swdgf · 2 months
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《我的一个朋友》 by 孔恰
#kongqia has the best prose of all the dnmei authors i’ve read so far imo#简明雅致又绵延 意犹未尽#以已垂暮之年的马小蛇的叙述来展开故事是个很妙的写法 从百十年后再回忆那些往事 感情就没那么撕心裂肺了 只是淡淡的怅然所失#于是读者们会如温水煮青蛙般地陷入平淡的讲述中 最后被虐得半死 尤其是结尾那段简直是神来之笔平地起雷 云淡风轻却句句锥心刻骨#explicitly or not it’s about three different unfulfilled loves: 马小蛇->丁若望->苏方宜->沈姿完 (who is dead long before the story even begins)#丁若望明知自己被算计被利用被当替身了 还是心甘情愿地给自己套上枷锁 一头扎进柔情蜜语编织的天罗地网中 往日的仗剑江湖快意恩仇再不复见#即当上武林盟主又做了朝廷大官不失为一番佳话的他至死还是对那位“沈郁”公子念念不忘#看似是苦苦一生求而不得 可他又说了那句“下一世 还要更糊涂 不让他算得那么辛苦” 或许也是求仁得仁吧#而马小蛇就更悲了 本该是主角却沦为旁观者#把一切都看得透透的却说不出走不了劝不动 只能眼睁睁看着自己心爱的人飞蛾扑火般地越陷越深 与他渐行渐远#悲就悲在当他开口讲这个故事的时候 丁若望和苏方宜的坟头上早已杂草丛生了#即便他有手段使人心不烂肉不腐 每到中秋还去他的坟前夜哭一回 人死万事休 再肝肠寸断的思念也只能永远烂在肚子里了#他从始至终没说过一个字 夜里拆招 大漠挡剑 走过长墙的时候都没说 这一辈子也不会说了#听完故事后的​天心弃说他“没有一天开心快活” 可那十年与君浪迹天涯闯荡江湖又算什么呢?#又想当年春光那样好 两个笑得得意忘形的少年走过长廊 他静静望着那个可以管上六十年的笑容 加快了脚步#也许感情这件事只不过是甘不甘心 情不情愿罢了#all that to say it was very much my kind of story ^_^#r
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la-muerta · 3 months
《也且由他》 Translation
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On 14 March 2024, 藤萍 Teng Ping-laoshi (author of Auspicious Pattern Lotus House) and 严艺丹 Yan Yidan-laoshi (music director for Mysterious Lotus Casebook, who also wrote most of the songs for the OST) posted the lyrics for a song that did not make it to recording eventually.
It's clearly written about Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua/Li Xiangyi, and I've translated the lyrics below:
"Even In This, I’ll Leave It Up To Him"
I've been on a reckless journey of a thousand miles How many times going back and forth have I asked for directions?  How many people have lost hope in the desolate fog and under the waning moon? Shoulder to shoulder, we have faced many dangers and difficulties
I didn’t understand the wind and the moon [1] even when the city was destroyed  My eyes are heavy as I stared into the darkness of the night I fulfilled my promise to meet you for our battle of life and death  By ending the delusions and obsessions [2] of love and hate Fulfilling our final farewell to each other
Here I am, my dao is weeping blood While you charged ahead alone on the quest for innocence Only on a snowy day in the crumbling ruins will I be able to meet you again I look back, and the road behind is filled with raging wind and biting cold
The path ahead is uncertain again I'm always gazing at the crows circling at sunset [3] Favours owed and resentment grow together Life is more unpredictable than death A thousand piles of snow drowns ten thousand waves [4]
Translation notes:
[1] literal translation, but 风月 also means romantic entanglements
[2] 痴嗔; referring to two of the three “poisons” in Buddhist teaching that are the cause of all mortal suffering and obstacles to enlightenment
[3] crows mate for life, at sunset they return to their nests; likely a reference to Yuan Dynasty poem 《天净沙·秋思》 describing the melancholy sound of their cries
[4] the snowfall represents inevitability, and the tides are obstacles in life
Thanks to @kingsandbastardz for sharing the lyrics!
P/S: 14 March is White Day (when guys give their partners reciprocal Valentine's Day presents) so happy V-day to DiHua nation I guess 🥲
(Image from weibo post and transcription of original Chinese text under cut)
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千里莽征途 几番来回问去路  荒烟残月下几人还凋零了期盼 并肩共度了重重危难 
城破湮灭也不知风月 眼眸沉沉望尽了黑夜  赴君一战生死约  痴嗔爱恨终结 是同奔赴了诀别 
此处有我长刀在啼血 你自去闯清白戒 残垣断壁大雪天才能与你相见 潇潇回首一路凛列
前路又茫茫  总凝望昏鸦夕阳 恩与怨共长 生比死更近于无常 千堆雪淹没万重浪 
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lilystargazerwhite · 3 months
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Chugga chugga on the phantom train!
I’ve written a bunch for her under the cut
Came up with some stuff for her:
- Unnamed, just the conductor or engine 143. In life, was killed in a train crash.
- Species: Train Phantom (I imagine she is both the apparition and the train. Maybe like a centaur.
- Ability: ability to conduct to phantom railway
- Theme: 恩知らずな生き物の刈り取り~Engine 143 (reaping the ungrateful living ~engine 143)
Spell card names:
- All aboard!!
- に帰る きさらぎ駅 (return to Kisaragi Station)
- トロッコのジレンマ (the trolley dilemma)
- L&Nはどこへ行ったのだろう? (where has the L&N gone?)
Inspired by the Folksong “Engine 143”
Basically, a train conductor got in a crash in the 1800s, which left him mangled but still alive if only for a moment. He’s inseparable from the train, like litterally. The engine is destroyed as well, and they both spiritually become one— The conductor
It’s kinda like Youmus two bodies, but they share a conscious mind and cannot be apart. The conductor will arrive at abandoned or empty stations at random times, boarding whoever gets on— live or dead, and takes them pretty much anywhere— including other worlds. She has little regard for living people and will straight turn a cow into fine paste
Other stuff:
- Train does need rails it just goes wherever. Engine is modeled after a 1858 Boston model.
- Conductor talks fast and almost gibberish at times. Seems to speak every language but doesn’t really know them, and at times will throw words in order with no meaning
- eye that’s the trains light moves with the conductors eyes
- will straight run people over
- sort of the result of a man dying for the engine he loved, after being mangled and crushed they became one in death, inseparable.
