#queen ida
julio-viernes · 2 months
Un recuerdo para Willy Deville en el decimoquinto aniversario de su muerte. "Turn You Every Way But Loose", la canción "perdida" del tercer álbum de Mink Deville, "Le Chat Bleu", una obra maestra del rock and roll. Una desconcertada Capitol, decidió lanzar el disco inicialmente sólo en Europa en 1980, no les gustó, ni entendieron el aroma orquestal francés que destilaban algunas de sus canciones. Como vieron que en Europa vendía notablemente bien, por fin lo sacaron en USA, quitando "Mazurka" - un original de Queen Ida, no sabían a que venían esos acordeones, no sabían ni lo que era el zydeco- y metiendo en su lugar el sinuoso rock "Turn You Every Way But Loose", el lado más contemporáneo, un poco experimental de los Minks, en línea de sus canciones para la película "Cruising", cosas como "Pulling My String", etc...
En cualquier caso, tengo la copia francesa de "Le Chat Bleu", que creo que es la que hay que tener. La idea original es con "Mazurka" dentro, no con "Turn You Every Way But Loose".
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mudwerks · 2 years
2:14 / 3:47 Queen Ida
(via Queen Ida - Bad Moon Rising)
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identityarchitect · 1 year
hello! could you tell us more abt your OCs, esp Ceros?
HI HI HI HI HI ok so i would find the other posts i made but they're definitely way outdated now so im just gonna go over all the stuff.
ok so. there are two ways that magic works.
an individual is born with 'starsoul'. celestial objects are the only things with souls. them innately having souls makes them capable of doing magic no matter what (unless they lose their souls which is another story.) when an individual is born with starsoul, they can do small amounts of magic. most humans have either no starsoul, or enough to do significant amounts of magic. these magicians are called warlocks.
an individual receives a boon from a celestial, and is capable of drawing from their starsoul in order to perform magic. these magicians are called wizards.
there are six species total. all of them can do magic, but the three 'magic' species have their own magic and cannot perform star magic except in certain select cases (such as receiving a boon from a fallen celestial - we'll get onto those in a moment).
as a general rule of thumb, magic species live much longer than the 'non-magic' species.
the three magic species are;
harpies, whose magic is knowledge (or memory) theft. it acts mostly like a physical attack, where a harpy takes some knowledge from someone's mind and injures their body in the process. younger harpies are usually worse at this, leaving traces of the knowledge behind, and sometimes the victim can recreate the knowledge they lost. older harpies are better, and especially practised harpies can remove knowledge without the victim even noticing. harpies are humanoid creatures with dinosaur-esque arms. they have lots of feathers, especially on their extremities, and can glide from high places.
basilisks, whose magic is magic theft. they can steal someone's starsoul, or siphon energy from the link between them and their star. basilisks are snake-like creatures that are a little smaller than a horse.
dragons, whose magic is life theft. dragons can siphon away ones vitality, taking years off of your life. there are two subsets of dragons; large dragons and small dragons. dragons are primarily sea-dwelling species that often look more like sharks or whales than traditional dragons. large dragons are like basking sharks, taking in huge amounts of prey to add up to a large amount of life drain. small dragons typically go for prey larger than themselves, intending to siphon away enough life that the prey becomes weak and cannot fight back.
magic species often aren't percieved as their actual form due to the average person not expecting to speak to a harpy/basilisk/dragon. their humanoid form may have some discrepancies (strange eyes, sharp teeth, pointy ears, etc).
the three non-magic species are;
celestials, who are part of a celestial that ended up falling to earth. they are innately starsouled and the most capable at magic (although this doesn't make them the best at magic.) most celestials nowadays are small pieces of objects. in the past, during an era known as the pre-dawn, the planet was nearly constantly pummelled by celestial objects, which gave rise to the star-fathomed, huge megafauna. in order for a celestial to remain celestial on earth and not simply deteriorate into a nature spirit, they need to be part of a celestial object which is culturally important. this is why the star-fathomed are detiorating; nobody remembers what objects they're part of, and basically nobody worships them anymore. most are failing to retain their sapience, acting more and more like wild animals by the day.
humans. 's just average humans tbh. not much to say about them. humans are outliers among the non-magic species in that they're not innately starsouled.
