#lucy jones
dendrochronologies · 9 months
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as far as sentences about species extinction & environmental collapse go, "as our systems fail and break down, what will map our exodus?" is fairly unforgettable, thanks
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0o-moonwitch-o0 · 6 months
{Voice Claim: Lifeless Lucy}
After so long, i finally figured out what i wanted her voice to be! Emma Watson as Hermione Granger is perfect for her! And now Lucy is canonly British! :D
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bobstermclovin · 2 months
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observerfair · 9 days
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yautja-lover · 10 months
Bayverse Ninja Turtles || One-shots 🐢 Masterlist Completed ✔
The Mysterious Package 🌻🎃🍁🍂 Part 1 Begin Again
The Mysterious Package 🌻🎃🍁🍂 Part 2 BAM
Mikey's Love Crisis 🥰💕 Lover (A Prequeal to The Mysterious Package)
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The Top 5 Longreads of the Week Our favorites this week included the truth behind the term “burnout,” an incisive analysis of rap scapegoating, flowers for an aging icon, the beauty of noticing hidden wildlife, and an engaging look at history’s forgotten children. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did. 1. Edifice Complex Bench Ansfield | Jewish Currents | […] https://longreads.com/2023/02/17/the-top-5-longreads-of-the-week-453/
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stupidcowboykid · 1 year
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thereyvan · 2 years
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Lucille Beatrice Jones and Charlotte Annabelle Jones 
gender: cis girl(both) 
birthday: April 20th(both) 
age: 14 years old(both) 
height: 5′3″/160 cm(Lucy), 4′10″/147.5 cm(Charlie) 
weight: 100 lbs/45.36 kg(Lucy), 98 lbs/44.45 kg(Charlie) 
species: human(both) 
orientation: bi(Lucy)(biromatic bisexual), lesbian(Charlie)(homoromantic homosexual) 
relationship status: single(Lucy), dating(Charlie) 
ethnicity: 1/2 Irish(mother’s side)(both), 1/4 English(father’s side)(both), 1/4 Scottish(father’s side)(both) 
languages: English(both) 
skin: naturally tanned white with faint freckles on the cheeks(Lucy), pale with lots of freckles(Charlie) 
eyes: light brown(Lucy), blue right eye and green left eye(Charlie) 
hair: redhead/ginger(both), back-length and straight(and usually in a ponytail)(Lucy), hip-length and curly(and usually in twintails)(Charlie) 
personality: Lucy is a hyperactive, fast-talking go-getter with a ridiculously short attention span and a kind heart. Charlie is a chaotic, snarky nutter who loves a good fight 
powers/abilities: Lucy is geokinetic and absurdly quick on her feet. Charlie has no powers, but she’s strong, fast, agile, and tough 
strengths: Lucy is hard to hit and her perkiness tends to get on her opponents’ nerves, causing them to do stupid shit. Charlie is amazing at close combat and her years spent skateboarding have made her crazy good at parkour- on top of her ability to be a really good distraction 
weaknesses: Lucy isn’t strong or durable and gets distracted easily, usually by her own odd tangents. Charlie doesn’t have any ways of fighting at long-range and can let the joys of fighting get to her head. also, if Amy gets hurt, then Charlie will stop listening to all types of logic as she flies into a rage 
fears: claustrophobia(Lucy), losing Amy(Charlie) 
residence: a normal place in the suburbs(both) 
family: a mom and dad who are still married(both) 
meta: i wanted twin ocs and i wanted to give Amy a girlfriend. so, here we are 
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HEARTSTOPPER 2x08 ● "Perfect"
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Cellbit: The growling noises get lower... and lower... Wait a second. [Turns down the music] And you eventually- it's just: silence. Only the cold wind hitting outside.
[Everyone breathes a sigh of relief]
Cellbit: ...I know you tried your best. But I'm so sorry. It wasn't enough. It found you. All of you. You hear [mimics the sound of a door being ripped of its hinges] the door slamming. All of you are seen. One of you will die. You need to run, as fast as you can.
