#lovely: hey vince could you grab the salt please?
sri-rachaa · 2 years
One of the small detail about the Southern Sibling HC besides the obvious fact about Sam/Lovely being from the same place is that Lovely would also have the same accent as Sam…
I also like to think that Sam coined the word ‘Darlin’’ from his mom, which means lovely likely also picked it up from her…
Imagine Lovely nonchalantly calling Vincent ‘Darlin’ for the first time.
This man would melt.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - When Lovely meets Angel
Summary: When the boyfriends are away, their partners try their best to be functioning members of society. Spoiler alert: they failed. 
Tw: [Mentions of Adam], [Profanity] and [Very, very brief mention of drugs. Like, half a sentence]
I shared this oneshot in the Discord server and I thought to share it here too before uploading it on AO3 later this weekend. 
You smile as your eyes do their best to track Vincent’s every move. Your head spins as your boyfriend flits from one room to another, never pausing for even a second. His duffel bag is lying beside you on the couch, gradually full of clothes, toiletries and other travelling necessities as he chucks them in Mach speed. 
You pick up the clothes that didn’t make it into the bag. You fold them nicely before placing them in with the rest. 
“Alright, I’ve stocked up the pantry to last at least for a few weeks, b-but I’ll be back by Sunday so don’t worry.” The blur that was Vincent said as he ran from their shared bedroom to the kitchen. With a fond shake of your head, you observe the Vampire made one last round. 
Letting Vincent fuss is your way of helping him calm down. And sure enough, it only takes a few minutes until your boyfriend is satisfied with the apartment - from the wards that he erected to the well-stocked kitchen and rows of laundry detergents. With the way he prepared for his departure, you couldn’t help but want to remind Vincent that he’ll only be leaving for three days; not three months. 
“Do you have Alexis’ number, Lovely? Sam’s?” Vincent asks - again - in concern as he pad towards you and the duffel bag. “Hang on, I’ll forward them to you now -” 
You grab his hand before he could reach for his phone and force him to sit beside you on the couch. You peck him on the cheek to startle him. No matter how many times you’ve done this; Vincent always reacts the same. Startled with a tinge of red dusting his pale cheeks. A simple kiss is enough to leave him speechless and it never fails to make your heart skip a beat at how precious he is. 
“Yes, you gave them to me this morning. I have their numbers on speed dial for any emergency of the Adam kind.” You easily assure him, only to backtrack quickly when you see how wide his eyes went. Oh yikes, bad move! Bad move! “N-Not that there will be any problem! Haha! I mean, you’re only going away with Will for three days, right? I can hold the fort, don’t worry!” 
Vincent bit his lower lip, still hesitant. “I wish I didn’t have to go, Lovely. It hurts to be away from you…” His head tilts down and holds your hand tight, yet always mindful of his Supernatural strength. “Sometimes… sometimes I could still see you in Adam’s arms, so pale and sick… your blood on his mouth - ”
“Hey, hey, Vince? Look at me please.” You gently tilt his chin using your hand that wasn’t captured by your worrisome boyfriend. You made sure to properly look him in the eyes before smiling softly. “You got me in time and for that? I’m forever grateful, but that’s in the past, OK? I’m here now with you! We both have been making good progress at D.A.M.N so that has to count for something, yeah? We’re both stronger than we were before.” 
That earns a tiny smile from Vincent and you mentally cheer in victory. “You always know what to say, huh, Lovely? And yeah, we’re pretty badass now, huh? A Vampire and an Electro Energetic? We’ll conquer this city in less than a month.” He joked. 
You try to picture it: you and Vincent - the King and Queen of Dahlia. The first thing you would do is declare PJ Friday - where everyone must wear PJs every Friday and those that wear the silliest PJs get brownie points. Collect enough of them and they’ll get a free meal in the most expensive restaurant Dahlia has to offer. Vincent can handle the boring stuff like, governing and health care. 
...Now that’s a thought; Vincent as a politician. 
Ah wait - Will would probably be disappointed in them if they tried to do a hostile takeover of this city and you couldn’t bear to disappoint him. After all, no one can pull off the perfect sad dad look other than Vincent’s Sire. Not even your own dad! 
“ - Lovely? Uh, Earth to Lovely? You there?” 
Vincent’s warm voice broke you off from your mad train of thoughts. You flash a sheepish grin when he realised that you haven’t paid a single word he said. Vincent wants to appear annoyed but his lips are twitching, as if he’s holding back from laughing at the dumbfounded expression on your face. 
“Sorry, babe. I spaced out because Will was disappointed in us.”  
“...What? Will? Lovely, what the - ”
“Anyway, don’t worry about me.” You quickly interject before you have to explain yourself. “You got me food, Alexis’ and Sam’s numbers are on my speed dial and my powers have been growing nicely over the last few classes. I got this; you got this.” To seal the deal you added, “And I promise to call you twice a day; in the morning and before I go to bed. Sounds good?” 
That finally assured Vincent. The tension melts away from his taunt shoulders and when he kisses you, it’s slow and sweet. You would’ve loved to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him on top of you and turn this into something more, but Will would surely call him if Vincent is late. 
Vincent moans when you pull away; disappointed and slightly frustrated. “Easy there, Vince. I’ll make sure to give you a very warm welcome when you get back.” You purr, loving how his eyes lid at your promise. 
But alas, as much as you love to drag Vincent to the bedroom, work comes first. So you allow Vincent to fuss around a little more before he slings the duffel bag over one shoulder, kisses you goodbye and leaves. 
Now, you planned this. You have a whole itinerary in your head for the days that Vincent is on a business trip with the King of the Solaire Clan. Assignments that need to be done, Despacito to learn on the piano (neither of them knew why Alexis dropped off an upright piano in their apartment on a random ass Wednesday night and when asked, she just cackled before pulling off a Batman and vanished into the night. So Vincent gave up trying to pester the answer out of her. You still think it’s some sort of an elaborate prank), boba pizza to cook for dinner tomorrow and a list of video games to pre-order so really, you would be so busy for the upcoming days that you wouldn’t even have the time to miss Vincent. 
If you repeat that long enough, you hope that’ll become true. 
Glancing at the clock hanging on the living room wall, you sigh at the time.10.30 PM. A little early to get ready for bed but hey, it’s not like there’s anything else that you want to do now. 
With little fanfare, you make sure that the apartment is locked and secure, switch off the lights before heading to the bedroom for your nightly ablutions.
Ok, that part about the itinerary? Yeah, that’s completely out of the window the moment you wake up missing Vincent’s arms around you. 
The gentle and warm sun rays pierce through the sheer curtains, promising a bright day ahead of you, but all you could think about is the space in this bedroom. Was the bed always this big? Was the bedroom always this quiet? Those questions rattled in your brain and it really doesn’t help that you can smell Vincent’s faint cologne lingered on the pillows. Soothing vanilla that never fails to clear your mind as opposed to sandalwood and bergamot. Vincent once claimed that the scent is too fancy for someone like him. 
Right now though? His cologne sends a pang of longing in your heart in his absence, and it’s only the first day! 
“I can’t stay here.” You decided out loud when the tangle of sleepiness ebbed away. Kicking the thick duvet off your body, you stomp to the bathroom to shower, dress up and quickly leave the apartment with nothing but your phone and backpack. 
You didn’t want to return to an empty apartment, so what better than walking around the city to distract yourself? Grab some breakfast at a new cafe, maybe do some window shopping afterwards… yeah, that sounds way better than anything you’ve planned before. 
Joggers pass you by as you walk through the park and the city slowly comes back to life. People are out and about, going through their monotonous day. Some are catching the bus, others are like her, eager to find something to eat. 
You recall that your classmate mentioned that they and someone named Damien found a Taiwanese bakery/cafe that recently opened up near the city’s library; a quaint little shop, squeezed between a hardware shop and a health & beauty care chain store. You can still remember how their eyes lit up as they excitedly described the brioche and the strawberry tiramisu they ate with vivid details. 
So that’s where you’re headed off to now. 
Apparently, the bakery is closer than you thought when you cut corners and jump through the shortcuts. Being born and raised here in Dahlia like so many others, you knew this city like the back of your hand. Though the existence of Shifters, Vampires, Daemons and more were a slap in the face to you.
Oh, that reminds you, be sure to ask Vincent if the Vampires have anything similar to Fangtasia here in this city. 
The bell above the door chimes when you enter the bakery. The sign outside says ‘OPEN’ but since it’s still quite early in the morning, you and a couple sitting at a table near the corner are the only customers currently. Manning behind the cashier is a young woman and her co-worker setting up freshly baked goods behind the display glass. 
You made a beeline to the counter. 
“Good morning. Uh, can I please have one sea salt coffee - regular size - one red bean mooncake and, umm…” You paused to scan the menu laid before you. “And a marble taro.” 
There. That's sort of a healthy breakfast, right? 
The young woman hardly bats an eye at your order. She drawl out the total amount of your food and drink to which you hand her some cash before choosing a table beside the large window so you could see the city and her people go about their lives. The scent of freshly baked pastries, hot chocolates and brewed coffees wash over you pleasantly. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if Vincent would love this place as much as you do… 
The cashier came over with a tray of your order before your musing could spiral down further. You thank her, snap a picture of your food and coffee for Vincent before enjoying your breakfast. It’s a perfect morning, well, almost a perfect morning… 
Halfway through your coffee, your phone vibrates. Vincent had texted back: 
‘Looks delish, Lovely! Make sure to finish your meal, OK? My flight was a nightmare - I’ll spare you the details - but Will and I reached the airport safely. I’ll call you soon, Lovely. I love you, always.’ 
Vincent’s text helps to fill his absence, somewhat. You polish off the last bit of your coffee and exhale loudly; there’s no use moping around. Adventure awaits! After all, there’s never a dull day here in Dahlia. For all you know, something is right around the corner just for you! 
Tummy warm and full, you bask in the morning light for a few more minutes before exiting the bakery. 
...And promptly collide with a walking furnace. Because seriously, the moment your chest hits them, it feels as if their body heat lunges at you.
“Ow!” You fell and landed hard on your ass. Whoever had the misfortune to collide against you, they were a tad taller and seemed to be in a rush to be able to hit you with an impact. 
“Oh fuck! I’m so so sorry! Are you alright!? I ran too fast because I always missed out on their marble taros! Oh gosh, oh gosh; can you hear me? Shit, I really hope I didn’t hurt you too badly…” The stranger rambled worriedly. 
“I-I’m fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me.” You assured them and gladly grabbed the offered hand. They gently pull you up from the pavement. 
“You sure? I can take you to the hospital right now if you want!” They pressed on, eyes checking for any sign of injuries on your body. “Just after I buy my pastries though.” 
You didn’t expect the blatant honesty; the idea that some loaves of bread are this person's top priorities crack you up. You couldn’t help it, so you burst out a giggle. 
“I’m good, I’m good; don’t worry.” You hiccup and wipe a stray tear from the corner of your right eye. You can’t believe this. “Go get your bread and oh, for the record? I totally get why you rush here. Their marble taro is really something else. You better hurry up; I heard the cashier said they’ll be making the last batch for the day.”
You smirk when the walking furnace’s eyes widen in horror. They darted into the bakery without a single word. The bell chimes loudly when they rush to yank the door and scramble towards the counter.
Just for the fuck of it, you lean against the window and decide to wait. Snippets of frantic conversation can be heard inside and it wasn’t long before the bell tinkle once more. 
The stranger that bumped into you pout, clutching a huge paper bag of pastries close to their chest as if they feared you would snatch it. “You lied.” 
“Shocker, I know.” You tease and then you feel your blood froze despite the warm morning. You suddenly recalled where and from whom you heard those words before and quickly stomped the image out of your head. 
“Uh, dude? Are you sure you’re alright? You look super pale.” The stranger narrowed their eyes on you. Despite the blatant concern on their face and how genuinely friendly and cheerful their voice is, you get the feeling that they’re trying to pull you apart by the seams to see if you would lie or not. 
So you opt for the honest option. “I will be.” You assured them. “Just some… bad memories pop up.” 
“Huh, well that sucks.” They glance at the bag of pastries for a moment, silent and contemplating. They then thrust it practically in your face before you could do so much as flinch. “You want some? Food always helps me feel good when I’m sad.” 
The loaves of bread smelled really good but for the second time, you giggled. “No, no, I’m full. Thank you though; that’s very kind of you to offer.” 
“It’s only the right thing to do.” They reply with an easy shrug. You get the feeling that the stranger’s kindness is something remarkable. “The name is -” 
Across the street, a truck driver pressed the horn when the car in front of him refused to budge despite the traffic lights having switched from red to green for ten minutes now.
