#jackson x catherine
lovetgr76 · 1 month
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eliaca · 4 days
A collection of ten one-shots about love, heartbreak, loss and self-destruction, with a scarf as the common thread.
It turns out that after seeing the promotional photos of Slow Horses 4x04, especially a photo where Catherine and Jackson appear; we were at the point of raving, talking about the multiple ways the blue scarf (which we assume is Jackson's) ended up around Catherine's neck; so as more and more ideas came out this conversation happened...
@florart98: che, we could do something with this, like short, super short stories and we'll be co-authors. @eliaca: a scarf and 1000 fantasies @florart98: One photo and we went crazy @eliaca: Yes, friend, let's do it, I don't know how to do it but yes to everything, I'm very new to AO3, but geekdom can do everything xD
Relationships: Jackson Lamb/Catherine Standish, Jackson Lamb & Catherine Standish
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263adder · 2 years
Someone, anyone out there. Please tell me I'm not the only one who ships it.
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Jackson Lamb is the unfeeling, spiteful boss.
Catherine Standish is the den mother and voice of reason.
But scratch beneath the surface and Lamb is feeling, he goes out of his way to solve the murder of someone he didn't even like. Standish is more than an administrator, she's cleverer than people give her credit for.
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They're on the same level. Not just in age (a rarity for onscreen older m/f couples) and at Slough House (sharing a floor just like River/Sid and Min/Louisa shared an office), but they've gone through very similar experiences just from different sides.
Lamb was a field agent and that's where his skills lay - murder, tracking, observation. Standish was an administrator and that's given her a keen insight into the service and how to disarm people with politeness. Both know the MI5 but it's given them different skills which work well together.
Now I know how you'll respond - but he constantly tries to make her start drinking again even though she's an alcoholic. Yet Lamb has also gone out on a limb repeatedly to protect her, from treason accusations, dismissal from MI5 and more (spoilers for the next season if it follows the book). When he knew the dogs were going after his horses, who did he go to retrieve... Standish. And even when she had no reason to take his side, Standish pulled a gun to get them out of a jam.
So I repeat again - IS THERE ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE?????? I'm losing my mind here!!
Also I love older ships, they're usually wholesome but this wouldn't be and I think that would be really interesting.
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samueltanders · 1 year
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florart98 · 6 days
Catherine is actually very good at lying, she completely fools Flyte, she even seems to have fun with it
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look at her proud smile
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She just can't lie to Jackson. She can't even look at him because she can't hide anything from him.
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Except when they look at each other, then she blurts everything out and she tells him the truth.
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shipthecarsons · 22 days
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OMG I think he bought her the jaffa cakes 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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favorite-characters · 5 months
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Peter Facinelli as ᴄᴀʀʟɪꜱʟᴇ ᴄᴜʟʟᴇɴ × Elizabeth Reaser as ᴇꜱᴍᴇ ᴄᴜʟʟᴇɴ × Nikki Reed as ʀᴏꜱᴀʟɪᴇ ʜᴀʟᴇ × Kellan Lutz as ᴇᴍᴍᴇᴛᴛ ᴄᴜʟʟᴇɴ × Ashley Greene as ᴀʟɪᴄᴇ ᴄᴜʟʟᴇɴ × Jackson Rathbone as ᴊᴀꜱᴘᴇʀ ʜᴀʟᴇ × Kristen Stewart as ʙᴇʟʟᴀ ꜱᴡᴀɴ × Robert Pattinson as ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴄᴜʟʟᴇɴ (dir. Catherine Hardwicke • 2008)
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aladio-milhomes · 5 days
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I would like some answers, please now.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Love Story(Jackson Avery X reader)
Paring: Jackson x Sloan!Reader
Summary: Jackson's mother is paying him and Seattle grace a visit. Y/n also has to meet her boyfriend's mother dispite her fears of Catherine's disapproval.
Warrings: none. Catherine talks trash a bit but that's all
Greys MasterList
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You really don't know what someone else is going through till you walk in their shoes. Y/n was a simple person. She didn’t really care to become a top tear or known person in the surgical world, she just wanted to help people. That's what made her different from the other residents and her friends. She was also different from her older brother Mark. While he worked hard to make himself big in the plastics world she planted her roots in the OBGYN world. She liked helping babies. They were pure and innocent in her eyes, she also wanted to help mothers. It was a coping mechanism for her because she didn't have a mom to call her own…like ever, Mark raised her and so did Derek’s mother.
