#luke underworld office
leoqrz · 5 months
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@paper-floower this was so fun to draw!! Can't believe I didn't draw them before
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strgzrcharles · 4 months
Day 12 of drawing underworld office fanart:
Prompt - Luke and kitty
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Sorry about the delay! This was a lot of fun to draw :}
(also here's a bonus doodle) :
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tonyesc · 9 months
what is that..? IS THAT A UNDERWORLD OFFICE ?? 🤯🤯
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i love this novel so much !! :33
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Luke inspired nails!
This is getting ridiculous, I'm not even in this fandom lmao
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kehaisntexist · 2 days
Sailor song. by gigi perez
Lugene.....slapsk nee and skidaddles away
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orizukuin · 8 months
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Prompt Generated from incorrect quotes X33
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alterkishi · 5 months
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evilfishy · 8 months
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Underworld office my beloved
I'm currently obsessed, please take my character studies of Luke, Boss and Eugene
Guess my favourite
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aeoni-sw · 5 months
HAHAHAHA!! *spills incorrect UwO quotes all over your food*
i edited some of them to make sense but for the most part theyre incorrect quotes
River: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Charlie, rushing in: River! Hayden tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Luke: I wasn’t that drunk.
Eugene: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Eugene, at Charlie: You're my bitch.
Charlie: Yeah I am!
Eugene, at Lilly: You're my child.
Lilly: Yessir!
Eugene, at Boss: You're my father figure.
Boss: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Eugene, at River: My bestie.
River: Naturally.
Eugene, Cassius: HA, GAY!
Cassius: Fuck you.
Eugene: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?!
Charlie: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Eugene: Oh...
Boss, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Sean: Yesterday, I watched Hayden try to eat a decorative rock from Joan's potted plant. Eugene caught them, and told them they can't eat rocks. Hayden started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
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miyazmm · 15 days
Oneshot Fic Idea I'm currently working on
I have no idea whether or not I'll actually finish it, but I wanted to share it nonetheless because it's the only thing I could think about lately.
Underworld Office AU, in which ghosts and afterlife are common knowledge, and the main uwo crew work as a hush-hush private agency helping out with spirit-related issues.
After Luke's education starts to waver because of his steadily worsening sleep schedule caused by the constant nightmares involving his dead kitten, he decides to trust the rumours and ask the Office for help. Of course, Eugene is the one assigned to deal with his 'case'.
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marzthealien · 19 hours
After Work (Commission for @fallingbossa)
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strgzrcharles · 4 months
Day 16 of drawing underworld office fanart:
A little happiness:}
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I think I'm confident in my digital drawing process now (at least to some extent)
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iwanttokmstbh · 9 months
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K, my headcannon again tho😞 y'all can hate it whatever you want-
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dragonsdomain · 3 months
Out of Office chapter 6
Chapter 5
"Hey, hey."
Eugene groaned weakly as a voice penetrated his slumber. Who was that? Where was he? Why did everything hurt? Was he sick?
"Oh, uh, it's just... this is my stop, so I'm gonna go now, okay? And I wanted to make sure you were okay 'cause you don't look too good. So. You good?"
Eugene processed maybe half of whatever that was. He fought to open his eyes, hissing at the light, silently yelling at the world to stop spinning and shut up while he figured out where he was (then feeling bad for being rude to the world). A hand landed on his shoulder, and he jolted back to reality, letting out a little hiss.
"Hey? Dude? Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"
Eugene breathed in air which felt cold. He became aware that he felt hot, and sweaty. Did he have a fever? Wait, that voice was... what was his name. Mike.
"Goodness, is he alright?"
"Er, I don't know. Eugene? Hey?"
Eugene finally processed that Mike wanted a response from him. He didn't want to. He felt hot and grimy and weirdly hollow inside, like parts of him he'd never wanted to be aware of were hanging open and exposed to the air. He finally managed to crack his eyes open and glance down at his chest, which was, strangely, intact.
"Did someone say 'Eugene'?"
Linda? His head was too heavy to look, but after a second, her face appeared in his line of sight. "Eugene? Honey? Are you alright?"
"Uh..." Eugene tried. Just the effort of generating sound made his head spin.
"Do you know him?" Mike asked quietly.
"Yes." Linda smiled at him gently. "I can take care of him from here. Thank you for your help, young man."
"Okay. Thanks. 'Bye. Uh, hope you get better, Eugene."
Linda's presence soon pulled up against Eugene's side, and he sagged against her (taking a second to wonder whether it was her or him that was burning hot).
