#ship speculating
263adder · 2 years
Someone, anyone out there. Please tell me I'm not the only one who ships it.
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Jackson Lamb is the unfeeling, spiteful boss.
Catherine Standish is the den mother and voice of reason.
But scratch beneath the surface and Lamb is feeling, he goes out of his way to solve the murder of someone he didn't even like. Standish is more than an administrator, she's cleverer than people give her credit for.
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They're on the same level. Not just in age (a rarity for onscreen older m/f couples) and at Slough House (sharing a floor just like River/Sid and Min/Louisa shared an office), but they've gone through very similar experiences just from different sides.
Lamb was a field agent and that's where his skills lay - murder, tracking, observation. Standish was an administrator and that's given her a keen insight into the service and how to disarm people with politeness. Both know the MI5 but it's given them different skills which work well together.
Now I know how you'll respond - but he constantly tries to make her start drinking again even though she's an alcoholic. Yet Lamb has also gone out on a limb repeatedly to protect her, from treason accusations, dismissal from MI5 and more (spoilers for the next season if it follows the book). When he knew the dogs were going after his horses, who did he go to retrieve... Standish. And even when she had no reason to take his side, Standish pulled a gun to get them out of a jam.
So I repeat again - IS THERE ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE?????? I'm losing my mind here!!
Also I love older ships, they're usually wholesome but this wouldn't be and I think that would be really interesting.
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causalityparadoxes · 4 months
Okay but the Rogue throwing the bouquet and the Doctor catching it. The bride's bouquet, superstition signifying the next person who will marry. The Doctor putting on the Rogue's engagement ring.
Its the fantasy era, whats a billion trillion to one when you have coincidence on your side. What story is complete without a marriage.
They are going to find him and they are having that goddamn wedding.
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tma-thoughts · 2 months
Genuinely if Deadpool & Wolverine had the exact same plot and character dynamics but with Wade and a female superhero instead of Logan there would be absolutely NO QUESTION that they were into each other. The car sex would be a no-brainer. Them MOVING IN TOGETHER would be confirmation of a non-platonic relationship.
But because Wade and Logan are both dudes the straights call it guys being bros and the chronically online gays call it queerbait
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faramirsonofgondor · 4 months
Insane to think about how the Buddie shoulder grab is literally the “5 + 1” things trope. Like they’re literally writing Buddie as if it’s a fanfic 😭 I can actually imagine someone writing a “5 times Eddie grabbed Buck’s shoulder and the one time Buck grabbed Eddie’s” fanfic.
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starcurtain · 4 months
Sometimes I think about the fact that we have absolutely no information on how long Aventurine actually spent in slavery.
He fled from the Avgin massacre as a young child, and we didn't see him again until he was a grown adult. I doubt he could have survived entirely on his own at that age and Sigonia's conditions seem too harsh for people to randomly adopt orphans, especially from a rival/outcast clan...
We do know that the master we see on screen was not his only master, because he was purchased from someone else, but we have no idea how many masters he had total before his final one, how many times he could have fled and been recaptured, how many times he was bought and sold...
We do know that Aventurine appears to have been kept on Sigonia or somewhere similarly tribal for those missing years, since his first request to the IPC is for Jade to take him to her "chief," but we don't even know how long Aventurine has been out of slavery. He doesn't look massively different in age from his "trial" with Jade to how he looks in-game now, and he did not rise through the IPC ranks over time like Topaz but won his role directly through his gamble with Jade and then later proving himself on Iymanika.
Basically, all this is leading to a big question: Is it possible that the Aventurine we know is only barely out of slavery? That there may be something like five years or fewer separating him from the wastelands of Sigonia? That he learned all these new behaviors, all this new information about how to operate as a free person in the universe, in what likely amounts to 2-3 years of Jade's guidance and his own hard work?
Man, what an incredible character. Really a standout among my very favorites.
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ioveiy · 6 months
don’t get me wrong i LOVE how soft tommy is with buck because let’s be real our boy has been THROUGH it and deserves to be cherished, but my GOD tommy could DESTROY this man and it would be the hottest thing ever
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
do you even still ship buddie? you don't deserve to see them go canon smh how can you switch like that just because buck kiss a guy that was needed to make him canonically bi fake ass buddie
SJDJDJDJDJDJ bro pls go touch some grass
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song-of-baldy-ron · 5 months
I am still predicting Vassago will be a mostly good boi in the end but I noticed something...
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The profiles/silhouettes of the characters in Stolas' romance novel almost literally have his (L) and Vassago's (R) head shapes
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Buckle up for angst
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Buddie: Eddie supports Buck in everything!
