identityarchitect · 1 year
hello! could you tell us more abt your OCs, esp Ceros?
HI HI HI HI HI ok so i would find the other posts i made but they're definitely way outdated now so im just gonna go over all the stuff.
ok so. there are two ways that magic works.
an individual is born with 'starsoul'. celestial objects are the only things with souls. them innately having souls makes them capable of doing magic no matter what (unless they lose their souls which is another story.) when an individual is born with starsoul, they can do small amounts of magic. most humans have either no starsoul, or enough to do significant amounts of magic. these magicians are called warlocks.
an individual receives a boon from a celestial, and is capable of drawing from their starsoul in order to perform magic. these magicians are called wizards.
there are six species total. all of them can do magic, but the three 'magic' species have their own magic and cannot perform star magic except in certain select cases (such as receiving a boon from a fallen celestial - we'll get onto those in a moment).
as a general rule of thumb, magic species live much longer than the 'non-magic' species.
the three magic species are;
harpies, whose magic is knowledge (or memory) theft. it acts mostly like a physical attack, where a harpy takes some knowledge from someone's mind and injures their body in the process. younger harpies are usually worse at this, leaving traces of the knowledge behind, and sometimes the victim can recreate the knowledge they lost. older harpies are better, and especially practised harpies can remove knowledge without the victim even noticing. harpies are humanoid creatures with dinosaur-esque arms. they have lots of feathers, especially on their extremities, and can glide from high places.
basilisks, whose magic is magic theft. they can steal someone's starsoul, or siphon energy from the link between them and their star. basilisks are snake-like creatures that are a little smaller than a horse.
dragons, whose magic is life theft. dragons can siphon away ones vitality, taking years off of your life. there are two subsets of dragons; large dragons and small dragons. dragons are primarily sea-dwelling species that often look more like sharks or whales than traditional dragons. large dragons are like basking sharks, taking in huge amounts of prey to add up to a large amount of life drain. small dragons typically go for prey larger than themselves, intending to siphon away enough life that the prey becomes weak and cannot fight back.
magic species often aren't percieved as their actual form due to the average person not expecting to speak to a harpy/basilisk/dragon. their humanoid form may have some discrepancies (strange eyes, sharp teeth, pointy ears, etc).
the three non-magic species are;
celestials, who are part of a celestial that ended up falling to earth. they are innately starsouled and the most capable at magic (although this doesn't make them the best at magic.) most celestials nowadays are small pieces of objects. in the past, during an era known as the pre-dawn, the planet was nearly constantly pummelled by celestial objects, which gave rise to the star-fathomed, huge megafauna. in order for a celestial to remain celestial on earth and not simply deteriorate into a nature spirit, they need to be part of a celestial object which is culturally important. this is why the star-fathomed are detiorating; nobody remembers what objects they're part of, and basically nobody worships them anymore. most are failing to retain their sapience, acting more and more like wild animals by the day.
humans. 's just average humans tbh. not much to say about them. humans are outliers among the non-magic species in that they're not innately starsouled.
. furries. i don't have a better name for them atm. some furries are anthropomorphic animals, some are mostly humanoid with lots of animal features. furries are the descendants of the first civilisations, who worshipped the star-fathomed. the star-fathomed gave the priests of these civilisations blessings; one in the form of starsouling, and one in the form of changing their forms to be more like the star-fathomed. the difference in furry appearance is from the deterioration of the starwalkers that gave them their appearance.
i mentioned nature spirits up there; they're just what happens when a celestial that isn't culturally important comes to earth. the area that the celestial landed in soaks up all the starsoul magic like a sponge, leaving a nature spirit; magically adept, but not a celestial.
oh another thing i didn't mention is warlock familiars. familiars are an extension of one's starsoul, manifesting outside of the warlock's body. the more 'monstrous' a familiar looks, the more powerful the warlock is. the sapience of a familiar depends on how powerful the warlock is and how they've nurtured their magic.
because of how wizards work, wizards usually take on apprentices which keep the wizard line alive. most wizards don't share their actual name, and instead pass a 'family name' down to their apprentice when they're knowledgeable enough.
