#everyone at uwo
aeoni-sw · 5 months
HAHAHAHA!! *spills incorrect UwO quotes all over your food*
i edited some of them to make sense but for the most part theyre incorrect quotes
River: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Charlie, rushing in: River! Hayden tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Luke: I wasn’t that drunk.
Eugene: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Eugene, at Charlie: You're my bitch.
Charlie: Yeah I am!
Eugene, at Lilly: You're my child.
Lilly: Yessir!
Eugene, at Boss: You're my father figure.
Boss: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Eugene, at River: My bestie.
River: Naturally.
Eugene, Cassius: HA, GAY!
Cassius: Fuck you.
Eugene: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?!
Charlie: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Eugene: Oh...
Boss, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Sean: Yesterday, I watched Hayden try to eat a decorative rock from Joan's potted plant. Eugene caught them, and told them they can't eat rocks. Hayden started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
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dragonsdomain · 2 months
Out of Office, chapter 7
Chapter 6
"Who's gonna be the one to explain to Linda why all three of her guests are now senseless on the couch?" Oliver asked.
He and Joy were now standing as spirits several feet from each of their bodies. While Oliver was glad to see that Luke was okay(ish), and the colors were fun (Joy was a pretty shade of blue, and Oliver was green), things were happening fast, and there were a lot of parts of the situation that still needed to be worried about.
"Please don't tell her the truth about it all," Sean asked, blowing on his fingers after making two extra guardian flowers in a row. "It was hard for her to find closure after I died, and I don't want her having to worry about me still being around."
Joy raised an eyebrow. "No wonder you and Eugene are friends... uh, fine. Okay. We'll come up with a lie of some kind. Eugene might have to be the one to tell her though. Eugene? Do you think you could tell her we had a long day or something and were super tired?"
Eugene was curled up on the couch, half in his body. "Uhuh," he wheezed, struggling to keep his eyes open.
Oliver turned back to Luke. "Okay, so. Evil ghost monster kidnapped a ghost friend and now we have to go save her."
"Because if we don't, Eugene will try to, which in his current state would be really dumb and end badly," Joy added.
Eugene grumbled something from the couch.
"You can't just go after that thing unarmed," Sean said nervously. "Eugene, did you happen to bring any of the Office's ghost artifacts?"
Eugene wordlessly dug in his pockets and pulled out a black fan, a lock of dark hair looped in a knot, and a cloth hat of some kind.
Sean floated over and took them from him. "Thanks, Eugene. We'll be sure to keep them safe. You can sleep now, if you want."
Eugene glared and stubbornly kept sitting upright.
"What are those?" Luke asked, walking over.
"Some ghosts (usually strong ones) have items from their life that gain power after they die. They can do a number of things," Sean explained. "This fan can seal hostile ghosts in it and also be used as a weapon in a pinch. The hair can be used to trap and entangle ghosts, or fling them, if you want. This hat lets you talk to cats. Not sure how useful that'll be, but we have it."
Oliver blinked. "Wait... what about a crucifix? A crucifix with the power to ward ghosts?"
Sean tilted his head. "I mean, I guess that's an example of an artifact somebody could have."
Oliver put his hands out. "You guys. My grandmother's crucifix. She loved that thing. Luke got yeeted out of his body by my grandmother's magic ghost-warding crucifix."
"Oh yeah," Joy said, pressing her lips together. "That, or any number of the other anti-ghost things you brought."
"Oh, uh, oops." Oliver smiled apologetically at Luke.
Luke waved his comment off. "It's fine, you didn't know. Could that crucifix maybe be useful for fighting the monster, though?"
"Er, seems like it would be a problem that we can't get to it in ghost form," Oliver said. "And then in human form we wouldn't be able to see the monster."
"Good point," Joy said.
Luke took the fan. "So the plan is to seal the ghost in here at the end?"
Joy took the lock of hair. "But first we have to weaken it and make sure we get Charlie out of there safely."
Oliver took the hat. "...With cats?"
Sean shrugged. "I guess? Joan's gun probably would've been more useful." Oliver whispered ghost gun under his breath as Sean turned to Eugene and asked, "Eugene? You didn't happen to bring Joan's cane too, did you?"
Eugene blinked, looking barely awake. "Uh... no, it didn't feel right with her in it."
"Oh, okay," Sean said. Why is she in the ghost gun Oliver whispered under his breath, and no one deigned to answer.
The four of them started heading towards the staircase down to the front door. Eugene started to push himself up to follow them, but Sean gently pushed him back down.
The four of them walked to the front door, and Luke tentatively pushed it open. "Oh, huh. Somehow I thought the ghost we're chasing would be easy to see from here?"
"Drat. How are we supposed to find it now?" Joy grimaced.
Oliver grinned, pulling the hat onto his head. "Cats."
Charlie's house was old and creaky, full of dust, like no one had lived in it for a long time. Her father's ancestors had lived in this house for generations, and with each of them that died inside of it, more of the house died as well.
Quite a few pieces of Charlie had died here too. She remembered the day her father had torn up her first paper doll because he'd caught her playing with it instead of studying for a test. She remembered the day her cat had gone missing, and the day a week later when she'd found its body rotting in a shallow grave with a gunshot wound in its side. She didn't remember the first day she saw her father hitting her mother, but she remembered the first day he'd hit her.
