#lucia is typing...
still can't stop thinking about kara accidentally referring to hal as "dad", even in a more low-key context and how something that could usually be played for comedy is nothing sort of devastating.
maybe kara's having a bad day - the sort where her chest is tight with frustration, every little minor convenience makes her fingers twitch, the sort where the schoolwork and reminders of the ordinary life she has alongside her life as supergirl is smothering her, all the missed phone calls from the friends who only know her as linda danvers. she's snapped at people throughout the day, blurting out a tired little, "i'm sorry" when they frown or look at her in shock. every little reminder of when her ill temper leaks through the cracks is like a stab to the side. i should be doing better, she thinks to herself, everyone says it's okay, that i'm still only a kid. but i don't want to be just a kid. i turn sixteen in september.
she runs into hal and waits for him to say or do something - anything - that will make that horrid little knot of agitations that's formed in her chest tighten further. but he sees the sting of bitterness to her dark blue eyes, the way she's trying so hard to twitch her lips into a solemn but neutral expression. hal must know and keeps himself at arm's distance; they've both had their fair share of bad days aplenty. he only walks away after giving her a slight nod through the green of the mask he wears, leaving her be.
hal comes back a few minutes later with a small cardboard box of juice and hands it to her. apple juice - her favorite, no pineapple or fruit punch on the label to be found. just plain apple juice. she tears the straw off the back and pushes it through, taking a a sip. the rush of sugar is a balm, even if only a small one. the barest hint of a proper smile stirs upon her visage for the first time in a while today. after a few engrossed sips:
"thanks, dad."
her smile vanishes.
they both stare at each other with the depth of something fathomless - horror, maybe, or some sort of flooding, viscous mess of all sorts of feelings. she remembers for a moment the way her father back on krypton would wordlessly give her comfort on bad days - drape a blanket over her shoulders as she stared out at the openness of dark red sky before departing, ensure she had a small snack even as she sulked alone in her room. and hal...
well, kara remembers he only told her a little bit about his father. but that is enough for her to know.
she takes a deep breath, the smile on her face not quite so genuine this time - moreso some sort of crumpled, uncomfortable mimicry of the real expression. "sorry about that. it just sort of slipped out."
"it's fine. sometimes things like this happen."
"still..." the words coat her mouth, fuzzy under the apple juice she'd been drinking. "thank you for doing that. i've been having kind of a crappy day today, and it helped."
the sting from earlier still persists, hal's face settles into a fixed, solemn look. "no problem," he says. "i'm glad i could help, even just a little."
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harbingersecho · 11 months
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PALLA GRANDE - charred saints
Saint Deja takes the stage
skeletal sculpting done by nikifor aka zdisław inspired by the catacomb saints
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almondpants · 2 months
so i replayed dmc 2 (crazy, i know) for dantelucia content, and playing on lucia's side of the story is so crazy bc it's literally what dante has been going through throughout his whole life
when lucia found out she was a demon and that she could lose herself to that side of her it scares her to the point of wanting to die/to be killed, going as far as to tell dante and arius to kill her bc she doesnt want to hurt others which can be reflected with dante's own views of his demon heritage which is something he feels he couldnt control if he ever taps into it so he does rlly reckless things to cope with it
dante even secludes himself from people and forming relationships outside of trish and lady bc of the fear of hurting them. even with dante's very reckless behavior it can be seen as him self harming which says a lot about his mental health plus the fact that in dmc 2 hes carrying the weight of grief which makes it even worse as seen with him going to hell not even caring on how to get out of it
like both of these characters became reckless ppl when they find out that they have demonic powers and the fact they both cling to the their love for people/family says a lot about their characters
but heres the thing....what makes these two so good to see is the fact that dante comforted lucia and even validated her human idenity by telling her that "devils never cry" and i feel like this line truly stuck with dante bc of what Lady said to him when he cried (basically devils dont cry and u arent rlly a devil if u cried over a love one), its just 3 simple word and yet it holds so much meaning for dante and probably for lucia too which she probably needed at that moment showing how emotionally smart dante is...
