#love the trish cameo
salswisteria · 5 months
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Also he definitely killed his "dad."
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Hi. I hope you’re doing well at the moment. If not, feel free to push off writing this request or to ignore it altogether.
I’m curious to see what headcanons you have about Bruno and how he’d feel about receiving flower arrangements from a S/O.
Your wish is my command, nonnie!!!
Bruno Bucciarati Receiving a Flower Arrangement From his S/O
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~1k
Notes: Just fluff, plus a minor mention of Bruno's backstory in a bullet point (nothing major). GN reader as always, and just lots of loving for our fave capo <3 As well as cameos from the rest of the gang.
One thing that’s for certain is that your capo adores the flowers. He was rather shocked to see the florist hand deliver him such a large bouquet. 
At first, he briefly thought it was from you- but, well, that’d be kind of selfish to assume, wouldn’t it? So he thinks it’s maybe a thank-you gift from one of the many citizens in Napoli he’s helped. 
However, once he reads the card with the message you put on it, the adoration on his face is clear. He’s touched beyond belief. 
He immediately puts the flowers in a vase as a centerpiece for the table of their room. He’s kind of hoping that the others ask about it so he can proudly gloat that his lovely, wonderful partner got them for him. 
Mista and Narancia will whine and then wonder if they can ever get flowers from their s/o one day, and Bruno teases them by saying that if they get their act together, they just might. 
Fugo acts like he doesn’t give a shit but he’s pretty happy that Bruno is happy and has you as his partner. The young boy is grateful that there’s someone who takes care of Bruno after all Bruno does for everyone else. 
Abbacchio complains about the smell of the flowers, citing them as being too strong or something while he’s drinking his wine or listening to his music. Despite that, he’ll be damned before he touches or does anything to them. Bruno knows Abbacchio would never throw them out despite his complaints, so he often jokes back that Abbacchio is just jealous he is not getting flowers. 
Trish is wide-eyed at the gift you got Bruno, thinking it’s romantic, and remarks that the bouquet has to be super expensive. She joins in with Mista and Narancia about wanting a nice bouquet of flowers from her future lover. 
Giorno thinks it’s a nice gift and feels it says a lot about you that you would gift Bruno them. Especially if you took the time to arrange the bouquet or choose specific flowers/colors, it makes Giorno appreciate and think higher of you. 
Bruno would love any kind of bouquet you’d get him. He adores them and always, always, always will appreciate them and do his best to keep them alive and fresh for as long as possible (including, but not limited to, enlisting Giorno’s help to freshen them up)
That said, he does have different (but positive) reactions to the flowers depending on what type you may have chosen for him! 
If you got him roses (any color): he’d be extra romantic and sappy to you. Roses are the flowers of love, aren’t they? And this was most certainly your way of trying to show him your desire for him, wasn’t it? So he’ll pay it back by using more Italian pet names with you or more romantic gestures as if he were a lovesick puppy. 
If you got him a bright, colorful bouquet: he’d be quick to think it stands out from the rest of the room, but frankly, it was a necessary one. He would do his best to make the flowers stand out even more by using a colorful vase/glass and putting it directly in front of everyone. Everyone has to see this. He smiles brightly when he sees them, too, and it makes him think about how much light you’ve given in his life. He becomes eager to pull you close. 
If you got him a white bouquet (any flowers): He’d be more solemn and deliberate in his movements and decisions. Quieter displays of his affection will ensue, with him taking your hand to his and pressing kisses on it, buying your favorite food/drink, and whispering the sweetest words of poetry known to man in your ear. Those flowers were what he saw often during funeral processions, but it’s also seen in weddings, too. It’s a sort of reminder to himself that his time with you is limited and that every moment with you is a precious thing to be savored. 
If you got him a pastel bouquet: He reacts in a way that’s a mixture of the bright flowers and the white flowers. He reacts more on the quieter end, but is less prone to the feelings of nostalgia he may have had with the white flowers. He finds these ones sweet and gentle, and it, in turn, makes him act pretty gentle with you. Tons of romantic words in your ear and kisses peppered all over your face are what awaits you.
If you got him a bouquet with darker flowers: At first, he’s taken aback by the colors. Not in a bad way, they’re flowers and they’re from you on top of that. He’s just a bit surprised that flowers could be arranged in such a way, but it’s so unique like you? Oh my gosh? It’s unconventional but makes him smile, and he is proud to have them as a centerpiece. He’s quick to thank you and he will get more specific in his praises and compliments for you. More affectionate and grateful here, but more teasing as well. 
Seriously, buy him flowers, it makes his day- nay, his week(s)- and gives him more motivation. He’s not used to being treated often, but with you, every day is a treat, and every gift you give him makes him practically melt. 
Plus, how could you resist the wide-eyed smile he does when he realizes that you were the one who sent the flowers?
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randoimago · 1 year
Saw your randothoughts thing and so I thought I'd send this to your askbox. My request is for you to write whatever you want here! Like a free space!
JoJo's Part 5 Bucci Gang as Options in a Dating Sim
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia, Trish Una
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Ngl, this is a really cute thing to do anon. I can see this eventually being a bit tricky if I have no ideas at the time, but I do appreciate this now! I'll just use this to set up my self-indulgent idea.
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Quiet and keeps to himself. Only seen really enjoying life when he's with his closest friends. All the girls want him, but he is very uninterested (but he's polite about it at least!)
An interested relationship with his dad. It's not bad, but home life is difficult. Giorno recently learned somethings about his father that has made him very iffy. His dad still loves Giorno very much though.
His route probably begins if Player has high Intelligence stat or something. Giorno seems perfect, but his grades aren't there. Which is weird because he is very smart (and you learn the reason his grades are dropping is because he just doesn't turn in his homework or care enough about assignments).
Of course, you have the ClassicTM of some random girl being jealous of your relationship with Giorno, tells you to stay away, Giorno finds out and says to ignore her (he deals with the problem behind your back by calling the girl out, much to her embarrassment)
Maybe random Dio cameo just to freak out Players with how ridiculously hot Giorno's dad is. There're many comments online about "Forget Giorno, I wanna date his dad."
Older student that helps your teacher in class. He's very kind and friendly to all the students (except when they aren't kind back). Very helpful. It's easy to see why several students have crushes on him, but he smiles and waves them off.
