#lu zhigang
pangzi · 5 months
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bi man vs. man with the last name bi, who will win?
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. solo leveling
pairings. beak yoonho, choi jong-in, liu zhigang, sung jin-woo x gn!reader
content warnings. s-ranks are not quite human, written in lower caps, not edited/proofread
word count. 1.1k
notes. first solo leveling fic here on tumblr!! i hope you all like it, some food before i focus on the event fics :)
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S-Ranks are not only distinguished by the fact that their mana levels are so high that they can't be measured by any means, but also by taking almost animalistic traits. Those are a result of their own high mana reserves and in which way the mana has manifested in them. Each S-Rank is individual and shows different inhuman traits. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ baek yoonho. 
beak yoonho is an s-rank, who focuses on transformation magic. while he clearly has the power of a tank, his mana manifests in a weird mix of tiger and wolf
having practiced rigorous control of his mana and with that his animalistic instincts, he’s one of the few s-ranks who rarely shows his inhuman traits
and still, his appearance changed the moment he awakened to a s-rank. canine teeth, his pupils turning to slits when his control slips— those small things bleed through his ‘normal’ appearance 
these traits are the most obvious after baek cancels his transformation, mana still pulsing strongly through his body and only slowly turning him back fully human. the tips of his hair stay white, streaked with black, while his eyes continue to glow and usually round pupils remain as thin slits
when he’s like this, mind still hazy and led by instincts, his words are more like growls, deep and snarling, showing his teeth to anyone who dares to touch what’s his
that’s what happens as well. baek normally hides it well, but post-transformation leaves doesn’t exactly clear his mind, instincts influencing his acts and decisions
you know all of this well, after being baek’s partner for years, you got to know all his traits, those he hides so well. sometimes you wish he wouldn’t, you don’t mind seeing him like this, but baek is careful. he would never dare to hurt you, he fears it, fully knowing his claws could easily sink into your delicate flesh, ripping you apart while his mana lusts for blood. 
baek doesn’t show his inhuman traits often, he doesn’t like showing them, because showing them means exposing them to you, someone who could never survive an s-rank.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ choi jong-in.
compared to baek, his long time rival, choi jong-in isn’t the one for hiding his less humane traits, but he doesn’t parade them around either. choi is a dragon through and through, sly and with a knowing glint in his eyes
he loves to hoard things, his apartment filled with trinkets, weapons he collected from all around the world, armor, artifacts— everything and anything, if something interesting catches his eyes, he will drag it to his hoard and no one will stop him
choi is a being of fire. the slumbering embers and roaring fires, calm and passionate, he embodies it and it often shows. running hotter than most s-ranks, choi is a walking heater. he himself isn’t bothered by it, but others can get uncomfortable 
and like any other beast, he has fangs and is proud of them. showing off his impressive teeth isn’t something he doesn’t do often, and yet, when the smoke of his cigarettes curls around him, sometimes you can glimpse a flash of them
despite choi being a professional and known for being one of the ‘nicer’ s-ranks, he can have a nasty temper as well. several times you’ve heard him snarl, teeth gleaming, a low rumble in his throat and the heat in the room steadily rising. he has a good control of himself and knows when it’s getting dangerous, choking his own mana and becoming seemingly completely human again. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ liu zhigang. 
liu zhigang could be compared to a berserker. he is a mighty warrior, one of the strongest s-ranks known and his blood runs hot, his hunger for blood and battle never satisfied
liu is a berserker, always ready for battle, lusting after it, no matter how strong the enemies are
and like any other proper berserker, he loves weapons. be it any blade, swords and spears, he wants them in his possession, even if he will never use them twice. sometimes his interest in a weapon is just enough to properly ‘bloody’ it, mesmerized by the view of splattered guts and flesh of monsters
war is his calling and it shows. his instincts are wired and completely focused on battles, it’s hard for him to just turn those off. he can mute them, and still he often scares other hunters and ordinary humans with his laser focus
he’s a predator and everyone is his victim, no one is safe. this is what most feel, no matter what liu does. when he was still young, inexperienced, nothing more than a small boy in this large world, he was scared. scared to hurt others, if he could never control this bloodlust
but nowadays, this fear is nowhere to be seen. liu is confident in his skin and he fully embraces his whole being, the fierce mana that has changed him forever. when he grins with a fierce glint in his eyes, own blood already boiling, his whole body ready to jump and tear through flesh… it’s then when he truly shows his animalistic, inhuman traits. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ sung jin-woo. 
