#lu guang's secret
snowyleopardess · 1 year
Welp, finished link click. cried a ton. poor little girl, her death was super upsetting, i wish she could have had a good life. I was hopeful that her brother would turn a new leaf from everything that happened, but instead it seems that his morality pet was just killed, so he's really off the rails now. Oof if he's already so unhinged now he's going to be a truly scary villain coming up. It was super upsetting that he just left his phone, implying his feelings and memories, behind on the bench. I guess he's the type to double down instead of change.
When Li Tianxi died I thought she transferred her powers to Qiao Ling, but then it seemed like it might just be her memories? But then Qiao Ling mentioned it again so maybe she did get her powers? I'm confused, so 50/50 at this point. It would be cool if she did, and that would sure be interesting for Li Tianxin to find out. I wonder if with the abilities and memories Qiao Ling got she might be able to bring Li Tianxin to the light side? I'd still like to save him if possible, but he did so much bad shit already I'm not sure. Especially with his 'friend' who you know if going to manipulate the hell out of him.
Dude I had accidentally spoiled myself a bit with Lu Guang saving Cheng Xiaoshi, but holy shit, that brief glimpse gave me chills. SUPER WELL DONE, I'M DYING TO KNOW MORE. I wonder how long ago it was, since he wasn't in the costume, just his regular clothes. It would be super interesting if it wasn't even anything recent but happened months or even years ago. HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED BECAUSE OF IT? How did he even do it? If Li Tianxi really did transfer her powers to Qiao Ling, then is that a thing? Because I thought that Lu Guang couldn't go into pictures, just look. Did Cheng Xiaoshi transfer his powers when he died during that timeline? BECAUSE THE CLAP.
Dude what if Lu Guang changing the timeline had a ripple effect that made everything so much worse? What if Emma didn't die originally, what if that nice detective guy didn't die originally, WHAT IF LI TIANXI DIDN'T DIE ORIGINALLY. Like holy shit this has the potential to get super dark. How many people have to die to save Cheng Xiaoshi? And if any of this is true, you know it's going to fuck up Cheng Xiaoshi super badly if he found out.
I love that Qiao Ling has a hint about this now, so much potential for the story line. Poor thing, she's in for a lot of terrible knowledge, and it would be so interesting to see her feelings on everything especially the darker we go. She would be devastated to know Cheng Xiaoshi died, but I also feel like she's going to have some guilt with Li Tianxi's death, so if that was part of the effects of the timeline she would be distraught. And damn, the psychological effect that knowledge could have on you, every single thing that goes wrong or seems strange could have you terrified that it's your fault because you changed the timeline. How tf does Lu Guang deal with that?
Lu Guang my beloved, he's in my heart permanently now. Like he was an arrow shaped projectile that shot his way into my feels. First of all, white haired cat boy that's a bit stoic on the outside but is a softie for the people he loves. And that morally grey do as I say not as I do when it comes to the people he loves is just chef's kiss. I'm dying to know more about him. Also damn he went through the ringer in s2, he's going to have a huge ass scar with the amount of trauma and reopening that kept happening. IRL he would be in the hospital for like an eternity and have a terrible infection. I hope he has a cool scar in the shirtless scene we MUST see of him. His eyes are hypnotizing.
Cheng Xiaoshi is a sweet little dog boy, very good protagonist. Like Li Tianxin, he never learned anything the easy way ever or changes. Don't change the timeline is like a broken record but he's always trying to change it. I know he didn't with emma's first 'death' scene in the car, but then at the finale he tried to save her again. And you know that He would have tried to save the twins' family too if he could. I appreciate the heart, but I also want to see more of what the consequences are for changing. Even if ironically we see it because of Lu Guang's changes, not Cheng Xiaoshi's. He's pretty badass too, his fight scenes are very cool.
Can I say how much I loved that, by the way. That they helped that old couple out and got fighting lessons? because god damn didn't they need and use them. Also that old couple and dad are just the best, I loved them as a trio helping them out, fuck yes badass old people. And the couple fussing over the dad, not because of 'oh you poor old man be careful with your health', but because 'please don't break that guy's face, 'please don't accidentally kill this grunt that's attacking us.' THEY'RE HOLDING HIM BACK FOR ALL OUR SAKES.
