#love you ods yt channel
bu99erfly · 2 years
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KIM LIP ♡ (220628)
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot of appreciation for artists and writers in the community but there are so many people who wrote fantastic fan songs for mcyters and oh my god let’s do it
Spotify /// YouTube
Starting off in a fairly obvious place, a lot of people know her music from various streamers (mainly Karl’s) starting soon screens.
But I’m gonna argue she needs so much more attention as an artist because her songs SLAP I mean oh my god. I mean she has a whole album dedicated to the Dream SMP (+ honey, for tubbo) and they’re honestly some of my favourite songs atm
Spotify /// YouTube
Ode to L’manburg is such a nice song!!!! Her voice is so pretty and her songs and so soft!!!
Definitely think people should listen to her songs,, she doesn’t only do mcyt songs and she also does covers on her yt channel!!!
Spotify /// YouTube
She has a whole album dedicated to L’Manberg and it’s so good!!!
She has such a lovely soft voice and her songs are so well made,,,, I personally love Let It Burn I just,,, it’s beautiful. And Marionettes as well, her voice is just so superior. She also does covers and original songs on her yt!!
Spotify /// YouTube
All I’m saying is that you can definitely catch me jamming to I See a Dreamer
God its such a good and generally well made song, it’s so upbeat and fun and he has such a nice voice I physically cannot reccommend this song enough. He also recently released Gone Away on his yt channel which is another fantastic song,, mans never misses the mark
Amanda Fagan
Spotify /// YouTube
She produces some beautiful acoustic songs about the smp and wow!!!
Her songs are so nice and her voice is lovely, I love Monsters, i genuinely vibe to this song on the regular and I will never get tired of it. Chessboard as well is another fantastic song, and so are the rest tbh lmao.
I’m gonna leave it here for now, might do a part 2 another day
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eldritch-muck · 5 years
So there’s this thing I like (OSRy Retro-clone love from a nerdgirl)
I like getting supplements, and I likes me some rules-sets. When I picked up the Tome of Adventure Design by Matt Finch I was just planning on plundering the book for tables to generate bs for one of my games. But, something I wasn’t planning was picking up his Swords & Wizardry; it just happened for some reason. Maybe a serendipitous recommendation somewhere showing me that sweet Erol Otis cover.
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ugh...makeup please. well, i got excited so here’s what you get
At any rate, I ended up ordering S&W and reading it straight through, and loving it. It definitely re-awoke the same feel as of when I first had the Moldvay Basic Box Set in my grubby little paws and learned the strange rules of this whole roleplaying combatty explory gamething.
S&W is a smoothed out, updated Open Game License version of OD&D. I feel like it works really well as a relatively light-weight old school rpg. So do many other people from the amount of supplements and content and hacks out there. It’s now my favorite version of D&D. Although with my players clamoring for 5e, and my weird rules-kludge-Into-the-Odd-notGLOG-done-bad 0turn rules getting some play, I don’t know when I’ll be able to introduce some sweet sweet pre AD&D action to a table =\
So, in my gamery sadness, and trying to decide if I’d post something about Swords & Wizardry (Complete Rules incidentally), a YouTube thingy popped up and convinced me to just blather on about all of this: Frog God Games YT channel posted a little interview with Matt Finch. Along with some announcements for some kind of box-set and upcoming stuffs, there’s a min-interview with Matt Finch. Since I watch his YT stuff, and got excited, I blopped together a babbly post for the maybe 2 people who will look at this! You’re welcome. Now watch the video, and then get Swords & Wizardry. Unless you have a D&D you really like. Or just like some other ttrpg on general principles. Or just want like porn or art or something.
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upontheshelfreviews · 6 years
Glove and Boots Has Gone Too Far
You want to know what one of the best and often overlooked videos on Youtube is?
Glove and Boots.
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These guys are great. The puppetry is phenomenal, the humor is perfect, and I love every character. Glove and Boots has kept me and thousands entertained for years. Every new video became the highlight of my day.