(1st pov)
Me and Jackson were both still young in both the medical and mentally when we both met. We were also expected to be sworn enemies the moment his hospital merged with mine. When he first joined my friends looked down upon him and his friends. To Mer and the others the Mercy westerns were invaders in orange scrubs. They weren't to me….well Charels Percy and the Reed girl maybe.
The day Jackson got paired up with me was quite impressed. Not with his looks or the fact he was an Avery but because of his skill set. I also felt bad about the presser that was clearly on his shoulders. He stood there carrying the Avery name expecting the best. I grew a soft spot and I started showing the respect he deserved.
Since this is our story I might add the first thing I noticed about him was his eyes. He had beautiful eyes. And his smile…when he smiled i couldn't help but smile too, he had that effect on me and everyone else seemed to notice the effect we had on each other…everyone except us at the time. At the time not too many people didn’t want to believe it and even tried to sabotage it at times.
Mark and Derek were the first to accept it, them being my brother and best friend why wouldn't they. The two were also the first to see me have my little freak out about a certain woman coming to visit the hospital. The night Jackson told me his mother was coming to the hospital I didn't sleep the rest of the night, I just couldn't. I thought about the disappointment on her face when she was the type of girl Jackson chose to be with. I was smart and pretty, yes, but I didn't come from a wealthy family like Jackson did and I didn't have a last name everyone knew. I also wasn’t obsessed with winning a Harper Avrey award like most doctors my age. I kept asking myself ‘what if she hates me?’ I didn't dare ask Jackson that because I knew he’d just tell me what I wanted to hear despite his fear of his overbearing mothers arrival.
The day of Catherine Fox’s arrival I was quieter than usual. Jackson noticed first as I got ready. He even questioned why I was doing my hair and make-up differently. My hair was usually in a pony-tail but today it was down and slightly curled. When we got to the hospital Jackson kissed me good-bey once the elevator opened and we parted ways.
As the day went on I successfully avoided her. But I also hadn’t seen Jackson all day, which probably meant Catherine found him and is dragging him around despite his pleas of being left alone. I was quietly doing charts at a nurses station when Mark came up to me with a confused face.
“What did you do to your hair?” he asked. I sighed and started nibbling on my pencil, a nervous habit I had since the 2nd grade.
“Jackson’s mother is here” Mark rolled his eyes.
“So I've seen, she was quick to say Jackson was wasting his time in plastics” Mark sighed. I knew Catherine’s snide commits about the Plastics industry might have gotten to him a bit. Some people miss the fact that my brother does more than just face lifts and boob jobs.
“I haven’t run into her yet…” I said carefully not wanting to jinx myself. It's not that i didn;t want to met my boyfriends mother, I just kept imaging the worst when she meets me.
“You want to scrub in on a surgery? Mark said you needed something to do” Derek said coming up to me and handed me a chart with a smile. Derek and I are thick as thieves. Don't tell Mark but me and him have always been a bit closer.
The patient would be needing a OBGYN on stand by(meaning me) and a neurosurgeon both. The mother had been in a car crash and had suffered a brain bleed while being 7 months pregnant.
“Sure I’m not busy” Derek smiled and we both headed towards OR3. We scrubbed in and I tied my Ravenclaw scrub cap on while Derek grabbed his furry boat one.
Not long into the surgery the women I've been trying to avoid joined our little surgery with Bailey. Me and Derek shared a quick glance as Cathrine put on a pair of gloves. “I heard about this poor girl and I had to see if you needed a hand.”
Derek being the head surgeon of this surgery he looked up then nodded. “Sure, why not”
Cathrine nodded and put a mask on. She unknowingly chose her spot next to me. I froze up slightly as I watched the fetal monitor for the unborn baby.
