#charlie loves hugs and knows how powerful they can be- if done RIGHT
a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
early chaggie early morning where vaggie gets a hug
inspired by @sunsetcougar's headcanon idea of vaggie wrapping herself in blankets despite hell's heat for.... reasons :(
Vaggie: "Ugghhgh...." (slouches into kitchen) (wrapped in blankets)
Charlie: "Vaggie!" (singing) "Good moooorning~!"
Vaggie: "Mornin' sweetie... why is it morning..." (bumps into table) (slumps over it) "Fuck. Ow." (oozes into chair)
Charlie: "Aww." (sad pout) "Didn't get much sleep again, huh."
Vaggie: "Nnngh. Didn't."
Charlie: (cringing) "I wasn't, uh, kicking you was I? With the hooves- "
Vaggie: "I'm too short for you to reach."
Charlie: (grinning) "Which means you're just the right size!!!"
Vaggie: "Means I need my weight in additive simulant substances..."
Vaggie: (tries to stand) (BANG)
Vaggie: (slams into table again) "Fuck."
Charlie: "Vaggie!?"
Vaggie: (rubs missing eye) (muttering) "It's fine, 'm fine.... pinche pendejo.. mi ojo... just need coffee."
Charlie: "!! Don't stagger up! I'll make it!"
Vaggie: (slumping face down) (muffled) "m'love you."
Charlie: "Ha!" (laughing too hard) "Oh you- you'd love anyone who made coffee after a bad night's sleep-"
Vaggie: "No. Anyone else I'd just kill for it."
Charlie: (grinning) "Maim them, maybe."
Vaggie: "You have too much faith in morning me."
Charlie: "I love morning you~"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: (stares around wildly for topic change) "A- anyway, um-" (spies vaggie's blankets) (actually frowns)
Charlie: "Aren't you hot?"
Vaggie: (groggy) (half awake) "Depends if I'm your type, I guess."
Charlie: "My ty- Shit!" (cup she's holding starts boiling) "No I meant-"
Vaggie: (looking up) "Coffee?"
Charlie: "-not that you AREN'T, because I mean really just LOOK at you, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't w- but- What? Oh."
Charlie: (hands over coffee) "Careful. It's um. Hot."
Vaggie: "Thanks." (carefully not looking at Charlie) (muttering) "Hot just like everything else in hell is..."
Charlie: "THAT'S what I meant!"
Vaggie: "Guess that does make me hot since I'm here too now."
Charlie: "Yes right exactly, the hotness- hell's hotness- you're still not used to it! Not that the eternal searing flames of literal hell is something anyone should necessarily be expected to get used to, aside from me and the other hellborn- though not all of them like it here either, even if the other rings are more varied and sometimes have things like plants and weather- but for you, stuck here in the pride ring, in the purely physical sense I'm wondering because-"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "-it just seems like maybe there's kinda an easy way for you to at least FEEL less hot in the mornings and night? Again only in the purely physical sense, since you never do stop looking-"
Vaggie: "Sweetie."
Charlie: "-yes?"
Vaggie: (smiling) "Low caffeine, low word capacity. Cliff notes?"
Charlie: "Oh, right!" (laughs)
Vaggie: (watches) (remining eye soft)
Charlie: "Um- what's with the wrapping yourself in all those blankets? Normally you wear less than me and still complain about the heat. Feels like I'm missing something."
Vaggie: "Can't have your brilliant brain starving for knowledge can we."
Charlie: "No that's fine- I just want you to be comfortable!"
Vaggie: "Well you're right about the missing part."
Charlie: "I am?" (sits) (leans in) "Ooooh, what Vaggie lore am I missing?"
Vaggie: (snorting) "Vaggie what?"
Charlie: "Lore, but I- I'm not writing any of it down!!!"
Charlie: "...much."
Vaggie: (lifts cup) "I'm getting royalties in coffee so it's fine. Write whatever you want in your diary."
Charlie: "I wanna write what I somehow missed out on while observing you!"
Charlie: (scoots chair closer) (chin in hands) (Staring)
Charlie: "I've been observing a normal amount, to be clear. Juuuust in case last part was kinda alarming or worried you."
Vaggie: "I'm not. It didn't."
Charlie: "Okay! So...?"
Vaggie: "It's not you."
Vaggie: (looks away) (sips coffee)
Vaggie: "More of a... 'me missing something' thing."
Charlie: ".....er."
Charlie: "...you've, um." (clears throat)
Charlie: "You do have something on under the blankets. R-right?"
Vaggie: "Yep. Just like you've still got those red cheek spots under your blush."
Charlie: (covering blush with hands) (stubbornly NOT looking away) "So if your clothes aren't missing- what is?"
Vaggie: "My wings."
Vaggie: (gulps hot coffee and winces)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "...do the blankets feel like them?"
Vaggie: "No." (another gulp and wince) "They were heavy."
Charlie: (drooping down onto table) (head on folded arms) "Wings are heavy...?"
Vaggie: "They're alive. They've got, mass and weight to them."
Charlie: "And warmth?"
Vaggie: "And they can hold you. Like when you fold your arms around yourself."
Charlie: "Like a hug."
Vaggie: (awkward) "Sure. Whatever."
Charlie: "So you miss them, and..." (drooping) "Wrapping yourself in blankets is the closest you get to feeling like you have them again."
Vaggie: "It's not even close at all, really." (hollow laugh) "I'll get over it. Don't worry."
Charlie: "Get over it?"
Vaggie: "Like with the heat, it's just another part of hell. It's fine."
Charlie: "Hmm."
Charlie: (gets up)
Charlie: "Can I try?"
Vaggie: (shoulders hunching) "...try what?"
Charlie: "Being a better blanket, since nothing can really be like your wings were."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I'm princess of hell, so I get to decide what's hell's like. A, a little anyway."
Charlie: (walks around behind vaggie) "And this might be a bit cooler? I know I run hot along with not noticing the whole hellish heat stuff, but- at least you'd still get airflow. And. I'd be heavier than a blanket! I think?"
Charlie: (lean forward to look at vaggie upside down)
Charlie: "So. Hug? Can I?"
Vaggie: ".... you don't have to ask before hugging me."
Charlie: "You used to jump when I did. Or slip off afterwards to hide in some high shadowy corner of a bookshelf for the rest of the day."
Vaggie: "Don't remind me."
Charlie: "It was cute! But I should've just asked. And this is different."
Vaggie: "It's not." (lets blankets fall) "Knock yourself out."
Charlie: (kneeling behind her) "I'll let go whenever you want."
Vaggie: "Charlie. I'm not a glass vase. Relax."
Charlie: "No, you're not glass- you're you, and you're tense." (hands on vaggie's hunched shoulders) (plays with ends of vaggie's still short hair) "This is a hug. Hugs need waaaaay more carefulness than glass vases do-"
Charlie: "Also! We still need a breakfast that isn't coffee."
Vaggie: "Slander." (drinks) "No we don't."
Charlie: "Yes we do but it can wait. If- wow, you really are tense." (starts rubbing vaggie's shoulders) "How did you sleep like this!?"
Vaggie: (slumping) "I didn't."
Charlie: "Well if you DON'T want breakfast right now then that leaves time for hugs! Or say the word and I'll switch to breaking out the toast and jam, or doughnuts- if Razzle and Dazzle didn't find them- or something."
Vaggie: "I'll probably just doze off again, honestly." (groaning) "Feel free to step over me when I start snoring on the kitchen floor..."
Charlie: "I would never leave you there."
Vaggie: "That's true. Would be trip hazard."
Charlie: "That's not why."
Vaggie: "You could totally trip over me. Stub your hoof or something. I'm not THAT small."
Charlie: "That's not why either."