Then sadly, like many undeserving channels, they got screwed over by the YouTube algorithm in 2017. They went a long hiatus to figure things out and finally returned late 2018.
Except something had changed.
In order to not be swept under the rug again, the new videos were geared towards a younger audience. It was met with the disdain you’d expect, but after a time G&B found a good balance between enticing kid viewers and entertaining the older original crowd. And those who didn’t care for the new stuff could still go back to the classic videos before the hiatus.
But something has come to my attention today.
They’ve now privatized more than half their videos.
Anything they fear might scare away viewers because it’s not “family-friendly enough” is blocked off from their loyal viewers. This includes:
All the outtake specials
The Vertical Videos PSA
The Top 10 Reasons Why We Hate Facebook
Meet Jack Woods
Back to School Bootcamp
The Pee-Wee Herman Blog
The special video they made to help one of their fans propose to his girlfriend
The Mario’s Word of the Week on “lalochezia”
The Ode to Seuss
The live gaming streams and highlights
Some of product testing episodes
Keep in mind, the few times they swear are comically censored, and apart from the Uncle Joe Stories they’ve produced virtually no offensive content. The sketches I’ve listed are just a few of the hilarious videos me and my friends have bonded over. The comedy, writing, and fun with pop culture is spot-on and I’d say most of the videos are already safe for younger audiences.
This decision also comes across as hypocritical when you realize they kept up some of the videos that skew slightly towards the older demographic, like the Game of Thrones recap and Walking Dead and Saw parodies.
THANKFULLY they are not all lost.
Virtually all of them, including the ones that haven’t been removed, are on Vimeo. I guess they figure kids and helicopter parents don’t go on there as much as Youtube. And hopefully they won’t be going anywhere/
But why take down the videos they’re overly concerned about and not even bother telling anyone? Did they think quietly removing fan favorite videos would not cause an uproar among everyone who’s stuck with them so far? Even though I’m glad Glove and Boots seems to have found their footing again when it comes to their new videos, I am very disappointed in this move. If you guys end up reading this somehow, I hope you reconsider and bring them back. Until then, I’m sharing the link to your vimeo so any new or interested viewers can find your best stuff.
And guys, if you’re that concerned about losing viewership and money, get a damn Patreon already. Everyone’s asking you to and there’s no better way to support yourselves right now. You’ve got people who would gladly throw money at you to go back to the way things were and I am one of them, so why ignore us and keep kowtowing the the fickle whims of YT’s algorithm?
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lostsummerdayz · 5 years
Lost Summer Sunbeams #2: Player Spotlight - Aria Mikado
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By Nay Holland
Hello hello! Here we are, once again, back to another episode of Sunbeams! In case you missed the first chapter, where I covered the achievements of Mr. Deezee Kujaku, please check it out!
Our second spotlight this week will focus on an esteemed player and contributor within the FGC in her own right. Coming fresh from an ambitious project that brought a portion of the community together for a combo video, here’s our Sunbeams player spotlight, Aria Mikado!
If you hadn’t already seen this awesome video, please check it out below!
This was a community combo video project that brought over twenty different contributors over the span of thirty games, nearing to the total of a hundred different combos! This thirty-minute ode to fighting games can be seen as a love letter not just to the FGC, but to all various types of fighting games as a whole. If there was a fighting game, both known and obscure, that you could think of, chances are, it was featured.
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Due to how large this project was, the end result was a clean presentation with almost professional-like quality. When I asked her if she made something like this before, she had this to say.
AM: Basically a friend of mine and I were fans of the old school combo vids done in a similar manner. They kind of fell off over time, and we kinda felt like they needed to be a thing again. We like the concept of people pushing their creativity. We like seeing the skill on display. We like seeing people bring up games that didn't really get a lot of time to shine and showing off what they're about so people can maybe get interest in them.
Having a friend push you to do your best and vice versa is one of the best qualities anyone can have, especially in the community. Then came the inevitable question. How long has Aria been invested into fighting games? 