sung jin-woo has probably the most control of his inhuman traits out of all s-ranks known to earth. and still, he can’t hide them completely, just as he can’t hide his power
there are his fangs, just a bit longer, a bit sharper than normal human teeth. there are his eyes, dark and glowing, his whole body shrouded in shadows— sometimes they cling onto him, sometimes jin-woo becomes a shadow
he’s not feral, bloodthirsty or a slave to his inhuman instincts. he just is someone, something powerful in a human body
a reason why other s-ranks are so careful around him. what kind of power does he have, to completely control his urges, those inhuman traits, while walking among them as if he’s a normal human being. yet he can’t be, not with the mana tightly around him— no matter what rank you are, sung jin-woo is one of the most powerful s-ranks known and everyone can feel that
as can you, not even a hunter, your body devoid of any mana but you can feel it. feel jin-woo’s power, how the shadows cling onto him, how his eyes glint, the mana wisps around him. you can feel it, sometimes see it but rarely, rarely jin-woo shows it. hidden away, in his arms, where darkness takes over him, but you’re not afraid. he keeps you safe, clothed in shadows and mana, while his rumbling chest fills the peaceful silence around you. 
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taglist. @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @keqism , @aimixx , @venexus , @themercyverse
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absolutebl · 5 months
Hi ABL! I was wondering if you have recs for bl couples where a younger seme/top aggressively pursues an older, initially-unwilling uke/bottom?
I realized this trope was my absolute JAM when I fell hard and fast for Wei Zhiyuan x Wei Qian, Sun Boxiang x Lu Zhigang, and Yongjie x Xingsi. Bonus points for age gap, stepbrothers trope or the older uke being endlessly indulgent?
I mainly watch China and Taiwan bls, so I’ll love anything from there. I’ll take recs from other countries too, they might become my first foray into non-mandarin bls
I know this is a somewhat specific request so thank you sm if you manage to come up with anything! I really appreciate all the work you put into this blog ☺️💜
Hyung Romances! (wrap-up post)
I call these hyung romances because that's like noona romances but gay.
Specifically you said:
younger seme aggressively pursues an older initially-unwilling uke
I am utter TRASH for this! YES PLEASE!
Minato’s Laundromat
Japan 2022 GaGa 
AKA Minato Coin Laundry AKA Wash My Heart! AKA Minato Shouji Koin Randorii AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Younger seme older uke, very clearly yaoi derived dynamic, 10 year age gap. I love this show so much. This is by far the best long running example that really dwells on this trope, Shin is very much the aggressor also very much still a high school kid. Minato is very much NOT. 
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Old Fashion Cupcake 
Japan 2022 Viki & GaGa 
Also from Japan, another 10 year gap, and a flipping genius version. This time both parties are older, so there’s less of a stigma around the age gap, but there is stigma about the one being the other’s boss. 
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review. 
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Lovely Writer
Thailand 2021 YouTube 
Sib is quite a bit younger than Gene and defines aggressive pursuer. Gene is out of university and established in his career, Sib is still in college.
Thailand criticizes itself and the BL industry while simultaneously giving us classic seme/uke with great chemistry in a one-two punch of “we love it, but are we supposed to? and must we think this hard, yet enjoy it SO MUCH?” This show won’t appeal or make sense to those who don’t already have at least some Thai BL watching experience. What Lovely Writer does, at heart, is reexamine Thai BL has done to queerness, but in a very gentle way that has more to do with Thai BL growing up than any actual queer authenticity. It’s not parody or pastiche, but it is self reflective and trying to correct for some chronic mistakes. Whether it is ultimately successful in this matter is going to depend on the watcher’s relationship to BL and queer identity. But that’s what makes this show beautiful, interesting, and thought provoking. And I, for one, applaud the effort even if I didn’t personally connect to the characters.
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Thailand 2020 YouTube 
Thailand’s first real stab at this dynamic as a main couple and it so worked for me. There are many who find this BL too slow and wooden, but I loved it. 
I think of this as a paragon of Thailand’s softer BL style, since Oxygen uses every BL trope in the playbook for one of the gentlest lowest angst BLs ever made. This one showcases how far Thailand is moving BL from its yaoi roots, and is a prime example of the sweet “new BL” model for which Thailand is the main advocate (Korea is liking it a lot these days too, tho). My first watch along. 
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Thailand 2016 YouTube 
Guess who started this trope in Thailand? Yeah, sometimes I forget too. But they are not just classic sunshine/tsunder but classic younger/older. Just not by much.
This is the BL that launched a hundred BLs. No literally, it was SOTUS’s international success that pretty much built the Thai BL industry into the juggernaut it is today. People have baggage around SOTUS, I have nostalgia. Trigger warning on bully hazing. Review here. 
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En of Love: Tossera 
Thailand 2020 YouTube 
Younger boy wants to court older boy and does and… that’s it. No really that’s the WHOLE STORY. There is actually no angst, drama, or, indeed plot. But are they the softest bois ever to BL as a main couple? Yes they are.
