#p101 fanfic
piecesofchess · 2 months
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"Summer school season is in full swing!" "Back to school is cool! What keeps you wizarding or pirating between classes and homework, or if you've already graduated, your other summer-to-fall activities? Describe the best ways to get back into the game if you've taken a break for a while."
What gets me back into playing Pirate101 is trying out new classes. Each one is fun in figuring out how to play and using their strengths. It makes battle in P101 so much more enjoyable and encourages me to create new Pirates in the hopes that I can max them out again!
Here are my current pirates sharing their experiences with their class!
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rainbows-fanfics · 6 months
Help Unwanted (Chapter 1)
Summary: After losing the Pirate, Deacon is unwillingly paired with a partner to help with his job. The only problem is - they can't stand each other, and time is dwindling until he can re-capture all his lost prisoners.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101.
Pairings: Deacon/Queen!Deacon, Deacon/OC
A caped figure leaned against the side of a building, watching the waves of the ocean gradually stretch over the horizon. He listened to the distant splashing from the shore and birds flocking from above. In any normal circumstance, this would be considered a peaceful sight - but to him , it was all but a grave reminder of what transpired last week. 
The Erebus was destroyed after his run-in with Boochbeard and his accomplice, Gandry. He’d been in the middle of delivering prisoners for questioning when his ship was overrun with pirates. He had a long, almost annoying streak with this ruffian - who trailed after him and thwarted his plans as of late. He lost a few convicts under Boochbeard’s foiling before…but nothing like the Erebus. 
It sank. He lost nearly all his prisoners, grabbing only a couple with him on his escape boat. Least to say, it wasn’t anywhere near what was expected that day, and he suffered for it. He stomped through Valencia afterwards, soaked from head-to-toe, relaying to Kane how he lost his ship and everything on it. To his superior, this was not good news. 
It was the most humiliated he’d ever felt. Rooke was present and didn't improve the situation, expressing his disappointment in Deacon, accompanied with Kane’s belittling. He asked, desperately , if his father ever received the letter he’d written a week prior - about the rise of piracy on ports and shipping, and his aggressive sweep for criminals and undesirables. He learned shortly that it was intercepted by Boochbeard and Gandry. His efforts were nearly in vain. 
He thought his life couldn’t get any worse. But things spiraled downwards from there. 
For the past week, he was put on hold as an Emissary - refused missions and conferences, not even allowed on Armada ships. To him, this was an unfair punishment. He’d rather be put on standby, out on the seas somewhere, contributing * something * to the Armada. Instead, he drank his problems away and read depressing novels in his free time. 
He was happy to be called in today. He’d be receiving a new ship and finally put back on duty. But he remained weary – something didn’t feel right about this. 
Deacon inhaled his cigarette from under his mask before releasing his breath. The smoke filtered from under the bauta and was carried away by the wind. The door opened. An Armada Soldier peered in his direction. They made eye contact before the other man stepped aside and gestured politely. 
“My lord is ready for you.” 
The spymaster sighed. “Of course he is.” 
He extinguished his cigarette before entering the office. The soldier escorted him to the door. He found a man propped against a desk facing his direction, his gloved fingertips touching one another as his blue eyes studied his figure. The room was filled with tense silence - no implication of any conversation prior to him opening the door. Deacon cleared his throat and shut it behind him, stepping forward while he tapped his cane on the ground. His eyes wandered as he went. He noticed Queen sitting to the side, leg resting over the other and smiling at him. 
He stiffened. There was no reason for her to be here. Did *everyone* have to know his business? His failure? He clenched his jaw at the thought. 
“ Ciao. ” Kane greeted, breaking the silence. He sounded impatient and unhappy. Deacon bowed and moved a hand behind his back. A habit of his, for concealing his pistol. 
“Kane…thank you for seeing me. You will not regret this.”
“Exactly what we need to talk about.” The Supreme Commander snapped to the empty chair across from him. There was no argument as he sat down. His eyes momentarily flicked to the extra company, but went back to Kane when he leaned forward. 
“Deacon, I have high expectations of you. I completely entrust you as my representative - your image is my own. You’re expected to execute my businesses for me. Failure to do so is not only a burden on you , but on me as well.” 
His posture deflated. “ Hai ragione .” 
“When you sank the Erebus last week, you lost valuable intel. Criminals who were going to be questioned and used to our advantage. Not only are we missing * them *, but an expensive ship as well. These matters were in your hands.” 
“They did not get away without a fight.” Deacon defended. They had this conversation already. He was tired of being reminded of his mistakes. “The prisoners were freed and conspired together. I did the best I could, being outnumbered.” 
“Be that as it may, the results are still the same. I’ve invested in a new ship for you - but not one you will captain alone.” 
He quirked an eyebrow under his mask. “What do you mean?” 
“You’re being assigned a partner.” Queen finally spoke, earning his attention. “She will help with your navigation, execute your businesses, and provide a helping hand in case of another… mutiny .” 
The spymaster didn’t know how to process this information. He preferred working alone so he wouldn’t be slowed down - burdened by anyone who couldn’t keep with his pace. He was constantly moving, never staying in one place for a long time. He was known for two things: being brief and remaining anonymous. Leaving no trace of his presence or involvement. A coworker would challenge that. 
One word managed to leave his lips. “-’She’ ?” 
She smiled behind the mask she held. He could tell by her tone. “A friend of mine.” 
This did nothing to assure him. Kane noticed his distress and moved a hand in the air. “She meets all the qualifications. She has prior experience in your field and even basic training. Most importantly, she has no records of negligence.” 
Deacon trailed his hands over his cane. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was he so incompetent they had to *hire* someone to *help* him..? His fingers twitched in irritation. He was disappointed with himself. How could he prove to be this inept? It felt like a slap in the face, despite Kane and Queen presenting this as a privilege . A punishment worse than being refused any work… 
“This is strictly for business.” The Supreme Commander resumed. “You two will not convene after-hours, unless so desired. She knows nothing about your identity, as you do with hers. She’s supplied with a mask to keep things incognito. Disclosing any information about yourselves is purely out of consent.” 
He relaxed in his chair. So he didn’t have to know anything about her. Or even care at all. ‘That’s a plus’, he thought. He wanted nothing to do with this “helping hand”, supplied to him out of pure pity. The situation was already degrading enough, in his eyes. 
“She'll meet with you tomorrow at the docks, to your new ship.” Kane wrote something down. “You two will track down your lost convicts. The Pirate is already showing interference with our plans. Every one of them is your responsibility, and you are expected to catch them once more.” 
“I can do that by myself. Is the company necessary ?” He sat back exasperatedly. Kane tilted his head, unimpressed. 
“Need I remind you this is your mistake. Since you couldn’t do what was asked of you the first time, this is simply a compromise, to make sure that doesn’t happen again.” 
Deacon decided to be quiet. The only smart decision he’s made in this conversation. Kane shared a glance with his Queen before rolling up the paper and handing it to him without a word. He saved it in one of his coat’s pockets, to read it in his spare time.
"I want to see improvement from this fiasco. You have three months to track down every inmate you lost and bring them in for questioning. If this does not happen, you'll be moved somewhere less… important ."
His life was Hell.
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The Shy, the Wicked, and the Cynical - Chapter 1
A former do-gooder pirate, Shy Kelsey de Bouff now works for the Armada underneath Deacon due to circumstances beyond her control. But after failing to complete her previous mission, Kelsey volunteers a target to make up for it: former friend and rising Witchdoctor, Wicked Saffron Bosworth. However, the stakes are much higher than she realizes, and she must work with a team of unusual clockworks in order to set the Spiral right. Or as right as it can be, anyway.
The satchel of gold fell lazily onto the ship vendor’s outstretched hand. He opened it greedily and laid the contents out on his hand. Several moments passed. Gold clinked against one another. He stopped and looked up at Kelsey, beaming from ear to ear.
“All accounted for,” he chirped. “Might I ask what you’re buying this for? I’ve seen you around plenty of times on different ships.”
Kelsey swore in her mind. She had forgotten her mask today, otherwise she would have dodged the question entirely. She couldn’t afford to waste time here. She glared at him as she offered her answer, not wanting him to press further. “My old one is in repair.”
He looked at her incredulously, but thankfully, he got the message. Kelsey didn’t care what he thought. He held the bottle out to her. She took it a little too quickly, unbottling the ship as soon as it touched her hand. She strode towards it quickly. She shouldn’t waste any more time on Cooper’s Roost docks.
The galleon itself was of Bison origin, something she wasn’t all that comfortable with for cultural reasons. She didn’t bother to name it. The ship would serve its purpose of getting around discreetly well. It wouldn’t be out of place for Cool Ranch, nor would it have a flag to identify her with. She couldn’t afford to have her usual markers on display either. Kelsey had already purchased the necessary equipment should broadside combat become an issue. Good enough.
The small Armada crew she had been allotted for this mission stood at the edge of the docks away from most of the ship vendors. She nodded towards them and they approached. They were an odd sort even for the Armada’s branding, which is why they had been assigned to her. They consisted of four soldiers of different designations: Parallax, a modified Battle Angel serving as a diplomat; Paradox, a lively and jovial clockwork jester with a colorful face that moves; and finally, Custos Decimus and Custos Sentus, an Armada Dragoon and an Armada Marine respectively. Both were considered defective. Custos Decimus’s programming was never quite right, and he was far too soft-hearted to enter combat as a regular Dragoon. Custos Sentus, on the other hand, had gained a disobedient streak after an incident during the arrest of another Witchdoctor left him with full sentience. If Kelsey was honest, he was the most aggravating of the crew, even with Paradox’s backhanded nature taken into account. Surprisingly, it had been Deacon who vouched for both of them and recommended that they be assigned to Kelsey.
Parallax, her first mate and trusted confidant, approached. She tapped her finger on her arm impatiently. “Awaiting your orders, Captain. Are you ready to depart?”
Kelsey nodded. Parallax was proactive-minded, which was a quality that Kelsey didn’t mind about her. As a whole, Kelsey felt an inexplicable kinship to her new crew, for perhaps she was the most different of them all. “Help me prepare and we’ll be off.”
Within the hour and the help of Kelsey’s crew, they set sail. Kelsey steered clear of the various factions roaming Cooper’s Roost Skyway and went for the pink wind-lane that she knew encircled the outer edges of Cool Ranch. They were considered neutral territory, and thus safe for her to leave the helm alone if she needed to. The winds would carry the ship if such a thing occurred.
