#ughhh i dont wanna tag everyone
identityarchitect · 1 year
hello! could you tell us more abt your OCs, esp Ceros?
HI HI HI HI HI ok so i would find the other posts i made but they're definitely way outdated now so im just gonna go over all the stuff.
ok so. there are two ways that magic works.
an individual is born with 'starsoul'. celestial objects are the only things with souls. them innately having souls makes them capable of doing magic no matter what (unless they lose their souls which is another story.) when an individual is born with starsoul, they can do small amounts of magic. most humans have either no starsoul, or enough to do significant amounts of magic. these magicians are called warlocks.
an individual receives a boon from a celestial, and is capable of drawing from their starsoul in order to perform magic. these magicians are called wizards.
there are six species total. all of them can do magic, but the three 'magic' species have their own magic and cannot perform star magic except in certain select cases (such as receiving a boon from a fallen celestial - we'll get onto those in a moment).
as a general rule of thumb, magic species live much longer than the 'non-magic' species.
the three magic species are;
harpies, whose magic is knowledge (or memory) theft. it acts mostly like a physical attack, where a harpy takes some knowledge from someone's mind and injures their body in the process. younger harpies are usually worse at this, leaving traces of the knowledge behind, and sometimes the victim can recreate the knowledge they lost. older harpies are better, and especially practised harpies can remove knowledge without the victim even noticing. harpies are humanoid creatures with dinosaur-esque arms. they have lots of feathers, especially on their extremities, and can glide from high places.
basilisks, whose magic is magic theft. they can steal someone's starsoul, or siphon energy from the link between them and their star. basilisks are snake-like creatures that are a little smaller than a horse.
dragons, whose magic is life theft. dragons can siphon away ones vitality, taking years off of your life. there are two subsets of dragons; large dragons and small dragons. dragons are primarily sea-dwelling species that often look more like sharks or whales than traditional dragons. large dragons are like basking sharks, taking in huge amounts of prey to add up to a large amount of life drain. small dragons typically go for prey larger than themselves, intending to siphon away enough life that the prey becomes weak and cannot fight back.
magic species often aren't percieved as their actual form due to the average person not expecting to speak to a harpy/basilisk/dragon. their humanoid form may have some discrepancies (strange eyes, sharp teeth, pointy ears, etc).
the three non-magic species are;
celestials, who are part of a celestial that ended up falling to earth. they are innately starsouled and the most capable at magic (although this doesn't make them the best at magic.) most celestials nowadays are small pieces of objects. in the past, during an era known as the pre-dawn, the planet was nearly constantly pummelled by celestial objects, which gave rise to the star-fathomed, huge megafauna. in order for a celestial to remain celestial on earth and not simply deteriorate into a nature spirit, they need to be part of a celestial object which is culturally important. this is why the star-fathomed are detiorating; nobody remembers what objects they're part of, and basically nobody worships them anymore. most are failing to retain their sapience, acting more and more like wild animals by the day.
humans. 's just average humans tbh. not much to say about them. humans are outliers among the non-magic species in that they're not innately starsouled.
. furries. i don't have a better name for them atm. some furries are anthropomorphic animals, some are mostly humanoid with lots of animal features. furries are the descendants of the first civilisations, who worshipped the star-fathomed. the star-fathomed gave the priests of these civilisations blessings; one in the form of starsouling, and one in the form of changing their forms to be more like the star-fathomed. the difference in furry appearance is from the deterioration of the starwalkers that gave them their appearance.
i mentioned nature spirits up there; they're just what happens when a celestial that isn't culturally important comes to earth. the area that the celestial landed in soaks up all the starsoul magic like a sponge, leaving a nature spirit; magically adept, but not a celestial.
oh another thing i didn't mention is warlock familiars. familiars are an extension of one's starsoul, manifesting outside of the warlock's body. the more 'monstrous' a familiar looks, the more powerful the warlock is. the sapience of a familiar depends on how powerful the warlock is and how they've nurtured their magic.
because of how wizards work, wizards usually take on apprentices which keep the wizard line alive. most wizards don't share their actual name, and instead pass a 'family name' down to their apprentice when they're knowledgeable enough.
there are two different magic groups; the Congregation of Colleges, headed by The Delegate, and the Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster of the Stars, Lusara, fifth of her name.
the Congregation is for warlocks, and works across many places with local governments to help them regulate magic. this means that the Congregation has basically total control over what magic can be taught in colleges.
the Lunar Council is for wizards, and is primarily localised. there are smaller councils in other locations which operate mainly without the oversight of Lusara. however, there are regular meetings where everyone comes to the Wingrove (a magical tree) to speak on the state of magic in their local area.
the previous Grandmaster of the Stars was murdered. Lusara is the only one who knows this.
OK ok characters time :D
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here's lusara!! the first one is accurate for her accessories and hat and clothes, the second is accurate for her face and hair and stuff. she's fucking dope. she has mega anxiety cus she's way too young to be grandmaster and also thinks she's going to get murdered.
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here's lane!! he's a harpy and he's the representative of magic species on the lunar council. he is such a bastard. he is so knowledgeable and old because he kills.
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ceros. the motherfucker ever. he's a fallen celestial who made a bad deal with a basilisk called the hag and lost his soul. he's dying! but it's ok cus he intends to get his soul back somehow.
