#love my sister wives
rafesthroatbaby · 6 months
such a mood 😭
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greencheekconure27 · 25 days
Miserably, from underneath a pile of blankets: "getting sick because you went outside and got caught in the rain once belongs in novels not real life. We haven't got time for this.Fucking Victorian heroïne ass behavior.😤"
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spurgie-cousin · 7 months
HELP i just learned Mormon temple rituals are based on masonic rituals????? oh my god like........i might need to take a day off of work about this......
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
other people who grew up watching lpstube do you ever have specific playsets or accessories burned into your memory forever associated with the video you saw it in. and you could recognize it and remember where you saw it instantly. sometimes even if it wasnt actually made for lps . sorry just a glimpse into my beautiful mind
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pheonixdrop · 2 years
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Crying over Brian and Alexis
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starscelly · 11 months
stars polycule this finns polycule that. who cares. me and my mutuals are all in one polycule. whether u like it or not . we're all in love and getting married btw
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marxstradamus · 10 months
getting a lot of lesbian posts in my recommendations. I'm glad tumblr knows i love women
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forestgreenlesbian · 2 months
hmmmmb private rites. what did everyone think
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vegetavegetason · 1 year
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rendering of me and vegeta for fun :)
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
💎💎💎 😺 (SUPER late but I am curious if possible)
[For my bestie??? For Xer?? Always girl you know that]
Xer’Kan Tanhua
Minovae drops her cup, letting it shatter on the floor. Her face is stricken with shock.
“Xer… Xer is alive?”
At your insistence, a mix of joy and then anger contorts her eyes, tears building in one of them. “You better not be lying to me! If ever there was anyone that deserved a happy ending among us, it’s her! Never have I seen anyone go through so much that they were so ready to die like her. She seemed almost relieved when she learned her death could fix this Worldwound mess! Stupid, selfish, reckless! …Kind and generous and beautiful Xer…”
The anger rolls off her and she wipes the tears from her scaled cheek.
“We were… are… we’re so alike in that regard, you know? Staying stoic and strong but it’s all act when you’re dying inside and just want it to end. I see her as… as like a funhouse mirror, as silly as that sounds. We’re so alike that the reflection is recognizable: our childhoods and what we’ve gone through just being what we are… how fiercely we protect what’s right and fix any wrongs… the stubbornness and refusal to rest… and our taste in men, of course!” She chuckles a little, sniffling.
“We’re even both kind of paradoxes, aren’t we? Her being the most morose and miserable azata I’ve ever seen to me being the peppiest and humane aeon she has ever seen. A oni-spawn wreathed in butterflies and the ganzi clad in blackened plate…”
She seems wistful as she trails off. “If she’s alive then I hope she finds peace and love where she never has to wield a blade again. She deserves it.”
And one last aside, she mutters under her breath. “I miss her cooking.”
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blep-23 · 1 year
So! Lore time!
Bon just turned 18 a month or two before RoB/DOB started.(rainfall is like a late birthday present from the gods to her or something)
Dagur is like 19 at this point. At one point or another he turns 20 during RoB/DoB
Bon is 2 years younger than Dagur. Why? Why not?
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Alright alright. Since everyone is coming for my big sister, I think it’s time for me to put bitches in check.
First off, Ree going to Jack’s concert is a fucking gift, which she deserves more of, because she’s a strong intelligent woman. This woman has lost a parent within the past few years and is pushing through to get her damn degree. In nursing! Might I add.
As a person who is doing the exact same thing, I’m fucking proud, because that shit is hard. You try going through with getting a degree while losing someone close to you, a parent at that. Try it and tell me how that works out.
Second of all, with this sister wife shit, stop dick riding. Seriously. The shit is getting old, and everything she tells us about (which she does btw, we see ALL the hate), is the same shit. I’ll say this, and this is the last time I’m gonna say it. What y’all see on here is not even close to what happens OUTSIDE of tumblr. We have phone conversation, life conversations, job conversations, serious conversations, hell. I was crying to them when I got my first pap, so that goes to show how deep our relationship is. And the fact that people are obsessed….
Yet, I’ve noticed that none of y’all fuckers come talk to me. Y’all come on here and bash Ree, which makes no sense. Besides the fact that you’re big mad over a relationship you can’t, and will never have. Don’t you get tired? Because I am.
Keep fucking with her and see what happens. A good ol case of fuck around and find out.
I don't even think there's anything to add to this
Love you so much and I am very thankful for the three of you ❤️
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If you line all my seeds up next to me you can tell they are mine
If you saw them in the very late 20th century you are dead and this post isn't for you.
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zombiesun · 1 year
got five joints for fifteen from a guy whose entire sibling group of seven + parents are bi
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disco-cola · 1 year
i love Goldie Hawn so much she’s been my comfort actress for so many years I’ve seen most of the movies she did between the late 60s-early 00s i just always keep rewatching them and i just don’t get tired
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