#love a musical au tho
flowerakatsuka · 2 months
my shimamatsu artbook came in so i finally got to see the rest of the unreleased teacher set...
scans of gym teacher oso from this set can be found here!
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choro's a math teacher, which i feel like is pretty fitting for her. they drew her very cute, peak froggy expression.
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ichi's a science teacher, like in teacher matsu merch by movic. he's also setting a bad example for his students by wearing open-toed shoes which is against standard lab safety rules, for shame smh.
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jyushi is an art teacher! very cute, he's definitely fitting the bill of the zany art teacher stereotype.
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totty's an english teacher. he's really meant it when he said he doesn't want to work bc he's giving us NOTHING in that awakened art. his outfits are very cute, though.
" gee, mj. where's kara? wasn't he the one you were the most curious about? " wELL. i waited to share him last bc...
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when i tell you that i opened to this page in art book to find this set, saw kara, and then immediately closed the book...
he's a japanese / literature teacher, which i do think fits. ( still such a missed opportunity to have him as a music teacher... ) * puts my face in my hands * he's such a dork.
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I drew Ted from the wonderful @nabwastaken ‘s Time Bastard Au! The original design is by the talented @midnightnautilus , and was so very fun to draw!
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chaoticniko · 2 months
This might become a series if I don't get another shiny moment
Have Hermes and Poseidon bc ✨️yes✨️
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And 2k12 tmnt oc for apologies for my absence
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happyyft · 3 months
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I dkkk just designs
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chimerahyperfix · 5 months
Run down your list. You are currently on your way to intercept the King, before he gets to the house. Whenever he gets there, it’s a bloodbath; metaphorically and physically. How many more times do you have to see everyone get frozen? See the King smash those who stand before him? You can’t see it again, you can’t you can’t you can’t, so you sneak out to face him instead. If he can’t get to the House, no one has to die, right? Simple as that. The endless night of his approach hangs right over Dormont, so you have to catch him, NOW.
You make a pit-stop at the Favor Tree anyway. It’s tradition at this point.
You did… something, here. Before you started looping. The hypothesis is that whatever you did at the Favor Tree caused the time loop you’re trapped in. You know you wished, a ton— at least ten times, or maybe twenty? All in as many different ways you could think of. Stretching outside the realm of how you know to wish. The desperation drove you to doing random things in hopes it would save you, and— well, it kinda has? You’ve doomed yourself for everyone else’s sakes.
That’s all well and fine enough, you rationalize. One person for many. Who knows what’ll happen if he actually takes the House; you don’t want to find that answer out.
The Favor Tree is huge. It’s a nice tree, lots of leaves, lots of shade. You could probably climb into its branches and never leave, get trapped in a web of tree bark and leaves like a cage, birds and squirrels and other such animals as your jailers. Maybe that wouldn’t be too bad. You could try that, next loop, if you failed here. You know you’ll fail, because nothing has worked so far. Your mind flashes with images of blood-stained floors, of screams both by and for many, many people. Hands reaching to you, hands reaching out.
Breathe. The memory fades away. Your hands curl into fists.
You depart, to fight the King. To stop the King.
The King is very tall. A couple stories high, you’d reckon. He towers over you, the trees and everything else. The clearing you’ve stopped him in is very close to the House. Too close for comfort. Shouldn’t have stopped at the tree. Everything is swamped with the scent of burnt sugar.
He looks down at you— do you look like an ant to him? One singular ant? Wouldn’t that be interesting. A single blockade to the anthill, standing its ground. One mistake and he’ll turn you into a dark stain, or an icy statue. One mistake is all it’ll take for him to rip through the House like paper.
The Craft Bomb is heavy in your pocket. The backup potions, seven or eight of them, all in little tossable vials, toxic and burning and acidic, weigh down the other pocket of your lab coat. You remember drinking at least three of them. They all killed you. Painfully. Curse your desk for not being clean before you started looping. If you’d just taken a few minutes before you wished, so many deaths would’ve been avoided…
But that’s not important now. The fire in your throat, as imagined as it is now, still hurts. Your voice has taken an odd rasp to it now, the consequences of toxicity and blind reaching for water forever etched into your very being.
“How have you done it?” The King asks. You can’t see his eyes, past his endless, wild mane of hair and his gauntlets covering his face, but he sounds both confused and enraged.
You don’t answer, instead brandishing the bomb you worked so hard on. You made it in record pace, this loop. It too reeks of caramel.
The King simply moves a hand. You know what’s coming, and you move before he does. The curse of being so, so tall, is that you’re faster. The bomb goes flying, and you toss the potions all in one go for good measure before skittering out of the way. The King lunges for you as the bomb explodes, sending waves of fire and craft energy everywhere. Blinding, deafening. Its force knocks you to the ground.
He still moves, though. Not enough. Damn. Maybe you need two bombs… do you have the materials for a second one? You hope, as he swings his giant gauntlet down onto you to mash you like a bug, that he sees the weird shade your eyes have taken lately. A pair of blaring, dangerous warning signs.
You’re not scared anymore. This has happened many times.
You still scream.
His attack hits, and through the veil of absolute agony, there’s a tug on your stomach. Back to the drawing board.
