#lunatic parade sub scenarios
Hey admin, just wanna know. Would you want Rejet to make another game? Whether for translation purposes, just to have more content to enjoy or anything? They haven’t released a new game since 2019 aka Chaos Lineage and we haven’t gotten any news bout House of Vampire yet. I really do wish we get a new game just to have some more relevant content other than merch (I don’t have a problem with the merch itself. It just feels like they’re shoving it to our faces just to get that bank but maybe they’ll use that bank to further improve their games or other equipment for other projects who knows)
Also, thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve been putting out!! <33 ❤️
Yes and no?
The type of game DO I want:
-> A light-hearted story similar to Vandead Carnival and Lunatic Parade, featuring more sub-scenarios in which the characters interact with each other and not just with the MC.
-> An alternate universe setting like Chaos Lineage in which the characters find themselves in a completely different setting from usual.
The type of game I DO NOT want:
-> A main series game which introduces yet another character/set of characters, as well as random lore which has never been touched upon before and honestly doesn't make sense in the overall canon. :'')
That being said, I still have all of LE and CL to translate so I'm honestly not that upset about there not being a new game release announced yet. That just means it gives me more time to catch up. :3
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Kanato Sakamaki Sub-Scenarios– (Subaru)
[Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]  [Final]
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Shin  Carla  Subaru  Yuma
Here, at a point Subaru’s language turns into formal, which is unusual. In English, there’re no formality level, unlike Japanese. Still, I tried my best to translate it perfectly. If you’re playing the game, then just keep in mind that “desu”/ “desu ne”, “masu”, kudasai are formal, that Subaru never uses.
Place: Glimmer street, Main Street 
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Yui: (The candies were distributed in the street, I am fine by receiving it but what should I do with this.)
(Skulls and crossbones are drawn on the package decoration, so to be honest, I don’t have a taste of it…)
Kanato: Tell me Yui san, can I have that candy?
Yui: Eh, yes sure.
But is that okay? It doesn’t look so tasty though…
Kanato: Yeah, I am not really gonna eat it. I want to use it to have fun.
Yui: Having fun…? What do you mean?
Kanato: Just watch it, you can understand.
Oh, Subaru has shown up in the perfect place, let’s call him out.
Yui: Eh...but why Subaru kun?
Kanato: His rude attitude towards me from before had been making me anxious for a while.
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This candy can cure him. Fufu, just watch it.
Yui: (It can cure the rude attitude of Subaru kun…? What does that mean…)
*After a while*
Kanato: Hey Subaru. I’ll give you this candy.
Subaru: ...Haah!? Why so suddenly…
Kanato: It’s a gift from me. Here, eat it right now.
Subaru: I can’t.
Kanato: I am telling you to eat it, so hurry!
Subaru: So, I’m telling ya that I can’t!
Yui: Ka- kanato kun, he isn’t willing to accept it so, let’s not push him…
Kanato: Annoying, just be silent.
Yui: B- but…
Kanato: ...Tell me Subaru. You’re my little brother, right?
Subaru: So what?
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Kanato: Isn’t it common sense to respect one’s big brother?
If you don’t obey me then I’ll throw away that coffin of the living room.
Subaru: HAAH!?
Yui: N- no way…! The coffin is very important to him so it's awful to throw that out…
Kanato: But that’s a bother.
Plus, I can compromise it at once. If you eat this candy then I won’t do that.
Subaru: ugh…
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Kanato: ...You refuse if I throw it, no? You need that coffin, right? If so then…
Subaru: ...Got it. I just need to eat it, then I’ll!
Kanato: Fufu, the brothers who are open to having conversations are a great help. Here you go.
*Subaru eats*
Subaru: …..mnn….
*Subaru’s language turns into formal*
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Well...the taste is not bad at all…
Yui: EH!?
(His way of speaking is…)
Subaru: 一gh, E- excuse my rudeness...what is the meaning of these!?
...Oh no, again…!
Kanato: Pftt, Hehe…
You did it again...hehe...haa, so weird….
Wherever you’ll eat this candy, your tone will turn more polite.
It’s very popular candy in the demon world these days...you didn’t know it huh.
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Subaru: There is no way I will know! You idio-... willingly forced me to eat this despite knowing it’s effect, right gh! (Halfway sentence formal + Half informal)
Yui: (Somehow his speaking tone sounds as usual though, I think it didn’t work that much…)
Kanato: Hehe, it’s more interesting than I expected, I didn’t even imagine that honorific leveled language won’t suit you at all…
Subaru: Oh dear, please don’t mess around like this….! Hell...I want to go back to my original form in an instant!
Yui: Su- subaru kun, calm down…!
(His way of speaking is formal but he's the same as usual…!)
Kanato: ...You could just throw it out.
Subaru: ...You mean what?
Kanato: I am saying that why are you eating the candy so naively?
You will become normal if you just take the candy out of your mouth.
Yui: Oh...you’re right.
(Subaru kun should be aware of this at least then why didn’t he…?)
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Subaru: It can’t be helped! It’s super yummy that I somehow can’t make it a waste...okay! *blushing*
Yui: Eh, so that was the reason….?
Kanato: ...As I expected, Subaru is an idiot.
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: ENG / ESP, Laito Sakamaki (+Reiji Sub scenario)
Another surprise! This will be just for the sub scenarios, but the lovely @violet-sin and I translated all of his missing sub scenarios in English and Spanish! I hope ya’all are enjoying this little collaboration we made, enjoy! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
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--- English ( @kyouxa )
Place: Glimmer Main Street — Tart • Tatan
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan. Ahh.
Yui: But, everyone is watching... it‘s embarrassing, can we please stop?
Laito: Uhh, what are you talking about now?
If you say such a thing, you might ruin the amazing mood, do you really want that?
Yui: Uhh... alright.
Laito: Now, open your mouth if you understood it. Ahh ♪
Yui: Yes... Ahh...
Laito: Nfu ♪ How is it? Isn’t it delicious?
Yui: ... Yup.
Laito: Then, this time Bitch-chan is the one who is going to feed me. Let’s go.
