starskulls · 2 years
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This is the only thing on my mind rn. Mystery au boschluz. They're almost like Wednesday and Enid /s
Enjoy the messy doodle
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
A Lumischa prompt no one asked for.
Boscha has been hiding a crush on Luz and Amity; like Amity before her, she doesn't know how to handle her feelings, but doubles down on her mean girl attitude because that’s how she hotwired herself.
But behind the scenes, Boscha writes Pataki-esque poems and soliloquy's about her feelings. An like Pataki, they start out comedically lovey dovey...only to get sad as she vents about her maladaptive ways of dealing with them, and how she thinks she's unworthy of anyone caring about her. How even if she tries, she can't stop being who she is. 
One day, Luz and Amity find two of these letters (unaddressed) and initially think it's from one another, thinking they are going through something and are concerned for eachother...until they realize they're done in Boscha's handwriting. When they try to confront her about it, rather than explain herself, Boscha just leaves wordlessly (beyond maybe “Why do you care!?”). She hopes to Titan that they don't see her crying...
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asia-27 · 2 years
Guess who's writing Luschaaaaa
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Boscha sighed a little as she caught sight of the small symbol she’d carved into a few of the trees a couple days ago. She’d rather it be an X because those were easier to make but at least the semi-circle that slammed into a smaller, full circle in the middle wasn’t too hard to make. She still wasn’t sure if she believed Luz though when she told her that it would help bless her hunts but she couldn’t really say they’d gotten worse since she’d started carving the symbol. It was also easier to tell if it had been placed on purpose or not than a few scratches would which was a comfort. One she needed too as she sighed.
 No tracks. No signs in general of the wolves as she’d been hoping to get by now. She still wasn’t even sure what she would have done had she seen their tracks. She was alone after all and one wolf versus one hunter…
  Without his knife, it couldn’t go any other way.
 Boscha’s hand slid along the hilt of her blade before she glanced back at the sled that was behind her. It had a couple rabbits and a fox from her snares but nothing too large yet. That was for the best in her opinion as she slipped her blade free. A minute later and she was laying the wolf’s pelt into some paper to help preserve it. Then she stood up and shouted, “I know you assholes can understand me so listen up!” She then held up the meat of the fox with her bloody glove as she shouted, “I’ve marked a half dozen trees to make it clear to other hunters where our divides are. If you came to our town for food, stay the fuck out!”
 She then threw the meat across the threshold and waited to see if there was any response. Her now free hand even twitched towards her bow. Just in case. If any small wolf showed her face after all, they might have a taste for Luz’s blood and then…
 Boscha sighed as nothing seemed to answer her. It’s what she expected but it still made her want to slice apart the symbol next to her. She shouldn’t be doing this. Not when Luz was still in danger. She also couldn’t keep wasting half of her day trying to find them. She had very little to show this week for it and the orphanage was counting on her. A lot of people were counting on her…
 Boscha sighed before turning her back on the wolves’ territory before she said, “We’ll do the same in return.”
 She then took a step before-
 Boscha was almost to the ground instantly. Despite being taller than most girls, she was able to squat low enough to be maybe two feet tall now. In the same breath, she’d slipped her bow off of her shoulders and knocked an arrow in it in spite of the knife in her hand. She’d made damn sure she didn’t have to drop it though to use her bow though and usually found her accuracy only suffered slightly. She couldn’t drop it now though. Not with how close the sound had been. The next sound to meet her wasn’t what she’d expected though. A deep, pitiful whining of some sort. She couldn’t even immediately place it as she slowly skulked through the woods to see what was going on. Her experience told her there was a ravine nearby but what was enough of a dumbass to fall into it?
 She quickly got her answer as she saw a bear pitifully trying to climb out of the brambles and vines that were a dozen feet below her. She narrowed her eyes for a moment as she tried to assess what had happened but she’d need a closer look for that. Maybe her broad headed arrows? Their extra weight could get through the thicker hide of bears but they were expensive to get ahold of and they were for if things went wrong. She didn’t exactly make it a habit to hunt something bigger than her. Getting it home was enough of a problem alone without how dangerous it was. The longer she considered it though, the more she realized she didn’t need anything like that. She also had no choice in what she wanted to do with the bear as she began to slowly make her way down the ravine. Getting the beast out was going to be a nightmare but it was better than the alternative. Much better.
 Even the bear seemed to know as it weakly clawed at the air towards her. Its back paws didn’t move though and Boscha grimaced as she saw the large rock that the bear had landed on. Its spine was likely destroyed which meant it wasn’t a threat. That also meant that she could get close enough so that her arrow would have maximum penetrating power. Enough to cleanly pierce the beast’s heart even without the extra weight. It was no question for her as she pulled back the bow, whispered, “You’re welcome,” before letting go.
 She shut her eyes for a moment before sighing. Now came the hard part.