I can see his route beginning with you r running into him outside of class and seeing how tired he really is. Like his cheerful facade in school is a mask he wears. He's still kind and patient, but he also has some built up anger from past things.
You learn he lost his parents when he was very young and ended up in the foster system, which definitely affected quite a bit of his upbringing. But he even tried to keep a friendly face to help the other kids there.
You also learn that it's why he's so friendly to a wide range of people. Yeah some of the students in your class are annoying, but Bruno doesn't know what they might have been through/are currently going through.
Probably the easiest one to get romantic points with. At least, you know that you lose points with any option talking down about others so it's a process of elimination from there.
Older student as well, in Bruno's class (has a cameo in Bruno's route and Bruno has a cameo in his later on). You probably end up meeting him from choosing to hang out with Bruno. Abbacchio doesn't really talk to you, mostly ignores you (which Bruno says that Leone is a nice guy, just going through some things).
Probably would be classified as the Bad Boy option, but that's not really what he's going for. His looks and attitude give him that rep.
His route begins by you going to find Bruno's usual spot you hang out in and there's only Abbacchio. You can choose to not talk to him or ask about Bruno. Talking gets points even though his answer is to be annoyed.
Definitely a bit tricky to romance at first until you learn what options to say. Likes being reassured, but not to a "You have done nothing wrong!" level. Also doesn't mind initiating conversations as long as it's not a dumb "So how are you doing?"
His route can seem slow burn or like not a lot is happening as opposed to other routes, but there are subtle things, and his character portrait does have tiny smiles or little ear blushes that people spam about online.
Definitely some grumbling from him if Giorno is another character you have a high relationship stat with.
Ends up being your tutor if your intelligence stat is falling. Absolutely has a crush on you instantly if you're sweet and nice to him, but he doesn't do anything about it.
Tries to keep being the sweet, nice tutor but if your intelligence stat isn't at a certain level on a certain day (I figure this would be a dating sim that does the Day 1 through Day whatever as the ending) then you notice him losing patience and starting to be more of an ass with asking if you even give a damn.
And if your intelligence stat is what you focus on so you don't get the angry Fugo scenes then there's still a scene in his route where you see him going off just so you know how angry he can get. There's a lot of apologies from him with you seeing him that way. Honestly his route can be a bit triggering to some.
Like he'll never be the abusive romance option, but I'm not going to lie and say he immediately gets over his anger or whatever because of you. He will work on it as you advance with his route because he doesn't like the idea of upsetting or scaring you.
If you choose the wrong dialogue option, then you get a "Fugo walked away" because he thinks that's better than showing you his angry side all the time. There are so many memes about it on the internet.
I like the idea of the Player being told rumors of Mista and getting the option to say, "I can change him." and if that option is picked then the Player is instantly locked out of the relationship (flirting can happen and Player can go on one date with Mista, but nothing comes of it).
He's talked about being a playboy but he's really not. Like rumors are that he constantly dates a new girl each day or that he doesn't seem to give a damn about classes, but that's also not true.
Mista does flirt a bit when meeting the Player, but if you tell him off or seem shy then he laughs it off and tells you not to worry and that he'll try to not make you uncomfortable.
He's honestly just a dork and yeah, he's flirty, but it is mostly for fun, and he doesn't mind if nothing comes out of it. Mista does feel guilty if someone does get the wrong idea of his flirting and he does apologize.
While he seems like his route should be easy, it's also one of the more difficult ones. Very much a balance of engaging in his flirtiness but also being able to tell him to focus on other things and genuinely getting to know him.
Kind of like Giorno, his route happens depending on your intelligence stat, but it doesn't have to be as high as it does with Giorno. Narancia just has abysmal grades, and he really has plans for the future that he wants to achieve, but learning is difficult for him.
Narancia is a sweetheart, but you need lots of patience. As you get to know Narancia, he starts bringing you sweets and stuff as thanks for tutoring him. Might ask you out to a movie as well.
He's very quick to crush on you and you do have the option to ask to slow down a bit, but he's just very sweet and does his best to make you proud.
He's the one that introduces you to Fugo, which can lead to the Love Triangle or just Fugo's route.
While Narancia can be a very easy route to complete, going with him causes you to end up in tricky situations due to your intelligence stat not increasing due to Narancia wanting to skip school with you to hang out all the time (if you're romancing Fugo too then it makes things extra tricky).
A lot of dating Sims or games with romance are a lot more inclusive now, but back in the day, Trish would be the Token Lesbian option everyone talked about (for better or worse).
Snotty rich girl, you overhear that her friends don't actually like Trish, but her dad has money.
Getting to know her, she's actually shy and sweet. She's just gone through a lot and finds it difficult to trust others. Very much enjoys relying on you as you gain her trust in the route.
Quick to jump to your defense too. There's probably a moment that other snooty girls start talking shit about her and you can step in and when they start talking crap about you then that's when Trish doesn't hold back.
Honestly at the start of her route, she figures you just want to get on her good side for her money. The first hangout causes her to snap at you at the end and throwing a wad of cash at you because that's obviously what you're really after. It ends with apologies and getting a huge stat jump in your relationship with her (you just need to make the right dialogue choices).
Definitely some kind of Highschool/College setting (character ages would have to be messed with a bit). Giorno and Trish would be freshman; Bruno and Abbacchio would be Upperclassmen; and Mista, Fugo, and Narancia are in the same class with the Player. (Fugo is so smart he skipped a grade and that's why he's not a freshman)
Love triangle route with Bruno + Abbacchio. Abbacchio doesn't want to get in the way and watches you and Bruno interact from afar. Bruno wants Abbacchio to be happy for once in his life, but Bruno can't help being selfish too.
Love Triangle Route Fugo and Narancia. You have to be on Narancia's route and Narancia is the one that mentions Fugo having a crush on you. Fugo doesn't do anything to mess with it since he likes that Narancia is happy, but you can tell by Fugo's actions and his blushing that he's crushing.
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lunarspiral1127 · 5 months
X-men 97 episode 7 *SPOILERS*
Gambit's funeral
I didn't recognize everyone at the funeral, but are they his friends from his past or his family? Cause I have no idea.
Nightcrawler with the eulogy. He sure has a way with words. Plus, him being there as a priest makes sense. Also, he looks so adorable with the robes.
Logan comforting Jubilee was sweet, bit it got me thinking that her screentime has been spent most with Roberto than the other X-Men.
