lunemarii · 4 years
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Hello! I realized that after more than a year, I never posted the final piece for socceryaroze on this account. It.. was a mess, and a good part of the reason why I left the fandom in the first place. 
Either way, I felt like it was long due for me to post it at last, to close it up completely. Bye!
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
❤ @lunemarii ❤
heyo! I’m your secret santa!! I wrote you something Taiyou centric for a pokezuma au! I’ve seen you like him and Larvesta a few times so thought it would be neat to write out!! Anyway, hope your holidays are a good one!
title: Towards the Sun characters: Amemiya Taiyou summary: Taiyou is finally heading home, but excitement and doubts plague his mind. He’s really glad that there’s someone beside him. {pokemon au}
A bright, orange haired boy sits on the wooden deck of the ship, dull blue eyes sparkling as his gaze was cast ahead. He's focused on the unseen, something that lays past the waters that splash against the ship, yet remains underneath the sunny sky. Unaware of his own actions, the boy leans forward, slightly, slowly, as he waits for his home region to appear from the horizon. The thought of returning home causes his legs to bounce, makes that smile on his face grow, gets his heart to start racing due to the excitement of what's to come.
The small fire bug curled up in his lap begins to stir, easily reading his trainer's mood. If it weren't for feeling the impatient twitch of his legs, the smile and determined glint in his eyes would have given it all away. The Larvesta moves in Taiyou's lap, looking up to the human and patting at his chest in order to gain his attention.
Taiyou blinks as he's pulled back into reality by his partner. That smile is still kept on his face, though turns into a softer one when looking to that familiar Pokemon of his. A hand is raised and placed upon the small bug, repeating a back and forth motion on that warm, white fur.
"You doing okay, Apollo? Is the sea bothering you?"
The Pokemon gives a shake of his head to the last question before attempting to have this small legs reach to the human's chest. It causes him to blink in surprise before letting out a short chuckle.
"Oh, you're worried about me, huh?"
He should have known that Apollo could pick up on the little changes in his heart by now. The little guy had been with him for so long, how could he not?
Apollo had been a gift, as an egg, from his grandparents on his tenth birthday. Being sickly and unable to start his journey like the other trainers, they wanted him to still have a Pokemon of his own. And an egg would be a nice surprise for him, they thought, as it would contain a Pokemon from his home region. (They never told him what Pokemon would hatch, of course, they left that as a true surprise.)
He certainly loved the gift nevertheless. And he loved what hatched from it, dearly.
The moment the egg had hatched, Taiyou had never let the small bug out of his sight. He kept the Pokemon by his side, bonded with him. The two became an inseparable pair.
"You're so warm!" He chirped with the Pokemon in his hands, holding him up in the air. "And I remember legends say you used to come from the sun…" A phase, his head tilts, yet thoughtful eyes never leave the Larvesta. "If you're going to have a name…how about- Apollo?"
The first memory with his partner was cherished, but so where all the other memories. Every and any moment were special with Apollo. The Pokemon had managed to make his dull life more eventful during his years staying at Verdanturf in Hoenn. Even if he couldn't really go out and battle or train (he was strictly told not to by his nurse), he still found ways to have fun with his new partner.
Life would have been terribly boring without Apollo. Verdanturf was a rather (too) peaceful and quiet town. Being stuck indoors was a literal hell before getting his hands on that lucky egg of his. This little creature had saved his life, gave him a ray of hope, a spot of happiness.
Lost in his thoughts, Taiyou hadn't stopped petting the Pokemon. Coming back from them caused the boy to pick up the fire bug and pull him towards his chest, easily feeling the warmth from his small body radiate onto his own.
"You're a great little guy, Apollo, you know that?"
The Pokemon glances up to his trainer before legs begin to wriggle and a happy cry escapes from him. Taiyou holds him for a while longer before pulling back and letting him rest in his lap once more.
"Can you believe it? We're finally going home…and finally going to start our very own journey together!"