"Woah, Eugene, don't fall asleep just yet." Linda's hand pointed Eugene's heavy face up toward hers. "Are you sick?"
Eugene fought to keep his eyes open. "I'm... a-uh... th' ghosts..." Oh, he'd tipped forward on her shoulder again. Uh, oops. This seemed like it would be a good time to sleep again, actually. If his head wasn't burning up. That didn't feel good, he'd like it to stop.
"...any water today? Come on, hey. Have you spent lots of time out in the sun? Eugene?"
Loud footsteps came over, and Eugene gritted his teeth as their owner spoke, close and unfamiliar and loud. "Is your son alright? Sick people aren't supposed to be using public transit, you know. At least not without masks."
"We're sorry," Linda said gently, though her voice was still a dagger to Eugene's brain, along with the sounds of everyone breathing and the subway grinding against the train tracks and somebody coughing once and the way every jolt of the train violently jerked Eugene's body up and down. What was going on? Linda was talking again. "...at the next stop."
"Alright, fine. Er, make sure he gets the help he needs. He looks awful."
"Okay," Linda responded cheerfully. As soon as the footsteps retreated again, she whispered sharply into Eugene's ear, "Eugene, I need to know whether to call an ambulance."
He jolted, then heaved a breathy moan. "Not again... I'm poor..."
"Eugene," she said, in a tone that left no room for negotiation.
"Hhh..." Eugene did feel awful, but the last scraps of logic in his brain knew that the hospitals of the living wouldn't have any idea what to do with this. "I'm just sick... and, um. Water. Yeah... need t'... drink water." There, that was a good argument. Eugene's face buried itself in Linda's shoulder again, and he gave a little sigh.
Linda grumbled even as she gently rubbed Eugene's back. "You had better be telling me the truth about this, okay?"
Charlie sat blankly on the wooden floor. Luke was standing near her, and she could glance over at the scissors he was holding, half-open, black ichor congealed on the blades.
Charlie couldn't look up, but she could feel the eyes of her father from every direction. At any second, whatever was holding him back-- oh, River's seal-- would fail, and he would reach in and drag her out, away from her friends and the temporary freedom she clung to, and back into the empty, dusty hallways of his control. He was such a large ghost. He must have died with such a burning hatred of her, one that had only been festering for however many years it had been. He would catch her, and this time there would be no escape. He was already dead. He could no longer be killed.
Distantly, Charlie registered Sean giving Luke a rundown on how things worked with evil spirits, on ghost artifacts, and how River's hair was protecting them. Luke's footsteps eventually retreated from the room, and there was the sound of running water. Charlie wished for protection, so she was sitting with her back to a wall, but she could feel the presence of her terrifying father directly on the other side, and felt already imprisoned by the knowledge that she was inches away from touching him. She wondered if she wanted to scoot away from the wall, but she couldn't bring herself to move, except to lean forward onto her knees. Luke's footsteps returned, and he placed her scissors, sparkling and clean, on the wood floor in front of her.
"You okay?" Luke asked gently.
"How much did Sean tell you about the ghost out there?" Charlie rasped.
"A tortured spirit, or 'monster', powerful and dangerous. Must've been nasty when he grabbed you."
"Huh," Charlie said. Her brain registered that Sean didn't know the spirit was her father. Luke didn't know. Somehow none of them had yet figured out that she was the entire reason he'd returned as a monster. That she had murdered him. Fun web of lies she'd woven, delicate as spider silk to be torn to shreds any second.
"Are you okay?" Luke repeated.
Charlie dropped her head back into her knees, waiting for Luke to give up on getting words out of her and leave.
Luke pushed the scissors closer to her.
Charlie closed her eyes. She didn't want to pick it up and then feel just as powerless as before.
"Ugh." Luke grabbed the scissors again and tapped them impatiently against the floor. "Your name is Charlie, right?"
Charlie grumbled out a sigh.
"You're being self loathy, aren't you? I know what that looks like. I know Eugene. Well guess what? You don't get to." Luke took Charlie's hand and placed the scissors into them. "Making yourself suffer by not accepting help from people isn't going to help anything. It's just going to make you feel worse. And I don't know you, but I know Eugene didn't even deserve it. This big ghost showing up isn't your fault."
Charlie tightened her grip around the scissors. "Shut up. I'm not like Eugene. You don't know what you're talking about."
Luke huffed a breath. "Fine. Be like that." He stood up and walked away.
Charlie let her grip loosen again, her scissors hanging off of one finger. Her eyes were wet. "I do deserve it," she whispered.
"This is fine, right? I mean, there can be lots of normal reasons why Luke isn't waking up, right?" Oliver asked desperately.