“ - but you can call me Angel; all my friends do. Now that we’ve bumped into one another, your destiny just altered. Our fates will forever be intertwined once you give me your name.” 
Oh, you like where this is going.
“I’m - ” The driver in front of the truck kicked open his door and proceeded to shout at the truck driver. A line of cars gradually formed behind the vehicle and horns began to blare as a brawl broke out in the middle of the road. “ - nice to meet you!” 
“A lovely name…” Here your new friend - Angel - trailed off, their eyes appraising your body. “For a lovely soul. Lovely. Huh. Can I call you that?” 
Gorgeous, brimming with moxie mix with a spoonful of friendly flirting? Oh, you like them more and more by the second. 
Also, you idly wondered if there’s some weird magic attached to your name or else this is going to be a pattern every time you introduce yourself. 
“Sure.” You answered, and the two of you shook hands. 
“Say… who do you think would win? Godzilla or King Kong?” 
“Psh, is that even a question? Godzilla, obviously. He’s the king of monsters for a reason! And grandpa got his Atomic Breath; what does Kong even have?” 
“You. I like you. I have a feeling that this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.” 
When there’s no escaping from Angel’s octopus arm of love and friendship around your shoulders, you let yourself be swept away. 
“So you’re an Electro Energetic?” 
“Got any plans on what you’re going to be in the future?” 
“To shed my mortal body and transform into King Ghidorah.”
“...Can I be the left head?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that. We need the right head, though.” 
“I’ll give my friend a call; they’re a Freelancer studying at D.A.M.N too. Maybe you’ve seen them around?”
“Wait - you said your boyfriend is a Vampire?”
“He’s more of a dork than a Vampire, but yeah.”
“Cool, cool. Hey, my boyfriend is a Werewolf. Do you know what this means?” 
“...Twilight marathon?” 
“Twilight marathon! We have to do it. Let’s go, Lovely; you’re going to crash at my place for the best movie night of your life!” 
“I’ll grab some food and drinks from my place. Will be there in twenty minutes.” 
“This is the third time I’ve watched these movies and I think they just got worse over the years.” You complained, chugging down your fourth can of Red Bull. You don’t drink, so you wondered if this is how it feels like to slowly go drunk. Or high. 
You’re in your sleep wear - a simple black shorts and one of Vincent’s t-shirts. Exhausted, stomach bloated with snacks; you feel like shit. Your body is seconds away from saying fuck it and crash down. 
And yet you’ve never felt so alive before. 
The time on your phone says it's 3.23 AM; you and Angel slough through the first two movies and now finally, the end credits for Eclipse roll down on the TV screen. Angel lives with their boyfriend - who was on a business trip, coincidentally - in a very homely apartment. When you first entered, you could tell just what sort of couple they are. 
The place looks as if a small tornado tried to turn the apartment upside down but was fended off just barely - little knick knacks such as rainbow beaded bracelets were carelessly thrown on the kitchen counter behind a microwave, a crop top with printed bongo cats floating within a glittered galaxy is drape over a dining chair, three heart-shaped balloons knock against one another from the living room’s ceiling and for some reason, the USB stereo is on the floor playing Black Pink’s Pretty Savage. 
The other half of the apartment - the more organised side - are filled with neatly shelved books of all genres, an untouched bowl of fruits are on the coffee table and most of the expensive-looking dishes and silverwares are displayed behind a glass cabinet. Those were probably gifts from family and friends. 
You spend an entire day here, engaging in stupid but fun conversations with Angel, painted each others’ nails and even shop online for the sluttiest outfit that you two could find just for the hell of it before binge-watching the entire Twilight series. 
Unlike you, however, Angel is buzzing around like a hyperactive bunny on crackhead energy. Halfway through New Moon, she busted out stacks of colourful sticky notes, some thumbtacks and a huge yarn ball. You watch with utter fascination as they begin to furiously write down every little thing about the Vampires and Werewolves representations from the movies to your and their boyfriend. 
It’s 3.25 AM now. The entire living room wall looks like an abstract form of an art piece, made of common stationeries. 
Hair in a messy bun, a stick of strawberry pocky dangling from their lips like a lit cigarette, a black sharpie in one hand and dressed in black cat onesie, Angel tapped on the piece of red sticky note that wrote ‘culture appropriation or nah?’
“So what have we learned so far?” 
“Vampires don't sparkle.” You immediately piped up and this time, cracked open a can of black coffee. A brand name from Japan, but the bitter tang immediately zolt your already fried nerves to maximum level. You love it. “Period.” 
“Noted! Now, does this make Stephenie Meyer racist!?” 
You actually had to pause and consider that. “Will need to get you back on that one.” 
Angel hurried to scribble ‘remind Lovely for feedback’ inside the same note. “Very well. We shall move on to the Werewolves.” They start to list down the characteristics of the Werewolves portrayed in the movies and then compare them to their boyfriend; but the thing is, they didn’t realise that they verbally list down the quirks of their Shifter lover instead. 
You find it cute that Angel rambled on and on about someone named Davey, so you didn’t interrupt them. Hell, you’d be the same with Vincent. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you got sidetracked from comparing your lovers to spilling the tea about your relationships. 
“After we first slept together, I said to Davey, “Thanks for the sex, bro” complete with a peace sign and a wink. He got so mad that he refused to let me off the bed until I promised to stay.” Angel laughs fondly. They tear open a bag of Cheetos Puffs and throw one into your open mouth. The two of you celebrate with a high-five. 
“Vince freaked out when I told him he was my first.” You chewed, swallowed and washed the after taste of the junk food with even more coffee. Who needs sleep when you could reach divinity with cans of Red Bulls, Kirin Fire coffees and junk foods. “He was extra sweet to me the next day as if he was trying to make up for how rough he was. You could totally see how precious he is from Pluto.” 
“That’s so cute!” Angel cooed. “You’ve landed the golden D, dude. Congrats.” 
“Sounds like you’re the same. To us!” 
You clink your can of coffee with Angel’s bottle of Mountain Dew. 
Eventually, the night made way to the rising sun and the final scene of Breaking Dawn came to a close. The living room is a total mess - blankets and pillows are strewn all over the floor, empty bags of chips, cans and bottles are underneath the coffee table and you swore that one rolled underneath the couch and the wall is still a sad, modern version of cubism with strings. 
“So…” You tilt your head to stare at a wide-eyed Angel, still buzzing with energy. “Want to play Mario Kart? Loser has to let the winner dress them for the day.” 
“You’re on! I hope you like crop tops” 
Vincent couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. The airport is bustling with people rushing for their early morning flights despite dawn barely peeking from the horizon. Like most of the humans around them, Vincent and Will are waiting for their boarding gate to open. 
Speaking of Will, he had wandered off to inquire about their time of arrival to one of the help counters somewhere near the vending machines that they passed. 
These past three days felt like three years without Lovely at his side. Vincent was an idiot to think that a few simple phone calls were enough to chase the yearning of his undead heart for his lover. His sweet and strong, Lovely. 
How are they right now? Judging from the different time zones, Vincent reckoned that it’s nearly midnight where the city of Dahlia is right now. Is Lovely getting ready for bed? What did they have for dinner? How was their day? 
An amused chuckle startled Vincent from his musing. “Oh Vincent, did your phone somehow insult you? You’ve been glaring at it for at least five minutes since I’ve returned.” 
“G-Geez! Don’t sneak up on me like that, old man.” Vincent mumbled, he nearly dropped his phone from his Sire’s sudden and silent appearance. 
“Apologies. Perhaps you should give them a call?” Will suggested as he took a seat beside him. He offers a warm, knowing smile at Vincent’s confused expression. “You wore a lovelorn expression when you stared at your phone. Do us both a favour and call your Lovely, hmm?” 
“...I shouldn’t. They’re probably sleeping - ”
“Maybe. Or maybe not. For all you know, they might still be up, waiting for you to call them.” 
Vincent gave in. He desperately needed to hear Lovely's voice. Besides, their sleepy whines are so adorable and he misses them terribly. 
Will occupied himself with a John Grisham book while Vincent pressed familiar numbers and held his phone up to his ear. Lovely answered in less than a minute. 
“Hey, Lovely.” Vincent greets, feeling the uneasiness and longing untangled themselves from his chest. He can’t wait to return home and have them in his arms again. The next time he has to go on a business trip again, he’ll bring Lovely along. If Will has a problem with it, he could take Alexis. “Sorry for calling you again so late at night. I… I just need to hear your voice again. Anyway, are you on the bed - ”
“Oh my god, did you just throw your underwear at me!?” 
“Uh, Lovely?” 
Vincent immediately pull the phone away when his ear is assaulted by a cacophony of K-pop music blaring in the background, accompanied by an obnoxious laugh of glee and Lovely’s mutterings of “That slut is going to get it now”, “300% sugar in your boba tea? Dude, just do cocaine instead!” and “Oh, Dilf alert! He has a French accent too? A solid 8/10 from me, definitely.” 
Beside him, Will snorts. He happily ignores the glare Vincent threw at him and flips a page. 
But for a brief, crazy moment, Vincent was struck with fear at the thought of his lover harbouring a secret crush on his Sire. He still remembers how freely Lovely blush and giggle whenever Will was around.
“Lovely? Is everything alright?” Vincent tries again, straining to hear through the music and someone’s chattering. Who is with his Lovely past midnight? He starts to worry and feel… a little uncomfortable. 
“Vincent? What’s up, baby? You don’t usually call me so late.” Lovely reply, sounding a bit distracted. Suddenly, Vincent heard a crash, followed by a, “It’s not broken! It’s all good!” 
“Where are you? What’s going on? Are you at a party?” Vincent didn’t demand, he inquired as firmly as possible. Flashes of his Lovely dancing at a club or hanging out with some faceless man and woman keep popping in his mind. It stirs his bloodlust. 
Will idly pat his hand to calm Vincent down, eyes still glued to his book. 
“I’m at home; had a friend over for the night. The apartment is just… too quiet without you.” 
Lovely’s easy and genuine admittance settled something feral inside of Vincent. He guessed that his lover and their friend must be having a sleepover. 
“I’m sorry that I had to leave, Lovely.” Vincent murmurs. “Will and I are at the airport right now. We should be boarding in thirty minutes.” Here, he paused and continued in a quieter tone, “I’ve missed you so much, Lovely. I’ve left my heart with you and… well, it’s just not the same without you.”
“See!? Prime example of a golden D there, Lovely!” Someone - Vincent assumed is his lover’s friend - shriek in the background. 
Their sudden shriek didn’t surprise him. What did, however, was another, stranger’s voice joining in their conversation. 
From a couple of seats, right in front of Vincent. Right here in the airport. 
“Don’t shriek into the phone, Angel! Are you trying to make me go deaf in one ear!?” 
The man - no, Shifter, grumbled. Vincent could smell the scent of lush forest and dirt around him; a Werewolf, then. But his nature wasn’t the reason why Vincent’s jaw is hanging open. 
Will, who had given up the pretence of reading his book, couldn’t hold himself back from grinning widely. He already connected the dots, unlike Vincent. “Oh my, isn’t that Alpha Shaw? He must be on a business trip as well! What a small world.” 
Luckily Vincent was clutching his phone tightly or not he would’ve dropped it in shock. Alpha Shaw? No way… David Shaw!? The Alpha of the Werewolf’s pack in Dahlia!? What the fuck - 
“Turn down the volume, Angel, before the neighbours call the police!” Lovely shouted back. 
In front of him, Vincent and Will watch the impressive scowl on David Shaw’s - the Werewolf King of Dahlia, himself - face. “Uh, excuse me? The fuck? It’s way past midnight, Angel. Where are you; who are you with?” 
“Looks like your lover made a new friend.” Will said in mock-whisper. Even though both of them knew full well that the Shifter wouldn’t be able to hear them from where they are in his human form. “I have a feeling that the Shaw pack and the Solaire clan will be closely in touch in the coming days.” 
Vincent shakes his head; truly, his Lovely is something else. Without hesitation, the Vampire Prince got up to introduce himself to the annoyed Werewolf. He didn’t take it personally when the Shifter shot him a glare for interrupting his phone call. If looks could kill, well, let’s just say that Vincent is thankful that being a Vampire means that he’s not about to be a Werewolf’s chew toy anytime soon. 
“Hi. I’m Vincent Solaire - yes, you heard that right - and before you ask, I’m pretty sure our lovers are currently hanging out at my place right now.” 
That got the Alpha to do a wonderful imitation of a statue. He wouldn’t look out of place at the Louvre, Vincent thought.
David exhales loudly - as if he damn close to being done with everything that this world has to offer - before addressing his lover on the other side of the phone. “The things you got yourself into, you damn troublemaker.” No doubt that David probably isn’t too keen to know that his mate is friends with a Vampire’s lover, but Will has a knack for turning enemies to allies; he’ll let his Sire deal with the politics once they get back to Dahlia. 