there are two different magic groups; the Congregation of Colleges, headed by The Delegate, and the Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster of the Stars, Lusara, fifth of her name.
the Congregation is for warlocks, and works across many places with local governments to help them regulate magic. this means that the Congregation has basically total control over what magic can be taught in colleges.
the Lunar Council is for wizards, and is primarily localised. there are smaller councils in other locations which operate mainly without the oversight of Lusara. however, there are regular meetings where everyone comes to the Wingrove (a magical tree) to speak on the state of magic in their local area.
the previous Grandmaster of the Stars was murdered. Lusara is the only one who knows this.
OK ok characters time :D
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here's lusara!! the first one is accurate for her accessories and hat and clothes, the second is accurate for her face and hair and stuff. she's fucking dope. she has mega anxiety cus she's way too young to be grandmaster and also thinks she's going to get murdered.
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here's lane!! he's a harpy and he's the representative of magic species on the lunar council. he is such a bastard. he is so knowledgeable and old because he kills.
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ceros. the motherfucker ever. he's a fallen celestial who made a bad deal with a basilisk called the hag and lost his soul. he's dying! but it's ok cus he intends to get his soul back somehow.
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(the line there is to denote before and after he lost his soul.) he's such a bastard and i love him to death
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sunflower....... ehehehehehhehe. so she's the messiah of a cult called The Sons of The Sun. she's the daughter of the sun. the sun isn't a celestial btw. don't ask me what it actually is because i have no fucking idea. all i know is that it's very powerhungry.
sunny (she prefers to be called sunnybut Will blow you up if you call ehr that) is considerably powerful but she can only do fire related magic. she's a horrendous person and so beloved to me
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this is renée! our main character. she was just an ordinary alchemist, and then the catalyst hit.
the catalyst is the first part of the sun's plan to become the most powerful thing in existence. it killed and ate the other stars. so now the stars are gone, and suddenly nobody can do magic. i mean warlocks can but *barely* it's super difficult. renée's gonna travel to the capital and talk to the queen to see what she can do to help out.
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this is the queen!! her name's idea and she's a basilisk. she's the reason renée and sunny meet.
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this is valentine, a celestial warlock with amnesia. he's very weird.
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this is hsi familair.
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this is junius!! he's the head court warlock. that star eye of his is really not normal. he's pretty fucking cool though, if a little overworked.
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this is his familiar!!
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this is safiri!! she's a furry.
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and here's her friend the scornet prophet!!!
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this is solomon!! he's the apprentice of a wizard called The Wizard Graceira. graceira is currently in a coma because he performed magic after the catalyst. solomon has some fucking weird stuff going on with him.
uh idk if i can add more guys bcs image limit but there are so many ocs
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timekeepxr · 6 years
@goddamnmuses || lucifer || plotted starter } }
When John told her to do something, Sara did tend to listen, even if she didn’t want to— after all, she’s seen too many knuckle bones of saints stir and spirits of unfriendly ‘beasties’ sent back to whatever nether world really existed. Unfortunately, however, everything about their prolonged time in the temporal zone while waiting for her jump ship and half the team to return was utterly BORING.
When she opened the door to his quarters, she sauntered in without pause. A book was in her hand, an excuse to answer and little more, but her eyes narrowed on the dark-haired figure. “And what are -you- doing on -my- ship??”
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humanmawile · 3 years
Okay here’s a far far better link. 
After the end of DS9 Season 7, Ezri Dax faces down a new threat, spiritual angst, and struggles to understand her identity on a half empty station. New Arrivals and new challenges bring new life to Station Deep Space Nine. 
Featuring LGBT characters heavily, this series will attempt to pick up where DS9 ended with my own vision, inspired only slightly by the novels. Ezri Dax will be our lead character, with prominent secondaries including Doctor Julian Bashir, Captain Kira Nerys, and the original characters Terin Holm, and Lusara Belli. 
Terin Holm is disabled Trill of color who is the first Trill to have his symbiont removed and survive. 