 Luz couldn’t help but keep glancing around herself as she bathed in the spring that Boscha and her made sure to share each Saturday. It was a promise they kept to make sure no matter how busy either of them got, they always spent an hour catching up each week. Not that Luz focused on the getting clean part as much as she should. Instead, she kept her cloak on to help cover herself up. Sure they were both girls but even if Luz didn’t feel weird whenever Boscha was… exposed around her, she’d still struggle being comfortable around Boscha like this. After all, Boscha had a body that appeared like it was sculpted by some sort of god with how she didn’t have an ounce of fat and nothing but muscle to replace it. She’d even heard that people made statues of such men so why shouldn’t she be flustered around such a body!?
 But today she was concerned for a different reason. Boscha almost always beat her to getting here, even if it meant bringing her prey with her. Heck, sometimes Boscha would need to at least take a second dip in the water because something came for her prizes and, well… Boscha kept her bow and knife close just in case. It made Luz fidget sometimes, even as King told her that the forest had no problems with Boscha’s hunting habits.
 She hadn’t showed up yet though and Luz was almost done washing herself so where was sh-
 Luz barely had time before she was suddenly drenched anew by a crashing wave. That got a laugh out of her as she turned to see her friend. And then she screamed.
 Boscha emerged almost instantly and darted towards where she’d stashed her knife before surprising her friend. Only once she had it in hand did she turn back to Luz and ask, “What’s wrong?”
 Luz puffed her cheeks out before pointing at the water that was slowly fading back to normal after having been dyed a dark red. “ That ! Why were you covered in blood!? Did something attack you?”
 Oh. That… made sense. She should have thought about that first as she scolded herself for making Luz worry. Part of her job was explicitly to make Luz not worry after all. At least, to her. Then again, she was also supposed to be impressive enough to her friend so she could be missing an arm and Luz would think she still could fix anything.
 She couldn’t just apologize for making her worry though. Luz needed to learn not to worry about her. So instead, she stood tall and used her free hand to smooth back her hair as she pushed her chest out. “Just take a look and tell me.”
 Luz didn’t want to. She wanted to stay mad. She hardly could though while staring at Boscha’s body while it was drenched and hardly covered by her undergarments. It was the exact sort of sight she tried to avoid because she could barely control herself. The water traced her muscles, made sure there was less dirt than usual to hide her strong cheekbones and the look on her friend’s eyes… It was the sort of confidence that had made her pass out when she first experienced these sorts of feelings. Instead, she found her cheeks burning bright as her legs wobbled a bit. How could someone make her feel so giddy and so much like a fool at the same time!? Just one look was enough to damn near cripple her. And yet Boscha never seemed to notice so… HOW!? “I-I mean, um, uh, I can see that you, well, don’t have any new scars but that still doesn’t explain anything…”
 Boscha relaxed a little as she smiled gently at Luz. She was safe doing it right now. Luz couldn’t keep eye contact with her in the springs after all, let alone while she was probably hoping her hair didn’t catch on fire from how hot her face was. She still wished she understood that part of Luz. She did think Luz was pretty after all. Her darker skin reminded her of the woods she spent so much time in already. Her smile was brighter than any fire she could light. Her laughter and songs were more beautiful than any birdsong.
 Then again, she didn’t need an answer with Luz. There were so many times her best friend confused her after all. When her heart was too big. When she seemed to think the smallest things in the world were too precious to ignore. How she seemed able to make friends with anyone and leave herself so vulnerable despite all the dangers the world had to offer. All with a smile and a whistle on her lips. A smile she’d protect to the very end because she lov-
  “We’d be different like you then, right Steve?”
 A smile she’d protect to the very end because Luz was her best friend.
 Boscha rolled her shoulders back and she swore for a second that she heard a branch snap or something. It was probably just her back popping though. She did smile again as she saw Luz barely manage to stay standing for a second before she sighed. “I can’t stay like usual unfortunately. I found an injured bear today and was simply drenched by the time I got his pelt and meat out of the ravine I found him.” She then paused as she considered mentioning how something she hadn’t heard had stolen her rabbits while she was busy. Luz would get worried about her missing something like that though so it’d be better if she just said nothing. Instead she said, “I needed to get at least some of its blood off of me before I went to town but this pelt is worth too much not to make sure it gets back safe. Reschedule for another day?”
 Luz sighed a little as she couldn’t help but smile. How Boscha managed to be so mature, she just didn’t understand. Her mom told her that orphans usually had to grow up fast but it was still incredible for her to think about how far Boscha had come in just three years. It made her only want their private time more but then she was being selfish and childish and… “I get it. We can talk about it tomorrow! I’ll even make sure to get up early to make us something for breakfast, promise!” “I’ll-” Boscha paused for a second mid-turn before deciding to raise one of her arms and flex it for Luz. She then pushed it a little harder and flicked the water on her bicep off as she made sure every muscle was clear as day, “-hold you to it, got it?”
 Luz opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again and then finally smashing her face into the water. Another set of eyes was kind of wishing she could do the same. After all, Amity was lucky not to have fallen out of her tree when she oddly enough blacked out for a second when the hunter emerged from the water originally. She was still wondering why she had a bloody nose or why the sound of getting squeezed tight by the rough killer sounded like a  good  thing.
