after finding out about her illness, but since then she's opened up to him and they've been talking again since then
Lily: Her best friend. They are always there for each other during their highs and lows. I think even now that Sylvia's in New York, they both put effort into facetiming each other and making the most of the time that they have together when they are in the same place
Nicolai: Childhood best friend. Nicolai spent most of his time living with Phoenix and Sylvia, and because of that she grew up knowing the things that went down between him and his dad, and in return Nicolai often treats Sylvia like he's her big brother. Even though they aren't as close as they used to be, Nicolai is still very protective of Syl.
Daisy: Back in high school years, Syl and Daisy used to always bump into each other at the hospital while they were getting check ups on their conditions but never really got to know each other well aside from that. In Liberty, she and Daisy ended up becoming roommates and at some point Sylvia accident grabbed one of Daisy's hospital treatment letters, thinking that it was one of her's. 
New friends: I think now that she is out of Violet Springs, and generally has a better outlook on life since her diagnosis, Sylvia will become a lot more social and popular in Liberty. Not like Youi popular but almost there. 
First boyfriend: The only guys she would've dated before Jay. I think they would've been pretty young, so maybe they were going really well for a bit but then things kinda slowed down. Eventually they ended up breaking it off, but they've been good friends ever since
Nila Lin (West Ivys)
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Belle: Ex-Best Friends. They used to always be there for each other, going out to parties and getting wasted together, but when Belle's parents divorced and she started going off the rails Nila thought that she was going too far. While Nila tried to get her to tone it down, Belle wanted Nila to follow along with her, leading them to having a massive falling out. I think even now they aren't talking, Nila's always keeping an eye on her from afar
Darcy: Ex-Girlfriend. Darcy is the first girl Nila dated. Prior to that, she had only dated guys and assumed she was straight based off that. Being very young when they were dating, naturally they grew apart and ended on healthy terms.
Nicolas: A close friend of her’s that stuck by her after her friendship with Belle fell apart. He really kept an eye on her and was just really supportive without pushing her to do/say anything and Nila appreciates him for that.
Ex-Boyfriends: Guys she dated short-term prior to her dating Darcy. I don't think she's the kind of person to leave anything on bad terms, especially if they didn't last long
Youi Moon (Liberty)
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Hayi: Older sister. I think both of them are probably the most vicious of the Moon-Kang clan. If you ever mess with one if them you'll have both of them to deal with, plus the boys every now and then. Youi is definitely more bold and vocal, but Hayi definitely plays a role in keeping her tame.
San: Older brother. I think while they give of very different vibes -with San being the weirdo of the family and Youi being the borderline bitchy, popular girl- they very much think the same. Growing up, I think Youi would've been closer to San than she was to Hayi, and even though that's changed over time, she goes to him when she feels more playful, or when (on the rare occasion) she's upset.
Addy, Callie & Bianca: High School best friends. The four of them were part of the popular clique in Gallagher. I think being away from them is kinda bittersweet for Youi. Even though she thinks they were lowkey fake at times, she really does miss them and would love to catch up whenever she has the chance.
Louisa: An unlikely friend while they both come from wealthy families, they never were really part of the same circle since Youi fell into the popular clique while Louisa was more mature, but recently they’ve gotten to know each other and kind of welcome each other to different aspects of their lives, introducing different things to one another Jay: Secret friends with benefits. Currently they’re sleeping together but no one really knows about it since Youi can’t bring herself to be involved with anyone in that way. The relationship on her side is only physical. 
Ethan: Since Ethan and Addy broke up Ethan has been hitting on Youi, but she kinda just takes it as him needing a friend to talk to. While she eventually catch on to him flirting, she’s still very touchy about it since she’s still considers Addy a friend, and doesn’t really know how to go about it alongside her situation with Jay.
Liberty Friends: Youi was in the rich, popular clique in Gallagher and in Liberty it isn't any different. I think she falls into that kind of group naturally. and since she doesn't have Callie, Bianca and Addy with her she's kinda become the HBIC in Liberty without realising. She'd definitely want more people around her though
Jihoon Kang (Blossom Bell)
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Hayi: Cousin, Best Friend & Roommate. Between this friendship, Hayi holds 95% of the braincells LMFAO. She is Jihoon's impulse control, and if he didn't have her around he'd probably be wind up in so much trouble. He's definitely picked up a thing or two from Hayi when it comes to being tactical and strategic.
San: Cousin, Best Friend & Groupmate. I think these two are definitely the goofiest in the family. He isn't as close to San as he is to Hayi, but being in the same group has brought them together a lot more, resulting in many chaotic moments happening in their group and at home.
Amelia: Jihoon produces music for Amelia. Their music-making process is really sending tracks back and forth to each other until they reach the final product. Some people probably think that the process they have is inconvenient but he encourages her to release more music, and their little system works for them.