AM: I've been playing fighting games since I was really young. The earliest one I can actively remember, like most, is Street Fighter II. I played a variety of them, though, as years went on, and I just found myself more fascinated with what was possible in those games as opposed to JUST trying to figure out how efficiently I could bat someone around, though in some ways, they go hand-in-hand. Eventually, I just wanted to take the things I could learn to try to teach people things, or at the least, to try to show people something cool, if possible.
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Exploring “what’s possible” within said games is the cornerstone for new strategies being formed. This isn’t evident not just in fighting games when you “lab” in practice mode, but in other gaming communities as well. How does this tie into bringing people from various corners of the community onto the project? 
AM: My aim with the community combo video is always to bring people from different walks of life, at differing skill levels, together to give people a chance to show what they think is cool. For a lot of people I've talked to, there's a layer of intimidation when it comes to the concept of putting themselves out there, whether it's making tutorials or exhibition videos of any sort. My HOPE for the community CMVs is that they get to express themselves alongside others, and for them to be able to say "I was part of something cool."
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AM: We also want to be able to show our love for the FGC. Fighting games have a deep history, more than what's covered by just the games you see on the main tournament stages. The community CMVs usually bring a decent bit of variety, so people get to see games they may not have even known about.
And what about being a content creator?
AM: I think there's a good deal of importance to it, honestly. Whether you're an avid content creator or a steady tournament player, supporting the scenes for the games you love is important for keeping those games, and in turn, the FGC itself, strong. There's also the factor of sharing information. I'd like to think that everyone in the FGC has their place. Content creators that make exhibition and tutorial vids can often dig out things very quickly that even some of the best players can overlook, so circulating that kind of information can be crucial to the growth of a game.
Don’t just simply mistake her as someone who exclusively theory crafts and create cool videos for the masses. She’s also naturally a fighter and a competitor herself!
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AM: The first tournament I actually went to offline is Gwinnett Brawl, in Georgia. Pretty fun tourney experience, all things considered. It was a good starting point for someone like me that has severe anxiety issues, since it was an overall smaller venue. Personal hurdles aside, though, I've attended other locals, multiple Final Round tournies, and EVO, back in 2016. All fun experiences, and I got to meet friends I've known online for years, so massive bonus there.
AM: Just getting to see how I stacked up against others in games I loved playing was interesting, with EVO being the most prominent for me. Tied for 16th in the Nitroplus Blasterz side tourney that year, knocked into losers by one of my best friends, so I can't complain about that but so much. Definitely prefer being a content creator, though. I love to teach things when and where I can, and hope to help others progress if I can.
While at the time of writing, the thrill of competition has been placed on the backburner for Aria, the passion for fighting games hadn’t wavered. Perhaps a huge part of her identity is the voice she provides to others who are like her. An inclusive voice that the FGC has always been in need of.
As someone who is LGBT and isn’t afraid to identify with who she is as an individual, Aria represents the many members of the FGC who fights for inclusiveness.
I asked her what advice she could give to someone who is in the FGC that may find it difficult to come out and embrace their identity and individuality. I also asked about the current state of the FGC with its inclusion and representation of LGBT players.
AM: I think the representation of trans and non-binary players is integral to the overall growth of the FGC. Being accepting of LGBTQ+ players as a whole is important for ANY community, but the FGC in particular has seen its share of toxicity, both in a general sense, and in regards to bigotry within the community. As we've seen, though, the FGC is also capable of some truly amazing things when we come together, so players being supportive one another, regardless of orientation, is paramount to bringing more people in the community together. 
AM: As far as LGBTQ+ people who are hesitant to embrace who they are within the FGC, it's a tough road to walk in general, so it's understandable. Coming from someone who's been through troubles herself with coming out as trans to my family, It's all the more important that you accept and represent who you are, not only for yourself, but because your courage in doing so might in turn give others the boost THEY need to move forward and accept themselves. We have to support and care for one another. The FGC can be awesome for EVERYONE, and we can, and should show that.