Rogue going solo
Honestly, I don't blame her for hunting down Gyrich and Trask. Especially when it was later on revealed that they were involved but not the mastermind.
Cameos of Thunderbolt Ross and Captain America. Now, last time I saw 90s Steve Rogers was in the Spider-Man animated series during that show's own version of Secret Wars. Before that, he was trapped in a vortex with Red Skull. So, I guess he got out which is why he was there?
I was bummed that he didn't go help Rogue get Gyrich, but I get that he has to do things by the books. Cause that's who he is. Although, Rogue did him dirty by throwing his shield far into the mountains. It was funny and I don’t blame her for doing that. But I do kinda feel bad for him.
Her fighting Ross's army was cool. Also, if the base was durable against the Hulk, does that mean she's stronger than the Hulk?
Nightcrawler best brother! The way he talked to Rogue, hugged her when she was finally mourning over Gambit and Magneto (still don't like the Rogueneto ship), and even called her "sister"! God, I love this blue devil man! 😭 And if anything bad happens to him in the next three episode, Imma be pissed!
Roberto "coming out" of the Mutant closet to her mom
Well, it went better than when Iceman told his family in the X-2 movie. It was a relief to see his mom accepting of him and not hating him.
However, it's unfortunate that she told him to keep it a secret because of their business reputation l. It would've made more sense if it was to protect her son due to the humans' stances on mutants and what happened in Genosha. At least, that way, it would've been more of a good reason than about their business.
Jubilee being supportive and being there for him was sweet.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Jubilee isn't really part of the main plot, though, so I don't know if we'll see her in action, nor if we'll see Roberto use more of his powers.
Genosha aftermath
More of Jean and Scott talking, so that's good. They're communicating and are still working as a team despite what happened. So, there may be hope that their relationship will survive, but we won't know for sure. So much crap has happened, and I blame Sinister for all of it.
Emma Frost survived, and she got her diamond form! She must've been stuck in all that debris for days. Also, how is she gonna react when she finds out Sebastian Shaw is dead?
Beast and the reporter. Considering how all these relationships have been going in this show so far, I was very, VERY worried about Beast. But, because of what Trish (I think that's her name) said, it ended before it even started.
Y'know when he said he didn't want to be made a monster more than what Sinister did, I thought he was talking about Genosha, but I think he was talking about him turning him into a human sentinel.
Also, yes, we're getting Prime Sentinels, which is very very bad. They ain't no joke cause Trask as one took out the X-Men one by one. Rogue was knocked out with a single hit!
Speaking of Trask, I have no sympathy for that sunuvabeech. But, it was messed up how his body was twisted.
And, all because Rogue dropped him off the building! Like, DAMN ROGUE! Again, I have no sympathy for Trask, and I get why she did it but it was still a holy crap moment. Also, everyone else could've tried to save him, but they just stood there. I think only Wolverine was cool with it.
Thank god, Cable was there to save them. Doesn't seem like he likes Scott despite him being his dad, even though he cared for his mom back in episode 5. Then again, daddy issues have been a thing in the Summers' family. But, I hope that's not the case cause animated Scott is cool.
This whole time, Bastion was the true mastermind?! God dammit, how did I not see this coming! OZT was Operation Zero Tolerance, I should've seen this coming, but I thought it was Apocalypse or Nimrod!
This is his first animated debut, btw. And, I'm surprised he was working with Mr. Sinister cause he's a mutant, and Bastion is a human looking sentinel thing. That explains the Genosha massacre cause, of course, he'd wanna exterminate them.
Magneto's alive! But, he's held captive by Bastion. Okay, I don't know how the hell he survived or how he got captured when he was in Genosha. I hope that'll be explained. But, if he's there then where's Leech? Where are the Morlocks? Cause they were there with Magneto.
I'm really really worried for Magneto. He must've been captured for days or weeks, and I think Bastion is gonna turn him into a Prime Sentinel like Trask. That would be so so terrible if that happened. He'll become the thing he fought against. The thing he despises. God, what's taking Xavier so long?! He gotta go save him!
So, a good episode again. But next week begins the three-parter finale which I'm really nervous how it'll turn out. I hope the show will stick the landing, but I can't handle it more of my favorite characters get killed or worse.
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queenofcringe · 9 months
Jojo openings ranked
To be clear I love ALL the Jojo openings just some more than others
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Traitor's Requiem- My favorite for sure. WATERMELON BUCHURATI WITH TRISH'S HAND. TRISH FALLING INTO A DIFFERENT COLOR SCHEME. I love how the beginning goes from slow to fast. This op makes me proud to be a Jojo fan. Not to mention the alternate ending with Diavalo speaking Italian. ALSO THE PART WHERE GIORNO TAKES THE ENDING BACK FROM DIAVALO. IT MAKES ME FANGIRL SO HARD I WILL LISTEN TO IT THREE TIMES FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ENDINGS AND GIORNO'S DIO POSE
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2. Great Days- Best part 4 op hands. Rohan is serving cunt, the song is catchy, YOSIKAGE KIRA REVERSING IT ALL. It's perfect and I love it, very close to my heart
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3. STONE OCEAN- I adore the pop art aesthetic and the vocals. FIRST SOLO FEMALE JOJO OP SINGER GOES HARD!! It's so pretty and Jolyne is beautiful. Loving the return to CGI
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4. Fighting Gold- Bussin. This op is so hype. I don't care that some of the visuals are a bit goofy. Coda popped off with this one (as usual)
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5. Heaven's Falling Down- It's such a perfect song for part 6. Having Sana, the singer of Mob Psycho's ops, was such a flex. Jolyne is an absolute goddess (can you tell that I simp for her) and I love how she looked. Unfortunately, the visuals were not as striking as the first op. However, the Pucci ending easily made up for it as the best Jojo villain intervention
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6. Sono Chi No Sadame- It's literally just iconic. The 3D animation goes hard and I will forever remember it as the op that got me into Jojo. ALSO THE JOLYNE CAMEO AT THE END
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7. Bloody Stream- I love the colorful and smooth animation. LISA LISA MILF. Not my favorite song by Coda (see #4) but definitely still a banger
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8. End Of The World- TOMMY, Coda and JIN collaborating for this song was the best decision ever made. Also, Dio's The World intervention slaps so hard! HIS SWAGGER. The Kakyoin scene gave me chills
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9. Stand Proud- I love the callbacks to the earlier Jojos and fighting animation plus the vibrant coloring. All the crusaders walking as the atmosphere changes is one of my favorite scenes in Jojo. Still think the other part 3 op is better tho
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10. Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town- Kinda mid ngl. I still like it but the vibes were not very jojoesque to me
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11. Chase- My least favorite but it's still a dope op. It just sounds kinda generic compared to the other Jojo openings. The visuals are still impeccable and I love the pastel coloring
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daresplaining · 9 months
Your thoughts on She-Hulk ep 8?