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useyourtelescope · 2 months
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tv appreciation week day 6: favourite miniseries Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (2022)
I meant you went through his pockets, I hope. I would have. I know you would have. I was trying to work out what had happened. Of course you were. Because you wanted to know if he was pushed.
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dendrochronologies · 9 months
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obsessed with this essay by Lucy Jones, Creatures That Don't Conform
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0o-moonwitch-o0 · 7 months
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{Doodles: Lifeless Lucy}
This is Lifeless Lucy's updated design!
Lucy belongs to me, so enjoy the doodles!
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lezkissgifs · 1 month
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wosobronze · 10 days
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yautja-lover · 10 months
The Mysterious Package 🎃🌻🍁🍂 Part 2 BAM
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Bayverse Turtles x Lucy Jones
Summary:Lucy recently just moved to New York to start a new life due to her busy work schedule and lack of social skills. Lucy has very few friends,who are the ninja turtles. After a very long shift,she comes home to find an unexpected package on her doorstep.
Never thought I'd fall in love Now I stand corrected
Never thought I'd feel what I feel Never been so affected
Now I know what I know but sometimes It feel so subjective, oh oh
Donnie walks towards the door and opens it, finding another envelope with a sunflower painted on the front of it "Huh... this must be the surprise Mikey was waiting to give Lucy..." he said while picking it up and glanced at the sticky note on it that read...
Please read me, when you wake up, Lucy ♥
Donnie looked back at Lucy, who's now laying on the couch passed out before turning his attention back to the note "We'll see the contents of that later then I guess." Lucy stirs with a groan causing the turtle brothers ears to perk up "Oh, Lucy... welcome back from your nap.." Donnie said in a light-hearted tone and a small smile "We were just waiting for you to wake up so we could see the letter Mikey gave you..." he added as he lifted up the envelope with a sunflower on it "..wanna see it, Lucy?" Lucy groans again rubbing her head while sitting up from the couch, as she spoke "Another letter? Mikey sure does have a lot of time on his hands."
The brothers can't help but snicker a bit at Lucy's comment "Maybe, Mikey just wanted to show you a bit of romance, Lucy.." Donnie said as he held up the sunflower envelope to show that she got from Mikey, "The envelope with a sunflower painted on it, got delivered just before you woke up. Mikey said, he wants you to read it." he said, as they sat down and watched her. Lucy nods while very carefully opened up the letter, wanting to keep the sunflower painted envelope intacked. Her eyes widen seeing the letter is nearly three pages long "I'm gonna need some coffee to read this, it's gonna take a while." she commented while getting up to make herself a pot of coffee in the kitchen.
They try to look over her shoulder to see what the three-paged letter says from their respective seats, as she got up from the couch "Well... what's it say?" Raph asked from the armrest of the couch "I don't know..." Leo trailed off from the couch cushion seat next to her "..Don?" he asked, who's perched on top of the back of the couch and shrugged his shoulders in a 'I don't know' montion as they watched her walk off. When suddenly there was another knock at the front door "Who the hell could that be, now?" Donnie asked, as they all glanced at the door their ears perked up at the 'thump, thump' knocking sound. "Could one of you get that, please?" Lucy asked from the kitchen, as she prepared her cup of coffee while glancing at the three-paged letter from Mikey.
You surprised me, hypnotized me Found my weakness, then you creeped in
Took my heart then, oh you started To make my whole world just explode
BAM my life was changed BAM can't concentrate BAM I was okay
Until we met that day then
BAM I am obsessed BAM can't get no rest BAM ever since we met
I think I know what love is BAM
Leonardo nods his head and gets up to walk towards the front door. He then opens it and sees Mikey standing there with a nervous look on his face as he tries to peak his head inside "Uhhh... hello?.." he asks as he looks at his brothers sitting there on the couch while Lucy is in the kitchen "..is Lucy home?" he added as he looked around the living room. Lucy pours herself a cup of coffee using her favorite mug while reading Mikey's love letter with a hum, noticing her in the kitchen reading his letter while he starts to nervously play with the tails of his bandana mask as he glanced around the room.
