#loz tetra's mother
sokkas-first-fangirl · 3 months
What was Hespera‘s relationship with Rhoam like before she passed away?
Usually a happy one. Hespera really curbed Rhoam's worst impulses; he was a better, happier man with her. Without her, there's no one else he's actually willing to take criticism from or learn from, and he takes his grief out on those around him- especially on Zelda.
Hespera knew he tended to be arrogant and stubborn, that he sometimes spoke without thinking about the feelings of others, but she was also the only person he was actually willing to work on himself for. If we had a prequel of them, Rhoam would be a totally different man than the one we see in "Luminous."
Neither of them were big on PDA, but they held hands a lot. They were the type of couple who'd be happy to just sit and read together. They enjoyed debating each other and walking in the castle's gardens. They both enjoyed music and, although Rhoam didn't personally loved dancing, he was always happy to watch Hespera dance with her friends and with Zelda.
Rhoam was torn between fervent belief that Hespera could seal Calamity Ganon (he truly did believe in her) and utter terror for her safety. He had plenty of nightmares about her dying to Ganon.
Hespera liked that Rhoam was clever and dedicated. She'd tease him for being too stern and do her best to make him laugh and smile. Hespera thought he had gorgeous hair; Rhoam wasn't happy when it prematurely started to go grey, but she never cared. She told him it made him look distinguished. She once wrote a terrible, silly poem all about his beard to amuse him. She loved his smile.
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bugmangaka · 5 years
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Journal pages from the past three weeks! These contain a wide variety of stuff... mainly smash bros and zelda, and of course some design ideas for Enter the Dark World.
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miel64-blog · 5 years
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doodles of some girls~
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legend-of-binkus · 3 years
Three concepts i would love to see explored in the LU.
(if anyone knows of any fanfic with these themes please let me know!)
1. Ballad of the Goddess is just Zelda’s Lullaby backwards.
This one is just kind of funny to me. How did the Melody of the Royal family come about? Was it just either Sun or Sky messing around on their harp and they just randomly decided to play the Ballad of the Goddess backwards and were like, "Hey, this is a bop!"
Ballad of the Goddess is a song that was passed down from ancient times [X], so I find it amusing that the reverse would become the staple Melody of the Royal Family
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Having said that however, the song is called Zelda's Lullaby. It's possible that Sky will play it for Sun OR Sun will eventually compose it for her and Sky's future children. I think it could be really sweet to see the birth of the song. Or if the Zelda's are ever brought together I can just imagine Sun being like, "I wrote a song for everyone!" "Wait... What's wrong?" Cue every Zelda crying as they remember their own mothers singing them that exact song. ),:
Does anyone else have a theory about how the song came about?
2. Legend is a Knight of Hyrule (slight spoilers for A Link to the Past)
Legend's distain for knights is also hilarious to me because he's arguably the Knight of all knights.
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“Link...you must rescue Princess Zelda. Our people are fated to do so." - Link’s Uncle (A Link to the Past)
"Among the descendants of the Knights Of Hyrule a hero must appear." - Sahasrahla (A Link to the Past)
"Only a person of the Knights Of Hyrule, who protected the royalty of Hylia, can become the Hero... You are of their blood-line, aren't you? Then you must rescue Zelda without fail." - Maiden (A Link to the Past)
"You are perhaps the last one to carry on the blood-line of the Knights... It is ironic that the last one in the line has the potential to become the Hero of legend." - Maiden (A Link to the Past)
The Knights of Hyrule were a special clan of knights, but most of them died during the Imprisoning War [X] and in A Link to the Past it's shown that Legend is very likely the last one. Legend claiming to be an "Average nobody" couldn't be farther from the truth. I'd love to see/read about the others in the chain finding out about Legends heritage.
(It'd be too long for this post, but one day I do plan to write a more extensive theory as to why Legend wants to keep his lineage a secret, however I would love to see this idea tackled by other's as well!)
3. For generations, it was said that a "great king" would be the one worthy of the Triforce.
Have you ever been bored and just randomly decided to read the game manual for a 35 year old game? No? Just me?
Well... It just so happens that I found the most interesting little tidbit.
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And who is the one that obtains the Triforce in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link? Hyrule! You know... this guy.
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Seems to me that he doesn't want anything to do with that prophecy and is actively trying to avoid it. To Hyrule, the type of person he pictures as fitting of the role of "great king" isn't him. (To my knowledge, legends and prophecies in Zelda games are usually quite literal, so I'm pretty sure this isn't like a figurative type of king, but who knows?)