 How was this even more confusing than what her prey did to her mind!? She buried her face into her paws as she tried to tell herself to leave. That being here was a bad idea and had nothing but dumb luck. Nothing was here for her after all, not unless she wanted to get wet during practice.
 And yet, once she heard the boots of the hunter trailing away, she couldn’t help but peek between her claws like she had been before Boscha’s arrival so she could keep watching her prey. For purely academic reasons, of course. Nothing else.
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celestiainstars · 1 year
The Spectacular Spider-Witch
Hey! Long time no post!
My weird The Owl House AU Spider-Man has reached the end of its First Act
It contains action, feelings, weird writing decisions and humour
I really like this AU (though it makes no sense except in my head) and would love for you to check it out!
Don't worry about the Luscha, it's still a Lumity slow-burn 👀 I have plot purposes to fulfill
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Why Does The Owl House Feel Like Fanfiction?
So there’s a lot that could be used for this but a lot of it can also go back and forth on simply being bad writing. To genuinely feel like fanfiction, you have to make it clear that as an original writer, you’re still leaning on the biggest joy and sin of fanfiction.
You need to show that you still don’t want to do the setup work for your story. You just want the payoffs.
That is the big strength of fanfiction after all. You don’t need to make the characters, introduce the world, etc. like that. You can just get to the juicy stuff without bogging yourself down. Even AUs often don’t have to actually make new designs or establish what a character’s personality is unless it’s directly opposing the source material because the audience will assume they’re the same otherwise. If you doubt me on that, I will start linking you all the comments I’ve gotten of people having to remind themselves that Odalia isn’t pure evil in my own fanfics.
But that also presents a danger when going to original fiction. After all, if you don’t setup the world, characters, etc. like that and just do big payoffs, they’re going to feel increasingly more shallow as they make less and less sense or don’t feel like they’re happening when they should. The seams of your writing will show if you don’t put that effort in.
A perfect example of this is one of the most celebrated things in the show: The Enemies to Lovers arc. To really highlight this, let’s break it down to what it would look like in fanfiction, what it would look like commonly in original fiction and then how TOH did it.
Fanfiction: The enemy relationship is already made. You don’t have to do that unless you’re changing a LOT. So all you need to do is the inciting incident that makes the two see each other in a new light and the romance can spark from there, possibly without even becoming friends because the writer just wants to see the two kiss and that’s fine. I’ve done plenty of Luscha stuff like this.
Original Fiction: HAHAHAHA! Oh god, fuck this trope in original fiction. It takes SO. FUCKING. LONG. I’m not even just talking about my own stuff. Catradora took THREE SEASONS for a reason. My own works took literally dozens of chapters to even get the characters on SPEAKING terms, let alone as friends and even then, needing to figure out what just friendship looked like to them.
This is because Enemies to Lovers DEMANDS a character arc on multiple sides. It’s a very big change from the introductory dynamic... But you also have to explore that first dynamic. You need to set up that they’re genuine enemies, explore it and sell it to the audience. Then you need to start whittling away at the base of the problem between the two, start showing their other sides like you would a villain redemption arc, and THEN you can start moving towards romance after they’ve stopped trying to fight each other or oppose each other, etc. like that. It cannot be understated that this trope is so powerful because it requires just a fuck ton of effort and patience on the writer’s part and while you can make cheats for it, like I did in Eyes Beneath the Water by making two people ex-friends but neither wanted the friendship to end, you cannot half ass it.
The Owl House: Amity is, at best, an enemy of Luz’s for three episodes. Teenage Abomination, Covention and TECHNICALLY Hooty’s Moving Hassle, even if her social media post feels awkward post Covention because... Why she is still antagonizing Luz? It makes Lost in Language somewhat confusing because she sounds like she was just trying to dismiss Luz. Like, she couldn’t get her quite out of her head but she was ready to leave her alone.
But also... Lost in Language is Amity’s next episode. By the end of it, they’re friends. By the end of Adventure in the Elements, they’re DEFINITELY friends. Period. And by the sixth episode Amity has a major role, fifth if you don’t include Hooty’s Moving Hassle, she’s blushing at holding Luz’s hand because that’s Understanding Willow which leads directly into Grom where she wants to ask Luz out.
That is no time, especially since Adventure in the Elements has Luz and Amity in it but it’s not really about the two of them. It’s kind of an all over the place episode frankly where Amity is in it but could have been swapped with anyone else. In fact, it would have made Luz look less awful for stealing from a friend. But they are enemies, strictly enemies, for three episodes at most. They are friends for three episodes at most and for most those, they aren’t exploring their friendship or their relationship in general. The only time Amity’s enemy phase will be referenced will be once by King and Amity doesn’t even react to it. It’s literally everyone else except Luz and Amity who are talking about as a joke.
It’s them lampshading the fact that they, you know... Didn’t actually do the trope. That they speedran Lumity because they like the Enemies to Lovers trope, wanted the payoffs of smiling, blushing Amity and the two getting together like you get with that trope but didn’t put in the work. They minimally setup up Amity before ripping her character apart so as to do what they wanted. They never explored the different phases of the two together, barely really made any sort of real dynamic between them at any point before they’re just the love interest and hero because... That’s what they were actually interested in.