Loved the fight scenes, they look fantastic and get my heart pounding. Growing up with all the action TV and movies of our time, these really stood out with the fluid and interesting movements. Cheng Xiaoshi and Li Tianxin's fights were especially hypnotic. I kept expecting Li Tianxin to win because of how fast and fluid his movements were, but Cheng Xiaoshi kept up and kept beating him. SO COOL!
The police chief really went through the ringer in s2, damn. poor guy has the death of a good subordinate on him, got bashed in the head, beat up multiple times, tazed, etc etc. that's just from quick memory, Someone get this guy a vacation and some therapy. And he's going to get put though it even more with being in charge of the special abilities task force. Pray for him. poor guy.
Neeways, I of course ship the everloving hell out of cheng Xiaoshi/Lu Guang, which research tells me has the ship name of ShiGuang, which I am going to thoroughly investigate and probably follow after this. I thought Qiao Ling was nice enough but just kind of okay in the first season, but now I adore her and am perfectly happy for her to be a fantastic part of the OT3. There has been some fantastic OT3s these days now that fandom is doing a little better (not all there, but yknow) with misogyny. Not to mention she's super cute and more than can hold her own in fights and helping with planning. Plus she's such a good sister figure/friend to Cheng Xi. So sweet that she made a little celebration for them in the final episode.
How's that funny character strip go again?
Character who gets into shenanigans- Cheng Xiaoshi.
Character who pretends to be too good to get into shenanigans but follows the other's lead- Qiao Ling
Charcter whos done with both of them- Lu Gang.
except lu guang will also totally go along with shenanigans too.
I'm looking forward to the OVA and s3, not only because of the story line but because of the sic fucking music and OPS so far, they have been amazing and they are all stuck in my head. I love them every time I've seen them and I saw each 11-12 times ffs. Just fanfuckingtastic work. A++
Well this has gotten super fucking long, so Id better stop and can just make more posts if I think of more stuff to say. If anyone even reads his lol. But then again it's nice to go through my thoughts and I have been wanting to get into journaling. Plus it's good writing exercise.
Anyway, you should watch link click, they hype is deserved and it's super fun.
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sharowolet · 2 months
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link click stickies :]
Image description in alt text
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this-blurry-photograph · 10 months
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I love s1e2 because it's the only episode that completely stands alone with no connections to other episodes or the larger plot but I also believe that it contains some of the most important themetic elements for the entire show. Like this line here which hits differently with the context of s2e12.
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g1ngerbeer · 2 months
(referring to a character ive spent the last four days talking about nonstop) (lying badly) i dont like him.
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shizukais · 1 year
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不能没了好哥哥 I can't stand losing my beloved brother.
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aryabrier · 1 year
Lu Guang as Secretive Plotter... yeah...
Sketch for my stupid brain and link click × orv thoughts
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inkyweenus · 1 year
Thinking about time travel and all the secrets Lu Guang is keeping. And how long he's been keeping them.
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And also what his limitations are... because I don't think he knows as much as he thinks he knows.
I've got a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions. I tried to organize them in the hopes to maybe work out some ideas, but it got a bit... Much. Weigh in if you have thoughts because...I'm clearly vibrating in place wanting to talk about this. But anyway, here we go.
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How is the present affected by future dives into the past? (Alternate timelines or pre-determined track)
This section is basically me asking a lot of questions that might just be writing holes or maybe not and we just don't find out for, like, 6 years. And that's fine. I'm here for it, I just need to sort out all these theories in my head.
In S1E9, LG looks into the surveillance photo and sees CXS on the solo dive. Is this because CXS was currently in the photo? Is it because CXS had already done the solo dive and so LG was seeing the affected photo? Is it because CXS was always going to go into the photo, so LG saw the past that always was going to be?
When Liu Min called from Xu Shanshan's phone, was it because CXS was always going to set up the meeting? What if CXS hadn't come to that conclusion and didn't reveal himself in Shanshan's body? Would the call have never happened? Does Lu Guang allow this huge "deviation" because he saw it was supposed to happen? Did he lie about what he saw in the photo? Was his elevated concern in that moment he claimed was about CXS's potential mental state while of going into his friend's potentially dying body actually about CXS starting the game? Is he just as clueless as everyone else and now everything is spiralling?