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But hey, if Tetra can be a Pirate Queen, then Hyrule can be a Nomad King. Rather then trying to fit himself into the narrow definition that he currently holds for someone deemed "great king", I'd like to see Hyrule redefine the role for himself and be the type of king he wants to be.
In his world, there's already a ruler in a castle— Dawn (probably Queen Dawn at this point). There's no need for another. I don't believe Hyrule should have to change who he is to be another great leader.
(plus I'm a sucker for old fairy tale tropes and I just want Hyrule and Aurora to live happily ever after by traveling around the kingdom and helping the people wherever they go)
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Any other LoZ concepts/plot points that you'd like to see brought into into the LU?
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wizzardhat · 3 years
Okay im just going to make my own post about this because this bugs the hell out of me
Look i get that botw kind of brought a lot of new people to loz and i think thats great, if botw is the only zelda game you’ve ever played and you loved it thats valid, its an amazing game. But im getting tired of people acting like botw zelda is the only zelda with a compelling personality or backstory because you’re either forgetting entire games?? Or throwing games you never played under the bus to make botw seem like the most indisputably superior zelda game possible? (It isn’t. Its very good but it still has flaws.)
People are like “every other Zelda is lame and boring and is just a pretty wizard with a crown 🙄 but THIS Zelda! She has ANXIETY!”
I get that botw Zelda is arguably one of the more vulnerable and relatable Zeldas, or even the most tragic, but it’s not like this is the first game to humanize Zelda or give her a unique backstory and personality? She’s not even the first Zelda to technically “fail” and then have to work overtime to damage control a situation she “failed” to prevent. OOT Zelda KNEW Ganon was going to kill everyone and fuck up Hyrule and NO ONE BELIEVED HER, so her idiot father just let him take over and reduce Hyrule to a miserable hellscape full of ZOMBIES. She had to go in to hiding for ten years, in which she of course patiently waited for Link to save her like the boring pre-botw princess she was :/ PSYCHE SHE STUDIED THE BLADE AND BECAME A SHEIKAH WARRIOR (and there was no reason she had to pose as a boy to do that because there are loads of female sheikah warriors so arguably a transmasc/nb icon.) Then she sent Da Linky back in time and just resigned herself to rebuild Hyrule by herself in the fucked up hell timeline he left behind?? That’s fucking sad bro she did that. She rebuilt Hyrule and didn’t even have Link to help her. And it’s not like he ditched her she did that to give him back his childhood because she’s a good friend.
Okay, I hear you say, well she was still wasn’t humanized because she is presented as an all powerful mysterious high-priestess type figure. Okay fair enough, you want a relatable Zelda? How about Tetra?? The daughter of a pirate queen, orphaned at a young age, who is an outlaw with a heart of gold, vaguely aware that she has some spooky bloodline shit going on but has no idea she’s a princess OR has magic powers, and has to live up to her mother’s reputation and lead a crew even though she’s way too young? And she struggles to make decisions that befit both a pirate captain and her own innate sense of altruism? I cannot believe the way people sleep on Tetra bro she was so fucking cool. Honestly there are more examples I can think of but I need to go to bed. I didn’t even get to Twilight Princess. OR Skyward Sword Zelda, notable because it was the game where they established “Zelda doesn’t need Link any more than he needs her, they are two sides of a coin that work together rather than a hero and a human mcguffin” as a real lore point and made it the rule rather than the exception. (Although most recent games by this point where working from that angle)
So let me close with this:
Reasons BOTW Zelda is unique among other Zeldas and very cool and awesome:
Has an interesting backstory & humanized personality without it in some way revolving around her pretending not to be/not knowing she is a princess (this isn’t really a plus but it isn’t a drawback, its just Different and therefore unique.)
Technically never gets kidnapped, and is trapped because of a decision SHE made when she was ready, to fight back (even though she really didn’t have any other options it still gives her more agency and agency is good)
Her story actually deals with the pressure of being both a political and religious figure, and the stress and trauma that comes with the “chosen one” narrative, especially when you don’t feel like you fit the mold/struggle to conform.