And this is isn’t just with Amity. The Boiling Isles has all of its world building repeatedly kicked in the dick for the sake of whatever the writers want to do. The magic is abused and contradicted all the time because actually working with it would get in the way of what the writer wanted to do. Eda’s criminal background and Hooty’s strength would have made them not able to send King and Luz off to show a big payoff to Momma Eda. Actually having to show the Owl Family get close to each other would have taken too much effort so immediately after the body swap episode, the first time they ever even try to understand each other, they’re already now best friends and King is acting like he already views Luz as his big sister come Really Small Problems, their second major episode together.
And that is fanficky. It setup such a bare bones world and the like just so it could do what it wanted. It tore apart characters and rushed arcs even back in S1 because those elements would have gotten in the way of actually doing the tropes they wanted. They wanted to just get to the good stuff which is probably why most characters, after their trope hits their highlight, become really boring and one note. The writers don’t care anymore because they no longer have a big moment to work towards.
Why do you think so many fanfics are so short? And... That is the really painful part for someone like me. TOH truly was blessed by the shortening because while this whole blog is about how TOH fucked up in its FIRST season as far as Lumity’s base trope goes, they will still tell me to just blame the shortening. To blame Disney meddling with the show. It’s not fanficky because writers are bad or the writing is bad, it’s fanficky because of things that let you just ignore the rest.
And that makes my stomach churn and my eyes water, both as an analyst, and as a writer who keeps getting scared about new ideas because to do them right, means doing them long and I don’t know if my brain will manage to see it to the end so I can get that payoff.
But I’m not willing to just cheat like TOH did, not with my original stuff, even though TOH’s cheats also made it the most popular of Disney’s recent animated shows. Maybe that just makes me a fucking idiot then.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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its-holiday-time · 1 year
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achillesmonochrome · 2 years
More than Golden Dust
Link: Ao3
Pairing: Boscha/Luz Noceda.
Fandom: The Owl House
Genre: Romantic Comedy.
Summary: Boscha just wanted to go to class with no shenanigans happening; sadly, when was the last time something went her way?
Not many since the human got here.
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otterlyyours · 5 years
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A couple lessons learned here, but that’s okay. Art is all about learning. And fluff, of course.
This is Luscha who belongs to @himbohisoka
Open for Trades and Requests: https://otterlyyours.tumblr.com/post/187932218556/open-for-requests-and-trades
Find me other places:
Commission Info & T.o.S: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tBDZh9d36bj8GalzSVWPMvENkUJoaxrY3Y_boFSI6NM/edit?usp=sharing DeviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/otterlyyours Twitter: https://twitter.com/YoursOtterly Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/otterlyyours FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/otterlyyours/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Otterlyart/ Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OtterlyYours
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cerenade · 5 years
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recolored this bc i thought it was cute and decimated the background bc i hated it. yeet
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bloodykora · 3 years
Sunburnt Baby
In my drunk glory of last week, I forgot I wrote this. I wanted to do the aftermath of Say You'll be Maztak and sunburnt Rory.
MBAV Masterlist
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“Ow!” Rory yelps, flinching away from you.
“Who would have guessed the sun could do this much damage to a vampire?” Ethan says, massaging his temples.
“All it takes is an attractive substitute and yall get hypnotized.” You comment, spreading aloe and bandages on Rory.
“Hey, it’s not our fault Ms. Luscha was smoking! Pun not intended.” Benny whines.
“I wish they had a manual for when you turn. All mighty and powerful except getting sunburnt is so much worse then when you're human.” Rory complains and rightfully so.
“I’m honestly surprised no one else got burnt like you did Ror. Not everyday does the sun rise over 10 degrees.”
“I feel like I should thank you, Erica and Sarah again.” Ethan says. You just shrug, still dabbing gently at Rory’s skin.
“I can’t even sleep this one off.” Rory comments to himself.
“Maybe Benny can make a donation to you.” You joke, Benny immediately raising his hands in defense.
“Nuh uh! Ethan took too much of it over the summer. I’m running on empty.” The spellcaster exclaims, shaking his head fast.
“Bleh, I wouldn’t want their blood. They don’t smell as sweet as you.” Rory says, eyes in a small haze. You had been friends with them long enough that you knew Rory would never hurt you intentionally.
“Here, eat up.” You joke, offering out your wrist.
“How do you even joke about that y/n?” B asks, cringing at the thought.
“Rory would never bite me, would you love bug?” You tease, squeezing their cheeks. They nod, enjoying the physical touch.
“Remind me again to never cross y/n, they have too much vamp power behind them.” E “whispers” to B.
“And you’re telling me that you two aren’t together?” B asks you. Your eyes widen a bit, then look over at the 2 boys. A groan interrupts you, Rory holding their stomach.
“The sunburn does not pass well with hunger.” You felt bad for them wishing there was a way to help.