Lusara Belli is the first Ferengi female graduate of Starfleet academy. Being transgender on a sexist planet, Lusara overcame great hardship to join the Academy.
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ako142 · 4 years
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DND Character design commission I made for @fishbians Cleric Vernon Lusara "The sick will be healed with medicine, the disheartened, with music, and the sullen, with laughter."
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writerinafury · 6 years
Spirit Province
Located in the center of Alem above the Air and Fire provinces. This province acts as a peace keeper among the provinces. The people of this province believe in harmony and avoiding violence. Lots of people come to this province looking for physical or spiritual healing. The landscape of this province is a lush land with a couple small mountains and lots of natural hot springs.
The most common way to make money is selling medicine or healing talismans at their healing resorts. Farming and raising animals is also very common.
Travel is done by road mostly. The bridges in the province cross large canyons and are always checked to see if maintenance needs to be done on them. During fog seasons a guide has to be used to find their way around.
Weather in the Spirit Province is usually rainy. During the fog seasons the province is covered in dense fogs.
The Four Major Cities
Soralis - The Northern Keeper Myra is in charge here. This is where the Old Family of the province lives. Meetings between powerful and prominent people occur here under the careful guidance of the Keeper. It’s a very bustling city where many healing souvenirs are sold.
Essera - The Eastern Keeper Sarala runs this city. Most of the farming for the province is done near this city. It’s also a market city.
Aralia - Keeper Avan watches over this city and its many spas and healing facilities. Many come here to detox so tourism is a big part of the city’s economy.
Shala - Keeper Lusara manages the western city. There are many medicinal plant farms in the area as well as farms with food for normal consumption. The medicinal plants are often sent to Aralia.
The Old Family
The Vellis family is the Old Family of the Spirit Province. They believe in the dream of peace that Alem was founded upon. Other Old Families find them annoying.
Days 1-100 First Rain Season
Days 101-200 First Fog Season
Days 201-300 Second Rain Season
Days 301-400 Second Fog Season
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kidaoocom · 5 years
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nudibutch · 3 years
;aklsjfhss omg i LOVE playing clerics, would you be willing to tell us more about your character??🥺
sure! i havent been able to develop her a bunch because im in a group that doesnt rp a whole lot (our dm loves to for npcs but the rest are still learning mechanics), but vernon lusara a human woman in her late 20s/early 30s who serves apollo (didnt realise the greek pantheon wasnt in the dms realm really LOL). shes got bronze skin with a TON of curly black hair, like lions mane curly, and gold arm bands and earrings. she served in a temple in a city where the oligarchy was causing extreme poverty essentially (and killed the chairwoman leading that oligarchy when she fell ill and was tasked to heal her...*john mulaney voice* and then i didnt)
aside from that, shes sunny but acts on impulse, driven by the need to help people in the absolute heat of the moment (chaotic good). she has very much the mindset of "for the good of the people" goes, so murder, depending on the circumstances, is permissible (see: her backstory, while not technically murder, was...healing by omission?). she's brave. the big bad in our campaign is a white dragon, and i easily see her being unafraid to face the thing head on. she can also be a little scary too when she sees her friends getting hurt. in a recent battle, she landed the killing blow on a thunder boar by grabbing its head and using inflict wounds to make the beast atrophy from the inside out so itd buckle and collapse before her. (it had gored an npc ally of ours multiple times). she metal as fuck.
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liliannorman · 5 years
Globetrotting microbes in airplane sewage may spread antibiotic resistance
Sewage from airplanes is a melting pot for gut microbes from around the world. And all that passenger poop is loaded with bacteria that resist antibiotics, new data show. That means airplane sewage could be spreading tough-to-kill germs that can cause disease.
Doctors use antibiotic drugs to treat people infected with bacteria. Some bacteria have evolved genes that now help them survive these drugs designed to kill them. This is called antibiotic resistance. Such resistance makes it harder to treat those infections.
Explainer: What are genes?