I loved pretty much everything!
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Yes, so, I was finally able to watch the rest of She-Hulk (I lost access to Disney+ partway through, so it took some finagling) and I do have thoughts! First, as I've mentioned previously, I loved the show overall; I thought it stayed very true to the spirit of the She-Hulk runs I have read (though to be clear, I'm not a Shulkie completist), was really funny (the knockoff "Avongers" merch in that one episode got me. I was on the floor), delivered some sharp commentary on the rampant misogyny in fan spaces and towards media with female leads (often drawing from actual online responses to the show by Comicsgate-types, which was genius), and poked fun at superhero tropes in a way that felt-- again-- true to the character and also mostly in a spirit of love, which is very important. I wanted to start with this because one of the things that kind of drove me nuts while the show was airing was seeing people prioritize the various cameos over the actual fact that freaking Jen Walters, She-Hulk herself, had a TV show, and I loved that she actually broke the fourth wall to call people out on this at one point.
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(I'm glad this screenshot now exists in the world, and I'm worried that I might have to pull it out again when Echo's show airs. But hopefully not...)
But the cameos were fun, and felt correct for a show dealing with superhero law and tropes-- you do need a whole bunch of superheroes and villains around for that sort of thing, and I like that they went for an eclectic mix of big names and more obscure characters. Anyone who follows my Iron Fist blog might have seen me freaking out about the surprise appearance of El Aguila, one of my favorite side characters from Power Man and Iron Fist volume 1 (more freaking out will be forthcoming; I'm going to write a post about him when I have two seconds to spare). His MCU counterpart was kind of a parody version of the character, but that was true for many of the D-listers in the show, and I'd never expected to get El Aguila in anything, so I was still pretty dang thrilled. He even had his mutant powers! Amazing! We got MCU El Aguila before, like, MCU Scott Summers.
He also appeared alongside Man-Bull, who is a wonderfully weird Daredevil villain who I also never expected to see adapted. The decision to use El Aguila rather than the more obvious Matador was a little surprising (though I didn't mind at all), but a friend told me that she thought she had heard that they weren't allowed to use the Matador...which is intriguing... Hopefully it's because he's going to be the Big Bad in Daredevil season 4. One thing I was fairly disappointed by was the fact that we didn't get an appearance from Trish Walker, whose modern-day comics counterpart Patsy Walker/Hellcat is very close friends with Jen. However, considering MCU Trish's current situation, I can see why they made that choice. Tonally, this wasn't the right place to continue her story. Fingers crossed, though, for future interactions. Someone needs to get her out of prison!
But anyway, on to the main focus of this post-- this guy:
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They definitely made this Leap-Frog hype-up ad as a joke, because hahaha, who gets excited about Leap-Frog, right? Joke's on them: I get excited about Leap-Frog. I was losing my tiny Silver-Age-Daredevil-fan mind that entire night, even knowing that it would be a while before I'd actually be able to watch the episode. Do you know how amazing it is that we got Leap-Frog in this thing? Leap-Frog in a largely comics-accurate costume? Leap-Frog who was allowed to be Silver Age goofy? Leap-Frog with a CATCHPHRASE? (I'm largely allergic to MCU things being imported into the comics-- if I have to open a Daredevil issue and read "the Devil's of Hell's Kitchen" with my own two eyes ever again, it's going to be my supervillain origin), but if 616 Leap-Frog were to start saying "ribbit and rip it", it wouldn't bother me. In all honesty, I didn't think he quite lived up to the hype. He was essentially a different character, and wasn't tremendously Leap-Frog-y when you got right down to it. But seeing him bouncing around in that green rubber costume still filled me with joy, and gave me hope that this might open the door for other such characters. Other fun, wacky, classic Silver Age villains who are long (emphasis on long) overdue an MCU debut. Stilt-Man. I'm talking about Stilt-Man.
In any case, I hope that anyone who might not have checked out She-Hulk yet will give it a try. It's a fun ride.
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Psyche. Okay, yes, I'm also going to talk about Daredevil.
To be brief: I really, really liked this cameo. My interest in MCU Daredevil pretty much died in 2018 with the Big Cancellation, and as many bolts of lightning as I shoot through it (or...Hand ninja I sacrifice for it? I guess that's more on-theme), I haven't managed to revive it yet. It was fun while it lasted, but it's not a version of the character that really appeals to me much in isolation, and at the end of the day, I'm a Daredevil fan because I like the comics.
I also have the same issues with Charlie Cox playing Matt Murdock that I think a lot of people have, though that's not something I really feel I need to go into in this post. On the most superficial and shallow level possible (sorry), he just doesn't look like Matt to me, which is something I was able to overcome in the Netflix shows because when you're watching something for thirteen hours straight, eventually your brain adapts. But getting this brief cameo after having not seen him for four years, it was extra jarring, and it actually threw me out of the story a few times. He walked into the courtroom in that one scene and said he was Matt Murdock, and I'm afraid my immediate reaction was, "Pfff, what? No, you're not." (Also...his American accent has not really improved, which was just something I'd assumed he would have been working on.)
But my longstanding quibbles about casting aside (and to be clear, I love that people like the asker above like him in the role! I think for many people who got into DD through the MCU, he is their Matt Murdock, and I fully respect that), this is the live action Daredevil content that I've been waiting for ever since it became clear that the Netflix show was wedded to its dark, tortured version of the character and would not be touching on many of the other attributes that make Matt interesting to me. If this had come out at least five years ago, I would have gone completely bonkers over it-- and even now, I had a thoroughly great time watching this cameo. I had hoped, but I'd never, ever imagined that we'd actually get the yellow suit--especially after the Netflix show picked the practical-but-boring Man Without Fear/"Trial of the Incredible Hulk" outfit as his origin costume. And you know what? It looked pretty good.