Two days passed before Kelsey finally sailed into Tumbleweed Skyway. She had passed navigation and sailing duties onto Parallax while she rested uncomfortably over those cold nights. She had Decimus and Sentus–her nicknames for the pair–take inventory of the ship in the meantime. Paradox stood in the crow’s nest of the ship for the majority of the ride, keeping eyes on the skyways around them. Kelsey stood at the helm again, guiding the ship beyond the borders of Big Sky and into Tumbleweed.
Parallax approached from the deck. “Captain,” she said quietly as she leaned down. “We are almost at your destination. Are you sure what you are doing here is worth it?”
Kelsey nodded. “Yes, it is.” She paused. “Just before we dock at Tumbleweed, gather everyone else and take them below deck. You all are to stay down there until we set sail again. It is critical that my contact does not know that I am working with the Armada.”
Parallax bowed slightly. “As you wish, Captain.” She strode off to pass her instructions to the other crew members on deck.
Kelsey swore she could hear a hint of exasperation in Parallax’s voice, but she wouldn’t complain. Parallax wasn’t too keen on backwater places like Cool Ranch. After all, she had been working in the courts of other nobility alongside her sister, Paradox, prior to their assignment under Kelsey. But that did not–should not–matter here. Kelsey would be the one doing the information gathering. She vitally needed their skills in combat.
If the rumors Kelsey had heard were true, her target would be too difficult to capture on her own.
Kelsey lowered the board to the dock just as the sun was setting over Cool Ranch. She carefully stepped down, trying not to make note of the long way down in her periphery should she miss a step. Despite sailing for years, she didn’t think she could ever get over that intrusive fear of falling into the skyway. When she touched the docks of Tumbleweed, she almost wanted to kiss them.
She left her mask and cane behind this time. She needed to pass as her old self as much as she could. But each ever-so-slight limp towards Tumbleweed proper grew to be a huge ache in her half-clockwork heart. She climbed up the ramp, which she heard had been renovated courtesy of her contact, and finally set foot into Tumbleweed. Just to the left of the entrance was the Desert Rose Tavern. She made for it.
The tavern smelled of cinnamon and nutmeg. It was warm and lively today, if not a little busy. A pianist sat at the upright piano in the corner. Her hands moved elegantly from key to key as she played upbeat ragtime music. Kelsey found her fingers tapping along to it unconsciously. People from all walks occupied the tables, but Kelsey found an open spot at the bar.
Kodak the Barkeep–or better known to her as Cynical Jonah Landon–was a flurry of movement behind the bar. Patrons signed to him their orders and he made them with few questions.
She sat down and waited for him to finish with another customer. She was eager to get out of the dust storm that was Cool Ranch. Her heart pounded in her ears. Every thought in her mind shouted at her to turn around and leave the bar, to return to her ship and set sail again. She shouldn’t get Jonah involved, she shouldn’t–
Before she could turn around and leave, his green eyes met with her hazel ones. Jonah smiled and gestured for her to wait one moment. Kelsey nodded and compiled. Guess I’m staying put after all. He placed a cocktail for another customer at their spot at the bar, then approached Kelsey.
His hands became water as he signed to her. “Hey Kelsey!” His smile widened.
Kelsey’s voice shut off as hers found the same flow. She wanted to retch at how fake it must have seemed, but she didn’t. “Jonah! Long time no see!”
“How have you been? Where have you been? What can I get you?”
“A bottle of Yum, please. I’ve been fine,” she lied. “I’ve been sailing around, keeping up with the same old adventures we used to have.”
Jonah tilted his head at her. She assumed that it was the fact that she was not, in fact, fine. Nor was she having the adventures she said she was. She wanted to tell him everything that happened to her over the past five years, but her mission depended on keeping that critical information from him. He would not be pleased to find out who exactly her target was, but she wanted to ease him into that realization.
Kelsey had always been a terrible liar, even in her childhood. And Jonah’s uncanny ability to read facial expressions had been mastered at a young age due to his profound deafness that occurred in the middle of his childhood.
Thankfully, he didn’t press any further and went to the back. Kelsey let out a sigh she’d been holding and stiffened when she heard him come back. He uncorked the bottle for her and slid it over the countertop. She caught it in her organic hand. Kelsey took a sip of it and set it gently on the table. She lifted her hands to sign again.
“Do you know where Saffron is?”
Jonah’s face fell. “Always so business-minded, Kel. Why do you want to know?” He crossed his arms and glowered at her.
Kelsey paused. “To make amends,” she signed back. But that wasn’t the truth, not even close. She wasn’t sure how much he knew, but Kelsey wanted to make Saffron pay for the suffering she inflicted on her all those years ago. Maybe Jonah could read that on her face. But it didn’t matter to her. “I miss her a lot.” The signs felt vile on her hands and face, but she tried to keep face as best as she could. Her expression fell flat.
Jonah pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Regardless of whatever he found in her expression, he began signing again. “There were rumors of her being in Haunted Skyway. I don’t know why in the Spiral she would want to go there. It’s a mad, mad place.”
Kelsey’s eyebrow raised. What Jonah said about the skyway itself was indeed true. Undead plagued the skyway like nobody’s business. Between the undead pirates and the sky snakes made of bones, venturing in there was a madman’s errand. But if there was anything Saffron liked, it was spooky aesthetics and anything Hoodoo-related she could get her hands on. The skyway was filled with bad mojo according to Old Scratch, but it would be a perfect draw for Saffron. It was too early to tell for sure, but that would be the place to start.
She went to sign again, but found that Jonah’s attention had been pulled away by another patron flapping their hand in his periphery. Kelsey took this brief moment of reprieve to sip from her bottle of Yum and let it soothe her soul. The body of it was pleasantly heavy on her tongue, with a fruity and floral flavor that almost reminded her of lavender. It was a comfort she needed given the arduous task ahead of her. She would have to thank Captain Gunn’s corpse later for the bastard’s ingenious idea to bottle it.
Jonah returned. “Anyway, yeah. Haunted Skyway. People have told me she’s hanging around her. Some brave folks are saying she was last spotted in Miranda.”
Her eyes widened. “Miranda?!”
He nodded. “I don’t know why, nothing good came of that place.”
She agreed. It was where they had taken down Captain Blood, but the sheer sight of that ghost town left lasting memories on herself and Jonah. The undeath and trauma alone had been suffocating. Saffron, on the other hand, was eager to explore the town despite the horrible tragedy that occurred there years prior to their intervention. Jonah and Kelsey looked at her like she was crazy then. Saffron, of course, didn't care.
“If I had to guess, she found something else magical about that town.” Jonah rolled his eyes. “You’d best stay out of that skyway, Kel. Find a way for her to come to you. Talk then.”
Kelsey wanted to retort that she didn’t have time to find an artifact that Saffron would like, but she kept her hands and face together on that one.
As she raised her hands to sign, Jonah had once again been pulled away by other customers. Kelsey opted to leave him be. She had finished her first bottle of Yum and found herself craving a second. Another bartender stepped out from the back and got to work, Kelsey asked them for another bottle. She slid the coins just as they had slid the bottle to her.
It would be a long while before Kelsey would ever be able to have an evening like this. She decided she would make the most of it. The exhaustion from all the sailing she had done these past few weeks was wearing on her. She was eager to spend the night on dry land for once. Tonight, she decided, her crew could wait. She could spare a little time to rest before the arduous task ahead of her.
Kelsey was halfway through her third bottle of Yum when Jonah appeared and tapped her shoulder, startling her from her thoughts. She glanced at the lit candle he had in one of his hands and raised her brow. He motioned for her to follow him, and they went over to one of the secluded tables underneath the second floor. He set the candle in the middle of the table. It illuminated the space between them and not much else.
“I’m on break,” he signed. “Tell me what’s really going on. I know you wouldn’t look for Saffron just for that, Kel.” He scowled at her. “There’s more to this.”
Kelsey sighed. So he had spotted her lie after all. She pursed her lip, trying to put her thoughts together into an acceptable explanation. She chewed on her lip, glancing at the table, the floor and anything that wasn’t Jonah. But in her peripheral vision, she got the impression he was still scowling at her. Her expression slipped somewhere between sorrowful and earnest, perhaps both.
“Can you promise you won’t be angry with me?”
Jonah raised a brow. “I can’t. But if it’s why I think you’ve been missing for all these years, then…”
Her face fell. “I’ve been forced to work with the Armada. To make a long story short, they saved my life, and as a result I have a debt to pay to them.”
“So the rumors were true. About you working with them.”
She nodded slowly. She glanced away, only turning back as he signed.
Jonah pinched the bridge of his nose. “And even with what they did to my parents, you’re still just going to help them anyway?”
“I’m at their gunpoint, Jonah. I can’t do much else. Hell, I’m lucky to be out here by myself right now.”
He let out a long sigh. “Okay, fine. So how does Saffron play into this? Why do you need her?”
Kelsey’s lips stretched into a frown. She explained her side of the story: that the Supreme Commander believed that she would also be a threat to his operations if she wasn’t dealt with right away. So as punishment for her previous failure, she was sent to capture Saffron, alive ideally. At least, that was partially true. That was all he needed to know.
In reality, Kelsey was the one who volunteered Saffron as a target. She was still angry with Saffron for setting her up all those years ago, only to take the fall for Saffron’s smuggling operations. She had no qualms about carrying out this mission, even after the trio worked together for Marco Pollo’s Map post-Erebus breakout. But those days were long gone, and any truce they had was dust in Cool Ranch’s winds. Jonah retired with some of Pollo’s gold to take over the Desert Rose, and Saffron had gone her own way altogether.
“I haven’t been told good things about Saffron, either. I heard she was amassing an undead crew. An army, some called it.”
Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Why?” Her expression shifted into confusion and concern.
Jonah shook his head slowly and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, Kel. But even if it’s for the Armada, you still have the best chance of stopping whatever scheme she’s got going on. She’s going on a dark path that’s only getting darker, and I wouldn’t be enough to save her anyhow.”
“Jonah…” she sighed. Her shoulders slumped and she leaned against the table. “You know, I really did try to continue our work after Cool Ranch. But at Knossos…” she paused as she manually signed the name of the island. “Between the Minotaur’s sons and the Armada ambushing us there, I didn't have a choice. The only way I was going to leave there alive was with them.”
“Kel, you don’t need to explain yourself. I trust your judgement in whatever it is that you’re doing.” He lowered his head and continued signing. “But please, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.”
Kelsey furrowed her brow. She really couldn’t discern what was what anymore.
Jonah stood up from the table and took the candle with him. He extinguished it with a quick breath. Kelsey followed quickly and grabbed his hand.