“You love me!” Angel smugly replied. “Oh and guess what? We binge watched the entire Twilight movie series and we got some questions!” 
“And uh, just a heads up.” Lovely’s voice hesitantly chimes through Vincent’s phone. “We haven’t slept since you guys left. I mean, I slept the day you left Vince, but, uh...” 
Vincent winces and politely ignores David’s flow of cursing under his breath. 
They left home for only three days, surely their apartments are still standing and their lovers aren’t drunk, high or planning to commit anarchy!
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lossknown · 4 years
𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏:   multiple  places  in  /  surrounding  tera. 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒐:   closed,  self - para. 𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒄:   gracie’s  death.
          sude  fills  his  lungs  almost  as  easily  as  a  scream  rips  through  the  air  while  he’s  lounging  by  the  watering  hole.   this  wasn’t  a  rare  occasion  —  sneaking  out  past  curfew  with  his  friends  to  get  high  away  from  the  bustling  atmosphere  of  tera.   the  group  of  five  spent  a  countless  number  of  nights  out  with  each  other,  each  one  as  happy  as  the  next  to  be  able  to  escape,  if  only  for  a  few  hours.   their  nights  out  worked  like  clockwork  most  times.   lukas,  bazz,  and  kyra  would  get  high  by  the  water,  gracie  and  vince  would  wander  off  to  make  friends  with  the  creatures  of  the  night  (  most  were  harmless  little  things  ).   on  this  night,  though,  there  was  nothing  insinuating  harmlessness  in  the  way  the  shriek  pierced  his  ears.  there  was  a  brief  moment  of  exchanged  looks  between  the  trio,  but  then  lukas  was  running.   he  wasn’t  sure  where  his  legs  were  taking  him,  but  it  was  a  miracle  he  hadn’t  tripped  over  anything  on  his  way  to  the  source  of  the  sound.   a  branch  is  snapped  as  he  runs  through  it,  the  bush  revealing  a  panicked  vince  kneeling  over  gracie  —  shirt  stained  red,  puncture  in  her  side,  tears  streaming  down  her  face.     “   what  the  fuck  happened  ?   “     frozen,  shocked,  and  unable  to  process  the  situation,  lukas  felt  panic  build  beneath  his  chest.     “   vince,  what  the  fuck  happened  ?   “     the  repeated  question  is  accompanied  by  his  hand  yanking  the  other  male’s  body  back  to  force  him  to  snap  back  into  reality.   it  didn’t  work  because  he  didn’t  get  a  response.     “   gra—  gracie.   “     a  hushed  plea  of  a  response  fell  from  his  lips  as  he  knelt  beside  the  girl,  one  hand  instantly  moving  to  inspect  the  wounded  area.
          gracie,  unlike  most  things  in  his  life,  had  been  consistent.   she  was  there  when  he  stepped  foot  into  tera,  she  was  there  every  morning  from  then  on.   the  two  were  practically  attached  at  the  hip.  if  someone  didn’t  know  better,  they  could  come  off  as  two  kids  in  puppy  love,  but  nothing  romantic  ever  happened  between  them.   on  any  given  day,  you’d  find  gracie  hanging  off  of  lukas’  back,  barking  orders  in  his  ear  and  he  obeyed  every  single  one.   out  of  the  five  of  them,  those  two  were  the  closest.   in  fact,  there  was  rarely  a  night  that  went  by  when  one  wasn’t  staying  at  the  other’s  place.   it  was  mostly  due  to  how  late  they  stayed  out.  they  were  just  too  tired  to  split  up.  their  friendship  was  different  than  all  his  other  ones.
          “   we  gotta  get  her  to  the  infirmary.   “     it  wasn’t  a  suggestion  so  much  as  it  was  a  demand.  careful  not  to  disturb  the  injured  area  too  much,  lukas  stepped  over  gracie  to  make  an  attempt  at  picking  her  up.  the  groans  and  whines  of  pain  made  him  hesitate,  but  they  couldn’t  leave  her  there.     “   no...  no  infirmary.   “     the  next  demand  came  from  the  blonde  in  his  arms,  a  single  hand  just  barely  reaching  up  to  pull  at  lukas’  shirt.   one  look  in  those  hazel  hues  and  lukas  couldn’t  pull  himself  to  disagree  with  her,  but  he  knew  she  wouldn’t  live  without  some  kind  of  medicine.  defeat  riddled  already  tired  features,  a  nod  soon  following  her  words.  he  wasn’t  about  to  start  an  argument.     “   bazz,  take  her  to  my  place.  i’m  gonna  go  get  stuff.   “     the  handoff  was  messy  and  probably  uncomfortable  for  gracie.  it  physically  pained  lukas  to  see  her  in  such  a  helpless  state.     “   they’re  gonna  see  us  if  we  go  ba—   “     bazz  started,  but  the  look  on  lukas’   face  was  enough  for  him  to  dismiss  his  last  hesitations.  he’d  do  what  he  had  to.     “   i’ll  be  back,  okay  ?  do  not  let  her  die.  i  swear  to  god...  i’m  gonna  take  twenty  minutes,  max.   “     there  was  one  last  look  at  gracie,  one  last  glance  at  the  wound,  and  then  lukas  was  off.
          in  all  honesty,  he  wasn’t  sure  how  he  ended  up  back  within  the  walls  of  tera.  sneaking  out  had  happened  so  many  times  that  he  had  a  route  memorized  like  the  back  of  his  hand.  it’s  not  even  that  they  were  really  out  when  the  gates  were  closed.  they  did  cut  it  pretty  close,  though,  and  the  sentinels  knew  that.  before  he  knew  it,  lukas  was  approaching  the  infirmary  —  one  of  the  many  places  he  generally  wasn’t  allowed  to  be  simply  because  he  was  a  nuisance.  still,  that  didn’t  stop  him  from  swiping  an  access  card  from  one  of  the  doctors  leaving  as  he  was  going  in.  it  gave  him  easy  access  to  places  he  needed  to  be  in  order  to  get  some  supplies.  careful  to  avoid  the  sight  of  guards,  lukas  remained  calm  as  he  maneuvered  through  the  halls.  and  when  he  found  the  room  he  was  looking  for,  one  final  glance  down  the  nearly  empty  hall  gave  him  a  clear  coast  to  slip  inside.
          it  wasn’t  until  his  hands  were  grazing  the  shelves  that  he  noticed  the  blood  on  his  fingers,  the  trembling  of  usually  still  limbs.  it  made  him  hesitate,  if  only  momentarily,  before  grabbing  a  few  different  vials,  along  with  other  meds  that  he  knew  might  have  a  chance  at  working.  in  all  honesty,  he  wasn’t  sure  what  attacked  gracie,  how  her  side  got  punctured  the  way  it  did.  he  had  no  idea  what    he  was  dealing  with.  and  once  he’d  finished  tucking  the  items  in  his  pocket,  he  left  the  room.  while  looking  over  his  shoulder,  he  nearly  ran  into  a  body  that  was  waiting  right  in  front  of  him  near  the  end  of  the  hall.  looking  down  at  the  other  male,  lukas  just  removed  his  hands  from  his  pockets  and  tried  to  brush  by  him  with  a  nearly  inaudible  apology.  that’s  when  he  felt  the  other’s  hand  press  against  his  chest  to  stop  him  from  continuing,  eyes  glancing  down  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  name  ‘  preston  ‘  plastered  on  the  uniform.     “   you’re  not  supposed  to  be  back  here.   “   oliver  observed,  but  it  was  something  they  both  already  knew.  and  lukas  really  didn’t  have  time  to  be  dealing  with  a  sentinel  right  now.     “   i  was  looking  for  my  mom,  but  she’s  not  here.   “     a  lie  that  was  almost  too  easy  to  tell  slipped  through  the  younger  male’s  lips  as  he  kept  his  demeanor  calm.  his  gaze  met  oliver’s  briefly,  but  they  both  knew  lukas  was  full  of  it.   a  pause  that  felt  like  forever  was  taken,  but  then  the  silence  was  broken  by  oliver  once  more.     “   empty  your  pockets.   “
          man,  if  looks  could  kill,  lukas  might  as  well  have  been  medusa  in  that  moment.     “   i  don’t  know  what  you’re  talking  about.   “     lukas  responded,  not  an  ounce  of  his  tone  faltering  as  he  took  a  step  back  to  show  he  wasn’t  in  a  rush.  but  he  was  —    gracie  was  dying  for  all  he  knew.  and  oliver  wasn’t  buying  his  story.  then  the  sentinel  was  one  step  closer,  speaking  at  a  much  lower  volume  than  before.     “   now.   “     and  lukas  wasn’t  really  in  much  of  a  place  to  be  fighting  back.  a  cold  glare  is  what  he  got  in  return,  jaw  tightening  as  lukas  refused  to  move.  the  only  thing  that  made  him  give  in  was  the  fact  that  attention  was  being  drawn  to  them.  he  could  see  a  nurse’s  head  turn  in  his  peripheral,  to  which  his  chin  dipped  slightly,  but  he  didn’t  let  up.     “   please,  just...   “     lukas  started,  but  it  appeared  oliver  wasn’t  having  any  of  it.     “   just  what  ?   “     his  head  was  pounding,  different  scenarios  reeling  in  his  mind  as  the  male  tried  to  figure  out  his  options.  after  a  quick  glance  at  the  clock,  he  decided  he  needed  to  go.  and  that’s  what  he  did.
          lukas  took  a  few  steps  back  before  turning  around  and  running  towards  the  other  end  of  the  hall.  the  hands  that  trembled  before  were  the  same  ones  that  crashed  through  the  door  before  the  rest  of  his  body,  feet  carrying  him  down  the  stairs  and  out  another  door  on  the  lower  level  before  he  was  looking  for  the  fastest  exit.   he  seemed  to  be  in  the  clear  until  he  collided  with  a  nurse  who  wasn’t  paying  attention.   neither  of  them  fell,  but  it  was  enough  to  make  him  mutter  a  string  of  apologies.   the  look  on  her  face  was  enough  for  him  to  realize  that  she  knew  he  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  there.   he’d  lost  track  of  time,  so  much  so  that  he  only  stopped  rambling  when  someone  else  grabbed  his  arm,  but  before  he  knew  it,  he  was  being  shoved  into  one  of  the  empty  rooms  with  the  door  slamming  shut  behind  them.     “   hey,  man.   what  the  fuck  ?   ”     lukas  nearly  spat,  venom  threatening  to  surface  as  he  finally  put  together  just  who  was  standing  in  front  of  him :  oliver  fucking  preston.   jaw  tightened,  one  step  taken  back  as  he  tried  to  think  of  a  way  to  get  himself  out  of  this  one.   his  options  were  limited.   preston  went  on  a  spew  about  how  much  trouble  lukas  could  be  in,  about  how  he  was  disturbing  the  peace  of  the  entire  infirmary,  about  how  his  recklessness  was  going  to  get  people  upset.     “   i’m  not  asking  again.   empty  your  pockets.   ”     the  male  stated  calmly,  palm  extended  towards  lukas  as  the  youngest  wayne  just  let  his  gaze  lock  onto  oliver’s.   if  he  gave  anything  up,  gracie  would  die.