She vaguely remembered a time when she'd been young and hopeful. When she had rose-tinted dreams for the future. When she'd been happy. But those parts of herself had died, and their unreachable memory haunted the manor along with all the other ghosts.
There were many rooms in the house, but the older Charlie got, the fewer of them she ever went in, until in her last year she only traveled through the few that lead in a direct path from her bedroom, to the kitchen, to the front door.
Now she was in her bedroom again, wondering why she'd killed her father.
She knew why, of course. She'd... resented him for a while. "Hated him", she would've said, but somehow that didn't quite fit, even though she felt like she ought to hate him, deserved to. If she truly hated him, Would she have felt so guilty for having killed him? But now she felt ashamed. Her hands were covered in blood; it wasn’t wet anymore, but she couldn’t wash it off. It would be with her forever.
However long her route through the house usually was, it was now very short. She was grounded, never to leave the house, never to leave her room.
She was so alone, but it was what she deserved.
“Charlie?” a voice called, and she flinched before realizing it wasn’t her father’s voice. Not her mother’s either.
Charlie looked up toward her bedroom window (no light came through it). Mike was there, peeking in at her. “Could you let me in?” he asked, tapping the glass.
Charlie hesitated, not wanting to involve him, but eventually decided to go ahead and listen to him for once. She stood from her bed, then reached up and unlatched the window.
Mike pushed it open and climbed inside the room with her. He grinned. “It’s really you! It’s great to see you again, finally.”
Charlie felt confused for a minute. Somehow she felt like they hadn’t seen each other for years, but he hadn’t aged. He looked exactly the same as when she’d last seen him. Except…
“What are you doing here?” Mike asked, walking around. “Is this your bedroom? From when we were kids?”
“I’m grounded,” Charlie said.
“I thought your dad was… um… not around anymore?”
“He came back to haunt me,” Charlie said blankly, dropping back down onto her bed. “To make me face what I did. To give me what I deserve.”
“What did you do?” Mike said, sitting down beside her.
Charlie’s head sunk. “You know what I did.”
“No, I don’t. Are you talking about this?”
Charlie looked up, and Mike was pointing at the scar over his eye.
She glared at him, tearing up. “Of course, I should’ve known. Are you here to haunt me too?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, I’m not. I’m not mad. Well, I might’ve been, a little, when it first happened. But it’s been years. I’ve moved on. You should too.”
Mike was older than Charlie was. He’d kept on growing while she stayed the same. He looked like he might be somewhere in his twenties now, and the gash over his eye was long-scarred over, fully healed. But she was still in her worst year of high school, wearing her rumpled uniform with dotted with unwashed blood.
Charlie let her head drop. “You’re an idiot. I can’t move on. I can’t forget it. I can’t ignore it. I can’t keep it secret. I tried to move on and be better, but I can’t stop messing up and hurting people. Eugene’s ghost friends are all gone ‘cause I couldn’t keep my stupid mouth shut, ‘cause I couldn’t stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. And my past has caught up to me too, ‘cause it knows I don’t deserve to have people around me who don’t know what I did.”
“Oh, come on.” Mike folded his arms. “If running away from it is such a bad idea, then say it out loud. What did you do?”
Charlie snapped at him. “I murdered my father!”
Mike flinched, but he didn’t look surprised. “Yeah. That’s it.”
Charlie sagged. “Why’d you make me say it?”
“Why’d you do it?” Mike countered.
Charlie glared at him, then looked back down. “I was angry. And… scared.”
Mike nodded. “Yeah. Okay. That checks out. So do you regret it?”
The room was silent for a minute. “I don’t know,” Charlie responded.
“I think you do,” Mike said, “if it’s been a decade, and you’re still beating yourself up over it.”
“So that’s it then,” Charlie said, resigned. “I deserve this. I am a monster.”
“Ugh, no you don’t. That’s not what I was saying.” He gave her shoulder a little shake. “Look up at me, Charlie-Charlie.”
She did.
“Yeah, he did a bad thing. A really bad thing. But you were, what? Sixteen? Seventeen? Teens mess up sometimes. I sure know I did, though thankfully not so bad anyone’s dead about it. And also I know you were having a rough home life, and it was kind of obvious you had some mental health issues. Yeah, you messed up, but you wouldn’t do it again. I’ve moved on, your dad’s moved on, so should you.”
Charlie looked up at him incredulously. “My dad hasn’t moved on. Don’t you know where we are?”
“No? Oh wait.” Mike blinked as the gears turned in his head. “Oh, was that big lanky ghost thing your dad? I thought it was you, or, some manifestation of your self-hatred, I guess?” He grinned sheepishly. “I’m honestly a little confused. No one really explained to me what’s going on.”
Charlie stared at him. “Are you the real Mike?”
Charlie dropped her head into her hands, muttering a muffled swear. “I can’t believe I said all that stuff to you. I thought I was just having a heart-to-heart with a dream Mike, from my subconscious or something.”
Mike cackled at her, and she wanted to punch him (affectionately). “That’s so dramatic!”
Charlie glared at him. “Well how did you get here?” she snapped, like she was accusing him of something.
“Well okay, so get this.” Mike splayed his hands out like he was ready to drop a bombshell piece of gossip. “Couple days ago I had this dream where a tall asian-looking dude told me to find ‘Eugene’ at Station 00 and he’d help me talk to you. And I thought, yo, that’s so specific, and I could remember it super clearly when I woke up. So I went and did it, ‘cause I thought it would be funny if something cool actually was there, and also it was a good excuse to go exploring. But there was a guy named Eugene there! Crazy!”