She is a nature nerd and i love her
Reasons BOTW Zelda is NOT objectively better than other Zeldas:
She is the only one with a personality (this is a lie)
She is the only one with agency (also a lie)
She is the only one who is relatable or likeable (biggest lie of 2021)
BOTW is the only Zelda game to switch up the formula or format of the series or make any progressive changes to the story i know we all know this is horseshit but sometimes ppl really make me wonder if they know other games occurred between Breath Of The Wild and Link To The Past.
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plaguelily-art · 3 years
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Whoo-ooh, finally finished this. This was supposed to be a simple "illustrate some reference notes, work on character design" project, but it got kinda out of hand. In any case, this is the general gist of the royal family line in my sky pirates au (au? it's more just a separate project than an au I guess, but au works as a good shorthand since the world of sky pirates isn't directly connected to any specific preexisting LoZ world). There's some notes from the semi-WIP arts I uploaded here and here, for those interested. I can't share anything that would spoil the plot, but some fun general trivia: the "Era of Fracture" refers to when Hyrule was literally fractured and giant hunks of land were sent into the sky as floating islands, which act as the setting for the story (I swear I came up with this idea almost ten years ago after playing Skyward Sword, when I thought "wouldn't it be cool if there was a Hyrule like Skyward Sword and Wind Waker with floating sky islands that were fleshed out beyond a few hunks of barely inhabited rocks"--BotW2 probably won't have cool skyships though, and Skyward Sword already made the floating islands a things, so it's fine, the settings only somewhat plot-important anyhow). Zelda I lived through the events that led to this fracturing, and, despite being dead for a very, very long time, she's actually got a bit of plot-relevance because of those events. As noted in one of my other arts, the royal family is matrilineal, with people marrying into the family and taking the surname Hyrule to reflect this (for example Daltan, the current king, came from the family Rohanus and married into the royal family). Likewise, anyone who isn't technically eligible to inherit the throne usually marries "out" of the family, i.e. Gaepora and Rauru. Surnames also get changed to reflect occupations on occasion, which is why both Rauru and Osfala are "Lightsage"" (because they serve in the role of Sage of Light), despite Osfala being born to Kaebora who married out when she eloped with the court poet, Sahasra. Actually, writing it all out like this makes my mental map of how inheritance and lines are traced in the royal family seem way more complicated than it actually is. In any case, the inheritance rules aren't even really that important for the story, and will be explained in much, much simpler terms for the like, one part of the story where they do get brought up. A lot of these are still early designs, so they're bound to change a bit as I experiment and settle into drawing the characters more often. But it was still a nice little exercise to work on some designs and color palettes to give myself a more solid idea of where I want to go visually.
2021, Spring-Summer Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Redesigns belongs to me. Daltan, Kaebora, Sahasra belong to me (names and the unnamed "court poet" in Breath of the Wild, which were used as inspiration for the characters, belong to Nintendo). Zelda, Rauru, Gaepora, Tetra's Unnamed Mother from Wind Waker, Tetra, Seres, and Osfala are characters from the Legend of Zelda series, and belong to Nintendo. The Hylians and Sheikah come from the Legend of Zelda series, and belong to Nintendo. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, or reuploaded in any way. Thank you.
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mxalexwhat · 5 years
How come the Queen of Hyrule is never mentioned?
The queen of Hyrule is almost NEVER mentioned in LoZ. I think the only time a queen is even vaguely mentioned is in BotW and only in a memory or a diary. I guess you can also count Tetra’s mom in Wind Waker, but she’s not seen as a queen despite having courtiers/pirate crew.
There’s even times when there is no king to speak of and the kingdom is ruled solely by Zelda, ie Twilight Princess or a Link Between Worlds, etc.
The power of Hylia and the Triforce of Wisdom is passed down from mother to daughter and that the royal daughter will always be named Zelda (via a royal decree from one prince of Hyrule early in the timeline before the split). Even when the kingdom was dissolved, Tetra’s mother was still in possession of the Triforce and passed it down to her. No king, but the royal bloodline is passed down by the women.
All that in mind, I think it stands to reason that the King of Hyrule isn’t actually a royal but either a noble or peasant chosen by the princess or elected by the people to marry into the family. That way, the queen can bear the next Zelda and just focus on training her/protecting the kingdom with the Triforce while the king can rule in her stead. He’s like the prime minister or Governor General to her queen.
