#love being the youngest at work bc i basically have the opposite of this
mc-park · 2 years
xiao fanfic idea (based on the 2.7 chasm quest)
hello i dont have any energy to rewrite all my fanfiction ideas for this quest bc i made this long ass post abt it in detail but it didnt save and now i feel so hollow and numb. im going through every stage of grief right now, currently at stage 4, depressed.
all i ask is for xiao chasm content. please. i beg. SOMEONE, LITERALLY ANYONE PLEASE MAKE XIAO FOUND FAMILY CONTENT
and then put him through an indescribable amount of pain and turmoil as he fails to accept his yaksha friends are dead and faces the slow realization he has no family, other than zhongli, left.
please help me relieve some of this pain by reblogging or tagging your favorite writers in the comments and writing down your xiao x reader chasm ideas (also in the comments) for their inspiration ...ill join too once im done crying over all of my work disappearing
for now i'll just share a few of my daydreams at its most basic level and hope to god somewhere in the world a genshin writer will take this idea and bring it to life
(2.7 spoilers utc)
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yaksha found family + reader witnessing all of it, being an outsider as another weaker yaksha.
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where you, unaware of the suffering and pain that comes with the responsibility of being one of the five yakshas, hope to get an ounce of understanding for them like they do with one another, hoping to be part of what seems like a "family."
yearning to gain even a bit of that familial warmth, you glance over to observe them on the sidelines and smile at the sounds of their contagious laughter directed at xiao's now fully-painted face.
as years pass by, you watch in horror as each yaksha slowly succumbs to the darkness of their karma one by one, never returning to that bright family dynamic they forgot about.
finally, when xiao, the youngest of all of them, the only one remaining, tries to recover from the loss of valiant warriors he considered his siblings, you console him, experiencing a pain similar to his. both of you support one another awaiting the day you can reunite with the rest of the yakshas again.
this can really extend as much as it wants to starting off w wholesome shenanigans and then angst to possible hurt comfort or just you and xiao wailing in pain together. i love a good slow burn so thats my personal request, like each paragraph written above can be extended to a whole post and split up into a whole series, but really its up to whoever wants to take up my challenge to make it however they want.
xiao and reader dynamic:
in this case i feel like xiao bonds with reader where they feel this mutual emptiness but in different kinds of ways.
you feel alone in the world, you feel excluded from the rest of the yakshas, you long for something you don't have and haven't had in a long time, for that bond that effortlessly ties the five yakshas together. despite being surrounded by so many people you constantly feel like not one of them understands.
you want to be with anyone as long as it's someone. but you have no one. there are so many thoughts, feelings and emotions but there's no one to share them with no one who cares enough to listen. you wish for what the yaksha's have, the family they built on their mutual suffering and joys, where they all understand each others pain because they all share the same experiences.
you feel like no matter how kind or nice or strong and heroic you are or can train to be nobody thinks to call or ask anything of you, its this numbing feeling that prods in your chest at the loneliest and quietest of days, it's not like they're outwardly avoiding you, quite the opposite. they tell you to join, but however close you are to them you still feel distant, and when you part for your more meagre duties compared to their wider scale dangerous tasks, the rift between you and the family increases.
you don't feel upset, nor do you feel hurt, if anything you feel acceptance. it's normal. at times you feel gratitude; a warm feeling bubbling inside whenever they come to talk to you. happiness; whenever you see their doting towards one another, their dumb pranks and stupid jokes.
as an outsider, a weaker yaksha, you watch the adepti you've looked up to for so long from a distance and internally relish in the joy of their shared happiness.
whereas xiao is longing for something he's had before but can't do anything to get back, its this feeling of hopelessness and this agonizing need to go back to how things were, how he was before. he's distraught with the frustration and regret of not being able to get back what was lost and never being able to experience anything similar to it again. its sporadic. sudden. when the yaksha's slowly disappear, after years of investing in them from afar you end up feeling this way too, this same hole in your chest, this unshakable itch at the back of your mind that won't go away. the bond that you hoped to join, the joy you've observed for so long and the happiness you secretly chewed off of no longer exists.
now that you and xiao are the last yaksha left, perhaps you can form a new bond over your losses together.
THIS IS JUST FOR INSPO ON HOW TO WRITE THEM BTW!! do it literally however u want i just thought this would be really cool and emotional to write cuz like theres readers loneliness built up over the years and then theres xiaos mourning and that sudden period of grief and then the awkward sort of mutual sadness they feel in the end
family dynamic inspo:
xiao being the temperamental, more self centered youngest and bosacius acting as the more protective self-sacrificing eldest brother. followed by indarius (pyro yaksha) the second oldest almost mom-like, bubbly and loud friend, the walmart zhongli as the mediator, calm middle child and bonanus (hydro yaksha) as the second youngest, possessing a more timid, polite and shy aura.
a sample of how he may feel:
and when xiao is left alone, he tries to remember all his happiest memories with each of his friends. he longs for them, he longs for the past so much that it hurts. he wants to be his old self, to get rid of this aching loneliness but as each happy memory flashes by, he spirals into a deeper pit of sadness and activates this haunting feeling in his heart that feels like something is missing. recounting the memories of his loved ones, he swears that this will never happen to anyone close to him again. even at the cost of his own life. in the midst of his vulnerability, he unknowingly engrains that very same savior complex his leader, no, his brother bosacius once had.
im sorry if there are grammar mistakes and stuff i rushed this really short idea bc i was busy trying to remember what i wrote before tumblr decided to reload and DELETE all of my work just bc it was in a silly goofy mood
or reblog if you want to see someone make this themselves.
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sebin · 3 years
hi I just read your about and idk if you've talked about this before bc I'm a new-ish follower, but PLS how did you met mark lee and what he was like ???
hi!!! omg okay so!!!!!! I went to America for the Neo City tour because I live in new zealand and nobody ever comes here hahaha. i stayed with my friend who I met on tumblr 8 years ago now and who I had just got into nct, and yeah so basically stayed with my best friend near LA for the concert.
day of the concert: we are opposite the Microsoft theatre, we were just drinking beer at a bar since about 11am??  I was slightly tipsy and around 2pm I saw SM staff with this big bag of like ... cut out faces of nct and a huge camera crew and stuff and they were filming fans outside, so me, the leo that I am, runs up to them and asks if my friend and I can be in whatever they're filming. They’re like hell yeahhhhhhhh and so they basically line us up with a bunch of other fans to play this trivia game?? which in itself was humiliating omg they asked us who the youngest member is and my ass yelled JIIISUUUUNG and then forgot the words to the English version of regular in front of everyone but that is a whole other story.
Anyway so we do this trivia game, heaps of fun and we say goodbye and we thought that was it like we got to play this cool game and so we went back to the bar. WELL
several hours later, the staff find us (this sounds like a really bad fanfic DKLSJLDSJL) and they tell us ????? that ??? they loved our on camera energy ??? and the fact that i came all the way from new zealand ???? so they basically tell us that if we want to, we can come back stage and film a personalised message to NCT which THE Y WOULD SEE????, so naturally we were like freaking out but so excited and said yes immediately 
so then we are suddenly in the arena backstage and standing there filming these messages that nct are apparently going to see and it was the most surreal thing ever getting to say all this stuff to them and i basically just thanked them for working so hard and being so kind. and so i wanted to end my speech with something just for jaehyun bc he's my ult. so i say “and jaehyun... i love you... so much.” and then this little voice behind me goes “WHAT ABOUT MARK???” and i turn around and mark is like right to the side of me filming me and my friend on a phone???
pls he was the SWEETEST person. he wrote out tattoos for us which we got the next day and then showed him on the late late show, but he hugged us and asked abt new zealand and complimented my accent it was so sweet and he was so kind. he was joking around and said to me “Ill tell jaehyun that he's your favourite” and i was like mark! I don't have favourites!!!!! and he laughed at me dksjlsjlsjd. honestly the whole thing felt like joking around with an old friend and it was the best day of my LIFEEEEEE.
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wshaeil · 3 years
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*  ◟  ―  🍓cl - clang !! hello , it’s so nice to meet you all - my name is jada , but you can just call me 𝐎𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐈𝐋’s mun !! i’m super excited to be here , and hopefully you guys take to me and phoenix’s leader , haeil ! he has a semi - sad vibe , but don’t be fooled, he’s a pretty cool guy ! below you’ll find trivia as well as general connections while i work on te real plots page ! and as always, please like if you’d like to plot alongside me and my boy !! lets go !
i’m going to lightly touch on his backstory here but his bio is already loaded w stuff haha so !! i won’t bore you with too many details !!
came from a family w / high expectations of him, to always be the responsible big brother ... and he did ! always was good at school stuff, took care of stuff at home when needed, etc !
but deep down he was ( and is ) not happy w how he felt his own happiness was always sacrificed for others, despite not wanting to admit it & sounding selfish ? but anyways, it got him acting up, and he had a whooole little rebellious streak that was completely out his character !
though he realllyyy enjoyed the rush, his little adventure ended quick when his parents noticed him skipping class & all that ! so his first year of hs they made him join a school club to find better friends, and that’s where he found dance !
there he learned dance and well ... the rest is history !! loved every minute of it, but got a really bad injury that had him out of dances for a while, and it crushed him, but he came back with a newfound true appreciation for it !
time skip, his friends encouraged him to audition when word came around about yuseong auditions and ... voila ! here we are !!
ok so you’ll have to excuse me as haeil is one of those this . . . and also that characters HAHA, so he’s got opposing personality traits even within himself ! he even is confused by it hee heeeee
also sidenote his younger sister is @wsharin​ !! they’re definitely giving opposites yet crazy type, have quite different personalities, but grwing up in similar environments w each other has kept them very close ! kinda thinks he’s fake youngest out of them, yet fiercely protective of her !
but ! his natural instinct is actually to be pretty wild, outgoing, have fun. he’s the happiest when he can do that, and those closest to him probably know him to be quite the joker when he lets loose.
buuut for years now he’s been conditioned into the responsible leader-type he is now, though it def is his more manufactured side. but nowadays it’s what he reverts to, because he sort of just thinks there’s not enough room in everyone’s life for him to be so chaotic ??
haeil tries his hardest to blend in the background, as he feels it’s what a good leader does and he wants to give the rest of his team the shine. because he hasn’t been dancing as long as most others around him, and had a relatively short training time, he’s still v doubtful of his own worthiness of being in the position he is, therefore he sort of feels like ... he doesn’t deserve attention ?? ( and while this is true to an extent, haeil also needs to work through this constant pessimism within himself and learn to take pride in his achievements !! )
so a lot of times what you’ll see is a man trying to be a leader, with the inner child ( ! ) in him poking through. though he encourages participation from his other members rather than himself, his fans are known for pointing out all the moments he gets jumpy / excited / hyper, and he’s kinda developed this “tsundere” vibe because of it ? it’s not exactly correct but he’ll take it heehee
as a leader, esp on variety, you’ll see him doing little things to make the quieter / less talked to members heard this whole compilation ?? literally him.
if you’re close to him though, you’ll really see he’s not nearly as serious as he seems. he’s extreeemely caring, almost to a fault, w those close to him ? and will take care of literally anything they need. got rent due tomm ? send him your payment info and he’ll send over all he has in his account. but on top of that, he just loves to have fun, and if in an environment that allows, v spontaneous !
def mom friend vibes. doesn't like coffee but loves his morning tea, sweaters, tries to establish a bed time for phoenix, always managing to have remembered that one thing someone else forgot, packing snacks, all the good stuff !
but !! the entertainer in haeil is compleetely different, and largely why he got famous ! a charismatic dancer for sure, enjoys a lot of hip hop as it’s what he’s had most practice in, and whenever he dances he truly has fun !! 
he was so  deep in his own insecurities, and it showed in his dancing, untilll cherry bomb. phew cherry bomb haeil was ... a whole era, and what a lot of people attribute to being his vibe switch that made him 1000x more confident !
despite what many think he loooves aggresive rap. rock & r&b are right up there too. loves music that reminds him he can feel things !!
poor thing ... cannot handle his alcohol. legit tries to avoid drinking altogether bc like one drink and he’s already trying to crawl onto tables. actually loves going out for drinks but avoids it like the plague bc he thinks it ruins his pride lolll
while he claims he's too busy for love - and he genuinely is kinda - he is a hopeless romantic deep down. his mind always drifts to him & his future partner living all suburban w kids who match clothes and having a family dog, all the fixings ... he just wants a cute dad vibe and gets depressed when he thinks of how being an idol is kinda preventing that from coming anytime soon 
this is getting SO LONG WHAT lets move on !!
someone who didn’t actually make it / hasn’t yet debuted in the industry, but who haeil reallly looks up to as a mentor ? whether a rapper / singer or just someone he admires, haeil gets depressed every time he remembers the person who got him where he is hasn't even got their shot of fame yet, and who he feels he owes quite everything to. though he’s got the whole leader thing going on, this person makes him act like a whole little sibling.
english tutor !! he genuinely wants to be so much better than he is, and doubts his skills as a good leader bc of it and would loove someone to help him !! also def down to learn from someone who speaks japanese, since he’s learning that as well ! he just wants to connect w more fans D:
someone who lets him lets loossee !! need i say more ?? haeil needs to have some fun and be himself before he pops a brain vessel, and that seems like it’s becoming more and more of a possibility oijdoidjodjod. alcohol may or may not be included iin the equation but if so prepare for chaos personified !
an ex perhaps ?? he’s bisexual so this could go either way, but someone he was w in high school and for whatever reason, it didn’t work out ?? we could give them awkward or tension w angst where they never got closure, or two people who just worked better as friends and maintained a great connection !
someone who he’s truly just ... whipped over ? something about their energy has him wanting to see them more and more and quite honestly, p out of character. openly a simp and just wilding whenever this person’s in the room hours .. let’s go !!
best friends. but i mean like .... beeest friends. they don't have to necessarily go back, not all best friends do, but what matters is them now ! friends who have an incredibly special connection, the type to just .. basically be talking in their own language of inside jokes and such.
for those who might not be from korea / have the closest relationship w their own family, haeil’s got you ! if your muse has always wanted someone who cooks for them, gives advice, or just listens and provides a shoulder to cry on, mr.haeil is the man for you !!
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dyldavis · 3 years
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hello all! im allie and im SO excited to meet and plot with each of you! this is my babe dylan. she’s pretty much developed which makes it fantastic for me bc it gives me more time to plot and thread with each of you! below is a bit about her along with some connections that i’d love! like this or let me know if you’d like to plot!!
pinterest || connections
All while being somebody, dylan davis is a nobody. She is remembered for her snarky comments and deadpan stares. She is known for her laugh in which you’d be very lucky to hear. She is known for the quiet kindness that she shares, but never really speaks of. She is known for her movie knowledge which spewed over from her sister’s ex boyfriend and his never-ending knowledge about the smallest details in movies. She is one person made up of many people’s attributes. She is the second daughter of three in the davis home. She is not only a lover, but a fighter, especially of injustice.