Yui: (What should I do ... we are seen by so many people. It’s way too embarrassing)
Reiji: Oya, you guys. I did not expected to meet you in such a place.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Hello
(Ah, that may have saved me...)
*Laito backs off*
Laito: What is it Reiji. Don't just disturb our precious love-love time like that.
Reiji: Haa ... you really do not care about what exactly you do.
However, as a member of the Sakamaki family, you shall be more careful not to do extraordinary acts in such places.
Laito: Yes, Yes.
Reiji: Good grief ... If I do not keep an eye on you, I will be constantly worried about what you will do.
Yui: Then... would Reiji-san like to have a cup of tea with us together?
Laito: Eh!? Hold on Bitch-chan, what are you talking about? Right now, isn’t it just time for the both of us?
Yui: (I know ... but, we keep doing this embarrassing things and I need an excuse for it!)
H-Hey! The store is pretty crowded right now... wouldn’t it better to have a companion?
Reiji: Although I am unwilling to sit together with the both of you ...
As you said, this crowd is really unavoidable.
*Reiji pulls Laitos chair*
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Reiji: Look Laito, change your seat real quick already.
Laito: Hold on! What are you doing?
Reiji: I am sorry. Could you please add the tea to this seat then.
Laito: Uhh! Because you’re Reiji, you'll usually get this seat! It’s impossible.
Reiji: Be quiet in this store! As soon as I finished drinking what I ordered, I will immediately leave this place.
Haa, good grief ... even if Laito will act like this forever, his behavior is unreasonable.
It at least seems as if you are able make any right decisions ... you may not need a few hundred more steps.
Yui: T-Thank you……
Laito: Haa, there is so much tension going on.
Reiji: Now, may we enjoy our tea together?
Laito: Hurry up with drinking and go somewhere else~
Reiji: I am sorry that I interrupted the two of you, I will leave as soon as I finished.
...Hmm? This is…! Ngh!
*Reiji stands up*
Yui: Ngh!! Reiji-san... ?
Laito: For you to suddenly get up like this, what happened to you?
Reiji: The temperature of this tea is unacceptable! Not at all suitable and the flavor is way too spoiled.
Even if the store is crowded, this kind of taste shall be a disgust to the other customers.
Yui: (Reiji-san’s voice now caught the attention of all the customers around us ...)
Reiji-san please calm down ...
Reiji: Do you think I can calm down anymore!? I will head to the kitchen for a moment right away.
*Reiji leaves*
Laito: Woahh... Hey hey, Bitch-chan.
Wouldn’t you say that Reiji got you in a way worse situation than I did~? Nfu ♪
Yui: (Surely ... but, every gaze I got was awkward. I need to leave this store as soon as possible ...)
--- Spanish ( @violet-sin )
Lugar: Calle principal de Glimmer - Tarta • Tatan
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Laito: Sí, Bitch-chan. Ahh.. 
Yui: Pero, todos están mirando ... Esto es vergonzoso, ¿podemos parar? 
Laito: Uhh, ¿de qué estás hablando ahora?
Si dices algo así, podrías arruinar el estado de ánimo, ¿realmente quieres eso?
Yui: Uhh ... Está bien.
Laito: Ahora, abre la boca si lo entendiste. Ahh ♪
Yui: Sí ... Ahh ...
Laito: Nfu ♪ ¿Qué tal? ¿No está delicioso?
Yui: ... Sí.
Laito: Entonces, esta vez Bitch-chan será quien me va a dar de comer. Vamos
Yui: (¿Qué debo hacer? ... Tanta gente nos está viendo. Es demasiado vergonzoso)
Reiji: Oye, muchachos. No esperaba veros en un lugar así.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Hola.
(Ah, eso puede haberme salvado ...)
*Laito retrocede*
Laito: ¿Qué pasa, Reiji? No molestes en nuestro precioso momento de amor-amor de esta manera.
Reiji: Haa ... Realmente no me importa lo que hagas exactamente
Sin embargo, como miembro de la familia Sakamaki, debes tener más cuidado de no hacer actos polémicos en esos lugares. 
Laito: Si, si.
Reiji: Dios mío ... Si no te vigilo, estaré constantemente preocupado por lo que harás
Yui: Entonces ... ¿Le gustaría a Reiji-san tomar una taza de té con nosotros juntos?
Laito: ¿Eh? Espera Bitch-chan, ¿de qué estás hablando? En este momento, ¿no es solo para los dos?
Yui: (Lo sé ... ¡pero seguimos haciendo estas cosas embarazosas y necesito una excusa para ello!)
¡H-Hey! La tienda está bastante llena ahora ... ¿No sería mejor tener un compañero?
Reiji: Aunque no estoy dispuesto a sentarme con los dos ...
Como dijiste, esta multitud es realmente inevitable
*Reiji mueve la silla de Laito*
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Reiji: Vamos Laito, cambia tu asiento ya. 
Laito: ¡Espera! ¿Qué estás haciendo? 
Reiji: Lo siento. ¿Podría agregar el té en este asiento entonces? 
Laito: ¡Uhh! Como eres Reiji, ¡generalmente tendrías este asiento! 
Reiji: ¡Cállate! Tan pronto como termine de beber lo que pedí, inmediatamente dejaré este lugar. 
Ja, qué pena ... Aunque Laito actuase así para siempre, tu comportamiento no es razonable.
Al menos parece que puedes tomar las decisiones correctas ... Es posible que no necesites unos cientos de pasos más.
Yui: G-Gracias ......
Laito: Haa, hay tanta tensión.
Reiji: Ahora, ¿podemos disfrutar nuestro té juntos?
Laito: Date prisa con beber e irte a otro lugar ~ 
Reiji: Lamento haberlos interrumpido a los dos, me iré tan pronto como termine.
... ¿Hmm? Esto es…! Ngh!
*Reiji se pone de pie* 
Yui: ¡Ngh! Reiji-san ...?
Laito: Si te has levantado así de repente, ¿qué pasó?
