lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
wizarding world masterlist
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last updated: 04.14.21
Sirius Black:
how you meet sirius black ; | headcanon
dating sirius black would include... ; | headcanon
weak when ur around ; 1014 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
catastrophe ; 508 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
addiction ; 510 words | fem!reader | angsty oneshot
oops... ; 219 words | platonic fem!reader | awkward oneshot
escape from azkaban ; 492 words | fem!reader | sad oneshot
innocent ; 295 words | fem!reader | sad/fluff oneshot
the room ; 1090 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
little things ; 298 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
flirty ; 332 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
thinking bout you ; 163 words | fem!reader | drabble
under the stars ; 441 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
unexpected ; 436 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
Remus Lupin:
✦ "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER” (remus au) series masterlist | ongoing series ✦
how you meet remus lupin | headcanon
dating remus lupin would include... | headcanon
having a bad day but remus making you feel better | headcanon
stupid ; 384 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
sundays ; 188 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
cherry wine ; 297 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
i want you ; 1556 words | fem!reader | angst/fluff oneshot
masquerade ; 1555 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
James Potter:
how you meet james potter | headcanon
dating james potter would include... | headcanon
cold coffee ; 625 words | fem!reader | fluff oneshot
Harry Potter:
[coming soon]
Oliver Wood:
[coming soon]
Newt Scamander:
[coming soon]
Tom Riddle:
[coming soon]
Fred Weasley:
[coming soon]
Dramione (Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy):
[coming soon]
❁ dm me if you want to be part of a taglist, and specify which fandom!
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❁ if any of my links don't work, for whatever reason, please let me know!
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sunder-soul · 2 years
◦•Half the Fun•◦
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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Summary: You're playing games with someone who is very, very used to winning. Wordcount: 800 Warnings: none this time besties 🕊️
ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
𝔸 - 𝕄 @abhorredlara​​ @anakinishotdoe​ @anevrismes​ @arana-alpha​ @books-butterbeer @catastrophicalllyy​ @dear-fifi​ @dropssofjupitter ​​ @dravenwitchmusings ​​ @emeraldphoenixblackthorn ​ @empath-bunny ​ @evertiel ​ @expectoscamander ​ @fish-eg ​ @ginasellsbooks ​ @grimdevil ​ @herfantasyworldd ​ @hueanhdang ​ @hypnohawke ​ @itsjustfics​ ​ @itzjennieofficial​ @iwastoowildinthe70s @justhurtnocomfort ​ @kennafild ​ @lemirabitur ​​ @lovelyysiriuss ​​ @lucys-brain ​ @mentally-in-northern-italy ​ @mikariell95 @michaels-gardenaesthetic ​​ @moatsnow ​ ​​ ℕ - ℤ @niallwrld @nothinghcppens​ @obliviouspotter @oui-magnifique @pearlstiare @pink-kixxes @qblaughter @rainyroads @raven-riddle @rededfoxy @rinsdesires @saintsha @seriouslyginnychase @shunamai @silverdelirium @sokkasdimples @suicide-sweetheart636 @sunles @sweetpsycho46 @tallyovie @theyoungestchild0w0 @tm-mrvl-rddl @toasterking @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @until-the-last-falling-star @valentinecarnage @vallastempermental @voidmalfoy @weirdowithnobeardo @whentheskyispinkandabitblue @whoevenfrickenknows @whoreforgeorgeandfred @wizardcherryblossom @wymindog​ @yepitslainie
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 
The first thing you learn about him is that he’s not just beloved, he’s an obsession. People don’t like him in the traditional sense of the word. You don’t have to actually talk to Tom at all to consider him your friend, you just have to sort of know about him, be a class with him, sit in the Great Hall at the same time as him, pass him in the corridor or share a table in the library. That’s enough for everyone to smile at each other fondly when he raises his hand to answer yet another question, or when he gets awarded another ten points for a perfect jinx in Defense Against the Dark Arts. It’s enough to merit someone permission to make a passing joke about his latest class distinction to their friends, or comment on how well he’s done in the latest assignment from Dumbledore, or raise their eyebrows and smirk when another lovestruck hopeful approaches him to ask (very transparently) for ‘help with their homework’ or to ‘look over their essay,’ or even for him to tutor them in one or other of the many classes he excels in.
The second thing you learn about him is that he does very little to discourage people treating him this way, and yet nothing ever seems to really come from it. Tom is good at smiling, he does it all the time and he gets no shortage of practice. He’s good at the polite but humble smiles when the professors praise him in class, and the slightly dry smiles when the class titter at yet another of his achievements, and the soft smiles when one of his admirers gather their courage to actually approach him. These he’s particularly adept at, the line between steadfast refusal and gentle charm. No one rejected by Tom (which is everyone) seems to really resent him for it; he’s become so skilled at the art of dissuasion that people come away from the experience sorely heartbroken and even more in love with him as before.
The third thing you learn about Tom is that he’s a collector. He doesn’t really want to get an Outstanding grade in an assignment, he wants Outstanding in all his assignments. He wants to take every N.E.W.T. class, he wants to win 100 percent of the duels in Defence Against the Dark Arts, read the entirety of the recommended chapters for History of Magic, and earn spots on all the internships offered for after graduation. You strongly suspect that a single Outstanding result offers him absolutey no satisfaction by itself at all, and it becomes increasingly evident to you that it’s not so much any particular achievement itself that he craves, but the absoluteness of having achieved it all. You imagine that it would only take one single misstep in an otherwise perfect sweep for him to consider the whole thing a failure. You imagine it’s a very punishing way to live.