Vaggie: (sips coffee)
Charlie: (pats her shoulders) "Hug time?"
Vaggie: "Mm." (tenses up again)
Charlie: "Is that a 'mmmrgh yes' or a 'mmrrgh no thanks'?"
Vaggie: "I've told you, you don't have to ask."
Charlie: "Is THAT a yes?"
Vaggie: (sighs) "Yes Charlie. You can hug."
Charlie: "Thanks~"
Charlie: (leans in) (gently with the hug, arms around vaggie) (extra carefully with the squeeze)
Charlie: "...how's this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (sets down coffee) (touches charlie's arms) "Can I-"
Charlie: "I'll can let go! It's okay-!"
Vaggie: "No, just. You're fine. Let me rearrange you a bit?"
Charlie: "Oh sure!!! Yes! Whatever you want!!"
Vaggie: "Wings are more, they were more like..."
Vaggie: (shifts Charlie's arms around and leans back into her more)
Vaggie: "...it was more like.."
Charlie: (tries another soft squeeze) (whispering) "Like this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "Yeah." (blinking hard) "It was."
Charlie: "Okay. And that's... okay..?"
Vaggie: "...it's nice."
Charlie: (smiling) "I'm now officially free for wing simulation hugs whenever you want them."
Vaggie: "You gotta sleep sometime, hon."
Charlie: "We share the same giant bed. We can just cuddle!" (butting the back of vaggie's head) "If we can make hell even a little nicer for you, Vaggie, then we should."
Vaggie: "Why both. It's hell for reason."
Charlie: "Because you'll feel better? And that's important?"
Vaggie: "I'm fine with not feel great all the time."
Charlie: "Why though? Vaggie-"
Vaggie: "Builds character."
Charlie: "...Alright." (headbutts again) "Well I'm already quite a character and I like it better when you're feeling better. It makes ME feel better."
Vaggie: “Now that’s definitely important.”
Charlie: “Heh. Just like you.”
Vaggie: (holds charlie's arms as charlie holds her) (doesn't answer)
The Coffee: (slowly cools off while they hug)
-several minutes of hugging later-
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "How did the wing hugging thing WORK exactly?? You had moth wings, right? Insect wings? I always thought those were pretty stiff- very pretty and fluttery!- but not very bendable. Are some bug wings actually bendy? Or was it more a weird demon thing, like random horns or-"
Charlie: "-Vaggie?"
Vaggie: (slumped) (dozed off on Charlie's shoulder) (breathing softly against crook of charlie's neck)
Charlie: (smiles) "...pretty good hug, huh?"
Vaggie: (snores a little)
Charlie: "Heheh." (smile slipping)
Charlie: "...sorry."
Charlie: (hugs tighter)
Charlie: ".... if I'd just found you sooner, I..."
Cupboard Door: (creaks open)
Charlie: (looks up) (weak smile) "Oh, hey guys- Good breakfast?"
Razzle & Dazzle: (guilty shake off doughnut crumbs)
Charlie: "It's okay. You know she's not much of a morning food person anyway."
Razzle: "Rrr." (flutters into table to peer at vaggie)
Dazzle: (leans back into cupboard)
Charlie: "Oh she's just tired- I'm helping her get some sleep." (actually smiling now) (shifts hind legs) "Um. My hooves might also start falling asleep soon. Maybe you wanna fetch me a pillow or something, please?"
Razzle: (points from vaggie to the floor behind charlie)
Charlie: "Maybe? I think I could shift her into my lap and lean on the cabinets... She feels pretty out of it. One-hundred percent will need a pillow for that though."
Razzle: (flutters off) (pats charlie and vaggie's heads along the way)
Dazzle: (wiggles out of cupboard) (places half an eaten doughnut on table in front of vaggie)
Dazzle: "Ree." (points at doughnut sternly)
Charlie: (giggles) "I'll TRY to get her to eat it when she wakes up. But no promises~"
Dazzle: (huffs) (follows razzle out)
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: (long sigh) (slumps against vaggie)
Charlie: "I'm helping. I can help you- I-" (hides face in vaggie's hair)
Charlie: "...hell can be a happy place too, I promise. I won't let it hurt you again."
-somewhere in heaven-
Lute: (sneezes)
Adam: "Go fuck yourself."
Lute: (wiping face with bloodstained sleeve) "Thank you, sir."
Adam: "And take a dunk in the celestial sea or whatever. Extermination was like, months ago- bitch did you even shower?"
Lute: "I did, sir."
Adam: "Went right back into the sinner splattered outfit?"
Lute: "Yes sir."
Adam: "That's gross as fuck." (grinning) "Hardcore. Give me SKIN, bitch!"
Lute: (smirks) (high fives)
Adam: "Even Vagina never went that hard- even when she was fucking you over in kill counts and shit."
Lute: (not smiling anymore) "She was the only one, sir."
Adam: (not listening) "No style! She was boring as FUCK with that lame spear. Stab kill. Stab kill. One hit, no misses, no flying limbs. No fucking CHASES to get the sinner shits really screaming! Just didn't know how to let loose and have FUN with it!"
Lute: "No, sir. And now we know why."
Adam: "Pretty pathetic for one of my girls." (sighs) "Aw whatever. Women, am I right?"
Lute: "She was a filthy traitor."
Adam: "Yeah, pretty much all of you are." (picks at mask teeth) "Lucifer barely counts as a dude either, like, dudes weren't a THING when creation jerked him out. Wanna know why?"
Lute: "You were the f-"
Lute: "The original-"
Adam: "THE ORIGINAL DICK Father of all winners EVER! And of all those lame-ass losers down in hell, not that they fucking show any respect-"
Lute: "And she will be the last Exorcist ever to betray you."
Adam: "Eh. We'll see I guess. Bet she's fucking regretting it either way, huh?" (grinning) "Probably SEEING the error of her ways.."
Lute: "Realizing she made one hell of a choice."
Adam: "Wishing she hadn't fucking WINGED IT that one time, HA!"
Lute: "We clipped those thoughts pretty quick."
Adam: (slaps lute on back) "That was fucking great. I've got her agonized "oh" face from the wing ripping part as a screen saver- but don't fucking tell Sera that, the saintly seraph virtue prude of a bitch."
Lute: "Never." (smiles) (fingers her sword) "...And thank you, sir."
Adam: "Sword still got some of her blood on it?"
Lute: "Maybe."
Adam: "Now THAT'S gross. Love it."
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jyoongim · 7 months
A Deal With God
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Alastor x Morningstar!Reader
Themes: fem!reader, Morningstar!reader, Angst, mention of character death, secrets, religious themeAlastor being Alastor, fluff, slight smut, deal-making,  soul possession, Lilith a shitty mother/wife/sister, established relationship, difficult family dynamic, there’s a trope in here I just don’t know what to call it?
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
“You cannot be serious?!” You shouted rushing after your sister. Lilith was packing her things in a suitcase, ignoring you. You just couldn’t believe her.
Had she lost her mind?
Lilith had told you that she was going to leave. 
Leave Hell. 
“Where will you go? How can you leave your own kingdom?” You asked her as she stood, looking at a family portrait.
It was Lucifer, Her, and Charlie.
You couldn’t understand what would have caused your sister to want to leave home.
She had no where to go
At least if you had a say in it.
You tried to talk some sense into you.
”Sister…this is your home you’re leaving. Your kingdom! You are the Queen of Hell you can’t just up and disappear!”
She sighed, turning to you with a stern look.
”I just need a change of scenery”
You frowned “Blasphemy! What about Lucifer? That man will be torn if you leave and from my knowledge he hasn’t done anything to upset! he loves you Lil” 
She took off her wedding ring, placing it on the dresser
”This has nothing to do with me or Lucifer”
She tried to barge past you, but you pushed her back
”If not him or the kingdom then what about your daughter? What about Charlie Lil?!”