Reiji: ¡La temperatura de este té es inaceptable! No es del todo adecuado y el sabor está demasiado malo
Incluso si la tienda está abarrotada, esta clase de sabor será desagradable para los demás clientes.
Yui: (La voz de Reiji-san ahora llamó la atención de todos los clientes que nos rodean ...)
Reiji-san por favor cálmate ...
Reiji: ¿Crees que puedo calmarme? Iré a la cocina de inmediato.
*Reiji se va*
Laito: Woahh.. Hey, Bitch-chan
¿No dirías que Reiji te puso en una situación mucho peor que yo ~? Nfu ♪
Yui: (Seguramente ... Cada mirada que recibo es incómoda. Necesito salir de esta tienda lo antes posible ...)
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tournesolia · 5 years
Lunatic Parade Ayato Sub Scenario w/ Ruki Translation
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Place : Sugar house
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Yui : Wow, these sweets are amazing... ! They look like real gems ! It's so beautiful...
Ayato : Hmm, they may be pretty but it's still sweets. They disappear once you eat them
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Ruki : You're just a child who only pays attention to eating them and doesn't understand their beauty, Sakamaki Ayato
Ayato : Aah !? What's your problem !?
Yui : Ah ! So Ruki-kun comes here as well
Ruki : Yes. Actually, Yuma told me about this shore and I got curious. So I came here to see
Ayato : There's stores like this one everywhere. Is there something interesting or what ?
Ruki : Yes. It seems you can participate at a certain game when you choose your favorite sweets
Yui : A game... ?
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Ruki : Apparently, only one real gem is mixed with the goods in this confectionery
Yui : Eh !? Is that so ?
(But... I don't know at all which one is a real gem or a sweet...)
Ruki : And if you manage to find the real gem, you'll keep it
Ayato : What's that ? Looks like a treasure hunt, that sounds interesting !
Hey, breastless ! Since we're here, let's do it !
Yui : Okay... !
Sugar house clerk : Welcome. Are there three customers who want to participate at the game ?
Yui : Yes
Sugar house clerk : Then... Please choose one at a time from these
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Yui : (Eh... ? There are so many ! I can't distinguish them at all...)
Ruki : …
Ayato : What's the trouble, you two ?
Ruki : Be quiet... I lost my concentration
Yui : (Even Ruki-kun is struggling after all...)
Ruki : We're narrowed down to three choices... I can't distinguish them with their radiance...
Ayato : The Great Me's gonna find it in one shot
Ruki : What ? There's no way you can--
Ayato : Which-one-should-I-pick...
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Ruki : Hmph. There's no way you'll find it at random
Ayato : Alright ! The red one !
Red is Yours Truly's color, I'll definitely pick it !
Sugar house clerk : So you're choosing this one, correct ?
Ayato : Yep. There's no doubt !
Sugar house clerk : … Congratulations ! This is the real gem !
Ayato : Look at that ! As expected of the Great Me !
Yui : Ayato-kun, you're amazing !
(I can't believe it, he really found it...!)
Ruki : Heh... You just got lucky
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Ayato : Oh, shut up ! What matters is that I found it, lucky or not
And even if I tell you that, you'll just make excuses... Now let's go, breastless
Yui : Y-Yes !
*Ayato and Yui leave
Ruki : Sakamaki Ayato... Does he actually have something special ? … No, it's just my imagination
Sub scenario : End
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(I have used the reference of Lunatic parade shu sub scenario with shin just so you by mistake don't get confused.) [Shin sees shu sleeping on a bench so he walks up on him and sits on his stomach] "Last time you slept on me right ? now this is my revenge!"
Ah... It is you...
Look, do me a favor and play dead or whatever that dogs do... Go play fetch somewhere else.
If you are a big furball, I will sleep on you. It is comfortable, and that is all that I care about.
[*look at Shin*]
... And you're not big and fluffy right now. So, get lost.
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... ... If you're not moving...
[*HIP THRUST SHIN*] [*watching him jump out*]
Hehehehe, careful to not like it.
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sakyou · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade: Mukami Azusa (Sub scenario w/Laito)
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(I came here with Azusa-kun to get something to eat but...)
(In such a lovely shop i’m kind of nervous)
Laito: Oh oh~? In a place like this, are you two in the middle of having a pleasant meal together?
Azusa: un...do you want to eat with us Laito-san....?
Laito: Ah, i’m fine. I just happened to be passing by that’s all don’t mind me
Azusa: I see...
Laito: Look. That aside, if you don’t eat the food will get cold
Azusa: un....then, lets eat....
Yui: Yeah, you’re right.
Laito: Hold on! Azusa-kun, what are you doing!
Azusa: Eh....? I thought I would put the napkin around my neck...
Laito: You shouldn’t do that. Napkins should be folded in two and placed on your knees....here
Azusa: Is that so....I, didn’t know....thank you....
Azusa: Then, back to eating...
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Laito: Ah, Stoooooop! Hold on! What are you doing this time!
Azusa: I thought I would take a drink of water....
Laito: In that case, why are you picking up the finger bowl?
Azusa: Eh? ....that’s because there’s water in this...?
Laito: Just because there’ water in it, doesn’t mean you drink from it!
Laito: That’s there for you to wash your fingers in. That’s why you definitely shouldn’t drink from it
Azusa: I see.....thank you for telling me, Laito-san...
Laito: Geez, i’m kind of worried
Laito: Is there anything else? Is there anything you don’t know how to use?
Laito: If you would like, i’ll show you right now
Azusa: Well, then...
(Laito-kun is the youngest of the triplets, and has a strong image as the youngest but)
(Surprisingly he has a side to him like a helpful big brother. He’s so kind)
Azusa: Thanks to Laito-san, after this it seems like we’ll be able to eat with proper manners...
Laito: Really? Then i’ll believe in your words it’s about time I leave
Laito: If there’s anything you don’t know then next time ask Bitch-chan to show you okay?
Laito: Reiji is usually saying all these things so she should know
Laito: Have fun and enjoy your meal. Well then, bye bye~
Azusa: un....goodbye....
*Laito leaves*
Azusa: Laito-san was really cool ne.....I should follow his example...