“Think you could borrow Ev’s car and drive us to Rory's?” You ask the pair, Benny nods his head slowly.
The car ride was quiet, Rory being covered with your jacket to prevent more burns. Luckily Vivian was still at work so you could get them to bed in peace.
“Don’t remove your bandages Rory Keaner or I will kill you.” You threaten, using your more serious tone for them to understand. They nod as you place them in bed. You cover them with a thin sheet and turn on their fan.
“Do you want me to leave a note on the door for your mom?” You ask and they nod.
“Can you stay for a bit? It’s been a while since I’ve had to fall asleep.” They ask you, puppy eyes equipped.
“Of course.” You say, climbing in beside them. Instinctively cuddling close to them and stroking their hair.
“I got you hun.” You comfort, getting comfy for the long afternoon that was ahead of you.
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furmaster · 6 years
Nothing Is Impossible but You've Been Brainwashed to Think Otherwise
This is Stephen Bullough, 51, a world-record kickboxer. But Lyme disease blinded him in both eyes. He has a family, children.
This is Rob Matthies. He taught this Vancouver boy to become a Karate Kid in just five minutes.
This is Shania Twain, a country superstar. Lyme disease ruined her vocal chords. She was unable to sing for 13 years, due to Lyme.
This is Rob Matthies. On December 22nd 2017, after 53 days, his Lyme symptoms disappared. Rob used Do It Yourself methods. This is Rob celebrating New Years' Eve with friends, singing Auld Lang ..whatever.
This is Chris Paine. He made the the movie, Who Killed The Electric Car?
This is Rob Matthies. CBC Newsworld showed his Revived Battery Electric Pickup Truck. It was a DIY invention with Gary Tang. Rob totally killed his Lyme symptoms in just 53 days. People are asking how he killed it.
This is John Caldwell. He is a UK billionaire. But he has 11 family members crippled by Lyme disease. A helicopter is on his front lawn, but no family member is piloting it.
This is John Caldwell. He is a UK billionaire. But he has 11 family members crippled by Lyme disease. A helicopter is on his front lawn, but no family member is piloting it.
This is Rob Matthies. Rob created a dance music video to celebrate ending Lyme in just 53 days. Rob “flies” on his motorbikes, too.
This is Fred Verdult an award-winning activist who shone the light on Lyme disease in the Netherlands. Fred says Lyme is “the new HIV”.
This is Rob Matthies. The City of North Vancouver gave him an inventor's award in 2017. However, he later got Lyme disease that year. But here's the good news: Using his inventive skills, Rob created his own cure, which took him just 53 days, a world-record.
This is Yolanda Hadid, a supermodel with Lyme. She has a very public battle to convince the world that chronic Lyme disease exists. After spending some $500K on conventional medicine, she is now experimenting on her own, using “poop therapy” to cure Lyme disease, which she and her two kids are still infected from. She was infected many years ago and is still sick.
This is Rob Matthies. He read about Hadid's story in the New York Post and didn't waste time nor money with conventional medical treatments. Rob thanks the New York Post and Hadid for that vitally-helpful article.
This is Susan Luschas, PhD, MIT scientist. She says her family spent hundreds of thousands on Lyme disease. She says hair lice caused Lyme disease to infect all her family members. Years later, it is still not really clear if her family members are in remission, or are fully cleared. This is Rob Matthies, an amateur inventor. He spent approximately $3K on a DIY cure for his Lyme. Rob deduced his cure for Lyme because, at age 11, he read all of the Sherlock Holmes books at least three times. He's rides a Razor scooter to car-free festivals, celebrating with MP Don Davis.
This is Dr. Richard Horowitz, the Lyme specialist. His latest book embraces all non-Western therapies for Lyme. The good doctor estimates annual US Lyme infections at between one and two million people, not just 300,000 that the CDC estimates.
This is Rob Matthies. On hearing Dr. Horowitz' lectures in November 2017, Rob correctly guessed that Dr. Horowitz was really saying, between the lines, that “they” have no real cure for chronic Lyme disease -- as a major study revealed on December 13, 2017. Luckily, Rob had already taken the DIY “road” out of Lyme-ville by that date.
This is Rob Matthies. A US author says that Rob is the only Lyme victim with a transparent, public record of his battle with Lyme. Eight medical people authenticated Rob's 53-day success against chronic Lyme.
This is Elon Musk. He gave the world the Tesla electric car.
This is Jeanne Manning, the author of the book on Nikola Tesla. She blogged about Rob's solar powered electric bicycle --- because it could charge in the shade
This is the world-record holder in the Pike's Peak race, won by an electric car.
This is Rob Matthies' electric pickup truck. Rob challenged EV owners to a “lunch at Bishop's” bet; that no one could beat his low-amp-draw electric pickup truck, going up Vancouver's tall bridges. Ten years later, no EV driver has been able to beat Rob's record, nor collect the free lunch at Bishop's.
There are HHO-powered vehicles in Montreal, using much less gasoline than other vehicles.