► basics;
Full Name: dylan rose davis Age: twenty-four Birthday: March 15 Sexual Orientation: pansexual Relationship Status:  single Occupation:full time student, part time barista 
► background;
Place of Birth: New York, New york Hometown: New York, New York Education:high school. working on degree in film
► physical;
Faceclaim: madelyn cline Eye Color: brown Hair Color:blonde Height: 5′4 Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: tattoos can be found here. scar on right leg, birthmark on left shoulder.
► relatives;
Father’s Full Name: john davis Mother’s Full Name: elizabeth davis (birth mother. left when dylan was 4) wendy davis (step mother. who dylan considers her actual mother) Siblings: mitch davis (half brother), sophia davis (oldest sister), lily davis (youngest)
► personality;
Positive Traits: adaptable, astute, candid, dauntless, gregarious, Negative Traits: brazen, casuistic, stoic
► misc;
Hobbies: swimming, writing, reading Current clubs: book club, swim team Favorite Music Genre: (70s/80s) rock Favorite Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Pets: dog- talia 
► connection ideas;
childhood friends: dylan moved here with her family when she was around the age of ten. she lived in new york up until that point. SO i’d love some friends that she grew up with! whether that’s in new york and they kept in touch (or maybe they didn’t) or they met when she moved here! 0/?
ride or die: someone dyl really lets her guard down for. she can be very guarded and keeps up her sarcastic self as much as she can, but with this person, she’s constantly laughing. maybe they have the same kind of banter and can joke around like that. maybe they’re very much opposites but for whatever reason it works. im totally okay with whatever! 0/1
friends: pretty self explanatory! maybe they have a class or two together. maybe they work together at the coffee shop. maybe they met through mutual friends. maybe they met while dylan was traveling. the possibilities are endless. 0/?
sibling like friends: this would be a person dylan considers like family. they have more of a brother sister bond or sister sister bond. this person could be older or younger! 0/?
friends of her siblings: dylan has an older brother named mitch, an older sister named sophia, and a younger sister named lily. these would be people who know her siblings or are friends with them. they could either also be friends with dylan or maybe they dont get along as great as they do with her siblings! 0/?
roommates: i have it somewhat hc that dylan lives in an apartment off campus with a few other people. probably two or three people. maybe they all get along, maybe they dont. im okay with whatever! i do imagine dylan gets along well/is friends with at least one of her roommates 0/2
exes: maybe they ended on a good note. maybe not so much. a high school fling or something serious? again, the possibilities are endless. 0/?
crushes/pining: listen, im always a sucker for some pining things. whether one side doesn’t know the other person’s feelings or there’s some unrequited things, sign.me.up. 0/?
ill come up with more as i think of them! if you have any ideas, dont be afraid to mention them to me!!!
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officially-dumb · 4 years
Have been thinking A Lot abt hunger games au + hawks thanks to you
What if he was raised in district 13 in the early days before they had a lot of ppl, so they decided they needed someone close to the capitol. They train him to win the hunger games and send him to some random district to enter and be a spy. It’s perfect, since his father’s a murderer he shouldn’t have qualms over killing people, and also he’s in their debt for getting him away from his father.
He’s not the youngest to ever win, but the only person to do it without killing someone, and he’s the youngest of the mentors at the age of 15, mentoring bc district 13 needs him in the capitol. He makes it out of the hunger games without killing anyone but then district 13 uses him as an assassin anyway :/ and ofc the capitol doesn’t leave him alone even though he’s still a teenager
Have I ever told you you’re brilliant and I love you?
I honestly think this is so interesting b/c you’ve kinda cast District 13 as the Commission whereas I did the opposite? I love the idea of them holding his parentage over this head, like “You shouldn’t care b/c of your father.” Does he have his quirk? It seems like wings would make it a lot easier for him to sneak into the Districts but idk. How long was he there before he got pulled for the Games? Seems super interesting to figure out how he like,,, got away with all that.
Also Hawks mentoring ppl much older than him has me LMFAO.
I love that he wins the Games without killing but gets used as an assassin :’( This is so much fun!!!!
So I actually have my version of a HG au outlined pretty well, so I’ll put pieces of my thoughts on it here just to reciprocate the sharing lmao.
So, to make it work the way I wanted to, I fucked around with the worldbuilding and the Games A LOT.
I basically have the Commission as a lighter version of the Capitol, and the PLF+ AFO as a darker version of District 13 (after all, Detnerat is venturing into the hero support industry in canon while District 13 was the weapons district).
I changed the Games big time: So, essentially, instead of the Games being a way for the Capitol to flex their power on the Districts, the Games are a more brutal hero licensing exam.
One hero tribute volunteers from each district (and yes, they always volunteer b/c who doesn’t want to be a hero?) and the other 12 tributes are villains captured by licensed heroes. The Games continue until all tributes on one “side” are killed. If the villains win, their crimes are pardoned and they are "allowed” to leave the Districts. If the heroes win, all surviving tributes become full-fledged heroes and their Districts win extra rations for the year.
Hero tributes can volunteer between 12-18, while villains can be any age. Most hero tributes wait until they’re 16-18 to volunteer, but Hawks is actually an exception who volunteered and won at 12 b/c of Reasons :) Hero hopefuls from any district are actually trained for part of every year in the Capitol to help balance the fact that the villains tend to be so much older.
Hawks is from District 12 but he moved to the Capitol/Commission right after his father was captured when he was v young. They train him to enter the Games when he’s old enough, and when he’s in his twenties, they task him with infiltrating District 13/PLF to take them down before they storm the Districts.
Hawks is the youngest to win the Games, but All Might is the fastest and the only one to win with every hero tribute alive and unharmed. Endeavor enters to beat his record, but he doesn’t manage. So he has children specifically to enter them into the Games to beat him. During Shouto’s year, Midoriya also enters and technically jumpstarts the revolution omg I’m gonna stop now.
ANYWAY, I think that’s a fairly big chunk of the basic set-up I have. 
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weirdagnes · 4 years
ALRIGHT SO this AU originally started in our Yeah We Outlasting discord server, artists started drawing the characters in drag and I WOKE HMSHD real shit man. So I'm making a masterpost for drag au on behalf of the server✊✊
Outlast 1 = Season 1
Outlast 2 = Season 2
Whistleblower DLC = All Stars
All of the characters and ideas for the characters were written in collab with @gothivican, @panopt1c0n, @grahaam and the rest of the lads in the server, y’all have such beautiful brains. So anyways.
Here are the judges:
Rudolf Wernicke. Lowkey bias, literally goes to the backstage and tells Miles to beat Billy Hope in a lipsync because Billy can't continue on the show for some reason. Has favoritism towards Blaire, but was forced to sashay him away by the other two judges. Also this bitch is dying, literally has a breathing tank support behind his chair.
Pauline Glick. A very sharp critic. Wore the same shoes? Call out. Oh that's your signature makeup? UGLY tone it down. Sorry, the colors don't match, you'll be in the bottom two for that.
Paul Marion. The kindest judge. He will give constructive criticism in the nicest non-offensive way possible and compliment them after (because he would feel guilty about it).
Alice as guest star. Supportive as f u c k, huge fan, she cries when meeting the queens in Untucked. She can't help complimenting the queens every 10 seconds, she gives off the Leslie Jones’ enthusiasm.
Lisa Park as guest star. Like Alice, very supportive. She’s an artist, and will break down all the reasons why they are so good from an artist’s perspective. Crushes HARD on Wyssle Blower, she might’ve given her number after the show.
Lynn Langermann as guest star. She’s a judge, and she will judge. Gives out well constructed criticisms to all queens fair and square until she saw Angel Fromm (Blake) and just says “Wow what’s there to criticize?” Sallyzekiel hates her, Valentina and Angel on the other hand loves her very much.
 Here are the queens:
Miles Upshur as Kill-O-Meter. Primarily an insult comedy and rocker queen, and specializes in dancing. She tends to be criticized for a lack of glamour on some of her main stage looks, and is one of the most dramatic, sarcastic and shady queens of the bunch. Can and will stomp on you in latex boots for money. Besties with Wyssle and Chrisel, gets into a little heated talks with (occasionally) Peacock, (frequently) Ricky and Remy. She adores Cheets’ (Pyro) makeup skills. Winner of season 1 babey!!
Chris Walker as Piggy Chrisel. A punk/grunge queen who seems to specialize moreso in dancing and lip syncing. She's a shy, gentle giant, has a little trouble speaking coherently and it affects her in the acting/impromptu comedy challenges. She will call out whores though, she will kick ass when the situation calls for it. Really good at makeup, makeup girl-friends with Cheeto and besties with Kill O Meter (Latrila vibes). Also a perfectionist and hates mess on her work table.
Rick Trager as Ricky Trix. Whore, that's all. This bitch OBNOXIOUS and shady but she's both a glamour AND comedy queen, the other queens are watching out for her since day one. Horror and '80s inspired queen, extremely good at comedy and acting and will literally stomp the competition with nearly perfect impressions and extremely expressive acting. The downfall for her seems to be glam on the occasion and singing. Rivals with Kill O Meter and Miss Tini, kikis with Remy (they throw shade to other queens the moment they get em)
Father Martin as Miss Tini. The oldest queen but she can still serve the cakes. Generally a kind person, coming from a religious background. She’s takes the drag culture religiously. She gets along with The Twinks.
The Twins as The Twinks. Was recruited as two totally separate queens, but both quit on the first episode when one of the twins were to be eliminated. The queens tell the Twinks apart by who’s bald and who’s not. They don’t vibe with other queens except Miss Tini.
Pyromaniac as Cheeto de LaFlammeo. Queen of Makeup, she has some serious skill range on it. Good in the acting department, always plays as the tragic character. Was rivals with Kill-O Meter before, but one time when she had a breakdown, Kill-O Meter was by her side when no one was. After that, they respected each other.
Billy Hope as Billy Willy. CLOWN QUEEN, huge Crystal Methyd vibes. She’s the youngest queen, very energetic, a ball of SUNSHINE but Wernicke was a bias bitch and sent her home immediately the moment she was in the bottom. She was basically Kill-O Meter and Wyssle Blower's drag child. Hailed as Miss Congeniality, is voted by majority to return for a season 2 for going home a little too early than people feel was deserved. Best at makeup and outfits, her mom Tiffany taught her to sew and make dresses out of rags and other unconventional materials and the skill proved to be helpful. Also she likes puns and everyone likes playing with her name like: Silly Billy Willy, Witty Billy Willy, etc.
Waylon Park as Wyssle Blower. The Mom of the queens, the most well rounded queen, and the most 'fishy' one. Probably the smartest and most humble one out of everyone, she can read through people’s bullshit well. Genuinely looks like a girl in full drag, but always does her best on acting. She's serving you a cute, nerdy and quirky style, but can serve horror when need be. Always wins the mini challenges, she's not as loud as the other girls but she does beat Blaire in a lip sync (lowkey badass lipsyncer). Winner of All Stars babey
Jeremy Blaire as Remy Coco Ainée. Pretentious fake ass queen, even her drag name is just Cocaine in fake French. A pure fashion glamour queen, she serves it at almost all the fashion challenges but there's no more personality out of her other than that and her shady attitude (she will not hold back on the shade). Is extremely horrible at singing (her voice cracks) and acting, goes home against a lip sync with Wyssle. This bitch will FLEX her wins. Kikis with Ricky, mainly rivals with Kill O Meter, Wyssle and Peacock but she made everyone her rivals bc of her bitchass attitude.
Eddie Gluskin as Edna Taylor. Fashion queen, specializes in sewing, acting and singing, but is extremely lacking in the dancing department. Has a one-sided endearment for Waylon, and consistently tries to have her attention. Is extremely manipulative too, trying to consistently trip the other queens up. Also everybody hates her mohawk signature wig but nobody says anything about it because they don’t want to be victim to Edna’s mind games.
Frank Manera as Hanni Canni Bahl. Horror queen, best at comedy and dancing. Though it is prohibited, she’s able to sneak in weed, coke (for Ricky) and snacks in the werk room. Very messy when working, her discarded fabrics are EVERYWHERE and Chrisel is fighting the urge to clean it up. She eats while working when the camera’s off, and it stains the dress she’s working on (Pauline notices it).
Dennis as Denise. Mocked as “Edna’s little helper” as she always helps with her dresses. She’s trying too hard to impress Edna, and helps her get Wyssle’s attention. Very talented in acting and sewing, but bland in fashion, lacking in concept. Her inner conflict is what got her eliminated.
Simon Peacock as Julie Peacock. Rebellious, mischievous, and an ex-glam queen gone horror and campy instead. After being insulted much by glam queens (ahemRemyahem), she just embraced it and became a horror queen, serving the judges her horror aesthetic. Best at comedy, lacks extremely on acting and dancing though. No one is safe from her constructive criticism, and she will never stop ranting to Kill O Meter and Wyssle about Remy and Ricky being bad bitches and favored by Wernicke, she thinks it's unfair.
Blake Langermann as Angel Fromm. Singing queen!! Good at singing, but otherwise is moreso well-rounded, she might've been eliminated earlier, hadn't it been for her also low-key successful and iconic lip syncs. But the lucky winning streak didn't last forever, she goes home later in the season because she's slowly falling behind the other queens and can't keep up anymore. Has Rococo aesthetic, unfortunately the outfits can't make up for the lack of character as a queen. Though she needs a lot of improvement, the guest star Lynn adores her very much.
Val as Valentina. Queen of SEX or moreso impersonations and comedy. She’s a terrible tailor, but likes unconventional and simple fashion designs. She’s trans and lowkey Pauline has a crush on her the moment she walked on that stage. Pure rivals with Sallyzekiel, you know that iconic Aja vs. Valentina in Untucked? They had that moment. Probably goes home earlier, not entirely prepared, but still was a season icon. Definitely dropped it low about 10 times on her lip sync.
Marta as ImMartal. GOTH QUEEN, survived about early mid season. Best at her makeup and looks, glam queen, but the judges criticize her for wearing the same wigs/having the same hairstyle for almost every looks.
Nick Tremblay as Nicky Lanterns. Another gentle giant. Very introverted, she has a difficult time socializing with other girls because she’s generally not a very loud person. Really bad at makeup, her fashion sense is somewhat okay but it’s always on the ‘safe’ level. Pretty good at slapstick comedy, writing and concepts tho. It’s a wonder how Nicky and Lard Imp became “friends,” they’re complete opposites.
Laird Byron as Lard Imp. Whore, Exhibit B. Extremely rude, louder than Remy and Ricky themselves, and has a weird love/hate obsession with Angel for some reason. Everyone hates her, even Rudolf himself, and Lard Imp isn’t her original drag name but ultimately they came to a point where they just called her Lard Imp. Constantly denies the judges’ and the queens’ critiques, very delusional about winning the season and that’s why she’s the first one eliminated.