*pulp warning*
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Private Lessons
Korea 2020 GaGa 
A BL short from Strongberry that I love, it's age gap and teacher/student (catnip por moi). The chemistry is slightly off though, but stil I do love this one for the dynamic. Certainly worth watching especially if this is your trope since it's like 8 minutes long and very stylish.
MingKit MarkKit
2 Moons (VERY side dish) YouTube 2 Moons 2 YouTube (major side dish) Gen Y (leads) Gen Y 2 (sides again in LTR) 
Thailand’s premier version of this dynamic I just lumped them all into one category. Only in 2 Moons 2 are they played by different actors, otherwise it is all KimCop, and who can complain about that? If you want to watch specifically for this dynamic than go for Gen Y. Trash watch here. 
Not Me (DanYok)
DanYok is an age gap, but it isn’t really the point or the plot of their romantic arc
Don’t Say No (LeonPob) 
Leon and Pob qualify. That’s all I have to say about that. 
HIStory 3: the BL that shall not be named (BoXiang & ZhiGang)
Also appear in HIStory 4: Close to You
The side characters in H3:MODC (and cameos in H4) BoXiang & ZhiGang have a huge age gap, 12 years, and it is a big deal for their relationship. When they start out BoXiang is a desperate himbo high school kid and ZhiGang is a small business owner. BoXiang’s friends tease him more for his lust over such a much older man than for being gay. 
Bonus on this one, there is some very high (and it's Taiwan so) very well done heat. That said, the main couple will, in fact, wreck your psyche for life. Proceed with caution.
You’re My Sky (SanAei)
Side could (and only good part of this show) SanAei are a classic uni age gap pairing. San is a bit of a spoiled rich kid jock who identifies the older nerd character as HIS and is just like, MINE. That’s MY elder gay. 
Brothers (KhunKaow) 
This is not a good show, but side couple Khun & Kaow are great in it. Khun is in university and Kaow has a small baking business.
Top Secret Together and Love By Chance both have sub plots of high school boys pursuing college ones, but the one didn’t go anywhere and the other went very very bad, so yeah… no. Although I would personally LOVE to see this done well. 
Stepbrothers trope
HIStory 4: Close to You (sides)
YongJie is quite a bit younger than XingSi, not sure on the specifics but he’s in middle school when XingSi is in high school and still in college when XingSi has his own business.
Addicted has the stepbrothers trope but not the age gap.
Older uke being endlessly indulgent
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Thailand 2023 YouTube 
Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love) about an engineering student and a dentist (shocker). This is just a soft sweet cotton candy fluff piece about a younger boy who pursues an older boy and then manufactures silly gay drama. Nothing wrong with that. But I don’t think this style of BL really appeals to a very large market share. Will I rewatch it? Sure. Will anyone else? Nope.
If you want your endlessly indulgent older gay, this is the you crack, they made if for you.
*pulp warning*
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Manner of Death
Thailand 2021 WeTV
It’s not really relevant to the story, but Tan is younger. Not only that, he’s Bun’s friends younger brother. Bun is very indulgent, but in a grown up way.
I like MoD a lot but I’m conflicted over it being actual BL. It’s a great gay romantic suspense, although the mystery element is its weakness. MaxTul, the Kings of chemistry, are, of course, perfect and perfectly cast, but their romance thread is more a distraction than an addition. Still, I could watch them make-out the phonebook. Watch along here. 
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Seven Days
Japan 2015 grey 
AKA Seven Days: Monday-Thursday AND Seven Days: Friday-Sunday Japan
Seryou kinda counts as the pursuer, but the dynamic is very very weak in this one. Still the way he asks to use Yuzuru’s first name (so CHEEKY) and the way he says “senpai” in SUCH a cute way makes me so happy. And Yuzuru is NOTHING is not indulgent, it kinda defines his character. I mean he just LETS him call him by his FIRST name... right away.
Never doubt my ability to recommend this show. One of the best live action yaois ever made, with perfectly structured angst, fantastic characters and acting, and no problematic tropes (rare in Japanese BL). The leads have excellent chemistry although it’s low heat there’s still some really cute mutual kisses. 
Just Taiwan
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HIStory 2: Crossing the Line
2018 Viki 
Seme uke is VERY weak with this one but the younger character is certainly the pursuer. It’s SO GOOD. 
Lin Pei Yu directs this is a sports romance (volleyball) with a good boy/bad boy pairing, and mu favorite of the HIStory franchise. There is no clear seme/uke. Ostensibly it's high school set but Taiwan doesn't care about age appropriate actors. It's a very soft sweet romance with some ridiculously easily overcome conflict. There's great kisses but it's medium heat. The side dishes are the stepbrother trope but they’re very tame, and there’s no other triggers. It's not just my favorite of the franchise, it’s one of my favorite BLs with a perfect happy ending.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
2023 Gaga
The mains are a major age gap, but I always forget because they def don't look it. Also, Taiwan, so very weak seme/uke. Still there is age gap, he's in high school and our gangster is out of college and in the workplace.