Maybe it’s this fascination with perfection and collection that makes him so determined to figure out why you don’t seem to like him very much at all, a single blot on his otherwise spotless record, the last domino for him to push over before he can step back and finally triumph over his conquered playing field. Maybe that’s why he can’t seem to decide if he enjoys the challenge or if he resents you for withholding that satisfaction from him, a battle you frequently catch glimpses of on his face before he hides it all away again with skilled practice. You wonder if he loses sleep over it, if he lies there in his bed in the Slytherin dorm twisted up in his own strange, frustrated obsession, why it doesn’t work, why he doesn’t work for you, what he’s missing, what he’s not seeing. Sometimes he seems a little tired on Tuesday mornings when you sit next to him in Transfiguration, and it makes you wonder about his night. He never seems tired any other day.
He talks to you when he can pass it off as anything other than him trying to talk to you; he asks your opinion on the book you’re assigned unprompted, he suggests that you edit each others’ essays before the deadline passes, he even invites you to study with him over the weekend some time when your classwork gets more demanding. In fact, Tom talks to you the same way everyone else in the school talks to him. You wonder how infuriating he finds it to see his own charming, dissuading smile mirrored back at him when you say no, you suspect rather a lot considering that’s the only time you ever see his jaw tighten like that, and his fingers go utterly still where he’s holding his quill, or his eyes go a little darker, flat and unrelenting before he reminds himself to smile back. It gives you satisfaction unlike anything he’ll ever get to savour.
Knowing that is half the fun of withholding it from him in the first place, after all.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 
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lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
how i met your mother (remus au) {1/10}
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: hi everyone! i decided to publish my wattpad book onto tumblr ! fun fact: this was actually written on tumblr around 2018, a year later tho i deleted my tumblr (which i regret oh so much) but it's back and i cannot be any more happy! excuse my old way of writing, like i said this story is very old LMAO
PAIRING: Remus Lupin AU
INSPO: the show "how i met your mother"
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
REMUS JOHN LUPIN wanted to tell a story to his kids, an incredible story in which they've heard a million times but never actually took the time to hear every single detail.
"Kids, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your mother." Remus began in his posh-British accent facing his children.
"Are we being punished for something?" His younger son questioned. The sandy-haired man — with an exception of a few newly welcomed gray hairs — let out a 'no.'
His older daughter sighed, "Yeah, is this going to take a while?"
The elder man nodded, "Yes," his kids rolled his eyes and laid back into their seats, "...so get comfortable in your seats because I'm going to take you back twenty-five years ago before I was 'dad' I had a whole other life."
That's when he began his story. "It was all the way back in 1987, when I was 27. Just starting to make it as a Professor, teaching the dark arts, and living in the Muggle world, aka London with James, my best friend from Hogwarts. My life was good, that was until Uncle James went and screwed the whole thing up."
James was on his knees about to utter the forsaken words in which he couldn't look back now, "Will you marry me?" he asked opening the little box which the diamond ring was held in.
Though he didn't actually say it to the woman he loved and wanted to say the words too, he was practicing to his good old, twenty-seven-year-old pal, Remus.
The messy sandy-haired man practically jumped with excitement, "Yes! Perfect, then you're engaged! You pop the champagne, drink a toast, you have sex on the kitchen floor!" Suddenly contemplating on his response for a moment, he corrected, "Don't have sex on the kitchen floor."
The brunet man nodded, "Got it, and thanks for helping me plan this out, Moony."
"Mate, are you mad? It's you and Lily! You've been chasing after this girl for years, and I've been there for all the big moments between you and her." Prongs went into the kitchen to grab two butterbeer bottles from the kitchen handing one to Remus, "The moment you met, your first date, other first things..."
James chuckled nervously rubbing his hand behind his neck, taking a sip of his beer, "Y-Yeah sorry about that mate, we thought you were asleep."
"It's physics Prongs. If the bottom bunk moves, the top one moves too." He leaned against the refrigerator for leverage for what he's about to say. "But mate do you realize you're getting engaged tonight?"
"I think I do Moons." Prongs chuckled raking a hand through his hair, "What're you doing tonight?" Asked James right when Remus was about to take a sip of his butterbeer.
Narrator Remus chose to interrupt the story, "What was I doing? Uncle Prongs was about to take a big step in his life, and me? I'm calling up your Uncle Sirius."
The moment the telephone in Sirius' apartment rang he picked it up, "Talk to me." He sternly said through the phone.
"Hi Padfoot, it's me Moony."
"Hey, so you know I've always had a thing for half-Asian girls?" Remus rolled his eyes through the other side of the phone. "Well now I've got a new favorite, Lebanese girls," Moony could practically feel him smirking through his side of the phone. Sirius then began to state, "...as a matter of fact, Lebanese girls are the new half-Asians."
Remus decided to change the topic, "Hey, so you wanna do something tonight?"
"Okay, meet me at the bar in 15 minutes. And suit up!" His excitement caused Remus to roll his eyes, hanging up the call.
PERMANENT TAGS: @rottenstyx , @confuscita (dm me if you want to be part of a taglist, and specify which fandom)!
(turn on my notifications to stay updated)! 🤍
if any of my links don't work, for whatever reason, please let me know!