“Can I stay overnight in one of your rooms?”
Jonah nodded. He retreated to the back of the bar once more. Kelsey fished out a pouch of gold from an interior pocket and counted out the gold for one and a half night’s stay. When Jonah returned with the keys, Kelsey handed it to him. He counted quickly, then looked at her confused.
“Please, keep it. You need it more than I do.”
“Thank you,” he signed, the back of his flat hand extending towards her, and led her upstairs to a door on the side of the floor.
The door opened up into a mildly dusty hallway, with many more doors lining it. He led her to one at the end of the hallway on the back wall and gave her the keys.
“Here you go. Best room on the block. Return the keys to the barkeep in the morning.” He turned and walked away, but stopped and turned back to her. “And Kel, please come back sometime. Knowing you, you’re probably gonna set off at sunrise. Just…tell me what happens.”
Kelsey half-smiled and chuckled to herself. “You got me. I will though.” Whether it was a half-truth or an outright lie, Kelsey couldn’t tell. After everything that would happen, there was some part of her that believed that Jonah would hate her guts just as much as Kelsey hated Saffron’s.
Jonah left her to the comfort and privacy of the guest room, which was rather quaint. She sighed and undressed into her undergarments. The room got chillier as she did so, making the bed all the more inviting. She decided her crew could wait for a little bit. She wanted to sleep on dry land just this once, she got the feeling that she wouldn’t have this luxury for a long, long while.
She plopped on the bed and got to work unstrapping her prostheses for her left arm and left leg. As she gently pulled off the arm, she admired the intricate details required to craft such a sensitive thing. The design was partially her own, perfected by the Armada’s–no, Kane’s–intervention. She set her metal limb aside and looked at the stump that was the upper half of her forearm. The illusion of connectivity she had shattered, and she waved it about uselessly, if only for her amusement and no one else’s. She did the same to her leg, stripping it down to the barest half-limb. She ran her hand over the stump. Despite it being removed years ago by some of Valencia’s finest surgeons, she couldn’t ever not be amazed by it.
Kelsey got comfortable underneath the bed sheets and let her mind wander. First about Saffron, then Jonah, and where she would be after all of this. Would she even be the same person? A vague unsettling feeling crept into her stomach. It was too early to make any sort of prediction. But with the news that Saffron was amassing an undead crew, she found it harder to get comfortable. What in the bloody biscuits of Marleybone could she possibly be doing this for?
It didn’t take long before the desire to rest overtook her.
When the sun shone warm beams of light through her window, Kelsey stirred. She awoke from a deep and comfortable sleep and sat up in her bed. She rubbed the sleep away from her eyes and mentally planned out her day.
She would leave the inn and set sail alongside her crew for the Haunted Skyway within the hour. She was not thrilled to be returning there, as she was certain that the Armada’s intervention had awakened Captain Blood and put the skyway in the state that it was. She wasn’t eager to return to Miranda either, as after the game between Death and Captain Blood, she was sure it would be a ghost town in the truest sense of the phrase. Too quiet for comfort. Even subtle movements wouldn’t go unnoticed.
And it was also in the Haunted Skyway where she destroyed Deacon. She wasn’t sure if he had forgiven her for that one, or if he ever would. She had an inexplicable sense of sympathy for him, though she would never admit that to her friends or either of her crews.
But most of all, it was also where she’d find one of her former best friends gathering an army of undead pirates for Saint-Fido-knows-what purpose. The threat of the Armada aside, none of this situation had good prospects for the rest of the Spiral.
Kelsey wasted no time getting ready and leaving the Desert Rose Inn. The air still felt cool and dry, making it a pleasant time to leave. She hurried past the folks in the early morning, barely slapping the room key on the counter for the bartender to take back. She jogged out of the doors into Tumbleweed, and down the rail to the docks.
The board was already waiting for her when she reached the docks. She carefully climbed it, trying to avert her gaze from the skyway below. She didn’t have time for those intrusive thoughts to play now. When she was fully boarded, Kelsey caught sight of a certain clockwork Marine leaning nonchalantly against one of the masts.
“It is about time you showed up,” Custos Sentus said, his hollow eyes meeting hers.
Kelsey folded her arms. Her brows furrowed. “I thought my instructions to stay below decks until I returned were abundantly clear, Sentus.”
“It was too warm.”
Her eye twitched. “I don’t have time for this today,” she groaned. She glanced over to the Captain’s Quarters, where Parallax waited, peering through the circular window in the door. Kelsey motioned for her to come out.
She must have spied the concerned look on Kelsey’s face as she hurried over to her position. “Is everything alright, Captain?”
She shook her head. “Not in the slightest. Gather the rest of the crew and prepare to set sail. We’re going to Haunted Skyway.”
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
okay im just now getting into w101 fanfic even tho ive had an account since 2008.
holy shit did you know theres an official wizard101 fanfic page STILL HOSTED ON THEIR SITE updated as recently as 3 years ago. what the hell
your nb wizard fic where they become a prof wrenched my heart open. belladonna crisp trans headcanon is so goddamn real
cantrips. like. okay. so. let me explain this one: i just got back into the game like a month ago and cantrips BLEW MY MIND. as a kid i LOVED the spell quests where the rules of w101 were seemingly broken and spells were cast outside of battle. it always felt like early w101 "deep lore" was about the spell circles -- go into Dalea Falmea's tower with the classic textures, for example, and there's a really fascinating visual that represents all the possible points of the like... swinging compass thing. it got removed in the new texture rerelease but it's super striking! we see the spell circle ALL THE TIME and we have NO IDEA what the symbols on it mean and why and then when cantrips were introduced and we can just. DO ANY MAGIC ANYWHERE?????? that blew my mind is there fanfic with cantrips or that examines spell circles (more spell circle headcanons: the only reason such a young wizard is allowed to fight monsters is because the spell circle stops these beasts from tearing them limb from limb, instead forcing them to fight thru the magical proxies of cards. another hc: being sent back to a world's hub when you run out of HP is the spell circle activating a failsafe for you.) (be interesting to see a p101 fic which deals w the pirate like. PERSONALLY SMACKING PEOPLE AROUND vs the wizard w their protective magics... that always interested me) but yeah! cantrips, archmastery, all the Weird Edge-case Lore
wizard101 fanfic is so real im gonna post a homestuck crossover soon
HI <- saw this ask and forgot to respond/post it!
I've never actually checked out the official fanfic page!
unfortunately i have memory issues so i cant remember if/when i wrote this fic but based if i did
I Also Love The Edgecase lore and the stuff abt the like, constraints of the game. which i know you can easily bypass in fanfic (like saying the pet snacks are objects, not cards, etc) but its FUN to work with a unique and interesting system already implemented in the game as the structure of this universe. Also YEAH . pirate101 fics are so different bc when i write them i haven't really written any with gunslingers so its all Up Close and personal fighting (i have a pirate101 tag i think you can look through for that, also one extended fic on my Ao3 for it)
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stormbreaker101 · 3 years
Iridian always associated storms with kindness and warmth. After all, she almost always had Nora. Nora taught her from a very young age that storms weren’t scary. The constant pitter-patter of the raindrops were comforting, and the rolling thunderclaps were the clouds giving the land incredibly strong hugs as it freshened the world.
Being out in a storm was always fun. Iridian could take a shower AND play at the same time! Jumping in puddles and holding little worms in her hands. Worms were fun. They were soft and slimy and gummy like candy... but alive! Also not edible. Worms are friends, not food.
Iridian was never afraid of storms. Even before knowing Nora, even before having memories, Iridian knew storms and warmth went hand in hand. Someone once hugged her close and said nice things in a storm. She can’t ever forget the person’s hug. It felt like the magic dust that the fairies on Unicorn Way made, and kind words in the dark.
“Don’t worry, you’re with me, I’ve got you, I’ve got you, don’t cry, it’s gonna be fine...”
Oh, who had Dirk been kidding, when they said that? Certainly not themselves. They couldn’t deny the horror that had unfolded before their eyes. The raindrops were cruel blades that couldn’t pierce Dirk’s skin but persisted regardless. A wayward lightning bolt had split the ship in half, making both parts uncontrollable pieces of driftwood on a crash course to death. On one side were the parents, on the other, Dirk and their baby sister.
Holding their sister in one arm, Dirk desperately tried to pilot what was left of the ship to the nearest land. The winds tossed the ship every which way. Dirk was out of control. They kept muttering calming sweet nothings to their sister. She didn’t deserve to feel the same terror they were feeling. The same anguish and cruelty that Dirk now associates with storms.
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While not Able based
Still thought I post a fanfic series I’m currently working and hopefully will remember.
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woojinieemoved · 7 years
my cats betrayed me...
member: kang daniel
genre: fluff
writing type: paragraph
word count: 1.3k
summary: daniel’s cats start to like you more than he thought they would
a/n: nothing is changed this is copy and pasted from my files lol
my masterlist
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You decide to move in with Daniel after been dating for many months and you basically lived in his house since you always went over. It was really easy to move the rest of your stuff to his apartment, the majority of your clothes and belongings already sitting somewhere in a pile inside of his room. Daniel was helping you carry the rest of your belongings up to his apartment, making sure you didn’t slip on the stairs, walking behind you and keeping an eye on where your feet would land. You finally get to the door and unlock it, smiling up at Daniel before walking inside. You both prop your belongings on the floor and slip off your shoes before collapsing on the couch nearby.
“Aughh.. There was barely anything to move, but I’m still really tired.” you sighed and scooched closer to Daniel, snuggling up against his chest. He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder, poking at your cheek.
 “What are you complaining about? I carried most of your stuff up the stairs.” He teased, laughing softly.
 “That’s because you didn’t let me carry a lot you dork.” you fight back, grabbing his face with one hand and squeezing his cheeks softly, laughing at the fish face he had when you squeezed him. Daniel quickly pecked at your lips and pulled you in closer to him his hand on your waist instead. “I know I know.” he smirked, looking down to see how you reacted to his sneaky kiss. You were a little shocked at the kiss and turned a little red, but you didn’t complain about it. Whether if it was a long or a short kiss, you always loved getting kisses from Daniel and it worked that way with him too.
Daniel reached forward to grab the remote control for the tv and turned it on, leaning back again to keep you close to him. You both cuddled watching whatever was on, making stupid commentaries over them, overall just having a good time. A couple loud meows was heard and you see one of Daniel’s cats slowly walk over to the both of you and decided to jump on you to join in on the cuddling.