She paused. It was just for a second but you saw the uncertainty in her eyes.
”Charlie will be fine. She’s old enough to understand” she barged past you, but you were hot on her tail.
”Just tell me why you’re leaving! At least give me something so i can console your husband and child!” You screamed at her, grabbing her arm and yanking her to look at you.
She growled at you, eyes flashing red and horns extending out her head. “I don’t have to explain anything to you or anyone for that matter! Now let go!” She yanked her arm, but you held fast.
Your emotions getting the better of you and you too, hissed right back at her. “You do when you’re trying to run off in the night with no regard to your duties! Now answer me!”
She sighed,  looking away “I’m going back” she whispered.
You blinked. Back? Back where-your eyes widened “No”
you tightened your grip on her arm “no no you can’t! Are you mad?! Why would you go back? After everything that happened?”
She huffed wrenching her arm out of your hold “I am aware and I just have to okay”
You’ve never seen your sister look so…cold.
”Lil…” you started but she cut you off “Promise me”
She grabbed your hand “promise you wont tell anyone! No matter who ask or what happen you wont tell!”
A golden glow emitted from your bounded hands.
”L-Let me go!” You said trying to pull away, but she squeezed your hand, making you wince 
“Promise no matter what you see that you’ll tell no one where I am, that goes for Lucifer and Charlie. Do you promise?”
she was shaking.
”Why should i hmmm?” You challenged her.
”It’ll all be yours.” She said. You narrowed your eyes at her.
You know what that meant.
”This Realm. The kingdom. The power. The Crown. Ill give it all to you. Just promise me that you’ll tell no one” 
Your sister was holding back tears.
But so were you.
If you did this…
”Please sister”she pleaded,tears sliding down her cheeks.
You sighed “Fine”
You clenched your jaw as the golden glow brighten and felt the burn of your promise seal into your hand.
Lilith hugged you, it would be the last time for some time that you will see your sister.
You watched as she neared the door, gave the palace one last look, gaze lingering on the family portraits, and she smiled
”Take good care of them for me?”
And just like that she was gone.
”You idiot…I would have done that anyway”
And you wept. 
Cries carried out into the night along with your burden.
But that was seven years ago…..
Soooo what do you guys think so far? This might be slow to update as I am still working out the plot but do stay tuned!!!
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animeshotsh · 7 months
I would know | Husk x Child!Reader | Small AngelDust x Child!Reader |
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Summary: Your life in hearth was not good and your learned too fast to know when someone its hurting
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, suicide. HuskxAngel ship too. Grammar mistakes.
You were never too sure why you ended in hell or how. First, you were just a child, a regular one, you wondered what sins you could have done to end here. Was life not hard enough on you that you did not deserve eternal peace?
Was because of your death? But even that was a mistery to you. You cant remember if you were killed or if you took away your life. Then again, your life was a hell more than what the actual hell was. You would tremble when thinking of it.
Thats why you faked your emotions, the happy smile, the jokes, everything was a mask so no one would think what had happened to you. But one day after one exterminator day you met Charlie the princess of Hell. And she saw you, the Real you, she soon took you under her wings and roof, her dream of redemtion for sinners filled your heart.
So you stayed and met others along the way.
Husk was at first a grummpy sinner. With no Real care of what was happening in the hotel or with the others. However you found him interesting and started to follow him around (letting Vaggie breath alone for once). It was not a suprise Husk was not in for the task of taking care of a child specially one that could move without making a noise.
Some said it must be demonic power but you are sure you mastered this from the time you were alive.
Sneaking behind Husk was now your personal activity. Alastor found it better than the average comedy and would alwasy be around when you were doing it.
So far you had sneaked behind Husk at least 29 times. And over these times you two kind of got close. Husk never had kids when being alive, so he was not sure if you saw him as a father figure or a older brother, whatever it was he made sure you were on the right path. As right it could be in hell, at least he would make sure you were safe outside and inside the hotel.
He found what happened to you one night. His left ear twitched as movement came, he caught you getting a pissed look from you.
"You are losing your touch kid" he said letting you down "and you should be asleep, the princess will know if you passed your bed time"
"Well, im not tired so lets do something!! We can watch tv all night"
"Alastor said that he would destroy the hotel if there was one single tv in here" Husk reminded them
"Oh right....then teach me to play poke!"
"And why would you like to learn that?" Husk asked looking down on you who was looking away from him
"I dont want to think now, If my mind its in another task...or seeing something...then I dont think"
Husk could hear the sad tone in your voice. He got down to your eye level making you face him.
"And what is it that you dont want to think about?"
You kept your eyes on him then tackled him for a hug. Husk hissed in suprise but stopped when he started to hear your cries. He slowly moved you, making you sit on him so he could wrap his amrs and wings around you.
"Shh kid, no one is going to hurt you in here, im gonna make sure of it"
After that time Husk and you got closer, others noticed it but said nothing about it. Charlie went "aww" once she saw you being carried by Husk on his shoulders while he serverd drinks.
You also grow to be close with Angel Dust, at first he too was not too happy about having a kid around but soon your jokes and personality got him. He also loved to see you pranking Husk.
And his little piggy loves you!! He wants to get you one too.
But you soon noted, something was off about Angel. You started to see times when his persona would change, how he would ignore others worries over him and just smile it off.
Oh....that was what you used to do. But you never had to face someone doing it too.
Of course you went to Husk later on. Him and Angel seemed close so you were 100% sure that Husk would help you.
"You gotta be blunt" Husk said after you explained the situation.
"But...that would hurt him..."
Taking a deep breath Husk faced you.
"Listen kid, people have issues and how they face them its up to them, and how they do it sometimes backfires. Not everybody its going to listen to sweet talk and honey words. You have to be direct and end it there. Its up to them how to act afterwards"
"But...you were not like that to me" you said confused
"Because you are you and Angel its his own persona. You two are different" he responded "listen, i know you want to help him...i want to do it too. Let me try my way and if nothing happens...then we can try yours"
Your eyes got bright with emotion as you nodded.
"Yes!! Lets do it, lets help your boyfriend!!"
Blushing Husk responded "he is not-"
"I see it in the way you look at him" you stated getting a defeated sound from Husk.
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jujutsukatsuki · 7 months
i’ve been waiting to see someone write thissss! (i think ur taking requests??)
the scene when alastor threatens husk!
the idea is reader (gn!) is there to comfort husk but he brushes them off, kinda like a hurt/comfort thing!
Okay I'm a little rusty but i got this! i wanted to do this as a Alastor x Reader but Reader is friends with Husker! I would like to add that I DO NOT SUPPORT VIV OR THEIR ACTIONS!
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"This whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into Heaven..." Charlie rambles on to her estranged father Lucifer, Vaggie follows on the other side of the short demon king and the princess of Hell. You followed behind them with Alastor, tall dark and creepy as he had been described by Mimzy moments before the group walked down the hallway.