“Ah. Okay then.” Charlie didn’t know how to feel about Boss still messing around near them. Eugene might be happy to hear that? Or not?
“No there’s more. I had another dream today! I mean, it wasn’t really a dream ‘cause it kind of just happened while I was walking along, super weird, I kind of thought I was hallucinating. Maybe I was. I sure hope I’m not crazy. But anyway he told me to go over here, so I did.” Mike stared off into the distance for a second, like he was finally realizing how insane he sounded. “Please believe me.”
“Hey no, I believe you. I know the guy. Weirdo.”
“Okay. Cool.” Mike stood up. “So we’re in your dad’s ghost’s nightmare dimension or something? We should probably get out. Forget what I said about him moving on. Because I still think you should move on. And him too. Talk about holding a grudge. So! Let’s go.”
“I’m grounded,” Charlie said dismally.
“Oh, come on! Now you start listening to your dad?” Mike pumped a fist. “The only one grounding you is yourself!”
Mike grabbed Charlie’s arm and pulled her towards the door. “Come on!”
“Ack! My dad’ll catch us! Can't we just climb out the window?"
“The window actually doesn't lead outside, just to another room of the house, for some reason. We’ll be sneaky! We just need to get out of your house and we’re home free! Probably. I still don’t know how ghost things work.”
Charlie winced. "Okay. We'll try. But if he catches us, you run. I don't want to see you hurt."
When they found the ghost monster that'd made off with Charlie, it was hunched over against a wall, like it was meditating. Charlie was not in sight.
"It's sleeping?" Oliver asked. "Do we just suck it up into the fan now?"
Sean waved his hands anxiously. "Wait, no, I don't think that's a good idea. It ran off with Charlie, right? It might have her in its dream."
"Dream?" Luke asked.
"Yeah. Ghosts can go into people's dreams. Or memories. Either way, we can't contain that ghost until we've gotten Charlie safely out." Sean chuckled nervously. "Or, until you guys've gotten her out. I don't know how much help I'd be."
Joy cringed. "We really don't know what we're getting into, and I'm thinking we might need all the help we can get. Plus, the three of us don't know what we're doing. Come with us. Please?"
Sean sagged. "Okay, okay. I'll come."
Charlie and Mike rounded another corner, and Charlie felt a growing knot in her stomach tighten. "Something's wrong. I don't remember this many hallways existing before," she whispered.
"Oh, okay. Uhh, maybe we should just keep wandering, hope we find the way out?" Mike whispered back.
"I don't like this," Charlie said. "This is his dream. We'll probably take way longer to find an exit than he'll take to find us."
"Well, if he finds us we run." Mike shrugged. "Simple as that."
"And we'll split up," Charlie said, narrowing her eyes. "So he chases me, not you."
"Sure, sure. I'll run... somewhere. Whatever."
"Ugh, you." Charlie scoffed.
They rounded a corner and found themselves in the dining room. Despite it being next to the kitchen, Charlie hardly ever ate there. The paintings she vaguely remembered being hung on the walls were gone, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.
"I wonder if there's some kind of clue as to where we should go?" Mike muttered.
Charlie walked around the table, looking at the different doorways they could take. The kitchen she knew was not through any of them. She paused for a second to shake some kind of debris from the carpet off of her foot.
Charlie looked down and saw that that debris... was paper. Shreds of colored paper, intricately patterned. She recognized them as being the remains of paper dolls, though couldn't identify which ones. She could see on each shred of paper the clean and deliberate edge where she cut with her scissors, as well as the ragged edges where the dolls were torn apart.
"Mike," she whispered. "Come over here."
Mike came over, and Charlie pointed out the paper. "It's a trail. It leads this way."
"Those remind me of the paper dolls I used to see you making in class. Is that a good sign? Should we follow it?"
Charlie frowned. "It might also be a trail of destruction left by my father's ghost."
"It's our only lead, but... what do you think?"
"I want to follow it," Charlie said with a conviction that surprised her. "Wherever it leads, I want to get there. I want to reach an end."
"Well! That was a really ominous way of saying that. But okay," Mike nodded. "Let's follow the trail."
The two of them headed off, following the trail of shredded paper. Charlie kept her gaze pointing down at the trail as they passed through halls that looked almost the same, rooms that each seemed like several rooms Charlie remembered, yet also neither and none, all missing paintings on the walls, or else housing empty frames, which were equally disconcerting. Charlie started to wonder if the trail had really started in the dining room, or if she'd missed something, and that maybe they were following the trail the wrong way.
The trail came to an end just before a door Charlie knew all too well. The only one besides her bedroom door which she and Mike had found closed. The door to her father's study.
"Why'd we stop?" Mike whispered.
Charlie's hand moved forward, driven by something akin to curiosity, to purpose, laced with dread. She gripped the handle and turned the door. It slowly swung open with a creak that grew louder as it opened wider, before the door finally dropped softly off of its hinges.
The body in the middle of the floor looked old, as did the rest of the room. It was nothing but a skeleton, all its flesh having worn off, with no memory of it but the strange stains weighing down the crusty clothes hanging over that figure. A large splotch of the rug below it was stained a dull brown.
"Charlie?" Mike asked. "What are you looking at?"
Charlie blinked, and the illusion was gone. She was still holding the door handle, unopened.