          “   if  you  don’t  let  me  leave,  grace  duval  is  gonna  die,  okay  ?   it’s  your  job  to  protect  people,  isn’t  it  ?   if  you  let  me  go,  i  can  save  her.   ”     he’d  lied  enough  times  for  the  sentinels  to  take  everything  he  said  with  a  grain  of  salt.   it  looked  like  oliver  was  the  same,  because  his  demeanor  hadn’t  shifted,  he  hadn’t  moved  –––  just  waited.     “   oliver,  please.   i’m  not  feeding  you  bullshit.   she’s  dying.   ”     for  all  he  knew  she  could  be  dead  by  then.   he  was  already  five  minutes  late,  already  past  the  time  he’d  promised  he’d  get  back  in.     “   then  why  didn’t  you  bring  her  here  ?   ”     the  question  made  him  sick.   it  was  one  he  knew  he  couldn’t  answer  without  getting  himself  and  his  friends  in  trouble.   his  moment  of  hesitation  was  enough  of  an  answer  for  oliver,  because  lukas  found  himself  being  slammed  back  against  the  cabinet  behind  him.   a  grunt  fell  from  his  lips  has  oliver’s  hand  retrieved  the  medical  supplies  from  both  of  his  pockets.   the  sentinel  took  a  moment  to  inspect  what  he’d  taken,  a  quick  analysis  of  what  could  have  possibly  been  going  on.     “   don’t  let  me  catch  you  in  here  again.   ”     the  words  fell  from  the  other’s  mouth  with  ease  as  he  began  departing,  leaving  lukas  just  as  empty - handed  as  he  was  when  he’d  first  arrived.
          he  had  no  other  choice :  he  had  to  go  back.   so  he  left  the  infirmary,  anger  boiling  his  blood  as  he  broke  into  a  sprint  to  get  back  to  his  place.   it  didn’t  take  more  than  a  few  more  minutes  for  him  to  arrive,  hands  shoving  the  front  door  open  to  find  gracie  on  the  couch  with  their  friends  surrounding  her.   she  wasn’t  awake,  but  she  was  breathing.   the  sight  made  him  freeze  and  he  stayed  that  way  until  vince  nearly  dragged  him  to  the  kitchen,  questioning  him  about  if  he  got  what  they  needed,  about  what  took  him  so  long.   lukas  didn’t  answer,  just  kept  his  gaze  on  the  ground  for  a  moment  before  he  finally  looked  up  at  the  other  male.     “   preston  took  all  the  fuckin’  meds  i  had.   i  got  nothing.   ”     before  he  could  face  any  backlash,  lukas  pushed  past  vince  and  made  his  way  back  to  gracie’s  side,  taking  a  seat  on  the  ground  beside  the  couch  as  kyra  joined  him.   with  how  calm  lukas  was  and  how  he  hadn’t  whipped  out  whatever  medical  supplies  they  expected  him  to  return  with,  everybody  knew  he  came  back  with  nothing.   thank  god  nobody  else  blew  up  at  him  for  it.   he  took  a  moment  to  observe  the  blonde’s  exterior  for  a  moment :  discomfort  permanent  on  usually  light  features,  shaky  breathing  here  and  there,  a  decent  bandage  plastered  over  the  wound,  and  blood  staining  both  her  clothes  and  his  furniture.   one  hand  lifted  slowly,  wrapping  around  gracie’s  carefully.   her  body’s  reaction  was  to  flinch,  but  it  made  her  eyes  open  slowly.     “   hey,  luke.   ”     the  nickname  just  barely  made  it  beyond  her  lips  before  she  was  coughing,  something  violent  that  made  his  body  tense.   still,  he  forced  a  smile  and  let  his  thumb  graze  the  back  of  her  hand  to  show  that  he  was  still  there.   from  how  devastated  everyone  looked,  from  the  lack  of  movement  in  the  room,  even  gracie  could  tell  lukas  didn’t  get  what  he  said  he  would.   of  course,  she  knew  him  well  enough  to  know  that  he  tried.     “   i’m  sorry.   ”     the  male  murmured,  an  uncomfortable  heaviness  pressing  down  on  his  chest  as  he  tried  not  to  break.   he  was  the  strong  one  in  their  group  if  gracie  couldn’t  be.     “   i’m  so  sorry.   ”     lukas  repeated,  head  dipping  to  shield  her  from  the  view  of  tears  brimming.   he  rarely  cried  and  certainly  wouldn’t  let  other  people  see  him  cry.   still,  kyra  pressed  her  head  against  his  shoulder  in  an  attempt  at  comfort  and  gracie  had  failed  to  show  even  an  ounce  of  disappointment.   instead,  she  just  squeezed  his  hand  gently  and  offered  a  smile,  something  weak  but  not  quite  forced.
          another  moment  passed  before  he  finally  looked  back  up  at  gracie.   the  only  thing  that  made  him  do  so  was  the  release  of  pressure  from  her  grip,  panic  churning  somewhere  deep  in  his  ribs.     “   gracie  ?   ”   her  eyes  were  closed,  the  wincing  stopped,  and  her  chest  seemed  to  remain  still  with  each  second  he  watched  it.   his  hand  squeezed  hers  now,  but  it  felt  different  ––  felt  more  limp  than  before.     “   hey.   ”     lukas  murmured,  eyebrows  furrowing  as  he  sat  up  more  and  reached  out  to  shake  her  shoulder  only  gently.   no  response.   the  head  on  his  shoulder  was  now  buried  in  vince’s  shoulder,  kyra’s  sobbing  only  causing  a  chain  reaction  within  the  group  as  the  realization  of  what  was  happening  hit  hard.   lukas,  himself,  even  found  himself  nearly  choking  back  a  sob.     “   gracie.   fuck,  grace.   hey,  c’mon.   ”     his  efforts  at  waking  her  up  were  useless.   it  wasn’t  until  there  was  another  hand  on  his  shoulder  that  lukas  fell  apart.   his  head  dropped,  forehead  pressed  against  gracie’s  shoulder  as  he  cried.   uncontrollable,  staggered,  and  silenced  sobs  echoed  within  the  walls  of  the  room.   the  amount  of  times  apologies  fell  from  his  mouth  couldn’t  be  counted  on  just  two  hands  as  the  three  others  moved  to  wrap  themselves  in  one  big  hug.   they  didn’t  pull  him  away  from  gracie,  didn’t  say  anything  as  they  just  comforted  each  other.   grief  could  sneak  up  on  people,  but  not  them.   it  hit  harder  than  anything  lukas  had  ever  experienced  before,  making  him  feel  completely  useless  and  weak  as  he  cried.   and  they  stayed  like  that  for  hours,  crying  over  gracie’s  lifeless  body  on  his  couch,  crying  over  the  loss  of  such  an  important  person  in  all  of  their  lives.   and  lukas  thought  he’d  never  feel  fully  happy  again,  never  feel  complete  without  his  best  friend.   and  he  was  right.
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the--blackdahlia · 4 years
The Hunters Chapter 13
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Title: The Hunters Chapter 13
Summary: What happens when four idiots get together? Nikki’s looking for his dad. Tommy’s trying to get out of his mom’s shadow. Vince is along for the ride. And Mick is just trying to keep them alive. Which is harder than it sounds when then Winchesters join the fray.
Warnings: Language, violence, m/m smut, canon divergence, character deaths (temporarily), wincest if you squint (may add more tags as I go)
Tommy really didn’t feel like eating. Nausea flowed through his body, but he knew if he didn’t, it would only get worse. He could feel Nikki’s eyes on him as he picked at the burger in front of him. He reluctantly took a bite, and while it did make his stomach do some twists and turns, it made his headache feel a bit better.
“So, what are we going to do?” Mick asked as they ate. “What’s our plan?”
“We just wait outside his house and listen for a drill?” Tommy suggested, shrugging.
“Yeah, that won’t get the cops called on us at all,” Vince took a sip of his beer.
“What is your idea then?” Tommy asked. “I didn’t see a time. All I know is that it’s night, because the window where the girl was was dark minus her, and that douchebag is the one that’s getting it.”
“I hate to say it, but maybe he deserves it?” Nikki shrugged. “A dick losing his dick? And it kinda sounds like he’s cheating on his wife. Or they’re separated or something. He was exactly throwing off “loving husband” vibes when he called his wife a bitch.”
“I mean, dick or not, shouldn’t we at least try to save him?” Tommy asked. Mick sighed.
“As much as I hate to say it, drummer has a point,” Mick told them. “And we can’t have some homicidal whatever going around and killing people. That’s not the way the world works. As much as we want it to.”
“Okay, fine. But I think we should all be in my car,” Nikki told them. “Vince’s has a tendency to stick out.”
“You got a problem with my baby?” Vince asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s bright orange Vince. We’re trying to blend in,” Nikki shook his head. “My god, now I know how Bobby feels.”
Night fell and the quartet headed back to the neighborhood, parking a little bit down the street, but facing the man’s house. The street was quiet, just a gentle breeze rustling some leaves. Tommy stared out the window, waiting for any sign.
“I should’ve brought some cards or something,” Vince groaned. “I always hate this stakeout thing.”
“We could’ve dropped you and Mick back off at the apartment,” Nikki told them.
“And let you two take all the credit for saving this asshole? No way,” Vince shook his head. Nikki was about to say something when a man’s scream could be heard.
“Shit!” Tommy jumped out of the car and raced towards the house, the three others close on his heels. Tommy had just gotten to the side of the garage when he saw a girl peering in through a window. “Hey!” The girl jumped and looked at Tommy before taking off running. He followed her, leaving Nikki, Mick, and Vince behind.
“Fuck! Where’s Tommy?” Nikki turned around in circles, looking for him.
“Get away!” The girl yelled as Tommy chased her.
“Hold on! I just want to talk!” Tommy called out and gently, yet firmly, grabbed her. “Who are you?”
“Please let me go! I have to go!” She called out. “Mama’s coming home!”
“Tell me your name at least?” Tommy asked. She looked around him, her eyes widening.
“I have to go!” She touched her hand to Tommy’s chest and he flew backwards, hitting the ground hard. “My name’s Carrie!” She called out as she disappeared through a gate. Tommy slowly sat up, stunned.
“Tommy!” He heard Nikki’s voice and then felt him on the ground by him. “Babe, are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” Tommy nodded. “She didn’t hurt me. She just...she said she had to get home.”
“Why? Because she just murdered a guy?” Vince asked.
“I have a feeling he had it coming,” Mick shrugged. Nikki helped Tommy to his feet and led him back towards the car.
“Where’d she go?” Nikki asked. Tommy’s eyes scanned the street. He saw an older woman that looked mean as hell getting out of a car that looked like it could fall apart at any minute.
“I bet she lives there,” Tommy asked. The three others looked in the direction he saw looking at.
“Why would you guess that?” Vince asked.
“She told me mama was coming home. She looked scared of her,” Tommy explained. “My guess is, that’s mama.”
Tommy couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned, but the memory of the prior days events kept replaying in his mind. With a groan, he finally got up, looking over at Nikki, fast asleep. He made his way to the living room. The silence was kinda nice. It helped calm his aching brain some. He settled on the couch and closed his eyes to try to relax.
“Well Thomas, you’ve grown up quite nicely,” A voice rang out. Tommy’s eyes snapped open and he saw a man standing by the sliding, balcony door. He jumped up and grabbed his pistol, pointing it at the man, who just started laughing. “That won’t do anything but get the police here Thomas.”
“Who are you?” Tommy asked, keeping the gun trained on him. “What are you doing here?”
“I just came to check up on you,” He told Tommy, taking a step closer. Tommy noticed that his eyes were not a normal color, being illuminated by a bit of light.
His eyes were yellow.
“Who are you?” Tommy asked again. “Why are your fucking eyes yellow?”
“Now Thomas, where are your manners?” He asked, taking a step towards Tommy.
“What’s going on in here?” Mick grumbled, heading down the hallway. “Beauty sleep is necessary in my…” He froze. “Demon!”
“Demon?” Tommy looked over at Mick as he ran up by Tommy. “But...your eyes aren’t black!”
“Your friend is right Thomas,” The man laughed, yellow eyes glowing. “And not all demons have the same color eyes. That’s stereotyping.” He took a step towards Tommy and Mick.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus te, omnis immundus spiritus…” Mick started. Yellow Eyes laughed.
“You think something like that can hurt someone like me?” He asked before he flicked his hand, sending Mick flying into the wall with a groan.
“You son of a bitch!” Tommy went to fire the gun, but yellow eyes sighed and flicked his hand, throwing the gun from his hand. Tommy could hear Nikki and Vince calling for him and Mick, but their doors wouldn’t open. Yellow eyes made his way to Tommy, who was rooted in place.
“I see you’ve met a couple of my special children,” He chuckled, cupping Tommy’s cheek. “But you were always one of my favorites.” Tommy cringed and pulled his head back. “I’ll see you later.” With that, the man was gone. Mick was freed from where he was trapped on the wall and Tommy was freed from where he was stuck. There was the sound of running could be heard as Vince and Nikki came into the living room. Vince immediately went to Mick while Nikki headed over to Tommy.
“Babe, what was going on?” Nikki asked. “And what is that smell?”
“Sulfur,” Mick spoke up from where he was in Vince’s arms.
“Sulfur?” Nikki looked over at him. “Why the hell is there sulfur in the apartment?”
“Demon,” Tommy whispered. Those eyes were burned into his mind.
“Wait, what?” Vince asked. “A demon? In the house?”
“What did it want?” Nikki asked, getting Tommy over to the couch when he felt him trembling. Mick and Tommy locked eyes.
“He was here for me,” Tommy told him. “He said something about seeing me again and special children.” Tommy wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on.”
“We gotta put protection up,” Mick told them. “But I don’t think the landlord will like us drawing symbols on the walls.”
“Bros, I think I got an idea,” Vince told them. He kissed Mick’s cheek before heading over to the phone. They heard Vince speaking with someone, but Nikki was too focused on Tommy to make out whatever it was Vince was saying.
“Are you okay?” Nikki asked, seeing how Tommy had withdrawn into himself.