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged, but that’s normal for Taiwan. It involves all the tropes under a very casual framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. Absolutely every character is queer. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs, and a KILLER side couple. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan.
(Triggers for knife play, child abuse, lingering trauma.)
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2024 YouTube
Unknown is a wonderful BL with a pitch perfect portrayal of long term pining, age gap, and the stepbrothers trope. The acting and chemistry are ON POINT (especially from the leads) which made the resulting characters very believable. When it dwells in intimate family drama, it's stunning. It's slightly less successful when it leaves the home and goes gritty. Still, those are mere quibbles. This is an excellent show, one of Taiwan' s best.
As you see above I mostly had to take you to Japan and Thailand for this one. Considering your preferences try Japan first, it's closer in DNA to Taiwanese stuff, but it won't go as high heat. If you want the heat, you'll need to try the Thai stuff (or the ones from Taiwan you haven't seen). I would start with Lovely Writer.
Okay I think I have given you enough and, unless I miss my guess, I may have tempted you to try some Japanese BL.
Comes to the weirder (and weird hair) side. We have pancakes.
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Yeah I think you should watch Old Fashion Cupcake.
This post dated May 2024, not responsible for hyungs that sling after that date.
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ginnymoonbeam · 8 months
For the BL Romance Trope Ask Game
8 & 16.
Thanks. Rose💜
Thanks for the ask! For May/December I have to choose Lu Zhigang and Sun Boxiang from H3: Make Our Days Count. In BLs with a significant age gap, we usually see one of two dynamics: the older man has been living abstracted and avoidant of personal relationships and feelings until the younger one comes along and wakes him up (see Old Fashion Cupcake, Minato's Laundromat, H2: Right or Wrong), or the older man is badly scarred and wary until the younger man's persistence makes him dare to open up again (Moonlight Chicken and this pick.) Both versions can be great, but as a scarred and wary older gay myself, I'm especially partial to the second one. Boxiang smashes into Zhigang's life with teenage obstinacy and teenage lust, and most importantly with teenage hope. He not only brings Zhigang happiness in their love, his determined hopefulness leads to Zhigang's eventual reconciliation with his family. That's what it's all about.
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Boy Next Door, to me, means an ordinary, unassuming, kind, and reliable person paired with someone who at first overlooks him as a possible love interest. I think there's often an implication that the other person is more popular, or a celebrity, or otherwise a bit elevated in some way. They may be surprised to realize the Boy Next Door's feelings for them, and they are certainly surprised to discover how much they rely on him. I had to think for a while to land on this, the best example of Boy Next Door I've seen in BL: Su Ye Chan of Love Tractor. Just look at him! He's perfect.
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Ask me!
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starrynima · 3 years
so apparently boxiang and zhigang are getting married. i couldn’t stop thinking about this:
haoting is probably gonna be boxiang’s best man. for zhigang’s best man, i don’t really know but what i do know is that zhigang will be insistent to have a seat front row in the wedding and reception. an empty one for a boy who was alone but strong. a boy he treated as family because his own pushed him away. he’s gonna dedicate a seat for xigu because his little brother needs to be a part of his (and sunbo’s) big day.
once haoting sees it what if he just shuts down? or worse, he just tries to swallow down the pain of seeing an empty seat for someone who he still loves with his entire being.
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gunsatthaphan · 5 years
When I tell you I didnt breathe watching the new MODC because EVERY SCENE WAS AMAZING. I wont except this ending
you and me BOTH honestly. I held my breath during 90% of the scenes; either bc it was too cute or bc it was too steamy lmao. but the episodes were amazing; intense, but amazing lol. i’m both excited and scared for next week after that cliffhanger though. cuz if they go any further they might cross some lines for me tbh 🙈 
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cfensi · 3 years
Period mystery Strange Legend of Tang Dynasty releases teaser
Period mystery Strange Legend of Tang Dynasty releases teaser #唐朝诡事录
I missed this in my iQiyi round-up, but the trailer for Strange Legend of Tang Dynasty 唐朝诡事录 is intriguing enough that the drama gets its own post. Produced by the team behind Soul Ferry, the web drama follows imperial guard Lu Lingfeng (Yang Xuwen) and Di Renjie’s disciple Su Wuming (Yang Zhigang) as they try to catch the ‘ghosts’ behind the mystery. (more…)
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weilongfu · 5 years
HIStory Playlist Fic Challenge
Okay! I think I finally have my list sorted out for this. Some songs might change after I try writing and realize they aren’t working. But please feel free to tell me what you all think!