She let go of the handle and stepped back. "I can't do it."
"I'll get it," Mike said. He took the handle and pulled the door open.
The office was empty. And behind Charlie's father's imposing desk, letting in a stream of cold moonlight, was a large window.
"An escape!" Mike cried, rushing towards the window to undo the latch and pull it open. Cold air puffed into the room. "Charlie-Charlie, come on!"
"Coming, coming," she said, taking one last glance over her shoulder.
Then she froze.
The door had swung closed behind her, and on the back of it was hung a portrait of her father.
"Trying to run away again, Charlie?" the picture said.
Charlie whirled around and vaulted out the window, landing in a run through the snowy ground.
Mike broke into a run beside her. "What's wrong?"
"My father! He's there!"
She took a glance over her shoulder and saw him slowly walking towards her, but gaining on her as though she wasn't moving at all. He looked just as he had been when he was alive, yet as horrible as when he was dead.
Mike slid to a stop and started pitching snowballs at him. "Take that! Ha! Leave her alone!"
Charlie whirled around. "Mike, no!"
Charlie's father came up to Mike, and his hand snapped out, gripping Mike's neck. Mike scrabbled uselessly at the man's hand as he picked him up like he weighed nothing.
"Let him go!" Charlie screamed, swinging a punch at her father's face.
But her scissors were in her hand.
She froze in terror, blade held inches from her father's face, as images of what she'd done to Mike flashed through her head.
Her father chuckled, making no move to stop her. "So you still want to kill me, do you? Well I'll never be dead. I'll haunt you forever. You think you hate me? Imagine how much I hate you. You horrible girl, you ruined everything. Kill me again and see if it makes you feel better! You'll never be free."
Charlie let loose a rage-filled scream and brought her scissors stabbing down on the arm holding onto Mike's neck.
Charlie's father let out a surprised gasp, letting Mike drop to the ground. Mike tried to lunge toward Charlie's father, but Charlie grabbed him and shoved him away. "I told you to RUN!"
Charlie's father slammed into her from the side, shoving her to the ground. Her face was pushed against the snow, and she inhaled it when she tried to breathe and started coughing.
She struggled against her father, but it was like trying to wrestle the sand. She couldn't budge him. He shoved her face down into the snow again and she tried to stay calm and hold her breath. She heard Mike yell and try to shove her father off of her, but she heard him get thrown aside with a deep thud into the snow.
"Got you!" Someone yelled, and Charlie felt the weight on her lift, then be abruptly yanked off of her to the side.
She shoved up off of the ground and gulped in oxygen, then searched around for Mike. He was there, just a few feet away, also pushing up from the snow. He looked dazed, but unhurt.
Charlie looked back towards her saviors and saw Eugene's friends, along with Sean. Joy was roughly slamming Charlie's father up and down onto the snow by the ends of what looked like River's hair. After a minute he lay still on the ground, Luke pulled out Boss' fan, snapped it open, and Charlie's father was sucked in.
Charlie sagged, dropping to the snow in exhaustion, as the cold world faded around her to be replaced with real life. That was it. She was so tired...
It was a few days later, and Eugene and Luke, Joy, and Oliver were working together to sweep up broken glass from the office at Station 00. Eugene's station boss had called him out to help with it (Eugene was grateful for any number of work hours after sudden week of unpaid vacation), and his three friends had volunteered to come along and help, to make sure he didn't push himself too hard while still recovering from his ghostly injuries.
Luke picked up a large piece of glass and threw it into a bin. "Did Charlie tell you about how the ghost that kidnapped her was her father, who she'd killed as a teen?"
"Yeah," Eugene said. He was taking a breather at the moment, sitting on a beat-up chair. "Though I already knew beforehand."
"That's messed up," Oliver said, shaking his head as he swept.
"Yeah, it is," Eugene said, resting his chin on his knee. "I'm tired of trying to be hard on people for bad things they've done though. She regrets it, she's doing better. That's enough for me. Turns out a lot of people are less perfect than you'd hope they'd be."
Joy rested her chin on her broom to give Eugene a pointed look. "Does that include not being hard on yourself?"
Eugene sighed. "Yes, I'm sorry. I know I was stupid, I shouldn't have been trying to do everything on my own."
"We can help if you need us," Luke said. "We might not work at the station with you, but now that we're in on your secret, we can help out with ghost stuff."
Eugene frowned. "I'm still kind of peeved you guys went behind my back about that."
Joy put her hands up. "I get it! I'm sorry! I won't do it anymore, I've learned my lesson. Yes. It's my fault, that was invasive and not okay and we should've just talked to you." She rolled her eyes.
Eugene had the feeling she didn't completely regret it, but he was going to let it go. "I appreciate this."
"No problem," said Oliver. "I'm an expert at cleanup stuff."
"I mean..." Eugene looked down sheepishly. "Thanks for. Making sure I didn't get myself killed. For being my friends. And... sticking with me even if it's weird and I wasn't great at being open with you."
Luke walked over and threw a hand around Eugene's shoulders. "Dude, it's cool. Generally speaking, you have a right to your secrets, so long as they're not hurting you. But like you said, nobody's perfect. We still love you."
Eugene smiled, giving Luke a hug back. "Thanks."
Charlie stared at the headstone. Her full name was written out on it, her birth date, and the date of her death. A small note about her being a daughter and a friend.