“I think I need to talk to my mom,” Tommy admitted. He was trembling a little. Nikki wrapped his arm around Tommy and pulled him into his lap, holding him tight.
“Once Vince is off the phone, we’ll call her,” Nikki told him, running his fingers through Tommy’s long hair.
“It’s two in the morning Nik,” Tommy rested against him. “I don’t think she’ll like me waking her up.”
“T, there was a demon in the apartment,” Nikki told him. “A demon that was here for you. I don’t think she’ll care what time it is. She’s your mother and she wants to protect you.” Vince hung up the phone and went over to Mick while Nikki took the phone so Tommy could dial his mom.
“What were you doing?” Mick asked as Vince helped him up and led him back to their room.
“Trying to call Rufus,” Vince explained. “We can’t draw shit on all the walls, but in a hunters cabin, it’s already reinforced.”
“That’s brilliant babe!” Mick pulled him in for a kiss. “Wait, why aren’t we packing up right now and leaving?” He asked when he pulled back. Vince rubbed the back of his neck.
“Rufus didn’t answer the phone because he’s a bastard,” Vince laughed a little. “I guess we should get some sleep and I’ll call him in the morning.” He noticed that Mick cringed a little when he straightened his back. “You okay?”
“I’m fine but we can’t sleep yet,” Mick told him. “We have to ward the apartment until we can get to a safe place.” Vince nodded.
“Make sure the salt lines are okay?” Vince asked.
“Yeah and I have some talismans we can hang up. It’ll help keep us safe until then,” Mick told him. “And I don’t think any of us will be getting much sleep tonight.”
Forever Tags: @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​ @mrslogansixxpixx​
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer​ @waywardprincess666​ @twistnet​ @saint-of-los-angeles​  @motleyfuckingcruee​ @sharon6713​ @kawennote09​ @2dead2function​ @nikkisixxwiththebass​ @jayprettymuchomw​ @charlyallise​ @you-know-im-a-dreamer​ @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings​ @arianareirg​ @the-normal-potato​ @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @stella20131991​ @tarahell​ @i-want-to-shoot-myself​ @motleycrueee​ @sams-serialkiller-fetish​ @getbackhonkycatt​ @scarecrowmax​  @anyasthoughts​ @bandaids-not-groupies​ @ilovetomkeiferslips​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @useyourillusion​ @xpoisonousrosesx​ @slash-me-up​ @hauntedapricoteggsclam​ @lucyboytom​ @reigns420​ @solopadawan​ @frehleys-mint​ @madamsixx​ @appetiteforstradlin​ @acdcmutual​ @wildsiide​
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part thirty five/
Word Count: 8.2k
A/N: Ya’ll, my feelings are fucking hurt after writing this. Please enjoy.
Warnings: Drugs, language, alcohol, extreme angst
Taglist: @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @annthebonelessm @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @nikkisixxsixxsixx, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @marvelismylifffe, @zoenicoles, @pfft-halsey, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults @cruebaby, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @emmaelizabeth2014
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“Time to wake up! It’s noon and your guests will be here in a few hours!” Mom was over exuberant as she opened my bedroom door. I groaned as I sat up in bed noticing Nikki was already gone. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at her.
“Where’s Nikki?” I asked her, she smiled sweetly at me while walking over to my bed as she sat down at the foot of it, “He’s downstairs, the boys are enjoying the pool.” I nodded as I got out of the bed, starting to rummage through the closet for what I could wear today.
“Are you dating him?” I exhaled deeply, I didn’t want the interrogation this early in the morning, or afternoon I should say. “We’re just friends, mom.” I replied, getting irritated because nothing looked good to wear.
“And you have...sex with him?” She asked, trying to clarify for herself, “Yes mom, we’re friends and I sleep with him.”
“Well, why aren’t you dating him? I saw the way you two interact last night and from an outsider looking in, you two act like you’re already in love.” I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the vanity, ha. I wiped off the remaining smudges of make up that were from last night.
“No we don’t, we’re just best friends, I know everything about him, and he knows everything about me. I’m not in love with Nikki.” I explained, as she let out a huff, “Well does he love you?” I shook my head, “No, he doesn’t. He’s even said it. We’ve already talked about it mom, just let it go.” I knew by the way mom looked at me she knew I was getting upset.
“Why are you getting mad?” She asked, walking over to me as she helped fix my hair from the rats nest it was in.
“I’m not, just everyone thinks Nikki and I are more than what we are and it’s annoying. Why can’t a guy and a girl just be friends?” I asked, she let out a laugh, “Honey, they usually don’t sleep together when they are friends.” I rolled my eyes, “I trust Nikki, and he’s there for me whenever I need him.” Sighing in contempt as I thought about him.
“But are you there for him?” Mom asked, “Thats the important part, I know you are very skeptical about relationships.” She continued on, “I try to be. He’s very difficult sometimes, and it’s frustrating.” I explained as I finished brushing my hair, now parting it for two French braids.
“Why’s it frustrating?” I put the brush down, turning around to look at her, “Cause mom! He says things sometimes! And he does things that only a boyfriend should be saying and doing! Like every time he’s away on tour, he calls and we tell each other how much we miss one another! And I spend hours into the nights with him just talking about everything and anything! And he, he just looks at me a certain way sometimes, and when he does that I can’t breathe.”
Mom smiled, “Sounds to me like you two have something to talk about.” I shook my head, “I’d be so scared to be in a relationship with him. He’s one of rock n rolls biggest bad boys and I see what he does on a daily basis.” I confessed to her as I finished the braids and as Nikki walked through the closed bedroom door.
“Oh, you’re already up.” He says, smiling at me as he leaned against the door. Mom looked back and forth between him and I. “Well, I’m gonna talk to Loretta and see when catering will be here.” She said, scooting pass Nikki and leaving.
“What was that about?” He asked coming over and kissing the top of my head, “Just a mother and daughter talk.” I mumbled, as he nodded and sat down on the bed.
I think what I said last night made things awkward.
“We’re okay, right?” I questioned, looking at him through the mirror.
“Why do you ask that?” He seemed curious, but the smirk on his pink lips said otherwise. I shrugged my shoulders, “Dunno, just asking.”
I stood up and walked over to my closet, grabbing a pink bikini and putting it on quickly. “Can you tie these?” I asked Nikki, turning my back towards him as he grabbed the strings. When he was done, he lowered his head and kissed my bare shoulder.
“We are fine, Princess. Don’t worry.” He reassured me, I quickly nodded as he gave me a smile. “I just think eventually, we will have to have a conversation you don’t want to have.” My gaze met his, “Not now.” I quickly spoke, stepping away from his embrace. I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.
“Just...not right now.” I breathed out, pulling on a pair of short daisy dukes. “When?” Nikki asked, I groaned as i opened up my bedroom door.
“I don’t know. Just forget I said anything last night.” I muttered, looking down at the white carpet then back up to him. “I think you’re just scared of being happy with me.” I scoffed at his response.
“I am going downstairs and I’m not talking about this again, Nikki.” I roughly spoke as I turned my back to him, hearing him mumble under his breath all the way down the stairs.
“Good morning sweetheart, I have breakfast for you outside. Your guests should start arriving in around two hours.” Loretta explained, placing a cup of coffee in my hand, “Are you bringing your kids today? I always liked hanging around Jason and Brandon.” I asked, smirking as a I saw Nikki’s glare when he walked behind Loretta to grab a water.
“Yes, they both will be here. You know they have such a soft spot for you.” I smiled, nodding as Nikki’s face turned sour. I watched him quickly leave the kitchen, slamming the back door before going outside.
I was quickly sidelined by a towel being swatted against my arm, “Ow, Loretta.” I yelped, rubbing the red spot on my arm, “I saw you two last night in the hot tub.” I felt my face get warm, “Uh...we were just...um..” I couldn’t muster a sentence as she smirked at me.
“I was really drunk last night.” I explained, but she waved me off, “Greyson already blabbed about it, seems you are a wild child, hermosa.” She retorted, “The boy seems...nice. Gloomy. But nice.” I scratched the top of my head, awkwardly standing next to her.
“We’re just friends.” She laughed at me when I said that, “Ingenuo, ingenuo, ingueno.” She cackled, continuing to chop up some stuff for later.
“I am not naive!” I defended myself, “As much as I love your mother, she is naive just like you are. I don’t believe you for one second when you tell me you and him are just friends.” She explained.
“It’s in the eyes, Bonita. The eyes never lie.” I rolled my eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes at me, or I’m telling your mother you stole the key to get the booze.” I immediately stopped, “Sorry..” I quietly apologized to her.
I shortly left the kitchen. I went outside walking past the boys as I felt their eyes follow my ass. I sat down with Mick at the table.
“How many chicks have you fucked so far?” I had heard Nikki ask Vince, “Uh...three.” I looked at Mick as we both rolled our eyes.
“No not today, on the tour.” Nikki clarified as I started eating the fruit and English muffin on the plate in front of me, “Oh...I lost count after that gang bang in Salt Lake City.” I forced the vomit back down, “That was fun.” Nikki laughed, lounging back on the pool chair.
“How about you old man?” Vince giggled as he asked Mick.
“Don’t you guys realize that the girls you fuck, probably fuck every rockstar that comes through town?” Mick questioned, making all three of those idiots bust out in laughter.
“We’re like pussy brothers with the whole scene.” Tommy added on, making the other two laugh again.
“Unlike you clowns, I happen to respect the females of our species.” Mick retorted, “Thanks, glad to know there’s still gentleman out there.” I added on making Mick give me a sweet smile.
I watched as mom, and I’m assuming the party planner arrange yellow and white balloons around the backyard.
“Whose ready to have some fucking fun?” Greyson yelled walking out in swim trunks, “Grey, don’t cuss!” Mom was quick to correct his behavior.
“We need to get him laid.” Tommy pointed out, “He’s still a virgin?!” Vince laughed, as I rolled my eyes.
“He’s never even had a girlfriend.” I told them, “Dude...set him up with one of your friends.” Tommy said, nudging my arm.
“I have tried, but he’s really shy around girls.” I explained.
“Hey Vanity, you want to go for a swim?” Greyson snickered, “Fuck you.” I retorted, standing up to go see what mom was planning.
“No, we’re going!” Greyson shouted, wrapping me up and dangling me over the deep end of the pool.
“Greyson! Stop!” I shouted, but he started lowering me into the water, “Mom!!!” I yelled for her but she wasn’t doing anything about it.
“Oh come on, Vanity! You’re twenty six years old now! It’s time to get over the fear of water!” Greyson yelled in my ear.
“ Greyson, c’mon, put her down.” Nikki spoke up, 
“Lucky your boyfriend is here.” Greyson whispered, putting my feet down on the concrete that surrounded the pool.
“Asshole!” I shouted before shoving him in.
I shook it off, walking over to mom and the party planner as they were discussing things. “I think we should have the music over here, that way everyone is not tripping over wires.” I looked at the papers they were going over.
“Why hire someone when we have the band, I’m sure they would perform for us?” I asked Mom, “Oh, no, no. We hired another band.” The party planner spoke out. “A cover band.” I rolled my eyes.
“A fucking cover band? Really?” I scoffed, “Vanity.” Mom muttered my name sternly. “This is the food you’re getting? I don’t like half the stuff on here.” I pointed out, becoming upset as Mom knew all these things.
“Red velvet cake?! Mom, I hate red velvet! I told you I wanted white cake with yellow and pink frosting.” I whined, knowing I was on the edge of throwing a tantrum.
“I love red velvet.” Nikki said, walking up behind me, placing his hand on my lower back. “Well it’s my party, and I don’t want it.” I defended myself.
“Princess, don’t be a brat. Your mom is just doing something nice for you.” Nikki sided with my mom.
“We can perform a few songs, if you wanted.” Nikki added on, “They hired a cover band.” I explained, watching the expression on his face twist to annoyance.
“A cover band? Just hire a real band.” Nikki laughed, “They better not cover any of my songs.” Nikki mumbled.
“Just go away. You’re complicating everything, Vanity.” Mom spoke to me as I rolled my eyes, “Well maybe if you asked me beforehand, I wouldn’t be complicating things.” I snapped at her, but she ignored me.
I huffed as Nikki trailed his hand up and down my back, “Come.” He said, wrapping his hand around mine and pulling me to the pool.
I laughed, “You have me so fucked up, right now.” I watched as he stepped into the pool, trying to pull me in with him.
“Nikki, no.” I let go of his hand as he gave me a stern look, “I’m not taking no for an answer, you’re getting in the pool. Look it’s shallow.” He motioned as I grumbled. I unbuttoned the shorts I was wearing, getting a whistle from Tommy and Vince as I pulled them down my legs, before throwing it at them.