He then looked over at her and got an idea "Oh!! Hey, Lucy, could I borrow a cup of sugar?" he asked as he looked around again, trying to find something else to say... Lucy paused reading his love letter while setting down her 'hello fall' mug and looks at him "Mikey... umm sure you can borrow some sugar." she said before grabbing a cup of sugar for him. Mikey nods his head and takes the cup of sugar "Uhm, thanks..." he said as he watched Lucy go back to reading his letter "Uhh... Lucy, uh... can I talk to you for a moment.. in private?" he asked, giving her a nervous smile. "Sure, Mikey..." Lucy said while taking a sip of her coffee "..what's up?"
Mikey begins to slowly walk towards Lucy and sees her drinking coffee... but realizes that he's actually starting to get more nervous now, it's as if he doesn't want to say what he wants to say "Ummm... can I.. can I... um.. can I borrow some more sugar?" he asked to stall for more time, as he continues to look at her. Lucy raised a brow at him before slowly leaning in to kiss Mikey on the side of his cheek. Mikey's eyes widen a bit before turning his face to look while raising an eye ridge at her... he didn't expect that kiss at all and he's trying to process it, "... Lucy, uh.. what was that for...?" he asked in a confused tone, as he touched the spot on his cheek where Lucy had kissed him.
I felt so secure With these walls around me
Boys will take me out But bring me back where they found me
And there's no harm, no foul 'Cause they never got a chance to know me, yea yea
"What you didn't like my sugary kiss of affection?" Lucy asked in a teasing tone with a smile on her face, Mikey blushes at Lucy's response as he couldn't help but laugh. He then realized that she was reading his letter still and had to do something about it "H-hey, Lucy...could I borrow more sugar...?" he asked trying to get her attention away from the letter and more of her 'sugary kisses of affection' Lucy looks at him while slowly leaning in again and kissed the opposite side.
Mikey blushes once again while churring this time, as Lucy kissed the other side of his cheek and realized that she hasn't finished reading his letter "H-hey, Lucy... uhhhh.. h-hey, come over here..." he said, as he tries to get her away from the counter in front of him and to his side. "Whatever you say, my bugaboo." Lucy cooed with a grin and kissed his snout causing him to blush even more, as his eyes slowly widened again... his brothers watch this happening from the living room and can't contain their laughter at his reaction, as they try to hide their laughter. "Lucy, please stop that..." Mikey said, as he wipes his snout and feels even more flustered "It's getting hot in here... I think the heater must be too high." Lucy just smiled at him while Mikey stares at her in shock causing the orange clad turtle to get even more flustered but suddenly realizes that he could use that moment to his advantage. He smirks while leaning towards Lucy "Maybe, this will help you cool off..." he said in a smooth tone, before kissing her on the lips.
Lucy gets surprised at first before kissing him back, Mikey smiles that she kissed him back and starts kissing her more passionately. He eventually pulls back and looks at Lucy "Maybe, that'll help, hot stuff.." he said smiling at her before looking at the three-paged letter that he gave her. Lucy blushes while looking at him with big doe eyes, Mikey pats her on the back with a warm smile "Did we cool both you and the room down?" he asks while looking back to stare into her big doe eyes. "I don't know maybe, we need a little more sugar, sugar." Lucy said before showering his face with kisses, earning a huge smile on Mikey's face.
You surprised me, hypnotized me Found my weakness, then you creeped in
Took my heart then, oh you started To make my whole world just explode
BAM my life was changed BAM can't concentrate BAM I was okay
Until we met that day then
BAM I am obsessed BAM can't get no rest BAM ever since we met
I think I know what love is BAM
Mikey then suddenly realizes something "Hold on..." he says while looking at Lucy and asks "..you know what this means, right?" Lucy hummed "..and what's that, sweetface?" she asked while giving him another kiss on the snout. Mikey feels an even more warm smile on his face, as she kissed his snout causing him to blush "I have a question.. do you know, what a kiss on the snout means?" he asked her in a flirtatious and teasing tone. Lucy paused and looks at him with furrowed brows of confusion and curiosity "...are you referring to the turtle mating rituals?" Mikey nods his head as he raised a eye ridge in shock of her answer then slowly smiles, "Yes.. yes, that's what I'm referring to..." he then looks at her in a more flirtatious and teasing manner "So.. uh, does that mean... you want to mate?"