Yui: fufu, that’s right
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Azusa: un. First....I have to buy the same hat as Laito-san
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: From there, I have to call Eve Bitch-chan ne....
(Could it be, he plans to copy him from his appearance....?)
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maimaiotome · 4 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS - [LUNATIC PARADE] Carla Sub-Scenario with Kanato - English Translation   NYAAAA!?   (=ↀωↀ=)
! The Translation + script,  video & graphic-editing as well as the subtitle timing was made by me.
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ayatosschlong · 5 years
credit to @vampiretsuki for the original masterpost 
let me know if there are any mistakes or if links aren’t working
last updated: October 1, 2020
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Haunted Dark Bridal
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven Prologue - Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 - Heaven Epilogue
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More Blood
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 
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Vandead Carnival
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Finale
Sub-scenarios: Reiji - Ruki - Kanato - Subaru (this one is in English) - Shu - Kou - Azusa - Laito - Yuma
Sleeping Vampire
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Dark Fate
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 
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Lunatic Parade
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Finale
Sub-scenarios: Shu - Kanato - Reiji - Azusa - Laito - Carla - Yuma - Subaru - Kou - Ruki - Shin
Care For Vampire
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Lost Eden
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3
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Chaos Lineage
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15
Endings: Labyrinth Ending - Euphoria Ending - Heaven Ending
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DLMB Sakamaki Ayato Prequel
DLMB Sakamaki Ayato Sequel
Anthology 1
Anthology 2
MB Anthology 1
MB Anthology 2
Sweet Play
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Drama CDs
Do-S: translation + audio
More, Blood: translation + audio
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Kanato Sakamaki
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Earl Walter stole Yui's heart and replaced it with Kleinod. Yui and Kanato went to the earl's castle to ask for it back, but he wasn't there. They were advised to try find the butler to ask where his master was. Kanato wanted to get some rest first so they headed to a hotel. Due to the parade, the hotel was fully booked, Kanato demanded to see the manager - who recognized Kanato was Karlheinz's son and ordered staff to prepare the best room for him. While they filled in the accommodation card, the receptionist asked if Y was his friend, and Kanato replied: “She is my wife" (♡´艸`)
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K: Hey Y, do you hate becoming a vampire that much?
Kanato told Y if Kleinod broke, it'd still be fine because he'd turn her into a vampire and they could be together forever. Y couldn't make a decision abt becoming vampires yet, Kanato got upset that she didn't understand his feelings and ran out of the hotel room. Y ran around town shouting his name looking for him. Seeing her desperately trying to find him, eventually Kanato came out in front of her. She must be tired from all the running so he suggested going to eat. While eating, Y suddenly fainted. Kanato brought her back to the hotel, he apologized it was his fault causing Y to run around earlier, he was very worried that if she remained human and someday she will die, he'd really hate it, he wanted her to stay with him forever. Y told him again that she wanted to find her heart first before making a decision. Kanato respected her decision and agreed to help get her heart back. 
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K: If you don't use cunning/dishonest means, you won't get the things you truly want.
They went to Reine de Aji general good store (Aji the lady owner here is the younger sister of Saba - the shop owner in Vandead Carnival game) to ask abt the butler. Aji asked them to get her the forbidden apple pie before answering. This forbidden apple pie was extremely popular and too many people queuing to buy, Y said this couldn't be helped and was drinking smoothie talking to Kanato in this CG. He wanted to use his dad’s power to get the pie but Y wanted to find other ways. 
A boy bumped into Y, spilling smoothie all over her clothes. Kanato was angry demanding the boy to apologize to Yui properly and the boy started crying. Y told the boy she didn't mind, it's alright. The boy apologized to both of them and ran away, then came back with his Dad - who was the forbidden apple pie shop owner. The Dad said Y forgave his son with a smile, she was a kind vampire (Y noticed that he mistook her as a vampire) so he wanted to gift Y a forbidden apple pie. Kanato accepted it but Y wanted to return the pie bc she didn't treat the boy kindly to receive rewards. Kanato got mad (bc he wanted the pie to exchange for the butler's info) and ran off. Y tried to follow him, she bumped into the boy and he said his Dad was testing Y, it was actually a poisoned apple pie; if Y was a genuinely kind person, she'd return the pie.
Kanato arrived at the shop, giving the pie to Aji, but now she said she didn't remember any promises with Kanato?! She was happily having the first bite when Y rushed in and warned her abt the poison. Aji was skeptical but Yui's face didn't look like lying. Aji thanked Y, said from the start she didn't plan to tell Kanato the butler's whereabouts, but for Y, she'd help. The butler liked medicine herbs so when the Earl was away, very likely the butler would be at the Smaragd volcano to gather them.
Kanato told Y he found it strange why the Earl still put the Kleinod inside her after stealing her heart, and he felt like everybody they met in town today were testing them. He worried abt Y's health and suggested returning to the hotel to rest. Y slept and had a dream abt a mysterious man telling her: he granted her wish, since he took the heart away, she didn't get into any troubles with the vampires; the Kleinod can work forever, the Sakamaki lied to her abt it being temporary because they want to suck her special blood. Y woke up to a worried Kanato but she lied that she didn't remember this nightmare well enough to tell him. She trusted Kanato but she got anxious if he would still love her without the special heart. 
Y and Kanato went on a gondola to get to Tirkiss waterfall near the volcano. The scenery was very pretty, Kanato said in town they couldn't enjoy the parade so they should take a break now, they know the butler is here, no need to worry. A fortune-teller lady invited them to try her shop that was famous for accurate love fortune. She gave Y a cup of tea to drink up then looked at the remaining tea leaves to predict that Y was having doubts abt Kanato. Y denied this but suddenly her body felt hot, her consciousness started fading and she fell into the water. Kanato jumped straight into the water to save her but the water was strong, she realized if going on like this, he’d drown...
K: ... Quiet! Only I can decide your fate. Don't die without my permission, I won't forgive you!
