#ls fics
syoddeye · 5 months
john price x f!reader thing. unedited. ~600 words.
john price finds a dent in the driver’s door and a note tucked under a wiper.
sorry i can’t afford to pay, please forgive me x
and he’s angry, of course. who wouldn’t be? piece of shit. then he registers the looping handwriting and the little heart in the corner. interesting. he pulls the cctv. lo and behold, there she is. the culprit. some stumbling drunk buffoon.
you probably shouldn’t have nabbed an e-scooter when you were three sheets to the wind, but you did, and fuck, you’re paying for it. you genuinely feel bad about the dent you left in the parked car last night, but you think a broken wrist and three stitches in your lip is more than enough punishment, thanks. you groan, remembering how you tossed the scooter into a bush and hiked a few streets away before calling 999. having to clock in for an opening shift added insult to injury.
he imagines it’s rough going, working an espresso machine with a busted wrist. he supposes the manager didn’t want her as the cashier given the lip. pity, the swelling and stitches aside, she’s quite cute. but serves her right.
he wonders how she’ll react when he picks up his coffee and procures the printed still of her face, clear as day, fleeing from the scene of the crime.
he should feel bad, considering her injuries and what a barista job pays, but. it’s the principle of the thing.
“rough night?” he asks, hovering at the end of the bar.
“huh? oh, yeah. could say that,” she smiles tiredly. it’s a little strained, but still warm. “pity partied too hard.”
john’s smirk flattens. “pity party?”
“yeah,” she shrugs. “series of unfortunate events.”
like running into my car?
“what, bad date?” he jokes carefully, hiding behind a friendly grin.
“ha, guess so. it was supposed to be an anniversary dinner.” she explains dryly, looking all the more defeated as she tamps the grounds.
“supposed to be?”
she glances up, locking in the portafilter with a crank of her good arm. she finally looks a little suspicious of him. smart. “yeah.”
“i don’t mean to pry. you just seem like you could use a vent.” solid recovery.
it works. she considers a moment, shrugs again, and nods as she pulls the shot. “guess so,” she licks her lip and looks back, evidently deeming him harmless. not smart.
“found out he was cheating, called him on it, and he stormed out. after we ordered.”
that’s. that’s not what he expected. but it stirs something oddly protective. john’s a bit old-fashioned, he’s the first to admit it, so to hear about a man carrying himself so poorly? a man running around on a pretty thing like her?
it doesn’t sit well with him. car be damned.
“so how’d you…” he prompts, nodding at the cast.
“oh, yeah, we ordered some fancy wine. i drank most of the bottle alone, sobbing,” she cracks a self-deprecating smile and it dislodges something in his chest. “but the server didn’t charge me for dessert. i, uh, fell on my way home.”
crashed. you crashed into my car.
“sounds terrible.”
“it was. the whole night was. anyway.” she pauses to slide a pen from her apron to write on the cup. “americano to go?” she asks, pushing the drink over the counter, eyes floating to the next order.
john spots the same little heart, the looping letters. he looks back at her, plugging along despite the clear heartache and injuries. he sighs, crumpling the print out in his pocket.
“think i’ll have it to stay, actually,” he mumbles, knowing she doesn’t hear him as she makes the next drink.
he camps out at a table where he can watch her. there’s a dent in his car, but he’s decided there’s a barista-sized hole in his life.
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coff33andb00ks · 2 months
Rule Breaker - Pt 7
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pairing:max Verstappen x single mom!reader x logan sargeant {masterlist}{prev} {next} warnings: cursing, minimally proofread Summary: you can start a family who will always show you love, you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own word count: 4.7k auth.note: this was supposed to have smut in it but the smut gods have abandoned me spotify: i made a playlist
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He was watching her.
She swallowed anxiously as she poured water from the kettle into the mugs. Of course he was watching her. He hadn't taken his eyes off her since she'd opened the apartment door. And of course she was making tea, because it was too late for coffee, and she also knew he hated coffee.
You're just a coworker.
Except he wasn't. He never had been, not since taking it upon himself to show her son cars at the factory. Not since he'd listened to her like no one had before. Not since…
He'd so seamlessly stepped into her and Kevin's lives, helping without being asked, and asking nothing in return.
Licking her lips as she watched the tea steep, she closed her eyes.
She could still taste him.
Gentle, tender, everything he never showed the world. As though she was precious and perfect. As though her lips were his place of worship. Her lips parted to gasp, surprised, and—
He shifted and her eyes snapped open. He was still there. In her kitchen, leaning against the counter just a few feet away. Her heart hammered in her chest as she picked up a mug after stirring in a little sugar and held it out to him.
"Y/n," he whispered.
"I'm not allowed to kiss you."
He'd said that weeks ago. Over a month ago. She sucked in a breath and finally turned to face him. "What changed?"
To his credit, he didn't play stupid. He took a sip of the tea and turned the mug in his hands. "Nothing changed."
"How can you say that?" Gripping her mug, she forced herself to take a sip.
"I'm sor—" Max cut himself off and pressed his lips together. "No, I'm not sorry. I've wanted to do that since… Since I met you."
Y/n took another sip of her tea. It wasn't sweet enough, but she couldn't bring herself to move to get some sugar. All she could do was stand there, holding her mug tightly and sip, staring at him, floored by the revelation that he'd wanted to kiss her for months. "You said you couldn't," she whispered.
"I still can't." His voice was strained, as though it hurt him to say it.
"Jesus christ," she groaned. "Max—"
"You're with Logan."
She froze, slowly raising her eyes to his. "Yeah," she whispered. "We're… Figuring it out as we go."
He winced slightly. "What's there to figure out?"
"God, Max." Why did he care? "Everything."
"Little mate worships him."
She shouldn’t say it. Don't say it don't say it don't say it don't— "He worships you, too."
Max shook his head. "He—"
"He called you Daddy. He's never even…" She reached up, angrily brushing the tears from her eyes before they could fall. "He's never cared about not having a father until recently. He asked months ago why he doesn't have one and I told him not everyone does and he was okay with that. Until…"
He stepped closer, taking her mug and setting it with his on the counter.
"I've fucked it all up," she gasped. "I've done the worst thing haven't I?"
"Y/n, no," he murmured.
"I'm supposed to protect him from heartache and pain. But I let him get close to you and you…" She couldn't finish the thought, much less the sentence. If there was one thing she was sure of in her messed up world it was that Max would never hurt Kevin. She wasn't stupid, she had put together the pieces and figured out that he'd been abused as a child, whether he saw it that way or not. But he had only ever treated her son with gentleness.
"I won't hurt him," Max whispered, and she sensed rather than saw the tremble in his fingers as he brushed her tears away. "I could never…"
"I know," she breathed.
"Don't…" His fingers lingered on her cheek, and the look in his eyes was almost desperate. "Don't lock me out, y/n."
"Have you met my son?" She sniffled. "He'd tear the door down for you."
He smiled sadly. "Would you let him?"
"Yeah," she said after a moment.
"You haven't fucked it all up," he murmured.
"I feel like I have." His fingers were still on her cheeks, even though for now there weren't any tears. But she didn't mind. They were warm and tender, almost lovingly caressing her. And she wondered what it said about her that in this moment she didn't care about anything or anyone else.
Max's fingers stilled on her cheeks at the sound of Kevin's voice. Before either of them could move she heard the patter of Kevin's feet entering the kitchen.
"Mama, I—" Kevin gasped. "Mister Max?"
He pulled back and turned. "Hey, kleine maat… You alright?"
Kevin rubbed his eyes as he shuffled over. "Had a bad dream," he mumbled.
Y/n was half a second too late to scoop him up, and she looked on as Max lifted him up. Reaching over, she smoothed her son's curls. "You wanna talk about it, doodle bug?"
Kevin shook his head, settling comfortably against Max's shoulder. "'M'okay, mama," he promised.
Max shared a look with her over the top of Kevin's head. She could practically read his thoughts – he's alright – and nodded. He rubbed the boy's back in a soothing manner and she let herself enjoy the quiet warmth of the moment. Standing close as Max held her son, she listened to him gently murmur comforting words while she continued to smooth his hair, smiling fondly as she felt Kevin relax.
She felt a flicker of hesitation when Max offered to tuck him in, but didn't object. Leading him to the bedroom she shared with Kevin, she opened the bathroom door when he murmured he had to go, leaning in the doorway while Max set him down by the toilet.
No wonder Kevin looked to him as a father figure. He was so natural at it, so patient and kind.
Everything a father should be.
He carried him into the bedroom, squatting down next to the toddler bed to settle him and tuck him in. "Welterusten, kleine maat," he whispered.
Kevin blinked at him. "Is that goodnight?"
Max nodded. "Welterusten."
Y/n picked up her son's stuffed Snoopy and leaned to place it next to him while he practiced saying the word.
"Welterusten, Daddy. Goodnight, Mama," Kevin murmured, eyes already closing. "Love you."
