identityarchitect · 1 year
hello! could you tell us more abt your OCs, esp Ceros?
HI HI HI HI HI ok so i would find the other posts i made but they're definitely way outdated now so im just gonna go over all the stuff.
ok so. there are two ways that magic works.
an individual is born with 'starsoul'. celestial objects are the only things with souls. them innately having souls makes them capable of doing magic no matter what (unless they lose their souls which is another story.) when an individual is born with starsoul, they can do small amounts of magic. most humans have either no starsoul, or enough to do significant amounts of magic. these magicians are called warlocks.
an individual receives a boon from a celestial, and is capable of drawing from their starsoul in order to perform magic. these magicians are called wizards.
there are six species total. all of them can do magic, but the three 'magic' species have their own magic and cannot perform star magic except in certain select cases (such as receiving a boon from a fallen celestial - we'll get onto those in a moment).
as a general rule of thumb, magic species live much longer than the 'non-magic' species.
the three magic species are;
harpies, whose magic is knowledge (or memory) theft. it acts mostly like a physical attack, where a harpy takes some knowledge from someone's mind and injures their body in the process. younger harpies are usually worse at this, leaving traces of the knowledge behind, and sometimes the victim can recreate the knowledge they lost. older harpies are better, and especially practised harpies can remove knowledge without the victim even noticing. harpies are humanoid creatures with dinosaur-esque arms. they have lots of feathers, especially on their extremities, and can glide from high places.
basilisks, whose magic is magic theft. they can steal someone's starsoul, or siphon energy from the link between them and their star. basilisks are snake-like creatures that are a little smaller than a horse.
dragons, whose magic is life theft. dragons can siphon away ones vitality, taking years off of your life. there are two subsets of dragons; large dragons and small dragons. dragons are primarily sea-dwelling species that often look more like sharks or whales than traditional dragons. large dragons are like basking sharks, taking in huge amounts of prey to add up to a large amount of life drain. small dragons typically go for prey larger than themselves, intending to siphon away enough life that the prey becomes weak and cannot fight back.
magic species often aren't percieved as their actual form due to the average person not expecting to speak to a harpy/basilisk/dragon. their humanoid form may have some discrepancies (strange eyes, sharp teeth, pointy ears, etc).
the three non-magic species are;
celestials, who are part of a celestial that ended up falling to earth. they are innately starsouled and the most capable at magic (although this doesn't make them the best at magic.) most celestials nowadays are small pieces of objects. in the past, during an era known as the pre-dawn, the planet was nearly constantly pummelled by celestial objects, which gave rise to the star-fathomed, huge megafauna. in order for a celestial to remain celestial on earth and not simply deteriorate into a nature spirit, they need to be part of a celestial object which is culturally important. this is why the star-fathomed are detiorating; nobody remembers what objects they're part of, and basically nobody worships them anymore. most are failing to retain their sapience, acting more and more like wild animals by the day.
humans. 's just average humans tbh. not much to say about them. humans are outliers among the non-magic species in that they're not innately starsouled.
. furries. i don't have a better name for them atm. some furries are anthropomorphic animals, some are mostly humanoid with lots of animal features. furries are the descendants of the first civilisations, who worshipped the star-fathomed. the star-fathomed gave the priests of these civilisations blessings; one in the form of starsouling, and one in the form of changing their forms to be more like the star-fathomed. the difference in furry appearance is from the deterioration of the starwalkers that gave them their appearance.
i mentioned nature spirits up there; they're just what happens when a celestial that isn't culturally important comes to earth. the area that the celestial landed in soaks up all the starsoul magic like a sponge, leaving a nature spirit; magically adept, but not a celestial.
oh another thing i didn't mention is warlock familiars. familiars are an extension of one's starsoul, manifesting outside of the warlock's body. the more 'monstrous' a familiar looks, the more powerful the warlock is. the sapience of a familiar depends on how powerful the warlock is and how they've nurtured their magic.
because of how wizards work, wizards usually take on apprentices which keep the wizard line alive. most wizards don't share their actual name, and instead pass a 'family name' down to their apprentice when they're knowledgeable enough.
there are two different magic groups; the Congregation of Colleges, headed by The Delegate, and the Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster of the Stars, Lusara, fifth of her name.
the Congregation is for warlocks, and works across many places with local governments to help them regulate magic. this means that the Congregation has basically total control over what magic can be taught in colleges.
the Lunar Council is for wizards, and is primarily localised. there are smaller councils in other locations which operate mainly without the oversight of Lusara. however, there are regular meetings where everyone comes to the Wingrove (a magical tree) to speak on the state of magic in their local area.
the previous Grandmaster of the Stars was murdered. Lusara is the only one who knows this.