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For a "grounded" live action take, I think they did a decent job of translating the feel of the yellow costume while being shackled to a certain expected MCU DD aesthetic as established by the Netflix show's version of the red suit. I particularly liked that...that...
No, I'm sorry. I can't do this. Let me just...
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Okay, THERE we go.
As I was saying, I thought they did a solid job referencing this most classic of DD costumes, and I would love to see him wear it in more than just this cameo.
And with the yellow suit came-- my god-- the quippy, swashbuckly Matt I have been longing for. The fight with Leapfrog was fun! The banter with Jen was great! I don't know what else to say! Swashbuckly Matt = Happy Daresplaining. What a relief to finally see that side of his personality make an appearance in this universe, and from an in-character perspective, to see him finally finding that confidence and joy in his adventuring. I hope that the Daredevil show (if it ever actually happens at this rate...) pulls from this; that we didn't just get a lighthearted Matt because She-Hulk was a comedy show.
And the romance was a surprise, but I didn't mind it. It was handled with humor, and it's not a relationship that exists in the comics so it was a fun new concept to play around with. Plus, both 616 Jen and Matt are characters with pretty hefty love lives, so it fits. And even more to the point, as the third asker above mentions, it took a baffling 40 YEARS for Marvel's two most prominent superhero lawyers to even interact, finally facing off for the first time in Soule's She-Hulk run, so I cherish every new scene they have together in any medium because they're great together. I was a little--"worried" is too strong a word, but maybe "cautious"--about how this would be handled from Matt's end, since he's really not a one-night-stand kind of guy. He falls in love easily and dates a lot, but it's dating. He gets attached to people. He clings. But this ended up seeming like maybe not a one-night-stand after all. The last episode seemed to imply that they were still together, so...is this going to be a thing? Are MCU Jen and Matt a couple now? Anyway, it was fun to have a bit of the soap opera-flavored drama of 616 Matt's love life filter into the MCU, because it really didn't come up much in the Netflix show.
In any case, to make a long and much-delayed post short, while MCU Daredevil will have to work very hard to re-earn my interest, I did enjoy this, and loved She-Hulk. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a show that's an all-around good time.
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 5 months
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode Tolerance is Extinction Part 1
Another great episode, the action and fighting scenes were awesome. Nightcrawler was amazing in this episode.
Oh Cool Professor X is back in the line up but no Storm yet.
Hmm, Jean has her hair up. I'm glad to see her and Scott are working things out now.
Cool cameo of future Polaris and Rachel.
Oh damn, so the Genosha Massacre had to happen, so they can't stop it with time travel.
Oh damn, Bastion leaked the news that Xavier is alive.
Oh no, Rogue is still out, possibly in a coma. I did have a feeling she would still be unconscious, as she wasn't seen in any of the new shots from the final trailer. It looks like she not physically injured, as Wolverine can heal her. But it looks like she's affected mentally.
I just love this interaction between Nightcrawler and Jean. Jean telling him that even though Cable is not her son but she has all of Madelyne Pryor's memories of being pregnant with him but he is Madelyne's blood and we can see her getting a bit teary eyed. Nightcrawler telling her Blood is Blood, family is choice, as he was abandoned by Mystique and says Rogue is his adopted sister and are close.
Erm, why is Magneto strapped to an X and in his underwear?
Oh you stupid Woman, Val Cooper is alive and working for Bastion but it does seem to not know what Bastion's plans are.
Trish arrives to apologise to Beast, i'm surprised she was allowed in the "basement area" of the Mansion.
Cyclops, Jean and Cable find out more about Bastion. Jean using Psychometry on finding out Bastion's backstory was awesome. His parent's were seen in the 2 part episode One Man's Worth.
Oh wow Dr Doom!!! With the speculation that we could be getting Onslaught, does this mean The Fantastic 4 could make an appearance in season 2.
Sorry I don't know much about Zemo.
Oh my gosh!!!!! Bastion has got prime Sentinels everywhere, he even changed his own Mother into one. So they are mostly sleeper cells, some people volunteered and most were done against there will.
Oh Damn!! even Trish is one and even took out Beast.
Love the transition between scenes.
Morph changing into Juggernaut was pretty cool.
Jubilee and Roberto being chased in the mall by these Prime Sentinels, is a little similar to Jubilee being chased by Sentinels in the 1st episode of the original series.
Wolverine fighting Prime Sentinels in the sky was great.
The Prime Sentinels watching Rogue was creepy
Wolverine and Nightcrawler fighting the Prime Sentinels was awesome, love seeing Nightcrawler using 3 swords. Also as the humans are robots, they can go nuts in slicing them up without being too graphic. But they are so tough they can put themselves back together.
Awww, Nightcrawler is protecting his sister and teleporting the Sentinels out the room.
Seeing inside Nightcrawler's teleportation was amazing.
Roberto has been using the Danger Room to control his powers and learn to fly, which is pretty cool since he doesn't live at the Mansion but is allowed use there facilities.
Lol at Jean being a parent and putting seatbelt on Cable.
Another Blackbird destroyed, love that Cyclops keeps his car in it.
Love the Summer's family moment here with Cable shooting the Sentinels, Jean controlling the car and Cyclops blasting through the mountain.
Love the fist bump between Father and Son
Oh man, Roberto's Mother is bitch, she let the Sentinels take her Son and Jubilee away.
Val let Magneto go, she knows that what Bastion is doing is wrong. I just love her monologue and says Magneto is Right.
LOL Magneto flying to the North Pole in his underwear is hilarious.
Oh wow!!! Magneto just used a EMP to shut down the world, which is actually bad, as it would kill millions of people.
Holy Crap!!! Spiderman!!!!!
Oh wow, Silver Samurai and Omega Red.
At least the Prime Sentinels have been taken down, I wonder if they will change back to humans again. I know they were in the comics but these ones are lot different.
I just love that Wolverine and Morph are drinking beer.
He's back, pretty funny that he crashes his spaceship into the mansion, making it even more destroyed.
Professor X "I hope, I'm not too late" LOL, yeah bit late yeah.
Love Morph's smiling at seeing Xavier back.
Xavier calling back his X-Men gave me goosebumps.
Can't wait for next episode and hopefully Storm will be back.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
I am obsessed with the way the two of them wanted to one up the other to see who would break while also hating that very bet because it gave them even less of an opportunity to be with each other 🥹 They are so entwined with one another. Can’t stop thinking about the way they view one another, they just want to be together it must be unbearable for them at times like this.