Lucy blinks at him while blushing "Right, now?.. right, here?" Mikey begins to feel more nervous than before at Lucy's question, he then starts to rub the back of his head nervously while blushing more.. not knowing, what to say. When suddenly his oldest brother spoke up "Umm, excuse me, Mikey... but do you even know what Lucy just asked you?" Leo asked, as Mikey looks at him and asked with a confused tone "Huh... what are you talking about, Leo?" Lucky stands there looking between the two brothers completely speechless, as they spoke "Lucy is asking you if you want to mate..." Leo trailed off. Mikey can't help but look at Lucy with a nervous expression on his face, as he puts a hand on his snout and sighs "Oh... uh, you know what?.. nevermind.." he said then looks back at Leo, "Well, there you have it.. Lucy wants to mate." he added as his brother's reactions were just priceless while they looked at Mikey with a 'WTF?' expressions on their faces.
"Woah!... Woah!... WOAH!" Lucy exclaimed, speaking up with a her hands raised up "Let's get something straight here, I didn't say that. Mikey did, I was just asking to make sure I heard him correctly." Mikey couldn't help but laugh at Lucy while the brothers are still in a state of shock "Uh, Lucy... about that.. yeah, I think.. I might've said that. I just thought... well, that's how we do it, right?" he asked while looking at her, as she tilts her head at him in confusion "I mean, like you said, you do know what a kiss on the snout to a turtle means, right?"
"Considering, I'm not a turtle myself.. no, not really." Lucy said while shaking her head earning a sigh from him, as he turns and shakes his head "Well.. let's just say, that a kiss on the snout is equivalent to a human getting down on one knee and proposing." Mikey said nervously. Lucy gasped loudly while covering her mouth with both of her hands in both shock and surprise "Are you saying, that I basically... like, you know... that I proposed to you, twice?!" Mikey and Raph both couldn't help but laugh at her shocked and surprised reaction, as Mikey then nods his head "Uhh, yeah.. I guess so." he said, as Raph gives her a 'atta girl' look and Donnie covers his mouth in shock with wide eyes while Leo spoke up "Wait, Lucy... you proposed to Mikey?" he asked with an eye ridge raised in both shock and surprise.
And if I had to walk a million miles To find your smile, I would
You know I would, babe
And if you took a trip to Costa Rica And told me to meet ya, I would
I would I would, yea yea yea
"I'm gonna need another cup of coffee." Lucy said as she walked over to the coffee pot in the kitchen and poured herself a second cup "Oh, you're doing more than just needing another cup, my hot stuff." Mikey said while slowly walking closer to Lucy "I think, I'm going to need more sugar, as well.." he chuckled a bit then looked at her, who's pouring herself a cup while looking back at him.
Mikey smiles at her gently and his tone becomes more flirtatious "So, Lucy... are you ready to mate?" he asked causing his brothers to look at him in shock and surprise, as Lucy's eyes widen while staring at him "Uh... Mike, what do you-" Leo begin to ask but Mikey cuts him off in a calm tone "I know what I'm doing, Leo... I know what I'm doing." Mikey then slowly walks closer to Lucy, as he stares at her blushing before leaning in "C'mon, baby... just lean in a little closer and let me show you.." he said in that same flirty and teasing tone, as his brothers slowly walk towards them "Mikey?! What are you doing man, you can't do this... what are you trying to-" Leo tried to say but Mikey cut him off again.
Lucy continues to stare at Mikey in shock while pouring her mug that's currently overflowing with coffee dripping on the floor. Mikey then quickly notices this and picks her up setting her on the counter top, as he spoke "Oh, my.. let me help you clean that up, sweetie. I'll clean it up real quick." he said in a calm and smooth tone, as he starts to mop up the mess that she spilled. Lucy blinks a couple of times as she comes back from her shocked state and looks at the coffee spilled mess on the floor "What happened... did Leo break my coffee pot again with his katana?"