Stefanie Hess studies bacteria. This microbiologist works in Germany at the Technical University of Dresden. She is part of a research team that collected sewage from five German airports. That’s where waste from airplane toilets eventually lands. The scientists looked at a common gut dweller called Escherichia coli (Esh-ur-EESH-ee-uh KOH-lye), or E. coli for short. They tested if these bacteria resisted any of 24 antibiotics.
About nine in every 10 E. coli sampled from the plane wastes resisted at least one drug. That’s a lot higher than the share of drug-resistant E. coli in regular sewage. In waste going to German wastewater treatment plants, closer to half — 45 to 60 percent — of E. coli resisted one or more drugs. The microbes from airplane sewage also were more likely to resist multiple groups of antibiotics. The scientists reported their findings in the December 3 Environmental Science & Technology.
“This is really important work,” says Amy Pruden. She’s an environmental engineer at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg who was not involved with the study. “You read it and you think, ‘somebody should have done this sooner,’” she says.
Microbes that are resistant to multiple drugs can be very hard to kill. They can cause infections that are difficult to treat. Some even prove deadly. In fact, infections of resistant fungi and bacteria kill around 35,000 people in the United States every year.
“This study clearly shows that the antibiotic-resistance problem is a global problem,” says Hess. So this severe health threat needs global efforts to tackle it, she says.
What gets flushed
Hospitals are known to be hotbeds for drug-resistant germs. That’s because these places use a lot of antibiotics. Some microbes will fall prey to these drugs. But killing them off leaves behind the ones that are able to resist the drugs. These resistant germs can thrive and spread. Scientists and public health officials have tended to focus on hospitals when scouting for such so-called superbugs. But airport sewage may deserve special attention too, Pruden says.
Way more jet-setting E. coli were drug-resistant than were their hospital cousins. Nearly 30 percent were immune to three specific types of drugs, Hess and her team found. That’s a whopping eight times as many as other scientists had found for E. coli in German hospitals.
Explainer: What you can do to fight antibiotic resistance
Airport sewage also held more copies of the genes that let microbes escape antibiotics. And there were more types of them in the airport wastes. When microbes mingle in airplane sewage, they can trade these resistance genes.
Antibiotic resistance genes have a “particularly scary ability,” notes Carlos Amábile-Cuevas. He’s a microbiologist in Mexico. He works at the Lusara Foundation in Mexico City and wasn’t part of the work. Genes can shuffle within a microbe’s DNA, then move to its neighbors, he explains.
The research team didn’t find a boost in drug-resistant microbes in treatment plants that received waste from airports. But Cuevas suspects that’s because those plants receive lots of waste from nearby cities. All the extra waste makes it harder to find the drug-resistant microbes.  
“This doesn’t mean that these bugs aren’t there,” says Amábile-Cuevas. “They are just below our detection range. And this is also very scary.”
Resistant bacteria and resistance genes can enter the environment in treated wastewater. There, they can share resistance genes with other bacteria. So Amábile-Cuevas and others are looking at ways to destroy these genes and microbes during water treatment.
Resistant microbes are known to get around in many ways. They can hitch a ride with people or animals. They can even travel in food. Airplane waste is just another way resistance spreads, Amábile-Cuevas notes. The new data now highlight how hard it is to control resistance. People in one place can carefully control how they use and dispose of germ-killing drugs. Still, they may end up with resistant microbes thanks to a nearby airport. Some people might think resistance can be contained in a city or country, he says. But “this is really not true at all.”
Globetrotting microbes in airplane sewage may spread antibiotic resistance published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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worldnewsph · 6 years
SSS reiterates members' benefits to boost enrollment, update membership
SSS reiterates members' benefits to boost enrollment, update membership
  PIA Radio Program hosted by Ms. Ailene Diaz with SSS representative Ms.               Herminia Lusara. (andiaz/pia8-n.samar photo)
  CATARMAN, Northern Samar, July 27 (PIA) – – The Social Security System (SSS) in Northern Samar was previously not known to majority of the ordinary and even to some private workers in the locale, what it offers and what services it is extending to an individual.
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