"Goodnight, sweetie. Love you," she whispered, blinking back tears.
Max seemed frozen for a few seconds, but he finally straightened, dragging a hand over his face as he left the bedroom. She followed him out a moment later, pulling the door almost completely closed behind her. Pausing outside Ellie's door, she continued through the apartment to the kitchen when she heard no sign of her friend being awake.
He was leaning against the counter, his expression troubled.
"Max," she whispered.
"Where's his dad?"
Surprised by the question, she paused, rubbing her hands over her thighs before stepping over to pick up her tea. "I don't know."
"Does…" Max exhaled harshly. "Tell me it's none of my business."
How could she tell him that? "It's not, but… If Kevin's tearing the door down for you, you should know, I suppose."
"Does his dad know about him?"
"Only that he exists." She couldn't have this conversation standing. Motioning for him to follow her, she headed into the living room, sitting in the corner of the couch after he pushed away from the counter. "He wanted nothing to do with a baby."
Max made a face of discontent but said nothing as he sat next to her.
Holding her tea with both hands, she pulled her knees to her chest. "He wanted me to have an abortion. And I was going to… I was still on the outs with my mom, working two jobs to pay my bills, I couldn't afford a baby. But – and this is gonna sound so crazy and stupid."
"Tell me," he murmured.
Y/n sighed. "I had a dream about a baby and it—" her breath hitched. "—it felt so real and in the dream I felt whole, like some missing part of my soul had found its way back to me. I woke up craving that feeling, and well, I decided against the abortion."
Max was silent for a few seconds. When he spoke, she could see him fighting a smile. "You're right, that does sound crazy and stupid."
Groaning, she lowered her head. "I know. I know. But—"
"Making life decisions because of a dream is—"
"I know, Max, god you sound like my mom."
He paused, his smile fading. "I'm sorry. Go on."
"That was it. I chose to have the baby. Josh refused to have anything to do with me or him. I haven't seen him since I told him I wasn't having an abortion." She refused to go into how much that had hurt. How stupid she'd felt as the pregnancy progressed, things still strained with her mom, only Ellie to lean on for emotional support.
"He doesn't support him?"
"I refuse to ask him for anything. Kevin's better off without him in his life. Ellie's been more of a father than he ever could have." She finished her tea and set the mug aside. "He knows that he exists. I sent word through his sister, and I've had no contact with anyone in his family since. It's like they don't care. It hurt at first, but now I know it's better this way."
"I'm sorry, y/n."
She shook her head and tucked her chin on her knees. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."
He sighed. And she felt him relax for the first time since he'd set foot in the apartment. The quiet stretched until it was almost uncomfortable, then he exhaled softly and reached for her hand.
"I don't mind him calling you daddy," she whispered as their fingers weaved together. It wasn't a conscious movement, and she felt as though her fingers already knew how to slot around his. Just as they did whenever her hand found Logan's.
Logan. God. How could she feel the same but different for two men?
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Maybe it's just a phase. Maybe he has some anxiety because all his new friends have dads."
"He…" Max cleared his throat and when she glanced at him she saw him staring at their hands. "He asked me in Montreal. Mentioned Laura."
Y/n smiled. First Kevin had been over the moon that a driver shared a name with him, then had fallen sort of in love with the older Kevin's daughter.
"He said you told him not everyone gets a mum and a dad. That he loves you."
She swallowed hard, nodding. If ever she was unsure of everything else in her life, she would always know her son loved her.
"Then he said—" Max sighed. "He asked if I thought Logan would be his dad. And you like mama."
She jerked her head up. "Did he ask you—"
"No. But I think he was going to."
What would you have said, how would you have answered him. And would you, Max? Would you be his dad? Would Logan? She closed her eyes, fighting the wave of questions she longed to ask, her feminist rage rising. He doesn't need a dad, damn it. He's perfectly fine without one. He's well rounded, intelligent, and empathetic. Having a 'dad' would ruin him—
For fuck's sake. "Nothing changed," she reminded him. "You still can't."
"Doesn't mean I don't want to."
"I'm dating Logan."
"Is it serious?"
Yes. No. She didn't know. Logan didn't talk about that sort of thing. Still figuring it out. Still learning to show he cared. "Max, don't make me do this."
He squeezed her hand. "I'm not asking you to make a choice. I… We couldn't be open like you and Logan are."
It wasn't as though she and Logan were public. She was sure they'd been spotted together but it wasn't as though they were in each other's social media posts. "Because you'd get into trouble."
Groaning, he tossed his head back and stared at the ceiling. "You would lose your job."
Not him, though. Because he was the world champ. The dominant force to be reckoned with. Everyone on the Red Bull team would be fired before they let Max go. The realization annoyed her, even though she understood the reasoning. In the grand scheme of things she was nothing, a minor cog in the workings that could easily be replaced. But really what annoyed her the most was—
"I can't be the reason you lose your job, y/n."
Goddamn him and his nobleness. "Then… What are we even doing?" she sighed, moving to stand, trying to slip her hand free of his. But he held fast, pulling her back down.
"This," he whispered, raising his other hand to her cheek.
"But we—"
"Tell me no," he breathed as he dipped his head.
Her breath stuttered and she moved her hand to his neck, felt the muscles tense beneath her fingers. "Max…"
"I'll go. Just… Tell me you don't want this."
His forehead was against hers and his hand was sliding into her hair and she couldn't have told him no. Tilting her head, she let her lips brush over his, whining softly at the sensation. "I shouldn't," she whispered. And, god help her… "But I do."
He exhaled into the kiss, letting go of her hand and wrapping his arm around her. So gentle, so tender, she almost cried.
The last rational part of her brain screamed what about Logan and she pulled back slightly, eyes widening in panic. "We shouldn't."
He nodded. "I know," he murmured, pulling away.
"I want to," she blurted. "But…"
"Logan," he said flatly. "I thought you were figuring it out."
She ran a hand over her face, trying to ignore the tingling in her lips and the longing to slide back into his arms. "Would you want me to see him if I was figuring it out with you?"
He met her gaze and seemed to search her eyes for a long moment. "I would want you to do whatever it took to find happiness."
And she could tell that he meant it. She wished this was the Max that the world saw. The understanding, gentle Max that he rarely showed publicly. "Even if it was without you?"
His jaw twitched and he slowly drew in a breath. "Yes."
"I like him, Max. And I like you too."
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Apparently, meeting on the track was now their thing. Max found he didn't mind so much this time, and decided he didn't want to investigate why. It wasn't as though he disliked Logan – in fact he liked him quite a bit. He just had let his own jealousy cloud his behavior. And now… Well, now things were different.
Logan fell into step with him and they chatted about the weather and y/n and Kevin and the burn was still there, eased a little by memories of silky lips and soft murmurs.
"How's your car looking?" Max asked, changing the subject as they walked along the track.
"I don't know, honestly. Do you ever just…" Logan sighed and shook his head, shoulders rounding. "Nevermind."
God. Max opened his mouth to tell him to go on, ask whatever it was that was on his mind – just get fucking on with it – but decided against it. Not everyone said what was on their mind. Not even him, some days, depending what was on his mind. He'd learned to bottle a lot of things, even if people thought he had no filter.
"I like him, Max. And I like you too."
How can you like us both?
He knew how. He just didn't know why. Why did she like him? He was the opposite of her precious American.
Logan cared. About everything. He cared too much. What people thought, whether he was doing well, how he carried himself. He was gentle and – damn it, caring – towards everyone, from a little boy with no father to people who didn't deserve a second thought.
Whereas he was… Gruff. An asshole on a bad day, a jerk on others. He did care, but he was selective. And he had learned at a young age that being gentle, being caring, led to being hurt and disappointment.
Gonna cry, boy?
"You have to stand up for yourself." The words came out of his mouth and hung in the air, too cold and brisk for the man walking next to him. "Sorry."
Logan drew in a breath. "Max—"
"Actually, no I'm not sorry." How many times had he said that in the past week? Twice. Which was twice too many. "It's true. You can't let them walk all over you. Because they'll do it until they find another pushover."
"They're not renewing my contract."
Well, fuck.
"They haven't said it. James is giving me the runaround every time I bring it up." Logan kept his eyes straight ahead and so did Max, not sure he wanted to see whatever emotions were showing. "But I know it's coming."
"He's such a spineless cunt," Max muttered.
Logan sputtered on a laugh. "Jesus," he chuckled nervously.
"He is." Max glanced at him. Swallowed down the little bit of bitterness. "You deserve a team that believes in you."
He nodded. "I know. But I don't have that."
"Don't give up hope," he said, the words surprising even him. "There are teams with vacant seats next year."
"I'm American. Hope's all I got," Logan said without enthusiasm.
Max chuckled softly. "Sometimes it's all you need."
As if he would know.
"I appreciate it, Max. Really."
"I can't give advice." He grimaced. "I suck at it. But I'm here if you need someone to talk to."
Even though he wasn't looking at him, he saw Logan's smile. "Thanks, mate."