This is Rob, who founded the Vancouver Gadgeteers. Their HHO-powered scooter made the evening news almost a decade ago, because it ran on 1/3 water.
This is Simon Chinn, producer of Searching For Sugar Man, winner of two academy awards.
This is Simon Chinn, producer of Searching For Sugar Man, winner of two academy awards.
This is Rob Matthies. He is looking for a documentary producer, so that DIY methods (based on Will Wiegman PhD's pioneering techniques) may allow other Lyme victims DIY their own cure, too. Rob's goal is for everyone with Lyme be cured quickly, and then have the energy to boogie, too.
This is a consumers' website on businesses that repair stairlifts, with reviews.
Rob Matthies is not an engineer, but he repairs complicated stairlifts, for a hobby. This is what Rob's clients say about his hobby.
Two mayors, an MP, and a Vancouver councilor rode and tested the Tap Water Scooter. It's been on the evening news and on one front page.
Rob Matthies and the Gadgeteers created the Tap Water Scooter. They made this scooter because mixing gas with water was considered “impossible” by most people.
Life is short. Call Rob in Vancouver. (604) 512-9567. Rob practices law -- the Law of Appreciation.
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asia-27 · 2 years
New fanfic time!
That's right, folks, I have a new fanfic :D it's a self-indulgent Luscha fanfic because, in case you haven't noticed, I'm getting slightly obsessed with the ship, hehe:
'Luz needs help asking out Amity, so Boscha decides to help. Luz quickly learns of Boscha's own problems, and vows to help her out. Feelings quickly get caught...'
Read it here on ao3!
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Little Red Riding Luz Chapter 7: The Deal
“Alright, Mr. Plantar, enjoy your cinnamon rolls!”
“And you keep being one!”
Luz stuck her tongue out at the old man before humming and walking away from the farmer’s stall. It had been a few days now since the wolf attack and she was more than happy to put it behind her and get back to things being normal. To deliver her pastries, learn how to make new ones, and just live. Just enjoy the sun on her face and the sound of squealing children from Boscha torturing them. Yep, all as it was-
She stopped dead before turning to the sound of Boscha and a kid arguing about something. She caught the glint of steel in the sun before her brain jumped far ahead of her and she screeched, “Boscha!”
The rough girl looked up from where she was set up in the market with an unimpressed glare. She currently had a death grip on one of the kids from the orphanage and in the other hand was one of her smaller knives. The boy was further trapped by being pinned against a chair she had out which was really all that designated that the space was anyone’s since Boscha didn’t have a sign up or anything. She spent a moment squeezing the boy to make sure he remembered not to move before asking, “What, Luz?”
Luz ran over before looking around the area. She didn’t see Steve, the person who ran the orphanage, and none of the nearby grown ups seemed to be all too concerned about their local hunter looking like she was ready to skin someone. She then looked down and paled as she saw the hair on the ground. “You’re not attacking him, are you?”
“Or doing this against his own will?”
“Oh, I am one hundred percent doing that but that’s because if his bangs get any longer, he won’t be able to see.”
Luz groaned at that before mumbling, “When did you start doing haircuts?”
Boscha looked at her knife for a second before taking a quick swipe in front of the kid’s face to get rid of any hair that would go in front of his eyes before shoving him away. “Get out of here before I change my mind.” She then sheathed the knife on a belt she wore that had a second scabbard for her larger knife, which she rarely went anywhere without. It also helped keep up a pair of rough pants that were what she wore on days she didn’t hunt.
Finally, she smoothed out her tunic before gesturing to the seat. “Do you want one? Steve had been lamenting about how donations had been thin this month so I offered to give it a shot and he said I wasn’t half bad with my blade. He then said he’d get me a pair of scissors but, uh, no. I’m not some gaudy fashion queen after all.”
Luz giggled a little bit before shaking her head. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass today. I have too many deliveries to make and Eda is teaching me how to make Monkey Bread after the shop closes tonight so I need to get going. Try not to cut off any ears though!”
Boscha grinned before shouting after her friend, “But then how are they supposed to pay,” which got a giggle out of Luz. She was serious about her deliveries though, especially since Eda hadn’t taught her a new recipe in over a month. There was always something getting in the way, like her being too tired, having indulged too much in the ‘cooking wine’, which Luz suspected was just wine and she was trying to stiff the girl on trying it, she kept in the back, or just not feeling like it. She didn’t want to push her mentor of course but she was fourteen already. A young woman by the standards of the time and she felt entirely unprepared to try and run a shop of her own, let alone anything like what Boscha did.
She paused at that before sighing. Add barber to the list of things that made Boscha better than her. It wasn’t Boscha’s fault. When her dad was alive, he had been hard on her to train her to be the master huntsman that she was and her family’s close relationship to Steve’s had opened up doors for her to learn even more. Not that she always had taken them but it felt like she knew so much. Was so much better than the town she stayed in. One day she’d finally get accepted into the hunter’s lodge one town over and probably move, if one of those hunters didn’t try to marry her first. She was still surprised no one had begun trying to court her for that matter. She was so strong, pretty, and talented…
And female. That one was always a rough one to recall. Her mom pushed her not to worry so much about being different but Luz hadn’t even come out to her about thoughts like these. It might have been easier if Boscha showed literally an ounce of interest in her like that. Or in stuff like that in general. Her stunt of running through town almost naked because of someone in distress wasn’t a first time thing after all but good luck making Boscha even flinch about it.