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(the line there is to denote before and after he lost his soul.) he's such a bastard and i love him to death
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sunflower....... ehehehehehhehe. so she's the messiah of a cult called The Sons of The Sun. she's the daughter of the sun. the sun isn't a celestial btw. don't ask me what it actually is because i have no fucking idea. all i know is that it's very powerhungry.
sunny (she prefers to be called sunnybut Will blow you up if you call ehr that) is considerably powerful but she can only do fire related magic. she's a horrendous person and so beloved to me
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this is renée! our main character. she was just an ordinary alchemist, and then the catalyst hit.
the catalyst is the first part of the sun's plan to become the most powerful thing in existence. it killed and ate the other stars. so now the stars are gone, and suddenly nobody can do magic. i mean warlocks can but *barely* it's super difficult. renée's gonna travel to the capital and talk to the queen to see what she can do to help out.
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this is the queen!! her name's idea and she's a basilisk. she's the reason renée and sunny meet.
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this is valentine, a celestial warlock with amnesia. he's very weird.
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this is hsi familair.
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this is junius!! he's the head court warlock. that star eye of his is really not normal. he's pretty fucking cool though, if a little overworked.
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this is his familiar!!
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this is safiri!! she's a furry.
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and here's her friend the scornet prophet!!!
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this is solomon!! he's the apprentice of a wizard called The Wizard Graceira. graceira is currently in a coma because he performed magic after the catalyst. solomon has some fucking weird stuff going on with him.
uh idk if i can add more guys bcs image limit but there are so many ocs
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kawaiianimeredhead · 1 year
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sojutrait · 2 years
its a long one lads
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( @aomi-nabi ) THANK U AAAAAAAAA ur asks always make my day omg 😭😭❤❤❤
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THE WALK WITH ME IS SENDING ME KFKJFDGFGK so far we’ve also canonized him death dropping so i can really see his ass doing both-
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nothings going on dw ive just been busy dkfjdfk 😭😭
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( @deathbypufferfish ) death by pufferfish . com 
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( @lava-nder ) ngl my sims rarely even interact with townies made by the game kfgjfk 😭😭 if i do notice my sim getting close to a townie (.ie nadine or josh) THEN i’ll give them a makeover, but other than that i just ignore them or put in my own townies kdfjk as for lots, i just build my own or place down any new ones once i realize ive been to a lot too many times and want to switch it up
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GATIA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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REAL i love oshin sm omg, been with her since her get famous lp 😌
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HELPPPFKFDK im not surprised, during homelandertrait halloween takeover i was ready to lose some followers 😭😭😭
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( @mmusicalwhims ) thank u so much !! 🤧❤❤❤❤ i should bring back that username tbh it was kinda iconic KDFJKFD
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( @wildmeadowsims ) (link) AAAAAAA I SAW im not really a concert person but im excited to see everyones recording of it dkfjfkfkg and i heard she was adding more international dates eventuallly so fingers crossed !!!
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ive never had that problem god bless KFDJK but i think u can turn off auto mean interactions with mcc so theres a temporary solution 
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the randomize button is my beloved 
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( @velvet-disc ) TYYYY take them, they’re too much for me to handle anyways 🗿
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( @25dejulho ) it depends on the save, but usually i start in another simmers save (my faves are ratboysims and simlicys), either build a house or find a shell off the gallery and decorate it myself, make a fam, then make some townies, give them all skills, careers, etc. just so theyre not like- newborns THEN start playing dkfjk its hella overkill and takes hours but thats how i do it 😭😭😭 tbh u dont even gotta do all that, u can just start in the aforementioned saves by other simmers and start ur own sims from scratch dkfjfgkj
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( @catladyfinds ) hi!! i try to keep my cheating pretty minimal, but theres no like- hard fast rules i do. i never cheat money just bc i think its boring for my sims to be hella rich skfjkgfgk but at the same time, if they have to pee and the toilet is 3 stories up then ill just say fuck it and cheat it 😭😭 so my rule is pretty much, quick lil cheating of needs is fine, but nothing that would make the game too easy or unrealistic 
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currently its cas and gameplay! but im hoping to get bit by the building bug again bc i have some ideas dkffkfg
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aaahhh, idk really i get hella attached to 90% of the sims i make instantly 😭
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( @chlosimly ) TYYYYY 😭😭😭❤❤ its all the cc makers not me KFDJKF
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(referring to the non-canon halabi death i overruled) SEE its so depressing and dark i dont even wanna say it 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY, THAT TIMELINE NEVER HAPPENED I INTERVENED 
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see i take offense to this bc the charm family is ugly as hell 🥴🥴
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thank you!!! 😭😭❤❤❤
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HELP i dont want to be too annoying so i try to keep the soju shut up posts to a minimum but im glad u like them 😭😭❤❤ im a chronic complainer so theres more where that came from dkfkff
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i didnt wanna use her last name in the tag in case she got married and changed it 😭😭 same kinda with her first name, lord knows i cant resist family gameplay so i wanted something that could still work if i ever post from her future kids pov!