Unrequited Crush/Someone he's unintentionally leading on: A toxic trait that Haneul and all of his sons have in common is that while they are great at communicating with girls, they are incredibly oblivious to their feelings LMAO.  I think simply because he's best friends with Hayi, he's used to talking to girls in a casual way, but since they're not his cousin, he isn't afraid to make flirty jokes and stuff like that just for the fun of it. So maybe while they're developing something for him, Jihoon doesn't notice at all.
(NEW) Yohan Kang (Blossom Bell)
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Hayi & San: His cousins. Being more on the quiet, private side he was never really as close to Jiwon's kids as Jihoon was. I think now that he and San are in Blossom Bell together, they've definitely become a lot closer, although he is still lowkey judging him. 
Young-Mi: Childhood friends gone unrequited crush. Yohan and Young-Mi were familiar with each other mostly through Elodie and Haneul. Whenever Elodie and Young-Mi went on holiday to South Korea, Haneul always offered them rooms at his house. Yohan and Young-Mi were close, but while she has a crush on him, Yohan only really sees it all as a friendship.
Min-Hyuck: With their father’s being members of Seventeen, although they might not have seen each other all to often, they were often associated with each other. In Blossom Bell, they are now roommates and have gotten a lot closer.
Academy Buddies: While he loves his family, and the fact that a majority of them are in Blossom Bell, he'd definitely try and break away from them and make more friends
Guy Squad: Maybe like a friend group of 3 or 4 guys from different unis that are always seen hanging out and goofing around. Yohan would generally be the mum friend of the group, but he'd definitely feel more free to enjoy himself with this group
(NEW) Joji "Georgie" Heo (Blossom Bell)
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Min-Hyuck: Twin brother. Between the two, Georgie is the more outgoing one. They're both really close and pretty much grew up looking up to their father wanting to become idols. While Minhyuck stayed on that path, Georgie decided that she didn't really want that much attention and became a choreographer instead
Roommates: She goes to Blossom Bell, and I'd love for her to have a roommate. Whether they have a lot in common and get along, or if they have a little clash in personality, it can be developed!!
Friends: Just new friends in general!! Georgie's a social butterfly, so I doubt that having friends in overseas and rival unis would matter to her at all LOL
(NEW) Eric Mendoza (Rosewell)
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Tammy: He and Tammy were in a long-term relationship before he found out that he had a son. In a panic, he broke up with her without saying anything, and while she's still mad a him him, but still wants to know why he did it.
Noah: Childhood best friends. He was the first person Eric went to when he found out that he had a son, and in turn Noah helped cover for him until he sorted his secret out with his sister. To this say the only person aside from Moira that knows.
Friends: He was brought up in Violet Springs and was one of those people that can blend into any kind of clique in high school so just friends in general would be nice for him, especially since he's new 
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lovetgr76 · 22 days
Catherine x Jackson
S1e5 Fiasco
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When we catch up with Lamb and Standish at the beginning of this episode, Lamb is using a key to unlock the gate to the cemetery with the grave of William Blake where the Slow Horses had agreed to meet during the last episode.  Standish stands fast outside of the cemetery gates while Lamb is seen walking off, only he only gets about 6 steps away before he realizes that she is not walking behind him and turns to look at her.
Taverner’s voice mail – Standish; Lamb audibly and visibly sighs at this…
In the car you said you’d tell me. So, what did she mean about Charles’s death? – Standish
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Read the room, will you? Is now really the time? – Lamb (sounds exasperated by this questioning)
Standish says nothing, just closes her eyes for a second and decides to continue to follow Lamb.
Slow Horses are slowly arriving; Lamb asking about Struan and Cartwright.  Ho mentions the dogs showing up to the hospital, hence him leaving Cartwright and Lamb explains that they’re all next.  The dogs will be after them and Taverner will play it as Slough House gone rogue. Lamb takes off with the Slow Horses trailing behind him.  Cartwright arrives, calls Roddy a “dickhead”… Roddy glances at Standish, who just looks away shyly.
CLASSIC……. Lamb (closest to Standish) … gives his speech.
I don’t normally do these kind of speeches, but this feels like a big moment and if it all turns to shit, I might not see any of you again. You’re fucking useless.  The lot of you.  Working with you has been the lowest point in a disappointing career. Right!... Cartwright you’re with me – Lamb
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Everyone just kind of rolls their eyes at this but Standish manages to look genuinely offended!