Sullivan Knoth as Sallyzekiel. The Big Bad Bitch of the season. Ultimate rivals with Valentina, constantly bullies Angel. Marta used to be friends with her, but after talking shit on Valentina, she says fuck you and defended Val. Glam queen, has an affinity for shoes but damn girl terrible makeup and padding. Really good with speech, acting and impromptu.
So far, here are the character designs we have made!
(1) Blake and Trager by @/pan0pt1con
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Waylon, Chris, Simon, Eddie, Miles and Jeremy by @/gothivican
(1) Billy, Miles, Chris, Wernicke, Pauline, Paul and Alice by @/weirdagnes
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wesevas · 4 years
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so ngl I went a little ham on her intro so if you tough it out and read the whole way through??? amazing. legendary. iconic. but im hype for this so slap that like and we can get to plotting! also I think we can all agree that discord is far superior or messaging so hmu ( vee#9986 ) ! 
( mishti rahman, 21, cis female, she/her ) did you just see EVA ROMANOV on the quad ?? aren’t they an ARCHITECTURE major or something ?? i swear the JUNIOR hates me because they ignored me in the dining hall. if i had to describe them i’d say something like: a mess of clothes covering a white arm chair, a fresh bouquet wrapped in newspaper, soft smiles & layered gold jewelry.
lbr her pinterest will describe her better then i ever will so why not save some time and check out her vibe
thems the facts
the youngest of four children with three older brothers.
her parents met in russia. her mom was an american student studying abroad on an exchange program and met her dad at uni and they fell hard and fast. after graduation he basically followed her back to the states
while her dad was on track to become a professor in the russia, school was much more expensive and competitive in america and his english was pretty much non existent. he took a job working construction to hopefully save enough to finish his education but as the kids started coming around it became more of a pipe dream then a reality for him
mom got a job as a language teacher
all the kids speak russian bc both parents speak it and it’s just easier for their dad bc it’s his native language
two of her brothers work in the trades. hvac and a mechanic. the youngest brother, aleksandr and the closest to eva played soccer all the way through college but it wasn’t enough to land him a professional contract so he’s teaching
eva is studying architecture and girl is not only passionate but damn good at it
she spent years dancing growing up and was actually pretty good at it but her passion lies with design and architecture 
personality and bits
she’s basically a combination of soft girl and feisty. she’s vivacious and full of life but she has no problem standing up for herself (3 brothers ppl) or telling someone theyre being a dick. 
can be ruled by her emotions lol if she’s angry you’ll know it. if she’s sad, or happy or in love.. it’s all over her face ok i have a lot of feelings about this
makes her bed every morning but leaves a pile of clothes on the plush arm chair in the corner lol
cries when she’s frustrated. which makes her more frustrated
a romantic. probably falls in love a few times a day tbh lol she just wants to be loved and cared for ok leave her alone
loves being outside. going for walks threw the park or throwing a ball with her dog or just having her morning coffee outside is just.. chefs kiss
def the type to make extra food for her friends. like she’ll bake something sweet and drop it off at their doors.
the type who likes to visit the farmers market and buy up all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies
the type to share food at a restaurant. like she’ll probably steal from your plate but give you something from hers in return
always tries to have fresh flowers on her counter. some come from her performances and others are just ones she picked up from a street vendor when she was out on a walk
has an adorable cavapoo puppy named charlie. he’s so freaking cute ok he’s just so happy and excited his tail is always waging and he’s always trying to cuddle and lick people ok he just thinks everyone is his friend    
lives off campus in one of the apartments 
works at the flower shop so if you need a bouquet?? she’s your girl!
wanted connections:
girls!! give her girls to rally behind and to support and girls to do the same for her. emergency ice cream sessions after bad days and trading clothes and makeup and offering up (sometimes terrible lol) dating advice
skinny love. trading smiles and stealing glances when the other isn’t looking. real cute shit
right person wrong time. gimme the pain.
crush. someone she’s just got a silly crush on lol it doesn’t have to turn into anything but just someone she’s enamoured with lol also someone who’s crushing on her too
ex’s. the most angst the better tbh. also!! maybe someone she dated who she had it bad for but after getting together the fantasy just falls apart bc they aren’t who you thought they were kinda deal?
rivals. not everyone is gonna vibe with you so for whatever reason these two just don’t get along. maybe they do stupid little things that they know will piss the other one off like playing their music too loud or sending each other gag gifts just to see their reaction lol
enemies. someone who really gets under her skin. someone who’s arrogant or cold or mean or whatever really and she’s having none of it
unlikely pairing. whether it’s a friendship or something more (!!!!!!) but from the outside it just seems like they don’t match. they seem to be complete opposites but that’s exactly why it works. i’m not saying i’d sell my soul for this but..
neighbours/roomies. she's in the off campus apartment buildings so maybe they live next to each other or on top of each other or whatever. do they get along? do they ignore the shit out of one another? do they leave their doors open and come and go as they please?
a frequent customer at the flower shop?? like someone who always comes and orders flowers for their mom or gf or friend of even just sends them as pranks and she helps them pick out flowers that mean silly things?? PLS
brotps/ride or die
tinder matches/hook ups. girl’s gotta get fed right?
i’m working on a wc tag bc it’s always for fun that way
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svpernatvralis · 4 years
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FENISHA LAVELLE is a 105 year old cis female vampire. people say they have a striking resemblance to camila mendes. they work as a dancer at delirium nightclub and are part of the conclave ( vampire capo ). people say they’re really ambitious, dauntless, & vehement, but unfortunately also calculating, guileful, & impetuous. why are they in invictus? well, they crave power.
henlo it me again! i hope u guys aren’t sick of me yet bc here’s my final ( for now, at least ) bb! say hello to my boss-ass bish gal fen! she’s sassy, classy and a lil badassy. she’s a rather feisty, fiery, ball of rage and anger who cba with ur bullshit tbh n she’ll tell u this too if u piss her off enough! she’s lowkey cutthroat and always out for number one, aka: herself. but, i mean, she does have some redeeming qualities and her hair is bomb af so that makes up for it all really, doesn’t it? basically that meme: ‘ she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face. ’
name. fenisha isolde lavelle.
age. 105, but appears around 23.
d.o.b. january 27th.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
orientation. bisexual.
affiliation. the conclave.
rank. vampire capo.
job. dancer at delirium nightclub.
adoptive mother. monica lavelle. †
adoptive father. edward lavelle. †
adoptive siblings. lola, erik, & alec lavelle. †
significant other. n/a.
child/ren. n/a.
pet/s. n/a.
spoken languages. english, & spanish.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, & caustic.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, & poised.
strengths. great analyst, abstract thinker, imaginative, original, enthusiastic, open-minded, objective, honest, & straightforward.
weaknesses. very private, withdrawn, insensitive, absent-minded, condescending, loathes rules and guidelines, & second guesses herself.
eye colour. brown.
hair colour. dark brown.
height. five feet, two inches.
weight. 54 kg.
zodiac. aquarius.
element. water.
house. ravenclaw.
meyers briggs type. intp-t.
alignment. chaotic neutral.
enneagram. type three.
temperament. choleric.
intelligence type. intra-personal.
the basics.
FENISHA ISOLDE LAVELLE     —     one hundred and five, vampire, dancer at delirium nightclub, + vampire capo for the conclave !
possible triggers   :   child abandonment, foster system, adoption, cancer, death, huntington’s disease, substance abuse, alcohol, violence, gore, blood, murder.
tl;dr.     ok so for this gal, let's all give a big, warm welcome to sadness ( no, i was in no way at all inspired by salem from sabrina for that line ) bc boy oh boy, her life has been constant grief and pain, tbh. strap in for the bumpy ride, i'll give u cookies for compensation. OK SO, fenisha was abandoned as a baby, never did—and still doesn't—know her biological parents and she doesn't want to either, tbh. she bounced around from foster home to foster home until she was adopted by the lavelle family when she was eight. it was great! they were lovely people who made her feel at home. she loved them, they loved her back. in time, the older she grew, she began to resent the fact that her real parents weren't in the picture; believing she was always gonna be unloved and unwanted even tho the lavelle family did everything they could to make her feel the opposite. anywho, she fell in with the wrong crowd until she was sent off to an all-girls boarding school where she learned how to mellow herself a tad. but, here comes sadness again! at sixteen, her youngest adoptive sister passed away from cancer which made fenisha withdraw before, finally, acting out again. pressing the self-destruct button is this gal's speciality. did the pain stop? NOPE bc a year later her adoptive father passed away from huntington's disease. this time, she tried to bury her sadness, repress it and move on. for the most part, it worked. but still, she found herself gravitating towards her vices—things and people she knew were no good for her. drink, drugs, people, you name it. quickly, she realised that these things were no longer any good at keeping her dark side at bay: she needed something more, something deeper. thus, she began going down the road of petty crimes—stealing cars, smashing windows, theft, setting fires both metaphorically and literally. due to this lifestyle, she wound up entangled with some real shady folk who did ... even shadier things. most specifically, she started dating a real jackass who was violent and truthfully, a horrible person, really. fast forward a year or so and things took a swift nosedive when her lowlife boyfriend’s hands were round her throat and not in the kinky way. while she’d clawed at him and tried to fight him off, she struggled against his weight and strength until, eventually, all she could recall was waking up with a searing headache: the lights and noises just too much to handle. it wasn’t until she’d lost control to overwhelming bloodlust that she realised the truth: her boyfriend had turned her into a vampire. naturally, at first, she was horrified and it took her a hella long time to adjust but once she had, she kind of relished in her new life. once she got a grip on her nature, she joined the conclave and climbed the ranks where she now rests as a capo. all in all, she kind of digs who she is and what she is: after everything she's been through, she loves herself. it's been a long and winding road but fenisha finally believes that she's settled in her life now even if she is an overachiever who invests way more time in her job than she should. oop. tho she still refuses to let people in, her abandonment issues terrifying her to the degree that she feels that anybody she'd ever let into her life would eventually leave her in the end. *insert sad face emoji here.*
random extras.
nicknames: fen, nish, nisha ... spawn of satan   >:-) 
she loves art in every form: paintings, sculptures, music, dance, people, etc. she loves the freedom that expressing herself through these mediums gives her.
she’s ... experimental. she’s experimented with just about everything: hairstyles, clothing, drink, drugs, people ...
can be hella calculating and vindictive so do not cross her.
quite power hungry tbh.
she does have a shot at redemption but she doesn’t want it lmao. 
she’s already been to hell so why bother trying to right her wrongs?
and boy, are her wrongs a century long list shkjsh.
high key is not above killing people who don’t do things her way.
doesn’t believe she’s capable of loving anyone.
she’s lowkey a perfectionist to the point of being ruthless, also cutthroat and egotistical.
if ya ain’t of use to her, then what the heck is ur purpose???
she can be ... aggressive sometimes and most definitely has anger issues.
dry sense of humour one million percent.she can drink any man under the table.
smol but fierce.
absolutely adores animals. 
much prefers them to humans.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her body.
a bit meddlesome and a troublemaker.
always up for a good time.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
is a tad theatrical.
really, she does what she wants to, when she wants to, without seeking the approval of others.
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So....I'm literally in love with your rei&lov stuff and wanted to ask if you're still taking scenario suggestions? In case you do; how about dabihawks, in which dabi figures out/always knew that hawks is actually a spy but convinces hawks to actually become a villain? Or literally any hawks&shouto interaction in which they talk for some reason(internship?) And bc of that hawks figures out that dabi=touya and endevour=horrible and has kinda a breakdown? (Bonus points of shouto already knew) Thx
First of all, thank you so much! I’m definitely still taking requests- sorry this one took a while to post, but I’ve been in finals this past week and things have been hectic. Second, I’m going to have to apologize in advance because I saw all of your awesome suggestions here and instead of tackling this like any sane person would by choosing one thing to write about, I decided to write all of them in one request… So in other words, this sucker is LONG. Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the piece!
- All it takes is one boy being saved for everything to go absolutely batshit crazy.
- Keigo “Hawks” Takami is a cunning man, ruthless when it comes to intelligence, speed, determination. He’s been trained- raised his whole life to be the personification of the perfect working hero: instinctive, quick, capable of wearing as many masks as it takes to get the job done and hiding all of that deadly capability behind a warm, smiling face that keeps him the darling of the public eye. 
- And yet, despite his wit, despite his impeccable skill for analysis, despite every sign that should have given him a few warning bells about this situation, Hawks had stumbled in completely blind. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this.
- It had started off as nothing more than a basic street brawl. Hawks had taken the day to patrol with Enji and Shouto, the young man having returned to his father’s agency for his internship. In fact, it was mostly because of Shouto that Hawks had decided to head out with Endeavor in the first place- he was curious about the youngest Todoroki. The boy already had a pretty impressive reputation regardless of the fact that he hadn’t yet gone pro, and Hawks was curious to see whether or not he would hold up in person.
- So when they’d gotten the call that there was a robbery four blocks away and that a fight had broken out in the square, he hadn’t given two thoughts about it, really. Hell, the kid had faced off against the League shortly after entering his first year and come out without a scratch. He could take a couple amateur thugs no problem.
- And at first, things actually go really well. Shouto’s got some serious skill, and it doesn’t take long for them to get the situation sorted out-
- That is, at least, until a few familiar faces show up.
- Hawks swears he’s going to kick Dabi’s ass into next week when he, Toga, Compress and Twice all round the corner and straight into the whole mess. Like, it’s bad enough that now he’s going to have to put up a fight with them, but for fuck’s sake the last thing he needs is to be gearing up to face them while also trying to put on a nonchalant expression as Toga starts laughing her ass off at the sight of him being there.
- So of course shit goes sideways and a second fight breaks out. Hawks has never been more thankful of Twice, because the man just keeps sending clone after clone his way and it’s keeping him busy enough that he doesn’t have to throw punches at any of the others. After all, the League had just started warming up to him, and he really doesn’t want to be sending anybody home packing black eyes on his account.
- But that also leaves three villains against two Todorokis, and while that still shouldn’t be a problem, it turns out to be.
- In hindsight knowing what he’d come to learn much later, maybe it was the way Endeavor barked the boy’s name. Maybe it was how he’d whipped around so suddenly the flames on his body guttered and flared. Maybe it was even just the simple matter of having his arm raised when he turned.
- Either way, whatever he’d been going to tell his youngest child goes unsaid, be it advice or otherwise.
- All Hawks knows is that it takes a full two seconds for Endeavour to shout his son’s name, to wheel around to face him, arm still rigid above his head from the last burst of flame he’d sent at Compress, hand exploding into a raging blaze once more- and then Dabi is fucking sprinting.