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lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
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Remus Lupin AU
inspired by the show “how i met your mother” (in which the marauders meet how I met your mother).
wattpad version
summary: An older Remus John Lupin reminisces the moment he met his lover. The love of his life, his kindred spirit, the mother of his children: Astoria Bloomsbury. From stealing a blue French horn to quoting The Godfather; an intense passion occurs between two individuals. Their love story is quirky, playful, and flirty. A perfect story to tell his kids.
❁ part one ❁
❁ part two ❁
❁ part three ❁
❁ part four ❁
❁ part five ❁
❁ part six ❁
❁ part seven ❁
❁ part eight ❁
❁ part nine ❁
❁ part ten ❁
turn on my notifications to stay updated! 🤍
if any of my links don't work, for whatever reason, please let me know!
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lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
how i met your mother (remus au) {2/10}
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PAIRING: Remus Lupin AU
INSPO: the show "how i met your mother"
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
SIRIUS WAS WAITING for him at the bar as Remus waltzed into the bar, with normal clothes to Sirius' dismay, nodding a 'hey' at the dark-haired man. Padfoot rolled his eyes vigorously exasperating, "Where's your suit!? Just once when I say 'suit up' I wish you'd put on a suit!"
"I did, that one time."
Black seemed offended, "It was a blazer!"
The sandy-haired man changed the topic they were discussing, "You know, ever since Hogwarts, it's been James and Lily and you and me." He said using hand gestures to prove his point as he said the names together. "Now it's gonna be James and Lily, you and me." Now he said the names with a pause in between.
"They'll get married, start a family. Before long I'm that weird middle-aged bachelor their kids call 'Uncle Remus.'"
Sirius had to smack him upside the head for him to snap out of it, while pointing a stern finger at him, "I see what this is about, have you forgotten what I said to you at Hogwarts? Don't even think about getting married 'til you're 30!"
"Thirty, right, you're right. I guess it's just when your best friend gets engaged, you start thinkin' about that stuff." Remus leaned against the bar.
"I thought I was your best friend." The dark-haired man seemed offended for the second time that night, "Moony, say I'm your best friend."
Remus nodded putting a comforting hand on Padfoot's shoulder, "you're my best friend Pads."
"Good. Then as your best friend, I suggest we play a little game I like to call..." Sirius started to rub his hands together looking around the bar, "'...haveee you met Remus?'"
The man started to shake his head vigorously at the man in front of him, "No, no, no, no, we're not playing 'have you met Remus.'"
Padfoot voted to arrange it anyway, tapping the shoulder of the first girl he saw bringing her out of a seemingly interesting conversation, as Sirius asked the question. "Hi, have you met Remus?"
Remus began to blush, "Hi, I'm Remus."
"Tonks." The girl said, running a hand through her pink hair.
"Tonks? Never heard a name like that before."
"It's actually my last name, I'm not very fond of my first name 'Nymphadora.'" The pink-headed girl rolled her eyes viciously at her ridiculous name.
"Overall, it's nice to meet you, Dora."
PERMANENT TAGS: @rottenstyx , @confuscita (dm me if you want to be part of a taglist, and specify which fandom)!
(turn on my notifications to stay updated)! 🤍
if any of my links don't work, for whatever reason, please let me know!
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
dating james potter would include...
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thinking he was just a flirt when you first met him and thought his flirting was just a game
basically thinking he never liked you
but he did
a lot
like he would literally brag about you to Sirius
"mate I'm not kidding she's literally perfect!"
"prongs, i know, you said that two minutes ago"
him only going to the library with the marauders to stare at you
you noticing a couple of times but shaking it off thinking he really doesn't like you that way
but he would flirt back and forth somehow you fall in love with his charm and he asks you out
wearing his glasses
just for him to kiss you thinking you were the cutest thing to walk this universe
wrapping his strong arms around you from behind bc asdfghjkl
sitting next to each other in class and holding hands under the table
and resting his hand on your thigh uGH
being the most #relationshipgoals that couples would just envy you cause you both are such a perfect match
most girls being absolutely jealous with you bc he is THE james potter, the mischievous and hot god to ever walk along the halls of hogwarts (aside from my baby sirius)
after graduating the both of you immediately getting married and living in the muggle world
which means waking up to each other in the morning
waking up next to him to see him facing you, looking everywhere around your face to realize how lucky he is to have you in his life
having a kid with him naming him harry
but since it isn't his and lily's baby, there's no voldemort that interrogates his family
falling more and more in love with him whenever he handles the baby with such care
such as reading a story to harry, and the both of them falling asleep on the rocking chair
you would smile leaning against the boys inaudibly saying, "my boys"
being with each other until the end
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
weak when ur around
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author’s note: HELLOOOOOOO Tumblr!! it feels so amazing to say that again, I used to write on this account 2 years ago under the username “lovelysiriuss” (basically my user without the extra “y”). but from not continuing with my writing and losing inspiration from it, I deleted my entire account. I had written so many oneshots that received numerous of positive notes along with followers. I was so sad and it’s one of things that I regret most since Tumblr is such a great community, especially for a Harry Potter lover like me. thankfully, I had transferred all those oneshots into a big fat book on wattpad that has over 15k views!! 
on that note, I will be continuing to write Harry Potter imagines/oneshots on this new acc of mine. this quarantine had made me realize how much I missed writing, even if it’s fanfiction. 
I'm so excited to be posting my first ever oneshot that I had ever written on my previous acc on this new and improved Tumblr account of mine! please, stay tuned for many many more Harry Potter oneshots of all your favorite characters. thank you, I love everyone in this community <3
PAIRING: Young!Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which Sirius realizes he feels weak when he's around her, but not knowing what to do about it.