For once it didn't sound weird when Logan said it.
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A win in Barcelona and, somehow, y/n found herself in the VIP section of a club with several drivers and a few girlfriends. No one seemed surprised or upset by her being there, and she laughed and drank a little, enjoying the downtime. Logan pulled her into a dance and she felt…
Taking a break, she got another drink and found herself next to Max while he talked to Charles about someone she didn't know. A few moments later Charles was dragged away by his girlfriend and she was, relatively, alone with Max.
Max leaned close, speaking directly into her ear, loud enough to be heard above the music. "I can see why you like him!"
Her brow furrowed at his words. "You can?"
He nodded, leaning back to take a swig from his drink. "He's nice. Looks at you like you put the stars in the sky."
"Max," she murmured in surprise, her expression softening. She looked past him to where Logan was laughing with Lando and Oscar.
"See." Max chuckled next to her as Logan turned to look at her. "If he looked at me like that, I'd fall too."
A surprised laugh bubbled up. "Max! Are you drunk?"
He shook his head. "Not even close."
The coloured lights flashing around them pulsed faster and she watched him finish his drink. "Max–"
"He's in love with you." Max's face was serious.
She nodded, because suddenly she couldn't speak. If she did, she might tell him things she should never say. Nodding again, she looked down at her drink. Logan had all but said I love you to her. He'd said he loved being with her, loved hearing her voice, loved spending time with Kevin, but hadn't said he loved her.
"We have that in common," Max said, and she barely caught the words, his voice was so low.
Jerking her head up, she blinked. "What–"
"Hey babe."
A long arm snaked around her and she was pulled back against Logan's chest. Confused to see Max grinning, she wondered if he was drunk, because he usually looked annoyed whenever Logan was around. Well, not as much this past week as he had before, but…
Logan bent down, lips brushing her ear. "Having fun?"
She nodded, unconsciously stroking the arm around her as she sipped her drink. "It's a little noisy," she said loudly. "But fun."
He squeezed his arm around her. "Let me know when you're ready to go?"
She patted his arm and nodded again, smiling as he slipped away to go talk to Oscar.
Max tipped his head thoughtfully. "You're shit at lying."
"No I'm not?" She frowned at that. "I'm not lying."
"You're having fun?" he asked, arching his eyebrow.
She delayed answering by taking a sip of his drink.
He laughed, rolling his eyes. "You'd rather be at the hotel, wouldn't you?"
She made a face. "Yes. But—"
He grabbed her hand and tugged her along behind him, stopping to speak to Logan. They were right under a speaker so she couldn't hear what he said, but she saw Logan's concern as he nodded. Confused when he leaned to press a kiss to her cheek, she opened her mouth to say she was fine, but no one seemed to hear her above the thudding music. Logan didn't seem bothered by Max holding her hand and she remembered that she'd talked to him about it, that he was weirdly okay with her exploring her options as he'd put it—
Logan's lips moved to her ear. "I'll see you later, babe."
"Max what are you doing?" she asked a few moments later when he guided her out a side door of the club. Despite the heat outside it felt cooler than the club and she breathed in a lungful of fresh air.
"Taking you to the hotel," he answered simply.
She blinked as a car turned down the side street – alley? she wasn't sure what to call it – and stopped in front of them. Turning to him, she pinched her brows together. "You're supposed to be celebrating your win."
Max shrugged. "I can celebrate anytime."
With that, he opened the back door of the car and motioned for her to climb in. And she couldn't argue. Well, she could but it would be pointless. Arguing with Max was much like arguing with Kevin. It would lead nowhere except to a headache, she was sure. Settling in the backseat, she opened her handbag to get her phone, checking to make sure Ellie hadn't messaged her with an emergency.
"Je bent mooi," Max murmured once the car was in motion.
She could barely see him but she looked at him anyway, watching the passing lights flicker across his face. "Thank you," she whispered, remembering what the words meant.
You're beautiful. Not you look beautiful, that dress looks great on you. You're beautiful. She wondered if he understood the difference and thought that he might when his hand found hers.
It had been just over a week and it was still so new, so unexpected, the secret looks and touches. The stolen kiss that morning, the quick hug in the post-race confusion. All weekend she'd kept waiting for someone to notice, to say something, but no one had.
"When's your birthday?" she asked suddenly.
"End of September… Why?"
His thumb was tracing the back of her hand, making it hard to concentrate on her thoughts. "That's… Right after Singapore right?"
Max hummed. "Yeah I think a week after?"
"Well what are you doing to celebrate?" she asked, shifting so she was facing towards him.
He chuckled, and in the flickering lights she saw him shaking his head. "I don't celebrate birthdays."
"Y/n…" he mocked.
"You have to celebrate," she sighed.
"Uh, no, I don't have to."
"Didn't you love birthday parties as a kid?" she asked as the car stopped. Glancing out, she realized they were parked behind the hotel. She kept forgetting that Max could do things like that.
He thanked the driver and climbed out, turning back to help her out. "I didn't celebrate them much as a kid," he finally said.
"Oh," she said softly.
Max groaned, guiding her through the door, nodding to the hotel security. "Don't."
"I didn't—"
"You're not throwing me a birthday party," he insisted with a shudder.
"It's just another day."
She scrunched up her face as he guided her onto the elevator. "If you'd let me speak—"
"No, because if I do it'll end with me wearing a stupid pointy hat and you blowing confetti in my face," he muttered.
Y/n huffed. "I wouldn't blow confetti."
He turned to look at her.
"I wouldn't!" she insisted. "I'd blow noisemakers—"
"You really don't want to celebrate? Cake? Friends? A few presents?"
"I don't like cake, if I want to see friends I do, and if I want anything I buy it." He tipped his head. "I don't need a party for any of that."
"It doesn't have to be a party," she persisted as the elevator stopped.
"I appreciate what you're trying to do," he said, glancing left and right before steering her towards her room. "But I don't see any reasons to celebrate."
"It's a special day, Max."
"You're not going to let this go are you?" he sighed as they stopped at her door.
She shook her head, opening her handbag to get her keycard. "Nope."
Max rolled his eyes and took the card, unlocking the door for her and following her inside. "Why is it so important to you?"
Slipping off her heels, she pushed them next to her suitcase. "It's a time to celebrate… To reflect and appreciate what you've been given."
Leaning against the dresser, he set the keycard down and folded his arms. "You don't think they're childish and unimportant?"
She looked up from gathering her pajamas to change into. Frowning, she shook her head. "That's your father speaking, isn't it?"
His eyes shuttered and his stance grew tense. "I'm not…"
"Is he why you didn't celebrate?" she whispered.
"My mom tried," he said after a moment of tense silence. "She'd make a cake or get me a little something. But…"
He pushed away from the dresser and walked across the room. She sat back on her heels, watching him pace before he stopped at the window. Heart breaking for the little boy inside him, she pushed to her feet and walked over, tentatively sliding her hand over his.
"We didn't celebrate. Even when I won." His voice was hoarse, as though it hurt him to say the words.
"Oh, Max," she sighed. She hesitated, still not used to this sort of closeness, and finally leaned her head against his arm.
He let out a shuddering sigh and she realized he wasn't used to it, either. Slipping his hand free, he wrapped his arm around her slowly and cautiously, as though afraid she was going to push him away.
"Can I throw you a small party?" she asked after a moment. "With just a few people who care about you?"
Groaning, he pressed his lips into her hair. "If you must."
"Who would you want to invite?"
He snorted. "You and Kevin." Tucking his chin on the top of her head, he wrapped his other arm around her. "You can invite Logan, too."
Surprised, she leaned back, heart skipping several beats. "Logan?"
"He's special to you and Kevin. You and Kevin are special to me." He paused, eyes meeting hers. "So he's special to me too, I guess."
"Max," she whispered. "You mean that?"
"Don't say it like that, don't make it—"
She leaned up, silencing him with a kiss. Don't make it weird. But it already was.
And she kind of loved it.
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bazpango · 25 days
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Get into his head, and under his skin.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
culture around fanfiction has just gotten so...weird? not necessarily on the writer's side, but it seems to really be showing on the passive reader's side. not every writer is writing something to be the "next big thing" in a fandom, and hoping it's seen as a "staple" of fandom culture.
they're not writing it with the hope it going the way of "the love hypothesis" and becoming a published piece of work. they're not writing to compete with other writers, especially those that they're genuinely friends with.
most of us, in my opinion, are writing because, well, we just love to write and have a story we want to share! we care about these characters just as much as you do and just want to tell a certain type of story with that same amount of care; no matter how many kudos, hits or shares it gets.
we don't see stories as "content" that need to a reach certain metric; we see them as a way to celebrate something we all love.
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whatsintheboxmh · 7 months
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Art for "When Soulmates Swim"@carlos-in-glasses
Thank you for the amazing fic, cig♡
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oldfangirl81 · 2 months
Group Chat with 118 and 126 Fic
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TK: Since when do you have a cat?