"Hey Boss... can i have a word?" Alastor turns his head before his body, you hate when he does that, the sickling crack his neck makes. You turn to face the gambling demon cat, also known as your best friend in the hotel. You loved Husk, he was everything to you. "what is it?" Alastor's sickling smile never faulters, you're convinced he'd never drop the smile for people who weren't you. He was always sweet on you, even if on the outside it didn't look like he was. "You and i both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs somethin'. That bitch is trouble and who knows what kinda demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?" Alastor smirks and leans in towards the furball, you chew your lip, ready to jump between the two something you've done a few times before. "Its nothing i cant handle, don't worry Husker!" Alastor turns, arms crossed behind his back with his cane in hand, you look between Husk and Alastor. Husk looks angry that Alastor isn't listening. Husk looks to you and gives you an almost pleading look. If anyone could reason with the radio demon, it would be you. "Who in their right mind would cross me?" Alastor lets out a small hum as he starts to walk away. "I mean... you've been gone a while and its not like anybody knows why." "They don't need to know, and don't you worry your fuzzy head about it!" Alastor turns and pets husk on the head, something he absolutely hates. Husk lets out a loud growl as him and Alastor are nose to nose. The next few moments are a blur to you once husk mentions Alastor's metaphorical leash. The lights flicker, the room glitches with Alastor's power, your skin runs cold and you see the green leash snap around Husk's neck as he's thrown to the floor. "enough!" You yell, your hair standing on edge, eyes staring daggers into Alastor, your eye twitches with annoyance as you grab Alastor's arm and rip him away from Husk. "Now now sweet-" Alastor tries to calm you down, husk is shaking on the floor from the encounter. "No! This is enough Alastor, go find Charlie and Lucifer. Now!" You snap and point to where the group had gone. You never snapped at him, never even raised your voice. But right now, there was smoke coming out of your ears with how upset you were. Angry tears threatening to spill as you hold your stance. The green leash fades away and Alastor marches off without another word. "You okay?" You help Husk up who shakes you off with a tsk. "I don't need your pity, I'm fine." Husk grumbles and retreats to the bar downstairs. "Husk, please." You try and catch up with him. "What!" He turns and snaps.
"I don't need you playing the role of my parent! i can take care of myself, that's all ill ever need. Myself and what ever alcohol i can get my hands on." His voice is heavy, you know this is his mask. The one he puts on when something really bothers him and doesn't want to talk about it. You pull him into a hug and gently rub his back, you can feel his body tense, his wings are stiff before he slowly relaxes under your touch, his wings gently folding around the two of you. "I know Husker." You say gently, fingers combing his fur. "But I'm always here, you don't have to do it all on your own. I got you too. Family and losers and what not." You hum as the two of you pull away. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Husk smirks as he waves his hand, you know he understands what you're saying and what you mean is true, but the little bit of ego he had left doesn't let him fully show it. You and Husk reach the bar just as the building starts to shake due to some loan sharks trying to get in to look for Mimzy. The building catches fire, as they throw some Molotov cocktails through the windows. You gasp as you see some of the glass coming for you but i certain red demon pulls you from harms way. "I suppose i need to remind everyone why I'm here!" Alastor grins as he goes into his demon mode, you close your eyes, you hate seeing him in his giant demon mode. Once he's outside, you start helping Husk clean the building up.
"Darling, you alright?" Alastor comes back in to check on you
"Peachy." You snarl, still upset about earlier. Now even more upset due to Mimzy and her drama hurting the one place you loved.
Alastor straightens his suit before he forces Mimzy to leave, seeing as she was hurting the hotel and his beloved. You ignore the conversation as you sweep up glass. You feel a certain hand on your shoulder, you turn to look at Husk.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have made that comment. Don't let me get between the two of you." "I just don't like how he treats you." "Its okay, its my deal to take care of, not yours."
You let out a deflated sigh before turning to see Alastor who was waving around his cane to start fixing the hotel once again.
"Ali-" You say softly using the nickname he adored, it was simple but sounded amazing rolling off your lips.
"Yes darling?" He cuts you off as he grabs your hand and pulls you into him. You cant help but smile gently before grabbing his bowtie and yanking him down to be face to face with you.
"You ever hurt my Husky like that and i will make sure its your screams broadcasting on the radio. Understood?" You hiss and stare in his red eyes.
"Yes beloved." He nodded.
"Good." You nod back before going back to continuing to clean up the hotel lobby.
Sure life in the hotel wasn't the best, but it was your life none the less.
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i hope this was good! its been a while since i wrote something!
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harleehazbinfics · 6 months
Chapter 12: Our Deal Table of Contents | Profile
Word Count: 1400+ A/N: 😭 we're already done!! thank you sm for being part of the journey hngh, it's insane how much this blog has grown despite it just me spitting out random scenarios, this was my first series here. so im grateful to each and every one that has come with me in the process. every heart, comment and reblog made me happy. please enjoy the s1 finale! I'll be over my other works doing stuff so you can check them out here: link
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“I need you to stay here,” I say holding Abby’s shoulders, “We can’t risk you getting caught in the crossfire. Promise me.”
She furrows here brows before nodding, “I understand.”
“Good,” I say firmly before kissing her cheek, “I love you so much.”
“Stay safe, mom,” she encourages with a smile.
I return it and give her crystal orb. “Here, you can have this. This can help you see what’s going on outside.”
She accepts and immediately inspects it. Her fingers brushing on the screen seeing her mother’s face in the orb as she was in real time. I gave a smile which was transmitted to the orb instantly. She slides on the orb one more time to her father, attending the speech Charlie was speaking. She hid it with the use of her powers and gives me one final hug.
“Dear, why don’t you join the other’s downstairs? You should get to know them better now that you decided on staying,” Alastor joins us and holds my waist with one hand and his microphone in the other.
“Oh! Right!” she enthusiastically runs down the hall and disappears.
“Gosh, where does she get that energy from,” I comment holding my cheek, feeling tired just looking at her. “That definitely wasn’t from me.”
Alastor laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek before we follow after her slowly. He says this instead of answering, “As long as she’s happy that’s fine!”
I roll my eyes playfully at him and gazed at the group that gathered around the bar. I spot Abby holding a glass of orange juice trying to get closer to Cherri. I laugh at her actions, of course she chooses the coolest one to be her friend.
“Hi! I’m Abigail! You can just call me Abby,” she introduces holding out her hand.
“Uhh, sup? Name’s Cherri,” the pinkette answers reluctantly shaking her hand.
“Pleasure to meet you! We’ve met before but I never caught your name,” Abby asks the arachnid.
“Angel Dust. Angel’s fine, toots. Orange juice? What are you? 5?” Angel asks not exactly mocking her, but genuine confused by her choice.
“I’ve tried liquor before but it’s just not for me,” she replies not even bothered that she just got slighted.
“Fair enough,” Angel shrugs before walking to the bar to talk to Husk.
“So, uhh, your dad’s the radio demon?” Cherri asks trying to be polite.
“Indeed!” Abby answers enthusiastically, “We haven’t seen each other since I was a kid though.”
“Oh, why? What happened?” Cherri asks placing her drink down.
“He—uhh died when I was younger and by the time I was 15 I only had a few memories that I remember of him.”
“Oh shit. What about your mom though?”
“Mom also died when I was 14. So, I was on my own for a time in my life.”
“Well, at least we survived that shit. To being orphans!” Cherri exclaims raising her glass to Abby.
“Hurray?!” Abby panics confused and clinked their glasses together before doing the same as Cherri who downed her drink.
Alastor and I laugh while Niffty crawls on the railing between us.
“Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?”
 “I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!” she replies enthusiastically, while I watched the two talk with a smile on my face.
“Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed,” he sighs looking back down at them, particularly at Abby who was getting along with them quite well.
“I dub thee, King Roach,” NIffty proclaimed, putting on a bug crown on Alastor which he let her do and gave her a little bow.
“Oh, to understand your twisted little mind!” he comments before they started cackling where Alastor just played along with her. It made me sentimental of how he used to play house and have tea parties with Abby way back when.
Niffty scampers off with the other giving me the space and scoot over to him. “Will you be okay handling Adam?” I asked worriedly.
“It’ll be fine. I’ll be as careful as can. I’m not going to lose to him that easily,” he snorts, “You, however, I need you to back to me in one piece.”