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( @starterflowers​ ) thank u so much !! i also think hes pretty awesome kfdkfgk u have a great day/night as well ! 💕💕💕
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*jumps then falls flat on my ass*
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in theory 😌
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REAL i need him as an actual tangible person i can slap around (affectionately) 
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i dont think its a specific part, more so just trying to make someone who doesnt look bland 😭😭 if a sim is too cookie cutter ik i wont feel any emotion for them kfkgfk
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i actually liked how evermore/folklore had no hype! the surprise made the whole thing more special, like i lookback at those releases fondly dkjfkd now- yeah she def overhyped midnights 🗿🗿🥴🥴 this roll out has been so lackluster and so help me god if we get another anti-hero remix im gonna snap 
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ookamihanta · 3 years
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doodle dump of tourn ocs and friend ocs (: 
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
ok ok these are the Questionable Local Felix rumours ive gathered but i cant stress enough to take this with a Massive grain of salt bc it was never from the source themselves. 1) felix is a weeb and used to call his fav anime girls his waifus. this one i wholeheartedly believe imo i see it. i can feel it. he was probably a mikasa stan. im projecting shut up. 2) he lost his v-card at 14... im not gonna elaborate on that one for obvious reasons, im just gonna say me too bro we livin this whore life together✨3) he was a kik kid. this one is actually confirmed as true mf had his old kik profile pic leaked and it looks like every 12 year old fuckboi wannabe ever its the Funniest thing ever. i cant rmb any of the others but ill come back to you if i do
chan thot wbk we all heard the moaning in the back of tiktok and then theres just wow as a whole. tag yourself im the one bitch who he called pretty during the predebut 3racha live stage of id:a and started screeching belligerently.
literally Dont Even Get Me Started on the whitewashing in the kpop industry. im a tanned skin asian myself and it just makes me ::::'))) they be whitewashing entire videos not just photos and using makeup and skin brightening creams and its horrible. its seriously horrible. ppl often make fun of darker skinned idols too... "hurl a bottle of makeup remover like a molotov cocktail" PLEASEEE that sent me but youre so right for this take tho. men w makeup outsold. like the makeup from the victory song mama stage? UGHHH PLEASE. makeup artist felix when. i literally know nothing about makeup bc im trans and femininity usually makes me dysphoric (but also i wanna get into makeup highkey? i just dont want it to make me look like a girl?) but like i am So Here For It.
anyway here's a thread of unwhitewashed skz for the soul: https://twitter. com/aintcheww/status/1338395728620605440?s=20 and here's a thread of felix's freckles: https://twitter. com/Bllack98/status/1390808708544925696?s=20 as u can see they often only show his cheek freckles but it does down to his ears and theyre adorable. im in love with this man -felix bi anon
I just know in my heart, in my heart of hearts, deep in my soul, that these are all true 😂.🙊 Because if I was gorgeous, talented, charismatic, and ever had even a single occasion to show up in a head-to-toe sky blue suit decked out w the gold rolex, even once, even as a joke, I too would show up to life every day going, "Yeah, I could steal your girlfriend AND your boyfriend in the short moment while the next episode of this fuckin anime is loading. What of it? You can't touch this. Hi, flop 😚" with my fuckin deep ass voice, and then just fuckin dance my lil ass off into the sunset. Would you not, if it was you?! I'd be up in EVERYONE'S dms with the unbearable fuckboy energy, giving that lip bite jaw stroke shit, and STILL winning. STILL serving, as he should 😂 I feel like there is an energy to predbut pics of him that I actually relate to, he just seems (to me) like this very bright, very sensitive kid, kind of not really sure how to channel that and definitely having success in how he's perceived but not really letting his true vulnerability or creativity shine through... And I think that's very much what adolescence is about, I mean they are literally still kids, they are all SO young, I could give them very much "back in my day" lectures as I hobble in with my cane and my bad back and my outdated slang, they're that much Fetuses in my eyes as the resident old ass bitch 😂 but I do relate to the way I feel like as time as gone on his sense of self and confidence in his own abilities and identity has just completely started to shine through, so as someone who sort of looks at all the kids with this benevolent, protective energy as well as acknowledging how fabulous they all are—the way you hype your friends up, like YAAAS BITCH, give it to them! Let them have it! Also I love you and would ride out for you! Very THAT energy—I feel like there's a growth w Felix that is very palpable and is really heartwarming to see. But at the same time I also know deep in my soul that Felix was that kid that worked part time at Abercrombie & Fitch—not Hollister cause Hollister was the broke bitch alternative to A&F if you were a bitch that had money 😂—and would curate the store playlists, be too busy talking w his friends to greet customers, and audibly sigh when someone rifled through the table of denim he just folded immaculately (same bestie 😔) before getting froyo with his work besties in the food court and using it as an opportunity to flex on everyone who didn't have the newest statement tee that he bought w his employee discount. He also defo got the job because he couldve been one of the iconic A&F models himself and always reeks of the cologne they spray on all the clothes in store. And none of that is a read, it is a FACT 😂😭 I also live for Chan giving us whole entire golden retriever energy, as well as exhausted mom of seven no braincell havin ass children, on top of Business Professional, Sickening on the Sales Floor Business Fish, inspiring motivational poster at the dentists office energy, at the same time as SIR WHO TAUGHT YOU TO MOVE LIKE THAT 😳, and then on top of it all whatever that is thats been coming to light on my fyp these days 😳 bitch idk wtf an eshay is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(sidenote I s2g if I was that girl at that show that he called pretty my heart would have leapt out of my chest cavity like it was fuckin fire drill and they would have had to close down the whole venue while they waited for the coroner, I would NOT BE OKAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
I literally cry at Chan being like "oh no I'm barefaced" like SIR. I want you to go sit in a corner and think about what you've done. I will pick your short ass up by the scruff of your neck and throw you out the damn window. Knowing DAMN WELL they all gorgeous NO FUCKIN FILTER, meanwhile I'm sitting there entombed in blankets like a fuckin earthworm, bags under my eyes like I work at Prada Marfa, body shaped like a refrigerator, adult acne signing into the chat every chance she gets, double AND triple chin reporting for duty, hairline RUNNIN from my face like it's got a warrant, giving very much Danny Devito as The Penguin teas 🙄🙄🙄 like sir I will shove a falcon wing up your fly ass 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Like hello hi hello sir from the uggos, we see you and your crew and REJECT you from the club, none of yall qualify on your worst day, goodbye, dismissed, case adjourned, bring in the dancing lobsters 🙄 if I was that pretty YOU COULDN'T TELL ME SHIT. I would be UNTOUCHABLE. Idk man I mean like I see the difference in the beauty standard socially, but I hope that tide turns and shit changes, it makes me sad and it's so harmful.