Buck: Technically she belongs to my boyfriend.
TK: Boyfriend!?! BOYFRIEND!?!
Carlos: My husband just shrieked so loudly I heard him in the garage.
TK: Babe!
Marjan: I think I heard him on the other side of Austin.
Paul: I thought the station alarm was going off.
Judd: Hollywood mentioned something about it a few weeks ago.
Nancy: Cute cat.
TK: I hate you all.
Eddie: You never told them how you came out to the family?
Hen: Buck does love a dramatic scene.
Buck: I am not ashamed.
Hen: No more basketball beards needed?
Buck: I have no brother in law anymore.
Carlos: Details before my husband throws his phone. Although he is extra cute when he pouts.
Marjan: 🤮
Eddie: The man kissing Buck is an LAFD pilot who used to work at the 118.
Buck: He is so cool! And hot. And nice. And talented. And has a cleft. And a great ass.
Eddie: We know. I think everyone in the greater LA area knows.
Hen: At least the ER nurses at Angels Memorial know that Tommy is a beast.
Eddie: WE KNOW.
TK: I WANT DETAILS. And a pic.
Eddie: Hen and Chimney already knew him. Buck and I met him at the same time when we technically stole a helicopter to go on a rescue mission of our Captain and his wife.
TK: So you have a type?
Buck: I repeat that I was not hitting on you. I didn't even know I was bisexual yet.
Hen: 🤦
Judd: Have you warned this guy he is dating one half of dumbass and dumbasser?
Buck: We met going on an unauthorized rescue into a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. I think we meet each others freak as the kids say.
Marjan: No
Hen: No
Paul: No
Judd: No
Carlos: No
TK: Nice.
Eddie: No but also yes. 🤮
TK: 👀
Hen: He learned to text ahead if Buck and Tommy are off at the same time.
Paul: Now I am very curious about the coming out tale.
Eddie: Buck decided the best way to come out after telling his sister and me was to bring Tommy as his date to Maddie and Chimney's wedding. And that didn't go smoothly.
Buck: Not my fault we lost the groom for a few hours. And I didn't start the fire.
Hen: Whatever, Billy Joel.
Buck: Who?
Eddie: Chimney and Maddie ended up getting married in a hospital room. Immediately after the ceremony Buck gets a text that Tommy was coming directly from the fire.
Hen: And Buck slipped out of the room to enthusiastically greet Tommy and bring him upstairs.
Carlos: Enthusiastically?
Eddie: When they came up stairs Buck had a little something on his face.
TK: 👀
Hen: He isn't wrong.
TK: 👀 (but bigger)
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Hen: That is not a 5 o'clock shadow. That is ash transfer from kissing his boyfriend in the ER entrance.
Carlos: Really?
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Carlos: I think you broke my husband.
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three-drink-amy · 1 year
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Teach You How Forever Feels
Updating every Monday
Alone and struggling in New York after the death of his mother, TK is left with custody of his five-year-old brother, Jonah. With Owen's encouragement, TK moves to Austin for a fresh start, questioning every move he makes as he's thrust into the role of parenthood. But it all leads him to Jonah's new school where he meets Carlos Reyes, the kindergarten teacher. Between pick up and school meetings and chance run ins, TK can't help but feel something for him, even though he knows it can't happen.
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven | chapter eight | chapter nine | chapter ten | chapter eleven | chapter twelve | chapter thirteen | chapter fourteen | chapter fifteen | chapter sixteen | chapter seventeen | chapter eighteen | chapter nineteen | chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
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franthonyofficial · 4 months
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carlos-tk · 4 months
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hi friends <3 posting while it’s actually still sunday in my timezone for once
thanks to @carlos-in-glasses and @heartstringsduet for the tags 💕
a little more from the supposed to be finished fic
TK tweaks his own nipple, pinching it between two fingers before his hand slides down his abdomen, and his ring clad hand squeezes his thick c*ck.
He quickly tries to stroke himself to his next orgasm, defiant as Carlos slows his thrusts, pauses with half his c*ck slipping out of TK.
“Baby,” he laughs in exasperation, “you know you’re not allowed to come until I say so.”
“Carlos,” he whines, high pitched and forlorn. His grip on himself loosened.
“It’s okay,” Carlos soothes.
“Just let me get you there,” he suggests, “please.”
TK simply nods and Carlos takes that as his cue to restart his strokes. Pushes himself back in fully, rough and unrelenting– just as desperate for release as his husband is.
tags under the cut 🫶🏼 + an open tag for you
fellow timezone sharers with priority of course @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @celeritas2997 @captain-gillian @inkweedandlizards
@whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @herefortarlos @chicgeekgirl89 @vineofroses
@liminalmemories21 @orchidscript @eclectic-sassycoweyes @reyestrandd @reyescarlos
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @fallout-mars @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74
@thebumblecee @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @americansrequiems @nancys-braids @safeaswrites
@decafdino @fitzherbertssmolder @freneticfloetry @firstprince-history-huh @honeybee-taskforce
@basilsunrise @bonheur-cafe @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @mikibwrites @three-drink-amy @sunshinestrand
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formulafics · 11 months
scenario: while visiting his girlfriend abroad, logan decides to soft launch their relationship, catching everyone off guard. (requested)
pairing: logan sargeant x fem!reader
A/N: i love seeing people request for logan - i love him. also i hope you guys aren’t annoyed at the american jokes with him LMAO i mean no harm i just think it’s silly and a fun thing to throw in
requests open for smau’s | check pinned for more info!
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logan sargeant and yn.ln
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liked by alex_albon, landonorris, williamsracing, oscarpiastri, and 106, 234 others
logan sargeant visiting my girl
view all 2,321 comments
sargeantsenna YOUR GIRL? rue, when was this?
yn.ln ily. you can’t leave, i already miss you
⤷ logansargeant the offer for you to come to the race with me is still open babe
logandefender this was not on my bingo card for today, logan. the last picture 💔
f1zone i just looked at yn’s account and she’s so pretty bro 😭
⤷ landomania I KNOW. i stalked her account after he tagged her in his story the other day 😭 theyre so cute
⤷ sargeantone DUDE it just hit me that he was flying to her. i’m sick to my stomach rn
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, alex_albon, and 2,431 others
yn.ln zandvoort yesterday, florida today, and texas roadhouse rn. taking me back, except this time, the boy i met here is my date.
@/logansargeant ❤️
view all 724 comments
yourfriend WHERE IS MY INVITE?
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coff33andb00ks · 1 month
Rule Breaker - Pt 8
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pairing:max Verstappen x single mom!reader x logan sargeant {masterlist}{prev} {next} warnings: cursing, minimally proofread, smut (minors DNI) Summary: you can start a family who will always show you love, you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own word count: 7.5k auth.note: smut gods have returned to me all hail spotify: i made a playlist taglist: to be added to this or my other taglists, use this form
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"Ahh." The sigh was accompanied by a happy grin as he leaned back, his eyes closed against the sun.
Y/n snorted on a laugh. "Living the life, huh, doodle bug?" she teased, watching him tuck his arms behind his head.
"Uh huh." Kevin wrinkled his nose when she reached to rub more sunscreen on his face. "When Mister Logan gets here can we go in the water?"
"Of course, you know he promised to take you in." She personally didn't venture far past where the waves broke. At least Kevin was content to play in the sand until Logan came down, which should be soon.
"He's not afraid of the water," Kevin said, sitting up so she could apply sunscreen to his ears and neck.
"Nope, he's not," she murmured, squeezing the cream onto his hand so he could rub it into his arms. "Mama's not afraid, either. I'm just afraid of what's in the water."
Kevin giggled, flopping back on the blanket like a starfish. "Just fishes, mama!"
"Ugh, and jellyfish and seaweed and crabs and—" She shuddered dramatically, smoothing his sun shirt and helping herself to a drink from the cooler before settling back in her beach chair, content to sit under the umbrella and watch the waves.
They'd arrived in North Carolina late the night before. Kevin had invited Logan to the family beach trip and she'd been surprised when he'd said he would love to go, having assumed he wanted to spend the summer break with his own family. And then she'd worried that it was too soon to introduce him to her parents, that it was pushing things into the serious category. And then—
"Jesus christ, y/n, take the boy and have fun."
Ellie's words rang in her mind and she gave her head a little shake. She didn't know why she'd worried. Her family seemed to like him. Her dad and uncle had invited him to go fishing with them after talking to him for five minutes, and they'd taken him down to their favorite shop to get him the gear.
She wondered what they'd say when they found out she was also dating the grote maat Mister Max that Kevin kept talking about.
Turning, she saw her mom coming along the boardwalk from the cottage. She half stood, then groaned when she noticed the phone she was carrying. "I'm on vacation," she whined even though her mom couldn't hear her. Next to her, Kevin giggled.
"Might be Aunt Ellie?" he asked, staying on the blanket as she snorted and crossed the sand to meet her mom at the bottom of the steps down the dune.