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lamslover · 4 months
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coworker au by m_pils_ on insta !!!
another comic bc my brain is exploding rn /pos
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puppetsoftomorrow · 9 months
i've kind of always been obssessed with an avalance au idea where sara's in a band and ava's a singer/songwriter and she writes songs for sara's band and they're all love songs about sara bcos she's too shy to actually tell her how she feels about her
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snowymarbles · 2 months
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villain!cap designing
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kittyandco · 1 year
i've been replaying kh 3 (despite not having finished it because when it released life just threw 1239893849 things at me and the horrors haven't ceased) and i'm in arendelle. almost halfway through. i want to play it. but out of spite i don't want to finish it. but i also want to fight my husband
(rambling in tags)
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malimaywrite · 8 months
i can't tell if it's more odd when you feel a fixation revving up or when you feel a fixation beginning to fade lol
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theangrypomeranian · 7 months
*glares at myself in the mirror* you DO NOT need to watch AHS: 1984 again, you WILL NOT plan an AU based on it, do you understand me?!?
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britishraptor · 1 year
*stares at long list of shows on my to-watch list*
*glances at list of my most highly-rated*
what if I just rewatched fairy tail (show I hate, would never recommend to anyone, kill me now) for the third time
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strawbie-doodle · 2 years
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@taikeero-lecoredier i remembered this time :3
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lexpressobean · 2 years
Help I'm suddenly plagued with thoughts of Popstar Sensation!Shino AU. It's so dumb.
He can sing. He can dance. He can play guitar and piano. Dude's all kinds of popular. He always seems to be so poised and mysterious in interviews, yet on stage he's, like, crazy athletic with his showmanship and his presence makes itself known. His main asset is his Grade A Coolness. But surprise! He's actualy a Tripple Threat Musician! He's also a talented actor! But, no one really knows about the last one. Why? Because there's always a camera in his face in public. So he's always acting.
On stage he goes by simply Moritaka (play on source material). In reality, he's still the same old Shino Aburame we know. He's still a huge nerd and Insects are still his special interest. He plays many instruments due to his upbringing but keeps that on the DL because his Record Label has this Image for him. He sings lovely sweet nothings and danceable anthems on stage, but when he pours his soul into his writing, it's more raw and sad, usually very cathartic and often with a hint of bitterness. Not something that can rake in the success as easily as the Pop Music he adapts to as it's given to him, but it helps him cope. He loves his layers goddamn it, and sometimes he feels like a clown on stage with these "fashion savvy" outfits they pick out for him. He especially misses his glasses on stage but he can manage well enough with his contacts, though they do really irritate him sometimes.
Shibi had made the choice to hide Shino from the public eye as much as he possibly could from a young age, so very few people could figure out what he looked like as a kid, especially after he chose to start wearing prescription sunglasses specifically.
He lives a sort of Hannah Montana double life with a "Lucky" by Britney Spears flavoring. Except he started as a young adult, 20's sensation, so he's also unfortunately sexualized to a much higher degree right off the bat and the heavy emphasis on his looks can be very tough on his skin, let alone his nerves and insides. But he's not blind to his own attractiveness. Plus he'd be damned if the constant dieting and working out didn't amount to anything. His day job is less of a job and more he acts like a nerd about his beloved bugs and is very active as Shino in online communities dedicated to Insect love and information. In fact, days off for Moritaka include Shino being secretly Philanthropic and he's always furthering his education in one way or another. He didn't become a sensation over night, his family's been in the Music Business, but the Label would have you believe he was a nobody who made it big of course. He probably did this against his family's wishes tbh and the secret identity was to give the name Aburame absolutely no credit. Spite is such a motivator you guys, and selling his soul for sum amount of years means he can do what he realy likes in his free time. When he has it, anyway.
The fun part for me, the main part for me, is that all his old classmates don't recognize him as Moritaka. But, they're all fans to some degree. Especially Ino and Naruto, the two who were the meanest to him for no good reason lmao
Ino thinks he so unbearably handsome and can watch the same dancing clip over and over again. Naruto genuinely likes his music, who cares if it's Pop!? It's super catchy and super good, that's the point!!
Just... imagine Ino and Naruto winning two VIP tickets to one of Moritaka's Bigger Concerts and they're going feral the whole time and Shino has to refrain from reading them to absolute filth and revealing his true identity during backstage access and dinner and an after party or whatever the winners of the contest win because they're all over him now when from K-12 they literally wanted nothing to do with him and went out of their ways just to shut him down or bother the hell outta him with complete disregard for his feelings hahahahaha
Well, mostly Ino tbh, but adding Naruto specifically as her plus one because he was that big of a fan just makes it funnier lol
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thstarsofsilver · 1 year
just realised hsmtmts s4 literally dropped yesterday and there will be spoilers all over the dash but i won't be able to watch it for a while, so i might take a teensy break from tumblr. pls keep sending me stuff, just know that i won't see it for a while!
that said, ch4 of my portwell wedding planner au (aka 'you are not the kind of boy...' aka 'yantkob (wsbmtwg)') will be dropping verrrrry soon...👀
catch up on chapters 1-3 here!!
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