I sighed and reminded him, “I think you forgot our deal, Al. I won’t exist if you don’t.”
He falls silent and tries to think. While I continue and place my hand on his chest, “You own my heart and my everything. This body beats for two. United as one, in sickness and in health—”
“Til’ death do us part,” we finish together. He wordlessly encases me in his arms and fall into a comfortable silence.
“Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!”
Alastor and I waited for them at the top of the hotel, watching as the angels begin their assault.
“Let the slaughter begin. AHAHAHAHAHAHA-HA!” Alastor yells swinging his microphone, summoning a black force field around us.
I left him and dove all the way from the rooftop and phasing to the floor, allowing me to transform into my giant demon form. With a terrifying grin and half lidded eyes that craved for chaos, I let out a shriek causing everyone to cover their ear giving Alastor to cut down the angels.
I raise my left and clenched it into a fist encasing every angel that aimed for me in a bubble immobilizing them, leaving them to Angel to shoot down. In that moment, Alastor’s shield disappeared leaving the silhouette of Adam with a sadistic smile.
He lounges for me while I only swiped him away with my hand causing him to tumble and crash on top of the hotel where Alastor was waiting for him. I left them and focused on helping the others, summoning my underlings to help the others.
After a while of killing angels, their numbers didn’t seem to waver making me curse under my breath feeling the weight of prolonging this fight for so long. I let out a pained shriek collapsing on myself and transforming back to my original form.
‘Shit. Is Alastor ok? What the hell happened?’ I thought starting to get delirious with the pain.
“SUCK MY HOLY LIGHT, FUCKERS! YEAH!” Adam yells over our heads making me glare at him.
“What? Alastor was supposed to handle him. Oh no, he must be—”
White noise fills my ears as my vision starts to fail me leaving me in an unconscious state, where the last thing I see was tendrils wrapping around me.
Everyone hugs him seeing his return that he was safe, however they fail to spot Miledy with him.
“Dad… Where’s mom?” Abby asks worried, trying to calm herself before she goes crazy looking for her mom.
“She’s fine. Just resting,” he assures giving his daughter a smile. ‘She has to be,’ he thought furrowing his brows before following the others.
“Al!” I scream getting away from an exorcist that was after me. She pushes me down and attempts to stab my chest. As soon as the steel met my skin, a tendril pushes her off me. I screamed as I see a large cut, opening up my chest. I watch mortified as I see my own beating heart.
Alastor rushes to me and knelt beside me. I hold onto him tightly confused and afraid, “Al, where are we? I don’t know what’s going on. I’m scared!”
His breathing stutters and tries to answer her, his eyes knit together and wore a frown. “It’s okay, you’re okay. I need to save you. You have to make a deal with me, Mel.”
I nodded my head despite not knowing anything he was saying. I just wanted to get out of here and be with him. Explain things to me carefully without my life being endangered and on the run.
“Mel, you will have to give your heart to me. So that no one will find your weakness, this is to keep you alive. Do we have a deal?” Alastor says to me seriously a faint green light emanating from him and his outstretched hand.
I nodded vehemently and shook his hand, “Deal.”
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@marxo5, @whaatttlaufey, @froggybich
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queersouthasian · 7 months
So, I decided to rewatch ep 10 again, and it actually becomes more painful with every rewatch guys. It's so well done, definately one of my fav episodes other than ep 6 and 3rd and 4th part of ep 7. Babe crying asking for Charlie, wanting, needing him back, not giving two shits about the powers he regained, something which were so important to him, something that made him "Pit Babe", 'cause he no longer want to be anything but his lover's "phi babe". This paralleling to ep 5 of Babe saying if he can't race, he won't be anything. It's the way, Babe could finally race now without having any hindrance, but he can't. It's the way the powers he used to boost are something so annoying and undesirable 'cause their return is a reminder that Charlie is dead. It's the way Charlie once in ep 2(?) said to way, "I am just a sex partner, what a person like me be?", maybe an excuse back then but still painful considering how so many times Charlie gets refered to be someone inferior, inferior to babe, and he is not even bothered by it 'cause he himself knows he is nothing to babe. It's the way he expected Babe to get bored of him, it's the way he didn't expect anything back. This paralleling to Babe saying he misses him, he loves him, and he doesn't want to forget him, ever. The way he was breaking down, every part of his heart crying for Charlie, it's the way he talks to the grave as if Charlie can really hear him, it's the way he wants to keep those gloves, as a reminder that Charlie existed and his existence changed his fucking life, a reminder that he loves Charlie and will always do. It's the way he carried those gloves, looking at those, always tearing up thinking about his beloved, everywhere. I can't stop thinking about the fact that he most probably slept hugging those gloves during their time apart. So much grief, so much guilt, so much love and care for that person who thought he was replaceable and he was not even there to witness it. I will never get over how Babe got over Way so soon 'cause he had a place to go back to, an embrace to hold him, a safe space, a genuine lover but when he was gone, he wanted to embrace him, wanted to kiss away his pain, wanted to be his safe space but couldn't because the other is lifeless. "I am sorry I always talked bad to you", it's the way I always end up saying "no love you didn't" 'cause it was not his fault and Charlie knows that. But one moment which always makes me loose it, is when he says "why aren't you responding Charlie?". The denial is painful, obviously, but it's the way after all their arguments, it was always Charlie who apologised or tried to break off the tension, so, those words become so much more painful, 'cause it's like him saying, "what happened Charlie, why are you not coming to talk, why are you not saying anything, you never go silent on me, are you upset, should I be the one to apologise first this time, huh?, you will talk then, right?" And then the kiss.
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felice-jaganshi · 7 months
Alastor X OC
His pet
Chapter 2/?
Charlie was in a panic after her meeting with the council of angels, so Alastor decided to keep their new guest a secret till he was done with his current plan. He informed Nifty and Husker to be gentle with the new guest if she woke up while he was gone, as he had plans for her.
He took Charlie to cannibal town and Vaggie went to see Carmilla.
Husker's curiosity got the better of him, and he went to knock on her door. She answered through the door, “who is it?”
He was surprised by how gentle her voice sounded, but he also knew not to make assumptions about a demon just because they sounded soft and weak. “Name's Husk, I'm the barkeep. Alastor told me to check on you.”
She called out from behind the door, “I'm fine! Um, if you have a shirt or sweater I could borrow though? My own got shredded recently. And I… I don't exactly have any possessions at the moment.” She sounded nervous.
“Uh, gimme a sec and I'll see what I can get ya.”
 Husk was a bit unnerved by this news. So he went down to bug the others while they were fortifying the place. “Hey, Angel Dust! You got any spare sweaters?”
He gave husk a weird look, “nothing in your style whiskers, why? You got a kink you're ready to share with the class?”
He groaned, “ugh, fuck no! Alastor brought some new sinner here last night while we were gone, and she said her shirt is too ripped up to come out of her room! I thought if anyone had something she could use it'd be you.” 
Angel frowned, “her shirts all ripped up? Alright, I'll be back, everyone.” He went upstairs and got a fluffy pink sweater from his closet, then looked at her door, right next to his. There was already a sign that said “Zariah”. Angel knocked on the door. “Hey, you the new girl?” He called. “I brought you a sweater.” She unlocked the door and peeked out at him, “ oh, hello, I'm Zariah. Oh, you're so pretty!” She opened the door more, covering her chest with her tail. He smiled and handed her the sweater. “Thanks doll, you're a cutie yourself. So, Al picked ya up off the streets? How did your shirt get torn?” He invited himself into her room.
She turned and frowned, “I was going to change… my shirt is all bloody. He found me in an alley and brought me here to heal.”