OK ok characters time :D
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here's lusara!! the first one is accurate for her accessories and hat and clothes, the second is accurate for her face and hair and stuff. she's fucking dope. she has mega anxiety cus she's way too young to be grandmaster and also thinks she's going to get murdered.
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here's lane!! he's a harpy and he's the representative of magic species on the lunar council. he is such a bastard. he is so knowledgeable and old because he kills.
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ceros. the motherfucker ever. he's a fallen celestial who made a bad deal with a basilisk called the hag and lost his soul. he's dying! but it's ok cus he intends to get his soul back somehow.
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(the line there is to denote before and after he lost his soul.) he's such a bastard and i love him to death
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sunflower....... ehehehehehhehe. so she's the messiah of a cult called The Sons of The Sun. she's the daughter of the sun. the sun isn't a celestial btw. don't ask me what it actually is because i have no fucking idea. all i know is that it's very powerhungry.
sunny (she prefers to be called sunnybut Will blow you up if you call ehr that) is considerably powerful but she can only do fire related magic. she's a horrendous person and so beloved to me
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this is renée! our main character. she was just an ordinary alchemist, and then the catalyst hit.
the catalyst is the first part of the sun's plan to become the most powerful thing in existence. it killed and ate the other stars. so now the stars are gone, and suddenly nobody can do magic. i mean warlocks can but *barely* it's super difficult. renée's gonna travel to the capital and talk to the queen to see what she can do to help out.
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this is the queen!! her name's idea and she's a basilisk. she's the reason renée and sunny meet.
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this is valentine, a celestial warlock with amnesia. he's very weird.
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this is hsi familair.
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this is junius!! he's the head court warlock. that star eye of his is really not normal. he's pretty fucking cool though, if a little overworked.
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this is his familiar!!
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this is safiri!! she's a furry.
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and here's her friend the scornet prophet!!!
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this is solomon!! he's the apprentice of a wizard called The Wizard Graceira. graceira is currently in a coma because he performed magic after the catalyst. solomon has some fucking weird stuff going on with him.
uh idk if i can add more guys bcs image limit but there are so many ocs
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vaugarde · 1 year
Cannot guarantee I'll be quick on it, tbh they might come down to concept pencil sketches in my book than full colored doodles... but would anyone be down for recommending me canon PMD characters to design and make headcanons for, to later fit into my personal PMD/Starfall universe?
No heroes/partners cause I'm already focusing on them. You can recommend anyone from Grovyle to the one Sunkern in PSMD. It'll be canon to Starfall.
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identityarchitect · 2 years
Do you mind sharing about Starfallverse? Your OCs are very interesting! I love it whenever you tag a post with one of those guys.
(edit 27/04/2023 this & the post linked here are WAY outdated u can find a more accurate post here)
here is a post where i talked about them at great length but there are some additions to be made! under the cut bcs. long
mages are now called warlocks! and there exist things called Nature Spirits. they're basically like. hm. the culmination of a particular area of land with plants + animals in it. they're almost like representatives, although that isn't quite right. nature spirits are very powerful and their magic is a different thing from most magic so they're unaffected by the starfall. mostly wizards interact with nature spirits.
nature spirits don't have names, and are instead named based on the area they formed from. they also have informal nicknames. they have a human form, and an animal form. there is always something distinctly wrong about them, when they're in animal form.
sometimes it's obvious. a duck with cat's eyes. a deer that grins with a mouth full of human teeth as you raise your hunting rifle; it doesn't turn tail and run, it doesn't make a sound, it just grins at you knowingly. a rabbit with two sets of ears. a fox covered in fungi and mushrooms, rolling itself in beds of spores.
sometimes it's more subtle. you stare and stare and stare and your mind is dead set on the idea that that is not a stoat, whatever it is it cannot have ever been a stoat, parading about the thought of one, like the fleeting memory of a dying man's first hunting trip. it simply stares back at you, unafraid. why would it be? it's not the prey here.
some nature spirits are:
The man sighs, a staticky otherworldly quality to it. You stare up at him as he pinches his nose bridge. His appearance was sudden, and you'd fallen. Interestingly, his hair is split down the middle, one side a light blonde and the other a deep black, like the night.
