#love his crying screaming and amazing hamster vibes
nibbelraz · 1 year
im obsessed with the way u draw shang qinghua
AAA Thank you so much! 😭 He's a sopping wet mess and it's my favorite way to draw him
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Cradle Broken Glass - Chapter Sixty
Shopping was never exactly Layla’s forte. She could barely even keep the sigh from leaving her lips when Ash pulled her to yet another boutique in the city. Ever since she had found out about the engagement, Ash had pulled her into full bridesmaid mode, where everyday since telling her they had gone hunting for everything needed. Ash already had a location in mind to use for the ceremony and reception, and Jeff had already bought suits and everything he needed. Layla had been dragged along to a bakery and wedding shop to order a cake and buy table settings. And now, Ash was forcing her to buy her bridesmaid dress. She wouldn’t have minded so much but she was in no way ready to dress up like a princess.
Since it had come to light that Eddie was going to be the best man at the wedding - meaning she would have to see him again for the first time in two years -  her thoughts were giving her mild anxiety. She had been avoiding him so far, since the planning for the wedding was rushed so everyone in the wedding party had different tasks that they were all doing separately. But she knew sooner or later she was going to have to see him again and it terrified her. 
What if he had a girlfriend that he was bringing to the wedding? What if he barely even looked at her? What if he didn’t care at all that she was there? She didn’t know what she wanted him to do. But one thing she had to make sure of was that she looked good. Which was exactly why shopping for a dress was freaking her out so much. She needed to look fucking amazing to show him that she was doing fine. She had too much pride to let him know that she was still a fucking mess. When they had first broken up she had put a bit of weight on (which was an insult to injury since she was already insecure about her curves), and it had gotten worse when he had tried to talk to her through harassing Ash after she got that flight back from Seattle. She had spent the past year trying to lose it, and even though she had half succeeded, it would still feel like a kick in the teeth to not look her best when he saw her all dolled up.
“What about this one?” Ash said excitedly, effectively pulling Layla out of her reverie, and forcing her to come back to the real world. She looked at the dress that Ash was holding out and grimaced slightly. Ash sighed and went back to picking something out.
“Look, it’s your wedding, so I will wear whatever you want me to. I want you to be happy so it doesn’t matter if I like the dress or not, I’ll try that one on if you like it.” Layla responded, feeling bad for not liking anything that Ash was going for. The colour theme her and Jeff had gone for was a pastel blue, nearly white, and it was absolutely stunning for all the decorations that they were planning for the ceremony and reception. But it seemed like every dress in that colour that they had found was dreary and old fashioned.
“No. I want you to love the dress and feel comfortable. You’re my best friend in the world and you’re opinion means everything. I mean, if it wasn’t for you I would have bought those horrible centerpieces the other day and that would have been a fucking disaster!” Ash said and Layla laughed along with her while she started to browse through the racks, still not finding anything. Until she saw a piece of fabric with the colour she was looking for and pulled it from the racks, turning and showing Ash.
“Fuck. I need to see you in that!” Ash squealed excitedly, and Layla followed along with her. They both made their way to the dressing rooms and Layla practically ripped her clothes off to get the dress on. A small part of her brain told her that while the dress was beautiful, there was no way it was going to look good on her body, but she squashed it down, telling herself that even if she looked shit, at least the dress was great for the wedding. Yet as she zipped up the back, she looked in the mirror and felt like crying. 
She had never seen herself so good before, and it made her feel amazing. Her rich chestnut hair flowed over her shoulders perfectly to accentuate the off the shoulder dress. It was the lightest pastel blue she had ever seen, the sweetheart neckline giving her ample cleavage and the almost jersey fabric style cinched her waist in perfectly. There was a slit going down on side which gave her more room and made the whole thing look seductive. She breathed in and opened the curtain to show Ash.
“What the fuck! You cannot wear that or I’m going to look upstaged at my own fucking wedding!” Ash screamed, causing multiple women to look out way in the store, but Layla could hardly care as her and her friend grinned at each other.
“You like it?” She asked apprehensively.
“I fucking love it. Geez, Jeff might even leave me for you, who knows.” They both laughed at each other before Layla went behind the curtain to get changed again. They went to the front of the store and paid for the dress and alterations as well as ordering two others for Ash’s cousins who were stepping in as bridesmaids. She didn’t really want anyone up there other than Layla, but since Jeff was having Stone and Mike as groomsmen, she didn’t really want it to look imbalanced. 
Layla was on cloud nine as they left.
“How’s my favourite mountain man?” Layla practically screamed as her and Ash walked through the front door, effectively scaring the shit out of Jeff who jumped three feet out of his bones. He turned around to offer her a glare before he practically ran over to Ash and planted a sloppy kiss on her mouth.
“Much better now.” He said as he batted his eyes at her best friend, making Layla gag.
“Well it better be food I’m smelling because I’m hungry as fuck.” Ash said before she proceeded towards the kitchen and started to stir the pot that Jeff had on the stove. Layla sat down on the couch and he joined soon after, with Ash’s humming from the kitchen being the only thing to be heard.
“You okay?” he asked to break the silence and she pondered for a minute what exactly he what referring to. Either way she didn’t know how to respond honestly. Even though her and Ash being best friends had meant she saw Jeff, she wasn’t as close to him as she once was since she didn’t want the constant reminder of her ex. She could often sense Jeff wanted to talk more but she cut the conversation off usually since she knew where it was heading and she didn’t like it. Yet she couldn’t help but feel like she’d lost a brother since the breakup but she didn’t know what to do about it. Her relationship with Stone and Mike was even worse, seeing as she had only seen them a handful of times since and its was extremely uncomfortable.
It was one thing she was still bitter about. It had seemed like Eddie didn’t want them to still be friends with her, and even though they she still talked to the boys, he had essentially gotten his wish.
“I’m alright. Just tired after shopping all day. Your fiancee is like a hamster on crack when it comes to it.” She responded, hoping he would take the hint and change the subject.
“I mean, are you okay, you know, with everything?” He reiterated with a soft voice she had missed. It was the one he used whenever she was in a bad place and was trying to comfort her. It didn’t bring her any comfort now, knowing it came from pity most likely.
“Jeff, I’m completely and utterly fine. No need to have a heart to heart about it.” She said, being blunt and hoping he wouldn’t continue the conversation on the way it was going..
“Okay, okay, I’m butting out.” He laughed and Layla’s body instantly filled with affection for the man who had been her rock since she had moved to Seattle. Jeff gave her a kind smile before getting up and walking to the kitchen, most likely to check on Ash. But as he got to the doorway, he turned around.
“If it makes you feel any better, he’s a nervous wreck right now. I know he’s my friend and all, but you having your shit together would make him breakdown more than he already is and I would pay to see that.” He finished with another smile and then walked into the kitchen.
Layla sat there stunned, not knowing how to process that information, whether she was happy or sad about it. But she couldn’t help but let a small amount of bitterness set into her as she watched Jeff and Ash kissing and laughing in the kitchen, all loved up. She hated her jealousy.
Eddie and Layla are finally going to meet again in the next chapter! How do you think it’s going to go? Hope you all enjoyed and sending positive vibes all your way xxx
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