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light-end-dragon · 7 months
Acanthe - translation and EN lyrics
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✦✦Valkyrie ✦✦Enstars ✦✦
**This is not an official translation. All rights to the lyrics and characters etc. are property of Happy Elements. The only thing that is my own is the translation**
Mika: 春のParfum 誘われ目覚める
The spring perfume…invites me awake, and slowly,  I open my eyes
Shu: 愛を閉じ込めた  記憶と思い出たち
Remainders of our memories / and the love they bore are caged there within you 
Shu: 呼び起こす 命の啓蒙
Calling out your name / to wake you to life again 
Mika: 淡く騒めく
So Fleetingly I stir 
Both: 希望を知って
Is our prayer of hope heard?
Shu: 蘇れ(3)
Come back to life!
Mika: 歌声の花が舞う
Oh, how the flowers sing and dance for me 
Shu: 古の
And these faded dreams
Mika: 想いは咲き誇り
Will set their glorious blossoms free 
Shu: 香り立つ
The scent they bring
Mika: 恩寵の
Fills the air with blessings from god
Both: 雫を待ち焦がれている
And so we wait for the rainfall!
Mika: 朽ちながら
And as time forgets
Shu: 憧れと幻想を
You lay longing for the world you lost
Mika: 期待して
Let it fall on me 
Shu: 眠れるHermitage(2)  
While you sleep in your hermitage
Both: いつか 心を吹き込む口付けと
Someday, this kiss I give will lead your heart closer to me  
Mika: 永遠を
To eternity
Shu: 春のLumiere 確かな温もりは消えない
The Spring Lumiere…..this warmth I feel / It shall not fade away from me 
Mika: 硝子越し 途切れた時間を
Through the glass facade / The hourglass, I fear, is empty
Shu: 三度動かす
And thrice it starts again
Both: 出会いは運命
As the wheels of fate spin
Mika: 甦れ(3)
Wake me again
Shu: 歌声が芽吹く今
I listen to your song as it matures
Mika: 永久の
And forever on
Shu: 想いが棚引いて
Shall I let my heart endure
Mika: 馥郁と
And the fragrant rain
Shu: 輝きに
The brilliant light within
Both: 満ちた未来を夢に見る
Will fill us with the dream of ardent future
Shu: 錆び付いて
I fight back the rust-
Mika: 壊れかけた孤独に
I cry out scared and desolate for you
Shu: 寄り添って
Let me hold you close! 
Mika: ここはHermitage
Together in this hermitage
Both: いつか その身を抱きとめる腕と
Someday, you'll have the arms to reach out and hold onto me 
Shu: 永遠を
For eternity!
Shu: 巡る季節に終焉など無いと
Even if the spring and fall shall keep coming back upon thus
Mika: 物言わずとも魂が在ると
Even if my soul remains without a song to sing between us 
Shu: 伝える為に
Every time I will declare
Mika: この綻びを
Each frayed seam I will repair 
Both: そっと結び合わせて
So I finally find my way back to you
Shu: 追憶の
I reminisce 
Mika: 残り香を慈しむ
Of the petals’ dance that lingers on
Shu: いつぞやの
And how time ago 
Mika: 愛情は飾られた
Our love is what adorned this song
Shu: 傷跡も
And The scars you bear 
Both: 時代を超えてきた証
Is proof enough that all can cross over with you
Mika: 末枯れようと忘れはしない
I will not let it go even if I wilt away!
Both: 歌声が消えようと
Even if the song you sing dies out
Mika: 幾度と
Time and time again
Both: 想いが途絶えようと
Though you may forget what it's about
Shu: 与えよう春を
The spring I grant to you remains  
Mika: 繰り返す愛を
And will let love bloom once again
Both: 心を吹き込む口付けと  永遠を
I hope this kiss I send will tell your heart of me-
(1)-Acanthus is a genus of herbs/flowering plants also commonly known as "bear's breeches". Roman and Greek culture often used acanthus leaves in architecture, and the leaves have many different medicinal uses.
It is also seen as a symbol of rebirth, immortality and persistence through hardship, due to its wide habitat and perennial nature.
(2) Hermitage means a place or period of seclusion, often for religious purposes.
(3) An interesting note here is that Mika and Shu are actually using the same verb, よみがえる. Or rather, they are using verbs here that have the exact same reading and almost indistinguishable meanings.
Through some of my research and poking around though, I've found they can have subtle differences.
Both verbs have the meaning 'to be revived, to come back to life' but the version Shu uses, 蘇る, is usually used for living things like a person coming back to life/being resurrected.
However, the version Mika uses, 甦る, while meaning 'to be revived' seems to be used more for figurative concepts or things coming back to life. Like memories being recalled, a 'car coming back to life', or, a doll being repaired.
These lyrics are not a word for word translation, and are an adaptation of the original song's message, made to (pretty much) fit in with the original vocals. Again, it's my interpretation, but I wanted to keep the meaning close to what it was in Jp while coming across as what one would write in an En song.
anyway thank you for reading I shall now sink back into the bog I came from.
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Ichiro Tsuruta 鶴田一郎
Storm of Love
▪︎ 我沒有很刻意的去想念你,因為我知道,遇到了就應該感恩,路過了就需要釋懷。我只是在很多很多的小瞬間,想起你。比如一部電影,一首歌,一句歌詞,一條馬路和無數個閉上眼睛的瞬間。
— 張小嫻 《思念往昔》
▪︎ 大部分的人並不會隨著年紀愈大而變得愈好 . . . 只會變得更老而已。
— 彼得·蓋澤斯 Peter Gethers 《再見了,諾頓》 The Cat Who'll Live Forever
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
“The mountains and the rivers aren’t important, what’s important is that to find someone who understands one’s self.” - Wen Kexing’s Romantic Poetry Episode 9 aka the soulmate 知己 meta (Warrior's March 壮士行 by Bao Rong 鲍溶)
To wrap up the soulmate meta, let’s analyse the second instance when the poem appears.  
“The Warrior’s March 壮士行” was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Bao Rong 鲍溶. n his early years, he lived in seclusion in the mountains of Jiangnan.  He later then traveled around the world, making friends with Han Yu, Li Zhengfeng and Meng Jiao. He was a scholar in the fourth year of Yuanhe (809), but his career was unpromising, and he died in his hometown after a life of poverty and uncertainty.