dante and lucia's views on their demon heritage is such a good way for them to have a long talk with one another about their feelings and thoughts of being demons and how to control the urge and how protecting people is what makes them human but also feel like its their responsibility bc of their demon heritage....like i need capcom to write more of their relationship or maybe someone just writes it in a fanfic bc their dynamic has so much potential the parallels...the love they have.....it makes me go insane
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prototypelq · 2 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
It turns out that today, July 30th, is friendship day! What are some of your favorite friendships in DMC? What friendships do you want to see? What headcanons do you have about them? Just anything about DMC friendships.
Thank you for continuing to send asks, Ember. I am glad to be answering them when I can.
This is a bit hard, as most DMC relationships, even when they are friendly in nature, tend to get more into 'adopted family' territory, but I'll try to stick a bit closer to actual friendships this time.
My faves are Nico and Nero interactions for sure. They are kind of adopted siblings to me, or like, true BFFs, but it's hard to draw the line between those interpretations either way. They're very fun to watch and a great duo, and I'd love to see more of them.
Nico, in general, is probably the most Friend-like character we have in canon at the moment. I'd love to see her interacting with Vergil too - they would be very fun to watch as well. I think he'd very much respect her analytical mind and crave for knowledge, and well, it's easy to get along with Vergil once you have his respect.
Also, right off the gate, cause you know I will name her - Patty. Just, more Patty please. She is more firmly in the adopted family category, but if we're talking friendly interactions - I think she qualifies. She's also a straight man in the company in a way, so you can pair her with pretty much anyone in canon and watch the ensuing chaos.
...I dunno who to pair with Kyrie in terms of friendship, but I'd like to see more interactions of her with others. Maybe Nero actually. They are the friends to lovers trope to me, but it doesn't make them less friends. I hope this makes some sense.
...okay I got the most freakin obscure friendship - Dante and his Devil Arms, also Vergil and Griffon. Their banter was great, I also miss the Arms' characterisation, I'd love to see more of twins interaction with their various Arms (more Cerberus pls I miss the devil doggos).
I also microwave-rotate in my head that Lucia still writes to Dante and can they please have some time together? I don't even mean it in a romantic way, though I can be a shipper for them, I just wish canon!Lucia has something better and more concrete than being left behind in the game people don't want to talk about. So yeah, I'd love to see her and Dante meet again in better circumstances.
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ladiesoflost · 2 years
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centric episodes ≡ 2.08 collision (ana lucia cortez)
I'm a cop...I was a cop. One night my partner and I responded to a burglary call. We were the first ones there. I covered the front and he went around the back. I was there a minute and then this kid comes right through the front door. I tell him to put his hands up and he says I'm making a mistake, that he's a student and he wants to show me his I.D. I believed him. I just, I let him reach. All I remember was a pop. By the time I hit the ground I thought I was dead. I feel dead.
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Beta!Luz: Your mom is a bitch…
Beta!Amity: YOU’RE A BITCH!
Beta!Willow: Sigmund Freud eat your heart out.
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naivesilver · 2 months
literally this 👌 close to making an eugene-from-pinocchio kid oc for ever after high
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I love The Magnus Archives but God damn it the background noises et the fancy voices trigger my misophonia
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beechersnope · 2 months
i honestly think many ppl in this world are missing out on gta purely bc they associate it with being a boy game
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ashendalia · 3 months
Had a dream last night that involved some time stuff and doing things to change the past and how that would affect the present and future
And like people were being erased because of some changes and it ended up sucking more than being helpful or anything
And then it somehow ended up with me finding out the person who started it all and then getting stuck in a time loop of killing them to try and stop it all, but that just kept starting over when the person was killed
And what was worse is they didn't even realize they were causing all of this time shit, so killing them each time was an awful ordeal too
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unwisely decided to start on that hal & kara brotp fic when i already have 1238089308929832893 other projects to do
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Types of People: Rule of Neutrality Characters
Lucia Moriarty: bleached hair to signify a drastic change, running at random times b/c of that burst of unprompted adrenaline, the small smile when your friends text you smth funny, the low lows and the fleeting emotion of happiness, cursing in academia, emotion in academia, to live is to struggle and find meaning from the cursed chemicals in your head organ.