The shallow part of the pool was already waist deep for me. “I’m not going any further.” I protested, crossing my arms against my chest.
“Doll, just...c’mere.” He spoke softly, taking my hand and pulling me towards him. I was hesitant as he started pulling me towards deeper water.
“No..no...” I said, trying to push away from him but his arms were wrapped around me like a vise grip. My hands gripped his shoulders as I was barely touching the bottom of the pool.
“See, it’s fine. I got you.” He reassured me, pressing a soft kiss against my cheek.
“Nikki and Vanity sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” I groaned when my annoying sister came outside. I quickly splashed water towards her to get her to shut up.
Nikki mumbled, placing kisses along my shoulder. His hands slid down to pick me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he moved us to the deep end of the pool.
I clutched on to him as I stared at the bottom of the pool. “See? It’s not that bad.” Nikki chuckled, his hands gently rubbing my ass.
“You’re right, it’s actually quite worse.” I groaned, not breaking away from looking at the six foot deep pool, but to me it looked as if it went on forever.
Nikki’s hands let go of the back of my thighs, “No, Nikki. Please don’t.” I whined, clutching to him tighter as he laughed.
He pried my arms away from his neck, “Just relax...” He cooed, slowly taking my legs from the position they were in, he still had a hold around my waist.
I closed my eyes, muttering under my breath to try and calm myself down. I felt his arm unravel from my waist, “Nikki, I swear.” I groaned as he slowly pushed away from me leaving me in the middle of the deep end as he backed himself up to the wall of the pool.
I saw his stupid smile under his stupid sunglasses, “You’re literally the fucking devil.” I chimed in, as he laughed loudly, “But look at you, swimming in a deep pool. I’m proud of you.” He replied, giving me a wide a grin as I swam over to him.
I was quick to splash water in his face. He groaned, taking off his glasses and pushing them up. When the hair was out of his face I could actually see all of his facial features, his eyes were my favorite.
“You have gorgeous eyes.” I expressed as he laughed, shyly shaking his head as he put them back down on his face, “Hey man, it’s one. Didn’t you say you were going to meet Doc?” Tommy spoke out, “Huh? What are you talking about?” Nikki said, confused as Tommy gave him a look.
“oh..yeah, yes you’re right.” Nikki said, leaving me in the pool as he pulled himself up out and grabbed a towel.
“Where you going?” I asked following his movements, “Nikki?” I questioned again as he didn’t answer me, “I gotta...I gotta go see Doc.” He was quick to speak as he pulled a shirt on.
“My party starts in an hour....” I trailed off as he gave me a quick glance, “I know, I know. I’ll be back.” Nikki said, I backed up from him as he started walking to the door, but I followed him anyways.
“Nik...can’t it wait?” I asked, tugging on his wrist to get him to stop as he was in a hurry, but he didn’t even budge.
“Babe?” I spoke softly as he turned around to face me, “Princess, I’ll be back okay? I just gotta talk to him about stuff.” I huffed, giving myself a hug as I became cold outside of the water.
“Didn’t you guys talk enough last night? What else is there to talk about?” Nikki stood up tall as he looked down at me, “Nikki, I’m not dumb. Where are you going?” I was straight forward with him, not buying his bullshit for one moment.
“Vanity, it’s none of your damn business. I will be back.” Nikki snapped, swiftly opening up the door and closing it.
I went back outside and straight to T-bone, “Where is he going?” I asked, standing over him with hands on my hips, “Uh...to talk to Doc, duh. Didn’t you hear me?” Tommy giggled.
I rolled my eyes, quickly taking off his sunglasses, “Where is Nikki going?” I demanded, noticing that he couldn’t look at me. “T-bone. I won’t be mad, just tell me.” I said sweetly, my hand brushing over his thigh.
“I Uh...Sixx...um-“ “He went to go get you a present, he was telling me about it this morning.” Vince butted in, “Some jewelry place, I think.” He continued.
I felt rather stupid that I was getting worked up over it, “It’s okay, kid.” Tommy nudged my chin with his fist gently, “Sixx drives all the girls crazy.” He says with a laugh as I push him back against the chair.
“I’m gonna get cleaned up, I suggest you two do the same. You’re fine Mick.” I ordered, looking at them as I went back inside to get ready.
*Micks POV*
“You two shouldn’t of lied to her.” I mumbled, taking a swig out of my vodka filled water bottle.
“She’s gonna freak out when he comes back high.” I continued, “She’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. He said he was just gonna score some more smack and then be right back here. It’s fine.” Vince retorted, continuing to sunbathe.
“You better pray you are right about that one, blondie.” I retorted, groaning as the guys weren’t even listening anymore.
“I hope there’s some hot babes that come that will make me cum.” Vince said, making Tommy laugh as I rolled my eyes.
I continued drinking, hoping that Sixx wouldn’t come back fucked up. And if he did? I hope he knows what the hell he’s doing.
Vanity may be naive at certain times, but she can read through Nikki’s façade faster than anyone surrounding him. She knows when he’s high and when he’s not. I mean, except for last night…but she was just really fucked up.
Nikki likes to joke that he has this other side of him, almost another personality when he’s high and super fucked up. He calls it Sikki Nixx. And I hope for Vanity’s well being, he doesn’t make an appearance. I don’t know what she would do if she ever saw that side of him.
*Vanity’s POV*
I pulled up the yellow flowery dress that stopped not even mid thigh. I glanced down at my cleavage, “Nice.” I mumbled to myself before taking out the braids I had put in earlier, letting the loose waves dangle down to below my shoulders.
I put a touch of make up, the deep red shade filled out my lips, while the light golden eye shadow made my hazel eyes pop. I spritzed on some perfume before clasping the bracelet from Nikki around my wrist.
I walked downstairs, hearing music from the backyard and people chatting.
“There you are, honey! Come on, your guests are here.” I gulped, putting on a smile as I walked towards her, “Best behavior.” Mom whispered into my ear, as I nodded.
It was the same thing at every party. Every business fundraiser, every black tie gala I’ve ever been too. Mom always told me to be on my best behavior, to impress everyone and anyone. To put on my best million dollar smile and fake laugh at every joke a man said who is old enough to be my grandfather, ‘that’s where the money is, those are the investors’. Dads words echoed through my head.
Yeah it was a birthday party to celebrate me, but at the end of the day, it was for mom to prove that the Blackwoods’ were still the richest family in the American oil industry.
The first person to approach me was Melanie Smith, I went to private school with her. She’s an okay gal when she’s not drunk on three dry martinis.
“Oh Vanity, it’s so wonderful to see you. How have you been? I heard you were living in Los Angeles now?” I was about to answer her but she continued anyways.
“I was just in Los Angeles seeing a fabulous doctor, he worked on my nose.” She said, gripping my shoulders as she whispered the last part, “It looks great, Melanie.” I lied, I couldn’t tell the difference.
“If you can excuse me.” I said, seeing the boys laughing with Greyson across the yard. I didn’t see Nikki though.
I was cut off by Warren G. Davidson, he was still handsome as ever. Even if he was thirty years older then me, had four children and I think he was on his fifth wife…he could still get it anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
He was daddy’s right hand man, he was there at his bedside with us when he took his last breath.
“How are you sugar?” He said pulling me into a hug, I could smell the scotch on his breath.
I pulled away from his embrace, hands gripping his forearms as I looked at him, “I’m doing wonderful, I’m so happy you could be here.” I smiled joyfully, he was one of the few business people I could stand.
“As am I, I’m happy you came home. You’re mom has been telling me wild stories of you hanging out with a deranged group of guys.” The smile quickly left my face.
Has she told everyone about the band? Or about me and Nikki? Even if there wasn’t a me and Nikki?
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. They’re right over there, so excuse me.” I smiled apologetically as I let go of him.
“And there’s that fine piece of ass, come give me some love.” I groaned when I heard that voice.
“Roman, it’s not a pleasure to see you.” I grumbled as he pulled me into a tight squeeze.
Roman Davidson, Warrens second oldest son. And the guy I gave my first blow job too in the back of his Chevy truck. He is convinced we are meant to be. Soulmates is the word I believed he said one time.
His hand reached down to my ass, “Hands off.” I spoke up, gently pushing him away from me, “C’mon baby, stop denying me. I’ll make you feel like a million bucks.” I rolled my eyes as I walked away from him.
I was almost to the boys when my least favorite pair of blonde haired twins stopped me. Francesca and Andrea Copeland. They were the second richest family in the oil industry. They were also at the top of the socialite list here in Dallas. Apparently Vince has fucked one of them, or both. He said he couldn’t remember. It was back when Motley was still in their ‘Shout at the Devil’ days because they were virgins at the time, and that’s what Nikki and Vince wanted. Nikki swears up and down he didn’t fuck them. Did I believe him? No.
And when I mean virgins, I mean they only did it anally up until they met Vince fucking Neil.
“Please tell us how you found yourself wrapped up with Mötley Crüe?” Francesca asked me, I shrugged as I tried walking past them but they blocked me.
Did I mention that they use to pick on me in school? Daddy almost sued their family.
“We fucked them before you did.” Andrea spoke up, “Vince, Nikki and Tommy. Not that weird little one.”
“Hey, watch your fucking mouth! Don’t talk about Mick like that!” I snapped at them, “Guess she still has anger issues.” Andrea whispered into her sisters ear.
“And is now a little skank.” Francesca said, motioning to the dress I was wearing, before pointing to the bruise from Nikki on my neck.
I let out a sigh of relief as Tommy grabbed my arm, “Hello ladies, excuse me but I need to borrow little miss birthday princess for a moment.”
“Tommy, you remember me right?” Andrea said flirtatiously, as she stuck out her chest. “Uh….no.”
Tommy quickly dragged me inside, “You don’t understand how-“ I stopped talking when I saw Nikki being held up by both Vince and Greyson.
“Oh, baby…there you are. C’mere.” Nikki said, pushing away from the guys as he stepped towards me, wobbling on his feet.
“You’re fucked up.” I laughed bitterly, “I…yes..but let me explain.” Nikki said, holding up his finger as I waited for the great explanation this time.
“You told me…you told me to go find it. So I did.” He slurred his words, his eyes were all pupil and no color.
“You went to go find smack!?!” I screamed at him, shoving him against my front door, “Yes, cause you told me too. You didn’t fucking care.” He spat back.
“Oh fuck you, Nikki! You know that’s not what I fucking meant!!” I yelled at him, “Okay…just take a breath. People are looking.” Greyson got in between us.
I took a deep breath in and nodded, “Get your fucking act together, Nikki.” I warned him, shoving him against the door once more.
I quickly walked outside, going over to the make shift bar Mom had hired, “Shot of Jack.” I ordered, quickly shooting it down as he handed it to me.
“Don’t you think it’s a little early for that?” I smiled, recognizing their voice.
“I’ll take what she’s having.” My smile grew wider as I turned around, almost crying because I’ve missed them so much.
“Lucia! Tonya!” I shouted, quickly pulling both of them into a hug, “I can’t belie-you guys are are really here! Who talked to you!?” I shouted, pulling away from them, “Vinny and T-Bone, they called us a few days ago.” Tonya clarified.
“Well…spill it. How has life on the road been the last few months?” I laughed, “Round of Jack please.” I said looking at the bartender. “I don’t even know where to begin…” I trailed off, running my black painted nails through my hair.
“To sum it all up-“ I turned towards them, lifting up my dress so they could see the tattoo on my ass. They immediately started laughing, “Thats how it’s been.” I spoke, quickly fixing my dress and putting it down.
The girls stopped smiling when Nikki stumbled over, bumping into me and knocking over the glass, “Pull yourself together, you’re embarrassing me.” I said, grabbing onto his arm to make him stand up straight.
“I’m embarrassing? Cool.” He rolled his eyes, “Jack and Coke. Now.” He ordered, impatiently waiting as the man made his drink, “Hurry the fuck up. Don’t you know who I fucking am?” Nikki’s voice was full of rage.
The girls gave me a sympathetic look, “Nikki, please?” I begged him, “Pull it together.” His eyes wandered to the brunette that walked up to the bar.
“Hey, not in front of me.” I said, gripping his chin to make him look at me, “I’m not you’re fucking boyfriend.” He snarled, roughly pulling my hand away from his face.
I couldn’t fucking believe him. How dare he use that against me!
Nikki quickly brushed me off as he put up a front and acted completely sober as he talked to this chick. Lucia and Tonya quickly pulled me away from him.
“What the hell was that?” Tonya demanded to know, as I just shook my head, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” I explained, as she rolled her eyes.
“It didn’t look like nothing? Is he drunk?” She asked me, “He’s high.” I said disappointed, “Really fucking high.” I bit my lip as I watched him get handsy with this girl. I’ve never felt a single ounce of jealousy once when it comes to the girls that surround him. I knew what I meant to him, even if it was unspoken between us. I knew that I had him and that he had me.