Venus rises high in the west, the warrior dies filled with regret.  
His heart knows that kindness has been repaid.  Drinking his wine, the warrior sings the “Cold River Yi”
易水寒 Cold River Yi - This poem was written by the youxia Jing Ke 荆轲 written during the Waring States.  When he was on his way to assassinate the emperor, he sings his goodbyes to the King of Yan at the River Yi (located in Hubei.).  The same story has been referenced in the previous meta Singing for Jin Ke 咏荆轲.
The geese in the desert howl as though the world has ended.  Carrying his sword, he bids his wife and children goodbye. 
Su Wu holds the up the Tally and returns, Zhong Sheng puts his books down and rises.
苏武 Su Wu’s was a Han Dynasty minister who was was captured by the Xiongnu for 19 years.   Emperor Xuan of Han Dynasty listed him as one of the eleven meritorious ministers of the Qilin Pavilion 麒麟阁 for his integrity.  He’s often depicted in Chinese history as a symbol of loyalty despite hardship 
执节 The Tally was a form of military authorisation in ancient China.  One example would the the Tiger Tally, that was the inspiration behind MDZS’ Yin Tiger Tally/Yin Hufu.
班超:  Banchao was a famous literary figure, military man and diplomat during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was ordered to send an envoy to the Western Region and pacified more than fifty countries over thirty years, making great contributions to the return of the Western Region and promoting national integration.
The mountains and the rivers aren’t important, what’s important is that to find someone who understands one’s self.  (ie. Soulmate) 
This is a really interesting choice of poetry! 
Firstly, there are many ways 知己 Zhiji’s quoted in poetry.  It is a term used to refer to “someone who knows one’s self.”  On Baidu, it has been used at least 7 times in ancient poetry. But what’s really interesting is that both poems share the story of Jin Ke’s failed assassination attempt of Qin Shi Huang.  I felt this was a deliberate choice by SHL because 1) this line doesn’t appear in TYK and 2) it isn’t even a famous poem.  Chinese dictionaries use ancient poetries to define a term and this poem isn’t listed on it. (At least on Baidu dictionary.). In fact, I pieced the complete translation myself. LOL.  Famous works would usually have been fully interpreted and translated by Chinese literature fans, and this was only partially translated
Secondly, what’s really interesting is the vibe of this poem.   The line seems romantic at first glance when quoted on its own (The mountains and the rivers aren’t important, what’s important is that to find someone who understands one’s self.  (ie. Soulmate)), but when taken into the context of the entire line, it just simply reeks of loneliness.  Rather than proclaiming about how great their current soulmate is, the line’s actually about how one’s in anguish over their missing soulmate, and in this case, it’s over the death of their soulmate. (Ie. saying goodbye to their love ones while embarking on a doomed mission.) 
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jzlily333 · 2 months
When you step away from God's timing, you step outside of His grace.​​
Have mercy on me, so that I may regain my strength before I go away and never return (Psalm 39:13).
08/07 Bible verses
I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. (Ezekiel34: 26).​
I will make them and the surroundings of my mountain a blessing; I will cause the rain to fall in season, and blessings will fall like rain (Ezekiel 34:26).
08/07Good words of wisdom
1. People must know the limitations of human beings. When people get old, they must accept their old age; more importantly, they must understand what is enough and do what they can. When the water flows slowly, it will last longer. 
2. Human growth should be from dependence to independence, but we often make the mistake of teaching our growing children from independence to dependence.
Hymn: Love one another in Jesus
求你寬容我,使我在去而不返之先可以力量復原 (詩篇39: 13)。
I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. (Ezekiel34: 26)。  
我必使他們與我山的四圍成為福源, 我也必叫時雨落下,必有福如甘霖而降 (以西結書 34: 26)。
1. 人必須要知道人的有限性,人老了,必須服老;更要明白,什麼是適可而止,量力而為,細水長流,來日方長。
2. 人的成長應該是從依賴到獨立,但我們卻常常錯誤地把漸漸長大的孩子,又從即將獨立教成依賴。
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colorfulcockroach · 1 year
“seb,有人找。”助理在旁边招手,指了指拍摄公路旁边亮着霓虹牌子的休息站餐厅。sebastion吸了吸鼻子,下了摩托。推开门听到铃铛发出响声,可能因为潮湿的空气没有那么清脆。现在已经很晚了,没有客人,sebastion看到自己的妹妹一个人坐在角落里,桌子上印着“Old Chub”烫金泡泡字的空易拉罐已经堆了很多。
“sebby,你爱喝的。”妹妹扔了一瓶在sebastion怀里,是Oskar Blues Brewery出的新款。sebastion叩开易拉罐环喝了一口脚勾着凳子坐下。妹妹今天穿的白色碎花裙子,很好看。