Y got drifted away and couldn't see Kanato anymore. She woke up in a cave with Kanato collapsed nearby. She was very happy he was still alive. She apolozied and told him the truth abt the dream. He said he only knew those kleinod to work temporarily, and:
K: Besides ... Even if the heart disappears, I will always love you. It's more important to me that you are alive than being able to suck your blood. I thought even if I don't say it in words, you already understood ... but seems like I was wrong. I ... love you *kiss*
Suddenly lots of bats appeared <Minigame Whack a Bat>
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K (patting her head): It's a reward for your working hard (fighting the bats in the minigame). I’m praising you. 
After beating the bats, it wasn't likely that the butler was here so they should return to the hotel. Y sneezed, Kanato asked if she was cold, checked her forehead and sensed a bit fever, told her to give him her hand bc it'd be troublesome if Y collapsed (aweee) Y saw somebody collapsed and ran over to check even when Kanato didn't want them to get involved. This man woke up and explained he was picking up a rare moss growing inside a cave that has poisonous gas even to vampire. He bowed his head to thanks Y and Kanato for saving him. They noticed he had a red granite stone on his forehead and they realized he was the butler! Y explained her situation, the butler could only give them the card written by the Earl hinting the location: On the full moon night, when it raises the crown at the very high peak, I'll return. (sorwy, I don't understand what this means TwT)
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Y thought the Earl could be either at the tower or the mountain. Unexpectedly she overheard the girls nearby talking about the Zatan's mouth at Diamante fountain: if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it's said that a disaster may occur to you e.g. splitting up with your lover. Kanato was very cool put his hand right in and got the answer: The Earl will appear at Onyx tower. Y asked if he wasn't scared of losing her, but he said: “If that happens, I will take you back. It's not likely that you belong to anyone else but me...”
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They came to the tower and Earl Walter was there. He said he’d return Y's heart with a condition that she vowed to part from Kanato forever. She replied that he was wrong, he didn't take her most important thing. There's no way she'd exchange the 2nd most important thing (her heart) for the most important thing (Kanato). Kanato was very happy to hear her feelings. Suddenly the tower started to crumble and they got thrown outside, Kanato managed to catch her and said: 
K: Y! Don't leave my side. Hold on more tightly. Please don't let go no matter what. I will definitely protect you, now and ...in the future. You can stop worrying, it'll definitely be alright. I love you... I love you.
When Y woke up, she and Kanato were in the Earl's castle. He said he did want her heart but he realized that Y and Kanato were worthy of keeping such a treasure hence he returned it. Kanato demanded him to show his face but he refused. He hoped they would enjoy the festival and he needed to leave for his next target to steal.
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Y had fun at the parade because Kanato was at her side. The forbidden apple pie shop owner gave them an apple pie (not poisoned one this time yay) and Kanato fed Y from his fork
Y: ... It’s extremely delicious! Just like you said Kanato!
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K: That's good. You can eat the rest.
Y: Eh, is it ok for you Kanato? Does it not suit your taste?
K: No, it's not that. Because, as expected, I like this better *kiss*... Fufu, thanks to you eating the apple pie, this feels sweeter than usual *Nnn....n...Nnn.....*. You're a special. Y, to me you're probably the forbidden fruit. I love you ... From now on, you're mine and mine alone, forever ....
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Care for Vampire:
K: ... Thank you. Thanks to you, Y, I've felt much better. Let's sleep together like this. If you sleep with me, I will get well. (...) From today, you will be my personal pillow. ... Are you happy? ... Fufu, me too. Please let me hug you like this forever...
I really like Kanato's sub scenario with Carla. Kanato requested room service to hold a sweet party just for the two of them in the hotel's guest room aaaand Carla was eating their sweets there. Kanato was getting grumpy but Carla complimented Kanato's taste in choosing sweets - esp the religieuses that have high artistic value and sweeter than anything he has eaten, he’d ask Shin to get it for him - making Kanato smile again. Then Carla, Kanato, and Yui ate religieuses happily ever after hahaha. Just like my sis-in-law said, it's nice to see my old man and little boy getting along (人´∀`) The route is sweet, Kanato always worried abt Y’s health, he jumped straight into the water to save her, I squeaked for 15′ when he said Y is his wife haaa(˶′◡‵˶)It's just... I guess bc Yui's heart was missing, there wasn't any sucking blood scenes, only a few kissing scenes at the end, my ears starved playing this oughhh ;u;
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otomehonyaku · 4 years
Wanna answer every other question too? Cuz I’m kinda curious what you’ll answer! (*ゝω・)ノ
Yeeeeees sure!! Then I’ll hereby invite you to do the same hehe (((o(*°▽°*)o))) I’ll leave out the ones that I’ve already answered!
2 Do you like Laito’s fedora?I personally don’t really like fedoras in general but it suits Laito’s character really well!
4 How did you find the fandom?I think through Tumblr a looooong time ago? I played the first game in 2013 or 2014 when I barely knew any Japanese, and then I ran a scenario/headcanon blog for about a year in 2016/2017 (and deleted it afterwards rip) during which I began properly learning Japanese, and now here we are back at it again as a translation blog!
5 Who’s your favorite parent?Hmmm…….. I don’t really know that much about the characters but after picking up some bits on Christa in Lost Eden I really want to know more about her!
6 What is your favorite picture of the brother/brothers?Tbvh that new merch with the boys in those edgy harness thingies…….. it’s a yes from me
8 Who would you want to cuddle with?Yuma!!!!!! He’s a solid unit and he looks like a great cuddler
9 Do you hate anyone in DL?Lol hate is a bit of a strong word but the only character I personally don’t really like is Kanato
10 Do you ship anyone?Yuma’s and Shuu’s (lowkey) bromance gives me feels but no shipping hehe
13 What do you think of the fandom?Not really sure! I’m not that active in the fandom outside of posting translations and stuff and playing the games from time to time, and I do like reading some blogs’ headcanons/oneshots, but otherwise I’m….. neutral, I guess? Hehe
14 Are any of your friends/family into DL?I rarely meet people irl who have played the games omfg one of my friends has seen the anime and someone else I know from uni has apparently played the first game but otherwise it’s just the people I’ve met on Tumblr!