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Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao. Oh man. "Nothing will be affected" my ass Lu Guang. Pretty sure you created an entire person that didn't previously exist from that mission. Sure, all the people that were supposed to die in the earthquake died, but Chen Xiao did NOT have a wedding ring on when he came to the photoshop to hire them. He was a miserable man with regrets he couldn't move past, including missing his "first love." Now, I get that first loves have a lot of weight, but he's like 30+ and so desperate... this is not a man who looks at his wedding ring with care and sings his son to sleep. But he becomes that. Where did that child come from?!?
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Just because the 12 hours after the photo are the same doesn't mean that the 12 years after it are. Lingering resentment--or the lack thereof-- is a strong shaping force. Also. Chen Xiao's lack of regrets from a successful mission means that he never would have hired them to dive in the first place. So to make it full circle, Chen Xiao "returns" to the photo shop (for the first time?) to have CXS develop the photos he took himself on the camera he saved from the wreckage...And, I have to assume from the implication of a new timeline, THAT is how they get paid for the job. How much are they charging to develop film? Was it worth it??
Does LG even know about this kind of change? Is it just too far out of his range to see? He didn't seem to know about Emma until he saw the news, so maybe he's limited in what he can see, but he found that article pretty fast, so maybe he knew something was happening. It's hard to know.
What are the extent of LG's powers? Is he from the future?
He always says not to ask about the "past or future." I assumed this meant the future of the past that CXS was currently in, but what if he also means the future of the present that we're currently seeing? Can he see the future of the present he's in now?
In season 1, he knew that CXS would appear as himself when he dove into the surveillance camera footage. How? It was obviously CXS's first time doing that, but maybe not LG's. If it was his first time, how did he know?
We recently learned that he can see the present through surveillance footage the same way he does looking at footage of the past. Does this mean he can also see 12 hours into the future? It's 20:44 when LG unlocks Chen Bin's phone, so it's probably around 21:00 when he uses his powers. Does he know how things will unfold? Does he see the twins moving through the building? Does he realize there are two of them?
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He's obviously been up to something this whole season: watching the clock, hiding photos, opening up stitches without much physical effort beyond using his powers... 🤔
My current crack theory is that LG reopening his stitches while using his powers to watch the fight is actually related to him escaping and/or jumping off the boat to free CXS. I'm not sure how because it's definitely more than 12 hours between the events, but something is up.
It's not surprising to me that CXS and Wang Juan were controlled through touch. The moment Li Tianxi reached out her hand to shake CXS's I yelled at my TV. It looked too similar to LG reaching out to start a dive.
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And I yelled even louder when she made contact
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CXS can dive on his own and LG can see into a photo on his own. The physical touch only connects their minds, it's not necessary to activate the powers. Could LG touch CXS and communicate telepathically without diving into a photo if they had an activation touch? Does LJ need a time travel element to get into CXS's head?
I think Li Tianchen's powers at least are touch related because when he touched Xixi, CXS lost his connection with LG. But I think there may be something else going on with the twins. I'm just not sure what I think yet. We wouldn't know if one was possessing the other because their eyes are the same.
How do the powers manifest, and what does that mean for Lu Guang's backstory?
I think we saw the moment when Li Tianxi and/or Li Tianchen acquire powers. Was it a predisposition that unlocked during a highly traumatic moment or did it just manifest somehow from an extreme desire to take control of the situation?
Li Tianxi was a child who wanted to communicate and be present but felt trapped in her over stimulated body. Li Tianchen was a boy with strong ideals and a sense of protectiveness... without the strength of an adult body to follow through with that protection. While they were holding the photo, huddled together in close physical contact after Tianchen's head injury, one of them or the combined force of them was able to 1.) take over their mother's body and 2.) blank out Xixi's mind to the point of cutting CXS's connection with LG and eventually the whole photo. But something went very wrong along the way. Maybe some signals were crossed.
CXS is a highly empathetic person. He feels so much for everyone and wants to connect with people emotionally. And his powers reflect that. We know CXS has probably at some point had a strong enough desire to go back in time, if anything to see his parents.
What, then, do the circumstances look like for a logical, emotionally reserved--but deeply caring--person to acquire powers to see snapshots of the past? What would drive him to want to change the past so much that he manifests these powers?