Severus Snape: desperation to change, to leave, and disappear into the world, books that are irrevocably yours (littered with annotations), to live is to survive mentality, academic weapon is your middle name, a heart made of gold sealed away b/c people cannot be trusted, a kitten that wants to be pet but has an unfortunate reaction of biting.
Charity Burbage: mosaic lighting, cat-eared crochet hats, jumpers to crop tops, stilettos to boots, a steady warmth like when the rays of sun hit you just right, fleek eyeshadow even with five minutes on the clock, love is smth to give freely but not to everyone, to run to your friends with the intention of tackling them into a hug, fury disguised as happiness.
Aurora Sinistra: grace & beauty, strength in culture and oneself, always staring up at the sky, a stable presence in the group, love is fiercely earned and validated, a privilege to be with your friends, high achiever b/c of family, studying furiously for days & then doing nothing at all, the feel of velvet and satin, the feeling of ‘I am enough’ and ‘life is mine.’
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homostacis · 8 months
was enneagram-ing dmc characters for fun and basically the current list is something like this
dante: type 9
vergil: type 8
nero: type 6
lady: type 1 (not super confident on this one)
trish: type 4 or 6 (currently leaning towards 4 but i can see either, not really sure here too lol)
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Who/What inspired my muses
I can’t believe I’m doing this oh it’s going to suck so much
Part 1 because it got long because I’m wordy
Veritas: In high school I was friends with two “the art kids”. I, meanwhile, was the bookworm/writer. We all thought it’d be fun to make a comic, them drawing and me writing the dialogue, so we all said we’d come up with characters from it. Mine ended up being an elf who wore long swishy skirts and fought with dual blades and one of them drew out the design for me. The comic, haha, never got far but when I got interested in doing Tumblr rp I looked at that initial oc idea and reworked it into Veritas. The only real remnants of that origin is, well, elf. And her two swords. But I mean, my interest in fleshing out my brand of elves led to what is what I actually consider a big part of my blog-- my elves. So a lot stemmed from that initial, silly and fun idea between three kids. I’m actually still best friends with one of those girls to this day!
Vendere: My second attempt at making a less morally pure muse after my real second-but-now-removed muse Tamashi ended up nice despite my wishes. I can’t say much of the thought process behind Ven other than his name being a continuation of a Latin theme I had started with Veritas and decided to keep going, which you will continue to see later on too. The only thing I can remember is choosing his name because it was the Latin verb for “to sell”, because info broker, and because I went, “Haha and I can call him V.en like in K.ingdom H.earts.” A lot of big brain ideas going on back when I was sixteen, of which I can’t even make jokes because I’ve done it again with muses fairly recently. In retrospect it makes no sense why his Italian parents would name him that but thus is my 16-year-old-idea oc burden to bear.
Jianhuren: My first muse who I added with the intent to have a bit of a storyline going! I also! Can’t remember why I got the idea for a form shifting person who  was an amnesiac. I’m fairly certain it was an idea that came straight out of my head. At the time, I hadn’t even intended to make a species of dragons, the Red Eyes from them. So it’s kind of why they may seem a bit different in feel or canon or themes or whatever from the other Red Eyes. We were winging it, baby!!
Somnio: Oh my gosh I can’t say I’ll do this and keep saying I don’t remember for these muses! I’m sorrrryyyy these were like a good six or so years ago! I think inspiration. I think maybe the feeling of days and friends gone/soon to be gone from Summertime Record inspired him regarding his feelings towards his dead friend? At the very least, I was listening to that song a lot when I added him and I was definitely thinking of him when I did it. The “Sayonara” part always really stuck out to me.