Now, can you imagine that process? Princess Zelda is ready to marry! Who’s is gonna be? And its like the Bachelorette, everyone has their favorites and they argue over who will treat her best or whose the most handsome. There’s definitely some Zelink shippers in the kingdom after Link comes to help her destroy Ganon, but sometimes he’s got another interest (Malon, Ilia, Sidon 👀) and other times he’s absolutely infatuated with her and the kingdom is just giddy. And then there’s times where there’s just a guy like Rhoam or Daphnes or Daltus who aren’t really special but they loved their wife and did their best to help her and their daughter.
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earthnashes · 5 years
I did indeed catch a cold so I don’t quite feel up to making some art at the moment, but as a small substitute here are some random LoZ headcanons for anyone curious! uwu
-Whenever I think of this timeline I sometimes think of it as an actual video game, something to help me figure out what would make it more interesting to play if it actually existed (it’s also a lot of fun!). So that thought process has brought me into picturing New Hyrule segmented by the sea and one of the biggest forms of transportation in their world now is by boat and/or ships. This is what allows pirates to be so prominent in this timeline and why Tetra as The Pirate Queen is so important as far as the sea goes. Also allows her more time to hang with the gang and an excuse to get into ship fights pirate style, so perks for everyone.... if it were an actual game that is. :D
Anyway, I’ll probably draw a rough map of how New Hyrule’s geography looks sometime. <:
- I’m toying with the idea that “Linkle” isn’t actually Linkle’s name and is a silly nickname her father gave her that just kinda stuck, the name she prefers. She has a full name but I’ve yet to figure out what it could be, so for now it’s a little bit of an inside joke that no one knows her full name, not even the Link fam. Kinda like “I’ve been called “Linkle” for so long I don’t even remember my real name!”
-Between the twins, Link is the first born by a few minutes, a fact he likes to bring up whenever he wants to play the “big brother” card.
-Linkle and Link, despite being fraternal twins, are so close in resemblance Linkle could be mistaken for her brother at a glance, and vice versa.
-Revali and Link are childhood friends.... well, kinda. Despite how small Link’s village is, it throws one of the biggest festivals in Hyrule annually alongside the Gorons. This festival is to celebrate the long-lived friendship and trading traditions between the Gorons and this tiny, seemingly insignificant village, and it’s grown in size to the point that many travel from far and wide to experience it; Revali and his family did this once. During this festival there was a little competition, maybe a small little foot race for the kids to have some fun with, and Link and Revali competed in it. Turned out the two of them tied for first place and being how competitive Revali is, he demanded a rematch between himself and Link again. It ended in a tie again. Now, Link isn’t naturally a competitive person, but Revali definitely sparked it in him and the two did rematch after rematch throughout the festival. Sometimes it was the race, sometimes it was eating contests, swimming, pole-climbing, you name it and they fought each other for the title, even if they themselves didn’t actually win first place. That sparked a fierce rivalry between the two of them, one that kept them into contact for years after that festival, and it’s since morphed into a “we’re good friends but we’re also rivals and bicker a lot” sort of deal.
-Ganondorf doesn’t have any siblings, but he sees his “cousin” Riju as a baby sister more than anything. They aren’t blood related but they may as well be with how close the two are; in fact, Riju honestly did think Ganondorf was her big brother when she was very young. Aside from Urbosa and a few other Gerudo who trekked to visit him and his mother, Ganondorf didn’t have much contact with his people as a child given his “curse”, and that goes doubly so with children his age. Riju is a few years younger than him but he very much appreciates her company all the same, and it’s made his childhood a little less lonely.
-I’m now reconsidering the involvement of Ganondorf’s father. Originally he was present and a loving father but I’m considering making him an absent figure in his life to leave he and his mother to a more solitary life in exile. Moreso dead than willingly absent from his son’s life, but I’m not entirely sure yet!
Not a lot this time around but I hope they were fun to read anyway! In the meantime, be prepared for some Zora headcanon in the near future, artwork and all. :)
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serotoninwriteson · 4 years
Leave Me Your Wake - Prologue and Chapter 1
Leave Me Your Wake
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Ganondorf/Tetra’s Mother
If you’ll be my boat, I’ll be your sea, The depths of pure blue just to prove curiosities. Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze, I live to make you free. I live to make you free.
But you can set sail to the west if you want to And past the horizon, ‘til I can’t even see you, Far from here where the beaches are wide. Just leave me your wake to remember you by.
“Boats and Birds” by Gregory & the Hawk
To my darling daughter Tetra, who has yet to be born, I dedicate this journal so that you may remember your mother loves you and that your father is never too far away.