13 Sub or dub?10000000% subs. Dubs make good memes sometimes but that’s about it lol
16 Have you played the games?I haven’t played every single route but I own all the games except Lunatic Parade!
17 Describe each brother with one word.This is gonna be a bit tentative (and more than one word) but here we go…..Ayato: Basketball fuckboyShuu: Sleepy boye but persistent boyeReiji: Tea enthusiast and keigo but probably owns some whips and handcuffsSubaru: Good-willed but will smash a wallLaito: Hentai…… just hentaiKanato: Spoiled bratRuki: Bookworm but probably owns some whips and handcuffsYuma: Vegetable garden yeehaw daddyAzusa: Smol wounded baby that needs some therapy Kou: Idol fuckboy with very nice eyesCarla: His Highness the KingShin: Lowkey furry, probably would do it in wolf form Kino: Otaku
18 Do you think Kanato is scary or cute?Neither ( ̄  ̄|||)
19 Which brother would you trust the most?Uhhh……… probably Ruki or Yuma
21 First thoughts compared to your thoughts now?I don’t remember my first thoughts on the games tbh……. I’ve always thought it’s a really unique series, I guess? It’s almost a complete inversion of the otome genre and I think that’s really interesting! I know to take some things (the cruel/abusive bits) with a grain of salt but I really like the dark setting in general and depth of some characters
22 Which brother is most like you?Oh man I have no idea???? Maybe I’m a bit like Shuu because I’m exhausted all the time but that’s about it omg
23 Your thoughts on Teddy?Nothing in particular (´• ω •`)
25 What do you think of DL haters?To each their own, right? I get that some people don’t really like the kinda cruel nature of especially the earlier games, but as I’ve seen some people on here point out before—that doesn’t mean people who play DL are into those kinds of things irl! Live and let live hehe
26 Has this fandom made you more sadistic/masochistic/other?………..In all honestly I do think this franchise has contributed to me being a huge sub and my bf teases me for it lol
27 Who was the first brother you fell for?Good ol’ Ayato, probably!
28 Would you ever show your parents DL, and why/why not?There will probably be some kind of mention of DL in my thesis so my parents will probably get to read some things about it there but otherwise no (⌒_⌒;)
29 Do you drive a Subaru?The only car I have at my disposal is a relatively old Peugeot but I’m more of a Volvo (and public transport) kinda girl hehe
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dialovers-blood · 5 years
Subaru's favourite older brother is Shu. He once cried a bit because he thought Shu had died. (Lunatic parade Shu's route sub scenario with subaru)
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Which "date with" scenario did you like the most? (My personal favorite is the "Date with Tsukinami"). And what do you think of Lunatic Parade in general?
I liked 'Date with Mukami' the most because I'm a simp when it comes to Mukami interactions. They're just such a lovely family. ;w; I felt like their scenario felt the most like one cohesive story instead of little sub-stories all tied together, if that makes sense?
Also Azusa is such an angel. T _ T I'm so glad he got the little heart-shaped carrot from the curry because he deserves it lol.
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knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios– (Shin)
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Place: ティルキース滝 / Tilkeys Waterfall
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Yui: Waah...! What a splendid waterfall!
Ruki: You’re right. Particularly the weather of this place.
Yui: Mhm, it feels so good.
Ruki: I wished such kind of place would situate near the mansion but...
Yui: Let’s look for that next time.
Ruki: We will.
Shin: Looks like you’re in an excellent relationship.
Ruki: ...Tsukinami Shin huh.
Shin: That sounds very carefree and great idea to make promise for a date so smoothly.
Yui: Date...?
Shin: You were the one to say it. Going for searching out an waterfall together.
That’s rather should be called date, yeah? Ruki is making a calming face, but he’s darn happy that he’s can help it I guess?
Ruki: ...I question it.
Shin: Even if you simply settle it like this, I won’t cut it out, ye’ know?
Almost no body is here so this place is pretty quiet at this moment...
If I wouldn’t have jump in two of you then what would you plan to do together, I wonder.
Yui: I- I didn’t really thought anything like...
Shin: May be you took that normal, but what about Ruki?
Ruki: Just come here to visit the waterfall. No other intention than that.
Shin: You sure it’s just for that?
Ruki: There’s nothing to do here other than that.
Yui: (Ruki kun is cold as ever...)
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Shin: Tch...! Why the heck this guy isn’t getting agitated?
I thought to see him flustered by guessing right.
Yui: (Shin kun has come here to tease us off with that.)
Ruki: I won’t get flustered just by getting mocked off like that.
I have been regularly conducting myself to hold on my calmness all the time after all.
Shin: Hmm? If you’re that confident, then what about teaching me then?
How can I possibly be so cold minded like that.
Ruki: Fine by me. Since it’s the best place as there’s a waterfall.
Yui: Ruki kun, what on the Earth you’ll do?
Ruki: Speaking of waterfalls, there is a waterfall-line for meditation. Firstly, to stay calm, he gotta throw off wordly-thoughts from his mind.
Yui: Got ya. You mean he can free his mind from wordly-thoughts if he meditate sitting under the waterfall.
Ruki: Yeah. Come on, Tsukinami Shin. Let’s get started.
Shin: Haa? That’s just gonna make me soaking wet. I’ll refuse by any means.
Ruki: But you told me to teach you.
*Grabs Shin*
Shin: Hold it! Don’t grab my arm without permission!
Ruki: If founders just sway themselves with thoughts then their majesty won’t be very last long. 
I’m gonna guide you through these so hurry up at once.
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Shin: Oi, lemme go! I said I won’t do this...!
*They starts walking to the waterfall*
Yui: (I didn’t thought that he’s gonna go for meditating at the waterfall with Shin kun...)
Ruki: Now, stand here quickly.
Shin: Hey, seriously, only this one...!
*Shin falls in the waterfall*
Shin: KYAAA!!
Yui: (...Is he okay...?)