休息站餐厅窗户很大,风会吹进来。看不清的灌木在窗边沙沙的响,但是sebastion知道灌木那一边就是Sunny Jim's Sea ,那里的山洞到傍晚会变成紫色,还可以看见成群的海鸟。
“Chiyako。I know。”说话了,终于。sebastion感觉嗓子也糊上了水汽,还想说点什么的时候,字母音节就已经融化在水雾里不见了。seb知道自己的声音这样听起来软绵绵的。seb讨厌自己的声音。
For the love. I'd fallen on
In the swampy August dawn
What a mischief you would bring young, darling
When the onus is not all your own
When vou're up for it before you've grown
几个月前拍「The Falcon and the Winter Soldier」的时候sebastion在布拉格呆了很长一段时间,他们都住在橘色小砖砌成的prague街区44号——剧组专门为zoom男爵这个皇族角色租借的一套别墅。Chris没有戏却大老远飞过来了。
现在没有在拍摄,但是seb要求自己一直沉浸在角色里。The endgame里chirs跳了那个该死的舞之后就不再饰演美国队长了,按剧里的���法,well,他到月球上享福去了,但是特么的自己仍然要按照MCU的要求像James Buchanan Barnes一样生活。seb现在就是恢复记忆之后被某个人残忍留在现代的可怜小鹿仔。
“OK,come on,这里没有他的戏请他出去好吗?”seb干脆直接站起来转到导演面前,另一手拽着穿着米色衬衫的chirs,把他送出了prague44号。外面有点飘着小雨,chirs还是一脸笑的任由seb把他推到门外的台阶上,黑色带一点金的短头发立刻沾上了细小的雨珠。
戏演到三分之二了,中午阳光很好的时候导演要求拍sam与bucky抢夺新美队盾牌的打戏,bucky被击中要害吐了口血,跪在了那个粘着血浆的红蓝盾牌前。seb有点恍惚,他想起曾经很多次拍Captain America系列的时候自己跪在chirs裤裆前也是这个姿势,湿漉漉地张着嘴。
seb现在又开始感到很委屈,他有点分不清是bucky barnes在委屈还是真正的sebastion stan在委屈。
每次都是这样。chirs想起在endgame结束不久seb就被叫去拍winter solider电视剧了,原因是导演想让seb一直处于创伤状态,软软呼呼的小王子被残忍的割裂撕扯成杀人武器,尘世一遭每个人都要烟熏火燎的落俗,但是chirs觉得seb也好,bucky也好,他们都像明亮透底的镜子,即使碎的四分五裂,也能从片片碎屑里倒映出自己。
安静的过了一天,seb卷着袖子在修缮房子的木板楼梯,来到时候带了很多Old Chub罐装啤酒,seb晚上没吃东西,但啤酒罐堆了一地,不过楼梯下面草丛很高,看不到歪七扭八的易拉罐,只能听到戚戚的虫鸣。
From the faun forever gone
In the towers of your honeycomb
I'd a tore your hair out just to climbback.darling
When vou're filling out vour only form
Can vou tell that it's just ceremon'
Now vou've added up to what vou're from
“我操!?Chirs Evans?你他妈…你他妈犯什么贱?”这下seb跑不了了。
seb气笑了,“那是Sunny Jim's Sea的海崖洞穴景点!我认识那边酒吧的老板!你们能不能搞清楚状况再来关心我,chirs,你能不能在乎下别人啊你这样随便放下工作跑来…”
seb花十分钟回神,梦里的救世主近在眼前,等他醒透。他要起身,享受着亲吻来势汹汹时那些纷纷情欲,最后半点心也被掏光,好像两个人都停止了流浪。chirs 说你是个坏男孩。在这样的描述中seb睫毛乱刮,从心里升起的飓风被缝进chirs星星的眼里,落地成细密的针脚。
濒临释放的时候seb看到从chirs胸口掉出来的sani项链,这是在Captain America 3宣传的时候seb送给他的,送的时候他跟chirs说这个项链上嵌了蓝色星星石头,chirs几乎整个宣传期都带着它。
后来的两人拍不同的戏chirs会偶尔寄来明信片,在一张法国坎塔布连海的明信片背面chirs说“燃烧的星星会落在海底开成珊瑚,珊瑚会亲吻海浪,我会亲吻你。 ”
两个人就都笑,随后还谈论了很多。chirs问seb最近还有没有再做噩梦,像seb刚演winter solider的时候就天天睡不好;然后seb又问chirs和chiyako的生活怎么样,两人在ins里看起来很甜蜜。chirs阴阳怪气的学seb叫chiyako的名字,说公关女友就是活在ins里的好吧,seb这是在吃飞醋。seb打了他一巴掌,回怼说自己找公关女友的那段时间也不知道是谁在破防,搞得经常大半夜喝多了打电话让seb从斯洛伐克飞回纽约,就为了从酒吧把chirs接回家。
Build our tether rain-out from vour fragment
Break the sailor's table on your sacrum
Fuck the fiercest fables
I'm with Hagen
或许有点像西语字幕的电影,这里的罗马尼亚拥有炽热与神秘,过深的美丽和寂真,seb和chirs逃离生长在任何地方的拍摄镜头,过着「Eté 85」电影里殉难之前的灿烂生活。
2018年Bucky用剩下的右臂清理瓦坎达刚生出来带着胎盘的小羊,用剩下的右臂抱住来片刻休息的罪犯captain rogers,用剩下的右臂赎罪。只是从来没有人向bucky赎罪。他坐在瓦坎达山坡上,bucky在很小的时候就看波提切利的画,所以孩子们会很大方地剪下文艺复兴部分的作品图片送给他。bucky让孩子们帮忙扎头发,一个小女孩跑过来说白狼哥哥,队长坐黑色大鸟又来看你了。
21世纪是故事的终点,战争发生的太快,好像从来都没有人说过with you till the end of the line这种话,也好像Steve rogers这个人从来没有在这个世纪里存活。世界的内核是悲剧,无神论者的供奉始终是凡间世人。
seb其实特别介意endgame的结局,以至于到后来拍电视剧的时候跟MUC编剧开玩笑说请Doctor Strange过来吧,求他开个多重宇宙把另一个时空的steve薅过来。导演一边调试拍摄的滑轨车一边笑眯眯的打官腔:“Maybe,we will see。”
来宾们坐在正对着草坪的观礼座上,seb和chirs坐在第一排,看着妹妹和她的妻子从两个方向朝花亭中间走来。她们俩站在神像前互相喊对方的名字,风扬起两个新娘子的头纱,就像山神打开魔法书念悬浮咒,所有人都会在Wingardium leviosa号令声中幸福的飞起,然后拿香槟酒杯在天上喝一口彩虹。
For the love,comes the burning young
From the liver, sweating through your tonque
Well.you're standing on my sternum
Don't you climb down darling
Oh the sermons are the first to rest
Smoke on Sundays when you're drunk and dressed
Out the hollows where the swallow nests
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cypress-leaf · 2 years
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Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson(Elementary) Victoria AU
Do not use without permission. Thanks.
And hope you will love it @nairobiwonders
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aworldforastage · 1 year
my first danmei playlist -- part 2: the classics, historical style
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[see more in this series are under the tag #my first danmei playlist]
Since modern "historical Chinese style" songs are infamous for containing incorrect traditional-style grammar, so the lyric translations are very rough ...
(links are to Mao'er/Missevan unless otherwise stated)
忘羡/"Wang Xian" by 吾恩,余夏 from 魔道祖师/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS), Season 2
原来 陈情俱是旧人 / 撩动 心事如何能避尘 And so it turns out, old feelings are all stirred up by old acquaintances; how can one remain unattached to mortal affairs
I started reading danmei novels in 2022, but I read the MDZS novel and listened to the audio drama back in 2019 after the live action came out. This is like my gateway to the danmei fandom before I fully committed to coming here.