She turned to look at Mike, who was hovering beside her in ghost form. "How did you know I didn't know where my gravestone was?"
Mike chuckled. "I didn't, not really. But I wanted to make sure you knew that you weren't forgotten. I visit it sometimes, like on your birthday. Your mom does too, by the way. She's still around, and she remembers you fondly."
"Wow," Charlie said disbelievingly. "Don't know how she manages that."
Mike punched her in the arm. "C'mon Charlie-Charlie, you gotta stop getting down on yourself."
Charlie rolled her eyes. "Easier said than done." She knelt down beside the tombstone. "It's kind of plain... not sure what I really expected. I didn't think too much about what it might be like. I think I kind of assumed there just wasn't one."
"It's been there this whole time," Mike said softly. "Well... at least you know about it now."
Charlie stood up again and looked at Mike. "Uh..." She rubbed her arm awkwardly. She wasn't sure how to end the interaction. "Thanks. I guess. This was cool of you. Sorry everybody was out of office and it was so hard for you to find me."
"It really wasn't that bad," Mike said. "I'm glad I was here to help when, uh... all that stuff went down."
Charlie slapped her forehead. "I'm so embarrassed."
Mike shrugged, looking amused. "Eh. We all have our cringe moments. You make fun of me for tripping on my shoelaces that one time, I can make fun of you for..." Charlie gave him a death glare, "...actually I'll probably just try not to bring this up."
Charlie looked away. "Well. Nice seeing you again. I guess this is goodbye."
"Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be. I only live like thirty minutes away," Mike said, thumb-pointing vaguely behind himself.
Charlie stared at him.
"What?" Mike asked. "You don't want to be friends with me anymore?"
"No! I mean, I do!" Charlie sighed. "I can't believe this is happening. Don't you want to move on from me? I'm dead."
"Er." Mike held up his hands helplessly. "I mean, from what I understand, you'll only be gone-gone for real once you get over all your angst and pass onto the next life, right? So we can totally still be friends until then."
Charlie looked him over. She still didn't completely believe he was real. The past had haunted her for so long, it seemed weird for something good to finally come out of it, for a friend to come back to her from the worst time of her life.
She spoke softly. "You're really not mad at me?"
"I'm really not."
Charlie relaxed. She smiled. Eugene wasn't mad at her after finding out the truth. Mike wasn't mad at her either. Maybe if they believed she could be better... she really could be. "Okay. Yeah." She looked back up at him. "I guess I'll see you around."
Mike grinned. "Count on it."
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a-sad-queer · 2 years
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tall woman does indeed have simps
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orizukuin · 8 months
This one took forever to do- but overall I'm honestly happy for it's outcome :>
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I did say we'll be starting with the Q&A once I upload the Character sheet in my style- (? At this time I'm still not sure if it's acceptable to call this one as a Character sheet- I tried my best...)
----- :
The Q&A is just for funsies/entertainment. ( Have a question for Charlie and Mike? Ask anyways! I'm sure they'll answer )
Please do keep in mind that the Character's surname is just an Headcanon of mine since they don't got a canon surnames. I search in the web for Korean surnames since the game was created by Korean Artists and Writers. Then landed with "Hyung-Seok" (for Charlie) and "Choi" (For Mike)
Charlie's personality is pretty much like in the game but with a side of candy sprinkles. Instead of avoidant,distancing themselves and pushing people away. Charlie's slowly opening themselves up and accepting to appreciate the little things that comes in their way. (Which sometimes make them feel weird since it's like a new feeling.)
We know very little of Mike's information in the game but we can see enough how understanding and caring he is. I think He got that light and warm energy around him that make others think instantly that Mike is a person that's a friend to everyone.
I don't own the characters, both characters were belong to Miltteok, Jiwoo, Team_344 and the people that worked behind the production/foundation of UWO/CIU
!!! : if you have played the game, I suggest you to try and check it out :DD !!!
((→ feel free to save/use for Reference purposes ONLY))
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velvetafterdark · 3 months
Ask the Cast 2.0!
Welcome, darlings! This is round TWO of Ask The Cast! Where you can ask the characters in cargo plane any questions your heart desires.
Whether you're curious about character motives, specific events, or even if you just wanted to gush about a favorite moment or quote to one of the cast members, feel free to send in an ask!
Here’s a link to the fic if you need a refresher.
This time, we're taking 20 asks! Like before, we have a "everyone gets one before anyone gets seconds" approach, barring anons who don't identify themselves. Keep in mind I can tell certain people by their writing tone and who/what they ask about even if they don't identify themselves, so if I get 18 asks for win/dblade, I'll probably be able to figure out who they're all from.
All published chapters are fair game. This ask game is non-canon to the story, so you don't have to worry about continuity issues.
You can ask a question to anyone who’s made an appearance in the fic. Characters who are merely referenced or mentioned (like airach/nid) won't appear.
To participate, put the phrase “Ask The Cast” at the start of your ask! If you have ooc questions for me, you can always ask those!
Star/scream is kind of cantankerous, so please don’t be offended if he takes a rude tone with you; it’s nothing personal.
I'll answer suggestive questions, but nothing that violates tumblr's guidelines (you'll have to pay me for that uwo)
If this post gets 30 notes before question 20, we'll extend the ask number to 30!
Happy asking!
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un-sub-stantial · 19 days
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A glitch in the system . . .