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: ENG / ESP, Laito Sakamaki (+Ruki Sub scenario)
Another surprise! This will be just for the sub scenarios, but the lovely @violet-sin and I translated all of his missing sub scenarios in English and Spanish! I hope ya’all are enjoying this little collaboration we made, enjoy! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
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--- English ( @kyouxa )
Place: Demon world — Saint no Park
Ruki: .....
Laito: Oh... ? What happened to such a poor face in a place like this?
Ruki: .....
Laito: Let’s see, what are you reading?
*Laito snatched the paper*
Ruki: Sakamaki Laito... Don‘t just take people’s stuff as you like to.
Laito: Okay, Okay... Hm? Is that a crossword puzzle?
Ruki: Yes. There are a few more questions left, but it is quite difficult.
At that time, you‘ve been already coming in my way. If you understand, return to where you came from as soon as possible.
Laito: What is with that attitude? Then leave this one to me! I’ll do it for you in an instant ♪
Ruki: You shouldn’t be able to solve problems which I can’t solve either—
Laito: Ah, the vertical one is "Yuenchi"
Ruki: ...Hmph, no way.
Laito: Well, don’t just fill your head with all the doubts you have. Look, I’ll write it down!
Ruki: .....
Laito: So the next one seems to be "Cosmos"
And the last part is "Kuketsuki"
Ruki: ..... !!
Yui: (Wow! Thanks to Laito-kun, the remaining trout filled up in no time)
Laito: Nfu ♪ Do you understand why I told you to leave it to me now?
Ruki: Why ... What kind of trick did you use on it ...?
Laito: What kind of trick... all you need to do is focusing more on the crossword.
But, that may be a little bit too difficult for our poor Ruki today~
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Ruki: No. Let me try to understand it. Tell me instantly.
Besides, your accompaniment probably wants to know as well?
Yui: Yup!
Laito: Hmmm, I see... That means you really want me to spill my secret? Really? Then the trick is—
Nfu... after all it’s a Se • cr • et ♪
Ruki: What the... !
Laito: Look Look, you should calm down. I’ll promise to tell it to you soon.
But, first of all, do your best with your own powers. Yes?
Ruki: ...Ngh. I would have done it even if I wasn’t told to. Goodbye.
*Ruki runs off*
Yui: (Ruki-kun... he went away with a very regretful face)
(But still, Laito-kun was really amazing)
Laito: ... Hm... pff, hahaha!
Haa, Ruki is really an interesting one.
Yui: Eh?
Laito: I used a trick I’ll especially tell only to you Bitch-chan ♪
*Laito comes closer*
Laito: Actually... the answers were on the page which looked a little folded.
Yui: Ehh?
Laito: That’s why I was able to tell him the answers as fast as possible.
Yui: I-Is that so...
(I just thought for myself that is was cool that he could solve the problem so quickly)
(... But, that may be Laito-kun’s own way to show off his intelligence)
--- Spanish ( @violet-sin​ )
Lugar: Mundo Demonio — Saint no Park
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Ruki: ..... 
Laito: ¿Oh ...? 
¿Qué pasó con esa cara tan triste en un lugar como este? 
Ruki: ..... 
Laito: A ver, ¿qué estás leyendo?
*Laito le arrebató el papel* 
Ruki: Sakamaki Laito ... No tomes las cosas de la gente como quieras. 
Laito: Está bien, está bien ... ¿Hm? ¿Es eso un crucigrama? 
Ruki: Si. Quedan algunas preguntas más, pero es bastante difícil.
En este momento, ya te has metido en mi camino. Si entiendes eso, vuelve a tu lugar ahora mismo.
Laito: ¿Qué pasa con esa actitud? ¡Entonces déjame esto a mí! Lo haré por ti en un instante ♪
Ruki: No deberías de poder resolver problemas que yo tampoco puedo.
Laito: Ah, el vertical es "Yuenchi"
Ruki: ... Hmph, de ninguna manera.
Laito: Bueno, no te llenes la cabeza de todas las dudas que tengas. ¡Mira, lo escribiré!
Ruki: .....
Laito: Entonces el siguiente parece ser "Cosmos"
Y la última parte es "Kuketsuki".
Ruki: ..... !!
Yui: (¡Guau! Gracias a Laito-kun, lo que quedaba restante se llenó en poco tiempo)
Laito: Nfu ♪ ¿Entiendes por qué te dije que me lo dejaras a mí? 
Ruki: ¿Por qué ... qué tipo de truco usaste...?
Laito: Qué tipo de truco ... todo lo que necesitas hacer es concentrarte más en el crucigrama.
Pero, eso puede que sea un poco difícil para nuestro pobre Ruki hoy ~
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Ruki: No. Déjame tratar de entenderlo. Dime.
Además, ¿tu acompañante probablemente también quiera saber, no?
Yui: ¡Sí!
Laito: Hmmm, ya veo ... ¿Eso significa que realmente quieres que te cuente mi secreto? ¿De Verdad? Entonces el truco es:
Nfu ... después de todo es un Se • cre • to ♪
Ruki: ¡Qué demonios ...!
Laito: Mira, mira, deberías calmarte. Prometo decírtelo pronto
Pero, antes que nada, hazlo mejor que puedas con tus propios poderes. ¿Si?
Ruki: ... Ngh. Lo habría hecho incluso si no me lo hubieran dicho. Adiós.
*Ruki se marcha*
Yui: (Ruki-kun ... se fue con una cara muy arrepentida)
(Pero aún así, Laito-kun fue realmente increíble)
Laito: ... Hm ... pff, ¡jajaja!
Haa, Ruki es realmente interesante.
Yui: ¿Eh?
Laito: Utilicé un truco que te contaré sólo a ti, Bitch-chan ♪
*Laito se acerca*
Laito: En realidad ... Las respuestas estaban en la página que está algo doblada.
Yui: ¿Ehh?
Laito: Por eso pude decirle las respuestas lo más rápido posible.
Yui: E-Es eso así ...
(Solo pensé que era genial que pudiera resolver el problema tan rápido)
(... Pero, esta puede ser la forma en la que Laito-kun muestra su inteligencia)
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tournesolia · 5 years
Lunatic Parade Ayato Sub Scenario w/ Shin Translation
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Place : Leena de Aji’s shop
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Shin : Huh ? You guys came at the right time
Yui : Ah, Shin-kun. What's the matter... ?