. furries. i don't have a better name for them atm. some furries are anthropomorphic animals, some are mostly humanoid with lots of animal features. furries are the descendants of the first civilisations, who worshipped the star-fathomed. the star-fathomed gave the priests of these civilisations blessings; one in the form of starsouling, and one in the form of changing their forms to be more like the star-fathomed. the difference in furry appearance is from the deterioration of the starwalkers that gave them their appearance.
i mentioned nature spirits up there; they're just what happens when a celestial that isn't culturally important comes to earth. the area that the celestial landed in soaks up all the starsoul magic like a sponge, leaving a nature spirit; magically adept, but not a celestial.
oh another thing i didn't mention is warlock familiars. familiars are an extension of one's starsoul, manifesting outside of the warlock's body. the more 'monstrous' a familiar looks, the more powerful the warlock is. the sapience of a familiar depends on how powerful the warlock is and how they've nurtured their magic.
because of how wizards work, wizards usually take on apprentices which keep the wizard line alive. most wizards don't share their actual name, and instead pass a 'family name' down to their apprentice when they're knowledgeable enough.
there are two different magic groups; the Congregation of Colleges, headed by The Delegate, and the Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster of the Stars, Lusara, fifth of her name.
the Congregation is for warlocks, and works across many places with local governments to help them regulate magic. this means that the Congregation has basically total control over what magic can be taught in colleges.
the Lunar Council is for wizards, and is primarily localised. there are smaller councils in other locations which operate mainly without the oversight of Lusara. however, there are regular meetings where everyone comes to the Wingrove (a magical tree) to speak on the state of magic in their local area.
the previous Grandmaster of the Stars was murdered. Lusara is the only one who knows this.
OK ok characters time :D
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here's lusara!! the first one is accurate for her accessories and hat and clothes, the second is accurate for her face and hair and stuff. she's fucking dope. she has mega anxiety cus she's way too young to be grandmaster and also thinks she's going to get murdered.
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here's lane!! he's a harpy and he's the representative of magic species on the lunar council. he is such a bastard. he is so knowledgeable and old because he kills.
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ceros. the motherfucker ever. he's a fallen celestial who made a bad deal with a basilisk called the hag and lost his soul. he's dying! but it's ok cus he intends to get his soul back somehow.
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(the line there is to denote before and after he lost his soul.) he's such a bastard and i love him to death
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sunflower....... ehehehehehhehe. so she's the messiah of a cult called The Sons of The Sun. she's the daughter of the sun. the sun isn't a celestial btw. don't ask me what it actually is because i have no fucking idea. all i know is that it's very powerhungry.
sunny (she prefers to be called sunnybut Will blow you up if you call ehr that) is considerably powerful but she can only do fire related magic. she's a horrendous person and so beloved to me
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this is renée! our main character. she was just an ordinary alchemist, and then the catalyst hit.
the catalyst is the first part of the sun's plan to become the most powerful thing in existence. it killed and ate the other stars. so now the stars are gone, and suddenly nobody can do magic. i mean warlocks can but *barely* it's super difficult. renée's gonna travel to the capital and talk to the queen to see what she can do to help out.
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this is the queen!! her name's idea and she's a basilisk. she's the reason renée and sunny meet.
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this is valentine, a celestial warlock with amnesia. he's very weird.
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this is hsi familair.
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this is junius!! he's the head court warlock. that star eye of his is really not normal. he's pretty fucking cool though, if a little overworked.
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this is his familiar!!
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this is safiri!! she's a furry.
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and here's her friend the scornet prophet!!!
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this is solomon!! he's the apprentice of a wizard called The Wizard Graceira. graceira is currently in a coma because he performed magic after the catalyst. solomon has some fucking weird stuff going on with him.
uh idk if i can add more guys bcs image limit but there are so many ocs
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katakaluptastrophy · 7 months
I think what's so interesting about Gideon as a narrator at the anniversary dinner is the fact that there's clearly tensions that she's just not picking up on because she's only there to eat a dessert.
But these people are all the immensely powerful leaders of the Houses and consider themselves to be in competition for literal godlike powers and the favour of the emperor.
There's so many little snippets that are potentially intriguing: why is Teacher trying to prime the Ninth to consider the Fifth a threat? Why are the Third and the Sixth "sizing each other up like prizefighters"? The Fifth absolutely knew what they were doing when they sat the teen heads of the opposing cults near each other.
