#lurker rambles
lurkerdelima · 1 year
Hozier: [singing in Irish]
me, sobbing, not understanding a word: too right man
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malenjoyer · 4 months
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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huginsmemory · 10 days
Reading journal 3 again is a reminder that... Well Ford is kinda an asshole towards Fiddleford. It's not just Stan. Like he's so focused on himself and his project and his ambition that anyone/thing else blurs out (him disregarding Fiddleford's nervousness around the gremloblin because he wants to sketch it, and when it goes sideways, him talking about the safety of the project parts BEFORE how Fiddleford was doing in his journal, multiple times. Priorities much?) and he's demeaning towards Fiddleford's own project (which ends up being wayyyy more important then Ford's discoveries)... Like damn Fiddleford, u left ur wife and young son for this guy?
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rockybloo · 2 months
I can be mutuals with someone for YEARS
I'm talkin knowing their OCs by name and reblogging/retweeting art of them and reading their webcomic fully to the latest update (if they have one)
and I'll STILL see them make a "Reply with an image of you OC so I can draw them (MUTUALS ONLY)" post and just scroll past it thinking "Nah that'd be too weird if I responded to that"
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jespardon · 2 months
Hey guess who's continuing the nsfw whiteboard tradition
That's right suckers
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albino-parakeet · 1 month
Been saying this for this past few days at the WORST POSSIBLE TIMES after seeing a picture of it once.
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(How to explain to coworker that no there is no "He" in my life and that I'm quoting a triangle, without sounding like I'm losing it from being in the toy department for too long?)
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nugulover69 · 5 months
The spectrum of oomfie going on here is so funny
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samsspambox · 3 months
Which, mind you, i'm so excited for i'm always wanting to know what people think of me esp. my online presence. what's my vibe. am i 'cool beans' as the kids say? LMAO
Anyway! To the point! The point being:
Who do Y'all think my most favorite character is?
Which, if you think I'm gonna put Mr. LOML Artem Wing you are sorely mistaken, dear reader. That would make it too easy. All I do on here is blab theory and wax poetic abt Artem Wing and his blue eyes, soft smile— *Ahem*
So! I will put some of my faves aside from Artem and y'all tell me who you think I like them most! But to also make it harder on myself: One Character per fandom!
Do yall know how hard this was? *SOBS SCREAMS CRIES* IM SORRY MY LOVELIES
And the choices are....! Drumroll please!
honorable mentions include: Riddle Rosehearts, Malleus Draconia, Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland), Aizawa Shota, Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya (MHA), Unknown (MysMe), America, Canada, England (Hetalia), MaoMao (The Apothecary Diaries)
Anyway! I shall tag: @worms-i-think , @khickuwa and @theres-a-bea (if y'all want, ofc! no pressure!!) and whoever would like to join in! have fun, and vote! :D
(and also feel free to inquire abt the characters. please ask. i would like to answer LMAO)
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intrulogical · 9 months
art, fics, media and anything adjacent to it created by fans in fandoms has been warped from being seen as a community effort to content. i hate the content-ification of fan work because other fans consume shit like this as if the creator of such wasn't a person in the same community you're in. nobody reblogs shit, nobody comments on fics, nobody vocally shows their love online, and i WILL complain about this until the capitalist status quo of viewing art as a product DIES
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triplehearts · 2 years
Drawing scarian isn't enough I need to learn how to write them.
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lurkerdelima · 1 month
just added ‘Good Luck, Babe!’ to my Loustat playlist, frankly embarrassed I didn’t think of that sooner tbh
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inkblackorchid · 4 months
Can somebody who has more energy for social media stuff tell me whether tumblr's new community feature is halfway decent
Like, would it be worth it to make a community where people can be delusional about 5Ds with me?
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cornerihaunt · 1 month
almost two years ago to the dot i went “oh lets see what the hockey rpf people are cooking” and now i’m counting down the days to the start of the season and have the dates of games i can watch circled on my calendar like i’m going on a trip. wowie
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
I've gotten an influx of followers recently so just wanted to say hi!! most stuff relating to this blog and my posting can be found in my pinned post, but something I didn't say is that I also yap a lot about inconsequential things and sometimes my personal life lmao
okay but in all seriousness welcome to my blog I'm holding your hands giving you hugs giving you blankets and warm drinks everything's okay I know things have been calming down but I just want to reiterate that everything's okay we're okay you're okay.
and just a reminder that fandom should be fun, and I do strive to have my account be a positive and fun space. however sometimes the discourse demons do get me :/ so if you want you can block #discourse, #neg, and #negative I know I said that in my pinned post but just wanted to reiterate it
alsooo I'm a dream main (also stated in my pinned post), and also rivals and dteamies forever, yeah?
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First thoughts from just one watch under shitty circumstances with bad internet and worse sound:
I was very worried about this episode with how sacred the S5 DENNIS System episode is to us all. Didn't want a Thunder Gun 4 situation on our hands and thankfully they avoided it so hard! I think having the plot with Charlie, Frank, the mums, Uncle Jack and chess really helped out to make it feel more than a direct sequel.
SINNED -> DENNIS -> SINNED -> DENNIS — I'm so impressed with this. How did I, a wholeass Sunny fan, miss this for so long?! Three cheers to whoever came up with that inversion, really! Definitely something that happened in the writer's room and made everyone lose their shit for sure. I wonder who it was, could be Meg or another writer too, given how collaborative they all are!