No, she was probably too focused on her job to even think about that sort of stuff, let alone with some weirdo like her. Of course, Boscha could always use something to eat so maybe one day she’d get to be the hunter’s lodge’s personal baker when Boscha was leading it?
But then she’d be gone from her mom… “Ugh, why does life have to be so complicated? Why can’t anything just be simple?”
“I’ll make this simple then, human. You scream, you die.”
Luz froze where she stood before slowly, very slowly turning to the side. She then felt every blood vessel in her body turn to ice as she saw a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the nearby bushes. The same eyes that kept showing up in the nightmares she’d been having. That had been making her wake up in a cold sweat that she didn’t dare tell even her mom about. Then again, she hadn’t told her mom about the wolf attack at all to try and make sure she didn’t get worried about her or make it so she couldn’t come to town for a while. Now was not the time to think about that though.
Now was time to deal with the fact that the wolf was here. She was almost certain it was the same one as the one that attacked her. Bare minimum, there was no way it was the one that had seen her near the Deep Woods. She couldn’t help but be both impressed and terrified that the wolf was this close to the market without getting spotted but Luz had managed to pick a fairly secluded spot to have her bout of gay panic in so that could have been part of it. The fact that someone could show up at anytime though was likely why the wolf hadn’t pounced on her yet.
“Good. You can listen. Keep doing so. Meet me where I attacked you. Now.”
Luz didn’t get a chance to respond before the eyes vanished and the wolf became a blur that raced between bush to bush. If she didn’t know where to look or what to look for, Luz wasn’t sure she would have been able to tell that the wolf had been there or that it was running away but she did. She did and she now had to deal with the fact that she had three options in front of her.
Option one was the most reasonable. She’d run back to the market, get Boscha, and they would use this meeting as a trap. Boscha would get to kill her first wolf and probably would even be praised as a hero for it. She might even be able to use it to apply to the Hunter’s Lodge. Luz would need to betray the wolf though after offering another one a deal. A deal it might be wanting to take…
Okay, so that was out of the picture. Option two was just to continue with her deliveries. She was busy after all and she had a future to think of. However, that might just piss off the wolves and they’d come after her in return. Maybe to talk. More likely to hunt and, well, she’d deliver one last meal in return or the mistake at least…
Which left option three, which she had already started making her way towards before she’d even gone over the other two. She knew the other options after all but she didn’t want to treat them as options. She wanted to believe in what had happened in the woods after all. In what her mom had taught her about nature. In the fact that she was spared for a reason and maybe that could make something better out of all of this.
Maybe even finally a second friend her age. If wolves aged like humans. Or she had gotten a proper look before. She’d been too focused on the soft looking paws and pretty eyes to really take in too much of the wolf before. Was that rude? Probably. She’d just been so cute though! And wow would Boscha put her down faster than even a wolf could if she knew what she was doing and thinking right now.
“Are you going to stop?”
Luz yelped at the sudden voice before looking around her. There was no one she could see though. Not even scanning for the wolf’s eyes yielded anything which made her giggle nervously as she said, “Um, well, I was thinking that maybe we could walk down the path. Enjoy the sun. Together. Out here.”
“No.” The response helped Luz at least pinpoint where the wolf was, behind one of the larger trees, but the seriousness of the tone still made her uneasy. She still didn’t know what the plan was after all. What the wolf intended for her. At least the tree meant that the wolf couldn’t pounce on her, not immediately at least.
Her eyes then glanced at her side where she had Boscha’s dagger and she swallowed hard at the idea of having used it. If the wolf hadn’t stopped her, she wouldn’t have thought about it when the beast attacked. But… She didn’t. The wolf had stopped her herself and now kept this space between them. Luz’s breathing suddenly eased before she said, “Okay, but maybe we can some other time? I spend my weekends with my mom after all and wouldn’t mind the company out here.”
There was a pause from the other girl before the wolf said, “Maybe. Father is the one who told me I should come. After all,” another pause came with the sound of claws faintly scratching bark before, “you offered us tribute. Food for protection. Food that we can’t commonly get otherwise. My family sees that as a good start.”
Luz swallowed hard at that before whispering, “Start? I don’t really know what else I can give you. I don’t really own a lot and Eda doesn’t give me much of an allowance most of the time…”
“We only ask for a service from you.” There was then more light scratching before finally the wolf said, “My parents want me to have a living practice dummy. Something that will give me experience in chasing and taking down larger prey. That something could be you. In return, we’ll leave you be otherwise.”
Luz scratched her cheek as her blood ran cold at the idea of being ‘taken down’ by a beast like the wolf but she tried not to show it too much in her voice. “That sounds… lovely.” Emphasis on tried. “But, uh, you only really get to take something down once so I’m not really sure what you’re getting at.”