- And at first, Hawks almost goes after him because it seems like the fire-user is about to take out Shouto and quite frankly, it didn’t matter who you are: going after a child is a low blow, plain and simple.
- So when he dispatches Twice’s next clone in a messy hurry and moves to follow, he’s stopped dead in his tracks by a display he never thought he’d witness: the patchwork villain yelling “Sho!” so loudly his voice cracks before quite literally hauling the young hero behind him and bracing his free arm in front of them both in a gesture that is so inherently and naturally defensive it makes Hawks pause.
- Half a second later, there’s an explosion of blue fire so fierce and bright that it’s damn near blinding. It takes a few moments for the winged hero to blink the light from his eyes, but when he manages to do so, it is only to take in the sight of three faces equally painted in horror.
- And here’s the thing; Hawks expects some kind of reaction from Shouto, so the fact that he’s still stunned and unmoving behind this villain isn’t exactly a surprise. Hell, he expects a reaction from Dabi too, because that degree of defensiveness, that scale of fire, the sheer desperation in his movements seconds before the explosive blast- it’s so unlike him, especially over some hero’s son?
- But it’s when Enji Todoroki blanches just as pale as the other two, eyes wide as Shouto’s, hands shaking like Dabi’s, that Hawks feels an uncomfortable clench in his gut. That feeling persists, too, as the fighting stops around them, and everything falls into silence, ashes falling down around them like snow. It’s the first time that Hawks has noticed that the walls of the surrounding buildings have been scorched black from the heat, smoke still rising in the air. 
- There’s blood leaking down Dabi’s face, his arms, past his burnt jacket sleeves and the collar of his shirt. He’s in pain, Hawks can tell, even from where he’s standing. That move took a lot out of him- 
- But there’s also no way he wouldn’t have known that before doing it, and that raises more than a few questions.
- All three men look like they’re reliving some kind of flashback, some kind of memory or unanimous nightmare. It’s Shouto who speaks first, voice wavering, and even then it’s only one word, indistinguishable from their current distance- but it’s enough to snap Dabi out of whatever reverie he’s in and cause him to snarl and bolt.
- Nobody goes after him, not even Endeavor, and in seconds the patchwork man is gone, lost to the shadows and alleys. Being realistic, it would take Hawks less than a minute to soar up above the buildings and scout him down, demand some answers, but Twice is quicker to the punch.
“Let us handle this for now- you can take of him later, I’m not handling his broody side.”
- The rest of the League is in the process of disappearing as well as Hawks makes his way up to the pair of still shell-shocked heroes, quirking an eyebrow and tugging at a few feathers that got bent in his fight.
- “You want to tell me what that was all about? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
- The hard glint in Enji’s eye as he glances at him and then spins around on his heel without a word, walking in the opposite direction is all the confirmation he needs to know that maybe they have.
- Days pass. It had been hard enough not asking questions for the rest of their patrol but when, four days later, Endeavor still won’t give him the time of day and Dabi won’t respond to any of his texts and calls, Hawks has had about enough.
- Aizawa’s not exactly thrilled about the Number Two hero calling in to ask if he can take part of the morning to talk to Todoroki about some of the events of their last patrol, but he presses that it’s important, and Aizawa eventually gives in on the grounds that it’s safer for them to talk at the school about mission work than anywhere else, really.
- And that’s how he and the dual-quirked boy end up facing one another over cold coffee in the otherwise vacant teacher’s lounge, Shouto guarded as ever, and Hawks feeling a bit nervous despite the circumstances. Truth being told, he isn’t sure what he’s looking to find here, exactly, but the whole situation has been burning a hole in his stomach for half a week, and something about it really isn’t sitting right.
- “…This is about the whole… Incident with him, isn’t it?” Todoroki asks eventually, tone flat, and Hawks has to admit that he’s chosen some interesting phrasing.
- “Pretty much, yeah,” Hawks scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, unsure where to even start. The whole thing seems pretty absurd. The youngest Todoroki hums and sips at his cold coffee, the light rippling of the liquid being the only thing betraying the slight tremour of his hands.
- “If you have questions, why not ask him instead?” Hawks immediately wrinkles his nose at that.
- “Who, Endeavor? Something tells me he wouldn’t be the most willing audie-”
- “Not Endeavor.” Shouto fixes his cup back on its saucer before turning curious but carefully blank eyes on him, “Dabi. You two seem close enough for it.”
- Well, fuck.
- Hawks’ brain is going a mile a minute trying to figure out how Shouto managed to put two and two together. There’s no way he’d figured it out from that patrol day- they hadn’t even interacted at all, and Hawks had been careful not to mention the patchwork villain around any of the other heroes so as to not raise suspicion with his mission, or to have anyone go snooping too deeply into something that could also get him in a huge deal of shit. 
- Not really knowing how else to play his cards but to try and save face, Hawks squints and shakes his head at the boy in confusion, hoping the “dumb-bird” act will save his ass. Underneath the surface, though, he can feel the pinpricks of an impending anxiety attack, the boy’s blunt and unexpected words having shredded every assumption of caution that he thought he’d put up. Hell, if Shouto has figured things out this far, has he also figured out Hawks’ connection to the League? Has he told anyone else? The Commission is going to skin him alive when they found out-
- “I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about,” Hawks tries, grimacing at the end of the statement for effect, “Unless you’re meaning because I didn’t intervene when everything went down and help you guys out- sorry about that by the way, but I figured you two would have everything under control, and when all the fighting stopped, I just froze.” He shrugs, trying his best to look sheepish, “It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes when the shock is great enough I’m more of a natural freezer than a reactor. Probably some kind of weird bird thing.”
- Shouto regards him for a solid second, unblinking, before cracking a small smile.
- “You’re a good liar.” He says simply, before sipping his coffee again. “But that’s not what I’m talking about at all.”
- Those pinpricks return again, and Hawks’ wings flutter somewhat nervously on their own accord. He resists the urge to let them expand just to give himself a bit more of a size advantage, and instead tries playing it off again. Shouto’s eyebrows raise at the attempt, and it’s with almost exaggerated disbelief that he sets his cup down for the second time and announces, in that odd, cool way of his, “So you just let any villain wear your feathers, then?”
- Hawks chokes on his coffee.
- This time, he legitimately does not know what the hell Todoroki’s talking about, but it turns out that the observant teen had caught sight of a long stretch of cord that had shifted somewhat out from under the other man’s loose shirt when he spun around to run.
- And there’s nothing weird about that in itself. Dabi’s kinda a jewelry guy, and Heaven knows he’s got enough piercings to prove it. But when Todoroki gets to mentioning that there was a small red feather on the end of the rope, Hawks can’t help but flush pink just a little bit because he’d left that feather as a calling card to tell the other man he’d broken into his apartment two weeks ago and he’d gone and strung it on a necklace what an absolute fucking dork-
- “I don’t think Endeavor saw,” Todoroki continues absently, “So it’s just me that knows, and I don’t want any of the details,” He looks at Hawks solemnly again, this time his voice growing quieter, “I’ll keep your secret, but forgive me for using it to make sure you keep mine.”
- Hawks examines him for a slow moment, fully aware that neither of them are moving, and the air is growing tense. This boy could bring his career crashing down around his ears with a few words muttered in the right direction, and yet Hawks is inclined to believe him when he says he’ll keep a secret. With a sigh, the winged hero extends a hand.
- “Deal.” He agrees, shivering at the contact of ice on his palm, Todoroki apologizing for the slip under his breath. “Now, what’s this secret, then?”
- Shouto chews his lip for a moment before sitting back in his seat, hands clenched into fists.
- “I need to tell you a story.”
- An hour later, the entire fucking world has been turned on its head, and nothing is ever going to be the same.
- Shouto Todoroki sits quietly for a moment, before calmly reaching out for his coffee cup again, more for the simple grounding action of holding it than anything else. The silence in the room is stifling, especially after the burrage of information Hawks has had dumped on him in the last sixty minutes, and his brain is still sluggishly trying to process most of it.
- “He’s… He’s your brother?” The hero manages eventually, mouth feeling dry, stomach churning. That panging ache in his stomach that he’d felt before has returned tenfold, and it takes everything in Hawks’ apparent willpower to not run for a garbage bin and puke from all the nausea. 
- Todoroki won’t meet his eye, and Hawks doesn’t blame him- after everything that’s been revealed at this coffee table, he’s not sure he could look the younger man dead in the face without breaking down in some way. Seeing his scar, mentally comparing it to Dabi’s many, brain running lists of all their similarities and those lists coming up remarkably long.
- The worst of it is the carpet that got all but torn out from under his feet as Shouto had explained what his father had put them all through, his involvement at home, how they had assumed for so long that their oldest sibling had died, and that it had been their father’s fault, no different than Rei’s hospitalization and, by extension, Shouto’s burned eye. It’s this news that curdles his stomach more than anything, makes his blood freeze in his veins.
- He can already tell that when he allows that news to settle, it’s going to hit like a bombshell, but he can’t do that in front of Shouto, so he pushes it to the back of his mind for now until he can handle it later and instead tries to focus on the subjects that he thinks can be safely discussed.
- Todoroki just nods, seemingly spent on this whole ordeal as well, and also not really knowing what to do with it. 
- “I’d had some suspicions,” He admits softly, fiddling with his hands, “But I didn’t want to think on them too closely or get my hopes up- he was dead, or supposed to be anyway. And then that patrol happened, and… I don’t remember much of him, really. The memories are all hazy. I was so young- but he used to call me Sho as a nickname when we were kids. When he ran out in front of me though, I…”
- “You remembered it wasn’t the first time.” Hawks concludes, and Shouto nods again, his shoulders slumping.
- “It was exactly the same,” He murmurs softly, “And it just… Triggered memories of all of these things I’d forgotten, but now they’re all coming back, and I don’t-” He sighs in frustration, taking a deep breath to rein in his thoughts, “I don’t know what to do because he’s not dead anymore, but at the same time, I’m not sure that he’s really alive either. That part of him that I knew might be gone entirely- I’m willing to believe that his actions during our patrol were out of memory reflex more than anything.”
- But Hawks is already thinking about all of those times that Dabi has helped Toga arrange her hair into buns when it’s being too stubborn, and the almost-petty sibling banter he slings back and forth with Shigaraki sometimes just to get a rise out of him. There are other habits too, just little things here and there, but the more Hawks imagines Dabi being a former sibling, the more connections he sees.
- They clean up their dishes quietly, dirty laundry aired, secrets hanging heavy. Before they leave, though, Hawks turns back to Todoroki one last time.
- “You know I can’t bring him back, right?”
- It’s a harsh reality, but a very real one. Quite frankly, Hawks suspects that there’s a lot of the person Todoroki remembers in this new Dabi figure, but no matter how much of that remains, no matter how many different and surprising and kind, soft, gentle, loyal angles Dabi has, it doesn’t change the fact that he is first and foremost a villain. That takes precedence over anything, and there’s really no turning back from it, not now, and not after the extent he’s gone to. Shouto nods, hair falling in his face, though Hawks can see through the fringe that his eyes are clear. There’s no judgement, no upset. He’s more than aware, and something in Hawks’ chest twinges again at how quickly this child had to grow up, seeing the world with such adult eyes.
- There’s something else still tickling the back of his mind, and at first he hesitates to ask it. Shouto’s been through enough today as it is, and he doesn’t want to push too far, but at the same time, he’s dying to know. There’s this sense in him that it’s probably important, and Hawks has long ago learned better than to ignore his gut.
- “One more thing- what did you say to him that day? Right before he ran?”
- Shouto’s hand freezes on the doorknob, literally freezes on the doorknob, ice crawling over his fingers. For a second, Hawks is considering apologizing and moving on, afraid that he’s overstepped a boundary. But then Shouto’s grip on the handle eases, and the ice crackles and falls away from his hand, falling to melt in the fibres of the carpet underfoot.
- “Touya. I called him Touya.”
- They leave the room and don’t look back.
- Hawks walks Shouto back to class, only to pull Eraserhead outside for a moment and explain nothing more into the situation than that the youngest Todoroki experienced some stressful things during their last patrol, and that after their discussion that morning, it probably wouldn’t hurt to have him take the rest of the day off just to recuperate a little.
- And with any of the other teachers, he might have been hit with a hardass no, but this is Shouta Aizawa, and if there’s anything that man cares more about than cats, coffee, and the occasional witty remark, it’s rest and his students. As much as he likes to deny it, he keeps a better eye on those kids than they know, and he’s caught Todoroki acting a bit more reserved than normal, less concentrated. He nods slowly, dismisses Hawks with a casual comment about wasting his time, and goes to fetch Shouto from the classroom again.
- The winged hero leaves to the sound of Aizawa telling Shouto that he’ll get a notes package done up for him for the day, and to go rest. There’s some muffled arguing before the older man makes some statement about mental health that effectively shuts Shouto up and sends him back in the direction of the dorms, Hawks grinning to himself the whole way down the hall, until he can no longer hear the two. Shouto Todoroki has had one hell of a life, that much is certain, but nobody can deny that he’s in good hands now and that itself is a relief beyond words.
- That being said, it takes all of ten seconds upon returning home to his apartment and getting the door shut behind him, before Keigo Takami all but collapses on the hardwood and begins to sob. Once the tears start flowing they just won’t stop, and there’s this kind of warm, gentle light streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling-windows that seems to just encourage the outpour even more. 
- Were anyone to see him at that exact moment, they’d probably think it made an interesting picture, the Number Two hero weeping on his knees, wings spread about him like some kind of devastated creature of God, light pouring down his shoulders and face as though his halo had melted and dripped like tear stains over his skin. There’s this burning, raw sensation inside him that just won’t ease, and as he lies there, a crumbled statue of a once proud Icarus, he lets the truth rage over him like wildfire, lets the heat of it all melt the wax and burn the feathers, and feels it pull him into a drop he’s not sure how to recover from, or if he ever will.
- There’s this war raging inside him on how to feel, a million emotions crushing his chest all at once. The first that hits him is disgust, disgust for this man that he had looked up to for so long, who had been a hero to him even when he’d had nothing, nobody, not even a dream. He had put so much faith in him, had defended him at every turn, had stood by him as a colleague, watched his back, taken wounds to keep him safe. This was the man he’d bled for, if he deserved to be called a man at all.
- But the emotions that follow after this are so rapid-fire, they’re almost impossible to keep track of, aside from the pain- the pain lingers and grows, makes itself known in every damned crevice of his being. There’s betrayal, both to the person he is now, and to the young child who’d cheered the fire hero on, who he’d wanted to impress so badly. There’s sadness for the world he thought he knew, for the person he thought he knew, and all of that being stripped away to reveal something so much more grim and ugly. Grief for the loss, mourning for the death of something he’d seen as a foundation to his person, the pain so strong throughout.