Here's one of the many reasons why Buddie is endgame!
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One of the many things I noticed during the beginning scenes of 7x6 that heavily included Buck and Eddie was Eddie’s undying and never-ending devotion to Buck. He's always been like that so it wasn't a surprise to me but IMO, apparently, TM wanted the new viewers to see it too. Also, it was probably included as a reminder for those who've been watching but may have forgotten.
Here's what I mean.
Chimney clearly said he didn't want a bachelor party and he said it so EVERYONE could hear it, including Eddie.
But Buck was adamant about it and he wouldn't give up (in 5x2 Eddie said it to Buck that he never gives up and Buck learned that from Chris in 3x1 - 3x2 when they were talking before and after the Tsunami). Eddie knew Chimney didn't want one but he never dismissed Buck’s intentions of wanting to do something that he believed Chimney should experience. It's who Buck is and Eddie knows him to his CORE and so much so that he indulged him by not only suggesting they go as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice but also he was the only one who complied with Buck's wishes and came in an 80s costume.
He was the first person there and he made sure Chris was cared for so he wouldn't miss it. And he was THE ONLY ONE IN ATTENDANCE WHO STAYED WITH BUCK ALL NIGHT. They partied like it was 1999!
Eddie’s love and support for Buck was on full display and it's what he needs in a life partner. Buck doesn't need someone who just wants to kid and son him and who doesn't support him in EVERYTHING the way his supposed LI is doing. T*mmy didn't even try to oblige him and his response was nonchalant and stand-offish like he thought it was ridiculous. Also, him being on standby didn't have anything to do with it since they have to CHANGE CLOTHES WHEN THEY GO TO WORK ANYWAY. Hello, they wear uniforms.
My point is Eddie’s still waiting for Buck to get it. He gave him his heart years ago but he's patiently giving him the space and the time he needs to realize it on his own. He's supportive and he doesn't dismiss him and most importantly, he loves Buck unconditionally and that's what makes BUDDIE THE SUPERIOR SHIP.
They have spent years loving each other and being there for one another and IMO, it's the reason why TM is putting them front and center in every episode. He said he was going to show their "coupling" (his word) and that's what he's doing. Anyone watching should be able to see they're PERFECT for each other. Also, there's no denying how much chemistry they have and they haven't even kissed yet. But trust when they finally do kiss on screen, it's going to be EVERYTHING because all the years they've spent loving each other will pour out of their hearts and they'll put their all into it. It will be the most satisfying of beginnings for them. They will be each other's last everything and they'll grow old and spend the rest of their lives together.
They've built a life and a family for the past six years that's based on trust, love and devotion and if the Diaz parents showing up in a future episode is any indication of what's to come, I believe Eddie's WILL is about to come into play in a big way and there won't be any room for Eddie to deny what it means. It was a love confession and he did it in the best way he knew how at the time. He loves Buck and Buck loves him and that's what matters.
They're in love with each other and they share something greater than a couple of on screen kisses since they've been sharing a life and a family for the past six years.
They're best friends.
They're soulmates.
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makorragal-312 · 1 month
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Imagine if this is what finally gets Buck to tell Tommy to stop calling him "Evan."
Like, he just had to go through another shift of Gerrard berating him and his family while calling him by his birth name and he vents to Tommy about it. And Tommy just goes "What's the big deal? I call you 'Evan' all the time."
And Buck just snaps and goes.
"I know! And I hate it!"
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l393ndjean · 7 months
What I Need in St5 (That isn't ship related)
I need Will to save El from something. I need Will to not be a damsel in distress and El to not be a superhero. Not for the whole season or anything, but like, he saves her from a demogorgon by thinking outside the box. Will isn't violent and subverting their current roles by making him violent doesn't sit right with me. This would prove that yes, Will does care for El, and vice versa, which some people are still skeptical about fsr.
More of Robin and Nancy being best friends. And, address Nancy's trauma of losing Barb and how that affects her friendship with Robin. I want to see Nancy being protective of Robin, never wanting to let her out of her sight. And I need Robin to remind her that hey, despite it all, they're still young. They're teenagers. I need Robin to remind Nancy that she can still have fun, and that it's not her fault that Barb died. (Also I need them to solve the mystery together, their detective dynamic is so great.)
I need Vickie to befriend Jonathan. I need to know more about her as a person, not just as Robin's crush. If Argyle's not gonna be around this season I need Jonathan to have a friend, who he isn't linked to in a weird way (Steve is his girlfriend's ex and his ex bully and as much as I wanna see them interact and form a friendship, I also need him to befriend Vickie.) Jonathan's character development into making friends with her could also be quite interesting. He's never really interacted with anyone his age other than Nancy. (I love his dynamic with Argyle, but I also really need to see him with a... less high person.)