SIDE NOTES: inspired by the song “weak when ur around” by blackbear
        NO ONE IN A MILLION YEARS would believe that Sirius Black would go to the library. They would just laugh right at that person's face. Then once they have calmed down they would utter a simple sentence.
       The library and Sirius Black, are not a good combination.
       That was indeed true. Little did those people know that the only reason Sirius went to Hogwarts' library is to watch a certain girl he's been completely infatuated with for a few weeks, yet he has known her almost half of his school life.
       Y/N. God, even her name gave him butterflies. That's basically how whipped the dark-haired fellow is.
       He was currently watching her, well, "studying" the way that he puts it, it was fitting though especially since he doesn't actually study for anything; the way she bit her lip when she was concentrated, the way she absentmindedly raises her brow whenever she was thinking, the way she fluttered her thinly mascara-coated lashes so she can stop the sleep from taking over her body. The way how she was not like any other girl Sirius has ever come across.
       Sometimes he would see her in the common room, talking to a friend. The way she would attentively listen to what they had to say, the way she would engage in the conversation while sharing her opinions rather than just nod along like most girls that he knew would have the position to do.
       He has talked to her before. But when he did have the courage to, his palms became all sweaty, stomach churning, breath staggering.
       While he just smiled, licking his lips and biting them, chuckling nervously. Pulling off some sort of facade like he was "okay" when in reality he really did not know what that word even meant.
       However she just politely smiled, biting her lip. A habit she had when she was nervous. Perhaps she felt the same?
       One day when he just couldn't take it anymore, he decided to let all his feelings out to his best friend, James.
       "Prongs, you don't understand. I can't eat, I can't sleep, not without thinking of her!" His voice rising higher and higher with each word. But the question is, how could he not understand? Since he's been in love with Lily for the longest time, this was basically how he was feeling in his state of 'depression' for years.
       Sick of hearing Sirius' puppy-love for the girl he could just glance at and have her in his arms; while James has been chasing after the same girl for years and still has yet to get, James decided to pop the question Sirius was thinking about since he first felt this sensation, "Then why don't you tell her you love her!?"
       The silence was deafening in the room they were in. After the both of them have recoiled from their previous ruckus, Sirius decided to clear the air.
       With vulnerability, Sirius softly shook his head, "I-I can't. She doesn't fall for the bad boys. A-And she's hard to get, I've heard."
       James waved his hand, smirking. "Pish posh. You're Sirius Black! You could get a girl just by laying a finger on her and she's already on top of you!"
       Realization dawned on Sirius, his mouth gaping open. He is, in fact, Sirius Black, why has one girl taken away his one power? The one thing that he was good at doing? Pun intended.
       "Y-You're right! This is why I can count on you Prongs! I love you, man!" He was practically tumbling out of the room mid-sentence. Prongs chuckling as the raven-haired man left their shared room.
       Now he was trying to find the girl, who of which calls herself Y/N. When he fled down the stairs that led to the Gryffindor common room, he saw her. Sitting on the couch, books sprawled out on the coffee table in front of her.
       Sirius couldn't look back now, growing a pair, he waltzed over to the flawless girl. She saw someone walking towards her from the corner of her eye, looking up she realized it was just Sirius. "H-Hey Sirius?" She greeted, quite questionable since he barely talked to her.
       "Hey, um... so what are you doing there?" Nervously running his hands through his jeans, to prevent his hands from sweating. Then sat next to his crush.
       The girl was completely confused. "Er-Just studying." She offered him a tight smile. "Okay, cut the crap Sirius, what are you really here for?" The girl voiced her own thoughts.
       He tried to laugh it off, giving it away. To which Y/N just looked at him oddly, he finally decided to come clean. "Y/N you don't understand, I'm totally weak when you're around. I get all nervous and fumbly around you, I've never been like this around any girl. To me girls were like socks, they get changed every day and/or week. But you, oh God you...y-you're different than any girl I have ever met..." He put a hand on her cheek, shocking her slightly to which she widened her Y/E/C eyes.
       "So will you please, for the love of Godric, go out with me?" He dramatically asked grabbing her hand, without thinking, and pulled it to his chest. She looked into his eyes, he had the most sensitive, loving, look in his stormy gray eyes.
       Being a bit daring, she leaned in capturing his lips onto hers. Molding together, fitting perfectly, she couldn't help but melt into him. This was a moment of bliss for the both of them. He was so in love with this girl.
       He knew it was cheesy, but he actually felt sparks and fireworks erupt within him.
       He was first to break the kiss, taking a long intake of breath the air was offering him. He broke the tension, "Is that a yes?"
       The Y/H/C girl looked at him, grinning from ear to ear. "Just shut up and kiss me."
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lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
hello lovelies! here is my navigation post so you don't get lost in my blog <3
✦ main masterlist
✦ chromatic series masterlist
✦ how i met your mother (remus au) masterlist
✦ wattpad (everything you see here is also on my wattpad)!
✦ asks, requests, tags
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
dating sirius black would include...