Lamb tells the team to “go lock yourselves in a toilet somewhere”… but as we know from later series – he doesn’t want Catherine in particular to be anywhere near the “action” or danger… ever…  – she should be kept safely hidden away… except for when he bellows for her, at which point she should come running!! Lol
Standish is in the Smithfield Café with Ho, Guy & Harper. They’re all discussing how the dogs are after them, while Roddy watches the dogs.  The news is on and they are concerned about the kidnapped boy.
You’re forgetting Lamb – Standish
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Lamb doesn’t care about us.  As soon as whatever he’s got planned goes south, he’ll forget us! – Harper
That’s not true. The thing Charles always said (stops herself mid-sentence) – Standish
Roddy looks concerned, looks over at Harper & Guy questioningly. Harper puts a finger gun into his mouth and pretends to blow his brains out.  Ho acknowledges. Guy kicks Harper.
You hurt his joes, he’ll never stop coming for you.  And the thing, for Lamb, there’s nothing worse than not being able to get EVEN! – Standish
And he’s not gonna wanna lose to Taverner. - Guy
Exactly – Standish
I think he’s got even more contempt for her than he does for us. – Guy
Wow, that’s a skip-load of contempt. – Harper
And meanwhile, we what? – Guy
*the tv in the café is heard, as the news is discussing the kidnapped boy situation and threats of decapitation*
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Standish sighs at the news, before asking…
Roddy, where are the Park on Hassan? – Standish
They’ve just narrowed it down to ten vehicles that have left the area. – Ho
The one thing that we can bring to this is that we knew Alan Black, so…. What do we remember about him? – Standish
He was sent to Slough House for sleeping with the Venezuelan ambassador’s wife while undercover. – Ho, said with a bit of a smirk.
Apart from that. – Standish
He moaned a lot.  Never bought biscuits. – Harper
Oh, my God. – Guy
Sorry, what? We’re free forming.  There’s no bad ideas here.  – Harper
He was really lazy. – Guy
        And that’s better than what I said, is it? – Harper
Listen, he was undercover with the Sons of Albion, so there would have been a birth certificate, passport, credit cards, the full legend. – Standish
        Yeah. Deep cover’s expensive.  He was tight, so he definitely wouldn’t want to have to front that.  – Guy
        More than that.  Taverner won’t want any of it to show up on the books. – Harper
So he could have used an old ID. – Standish
Roddy? – Standish, she leans towards him and asks him softly.
        Ho looks at Standish then Guy before sighing and replying.
If you’ll give me a few minutes, ladies. – Ho
        And gentleman. – Harper
        Ladies. – repeats Ho
We see more of the kidnappers for a bit, as they are deciding how things will end, and how that will happen.
Back at the café –
Got him.  Like a rat in a trap that I will kill with a hammer.   “Triple-D Care Hire” Leeds address. – Ho
                Registration number? – Standish
                Ho glances at her in surprise for a moment before responding…
That will take a while. – Ho
                Ho finishes his coffee, Standish looks disappointed, Harper and Guy are looking a bit restless.
Get me a coffee. – Ho (said to Harper, who immediately sits back and looks offended).
                Standish is seen next to Roddy rolling her eyes at this entire exchange.
I need fuel for this one. An SQL injection attack will take hours, which leaves a malware bomb as the most effective method, but that needs someone to open an email, so… - Ho
During this lil rant… Standish is seen glancing outside of the café to confirm there is a public telephone.  She glances at Ho’s computer, squints … and grabs her purse before heading outside.
                Ho hears her get up and assumes she’s getting him coffee.
Cheers, Standish.  Double espresso. – Ho
                Guy and Harper just watch as she leaves the café. We see Standish running across the street to make the call.
I thought you could hack anything. – Guy
I can.  I’m not saying I can’t do it.  Just that it will take some time. – Ho
How much time do you need, Ho? Because the kid’s gonna get beheaded in about two and half hours. – Harper
                Ho glares at Harper from behind his laptop for a moment…
I’ll tell you what I can do real quick. Check your search history and tell everyone what porn you look at. – Ho
                Guy raises her eyebrows at this.
                Harper tries to act perfectly calm, unsuccessfully…
Fine, cause I’ve got nothing to hide. – Harper
                Ho snickers at this.  Harper lets Ho type for maybe 10 seconds before attempting to slam his laptop shut!!
Don’t you fucking dare. – Harper
Hey. – Ho
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. – Guy
What’s wrong with you?  - Ho
                Standish is seen rushing in to the café again.
You’re eight years old. – Guy (to Harper)
Pardon? – Standish
Where’s my coffee? – Ho, to Standish
I didn’t get you a coffee.  I got you the registration number. DE15 CGK. – Standish
     Guy and Harper are both staring at Standish, mouths open in surprise.
What? How? – Ho (also in disbelief)
Well, I rang them up. – Standish, sounding a bit proud of herself here.