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We know CXS had never done a dive without LG before he temporarily went rogue in S1E9... because he didn't know he could do it until he tried.
We know S1E1 isn't the first time they dive. CXS nags LG about having heard the rules a hyperbolic amount of times. So the powers aren't new at this point. But I don't think they both had powers before they met. So how and when did they get their powers? Was it when they met? When they travelled abroad? After some accident or something?
LG just shows up in CXS's life unannounced. Twice. And that's how they got close. Was it just the random fated meeting of soulmates as per fiction standards or did LG intentionally seek out CXS for more timey-wimey reasons? Did meeting LG activate CXS's powers? Did they experience something together to have compatible abilities? Did LG already have his and teach CXS how to manifest his own? How much did LG already know before he picked up that basketball?
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I have this other crack theory that I absolutely hate and don't want to be true at all and almost certainly isn't, but, like...what if if LG and CXS are actually the same person from different timelines. Like LG is a version of CXS that doesn't get to have familial love and maybe experiences too much trauma, and he goes back in time to give himself some semblance of a home and a set of rules to hone his powers without altering the timeline that he's actively changing. They're intentionally written to be two halves of a whole, and there's been more than one joke made about LG being a ghost or not existing. I hate it. But it's in my head.
One last question for today... because I have to wonder:
Who makes the rules?
Has LG just read enough books to feel knowledgeable about how time travel works? Is he from the future trying to maintain a desired outcome? Are they following the rules of a third party who's orchestrating the flow of events from a distance? Are they... Leaving their fates to the ones who aren't in control?
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ovidiomedes · 10 months
ohohohoho <- thinking about truth serum lu guang
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snorlaxlovesme · 1 year
not to be a negative nancy but i think if Lu Guang has done this multiple times before and potentially has to do it again in s3 they really need to start taking more photos bc in ep 2 Cheng Xiaoshi tells everyone at the hospital that he deleted every photo of himself and Lu Guang from his phone and social media
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Glancing at the Qian Jin-Xiao Li duo then at the Lu Guang-Cheng Xiaoshi one and realising that from what we know Qian Jin was originally the by-the-book type and even now is incredibly careful and thorough. Meanwhile, Xiao Li went along with the photo shop trio despite knowing how unbelievable it all seemed and was willing to arrange Lu Guang's safety in a less traditional way
Qian Jin especially in the past is much more aligned with Lu Guang personality-wise whilst the more flexible and intuition-based Xiao Li is more aligned with Cheng Xiaoshi
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kumomist · 1 year
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nyxire · 1 year
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quil12 · 8 months
I just read through the Link Click manhua and how tf did they make them seem even more like a couple in this than in the show - frankly, it's impressive
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Like Lu Guang was on top of that. He doesn't even really cook, but as soon as he got the inkling that there was food, he was like 'on it, boss🫡' and made them without being asked. Truly husband vibes right there
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Then this... man did not have to stand like that to ask him this. He moved purposefully behind him so he could put his hands on either side of his head and look at him like that. I showed this to my friend and she said all it was missing was a forehead kiss - and I'm inclined to agree - the secret panel not shown lmao
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Then, of course, the thing of Lu Guang being concerned over him having nightmares. Like he's just worried about him - idk what else to say
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And then this scene where Cheng Xiaoshi is literally acting like a jealous boyfriend. He's like 'what do you mean new friend? We spend all day together'
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Then this scene is absolutely insane... like I have been thinking about this since I read it. Out of context it is so wild. Like, first of all, Cheng Xiaoshi being concerned about him and bringing him food (sharing the dumplings that Lu Guang made for him too), but then, Lu Guang goes, 'I have to tell you something', grabs his wrist, pulls him into the room, and shuts the door. The door shutting is honestly the big thing - like Lu Guang, my guy, you are alone in the studio with him. Presumably it's closed too if you're both upstairs, and even if someone did come in, you have an automatic doorbell that goes off so you'd be able to tell. In context, I don't even think it's that secretive of information... It genuinely feels like a setup for a love confession
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sharowolet · 7 months
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where do we end up when we save the world?