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hating him at first but liking him later on
even tho he seemed cocky and arrogant you knew that it was just an act
you were the only person that saw the "real" sirius black
which was the caring, sweet, guy that he was
lots of make out sessions
that would get out of hand some of the time ;)
lots of "baaabe" mainly coming from him
a whole lotta jealousy
like he would just growl when a guy would try to make a move on you
then in the end of the night, he kisses you and puts a hand on your cheek uttering "mine"
wearing his shirt most of the time
and him spanking you saying "GODRIC you're so hot wearing my clothes"
the marauders all shipping you
most girls being absolutely jealous of you since you are dating the sirius black
sirius noticing the hateful glances the girls give you
well, you guys are the perfect couple
sometimes even prongs would yell across the grand hall "relationship goals!" to the both of you
McGonagall telling him off while the two of you are just busting out laughing
inside jokes where you just glance at each other from across the room and stifle a laugh
sneaking into his room at night when you have a nightmare and slip into his bed
him immediately making room for you, wrapping an arm around your waist kissing your cheek to give you a comforting feeling
waking up like that and you turn around to face him then notice he's asleep
tracing your finger across his face
eventually him waking up adorably, fluttering his long eyelashes at you and smiling at the sight of you
the both of you hate pet names so you keep it simple to either babe or baby
moving into an apartment once you graduated Hogwarts
so that means double the morning voice, double the wearing his shirt around the house, and double the I love yous
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
the room
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PAIRING: Young!Sirius Black x Reader
PLOT: In which Sirius is an awkward and clumsy boy whenever he's around Y/N, but all feelings are unveiled in the room.
SIDE NOTE: before I ever wrote this, i did a little bit research and I found out that the marauders never found the room of requirement since it never appeared on the marauders map. pretty mind-blowing.
       HE WAS GOOD with the ladies, a smooth talker, he had girls all over Hogwarts swooning for him constantly. All, but her.
       Whenever Sirius was around Y/N, he tried his best to impress her. And whenever he does, ends up being awkward and knocking out the nearest thing over leaving the girl in a giggling mess. The dark-haired boy kept thinking that she doesn't like him at all, especially since he's such a clutz around her.
       It was until one day, the gray-eyed boy was roaming the ancient halls of Hogwarts. As he was taking a stroll, he noticed a wall transform into two doors of a great size with a classic looking frame outlining the mahogany doors. Curiosity filled within him as he went to observe it closely. He looked around, choosing to be daring by pulling on the two handles on each side of the double doors and allowing himself in.
       The heavy doors closed with a loud thump. Sirius flicked his cloudy gray-eyes around his surroundings, the room was decorated as someone's dorm room-much like a girl's dormitory. A small voice piped up, "who's there?"
       Sirius felt guilty being that he barged into someone's room, however, he was still bewildered, what kind of room was this?
       Footsteps could be heard coming closer to him, then he was met by none other than Y/N. "Black?" She asked, confused as to why he was here. No one else knew of this place.
       "Y/L/N, what are you doing here? What is this place?"
       She tilted her head to the side, "You really don't know, do you? This is The Room of Requirement." The girl gestured around her surroundings, "it's a secret room within the castle, it only appears when a person is in great need of it." She crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't know why you would be in much need of it."
       His brows furrowed, why had he never heard of this room? He raised his index finger to the girl in front of him, signaling her to wait a minute. Black grabbed a piece of parchment from the back of his jean pocket, whispering the sacred words that only him and his three best friends know of. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
       Making the girl roll her eyes, you got that right.
       His eyes scanned the Marauder's Map, the names of his best friends and his appearing on the cover of it. He opened it, browsing the map to find his name on it. He found everyone on the map, all except his and Y/N's. No sign of The Room.
       Realization dawned on him when he thought that maybe this was a secret room, after all, Y/N raised a brow at him. "Didn't find it on the map?" His response being with a solemn shake of his head. "Told you, this is a secret room. Almost no one in this school can find it, probably not even the teachers."
       He walked over to where she was standing, "then how did you find it?"
       She smiled at the memory, "I was only in the second year, trying to find Professor Dumbledore's office. I was roaming the halls, looking everywhere for it. That was when I stumbled upon this hallway, doors started to appear on this specific wall. I saw a handle and I decided to open it, that was when I noticed that it looked exactly like my dorm room." She sighed, "My roommates hate me, so half the time I come here when I rarely ever sleep in my own dorm. I like to clear my thoughts when I come in here." Y/N realized what she was doing, "I-I'm rambling, aren't I?"
       Sirius snapped out of his trance-like state staring at her and focusing on her words as she spoke with her soft, velvety voice. "N-No, not at all."
       She smiled genuinely, making the dark-haired boy weak in the knees. "Thanks for listening. I-I really appreciate it." Y/N tucked a strand of her hair behind her elf-like shaped ears, suddenly feeling oddly nervous around him.
       There was silence between them for a moment, Sirius coughed awkwardly. "Well-uh, I should be going now."
       The girl didn't want him to leave, she liked the interaction she had with him. It felt comforting talking to someone, especially Sirius—though she would never admit that.
       "Uh yeah." She sent a forced smile his way.
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       The next day, during the night, when everyone finished eating their dinner in the Great Hall and was going up to their common rooms, Sirius decided to take a sharp turn from where the students were proceeding. Up to the seventh floor, to The Room of Requirement.
       He looked around the hall to find it deserted, he walked over to where he found the room the last time. Remembering it was in front of an antique tapestry, he looked around to find that exact decoration and in front of it, a door. Smiling to himself, Sirius opened the double doors greeted by an exhausted Y/N just about to go into her covers.
       The girl looked up to see Sirius, "Hey... what are you doing here?"