Mikey looks up at Lucy then glanced back at the coffee spilled mess on the floor "Oh, no Lucy, if that happened. Then the coffee would be in a lot more places than just the floor." he said in a confident tone while finishing up with a sigh of relief "It was because of your spill over here that this whole mess happened, my hot stuff." he chuckled while looking at her with a big smile. Lucy sits there thinking it over and imagining what her kitchen would look like if Leo did break her coffee pot with his katana, shuddering at the thought it would've look like a coffee massacre took place, oh the horror. Mikey notices her thinking and gives a small chuckle before he gets an idea to get her mind off of it then picks her up "Come on, let me take you to the couch." he said as he carried her to the living room and placed her on the couch while she looks up at him with those big doe eyes.
BAM my life has changed BAM can't concentrate BAM I was okay
Until we met that day then
BAM I am obsessed BAM can't get no rest BAM ever since we met
I think I know what love is BAM
You surprised me, hypnotized me Found my weakness, then you creeped in
Took my heart then, oh you started To make my whole world just explode BAM
Mikey smiles as he sits next to her on the couch "There you go, hot stuff." he said then gets a playful look on his face and smirks at Lucy with a raised eye ridge, as he asked "So... you ready to mate, my little sugarplum?" earning a blush from her. Mikey winks at her seeing her blush before picking her up again and carried her to the bedroom "Let's go and have some 'alone time' alright, hot stuff." he said excitedly, Lucy responded with a giggle then waved at his brothers and said with a big smile on her face "Wish me luck, guys." the brothers all waved back and said with wide eyes "Good luck, Lucy."
Mikey is in the bedroom with Lucy and has his hand on her chin, as he leaned in and kissed her gently "So, how was that, baby?" he asked while still holding her chin "It was... mindblowing.." she said a bit out of breath while blushing furiously. Noticing her blushing state she's in brought a huge and proud smile on his face "I'm really glad it was mindblowing for you, my hot stuff." he said while holding her chin then, kissed her again before pulling away to look at her with a huge smile and wide eyes "Hey... can I ask you something?" he asked nervously.
Lucy smiles up at him "Yeah, what is it sweetface?" Mikey looks at her, as he slowly begins to blush while trying to find the right words to ask her and then takes a deep breath "Uh... this might sound forward... but this is how the turtles do it... will you, uh... be my..." he looks down a little bit before looking back at Lucy again, feeling even more nervous as he spoke "...my mate?" he asked. "Yes." Lucy said with a huge smile on her face causing Mikey to have a huge smile and kissed her again, as his cheeks flushed.
He was extremely happy at this point and he couldn't believe it "My hot stuff, I love you so much... now that we're mates, I'm never going to let anyone else come to you, alright?" he asked, as Lucy's eyes widened and nods her head "okay..." Mikey takes another deep breath and puts his hand on her chin once more, his eyes grew wide as he spoke in a flirtatious tone "Oh, my love... we're going to make so many little bugaboos..." he then kisses her on the lips for a moment until he pulled away with a smirk "Well, since, we're mates now... let's go and make our first little bugaboo..." earning another blush from Lucy "Right now?" she asked.
Mikey nods his head and smiles at her "Right now, my hot stuff... before I show you why the turtles call it a 'bugaboo maker' to begin with..." he said, "The who... what, now?" she asked confused with wide eyes. Mikey chuckles before giving her a wink then takes a deep breath and says "Oh, you're about to see what I mean, sweetheart..."
Meanwhile... the other three turtle brothers come back with food for Mikey and Lucy when suddenly they heard some pretty excited sounds coming from Lucy's bedroom...
Ohhhhhh, yes yes... that's it... mmm... ooooh, yes... mmm
"What are you doing, Michael??" Leo asked dumbfoundedly while almost dropping the food on the coffee table in the living room "What's da' matter, fearless?" Raph snickered, as Donnie shifts nervously while tapping away on his tablet that's strapped to his arm.
Mmm... yes, Mikey Ohhhhhh... yes... oh, yeah...