I always felt a little out of place in the makeup world because, at the time, when I was coming up trying to learn shit it wasn't like it is now where there's respect for creative freedom and there's a niche for every style. It was like, if you wanted to learn to do makeup, there was a Right Way to do it and that meant worshiping Kevin Aucoin and Bobbi Brown books like the bible and making every look the standard of Flawless, Effortlessly Eurocentric Youth-Fetishizing 90's Supermodel Minimalism. I wanted to create looks that felt inspired and were performance art and statement pieces, my personal aspiration with my looks was that like... I wanted to achieve something beyond the banal of being human. I wanted to look like a fucking alien, I wanted people to see my makeup and go "I don't know what the fuck that is but it's confusing and scary and I am feeling Emotions about it" but there wasn't room for that, not in the spaces I found online but especially not in the irl world of makeup around me. I saw makeup and fashion as a tool to take control of the way the world experienced me, I wanted to transcend the petty rules of peoples perceptions of me, but... Idk. I wish I could rediscover that passion for makeup as a medium and the human body as a canvas, but... Idk. I'm a tired old bitch now and I can't be bothered anymore. I don't even wanna be perceived at this point and any form of self expression that falls short of an invisibility cloak is falling short of the goal lmfaoooooooo 😂 ugh how depressing! Not the mood. But ANYWAYS I completely live for the boys and in my head Felix is literally four inches tall and could fit into my shirt pocket, I mentally picture him as the epitome of Pampered Smol, and no one can convince me otherwise, the boy is Tiny, a Petito, a Micro, a Wee Bern. If I even begin to approach the absolute hysteria that thinking of Lee Felix Ear Freckles would cause me I will absolutely collapse and once I am revived with smelling salts I will need to be sent to the seaside for the season to recover 👌
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
Since you sent me an a bonus two, I am taking that as a greenlight to send even more! How about Kate Fuller and looking through your tags: Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) 💖
omg this took forever!! lmaooo Thanks for all the characters though!! :D
Kate Fuller
Why I like them: My love!! I went into FDTD already a fan of Madie’s but Kate quickly became one my fave characters!! I love that she’s so small and cute but will absolute wreck you if you mess with her or someone she cares about!! lmfao She’s so fierce when she needs to be and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but she’s also so nurturing and forgiving and I think we all need a little of that in our lives. Absolute sunshine, not to be taken for granted.
Why I don’t: Sometimes she goes a little too far tbh. She doesn’t know when or how to say no. It’s not that I don’t like that about her, but it absolutely gets her into situations that could otherwise be avoided.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Again season 2 episode 1!! I love how she sasses Seth in that episode. lol
Favorite season/movie: Hmm... maybe season 1.
Favorite line: “...So you’re gonna put this car into drive, and you’re gonna step on that pedal, or I’m gonna Bible-thump your ass all the way back to Kansas! NOW!” LMFAOOO
Favorite outfit: I think her black American Eagle jacket and jeans with the black boots outfit has become so attributable to her character in my mind. When I think of Kate she’s wearing either that outfit or the one she wears at the end of s1. I think those are my faves. Also Amaru’s outfit looked totally amazing on Madie!!
OTP: Sethkate obvs
Brotp: I’m gonna go with Kate and Rafa. He was too good!! I totally would ship them romantically too ngl. They were precious together!!
Head Canon: Ugh again with the head canons... lmao I kinda always believed she’d wanna study engineering of some kind if given the chance to go to back and finish school. Everyone always wants to make her a nurse or a teacher or something, and I can totally see that. But I like the idea that she’s interested in how things work. I totally wanna write a mechanic Kate au one of these days.
Unpopular opinion: idk that I have any unpopular opinions about her... She made some questionable decisions in season2, but I forgive her for making me suffer.
A wish: That she hadn’t mf DIED!! BECAUSE I SUFFERED OKAY. WORRYING FOR MONTHS THAT IT HAPPENED TO ME YET AGAIN AND THAT MY FAVE WAS DEAD. Also that she had gotten more screentime in season 3. She barely had a few minutes. It wasn’t fair. And I wish that Richie had owned up to his part in her death.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Romantic tres geckos. No thanks!!