And can I just say, Dennis the Restaurant Manager... oh how I love you so much! The Waitress is Getting Married is a personal favourite of mine and I wasn't expecting a bit of a redux of that whole situation.
I was so worried about all the "Mac getting a boyfriend and it being Ryan Reynolds" theories and I absolutely wanted none of that. Everyone had speculated it to death and it wouldn't have been fun anymore (not to mention I do not care for RR in my Sunny, I'm sure he's fine, but I don't need his and Rob's PR relationship filtering through into my dickandball show no I don't "find them cute" and I won't elaborate here anymore).
I know we'd guessed that Johnny could've been Dennis catfishing Mac, but it definitely felt like we were doing an Insane Fan Speculation more than anything — and for it to turn out to be correct! And in the best way, because we never could've seen the vibrating anal beads coming!! That's the best kind of "called it but it's still unpredictable".
It really broke my mind, this episode did. And don't even get me started on the Macdennis and queer Dennis of it all! As a longtime believer in Bisexual Dennis, I won so hard! All of us Queer Dennis Truthers won so fucking hard!
[Unpopular Take incoming] This is the first Sunny episode credited to Meg for writing that has felt so wholly "Classic Sunny" and super fuckin hilarious to me. I always appreciated her understanding of the characters and she's always a very solid writer, but this is the first time where I felt myself thinking ok, you she write RCG/Hornsby/Marder-Rosell/Chernins-level of an insane chaotic Sunny episode with multiple belly laughs and not just slightly Community-fied versions of the gang.
The closest her writing has felt like true Sunny to me before this was Dee Day, so I'm glad to see her grow and improve too, and I wonder if the podcast rewatch has helped in that regard! Must also help to have a classic S5 structure to play off in The D.E.N.N.I.S. System! (And ofc writing is collaborative, so well done to RCG and all the writers who pitched ideas and rewrites that ended up shaping this episode!)
I knew Heath Cullens directing meant a good chance of some interesting camerawork (and I've gotta say that even The Gang Inflates had some more dynamic shots than we've been getting in some of the later years and it's got to be the Cullens directing), but I wasn't expecting a whole visual callback to Being Frank! Loved it.
And the editing! The DENNIS System has always been great for cutaway gags and fun little inserts, so I loved seeing that carried out here with the cuts to Mac and Dee fucking up their dates and then finally pulling out the Magic Tissue of Mummy Issues (oh the potential for meta especially with the twins!). The pacing was so good!
Sunny pacing needs to feel like Mac crashing Dee's car into a wall while we are all Charlie watching it in real time and screaming when it's over.
Random strings of words because I'm too excited to be coherent:
Glenn's acting. His faces. His eyes. His range in this episode. Glacting. Juilliard. All the hits. All the big ones.
Mac and Dennis have canonically had sex in two different ways now, and yes, I'm including their sex tape/porn viewing sessions where they both masturbate together
Did Dennis pull out Mac's anal beads when he was asleep?
Vibrating fucking anal beads what the ACTUAL FUCK!
How many people did the gang drug again?
Danny DeVito with a vibrating asshole comedy acting 12/10 he's an international treasure for a reason
Dee stealing people's phones she's so stupid and bad at men. Never change Dee.
Uncle Jack though, pls change plz, I'm an IASIP loving degenerate so I laughed in horror at his creepiness ofc as I have since 1x7 but fucking hell man, can he be in his jail era already! Poor Charlie!
Hey, Charlie's got new America's just as we were promised on the pod
Oh I should make a post about everything we saw in this episode and that episode of the pod where they gave us all those hints, especially Meg talking about struggling with this cold open — added to the never-ending list of drafts and posts that will hopefully one day make it onto the blog yeah I'm lying to myself now
Parental issues everywhere this season, especially with the mums. Reynolds kids, I can't wait to lovingly put you under my microscope. Once I've rewatched this episode with good sound.
Also just in general, the SINNED system just says SO much about our babygirl's psychology, does it not? Why did so much of it sound like self-insert speeches, like he's been doing this to Mac or smt? Don't even talk to me about The Gang Chokes!
What does r/iasip have to say about— no, I'm in my happy place, I'm not even gonna go there.
Mrs Mac and Mrs Kelly watching TV together like that, they really are lesbian life partners.
Dennis blue shirt with top-stick between those buttons, my beloved. I am looking, respectfully.
And can we talk about the "opening the ketchup bottle" scene? We have to take about that scene! Dennis... he's ruining me... need to gnaw on him and suck on his fingers wait I'm browning out...
Sidenote: I love whenever the show references news stories which were super fucking big at a very specific time in a very specific niche, especially with my whole family being so chess-obsessed. The cheating scandals and anal bead… never thought I'd see a Sunny crossover but can't say I'm not loving the shit out of it!
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albino-parakeet · 5 months
Thinking about all the pictures and videos saved on my old phone, that is stuck in a boot up loop because of an error message. Maybe if I take it to a shop they could at least retrieve them.
Like there’s this one video back when Telltale Games was shutting down, in the middle of TWDG Final Season. So a bunch of the devs and such who were laid off or used to work on the series were like uploading funny animations they made and etc.
Anytime I think I find a reupload of this specific video, I see it’s been deleted or forced to be taken down.
Maybe because it had Seven Deadly Sins - MAN WITH A MISSION playing and it was copyright striked, or it was the dev who uploaded it that took it down.
All I know is that I have it on that phone, and I can’t look at it and it makes me sad.
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