It was something he'd been waiting for- just dying for this day to come. Even if his condition still wasn't the greatest, it had been deemed stable enough for him to return home. There was debate about him starting his own journey, warnings about how he shouldn't overexert himself and should take it easy. But, he wouldn't take no for an answer. While he was supposed to keep an eye on his health, take breaks and the occasional medicine (and more), it didn't deter him from chasing after his dream. Not one bit.
Or so he liked to believe.
Taiyou couldn't help but wonder about the future. If things would be as great as he imagined and if he could really live up to the life of a trainer. He knew that he could handle himself in battle, Apollo could too. (They knew this from their little 'secret' escapes outside the town and into the nearest route.) But, he feared about his condition taking a turn for the worse and how it could steal everything away from him in just the skip of a heartbeat. He truly wanted to follow his dream and he'd live it no matter what, but…what if he didn't make it all the way? He was fine doing what he could, but the thought of leaving Apollo (and his future partners) was something that bothered him.
Apollo was all he had. And he couldn't dare think of leaving his best friend all alone. Maybe he was overthinking, fearing for the worst. It was a silly thing, a silly voice in the back of his mind. Maybe he was worrying over nothing. What did that voice know? But, maybe-
The feeling of something soft brushing against his hand snaps him out of his worried thoughts. Again, the little Pokemon knew what his trainer was thinking and was only trying to get him out of this troubled mood.
"Sorry. I guess I never really did think this day would come…" The smile on his face flickers for a moment before he pulls Apollo in for another hug. "I've always dreamed of going on an adventure with you. And it's only a matter of time before I can finally live it. But…I wish I wouldn't have to worry about myself. Normally I wouldn't, but now…"
The Pokemon interrupts, beginning to nuzzle at Taiyou's cheek now that he was close enough to do so. A cry is let out and Taiyou swears that he can understand what he's saying, almost hear those lovely and reassuring words. It makes him light up, despite not knowing if he imagined those words or not.
"You're right. With you by my side, I'll be okay. I know you'll be looking out for me. And as long as we're together, we'll be an unstoppable pair!"
He gives Apollo one last squeeze before getting to his feet, Pokemon now being carried in his arms. He takes small and careful steps towards the railings of the ship, now getting a better view of the vast ocean before him.
A breath is taken, the ocean breeze gently pushing against his body. The air was different out on the ocean, saltier compared to the fresh air he had become accustomed to in Verdanturf.
"Grandma said I should visit mom when I get back home. But you know, it's been a long time since I've been around Castelia. So, I think a little detour should be okay. Besides, I'm definitely getting us a Casteliacone!"
Hearing the name of the treat caused the Pokemon's eyes to sparkle. He could recall all of the treats his trainer had listed from Unova. The thought of having the cold treat soon made his upper legs wriggle in excitement.
There was a quick glance down to see Apollo's reaction before looking back out towards the horizon. There was still time left before his adventure would truly begin. As excited as he was, staying out on the deck until that hour came wouldn't be much fun. He wanted to have some fun here- a small adventure with his dear partner before the big one began.
"Why don't we go and take a look around the ship again? Waiting around isn't going to do either of us any good. And maybe we'll find someone to battle! Or at least another trainer to speak with."
The Pokemon nods his head in agreement and Taiyou smiles in response. Apollo begins to crawl out of the boy's hold, climbing up his chest and getting comfortable on a shoulder. Once Apollo is ready, Taiyou turns on his heel, walking on the wooden deck and back into the ship, hoping to start his new adventure off right.
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inazumafocus · 5 years
ALL Major (and minor) Inazuma Eleven Characters Tier List!
Due to a lack of complete lists on the internet, I decided to make one myself with all major and minor characters of the OG, GO and Ares/Orion series so far!
🌸 LINK 🌸
💕Please check this out and do it/share it so everyone can see it and post their personal list💕
Also here’s mine~ you can tag me in yours if you want!