“I took you down once. You now stand in front of me again. Isn’t that enough evidence for you?”
Oh. Right. Luz sucked in her lips before asking the question that was really dogging the back of her mind. The thing that made her wonder why they were even discussing this. After all, this was a wolf. A beast. It was making a deal but… “What if I say no? What happens then?”
There was a long silence at that. The wolf didn’t even scratch at the tree but Luz slowly realized that that could mean she moved. That the wolf was getting into a better position from which to show Luz what would happen if she said no. Her heart began to speed up as she broke out into a cold sweat but she didn’t say anything. Didn’t do anything. She didn’t even know what she could do about it if they were getting ready. The knife? Maybe if her arm would move.
“I don’t know.”
Luz blinked a few times before staring at the tree, her eyes trying to bore their way through the tree. After all, she sounded… scared. But she was a wolf! “What?”
The wolf obviously struggled to keep their tone even as they spoke. “I don’t know. I asked the same question to my father but we don’t have an answer for you. He said it’d be bad to. I don’t know why but… But if you say no or want to get rid of any parts then you can and there’s not really anything I can do about it.”
The poor girl sounded like she was close to tears by the end of the admission and the sound of bark and wood cracking and scraping against her claws only helped make Luz’s chest hurt. Immediately, she regretted what she’d been thinking. The fact that she’d even expected this to be a trap felt wrong to her. After all, the wolf didn’t kill her before, neither did her dad, and she asked for her rather than just waiting for nightfall and sneaking into the bakery.
Luz sighed as she placed a hand on the tree before whispering, “I accept but, and you don’t need to agree to this because I don’t want to do that to you, can you avoid Boscha? Or doing anything that would make her have to hunt you down? Um, Boscha being the hunter. Your dad probably saw us out together actually but, um, well… If we’re going to be friends, I don’t want you two fighting or getting in trouble because of each other. Okay?”
The response came a lot slower than Luz expected and the voice was now closer as the wolf seemed to have moved around more to the side of the tree. “Friends?”
Luz blinked a few times before giggling nervously. “Oh, uh, I guess that’s a little much. I’m your prey after all.” She then crouched and swiped at the air playfully before adding, “But I was hoping we could at least play a bit with it. A little cat and mouse.”
One of the wolf’s paws came into view before she whispered, “You’re not scared?”
Luz glanced away for a second before grabbing her arm. “I mean, kind of? But if you wanted to hurt me, you’d have done it already, right? If you mean it though, I don’t see any reason why we can’t try to have some fun with all of this. It’s not like you can just tackle me to the ground a hundred times without getting bored after all.”
Finally, slowly, the wolf came out from behind the tree. She had surprisingly pale skin for a beast and wore a long, simple, black dress that ended at her knees and was kept pulled in on her small frame by a rope tied off at her waist. She nervously scratched at one of her paws before looking away and saying, “I guess that’s not inaccurate.”
Luz didn’t entirely hear her though as she gasped. “You’re even cuter standing!”
Amity’s cheeks immediately turned red before she pointed a finger at Luz and shouted, “Don’t call me that!”
Luz jumped at the command before holding her hands in front of her. “Sorry. Sorry. I don’t really know what to call you though. I can think up some nicknames though. Uh… Pounce? No. Shadow? Spooks? Oooh, I like that one. Oh, what about Mischief? Just like the sort we’ll be causing together.”
The wolf laced her claws together and squeezed them tightly before whispering, “Amity.”
Luz blinked a few times at the statement before gasping. “That’s such a pretty name!”
Amity’s face looked like it was about to start steaming and she coughed and turned away to try and save some face as she said, “I-I guess we understand each other then. I’ve been gone for too long though so… bye. I’ll be back tomorrow for your first tribute though.”
She then paused and looked over her shoulder. Luz blinked a few times before paling and scrambling to get out, “Oh, my name. Right. That makes sense. Um, Luz. Noceda. Two words. Two names. First and last. Do wolves have two names? Not that it really matters but… And she’s gone.” She then slapped herself with a groan and mumbled, “Thank goodness she made me stop.”
Not that Amity was faring much better as she thought she was going to have a panic attack. Why did the compliments mess with her? Why did her not forcing them to listen to her request make her happy? Was her dad onto something about what he’d said? Why was her heart about to explode?
No. None of it mattered. She needed to get home. Needed to tell her parents the news and hope she didn’t mess anything up. She would leave out the friend part though. After all, she was supposed to be doing this to become a better hunter, not to have fun.
But the idea of not just pouncing on the girl when they were together felt… nice. Really nice.
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Rob Matthies, an award-winning inventor in Vancouver, achieved the fastest self-cure from chronic Lyme disease in the world in just 53 days. Meanwhile, Susan Luschas, PhD, claims it’s more complicated than that and requires lengthy and expensive treatments. Who’s right?
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messi1985 · 6 years
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Con Mattia Serena e luscha a far colazione al bar (presso Sunrise Cafè)
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