“Aww hi Rooney. Did you miss me?” you say as you give the cat some soft petting and light kisses on her head. “Rooney come over here!” Daniel calls for his cat, patting on his lap for Rooney to come to him. Rooney was still nuzzling your hand and purring loudly, ignoring Daniel’s calls. 
“What the… Why isn’t Rooney coming to me?” he said looking slightly disappointed, attempting to call her again multiple times, but his loving cat still ignoring him and staying on your lap.
“Ppppfft. I guess she just likes me more.” you tease and continue to coddle the cat in front of Daniel. “What? No way. I’m the one who raised her since she was a kitten how could she do this to me.” he whined and got up from the couch to walk into his room just to walk out with his other cat in his arms. “I’ll have Peter to love if you have Rooney. Peter loves me more than Rooney loves you.”
You tried to hold back your laughter, seeing how Daniel was getting jealous of his own cat liking you more than him. He starts to pamper Peter, but she jumps out of his arms, walking towards you, rubbing her head against your arm. You look over to see the other cat nuzzling against you and then look up to see Daniel with a face that screamed betrayal. You burst out laughing and how disheartened he looked by his cats going to you.
 “How could they do this to me… I’m basically their dad... “ he sighed and leaned back dramatically, putting his hands on his face and laughing a little. That comment made you laugh even harder which made your ears tear up and you hunched over, slapping the table lightly. The cats were startled by the banging of the table and they both jumped off the couch to run back into Daniel’s room. You regained your breath after laughing so much and wiped your eyes.
 “I’m sorry Daniel I have no idea why they like me so much”
He turned to you with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. “Maybe it’s because they know you’re a super beautiful person with a great personality and sense of humor” he said and slowly dragged himself closer to you. You blushed at his comment and started backing away as he was getting closer, causing you to fall back on your back onto the couch. Daniel hovered over you, killing you with his gaze, slowly getting closer and closer to your face. Your heartbeat sped up, beating through your chest and your eyes were widened, anticipating for him to do something.
The mood was quickly changed as his gaze turned into a mischievous smile and he started to tickle you, causing your body to squirm around and have you laugh a lot. He stopped after a couple seconds and quickly got up to run into his room, closing the door behind him. You had to recover after being attacked for a little bit and finally got up, walking towards the door of his room. You try turning the handle, but it wouldn’t budge and you smirked at his childish behavior.
“Yah! Kang Daniel! Open this door!” you yelled through the door waiting for his response. “No! I’m spending quality time with Peter and Rooney so that they love me again!” He yells back and grabs both of his cats, snuggling them on his bed. “They still love you dumb butt. Now hurry and unlock the door.” you sighed and smiled to yourself thinking how cute it was how Daniel was reacting. You couldn’t figure out if he was really just jealous of how his cats started to like you more than him or that you were giving more attention to the cats more than him. “I won’t give you any kisses if you don’t open this door right now!”
As soon as you said that, you hear loud thumping getting closer and the door being swung open, the wind of it blowing against your hair. “Okay I give up already.” He said giving you a big smile, his eyes creasing like it always did, making his smile even brighter. You snort at how fast he was to react and tippy-toe to give him a small kiss on the cheek. “Good.” you say and decided to tease him one more time.
You slip by him walking faster towards where Peter and Rooney were calling their names and holding your arms open. Daniel quickly turned around and ran up towards you, wrapping an arm around your back and squatting down to lift your legs, carrying you bridal style. You were shocked at the sudden lift and turned your head to see Daniel’s sunshine like smile. 
“You gonna betray me with my own cats again?” he teased and placed his lips onto yours. You smile, laughing a little and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Maybe… But that won’t happen if you keep me distracted.” you said, smiling again which made him smile as well. He spins you around a couple times before dropping you onto the bed and laying next to you, pulling you in to cuddle, the cats joining in at the foot of the bed.
“I really love you a lot Y/N.” he whispered into your ear and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, smiling to himself. “I love you a lot too.” you responded and brought yourself closer to him and he tightened his grip around you. You both eventually fall asleep, marking the first day of moving in together.
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radishface · 7 years
the dinner
His doctor had told Dongho his cholesterol was too high so he was trying to eat healthy these days. No red meat for the rest of his thirties if he wanted to live til a hundred. Daehwi had volunteered to teach him a recipe or two. So here they were with a casserole in the oven and ninety minutes to kill on a Friday night.
“How ‘bout now?”
Daehwi cupped Dongho’s face in his hands and kissed him. Breathed into him. "How ‘bout never?"
“You’re really going to tease me?” Dongho protested.
"Try me," Daehwi said, and kissed him again. Just kissing until Dongho’s heart beat in a familiar speed, fast and faster like a rapid drum.
"Mixed messages, Daehwi." Dongho said with a muzzy expression like a fog had descended on his brain. “What are you doing?”
Daehwi grinned, because what he was doing was fairly obvious. He worked his way down. Dongho didn't stop him, just purred in a long and low vibration that made Daehwi think of all kinds of things. He slid further down and explored his way to the end. Dongho’s purr rumbled in his mouth. Dongho’s hands clamped down on his shoulders. Dongho tasted like sea salt and caramel. Daehwi took it all in. Greedy. He'd always been greedy.
Afterwards he rocked back on his heels and peered up at Dongho who was breathing like a marathon, his wide eyes dark in the dim light looking at Daehwi with something in between spooked and enraptured.
Daehwi smiled sweetly. “How about dinner?”
But even after dinner they were still seriously keyed up. Across the table Dongho stared at him in a narrow and predatory way. Daehwi knew that look. He got as far as, "So," when Dongho pounced on him. The chair went tumbling. They went back and back until Daehwi was pinned against the wall. He couldn't move. He could hardly breathe. He liked it. Dongho’s tongue was rough like a great cat's. Purring and devouring him and then Daehwi really really liked it.
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Where the Ocean is the Sky Part Four: Spider
Andy had never had any particularly strong feelings towards spiders. Bonnie Anne hated them with a burning passion. She’d almost shot Ratbeard through the foot once trying to kill a spider crawling across the deck of the Steel Heart. He hadn’t been too happy about that and would still bring it up it anytime Bonnie Anne tried to volunteer him for something stupid or dangerous. Those two drove her up the wall sometimes, especially when they started dragging the rest of the crew into their spats, but she wouldn’t trade her crew away for the world. Even if Bonnie Anne shot ten holes through the ship’s hull trying to kill spiders in the most impractical way she possibly could.
If she was here now she'd be losing her mind over the spider that was diligently spinning its web across the rafters of the dorm room that Merle had let her move into. The place was practically empty, a bed, a desk, and a small chest for her to store her things in. Not that she had much to store anyway. Andy had been surprised by the cathedral-esk ceiling and wondered if every student was treated to such a neat set up or if Merle had given her a nicer room as some sort of strange apology. ‘Sorry you got your memories erased- here are some gothic windows!’ She stretched her arms over head, trying to loosen the muscles in her back. 
Who was she kidding? They were wizards, all of the dorms definitely looked like this.
Andy rubbed her hands across her face, trying to get her body to sink into the soft mattress she’d been provided with. Something about it was just wrong. The mattress wasn’t resting on the most uncomfortable slab of plywood in the entire spiral and the room wasn’t being rocked gently back and forth by the wind. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept in a normal bed. She had a house- a big old villa tucked away from prying eyes- but she mostly used it for meetings and storing away the treasures she gained on her travels through the skyways. All of her nights were spent in the captain’s quarters on her ship, even when she was docked at her villa. She hadn’t realized how much she relied on the creaking of the ship to lull her to sleep. And now she couldn’t seem to ignore it.
Impatient and annoyed with her body, Andy sat up in bed, reaching for her boots. A late night walk wasn’t going to hurt anyone. She considered changing back into her regular clothes before going out, but she decided against it. It was the middle of the night, no one was going to be out and about, and if they were they’d just have to get over the fact that she was walking around in her pajamas.
There was something different in the air in Ravenwood. Everywhere that Nora had dragged her around to over the day had a feeling that lingered in everything that was so unlike all of the worlds that she’d been to before. It wasn’t until they walked through the tunnel leading to the school that Andy realized it was magic. It permeated everything in Wizard City, but here it was the strongest. She could taste the strength of the magic under her tongue- just like she had when she shook Nora’s hand- but instead of the sweet orange of Nora it was a metallic vanilla, something similar to Madame Vadima’s ghost potion. She wondered what caused magic to taste different. Was it the kind of spell being cast or was it the caster?
Andy wasn’t sure how she felt about all of the questions that were piling up in her head. Sure, asking any of them wouldn’t be out of line with her cover story, but it felt wrong. Of course she loved learning about new worlds and cultures- she didn’t just sail around the known universe because she liked to make money. She liked adventure. She liked to discover new things. But something felt different about this. Normally when she travelled to a new world it wasn’t with the explicit thought that she would never come back there again. Asking questions that weren’t necessary to the heist were just going to make it harder for her to do her job. Once she figured out how the hell to do it, that is.
“Late night?” Andy whipped around at the voice, feet apart and fists up, ready to throw a swing at whoever had made the mistake of sneaking up on her. “Well, aren’t you a jumpy one.”
Andy blinked slowly at the speaker. The tree with flaming eyes was smiling at her happily, clearly proud of the way that he had managed to scare her. She dropped her fists, the firelight of the branches dancing across her pale skin. “Sorry. I’m not used to-”
“To trees talking?” he offered with a bright grin. She bit her lip.
“To all of this.”
“Come,” his flames didn’t really move- at least Andy didn’t think that they really moved- but they beckoned her forward. “Tell me what’s troubling you, child.”
What exactly was she supposed to tell the magical tree? I can’t sleep because she hasn't slept in a real bed in years? The mere taste of magic in the air is keeping her awake? That she’s lying to everyone here and was worried that everything was going to fall apart the moment she tried to make her move? She was pretty sure that one was going to get her set on fire, and she could definitely do without that happening. So, she said the only other thing that she could think of.
“There’s a spider in my room.”
The tree let out a big-bellied laugh (did magical talking trees have bellies?), branches shaking as he chuckled at her made up plight. If she was actually scared of spiders she might’ve been more offended, but seeing as she was bullshitting him she didn’t mind all that much. “A mere spider keeps you awake?”
She shrugged. “I don’t like their legs.”
“Here my child,” a single burning leaf drifted down from his branches, cooling to a burnt black as it reached the ground. “Take this and spread the ashes over the threshold of your room. You won’t have to worry about spiders anymore.”
Despite the fact that the leaf had been on fire only a few moments ago, it was cool to her touch. She looked up at the tree, the leaf cradled tenderly in her hands. “Thank you.”