“Oh, don't be shy. I'm not into women, so don't worry about that! Hey, when Charlie gets back, we should work on customizing your room!” He laid down on her bed. She sighed and went to her bathroom and changed in there. When she came back out she smiled, hiding her old shirt in the bathtub for now. “I'd love that! So far everyone here has been so kind.” 
Angel smiled and sat up, “well I'm glad you think so. Hopefully you know how to fight? Because a war is coming our way, and I can't promise who will survive and who won't.” 
She looked shocked, “a war?! With who?! I'm not a fighter!”
He sighed, “then why the hell did Al drag you into this? Heaven is gonna try and fuck our shit up. We're gonna try to fight back. Apparently angel's can be killed.” 
She looked even more terrified, “th- the exorcists are coming?! Here?! I- I- oh fuck, oh shit! I'm gonna die!” She fell to her knees and began shaking. Angel came over and hugged her, “hey, hey, calm down. It's just another extermination. You'll survive. We'll find a place to hide you, okay?” She took a few deep breaths to calm down.
“O-okay… I… I know how to heal, like, healing powers. I can be a medic, maybe.” 
“Healing powers? No wonder Al picked you up!” He smiled, “Come on, let me introduce you to everyone.” he got up and took her hands, leading her to her feet and out to meet everyone else.
Eventually, Alastor, Charlie, and Vaggie returned with their reinforcements, and Charlie was excited to see everyone there, but…
“Oh! Who's this new friend?” She smiled and approached Zariah. She smiled, “hi! Alastor brought me here yesterday, I was really badly hurt and he said this was a safe place. I hope you don't mind. I'm not really a fighter, but I want to help protect everyone here from the exorcists!” 
Charlie smiled back and hugged her tight, “that's great! Thank you so much, whatever way you can help will be appreciated!” 
Zariah hugged back and purred, happy to be accepted so easily. Alastor blinked in surprise, “my dear, is that purring?! How adorable!” As she let go of Charlie, Alastor reached over and pet Zariah's head. She purred even louder and her ears twitched a little as she leaned into the affection. “Thank you! I pride myself on being cute!”
After a moment, he pulled his hand away, “hm, enough of that silliness.” He then wandered off towards his radio tower. It took him a little bit to realize she was following him. He stopped in the middle of the hall, “did you need something from me, dear?” He looked over his shoulder with his constant smile.
“Oh, I was curious where you were going? Everyone else is working to learn to fight with the angelic weapons you all brought. But since I'm not a fighter, I don't know how to help or where I'll be safest to hide if Adam shows up…”
“Oh? A safe place for our little fox to hide? Follow me, my dear.” He led the way, and she followed close behind. 
“Okay, I like the way you call me ‘dear’ all the time. It feels nice.” She smiled brightly, feeling so safe here in the hotel. 
He brought her into his radio tower. “Most demons are too scared to approach my radio tower. Just know, if the On Air sign is on, do not enter or knock. Or else I will be very cross with you.” His eyes glowed just a little in warning.
She nodded, still smiling softly, “yes sir!” She looked around. “When I was alive, there was a podcast made to sound like an old fashioned radio broadcast. It was my favorite thing to fall asleep to. Cecil was an amazing radio host.” She reached out towards the radio panels, but didn't touch. 
Alastor raised an eyebrow, “I see. So you enjoy radio?”
“Oh yes! Mostly FM stations, music is in my blood. But I enjoy radio talk shows and stories as well. As long as the voice is soothing. Yours is really nice. When do you do your shows? And what kind of shows are they?” She was so chatty now that she felt comfortable with him.
“Why thank you for the compliment, my dear. My broadcasts vary depending on my moods. Sometimes I'll just report on the tea around the rings, and sometimes… I'll remind people why I'm not someone you cross.”
“Hm. Have you ever read stories? Like Listener submitted short stories?” She looked at him with a head tilt. He chuckled,
“My dear, you are the first to dare to suggest any adjustments to my radio show.” His smile had a dangerous quality to it, but she didn't budge other than turning her head the other way.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hm… no, I like how bold you are. It's refreshing. I'm used to fear from most who interact with me… how about we make a deal? Hm?”
“A deal? What kind of deal?”
“During the battle, you may hide in my radio tower if things get too intense. And in exchange, any time I need healing, you must provide it for me.” 
“Hm… any time you need to be healed, I will gladly give you healing. And how about, any time the on air sign is off, I can hide in here if needed?” She held out her hand.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised that she'd counter offer. “Hm, fair enough.” He took her hand and the whole room went green and wind swirled around them as the deal was sealed in magic. She looked around in shock, before fixing her hair from her face.
“Whoa, that was cool!” She laughed a little. “I didn't know you had windy powers too!”
“Actually, that's just the side effects of making a deal with a powerful demon.” He smiled, waiting to see if she'd show any signs of realizing what she'd done, only to realize she was rather innocent to how this whole thing worked.
“I think you and I will be very good friends…” He chuckled. 
He reached out to ruffle her hair again.
“Hey, I just fixed that!” She laughed again, and his smile softened. He had begun securing her as his new pet.
(If anyone knows how to link the other chapters the way others do, please message me or comment!)
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laduenadelswing · 8 months
Love game (Vox x female OC)
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Chapter 3
Isabel stood in front of the old, red, rusting Hotel. Just as she was about to knock on the door. A blond, cute and overall positive woman opened the door. “I am Isabel, I don't know how I got into hell and could use some help.” She sopped. “Oh, don't worry, there is always a place for a lost soul. I am Charlie.” She smiled, hugged her and seemed happier than everyone. Oh, yes! Vox told her Charlie was a sunshine and naive, it's not that hard to manipulate her. Isabel thought. “Uhhh, I need to introduce you to our family.” She exclaimed excited.
Alastor - A deer like demon and hotelier. Everyone seems intimidated by his presence. Angel dust-porn star, famous very horny and masking. He would understand her, they went through the same things in a different setting Charlie – Sunshine and rainbows, way too happy for hell. Naive. Husk-Barkeeper, seemed pretty smart but wouldn't be to be manipulated easily Sir Pentiuos- Not as powerful but had deep-rooted desire for friends Nifty-small, clean, crazy Vaggie- instantly distrusted Isabel, never smiles except for Charlie but seemed to support her no matter what.
This would be a challenge.
“What do you guys do all day?” Isabel asked intimidated. “In the morning, we usually work on redemption and trying to become a better person. After that some go to work, go to Husk at the bar or work in the hotel.” Charlie almost screamed while laughing, happier than any human has ever been. “So nice, what do you eat normally?” Isabel asked, her stomach growling. “Normally everybody grabs something,” Charlie explained, scratching her head. “Let me cook something, since everybody has something to do and every exercise is done. Let me help.” Isabel smiled nervously. “Of course, Alasitor, help our new guest please.” Suddenly a tall figure appeared behind you, he had claws, deer like hair and the biggest smile on his face. “I've seen you before?” Isabel thought. She couldn't quite remember exactly what happened on her first night, but the demon looked familiar. “Pleased to meet you, darling.” He smiled. After your brief introduction, Vaggie pulled Charlie aside, her eyes killing you. “How can you get any kind of food here?” Isabel asked. “We could take a stroll, but for now you can leave it to me.” With a snap, the whole kitchen was equipped and food appeared right in front of your face. “Wow impressive, I assume you're vegetarian? Since you resemble a deer.” Alastor glared at her. “Why dear. In my days, hunting was really normal. I was pretty skilled.” As the last words left his mouth, the surrounding air heated up, the lights began to flicker and his face turned dark. He is intimidating, know I understand why Vox wants me to keep an eye on him, Isabel thought. She forced a smile on her face. “ I have never hunted before. The paparazzi always hunted me.” She confessed. Alastor laughed, “Oh dear, I couldn't be this bad, couldn't it?” Now her face turned pale, thinking about how many times she was stalked and harassed made her sick. “How did you survive your first night, darling?” Alastor deflected. “ I just ran into someone who gave me a job and a place to stay.” Isabel answered truthfully, thinking about her previous night with Vox, he was really caring. “Convenient” Alastor exclaimed. Together they cooked a balanced dinner with fresh meat, raw meat for the radio demon, a bunch of different vegetables and fruits. The whole hotel crew feasted on their home cooked meal. Charlie loved it, Angledust was horny as always, Husk smiled, nifty couldn't stop eating, Sir pentious was happy and praised the food. Vaggie, however, stayed quit and glared at her. 