A powerful answer from an equally powerful person. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you’re a high level competitor or a “casual” player. If you prefer to provide content via streaming or YouTube videos. Even if you’re writing about players and the FGC in general via articles! It doesn’t matter if you’re cis or LGBTQ+. 
Everyone who is a part of the FGC is all under one roof, one community. Watching her community combo video and seeing all of us, myself and my friends included, contribute. All of us from various backgrounds, various disciplines, and various histories. We can all come together to create something beautiful if we all put our heads together.
As far as Aria goes, expect a lot of things planned from her this year! Including a new super top secret YT channel! Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions once again!
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Check her out on these platforms! Twitter Youtube
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writingwife-83 · 8 years
One od my top favorite stories is "I told you so". Now with the talk about Sherlock's YT Science of Deduction, I'd probably die happy if you ficced this hc/au! (Maybe John discovers it by accident or Sherlock starts it for Rosie educational process) *puppy dog eyes aka Sherlock's but failing miserably * :D
Wow the YouTube thing is that popular an idea lol! And…ok your puppy dog eyes and flattery worked. I’m only going to write a tiny thing right here though. Can’t come close to using all the ideas that were sent my way, but here’s one little Sherlock YT/sherlolly ficlet…
“Oh, Molly, hello,” Mrs. Hudson said sweetly as they crossed paths on the landing.
“Hi, I’m just here to help-”
“Oh he’s making one of his videos again!” She grimaced. “He won’t let me up there for hours at a time some days!”
“Yeah, I know I’m bringing him…” Molly hesitated. “Something for that.”
“Well good luck!” Mrs. Hudson waved to her and headed back to her own flat.
Molly climbed the steps and listened before knocking at Sherlock’s door. Heaven forbid she interrupt the recording process.
“Hello! I’ve got the um, skin samples,” she announced when finally swinging the door open.
“Oh excellent!” His eyes lit up. “And I’ll need an assistant as well!”
“Well…I suppose.” 
She had “assisted” a couple times before and it was a bit of a tedious process. He was all business, maybe even more so than when there wasn’t a camera on him.  Though, Molly wondered if perhaps she could help him to try something else on for size.
“Good!” Sherlock clapped his hands. “We’ll do the experiment introduction over here and then move to the kitchen for the rest.” He pulled up a chair and patted the seat, encouraging her to sit next to him.
Molly dutifully hung up her coat and scarf and took a seat, despite the fact that she hadn’t exactly planned to be in front of a camera that day. All the more reason to turn the tables on the Consulting YouTuber! 
Sherlock started his webcam recording and smiled.
“I am Sherlock Holmes and this is another edition of The Science of Deduction. We have quite a lot to cover today, so let’s get started. This is my friend and colleague Dr. Molly Hooper. She’ll be assisting today.”
“Hello!” Molly gave a grin and wave to the camera. Then she nudged him. “Sherlock, why don’t we do something fun first?”
He looked instantly frightened. “W-what are you talking about, Molly? We’re showing the viewers the effects of different chemicals on-”
“Oh I know, but I bet they want to know something fun about you! Come on, we can do the experiment right after!”
Sherlock looked back and forth from the camera to his grinning assistant. He made a move toward shutting the camera off, but then stopped and sighed.
“Right, fine. What shall we tell them?” he asked with a little head wag.
“Hm, how about how much you love to dance?” Molly bit her lip and smiled as Sherlock’s cheeks turned a little pink. She looked at the camera and pointed at him for extra emphasis.
“I rarely dance,” Sherlock attempted.
“Yes, but you’re very good!” Molly looked back at the camera again and emitted a little gasp. “Hey, why don’t you show them a little something?!”
“Oh no no, I couldn’t-”
“Oh yes, come on you should!”
“Nobody wants to see-”
“They do! I’m sure they all do!”
“Fine!” he finally growled and got up from his seat, prompting Molly to make an excited face at the camera. Though, she looked a bit different when she saw his hand reaching out towards her.
“You are the assistant today, are you not?” He raised a brow.