“Sleep well, firefly.”
His flickering voice and sweet nickname filled her with an odd sort of warmth, not dissimilar to lounging in the sun on a summer afternoon. She gave the tree a small wave before turning and heading back toward the dormitories. She didn’t really plan on crumbling the leaf to keep spiders out of her room- she really didn’t mind them enough to take such drastic measures- but she would definitely be keeping the leaf. Who knows, maybe she’d be able to use it for something later. Or maybe she could just keep it and give it to Bonnie Anne when she got back home. Ratbeard would probably appreciate not getting shot at anymore.
As she closed the door behind her, the taste of silvery vanilla disappeared from her lips, and she almost found herself missing it.
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kingarise · 4 years
Oh shit, I completely forgot to announce that I finally updated The Light of Valencia on A03
Warning: There is graphic violence and body harm in that chapter
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Pawns and Feathers
I'm going to write a wiz/pirate fic about two wizzes who accidently get dragged into the chaos running wild in the spiral. It's a tale about friendship and brotherhood.
But I should stop brabbling and start writing.
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piecesofchess · 2 years
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favorite kane pirate101 fanfic moments
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rainbows-fanfics · 6 months
Help Unwanted (Chapter 16)
Summary: After losing the Pirate, Deacon is unwillingly paired with a partner to help with his job. The only problem is - they can't stand each other, and time is dwindling until he can re-capture all his lost prisoners.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101.
Pairings: Deacon/Queen!Deacon, Deacon/OC
“- Che piacere ! I win. Are you sure you don’t want to play something else?”
Dea furrowed her eyebrows together as she looked at Deacon’s empty hand, then glanced back to the cards still pinched between her thumbs and forefingers. She was hoping to win this game, but it was inevitable her partner would claim victory after the winning streak he’s had this past hour. She threw down her cards and sat back in her seat, crossing her arms in mock tantrum. 
“I think you’re cheating. Who wins these many games of crazy eights!?”
He cleaned up the table. She was sure he was smirking under his bauta mask. He gathered the cards and shuffled them again. She could tell he was an experienced player with how quickly and efficiently he made his bridge finishes. She was more surprised that his gloves didn’t get in the way of doing it. 
He paused before dealing their share. “What about blackjack? I don’t think we’ve played that one yet.” 
“If you promise not to hide your cards in your sleeve anymore.” 
“Fine. To prove you’re a sore loser, I’ll take my jacket off.” 
Deacon stood to his feet and shrugged off his outer jacket, hanging the blue accessory on the back of his chair. This got rid of those bulky, black cuffs she was so suspicious of. He had a habit of hiding his pistol in them, so what was the exception of a few playing cards? She was somewhat pleased that none had flown out of his pockets. He sat across from her and dealt the cards for their new game. 
As they got into the swing of things, Dea fell into a habit of eying him when he wasn’t looking. It wasn’t often she got to see him without his cape or even wearing fewer clothes like this…he wasn’t one to linger in his nightwear, so she never got a good look at him otherwise. Her thoughts returned to that disguise he’d been wearing back in Cool Ranch. She bit her lip at the memory. She wished she could see him in something like that again. 
Her mind wandered and she made a mistake in her next play. She swore at herself as she corrected her cards, flushing under her mask when Deacon tilted his head at her.
“Something on your mind?” 
Her green eyes met with his inquisitive ones. She doubted he caught her staring, but it was obvious something was amiss. She exhaled slowly, thinking of how to change subjects so he wouldn’t know she’d been secretly ogling him.
“I was thinking of what good mood you must be in, to want to play some games with me. You usually don’t. ” 
He sat up straight and lifted his head. “-I am in a good mood.” 
“Hmm. Read a good book lately?”
“Even better. We’re nearly done with our mission, Dea. We only have a few more fugitives to catch, then this operation will finally be over.” 
A feeling of dread washed over her at this news. She bowed her head to hide her reaction. Of course he would be happy that this was all nearly over - it was like a punishment to him, having to track down his lost convicts with some unwanted help. But in her eyes, they’d finally been making progress with each other…they were spending more time together, learning more things about one another…Not to mention this had been her temporary promotion, and when it was all over with, she’d be reduced down to her prior position in the Armada. 
..Which wasn’t anything impressive.
Just the thought made her sigh deeply. She couldn’t stop herself from doing this, earning Deacon’s concern. 
“Are you alright..?”
“I’m fine. Just…” She blew some air from her lips and pinched the bridge of the nose on her mask. This was a topic she wanted to avoid, but she’d have to address it eventually. “Thinking about what I’m going to do after this..” 
His eyes were trained on her. His attention moved to his cards before deciding that the game wasn’t nearly as important as the subject at hand. “-You’re going to be demoted, aren’t you?” 
“Well, ‘demoted’ is a harsh word…” She sucked at her teeth. “More like, back to what I was already doing…which was cleaning the cannons and stocking ammunition.” 
Silence hung in the room as she begrudgingly made her turn. Deacon was slow to make his play as well, thinking deeply on their conversation. She was feeling cold from this realization, wishing that things were different and she wouldn’t have to worry about losing everything she’d been given. 
“You probably won’t like this idea, but-" His tone made her look up from the table. She held her breath as she waited for his next words. “..I could pull some strings and have you work for me.” 
She curled her lips in amusement. “Why? So we could get sick of each other?” 
“Well, you know how I like my coffee, so you would make an excellent first-mate.” 
She rolled her eyes at his joke. If she took the opportunity to work for Deacon…it would feel strange having him be her superior, instead of the equal position they had now. It was a miracle she’d even been promoted to an alike status to an Elite to begin with. 
‘It wouldn’t mean he has an advantage over me,’ Dea sternly told herself, crushing the worrying feeling she had with the prospect. 
"Things would be going back to normal for you, wouldn't it?" She asked, idly fidgeting with the table cloth. Her chest felt tight. "Back to working by yourself, I mean."
Unbeknownst to her, the spymaster's lips fell . No. Things would not be normal. He would be sailing in complete silence instead of listening to her beautiful voice. Sleeping in an empty cabin without the hint of her perfume. Drawing up maps without her little notes in his margins. He wouldn't be seeing her again, and that made him feel…out of sorts.
He clenched his hands trying to cope with this reality. How surprising that this woman would hold such a tight grip over him. To suddenly step into his life and introduce him to a routine of comfort and companionship; to change things in a way that he always wanted.
He'd been so lonely before. He thought he was simply prioritizing his work before his personal life, but… god , he craved intimacy. A friend. A partner…* anything *. He would be stuck with his soldiers and spies again, but they didn't fulfill him like she did. No one would. 
Her voice snapped him out of it. "Deacon?"  
He looked up and noticed she was waiting on him to play his turn. He mumbled an apology before grabbing his card. She looked away from him sadly. 
"...Sorry if I ruined your good mood."
"You didn't. I suppose I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I was."
"Why wouldn't you be? This is your mission, espía . You'll finally be done. I'm honored to have helped you."
His breath hissed through his teeth. She had no reason to be saying this so far in advance. "Dea-"
"You won't have me nagging you around anymore, telling you how to do things. You'll be on your own again-"
"Stop." His voice was firm. It made her hush down immediately. "You keep insisting your company is some god-awful thing to me, but it isn't. How I acted before doesn't reflect how I feel now." 
She froze in her seat. She began tugging at her gloves nervously, attempting to process this information. She tried to tease him, but the crack in her voice gave her away. "Don't tell me you actually LIKE me being around..?"
"More than you think I do, clearly." She was still awestruck and he was getting nervous by it, so he gestured to their game. "Let's finish this up so we can get back to work."
She nodded, playing her hand and finishing up their game of blackjack. They weren’t talkative this time around. Dea’s mind was preoccupied with the fact that Deacon had just admitted to enjoying her company, and even offered to have her around longer. The Emissary himself felt a mixture of emotions, the most prominent being disappointment from the eventual wrap-up of their mission, and the inevitable time when they would have to go their separate ways.
He was fidgety the rest of that day, unable to keep his hands still. When he was at the captain’s wheel, he occupied himself by caressing the underside of his compass and adjusting the collar of his cape. When he was roaming around the ship, he constantly shifted his grip on his cane and tapped it more on the floorboards than was necessary. He grew aggravated with this restless behavior and moved into the cabin, where he sat on his bed and attempted to read a book to get his mind off of things.
His left hand kept reaching into the pocket that held his pack of cigarettes. Each time he caught himself doing this, he had to physically stop himself. It was a habit he was trying to break * again *. Each attempt felt harder than the last, and this particular subject was frying his nerves. It took an immeasurable amount of self-control to not break his newly-made promise. 
He heard the familiar steps of Dea’s boots and looked up to see her in front of him. She crossed her arms and looked at him with knowing, emerald-colored eyes. He had to look away, lest his feelings get worse and he would succumb to his urge to smoke. 
“Come on,” She urged, tapping her foot impatiently. “Tell me what’s going on with you.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He asked, pretending to read. 
“You’re going through withdrawal. You should talk to me when this happens, remember?” 
A few seconds passed before he sighed and shut his book. He threw it behind himself carelessly and brought his gloved hands under his bauta to rub his face. Being worked up like this was making him tired. Dea hesitated before sitting beside him on the mattress, keeping some space between them but also letting him know she was there. 
“Is there something stressing you out, espía?” 
He didn’t know what to say. Confess to Dea that he's going to miss her when she’s gone? That he hates the idea of being separated from her? So much so, that it's been driving him mad all day, to regret the time where they’ll have to say goodbye to each other? 
It was pathetic.
Before he could say anything, she reached into her dress’ pocket and offered him a stick of gum. He looked at the piece before taking it and unwrapping it. Popping it in his mouth, he recognized the taste of mint. His shoulders relaxed as he chewed on it. He hadn’t indulged in one of these in an awfully long time. 
“I didn’t know if you had some already, so I grabbed a pack to carry with me. You can ask for one if you ever need it.” 
“...Thank you.” He could tell she was pleased by his gratitude. It made him feel a bit more comfortable to speak. “Have you considered my offer? About working with me after this?” 
She blinked in surprise. She began to idly kick her boots, watching them move with lowered eyelids. “I didn’t think you were serious about it.” 
“I am; it wouldn’t be hard to make it happen.”
“But..” She chewed at her lip, clearly conflicted. “Why would you still want to work with me? Things haven’t been that smooth. We had that fight on our first mission, then I was nearly killed in Cool Ranch-”
“-That’s all in the past and we’ve learned from it. The truth is, you’re one of the most competent women I’ve worked with, and that’s saying something because I know a lot of people.”