"Offering?" he says. You shake your head, mutely. The wisdom is always to never speak a word to nature spirits. They'll twist it around, rile you up, use your intelligence against you.
He sighs again, shakes his head. The moon earrings make a light, jingling sound as they move through the air, akin to bells.
"Okay, fine. Whatever. Just - just go. I'll let you go this time, just don't kill anything. Leave everything as you find it."
And then he's gone, and a raven left in his place. It stares at you for a few moments, and then flies off. You get out as quick as you can, but mainly out of gratitude rather than fear.
he's very cool! one of my favourites. very homoerotic with The Wizard Graceira, and has known Graceira (as in, the entire wizarding Name and not the current Graceira) for a long time.
rabbit ma'am
She observes you like a hawk, ears straight up. It's unnerving, and you don't move. She looks.. curious, in a distinctly cruel way. A cat catching sight of a vole.
"Hello." she says. Her voice is soft, like those leaves covered in fuzz, or like caterpillars. There's also something distinctly wrong with it, like nettle stings, but.. different.
You reach into your pouch of coins, carefully, not taking your eyes off of her. Feels like she's waiting for an opportunity to pounce. You hold out eight silvers to her, and she examines them.
"Mm, I see," she trills, "Then you'll be on your merry way."
And then she's gone, along with those silvers you offered.
You travel through the night to get out of these woods. It feels like she's following you, waiting for you to slip up.
she's very dangerous, and sharp. her animal form is a rabbit with two sets of ears.
wound guy
i don't actually know much about him! his neck is cut open and it'll never heal. his animal form is like a mix between an axis deer and a chinese water deer, bigger than a normal deer and with moss all over his back. he's weird, but i like him
also, there are now two groups; The Congregation of Colleges, a collection of warlock colleges and general schooling organisations. they have a high monopoly on what sort of magic is taught to warlocks. the congregation is headed by an individual known only as The Delegate, who i currently know very little about, but i know they have ulterior motives.
then there's The Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster Of The Stars. the current Grandmaster is a wizard named lusara. she is.. very out of her depth, and constantly tired.
thats pretty much it :]
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identityarchitect · 1 year
2, 3 and 7 for the Very Serious Writer asks!!
favorite tense (past/present/future) - present all the way. i love writing in present.
favorite POV (first/second/third/etc) - big fan of third pov! more specifically i like third person omniscient, although third person limited is always good also
create a character on the spot…. NOW! - fuck ok uhh. i cant decide if they should be an iterator or something from one of my original worlds …
ok hold on im gonna make a harpy from starfallverse cus harpies are fucking awesome.
their name is tenseck and they're decently young. probably mischievous and quite frankly a bit of a nuisance, although cunning enough to stay out of trouble. they're a tailor. its not strictly allowed in harpy society, but they plan to grow their business by stealing knowledge from their competitors. thats pretty much it idk maybe ill use them for something
(ask game here!)
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identityarchitect · 22 days
I had such an interesting dream last night that I'm considering throwing out like 90% of the plot I had for Starfallverse to focus on this. Mainly because I can't be bothered to make a new world for it ;-;
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vaugarde · 1 year
what if i girlbeamed some pmd characters for starfallverse. would you care
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vaugarde · 6 months
kinda outrageous that primarina and lumineon arent in the same egg group. bc that means i cant justify a mix of them in starfallverse :/
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vaugarde · 6 months
considering evolving kit into a hisuian samurott after all in the starfallverse…. (<- doesnt like regular shiny samurott)
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vaugarde · 10 months
the pokemon who summon the humans in starfallverse are like "let's literally only recruit people who would fucking hate to be pokemon"
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identityarchitect · 1 year
OKAY ATTEMPT 2 for writers ask game >:)
33, 36, 7 👀
If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
OOH. uh. based on my hsbb fic i guess around 5k per chapter? i wrote a 10k chapter and it was its own type of hell and i was very glad to be done with writing it, so 5k makes sense.
in general i like to read longer works, but for reading individual chapters… i guess i dont really mind so long as the chapter actually has stuff happen and isnt just one scene? i dont see that very often but i dont like reading it when it comes up
Do you visualize what you read/write?
when writing not really! unless im not actively writing, i dont tend to actually imagine what i write. when i read i sometimes imagine things, its pretty inconsistent.
Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
not exactly a fic (in that i havent written anything for it) but i do like my ocverse, starfallverse!!
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vaugarde · 1 year
Oh moving on from Rescue Team but I'm definitely set on Nuri x Gengar being canon to starfallverse now
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vaugarde · 1 year
Also trying to figure out how HAPPI works in the starfallverse timeline
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identityarchitect · 2 years
Alright! Enjoy your dinner :-]
And hm!! I guess starfallverse! I'm a sucker for good fantasy settings
- 🐩
stuff under the cut cus its Long
(edit 27/04/2023 tons of the stuff in here is *way* outdated go here for up to date info)
OK starfallverse.
there Is magic. there are two types of magic: weak magic and strong magic.
weak magic uses magic to influence & affect the mundane. strong magic uses magic to influence & affect the magical.
i.e weak fire magic would be igniting the air and controlling that. strong fire magic would be taking fire from the plane of fire, or using a fire sprite.
mages have a tendency towards weak magic & wizards have a tendency towards strong magic. royal courts tend to employ mages due to weak magic being easier to control.
wizards are often solitary and move their dwelling a lot, including often hiding it in extraplanary spaces mages are often social and stay in one place, usually with other mages
wizards share their secrets carefully to a select few - often other wizards they're close with, spirits and sprites and nonhumans seeking guidance, and/or an apprentice mages are open about magic, & mage schools take on new students consistently
wizards tend to conform to ideas passed down through the lineage of wizard -> apprentice (apprentice becomes a wizard and repeats it with their own apprentice) this is why the task of writing down what a wizard learns & knows is very important; if that wizard dies that's often millenia or centures of magic dead
mages often have similar ideas of what magic is & tend to be kind of snobby about it. they dont really think wizards are real magicians.
a wizard's apprentice will often use their teacher's name once they've become a wizard themselves.
magic comes from the stars. extra-terrestrial objects are the only things with souls. dont ask me what that implies cus idk.
not everyone can do magic & certain constellations are related to certain kinds of magic, so your star sign is Very important in this 'verse and goes beyond the 12 signs we have.
that's basically all of the background. it's set in a kingdom called Cuitera (sweet-era).
so . yeah. oh also potions exist & are their own separate form of magic, mixing different ingredients together. the ingredients themselves are magical. i.e a fish born in magical water will grow into a particular species of magical fish rather than the species of its parents. a plant that grows in magical ground will become a species of magical plant rather than what it was supposed to be. etc.
now that you've got the whole background lore dump, its time to introduce our first character!
her name is renée di. it's a play on the word remedy, because she makes potions and remedies. she also did healing magic.
did you notice the past tense? wondering what that's about? well lemme tell you my friend
imagine the world is a snow globe, and all of the stars are little tiny glowing drops of water on the outside of that snow globe.
now imagine the stars dripping off.
that's what happened.
so the stars are completely gone now, and with them, so is magic - well, weak magic is possible, but it's Difficult. it leaves people shaking. the single instance of someone performing strong magic was done by The Wizard Graceira, and he's in a coma now.
renée takes to the road - she knows how to survive in the wilderness. other people might not, and they'll be desparate for any aid others can provide. she can provide potions.
ok, so- magic was used for basically everything electricity is used for right now, save for like, living beings powering their bodies. this isn't like a full scale power outage. this is like if electricity just stopped existing. magic used as life support? gone. magic used to heat homes? gone. magic used to stop crops from failing? gone. magic used to keep meat fresh? gone. magic used to power vital infrastructure? gone. this is, like. a catastrophe. people are dying.
renée's headed to the capital to offer her services to queen ida. they're a lil homoerotic, and then the queen asks her to investigate a group called les fils du soleil - the sons of the sun. they're a cult dedicated to the sun, claiming the sun gave them magic.
oh, yeah. the sun can't give people magic, because it isn't a star. again, don't ask me what that implies. i haven't figured out what it actually is yet.
specifically, the queen wants a couple pieces of information from a woman named sunflower.
sunflower isn't the cult's leader, but she's their messiah. she's meant to be the sun's daughter - like directly, not in a metaphorical way like the rest of the cult claims. the leader is some old guy that i haven't thought too hard about yet.
sunflower is cruel. she's like jude perry if jude perry were like three times as cruel and was in agnes' role instead of agnes. she's also very powerful. she keeps implying that ida is manipulating renée into doing something, but it's entirely possible she's just doing that to make renée nervous and question the queen to do something sunflower wants her to.