P.S. This is also my favorite version of WangXian. I still remember looping this song in my hotel room during several work trips that fall while I was frantically editing my slide decks.
晚夜微雨问海棠/"A Nighttime drizzle over haitang flowers" by 陈亦洺 · 喧笑lirz · 镜予歌 [youtube], fan-made music for 二哈和他的白猫师尊/Husky and his White Cat Shizhun (2Ha)
念想从未消亡 / 踏断红尘不肯相忘 The desire has never faded / and cannot be forgotten even with desperate efforts
Between it's length and content warnings, I never wanted to read 2Ha, but every time I slow down to listen to this song I get so tempted. Not because it gives a better idea of what happens in 2Ha, but I just feel like it has to be really good to inspire this much creativity from its fans.
悦神/"Pleasing the Gods" by KBShinya [youtube], fan-made music for 天官赐福/Heaven Official's Blessings aka TGCF
雨中红伞探白花 华服金面高楼下 一念间 桃源已成飞沙 Red umbrella seeks white flowers in the rain, fine robes with the gold mask descend from the high towers In a single moment, paradise has become dust
I started and stopped the TGCF novel several times and didn't finish it until earlier this year, but I have been obsessed with that little melody at the beginning of this song ever since I heard it in the donghua trailer but in 2020.
天涯寻春/"Seeking far and wide for spring" by 柯暮卿, from 天涯客/Faraway Wanderers, Season 2
不过蓬蒿旧梦自在余生/懒知欢与恨 Only a humble old dream to live freely for the rest of my years / and be unaffected by joy or hatred
Faraway Wanderers is my first audiodrama (excluding MDZS in 2019). The entire "danmei ecosystem" -- authors, novels, voice actors, and musical artists -- was all so new to me back then. I remember really liking this song and looking up the artist, learning he is also the director for the drama, and a famous voice actor, and ... ooh boy I'm still in that rabbit hole today ...
把盏/"Raise a glass" by 落樱风, from 将进酒/Qiang Jin Jiu, Season 1
亦同他与天道比高 / 不负这年少 To challenge the way of the world alongside him / is not a waste of these youth years
Unlike most other titles on this list, this one didn't hook me right off the bat. I didn't truly appreciate it until after I really got into the story and understood all the references in the lyrics. After I fell in love with QJJ, I really like the feeling of this song, like it's a story slowly being retold by Xiao Chiye.
吹雪/"Flying Snow" cover by 贾诩, 梁毅, from 黄金台/The Golden Terrance, Episode 3 ending theme
风华流年/只怕今生缘浅 The best years are slipping by / I only fear we are not destined to have this lifetime together
The Golden Terrance is the first free (网配) audiodrama I listened to, and the amount of work people have put into their labour of love truly amazed me. I love this song so much I made a shortcut to it on my phone's home screen, just so I can pull it up with a single click.
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romantamsxiangshi · 2 years
Translation of Roman Tam's and Jenny Tseng's 1983 鐵血丹心 (Iron Blood, Loyal Heart) from The Legend of the Condor Heroes
Jin Yong is hailed as the finest wuxia (martial arts) novelist of modern China, and is one of the best-selling Chinese authors of all time. His hit 1957 series, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, is set in the warring Jin/Song Dynasties (early-mid 1200's), and follows three generations of the Guo and Yang families. LCH was adapted into a TV series by Hong Kong's Guangdong TV Station in 1983. The show became an international sensation, and featured the breakthrough of stars such as Barbara Yung (who played Huang Rong). My dad, who grew up in the mainland, remembers entire streets emptying when the show was running; whole neighborhoods without TVs would crowd into shops or bars to watch. Since then, LCH has been remade into myriad shows and movies, but the 1983 version is hailed as a classic of Chinese and HK cinema.
I just started watching the 1983 LCH, after a lifetime of listening to the soundtrack, and I've fallen in love with its earnest dissection of legacy, lineage, and loyalty. I'm especially wowed by the embodiment of these tensions in the relationship between Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Huang Rong--who runs away from her heretical father and cross-dresses as a beggar--is a character I relate to on such a visceral level. She rejects her own lineage/parentage, yet is desperately resentful of Guo Jing and Yang Kang for upholding theirs. She is genderqueer, in both the novel and the show (cross-dressing, refusing to be called Brother or Sister, carefully and perfectly imitating various gender roles to get attention/power). She scorns human attachment and idealism of all forms, yet is fascinated by Guo Jing's caring and principled nature.
The slowburn of her romance with Guo Jing is one of the most beautiful portrayals of queer love I've seen in Chinese media; although Guo Jing is smitten with her from the beginning (buying her meals and saying he feels like he's known her his whole life, asking her to be his sworn brother, confessing his love to her, rejecting his shifu for her, offering her both the betrothal sword given to him by Genghis Khan and the sword with Yang Kang's name), it takes her a very long time to be honest and vulnerable enough to reciprocate. Just as Guo Jing helps her believe in and act on a commitment to a greater good, Huang Rong helps him step away from the expectations placed on him since birth and realize what he really wants (which is, and I quote, to live a peaceful life of anonymity). They are the original queer girlboss/malewife power couple, and the theme song of the 1983 LCH is a duet by Roman Tam and Jenny Tseng that captures their love. This duet is the first of four in the official OST, which I will translate in the next few days.