"How old are those smelling salts?" Joy said, ripping them out of Oliver's hand, then sniffing them. She gave a deranged little laugh. "Okay, yeah, these are definitely too old."
Oliver had returned to gently jostling Luke's limp body back and forth. "Luke, hey? Hey? Pleeease wake up."
"Hospitals are so expensive," Joy muttered to herself as she started pacing. "Do you think he has insurance? He's gotta, right? He's a cop. Maybe this isn't that bad, but it would be irresponsible not to take him to the hospital, right?"
"Hospital?" Oliver repeated, voice cracking. "He's-- he's possessed or something, Joy! We've gone and stuck a magic flower we know nothing about in his mouth, and now he's unconscious! Hospitals don't know what to do to fix stuff like that!"
Joy threw her hands apart. "Fine, Mister Supernatural! Then what do you suggest we do?"
Oliver hesitated. He glanced worriedly over at Luke's limp form, then took a deep breath. "I think... we should talk to Eugene."
Joy blinks at him. "What?"
Oliver cringes. "Luke was right. We shouldn't have been doing any of this behind his back. Not just because it was dishonest, but because we didn't know what we were getting into either."
Joy's expression sank. "But... we're so close. We finally have a lead. If we come clean to Eugene and stop now, we'll never find out what's wrong with him."
"We have more important things to worry about right now," Oliver said, pointing at Luke. "Whether or not this is something doctors can treat, Eugene will know how to fix it. It's his flower. We shouldn't have taken it."
Joy sagged against the wall. "Okay. Alright. Get him on the phone."
Oliver pulled up and clicked on Eugene's number, putting it on speaker. It rang into the quiet room as Joy and Oliver waited for Eugene to pick up. Then it reached his generic voicemail.
Joy raised a worried eyebrow at Oliver as the robotic voice listed the unavailable number. The beep sounded, and Oliver spoke into the phone to leave a message. "Hey, Eugene? Please call us back as soon as you can. We need your help." Oliver considered speaking the confession into the phone receiver then, but the words tangled on his tongue. There was an awkward second of silence, then he jabbed the hang up button.
Joy sat down onto a chair, rubbing her arms. "Call him again? Text?"
Oliver gnawed his lip anxiously. "This can't really wait for a text response. Maybe we should go to his house."
Joy combed a hand through her hair. "It might not be a good idea to move Luke though. Should one of us stay with him?" She grimaced. "I can go ahead and do it. This is my fault, anyway."
"Hey, no, if you want to go, go. I'd rather be with Luke so I don't have to be worrying all the time if something else has happened to him."
"You know I'll call you if anything happens out there though," Joy said, grabbing her bag and checking her shoelaces. "And I'll tell you when I find anything out."
"'Kay. Thanks." Oliver gave her a nervous thumbs up. "Good luck."
"Gotcha," Joy said, with an earnest mock salute, then she dashed up the staircase and out the door.
She pulled her own phone out of her pocket as she marched down the street, double checking for texts. Her phone started ringing, and she jumped. Eugene's number. She quickly answered, putting the phone up to her ear.
"Hello, this is Linda," said a matronly voice from the other side. "I'm with Eugene right now and saw you'd called."
"Oh. Hi." Joy pivoted and started speedwalking back towards her house and Oliver. "Could you give the phone to him? I really need to talk to Eugene."
"Alright, just a minute. Or... no, I'm sorry, he's not very lucid right now."
Joy's eyebrows pinched. "What? What's wrong with him?"
"He's dehydrated, I think. We're on our way to my flower shop."
"I'm going to come to you, okay?" Joy turned the phone to speaker so she could tap out a text to Oliver as she continued talking to Linda. "This is pretty important. I have to talk to Eugene."
"Alright then, I'll see you soon. It's 'Linda's Flower Shop'."
"Thank you," Joy said, then hung up.
As she passed her house, Oliver burst out of it and ran up to her. "Hi. Changed my mind. I'm coming too. Door's locked, Luke'll be fine."
Joy snickered, wondering if he'd even seen her text. "Whatever floats your boat."
Oliver grabbed her hand and pulled her along as he started sprinting down the street towards the flower shop.
The world faded in and out, and Eugene was slumped into Linda after their conversation for an instant, then being helped unsteadily to his feet the next, then they were heading up the staircase out of the subway station, with most of Eugene's weight supported by Linda (he wasn't completely sure he'd been supporting any of it, but his legs kept on moving as far as he was aware). At one point Linda slowed down to talk to someone on the phone, and Eugene couldn't register what she was saying with the way the words grated on his ears. At least the walk to Linda's flower shop was short enough.