“You are a really great addition to our team.” Charlie fangirled. This made her smile, no one has ever been so cheerful in her presence and meant it. “I love to help, maybe you can help me someday to go back to earth.” Charlies eyes grew bigger. “How is earth right now?” She asked curiously.
“Right now? I don’t know if it´s getting better or worse. So many people fight and hate each other, the real beauty is forgotten. But to be able to travel anywhere you want is actually amazing. I am sure you would love the sun, beaches, galas and stars.” Isabel answered Charlie's happiness was addicting. Charlie smiled. They tidied up, everybody seemed to go their way. Alastor showed you your. It was small, but it had character. With some pictures and cool pillows, it would be very comfortable, she thought. After that, he also left, she could leave after they did all their funny games. She waited a couple of days before leaving the hotel at night. Vox lost his mind. He covered every centimeter of hell with cameras, except for the hotel. Not seeing his obsession made him sick. He gave you into the claws of his enemy. Until she left the hotel one night, she looked so stunning. It was way too long since they have last seen each other. The chokehold she had on him was unbelievable.
She went downhill and as soon as she wasn't right next to the hotel, Vox appeared. “Long time no see.” He greeted her and kissed her hand. “Vox, how are you?” She asked him as they walked into the night. “Ah you know the usual, work, Velvet, Valentino. Nothing special.” He smiled. “I love seeing you again. Hell can be exhausting. It's refreshing to have someone like you around.” He admitted. They tried to vanish into the crowed. Some demons looked around to attack the couple. “Oh, she looks like fresh meat.” They murmured with their predatory smiles.
They cornered Vox and Isabel. “Gentleman, I am sure you don’t want to get into a fight with me.” He buzzed. As they came closer, his left eye started changing, his smile grew bigger, and he shoved you gently behind his back. The gang of demons turned away immediately, hypnotized. “Let's get out of here.” Vox whispered. The rest of the walk was uneventful, Isabel tried to vanish in Vox´s shadow. Vox towered her and made sure she was under his protection. “Finally.” He stretched when they entered his apartment. They sat down, Vox purred both of them a drink. They caught up on the events that they missed. As the night continued, they climbed up the rooftop. “I really missed that.” Vox confessed. “What did you miss, the company or the view?” She shot back playfully before continuing, “I missed our conversations too Vox, the hotel is great, but this is something different.” Isabel admitted.
At that moment, Vox's internal conflict became palpable. He wanted to taste her lips, get a taste of how their intimacy would be. Vox restrained himself, he was a master manipulator, always in control. H e wanted her closeness, but only if she desired him as well. Vox tried to get some space in-between them. She was caught in Vox's magnetic field of desire, the energy between them was growing. Shivers ran down her spine. She looked at him seductively. Her face painted in a light blue shine.”Blue suits you.”He whispered. “Thank you for saving me.” Isabel replied. He tucked her hair behind her hair. She took his claw and gave it a small kiss, looked up and gave him a Hollywood smile. At this moment she could see the electricity shooting through his body, his eye glitching a little. “You know, Vox, sometimes it's good to let loose.” She whispered, while Vox became stiff under her touch.
“Chaos can be beautiful.” Isabel added her smile made his world lit up. “I really don't want you to go back there.” Vox admitted. “Vox, you are the one who wanted me there.” At this moment, he knew it was too late to kiss her. Or was it? She turned away from him and faced the breathtaking view from the roof. A shy smile appeared on her face. “Oh, I think I need to go. I don't wanna cause any trouble.” She faced him, “Thank you, Vox.” She smiled, hugged the Overlord a little bit longer than adequate, and left smiling. Vox repaid her smile, it was genuine. He walked her to the hotel. “You wanna come back tomorrow? Or whenever you want.” He asked with a hint of shyness, before he turned on his best PR- smile. Isabel, not wanting to cause any commotion, went back to the hotel. As she entered, Angle sat on the couch. “Had a long night, Sugar?” He asked playfully. “Kinda.” Isabel replied. “You're dating someone.” He asked half-heartedly whilst scrolling on his phone. She chuckled and left into her room.
Authors Note: I would love to hear some feedback. Also, I am so excited for tonight's episode. Thank you so much for all the love. It means the world to me.
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katyakurae · 24 days
OMG Thank you for liking my art!!! I am very proud of my little nuggests, been team appleradio since day one. I agree, any fic where a deal causes lucifer to be the one in the losing position immediately scrambles my brain, like no way Lucifer is that scared of Al, or desperate for any kind of company that they have him being easily manipulated by Alastor and fall for the deer tricks...Lucy has witnessed his manipulation and threat to his status in Charlie's life, let’s give the devil some credit. Also I am not saying Al is not smart but I don’t see him as this master manipulator everyone wants him to be. He definitely likes to think he is, but in reality Al just spends a lot of time observing people, so he knows how to act around them and manipulate them to do what he wants. Or at least that’s how I see his persona. He works hard for what he craves most and always waits the right moments to attack or use what he has at his disposal to survive, but in the end he is just a silly little guy with so much ego to put shame on the devil himself, who can see through his bullshit miles away lol
So yea what u done with those two is the only way I would have seen a deal between them play out. Alastor was always gonna lose against Lucifer.
Ohh wait I just remembered that one of the reasons Al wasn’t using his shadows to escape Lucy in the last chapters is cause he exhausted his power and wasn’t feeling very well afterwards. Could it be that something happen to him when he ran away from Angel?!?!He hasn’t appeared at all during all that chaos between the two Morningstar and that’s so unlike him. U don’t have to answer ofc, my brain just won’t shut up and I needed to write it somewhere ehehe
Unrelated but I read others storyline u worked on and they way u write just makes me want to read more, the dialogue are so entertaining and the characters are so well written that I don’t even mind using google translate for every few sentences. I have a very poor attention span, but u managed to pique my interest more than once now and I gotta say I am impressed And grateful that my curiosity won the other night. One of my fav scene from one of ur fic, called ‘Embajadores Celestiales’was when Lucy slapped Alastor…like the gasp I let out cause I thought he was gonna hug him or something, that was so funny and also when Alastor confesses to his mother that he lied to her. Couldn’t stop laughing at Al saying he should have told his mum about the people in the fridge and invited her to dinner lmao I love that silly little deer so much!!!
Cannot wait to read more of your work. It was such a pleasure 💜
Yeah, I see your point. I mean, Lucifer is older than time. And yeah, he is clumsy, depressed and a disaster, but I don't see him falling for Alastor's little mind games.
It's like what you said. Alastor is smart and works hard, but he is not the ultimate mastermind. That's an ego thing and, highly probably, a charade to feel safe. In control. I also see him more as an opportunist. When he recognizes a chance, he takes it. And yeah, he may has some kind of plan in the long shot, but it's not enough to rope the literal Devil. And if he tries (I hope he tries) it will end... badly.
(You can tell Alastor is my favourite character cause I want to see him suffer.)
I will not make spoilers u.u buuuut (it's no secret, I just post the new sneak peek) you will see soon in the new chapter. It will be out tomorrow!