Some of my favorite moments!
• shiv’s cameo and dom making him flustered omg
• the friend group interrogating yoongi and asking for readers @ !
• “No one you know” like OMG he gave up trying to deny it
• yoongi’s studio friends busting out laughing cause they know he definitely is hiding someone
• reader and bros banter (it’s so funny but also sweet :,)
• everyone keeps mentioning how happy both reader and yoongi have been 😭😭😭
• the popsicle, damn reader wasn’t playing
• jimin and tae being sneaky (and considerate) per usual
• “can you taste it?” “dunno. lemme try again” DAMN 🥵
• “you bolt back home…” BACK HOME 🥺 ryen you genius
I’m in love with this drabble it was so fun to read! Now I’m thinking about what happens after that text and about Trish! (like hello new character, nice to meet you? maybe?)
all in all I think I wrote down the whole drabble as my favorite part (sorry! lol) but I would love the continuation (if you have time, you must be soooo busy!) I love this part, I love you, and I love 3tan so much 🍊🍊🍊
-bbq anon
BBQ ANONNNN i'm finally getting to respond to the one that started it all😭😭 these stubborn, competitive people istg lmfaoooo i thought it was so cute that they were on the same page in the end, though.. yoongi's pov of summer bbq is so :'))) but we'll see if i ever write it out.
LOL shiv and dom!! i can't believe we actually got an interaction out of them like that's so funny. and DUHHH like asking for the @ is so on brand for yoongi and bro's friends lol. THE FACT THAT HE DIDNT DENY ANYTHING NOW?? yeah. that should tell y'all something!
the studio guys here made me so happy. they really couldn't hide it bc they had been holding onto that info for the longest. and the sibling banter YES i can't describe how much i love them. but i keep trying. everyone mentioning their happiness (and protecting it a la vmin), too.. ugh. the fact that the sun is out but they're glowing more than ever sdlkfjskldjf (and yes, we could see more of trish!)
yeah my brain short circuited during the popsicle scene lol. there was no surviving that. and then the whole thing with reader asking yoongi if he could taste it and he. just. went in again. and then the running back "home" for another smooch GOD. they're too much for me, y'all, i can't do this!!
i'm so happy you enjoyed this, love! this was the result of you reaching out and i think so many of us are v v happy and grateful. ur brain is huge!! i'm busy as fck but the continuation is in the works🍊 i love you so much too and just wanted to thank you again for being here!
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spoilertv · 5 months
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tangowatchesjj · 1 year
Jessica Jones S1E13
Final episode!! Here we go
Are they going to discover his skin in the hospital?
"One of those." Yikes.
I love Claire.
She's seen shit like this before (Matt).
Claire and Jess are so fucking funny in the elevator.
God damn it, I just want good things for Jess.
Ohhhh through the eye, what is it with Claire and eye trauma?
"Take off your pants." "I usually like a little more romancing." "Don't we all?" I LOVE IT.
Claire talking about Matttttt.
What are you doing, Jess? He is unconscious and also was mind-controlled the whole time, you have no idea what's going on in his head.
Oh okay she's breaking my heart that's what she's doing.
Maybe don't kiss people while they're unconscious, Jess.
"Like I love you." MY HEART.
These poor random gay dudes, fuck.
Well he's not anymore. He had one (1) line in him.
Claire and Malcolm commiserating on being normal people with special friends is so funny.
She has found the alcoholic in her already, my dude.
Oh it's Jeri??? Wow I have not thought about her in a while.
THE SUDDEN MUSIC?? Holy shit I need to get this song later.
Ohh she's blocking her ears so that he can't even try to control her.
That ambush did not really work, but it was cool.
Nice landing, I love how they didn't shoot until she got up and behind a barrier.
Yep knock them all out right now... Or, stop caring about the collateral damage finally and just go for him. As you never have before.
His joy is so fucking. Horrible.
Claire talking sense into everyone is sooooo great.
He's gonna be gone when she gets back, right? Yeah.
Yes, Claire, drink his water!!
Oh it IS DA Reyes. So this is pre-DD S2.
WHY is it talking about crossing the line to villainy while pointing the camera at Trish??
Oh dear. Jessica, sweetheart, you ARE a hero.
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tori-reacts · 1 year
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Episode 29
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I can’t even imagine what must be going through Trish’s head. This whole runaway scenario is to protect her, and one of the team just died. Hopefully she doesn’t blame herself because I love seeing badass Trish.
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Ayo name reveal
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Why does the sicko need to have the stand name of one of my favorite bands???? Green Day??? Why?????
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He screams neurodivergence. Love this lil guy.
8/10 episode. Was so cool to see the origin of the arrow, but Narancia suffered a bit and it made me worried. Especially now because after Abbacchio, I feel like main character deaths are fair game from this point forward. Anyways, praying nothing happens to Narancia because he is my fave.
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beezyland · 3 years
PSA: in honor of football season and really bad insomnia I’m going to attempt to reread my fnl fic again lol
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
I just finished with all the endings of A Heist With Markiplier, and it was so good! I’m always in awe to see how creative Mark is and how amazing he and his whole team are, coming up with such big projects and working their butts off to give us such quality content. If it wasn’t enough that I always enjoy Mark’s videos, they come up with huge videos like this or A Date With Markiplier and stuff and it’s so inspiring to see what they can come up with!
Seriously, not only are they genuinly kind, funny and hardworking people, they are amazing creators as well. I could go on and on about how much I love Mark (and Amy, and Kathryn and Ethan and Tyler and Bob and Wade and just everyone involved) but I’ll just say that I enjoyed this one a lot and that I appreciate all the work and dedication they put into it :D
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bitterjellydraws · 7 years
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guess what I spent probably one whole week on just because I was like ‘ha it would be fun if Mista was Vincent and Trish was Mia’
at least I turned it into a digital painting exercise/skintones study since I had not done some in forever
don’t read into it too much it’s just a for-the-fun crossover
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karenjacksons · 3 years
An attempt at reviewing EVERY horror movie I watched in october
Truth or Dare (2017): not to be confused with the one with Lucy Hale and Landon Liboiron, although ironically they both star degrassi actors (and wow,does Ricardo Hoyos’ character suffer in this one!). I thought this was really thrilling,and tbh I was shocked to find out it’s a tv movie because it’s so gory. The ending seemed unpopular online, but tbh I loved the bordering on thelma and louise ending.