- One of the worst, though, is the anger. When the anger arrives, it isn’t in a gradual wave like the other feelings had been, full of upset and still-numb disbelief. When the anger arrives, it is as a battering ram of rage that burns so fiercely in his core, he wants to scream. Rage for Shouto Todoroki, rage for Rei Todoroki, rage for Fuyumi and Natsuo, and damn it all, blistering, agonizing rage for Touya Todoroki and the unjust cards he was dealt. When the anger arrives, it’s with the passion of a man who has longed for family his whole life, and can’t imagine how an individual could so carelessly ruin what another would die for.
- When the anger arrives it stays, and it leaves Hawks trembling on the floor long after the tears have stopped rolling, after the damp spots on his cheeks have dried, after the pain has stopped clawing at his throat, and taken up permanent residence in his heart instead.
- And that’s how Dabi finds him three hours later as night starts setting in, and the light from the windows has faded, the warmth in the floorboards gone. Hawks is so out of it, so physically and emotionally exhausted, that he doesn’t even hear him come in, only notices him when the tall man crouches down in his line of vision, concernedly snapping his fingers in his face.
- Somehow the sight of him just manages to drive the knife in deeper, and he has to take a deep breath to keep his composure. Dabi’s eyebrows are drawn together in worry at the scene, hands beginning to rapidly check him all over for wounds of some kind before Hawks weakly bats his hands away, protesting. The cremation villain sits back on his heels, unimpressed, and flicks the other man’s forehead.
- “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all afternoon- why weren’t you picking up your phone, dumbass? I thought something must have happened.”
- The irritation in his voice thinly covers his relief, and Hawks can only manage to blink up at him once or twice before clenching his eyes shut altogether. He doesn’t mention that Dabi hasn’t responded to any of his messages until today either, figures a fight isn’t what either of them need right now.
- “I talked to Shouto today,” He says quietly, voice so hoarse from crying, it’s almost hard to listen to. Dabi stiffens, but doesn’t turn away or make a sound, so Hawks continues, “He told me… Everything. Everything that happened, everything that that bastard did,” Hawks takes another steadying breath, choosing not to look Dabi in the eye for this part, “He knows who you are- I know about that part too. And that’s fine, really, it is; I won’t call you by that name or anything if you don’t want me to. I just… I can’t believe that I looked up to him so long, and he was doing all of this and nobody knew-
- And suddenly it’s all spilling out all over again, and there are more tears, but much less than last time, a slow and steady trickle compared to the earlier downpour. Dabi doesn’t do anything but listen as the minutes pass, as the sky grows steadily darker and they’re left in the kitchen with no lights on, almost silhouettes in the room. Somehow, it feels comforting- Dabi has a way of making shadows feel less like threats and more like hiding places, and Hawks has never felt it more strongly than now.
- But it isn’t until he’s done his tirade that he realizes his most crucial mistake- that in confessing all of this, he’s just botched his own story of being done with the hero world, the lies that he’d given Dabi when they first met. He’s just outed himself as a turncoat. And not only that, he’s just outed himself as a turncoat to a villain who is still kneeling over him in a dark room, and who would have literally nothing stopping him from crisping the winged hero right there, not even Hawks himself. Fast as he is, he doesn’t think his reflexes will save him quickly enough in this state, and all it will take for him to be completely defenseless would be Dabi moving his hands an inch or two forward to light his wings on fire, exposed as they currently are.
- He can feel the panic building in his chest as Dabi stays silent, breathing picking up a few notches before he’s suddenly scrambling to get into a less vulnerable position, trying to make out Dabi’s expression in the dark. Maybe if he can get out a window fast enough, he’ll be able to catch a draft and soar out of the way- it’s his best bet, but the kitchen island is against his back now because he scooted too far back, and there’s no way for him to get to a window without either getting through Dabi or-
- The panic attack that he was feeling earlier decides to kick in at this exact moment, and that’s when Hawks realizes that if Dabi wants him dead, he’s dying in this room. All of his instincts and nerves are shot, he has no sense of coordination, he can’t see, the dark no longer feels safe-
- The lights come on, and Hawks glances up sharply from his position against the island to see Dabi with his hand still on the lightswitch, expression hard to read, but not the crazed, maniacal look Hawks would have expected to receive if the villain were planning to outright kill him. He watches as the other man slowly walks forward, gaze locked, until he kneels so closely on the floor in front of him that if Hawks so much as slid his knees a centimetre forward, they’d be hitting Dabi in the chest.
- His heart is hammering so fast, he’s sure he’ll either hyperventilate or pass out at any given second, body trembling, brain unable to focus. He manages to force his eyes closed as Dabi extends a hand out, certain that he’ll be feeling those blue flames crawling his skin the second they get close enough to burn. The flames never come.
- Dabi’s fingers trail across his temple, brushing back a few strands of sweaty hair, before going to cup his cheek entirely. The action is so uncharacteristically tender that it causes Hawks’ eyes to flash open again, the scarred man looking at him with intent eyes.
- “Take a few deep breaths, pretty bird.” He says calmly, not even flinching when Hawks’ hand comes up to clench hard on the patchwork man’s bicep.
- “You took all of that info rather well,” Hawks states, almost accusingly, through gritted teeth. His breathing is starting to slow, heartbeat becoming less erratic, though Dabi’s sudden smirk isn’t helping anything.
- “I’ve known that you weren’t legit from the first day,” He scoffs, looking a touch of smug, but also somewhat offended, “Give me more credit than that, sweetheart. This isn’t news.”
- The simple, familiar arrogance of it all forces a sharp laugh from Hawks’ throat, and against all odds he can feel the adrenaline draining from his system, beginning to relax again. 
- “You’re such an asshole, you know that?” Said with a tired grin. ‘I’m relieved this one corner of my world isn’t crumbling down too.’
- “Only time you’ll catch me alive saying guilty as charged.” Said with a smile as crooked as a broken law. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’
- They wait like that just a few minutes longer, listening to the hum of the overhead lights, nothing needing to be said for those moments at least. Then, once Hawks has calmed down enough to relocate, they move to the couch.
- “So,” Dabi is the one to begin this time, throwing his lanky form across the whole sofa and stretching out well enough across it that his head can rest on one of the arms, his ankles dangling off the other. “You know about my shitty childhood. I`d rather not talk about that any more tonight, honestly.”
- Hawks, appreciative that he seems to be willing to let to matter of the anxiety attack drop completely, chooses to take a seat on the middle cushion, leaning back against Dabi’s hip as a support and letting his wings fall over the back of the sofa and behind it. The longest feathers drag on the floor from this height, and Dabi watches for a second as Hawks flares them temporarily to adjust his wings in a better position before continuing. “And I know about you not being true to the League. Anything else you’d care to hash out while we’re in the sharing mood?”
- “Yeah, actually,” Hawks shoots him a look and raises an eyebrow, “If you knew I was lying, why the hell did you keep me around?”
- Dabi goes entirely still, one hand subconsciously draping across his chest, and Hawks remembers the comment Shouto made earlier about the necklace. He wonders if the villain is reaching for it now.
- “You don’t ease into anything, do you?” He asks eventually with a chuckle, Hawks’ answering grin speaking for itself. “Alright, it’s… I guess, you know when you’re in a deep body of water and your head goes under, and it kind of hits you that you could drown there? And the first thing you do when you see it is reach for the light?” Hawks nods even though he’s always had an aversion to swimming due to the weight of his wings and has never been close enough to drowning to truly know. “It’s… Fuck, I’m trashing the hell out of this, but it’s like that. I could tell I was sinking, and I didn’t give a shit. And then you showed up, and I knew right off the bat that you were lying to my face, but for once, there’s this light right in front of me, close enough to reach for. I never really meant for it to be more than that.” He paused for a second before adding, “But there was something about the fact that you were batshit crazy enough to walk into the wolves’ den for your cause, and you just kept coming back. You had to know we’d figure it out eventually, and when we did you’d be done, but you kept trying anyway.” Dabi grins slightly, fingers definitely closing around the necklace this time, “That’s real hero shit. I’d spent so long hating all of them that I’d forgotten they weren’t all like the one I grew up with. And I can’t ever be like you, I’m not hero material, but… Reaching for that light here and here, it makes me feel like maybe I can be more than this someday.”
- He didn’t expect this kind of response. He didn’t expect this kind of honesty, barbless and vulnerable and kind. He didn’t really expect to find himself moving to straddle Dabi’s waist so he could be in a better position to kiss him, either, but that happens as well.
- Wordlessly, Hawks tugs Dabi’s hands from his necklace, and settles them on his hips, the winged hero pressing his own palms to either side of the villain’s scarred face, leaning forward to rest their foreheads together. He can feel Dabi’s breath against his mouth and cheeks as the other man lets out a soft exhale, his skin carrying that familiar slight chill that it always does, cooler still where his fingers rest on staples. He could stay in this forever, this moment, safe and sure and grounded. It isn’t until Dabi pulls away from him slightly to trace one hand down the curve of his wing and into his primary feathers that Hawks realizes that in his contentment he’s brought his wings up almost defensively, shielding them off from the rest of the world though there’s no one else around to see.
- “I used to hate the colour red.” Dabi murmurs, repeating the action once again, Hawks fluttering his wing against the fire-user’s calloused hand just to bring a smile to his face. That smile carries into the kiss Dabi pulls him in for an instant later. It isn’t their first kiss, not by a long shot, but there’s something more sweet and slow about this one, and it takes Hawks a second to realize that unlike the kisses they’ve shared in the past, this one isn’t laced with the premonition of an ending. Usually, there’s this sort of rushed tension in their more intimate moments, an unspoken understanding that whatever this thing they have is, it can only last so long. But that’s missing this time, the overlying pressure of awareness, of only whispering things that won’t break your heart later, of never knowing when each embrace might be the last and being prepared to cut your losses if it is. This time is different, sanguine, and Hawks suddenly gets the feeling that things are about to change.
- He isn’t wrong.
- “What if you joined us for real?” Dabi breathes, eyes hooded as they draw apart but still lingering close. Catching Hawks’ incredulous look, he runs his hands up the other man’s arms, taking on a more serious tone. “I mean it. We can get you out from under the Commission- they’d never be able to touch you again. You want a world where heroes have more spare time on their hands than they know what to do with? That’s never going to be a possibility the way things are now. Most of the groups and agencies are corrupt over the profitability of it all, and there’s a lot of heroes in the same boat. Believe me, birdie, they don’t want the crime rate going down- they just want it televised.”
- Hawks knows it’s true- Dabi isn’t just saying this to sway him. The winged hero has seen this firsthand. There are heroes out there who would sooner go into a situation after a disaster has already happened rather than stopping it before anyone can get hurt, because it’s flashier. It’s more likely to gain attention, even if it means innocents being injured or, hell, dying in the process. And there’s all the other stuff too- the notices they get at the beginning of each new year, informing them that if they save ‘x’ number of people from various minority groups, there will be a bonus payout for them by the end of the year, as diversity is good for their public image. Hawks always threw those papers away, but there were some who held onto them, kept a tally going. There are heroes who are only on the field for the money, who couldn’t care less about the people they’re saving so long as there’s a cheque at the end of it with their name on it. Hawks has even heard of a few cases where heroes staged or set up disasters and accidents to be noticed. There’s the Commission, literally grooming child soldiers and people like Endeavor who wear two faces to hide a darker truth from the public eye.
- For an organization made to help, the hero collective is a dog-eats-dog world, and it’s ruthless. Dabi’s right about Hawks’ dream being impossible- because as long as people are profiting off crime, they’ll never allow it to stop.
- Suddenly, all Hawks wants to do is sleep, cut the nightmare short and try to let himself catch up with the feeling of free-falling. He can’t go back to working beside Endeavor like nothing’s happened, he knows that. And to make matters worse, he told Shouto he wouldn’t tell anyone about this though he desperately knows he should, but at this rate he’s not sure it wouldn’t do more harm than good. There may be a time later in the future where the truth can be revealed without completely annihilating the small, fragile, bright world that the youngest Todoroki has been slowly building for himself, but to have the public come after him over something this big, demanding answers and surrounding him at all times… He can’t handle that yet, and Hawks can tell. Someday, but not yet. 
- “And after you dismantle the system? What happens then?” Hawks asks quietly, noting the surprised flicker behind Dabi’s blue eyes. He hadn’t been expecting him to entertain this idea.
- “Hey, my job’s just to burn it to the ground,” Dabi snorts, nonchalant, but his hands stop moving up and down Hawks’ arms, and loosely circle his wrists, “I think I’ll leave the rebuilding to those of you who will do it right. Let the real heroes take care of the hero world, and maybe everything else will settle too. Maybe things can be better- and who knows,” He puts on a smirk, “Maybe the heroes will find they’ve got some spare time on their hands, just like you said.”
- Hawks considers this, nods once, makes up his mind and goes ‘fuck it’ while cutting his losses. 
- “Fine.”
- Dabi freezes under him, confident look replaced by something much more comical.
- “What?”
- “Fine, I’m in.” Dabi goes to say something about considering options for more than three seconds, but Hawks cuts him off. “No, I’m serious. Things need to change, and that’s not going to happen with the way everything’s going now. I’m a hero because I want to help people, not because I have a license, and damn it there are more people I can help by fighting against the hero track than on it, which is really fucked up in itself. I’m in, and I’m saying that while I’m pissed off and bitter enough to go through with it because for fuck’s sake I can’t keep going back to that place and letting them wring me out until I’m dead. None of this is normal or okay, and I can’t keep pretending that it is. I need to do something.”
- The fire-user just stares at him awestruck throughout all this, and for a long while afterwards too, before eventually sitting up.
- “You’re certain?”
- “Yes.”
- “…Damn it, pigeon, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
- Hawks laughs at the weak pet name even as Dabi cups his face and pulls him in for another kiss, the blond’s laughter spilling out across their lips, fingers carding through Dabi’s hair. It’s a bright moment to end a dark day, something hopeful amid the tentative nature of something new. 
- “We’re never rushing this again.” Hawks grins when they both need to take a breath, that warm embrace of security and peace having returned to him once more, settling in his chest and radiating so strongly he’s surprised he’s not glowing. Dabi hums in response, turquoise eyes mostly closed as he leans down to dust a kiss on the other’s collarbone, almost painfully slow as if to prove a point.
- “We won’t have to.” He promises, chuckling lowly at the slight gasp he receives for turning the kiss into a nip, “Welcome to the dark side, birdie.”
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hetaliatxtpostz · 5 years
ur version of England is one of my favorite characterizations so kudos to you!! Are you up for doing America too? thanks in advance ;)
IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!
So, yes, I've been seeing all of your requests for America (so many requests), and I've been holding off bc America is my #1, all time, favorite character. But! It is a holiday today (an American holiday), and I am feeling the love. So, without further ado,,,,,,,,, America!!