somehow, via Shenanigans and Plot Necessities, sunflower and renée end up somewhere very far away in the middle of nowhere. renée is the only one who knows how to survive in the wilderness so they stick together and slowly learn how to get along. hooray!
also they're definitely gay for each other but they refuse to actually be gay for each other.
now, before she even set off towards the capital, renée gained a companion. a little spider had settled itself on her (now magically defunct) staff, and made itself at home. she decided to keep it.
this spider is Not a normal spider tho !! he's an asteroid that got reincarnated into a spider. like i said, only extra-terrestrial objects (excluding the sun) have souls, and thus they're the only ones that can get reincarnated. objectively, he's the only sane one of the three (renée, him and sunflower) - and the only one who can do legitimate magic, instead of the weird sun magic that sunflower can do.
that's about all the plot i've got. but there are a couple people i need to introduce.
solomon is The Wizard Graceira's apprentice. he ran away from an abusive home to learn magic, and blames hismelf for the wizard's coma. he's dedicated himself to writing out grace's teachings, and is very snippy. he gives zero fucks. he's also pretty powerful.
the hag is actually an average looking woman, but she does strange magic, and bargains for expensive things. many people owe her, but ceros, a reincarnated star from the monoceros constellation in the form of a young man; he owes the hag a significant portion of his soul. he's very carefree, but trusts nobody. not even himself.
aaaand yeah! if u have any questions lmk :D
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identityarchitect · 2 years
[09/11] in light of the fact that tumblr is dying, my discord is jonahfagnus. go friend me if you want to keep in contact mutuals or not
gods i spent so fucking long on the html in this stupid post let's hope it worked
eliias-bouchard -> autistic-grey-wind -> bigender-sliver-of-straw -> eliias-bouchard
hi im lynx (or just see my pronouns.page). im some sort of thing or entity. welcome to my blog. please please view my blog as a site the theme is so good i spent a lot of time on it
edit: ed/sh blogs will be blocked on sight. no exceptions. dont follow me
my ao3
- disused writing tag: #tmabsent
- when i make a new “my writing” tag ill put it here -> temp writing tag
look at my ocs also check out starfallverse
favourites tag -> #%3C3 (its supposed to be a heart)
i cant guarantee consistent cwing but i generally try & do “cw thing” and “thing cw”. all of my posts are ask to tag forever and ever (do link to the post you need tagging though)
if ur my friend i might have a specialised tag for posts that remind me of u. i also might not. dont feel bad if i dont have one for you, its not indicative of how much i like you. also i usually wont tell you if you have a tag or what it is you gotta find that out for yourself
humans tag for ender
no particular dni criteria but i am pro any and all good faith identities & choose to trust the person on what their identity is. i'll just block if i dont like you
all blinkies made with blinkies.cafe
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[ID1: a blinkie with the bigender flag in the background reading “bigender & better than you”.
ID2: a blinkie with the bigender flag in the background reading “trans in both directions”.
ID3: a blinkie with rainclouds on either side reading “mike crew lover”.
ID4: a blinkie reading “gerry keay lover”.
ID5: a blinkie with the plural symbol reading “not a gatekeeper”.
ID6: a blinkie with the tbh creature on one side reading “autistic af”.
ID7: a blinkie with the aro flag reading “unloveable <2″
ID8: a blinkie with the ace flag reading “-1 bitches”
ID9: a blinkie with the tbh creature on one side reading "ask me about rw"
ID10: same as above but with "ask me about ksbd"
ID11: same as above but with "ask me about hk"
ID12: same as above but with “ask me about tma”
ID13: same as above but with “ask me about aurora”
ID14: same as above but with "ask me about my ocs"
ID15: a blinkie with the homestuck cat on one side reading “hi lev hows the omniscience coming”
ID16: a blinkie with an octopus on one side reading “<-- fish :)”
ID17: a blinkie with a space background reading “ur local vastard”
ID18: a meme reading "you can always ask me for my discord; its never socially unacceptable" /end ID]
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identityarchitect · 2 years
Ah yeah I somewhat relate to not having energy for shows or stuff like that. I can't really sit down and watch something for long, or watch anything very often
I've effectively run out of questions too unfortunately. I'll gladly listen if you want to talk about your ocs though!
OKOK choose between
- starfallverse (fantasy)
- city x (modern w/ powers)
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