Sincerely Dazel Nohansen
Captain’s Log Day X of the Helmaroc Month, Year XX
My crew tells me of strange rumors that put my nerves on end. Townsfolk of Windfall state there is a more fearsome pirate crew than my own, and have admitted feeling relieved when they see its “only me”.
I admit I have dedicated myself to being a pirate who others can rely on, for work or errands or faith. It should not come as a surprise to me that this leads to naïveté and foolishness, though the fact still irks me to no end.
They say the crew takes up residence at the Forsaken Fortress in the northwestern part of the Great Sea. Today we set sail from Windfall. They won’t know what hit them.
You should know better than to cross a pirate captain.
Captain Dazel Nohansen of The Fallen Goddess
It was part of the captain’s routine to make frequent entries in her diary so that, were anything to ever happen to her, her crew would have a way to see into her head, to know where they were to go next and what they ought to dedicate themselves to without her guidance. Today was no exception.
She returned her quill to its spot in the inkwell once her entry was finished and took a moment to read over the perfectly swirled cursive she’d just written.
By the time she’d written the entry, the crew had already begun their voyage to the Forsaken Fortress. Few pirates dared to head to the supposedly cursed isle, but Dazel was not afraid of some silly curse or any monsters foolish enough to attack her when she was armed with a gun or blade, let alone both. And she’d be damned if her crew showed any such cowardice.
She exhaled a sigh and shut the diary, stashing it away in a drawer, just in time to hear a knock on the door.
“Yes, come in,” she said, her tone stern if only because of her irritation.
The door creaked open and a child’s head poked its way inside. Gonzo. He couldn’t have been more than five when Dazel first found him, begging for food or rupees because he had none to his name. He had no family, so the captain raised him as her own child. He was reliable… for a boy who was now only seven.
“Captain,” he nodded his head in way of greeting her.
“Gonzo,” she said softly, now that she saw it was only him. “Is something wrong.”
“No, ma’am,” he said. “Got an announcement. Forsaken Fortress is in view.”
She stood and threw on her coat. “I see. I shall be out in just a minute. Make sure we don’t get too close, okay? We have no idea what those pirates have up their sleeves.”
She could only imagine. Cannons and grappling mechanics were inevitable, but there had been rumors the rival captain held the capability to use dark magic and command beasts. Dazel doubted it was true, but made sure to acknowledge the possibility anyways. A pirate captain always had to be prepared.
Dazel quickly checked her inventory. A sword, a gun, her pirate’s charm - this was likely all the captain needed to handle the rival crew and get a good look at the fortress.
She raised a hand to her neck, pulling on the leather to bring her necklace into view. It had been passed down her family for generations and could be used to talk to others from a distance. She found it fascinating, more unique than letters and with a wondrous sense of mystery regarding how it worked.
Satisfied, she smoothed out the wrinkles on her red and black coat and stepped onto the deck.
“Mako, Sanza - what’s the situation?” she called.
The two were part of her crew. The latter was just in late teens, or perhaps early twenties. Dazel never bothered asking, and he never bothered telling her. Mako was far older, older than everyone in her crew. He was a sort of father figure, even if he did like teasing everyone.
“Captain,” Sanza turned his attention to her. “We’ve spotted cannons mounted on the walls. They’d likely fire if we got too close.”
“The searchlights are also keeping an eye out for any unwanted visitors.” Mako cleaned his glasses on his shirt as he spoke.
“Then that leaves only one solution.” A grin spread across her tanned features.
“Captain...” Mako returned his glasses to his face and gave her a concerned look. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you are.”
She chuckled. “Nothing like the barrel trick. I trust you to follow my aim.”
They muttered grumbles of complaints. They should have known their feisty captain would willingly volunteer herself to scout out the fortress by herself. She was always stubborn like that, and admittedly a little foolhardy too.
But this was the best way. It would get her in without the guards noticing her or the searchlights catching sight of their ship. She wouldn’t have to deal with too many pirates, though she could handle any that came her way, and would easily get the answers she needed from the rival captain.
That brought up a question.
She glanced at Mako. “What was the captain’s name?”
He shook her head. “The villagers didn’t say. They don’t even know what he looks like.”
She spat at the ground. “Tch, typical. He’s probably just some know-it-all who thinks he’s tough. That just makes this so much easier.”
With that said, she helped ready the catapult for launch and crouched inside the barrel they planned to launch. Her hand was on the hilt of her blade. Her gun was conveniently tucked away in easy reach.