5 words to best describe them: Too good for this world
My nickname for them: Seth’s badass beautiful young wife. That’s my tag name for her. :P Also Kate Gecko.
Joel Hammond
Why I like them: OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! lmao I love that he’s so dedicated to his family. And he LOVES Sheila more than anything, even though she’s become a zombie and her entire personality changes on him and eats people now, but he stays with her and never gives up on her. Even though he’s highkey stressed 100% of the time. :P
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about him tbh??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ughhh idk I loved all the episodes tbh. But one of my favorite scenes was in season 3 after he and Eric do the zombie killing training and Eric says “Joel touched me” XD
Favorite season/movie: IDK. Maybe a tie between s1 and s3.
Favorite line: haha idk I can’t remember any in particular except “You’re killing it!” when he finds out Abby soaked his iron skillet in the sink :P
Favorite outfit: I don’t think I have one? I never really paid attention tbh.
OTP: Joel and Sheila!! They belong together!!
Brotp: Joel and Eric!! forever dying at those two. I love their relationship so much!!
Head Canon: I never thought about it tbh...
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have any!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that his personality would be really different from his original one after turning into a zombie
5 words to best describe them: Best husband in the world
My nickname for them: don’t have one!!
Edward Elric
Why I like them: I really loved his relationship with Alphonse!! They meant everything to each other!! I haven’t seen FMA anything in a long time, or I’m sure I would remember more things I liked. :P
Why I don’t: Okay I found the Brotherhood anime Edward pretty goddamn annoying sometimes with all the screaming and cartoony reactions to things...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): idkkkkk
Favorite season/movie: I definitely preferred the 2003 anime... Brotherhood might be canon but idgaf!! I still haven’t read the manga. :P
Favorite line: “You’ve got a good, strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use ‘em.” haha idk I haven’t seen either anime in so long but that one comes to mind... there’s so many different versions of it. :P
Favorite outfit: He literally always wears the same thing. lol
OTP: ehh... I mean everyone ships him with Winry but I didn’t really ship him with anyone? I know he and Winry are canon. idgaf though. I hated that she was always fucking hitting him in Brotherhood and though I did think they were really cute in the 2003 series it didn’t really go there?
Brotp: Ed and Al forever!! Their relationship is my favorite thing about the series!! omfg I cried when I watched the Shamballa movie when Al says “brother” in his sleep, stuck in the other world. T_T I know it’s not “canon” but the brothers’ relationship is developed soooooo much better in the 2003 series and movie.
Head Canon: don’t got any!!
Unpopular opinion: NGL I loved the 2003 anime soooo much more than Brotherhood because they didn’t cut every potentially emotional scene off at the knees with some comedic BS to lighten the mood. The 2003 series really gave the story and characters time it needed, and it really allowed us to get to know the brothers and grow an attachment to those characters. That series just had wayyyy better character development imo and I really grew to love Ed and Al so much because of it!! I haven’t actually read the manga still after all this time. lol I’ve been meaning to.
A wish: idk... I haven’t been in that fandom for ages...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I can’t think of anything...?
5 words to best describe them: haha I hate this question
My nickname for them: don’t have one :P
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shrimpcolour · 5 years
answer them all coward
take two after closing the tab when i was almost done w every question im gonna fucking lose my shit
angel; do you have a nickname?
people call me nicknames but i hate any variation of taylor
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
bloop; spirit animal?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
Fahrenheit 451 im1 shes so man matchbox 20 
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
my lamby who i still sleep w everynight bc i am baby
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
getting told i can keep my cats
bright; mermaids or fairies?
fairies all the way
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
not so sure i do
buttercup; showers or baths?
butterfly; dream destination?
anywhere outside of the us
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
no but i wish i was
calm; favorite scent?
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
some fuckshit on the beach
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
time is fake
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
money  like a lot
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
my kitten lucifer but saying i own him sounds weird
cutsie; what makes you happy?
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
i cant remember
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
i want to be remembered as nice? kind? please . 
daylight; favorite album of all time?
kindly now by keaten henson
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
concerts but i love museums
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes but i didnt send it
dobby; dream job?
something that has to do w art
doll; how do you like to dress?
i like to dress in a cute button up and jeans but that doesnt happen
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
no but i wish so bad 
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
yes i want many tattoos and on my 18th im going w my dad to get one
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
fuck yeah
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
i love my sister so much she is my literal will to live she is so fukcing funny and happy and just UGHHH shoutout to kaylleee
fairy; do you have a pet?
yes i have two cats, boots and lucifer, and a dog named finn
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
ocean is where its at 
forever; where do you feel time stop?
the park near me at night
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
sadly not
garden; how many languages do you know?
one bc im weak
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
not tagging them but like . cmon . yk
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
that warm cozy library aesthetic ? i love that
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
i love them bc it gives me the opportunity to talk to ppl who are too scared to talk to me (please dont be scared of me)
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
my eyes my hair my sense of humor my friends my socks
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
coffee w almond milk
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
people watching bc i like to give everyone a story in my head
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
melatonin LMAO
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
rainy and cold
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
sleep my life away
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
loud laugh baeby
kinky; do you blush easily?
i dont think so
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
that friends to lovers mutual pining takes a little bit to realize what they want is right in front of them i love that
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
keaten henson
love; what is your favorite season and why?
fall bc the weather and the holidays and my job ITS ALL TOO GOOD
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
i have never had a macaron but i love oreo iceceram
magic; what are five flaws you have?
i overthink AND underthink at the same time like what a dumbass bitch, i doubt myself, i am not so bright, i am too loud around ppl im comfortable with and i am selfish sometimes
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
i like all of them it depends on my mood
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
i dont really look? 