Rather than expunge the data that he enacted horrific events as a result of Dottore's meddling, Scaramouche's meddling with Irminsul has not only replaced his memory in everyone's minds, but also made manifest physical aberrations of his existence due to the intense compartmentalization of these stages in his life.
Kabukimono, fresh from the tail end of his existence within Tatarasuna, finds himself in Tatarasuna once more, lost and afraid in the wake of his village's ruins. Forced to move on with nothing to his name, he becomes a lonely vagrant with an aching soul.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Things keep happening for a reason that I can't explain . . .
This is a Genshin Impact RP account for the character Kabukimono - an earlier time in the Wanderer's life where his only betrayal was the abandonment by his mother.
I'm Uwo/Aven, 30+, he/him. This is a sideblog, my main is @uwo-kun.
This blog / iteration of Kabukimono doesn't belong to any specific verse, and can also function as an ask blog. I'm an artist, so sometimes my replies will come supplementary with art.
Feels like I'm falling into place . . .
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“there are boxes of clementines in the kitchen and the thing is that i love you again. the thing is that i love what orange tastes like so i eat too much of it and end up sick.” ― Alessia Di Cesar
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draw-over of irminsul from a screenshot & dividers by me ( @uwo-kun )
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pocket-ghostie · 1 year
The Underworld Office quiz has gotten over 100 takers!!! Glad to know everyone likes my funny little personality quiz :3
Also your responses to the "any fun uwo/ciu stories" questions are very fun to read :3
I think it's safe to say Charlie in Underworld broke everyone :'3
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kurochi2401 · 1 year
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You can call me Kuro or Kurochii! This is a NSFW DoL forcused blog.
I refer myself as Kuro so don't poke Chii too much, she is quite shy    uwo )
The contents i post may contain heavily forcused angst, mental issues and self-inflicted trauma about everyone in DoL. From my POV, nothing canon but imma go full-core for them.
But i promise a good end for them all! It's a safe room for the healing progress of my own and i appreciate it.
If you do know about me anywhere else, please don't call me out 😭🙏
○ art tag - #kurochii.png
○ thoughts/shitpost tag - #blankcanvas.notes
○ my gremlin pc tag - #Yoai the Scrutinizer
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ghostt-writerr · 1 year
The Rest of The Office Chapter 1 (UWO Fanfic)
The sound of snipping scissors echoed throughout the empty subway station. It was dark outside, midnight was only a few minutes away. The pale moonlight slipped its way through the window ajar above the doorframe of the Underworld Office. Near the desk sat an aggressive and sassy young lady, or young ghost for that matter. The ghost was full of shadows, the only presence of light was her slitted eyes, her black pupils focusing on the paper in her hands. Charlie crafted the paper into various different shapes, the sharp scissors cutting smoothly through the purple sheet of paper.
Snippets of paper were left scattered on the floor as the spirit held out the paper doll in triumph. The paper resembled a once familiar face to Charlie, though she constantly told herself she didn't want to remember him (or truly anyone else in her mortal life) she found comfort in his face. In the way his nose curved, in the way his hair was gently swooped up at the ends.
Tensing herself, Charlie made one final detail to the craft. She gripped her scissors in hand and snipped the upper part of his face. The cut resembled the scar Charlie had once inflicted on her only true friend, the reason she was sitting alone in the cold office late at night. "I'm sorry, Mike," Charlie whispered as she clung the paper tight in her arms, almost ripping it.
Suddenly there was a sound of a bell jingling and the flights being flicked on.
Charlie's blood ran cold as she scrabbled about trying to hide the piece of paper. The doll slipped from Charlie's fingers and landed softly on the tiled ground.
"Hey Charlie. Sorry I'm late, I was-" Eugene began rambling as he flung the door open. Charlie stomped on the paper, putting her hand on her chin as if she were listening.
Eugene was a kind young man, working at the office as the only mortal since he was merely 15. Since everyone else had either passed on or been sealed, Eugene and Charlie were the only ones left.
Now there was Boss, or maybe so. No one really knows where he went, wether he passed on or if he's mindlessly wandering the underworld.
Though sometimes the two feel a strange presence. Eugene always says it's Boss or one of the other workers checking up on them.
But that's stupid
"Now the-" Eugene paused. He looked down below Charlie's foot and at the piece of paper that was uncovered.
"What's that?"
"Oh it's nothing-" but it was too late. Eugene dropped to the floor and yanked the paper from beneath Charlie's foot, which caused her to spin around off balanced in the rotating chair.
"Wow your really good," Eugene complimented, peering at the paper art at different angles.
Charlie felt flustered and stamered a quick thank you under her breath. "Now who's this?" Charlie's eyes shot open in surprise at the question. "Oh I know! It's that friend you told us about from your life, right?" Though Eugene's intentions were harmless, Charlie reached her hand forward to grab the craft out of his hand.
Eugene moved it out of her reach and continued, "Miguel? Milo? Mi-Mike! Oh? Mike was his name, was it not?"
Charlie's blood boiled. "Eugene stop."
"You always spoke so fondly of him,"
Charlie gritted her teeth. "Stop talking about him"
Eugene didn't hear. "Though you never told us why you two stopped-"
Eugene let out a yell as he dropped the paper to the floor.
Charlie covered her mouth in shock, her eyes wide with fear.
Eugene covered his cheek with his palms and winced.
Charlie dropped her scissors at once and ran over to Eugene.