(3rd pov)
Since filled the OR except for Derek’s occasionally mumbling and the beeping of the heart monitor. Breaking the silence Bailey looked among the other doctors and spoke. “Does anyone know about her husband?”
y/n looked up from the fetal monitor and spoke. “We're trying to contacted him now, we haven't had an answer for over an hour”
The doctors later found out the woman was divorced and the father of the unborn child couldn't care less. With Derek being the family man he was, it didn't set right. y/n looked at the sonogram of the baby sadly knowing what it's like not to have a dad around.
Bailey sighed. “I couldn't imagine being left by the one person i thought loved me”
Catherine was next to chime in. “it's a shame but sadly not all relationships last forever” she glanced around again and continued. “Are you married, Dr. Shepherd?”
Derek glanced up. “Yes I am” he smiled through his mask at the thought of Meredith.
Somehow the conversation shifted back to Catherine and she brought up Jackson and his girl. She was unknown to the mother and had no idea y/n was standing next to her. All she was to Catherine was a resident surgeon in a ravenclaw scrub cap.
“I'm not saying love is a waste of time but I have yet to meet this girl my son seems to be so infatuated with…” Catherine said, making Derek and Bailey both look at y/n.
“Dr. Sloan is a good surgeon…Avery and her make a good coupe” Bokie smiled through her mask as she handed Derek another tool. y/n smiled softly at the older women but not ready to introduce herself to her possible future mother-in-law.
Catherine raised her eyebrows, surprised at the last name the girl shared with another certain plastic surgeon. “Oh she's a sloan” she didn’t mean to sound the way she did, we’ll give the benefit of a doubt but she sounds annoyed and possibly disappointed.
“Can only imagine what she’s like,” Catherine continued. Derek and Bailey shared glances as y/n kept silent. While Catherine believed Jackson had more potential than just plastics her mind geared towards the thoughts and feeling that y/n was a distraction for Jackson and someone who convinced him to go into plastics. The last one may be true but she only supported jackson on what HE wanted to do.
Derek knew y/n wouldn’t speak up and he wasn't gonna stand by while a woman who he did respect tarnished his best friend's names. “y/n is en excellent surgeon and trust me your son and her are meant to be”
Catherine scoffed at that. “All due respect dr. shepherd i think jackson is a bit too naive and i believe that she maybe a distraction”
Distraction…is that all she saw her as? y/n thought for a moment and all the old insecurities came flooding back into her mind. y/n looked back at the fetal monitor gulping nervously. She started tapping her foot as the anxiety started to get to her.
“love blinds us” she said like she was speaking from experience.
Derek sighed in frustration and y/n quickly shook her head to shut him up. He took a glance at their patient then back at y/n. “How’s the baby doing doc?” he repreced from saying her name but it was safe to say he was talking to her.
She looked up and adjusted her ravenclaw scrub cap. “B-baby’s heart is getting stronger by the minute.” she stuttered.
As they continued Jackson walked into the gallery to see what his girl was doing. He smiled happily at her as she continued to watch the baby’s heartbeat. I didn’t seem like much but he was always proud and would point out the talented OBGYN he got to call his girlfriend. Him being up there was unknown to both her and his mother. What was unknown to him was the comments his mother was throwing to the girl she didn’t even know was there.
Jackson then frowned when he saw his mother down there too. She had pestered him most of the morning and he feared she was doing the same to y/n before he could even introduce her to Catherin.
Derek just shook his head as he listened to Cathrine harmless but also off hand commits about Jackson and the relationship that probably won't last. Her words not anyone else's.
After the successful surgery was over y/n delivered the baby and took the little girl to the nursery while Derek and bailey closed up. y/n smiled softly as she cleaned and dressed the new life and put her in the nursery with the rest of the babies. After she was one she watched the baby through the nursery window for precaution.
“Hey baby” Jackson whispered and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She sighed and rested the back of her head on his shoulder while rubbing the muscular arms that were around her.
“How’s the baby?” he asked, looking over her shoulder through the window. y/n smiled and pointed out the baby. “Pretty strong for a 7th month old…she’s right there” she chuckled.
Jackson smiled and kissed the side of her head. “Did my mother play nice?” he asked. Her mood quickly changed and it didn’t go unnoticed by Jackson. Jackon sighed and turned her around to face him.
“What did she say?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. She didn’t meet his eyes and looked everywhere except for him. “N/n?”