Shin : I found something interesting just now, you wanna know what ?
Ayato : Tch, it's eyepatch glasses. The Great Me ain't time to deal with you
Shin : You got a special invitation from me, a founder
You don't know how amazing the thing I'll show you is. Will you decline before you see it ?
Ayato : Tch...
Shin : Well, I won't force you...
Ayato : If you insist, I've got no choice but keep you company
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Yui : (Ayato-kun is really curious...)
Shin : Hmm. Well, your talk is annoying but it's fine
Look at this. It's a mirror that can read your mind
Ayato : What's that... ? It has a suspicious smell. You're lying, aren't you ?
Shin : We're in the Demon World, right ? Anything could happen
Ayato : Okay, if you insist. In that case, read inside my mind
Shin : Aah, alright... But looks like this mirror is more curious about this woman here
Yui : Eh... ? Me ?
Shin : What's inside this woman's mind is... Heeeh, “Ayato-kun's bloodsucking is always violent and painful. The others are better”...
Yui : (Eh !? But I didn't think that...)
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Ayato : That's a lie. There's no way she would think that. The Great Me's the best, right, breastless ?
Yui : Yes...
(It's true but declaring it in public is embarrassing...)
Shin : Tch... He didn't get fooled
Ayato : The Great Me doesn't have such mirror, but he knows what she's thinking when he looks into her eyes
And that's why he knows what you're thinking right now
Shin : Eeh ? You're very confident. Then try to guess
Ayato : … You're thinking “Big brother's annoying and pisses me off. Stop being bossy and order me around”
Shin : Ha ? What are you saying ? That's not right
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Ayato : Think about it. Everyone who has a big brother would normally think that, right ?
'Cause Reiji's always annoying. Nagging about manners or some shit like that
Even that muffler does that kind of thing, no ?
Shin : … Well, there are times where he's like that
Because big brother seems to be particular about personal belongings
And I must be very cautious to not have a messy appearance
Ayato : How annoying. They should let us do whatever we want
Shin : I don't wanna be associated with the likes of you but it's not impossible I think the same
Ayato : They're annoying and pisses us off too much
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Yui : (Huh... ? There's someone over here...)
Hey, Ayato-kun, Shin-kun
Ayato : Aah ?
Shin : What ? You're noisy
Yui : Carla-san is...
Shin : Eh !? Big brother !?
*door slam
Yui : … He left
Ayato : Pfft, he listened to our conversation just now ?
Shin : N-No way... W-Wait a second, big brother !
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Ayato : You got busted thinking your big brother is annoying
Shin : You just talked me into doing that ! It wasn't what I really think !
Ayato : Even if you tell me that, it's meaningless
Shin : Damn it, it's your fault ! I'll remember that !
*Shin leaves
Ayato : Haha, he's fully panicked
I got my revenge for showing me that fake mirror
Yui : (Ah, so that was it... Anyway, I wonder if Shin-kun will be okay)
Sub scenario : End
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tabooneko · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade - Sakamaki Laito /sub scenario with: Yuuma
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We prepared another sub scenario for you ;D
Since DL Chaos Lineage game is coming out this month, I want to finish translating Vandead Carnival asap. So you can expect new chapters soon~
Translation: @kiruriru-art QC: TabooNeko
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Place: Diamant's fountain
 Yui: Huh? Is the one standing in front of the fountain Yuuma-kun?
Laito: Did something happen?
Yui: Let's call him.
Yuuma: Haa... As I thought, it’s so good.
Yui: (It looks like he's drinking water from the fountain and scooping it into a container.)
Laito: Waah... just like some kid raised in the wilds...
Yuuma: Oh, you guys came for some water too?
Laito: Huh? There's no way we would do something like that!
           Anyway, what for are you taking it?
Yuuma: Huh? It's good, so I thought 'bout taking it home to water my land.
Yui: Hee! The vegetables will be happy too.
Laito: Fuun. So, growing vegetables is that much fun.
Yuuma: Yeah, it's fun. Depending on how you do it, taste and shape of your end result 'll differ.
               And if you try crossbreeding you can make new kinds!
Yui: Hee. So you can make something like that too?
Yuuma: Yeah! But it's not that easy to do.
Laito: …So, you can make vegetables that'll make you feel good after eating them?
Yui: Vegetables that will make you feel good...?
Laito: Un. Like catnip for cats!
           If Bitch-chan ate it she would definitely come to me to spoil her.
Yuuma: The hell 's that. That smells dangerous...
Yui: (I don't really want to eat that kind of vegetable too...)
Laito: Eeh, why not! So, you can make something like that?
Yuuma: Aaa, if you think 'bout making something ain't that possible?
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Laito: Really? Hey, hey, tell me what should I do?
Yuuma: Huh? Don't know that far.
Laito: Huh! Do you really don't know? Don't pretend and tell me!
Yuuma: You're annoying. I said I don't know!
Laito: Why~. Weren't you talking about vegetables so cheerfully just a minute ago.
Yuuma: 'bout normal vegetables!
Yui: (What should I do? Yuuma-kun seems more and more irritated...)
Yuuma: I ain't interested in making some nasty vegetables you thought 'bout, you dickhead.
Laito: Fuun. So even Yuuma doesn't know how to make it.
           I know! So from today on let's start making vegetables that'll make us feel good! The 3 of us!
Yuuma: Huh!? Why the fuck I have to help!
Laito: Hey, It's a creation of new vegetable, right? Wouldn't it make a good learning experience for you too?
Yuuma: No way in hell it will!
Laito: Eee~. I'll share with you after we grow the vegetables!
Yuuma: Ain't need that... ugh. I'm tired after talking to you... I'll count on you later.
Yui: E!?
        Ah, Yuuma-kun!
Laito: H-hey, wait! Even though we're in the middle of the conversation!
           Uun...What should I do to make the vegetables...
Yui: (It doesn't seem like Laito will give up... I can't support him at all though.)
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