((Not again, not again))
"Eugene are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry!"
"Let me help you"
"I didn't mean to I swear,"
All of those were on the tip of Charlie's tongue, but instead of saying any words of reassurance
Charlie ran
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uwowrites · 2 years
sorry if another request is just too much for your health, please take as much time as you want;
i had a weird but still cute dream about uwo, where the whole office wanted probably to kill someone, but they were hiding it from boss so he wouldnt be worried, he seemed so happy, everyone knew about the real rules about bright and dark but noone was mad, eugene and boss seemed like really happy father & son duo playing together and smiling on a swing, boss even put his hat on eugene and i want to cry from happiness since i saw all that and the whole office ended playing together
so after all that, could you do some headcanons with boss spending time with office members like nothing bad ever happened ☹️🙏🏻 living their best lives as ghosts and caring about each other, zero problems and bad thoughs,, please please please <3
im begging on my knees
Of course! Even I like to pretend CIU never happened.
Also, no need to apologize for the request.
So, along with headcanons I though of before CIU came out.
Good god someone help this man handle his chaotic family (Platonic headcanons)
Boss & River:-
They just radiate too much sibling energy.
The bickering, the way they care about each other (Boss scolding Eugene for calling River to a place she couldn't go).
Although they argue and fight, they are the most effective and scariest duo.
Legit, threaten Eugene and these two will throw hands. You have the silent and deadly one teaming up with a carefree and strong fighter.
They have solved the most number of cases together.
And they have competitions about who has solved the most cases in the month.
River has challenged him to flying competitions.
The two have talked about their pasts. Although it took Boss a long time to open up, he started to view her as family (she was the first person for him to see that way)
River has seen Boss get mad before. She has seen him rage to the point where he stopped caring about mortals. It wasn't as though he became a bad person, he was sick of fighting and defending people who did such sinful things. While that time was brief, she admits that she would much rather prefer seeing him care about mortals than not.
He pushes River to solve cases. Not because he wants to overwork her, but because he wants her to get rid of her misdeeds. (I came up with this headcanon before CIU came out. So I didn't know about the whole misdeeds are decided by you thing.)
River speeds him up to date about the world. Even though he knows plenty since he has been a ghost for a long time, there are things which he doesn't have knowledge about (He is a boomer)
Boss & Eugene:-
The best father-son duo.
Boss has trained Eugene to use his fan.
Boss and everyone in the office has attended Eugene's graduation day.
Eugene has definitely asked Boss (and Joan) for help in history.
Boss watched over Eugene for a while after the teen became an official member of the office.
Eugene would come to Boss for advice.
After a while of being in the office, Eugene cracked his first dark joke and Boss laughed, hard. Everyone was shooketh and thought 'Oh damn. World is definitely gonna end today.'
Boss & Joan:-
Boss views Joan as a mother figure. (Now we know the real reason being his mom was hot garbage)
Joan would share stories about her days.
Boss learnt how to knit from her. She nagged at him for not having a life outside the office and he had no idea what to do besides stopping monsters. So she taught him how to knit.
They have visited her children together. She has even remarked how Boss felt like 'one of her own'.
Boss relies on her from time to time when it comes to making plans. Since she has experience in the military and war.
He sometimes asks her for advice.
She ensures he doesn't overwork himself.
Joan has taught him how to use her gun.
Boss & Hayden:-
After Hayden met Eugene, the kid became even more curious about school. So, Boss took him to a small one at night. He smiled fondly as Hayden swung on the swings and wrote on the board with chalk.
Boss would tell stories about kings and queens.
Other than Eugene, Hayden is the only one who Boss compliments openly.
Boss has sung to hayden.
He visits Hayden's parents with Hayden. There will be times where the kid cries and Boss holds him.
He has taught Hayden a few tricks about his fan. Not too much though.
He takes Hayden to the park to have fun in the kid's play area every weekday in the night. Less chances of running into mortals.
Boss would play with the cats Hayden befriends. He is particularly close with one kitten which he nicknamed '어린이' (Pronunciation eolin-i) which translates to little one in korean.
He takes Hayden to cat cafes.
Boss and Everyone:-
Movie nights. At first, Boss objected but he eventually did join them.
He remembers everyone's birthday. And tries celebrating it too.
Overprotective over every single one of them.
Once Eugene introduced them to monopoly, their family nearly tore apart. With Hayden pointing out the unfairness of the game, Boss quietly planning what places to buy, River chaotically buying all of them to piss him off and Joan trying to control her kids while trying to not land in Jail for the umpteenth time.
UNO was even worse. Boss would keep the best cards for last, River would try to trick her way to victory, Joan grumbling about how the game doesn't have proper rules and Hayden just winning without even trying.
Eugene is the poor spectator for both games.
If you think Wii is something they can play peacefully, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Let's just say, the last time they played it, the TV had a controller in just stabbed in the middle.
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jaerontaemo · 1 year
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230701 — Taeyong bbl update (late)
Everyone, sincerely thank you ㅎㅎㅎ I'm receiving so much love …. Really from now onwards i can only think of treating our czennies and y/n-ie well, seriously ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ I'll upload pictures of my birthday moments tomorrow ㅎㅎㅎ everyone spend the night well and tomorrows weather
!!! Will be well !!! Got it? !!! Our czennie don't get wet from the rain !!!
Uwo the weather today is totally goood
It looks reaaallyy hot....
