#lute and adam have no idea how badly they fucked up
a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
early chaggie early morning where vaggie gets a hug
inspired by @sunsetcougar's headcanon idea of vaggie wrapping herself in blankets despite hell's heat for.... reasons :(
Vaggie: "Ugghhgh...." (slouches into kitchen) (wrapped in blankets)
Charlie: "Vaggie!" (singing) "Good moooorning~!"
Vaggie: "Mornin' sweetie... why is it morning..." (bumps into table) (slumps over it) "Fuck. Ow." (oozes into chair)
Charlie: "Aww." (sad pout) "Didn't get much sleep again, huh."
Vaggie: "Nnngh. Didn't."
Charlie: (cringing) "I wasn't, uh, kicking you was I? With the hooves- "
Vaggie: "I'm too short for you to reach."
Charlie: (grinning) "Which means you're just the right size!!!"
Vaggie: "Means I need my weight in additive simulant substances..."
Vaggie: (tries to stand) (BANG)
Vaggie: (slams into table again) "Fuck."
Charlie: "Vaggie!?"
Vaggie: (rubs missing eye) (muttering) "It's fine, 'm fine.... pinche pendejo.. mi ojo... just need coffee."
Charlie: "!! Don't stagger up! I'll make it!"
Vaggie: (slumping face down) (muffled) "m'love you."
Charlie: "Ha!" (laughing too hard) "Oh you- you'd love anyone who made coffee after a bad night's sleep-"
Vaggie: "No. Anyone else I'd just kill for it."
Charlie: (grinning) "Maim them, maybe."
Vaggie: "You have too much faith in morning me."
Charlie: "I love morning you~"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: (stares around wildly for topic change) "A- anyway, um-" (spies vaggie's blankets) (actually frowns)
Charlie: "Aren't you hot?"
Vaggie: (groggy) (half awake) "Depends if I'm your type, I guess."
Charlie: "My ty- Shit!" (cup she's holding starts boiling) "No I meant-"
Vaggie: (looking up) "Coffee?"
Charlie: "-not that you AREN'T, because I mean really just LOOK at you, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't w- but- What? Oh."
Charlie: (hands over coffee) "Careful. It's um. Hot."
Vaggie: "Thanks." (carefully not looking at Charlie) (muttering) "Hot just like everything else in hell is..."
Charlie: "THAT'S what I meant!"
Vaggie: "Guess that does make me hot since I'm here too now."
Charlie: "Yes right exactly, the hotness- hell's hotness- you're still not used to it! Not that the eternal searing flames of literal hell is something anyone should necessarily be expected to get used to, aside from me and the other hellborn- though not all of them like it here either, even if the other rings are more varied and sometimes have things like plants and weather- but for you, stuck here in the pride ring, in the purely physical sense I'm wondering because-"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "-it just seems like maybe there's kinda an easy way for you to at least FEEL less hot in the mornings and night? Again only in the purely physical sense, since you never do stop looking-"
Vaggie: "Sweetie."
Charlie: "-yes?"
Vaggie: (smiling) "Low caffeine, low word capacity. Cliff notes?"
Charlie: "Oh, right!" (laughs)
Vaggie: (watches) (remining eye soft)
Charlie: "Um- what's with the wrapping yourself in all those blankets? Normally you wear less than me and still complain about the heat. Feels like I'm missing something."
Vaggie: "Can't have your brilliant brain starving for knowledge can we."
Charlie: "No that's fine- I just want you to be comfortable!"
Vaggie: "Well you're right about the missing part."
Charlie: "I am?" (sits) (leans in) "Ooooh, what Vaggie lore am I missing?"
Vaggie: (snorting) "Vaggie what?"
Charlie: "Lore, but I- I'm not writing any of it down!!!"
Charlie: "...much."
Vaggie: (lifts cup) "I'm getting royalties in coffee so it's fine. Write whatever you want in your diary."
Charlie: "I wanna write what I somehow missed out on while observing you!"
Charlie: (scoots chair closer) (chin in hands) (Staring)
Charlie: "I've been observing a normal amount, to be clear. Juuuust in case last part was kinda alarming or worried you."
Vaggie: "I'm not. It didn't."
Charlie: "Okay! So...?"
Vaggie: "It's not you."
Vaggie: (looks away) (sips coffee)
Vaggie: "More of a... 'me missing something' thing."