“Oh.” She laughed nervously. “Um…ok.” Well, she’d gotten herself into this, so she couldn’t argue about playing along.
Molly stood, and after Sherlock had turned the laptop toward the open center of the room, she aligned herself properly with Sherlock, his hands warm and strong around hers and her waist. He took his mobile out and began a classical song playing and cranked up the volume. Their feet began moving and Molly had to continually remind herself that they were being filmed. She rather wished they weren’t now, seeing as she could feel the heat pooling in her cheeks as she looked up into his eyes.
“Dr, Hooper,” Sherlock said in a low voice. “Aren’t we supposed to be entertaining the viewers? Perhaps you should see if you can recite the periodic table while keeping step?”
Molly smirked at him. Oh yes, now he was trying to get back at her now.
“I can’t do both those things at the same time. Not while you’re-” She stopped herself. “It’s just a bit difficult to do the two things at once. Different parts of the brain, you see!” She made a humorous expression at the camera, trying to continue with some sort of education for Sherlock’s sake.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to be too boring though,” he said with a mock thoughtful expression. And then he spun her out, causing a little yelp to come from her lips. 
Molly laughed as he spun her back into his arms and continued leading them around the small space. She could swear he’d pulled her in closer after that spin. 
Sherlock began rattling off some previews of the upcoming experiment they’d be doing, though the whole time he had his eyes locked to hers as their feet moved. Molly was riveted and it felt like the longer she looked at him the more fluid their movements became. She was admittedly disappointed as the music began to slow. He surprised her again though, anchoring his hand further around her back and leaning her backward into a dip, his face inches from hers.
“And that,” he murmured, finishing his thought for the viewers while still looking into her eyes. “Will be the experiment that we’ll be showing you in just a moment.”
Molly hung there, feeling weightless. She was a breath away from moving her face upward just a bit and touching her lips to his, but she also didn’t want to A) possibly make a fool of herself, and B) give him anything he’d have to edit out. Because heaven help her, she was not going to kiss Sherlock Holmes for the first time in front of the entirety of the internet. That was the recipe for media rumors to spread like wildfire!
She finally tore her eyes from his and looked toward the laptop. “We’ll take a short break and then be right back. Got to take off our dancing shoes and put on our protective gear on!”
Sherlock took the hint and finally lifted her up again and then stopped the camera. He perched his hands on his hips and smiled at her. “Happy now?”
“I am.” Her answer came out a bit breathier than she’d intended and she had to clear her throat. “I mean, it just seems like you’d get a few more viewers if you do some fun things in between the science stuff.”
He tilted his head in thought. “Well, I suppose the likes will speak for themselves.”
“Yes, I think they will,” she said with a confident little nod.
Molly smiled. “Science.”
Two days later Molly woke up to see a few texts from Sherlock waiting in her inbox. She couldn’t help but laugh as she began reading.
Molly could barely catch her breath by the time she got to the third message. But she had to smile at the fourth one though.
Molly thought for a moment and then typed her response…
IT’S A DATE. xxx -MH
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kaos-sverige · 6 years
The President Meets 'The Trump Of The Tropics'
Published on Mar 19, 2019
The White House played host to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday, the world leader known internationally as 'the Trump of the Tropics.' Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Follow "The Late Show" on Instagram HERE: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Follow "The Late Show" on Tumblr HERE: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! Click HERE: http://bit.ly/12rLxge Get new episodes of shows you love across devices the next day, stream live TV, and watch full seasons of CBS fan favorites anytime, anywhere with CBS All Access. Try it free! http://bit.ly/1OQA29B --- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the premier late night talk show on CBS, airing at 11:35pm EST, streaming online via CBS All Access, and delivered to the International Space Station on a USB drive taped to a weather balloon. Every night, viewers can expect: Comedy, humor, funny moments, witty interviews, celebrities, famous people, movie stars, bits, humorous celebrities doing bits, funny celebs, big group photos of every star from Hollywood, even the reclusive ones, plus also jokes.
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