And said what? “Do you mind breaking multiple data protection laws?” – Ho
No, I said th-that I’d had an accident with one of their vehicles and I had the driver’s name but because I was so shaken, I couldn’t read the registration number I’d written down. – Standish
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I think the words you’re looking for, Ho, and these would be a first for you, are “Well Done.” And “Thank you.” – Guy
     Ho is seen entering the registration number before agreeing, that it was on the list of vehicles the Park are looking for.
Then we need to get them to focus on that vehicle – Standish
How do we let the Park know that without them tracking us? – Harper
     Oh, my God. Min, a kid’s life is at stake. – Guy
I know, but Lamb told us not to get caught. – Harper
Can’t we track it ourselves? – Standish to Ho
     Ho cracks his fingers before attempting to work some of his magic.  Standish looks excited that they’re able to contribute.
Lamb returns the stolen vehicle to Duffy at the Park.  Asks to speak to Taverner.
Lamb is in Taverner’s office.  Taverner dismisses Duffy, leaving them alone. Jackson plops down on her sofa.  Taverner is at her desk.  Diana tells him that Alan Black has been found. Taverner says she has a statement from someone who saw Lamb and Black meeting after he’d left Slough House.  Lamb immediately determined that it was Stuart Loy.  Taverner tells him there’ll be others.
Standish will show. And she’ll turn when she knows why you’re at Slough House. And Moody, dead, after committing murder himself.  - Taverner, who has now moved to sit directly in front of Lamb, legs crossed, attempting to appear quite relaxed and casual, as she threatens him.
Lamb is reacting to this news, but does not say anything.
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you knew.  Sid Baker is gone. – Taverner
Lamb looks a bit defeated at this bit of news.
I’m going to make you an offer, Jackson – Taverner, leans in to make this offer…
I’m sure.  I mean, obviously you have to have this all wrapped up before Tearney lands, and I can blow the whistle on you. – mumbles Jackson
You don’t have a whistle.  All you have is a CV littered with dead joes. – Taverner
Well, I’m not sure your career will survive the death of Hassan Ahmed. But anyway, make your pitch.  I’m sure you’ve got some sweetener to help me neck this absolute bullshit. – Lamb
Sign a statement that tallies with Loy’s and that’ll be the end of it. – Taverner
Oh you mean the end of me. – Lamb
You’d be fired, but no charges. And enough of a pension to keep you in single malts. A heavily redacted file will state that you were thinking out loud and Black went rogue – Taverner, seen looking at her nails… again … very nonchalant about the entire proposal.
When’s Tierney get back? I mean, I’d love to run all this by her.  – Lamb
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Or we can sit here and watch the slow horses walk in one by one and accept a job back here at the Park, while you fester in the  basement until all this is cleared up, which I can make last a very long time.  … And if you get lonely, I can always send Standish down. The treason charge against her will be resurrected, and this time I can make it stick. – Taverner.  The last part send in a lower tone of voice, definitely intended to insinuate feelings between Lamb and Standish.  Taverner is sat back, quite intent on looking relaxed during these threats.
Lamb is seen vaguely nodding… sighs… and then quickly moves to get up.
Taverner is seen immediately moving back as if threatened by him / his movements toward her.
Lamb scratches his butt and stands in front of Taverner, with complete lack of regard.
Bomb threat – Cartwright breaks into the Park – steals the Fiasco File – Taverner is bested in her own office.
As always, really appreciative of any other insight, thoughts, feelings that you're willing to share!! ♥
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lovetgr76 · 29 days
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Saskia Reeves, who plays Catherine Standish, added: "I remember distinctly in season 1 how he not only set the tone as Ros described off set, but on set, the way that he works as an actor. He always knows exactly what he's doing, but he makes you think like he doesn't, and it sort of gave us all the confidence to continue in that vein also.
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"He sort of showed us the way, which I personally really enjoyed. It's like, 'Oh I can just improvise, but not really, I can just make things up, but I'm very prepared', and I love that balance. And Gary very much, for me anyway, showed me, 'yeah, you can do that, let's do this', if that makes sense.""
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lovetgr76 · 1 month
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Shots of Saskia Reeves in an interview for FormulaTV, shared on YouTube April 8 2022
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tripeakathlete · 2 years
Weekend Update- Feb 18 -19, 2023
Hello Team, Enclosed you will find the weekend update: Saturday Time: 8:00 am Sport: Breakthrough Brick Location: Lake Louisa State Park Duration: Long Course: Bike: 90 min / Run: 90 min Short Course: 4 x rounds: 10 mile bike / 1 mile run – 5 min easy spin recovery Sunday Time: 7 am Sport: Run and Jog/Walk Group Location: Tri Peak Athlete – 1700 S. Bumby Ave. Orlando, FL…
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