JT: 依稀往夢似曾見 I've dreamt this only vaguely before, JT: 心內波瀾現 The sorrow that now grips my heart in waves. RT: 拋開世事斷愁怨 Let go of worldly worries. Together: 相伴到天邊 Come with me to the ends of this world. (1)
RT: 逐草四方沙漠蒼茫 We'll chase the plains; the deserts are vast. JT: 冷風吹 天蒼蒼 The wind's so cold; the sky's so blue. RT: 那懼雪霜撲面 We fear the snows; we'll face our fears. (2) JT: 藤樹 相連 All these wildernesses are but one. (3) RT: 射雕引弓塞外奔馳 I'll raise my bow to shoot; we'll ride free beyond the Great Wall. (4) JT: 猛風沙 野茫茫 These winds and sands are beastly. RT: 笑傲此生無厭倦 In this life, I wish only to smile without weariness. JT: 藤樹兩纏綿 We are but two wild things clinging to each other. (5)
JT: 應知愛意是流水 You ought to know that love is meant to flow like water. RT: 天蒼蒼 野茫茫 The sky is so blue, so vast and wild. JT: 斬不斷理還亂 Reason cannot stem what's meant to be free. (6) RT: 萬般變化 The world will always change around us. Together: 身經百劫也在心間 My body has been taught both violence and scripture (7) Together: 恩義兩難斷 Still my heart has kept its goodness. (8)
RT: 逐草四方沙漠蒼茫 We'll chase the plains; the deserts are vast. JT: 冷風吹 天蒼蒼 The wind's so cold; the sky's so blue. RT: 那懼雪霜撲面 We fear the snows; we'll face our fears. JT: 藤樹 相連 All these wildernesses are but one. RT: 射雕引弓塞外奔馳 I'll raise my bow to shoot; we'll ride free beyond the Great Wall. JT: 猛風沙 野茫茫 These winds and sands are beastly. RT: 笑傲此生無厭倦 In this life, I wish only to smile without weariness. JT: 藤樹兩纏綿 We are but two wild things clinging to each other.
JT: 應知愛意是流水 You ought to know that love is meant to flow like water. RT: 天蒼蒼 野茫茫 The sky is so blue, so vast and wild. JT: 斬不斷理還亂 Reason cannot stem what's meant to be free. RT: 萬般變化 The world has always changed around us. Together: 身經百劫也在心間 My body has been taught both violence and scripture Together: 恩義兩難斷 Still my heart has kept its goodness.
Together: 身經百劫也在心間 My body has been taught both violence and scripture Together: 恩義兩難斷 Still my heart has kept its goodness.
Translation notes:
(1) A more literal translation is, "come with me to Heaven's side," or "the edge of the sky."
(2) A more literal translation is, "why should/must we fear the snows?" I thought it sounded better as a two-part statement, when placed in relation to the two-parters above.
(3) This and (5) are one of those cases where I interpret as I translate. A literal translation of this line is, "trees and vines are all intertwined." But I chose to translate it in a way that would best match (5), as I think this metaphor is ultimately about their love, and the tension between their commitment to good and their desire to be free.
(4) A more literal translation is, "I'll bend my bow to shoot a condor." This just sounds a bit clunky--also, the "condor" in the title of LCH is disputed, given how condors aren't native to China. Although "condor" is most commonly used, a more accurate translation might be "eagle."
(5) To reference back to (3): this line translates more literally to, "two vines/trees are intertwined." However, 纏綿 also bears connotations of emotional attachment and commitment. Given this line's weight as the end of this stanza, I'm almost positive it's about Guo Jing's and Huang Rong's commitment to each other as two people who aren't/don't wish to be bound by traditional norms of gender, legacy, or patriotism. I therefore chose to give myself more creative liberty, both with "wild things," and with "clinging to each other."
(6) A more literal translation would be, "reason tries ceaselessly to cut, but still chaos remains." Given the earlier reference to flowing/free water, I thought that the object of reason's cutting would be love--fitting, as almost everyone around Guo Jing tries to dissuade him from loving Huang Rong, mainly by appealing to reason (she's not a good fit for his mission; she'll probably betray him and the country; her bloodline's bad). I think it very beautiful that chaos, love, and water are connected throughout this stanza: that the unreasonableness/irrationality of love isn't a bad thing at all.
(7) Others have translated this line to, "I have faced trials and tribulations," which sounds better in English. However, the individual characters of 身經百劫 refer to, 身 "body," 經 "endurance/scripture/holiness/tradition," and 劫 "sufferings/disasters." 劫 also has connotations of being taken by force, implying how a body that has been committed to enduring and upholding traditions/legacies is left with little agency. The use of 百 "hundred(s)" in this phrase also refers to the multitude and duration of these things--I therefore translated the line to include "know," a verb that implies a process of learning (quite literal, when it comes to the martial arts) and the duration of said process.
(8) 恩 "gratitude"/"loyalty" and 義 "righteousness"/"commitment to good" are both concepts Guo Jing is praised for, and are commonly found in Chinese classics as standards for good children. As much as Huang Rong helps Guo Jing grow away from the immense expectations of revenge/patriotism, I still think his arc is about finding what these things mean to him--whether that is refusing to kill (it's Huang Rong who kills Yang Kang, Guo Jing's fated enemy), or throwing caution to the wind to care for Huang Rong and those close to him. I therefore chose "goodness" as a more general term--one that doesn't carry the connotations of parental/generational/cultural expectation, but is still very Guo Jing.
In general, I think this translation is less faithful than my others--mainly because I feel so strongly about the love between Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and will therefore take as many creative liberties as possible for others to understand why.