The party interacting, as a whole. Combining their knowledge to solve problems, arguing over stupid shit and getting to be teenagers for once. I need my nerdy little boys to be together for once, they're always separated. When they're together they're unstoppable.
El interacting with Lucas! Oh my gods, since season one we've scarcely seen them in the same room! I need to see them bonding over their grief, and working together on where Max's consciousness is. I need them to bond over high school and feeling like they have to be someone else to fit in. (We're getting this for sure, but I need this more than oxygen.)
I need Mike to be leading THE PLAN! When Mike leads the plan, they win. S1, they saved Will, S2 they saved Will and closed the gate. Both times Mike was heavily involved in forming the plan. In S3 Mike's Sauna Test worked, it confirmed that Billy was flayed. And his physics moment. But in S4? They lost. Why? Because Mike wasn't involved in the plan!
I have way more but that's enough for one night, lol.
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chandralia · 3 months
bkdk is still the greatest ship that’s ever happened to me.
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beskarfrog · 9 months
Maybe dinluke-it The Kiss, 1859 by Francesco Hayez ?
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big heart eyes for how your brain works @cutoutthepoetrywatson
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goodlouse · 29 days
two characters that are obviously together but i don't feel like i can ship because they're like real people to me. its like rpf i cant
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essektheylyss · 7 months
Open, non-exhaustive list of content I would read/watch in a heartbeat about the political situation in Rexxentrum post-Solstice:
One-shot or mini-arc of the Nein going full National Treasure level heist on the Cerberus Assembly records management department before a Ludinus simulacrum can reach the burn boxes
Faux Trump aide exposé-style novel of Athesias Uludan compiling and publishing The Dirt in the aftermath as part of his apology/comeback tour
Colville-run Dirty Dozen one-shot or EXU of Oliver Schreiber dragging some particularly unruly ex-Scourgers out of semi-retirement (read: house arrest) to take Ludinus out once and for all in exchange for full indemnity
Found documents a la Midst appendices of the Cobalt Soul documentation and evidence compiled about the incident
The Archmage: An Autobiography by Martinet Ludinus Da'leth (discovered and published posthumously) [1500 pages and riddled with exaggeration and inaccuracies, the last 20% has clearly been written by AI a simulacrum]
Lorekeeper rundown Youtube video from Dani Carr
Yet another novel: Wildemount's most (in)famous and (un)reliable documentarian smelled a story (Taryon's version)
Literally just a main campaign episode of the Nein infodumping to Allura at a war council meeting with the Hells present. I need this information so badly. I am fucking begging.
This sounds like it runs the gamut in level in terms of seriousness but I would like it stated for the record that I would unhinge my jaw to consume any item on this list.
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the episode titles of the first 6 episodes just leaked, and GUESS WHAT?
there's not a single mention of byler in any of them. HAHA.
because byler will NEVER happen!
"b-b-b-but byler tumblr told me 5x05 would be called "the paladin and the cleric" and would end with a byler kiss 🥺 i thought-"
LMFAOOO. you thought wrong!
the duffers really are gonna humble you good when S5 comes out 🤣
you keep losing, and we love to see it.
I’m not sure I believe the new leaked episode titles until further confirmation/clarification (I’m not much of a believer in “leaks” to begin with), but either way, this is an exceptionally silly ask even by Melvin hate anon standards.
Since when have episode titles explicitly referenced ships before??? And there’s no mention of M11 either? Or any other ship? So by that “logic,” none of them are happening. M11 bones. Jopper bones. Lumax bones. Jancy bones. Be serious for even one second. 🙄
The Paladin and the Cleric was always just a fun episode title idea. I don’t think anyone was married to it, what? 😭 I personally never believed it would be an actual title cause that seems way too on the nose to be a thing. Most episode titles only make sense in context.
And beyond that, I’d say that if these titles end up being true, there actually are some… interesting titles like Sorcerer and The Vanishing of ____ Wheeler that make me go 🤔 and set off my Byler spidey signals. And we still don’t have the final two possible episode titles.
The fact that you think Bylers are sheep who are easily swayed & controlled by what “Byler Tumblr” says instead of fans watching the show and coming to their own conclusions 💀
No one “lost” or “won” anything. You made up a strawman Byler in your head and then laughed at the strawman you created, which makes you the joke. And it also makes you sound super immature and silly. Middle school ahh logic. This ask makes no sense, and I’m only answering it because I’m baffled by it.
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