“She didn’t even know i was in there…but i guess she already a had a pretty good idea of who i was” she knew if she told him anything more he’d only get more pissed and the last thing she wanted to do was break Jackson’s relationship with his mother.
Jackson took a deep breath and looked down. “I'm sorry-” y/n started but Jackson cut her off with a soft kiss. He held her face in his hands and kissed the part of her forehead that was still coerced by her scrub cap.
“I don't care what my mother thinks, I love you and that's what matters” he spoke softly.
From afar Cathrine was walking alone till she stopped suddenly at the sight of her son with a girl. Not just any girl, it was the girl with the ravenclaw scrub cap that was with her in surgery. She quickly hid behind the corner and peaked behind it just as Jackson gave her a kiss goodbye.
She sighed realizing the things she said in front of her. She watched her son leave and y/n started to walk towards her direction and that's when Catherine hid around the corner letting y/n pass. As y/n stood at the nurses station filling out a chart for the baby girl Cathrine approached her.
“Hello y/n” she said softly. y/n gulped and awkwardly smiled.
“Oh hey Dr. Avery, how are you?” Catherine shook her head with apologetic look.
“Dear call me Cathrine and I want to apologize for my actions” she put her hand on y/n’s shoulder and smiled. “Why don't we start over hm? Clean slate”
y/n nodded and smiled. “Sure, i’d love that”
Catherine nodded. “If it's alright with you i’d like to take you and Jackson out to dinner tonight…I'd like to get to know you better” y/n nodded with a smile still slightly afraid of her disapproval. She nodded and told her she’d pass the message to Jackson.
Later that night y/n stood outside under the entrance arch sheltering herself from the rain. The sound calmed her as she leaned against the was waiting for jackson.
“Hey beautiful” Jackson smiled and leaned against the wall next to her watching the rain fall. y/n smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.
“You nervous?” he asked, referring to the dinner they were supposed to attend with his mother.
“Kinda, are you?” she asked. Jackson gave her a serious expression. “I'm not, no matter what she think won't change anything between us”
She smiled lovingly at him then looked back at the rain until Jackson tugged her arm pulling her towards the rain. She giggled. “What are you doing?”
He pulled her into the partly empty parking lot and twirled her around in the rain. “We're dancing it out, come on” he laughed. She laughed and danced along with him as the rain fell around them.
She danced with him a little longer till she bumped into his chest, shivering. Jackson chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Okay, come on, you're shivering” he pulled her into his car and turned up the heat. Silence fell until they looked at each other. Both in their Navy scrubs soaking wet. They burst out laughing savoring the moment.
“Well let's go get some dinner” he said, letting his laughter die down. y/n’s eyes widened.
“Jacks, I can't meet your mother like this! I smell like rain and hospital” y/n slightly laughed.
Jackson kept one hand on the wheel and sniffed the inside of his elbow. He looked at his girlfriend and shrugged. “I do too”
y/n sighed and rolled her eyes with a smile. “Trying to prove a point or something? I want to at least look decent”
Jackson shrugged and placed her hand on her knee. “Well, we're doctors, she'll understand,” he said simply. He simply didn’t care about their appearance at this point. Yes he does want his mother to like y/n but then angina he doesn't need her approved. Hell love y/n no matter what anyone else says. But he also wanted his mother to see exactly who she is. The kind and laidback girl he fell in love with and them going to dinner in the condition they were in showed that.
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west-coast-lana · 10 months
this is gonna be hard to choose just one😭😭😭
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petratherrock · 2 months
We're obsessed with only child, middle child, eldest child aesthetics so let's list them in terms of ✨The Ships ✨
1. Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa
Youngest child - only child
2. Anthony Lockwood and Lucy Carlyle
Youngest child - youngest child
3. Darlington - Galaxy Stern
Only child - only child
4. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson
Only child - only child-ish
(i mean it took him abt a decade before having a younger sibling so does that count? Not sure.)
5. Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar
Middle child - youngest child
6. Suren "Wren" - Oak Greenbriar
Eldest child (ish?) / Only child - youngest child
Does it count when you've been separated for ages but you did kinda spend a few years with the unsister and you still care abt them a lot? Idk either
7. Henry Tilney - Catherine Morland
Middle child - middle child
8. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy
Middle child - eldest child
9. Harriet Smith and Robert Martin
Only child - eldest child
10. George Knightley - Emma Woodhouse
Eldest child - youngest child
11. Anne Elliot - Capt Frederick Wentworth
Middle child - middle child
Okay that's it for the books ships.
Interesting when you look at their dynamics from the perspective of which child they are in the family, and it also makes sense how they act
Also interesting that Miss Austen said, justice to the middle childs let them have their own stories!! Love it xD
After listing down the Austen ships I can't wait to do one with my fave dramas and shows because my brain immediately went to Edith Crawley, my favourite middle child
But ah well for me, anyway, the science of which child you are is probably as reliable as the meyers-briggs test which I'm not sure is that reliable but still fun to discuss and think abt anyway!
Edit : as the youngest child, I do acknowledge and claim these sillies
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lovetgr76 · 30 days
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Jackson Lamb and / or Catherine Standish caught smiling...
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eliaca · 14 hours
After publishing 10 episodes, we found out that there are actually two scarves (identical or very similar), so, there’s no room for disappointment, only for more stories ❤️
Ft. @florart98
Ch12. The wrong gift
Shirley pranks Ho about a surprise celebration in Slough House, triggering a series of misunderstandings that ends with an unexpected gift.
Relationships: Jackson Lamb/Catherine Standish, Jackson Lamb & Catherine Standish
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263adder · 2 years
I've found a bit from Book 4 that I loved (no spoilers):
He leaned across to pour the last of the whisky into the glass W had been using , then pushed it nearer Catherine. Catherine picked up the tumbler and held it in front of her, using both hands, as if it were a chalice. Lamb's eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything.
"I like it when you talk dirty. Are you going to drink that?" "Isn't that why you gave it to me?" "Force of habit." "Yes, I'm aware of how habits work thank you."
Catherine raised the glass to her lips and breathed in. She smiled a little, though to herself rather than at Lamb. Then she put it back on the desk. Lamb retrieved it and poured its contents into his own.
Omg 👀👀👀👀👀👀
I can’t wait to read this!!!!!!!!!
This could support my theory
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hanahaki-disease · 26 days
Talia smiles with a gentleness that Percy is still unaccustomed to seeing on her face, it seems natural on her beautiful face.
But for Percy, it's still strange and it warms his heart - the gently raised corners of her lips, the tiny wrinkles around her eyes and the way her eyes shine, makes him think of Sally Jackson and Catherine Todd.
Talia Al Ghul was already standing in the same row with them in the middle, holding her hands on her chest and smiling at him.
"Khoshgelam" She calls him softly And Percy looks up at her through the mirror. They look even more alike, in similar clothes and with similar gathered hair. Elegant Chinese dresses, sleek, tight-fitting dark trousers that look like tights and low-heeled shoes. Their hair was neatly gathered and pinned up with hairpins.
They looked like mother and son, or rather like mother and daughter. Percy has always been androgynous, touchingly feminine.
Percy smiled at Talia - "It's okay, Mamá."
Percy has three versions/ideas of what a mother is in his head.
First, there’s Sally. His birth mother. The point of connection between him and Jason and their father. He’s never known her but he knows he cares about her because Jason cares. And if given the chance, he would like to have a conversation with her just to know who she was.
Second, there’s Catherine. His first mother. The woman who raised him after Sally’s death and died just mere feet from him a few years later. She smells of cigarettes and vanilla and her voice was soft when she sang him lullabies in Spanish to sleep. But he’s come to terms with her passing and hopes that in her next life, should she choose rebirth in the underworld, she could have a better life than she had.
And thirdly, there’s Talia. His real mother. The woman who gave him a little brother and cared for his older brother. Who brushes his hair and kisses his head when no one’s looking, who smiles when she teaches him her native tongue and smirks when training him in the way she’s known her whole life. With Talia he doesn’t have to doubt about her love for him because she reassures him repeatedly that he is her son and she is his mother just like she does to his brothers.
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florart98 · 14 days
People died, I died!
The way his voice gets lower and softer, how he leans toward her, how she holds his gaze, how he raises his eyebrows softly, and how she finally breaks. I'm dead.
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