[ID: digital drawing of chibi lu guang and cheng xiaoshi in secret agent spy suits. they have giant sunglasses covering their eyes. lu guang is very serious and has his arms crossed. cheng xiaoshi has one hand adjusting the glasses and making an excited face. Between them is a suitcase with the almost-circle arrow clock link click logo thing. Behind them is a round explosion with smoke.]
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briebysabs · 6 months
Lu Guang is a hypocrite and that’s okay (great even)
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I must stand ten toes for this man because I’m noticing the slander that went on in September and I cannot allow it. I know I’m six months late but just bear with me. We are introduced to Lu Guang as a rational, stoic, sort of wise protagonist. The brains of the operation if you will (although Cheng is clever in his own right but that’s a whole other discussion). Qiao Ling and Captain Xiao describe him as more mature. Shiguang’s relationship is strong but it’s structured, especially for their work, to where Cheng has to depend on Lu Guang. Should only do as he says and not do anything impulsive.
And it gets to a point where Cheng doesn’t know what to do without him and when LG isn’t there he relies on his past words to guide him. The thing is, we’ve seen that CXS can come up with great plans and make good decisions without Lu Guang’s voice in his head. Like how he caught Min Liu or planning how save Lu Guang from Li Tianchen. But the story has built LG up so much to be a reliable character so it can’t be untrue. But then the s2 finale happens, Cheng gets shot and Lu Guang loses his mind.
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And then the ending basically tells you that he’s been winging it and gambling this whole time. Experimenting with god knows how many timelines, simply using his knowledge from the previous one to see if he’ll get lucky this time. Lu Guang has been playing a crane game. So in a story that is all about mistakes, guilt and regrets. Of showing the imperfections of people. Of showing the struggles of moving forward, of being satisfied with the present. Of sacrificing your sanity, your voice, your desires, and happiness for the people you love. How is this bad writing?
Link click has been tricking the audience to believe Lu Guang is an infallible character.
But Link Click was never about perfect people.
What he’s trying to do is no different from Li Tianchen, one of our antagonists. And I love CXS to fucking pieces but this show raises the question of a life’s value. LG is trying to save Cheng and so refuses to change the past for anyone else. Bc it may alter things and doom CXS in the process and ruin all he’s worked towards. But then you ask yourself, is CXS’s life worth more than the twins' mother? Is it worth more than Chen’s mother? Is it worth more than Emma?
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It doesn’t matter because it is to Lu Guang. It’s like the question if your sibling and a mailman are trapped in a burning building but you can only try to save one. Unless they’re the absolute scum of the earth, chances are and possibly even despite that, you’re going to pick your sibling. That don’t mean it’s objectively more valuable than the mailman or you didn’t have sympathy for that person, they have loved ones, hopes and joys too. “Lu Guang is a hypocrite, selfish, unreliable, and a liar” yes he is. Because there is something called ‘flawed characters’. It’s okay for your protagonist to not be the best person. It’s okay to write a protagonist whose trauma has defined some of their actions.
If you’ve been forced to have someone you love die in your arms over and over, why is it surprising that you would lie to them? How is it surprising that you’d try to keep secrets? That you’d set things up to be in a position to control the situation? That’ll force you to plan better so maybe, just maybe things will be different? You think Lu Guang lacks self awareness and doesn’t know what this makes him? Of all things you can call LG, he’s not delusional. He knows the weight of his actions.
Link Click has and always will be a story about people. Where our emotions and choices take us. Lu Guang isn’t a robot so why would he be an exception?
Plus everyone should’ve been knew Lu Guang was sus anyway. Idk how that’s mischaracterization, there’s proof of him lying and keeping secrets from CXS in s1. It doesn’t ruin anything it recontextualizes what we were shown back then.
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silverangel19 · 8 months
I refuse to believe that CXS would be anything but kind to Lu Guang when the secret's out :')
Yes, he's gonna feel angry, upset, confused, betrayed. But ultimately, he loves and cares for LG, and his heart will hurt for him, especially when he knows just how much LG has suffered, is still suffering. He will not put him in any more pain than he already is.
CXS may not entirely understand the situation but I do think he can at least understand what it feels to lose someone so precious. He's 'lost' LG before, after all.
So they will talk about it properly and figure things out together. After lots of crying and hugging and comforting.
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