Through Gideon's lens, Magnus' speech is a little awkward jokey thing. But...the seneschal of the House that is known to be actively trying to absorb another House is saying it's such a shame they're all so remote from each other and what do they all have in common (and it's so quiet you "could have heard a hair flutter to the floor") - that had to feel a bit different to people who aren't Gideon.
Palamedes' is dissecting the meaning of "Master Warden" and at one point compares it to a prison warden. 'Dulcinea' asking about whether Magnus and Abigail have children is perhaps less small talk and rather more pointedly political. Harrow's apparently stilted conversation with Protesilaus is clearly her actually probing his limitations like he's a bad Chat GPT-run chatbot.
And then 'Dulcinea' tells Gideon she liked the dinner because it was "useful". In her typical "I never lied to you" way, Cyth wasn't lying when she said Abigail had to die because of her hobby - Abigail Pent let loose on the Facility would have risked blowing Cyth's cover sky high. But what does a Canaan House look like where after the dinner party, the Fifth go down to the facility, get a key, and survive to continue their 'the Houses are going to get along or else' agenda? We've seen Fifth House soft power on a smaller scale in HTN: and it looks like inviting a teenager round for coffee, lulling her into a false sense of security with small talk, and then physically preventing her from leaving the room until she does what you want, while smiling the entire time. A series of little coffee chats could probably have led to a lot of cooperation in Canaan House, one way or another.
Gideon jokes about Silas marrying Ianthe because of their similar colour pallete, but it does raise the fact that there seems to be some tension around the Third, its succession, and the *point* of Ianthe. Why is Silas openly saying Ianthe should have died at birth? Combined with Judith's comments in the Cohort Intelligence Files about succession on the Third, it feels like there's something else being said here that Gideon isn't picking up on.
And of course, Harrow wasn't the only one desperate to become a Lyctor because her con was unsustainable. Presumably at some point Corona and Ianthe would be expected to marry, or at least take on more separate roles as Corona prepared to take over the throne and Ianthe was funneled off elsewhere. At some point, their package deal would have become unsustainable and Corona's cover would have been blown. But much as Harrow wants to become a Lyctor so she can reveal the state of the Ninth without repercussions, Ianthe is probably in part motivated to become a Lyctor for the same reason. Because otherwise, what would Ianthe's expected role have been? Amidst the suggestion of anxiety about the Idan succession, the dinner party also presents the fact that the reason Abigail and Magnus' infertility isn't a succession crisis for the ruling family of the Fifth is that Abigail's younger brother dutifully married in his early 20s and had kids. We know there are branch families in Ida - Babs is from one. He may be a prince, but he's not treated well, and you do get the sense that the stakes to stay in power in Ida are high.
We don't learn anything about the political situation in the Houses themselves during HTN or NTN, but in the wake of Canaan House, you have to suspect there are a number of tensions and concerns.
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undergroundrockpress · 4 months
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bitter69uk · 1 year
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Born on this day 105 years ago: the fabulous Edith Massey (28 May 1918 – 24 October 1984) – snaggle-toothed naïve outsider actress, “egg lady”, punk granny, plus-size model, thrift shop proprietress and perhaps the most beloved of John Waters’ stable of regular actors. Massey made her film debut in Waters’ early “gutter film” Multiple Maniacs (1970). Her last appearance was in Polyester (1981). Her most treasured performances – as Mama Edie in Pink Flamingos (1972) and Aunt Ida in Female Trouble (1974) – will enthrall aficionados of cult cinema forever. The combo of Massey and Divine onscreen together is probably my all-time favourite comedy double act (like Lucy Ricardo and Ethel Mertz for freaks and punks). Eat a hard-boiled egg or use “rah sha sha” in a sentence today in Edith Massey’s memory!
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frogb · 3 months
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this is me when im a squid and also a kid . if im honest.
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seagullcharmer · 11 months
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please take this stupid comic(?) (they're playing poker or smth idk)
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josefavomjaaga · 8 months
Ida meets Ney in Russia
I dimly remember that somebody (Cadmus?) mentioned they wanted to read more from Ida. So here’s a brief snippet of Ida – for once – getting in trouble with her hero, of Ney scolding her and … being jealous of Eugène?