Polaroid: all in all it’s not very memorable,but tbh the plot twist about the truth about the cop and the girl who died was so heartbreaking and made me cry :(
School Spirit: apparently this is an episode of a tv show called Into The Dark,but Hulu has it as a movie. SPOILER ALERT: Farkle is the killer. i kind of laughed just because,you know,it’s Farkle,but I thought he was decent. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer: I somehow have never seen this. Now I finally know the origin of Brenda in Scary Movie…she’s clearly Brandy in this! (I loved Brandy in the movie. Happy they didn’t kill her off). Hated the ending.
Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism: literally don’t even remember this one.
Deadly Friend: LOVED this one! Kristy Swanson was so good! However, it has what has got to be one of the worst endings in cinematic history…
The Babysitter Killer Queen: the first one was way better,but it was fun. Obviously Samara Weaving’s borderlin cameo was the best part. Side note,but Jenna Ortega will always be Little Jane to me,i don’t think I can handle seeing her get killed in Scream 5 lol
Friday the 13th: Final Chapter: this one is weird because it has an iconic/amazing ending,Tommy and Trish are legends,but the parts without them…what even is the plot? They don’t even know any of the kids who get slaughtered. But again,amazing ending.
Endless Love: this is a You style horror movie and you can’t convince me otherwise. In fact,I think Penn Badgley might have taken inspiration from Martin Hewitt. Amazing movie. Friday the 13th: of course I love it and it’s a classic but SyFy’s airing butchered it! They cut out some death scenes….
Halloween Kills: YES. LOVED IT. Loved all the actors too.
The Stepfather: more of a thriller than horror. I loved it,but I think if I wrote it,I would have made it so Penn Badgley and Amber Heard’s characters were siblings rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Partially because I hated the unneeded sexy stuff,but also because it would have fit the family theme better. (Fun fact: Skyler Samuels plays his actual sister,but she’s basically an extra. I loved seeing her so young though!)
Secret Window: again,more thriller than horror. Loved Johnny Depp’s acting but the ending was….a little off.
The Exorcist 3: love George C Scott and Brad Dourif in the movie. I wish they hadnt forced the director to make it an exorcist sequel though. (random fact: my dad worked at a bar Jason Miller would always go to in Scranton and says he was mean.)
Stage Fright: LOVE IT. Hilarious. The killer is extremely easy to figure out though. Also,Ephraim Ellis (Rick Murray) is in it. (so is Dan Levy, but it’s only one line).
Untitled Horror Movie: same director as Truth or Dare,starring and written by Luke Baines who played one of the main characters in that. My only real complaint is I wish they let Claire Holt keep her accent! Also,at first I thought they were all filming in the same house, but then I realized it’s just that their houses all look very similar.
The Collingswood Story: the og unfriended from 2002. Unfortunately it’s boring as fuck.
Dracula AD 1972: sadly he’s only onscreen for 10 minutes,but I love the campy 70s vibes!
The Rage Carrie 2; I actually loved it. Things I didn’t like: killing Sue (especially since it was an accident and I highly doubt Rachel would have killed her on purpose) and the plot twist where Rachel was Carrie’s sister was way too over the top.
Dracula Has Risen From The Grave: fun but I liked Dracula 1972 way better.
Last Night In Soho: THIS MOVIE WAS EVERYTHING! i don’t want to say anything else because spoilers but SEE IT IN A THEATER!
Strait Jacket: the ending literally made me cry….Joan Crawford really was a good actress…
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guiltiest-gear · 4 years
It has to be written and NO links
Real picky you know that anon
Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Wang Chan, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Will A. Zeppeli, Straizo, Erina Pendleton, Poco, George Joestar I, Tonpetty, Dire, Jack the Ripper, Tarkus, Bruford, Dario Brando, Joseph Joestar, Rudol von Stroheim, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Kars, Esidisi, Wamuu, Santana, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Messina, Loggins, Erina Joestar, Smokey Brown, Donovan, Wired Beck, Mark, Mario Zeppeli, George Joestar II, Jotaro Kujo, Mohammed Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Iggy, DIO, Hol Horse, Enya the Hag (Enya Geil), Anne, Vanilla Ice, Nukesaku, Daniel J. D’Arby, Pet Shop, N’Doul, Mariah, Alessi, Oingo, Boingo, Anubis, Telence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Gray Fly, Impostor Captain Tennille, Forever, Devo, Rubber Soul, J. Geil, Nena, ZZ, Steely Dan, Arabia Fats, Mannish Boy, Cameo, Midler, Chaka, Khan, Josuke Higashikata, Yoshikage Kira, Koichi Hirose, Okuyasu Nijimura, Rohan Kishibe, Hayato Kawajiri, Reimi Sugimoto, Shigechi Yangu, Mikitaka Hazekura, Yukako Yamagishi, Yuya Fungami, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Tonio Trussardi, Aya Tsuji, Tomoko Higashikata, Ryohei Higashikata, Shinobu Kawajiri, Ninjimura’s Father, Yoshihiro Kira, Tama, Keicho Nijimura, Akira Otoishi, Anjuro Karagiri, Ken Oyanagi, Terunosuke Miyamoto, Masazo Kinoto, Giorno Giovanna, Diavolo, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga, Trish Una, Risotto Nero, Formaggio, Illuso, Prosciutto, Pesci, Melone, Ghiaccio, Sorbet, Gelato, Coco Jumbo, Pericolo, Vinegar Doppio, Squalo, Tiziano, Carne, Cioccolata, Secco, Polpo, Mario