Personality: America is bright and cheery; he's extremly friendly and always ready to talk. Everything about him tends to be over the top: the way he moves, the way he speaks, the way he throws in a hundred "wow, nice, awesome" type words like punctuation. This can be extremly annoying, but he does tend to charm people by his sheer force of life. He's optimistic and hopeful, someone who's pretty relentlessly positive. Unfortunately, this can make people forget that he's still fairly self-centered. He has a tendency to ask people to do things for him, and he expects people want to. He thinks of himself as a hero, as someone who's doing the right thing, and that kind of thinking can make him feel entitled to other people's gratitude. It also means he can tend to forgive himself easily for clearly manipulative behaviors. A fantastic actor, America can be very good at twisting arms and wills. It's hard to tell when he's lying, just exaggerating, or being genuine. He is very smart, but it's an intelligence with narrow focus, and he can tend to lose realistic goals in the face of huge ideas. (Read: he lacks common sense). He struggles between his love of power and his love of helping people.
Headcanons: Okay, an interesting side note. I think America should be a mixed race character representative of how we're a mixed race nation. However, I do have a version of America I call "50s America" who is like, peak evil America, who represents all the worst of America, and in my head he's like this perfect, tan, blue-eyed, tall, almost fake looking person. Other than that version, I always headcanon Alfred as mixed race. I think America has a weakness for all things pop culture and all things space. (Reflected in his bedroom). He gets super emotionally invested in any narrative: comics, sports, movies, books; he just wants to be in the moment. (I'm gonna put this in my whisper tone: he has a biting kink, and a thing for size [though I have him deflect that accusation in AUs by having him always have Japan as an ex]). He's always late. A daydreamer, someone who fidgets constantly, a doodler. Easily distracted. Carries at least one gun at all times.
Ships: My otp is still Rusame. From America's perspective Russia is tall and powerful and he is drawn to that. There are few people in the world capable of making America feel safe, Russia is one of them. (Too bad about how much time they spend doing the opposite, but as a result they know one another very intimately). I ship America with Prussia (they would be SO annoying), and Japan (two nerds, also a good balance of personalities), Germany (they're both fairly innovative), and Canada (when they're not brothers, I think this dynamic works out very peacefully). I do not personally ship USUK, but I don't have any notps in Hetalia. (I only have one notp in any fandom, and it's DeathNote.)
Favorite AUs: Wow. Okay I use America constantly. Mostly I like to make him a student of astrophysics. (He's always playing at least two sports which vary from swimming to baseball to football). I also like to make him a veteran, usually working through some issues, or with a disability of some sort. (Disabled America is a favorite of mine because I think it's good for him to work through his biases about who is powerful and how he manipulates people). On the opposite end, I also like to grant him power just so that he has that kind of easy use of it I think he would have in canon. (He's an asshole, basically). America has ADHD, probably. I also like to make America the proverbial hero of stories set in fantasy worlds. Generally, I make him the youngest person around, full of potential. I like to make him an assassin.
Other Relationships: England as a father figure or mentor: America cares about him. He really does. It's important to him that England is proud of him, and that he says it. (Which he doesn't really, England isn't very good at that). America tends to pester him, to show affection. France is also a sort of father figure/mentor to him, but he finds it easier with France, who is very open to the emotional. (And England is way more central to him). CANADA. My brotp. Listen. I do not characterize America without Canada. To me, Canada and America's bond is litterally unbreakable; I think this would be the last relationship they gave up on. Canada, to America, is an anchor. (Very occasionally, I make them not brothers bc I've been role-playing Hetalia for 10 years and I want to spice it up, but I prefer them as brothers). Canada and America relate on a very human level to each other. Canada is the only person who can tell consistatly when he's lying, and America wouldn't go to anyone else for comfort were he truely hurt. They fight quite a bit, and tease one another, but in the way siblings do. Outside of family, I think America is good friends with Germany and Japan. He likes a lot of people, most people, and also gets along well with Prussia, Spain, and Italy.
How well do I know actaul America?: THIS IS IT!!! THIS IS THE ONE I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! The answer is YES!!! I live in this bitch of a country, baaaaaabeeeeyyyyy! I studied political science here-- I know all about the government, and the "culture", and the going to breakfast restraunts at 3 am which IcouldntfindatallinParisexceptforthisAmericanthemedone! Yes!! 💯! I KNOW what is going DOWN in America.
**Sorry for the length. You see why I held off? Happy Thanksgiving.
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gcldveins · 4 years
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LASTLY but definitely not least ... daniel weaver ! my newest muse, like literally fresh out the oven .. i’m making this all up as we go fdjngdk so this will be the least organized and thorough intro, i ... am extremely sorry u have to read this...
✎⌠idris elba. cismale. he/him⌡❝ — well, look who’s just arrived ! if it isn’t the one and only daniel weaver. though, around here they’re known as the recluse. don’t tell ‘em i said this but the forty-four year old detective kinda has a reputation of being controlling and abrasive. but y’know, they can be loyal and diligent too. typical scorpio. anyways, welcome home and stay safe weaver ! ❞
full name: daniel gilligan weaver.
nickname(s): none, literally even his full name he doesn’t like fnjsdfkn
date of birth: october 27th, 1976
hometown: boston, massachusetts.
gender identity: cis gender
preferred pronouns: he/him
sexual orientation: heterosexual
hogwarts house: gryffindor
aesthetic: leather watches, awkward silences, the smell of burnt coffee, late nights, tired eyes, forced smiles, a glass of scotch before five, wrinkled collars, crooked ties, the sound of classic jazz on a turntable
distinguishable characteristics: patron saint of Not Smiling
pinterest board: here
their song from the sigh no more album bc i love this album and it makes me Sad™: sigh no more
background: murder, ptsd tw
— i’m so sorry it’s 1 am and i literally had nothing prepared so this is just going to be a summary and everything else i’ll just ... make up as i go along O_O
— so daniel’s not a misty hollow local, he’s a city kid that grew up in boston ! and growing up, daniel’s family didn’t have a whole lot. he grew up as the oldest son, he has one older sister and then two younger siblings, a girl and a boy. 
— so yeah, big family in an expensive city, money was tight. daniel’s parents were your regular, working class folks who had to pick up odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. but they made it work ! they were an overall pretty happy family !
— even as a child, daniel always stood up for others. whether it be him, eight years old at the school playground, witnessing another kid get pushed to the ground. or him at eighteen, seeing someone in his class getting bullied at school.
— your typical.. very honourable, golden-hearted type. was taught to always show compassion towards others and to give them the blanket off your back if needed.
— that’s why the decision to become a police office only seemed like the natural one ! so he did that, worked as a cop for a few years before eventually making his way up the ranks and earning his title as detective. 
— he worked in the special victims unit ( because i love law & order ) and daniel was on his way to becoming a lieutenant until a particular case hit him hard. 
— missing girl. reminded him a lot of his youngest sister and letting his emotions get the best of him, had made a promise to the parents that he would find her. daniel got really invested in the case, and when they found the girl’s body, dead and brutally murdered, it devastated him. 
— he took a few months of absence at work before ultimately leaving. he picked everything up and accepted the first job offering out of boston that he could find. he moved to a random town in the middle of nowhere .. misty hollow, which brings us to now !
— daniel wanted a fresh start, to lay low and just .. leave all that behind him honestly. he feels like it’s his fault that the girl died and constantly wonders if he had just acted a little quicker.. he still gets nightmares from the case, and there’ll be little things that remind him of it and it just immediately brings him back. so he’s trying to move on from all that. but not properly cause what is emotional intelligence ? idk
— a very closed off and private person. he’s curt and gets to the point, which can come across as rude sometimes.. put he just doesn’t have a lot of patience for dilly-dallying i guess gjdfnk
— very loyal and caring ! once you’ve demolished those stupid walls of his, literally has one of the biggest, softest hearts ever. will over-dedicate himself to people and things that he cares very deeply about. thank god he never got married.
— he knows that he has a tendency to overly-invest himself in others, which is why he often tries to keep others at a distance.
— erm can lean on being self-righteous... so yeah that can be pretty annoying. has this notion that like .. everything rests on his shoulders and is responsible for everyone.
— as jin perfectly summed up “ would die for you but won’t hug you ”
— jesus this is so basic and awful but... i am very sleepy and my brain is drawing a blank right now. hopefully !! you get the gist !! and i’ll be able to flesh him out some more through plotting <3
wanted connections
give this man some fucking friends please
the first person he met in misty hollow ? maybe they showed him around !
if anyone is from boston ... hellauw.. lets do smth with that
drinking buddies !! someone that ( when he’s had enough drinks ) opens up to !
younger muses ... listen.. he’ll be your dad / big bro figure. literally anyone under the age of 40 he sees as a kid that must be protected at all costs ( from their own stupidity, but that part he keeps to himself )
co-workers !!! 
uhh i wanna say casual relationships but .. daniel’s not really inclined towards that, this would have to be like .. a one-off occurrence after some poor judgement and probably lots of alcohol 
someone that just .. bugs the living crap out of him.. pls.. if ur muse is the complete opposite of daniel.. this wld be perfect
god this is difficult because the man is literally.. socially inept .. like might be a robot but ! i’m more than open to brainstorming. so please, feel free to throw anything my way !! and if we can’t figure something out between these two, we can just throw them at each other in a random thread and see what happens !!
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Time After Time (The Eighties Blasts Collection, Part 1.)
Description: Jim Hopper died as a hero. But with that, one certain problem rises up - who will now lead the cops of Hawkins? Hopper thought of that - he decided to write a letter, naming his niece, nineteen-year-old student of Indianapolis police academy, Y/N Hopper as a sheriff deputy in a letter. But anybody in the town doesn't have a clue that being a cop in Hawkins is way more dangerous than it might seem.
NOTICE: This is an AU where Hopper had a brother which he doesn’t talk to, but still has a great relationship with his niece (more like father-daughter relationship). Nothing else would be changed.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader (eventually) - the story is more driven by the relationships in the gang.
A/N: Every chapter will probably be named after one ICONIC 80s song because I am trash for them. Also, I will call Johnathan John bcs I am sick of writing such a long name over and over again.
Warnings: Grief, losing a loved one, bad family background for the reader, Will, Johnathan and Joyce leaving Hawkins.
Word count: 3.7 K (Sorry guys, I had fun)
Tagging: x
Master list: The Eighties Blast Collection
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Try to ask your parents about living in the '80s. Or no, you don't have to ask them at all - they would definitely tell you that it was way easier, better and safer back then. Maybe they would be right if you don't remind them about Doug Clark and Carol Bundy for example. Serial killers aren't such things in our age.
But there was one particular town in Indiana where it wasn't exactly a pleasure to live during the '80s. There was like... Everything from novels and movies had happened there - strange disappearances of children, mutates crawling from another dimension, possessed shirtless white boy with a mullet running around, kidnapping people and basically killing the; even murders bated by U.S. government and experiments on people.
It was a true science-fiction to say at least. 
What was the town’s name? Hawkins. Hawkins, Indiana with a population of thirty thousand people - may be more or less, nobody exactly knew since such a crazy shit was happening out there.
Your beloved uncle Jim, to which you went every holiday for the whole two months, has lived there since forever, except for his rather short time in New York - and you found your way to love the city as well. The people there were always the same - same shopkeepers, same employees in the restaurants, same stores and groceries. You dreamt about working alongside Jim since you were just a little kid. While other girls wanted to be princesses and astronauts, you just wanted to be a cop.
So it hit you when you were in your room at the police academy, listening to George Michael and read a magazine, laying down on the bed. At your nineteen, you were one of the best cadets that ever got into the police academy before reaching the age of 21. Jim was so proud that he cried when you called him.
But when the sergeant who led your training called your name through the silent halls, you knew that something had to happen. And when you sat down behind the desk, looking her in the face, you knew it isn't anything nice. 
And when she told you, oh boy, you couldn't but chuckle unbelievably. No, you weren't happy or amused with what sergeant Brown told you - but you couldn't believe it. 
“Jim Hopper is dead? Is it... For sure? That must be a mistake. You're shitting me right now.” - You told her, not even caring about the rule not to curse around your authorities. And Mrs. Brown fully understood what you're going through at the moment, so she didn't say a word about that. Your breath stuck in your throat as you got up to walk around the room. 
“Miss Hopper, I can tell you for certain that I am not joking.” - The woman on the opposite side of the table looked you in the eyes. - “I am sorry for your loss, yet Mrs. Byers sent us an official document where Jim Hopper named you his deputy sheriff, signed and stamped two weeks ago.” - She took the document out of the envelope and looked you in the eyes, putting it in front of himself so she could read from it.
“But I’m too young to be a deputy.” - You mumbled and took the document seriously naming you to the function into your fingers, reading it word after word. Jim was looking forward to having you by his side as a cop - so when he learned about the Russians in a facility below Star Court, he wrote two letters and one document - one for Eleven, a girl who he adopted and you liked, one letter addressed to you and a document naming you the deputy, so he was sure that the Hawkins city is in good hands when he's gone. You never saw the letter though. 
Only the official document made it. 
“And we do acknowledge that. You're too young, you haven't even finished your studies, Miss Hopper, this is a rather unpleasant and special situation. And for that, we will transfer you to an academy nearby Hawkins, so you can finish your training there while you will be helping at the police department.” - Mrs. Brown smiled at you a bit. - “We also acknowledge that you loved your uncle and to continue with his legacy means everything to you. Hawkins department is out of policemen anyway.” 
So it was done. Your grief over Jim was deep and it took too long for you to acknowledge that he won’t come to his cabin hidden in the woods a small while from the big oak next to the road to Denfield, just fifteen minutes away from Hawkins. 
When you told the locals about the cabin, it was in a horrendous state - the windows were missing, there were holes in the ceiling, the door were broken apart and... It was a hellhole. It needed a lot of repairing and almost everything was broken inside, including almost all of the furniture, but you managed somehow. 
Especially the broken windows and broken ceiling would cost a fortune if there wasn't for the good people of Hawkins who collected money and old, non-used things from their homes. They started one month before you came so it was almost done when you were about to roll into the town - but you could do the rest by yourself.
You let Hopper's old armchair just in the place where it always was, in his trail, and you left El’s room untouched as well, you only cleaned it up. People from the town were helping you with the renovations by all kinds of small gifts, ranging from canned and normal food to shampoo, helping you paint and paper it from the inside, giving you their old equipment like the TV or a refrigerator, even a VHS player. 
On the day when you came back to Hawkins in an old Chevy from the 70s’, with all your things packed in boxes stored in your car’s trunk, you immediately went to Joyce’s house. Joyce was something like your auntie - you, Nancy Wheeler, her son Jonathan and Steve Herrington always played by the woods she had behind their house. She always made you the best cupcakes, played with you, talked to you and when you were too caught up in playing, she called you to have lemonade or some snacks - but that was too long ago for you to even properly remember.