I pulled it together when Damien Hampton walked up to me. His great, great grandfather developed most of the houses on the historic district of Dallas. His family was oozing with money. And boy, was he a walking piece of sex.
“It’s nice to see you. Happy late birthday.” His words were smooth as he clutched a bottle of Heineken. His hand went through his slicked back black hair as he gave me a smoldering gaze.
“Thank you, thanks for coming. How is your mom?” He showed me his pearly whites through a side grin, “Shes good. She sends her best wishes. She had to take a trip to Miami for business.”
“Damien, this is Lucia and Tonya, they’re my friends from Los Angeles.” I introduced them, noticing the imaginary drool dripping out of their mouth as they Gawked at him.
“Hello ladies.” He said, sending a wink to both of them. He knew how hot he was and he used it to his advantages.
“Y’know, I never did get you that drink I promised you.” I laughed at his words, “That was three years ago. I’m surprised you remembered.” I retorted.
“Of course I remember baby girl. You were wearing a blue dress with black heels, your hair was curled in an up-do. And you looked sexy as hell. Still do. I like this dress.” He stated, his fingers fumbling with the bottom hem of the dress as he pressed his other hand to my lower back.
I felt the heat creep across my cheeks as he looked at me. He had killer blue eyes that I was currently drowning in. His lips tugged into a smirk that never faded away from his face.
“We’re gonna go talk to the guys.” Tonya said, “Yeah, go ahead.” I shooed them away as Damien and I continued talking.
“How about you and I take a trip up to your room real quick.” His breath was hot in my ear as he lowered his head down to me, “Like last time when you snuck me in.” I smiled, biting my lip as I thought about his offer.
“To hear those noises from you again, man.” He breathed out, loosening up his tie a little bit. I licked my lips as my hand ran over the front of his pants, teasing him just a little bit, “Maybe you can-“
“Hey baby, whose this?” I glared at Nikki as he clutched a bottle of beer, “Baby?” Damien asked, confused, taking a step away from me.
“Didn’t know you had a boyfriend?” Damien questioned, looking at Nikki, I could tell he was judging him. “He’s not-“
“Yeah I’m her boyfriend, she’s kinda shy about it.” Nikki interrupted me, roughly pulling me to his side, “Who are you?” Nikki asked, throwing an arm over my shoulder and taking a sip of his beer.
“Damien Hampton…And you’re Uh….Nikki Sixx. Big fan, dude.” I tried leaving Nikki’s side, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Nikki, stop.” I whispered into his ear, “Didn’t think you’d find yourself with a rockstar.” Damien chuckled.
“I’m lucky aren’t I? Isn’t she a nice piece of ass?” Nikki spoke out, roughly grabbing my bottom.
“Yeah, She is. We hooked up a few years ago.” I hated when guys talked about me like this. It made me feel like nothing but a piece of meat.
“Guess we won’t be taking a trip upstairs, now will we?” Damien smirked, as I could feel Nikki glaring at me. “It was nice talking to you.” Nikki abruptly put an end to the conversation as he pulled me away.
“God, you’re acting like a fucking pig.” I said, shoving him away from me as I scoffed in disgust at his actions.
Nikki laughed, “Now you want to speak up? I always talk like this.” I rolled my eyes, “No, you don’t. Not to me at least. I’m not one of these whores you fuck daily, Sixx.” I spat my frustrations out at him.
“You sure keep acting like it. I watched you throw yourself all over him.” He pointed out, making it seem like it was my fault.
“Unbelievable.” I muttered, exhaling as I tried to relax.
“Nikki…” I spoke softly as I cupped his jaw, “Please, I am begging you. Don’t ruin my party.” I pleaded with him, as he rolled his eyes.
“I know you’re mad at me.” He mumbled, “You’re right. I am extremely pissed off, livid even. You said you haven’t touched heroin in a few days, so what gives?”
“You told me to go find it.” I scoffed, “Nikki, that’s not what I meant. You know that.” I said, taking my hands off his face as he stepped away from me.
“You didn’t care when I told you, so don’t fucking start now. And don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you in front of all your rich, snobby friends. I’m probably gonna fuck a few of them later.” He grinned like the devil himself. I couldn’t stand the look on his face. I didn’t recognize anything about him. Usually it was tolerable as he would shoot up, pass out, wake up and say sorry for getting high. But this was different.
“Okay…” I said quietly as I watched him walk away from me.
I kept my eye on Nikki throughout every conversation I had, at one point he went inside with a blonde and came back out fifteen minutes later with a redhead. Then eventually he went inside by himself, only to come back out ten minutes later stumbling around even more.
I watched Mick pull him aside to talk to him, hopefully speaking some god damn sense to Nikki. I saw Nikki try to put up a fight, but Mick more then likely got stern with him as he shut down.
“Excuse me…I need another drink.” I said to the group of people I was pretending to listen too as I walked over to the bar
“Parties fun.” Tommy said, nudging my shoulder. I nodded, trying to put on a smile.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” I spoke, as I ordered another glass of champagne. It wasn’t cutting it. But mom said ladies don’t drink beer when I tried to order one.
“I’m sorry about Nikki….I know he’s super fucked up right now.” Tommy gave me a sincere apology for his behavior, “Why would he even do this? He knew today was important.” I whined, trying not to get worked up and start crying in front of T-bone.
“I wanted to introduce him to some important people, but I can’t when he’s like this.” I explained to Tommy, feeling sorry for myself. I fucking knew better then to trust him.
“I don’t get him sometimes. Like last night he asked me to be his date to your wedding, and he was really sweet even after what I did at the strip club…and then he just does this? Like I’m nothing to him.” I vented my frustrations to Tommy. He started rubbing my back as he could tell I was getting worked up.
“I don’t know. He’s just being selfish…and clearly a fucking idiot. He’ll regret it when he finally passes out…but I don’t see that happening for a while. He’s pretty loaded, he said he shot up both coke and smack.”
“He’s gonna end up killing himself.” I said worrisome, “He’s fine. I think we’ll get him in rehab before that were to ever happen.” Tommy said, laughing at his own words.
“Rehab…right. Cause that would go over well.” I rolled my eyes, laughing with Tommy. “I see Vince has found himself some entertainment.” I added on, pointing to Vince and the four chicks that were in the pool with him.
“I give it an hour, he’ll probably take them all to the tour bus.” Tommy spoke, my attention being taken away as the band mom and the party planner hired started to play to the beat of ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.’ I actually really fucking hated this song.
“A fucking cover band? Really?” Mick said, walking up to us as clutched a glass of vodka, “Your mother always seems to amazes me. Really? A cover band? She couldn’t just ask us to play a few songs?” Mick exasperated, I shrugged. “I’m sure you guys could, but Nikki.” I motioned over to him, “He’s played fucked up before. Doesn’t sound good. But he’s done it.” Mick pointed out.
Nikki soon stumbled his way over to the three of us, “Hey man, get it together.” Tommy said, grabbing his shoulder and giving him a stern look.
“What? I’m fine. It’s all good T-bone.” Nikki retorted, I noticed smeared lipstick on the side of his neck.
“You’re certainly not all good, man.” Tommy spoke back, making Nikki roll his eyes, “Lighten up man. Stop fucking running to my band mates.” Nikki was quick to jump down my throat.
“You do it all the fucking time, it’s annoying.” Nikki continued as the guys looked at him unimpressed, “Leave her alone. You’re being an idiot.” Mick replied, jumping to my defenses.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do. She’s being a cunt.” I was quick to shove Nikki when he called me that.
“Knock it off or i’m kicking you out.” I threatened him, “Yeah? So you can be a fucking slut without me around? I’ve bet you’ve already fucked half the guys here.” Nikki’s words were cold as he glared at me.
“Y’know What Nikki? Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll go sit on someone else’s dick.” I retorted, noticing his jaw clench and fist balled at his sides.
“Don’t test him, he will snap.” Tommy said, putting his arm around my waist as he slyly whispered into my ear. I smirked at his words as I lightly pushed T-bone away from me.
“Yeah, maybe that’s what I’ll do. Go find a dick to suck since I’m such a big slut and have been with no other guy but you. Yeah, sounds good to me.” I was being petty as I slapped the side of Nikki’s shoulder before walking away from them.
Shortly after I found myself sitting on Duke Mitchell’s lap. His mom developed a program for under privileged youth. They get free meals over the summer when there’s no school, school supplies in the fall, and jackets when winter comes around.
Duke was also a rebound after Julian got arrested, maybe Nikki was right. I have fucked plenty of guys that were socializing in my back yard. Rebound after Julian, and now a guy to piss Nikki off. And I think it was working as his eyes haven’t left me once.
I felt Duke nibble on my ear, “Come back to my house when the parties over.” He whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. His hands were getting dangerously close as he was rubbing my outer thigh.
“Let’s just go upstairs right now.” I muttered, running one hand through his blonde hair and the other over the tattoo he had on his chest that was peaking out of the half buttoned shirt.
“I like the idea of that.” He responded with a smirk as I got off his lap, reaching for his hand as we started walking inside.
I stopped when the microphone echoed, causing a loud piercing noise to sound off, “Shit, you’re short.” I heard Nikki’s voice through the amplifier, I am going to fucking kill him before the heroin has a chance too.
“Hello? Hey, yeah sorry about the noise.” Nikki grumbled into the mic, “Excuse me.” I said letting go of Dukes hand as I walked over to Tommy, Mick and Vince as they watched Nikki stumble around on stage.
Nikki adjusted the mic, “Ah, that’s better. As I was saying sorry for the noise. It’s not like it was as bad as they have been….you fucked up a lot of good songs.” I cursed under my breath, glaring at him as he looked at me.
“I just…I just wanted to say a few things to the birthday girl, give it up to Vanity!” Nikki clapped for me, as everyone followed his lead.
“Man, this girl…I swear…” Nikki said, pointing at me as he had a bottle of beer in his hand.
I saw a smirk spread across his lips as he leaned into the mic, “This girl…she pretends like she’s so god damn perfect, it’s honestly such an act. You deserve an Oscar, Van.” Nikki grumbled as the smile I was starting to get faded away.
He glared at me as he continued, “She doesn’t care about anyone here. She can’t stand any of you, she never fucking did. She cares about no one but herself. She might care about you when you put your dick inside of her to keep her busy.”
My lips parted as I scoffed, ignoring the judgmental looks I was getting and the whispers among everyone.
“But man, she’s got some grade A pussy. I’ve fucked a lot of chicks all over the world. But Vanity Blackwood’s pussy is the tightest I’ve ever had.” Nikki spoke out roughly, chugging the rest of his beer as he tossed the bottle down by my feet.
 I bit my lip, shaking my head at him as I felt tears starting to stream down my face. Both Tommy and Vince tried consoling me, telling me it’s just the drugs but I pushed them away.
Nikki looked over at me, “Aw, baby. Don’t cry…it’s okay. But I get it, I’m not good enough for you. Never have been and never will be, that’s why you string me along, right?” I shook my head as he chuckled darkly.
“Some CEO fuckwad would make everyone happy, including you. Can’t be with someone who will be in his grave sooner than the world knows. I’m just crashing and burning, doll.” Nikki stares at me, his eyes rolling as he shook his head.
“Why the fuck are you crying? I’m just a good fuck to you…enjoy the ride while it last Vanity. Cause I know you don’t give two shits about me, probably dealt with me for the drinks and the drugs and cause you know I fuck you better than anyone else you’ll ever meet.”
“Nikki, stop.” I cried to him, my voice breaking, but he continued his rant, “Going around the world for free just as long as you suck my cock, right?”
“Get him off the fucking stage. Now.” Greyson walked up, pulling me to him as I sobbed into his chest.
“Fuck you man, I’m not done.” I watched as Tommy and Vince try to wrestle him off the stage, but Nikki wasn’t moving.
I saw Mick throw his glass down on the grass, “Get off the fucking stage. You’ve done enough, sixx.” Mick said to him, forcefully grabbing Nikki by his arm and shoving him off.
“Get the fuck off me!!” Nikki shouted, shoving Vince away from him.
“Always gotta stop for the princess, right?” Nikki said, stumbling over to me but Greyson shoved him away.
I saw the look on Nikki’s face as he approached my brother, “Stop!!” I yelled at him, shoving him back, “Oh stop with the fucking tears, nobody fucking believes them!” Nikki growled as he gripped my arm roughly, pulling me to his chest.
“You act so fucking innocent and you’re not!! If it’s not the blow it’s the alcohol!” Nikki yelled in my face, his hot breath left me scorned.