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
minecraft and sweatpants 
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
on minecraft or on here or just like . sitting
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
dont judge a book by its cover is so fucking cliche but like .  you gotta learn it
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook baeby
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
lazy oops
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
i played the flute when i was like 10
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
strawberry/sweet pepper
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
“so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
my sister being born
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
the loss of all my friends bc im fucking stupid. thats the one. 
shine; art or music?
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
they do
smitten; do you collect anything?
i collect disney pins
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
one? two?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
i do but i dont know what kind and idk where it is
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
i wear earrings  and a necklace sometimes
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
with head phones but too loud so you can probably hear it without
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
hannah montana baeby
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.  
my bed. it has so many blankets and its quiet bc of the AC and it has my favorite things
soothe; digital or vinyl?
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
my best friend francesca like a lot 
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
no i dont think ive ever completely opened up if im being honest
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
i do! i want two kids!
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
this is gonna sound so fucking dumb but i really look up to jenna mourey/jenna marbles
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
idk man im quite basic
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
im very loyal but i tend to hold a grudge so like . thats an issue
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
tina made me laugh shoutout to tina
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl 
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
invisibility baeby
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
no but i like doing it
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
messy oops
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
i like my town but i dont think i wanna lvie here
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
yes i have
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springblush · 6 years
♡ song tag ♡
rules~ list 10 songs you’re currently obsessed w/ & tag 10 people ♡   hey i was tagged like 5 million years ago when i was less active by my wonderful @wonboowoo y’know that i love you lots?? well i’ll say it again, 
♡ i ♡ l o v e ♡ y o u ♡ ok but im actually kinda hyped to do this cuz im really into music in general so.....watch out for full on music reviews lmao
in no particular order
1. fromis_9 - dkdk ♡
ok just.....everyone let’s take a moment to appreciate girl groups who do cute concepts....like listen to the absolute perfectness in this song, its cutesy but not to overboard and it makes me hella nostalgic bc it reminds me of the music i used to listened to and it makes me super happy!! cute concepts in kpop deserve all the love and attention, especially in girl groups (they work really really hard) 
2. loona haseul - let me in ♡
g u y s loona is so underrated its sad :( i personally did not like loona at first (aT FIRST) buuuuuut the talent! in every single member! god made girls as talented and beautiful as loona to make sure that they could bless this earth...i have this one preference to the song bc it sounds so royal and with the orchestra and the last chorus... p u r e  t a l e n t (also give a listen to some of my other fav solos: kiss later - yeojin, vivid - heejin, singing in the rain - jinsoul, and around you - hyunjin)
3. wanna one - light ♡
guys,,,,wanna one is just amazing go listen to all of their songs they’re kings,,,i chose this song bc i’m pretty sure this is my fav wanna one title track of all time, and it’s so well made and catchy and it sounds so so os os soo so os s o good and y’know wanna one just always has my heart~~ other recs: i.p.u. (i promise you), energetic, boomerang, wanna be (my baby) all of these songs in general are happy upbeat songs however i’ve cried to all of them,,,stanning wanna one makes me sad T^T
4. ahn hyeonseop & lee euiwoong - it’ll be good ♡
ok this is a purely uwu song like its so good?? they are such talented baby bois and they deserve all of the love in the world pls,,, this gives me major nostalgia, mostly bc at the time, i did some major projects and worked while listening to this,,, again a lot of pd 101 trainees have debuted and deserve attention and support sooo here are some other songs i thought were good by the pd 101 boys! my flower - jbj, rainz - juliette, nu’est w - deja vu, just u -jeong sewoon, the.the.the. - shihyun and longguo, jelly - hotshot
5. yoo seonho - your song ♡
alright yes i listen to a LOT of cutesy songs but srsly,, this one hit home in my heart like ugh seonho is super cute and talented and he’s improving so so much!! i love him so much and i cant wait until he comesback (maybe even with guanlin)!! anyways stan yoo seonho,, he has lots of potential and is very cute!!
6.  mxm - diamond girl ♡
wah,, the vibe of this song is so good?? its very retro, very funky but also, very mxm,, its also super aesthetically pleasing and nice to listen to,, they’re already rookie monsters and are super popular and dONGHYUN!! he deserves all of the love and our very cute alpaca!! youngmin is also a very talented rapper pls go support our bnm kings~ (also bazzi and anne marie reacted to this song and said it was good,,,, i love royalty stanning royalty)
7. a.c.e. - take me higher  ♡ 
wow guys pls go take a look at this song, its like the bop of the summer, especiALLY THE BRIDGE OH THE BRIDGE OF THE SONG IS SO GOOD,,, the breakdown is so well done i was shaking when i heard the song,, also the concept is gold, a very bright and gorgeous mv,, with boys,,, in crop tops :^),, anyways check it out!! they deserve more recognition!