Zucchero, Sale, Scolippi, Jolyne Cujoh, Enrico Pucci, Hermes Costello, Weather Report, Narciso Anasui, Foo Fighters, Gwess, Irene, Annakiss, Donatello Versus, Rikiel, Ungalo, The Green Baby, Johngalli A, Sports Maxx, Miuccia Miuller, Lang Rangler, Kenzou, D an G, Guccio, Viviano Westwood, Thunder McQueen, Romeo Jisso, Perla Pucci, Loccobarocco, Gloria Costello, Johnny Joestar, Funny Valentine, Diego Brando, Gyro Zeppeli, Steven Steel, Hot Pants, Mountain Tim, Wekapipo, Pocoloco, Norisuke Higashikata I, Blackmore, Mike O., Ringo Roadagain, Axl RO, Magent Megent, Dr. Ferdinand, D-I-S-C-O, Eleven Men, Pork Pie Hat Kid, Alternate Diego Brando, Sandman, Banjamin Boom Boom, Andre Boom Boom, L. A. Boom Boom, Mrs. Robinson, Oyecomova, Sugar Mountain, Scarlet Valentine, Jesus, Gregorio Zeppeli, George Joestar I, Nicholas Joestar, Diego Brano’s Mother, Marco, Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose, Rai Mamezuku, Tooru, Joshu Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, Norisuke Higashikata IV, Daiya Higashikata, Hato Higashikata, Jobin Higashikata, Mitsuba Higashikata, Kaato Higashikata, Kyo Nijumura, Josefumi Kujo, Karera Sakunami, Holy Joestar-Kira, Tamaki Damo, Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Aisho Dainenjiyama, A. Phex Brothers, Dolomite, Urban Guerrilla, Doremifasolati Do, Poor Tim, Hair Clip Rock Animal, Wu Tomoki, Satoru Akefu, Ojiro Sasame, Suzuyo Hirose, Mioru Kaigamori, Kyoka Izumi, Nanase Kishibe, Rohan’s Grandma, Noguchi, Pierre, Gaucher, Ikkyu, Naoko Osata, Gunpei Kamafusa, Mutsukabezaka, Shuichi, Mai Katahira, Mao Katahira, Obanazawa, Tomoya, Yoma Hashimoto, Miki Hayamura, Mochizuki Family, Moon Rabbit, Virgina, Dolce, Masago Ayashi, Unicorn, Nizaemon Yamamura, Female Monk, Yamaoka, Interpreter, Leather Goods Artisan, Fria Giannini, Rocky, Yoshiki, Wanted Man, Confessional Man, Servant, Asian Man, Obese Man, Michal Absalom, The Scribe Ani, Takuma Hasumi, Chiho Futaba, Akari Hirai, Hanae Orikasa, Sheila E, Cannolo Murolo, Massimo Volpe, Vladimir Kocaqi, Vittorio Cataldi, Angelica Attanasio, Heaven Ascension DIO, Stand User, Old Man Stand User, Dija Maker, Ikuro Hashizawa, Sumire, and Walken
Star Platinum, Magician’s Red, Hermit Purple, Hierophant Green, Silver Chariot, The Fool, The World, Tower of Gray, Dark Blue Moon, Strength, Ebony Devil, Yellow Temperance, Hanged Man, Emperor, Empress, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Lovers, Sun, Death Thirteen, Judgement, High Priestess, Geb, Khnum, Tohth, Anubis, Baset, Sethan, Osiris, Horus, Atum, Tenore Sax, Cream, Holy’s Stand, Joestar Stand, Crazy Diamond, The Hand, Echoes, Heaven’s Door, Love Deluxe, Harvest, Killer Queen, Sheer Heart Attack, Bites the Dust, Aqua Necklace, Bad Company, Red Hot Chili Pepper, The Lock, Surface, Pearl Jam, Achtung Baby, Ratt, Cinderella, Atom Heart Father, Boy II Man, Earth Wind and Fire, Highway Star, Stray Cat, Super Fly, Enigma, Cheap Trick, Nijimura’s Father’s Stand, Gold Experience, Sticky Fingers, Moody Blues, Sex Pistols, Aerosmith, Purple Haze, Spice Girl, Chariot Requiem, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Black Sabbath, Soft Machine, Kraft Work, Little Feet, Man in the Mirror, Mr. President, Beach Boy, The Grateful Dead, Baby Face, White Album, Clash, Talking Head, Notorious B.I.G., Metalica, Green Day, Oasis, Rolling Stones, Sorbet & Gelato’s Stands, Resource Worker’s Stand, Stone Free, Kiss, Burning Down the House, Foo Fighters, Diver Down, Weather Report, Whitesnake, C-Moon, Made in Heaven, Goo Goo Dolls, Manhattan Transder, Highway to Hell, Marilyn Manso, Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Limp Bizkit, Survivor, Planet Waves, Dragon’s Dream, Yo-Yo Ma, Green Green Grass of Home, Jail House Lock, Bohemian Rhapsody, Sky High, Under World, Boiling Water Stand, Emporio’s Mother’s Stand, Stand Collection, Tusk, Ball Breaker, Oh! Lonesome Me, Scary Monsters, Cream Starter, Ticket to Ride, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, D4C Love Train, In a Silent Way, Hey Ya!, Tomb of the Boom 1 2 3, Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure, Wired, Mandom, Catch the Rainbow, Sugar Mountain, Tatoo You!, Tubular Bells, 20th Century Boy, Civil War, Chocolate Disco, THE WORLD, Emerald Searcher’s Stand, Soft & Wet, Paisley Park, Nut King Call, Paper Moon King, King Nothing, Speed King, Fun Fun Fun, California King Bed, Born This Way, Les Feuilles, I Am a Rock, Doobie Wah!, Love Love Deluxe, Schott Key No. 1, Schott Key No. 2, Vitamin C, Walking Heart, Milagro Man, Blue Hawaii, Doggy Style, Brain Storm, Ozon Baby, Doctor Wu, Awaking III Leaves, Wonder of U, Kaato’s Stand, Dark Mirage, Satanic Coupler, Ptah, The Book, Memory of Jet, The Cure, Public Image Limited, Joy Division, Purple Haze Distortion, Voodoo Child, All Along Watchtower, Manic Depression, Rainy Day Dream Away, Dolly Dagger, Night Bird Flying, U-Boat, Grand Blue, NYPD Blue, Blue Thunder, The Passion, Cube House, Arro Cross House, Videodrome, The Iron Ladies, Stepmom, Rear Windo, Singing in the Rain, Stray Dog, Face/Off, Blob, Evil Dead, Twister, Fugo’s Stand, Doppio’s Stand, The World Ultimate, Ultimate D4C, U-Boat Ultimate, Whitesnake Utimate, C-Moon Ultimate Requiem, Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem, Molting, Coulrophobia, Dream Manipulation, Wings, Dune, Dune Ultimate, The Trinity, Stand User’s Stand, Strange Relation, Charmy Green, Kaoru’s Stand, Love Note, Gigant Stomach, Gucci Bag Stand, Remote Distance, Berry Berry Skull, Assy the Horse, The World Over Heaven, JoJosapiens, and The Shelter
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