His words made her feel happy and confident. It was the first time a man had made her truly feel this way. “..And you like my company?” She asked sheepishly. 
He let that question linger before he replied. “I do. Whether or not you like mine determines your answer.”
She entwined her fingers together, tapping them on her knuckles as she leaned back with a dramatic breath. “Sometimes you can be a pain, but I’ve learned to live with it.”  
She turned to him with bright eyes. He could tell she was smiling from the way she lifted her chin. She looked away and returned her hands to her lap. Her mood had fallen and the confidence briefly left him. 
“I’ll have to think about it.” She sounded like she wanted to say more, but hesitated to do so. He wished she would voice her thoughts, but respected that she couldn’t.
“Just let me know when you make up your mind. We probably have a couple more weeks to sit on it.” 
She nodded along, her eyes fixated on her hands. She was smoothing her palms over her gloves. After a second, she looked up and asked, “-So what was bothering you?” 
“I’d rather not talk about it…” 
“But if we don’t, you’re still going to stress over it.” She countered. She scooted a bit closer and leaned forward. “I promise not to tell anybody if it’s embarrassing.” 
“I still think you would tease me.” He kept his eyes away from her. She moved to try and get in his peripheral vision. 
“Promise I won’t.” 
“-And if you do ?”
“Then I’ll tell you something you can tease *me* about.” 
He paused. That actually sounded reassuring. It still didn’t make him feel any better about this, but maybe he should get it off his chest. He might never have a chance to say it otherwise. “I don’t think I’m ready to end our mission just yet.” 
“Why? Are there other prisoners we’ve missed?” 
She attempted to think about why he would say this. He could actually see the strain she was putting herself through. He gathered the courage to tell her. “...I would rather still be working with you than having to part our ways.” 
She was astounded. “You don’t want me to leave?” 
“I…” He struggled for words. Why did he feel like this around her sometimes? “I would miss you. That’s all.” 
A pause. He waited before glancing back at her. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. The silence felt nerve-wracking while he waited for her reaction. He was about to retract his confession before she squealed. 
“Aww, Deacon..!" 
“ Dea .” He groaned.
“I’m sorry!” She waved a hand at him. She was clearly getting a kick out of this, which frankly embarrassed him. He felt ridiculous for saying any of it aloud. “Okay. You want something to tease me about?” 
He leaned towards her in interest, resting a thoughtful finger on the sharp chin of his bauta. She waited a few seconds before telling him, “...I would miss you, too.” 
It was his turn to be surprised. “You would?” 
“Yeah. It would be hard not to, you know?” Her tone became quiet as she looked at the floor. She splayed her fingertips across his comforter. “I loved having this job, to get a promotion this big…I don’t think I really deserved it, but I’m glad I got it, because I never would have met you otherwise. You’ve…been a great friend to me. I don’t think I’ve been as close to anybody as I have with you.” 
He was speechless. He remembered what he told her not long ago. It was still true. He’d never met anyone like her. To hear that she was grateful for their meeting as well…it warmed his heart and gave him hope. 
Then he paused to think. Hope for what ? 
“I’m glad you said something because…I was feeling sad about it, too. Having to end our mission when things are just getting started.” She pouted, trailing her finger along the seams of the blanket. 
“Then why not take my offer?” 
She winced. He didn’t understand why this was a difficult topic. “I…I want to, Deacon. I really do. And I hope I will.” 
“What exactly is stopping you?” He asked curiously. 
There was a long pause. The longest he’d ever received from her. But he was patient and waited. Eventually, she removed her hand and sat up straight. She couldn’t look at him, shifting uncomfortably on the bed instead.
“I don’t have a good past with the men I’ve worked with before. I guess I’m still afraid that things will happen again.” 
The gears in his head were turning. “The ones who marked you for ‘insubordination’..?” 
She whispered a small ‘yes’ . He decided to drop that subject before it delved into something worse. He had a more clear suspicion now, which made him quick to reassure Dea of his offer. 
“I promise nothing like that will happen. We’ve worked this well for this long, haven’t we?”
“We have.” She met his eyes with a more comfortable posture. He was glad to see that green color again. “That’s why I think I will take it. But if I don’t…I hope you understand.” 
Disappointment flooded him and it showed in his posture. He still told her that he understood and respected her decision. Dea seemed to think about something before closing the gap between them and embracing her partner. Deacon was taken aback at the sudden contact, but gladly returned it, much to his own surprise. 
They never hugged before. The sensation was new, but welcomed by them both. The scent she wore was stronger in this proximity and he was instantly addicted. He didn’t want to let go…he wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. To hold someone after all this time alone. The main contact he shared with others was the torture he inflicted on his enemies. Hugging Dea felt like a much better change of pace. 
As for his co-captain, she was pressing her mask against his chest and relaxing in his arms. She had been petrified to initiate something like this, but she was glad she did. Even more so when Deacon returned the gesture. It ignited something inside her - something hopeful and pleasant. 
The hope that he returned what she was feeling. 
She would be a fool not to accept his offer. She realized that now.
She lifted her head to speak beside his zendale, refusing to part from his grasp. "...Thank you." 
He shivered at the sound of her voice. It was so clear and so wonderful next to his ear. He found himself regretting every moment they had stayed so far apart.
"Thank you , Dea."
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justbelustful · 7 years
just a misunderstanding
character: kim donghan // jbj
writer: admin love
genre: smut
summary: you unintentionally make donghan jealous, and then it becomes less accidental. however, donghan has a punishment in mind for you.
warnings: jealous!donghan, dom!donghan, rough sex
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i’m a little out of practice for writing smut, i’m sorry! i love donghan and hopefully i did him justice.
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you hadn’t seen donghan in six months. first produce 101 took your boyfriend away and then not long after that he was occupied by jbj. of course you were happy for him, you had never seen him so happy, but you missed him. 
 while he was gone you started to hang out with an old guy friend from high school. he had texted you asking if you wanted to catch up and you agreed because you had nothing better to do with your time. 
 you went out for coffee a couple times and then it became a regular routine. you would hang out often and people on the streets would often mistake you for a couple. 
 you were in the middle of getting lunch together when you got a text from donghan. 
babe? where you at? i’m home 
i’m out with a friend, i’ll be home shortly 
 come home soon! i miss my princess 
 you blushed at the pet name. it had been so long since he called you that. “sorry that was my boyfriend texting. can you take me home?” 
 “yeah yeah of course,” 
  you hadn’t even gotten your keys in the doorknob before donghan opened the door himself and pulled you into his embrace. “i missed you” he whispered, inhaling your shampoo. 
 “i missed you too, sorry if i took too long,” you whispered back before letting your purse hit the ground. 
 “movie night?” he asked. 
 “of course,” 
  “so how’s b/f/n?” donghan asked, draping his arm over your shoulder.
 “good i think, i haven’t been hanging out with her much” you replied leaning into his warmth. 
 “i thought you were out with someone?”
 “i was,” you hit his chest, “what? you think i don’t have any other friends?”
 “that’s not it. i just haven’t met anyone else. so, who’s the lucky gal who stole my girlfriend?” 
 “oh it’s mason, we went to school together and we’ve been catching up,”
 “oh” donghan said before turning his attention towards the tv.
 nearing the end of the movie donghan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “i’m sorry babe, apparently we have an emergency practice, i gotta go.” he said pecking your cheeks and grabbing his jacket.
 “it’s okay, i’ll find some way to keep myself entertained.”
 “thanks for understanding, i’ll try and be back early tonight so we can cuddle. i love you!” 
 “i love you too,”
 you pulled out your phone, “hey mason, donghan just had to leave for a schedule, want to go get dinner?” 
 “sure, i’ll pick you up in fifteen,” 
 you fixed your makeup and hair a little so you looked suitable in public. you were cold with the absence of donghan’s warmth, so you found one of his smaller hoodies and put it on, smiling every time you breathed in his scent. 
you heard mason pull up and you took your place in the passenger seat, blasting jbj in mason’s ears. 
 “thanks for hanging out with me so much, i’ve been kinda lonely without donghan,”
 “no problem,” 
 the night went on and you continued to crack jokes when mason tapped your shoulder and pointed behind you. you glanced over your shoulder and saw a guy around your age who was leaning against the wall making obvious stares at mason. “ooh,” you cooed at your red eared friend. “go get him tiger.” 
 “are you sure?”
 “yeah i’ll find someone to pick me up,”
 “thanks y/n” 
where do you keep disappearing too? are you with mason? 
 sorry i got bored.. i’m at the bar a few blocks from our house, come get me?
 why can’t mason bring you?
 he’s kinda busy.. please baby?
 you could feel the jealousy in his texts. you smiled to yourself staring at the couple picture as your lock screen. “why would i ever leave you?”
 “princess,” you glanced up to see donghan with his window rolled down. “let’s go” you got in and pecked donghan on the lips.
 “how was dinner?” 
 you thought back to his jealousy earlier and thought of a plan. “it was fun! mason’s really funny and he’s been keeping me company when i got lonely!”  
he cocked a brow, “oh?” 
 “yeah, he’s a great guy!” 
 “that’s nice princess. i’m tired from practice so we can save this for tomorrow?”
 “okay daddy, whatever you say” you saw him visibly tense at the name that you rarely called him.
 “babygirl..” his hand rested now on your thigh with the other on the wheel, “i’m already frustrated enough, don’t bring something on yourself you can’t handle,” his hand gave you thigh a slight squeeze, ghosting his fingers over your heat at almost every stop sign, adding some pressure every now and then to make you squirm. he pulled in the driveway and retracted his hand before getting out of the car. you pouted, you were so close to getting the attention you didn’t know you needed. you went inside and changed into some pajamas, laid on your bed and texted mason.
 “how’s your mysterious lover boy?” 
his name is elijah and he’s great, i’ll introduce you sometime. don’t steal my man tho 
you giggled, “i don’t think that’ll be a problem. you’re a great man”
 “who are you texting” donghan called. 
 god damn you missed this view. 
 his brown hair was wet and pushed off his forehead, dressed in nothing but gray sweats, he plopped next to you on the bed.
 “i know i look great princess but please answer the question,”
 “mason, he-“ donghan took the phone out of your hand and set it on the table beside him. “how hard is it to get your attention, because for mason it seems pretty easy.” 
 “i texted him first, you kinda left me hanging there in the car,”
 “so you text another guy? real clsssy y/n,” he sighed turning away. 