8. the boyz - keeper  ♡
uhhhh bop of the summer?? cutest song in the world?? yes??? pls pls pls go and do me a favor: stan the boyz. this is like the cutest song ever g u y s im not even kidding when i say im whipped for them,,, and like, the choreo?? pls give me some live stages bc i am in love with the freaking choreo its so cute and really cool,,, and also i was like biaswrecked collectively by the boyz in the span of 3 minutes soooo yeah!! i love them so much :/
9.  gugudan’s semina - semina  ♡
the og pd 101 s1 team!! yes! its the girls that stole all of our hearts with that first audition on pd 101 and they got all As! now they debuted with a very fun, sassy, and bright song that highlights vocals and rap! the mv is super cool and pretty, as expected of gugudan,, i love mina and sejeong and nayoung, this was jellyfish’s best decision yet,, anyways im literally obssessed with this song, pls give them your support!!
10. yang da il x wendy - one summer  ♡
maybe this is the song of the summer,,, hmmmm,,, this is a very chill, nice, relaxing song that basically sums up a very nice and calm summer day,, the vibes are really nice and i gotta talk about my bOI WOOJIN ACTOR WOOJIN YALL IT WAS SO FREAKING CUTE ASDFJOFSIOI the vocals are also amazing so overall a great song!!
ughhh this took so long im so sorry bUT! im tagging all, i said aLL OF MY MUTUALS every single one of you aS WELL AS THE PEOPLE I TALK TO,,, if you’ve already done it,, do iT AGAIN COWARDS
@taeyoming @playfuldisaster @m0onbean @mlmchan @tojaehyun @majinstic @runjen @softlyjungwoo @wonboowoo @jeno-screaming @godrics @myday6ix @renjunchokingnct @onegoldenbranch @ongnable @ongsung @najaeminclub @kimdoyoungclub @rcnjun @godtierjeno @whiplashlive @chittafont
oOF THAT WAS A LOT OF PEOPLE ok everyone i love you so so much have an amazing day today and an even better one tomorrow! get some sleep, eat well, hydrate dont diedrate, rest up, and take care of yourselves for me!! love youuu~
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saffron-not-so-joy · 3 years
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God i wish i was less bad brained i genuinely enjoy learning and discussing college level bs in the ivory tower but im not in school cus i wanna die when i so.much as think about writting a paper.
1 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 09:29:37 GMT
Uuhhh i should tage my wep spoilers but omfg ita soo good
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 21:25:12 GMT
My mom came down with some sort of cold/fever and were hoping its not covid, she has a test due to come back in the morning but I’m starting to cough and shit and i really hope the fact I’ve got some mucus is actually a sign its just a late flu like i had last year and not just covid + allergies or something. Very scary and my throat hurts ughhh.
3 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 07:45:55 GMT
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I try to give everyone respect, but just because i be looking at anime pins on etsy dot com and use tumblr does not mean i want this in my face at 10:54 am. Y’all the ads are wild god bless these people but my god.
5 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 16:56:02 GMT
This is the worst day of my life, you do not understand how emotionally invested i have been in the mantis shrimp color thing!!! When i do drugs i would try and MANIFEST THE EXTRA COLORS BUT THEY ARENT EVEN REAL AAAAAAA.
6 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 11:49:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kashdollv · 7 years
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Interviewer :how does it feel being one of the biggest trend setters on imvu and dropping fire 🔥 and congratulations on your album
Kashdollv: it’s a humbling experience for me to be a dope artist it was so many before me and I have so much respect for all the artists and performers before me they clearly paved the way for ya new artists and I will forever think of it that way ! -fixes my hair and laughs …
Interviewer : so kashdoll we have seen you dominate the charts and your albums do wonders and you win awards what made you wanna sit down and be like ok I wanna do this I wanna (role play) a artists such as Kash doll …
Kashdoll :well ….. for starters lol I was just a regular person on Instagram ’ and part of the imvu community and I ran across two people I seen who had very dope pages which ones @Joslien and @nickimvnaj sooo at that time I didn’t even know a music Industry even was around soo I winded up developing a very very close relationship with @nickimvnaj and we became the best of friends and we sat up on the phone one night and she told me o should be come a artist and I was like why not and it started from their then shortly after I met Joslien and we had a very very rock start loll we hated each other loll every day we was at each other’s necks and I sat sat down with one of my friends and I’m like ima call him we have too have a talk like grown ups and we really sat down and was on the phone for hours we became the best of friends he welcomed me with open arms never turned on me or anything
Interviewer : soo lets let’s fast forward too when u had learn the basics of preforming and really entertaining the crowd how was it for u and what steps did It take you too achieve it !!
Kashdoll : ughhh boy boy boy … loll man I was scared as ever many people may not know but my first ever performance was for hazel E lmfao at her club opening lol she wanted me to preform two songs and I’m like yooo this my first booking I’m fenna be lit ima be turning up slaying the stage -face palm - then it hits me ummmm bitch YOU DONT KNOW HOW TOO PERFORM YET !!! Sooo was shitting bricks loll and I was like ok quick who do u know is a bomb ass performer and ding @nickimvnaj popes up in my head soo I’m blowing her dm up like sis sis help yo I got my first ever show I’m scared loll sooo I’m over here overreacting thinking like what if I mess up ima be labeled as a (flop) and a nobody so she like …. Kash shut up loll and show showed me and the only thing was kashdoll didn’t have any kinda lyrics on any kinda websites soo I’m like I know all her lyrics sooo why not just put them all on google for each song sooo that’s what I did and I winded up doing the show and after that started getting soo many bookings and my career took offf
Interviewer: soo would u say u owe @nickimvnaj a thank you ??