"Someone named Max keeps calling you," her mom said, handing over the phone.
Frowning, she took the phone and squinted at it in the sunlight. "I should call him back—"
"Go on, I'll sit with Kevin. Your dad just texted me, they're on the way back now." Her mom patted her shoulder and headed across the sand.
Worried that something might be wrong, she jogged up the steps and to the cottage, breathing a sigh as soon as she was inside and could see the screen properly. Seven missed calls, two voicemails. Her heart thudded as she saw his most recent text – Call me please – and she did so immediately, pacing on the screened in porch of the second level.
"What's wrong?" she blurted as soon as the call connected.
Max let out a breath. "Wrong?"
"You've called me seven times."
"Yes. I need directions."
She held her breath and pressed her lips together. It had only been two days and it was so nice to hear his voice, but she couldn't focus on that right now. "Directions."
"Well, an address would be better."
"Do I look like Google maps?" she huffed.
Max laughed. "Didn't you listen to my voicemails or read the texts?"
Muttering a curse, she pulled the phone from her ear and went to her texts.
I need to meet with Logan and don't have his number.
I'm in the States, coming your way. It's important. Call me?
Y/n, where's the beach place? All I know is OBX and I need an address.
"You're coming here?!" she yelped, pressing the phone to her ear again.
"What's going on? Why do you need to talk to Logan?" she asked.
"I'll explain everything when I get there."
"Is it bad?" She couldn't help but worry.
"No, I promise it's not bad. It's about next year."
Her heart dropped at the thought of next year, because she knew Logan didn't have a seat. But Max said it wasn't bad? Her heart lifted, lodging in her throat. "Do you know something?"
He groaned. "I just landed in… Currituck?"
"Oh my god," she gasped. "You're really here?"
"I'm really here." And she could hear the gentle smile in his voice.
"I'll text you the address." She rubbed a hand over her face. "You scared the shit out of me."
"I'm sorry, schatje."
Just like that, he was forgiven. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Can't wait," he murmured.
Ending the call, she texted him the cottage's address, torn between giddiness and anxiety. Kevin would be so happy. She was so happy. Logan would be—
Calling him, she waited for Max's acknowledgment of her text, unable to keep the smile from her face as the thumbs up emoji appeared.
"Hey babe, we're like two minutes away," Logan greeted. He sounded so relaxed and happy it made her heart want to sing.
"Clingy!" her uncle's voice rang out in the background.
Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help but laugh. "I just talked to Max."
"Yeah? He good?"
"Um… He's on his way here."
There was a beat of silence, though she could hear her father and uncle yapping in the background. "Wait, really?" Logan asked. "Why?"
"He said he has to meet with you. He—" She pulled the phone away to glance at the text from Max. "He'll be here in about forty-five minutes. All he said is it's about next year."
"Nothing's happened, has it?" he asked softly.
"He said it isn't bad," she promised, hearing his breath of relief.
"I— Shit, we're here, see you in a sec."
She laughed and ended the call, hearing the slamming of truck doors. After glancing out at the beach to see her mom and Kevin chasing the waves across the sand, she made her way to the back of the cottage and down to the ground level, squealing softly when Logan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the bottom step.
"You look so hot," he murmured before giving her a kiss.
"It's like ninety degrees out, of course—"
"You know what I mean," he groaned, kissing her again as he set her down on the cement.
"Gross," her dad muttered.
Wrinkling her nose, she ignored her father and smiled up at Logan. "Did you get your gear?"
"Yeah, I'll show you later? Gonna change and hit the water with Kev before Max shows up," he murmured. There was worry in his eyes, though, and she squeezed his hand before going back up the stairs and inside to the bedroom they shared, grabbing a hair tie to fix her messy bun. Logan reached around her to put his wallet on the dresser and she saw the hair tie around his wrist, where he'd put it the week before. Every time she saw it she felt the need to hug him and settled for patting his arm for now, smiling when he dropped a kiss to her shoulder.
"He promised it isn't bad," she reminded him as he pulled a pair of board shorts from his suitcase.
"I know, but…" He sighed.
"Babe," she murmured, waiting for him to look at her. "We're on vacation, remember? No stress."
"No stress," he agreed with a nod. "You coming down to the beach?"
She nodded, picking up her phone and setting a timer so she could be on the lookout for Max. "Can't miss Kev's first dip of the summer."
"Your dad pointed out a miniature golf place on the way back," he said as they headed out. "I was thinking we could go one day while we're here? Seems like something Kev would enjoy."
"He'd love that. And maybe hit one of the go-kart tracks?"
Logan's face lit. "They've got karting?"
"Calm down, it's regular people karting," she laughed.
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Thanking the driver again, Max shouldered his backpack and glanced warily at the house, trying to decipher where the entrance was. It was built on stilts, two trucks parked beneath the house, two SUVs parked to the side. About to pull out his phone to call y/n, he heard a door slam and looked up, smiling at the sight of her in a bikini leaning over the railing of the porch above.
"You really flew here to see Logan?" she called down and he had to laugh.
Because it sounded so ridiculous, him flying all the way to America to talk to Logan. A conversation that could easily have been done over the phone. Or FaceTime. And yet…
He'd wanted to see them. All three of them.
She was walking to the end of the porch and he finally saw the stairs going up. Even though he was exhausted from the flight and the wait for the second flight and the drive down to her family's vacation home he moved quickly, surprised at how happy he was to see her again even though it had only been a few days.
"Hey," she murmured when they met at the halfway point of the stairs.
"Schatje," he sighed, dropping his suitcase as she wrapped her arms around him. Sunkissed skin was warm beneath his hands and he sighed, breathing in cocoa butter and watermelon. He wished the kiss could have lasted longer and relished every second of it, still awed at each physical touch from her after so many weeks of stolen hugs and lingering kisses.
"Logan's in the water with Kevin," she told him as she led him upstairs and into the house. "You can change in our room – you can't go on the beach in jeans."
He scoffed at that, following her down the hallway and into a bedroom while she told him the cottage had six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a ground level apartment that they only used for storage and laundry, and the upper level was where the living, dining, and kitchen were, along with another bedroom suite and a sun deck.
"Your family owns it?" he asked, setting his backpack down as he glanced around, seeing evidence that she and Logan had spent time in the room. Seeing her nod, he looked around again. "It's quite expensive, isn't it?"
"I don't know the details, my grandparents bought it back in the 1980s… My mom said a few years ago it was assessed at around two million. Why?"
"I didn't know you were rich," he teased.
Her jaw dropped. "We're not!"
"It's not a bad thing, schatje."
"I'm not rich. Neither are my parents. They both work, and they rent this out year-round to pay the taxes and the upkeep and…" She narrowed her eyes and huffed out a breath. "I'm not gonna defend my family against a man who owns his own jet."
Laughing, he reached to unbuckle his belt, hesitating only briefly.
She cleared her throat. "Come on upstairs and I'll introduce you once you've changed? Then we can hit the beach?"
He nodded, waiting until she'd left and closed the door before taking off his jeans. They hadn't been intimate, yet, and he had decided he wasn't going to ask her about it or even mention it. Their relationship was far from traditional, far from anything he'd ever experienced. They'd agreed to keep things as private and almost secretive as possible because he was still worried she could lose her job, and though he wanted to be open about it, to casually mention on a stream or in a conversation – can't make it, going to dinner with y/n – he found he didn't mind holding it close. The only people that knew were Logan, y/n, and himself. And Kevin, because even before he'd admitted to himself that he wanted to be more than just friends with her the boy had pointedly said—
"You like mama."
If only Kevin knew the half of it.
After changing he made his way upstairs, hearing y/n's voice along with others. The stairwell led into a large open living area and he paused, enjoying the familial scene of y/n stirring something in a pot while a woman who looked like a slightly older version of her sat on a stool at the counter, writing something down. Another woman was sitting next to her, pointing out things in a grocery store sales paper.
The top stair creaked, and all three women turned to look at Max.
"Oh hello," the woman writing gave him a warm smile as she set the pen down and slid off the stool. "You must be Max."
"Yeah, that's me," he greeted, glancing at y/n.
Y/n put the lid on the pot and walked over and made the introductions. Max couldn't help but notice she'd put an oversized shirt on over her bikini and so he kept his expression neutral, understanding without her telling him that her family was unaware they were more than just friends.
"We're so happy to have you, Kevin won't shut up about you," y/n's mother said with a grin. "Y/n said you came all this way to talk to Logan?"
"Yes… I won't intrude for long," he began.
"Oh no honey you're not intruding at all. You'll have to stay a few days." She patted his shoulder. "We've got plenty of room."
Max got the feeling that if he tried to decline he'd be ignored so he merely smiled and nodded, thanking her even though she was already walking away, telling y/n's aunt that they would go to the store after she made the bed for him. Glancing to y/n, he rolled his eyes when she merely shrugged.
"Better get you to the beach before she has you staying here the whole summer break," she muttered, leading him through the living area to the open sliding glass door that led out onto a sunny deck. "Mom, we're going to the beach so he can see Logan and Kevin."