“donghan seriously? i love you,” 
 “prove it,” he snapped turning towards you, his eyes darker than they were a few moments before. “but like i said in the car, don’t start something you can’t finish” 
 you leaned in connecting your lips. it took almost no time for donghan to respond, pulling you into his lap and holding you close. he pulled away and latched his lips to your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot, causing you to let out a moan. his hands rested on your waist, moving you against his thigh, before ordering you move by yourself. his hands found the buttons on your blouse and started to unbutton it, marking the new exposed area. “d-donghan” you moaned, the pleasure from his thigh bringing you to your edge. 
 “i hate to break it to you baby girl but i think ive become more attached to ‘daddy’” he said against your breasts that he had begun to abuse, “plus i don’t think you deserve to cum yet,” he growled, pulling you off of him and laying you against the bed. he began to massage your breasts, whines leaving your mouth as he did so. 
“i was so close” “i told you not to start something you couldn’t handle.” he smirked, “too late to back out now” he leaned back in to revisit your neck as his fingers found your waist band. he pulled off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. he made his way down to your heat, nipping at the sensitive skin every once in a while. his lips wasted no time kissing your inner thighs, taking the skin between his teeth every so often.
 “please just hurry up,” “princess is impatient tonight. what do we say y/n?” you sighed, the teasing becoming too much, “daddy please just hurry up” “good girl,” he practically pitted against your heat causing you to jump. he took your clit into his mouth and began sucking mercilessly, causing you to start moving and moaning loudly. his hands spread your legs, giving him more access to your heat. he gave kitten licks to the rest of your folds before taking your strip back between his lips, grazing it with his teeth. 
 “i’m so close, please donghan” you said with your hands in his hair, pulling him as close as you could. he pulled away, his fingers entering you instead, pumping slowly. 
“i think you messed up again princess,” 
 “fuck” you muttered, trying to grind against his hand. 
 “i don’t think so,” he said, removing his fingers. his hand made its way to his crotch. “god damn it, look what you did. guess i’m done with my fun, i need you baby girl,” he stripped himself of his sweats and underwear, lining himself up at your entrance. without warning his slammed himself in, getting a loud reaction from you. 
he began moving his hips fluidly, as if it was a routine he’s been practicing for and is finally showcasing. normally donghan would keep asking if you were okay because he’s like twice your size and doesn’t want to hurt you, but it wasn’t like that today. his hips bucked against yours at a great speed, focused more on his own pleasure than your own. you came first, screaming as your high was finally allowed. what you didn’t account for was that donghan might take a bit longer than you, his speed not slowly even at your cries for him to stop. 
you squirmed against his member, clawing at his back as the feeling was overwhelming. you felt the familiar feeling coil in your stomach for what felt like the millionth time tonight, when donghan pulled out, and collapsed out of energy.  
“i-“ you breathed out, finally given time to relax, “did you even mean to do it that time?” “well of course, i got what i wanted.” he grinned, pulling your body against yours, draping the both of you with your sheet. he fell asleep not long after and you turned to look at his godly visuals. you thought to yourself, “i love you loser, and only you.” you sighed, “now how am i supposed to break it to you that mason is gay?” 
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon
Otherwise known as...
Witcher facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are, in fact, book canon.
I have gotten two asks now about Jaskier and Ciri’s relationship. So let's goooo. For this installment of Canon or Fanon, I am answering the question:
Jaskier and Ciri's Friendship, Canon or Fanon?
In Geraskier fanfics, Jaskier is (obviously) Geralt’s romantic partner. So, whenever the fic also includes Ciri, Jaskier and Ciri often have a sweet found family vibe of their own. They almost always get along famously!
But in TWN S2 when they finally meet, Ciri isn’t interested in speaking to him, and brushes him off. (Not saying they can’t or won't become friends in TWN, but we haven’t seen it yet)
So, I’ve been asked whether their good relationship is pure fanon? Or is it book canon as well?
In the books, Jaskier and Ciri have a very sweet relationship. He seems to 'get' her and they get up to a bit of mischief together. 
Ciri also teases him, suggesting a comfortable, affectionate relationship. 
Most impressively, Yen and Geralt ask him to babysit Ciri when they have other things to do, which demonstrates that they place the highest trust humanly possibly in him. 
Dandelion is inarguably part of Ciri’s found family and a big part of his motivation in the final three books are his feelings of responsibility for her.
In fact, Dandelion’s concern for Ciri and his feelings of responsibility for her actually lead to one of the most emotional, touching scenes between Geralt and Dandelion. It is a rare scene where Dandelion is incredibly vulnerable, and when I read it I want to chew glass.
I feel like because it is a bit more subtle, not everyone pics up on it. But as usual, you don't have to take my word for it. I have pulled book quotes to support each of these claims. So, read on!
(Obviously, there are book spoilers. I try to vague up everything plot related and leave out major spoilers, but there are still mild and moderate spoilers. In fact, I think this may be my most spoilery one by necessity. But I try really really hard but I cannot guarantee anything.)
When Dandelion and Ciri meet, he instantly ‘gets’ her. 
The first time Dandelion and Ciri meet, it is in Time of Contempt. Geralt and Dandelion are staying at a friend’s house together, and Ciri is supposed to be on her way to Aretuza with Yen. However, Ciri and Yennefer show up there instead.
Geralt and Yen are broken up, so the reunion scene feels very much like divorced exes co-parenting. It is awkward. Ciri is standing physically between Geralt and Yen, feeling pressure about which one to walk towards. Dandelion watches the scene carefully.
“Who will the girl choose?” wondered Dandelion.
So, he sees right away that Ciri is in a very delicate position, and no matter what she does, it will show favoritism to one of her parents. Ciri comes up with an inventive, if theatrical solution.
Ciri did not walk to either of them. She was unable to decide. Instead of moving, she fainted.
Time of Contempt p101
So, Dandelion understands that she is in a difficult position. He also recognizes a performance when he sees one.
The next day, Geralt and Yen are outside in an orchard having a conversation. Ciri wakes up and goes outside to eavesdrop on them. She is caught in the act.
Ciri had imagined that Dandelion, the famous poet whose work she had read countless times, was asleep. She was wrong. The poet Dandelion wasn’t asleep. And he caught her in the act.
Lol. Imagine you have spent hours and hours over the course of your short life reading this famous man’s poetry, and he catches you being nosy.
“Hey,” he said, coming up unexpectedly and chuckling. “Is it polite to eavesdrop and spy on people? More discretion, little one. Let them be together for a while.”
Ciri blushed, but then immediately narrowed her lips.
Dandelion chuckles, because, well, we know that Dandelion LOVES eavesdropping and spying on people. Where else would he get all his gossip? So it is an affectionate, gentle statement. Then, Dandelion lets her know that he recognized that the faint was fake, even though Geralt didn’t realize it.
That was very cunning what you did yesterday, but you didn’t fool me. You pretended to faint, didn’t you?”
Yes I did,” she muttered, turning her face away.
And then, since as I said, spying is actually very much Dandelion’s thing, he joins her. They sit under an apple tree and eavesdrop on Geralt and Yen together. Ciri describes Yen and Geralt’s body language to Dandelion, then, in his expert capacity as a poet, he ‘translates’ it for her.
It is such an adorable scene. It also very much fits the popular “Dandelion and Ciri do mischief together” fanon. 
I’m going to screenshot the whole thing because it is too long to type out, but here it is in case anyone wants to read it here. And if you can’t read it on here, it takes place on pages 101-103 in Time of Contempt. I found it in pdf form online and I’ll put the link in the replies.
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So, after this sweet beginning, they develop a relationship that is comfortable and affectionate. And perhaps most significantly, Geralt and Yen leave Ciri in his care. There is truly no higher trust, and it very much indicates that he is part of the family.
First, Geralt, Yennefer, Dandelion, and Ciri tride together to Aretuza/Thanned. The journey is not ‘on the page’ but we know they make that trip together as a group of four. Those kinds of missing scenes are ripe for fics. We want to see them spending time together being just relaxed. But we don’t see it here.
But we do read that before they get to Thanned, they stop in Loxia where: 
Geralt whiled away the day talking to Ciri. Dandelion ran around collecting and spreading gossip, and the enchantress measured and chose clothes.
Then the evening comes and Geralt and Yen go to a banquet on Thanned, leaving Ciri with Dandelion. 
Dandelion Babysits Ciri 
The babysitting scenes don’t show them interacting, but it is still lovely. It ‘fast forwards’ to night time, and Ciri is having her usual dreams. As she wakes up and drifts back to sleep, the sounds of Dandelion singing, comforts her back to sleep.
The first time, the sounds are more celebratory:
“Now, vainly trying to recall the dream, she could only hear the soft sounds of lute and flute, the jingling of tambourine, singing, and laughter. Dandelion and the group of minstrels he had chanced upon continued to have the time of their lives in the chamber at the end of the corridor.
Time of Contempt p153 
The second time is more soothing:
“Dandelion’s soft mournful singing and the music he raised from the lute’s strings murmuring like a stream flowing over pebbles, drifted to her from the chamber at the end of the corridor...Ciri listened carefully to the words. 
Then, there are noises in her room. Something is afoot. Ciri tries to reach for her sword. But Yen has given it to Dandelion for safekeeping.
She didn’t have a sword any more; Yennefer had taken it from her, giving it to Dandelion for safekeeping. The poet must have gone to sleep, and it was silent in Loxia. Ciri was already wondering whether to go and wake him...
Time of Contempt p 159
Unlike in TWN so far, Yen already sees herself as Ciri’s mother. She is intensely protective, on high alert, and VERY VERY determined to keep Ciri safe. So, she has taken Ciri’s sword, and given it to Dandelion for safekeeping. This is more indication of her trust in Dandelion which is high praise. There is nothing more important to her than Ciri, nothing. 
The noise in Ciri’s room turns out to actually be Yen, taking her from her room via magical portal. But shit has hit the fan back at Aretuza and she understandably does not stop to wake Dandelion and tell him that she is taking Ciri, or why.
So, since Dandelion is staying down the hall, he doesn’t hear anything. It is only when he awakens some time later that he finds Ciri gone. He doesn’t know who took her and he doesn’t know why. So, he sprints to Aretuza to tell Geralt. 
Dandelion arrived on the steps out of breath, saw what was happening and went white as a ghost.
“Geralt!” he yelled a moment later. “Ciri’s disappeared! She isn’t here!”
“I expected as much,” answered the witcher...”but you really make a body wait, Dandelion. I told you yesterday to leg it to Aretuza if anything happened!...”