“Let go of me!” I yelled back at him, shoving him away. He stumbled backwards, falling into a table that had gifts and my birthday cake on it, sending everything to the ground. Nikki looked at the presents, holding one up as he saw it was smashed under him. Nikki quickly glanced up at me seeing the tears and discomfort he’s caused.
“Vanity…I…babe, fuck.” He groaned, pulling himself off the table as he had icing all over him.
“I want him out.” I told Greyson as I began walking away from them. “Van, Vanity. Please wait.” Nikki chased after me, I turned around to see him stumble and bump into people. The guys quickly followed behind him.
“I want you out of my house!! I never want to see your face again!!” I screamed at him, his face winced at my words, “I…I’m sorry…I…Vanity please.” Nikki begged, reaching for my hand but I smacked his arm away from me.
“I hate you.” I scolded him, “Van, no you don’t…please, doll. Don’t kick me out.” His voice cracked, I could feel the sadness coming from him.
“I wish I never fucking met you, Nikki. Get out of my house. All of you. I’m done. This is done.” I spewed my anger out at him. For how pissed off I was, I’m very surprised with myself that I hadn’t hit him or broke something.
Nikki looked away from me, his jaw clenching as he nodded.
“Have them get their stuff, and get them out.” I told Greyson. “Parties over…it’s so fucking over.” I mumbled before going inside the house.
I was quick to get Nikki’s suitcase together and drag it out of my room. I carried it to the stairs, noticing Greyson escort the band out as Tommy and Vince tried to get him to reason. Nikki glanced up at me and when he did I threw his belongings over the railing, making it hit the floor with a loud thud. “Oh dude..” I heard Tommy speak quietly for once.
I grabbed his bass out of my room, and took it to the stairs, “Vanity.” Greyson said my name, rather as a warning as he shook his head. I exhaled as I walked down the stairs. I watched Nikki hunch over, picking up all his stuff.
I handed the bass to Mick as he took it, “One more thing.” I spoke out bitterly, unclasping the bracelet around my wrist. I fumbled with it before throwing it at Nikki’s boots.
I stormed upstairs, slamming my bedroom door so hard it split the wood. I quickly locked the door and sat against it for I don’t know how long.
*Nikki’s POV*
I fucked up. I royally fucked up. I fucked up the only good thing I’ve ever had, I mean minus the band. I fucked it up. I could feel everyone’s anger as we sat on the tour bus. We had left her house about forty minutes ago and we’re driving to Arizona for one last show, then home thank god.
I sat on the couch, clutching the bracelet, trying to control myself from locking myself away and shooting up needle after needle.
“I am sorry.” I spoke quietly.
“Shut the fuck up, Sixx. I don’t want to hear your fucking voice right now.” Mick growled, throwing down his guitar as he pulled himself out of the recliner, pouring himself a glass of vodka.
“She’ll forgive you-“ Tommy tried looking at the bright side as usual. “No she fucking won’t!!! Look at everything you have done to her! And to do this!? In front of her family and peers!?” Vince, for once was sounding like an adult.
“I fucked up and-“ “I said to shut up!!” Mick yelled at me, he always had a way to make me feel like a scared little boy.
“You even fucking told me you think you’re in love with her!! And yet you still do this shit to her!!!” Mick screamed at me, throwing the glass of vodka on the floor.
“You what?” Tommy perked up, “Dude. I fucking knew it.” He added on, slapping my arm.
“Nice one, Nikki. It’s like you don’t want to be happy.” Vince chuckled as he sipped on his beer.
“It doesn’t fucking matter anymore. She hates me and that’s it. It’s done. We’re done.” I closed my eyes, leaning my head back onto the couch.
“Well good, cause it’s what you fucking deserve.” Vince mumbled. I groaned as I stood up and went to my room.
“Yeah, go shoot up some more Sixx, cause that will make everything fucking great.” Tommy yelled out after me. I quietly shut the door and locked it.
I laid in the middle of the bed, clutching a pillow. Is this what heartbreak felt like? If I’m feeling like this I could only imagine how she’s feeling. Fuck, I can’t even picture it. I hope she didn’t destroy anything, just as everything was going fine between her and me, I fuck it up.
I just…it wasn’t me. I mean it was me, but it’s what the drugs do to me. I saw her with that guy and how she was laughing with him and how his hands were exploring her body, it just made me snap.
I wiped my face as I felt tears run down the corner of my eye. My gaze slowly moved to the needle that was perched up on the nightstand. I really was trying to fight the urge but Vanity’s words and tears were taking up every free space in my fucked up head.
I needed a relief, and if she wasn’t here to give it to me, then heroin it is.
Nice going, Sikki.
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writingsbyshay67ss · 6 years
Finding Reader
Characters: Sam x Dean x Reader
Summery: You are captured by the Demons you and Friend were hunting but it was only a trap for you and the boys. The demon who abducts you is the same demon who has done this before but you don't know this till later on. Sam gets worried and convinces Dean to help find you.
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11:00 am- Sam and Dean was on the search for yet another dangerous hunt. Sam sitting at the café table waiting for Dean to meet him and he's on the phone with Bobby getting information on you and where you have been the past month. You left the boys to help a friend with a hunt that he was having trouble with. Till then they had a gig on a bug bad with a couple snatching demons in his mitts. The demons had been picking up singled out women in bar alleys. Sam was worried and couldn't get a hold of you so, the soft man that he is had to make sure that you were okay. Dean had told him not to worry that he knew you would be fine alone but Sam had some red flags standing up on the back of his neck for a couple days now. Once he couldn't get a hold of you on your phone that's when it all came to the realization that something was terribly wrong. Dean enters the room and noticed the look on his face when he had hung up the phone.
D- "What's up? Did you get a lead on where they were?"
S- "Who? Oh, right the demons."
D- "No the evil monkey who took over the world. Yes Sam the demons."
S- "No I got nothing."
D- "Well who was that on the phone?"
S- "Bobby."
D- "What did he have for us and don't say nothing."
S- "He said he had to do some more digging he captured one of the inner circle demons who were in on the deal and is hoping he will break him."
D- "Still worried about Y?"
S- "Dean I know you think she is going to be fine but, she's been gone longer then usual not answering her phone and--"
D- "Okay, let's go find her then."
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Sam and Dean grab everything they needed for the trip and head to where you say you were going.
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What am I going to do? Sam and Dean may know where I went but do they know where I am now? If they're looking for me at all? I don't even know where I am.
Demon- "You think your friends are really going to look for you?"
Y- "You have no idea who you are messing with."
Demon- "I know exactly who I am dealing with. Sam and Dean Winchester will find you  and if they do I will have them killed right in front of you and in front of the King of Hell."
Y- "Crowley, Seriously? You do know we've worked with him right?"
Demon- "Yes I know but did you know he plays them like a fiddle and really hates them?"
Y- "We will see."
Demon- "I don't like your mouth!"
The demon walks up to you and smiles as he calls in two other demons.
Demon- "Take her to the room."
Demons- "Yes, sir."
They lift you up your weak body and carry you to the next room over. You see a table with straps and torture weapons on a tray next to it.
Y- "No! Stop! You can't do this."
You fight as hard as you can but your body was to weak to move. The demon comes back into the room and tilts his head as he smirks he tells his demons to strip you down to just your bra and underwear.
Demon- "You don't remember me do you?"
Y- "What are you talking about?"
Demon- "My name is Vince. You and your boy toys thought you killed me but you missed me smoking out into a vent near by on the ground when you looked away. You really killed the meat suit."
Y- "Oh God."
V- "God can't help you here babe."
Vince tried everything in and out of the books to get you to talk like he done once before, anything to get information on the boys. You were cut, lightly stabbed, beaten, and pushed to the point of no return. Nothing worked so he decided to try something different…something no one would want to go through. Not like anything else he had put you through would have been nice, but you didn’t wish this one on your worst enemy. After Vince beat you into pretty bad shape he took you outside, it was dark you couldn’t see much and you wanted to scream, when you tried your voice was to dry, nothing came out. He told you not to try that again. Next thing you know you’re feet begin to get wet and the substance got deeper and deeper till you were hip deep, Vince pushes you down and you realize it was water and you were drowning. As water filled your lungs you tried to fight your way out but there was no use, you thought this was it, you was going to die this way, out of all ways this. Vince pulls you up yelling questions like “Where are the Winchester’s Safe house?” All you could do was cough and gasp for air. The deep gashes from where you’ve been stabbed are burning, like someone put salt in them. After several times of this he pulls you out and drags your cold wet body back inside. 
You’re shaking and begging him to let you go. Laughing he throws you back onto the cold metal table he’s been torturing you on for weeks. Carelessly, he rips your dry simi bloody clothes off, yelling for one of his men to come in. The man walks up to the table and reaches his hand across your forehead and with hand pressed down you feel long knife go into you side is now on ttop of you beating you and pulling your legs apart but you fight him off and with one good punch he was off of you but not to long after you run for the door and down the hall he grabs you up from behind and hits you in the back of the head making you weak, carries you back to the room and ties you down, then beats you some more. Out of options you lay there praying that Sam and Dean bust in at anytime  to save you. Just as you close your eyes, Vince walks to the door, you hear yelling down the hall, could it be them?
Dean- "Where is she!?"
Sam- "Look out!"
You try to yell but nothing. All you could do was lay there waiting hoping they would find you.
Boys View 
The boys pull up to a building looking at it with familiarity.
S- "Dean, this is--"
D- "I know."
They walk through a door and standing in the distance were two demons in front of another door. Vince walks out and the boys knew this wasn't good.
S- "I thought we killed him?"
D- "Let's make sure he does this time."
Together Again
You hear fighting in the hall but could barely move. Dean breaks the door down and they both see your beaten and broken body. Sam couldn’t handle seeing you like that so he turned away but Dean slowly walked up to you and took his jacket off and placed it on you then put his hands underneath you and as gentle as he possibly could lifted you off the cold table that had your blood dripping off the edges. 
Y- “Dean? Is that really you? Sam?”
D- “Yes shh it’s okay i got you.”
You finally pass out knowing you were safe you could rest. When you got home Dean carried you to your room and called Cas to come heal you but he didn’t answer. Once Dean laid you down and made sure you were comfortable he knew you needed stitched up.
D- “I’m going to have to stitch your younds up. Do you want some whisky for the pain?”
Y- “Yes.”
Dean yells for his brother and he brings what he needed to stitch the wounds.
S- “I can’t watch this.” --Turning and going to the kitchen to grab his own drink.
Dean finished up with you even though you needed Cas to heal you he then made sure you were once again comfortable and left the room to talk to Sam for a minute.
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D- “Sam. She really needs us both and you couldn’t even look at her.”
S- “I couldn’t look at her because after everything we promised her she would be safe with us. We let her down not just today but every time she gets hurt or gets snagged up by some demons or vampires. We can’t keep her safe no matter what we do.”
D- “Sam we can’t keep her locked up here either. She wanted to go out and do that case and help her friend. She knows what this life does and what it can cause for us or any hunter. Y is the strongest hunter I know other than us and I will not hold her down because we’re scared for her.”
S- “Dean. I can’t lose her and neither can you. I know you love her but so do I. She should have never left our sight.”
D- “It’s not up to us.”
The night grows long as you cry out in pain. Sam and Dean kept an eye out for you throughout the night and the only thing they could do was wait it out. 
Y- “Sam Dean. Thank you for everything. I’m sorry for causing so much trouble. I don’t know if I am going to make it through the night.”
S- “Don’t  say that!.”
Y- “Sam I’ve lost to much blood and I can feel myself getting weaker by the hour.”
D- “I’ve been calling Cas all night.”
Dean bends down next to your bed and lays his head down on the side.
D- “Damnit Cas if you can hear me please come home it’s Y. She really needs you.”--Dean prayed. 
After several more hours you turn pale and are living on your last breaths as soon as you began to lose all faith Cas hears his prayer and walks into the bunker to your room then touches your head as he heals all your wounds.
D- “Where the hell have you been Cas! I’ve been calling you for hours I prayed for you.”
S- “Dean I think he knows.”
C- “I’m sorry I was stuck in heaven they had me locked up I will explain later.”
Y- “Cas you were almost to late but I forgive you.”
The boys stood quite as you sat up in the bed and smiled.
Y- “You guys look like shit.”
Sam laughed then sat at the end of your bed and Dean leaned over and pulled you in a long hug. 
Y- “Did you guys have another hunt before you saved me again?”
D- “Yeah but I think you need a break for a few--”
Y- “Let’s go. I’m better and we have Cas back so hey let’s save some people and kick some ass while we do it.”
S- “Your not going to stop are you?”
Y- “Never.” --Saying with a smile
Sorry for the sucky ending I didn’t know how else to end it. I hope you enjoyed it though!:)
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