Shao Yichen: First Burn from Hamilton Jiang Jinteng: Monster by EXO Song Yichen/Jiang Jinteng: Call Me When You’re Sober by Evanescence Lei Zhongjun: Ice Cream Cake by Red Velvet Li Mobai: Fall by EXO Li Mobai/Lei Zhongjun: Despacito by Luis Fonsi Gu Siren: Holding out for a hero by Bonnie Tyler Mai Yingxiong: Give Me A Chance by LAY Gu Siren/Mai Yingxiong: Hard Carry by GOT7 Cheng Qing: Girls Girls Girls by GOT7 Feng He: Stop Stop Stop It by GOT7 Cheng Qing/Feng He: Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings Fei Shangzhe: I Don’t Want To Be by Gavin DeGraw Shi Yijie: Fuck You by Cee Lo Green Shi Yijie/Fei Shangzhe: This Is Me by Dream Qiu Zixuan: Getcha Head In The Game from High School Musical Xia Yuhao: Blooming Day by EXO-CBX Xia Yuhao/Qiu Zixuan: Teenager by GOT7 Wang Zhenwen: Unfair by EXO Wang Zhenwu: Thunder by EXO Wang Zhenwen/Wang Zhenwu: XOXO by EXO Meng Shaofei: Growl by EXO Tang Yi: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls Meng Shaofei/Tang Yi: Love Shot by EXO Jack (Fang Liangdian): Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers Zhao Zi (Zhao Li’an): Don’t Leave by Chris Wu Jack/Zhao Zi: 我怎能留下你 by Ezu Xiang Haoting: Really Bad Boy by Red Velvet Yu Xigu: Heaven by EXO Xiang Haoting/Yu Xigu: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco Lu Zhigang: Lonely No More by Rob Thomas Sun Boxiang: Just Right by GOT7 Lu Zhigang/Sun Boxiang: Never Ever by GOT7
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tinesleftnipple · 5 years
episode 7 synopsis
spoiler warning (obviously)
Xiang haoting’s sis finds him sitting outside, looking very discuraged. He’s reflecting on himself and questioning if he’s actually dense when it comes to other ppl’s feelings
little sis comforts him, saying that he’s a really kind person, he should just be more attentive to others
Lu zhigang sits in the store, thinking about what Sun boxiang told him (and thinking about the kiss hehehe).
the next day, Haoting meets up with his girlfriend. He apologizes and explains that he can’t be with her anymore, because he likes somewhere else. 
[10 outta 10 acting from Li siyu I almost cried]
Haoting and Boxiang just chillin in the park. Haoting asks Boxiang if he confessed. Boxiang replies, yeah, and i got the death sentence. Haoting: are you giving up? 
Boxiang: he says I’m too young, and that there’s no such thing as forever.
 Haoting decides to help his bro. He goes to Zhigang’s shop and starts telling him about how Boxiang is genuine, pure, and a virgin. Lmaoooo. He gets himself worked up and starts yelling at Zhigang. Boxiang arrives on scene and tries to stop him. He’s learned from last time and doesn’t want to bother Zhigang at work.
Yu xigu arrives for his shift and Zhigang calls Boxiang to go have a chitchat in the alleyway
Zhigang explains that he invests everything when he’s in a relationship. Basically he lacks security and will be needy, and thinks that it will be too much for Boxiang. Boxiang asks if he’s saying all of this to make him give up. Zhigang: then have you given up?
Boxiang walks away and so does Zhigang. But then Boxiang runs back.
Boxiang: I don’t know if I understand. I don’t know how to make you happy. I don’t know what I should do when you’re angry. I can’t solve these problems right now, but I’m Sun Boxiang. I know what I want. I only want you. It’s okay if you don’t want to love anymore. Just let me love you. Please believe me, I’ll use my all to prove to you that I love you. 
Zhigang hugs him and says: you can’t lie to me [about this promise]
Boxiang smiles and says that he won’t
Zhigang: this is the first time someone has said this to me.
Haoting follows Xigu home again lmaooo. Haoting asks to go upstairs. He wants to talk. 
Inside Xigu’s tiny apartment, it’s a bit awkward. Haoting starts explaining himself.
Haoting: I’ve been trying to find a chance to apologize. After i screwed up your test, I felt really guilty, that’s why I followed you. I wanted to properly say sorry. And I broke up with Li siyu. It wasn’t my intention to mess up your job at the bar, it’s just that- [it’s a gay bar and he was hella worried lmao] 
Xigu: I was just there for work-
Haoting: I really like you! 
And then he kisses Xigu. alsdkjfl;KJFAL;SKDJFLKAS. Xigu is surprised but closes his eyes. When he opens them again he makes eye contact with Haoting and jolts back. 
Xigu: I don’t like boys
Haoting: I’ve never liked boys either. But i’m very sure, I like you. I’m being genuine, I hope you can trust me. 
Haoting leaves and is all shaky just outside the door lololoool
Li siyu is crying and her two friends are comforting her. The two friends want to get back at Haoting. 
the next morning at school Xigu arrives to see breakfast on his desk. He thinks back to all the moments with Haoting.