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kennak · 1 year
CHEMISTRYや、近年では松下洸平のソロ再デビューも手がけていた 音楽プロデューサーの松尾潔氏がツイッターでスマイルカンパニーの退社を発表。 ここ数ヶ月、激震の続いているジャニー喜多川のセクハラの件について メディアで言及したことを問題視され、契約が途中終了になったとのこと。 会社の方針は、同じスマイルカンパニー所属で先輩にあたる山下達郎も同意だったと書き添えたことで Twitterのトレンドにも達郎の名前が踊っている。 基本的にメディアには顔を出さない達郎が、新作リリース以外でこれほど世間を騒がせることは シュガーベイブ時代からファンを続けている私にも記憶がない。 22時現在、はてなブックマークでもこのニュースがホットエントリー入りし現在トップに表示されている。 コメント欄には「失望した」との声が溢れかえり、黙々と音楽に打ち込んできた達郎にとっては 初めての炎上と言えるかも知れない。 と、私が擁護するつもりだなと思ったら大間違い。 私は達郎の音楽をかれこれ40年ほど聴き続けているが、達郎の人間性は全く好きではない。 作品と人格は別だと言い聞かせて現在に至る。 達郎の音楽人としての経歴を語る上で外すことのできない人物が スマイルカンパニーの元代表取締役である小杉理宇造氏だろう。 1975年にRVCに入社した頃に達郎と出会い、当時はまだほとんど無かった海外レコーディングを実現させた。 (小杉氏がジャニー喜多川氏と知り合ったのもこの頃) その後、アルファの村井邦彦氏らの支援を受けてアルファ・ムーンを設立。 ワーナーミュージック・ジャパンの代表取締役会長を経て 1984年にスマイルカンパニーの代表取締役社長に就任した。 小杉氏の進む道には常に達郎がおり、達郎の音楽人生には常に小杉氏がいた。 2003年には1970年代から30年以上親交のあるジャニー喜多川の依頼を受けて ジャニーズエンタテイメントの代表取締役社長に就任。 近藤真彦、少年隊、Kinki Kids、嵐、木村拓哉と、達郎がジャニーズのタレントに積極的に 楽曲提供しているのは、小杉氏がジャニー喜多川と親交があり 同時に自身のデビュー以降、ずっと支え続けてくれた大恩人であるからに他ならない。 山下達郎は、何かにつけて「自分はサラリーマンである」と発言している。 アーティストなどというそんなお偉いものではない、という謙遜と 町工場などで働く市井の人々こそが最も尊いのだとする信念からの言葉なのだが 同時に「上司の言うことは絶対。だからこの期間で何枚出せといわれれば ノルマ達成のために全力を尽くすのがサラリーマンの務め」だとも語っている。 近藤真彦の元担当ディレクターだった小杉氏は、達郎の所属先のトップでもあった。 小杉氏が近藤と恋仲にあった中森明菜を徹底的に潰すために暗躍した張本人のように語り継がれているが、 これについては都市伝説的な面もあり、いくらかは尾ひれもあるに違いない。 (こちらの記事が、当時の出来事について最もわかりやすく経緯がまとめられている) ただ、竹内まりやのベストアルバムに、中森明菜に楽曲提供した「駅」のセルフカバーが収録された時に、 そのアルバムのライナーノーツを手掛けた達郎が明菜のことを思い切り腐していたのは まりやのプロデューサーとしてと、小杉氏への忠誠心とか半々ぐらいで書いたのだろうと今でも思っている。 冒頭に戻って、松尾氏の件についても、おそらく達郎は忠誠を誓った小杉氏の思いを汲み取り、 スマイルカンパニーに所属するいちサラリーマンのポジションから 会社の方針に逆らうのであれば退社も止むなしと同意しただけで、それ以上の考えはないのではないか。 中森明菜の自殺未遂は既に30年以上昔(1989年)の話なので そこを飛び越えて今回の件を知った人は「失望した」と書いているのだろうが 私から見ればむしろ平常運転であり、「山下達郎は元々こういう人ですよ」としか言えない。 竹内まりやの「今夜はHearty Party」では木村が冒頭「ねぇ、パーティへおいでよ」と囁き 後半の歌詞には「キムタクさえも霞むような男」というフレーズが出てくる。 嵐の「復活LOVE」は作詞が竹内まりやで、作曲が山下達郎である。 Kinki Kidsの周年記念曲でも、木村拓哉のソロアルバムにも達郎は楽曲提供をしている。 偉大なアーティストであると同時に、夫婦揃ってジャニーズのお抱え作曲家のような側面を持っていることは 近藤真彦の「ハイティーン・ブギ」で、当時達郎の弟子のようなポジションだった EPOがコーラスをしていた頃から感じていた。 それはそれで、もう割り切るしかない。 達郎はサラリーマンで、まりやはサラリーマンの嫁なのだ。 でなければ、あれほどミュージシャンの能力について厳しい評価を下す達郎が ●(自粛)や■(自粛)の歌唱力を絶賛するはずがないじゃないか。 松尾氏にしても、今回BBCが記事にして大々的に騒ぎ始めるまで、 トップからジャニーズべったりのスマイルカンパニーに所属していていながら、 そのことを知らなかったはずはない。知っていて黙認してきたはずなのだ。 ジャニーズが泥舟と化した今、我先にと飛び降りる人もいれば 世話になったのだから世間がどうであろうと最後までここに残るぞと決意を固める人もいる。 それだけのことではないかと、私は思っている。
2023年7月2週発売の新作、山下達郎の旧譜再販と、にわかに燃えている松尾潔の件 - 忍之閻魔帳
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kumako942 · 1 year
Feeling that the translation would change the meaning of the article, he continued to use Chinese and explained some of the love between Hongou and Nijisakii, which caused Kubota pain.
第二天 虹崎没有来上班,洼田也没有来上班。
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Listen to A playlist - 穩定的魅力 The enchantment of stability by chu-lan-maria on #SoundCloud ♫ ◠‿◠ hope you’ll like it. 🙏 Thanks for all musicians 🫶 Lan~*
“你身上的某些東西讓我平靜。 對我而言你一直有份力量—— 一部分的你是種安撫,另一部分則使我害怕。 我怎麼會厭煩呢? 我永遠不會對此感到厭煩。
Something in you pacifies me. You’ve always had that power over me – part of you pacifies, another terrifies. How do I get sick of that? I will never get sick of that.”