Charlie: ".....er."
Charlie: "...you've, um." (clears throat)
Charlie: "You do have something on under the blankets. R-right?"
Vaggie: "Yep. Just like you've still got those red cheek spots under your blush."
Charlie: (covering blush with hands) (stubbornly NOT looking away) "So if your clothes aren't missing- what is?"
Vaggie: "My wings."
Vaggie: (gulps hot coffee and winces)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "...do the blankets feel like them?"
Vaggie: "No." (another gulp and wince) "They were heavy."
Charlie: (drooping down onto table) (head on folded arms) "Wings are heavy...?"
Vaggie: "They're alive. They've got, mass and weight to them."
Charlie: "And warmth?"
Vaggie: "And they can hold you. Like when you fold your arms around yourself."
Charlie: "Like a hug."
Vaggie: (awkward) "Sure. Whatever."
Charlie: "So you miss them, and..." (drooping) "Wrapping yourself in blankets is the closest you get to feeling like you have them again."
Vaggie: "It's not even close at all, really." (hollow laugh) "I'll get over it. Don't worry."
Charlie: "Get over it?"
Vaggie: "Like with the heat, it's just another part of hell. It's fine."
Charlie: "Hmm."
Charlie: (gets up)
Charlie: "Can I try?"
Vaggie: (shoulders hunching) "...try what?"
Charlie: "Being a better blanket, since nothing can really be like your wings were."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I'm princess of hell, so I get to decide what's hell's like. A, a little anyway."
Charlie: (walks around behind vaggie) "And this might be a bit cooler? I know I run hot along with not noticing the whole hellish heat stuff, but- at least you'd still get airflow. And. I'd be heavier than a blanket! I think?"
Charlie: (lean forward to look at vaggie upside down)
Charlie: "So. Hug? Can I?"
Vaggie: ".... you don't have to ask before hugging me."
Charlie: "You used to jump when I did. Or slip off afterwards to hide in some high shadowy corner of a bookshelf for the rest of the day."
Vaggie: "Don't remind me."
Charlie: "It was cute! But I should've just asked. And this is different."
Vaggie: "It's not." (lets blankets fall) "Knock yourself out."
Charlie: (kneeling behind her) "I'll let go whenever you want."
Vaggie: "Charlie. I'm not a glass vase. Relax."
Charlie: "No, you're not glass- you're you, and you're tense." (hands on vaggie's hunched shoulders) (plays with ends of vaggie's still short hair) "This is a hug. Hugs need waaaaay more carefulness than glass vases do-"
Charlie: "Also! We still need a breakfast that isn't coffee."
Vaggie: "Slander." (drinks) "No we don't."
Charlie: "Yes we do but it can wait. If- wow, you really are tense." (starts rubbing vaggie's shoulders) "How did you sleep like this!?"
Vaggie: (slumping) "I didn't."
Charlie: "Well if you DON'T want breakfast right now then that leaves time for hugs! Or say the word and I'll switch to breaking out the toast and jam, or doughnuts- if Razzle and Dazzle didn't find them- or something."
Vaggie: "I'll probably just doze off again, honestly." (groaning) "Feel free to step over me when I start snoring on the kitchen floor..."
Charlie: "I would never leave you there."
Vaggie: "That's true. Would be trip hazard."
Charlie: "That's not why."
Vaggie: "You could totally trip over me. Stub your hoof or something. I'm not THAT small."
Charlie: "That's not why either."
Vaggie: (sips coffee)
Charlie: (pats her shoulders) "Hug time?"
Vaggie: "Mm." (tenses up again)
Charlie: "Is that a 'mmmrgh yes' or a 'mmrrgh no thanks'?"
Vaggie: "I've told you, you don't have to ask."
Charlie: "Is THAT a yes?"
Vaggie: (sighs) "Yes Charlie. You can hug."
Charlie: "Thanks~"
Charlie: (leans in) (gently with the hug, arms around vaggie) (extra carefully with the squeeze)
Charlie: "...how's this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (sets down coffee) (touches charlie's arms) "Can I-"
Charlie: "I'll can let go! It's okay-!"
Vaggie: "No, just. You're fine. Let me rearrange you a bit?"
Charlie: "Oh sure!!! Yes! Whatever you want!!"
Vaggie: "Wings are more, they were more like..."