End episode
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currentsinbiology · 6 years
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Paralyzed Mice with Spinal Cord Injury Made to Walk Again 
Most people with spinal cord injury are paralyzed from the injury site down, even when the cord isn’t completely severed. Why don’t the spared portions of the spinal cord keep working? Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital now provide insight into why these nerve pathways remain quiet. They also show that a small-molecule compound, given systemically, can revive these circuits in paralyzed mice, restoring their ability to walk.
“Reactivation of Dormant Relay Pathways in Injured Spinal Cord by KCC2 Manipulations” by Bo Chen, Yi Li, Bin Yu, Zicong Zhang, Benedikt Brommer, Philip Raymond Williams, Yuanyuan Liu, Shane Vincent Hegarty, Songlin Zhou, Junjie Zhu, Hong Guo, Yi Lu, Yiming Zhang, Xiaosong Gu, Zhigang He in Cell. Published July 19 2018. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.005
A cross section of a mouse spinal cord, stained two different ways, showing increased expression of KCC2 in inhibitory neurons. This increased expression correlated with improved motor function, including ankle movement and stepping. NeuroscienceNews.com image is icredited to Zhigang He Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital.
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keepingitneutral · 6 years
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ONE Teahouse, Shanghai Shi, China, MINAX Architects,
© Zhigang Lu
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architectnews · 3 years
Vector Architects creates network of terraces around Pingshan Art Museum
Vector Architects has completed the Pingshan Art Museum near Shenzhen, featuring a network of balconies and bridges that allow artworks to be displayed both inside and out.
The 47,000-square-metre museum gives the Chinese city its first major destination for contemporary art. It is located within the Pingshan Cultural Cluster, a hub of buildings that includes a new theatre and an exhibition centre.
Galleries open out to the terraces of Pingshan Art Museum
Despite its size, Vector Architects designed the six-storey building to be as permeable as possible, linking the park and lake to the east with the neighbourhood to the west.
At ground level, the volume is broken down into a series of small blocks, with pathways in between. They gradually join together on the upper levels, connected by the various terraces and bridges.
Plants and trees dot the terraces
This layout brings more people through the building, encouraging them to venture inside. It also creates opportunities for outdoor installations on the upper levels.
It is a similar strategy to the one employed by the studio when designing the Changjiang Art Museum in Taiyuan, which incorporates a raised public square.
Openings create through routes at ground level
"We fragmented the architectural volume to distribute the various functional spaces of the museum at different levels," said Vector Architects, which is led by founder Dong Gong.
"The spaces are stacked vertically, allowing us to set up a multilevel public platform system that renders the architecture penetrable and porous."
The first-floor terrace is accessible from the street. Photo is by Zhang Chao
Pingshan Art Museum is primarily constructed from concrete, which gives a weightiness to both the main structure and the protruding volumes.
Exhibition galleries are located on all six storeys, organised so that they can open out to the bamboo-covered terraces wherever possible.
When the museum is shut, the intention is that visitors will still be able to walk over some of these terraces and encounter artworks.
Plants and trees are also dotted through these spaces.
Galleries are located over all six storeys
"We hope that, outside of the operational hours of the museum, the building complex and its public functions could also be open to the whole city for longer periods of time," said the studio.
"The spaces under the overhangs provide ventilation as well as sheltering from the sun and rain, specifically for the sub-tropical climate of Shenzhen."
Glazed curtain walls create light-filled spaces
As well as exhibition galleries, the building also contains a large education centre, a library and a multi-purpose hall.
Spaces inside the building have a utilitarian feel, thanks to the large use of glass, metal and concrete. Glazed curtain walls are fronted by steel mullions, which help to moderate the amount of light that enters.
Concrete and metal give a utilitarian feel to the interiors
Pingshan Art Museum is located on the opposite side of the lake from the original art museum, a small building that remains in use.
Its neighbour is the Pingshan Performing Arts Center, designed by Beijing studio Open Architecture.
The museum forms part of the Pingshan Cultural Cluster
Vector Architects hopes that the building will become a busy, active space in the neighbourhood.
"In our imagination, the art museum would fully absorb the crowds along either side, as an interface that undertakes the daily life in the neighbourhood," it added.
Photography is by Su Shengliang unless otherwise stated.