─ Henry Miller, from a letter to Anaïs Nin featured in A Literate Passion: Letters Of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller (1932 - 1953)  亨利·米勒,20世紀美國乃至全球最重要的作家之一,富有個性又極具爭議的文學大師。摘自《文學激情:阿內絲尼恩和亨利·米勒的來信》(1932 - 1953)中寫給阿娜伊斯·寧的一封信
PS. 關於西方現代文學首位情色女作家- Anais Nin 阿內絲尼恩 (1903-1977)  ,她並不完美,卻始終活躍在自己的領域,有著自己的特色,當然她依然拒絕隨波逐流,堅持活出自己想要的模樣。1903年出生的她,父親是著名的西班牙音樂家Joaquin Nin,而母親則是法國歌唱家Rosa Culmell。擁有古巴、西班牙血統的法裔美籍女作家,並以情色文學與日記體而聞名。~《阿內絲尼恩日記》(The Diary of Anaïs Nin)這本分為7卷的寫作,純是日記手稿的形式就約有35000頁。而日記內容本身沒有連貫的劇情或場景,大多也是片斷式的書信或對話。在不停的揣測與思考裡,Nin許是下意識地寫出了女性對性慾的渴求及敏感,同時她堅持按照著自己的道德準則來撰寫故事。
"我們寫作是為了再度回味人生,體驗當下並憶起過往。 We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
– Anais Nin 阿內絲尼恩
and Part of her life in 1923年,她與雕刻師和製片人Hugo Guiler結婚,兩人定居在紐約的皇后區。翌年,Nin跟著Guiler到法國巴黎。在修讀心理學的同時,她認識了美國知名作家Henry Miller,後來更發展出一段婚外戀。你可以去看電影《情迷六月花》(Henry & June),會對這段「四角戀」有不同的體認。HENRY AND JUNE Trailer Video via Youtube/EthanPopov 
(PS. I don't own any music and songs right, I just make the playlist for listening easily and enjoy all musicians your works and love to share it only. all copyright belongs to musician & singer. If you want me do delete yours from the playlist, please tell me then I will do it. Blessings! Thanks! Lan~*)
● Photo : "yukiko-6 - Self Portrait March 5, 2018" 
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keredomo · 1 year
 33歳になる。  32歳になった時に書き綴った「帝国」という文章を読み返してみて、そこに迸る生きる意志の強さにおののいた。  いくつもの記事に繰り返し書いてきたが、32歳になった昨年の6月4日にはじまる1年間で、人生を深く深く傷つける出来事がいくつもいくつもいくつも、死なずにいたのが不思議なくらいいくつも生じ、友人たちの力添えや化学物質の支えで手当てしながらなんとか生に前向きになろうと試みたけれど、私にはもう「帝国」のようなものは書けない。闊歩と称せるような歩き方はできない。茫然と、背を丸めて突っ立っている。  こんなところで折り返してしまった。あとはもう、持っているものを削って捏ね、また削って捏ね、その繰り返しにすぎない。私の存在が消尽してしまうまでやって、なくなったら終わり。ほんとうはその時を待つのも苦痛きわまりないのだが、いっぱい削れば早く終わるでしょう。がんばっていっぱい削ります。
 誕生日には毎年、リルケやブレイクのような「ほとんど永遠になれた人たち」の本を読むようにしていたが、今年はそれを選ぶ気力もない。できればユルスナールかウルフを、と思っていたが、けっきょく手に取ることもできなかった。  それでも何か一つでも、と思って、去年の誕生日に親友の一人が贈ってくれた英語の詩を読み返していいかげんに訳した。
One night I dreamed a dream. I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord. When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma. "Lord, you told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don't understand why, when I needed you most, You leave me." He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you."
ある夜、私はこんな夢を見た。 私は主と連れ立って浜を歩い���いた。 闇夜には私のこれまでの人生の光景がちかちかと閃いている。 それらの光景は、砂に刻まれた二つの足跡を照らし出した。 一つは私の、もう一つは主の。二人の、二つの足跡。 最後に私の生の光景が空に閃き、私の目の前で光ったとき、 私はいきおい振り返って、砂に残る足跡を見た。 そこに残っている足跡は、たった一つだけだった。 最後のそれは、この人生でもっとも辛く、もっとも悲しい瞬間を映していた。 この記憶が、いつだって私の心を乱すのだ。わたしは主に訊ねた。 「主よ、私があなたを信じることを誓ったとき、 あなたは私に、常に私と共にあろうと語ってくださった。 なのに、私がもっとも苦しかった時、そこには私の足跡しかなかった。 主よ、どうして、私がもっともあなたを必要としていた時に、 私を一人にしたのです。私はただ、理由が知りたい」 彼は囁く。「私の愛しい子よ、私はあなたを愛している。 あなたが苦しんでいる時、あなたが励もうとする時、 私は決して、あなたを置き去りにしたことなどなかった。 これからもあなたを一人にすることはない。 あなたが振り返って、足跡が一つしか見つからない時、 それは、私があなたを背負って歩いているからだ」
 去年の32歳の誕生日に初めてこれを読んだ時、恥ずかしながら、そこに意図されているメッセージを汲み取ることはできなかった。まあ、それもそのはず、当時の私は王として私の世界に君臨しようとしていたのだから。あの時のエネルギーは根こそぎ世界に奪われてしまったが。  予言であったかのごとく、その後、私はこの詩の書き手が受け取るような「もっとも辛く、もっとも悲しい最後の光景」に見舞われ、自分の足のみでは立っていられないような日々を過ごしたわけです。つら~。これってもしかしてフラッシュバックの詩? 死ぬほどつらい時のことって永遠にフラバするし、その時に感じた孤独ってどんどんその後の命を削るよね。わかる~。どんどん削るんだよ。その傷からは一生逃れられない。その傷が余命を確実に縮めていく。  まあこの詩は「主」からのアンサーを得て救済を受けていて(作者よかったね、がんばったね)、わざわざ多くを語ることも無粋なのでしませんが、辛くて死にそうな時に実は人に背負われているっていうのはこの一年を通して実感としてわかりました。最初読んだ時「主、マジ恩着せがましいな」とか思ってゴメンね。
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jzlily333 · 3 months
Rest is to stop struggling, to stop trying to find your own way. Rest is trusting in God’s grace and trusting that He has provision for all things.​​
For he who enters rest has rested from his own works, just as God rested from his. Therefore, we must strive to enter that rest (Hebrews 4:10-11).
07/11 Bible verses
Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul. (Psalms 143: 8)
Give me to hear your loving words in the morning, for I trust in you; make me know the way to go, for my heart lifts up to you (Psalm 143:8).
07/11Good words of wisdom
1. There is no so-called failure in life. Setbacks are just life asking you to change direction, and setbacks are the accumulation of energy for success.
2. Don’t just look at the surface of everything, because there must be a cause on the surface of an event, and there must be a related context between cause and effect. It is impossible to truly grasp the outline of the view by looking at the performance alone.
Hymn: My soul is at rest
因為那進入安息的,乃是歇了自己的工,正如神歇了他的工一樣。所以,我們務必竭力進入那安息 (希伯來書4: 10-11)。
Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul.  (Psalms 143: 8)      
求你使我清晨得聽你慈愛之言,因我倚靠你;求你使我知道當行的路,因我的心仰望你 (詩篇143: 8)。
1. 人生沒有所謂的失敗,挫折只是生命要你轉個方向,挫折更是蓄積成功的能量。
2. 凡事不可單看表面,因為事件的表面必有動因,因與果間必有相關脈絡,單看表現無法確實掌握是見的輪廓。
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