You remembered only small bits from your evenings at the Byers' house, but the feeling of Joyce is a nice, calm and sweet person always remained inside your head.
Once, all of you were only kids and you were in Hawkins only for two to three weeks every summer - so, naturally, your friendships with the old party didn't exactly last in the form it was ten years ago. All of you got into puberty and since you were studying the police academy, getting there after the senior year of your high school, you didn't really hear much about any of them. 
Plus, after you left Hawkins, you found yourself new friends in New York, so... It was no wonder, really. Everyone was just living their life the best way they could.
Although, when you heard that Joyce and her boys are you about to leave Hawkins for Maine, you tried to speed everything up only to tell her your goodbye before she actually goes away. When you got out of the car, 99 Luftballons by Nena practically screaming from Chevy's radio, you could only see a half-full moving truck and a load of kids out there. 
At least, you weren't that late, were you?
You could recall some of them - like Eleven, a girl living with Jim who you got to know the spring of 84’ when you got released for a weekend lasting holiday to celebrate Jim’s birthday. She was cool as fuck, having some kind of psionic abilities. Jim almost killed both of you when he found out that she had shown you some tricks, but you found that extremely cool. You two had built a pretty good and strong connection over the course of your visits at Hopper's.
You were able to recall Mike Wheeler and Will Byers as well since you knew their siblings - and these boys just couldn't be more similar to Jon and Nance. But there were a few kids you didn't have a single idea who they might be.
“I’m here to help. But I’m late, I guess.” - You leaned into the doorframe and smiled a bit at Joyce’s back. She was running around the whole house cluelessly and tried to pack while the others were doing the actual job. She looked at you standing there in an old flannel shirt and cool jeans which can be bought only in cities or big malls. You looked... Certainly not happy, tired, your eyes red from crying, but good and fine as hell. - “Guess you can say that I am a Hopper, right?” - You smiled as she walked to you to give you a tight, motherly hug, humming into your ear. 
“You are so big now. I remember you barely reaching my waist, darling.” - She cracked up a bit and you were almost sure that she is about to cry - and if she would, you would be a crying mess as well. You cried almost the whole way to Indiana. You just stopped yourself to cry again? Oh, boy. 
“That happens over time. Guess Jonathan isn't the smallest nor youngest now as well, huh?” - You joked, walking to one of the boxed in the hallway. Just with that, Jon accompanied by Nancy walked into the doorframe, holding another two boxes.
“Someone left a started truck outside and is playing pop blasts... Y/N?” - Jonathan asked unbelievably when you turned around to face him. He looked tired as hell just by the looks, but he still sorta got his rebellious expression, just as you were used to. And Nancy? She was breathtaking now. You almost jumped at both of them to hug them firmly with a giggle. 
The old party was getting back together. 
“I can't believe you're here!” - Nancy laughed to your ear. Both of them had the best childhood memories from the times you were there - like jamming to literally every ABBA or the Rolling Stones song, riding bikes through the neighborhood and just the best fourth of July festivals. - “Also, I'm so sorry about...” 
“I know, I know. It would be nice if you stop reminding me.” - You answered a bit louder than you plan to, so Nancy just shuts up. You were immediately apologizing, but she shook her head with her typical Wheeler smile. She totally got what you’re feeling at the moment, it wasn't even your fault really.
“Wow. I haven’t seen you since... Forever.” - Jonathan took your shoulder to his palm and smiled at you. - “I wish we could just sit down, have a cup of tea and talk about what is going on now.” - Nance agreed with him, leaving you in the hall with panicking Joyce; until another person came by.
“Is that... Is that you?” - A fourteen-year-old girl came there in an old shirt which you knew that belonged to Jim. You immediately softened when you saw the teenager, kneeling down and opening your arms for her. You closed your eyes as El leaned to you and hugged you tightly. 
“Yeah. I know.” - You mumbled into the crook of her neck quietly, letting her put her head on your shoulder as both your palms smoothed her back and her ponytail. She was such a baby girl since the day uncle Jim introduced the two of you. - “Listen up, baby. Let's get moving with the packing. You can introduce me to your friends and your boyfriend, sounds good?” - You got up, drying off her tears as you tried not to cry as well. You needed to make you both occupied.
“I would appreciate if you'd help the boys with Will’s room.” - Joyce looked at the both of you with her hands on her hips. - “Not that I don’t believe them, but I am afraid that Will’s and the other children’s packaging skills aren't exactly on point, if you know what I mean.” 
99 Luftballons subtly changed to Take On Me by A-Ha as it continued to blast through the quiet neighborhood. You and Eleven walked to Will’s room just as Joyce asked you to, leaving Nancy and Jonathan as they were.
And oh boy, there was a kind of war between four boys and a redhead girl going on, tees of every color were flying everywhere as they laughed and ran throughout the back of that house. It made you smile, wishing you could just join along. They were so young and careless and you loved it.
But as soon as they noticed you, an adult standing in the doorframe alongside El, they hid the tees and pants behind their backs and only whispers and giggling could be heard. 
“Joyce was right.” - You stepped in, picking up the clothes from the ground while looking at Will. His haircut wasn't the best and he looking alike Jon when he was a small boy. - “You guys can't pack clothes for shit.” - You mumbled as you watched every one of them.
The redhead watched you without a clue who you could be, but the others knew your face. Not too well, but they had definitely seen you around a few times before. 
“This is Y/N, Hop’s niece.” - El pointed at you and the redhead nodded. Any of the teenagers couldn't understand how could you be related to Hopper in any way - he was the old douche, probably ugly, fat and a really unpleasant person most of the time. But you were young, pretty and seemed to be a really chill person. 
“These are my friends.” - She pointed at the redhead and a boy alongside her. - ”Max and Lucas.” - She pointed at Will and Mike who you knew. - “Mike and Will.” - And then she pointed at a boy with curly hair who was smiling at you and to be honest, scaring you like shit. - “And this is Dustin.” 
“So, who’s the lucky one?” - You smirked at El and the way Mike’s cheeks reddened, you knew that he’s the one. She smiled at you without giving you a proper answer. 
You somehow managed to make the kids pack the things before dismantling the furniture in Will’s room with Jonathan’s help. You two were left alone as the others started to move all the boxes into the truck, having quite the space to talk. 
“So you and Nancy, eh?” - You smiled at him wickedly when you started to dismantle the bed. - “Or was I dreaming?” 
“Yeah. You haven't been in the town for a while. A lot of things have changed.” - Johnathan chuckled in response and handled you the wrench you needed. You rose your eyebrows. 
“You could at least call me. Would that be such a problem, mister Byers?” - You teased back and finally took the head of the bed out. 
“We thought you’re too busy living your best city life and forgot about the villagers. Hopper was updating us about your wellbeing pretty well. Heard you got to ILEA? He was proud as hell.” - Jonathan smiled. 
Yeah. Uncle Jim was the most supportive person on the whole planet when it came to you or El. You were both his little baby girls - and if someone tried to fuck your dreams up, he would be a literal pain in their ass. So, naturally, he spread the news about you studying on ILEA to everyone he actually listened to him. Joyce and Karen Wheeler were throwing with pride, lemme tell you. 
“Yeah. I got to Indianapolis, but they transferred me to the midwest since I have my new job here.” - You sighed and helped him with the wood from the side of the bed. - “Gonna study in a program of correspondence course while having my practicum here. Hawkins is apparently in need of fresh cops.”
“No way you're going to be the sheriff. That would make Hop so proud.” - Jonathan smiled at you softly and you smiled back at him. 
“He actually planned on me being the deputy. You really don't have many cops here, eh? Taking in a person who had barely finished their studies? Joke's on you.” - You started to dismantle the wooden legs off the sides. You and Jonathan were actually a good team when it came to manual work.
“We do have cops. But Hopper was the only one who wasn't bribed and actually done his damn job.” - Jon looked at you for a small while. You will be a good cop. He could feel it.
“It will be quite a change from Indianapolis.” - You sighed with a shy smile.
“I was wondering what you’re doing in the evening?” - Jonathan asked all of a sudden, his question followed by your furrowed face. - “We’ll be gone, but I don't want Nancy to be alone. If you want to... Accompany her, I will be glad.” 
“Oh, sure. If she would like to, no problem. We can borrow some VHS tapes to watch movies in the evening or whatever. Mrs. Wheeler gave me their old player.” - You nodded. There was one question which was making you furrow, so you leaned over to Jonathan, making him stop the work, quietly touching his shoulder. 
“I need to ask you something. It’s pretty... Personal to me.” - You exhaled loudly and your body shook completely on its own. 
You were all emotional about Jim passing away and even if it was more than a month since you got the news, you still fought the urge to cry. You tried to shake it off as Jonathan caught your palm in his as well. - “How did uncle Jim die? Nobody wants to tell me, they only told me that he had passed away. Was he shot? Or...” - You curled into a ball and closed your eyes. Jonathan looked around the room and gulped.
You didn't have to know this. You didn't need to know any of this. He wasn't feeling good at that moment and you could feel it. He didn't want to give you an answer, because he somehow felt that it would only hurt you even more.
“All I will tell you is that Hopper died like a real hero. That man might be a pain in everyone's ass, but he sacrificed everything to save the others. He saved all of us and I think that he saved everyone in this town. But if I would tell you, you would think that I’m crazy.” - Jon said quietly, interrupted by Joyce standing in the door. She clearly didn't hear much, since she didn't have any idea you even asked about Hopper. She was smiling, as usual, and she was really glad that the bed was dismantled.
“Oh, honey.” - She kneeled down to you and Jonathan, nuzzling you to her side, ruffling your hair, kissing the temple of your head gently. She was a true mom to everyone - even for a girl that spent only two months in Hawkins during the summer holiday. Even to a girl she hadn't seen in years.
She was something you never had, so you leaned into the touch of her small, warm palms, calming words and slow, caressing movements. Then you sat back up, smiling at her, drying your tears off.
“Can you get it to the truck?” - Joyce looked at Jonathan as he stood up. He nodded without any further thinking. 
“I need to give Y/N something. I talked to El and we agreed on it.” - She smoothed your cheek and kissed the other one tenderly. So, you followed her thought the empty house, thinking about your memories.
You could name the exact spot where Steve almost killed himself when he jumped off Jonathan’s bed onto the heating, hitting his forehead into the heater. You could exactly see their old sofa where you braided Nancy’s hair and you could say where the dinner table always stood. Hopper always sat there while he drank coffee with Joyce and her man. Lonnie was really fine... At times, before he left. He was a douchebag overall, though. 
The sweet memories made you smile again until you approached the gang consisting of children only standing there in a circle with Eleven in the middle, holding a box named ’HOPPER’ in big, dark green letters. It was almost like a cult initiation. You were sure it was one.
“I want you to have it.” - El said quietly and put the box on the ground, opening it. It was an old police uniform; the one which belonged to Hopper. It was dirty and smelled pretty bad, still having his sheriff’s badge on it. You took the shirt into your palms, caressing it between your fingers as other tears rolled down your cheeks. Then you looked at El. 
“Are you sure, baby girl?” - You asked and tried to contain your emotions as everyone was watching you with a sad face. El slowly gulped, getting on her knees as well, but then she nodded. She looked happy at that moment, contained with happy memories at Hopper.
“She wanted to keep it, but wouldn’t be for too much on use since it would only lay in the cabinet. You can wear it for work. Maybe it is too big for you and you will definitely need to wash it, but it has your name on it already, see?” - Joyce pointed at the small golden badge with Hopper on it in black letters. You leaned your head into her shoulder. A true legacy. - “I know he would want you to keep it. It will look good on you after you wash it.” 
“If you say so, Joyce.” - You smiled a bit, taking the box from El’s hands, fetching it into the trunk of your car. You stayed there until the very end, looking at the kids saying their last goodbyes. It made you cry as well, it was so sweet. 
Even Joyce hide behind the truck to have a little moment to herself. She hated when she saw her boys or their friends sad and crying. Joyce Byers was just the most amazing woman and mom you had ever met.
Even if you didn't expect it at all, you got hugs as well. The one from Will was a shy, quick one with that shy boy’s smile painted on his lips. Jonathan couldn't be as much different from his brother as he was - this boy held you firmly for a few seconds, he actually hugged you so tight you couldn't breathe for a second and screamed loudly with laughter. 
“Better watch it here or I will come back and kick your ass.” - He said jokingly, patting your shoulder. You opened your mouth and laughed too, hitting him gently as well. - “Sure. Keep on dreaming, Byers, because that's not going to happen.” - You patted his shoulder as well, bringing him in for one last quick hug - then you left him, so he could say goodbye to Nancy.
Eleven came to you after she kissed the soul out of Mike’s tall and slim body - she hugged you tightly. You maybe weren't exactly the closest, but you were something like sisters from one point of view. 
That was the magic Jim Hopper could do when he wanted to. He was bringing people together. He brought El and Mike so close he couldn't stand him anymore. But your bond would make him happy.
“If something, you can always call me.” - You looked her in the eyes as she continued crying. She was such a lovely girl. - “I know you would rather talk to Max, but I’m here too. I’ll be waiting for a call at Hop’s old number, okay?” - You asked and she nodded, unable to speak in words. But her tears were giving you an idea of what the was feeling. 
“And we repaired your old room. You will be always welcomed in that house.” - You kissed her forehead, snuggling her closer again. 
When they were leaving, you stood there with Nancy and the remaining kids, watching the cars leave, not even waving. Most of you were still crying your eyes out, so you were too dazzled to actually say goodbye. Just minutes after the cars disappeared, you looked at Nancy. 
“Need a ride home? The kids are taking the bikes apparently.” - You asked and took the keys to your car out of your pocket. Nancy nodded, smiling at you with the typical Wheeler smile. - “Also, if you want to, you can stay the night at my place. You would feel less alone and the cabin would feel less scary.” - You smiled at her when you both were sitting in the car. 
“I guess so. It would be fine to talk to you after such a long time. I miss our summer adventures.” -  Nancy said shyly and you stopped yourself from starting the car, looking her in the eyes, holding the steering wheel in your palms. 
“I do too. So, off to the supermarket and VHS store it is, I guess.” - You looked into the mirror showing you the space behind the car and started the old Chevy’s motor. 