Kashdoll: hell yes cause with out her help I would have not been Able too preform
Interviewer: what about ramel ??
Kashdoll:is that even a question I let him know that every time we talk on the phone or on dm he played a major role with his supporting on my career
Interviewer: sooo what made you want to be kashdoll ?
Kashdoll : it was her personality and her drive and her attitude like she gave me hope that u can come nothing and turn into a boss and all her music I can relate too on sooo many levels and that’s why I was like i really love her loll .. like every one has a their Nicki’s - Beyoncé’s ‘ and riri’s and I have my kashdoll like I look up to her and I love her to death
Interviewer: soo where and when did u meet Jason Derulo a.k.a. Jeremiah ?
Kashdoll : welll loll I met him back when he was jeremiah and loll all my friends had told me if I wanted too make it in the music thing go for the head guy in charge and it was jere sooo I’m like ohh really -flips hair - sooo I started blasting his dm loll he wasn’t responding sooo I was like hmm lemme start dopping this fire sooo I dropped my first song called (waste ya time) and like a few weeks later I got reposted and I got a freaking nomination and I was FCVKING SHOOOk!
Interviewer: not let’s talk about that how did that feel to get your first nomination!!!?
Kashdoll : ahhhhhh!!! Fluffs my hair it was sooo freaking big for me Cause that whole year was soo positive for me and I was climbing up the charts my mixtapes and albums was getting more viewers and sells Soo when I found out I’m like ok you want it but it’s 6 other females in the game that’s killing it right now that want it more then you sooo I’m like yo I gotta get a fan base soo Instagram had just came out with the live update soo what I did was went live and started branding my and pulling my music telling every one to vote for me!!
Interviewer: so we found out that you were had a date to the VMAs Which was your soon to be boyfriend?! Tell us how ups guys starts taking about it
Kashdoll : loll welllll we followed each other on Instagram and it started by us liking each other’s pictures and commenting and by then I’m like yo he soon fine loll he seem sooo cool lol ion know how we started talking exactly but we was best of friends before we mad anything serious loll I think it was the night of the VMAS WHERE we winded up letting our emotions take over and started Dating because we took our Red carpet pictures and I’m thinking too my self he might be the one this feel soo right …next thing I know we posted our pictures I wake up and I’m tagging in all the blogs and they was saying omg kashdoll and Paxton it’s confirm they’re dating and we’re here for it lol but he literally became my rock like I fell in love with him in everyway I really loved everything thing about him treated me like I was his queen and that’s all I wanted
Interviewer : how did it feel to win your first Award ?! Best female hip hop artists and preform at your first big show aka the VMAS.
Kashdoll :it felt soo surreal cause I was doubting my self sooo much I remember sitting on the phone as they called out the. Nominees with ramel and Tammy and when they said the award goes to kashdoll !! Yo I screamed lmfaooo sooo hard I’m like omgomomg omg I didn’t even have a speech prepared I just went off the top of my head 🤦🏽‍♀️ and I remember telling everyone everything I’m nominated for I’m gonna win and I’ve done that thus far soo when it came down to me preforming I’m like ok time to bring out that inner beyonce and Nicki lmfoao yo I turned into a whole different person and I went in.
Interviewer: now we have to ask cause every one wanted to know where u really pregnant by Paxton with twins ??
Kashdoll : yeah I was and I winded up loosening them due too stress from the media and just the life of being a celebrity I know he really wanted his twins just like me and I feel like when I lost them it kinda put a space between us but he was so supportive and I love him soo much for it
Interviewer : if u could have kids by him again would you ?
Kashdoll : hell yess cause I want to be a mother I want to able too teach my children the right from wrong
Interviewer: sooo what’s next for you in your career we know you’re on a brake from music will you be returning?!
Kashdoll: of course lol my crown won’t fit on their bum ass lace fronts I’m gonna do what I do best that’s sell out shows and win awards and body every thing I touch nobody can stop what god has for my career
Interviewer: what do you want people to understand about u as a person ?!
Kashdoll : that I’m human and we make mistakes I feel soo miss understood because people was soo used to be being the sweet and shy kashdoll that didn’t pop off and go on live rants and drag people. I just felt like every one was taking advantage of the fact I was nice and they was slapping me in the face so I’m like ok that kashdoll is dead because people are gonna hate me for. No reason but what I’ve learn is that you can’t let people bring I down u can’t let people hurt your feelings if people not gonna like u you can’t fight the world you have to keep pushing and striving to be a better you and I’m working on rebranding my self and staying out of drama and learning how to talk things out before popping off.
Interviewer : one last thing before u leave What would u want to be remembered in the imvu industry??
Kashdoll: for being a legendary artist that pushes the envelope and doing things her own way style
Interviewer alright thank you for spending your morning with us we love u and wish u much success with your career over here at XXL !!!!
Kashdoll - love u guys more and I love all my supporters DOLLS ALWAYS HAVE FUN!!! Kaka winning
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