Mikey's moans grew louder, loud enough for his brothers to hear him more clearly drowning out Lucy's moans of pleasure.
Ohhhhhh, oh, yes... yes... that's it... mmmm, that feels good... Mmmm, oh, yes... yes Ohhhh... yes... yes... yes...
His moans grew even louder than before as he kept going at it with Lucy, his brothers could tell he was getting even more excited as well.
Ohhh... mmmm, yes YES!... YES!... yes... OHH!...
As their moans could be heard from the closed bedroom door, the brothers were laughing their asses off "Hehehe... that girl is getting it... hehehe" Donnie said while trying to contain his snorting "Yeah, Mike's showing her a good time, a'right." Raph snickered, as Leo kept his cool.
YES!... YES!... YES, THAT'S IT!...
Mikey sounded like he was really getting it on with Lucy now, as her moans grew louder.
Mikey's loud and happy noises, who's now churring up a storm were heard from his brothers distracting them from trying to watch a movie in the living room "Dang... Mikey's really giving it to her..." Donnie chirped out while tapping the 'order' button on Amazon from his tablet "Yeah... I think someone needs to shut him up..." Leo trailed off then paused seeing Raph crack his knuckles with his signature smirk "Uh...guys, what's going on in there?" Leo called out as the three of them turns their attention towards the bedroom door from the couch with their ears perked up in high alert at the noises the two are making.
The brothers hears this and they all blush, as they heard Mikey continued on...
...then they both could be heard screaming and crying out before they go quiet..
OHHH... LUCY, BABY... I'M... I'M... OHHH... MIKEY, BABY... I'M...
The three brothers looked at each other with awkward looks on their faces, as Leo then spoke up "Uhhh... should we go check on them?" he asked in a confused tone "Yeah, I think it would be best..." Donnie said while getting up from the couch and walked over to Lucy's bedroom, knocking on her door. The two of them were laying in bed panting, Mikey looks at the door when they heard a knock then quickly hides Lucy under the covers "Shh, shh..." not wanting his brothers to see her naked form before answering the door in a hushed tone while still panting from what they just did "..yes?..." While Mikey answered the door Lucy remained hidden under the covers panting with a flushed look on her face, which the brothers could hear this and chuckled a bit before Leo spoke up again "Alright, uh... Mikey... how about you let Lucy out, so we can see her again?", "...Mmm, no." Mikey said in a frustrated tone, as they heard Lucy's panting coming from under the covers... which made them all blush, as they peeked their heads inside to glance at the bed.
They noticed that the covers on her bed was a scattered mess indicating that the two of them were definitely getting it on in there while Lucy continues to pant underneath the covers "Uhhhh, Mike..." Leo tried again, as they glanced back at their younger brother "...I said, no Leo... she's mine..." he said in a more annoyed and angry-ish tone while his mate stays hidden underneath the covers panting causing the brothers faces to turn red soon. Lucy stops panting and slowly peeks her head out from the covers but kept her naked body covered, the brothers noticed this and looked at her "Sooooo, uh... Mike... can she come out, now?" Leo asked once again "...no... she's mine..." he chuffed out, as he stood in front of her causing Lucy to blush even more, as Donnie spoke up this time "I feel like we should leave them be for now, Leo."
Ohhhh, my hot stuff... yes...
Mikey's loud voice could be heard once again "Oh, my god...he can't be still going at it...can he?" Leo asked "You're telling me, Leo! Hehe..." Donnie said with a snort.
Uhh... uhhh... OH, yesssss Oh, yeah, Lucy, honey...
The brothers ears perked up with wide eyes hearing him make an excited growl causing Lucy to moan even louder than before.
OH, YEAH, MIKEY, BABY... Mmmmm!!!... oh, yeah... oh, yeah... OH, MY LU-U-U-U-CYYYYYY...
The brothers heard another loud scream from Mikey and they could start to hear Lucy moan loudly over in the bedroom.
The louder they got Mikey started to sound more primal as they kept going at it causing his older brothers to quickly leave Lucy's home with Donnie stuttering over his words on his way out about there being food left in the fridge for them.
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