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sgnhaemin · 5 years
+hello once again+
tis i, li
i was for some reason unsatisfied with a single character, so i’ve decided to share you my best boy, and completely opposite of my girl. its v. late for me and i just got back from closing night so i’ll probably talk more in the morning but for now i wanna say hi and give some more basics about haemin under the cut! (im also organizing plots and connections as well, with this whole v*rus thing it’s looking like i’ll have a lot of time at home to work on this stuff)
tw: homophobia, verbal abuse, repression
- haemin’s a sophomore studying translation studies. he transferred after freshman year bc he could only afford three years at snu
- his parents met in america, his mom being korean american while his dad was a native korean. even though he was raised in korea, haemin’s mother taught him and his family english, and his english name is harry
- haemin is the youngest of three and is the only boy out of all of them. his father had always wanted sons and as a result pressured haemin to the point of verbal abuse. his father was very caught up in the idea of what it meant to be a man, which excluded most of haemin’s natural interests
- his father is also quite homophobic, which has heavily influenced haemin and his understanding of sexuality. his father would often say that an interest in fashion, or volleyball, or other more androgynous activities were gay and therefor inappropriate, resulting in haemin repressing a lot of who he is for a very long time 
- haemin is panseuxal, but he’s been repressing his queer attraction for so long that he’s not even aware that he’s queer. he also has a very ignorant view of love. he believes that romantic love is the biggest goal you could have, and even though he himself is not homophobic, he tends to act very odd when that kind of stuff comes into the limelight
- and finally, as the amoretto haemin has quite the eye for romance. he loves to see who will get together, where he latest love triangles lie, and all other kinds of drama. however, he’s never made a move on his own and when confronted about his own attraction he tends to get very uncomfortable.
so that’s the basics about ahn “harry” haemin! i’m looking forward to sharing him with all of you!
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atdelilah · 5 years
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as per request: HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN ASHMONT CITY anyways what’s poppin y’all, it’s ya girl jalynn, back at it again with ya new girl delilah whom i based off of a mixture of the gotham city siren gang (aka catwoman, harley quinn, and poison ivy)!! i’m very excited to throw her at yall
i guess the easiest way to dive in is to just explain her backstory so here goes:
she is the youngest of two girls, and her parents own/run the biggest catholic megachurch in the state so. she’s rich, she has an image to live up to
as expected, that plan flops
her older sister, abigail, very much fits the “good christian daughter” mold, but delilah is just way too curious, and asks “why?” in the middle of church service way too often to even get close to fitting that image
yes, our girl has had problems with authority and being told what to do from a very young age
naturally, her parents were hating this very, very much and this is how the seed of a very bad relationship with your parents is born
but on the bright side! delilah and her sister were close as could be, two peas in a pod when they were kids!! they were basically polar opposites in terms of personality (delilah being the kid who will ask “why?” every time you speak vs abigail just respecting authority because what else was she supposed to believe?)
that was basically how her early childhood went. her parents wanting her to be more like abigail, delilah being like “okay anyways”, and abigail being angel girl that her parents loved the most
so then comes middle school (a tough time for everyone), and stuff in delilah’s life is either hitting the fan, or taking root so it can hit the fan later
the first thing to hit the fan: her relationship with her parents. at this point, delilah figured out that no matter what she did to be her own, her parents would never stop wanting her to be a clone of abigail, so honestly? she just stopped caring about their opinion altogether
they already were set in their belief that she was disappointing, and annoying, and just too much, so why not just do what you want anyway? that’s delilah’s thought process
she just blatantly started ignoring their rules, really. she started questioning her faith in more targeted ways, she started finding ways to sneak out of the house, and went out of her way to break her parents’ “no dating” rule
also it’s important to note that delilah went to an all-girls’ k-12 catholic school and she HATED it. she snuck out because she just wanted to hang out and go to normal schools like all her rich, non-catholic neighbors. plus her mother worked at the school, and delilah took any opportunity to just do the exact opposite of whatever her mom asked of her
basically, delilah liked finding ways of reclaiming her autonomy and personal identity because her parents’ worked so hard to try to take it away from her! it’s at this point where we see her begin to do things simply because they make her feel powerful and independent! middle school, am i right
the biggest downside to this is that it starts causing problems between her and her sister. with delilah being in middle school, and abigail being in high school at the time, it’s already obvious that problems would arise just due to the differences in age. but the differences between the two only became more evident as they got older; abigail was constantly ready to go tell on delilah, and delilah was always taking jabs and saying abigail didn’t have a mind of her own. arguing was a regular occurrence. the sisters still 100% loved each other, for sure, but it’s a tough age phase they’re going through, plus there’s just no such things as siblings that don’t argue.
now we’re in high school, another horrible and weird time for teenagers across the nation, but especially for our girl delilah
her parents are so beyond sick of her at this point, really. the only reason they haven’t completely cut her out is because it wouldn’t look good if they did r.i.p
delilah stopped going to church altogether, she’d gotten busted on her escapades multiple times (not that she cared, really), and the “no dating” rule was just.....so beyond ignored
the seed had been planted when she was in middle school, but when she got into high school, delilah just completely embraced how pretty she is. boyfriends, girlfriends, flings, sexual partners; you name it, she was doing it. she didn’t really know she was gaining a lil’ heartbreaker reputation because honestly? outside of the whole power trip it gave her, she was really just having fun ahdgashdgsdj
( small disruption to say drug tw here )
big downside to high school: in the midst of her constant sneaking out and rule-breaking, she fell into some things and people that she shouldn’t have, and by her senior year (17/18 years old) she’d developed an addiction to a small variety of drugs
like any addiction, it did have big effects on a lot of aspects of her life. her grades (which she generally took pride in) were slipping massively, and all of her relationships (friends, romantic, familial aka with her sister) were falling to points that were nearly beyond repair
abigail, being the big sister she is, was extremely upset about the whole situation and basically convinced their parents to check delilah into rehab and they were on board with the plan, not because they cared about delilah’s wellbeing, but because the way she was spiraling was a liability to their image in their eyes
so now delilah is 18, she’s graduated from that k-12 all-girls school (no longer at the top of her class), and is promptly checked into rehab, we love this for her! but she absolutely hates the whole thing, so .
she didn’t hate the literal getting off of drugs, but what she hated the most was that she felt like she’d proven her parents right. to her, it was one thing to let them just assume the worst about her; it was a whole different feeling to actually give them something as big as this to root their assumptions in.
but that (plus the underlying desire to not worry her sister) was enough for her to take being rehabilitated very seriously. she did what she had to do and was out by the beginning of the next school year! probably one of the first times in her life she actually followed instructions from authority figures, honestly. but she told herself she was doing all of it because she wanted to, not because she had to.
also just something to add, it was in rehab where delilah got super into poetry and reading and classics!! it’s not like she had an abundance of things to do at her disposal, so she picked reading as a hobby to pass time but ended up being really into it. it was one of the first times where she felt like she had a purpose in life outside of living to fuck with her parents asjdhaskdjha
fast forward, we now have senior year college girl delilah!! she’s 3 (going on 4) years clean off everything she was addicted to!! we love this for her determined queen
she’s also worked really hard to rebuild her relationship with her sister and they’re back on very, very good terms. she’d do anything for her sister, period
but delilah is still delilah, she’s still a lil heartbreaker, she’s still hard-headed as ever, and she’s still got a variety of other things to learn about and grow through but i don’t wanna talk all about it here and make this longer than it already is asjdhakjsh onto the next part!
+ independent, dedicated, passionate, sensitive but lowkey she’d rather die than admit it or show it
- stubborn, prone to isolating herself mentally/emotionally, self-sabotaging, good liar but she considers this more of a skill to use here and there
100% will do anything for the people she loves......now that list isn’t necessarily long but. once you’re on that list, you’re On that list
the investigation.....
okay so basically delilah is 100% anti-daisey
she didn’t really know daisey too well growing up and didn’t really care to asdjkhasdkjh but they were both in rehab at the same time so they officially met then
but daisey enjoyed picking at delilah’s little insecurities and also talking shit about her sister, and like the picking on her was like "eh i don’t like you" but talking shit about abigail? l m a o
basically if delilah hadn’t been so determined to be on her p’s and q’s in that rehab center, she woulda beat daisey’s ass, and that’s point blank period
plus delilah just didn’t like daisey’s attitude or anything even aside from how daisey treated her specifically, like just the way she treated others turned delilah off of her
so yeah when daisey turned up missing delilah was just like that....is not my problem 😗
when daisey turned up dead delilah was like damn 😗 sucks to suck r.i.p though
i’m not saying delilah killed her or anything but i’m just saying. delilah’s got a short temper and probably had to be held back anytime daisey said anything funny about abigail (which was all the time bc like. it’s daisey)
and the whole killer on the loose sending messages thing creeps her out but like. she’s very much a go with the flow, look at the big picture kind of girl so she’s just. trying not to let it phase her too much
y’all already know i’m not picky about anything just throw an idea at me and we can make something shake
and i think that’s about it? like this, or hmu or anything if u wanna plot i’m really excited for all of ur characters to talk to the kid!! also can u guys guess which gotham city siren i pulled the most inspo from (admins not allowed to guess bc u guys already read my app)
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smolgay-bean · 7 years
Paige!! I know next to nothing about your oc's, introduce me to them? I'm sure they're all wonderful!
aight im answering from my computer bc this shit’s gonna get long! also I have too many OCs to put in one post so i’ll use some of my favorites!
Also! these are the types of characters that I insert into different shows/AUs, so let’s assume this is a simple modern setting!
Shikuma and Suvi: twin brother and sister. Japanese. around 16-17 years old. both 5'9 (so tall!) and very supportive of each other! Shikuma is hella gay while Suvi is straight, but super duper supportive! Both are complete polar opposites; Shikuma being a ray of sunshine and happy, while Suvi is kind of emotionless. just a constant deadpan—but she smiles on occasion! and that doesn’t stop her from caring about others! Their mother died when the two were born, leaving them with their father, who became abusive over the years. after he died when they were 12, the two were taken in by three close family friends; all sisters, and so Shikuma and Suvi are now the new siblings, with Shikuma being the youngest!
Anita: 16 years old and 5'5. half Venezuelan and half Italian. bisexual! and loves to draw! has 3 siblings; an older sister (Alma) and younger twin brother and sister (Jasper + Elizabeth). very chill and laid back, and loves her friends and family! I love her omg.
Rubi: around 17-18 years old and 5'6. also bisexual! and works out (she’s so strong!). loves dancing! she lives in a foster home with a few other kids, along with their “mom” Abigail and “dad” Darren (Abigail is actually aromantic and best friends with Darren so they act like parents). Rubi’s full name is Rubella, but prefers Rubi. also best friends with Anita. Rubi and her family also own a Samoyed named Sadie and a sphinx cat named Goblin! half of Rubi’s hair is dyed pink and she usually dresses in black and dark colors and wears dark makeup, which sometimes people say she’s punk/emo/goth, but Rubi likes witch instead. she loves the history and elements behind witchcraft (she owns crystals and all that stuff, and has cool tattoos).
Kanae: 17 years old and 5'5. half Japanese, half French. bisexual with a preference for women. super sweet and has a girlfriend! also has an older brother named Luka!
Mika: 16 years old and 5'7. Japanese. hella lesbian (and Kanae’s gf!) and also hella strong. Moody, dresses in black, and says skirts are for squares. She has Keith’s personality basically, and could be passed as emo. she’s awkward when she meets people but warms up quickly and is really nice!
(this got so long omfg…)
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wthjavi-blog · 7 years
hello u guys this is an intro post, i'm maline (she/her) and this is lil javi (him/his). here u can find his stats and over here there’s a few muse posts. under this gif of the dimple king u have a bit more of info on him !! sO please please hmu if you’d like to plot something or give this a like and i’ll go to you :~)
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ok so this dude. he’s peruvian and moved to town when he was 11 or 12. it was very hard to adapt at first because he was literally the latino kid who got made fun of due the way he talked or dressed, his family or how he had to walk 20 minutes to get to school from his place in the outsides of town. naturally, javi began to shut himself and worked hard to lose the accent but still couldn’t change how people felt about his financial status, his angry lookin face and scary heights. he heard the whispers and the looks thrown at his parents’ direction (which were all ignored by them) when they were in town but he proved he didn’t have the patience his parents wanted him to have. he quickly stained even more his reputation by standing up for himself and his family whenever anyone made a joke or said something hurtful about his culture or anything related. and it was because of that that he got the fame he still has til this day; do not mess with javi echavarria if you don’t want your ass whooped.
in school he had this kind of armor up where he’d assume everyone was a threat, but still managed to thrive in english class, discovering that writing made everything a little bit easier. it was often the plea used by his teacher to argue against his expulsion whenever he fought somebody in school grounds, forcing the principle to agree and grant the boy nothing but a suspention and a great deal of detention. his parents couldn’t hide the shame they began to feel at how their kid managed to get himself into trouble every week and he felt bad for that-- but well, usually, he did throw the first punch, but it wasn’t like he started it. he just had a lot of anger inside. outside of school, things were a bit easier for him and he made friends with kids in his neighborhood.
everything changed when, driven by motivation to do better in something he called futbol americano (american football) than most americans, he tried out for the school’s team, getting in and making history by being the youngest ever accepted. he was benched for a while but the first match he played in freshmen year, he secured his spot easily as a regular, being the fastest one in the pitch by far. the second he got the team’s jacket, it was set-- he was yet again the talk of the town. but this time, he was getting free meals from restaurants he went to, high-fives in the school halls and girls were asking for his number. it didn’t take long for him to try out for the soccer team, and there it was again-- another team he’d taken to championships and brought the trophy back home. just as easy, he was one of the most popular kids in school and had this incredible bond with his teammates. he didn’t have as much time for writing as he used to, though, and he knew that he could do anything but it wouldn’t give him the feeling that writing did. he turned out very insecure and self-conscious, and writing gives him a voice he never felt he had. 
so now he’s That Man that the whole school knows and loves; but knows nothing about. they know he’s great at scoring goals and touchdowns and there’s a bunch of great universities looking out for him, that he works at his father’s repair shop, that he hangs around with the whole jocks group but has friends of other cliques, that he writes like he’s inside your head and a few girls here and there that he’s been with. they do not know he’s bisexual or the deep works he has-- he wouldn’t want everyone to know how not that happy he is w his life. he tells himself his sexuality is not something to “admit” or that he has to “come out”, but deep down he’s afraid of what’d happen to his career in football and even more, what his father would think of him.
but basically he’s v closed and doesn’t make friends that easily, not that he’s timid or quiet-- quite the opposite. he just doesn’t share much with people, even with his friends, he’s just the type of person to eat away whatever he’s feeling and write about it in a way that he knows that he would never be able to express it vocally. he has a resting angry face?? yes he does but he is a sweetie and will absolutely talk to u no matter what u wanna talk about. except trump, he might pass that bc he gets too angry. he’s legit a comic book lover nerd who is always listening to music on his earpluds and either gets to class late bc he was sleeping or wakes up super early and goes around town running at freaking 6am. kill the bastard
this is too long already i am so so sorry omG i said i was gonna make this shot lmao so here’s a few conncections i’d like to see with this lil dude so if you see something that catches ur eye (and even if you don’t, we can brainstorm something!!!) please hmu and let’s talk !!
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