She eyed the fortress from a distance, taking note of a ledge that seemed to lead to the uppermost portion of the structure. There was no doubt in Dazel’s mind that the captain would be there.
“To the right… No, your other right! Good. Now up, up, up- STOP.”
Once Dazel was certain her aim was perfect, her grin spread wider.
“Ready. Set. Launch!”
As the captain commanded, the catapult sent her flying. She jumped out of the barrel as she reached the ledge, leaving the evidence to crash against the wall, splinter, and fall into the water below. Perfect. The guards wouldn’t notice a thing.
They likely didn’t even suspect a thing as the large wooden door before her was neither locked or guarded. She shrugged to herself.
“Amateurs,” she muttered, before letting herself inside, closing the door behind her as quietly as she could.
She turned around to see what was likely a prison in the castle. The barred off portions of the room would likely suggest that. But there were no prisoners in there nor any reason for Dazel to look their way.
Wooden platforms snaked up the wall, leading to an outdoor portion far before here. She took off in a sprint, easily scaling the platforms to the top.
Where a terrifyingly large bird was waiting.
“What in the blue depths is this?!” she demanded before she could stop herself.
The beast was covered in faded purple feathers, decorated by violet, white, and black wingtips and lengthy golden tailfeathers. A silver mask covered its face, but its glowing yellow eyes were on full display.
A trembling hand reached for her gun and was near ready to fire, when the monster picked her up, its onyx talons digging into her coat and carrying her away.
“Let me go this instant! Damn bird, you hear me?!”
It flew her to a cabin-like area nestled at the top of the fortress. As if sensing the bird had captured his prey, a portly man with skin far darker than her own stepped out onto the balcony.
The bird tilted its head, as if asking what to do with the captain of the Fallen Goddess. The man just smirked and motioned behind him. The bird flung her at the captain and she crashed into the wall, before crumpling on the ground. Her gun scattered away from her grip.
“Damn beast,” she muttered as she slowly sat up, raising a hand to her aching head. “Damn pirates.”
The man approached her slowly, hands on the golden hilts of his blades as if daring her to draw her weapons. She glared at him, taking in his fiery red mane and beard, as well as the robes with markings she’d only seen in books before.
Just who was this man? Other than someone far more capable that Dazel had predicted…
“And you are?”
“You may call Ganondorf. I am the leader of the crew you so desperately sought out.” He motioned to the inside room he’d been staying in before. “Could I interest you in a chat?”
Dazel grit her teeth. Seemed she didn’t have a choice either way.
“Make it quick.”
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bugmangaka · 5 years
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Some journal pages I forgot to upload...
I drew a bit of Link and Aryll a little more grown up :0
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justicewinged · 6 years
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters from ten different fandoms (in no particular order) and then tag ten others. Tagged by: @askthebladesshadow
Disclaimer: I know it’s cheating to list my own characters so those are after the cut ... Lord knows I have a lot of them to love. 
warning for spoilers because I talk a bit about why I love them
Piper Wright - Fallout 4 Wants to do good for the world to a fault. Characters like this are my weakness. She’s witty and snarky and there’s a lot to love.
Daud - Dishonored The tragic villain, tossed up in a mess that didn’t need to happen in the first place, who realizes his greed, only too little too late.
Michael Grey - Peaky Blinders I love how Michael goes against his mother’s desire for him to be a “normal” upstanding citizen and becomes a legit gangster instead. He’s so much like his uncle Thomas it’s fantastic.
Jonathan Strange - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel I just love him because he’s a mess(tm) and his goals for magic are ones I support much more than the snooty response Mr. Norrel gives.
Bartimaeus - the Bartimaeus Trilogy A millennia of sass is under his belt. It takes a lot to be a snarky little prick when there’s plenty of things that could kill you in the universe. Need I say more.
Arya Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones Underdogs and powerful female characters are my two favorite archetypes. I love Arya because she may be the youngest Stark daughter, but man, does she command a presence.
Anders - Dragon Age Awakening & 2 His character development is unparalleled. I don’t think there’s any character who matches him throughout Bioware games. He deserves only the best ;-; And lots of cats.
Tetra - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass For once, in LoZ, the female companion can hold her own. Less so in Phantom Hourglass, but definitely in Wind Waker. Tetra couldn’t give a fuck and I love her for it.