"Alright – send me a text if there's anything he can't or won't eat," her mother called after them. "We're gonna get some groceries."
"I'll introduce you to my dad and uncle later, they went down to the pier," y/n assured him, closing the door.
Glancing in the direction she pointed, Max could just make out the pier and nodded, following her down another set of stairs and past an outdoor shower. She pointed out the covered porch on the lower level, mentioning a hot tub then led him along the boardwalk over the dune.
"It's not St. Tropez or the Bahamas," she said as they stood at the top of the steps, both watching Logan lift Kevin above the cresting waves at the shoreline. "But it's…"
Max nodded, lightly brushing her fingers with his. "It's special to you, isn't it?"
"Yeah," she said softly. "It is."
"Then it's beautiful," he said, watching a small wave crash over Kevin, smiling when he heard the boy's delighted squeals.
"Oh, Max," she sighed. He barely caught it before the wind took it away, but he knew he would hold onto the glimmer in her eye for the rest of his life.
"Mister Max!" Kevin shrieked.
He was dripping wet and half covered in sand by the time Max got to him but he scooped him up regardless, grinning as the boy hugged his neck tightly. "I missed you too, kleine maat," he promised. "You're having fun, hm?"
Kevin nodded vigorously, water spraying from his curly hair. "We took the plane and Mister Logan got us ice cream and Mama slept while Mister Logan drived us! And Nana cooked us hot dogs at midnight! And I'm goin' fishin' with Papa and Uncle Mike and Mister Logan!"
"I can't wait to see how many fish you catch." Max hugged him back, nodding when Kevin asked if they could build a sandcastle one day.
"I gotta pee," Kevin announced.
"I told him to go in the water," Logan said with a chuckle, shaking water from his hair.
"Ew." Kevin sounded disgusted and Max grinned, handing him over to his mother.
"C'mon, let's get to the bathroom," she sighed, settling him on her hip before sharing a look with Logan and Max.
"We'll get the stuff, babe," Logan promised.
Max watched her walk back towards the cottage, waiting until they disappeared from his view before turning to Logan. The smile had faded from his face and he sighed. "It's not bad, mate."
"You flew halfway around the world without warning, Max, what am I supposed to think?" Logan sighed harshly. "Did you hear something? I already know Carlos has my spot—"
"It's not about him," he assured, walking with him to the beach chairs and umbrella, wordlessly helping him shake the sand from the towels and stuff them into the bag. "It's Checo."
Logan jerked his head up, brow furrowing as he grabbed the shirt from the back of one of the chairs. "Checo?"
"You can't tell—"
The other man nodded. "A soul, I know."
"His contract renewal is being canceled. It might already be, I haven't checked in with Christian since I landed." He'd been too focused on getting here. On seeing them. Max watched him pull the shirt over his head, smiling faintly at the Red Bull emblem now over his chest.
"Really? I thought…" Logan combed his fingers through his hair.
Shrugging, he watched droplets of seawater trickle down Logan's neck and unconsciously licked his lips. "His performance is lacking. Resting on his laurels, Christian said."
"So who's gonna replace him?" Logan reached to lower the umbrella and Max belatedly pulled a chair over to fold it.
"I don't know. They're thinking Daniel. It's not a hundred percent guaranteed."
"You came out all this way just to tell me this?" Logan looked confused.
"No, I came to tell you that—" Max finally got the chair folded and let it drop onto the sand. "I know Daniel will take the seat. It might not be fully decided, but Christian wants him, I want him, and I know he'll gladly come back to the team."
Logan nodded, adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "I'm happy for him. He was great in Red Bull."
"What's this gotta do with me?"
And Max knew it had to happen. That he had to do everything in his power, short of threatening to tear up his own contract, to make what he was about to say come true. "I talked to Christian last night. He's got a good relationship with Laurent, and… Well, I told him you deserve Daniel's spot."
The umbrella fell over. "You what?"
"I told him—"
"Do you really think that?" Logan asked softly.
Max rubbed the back of his neck, finally nodding. "Well, yeah. You just need a good team, mate."
Logan smiled. Above the sound of the wind and the waves Max heard his breath stutter and swallowed hard. "I really appreciate it, Max. I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything," he assured him. "I'll message Christian, tell him you're interested. That's all I can do."
"That's more than most people would do for me." Smiling, Logan reached out and Max was being hugged. He faltered at first, not expecting the touch, but quickly recovered, returning the embrace. Logan chuckled, apologizing for being wet.
Max shook his head, finding he didn't mind that the hug lasted longer than it really should have. "It's fine."
"Are you staying?" The question came as they walked back to the cottage.
"Her mum didn't even ask, she just told me I have to stay a few days." Max opened his mouth to apologize for barging in on their time together, but Logan's next words stopped him.
"That's good, mate, we love having you around."
He mulled that over while he followed Logan to the ground level apartment, glancing around at the accumulation of years of family beach time. Floaties, chairs, umbrellas, beach toys. Bins were labeled and stacked in an attempt at organization but it was a bit messy, like a family should be. Handing over the towels when Logan led him into the laundry room, he cleared his throat. "Do you?"
"Love having me around," he mumbled.
"Well, yeah." Logan gave him a grin, tossing the towels into the washer and peeling off his shirt. "It's like… I don't know, probably sounds weird."
"We're both dating the same woman, mate, can't get weirder than that."
Logan's laugh made the chill, damp room seem warm and bright. "True. But it's like… It feels complete when you're with us. You know what I mean?"
He did but he couldn't bring himself to say it.
"I love being with her. And Kev. They…" Logan paused, pulling a clean towel from the basket on top of the dryer. "They mean the world to me."
Max nodded. He knew that feeling very well. "Then—"
"And you just…" He shrugged, and Max looked away when he reached to take off his wet shorts. "You balance us out, you know?"
"I know," he whispered, waiting until he heard the lid of the washer clang shut before looking back at him, wondering why he was almost disappointed to see the towel wrapped around his hips. "I know what you mean, mate."
"It's weird, huh?"
"Yeah," he murmured. "But I kind of like it."
The words echoed back to him in Logan's voice and his breath caught as their eyes met. Logan looked surprised too and they both stared at one another. Max knew he should say something – anything – but he couldn't think of a thing to say. At least, nothing that would change the subject.
"I need you to get that seat next season. For you. For y/n. For Kevin. For us."
"Us," Logan repeated.
Was this how she felt when Logan looked into her eyes? Breathless and a little shaky and body thrumming with anticipation? Or was she used to it now? Did Logan feel it, too? Or had he gone completely insane in the past three months? He nodded. "Us. Th-the four of us. Or the two of us – I mean. Fuck, I know what I mean. You're not stupid, you know what I mean too."
"I know." Barely a whisper. "I just didn't know you felt it, too."
Too. "How long?" he asked softly.
Logan swallowed. "I dunno. Since you started talking to me more. Maybe Montreal, when I could tell you didn't care I wanted to hang out with you and Kev."
He wanted to ask why he hadn't said anything. But he already knew because he hadn't said anything for the same reasons. Logan was bad at talking about his feelings, and Max wasn't much better. Especially feelings like this, that he knew would be ridiculed by some people around them. "It's not… Weird?"
A smile that crinkled his eyes and Max barely heard the words. "Yeah, but I kind of like it."
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Her family liked Max. She'd known they would, known his wit and laidback attitude would charm them, not to mention the way he doted on Kevin. Her mother did give her a look when Kevin slipped and called Max Daddy again, but she was able to avoid that possibly awkward conversation by putting away groceries then taking Kevin to the beach to build a sandcastle with Max, then putting him down for a nap and taking a shower and then it was time to start dinner and she slipped away to enjoy a couple drinks up on the sun deck with guys. Her dad talked about fishing and when he mentioned doing one of the deep-sea fishing tours Max voiced an interest. The next thing she knew she was trailing behind the four men back inside, bewildered as they crowded around her uncle's laptop to pull up the website and book a boat at the end of the week.
"As long as you don't mind me staying longer than a couple days," Max said.
"Naw, of course not." This from Uncle Mike. "You're a good kid."
She knew she was grinning like a fool, and it only widened when Max glanced up to smile at her.
"Yeah he's alright," Logan said, grinning and throwing an arm around Max's shoulders and squeezing.
Oh. She lifted an eyebrow at that and saw Max's cheeks turn pink before he ducked his head again, and decided that was another delayed conversation. Finishing her drink, she hummed softly as she carried the bottle to the sink to rinse it before tossing it into the recycling bin and checking the marinara sauce. "I'm gonna go check on Kev," she told her mom, who nodded.
As if summoned, Kevin came shuffling up the stairs, dragging his blanket and stuffed Snoopy along with him. His hair was a wild mess of curls and his cheeks were pink from being in the sun earlier, and when he saw that Max was still there he grinned, ignoring her completely in favor of Max and Logan. She felt her heart turn to mush as the two men spoke gently to him, asking about his nap and if he'd gone potty, was he hungry for dinner, all while Max fixed his blanket and Logan shifted him so he was tucked between them on the couch.