Project credits
Client: People's Government of Pingshan District, Shenzhen Developer: China Merchants Real Estate Competition supervisor, academic planner and tender service provider: Urban Planning, Land Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality Architectural/interior/landscape design: Vector Architects Project team: Gong Dong, Yue Han, Peng Zhang, Jinteng Li, Jinteng Li, Guangli Yu, Xiaokai Ma, Dongping Sun, Liangliang Zhao, Xiangdong Kong, Yihsuan Lin , Jiadai Wu, Yun Liu, Nana Zhang, Yunhan Liu LDI: Shenzhen AUBE Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants LDI team: Rong Ding, Zhenfeng Liu, Zhigang Wu, Baojie Ding Structural design: Guoqiang Zou, Zhijiang Yi Mechanical and electrical design: Yu Huang, Xiaohua Liao, Shaoliang Xu, Tingwan Lu, Canrong Luo, Hong Zhang, Xiaowei Qi Landscape design: Jie Zhu, Changrong Zhang, Long Shu, Ming Feng Lighting consultant: Dongning Wang, Xiaolei Sun Facade consultant: Wangming Zhang, Chao Cheng, Jiabin Sang
The post Vector Architects creates network of terraces around Pingshan Art Museum appeared first on Dezeen.
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rmolid · 4 years
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thelantern · 7 years
Internal Aspects of Tai Chi Seminar with Master Jack Yan, Nov 21, 2017
Below is a summary of the topics Master Jack Yan taught on the internal aspects of Chen Style Tai Chi. Jack (Zhigang) Yan has more than 20 years experience teaching in North America. He holds a Ph.D. in Chinese Martial arts and is a 12th generation inheritor of Chen Style Tai Chi. Please note, this summary is meant as a reference for students who attended the workshop and as a general overview for other readers.
Master Yan began by contrasting external and internal styles. An external style can be considered like a building, with it's walls, beams and joists that holds the building up. An internal style can be thought of more like a inflated tennis dome, without an hard internal structure, it uses internal pressure to gives the dome its shape.
He continued by detailing the three key requirements for internal styles:
Regulation of the Spirit (Tiao Xin)
Regulation of the Breath (Tiao Xi)
Regulation of the Postures (Tiao Xing)
Regulation of the Spirit The Chinese word “Xin” often is translated as heart or spirit. It can also be translated as mind, but this can lead to confusion, implying that you should think while practicing. In this use, a closer translation would be to regulate emotions. To activate the Qi requires emotion. (Note, implied is a broader meaning for the word emotion that includes simple emotions like anger or happiness, but includes more complex states). A person’s emotional state is reflected in the face and in the body posture. For Tai Chi training this state is upright, calm and principled. Regulating the Spirit in this manner will activate the Qi in a like manner - smooth, responsive and grounded.
Regulation of the Breath Regulating the breath builds Qi and supports the body. Master Yan then guided the class through a breathing exercise. Attention was paid the co-ordinating the breath with the movement of the body, with different timing on the inhalation compared to the exhalation. From a standing exercise, this breathing pattern can then be incorporated into the routine. Master Yan reminded us that the Lao Jia Yi Lu (Old Frame First Routine), is the primary form for building the internal aspect.
Regulation of the Postures Most important in the regulation of the form is to separate Yin and Yang. The term 'double-weighted' was briefly discussed. But in addition to meaning not having equal weight on both legs, the separation of Yin and Yang also includes distinguishing between left and right sides of the body, upper and lower halves of the body, etc. With the arms, having a fixed side that provides an anchor for the posture was emphasized. As a general guideline, the arm that is moving less will be the fixed side.
With the legs and hips, separation of Yang and Yin relates to the rotation (weight shift side-to-side) and spin (turn into the hip) of the body. These 2 aspects (movements of the upper and lower body) are combined to give Chen Tai Chi its characteristic continuous change from one posture to the next.
Master Yan then taught the standing posture exercise. Particular attention was paid to the hand posture. One aspect of standing practice is to help identify and remove tension. To achieve this, standing for 20 minute or more is required.
After this spiral rotation and dantian rotation was explained and practiced. The inward and outward rotation of the hands and forearms help to either extend the Qi outwards or draw the Qi back inwards. Master Yan then discussed dantian rotation as an advanced practice.
The class then practiced the Spiral Rotation exercise (Silk Reeling). Emphasizing the rotation and spin governed by the legs and hips, and the inward and outward rotation of the hands and arms. This was also combined with the breathing technique, using the opening and closing of the body to guide inhalation and exhalation.
Finally, Master Yan recommended for beginners to train balance and gripping with the toes, to improve rooting. Once the routine is familiar and the proper boundaries of the postures understood, focus can be placed on separation of the two sides of the body. Breath regulation and finding dantian rotation become part of the training after the separation of Yin and Yang has been trained to a sufficient level.