Amara: Me: What if I did a phoenix. Me: Oh, I see phoenixes in this sense have been pointed at from coming from either or both Greek and Egyptian myth let’s make both of those his background as a fun little easter egg. Me: what if I made a muse so tragic--
Qingshan: Here we see Red Eye lore starting to take more shape! Originally I had just said that Jianhuren was attacked by a monster or something, but I then had a thought of what if it were a betrayal and the monster story is just what was told? A lot of Qingshan’s vibes and the idea to do an evil or “bad” muse came from listening to Sacrifice from Rwby! Since I had just recently gotten into it. And I mean, the music rocks. Wait.....the lyrics never quite fit Qingshan at the time but now I’m realizing they fit Zhaohui well.... hm.
Ren: More desire to expand upon my elf lore that I had started with Veritas. And a desire to touch more on the trafficking issue that elves face. Then I just thought it’d be cool to give a muse the powerset of basically the Avatar-- with setbacks.
Kareena: You know me, I’m always going to look at a predominantly white-assumed category and go, “how can I make this more Brown(tm)? Elves are always so stereotypically white in the media I saw, and I’ve always had a desire to see myself represented in fantasy genres I love so much. Veritas was actually supposed to be brown, but she was my first oc and I couldn’t find a fc that fit what I imagined for her and had brown skin, I just changed it to match her fc. Now, I clearly don’t care, haha. Anyways, Kareena was me wanting to make a brown elf, and also a differently abled one too, and I settled on her being blind. I thought it’d be an interesting study since elves have heightened and stronger senses, and here was someone who was born without one. I will say, she wasn’t perfect representation at the time, since I unknowingly fell into a bad trap of “blind person uses super senses to get around anyways with no issue”, which is something I learned later that a lot of blind people don’t like to see in media about visually impaired people! The importance of doing research beforehand, kids. Especially if you’re writing of a culture, lifestyle, or experience you haven’t lived.
William/Thanatos: .......................ok.........I don’t...........remember, sorry. To explain a little, “Thanatos” actually existed on my blog as a man named William O’Connor! A man who had died but still lived on by some raw accidental deal made by his mom to some sort of death-like entity. I only remember that I was thinking on him back when I was in another state visiting by undergrad for like the first time? And Gen Con was going on and I had like just stuck my toe into C.ritical R.ole, but I don’t know if any of that actually influenced William. Anyways, I had no intention to actually ever state or clarify what “Death” was as I intended for It to just be some sort of amalgamation of different interpretations of Death. But later on I thought it’d open up for some more interesting opportunities if I put a name to the thing and had it able to interact and do a little more. Maybe a bit before Dawn came around, for reasons?
Lucia: I had mentioned in Ren’s backstory that he ran with a group of elves when he was a kid on the streets and I’d already established another, Aeon (who’s now a side muse) so I thought it’d be fun to pick out who their de facto leader was. And I thought it’d be funny if she seemed like the least intimidating-looking person ever, but absolutely was the leader of them all for good reason. I then picked up my “angsty backstory” hammer, and I then gave her a prompt solid whack with it.
Alexa: “Okay, so I touched on the elf trafficking, but what if I did what happened when one was successfully trafficked?” Et voila. 
Val: ‘Kristen, you just added Alexa, and sure you established she has a partner but you don’t need to full on add him as a muse-- oh no how did he get on my muse page.’ Alexa and Val are also meant to be foils in the way they deal with their servitude, with Alexa having given in and Val still being rebellious. Plus, I just love non-romantic soulmates. Mwah.
Imani: “I want a Black muse. An unambiguously Black muse. Make her an elf too while I’m at it.” I love sibling dynamics and I’m a sucker and wimp for older sibling dynamic stories too so that also came into play with her and her younger brother.
My gosh this is long, I’m doing a part 2 or something
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pixel-bloom · 2 years
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poptartmochi · 1 year
thinking abt magdalena again..
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