Vaggie: (shifts Charlie's arms around and leans back into her more)
Vaggie: "...it was more like.."
Charlie: (tries another soft squeeze) (whispering) "Like this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "Yeah." (blinking hard) "It was."
Charlie: "Okay. And that's... okay..?"
Vaggie: "...it's nice."
Charlie: (smiling) "I'm now officially free for wing simulation hugs whenever you want them."
Vaggie: "You gotta sleep sometime, hon."
Charlie: "We share the same giant bed. We can just cuddle!" (butting the back of vaggie's head) "If we can make hell even a little nicer for you, Vaggie, then we should."
Vaggie: "Why both. It's hell for reason."
Charlie: "Because you'll feel better? And that's important?"
Vaggie: "I'm fine with not feel great all the time."
Charlie: "Why though? Vaggie-"
Vaggie: "Builds character."
Charlie: "...Alright." (headbutts again) "Well I'm already quite a character and I like it better when you're feeling better. It makes ME feel better."
Vaggie: “Now that’s definitely important.”
Charlie: “Heh. Just like you.”
Vaggie: (holds charlie's arms as charlie holds her) (doesn't answer)
The Coffee: (slowly cools off while they hug)
-several minutes of hugging later-
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "How did the wing hugging thing WORK exactly?? You had moth wings, right? Insect wings? I always thought those were pretty stiff- very pretty and fluttery!- but not very bendable. Are some bug wings actually bendy? Or was it more a weird demon thing, like random horns or-"
Charlie: "-Vaggie?"
Vaggie: (slumped) (dozed off on Charlie's shoulder) (breathing softly against crook of charlie's neck)
Charlie: (smiles) "...pretty good hug, huh?"
Vaggie: (snores a little)
Charlie: "Heheh." (smile slipping)
Charlie: "...sorry."
Charlie: (hugs tighter)
Charlie: ".... if I'd just found you sooner, I..."
Cupboard Door: (creaks open)
Charlie: (looks up) (weak smile) "Oh, hey guys- Good breakfast?"
Razzle & Dazzle: (guilty shake off doughnut crumbs)
Charlie: "It's okay. You know she's not much of a morning food person anyway."
Razzle: "Rrr." (flutters into table to peer at vaggie)
Dazzle: (leans back into cupboard)
Charlie: "Oh she's just tired- I'm helping her get some sleep." (actually smiling now) (shifts hind legs) "Um. My hooves might also start falling asleep soon. Maybe you wanna fetch me a pillow or something, please?"
Razzle: (points from vaggie to the floor behind charlie)
Charlie: "Maybe? I think I could shift her into my lap and lean on the cabinets... She feels pretty out of it. One-hundred percent will need a pillow for that though."
Razzle: (flutters off) (pats charlie and vaggie's heads along the way)
Dazzle: (wiggles out of cupboard) (places half an eaten doughnut on table in front of vaggie)
Dazzle: "Ree." (points at doughnut sternly)
Charlie: (giggles) "I'll TRY to get her to eat it when she wakes up. But no promises~"
Dazzle: (huffs) (follows razzle out)
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: (long sigh) (slumps against vaggie)
Charlie: "I'm helping. I can help you- I-" (hides face in vaggie's hair)
Charlie: "...hell can be a happy place too, I promise. I won't let it hurt you again."
-somewhere in heaven-
Lute: (sneezes)
Adam: "Go fuck yourself."
Lute: (wiping face with bloodstained sleeve) "Thank you, sir."
Adam: "And take a dunk in the celestial sea or whatever. Extermination was like, months ago- bitch did you even shower?"
Lute: "I did, sir."
Adam: "Went right back into the sinner splattered outfit?"
Lute: "Yes sir."
Adam: "That's gross as fuck." (grinning) "Hardcore. Give me SKIN, bitch!"
Lute: (smirks) (high fives)
Adam: "Even Vagina never went that hard- even when she was fucking you over in kill counts and shit."
Lute: (not smiling anymore) "She was the only one, sir."
Adam: (not listening) "No style! She was boring as FUCK with that lame spear. Stab kill. Stab kill. One hit, no misses, no flying limbs. No fucking CHASES to get the sinner shits really screaming! Just didn't know how to let loose and have FUN with it!"
Lute: "No, sir. And now we know why."