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Tagging someone who might be interested:
@shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @ygreczed @kingslance @xxlovelyrose95xx @zibiremu @midorikawawas @lunemarii
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rayrukh · 5 years
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i was originally just a writer for the @socceryaroze zine but due to circumstances i became the graphic designer, this was my favourite page in the zine because i asked every artist if they wanted to draw a small chibi just before the credits section! not everyone who wanted to was able to draw their own, so some artists stepped in to draw extras, but i've still credited them to the people who they are attributed to.  it was a lot of fun seeing everyone's different art styles come together and i'm very proud we made it happen
in appearance order from Endou to Nae:
@sapsnips / @ygotrans / @toseuteu / @maddy-the-clown / @nosakkayuuma / @fyunz / @vispero / @astrobreaks / @humantoaster / @soccermohawk / @beebeef / @etherealshubunkin /  @a39512 / @mizukamiyaseiryu-u / @jyoukido / @linabigface / @kouteipengvins / @neetanating / @chromaticafe / @Raikachu / @mehringguie / @nahoqo_desu / @AsukaKojou / @frannipan / @lunemarii / @Toriko_Hana / @_snu / @namocchiart / @rayrukh / @arumikat 
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inazuma11memes · 6 years
I’ve reached the unreachable
I can’t believe I can finally say this but..I’VE REACHED 500 FOLLOWERS 😭😭
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Thank you so much for the this big amount of support. Honestly, when I started this blog in March, I didn’t think I would get 500 followers. I got to know a lot of people who have been a huge support for me, and I’m really glad we could communicate by the power of this fandom. My closest friends, who I want to say thank you more personally, are:
@sinfonylanglader & @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 : With the help of you two, I could overcome problems which were standing my way. You are my best friends, and I can’t be thankful enough, that you support me. I hope we will be able to meet next year, but prepare the tissues ‘cause I gonna cry a river in front of you, guarding angels 😭❤️
@calmystorm-saltycandy : Yo twin! I can’t even remember how many times you could cheer me up even by simply speaking to me. Your ideas should fill a book, because whenever the problem comes up, you have something to say and it really helps. People need creators like you. ❤️
@vraberika : You are one of those people who I’ve met through fate, seriously. A kind, precious, supportive friend who is a sakka baka and I actually got to know through the internet, realizing that we live in the same county. I’m happy I could meet you, and I hope we will be able to see each other again sometime. 😭💕
@karindalayson : our styles and behaviour matches so much it’s starting to get unbelievable! I’m just so glad we can talk with each other. It feels good during the day. I definitely didn’t regret posting my black clothes ❤️
@miss-shiota & @therealruney & @theoriginalsfan124 : We don’t really talk much, but we are still mutuals! I like you and your style, and I’m glad you are a part of this fandom! 😍 Wish we could be a big family though.
@gracyfangirl2020 : Your constant prescene makes me cheered up. You always have a good mood, and you are always fangirling 😂❤️ not even mentioning your drawings which you send me sometimes, I really like them❤️
@thekisetsumanagers @lunastarward @lunemarii @jenanimus : I am glad you support me by liking my stuff! It’s nice to see how I can provide some conent to other people on the internet, assuming that they like them. That’s exactly why I love to keep this blog up. Because of people like you. ❤️ thank you.
@zafiro-satoshi & @inazuma-eleven-translations : Huge THANK YOU for the content you make. I always love to see your convos on my dash, your fangirling and your art & translations. It helps my soul honestly? Really, just thank you. 💕
@emypony : Thank you for taking a big part of the discord IE community. When I have spare time I often read convos from there, and it helps me a lot, even if I’m not interactive 😭 sorry about that😰 but! I see your work and I look up at you for looking after so many ppl and managing servers, out of your own time. Thank you!
Shoutout to all the artists! The stuff you make is valuable. I have never seen a community being this close to each other, and I’m glad I can be a part of it. All the artists I admire, deserve attention and love. Please let me tag you here.
@xxlovelyrose95xxartbook @love-yukimura @calmystorm-saltycandy (yes, writing is art too ❤️) @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @inazuma-eleven-translations @zafiro-satoshi @positive-inazuma-doodles @gracyfangirl2020 @lunemarii @emypony @shimelody-art @ygreczed @producktions @vraberika @aishakami and Lynneryon (would you tag them please..?)