The meeting takes place somewhen in late 1812 or early 1813, as much as it’s possible to tell from Ida’s chronological rollercoaster ride. In any case, after or at the end of the Russian retreat. Because of course Ida had joined the Russian campaign as well.
And not only she. If any tumblerinas here plan on learning how to time travel and want to go back to see the Grande Armée march towards Moscow, they don’t need to worry about incognitos. Most likely they would barely be noticed, as apparently there were wagonloads of groupies following their heroes around.
Okay: four. But that’s only those ladies Ida travelled with. Plus, two of them died on the way back.
Ida was particularly fond of a Polish-Lithuanian girl named Nidia, as madly in love with general Montbrun as Ida was in love with Ney. Not that either of the two got to see their idol much during the march. As a matter of fact, the first thing Nidia learned before entering Moscow was that Montbrun had been killed at the battle of Borodino. Other than that, Ida claims to have had a bad feeling about this city from the start:
As we entered Moscow, occupied at last by our troops, this immense city seemed to us like a vast tomb; its empty streets, deserted buildings and solemnity of destruction were heartbreaking. Despite the pomp of victory, I felt struck by I don't know what new kind of melancholy when I saw it; the flags seemed to me gloomy and almost surrounded by funeral crêpes and black forebodings. We were staying in Rue Saint-Pétersbourg, near the Miomonoff palace, which was soon occupied by Prince Eugène. The sight of this young hero and the cheers of the soldiers, who adored him, gave us back all the illusions of victory.
Okay, so I just added this because it’s so rare to see Eugène receive some praise. (I should also mention that the adored young hero was growing bald at an alarming rate and that his bad teeth were killing him.)
As a matter of fact, Ida claims that Nidia was especially interested in Eugène because he was rumoured to maybe become king of Poland (yes, another candidate). These rumours did really exist, Eugène mentions them in a letter to his wife before the campaign started. (And he also makes it pretty clear that these are just rumours and that he has not the slightest ambition to stay in this country. He may have used different vocabulary than Lannes but he didn’t like the region any better.)
The following night, Ida and Nidia wake up to a burning Moscow and are saved by soldiers of 4th corps. On the retreat, they seem to have followed headquarters as closely as possible, which was their safest bet to stay alive (because where the emperor is, there’s food and firewood and a resemblance of order) but still witness horrible tragedies. After the crossing of the Berezina, they apparently followed the remnants of Eugène’s 4th corps to Marienwerder, before Nidia says goodbye and goes back to defending Poland.
But before, on the way, at Valutina (?), Ida finally sees Ney again
At this point, after the retreat, Ida at least starts to question her decision to follow the Grande Armée around. Or something like that.
I have just recounted my fatigue, my difficulties and my perils in a war beyond human endurance, because of the new aspects it seemed to give to destruction and death. A powerful feeling made me undertake everything and endure everything. Why was I going to face the hazards of a campaign? Why was I going to expose the weakness of a woman to the rigours of a climate of iron? In order to obtain yet another glance from the one whose smile had always paid me for my military errands. This look was always like a world offered to my hopes; the dream alone of this reward had made possible all the impossibilities of time, distance, sex and fortune. My life was thus burnt for a few hours, still uncertain. I was giving up everything for a moment in space. Alas! this time, how I was going to regret this moment that had cost me so much to conquer! I had just gambled my existence for a flash of happiness, and this flash, the quickest of my life, became the cruelest.
I had to spend three fatal hours in a miserable shack on the outskirts of Volutina. My dress was so horrible that it was a real disguise. In a person dressed like that, one could hardly suspect a woman. Ney, however, only had to look my way to recognise me. To have been seen was enough to have been discovered. I was about to rush to the front of this first happiness; I was about to testify to the soul of my life how proud I was of this divination of friendship, of this perspicacity of memory, when words of an energy which was far from that of the feeling of which I was possessed, intimated to me the order of the most positive dismissal: "What are you doing here? What do you want? Go away quickly." With this address and a few short, curt rebukes about my reckless rage and my fury at following him everywhere, I only had the strength to reply: "It is a rage, indeed, but it is not at least the rage of pleasure or vanity," pointing to my coarse clothes and my face burnt by the sun and faded by fatigue. He took no notice of either the harangue or the costume. He was off and running. His displeasure at seeing me there was so great; he let it out so vividly that I thought he was going to push me back to the opposite bank of the Dniéper in his anger. Stunned by the reception, struck by lightning, I remained motionless for more than an hour, staring at him, thinking I saw him; he had disappeared without paying any more attention to me or worrying about me.