Adam: "Pretty pathetic for one of my girls." (sighs) "Aw whatever. Women, am I right?"
Lute: "She was a filthy traitor."
Adam: "Yeah, pretty much all of you are." (picks at mask teeth) "Lucifer barely counts as a dude either, like, dudes weren't a THING when creation jerked him out. Wanna know why?"
Lute: "You were the f-"
Lute: "The original-"
Adam: "THE ORIGINAL DICK Father of all winners EVER! And of all those lame-ass losers down in hell, not that they fucking show any respect-"
Lute: "And she will be the last Exorcist ever to betray you."
Adam: "Eh. We'll see I guess. Bet she's fucking regretting it either way, huh?" (grinning) "Probably SEEING the error of her ways.."
Lute: "Realizing she made one hell of a choice."
Adam: "Wishing she hadn't fucking WINGED IT that one time, HA!"
Lute: "We clipped those thoughts pretty quick."
Adam: (slaps lute on back) "That was fucking great. I've got her agonized "oh" face from the wing ripping part as a screen saver- but don't fucking tell Sera that, the saintly seraph virtue prude of a bitch."
Lute: "Never." (smiles) (fingers her sword) "...And thank you, sir."
Adam: "Sword still got some of her blood on it?"
Lute: "Maybe."
Adam: "Now THAT'S gross. Love it."
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contrivedchaos · 6 months
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Part 1 | Part 2
Being a high Seraphim is not a stress-free job. There’s the constant screening of incoming souls. Determining which ones need to be dealt with directly, and which can be pawned off to the nearest Dominion or Archangel, who eagerly await orders at Heaven’s every beck and call.
Despite holding one of the most prestigious positions in all of Heaven, and sitting atop the highest court known to the immortal realms, Sera of the Seraphim is not immune to what those plebeian Winners would call the common migraine.
Particularly now, after word has spread that the first Sinner ever to be redeemed from the trenches of Hell had magically materialized in her boardroom that very morning. And said Sinner is currently being given the grand welcome tour by Emily, while her sister and superior looks down at her tablet, frantically flipping through her records aimlessly, trying to figure out how the fuck this is actually happening to her in the first place.
As if Adam’s death during the Extermination hadn’t been enough, now she has to deal with the fact that Souls can be redeemed. That she was wrong, possibly about everything, and will now have to explain to Heaven’s elders how this was allowed to happen under her watch.
Sighing heavily, Sera puts her tablet down on the table. She uses her fingers to scratch her forehead several times, trying to release the gnawing, heavy ache that’s begun punching behind her eyelids. She takes a sip of water, and then downs the entire fucking glass, trying to process all the events rapidly unfolding right in front of her, and having no idea how to even begin explaining any of it.
Lute and the Exterminators had been hit hard by Adam’s passing, and his former second-in-command is already taking charge of his entire fleet. Sera had already spied on the smaller angel during her impromptu meeting with Lilith, realizing that an entirely different house of cards may be soon about to fall, once Hell’s ruler and his daughter find out their matriarch has been staying here for the last 7 years.
That contract had been Adam’s business. It had nothing to do with her, so she’d figured she could stay out of it, blissfully unaware. However, she’s not sure now how she could ever be so lucky, not when that arrogant, pompous imbecile had always been trying to test her limits, and never knew when to keep his fucking mouth shut. Or call it quits, when it looked like he actually might have underestimated Hell’s forces so badly.
Soon, all of Heaven will know about her own lack of foresight and incompetence. It had been her job to keep the First Man in line. Keep him sated with his own pet projects, and keep him happy, even if it meant putting her own people at risk by allowing him to play army. The court elders didn’t need to know how she’d done it, just that he was content. He could get away with slaughtering thousands of innocents, so long as her own hands were free of blood, and the other Winners under her care, the important ones, remained safe.
Sera groans loudly into the room, laying her head atop her arms upon the table, coming to grips with the fact that with Adam gone, this mess is entirely hers to clean up now. No matter how much she doesn’t want to, she’ll have to be the one to handle the PR of a Sinner ascending to Heaven, as well as the political nightmare that’s about to unfold once Charlie Morningstar finds out she’d been right all along.
She’ll let Emily handle Sir Pentious for now. If she’s lucky, maybe the Seraphim of Joy can distract their people long enough that they don’t even realize the implications of what his ascension means. In the meantime, she can figure out how to deal with Lilith and Lute, and the absolute mayhem she needs to prevent from happening in the world far down below. As well as preventing the fight from coming to her own door.