Phew. This happened to be a long post. Since I really appreciate you all, I’m gonna take requests! For now, 5 of them. But you can find that post here!
And thank you again!😭❤️
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hiimera · 6 years
Tagged ^^
I was tagged by @fubuki99bae
Nickname: Pixel/Star
Time: 14:43
Fav. Band/Song: Skillet
Song stuck in my head: The scooby doo theme song XD
Last movie I watched: How To Train Your Dragon
Last thing I googled: Cats
Do I get asks? Nope XD
Why did I choose this URL? Meh idk XD
Following: Many amazing people ^^
Dream trips: Space
Fav. Food: ICE CREAM
Zodiac: Cancer
Scent: Rain? idk
Colour: blue and purple
Animal: animals.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea ^^
Average hours of sleep: O.o 4?
Fav. Fictional character:  Way to many to list
Fave Artist:   Way to many to list²
Time to tag some peeps XD:
@mellythedork @time-s-get-faster @shuntheshrimplord @lunemarii
I want to tag more people but idk who XD
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emypony · 6 years
so, remember my gmail account being hacked?
yeah here it is- how could I have forgotten about this site lol? THANK U @lunemarii
Either way, my gmail:
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I can’t believe Patreon and WoW could have done this to me. I dont even USE both of them anymore!!
funnily enough i tested the password and they said it was ‘safe’ gg.
Yahoo kinda went even worse, lol
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I can’t even remember if I USED xSplit in 2013. 
tumblr maybe, but i’ve had another password for it back then and even so accidentally deleted my account
dafont i trusted you lmao
Anti Public seems to have been something by russians again, and Pemiblanc is the only recent thing that could have happened. 
look im sorry BUT I TOLD YOU FRENCH IS EVIL. anything related to it can STAY AWAY FROM ME!!
tested the password on yahoo  - who the scammer asshole tried to threaten me with- and it WAS compromised twice apparently, so i mean, whatever.
also im sorry but this was just too beautiful not to add
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I still laugh at this everytime i see it oh my god
thats true though.
also lets forget about the fact that it’s 3 am, yeah?
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lunemarii · 6 years
Hello, due to Tumblr kind of killing itself I just want to remind everyone that I have a twitter :
So yeah if something happens I'm out there too!
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realruney · 6 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @psychochangerx and @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 ! Love y’all! :3
Tag ten followers you’d like to get to know better! @ygreczed @iulliiana @someatsu @lunemarii @xxlovelyrose95xx @producktions @dokidokihearteater @lisonari @justapotatowriter @emypony And anyone who wants to join in!
Name: Rune
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”/164 cm
Sexuality: Asexual
What image do you have as a wallpaper:
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This wonderful present from the wonderful @ygreczed <3
Where do you see yourself in ten years: Hopefully with a degree and a job and maybe a partner, lol
If you could be anywhere else right now, where: Japan, maybe. I’ve always wanted to go. I’d also love to go back to the UK
What was your coolest Halloween costume: I was once Pikachu for two years in a row and it was fantastic
What’s your favorite 90s show: Um...I don’t really have one, yike. I don’t watch much TV and I only watched a little as a kid
Last Kiss: It was like a year and a half ago XD I’ve had one boyfriend and I haven’t had another (nor another kiss) since then.
Have you ever been stood up?: You can’t get stood up if you’ve never been on a date XD
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Nope, and I don’t plan to.
Favorite pair of shoes: My black sneakers. I will wear them everywhere
Favorite Fruits: Bananas, Cherries, and Grapes
Favorite Book: I adore the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. I also love some Stephen King.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Worn my pants to school backwards and didn’t figure out until 4th period when my entire class saw it when I went to go pick up a paper. And then, instead of admitting my mistake, I was so embarrassed that I tried to claim that was the way the pants were “supposed to go.” Lord, 6th grade me was a mess...