From which we can deduct that Ney was not a reader of Jane Austen novels. Otherwise he would have known that whenever you have behaved in a way that made a woman fall in love with you that’s f-ing your fault, monsieur!
In 1813, when I recalled to Marshal Ney this scene of such violent fury, followed by such cruel silence and abandonment, he told me that he had been so mortally frightened by the extravagance which had pushed me into the midst of so many perils and the licentiousness of an army, that he had even been tempted to beat me. Truth requires me to admit that the temptation had been so strong that he had, I believe, yielded to it a little; it was without his knowing it, for the great passions know neither all they want nor all they do. Anger is therefore still love, since it is as blind as fury.
Girl, get help. Seriously.
When we crossed the Dniéper at Serokodia, I could have had another word with him. A new laurel had just hidden his wrongs and healed my wound. I could have, I wanted to say to him: You have just added to your immortal glory here; you alone have just saved Frenchmen lost in deserts of ice; I would have liked to express to him what all parties repeat today, what posterity will proclaim on the ashes of the brave... But I stuck to the joy of hearing the distant cheers. There was then a little fear in my delirium for him, and I almost have the idea that I idolised him even more by fearing him in that way…
Did I mention the thing about getting help?
Yes, even the reproach was appreciated by my heart, and still seemed to me a tender interest. I found I don't know what pleasure in hearing myself scolded later for my association with Nidia, my marches and counter-marches with the Viceroy's troops. No matter how many times I told the Marshal that Eugène's protection had been focused exclusively on the young Lithuanian girl, and that I had slipped unnoticed into this benevolence, he took it into his head to believe nothing of these sincere protestations. To make him reconsider such a strongly conceived idea would have meant exposing myself to a repeat of the Dniéper order and military correction. I had no intention of trying the same pleasure twice. Finally, he saw the evidence of my attachment, and he found the generosity to prove this belated but strong conviction to me [...]
By calling her his brother-in-arms, by the way. And this, I believe, really meant a lot to Ida.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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Through the Years → Queen Mary of Denmark (853/∞) 6 May 2024 | Queen Mary of Denmark welcomes a guest for a banquet at Stockholm Palace in Stockholm, Sweden, to celebrate the Danish royal couple's two-day state visit to the country. (Photo by Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images)
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seffien · 2 years
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happy birthday to alice peralta, marina's VA!
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kochanski · 2 years
let me stay like this forever,
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tailsbeth-writes · 6 months
For the music ask… letters d and o!
Don't Bring Me Down by Electric Light Orchestra
Dover Beach by Baby Queen
Daydream in Blue by I Monster
The Days by Patrick Wolf
Delicious Things by Wolf Alice
OMG by Suki Waterhouse
One of your Girls by Troye Sivan
Oh My God by Ida Maria
Oh No by Marina
Our Philosophy by Maximo Park
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grandma-battle · 1 year
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propaganda below !!
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Ida Manson | @the-fenton-anticreep-stick
where else are you gonna get a grandma who fakes being senile to let her granddaughter sneak out and then dresses up as her to pretend to be her to throw off said granddaughter’s parents
Queen Clarisse | @homosandhomies
Clarisse was from a noble family and was put in an arranged marriage to King Rupert. She wasn’t in love with him but she knew it was her duty to become a great queen. They had a son, Philippe, who married a regular woman and had a baby named Mia. Problem was, Clarisse wanted Philippe to prioritize his country so he divorced his wife and became the next ruler. 16 years later she tells Mia the whole sitch and shenanigans ensue. She apologizes for keeping Mia in the dark but also teaches her to be a princess (and eventual queen) and becomes an amazing grandma. Mia doesn’t wanna be in an arranged marriage but still wants to be queen, and Clarisse supports her and then marries the love of her life Joe!!!!!!!! ✨ it’s growth ✨ Also she’s played by Dame Julie Andrews which is an automatic win.
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mudwerks · 2 years
(via Grand Mamou - Queen Ida & the Bon Temps Zydeco Band-GirlgeoTVshow - YouTube)
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teeveedeevi-us · 2 years
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Barbara Stanwyck 1930s
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