       To think about it now, he didn't exactly know what he was doing here. He couldn't help but say the words that he's been thinking about for a while, "I-I think I love you..." Leaving Y/N stunned, she didn't speak, letting him finish what he was going to say. "...and, I want to grow old with you..."
       There was a silence between them now, their thoughts swirling. Sirius was just about to leave the room when a voice stopped him, "I-I can't believe that-that I'm saying this either, but, I think I love you too."
       He turned to her, their eyes meeting. That was when Y/N noticed that he had the most beautiful gray eyes that she had ever seen. They moved closer, step by step. Sirius couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her by the waist, there was still a gap they had within. Y/N closed it by crushing her lips onto his in a passionate, and lustful kiss.
       Feeling breathless, they pulled away resting their foreheads on one another. They chose to hold onto each other for dear life. "As cheesy as this may sound, you stole my heart."
       He sweetly pecked her on the lips, "I try."
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
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PAIRING: Young!Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which Sirius gets easily jealous by someone that starts flirting with his girl.
       THE YULE BALL. Everyone was either on the dance floor, lazily drinking with their friends, or making out with the person they found that very night. Sirius Black was located at the punch table, looking at the couples that were mingling.
       He was soon accompanied by Y/N, who came next to him and bumped her shoulder against his. "Having fun I see." She chuckled, a cup of the red drink in her hand.
       The man rolled his eyes, "Totally." He commented sarcastically.
       "Well, since you're having so much fun, would you like to dance?" The girl asked, taking his hand already dragging the man to the dance floor without getting a proper reply from him.
       The Y/H/C girl wrapped her delicate arms around his neck, as the dark-haired man gracefully enveloped the girl's petite waist with his immense hands. There was no sound between the pair beside the softly swaying coming from both of their bodies.
       Ashy eyes met Y/E/C eyes. Sirius sneaked a little peck on her lips, Y/N chuckling.
       Out of the blue, a young man, that had one too much to drink that evening, came up to the girl. Pealing her off of Sirius and whispering in her ear, in a chilling manner, "You should dance with me instead of this prick." The Y/H/C girl looked awfully terrified, that was until Sirius processed what was happening and pushed the sexually aroused boy off of her.
       "What are you doing mate? I suggest you lay off the drinks!" Sirius was fuming, veins started to appear on his neck, "Touch her again, and you'll regret it!"
       The music stopped, the chatter going silent. The Grand Hall became absolutely was quiet, a pair of men dragged the drunk guy away from the couple. Professor McGonagall came up to the stage, grabbing the microphone from the stand. "Um... if e-everyone c-could go back to what they were doing..." The woman trailed off unknown of what else to say but was obeyed nonetheless when the music came back on and everyone went back to dancing, ignoring the mishap that happened just a few moments ago.
       Sirius was breathing heavily, then Y/N put a hand on his shoulder. The dark-haired man turned towards her, looking directly into her eyes. "If it helps, you should know, you're really sexy when you're angry."
       The man chuckled, wrapping an arm around her. "Let's go." The couple left the Yule Ball, that they didn't find entertaining anyway. Once they had entered Sirius' shared dorm room, he closed the door behind them and wrapped his muscular arms around the girl's petite body.
       She was surprised at first but melted into his arms. Before he could say anything, she cut him off, smirking, "I'm gonna take a shower, join me?" The girl cheekily announced, trying to lighten the mood. The dark-haired man was a bit taken aback at first but smiled, nodding.
       From what started as a catastrophe, their love made it better.
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
i want you
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PAIRING: Young!Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which Remus starts to develop weird feelings for his best friend, Y/N, and the feeling is mutual. They go to their trusty friends, of the same gender, for advice on how to express those feelings.
       THEY HAVE BEEN FRIENDS ever since they first met each other in the Hogwarts Express when he stumbled upon her compartment. She was the only person in that compartment, he wanted a friend, so did she.
       Years passed and here he is now. Remus John Lupin falling in love with his best friend Y/N Y/L/N. Her feeling the same way for Remus. The sad part was, they could never think the other felt that way for them, they were as oblivious as ever.
       The sun rose and the land of Scotland welcomed it, facing Hogwarts and awakening all of the people in the magical school. It was a Saturday and breakfast started, all the Marauders including Y/N and Lily ran down to the Great Hall to meet each other.
       Y/N entered the hall and caught sight of all her friends at one of the four long, mahogany, tables. Sirius waved to call her over, she replied smiling, moving her feet toward them.
       "Morning, morning.“ She grabbed a toast from the plate of all the toasted bread, biting into it, "What are you guys talking about in this fine morning?” She settled herself into a seat beside Remus, not noticing him stiffen being that she sat so close to him.
       Sirius smirked, “Well, you’re in a good mood.”
       Y/N grinned replying, “It’s a nice morning, and it’s the weekend. What more can there be to be happy about?”
       "I don’t know, it just looks like you got laid or something.“ Sirius smugly fired back.
       Remus choked on his eggs and toast right beside Y/N, coughing continuously. The girl pat his back to help him with the choking, looking at Sirius, "See what you just did?” She continued to pat the chestnut-haired boy’s back, then whispered quietly to him, “Are you sure that I can’t punch him in the face?”
       The boy smiled through his choking, “yes” he replied hoarsely.
       "Well, what if I just break his nose a little.“
       Remus chuckled, looking into her starry eyes. As she spoke to her friends, the boy couldn’t help himself from giving a side glance back to her eyes then glancing down at her lips, appreciating her beauty. This was how the rest of the morning passed to the group of friends.