Time of Contempt p172
So, it is important to explain here that Geralt doesn’t trust Yen with Ciri yet. Yen is completely trustworthy because she loves Ciri, but he doesn’t ‘get’ that yet. That whole chapter we are in his head, so we know that he is asking himself whether Yen is lying to him, he is saying to himself that Yen is hiding something, and he is questioning whether Yen is loyal to Ciri.
So Geralt is anguished now. He assumes it was Yen who took her, but he doesn’t know whether it was to protect her or to throw her to the wolves. And saying to Dandelion ‘what took you so long’ plays into the next part of Dandelion’s motivations in the story.
So fast forward to a few weeks later. During the whole thing on Thanned, Geralt and Dandelion are separated. Geralt is injured. And then he is taken to Brokilon for healing. Dandelion then makes the terrifying journey into Brokilon to check on his friend. And of course, Geralt is in complete anguish. He is injured. He doesn’t know where Yen is, where Ciri is, and whether Yen is helping Ciri or harming her.
In these scenes in Brokilon is where we fully see the extent of Dandelion’s guilt about Ciri. 
He feels so guilty about  that he dreams/hallucinates a dryad telling him Geralt’s misfortune is all his fault. 
“...It’s obvious you had a hand in it. It’s obvious you are his friend. And if someone has friends, and he loses everything in spite of that, it’s obvious the friends are to blame for what they did, or for what they didn’t do.”
“What could I have done?” he whispered. “What could I have done?”
“I don’t know,” answered the dryad. 
“I didn’t tell him everything...” 
“I know.”
“I’m not guilty of anything.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No! I’m not--”
So, since this is a dream, the dryad is the part of Dandelion who blames himself. And he believes he is at fault because friends don’t let friends lose everyone they love.
This is the inherent tragedy of fantasy stories where non-powered humans are friends with super powered mutants and mages. They worship the ground their super powered friends walk on. They want everything to turn out ok. But they can’t actually do anything to save them. They can only love them. Geralt actually desperately needs that more than anything else, and it is why he values Dandelion, but Dandelion can’t see the value in what he offers him. He just feels useless.
So while he is yelling in his dream, he is actually yelling this out loud and he wakes himself up.
He jumped to his feet, making the branches of his makeshift bed creak. Geralt sat beside him, rubbing his face. He smelled of soap.
“Aren’t you?” he asked coolly. “I wonder what else you dreamed about. That you’re a frog? Calm down. You aren’t. Did you dream that you’re a chump? Well that dream might be prophetic.”
Time of Contempt p238
That is the witcher saga. Combining humor (Geralt’s sarcasm here) and friendship (teasing someone like this is a sign of comfort and affection with them) with extreme pain (Geralt’s grief and Dandelion’s guilt and shame).
It is really heartbreaking! Because how could Dandelion have known, and what could he have done if he did know? He isn’t Ciri’s babysitter because he has any magical powers or combat abilities. He is Ciri’s babysitter because Geralt knows that he loves Ciri and would never turn her over to any of these people pursuing her. He is Ciri’s babysitter because he is Geralt’s one port in the storm. He is the one person Geralt knows that he can trust outside of Kaer Morhen, to not give a fuck about political power or using Ciri as a pawn. (Geralt can trust Yen too, but he doesn’t know that yet. And he eventually trusts other people, but we are talking at this point in the story).
And actually to give credit where credit is due, TWN did include this dynamic by having Geralt ask Jaskier to escort Ciri to Kaer Morhenin S2. That was the most significant show of Geralt’s trust in Jaskier that TWN has shown, and it is very true to the characters and Jaskier’s role in the story. 
But anyway, back to Brokilon. In Dandelion’s dream when he says he didn’t tell Geralt everything, that is in reference to some distressing gossip about Ciri’s whereabouts. Geralt has asked for all the gossip about the war. And as much as he grouses about Dandelion’s loose lips, he often depends on his gossip. However, Dandelion has hesitated in telling him that gossip about Ciri. He is trying to protect Geralt from bad news, and I think he feels so guilty that it’s hard for him to say out loud the kind of danger Ciri might be in.
But he decides to tell Geralt, and he decides to accompany him wherever he may go to look for Ciri. Geralt finds this out when he goes to say goodbye. What Dandelion says to him, and how Geralt reponds just squeezes my heart to bits.
“Farewell, Dandelion.”
“Geralt...Listen to me--”
“Listen to what?” shouted the witcher before his voice suddenly faltered. “I can’t just leave---I can’t just leave her to her fate. She’s completely alone....she cannot be alone, Dandelion.You’ll never understand that. No one will ever understand that, but I know. If she remains alone, the same thing will happen to her as once happened to me...You’ll never understand that...”
Oh god that rips my heart out. Geralt’s voice is faltering. His love for Ciri. The way he identifies with her. The way he wants to save her from the pain he has gone through in life. How passionately and emotionally he speaks about her. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That is it for me. That’s the good shit.
But Dandelion tells him that he does understand, and that Geralt isn’t going to do this alone. He replies:
“I do understand. Which is why I’m coming with you.”
Dandelion doesn’t understand what Geralt or Ciri are going through. But he does understand how important Ciri is and that she cannot be alone. Geralt questions the wisdom of this decision.
“You’re insane, do you know where I’m headed?”
And Dandelion’s answer might be the most vulnerable and emotional we see him at any point in the books. (one of them at least) Dandelion always uses humor to deflect. He always uses his arrogance to defend himself against vulnerability. It is so rare that he stammers. It is so rare that he reveals his doubts and weaknesses. But that is exactly what he does here.
“Yes I do. Geralt, I--I haven’t told you everything. I’m...I feel guilty; I didn’t do anything. I didn’t know what to do. But now I do. I want to be by your side.”
Dear god, that gets me. When you get the character who is always funny and conceited and charming just breaking down like that, it gets me. To have the character who is allergic to responsibility and commitment making one here. Holding himself responsible for another person. And to have him just outright say “I want to be by your side.” Gahh;aksd THE FEELINGS IN THIS SCENE. The Gerlion of it. The found family of it.
And all of this is because Dandelion feels responsible for Ciri. He feels guilty that he couldn’t protect her. He understands her importance to Geralt’s mushy heart.
And here is how Geralt responds.
The witcher stood thinking for a long time, his arms hanging limply at his sides.
“Get on your horse,” he finally said, voice sounding different. “You can tell me on the way.”
Time of Contempt p237-241
So, Geralt doesn’t actually argue at all. He just accepts Dandelion’s help. It speaks to how vulnerable and grief stricken he is at this moment. He is so touched. He is so grateful to not be doing this all by himself. (And that is a theme as we go along in the next book. He knows that helping him is dangerous. He doesn’t want anyone he loves to get hurt. Also, he doesn’t think he deserves help. But when people insist on helping him, it means the world to him.)
Now, since the topic at hand is Jaskier and Ciri’s relationship, to connect that dot, I am going to fast forward to the scene in the final book where Dandelion and Ciri are reunited. So far we have seen that Dandelion feels responsible for her, that he understands how important she is, and that he joins Geralt on his quest to help her. 
When Dandelion and Ciri are reunited, we see their affection for each other, and we get a bit more of their time just spent together. We see her tease him about his name, and about his approach to dating. I love that and I’d like it injected directly into my veins pls.
But first, we see that Dandelion loves her. When he and Geralt had split up earlier, Dandelion made Geralt promise to bring Ciri back to Touissant to see him. 
“And I want to hug Ciri. Do you promise, Geralt?”
“I promise.”
Lady of the Lake
Ugh love that.
So in the reunion scene, Geralt is dutifully returning Ciri to Dandelion for that hug. However, when they get there to Toussaint where Dandelion is staying (he is with the Duchess so he is living there), they come upon a scene where Dandelion is seemingly about to be hanged on the gallows. It is a hilarious scene in one sense, because Dandelion is being hilarious and making a scene, and of course he would be charged with harlotry. 
In another sense, it is a sad scene because Geralt doesn’t know this is just something they do, (whenever Dandelion cheats on the Duchess, she sends him to the gallows, then pardons him). Geralt has suffered so much loss and his grief and his exhaustion and pain is palpable. Ciri is also really upset and begs him to do something to help Dandelion. He doesn’t know what to do.
Then Dandelion is spared and Geralt shouts at him to jump onto Roach. So, like many times before, Dandelion jumps onto Roach behind him, and Geralt carries him away to safety. Once they are away from the scene, Ciri greets Dandelion with tears in her eyes. 
Ciri reigned back Kelpie and waited for them. When they caught up she looked at Dandelion, and wiped away a tear. 
“Oh you...”she said. “You Pancratts.”
The joke with the misspelled last name is that Ciri has just found out his real name when the executioner called it out. 
“...it is known, that Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, alias Dandelion--”
“Pancratts what?” Ciri whispered a question.
So just like the witcher saga, there is heartbreak and hilarity all in the same scene. And having Ciri find out Dandelion’s true name in such a funny way makes her just like her father. It is a running joke.
Then we see Ciri and Geralt joining forces to pick on Dandelion. 
As they leave the gallows behind, Dandelion is rambling on about how his lover will surely forgive him his indiscretion, seeing as monogamy is totally unnatural, and the Duchess is so sweet and understanding that she will see this.
Geralt and Ciri are just listening to him shaking their heads.
“You’re hopelessly stupid,” stated Geralt, and Ciri confirmed she thought the same with an energetic nod of her head.”
Lady of the Lake p 476
That is so cute to me. Geralt and Ciri picking on Dandelion together.
Then the three of them (Geralt, Ciri, and Dandelion) ride together as a little squad to Rivia. They ride together for about a month, but it isn’t ‘on the page’. You just know that they do because the book tells you how much time has passed. 
Their rides together (the four of them earlier and the three of them now) are the kinds of ‘missing scenes’ you get in fics, which are more concerned with relationships and characters than plot. But in the books, you don’t really get that post Kaer Morhen. Everyone is just on the run on the time. Hell, that’s even true for the co-parents. You can count the number of passages where Geralt, Yen, and Ciri are together in the same scene on one hand. Ciri spends much of the latter books on the run by herself, so unfortunately, we don’t get much of it.
And that is even more true of Dandelion and Ciri, given that Dandelion is a secondary character. However, what we do get is very touching and sweet.
Dandelion is inarguably part of Ciri’s found family. He loves her and feels responsible for her. And their dynamic is very playful and mischievous. They pick on each other and care about each other. 
That is the best thing about the witcher saga. The found family. The ragtag group of assembled outcasts loving each other come what may. And though their relationship doesn’t have much ‘on the page’ time, it is extremely sweet.
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