Eugene thought he was probably imagining the aura of hatred choking the air leading closer to the shop. Maybe he was worse off than he thought.
He was forced back to lucidity when he comprehended Oliver and Joy dashing up towards the flower shop just as he and Linda neared it. Why were they here? Did Linda call them in to help him? This might be rough to explain.
The walked up to him and Linda, and Eugene tried to pull himself upright, but the wince on Joy's face made it clear he hadn't managed to fool her.
"Wow, you look bad," said Joy. "Is this really just dehydration?"
Eugene tried to pull out a response for her, but his head was spinning, and for a second it was all he could do to keep from fainting. Oliver stepped forward and slipped an arm under the side where Linda wasn't before Eugene could muster an answer.
"Whatever. Let's get you some water."
That malicious energy Eugene had sensed became powerful, and his eyes widened as he realized it was not in his imagination. Linda reached her hand towards the door of the flower shop. Eugene gripped the lock of River's hair in his pocket and opened his mouth to tell her to stop.
Several things happened very quickly. Linda turned the doorknob, and then cried out as the door was ripped wide open out of her grasp. A force slammed past her, and Oliver's grip was all that kept Linda and Eugene from hitting the pavement. Eugene tried to swing out River's hair, but he was too slow and too weak to do anything more than swipe harmlessly at the air in front of him.
A scream that sounded like Charlie stabbed directly into Eugene's head, then the force shoved back out the door, whipping it roughly against its hinges hard enough they likely would have snapped if not for the hair from River they were tied with.
And all was quiet.
Eugene's head was spinning again, and he spent a minute just doubled over next to Oliver (who was gaping in confusion) trying not to throw up. His chest was hurting again, though he was pretty sure he hadn't actually gotten injured again. Maybe soul wounds could get re-opened? Like when half-healed gashes started bleeding again? He needed to sit down. He needed to lie down. In the shade. Had he dropped River's hair? No, it was still clenched in his hand. He laboriously put it back in his pocket.
Also, what had just happened?
"Eugene?" Oliver nervously asked. "Do you know what that was about? There's no way that was the wind."
Eugene was tired. He was hurting. There was no way he could come up with an excuse. "Don't know," he mumbled breathlessly. A half truth. He could suspect it was a ghost, but he didn't know which one. Unless... there was something on the edge of his realization. What was he forgetting? His head was thick, everything hurt.
"Let's get him inside," Joy said. She sounded really worried. About the ghost? No, wait, about him. 'Cause she didn't know about the ghost.
Nnoooo, not the stairs, he didn't want to struggle up the... now they were at the top of the stairs. Eugene was slipping in and out of consciousness again. Had someone carried him up the stairs? Now both Joy and Oliver were supporting him.
They lowered him gently onto a couch, and Eugene liked how he could sink down into it, though not how warm it was. He could take a nap here. Should he take a nap here?
Presently Eugene noticed that he was alone in some sort of drawing room with Oliver and Joy. Joy was staring at him nervously while Oliver glanced around the room like he was trying to avoid his gaze.
"What?" Eugene asked tiredly.
Joy laughed desperately. "Well, uh, so we might have messed up. A little bit. And we need your help."
Oliver burst out, "We stole your magic flower and Luke put it in his mouth and then he fainted and we don't know what's wrong and we're really sorry and we hate to put this on you when you're sick and we promise we were just trying to help make things easier 'cause we were worried about you but now we've just made things worse and we're so sorry and we'll never do it again."
Eugene squinted, struggling to keep up with how fast Oliver had been talking. "...What?"
Joy grimaced. "Yeah. It was my idea. Probably a bad one. But, well... we were worried about you. How you've been stressed and depressed lately. You've always been so mysterious about your job, and the fact that something happened with it and you couldn't tell us what made us really worried."
Eugene gave a little sigh. He'd guessed this conversation would happen eventually. He'd just wanted to believe that his friends wouldn't ask, that he wouldn't have to try very hard to keep them away from the truth and things would just be fine. Still, he really was not in the condition to be thinking of explanations for everything. "Do we have to talk about this right now?"
Joy looked away awkwardly. "I mean, yeah. We need your help with Luke."
"Oh yeah," Eugene responded tiredly. "What did you say about him?"
Oliver responded. "He put your magic flower in his mouth and passed out."
Eugene nearly fell off the couch. "What?" His voice was high pitched. So his flower had been missing this morning... because they'd taken it. "Why'd you-- why'd you think that was a good idea? How long have you been planning this? Was Luke in on this?" He was panting. Had Luke come to visit him just to nab that flower?