       He had shown multiple signs that he was interested in her. Usually shown as she was talking, but she never noticed.
       It was a long day of classes for her and she entered the Gryffindor Common Room with a sad expression painting her face.
       She settled on the scarlet couch, throwing her bag next to her. But didn’t notice Remus until he asked, "Why the long face?”
       She looked up at him, “I had the worst day. Nothing is going right! First of all, I woke up late, which means I missed breakfast and my first class of the day. Then at that point, I said: ‘what the hell?’ And decided I’d be late for my other two classes, I took a shower, did my hair-”
       "I knew there was something different about you.“ Remus aimed out, mid while she was speaking, "I like the way you did your hair today.”
       "You’re not listening!“ Y/N angrily replied.
       Remus started to snicker at the state she was in, "It’s a good thing you’re cute when you’re angry.”
       The girl blushed at his remark but tried to make it unnoticed when he looked back up to her from the book he was reading. That was the first smile she gave that day.
       Finally, with the acceptance of their feelings, they turned to their friends of the same gender in order to give them advice.
       Y/N ran through the Gryffindor Common Room, in just her pajamas and fuzzy socks, approaching the girl’s dormitory.
       She found the door that she was looking for, grabbing the doorknob and turning it, not even bothering to knock. She entered the room, leaning her back against the door, “Guys, I need your help!”
       The three girls that were sprawled out on their beds looked up with a distasteful look at the person that chose to barge into their dormitory, disturbing their slumber.
       Lily groaned, scratching her head, struggling to sit up on her bed. Marlene tossed her throw pillow Y/N’s way, she caught it with ease.
       Alice stirred in her sleep, “Alright,” she started to sit up in her bed, “what’s wrong?”
       Y/N tried to regain her breath from all the jogging she did, “I think I’m in love with Remus…” The girls paused for a moment as soon as they heard that, immediately sitting up in their beds.
       "Okay, first of all. Just, take a deep and long breath.“ Lily announced.
       "Take a deep and long breath!? It feels like my insides are being RIPPED OUT!” Her eyes were wide open, screaming at seven in the morning.
       Little did she know that Remus was acting the same way as she was talking to her friends. However, the “talk” that he was having with his friends was more calm and peaceful.
       "Hey, so, I wanna talk about something with you for a little bit, do you guys mind right now?“ Remus said to James and Sirius.
       James groaned, turning in his bed. "Is it really that important? Kind of in the middle of something right now.” Sleeping.
       "Well, it’s kind of really important.“ Remus expressed. Sirius was starting to stir in his sleep. Remus sighed, "It’s about Y/N.” At the sound of her name, both Sirius and James sat up in their beds, rubbing their eyes that were drenched in sleep.
       "Alright pretty boy, come to papa.“ Sirius laughed, tapping the bed space right beside him. Remus let out a soft chuckle, plushly taking a seat on the mattress. "So do you fancy her?”
       The sandy-haired boy breathed out a sigh, “She’s my best friend. That hasn’t changed.”
       "It’s clear your feelings for her has.“ James announced, "You’re in love with her, you have to tell her.”
       The boy was quick to shake his head, “It’s not that easy. She probably doesn’t feel the same way for me.”
       The dark-haired boy beside him smirked, “You have no idea how many times I’ve noticed her blush around you, how she’s so shy and so close with you rather than the rest of us. Trust me, she loves you, just as much as you love her. You have to tell her.”
       In Y/N’s view, she was still in the girl’s dormitory. Currently, Lily was giving her advice, “You have to tell him, I know he feels the same way about you. I’ve noticed him give you many looks that can only be explained as love.”
       "Yeah, you have to tell him.“ Marlene agreed, running her hand through her messy bed head.
       On that afternoon they did. Y/N was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, Remus was coming down from the boy’s dorms, he caught sight of the girl that was sitting in one of the scarlet-red couches.
       The boy suddenly got nervous. Though he decided to face his fear of rejection and moved his feet to the girl, coming up behind her. He whispered in her ear, "Hey, I have to talk to you up in my dorm it’s really important.” The string of words sent a shiver down her spine, she nodded, however, and followed Remus up to his room.
       The pair came up to his room, she closed the door behind him. “So… what’s up?” She leaned her back against the closed door, crossing her arms over her chest.
       "Have you noticed that I’ve been acting strange lately?“
       The girl was confused as to what type of question he was asking, "No, well even if I did I would think that it was because the full moon is coming up.”
       Remus chose to snap right then and there, “Can’t you see it? I love you. I have for so, so, long, but you can’t see it. You’re my best friend, and you always read me so well, but you’ve been blind to this. Over and over, you choose someone else instead of me. Why is that Y/N? Am I too much of a monster for you? Am I not like a hot-shot like most of the guys that you have one night stands with?”
       She was offended that he was snapping at her like this. Especially at the last thing that he told to her. She looks down to the ground and speaks in an all too quiet voice, “You have no idea how many wishes I have used to you. Haven’t you ever noticed that I hesitate each time you ask me who I like? It’s because I’m so tempted to just tell you, but I know you won’t feel the same way.”
       The next move that Remus pulled was bold, even for him. He moved his way to her with ease, grabbed her face, and kissed her with passion. Surprisingly for him, she kissed back. The kiss lasted for a few minutes but when they stopped for air, he spoke, “Does that show you how much I love you?”
       Y/N blushed. The first time he ever noticed her blush around him.