Her mom hummed softly, giving her a smile.
Her aunt was less reserved. "So nice of your boyfriend's boyfriend to join us," she said softly.
"Carol!" her mom squawked, slapping her with a dishtowel.
"Oh like you weren't thinking it," Carol huffed, rolling her eyes. "Mike, the salad."
"Yep, I'm coming – here, finish this reservation for us," Mike said, pushing the laptop to Max. "Use this card."
Y/n pretended not to notice that Max used his own card. Shooed from the kitchen, she joined him and Kevin on the couch when Logan insisted on helping fix the salad. "Deep-sea fishing, huh?"
"I'm not a fisher, but I think it'll be fun, yeah?" He left the laptop open on the confirmation screen, leaning to set it on the coffee table.
"What's dipsy fishing?" Kevin asked.
Max laughed softly, smoothing his unruly curls as he explained. When Kevin said he wanted to go, Max was gentle but firm that he wasn't quite big enough just yet.
When he promised to take him as soon as he was big enough, y/n knew nothing and no one in the world would stop him. Because Max kept his promises.
"Okay," Kevin murmured, giving him a hug before sliding down, saying he was going to pee.
Max leaned back with a soft sigh. "I spoke to Logan."
"Will you tell me?" she asked.
"You'll find out soon enough, but…" He sighed again, and she listened in surprise and fascination as he told her about Checo, about Daniel, about him pushing Christian to suggest Logan for Daniel's vacancy.
"Oh Max," she whispered, touching his arm briefly. She couldn't hug him – aunt Carol might have teased about Max being Logan's boyfriend, but she knew her hugging him would raise questions she wasn't sure she knew the answer to just yet. So she squeezed his arm, knew by the way he nodded that he understood. If he were anyone else she would question his motives, maybe even accuse him of trying to help Logan as a way to impress her, but she knew Max well enough to know he wouldn't stand up for Logan if he didn't believe in him as a driver.
"Don't cry, schatje," he whispered, lightly patting her thigh.
"I won't," she mumbled despite feeling the sting in her eyes.
"Go check on Kevin," he suggested.
She nodded, getting to her feet and heading to the bathroom, knowing it was his way of making sure no one noticed her tears if and when they fell. Her son was just finishing up and she fixed his shorts, dabbing a little of her mom's aloe vera onto his pink cheeks. It pulled her mind off her emotions and she washed her hands, feeling relatively normal when she began setting the table.
Dinner was leisurely and filled with chatter and laughter, Kevin telling his grandparents about the race tracks he'd been to, though his stories revolved around the animals he'd seen as opposed to the actual races. Max and Logan took turns asking her parents questions about themselves and when they both set their forks down to listen to her father talk about growing up on a farm she knew they'd won him over. And when Max insisted he and Logan take care of the dishes she was certain her mom and aunt fell in love a little bit.
After dinner her parents went for a walk on the beach and her aunt and uncle went to a local bar. Kevin was content to watch a movie, still obviously tired from spending most of the day on the beach, and Logan stretched out on the couch with him. She could tell that the jet lag was getting to Max so she went down to move his suitcase and backpack into the bedroom across from the one she and Logan were sharing. He followed her a few moments later, and she looked over her shoulder to see him leaning in the doorway as she turned on the lamp.
"Are you going to tuck me in, too?" he asked with a smile.
She rolled her eyes, smiling as she crossed to him. "Don't you think you're a little too old to be tucked in?"
He scoffed softly, stepping into the room and winding his arm around her waist. "Will you stay with me a bit?"
"Of course."
She sat on the bed, getting comfortable and leaning against the pillows while he undressed to his boxer briefs and pulled on a clean t-shirt. He filled her in on how Jimmy and Sassy were doing then went into the ensuite with his toiletry bag, returning after a couple minutes and practically collapsing onto the bed next to her. She reached to smooth her hand over his head. "Still can't believe you flew fourteen hours for something that could have been a phone call."
Max smiled, idly tracing her knee with one finger, shifting so his head rested in her lap. "It could have been, but…"
She stayed silent, continuing to run her fingers through his short hair. Simply enjoying the quiet moment alone with him. Usually they were strained, a time limit set in place because a million things were waiting to be done. Feeling him relax, she unfolded her legs, smiling when he turned so he could look up at her.
Oh how she adored his eyes. How they could change from crystal clear to the deep of the ocean that was so close to them. She had been so foolish, thinking them just a normal blue, when they held all the shades and hues of the skies and seas that she loved. And the more she looked into them the more she saw the emotions.
They shone with vulnerability right now.
"I've grown used to you being close by," he whispered. "Is it too soon to say that?"
"No, I don't think so," she murmured. "I don't want to think about having to follow a specific timeline in a relationship."
"Figure it out as we go, right?" His smile chased the fear from his eyes.
"Are we figuring it out?" she asked softly, though she thought she knew the answer.
"I think we already did."
There was a soft knock on the door and she sighed at the interruption.
"Yeah?" Max called softly.
The door opened and Logan leaned in, a half-sleep Kevin on his shoulder. "Someone wants to say goodnight."
Y/n began to slide to the edge of the bed as Max sat up. "I'll ta—"
"I've got him, babe, it's okay." Logan brought Kevin over, motioning for her to sit back as he passed Kevin to Max.
Max hummed, and she immediately relaxed. He exchanged goodnights with Kevin and she felt her heart filling with warmth as the boy hugged him tightly, whispering love you before shuffling over to her.
"Goodnight sweetheart," she whispered, hugging him close and peppering his face with kisses. "Love you so much."
"G'night mama, love you." Kevin kissed her cheek then crawled over to Logan.
All she could feel was peace in that moment and she leaned back against the pillows, watching the way Logan held her son. Gently. Protectively.
He leaned down, giving her a gentle kiss. "I'm gonna go to bed, too. Your dad wants to leave early."
"I'll be in in a little while," she whispered.
"No rush," he promised with a quick smile.
She turned onto her side while he and Max exchanged goodnights, noticing the way Logan hesitated as if he wanted a little something more. She also noticed that Max gave another, softer, goodnight right before Logan turned to leave, and met his gaze when he settled next to her again as the door clicked shut.
"What?" he murmured.
"My boyfriend's boyfriend."
His cheeks turned pink. "I'm not… He's… It's not that."
"I don't know, you did fly halfway around the world to see him," she teased, giggling when he threw his arm over her waist and dragged her close.
"Careful, schatje, you're starting to sound jealous," he murmured against her lips.
"Of my boyfriends dating each other? Never." She felt his arm tighten around her and didn't mind when he pulled her closer.
"Not dating," he breathed.
"Flirting?" She shifted even closer, moaning softly as his leg slid between hers.
The muscles in his thigh twitched and he hummed, his kiss deepening briefly. "Maybe… Is… Is that okay?"
"Figuring it out," she reminded him.
"Figuring it out," he echoed before kissing her again. His hand came up, cradling her jaw as their bodies moved, and she didn't want it to stop, didn't want either of them to pull away. To her relief he didn't. His fingers tangled gently in her hair, his other hand trailing down her side.
She moved, thighs falling open so he could press closer while her hands slipped beneath the hem of his t-shirt, the feel of his skin beneath her fingers exhilarating and comforting as she traced the planes of his back. "Max," she breathed, one hand cupping the back of his head. This was the time when one of them pulled back and she parted her lips to beg him not to.
Then he whispered her name like it was a prayer. A plea.
Nodding, she leaned up for another kiss, body arching into his touch. His fingertips ignited a flame in her skin and she gasped against his lips, sitting up with him, reluctantly breaking the kiss so he could ease her tank top over her head. Eyes locked with his, she carefully pushed his t-shirt up. There was a brief pause once his shirt joined hers on the floor then he was kissing her again.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he mumbled after guiding her down and leaning back to stare at her.
Flushed with desire under his heated gaze, she licked her lips, shivering as his hand swept up her arm. His fingers danced over her collarbone then moved lower and she arched again, nipples hardening before he stroked the curve of her breast. His soft moan was pure sex and she brought her hands up to his neck, eager for his kiss.
He lowered his mouth to her breast instead. Kissing, licking, suckling gently until whines began to claw up her throat. He released her nipple and immediately turned to give the other the same treatment, his fingers lightly pinching and rolling the stiff peak to keep her squirming.
"Max," she gasped, an aching hunger forming deep inside her.
His lips were over hers in an instant, his hands moving to rest lightly at her hips, steadying her. His kiss was almost frenzied, his grip tightening each time she wriggled impatiently, and when her fingers dragged down to the waistband of his boxer briefs he let out a guttural moan. "I was planning to take my time," he mumbled, thumbs lightly stroking her hips before hooking in the band of her shorts.
"We can do that next time."