Adam had gone off for days at a time after other Exterminations, celebrating and participating in such horrid debaucheries, that his absence may not be missed for a few days yet. That could give her some time. Time to form a plan on how to deal with Hell’s denizens, and figure out what her next step should be on the matter of redemption, depending on what answers she can uncover.
The trouble is knowing who she can trust with this type of information. She can’t go to Lucifer. She hadn’t exactly been kind to him by agreeing to cast him out, and he’s the type to immediately tell his daughter that her plan had worked, which would be horrible for her. She’s not ready for the types of gossipy, accusatory headlines that could come out of a disaster like that. 
She also can’t talk to anyone else in the angelic court; they’ll immediately report her to the elders, and then she’ll be done for, and may never be able to serve in any official capacity in Heaven again.
The more she thinks about it, the more anxious she becomes. The more anxious she becomes, the more her head throbs with pain. The more her head hurts, the more water she drinks, which isn’t actually helping. Oh, Heaven’s to Betsy, is her only solution really going to be reaching out to her?
They haven’t seen each other, or even spoken, since Lucifer fell, and the prospect of turning to her of all people leaves a dry, chalky taste in Sera’s mouth. Makes her feel a little woozy, and like she has to lay her head on her arms once again, to stop the spinning, twirling dizziness of the room, that only serves to make her headache even worse.
There really is no other option. Every other road, every other mental map she tries to chart, ultimately leads to total, near-immediate retribution. What she needs now is to be discrete. And hope that at least some of the rapport she used to hold with this particular person…well, that there’s any of it left to draw upon in the first place. Her social goodwill is running ridiculously low at the present moment, so that’s honestly the best outcome she can reasonably expect at this time. 
Sera sighs. She stands up, and she paces. Sits down again, then stands up, and paces some more. She drinks more water, and paces again, before slumping in her chair like her bones are made of marmalade, and screeches like a barn owl out of frustration at what she has to do.
Activating the screen on her tablet, she scrolls and opens an old, nearly forgotten folder, which contains a number of certain contacts. Lucifer is in there, as well as several of the Goetia. And even some of the friendlier Deadly Sins and overlords, who she never actually calls, but thinks it’s in her best interest to keep on hand, just in case.
She starts at the bottom of the list, and then scrolls up, unintentionally dragging out this dreadful, uncomfortable feeling, for as long as she possibly can. When Sera finally reaches her number, she stares at it for much longer than necessary. Her body tightens, and she swallows her heart that has jumped up into her throat. Her finger hovers precariously over that little icon, and she fluffs up like a bird trying to get water out of its feathers.
She looks at the name next to the icon one last time, mentally fortifying herself for what’s to come. Then her finger drops onto the screen, and she pushes it, screaming silently within the endless void that is her own head, at the drastic step she is about to take. 
She watches as the calling icon appears on her screen. After the second ring, her heart finally sinks back down into her chest. After the third, it’s already crawling up her esophagus again. 
After the fourth, the call remains unanswered, and she is immediately taken to voicemail, which is honestly so much worse than she had anticipated. 
Sera listens and prepares herself to hear that voice once again. And when it comes, she is filled with a multitude of fuzzy, complicated feelings. She almost wants to hang up, as the pre-recorded callback message echoes endlessly between her ears, like the pattern of soft drums:
“Hello, this is Carmilla Carmine. I’m not available right now. Please leave a message, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.”
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jayswritings13 · 7 months
Hazbin/Helluva: Asking to go to the Eras tour/Barbie movie
Note: Can't ever forget girl summer of 2023💖
💗Masterlist | AO3
Charlie & Vaggie have been waiting and waiting to see the Barbie movie since it was announced. Charlie has had your outfits planned months in advance and Vaggie helped decorate part of the hotel for the premiere night, turning the hotel into a Barbie dream house. It has been months and the three of you are still finding glitter on the main entrance carpet.
Alastor is absolutely against any music that does not involve jazz. He refuses to even play into the idea of going with you, which you expected. Though he does find it sickeningly nice of you ask, sweetheart.
Husk immediately tells you no, while looking up showing times for the Barbie movie. He buys the tickets after hearing enough of you talking and talking about it. He grumbled the whole way in, but you caught him laughing and invested in the movie, despite what he says.