"N-no!" Joy flinched. "I-I'm sorry. You're right. This is the wrong time to talk about this. But we need your help with Luke."
Luke. Had put the flower in his mouth. "Oh. Oh no." There was absolutely no way Eugene was going to be able to hide the truth anymore. Eugene sighed, grimacing as his stomach shifted uncomfortably. "Okay... okay. It's-- his ghost is out of his body. But he should be okay. Not sure why he would have left instead of finding a way to communicate with you."
Joy blinked. "You're serious. It really is ghosts."
Eugene groaned. "I didn't want to tell you. You were better off not having to worry about it! Why did you have to butt in on my secrets like this?"
Joy glared. "Hey, it's not our fault you decided to keep us out of all this. Why did you even feel the need to keep it hush hush? How would just knowing ghosts exist hurt us?"
"I mean," Oliver leaned over to Joy and whispered, "You're really fine with all this? You're not going to have an existential crisis about your worldview being shattered?"
"No!" Joy spluttered (even though she absolutely would have an existential crisis as soon as she took the time to actually think about it).
Oliver turned back to Eugene. "You're right. It's completely our fault that Luke is in a predicament right now. We shouldn't have messed with your stuff. And we're sorry." He glanced at Joy doubtfully, and she looked back defiantly before sagging, then nodding in agreement.
Eugene drooped, sinking back into the couch. "...Okay. Whatever. I guess I'll have to see if I can check on him."
Eugene braced himself, then reached into the pocket and pulled out his guardian flower again. Joy and Oliver watched as he laboriously placed it in his mouth, then let himself sink into the couch and fall asleep.
It happened fast, and Eugene sat up as a ghost as his body went limp beneath him. Eugene flinched as the pain in his chest flared up again, and he made the mistake of glancing at it before holding it with his hand and standing up again.
An F-bomb ripped through the room, and Eugene jerked to attention, looking for who had said that. His eyes found Luke, ghost-monochrome in orange, with his hands covering his mouth in horror.
"Oh," Eugene mouthed, using both hands to try to cover as much of his tattered chest as he could.
"Eugene?" Luke stepped up to him, hands hovering towards Eugene's wounds. "Are you okay?"
"Uh, I--" Eugene tried to take a step back, but he felt weak and dizzy, and Luke had to steady him to keep him from falling over.
"H... hi," Eugene mustered when he caught his breath. "Yeah, it's, um, not good."
"Yeesh, dude." Luke helped Eugene back over to the couch. "Do you need a bandage or something? Ghost bandage? Do those exist?"
"Don't think so," Eugene gasped. "It hurts, but I don't think it'll be lethal, 'cause I'm still in one piece."
Luke frowned in worry at Eugene's wound for a minute, watching dark magenta blood clot. He pulled off his shirt and moved Eugene's hands so he could hold it over his wound. "So, I was listening to the conversation you were having with Oliver and Joy. I'm fine, just can't get back to my body right now for some reason, but there are other things to worry about probably sooner."
"'Kay..." Eugene blinked blearily at Luke's hands holding the shirt to his chest.
"Yeah, so, your friend Charlie? She got attacked by this huge tall black ghost a bit ago, and we ran and hid here. The big monster ghost followed us, and when you and Joy and Oliver and Linda (that's her name, right?) opened the door it burst in."
Eugene blinked, his mind starting to register that that was really bad. And-- Oh yeah, he'd told that ghost that Charlie was here. So it was his fault. "Oh," he said. "Where's it now?"
"Yeah, so it grabbed her again and then flew away fast."
"No..." Eugene whispered, ducking his head, wanting to curl in on himself but not being able to 'cause he was bleeding all over Luke's shirt and hands for being a stupid, stupid idiot, who kept making the wrong decisions, who kept hurting the people he should've been helping. He'd told that ghost where Charlie was, then after leading it right to her had let it into the flower shop himself (or at least people with him had). And what could he even do to help her now? He was injured and useless.
"Eugene? Hey, snap out of it!" Luke tapped his shoulder insistently. "Come on, hey, we'll figure this out. She needs to be rescued, right? Is there any way we can rescue her?"
Eugene stared at the floor. Then he sighed. "I need your help."
Chapter 7
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Post ciu au chapter 4 - beta / resume with info
-Characters with main focus on :
Louise [the ghost in the image]
Luke [Charlie In Underworld -Adult Luke]
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orizukuin · 3 months
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When realization hits hits our boy and he couldn't help but just cough-
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