Favorite Gif:
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inazumafocus · 5 years
I really can’t believe it and I’m forever grateful to yall for being here, even if you don’t stop by that often, thank you for wanting to see my content 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Also ehehehe 626
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Special thanks to my beloved friends for always having my back~ @ygreczed @midorikawawas @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 @funips @zibiremu @miyabinopenguin @lunemarii ily guys💕💕
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inazuma11memes · 6 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @sinfonylanglader ! <3 Thank you so muuch sweetie.
1. Nickname? Eszti (real name nickname) Tefy, Teffie
2. Myer-briggs type? ENFP-T
3. Star sign? Cancer
4. Height? 169 cm
5. Favourite feature? My hair and body shape
6. Favourite colour? For clothes, black, white and pastel, for other things, aqua blue and pastel colours
7. Favourite food? Cordon Bleu
8. Favorite animal? Wolf
9. Dogs or cat? Both
10. How many pets do you have? 1 dog, 1 cat
11. Average hours spent sleeping? 6-8
12. Number of blankets you sleep with? During winter, one warm, during summer, one less warm
13. Number of pillows you sleep with? Two (one big and one small)
14. What’s your dream trip? America (Florida or California) Japan
15. Best places to visit in your town/country? Statue of Liberty, Heroes Square (Budapest, Hungary)
16. Favourite ice cream flavour? Lemon, Vanilla
17. What’s an ideal day like for you? Hanging out with friends, get outdoors, but at night, read a book, listen to music, draw, relax.
18. Favourite book/book series? Sherlock Holmes Series, Beautiful Series (By Jamie McGuire)
19. Favourite movie/movie series? The Fast and The Furious, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock
20. Favourite video game/video games series? Detroit: Become Human, Sly Cooper ps2-ps3 game series
I tag: @vraberika @producktions @ozrockbitway @lunemarii aaand I guess that’s all <3
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redking907 · 6 years
3 Fandoms Tag Game
I was tagged by @kiarikakawaiii , thank you so so much! ^^ We havent talked in a while but i hope u are okey!!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
1.-Inazuma Eleven
2.-Katekyo hitman reborn
The first character you loved:
1.-Kozume Kenma
2.- Sawada Tsunayoshi aka Tsuna
3.-Sakuma Jirou
The character you never expected to love so much:
1.-Oikawa Tooru
2.-Flan (reborn)
The character you relate to the most:
1.- Tsuna
2.- Kozuma Kenma
3.- Lambo
The character you’d slap:
1.- Kira Hiroto ares
2.- Mukuro Rokudo
Three favorite characters:
1.- Fubuki twins, Midorikawa, Kenma, Kageyama Tobio, Tsuna, Reborn
2.- Too many
3.- Too many
Character you liked at first, but don’t like anymore:
1.-No one
2.-No one
3.-No one
The characters you didn’t like at first, but do now:
1.- Skull
2.-Endo believe or not
3.-Tsukishima and his brother
Three OTPs:
1.- all haikyu teams mom and dad pairs
2.- Tsuna and Reborn
3.- Hiromido
Thank u so much Kiarika!! This was so fun!! I tag: @producktions @ludoforevah19 @lunemarii @minty-ocean and ofc if u have done it sorry, if not have fun. Kiarika tagged most of the ones inwas going to so i dont. Like @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 and@vraberika and @feryuzi :)
Ofc everyone can do this
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ygreczed · 6 years
Tag game
SOOOOOO @inazumafocus​ tagged me for this game ! It’s been a while since the last time I���ve played at something like this !~ Well, let’s go !
And SERIOUSLY NENE ?! You’re born the exact same day as my little sister !!!
And I tag @cam-arty, @ayumi-walker, @lunemarii and @cryuusei. Hope Tumblr with notify you guys, have fun !!!
Name: Jung-Charlotte (my name is half korean, half french, just like me lol... Jung means “honesty”)
Nickname: Cha, or Minou (which is a pun because “Cha” sounds like “chat” in french which means “cat”, and “Minou” is the equivalent of “kitty”)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn (9th january)
Orientation: heterosexual bi-curious ? (or bi, I really don’t know and well, I don’t care)
Nationality: FRENCHIE
Favourite Music Artist: I love punk/pop-rock like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Mayday Parade but some very important bands for me are Owl City and Smash Mouth (emotional connection)
Favourite Fruit: no kidding, banana. I don’t eat much fruits. Does cacao count ?