Angel Dust bought the Eras tour tickets before you could even suggest going. He is so fucking hyped. He expects you to dress up in your favorite era and you better know all the goddamn words, bitch. He will cry if you make friendship bracelets with him and share them.
Sir Pentious is confused mainly. He's tried to go to Angel and have him explain this Taylor Swift and the Eras, but cannot seem to understand it all. He wanted to impress you with his knowledge after you asked him to go with you. It's cute, even if he isn't getting it.
Lucifer had fucking tickets before they were announced. He surprised you with them, a bright smirk on his face. He knew how much you wanted these and he is more than happy to do whatever he needs to do to ensure that you have a great time.
Vox wants so badly to be Reputation, but he is so 1989. He is all for this concert for the publicity and VIP treatment. Also, just to splurge some money on you. Okay, a lot of money. But, he puts his foot down at being forced to dress up as 1989 or Speak Now. He wants to be Reputation and just let him have it, damn it.
Velvette has been planning her fucking outfits since the tour was announced. She's not that into Taylor whatever, but she wasn't stupid and knew how much of an Internet sensation this was gonna be. She had to go, and if she was, might as well bring you along.
Adam laughs in your face. He can't believe that you would honestly fucking suggest going to see Taylor Swift with him. He makes fun of you for thinking that that was a smart move, but begrudgingly goes with you anyway. But, you fucking owe him, big time.
Lute would rather see Oppenheimer than Barbie. She tries everything to convince you to drop the Barbie movie from the Barbenheimer movie marathon you suggested, but no dice. Once you offered to see Oppenheimer more than once and a few other movies that she wanted to see, does Lute actually join you for the Barbie movie.
Blitzo is fucking pumped for this concert. Anything for an excuse for him to dress slutty and get drunk is fine with him. Besides, hearing drunk Blitzo try and sing long to the words, but get them all wrong is so funny and precious. He was not happy at how much you recorded it for blackmail, but also proud because same.
Moxxie & Millie were more than excited to go with you, planning your outfits all together so that none of you wore the same era. Although, you definitely couldn't dress up as Lover or Reputation because those were M&Ms and you couldn't pry it from their cold, dead hands.
Loona is not like other girls©, so she immediately scoffs when you genuinely suggest going to see the Barbie movie. She told you that she would never go in a million fucking years. However, after some persuasion on your end, Loona at least agreed to watch the first 30 minutes before she would walk out and find another movie.
Stolas is over the moon that you want to see Barbie with him. He's been hearing about it, but wasn't too interested in it all that much. Well, until you asked him to go with you. He immediately began to get his outfit together in the spirit of the Disco dance sequence of the movie. It was fucking amazing.
Ozzie & Fizzeroli were more excited than you for the concert. Ozzie had everything taken care of for both Fizz and you. Worried about what you're gonna wear? Don't worry, Ozzie's assistant has been gathering your outfits for weeks, with Ozzie s final approval before revealing it to you both. All you and Fizz had to worry about was having fun.
Verosika Mayday has been waiting for this movie for months. She denied it, but you noticed how she sent you all the Barbie memes and behind the scenes stuff. If you don't go all out and dress up, she doesn't know who you are and will sit on the other side of the theater.
Striker had no clue what the fuck you were babbling about. So, he looked into it, and was not fucking thrilled about it. But when he bought tickets to Taylor Swift, the grin on your face was well worth the 3+ hours of pure 'torture' he was going to endure.
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resisteverything · 6 months
Hi! This is a response to your Lucifer post on HH.
I would like to clear up some of your confusion, so the first point to make is that Satan is not Lucifer in Hazbin Hotel. In Helluva Boss, season 1, episode 8, Satan is mentioned, and albeit it's not stated, it's implied he's a different character from Lucifer.
Hazbin Hotel takes inspiration from the idea that every deadly sin has its own demon(which | believed came from The Lanterne of Light). Therefore this is why Lucifer and Satan are separate.
Also, of course they would listen to Lucifer, the ruler of hell, the fallen angel and most powerful being in hell(presumably). Hell has a hierarchy, which places Lucifer at the very top.
I hope this could answer some questions or confusion.
I don't know why they wrote Lucifer so badly, but there are some explanations.