He groaned, nipping at her bottom lip. Then he was leaning back again, dragging her shorts and panties down, and she watched his tongue dart over his lips while he looked her over. "You really are beautiful, schatje," he whispered, palms brushing up her legs, fingers dancing lightly along her thighs. Her lips parted to speak but all that came out was a gasping moan when he cupped her. He stroked and teased, eyes wild and dark, until she could feel his fingers were slick, until she was trembling, and then—
"Max," she whined, hips pushing upwards and head falling back as his fingers rubbed small circles against her clit. She clutched at his sides, his forearms, and finally gripped the sheets, fingers twisting in the soft cotton while his fingers continued the delicious torment. So caught up in the pleasure, it didn't register that he was moving until he guided one leg over his shoulder. His breath was pure fire, his tongue molten lava replacing his fingers.
She forced her head upright, breath catching in her throat when she was met with his intense gaze. He rubbed and squeezed her thigh, moaning occasionally, his tongue dancing rapidly over her clit. Her last shred of self-control reminded her she couldn't be loud and she clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her sharp squeal. Her other hand dropped, curling tightly in his hair, and she was rewarded with a low growl from him, his hands splaying on her thighs as his tongue danced faster.
Her eyes widened and she nodded, holding her hand tightly over her mouth as her entire body burned, feeling weak with need. She moaned raggedly against her palm, heart racing in her chest. Pulling away her hand long enough to gasp out a new plea. "Don't stop…"
She felt him smirk and barely turned her head to stifle her sharp squeal with the pillow. Already close, she let her hips rock slowly, trying to focus on all the sensations and not just his tongue. His fingers digging into her thighs. The muscles of his back flexing beneath her foot. The scruff of his beard scraping her sensitive flesh. His breath pouring over her like a steaming waterfall. She squealed again then snatched in a breath and held it, back arching off the bed as she came, the pleasure so intense she could only let out a shaky, whining gasp.
He hummed, his tongue easing slightly, dragging out the delight, and when her body shuddered he slowed, his moan vibrating through her as he gently licked her clean. With a breathless chuckle he pressed kisses to her trembling thighs then crawled up, hands tender on her cheeks.
Y/n murmured his name, cupping his wrists and relishing the moment of tenderness as he stayed over her, the heat of his body calming her shivers. Tasting herself on his lips and tongue, she groaned softly, tongue darting out for a deeper taste while her hands slowly traveled down.
"I don't have a condom," he groaned, dropping his forehead to her shoulder.
She did but they were across the hall, and she knew that if she made that mad dash one of her family members would suddenly appear and ask her what the hell she was doing. Her mind scrambled, fingers frozen just above his boxer briefs then she licked her lips. "I'm on the pill, and you can pull out?"
Max released a questioning hum. "Are you sure?"
"I want – I need you," she breathed.
With a groan he lifted his head, eyes searching hers for a moment before he shifted, hands reaching to help her push his boxer briefs down. His soft hiss as her hand wrapped around his cock was more erotic than any other sound she could imagine in that moment and she hummed encouragingly, exploring the length and girth with her fingers. Until his hand covered hers and he moaned harshly against her lip, "I won't make it inside you if you keep doing that."
A giggle bubbled up her throat, dying on a whine as he settled more firmly between her thighs. His hand trembled slightly over hers then grabbed at her thigh, their breathless gasps mingling as she guided him along her slit. She wanted to draw it out until they were both begging but her desire won out and she moved her hand to his hip, nails digging into his skin as he pressed into her.
"Fuck," she moaned, hips rolling up to meet him.
His eyes were more intense than ever before and she felt the shudder ripple through his body while he kept still for several long seconds. "Y/n…"
It was a delicate mix of longing and need. She returned it with an eager nod, grabbing his shoulders to hold onto him as the slowness and gentleness melted away.
Frantic. Pure lust with dashes of tenderness. Each time her lips parted to make a sound his claimed them, muffling and swallowing each noise. The heat consumed her, and he was there, grounding her with his firm hold, his thrusts steady and unfaltering.
"So good," she gasped, lifting her leg higher against his waist.
"I know, I know," he moaned as he hooked his arm beneath her leg, angling her hips slightly.
The scant change sent the tip of his cock directly over her spot and she threw back her head, nails raking down his back and eliciting a sharp hiss from him. "Yes…"
"Right there, schatje?" he whispered, nuzzling her neck before dragging his lips over her jaw, smearing the sweat beading on her skin.
"Yes," she whined again, turning her head for his kiss. He tasted of sweat and sex and heaven and she whimpered against his tongue as ecstasy grew within her again. She could feel his thrusts falter and clenched around him, teeth sinking gently into his bottom lip. "Gonna come," she gasped, a harsh moan escaping when he suddenly released her leg, his hands fisting in the pillow on either side of her head. He pushed deeper than before, panting against her lips and she screamed into his kiss as the orgasm crashed through her. Her legs wrapped tight around him, pulling him deeper, and as she began to come down from the high he suddenly pulled out, leaving her gasping and missing the fullness. Looking up at him through heavy-lidded eyes as he sat back, she shivered, watching his hand wrap around his length, squeezing and stroking wildly.
"Where do you want it?" he asked in a breathless moan.
Her mind was blank, barely able to remember her own name, but when he released a strained groan she finally found the words. "Stomach," she managed to whisper.
He shifted, hand working fast and urgent and she stared in a haze of awe and longing at the way the muscles of his arm rippled and strained as he released a deep groan that made her tremble. The heat of his release splashed across her stomach in thick bursts.
Panting, she reached for him as soon as the last drops splattered over her hip, leaning up to meet his lips in a breathless kiss. He nearly collapsed over her and she could feel the thrumming of his heart against her breast. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, body craving the heat of his, and held onto him until he moved to slump next to her.
Chuckling, still breathless, his skin flushed and sweaty. He pulled her into his arms, lips bumping her forehead before he leaned away long enough to grab his discarded shirt. "Okay?" he whispered, using the shirt to wipe the cum from her skin.
Y/n hummed, still trembling with the aftershocks as he balled up the shirt and dropped it to the floor. Curling close, she nestled her head in the curve of his shoulder. "Yeah," she murmured. "Better than okay."
Max let out a soft hum. "Better?"
She nodded, her hand sliding to rest over his heart. "Perfect."
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miabrown007 · 7 months
Adrien is so tired of the new wave of fangirls every time he makes it to the Vogue's most eligible bachelors list. so Marinette jokingly suggests this year he should date someone while the results are being complied, thus avoiding making the list.
but Adrien thinks, dragging an unwitting girl into this and dropping her the next week would just be cruel. and Marinette thinks, as Adrien's very good friend and achingly platonic superhero partner, she should have really shut up instead of offering to help.
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alrightbuckaroo · 3 months
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something to give each other
Summary: 11 times TK and Carlos love each other in their rawest form. Or Sex. 11 ways.
one - take me to the feeling, boy you know the one
two - what's the night like where you are, you are?
three - pop the culture iconography, is standin' right in front of me
four - all alone in my room, just thinkin' bout you
Carlos pulls away, his mouth red and flushed. TK uses the hand still buried in his curls to pull his head back, just slightly. Carlos is caught off guard, not used to TK taking control. He finds that he likes it. TK releases a damp, ragged breath as he says, “I need you inside me.”
All thanks in the world to @herefortarlos for beta reading ❤️
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LITERALLY Lance and Logan
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rmd-writes · 3 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thanks for the tag Sara! 💖 this forced me to venture into my ao3 page for the first time in weeks (sorry if I haven’t replied to your comments, promise I will 😅). I don’t know if these fics are my definitive fave five that I’ve written, but I do love them:
The Grindr Toolbox: A Guide to Getting Nailed - yes, I know this is a series so it’s cheating, but they belong together. Three different fics, three different fandoms, one slightly ridiculous prompt. Who knew Grindr meet cutes could end up so wholesome? (These are all E-rated, never fear)
Call Me (By My Name) - a Tarlos accidental phone sex AU co-written with my beloved @welcometololaland
who am i if i can’t carry it all - my ode to big sisters everywhere, aka five times June looks after Alex and one time she realises she doesn’t need to
this year i will fall - a holiday season Firstprince meetcute, it’s like reading a Hallmark movie
Soon - the Tarlos drabble smut fic; 3,700 words of pwp delivered in 37 drabbles
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walkinginland · 1 year
Total Tarlos Babe Count
ok folks! here's the final Tarlos Babe Count. In the next few days I'm gonna have a few posts with some other data (which episodes were babe-heaviest, when each name was first used, etc), but here's the final count of how many times TK and Carlos call each other by their names or pet names. I cried multiple times while making this. cheers.
In 911 Lone Star Seasons 1-4:
TK calls Carlos...
Carlos: 42
Babe: 21
Baby: 24
Dude: 1
Raging Bull: 1
Carlos calls TK...
TK: 39
Babe: 10
Baby: 2
Tyler: 2
Tyler Kennedy: 3
Dude: 1
Tiger: 1
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