Favourite Season: Winter and Spring, I have skin problems since I entered middle school so I theorically can’t expose myself to the sun... which means Summer is a pain for me. And autumn is too rainy.
Favourite Flower: I LOVE CARNATIOS, coton flowers and “ne m’oublie pas” flowers (”don’t forget me flowers” in english, I don’t know its real name, it’s a tiny blue flower)
Favourite Scent: I love cinamon scent and honey scent. Also the smell of the rain is fascinating to me too,and YEAH CUT GRASS IS A BLESSING FOR MY NOSE
Favourite Colour: red, (blue and purple too)
Favourite Animal: cats and dogs (but I’m still more of a cat person)
Favourite Subject: Physics-Chemistry (Biology and Maths to a lesser extent)
Favourite Movie: I HAVE SO MUCH !!! Star Trek remakes by JJ Abrams, Harry Potter saga... But also Seven Years in Tibet and SOUNDS OF MUSIC (IT’S A VERY OLD MUSICAL FROM THE SIXTIES AND IT’S JUST SO INNOCENT I WATCH IT THREE TIMES A YEAR)
Hogwarts House: Depends on the test but more likely Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
Favourite Fictional Character: Is KdFd a character ?
Number of Blankets: A VERY WARM ONE I sleep with it all year long even during the hot summer times because I love being in my hot cocoon
Dream Trip: Going back to Korean because it’s been like... more than 10 years since my moving to come here in France. Also, Japan, a calm traditional town if possible, Sweden, and England (I went to London once and I LOVED IT SO MUCH
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lunemarii · 6 years
(just in case, my twitter's username is also lunemarii, better safe than sorry!)
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realruney · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by the amazing @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 ! Thank ya! :D
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag some followers who you would like to get to know better! (pride edition !?!?) (it ain’t even that gay fellas)
Tags: @calmystorm-saltycandy @ygreczed @theoriginalsfan124 @psychochangerx @ozrockbitway @producktions @emypony @aesthericc @dragonesskunoichi @marching-is-hard @mathewmurcock @inazumafocus @araiguma-koon @lunemarii @sinfonylanglader (You don’t have to) (I know I’m forgetting people I’m sorry)
Name: Mad
Nickname: Runey
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (my birthday is very soon)
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Nationality: American
Favorite Music Artists: God, theres an endless list. Pretty much any band that’s Punk or Rock, I like. Some bands off the top of my head-Make Out Monday, Korn, Seether, Get Scared, BMTH, Ghost Town, Metallica, etc.
Favorite Fruit: Banana, Mango, Strawberry
Favorite Season: Winter, hands-down. I hate summer.
Favorite Flower: Carnation
Favorite Scent: Um...idk? I like citrus scents and I also like the smell of leather I guess
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Animal: Dragons >:D (in reality I love all reptiles and aquatic animals)
Favorite Subject: Science, especially Marine Biology and Chemistry
Favorite Movie: Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Hogwarts House: Slytherin and proud
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?: I love me some good ol’ southern sweet tea.
Favorite Fictional Character: WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE DJAJSIHSJDN?! I suppose if I have to choose, Fudou Akio will always be my #1.
Number of Blankets: I sleep with one blanket (no sheet) in the summer and in winter I switch to a comforter, again without a sheet.
Dream Trip: This is a hard one. I’d love to go back to London. I loved it there. I’d also love to be able to go to Japan
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inazumafocus · 6 years
and here we are at last! as promised I’ll tag some people and i rrrrrreally hope you’ll like them!
@gracyfangirl2020 @pilica-nevarya @inazuma-eleven-translations @positive-inazuma-doodles @zafirosatoshijp @lunemarii @zibiremu @dabiisagoodboii plus @xxlovelyrose95xx @ygreczed @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 (hope you won’t mind the tag)
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