Iorveth - The Witcher 2 There’s something to be said about the classic elven nature with which Iorveth holds himself. His story alongside that of Saskia is amazing and after playing his path I have no idea how I’m going to side with Roche in my next playthrough. 
Volfred Sandalwood - Pyre (Supergiant Games) Exiled for owning a printing press. Refuses to return to the Commonwealth until the Rites need not exist anymore. May as well be a criminal mastermind. Volfred obviously isn’t the only favorite character in the game, but damn does he earn that top spot.
Honorable Mentions: Nick Valentine (Fallout 4), Childermass (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel), Medli (Legend of Zelda), and the entire party in Pyre (especially Sir Gillman, Rukey Greentail, Jodariel, Hedwyn, and Pamitha Teryn). And of course, Quinn.
tagging: no one.
Bonus round of 5 under the cut.
Sybyl Raine (books 1-3), a girl driven by desperation to possession by an eldritch horror. She only wanted to help.
Atrophinehas (book 4), a satyr upholding the ancient treaties, who would rather be drinking his wines than fighting a war. Worst antagonist. 0/10.
Lotchya Black Fire (book 5), insomniac and a man after my own heart in many ways.
Kurelian Jasper (book 6), whose antagonistic nature is masked by a natural desire to do good for the world.
And Wolfgang (Shapeshifters), a man who wrestles with the innate similarity between himself and his abusive father, as well as his desire to do the right thing.
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cookie-waffle · 7 years
Favorite character: I have a lot of characters I really like but my absolute favorites will always be Sky Link and Wild Link.
Least Favorite character: That one grown ass Hylian guy in BOTW who fell in love with a zora who was obviously a young child. I… don’t know what Nintendo or NOA was thinking when adding/keeping that side quest in the game but that shit was creepy as fuck. The concept for the side quest was fun and all but the ending was just… questionable… And the fact that they tried to play it off as cute made it even worse. Oh, and I also don’t like The Imprisoned because he’s a punk ass bitch.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Zelink, ZelGrooseLink, Uuuuuhhh sorry I actually don’t have that many LOZ ships that I super like. Although I do have other ships.
Character I find most attractive: Warrior Link. He’s def got the prettiest face. Almost TOO pretty. Like he looks waaay older than his actual age. It’s like when you see an anime character who looks 25 but is actually like 17 lmao. Also Urbosa, Sidon, and HW Ganondorf are hella fine might I add👌🏻
Character I would marry: Can’t choose between Sky or Wild so both of them tbh.
Character I would be best friends with: I wanna say Wind because he is shaped like a friend. But I also feel like I’d get along with Fledge from the knight academy because we’re both shy, physically weak, and awkward.
a random thought: Nintendo has confirmed that Hylians are not humans, but many times in past games they have been referred to as humans. So my theory is that they are race of half-elven. Hylains, Shiekah, and Gerudo all descended from both humans and elves and eventually became their own races. So technically they are both human and not human at the same time.
An unpopular opinion: Not a fan of Sid/link. It’s mostly the fault of the shippers being really gross and annoying why I don’t really like the ship.
my canon OTP: Zelink?
Non-canon OTP: Zelink? (Lol this ship is like, both canon and not canon at the same time. It’s obvious that Nintendo ships it but they don’t wanna force it on players so they never confirm it 100%.)
most badass character: urBOSA. And Tetra is also pretty badass.
pairing I am not a fan of: Zelda/Urbosa and Zelda/Impa are just… really bad ships I’m sorry. It’s literally shipping a minor with their adult caretaker/parental figure. It’s… Yikes…
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Link’s complete lack of any emotion at the end of BOTW. IT MADE ME SO MAD YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I also think Ganondorf could have had a LOT more potential as a character. He could have been a tragic morally grey villain who was trying to fight his destiny at first but in the end had no choice but to give in to it, instead of just always being evil and never even touching on what kind of person he could have been when he was younger. Hopefully we’ll get a future incarnation that’s like that.
favourite friendship: Zelda and Urbosa have such a touching relationship and I really love how Urbosa seems to be the caring female figure in Zelda’s life in place of her mother but at the same time she can be like a big sister.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I WILL ADOPT ALL THE LITTLE LINKS THEY ARE MY CHILDREN.
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bugmangaka · 6 years
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Yesterday was International Women’s Day! I started this a bit late last night, so I finished it this morning.
I drew some of my favorite female nintendo characters. Women are important! We can do anything!
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