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starrynima · 5 years
history3 modc: episode four
favourite moments
okay buckle your seat belts because this fucking episode gave us so many good moments!!
let’s start with the cutest siblings bc that was so sweet. just haoting questioning if he’s a good person and the sister reassuring him that he is
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also, can we appreciate that haoting got second place just for his sister. if he really loves someone, boy can achieve anything
and real quick, i wanna talk about haoting breaking up with siyu. while, yes, it wasn’t the greatest break up and haoting could’ve been more gentle, i really like how straight forward he was. he left no chances for misunderstandings.
n e ways, let’s move on to love sick duo: part one. haoting and boxiang sitting on some stairs drinking beer(?) and being dramatic together is everything
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but it somehow turned on haoting’s aggressive wingman mode. his bitch ass really went in zhigang’s store and did ALL that. like all of us, i did not like haoting yelling and causing a commotion but man did i love his opening sentence which was basically “MY FRIEND MAY BE A VIRGIN BUT DAMN DOES HE LOVE YOU”
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bright side to all of this yelling though is at least, zhigang and boxiang got together!! that hug was really cute and i especially love the line “if you don’t want to love anymore, that’s fine. just let me love you.” like zhigang has been so hurt because he has always been the one reaching out to his ex partners but this time boxiang is reaching back for him and meeting him in the middle bitch i was so emotional
haoting walking xigu home looking like a kicked puppy and the way that xigu said “i’m home” idk why but i found that so cute???
haoting apologizing and explaining himself to xigu. i really like how they’re not glossing over the fact that haoting did mess up and he’s saying sorry for it not because he likes xigu but because he truly feels sorry
(also he confessed for the 53673 time and it definitely ain’t his last time lol)
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and the moment we were all waiting for: THE FIRST KISS. i think i cried. i definitely cried. it was so fucking soft. and xigu clOSED HIS EYES!!
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also this camera shot is so pretty?
and bitch don’t even get me started on the way haoting has to bend down to kiss xigu
“i’ve never liked a guy before but i’m very sure i like you.” bl male leads are shaking
then haoting bolts once again after the kiss and the confession lmao. this mans really just outside the door breathing heavy as fuck because his adrenaline from kissing xigu is subsiding. my god, he is so whipped for xigu
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now, we back in school and boxiang is staring at zhigang pics because honestly who wouldn’t. zhigang is hella hot. but this time he’s doing the staring as zhigang’s boyfriend and the boy squad (minus xia de, plus new guy and cabbage pillow guy) staring at him doing all that made me cackle
okAY, can we talk about xia de for a second because he definitely has a crush or an interest on xigu. lowkey, this is heartbreaking but he did look very soft staring at xigu which, you know, who wouldn’t be soft while staring at xigu?
haoting and his feed xigu agenda that i wholeheartedly support with every bone in my body 
“it breaks my heart to see you hungry”
also @ haoting not being afraid to be seen with xigu unlike most ‘popular’ male lead characters
haoting nagging xigu about eating enough especially during the exam season as if his bitch ass cares about the exam
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haoting legit barking and growling and pretending to be angry and making xigu laugh (side note: xigu’s smile is so goddamn cute like boi stop attacking me with your smiles and uwu-ness)
“YES, it was worth it!” like he knew he looked ridiculous but nothing is too much if it makes xigu laugh
love sick duo: part two but this time they’re actually happy
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i laughed so hard when boxiang let it slip that he confronted xigu and for a second haoting was like bitch i will cut you if you hurt my mans when did you do it but then boxiang says that he did it during the time the entire squad was bothering xigu and haoting got quiet becuase he was the number one person bothering xigu that time
also another thing that i really love about this scene is when haoting says that he ‘doesn’t like guys. only likes xigu’ boxiang immediately tells him that xigu IS a guy. like they really subtley called out all those bl shows just like that huh.
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EPISODE HIGHLIGHT: xiade, gaochun and new guy (somebody name this boy) smuggling bl manga and reading it for friendship™ 
but real talk, how fucking cute are they? they literally did this so that boxiang will stay friends with them like sure the gesture is misguided and has crackhead energy but it’s for such a pure reason
“it’s so big” “what’s so big” “fingers are so big. what are you thinking about? scared me”
haoting insisting on walking xigu home
“i’m a guy” “so you think those cases on tv don’t include guys?” bitch i literally love this show so much. they really not trying to force that girlfriend/boyfriend characterization on a (future) gay couple. they’re both guys and haoting just wants to protect xigu. it’s as simple as that.
also i was contemplating on whether to put this here because i don’t know if i was cringing or laughing but haoting is so fucking eXtRA with that weird sidekick-of-a-disney-villain voice and the slight licking wHAT was he trying to do
okay, let’s talk about the most precious fucking moment in this entire episode even if it exuded crackhead energy: the squad playing basketball and gaochun and xiaen winking and gesturing at each other because they planned to talk to boxiang + haoting noticing them
this entire squad is so loyal to each other and they really do love each other like brothers
and @ how they said that they are just trying to understand boxiang further and to not take offence because they truly are being genuine
“me too” “what?” “i like guys” oH MY GOD HAOTING JUST DROPPING THAT BOMB AT THEM and boxiang laughing at their reactions
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in conclusion: i love these supportive crackhead dumbass friends so much
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