Just …. am going to apply aloe on my face and eat weird ice cream...
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kittycat-92 · 2 years
I completed Charlie in Underworld yesterday and WOAH. What was all that. This game is a lot more angsty compared to uwo but that bonus ending got me. Everyone is happy. They all lived happily after after
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fulltidalwavecomputer · 8 months
I have like one solidified fic idea for the uwo/cuw fandom atm. I have written a plot outline already but I'm nearing deadlines for other stuff atm so it may take a while. y'all seem a little starved on ao3 (and so am I like-)
It is an AU btw. Silly oneshot au. I don't know if it'll appeal to everyone because of that. But I'm writing it regardless.
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a-sad-queer · 2 years
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horce-divorce · 8 months
just thinking about that time i was going to uw oshkosh,and they had done a real bang-up job of letting me "fall thru the cracks" during my transfer, so i had no advisor to speak to and had never been given an orientation or anything of the sort and had to figure out EVERYthing, from campus maps to their fucked up nonexistent parking (that was also under construction at the time, and I was commuting!) to titanweb, on my OWN. like, alone. i never even got an ID.
and THEN i had the GALL and AUDACITY to get sick midway thru the semester, and when i went to medically withdraw the dean of students' office did NOT inform me of the ramifications and fees, did NOT refer me to the head of financial aid for a consult as was standard, and in fact did not refer me to anyone else or any other materials/resources that could help. he just tried to talk me into signing up for different classes and got annoyed when i kept saying "i'll still be sick even if I change my major." he handed me the paperwork begrudgingly and without additional comment.
so anyway i go thru all of that and then immediately get a notice from uwo, during my first ever 2 weeks of homelessness, that i owe them about $1700 for withdrawing after the deadline and if i don't pay it asap i'm going to court. that was a really normal amount of stress to be under for a guy who had just withdrawn from school for being too sick to stay awake in class anymore and then immediately got kicked out for it. good times, good times
i've never paid it and they did eventually send me to the DOR, who put a lien on my bank account (for all the good it did, I've never had any income coming in, anyway). but also, my transcripts will be forever withheld as long as i owe this balance, and i'm gonna die drowning in student loan debt for... what! nothing! an education i was not able to complete. resources i was never given, connections i never even had the chance to make. I paid tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of having UWO fuck up my life for me. I could've done that on my own, for free!
oh, also, just thinking about how, yknow, years after all this went down, we found out two heads of administration were fucking embezzling from the uwo foundation. they 'were never accused of personally profiting' from this theft, despite the fact that NO ONE can seem to answer as to why they used uwo funds to help renovate things like an off-campus hotel. (I also heard rumors- like, actual IRL hearsay, nothing I can link to- that they bought a house or two during that time. idk how substantiated that gossip is, though.)
they took upwards of $11 million, bankrupted the foundation, and were sentenced to pay back $70k each in restitution. UWO's reputation has been forever and even further damaged, which is hilarious to me because it already wasn't great before this, at least not with anyone millennial age or younger, and not with anyone marginalized who's attended for even a few weeks. everyone my age knows it's one of the most physically unsafe UW campuses; a bunch of us also found out that hard way that they are financially unsafe, as well!
i'm FAR from the only person who had issues like this btw. in addition to the above, they did all kinds of unprofessional shit CONSTANTLY, like repeatedly "losing" my financial aid paperwork, and then magically finding it all of a sudden when my dad would call and get stern with them about having made/sent in copies in triplicate. My old roommate went to UWO briefly and they outright LOST something like $7,000 of his tuition. I don't remember exactly how it went down but I think it was at the beginning of the semester they kept telling him he still owed a bunch when his loans had already gone through, and they kept having similar "issues" of "losing" his documentation. (yes, this WAS, coincidentally, I'm sure, also during the time that the foundation was being ~improperly managed~)
I'm looking into the borrower defense loan discharge in the hopes that I can at least get my loans from UWO discharged. The time I wasted at UW-FDL and Milwaukee was my mistake, but I think I have a lot of grounds here to say that UWO misled me in multiple ways, especially about the nature of the money I owed and the withdrawal deadline I was supposed to know about. maybe if I had ever been assigned an advisor or given an orientation that wouldn't have happened?
unfortunately, the "judgement" subheader doesn't apply here, I don't think-- the criminal charges and judgement that were issues were against the former chancellor and cbo as individuals, not against the university, and I don't think university students were listed as victims here, somehow. in fact, I think uwo itself as an entity is the primary victim listed, as again, their foundation was bankrupt and it damaged their reputation so much etc etc.
Hilarious btw. I always hoped someone would pull a Papas Fritas on UWO, but if I got to see them die slowly that might be just as good. I'm not anti-university or anti-education or any of that. I've just been eagerly awaiting this particular school's downfall for over a decade. they ruined my fucking life, embezzled from me, told me to my FACE "whoopsies!! oohh sorry that shouldnt have happened to you ;( anyway, pay up," and have been holding my transcripts hostage while demanding I pay them back for the privilege ever since :) 👍
yknow just. having my little morning thinky thoughts!!! tee hee!!!
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Reed Elementary Comes to UWO!
3rd grade students from Reed Elementary School visited campus today to have an exciting time learning about nature and biodiversity! Students did a variety of fun projects including nature journaling, experiments comparing biodiversity, and more. The day concluded with a game illustrating the web of nature which was fun and exciting for everyone involved!
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