Hope this helps
I know why they wrote him badly, it’s because the show is bad. He’s honestly one of the better characters in the series, he’s just severely missing that Satan quality that makes any of this stuff make sense, and is instead overly woobified.
Also satan and lucifer being different beings… fuck that so hard. Lucifer was the snake in eden, and ruler of hell, and required goat sacrifice, that’s fucking satan. You can’t write a character like that and make them a separate entity from satan. Like what does satan even do and why? What is he? What is his past, and what does this add to the lore of the series? Imagine if the first woman, who ate the apple and tempted adam, was lute, and eve was just sort of also there but not the same as lute. That’s how dumb this is.
Though I can see a sort the logic of this stuff. If they fleshed it out more I might have accepted it.
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
chaaaaii, your humanoid vox design got me down on one knee, HOT DAMN — I don’t need any MORE drawing ideas rn, good sir 😭
if I may add my own contribution to the fallen angel! sapphic Vox au: to dispell some of the angst, let us bask in the comedic potential of the rest of heaven celebrating/actively counting down the minutes until her fall because they’re all just. so sick of this bitch complaining about how her wonderful and amazing and gorgeous wife is down in Hell while SHE’S stuck up Here and “fucking why??! Have I not committed the required amount of atrocities?? Is there a limit?? Who the fuck do I speak to about this?!”
When Vox FINALLY fucking falls and is reunited with her beloved or whatever, the heaven-wide celebration lasts well into the next month, bet. Even Adam can’t help but think “fucking Good For Her, stay GONE—”
HAHAHAH SORRYY i simply couldnt resist~ no way he doesnt have a pretty face if his punishment is a tv head right? it just wouldnt make sense (and hey, dont blame the messenger! ill take any excuse to see more of your lovely artwork :))
HELP ME. oh my god wait that reminds me of this one welcome to heaven parody where lute and adam were singing it and instead of welcome to heaven they were saying gtfo of heaven 😭😭😭 the idea of vox being an utter MENACE to the higherups is so fucking funny to me. like this is a woman who probably played nice to even people she wanted to gut and dismember and yet. THIS. this is what gets her to go feral gremlin mode. i mean good for her honestly she deserves to go insane i think
funniest possible outcome where after her fall (and after heaven has to get a new saint after she takes st peter with her as a meal for her wife) the next extermination happens early at a very badly mistimed overlord meeting where al just brought vox in and dared anyone to say anything about it (they didnt bc theyre not idiots) an exterminator angel vox befriended as a winner civilian finds them on complete accident, goes "wtf vox your wife was an OVERLORD???" and al goes "YOU TALKED ABOUT ME????"
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alltheshithesaid · 4 months
Self Aware AU idea
Adam hears us talking about all the diferent ways we'd fuck him/he'd fuck us and gets so flustered
“Y’know,” Brian hummed as he watched how Charlie and Vaggie were led through heaven. “I've said it once and I'll say it again. Adam can have my fucking ass in any way he wants it and I've not offered my ass many people.”
Adam stopped, spitting his drink onto the ground as he looked at the fourth wall. Had he heard that correctly?
Lute - not expecting Adam to stop so soon - crashed into the guy, almost causing him to drop his drink. “Adam?” she whispered, hoping the microphones would not record her voice that way, “Are you okay? You act so strange lately.” His golden eyes looked zoned out, to Adam Lute's words sounded dull, muffled even, he simply tuned her out as he kept listening to the voices.
“Absolutely,” Ari agreed, nodding her head. He pointed his thumb to the screen adding, “I'd peg this guy so hard. Just look at him. He basically begs for it without actually voicing it. He needs it badly.” Brian hummed in agreement.
And for the first time in all of his existence, Adam damned his mask for being so damn well at mimicking his facial expressions because fuck - he did not know that this bitch was able to mimic blush. His mask shone golden, the blush on his cheeks was visible. Very visible - it wasn't even subtle.
“Adam?” Lute asked again, yet the first man did not listen to her, he was too busy drinking up Ari’s and Brian's voices and the words the both of them said.
“Oh definitely, just look at him. Bet he gives good head too, if not I'll teach him how,” Brian grinned wickedly.
Adam had heard enough. He grabbed the cup in his hand a little tighter and then rushed off, excusing himself with a quiet and rushed, “I have to use the fucking bathroom.”
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