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
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PAIRING: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which after years of being held wrongfully prisoned in Azkaban, Sirius finally escapes and sees the love of his life in an order meeting for the first time in, what it feels like, forever.
        SHE ASCENDED DOWN the dimly lit corridor that leads to the Black family's dining room, occasionally Y/N would shed a tear here and there every time there was an order meeting. Being that she was Sirius Black's girlfriend up until Azkaban, the thought of her only true love growing up in the house that she's walking through made her emotional.
       Once she headed closer to the room she heard voices coming from the other side of the dark door, the voices belonging to the people of the order. The woman grabbed the doorknob and creaked the door open looking at the sight before her which left her in complete awe.
       A man sat beside Remus, with a perfectly grown mustache and shoulder length curly dark brown hair. The only hair that would only belong to her long lost love, "Sirius." She whispered as if she was out of breath from running a marathon around the whole world.
       He instantly got up from his chair taking in the sight before him, "Y/N." He muttered the same tone she carried. She had aged just as much as him, gray hairs prominent in her previous Y/H/C hair, crows feet and wrinkles carelessly placing themselves along her beautiful heart-shaped face, but when he looked into her Y/E/C eyes they still had that little shimmer that he fell in love with. "I missed you so much."
       She hugged him tightly, tears finally escaping her eyes. "I knew you were innocent, I was always by your side, I knew it all along." The woman kept repeating, making Sirius tear up, even more, wrapping his arms around her. The rest of the order looking at the two that were embracing each other with sympathetic eyes.
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
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PAIRING: Young!Sirius Black x Platonic Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which a naive Y/N walks in on Sirius changing, and the air suddenly becomes awkward.
SIDE NOTE: i had to put the pairing as platonic with sirius but it’s however you really see it honestly. i just couldn’t say that this was exactly sirius x reader bc there’s no mentions of one another liking each other.
       WINTER WAS EVERYONE’S adored season in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The freezing weather was what every student was keen to see since winter at Hogwarts, was an exquisite site to experience.
       A thick layer of snow was covered on the outskirts of Scotland, Y/N looked outside the immense window of the homey Gryffindor Common Room in delight. This was the usual type of weather that she had the most fun with the Marauders. She grinned from ear to ear at the sight of the snowfall, starting to jog to the boy's dormitory.
       She was about to barge into the Marauders' dorm, but before she entered through the door she was already screaming at the top of her lungs, "Guys! Guys! It's snowing- oh fuck!"
       The girl cut off her own sentence when she realized what she had barged into. Her best friend, Sirius Black, was standing there wide-eyed in a vertical striped beige dress shirt and white—very tight—underwear, feeling astonished. She tried her best not to look at the area where she felt the most aroused.
       "I-I am so sorry, I'm just gon-" She grabbed the door handle and let herself out. The Y/H/C girl leaned against the door, letting out a huff of breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in.
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lovelyysiriuss · 3 years
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i took some cute flicks yesterday when i was on my way to an iftar to break fast 💅🏻
happy ramadan homies 🤍
i’ll get to “chromatic” soon, i’ve just been busy lately 🙈
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lovelyysiriuss · 4 years
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PAIRING: Young!Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
PLOT: In which Sirius takes up smoking after quitting to forget about his feelings for Y/N.
       The FINAL YEAR and the final week of Hogwarts. All the students have been waiting for this ever since day one, especially Y/N. She can finally finish school and be an independent woman and live in the muggle world to start her career. Of course, she's going to miss the place that she had once called her second home, but she's extra excited to be out in the real world.
       Sirius wasn't excited nor feeling anything. He's just living in the moment, which is his motto of life. The dark-haired man was calmly taking drags out of his cigarette while taking in the calm scenery of the Black Lake. It was silent, the only noise being the gooses' quacks and the birds chirping.
       His thoughts surrounding a certain Y/H/C girl, also known as Y/N. Who he has had a crush on since he first laid eyes on her when they were eleven, in the first year. He's never been one to voice out his own thoughts, being that the dark-haired man was afraid of rejection. Primarily because he has come from a place where he has been rejected many times; by his mother, his father, and his whole family generally.
       The Sirius Black, the man who did not fear anything, his fear was rejection.
       When he told James his feelings for her, the charming brunet man only gaped at him saying, "Oh my...dude, you love her." Now all he ever realized that his feelings for the Y/E/C girl have officially blossomed into love.
       He was so clouded by his thoughts that he didn't hear the footsteps that came from behind him. "Since when do you smoke?"
       "Since forever." He simply replied as he took a long drag out of the substance.
       "Well, I find it disgusting. Just get it out of your mouth, I-I hate it."
       "Oh yeah? Well, why don't you come over here and make me?" The dark haired man commented sassily.
       "What the fuck is wrong with you Sirius?" The man simply couldn't take it anymore, he's been hiding his feelings from her for years now. Hooking up with girls, or even smoking cigarettes isn't going to help him get over his love for her eventually. He had officially lost his cool.
       "It's because of you, Y/N, don't you fucking get it! You're such an addiction, that cigarettes are nothing but something that I simply smoke. You have always been my addiction! You know why?! It's because I'm fucking in love with you!"
       She was in utter shock, she couldn't move or speak. Silence enveloped the two youngsters, even Sirius looked down in disappointment. The gray-eyed man was about to get up from his spot on the ground when the girl stopped him, grabbing his bicep with her firm grip before he could escape anywhere. Getting up with him, she licked her lips, saying the words that she never thought she would ever say to him. Nor even admit to herself. "I love you too."
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