Anyway, it really makes me so happy to read your kind words, opinions and coments either in The Deal or in my other works. I hope you keep enjoying it!
Thank you so much! 💜💜💜
Read you soon!
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zhouxiangs · 8 months
(2/2 - back to the bitchiness!)
Babe can cry all he wants about not feeling worthy of love, but he knew Way loved him (romantically or not), and it always looked like he had a good thing going with Alan too, and the team in general were pretty close - found family I thought?? He was by no means starved of affection until Charlie arrived on the scene. It might just be a personal thing, but I will, 9 times out of 10, always root for the shared history over the instalove, unless the latter is incredibly well-written and portrayed. And I'm sorry, but for me Charlie/Babe falls short on both counts. I genuinely don't like to criticise real ppl who've done nothing wrong, but I don't think I'm alone in feeling Charlie is a weak link in a fairly uniformly strong cast, and it becomes particularly glaring when playing next to actors like Pavel and Nut. Add to that the way they've styled him (with the stupid oversized glasses - as a glasses-wearer myself, this is a pet peeve!), and he looks to me like nothing more than a silly kid playing at being a grown-up (not sure what their ages are meant to be so maybe he is!). And then when it comes to being so amazing/special that he completely changes Babe's world...admittedly, I don't pay attention during his scenes so maybe I've missed something, but from what I can gather, he became obsessed with someone he'd never met, stalked him for a bit, deliberately infiltrated his personal and professional life, approached him with the intent of making him fall in love with him, and repeatedly lied to him about devastating truths? But it's okay, romantic in fact, because it was all just in service of saving his life? (Thank you btw for your own service in previously pointing out this correlation tween him and Way!) From what I see, all he does is slavishly worship Babe and be really good in bed? Personally, I don't think that makes for a particularly healthy and sustainable relationship! (And to be fair, this is again probably a flaw in the writing: because Babe is the main character, the way his relationships are portrayed disproportionately champion him, not the other person - it's about ppl doing things in service of him, supporting him, loving him - we see much less of what he actually gives back, of him supporting them, of why these ppl want him in their lives (besides having Pavel's face), and that can make these relationships seem very one-sided. Undoubtedly my bias showing through yet again, but I think those montages of Way and Babe's friendship, however brief, did a really good job of allowing the viewer to easily picture how that relationship came to be and why it meant so much to both of them.)
Sorry if I’ve been harsh – it’s all still meant in the spirit of constructive criticism (with maybe the teeniest hint of pettiness)! It’s just that, while everyone else is crying over Babe/Charlie, I’m still here obsessing over the idea of a young Way experiencing the devastating realisation that he can never ever tell the person he's fallen utterly in love with the truth about himself, because the second Babe knows he will never trust him again, never TOUCH him again. And, in a way, that realisation cements Way’s fate, because even if he wanted to thwart Tony’s plan, how could he do so without first revealing it, and thus revealing himself?
And somehow even worse is the fact that, if you think about it (don’t - it hurts), even if he’d escaped from Tony eons ago, Way was always doomed by his own power to be alone, because, let’s face it, would you ever completely trust someone who can do what he can? Wouldn’t a tiny part of you always be wondering if that brush of the hand, that easy arm over the shoulder, that comforting hug, was entirely innocent? If your thoughts were always entirely your own? And that just breaks my heart more than anything else in this show!
mm you're right, but i don't think it was love he was missing but romantic love. babe had friends and a family all rolled into one and they all seemed to have a great relationship, but as he said himself, he didn't want or need (romantic) love. it was meeting charlie and spending time with him (and being able to do so because of charlie's lack of stinky alpha pheromones) that made him realise that was something he wanted. yes he fell in love pretty quickly, but i think it's believable, specially considering it's his first love. people have been talking about this extensively so i don't really have anything to add, but it's so important to me how smitten babe is with charlie; there's the whole baddie aesthetic vs softie personality, screw toxic masculinity, Boys Can Be Soft Actually… i have 0 objectivity, he's perfect to me. i love romance and i love my car racing babygirl.
i know people are interpreting this differently and maybe i'm just wrong, or this may be a translation issue/something that's clearer in thai, but imo when babe said the line about sometimes feeling like he wasn't worthy of love bc of what way told him he was referring specifically to that one time we saw way manipulate him, and that it wasn't something that happened regularly. sorry i know i keep saying this, but i genuinely believe the focus on the escalating levels of manipulation wasn't only so we'd notice but because we were supposed to notice way's desperation and how he went from doing it occasionally to "help" babe (that first time in ep 2) to… everything that came later. not to drag way but he wasn't doing shit for those 10 years other than buying babe time by waiting for him to magically love him back. how tf did he convince tony lmao maybe tony just wasn't in any rush to get babe back yet since he knew he could do it whenever he needed him.
oh no you are fully right, pooh isn't the strongest actor (i used to think lee/dean was the weakest out of the cast because of some awkward moments during the first eps but then the garage scene happened and i cannot say that anymore, he was fecking amazing) which isn't surprising since it's his first role, but i also think it adds a certain charm to the character; charlie recently graduated so i believe he's around 22 (i was told a while back he's 20 in the novel, if that's relevant? and alan tells babe that jeff (20) and charlie are the same age but unlike koreans who ime usually mean born in the same year when they say that, i've seen things like a 27 yo being happy he's working with "people his age" talking about people aged 23 to 25, so…) and he is trying to save babe from their evil adoptive father and all his power basically by himself, so "a silly kid playing at being a grown-up" is an accurate description imo lol he really is a brave, naive, optimistic kid, and that's what will make him succeed ultimately. i super believe in you charlie pit babe. also please do not come for charlie's styling, he's wearing my glasses lmao (they're normal sized?? or we have the same temple to cheekbones ratio, so yes, they just look like that) (also people please prioritise field of view over glasses size) (this was funny btw, don't think i was offended!)
waynnie, i am in my way feels 24/7. i cannot stop thinking about his isolation even when he had the team and his best friend by his side because as much as they felt like a family to him, his secret was always (and was always going to be) between them like a persistent ghost. i cannot stop thinking about his anxiety meds (afaik triazolam is used in my country to treat transitory insomnia, btw, but i'm not a doctor and we're going with the subs) and about how if he'd wanted to tell babe about tony earlier he would have had to tell him everything which would make him lose the only good things he has in his life, so no wonder he needs those meds. and not to sound like a broken record, but again, it's a fact that both charlie and way approached babe under false pretenses and both fell in love with him, but because way did so under tony's orders and not of his own volition this is somehow unforgivable…? intent is important and charlie was lying for a good reason, he wouldn't have been able to get close to babe by telling him the truth, but ultimately both of them lied and if we're judging only that fact they're either both wrong or both right, pick one.
i also keep thinking about the parallel of touch and having feelings about (possible) pete powers that the show will probably invalidate in a few hours. and because i love pain and suffering, i keep thinking how people's reaction to knowing someone can manipulate them just by touching them would be worse to their already horrible reaction to knowing someone can see their future by touching them, so yeah. we love it here in the pit babe of despair.
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fakesurprise · 2 years
I walk into the hotel with a cup from starbucks, have a sip of it. It’s almost nine in the morning, the wandering magician is out wandering. Jay would be with him, except Jay is currently hiding inside the hotel coffeepot. It’s one of those cheap industrial Braun units, but those tend not to gleam silvery-gold and hum audibly as you get closer to them.
I set my half-finished coffee down on the counter and walk over.
Jay used my phone to ask if I would want polls on tumblr. I have nothing to poll anyone about. Unlike Jay. Who polled people to ask where to hide from me.
It could have been far worse. Jay could have thought of other options.
In the case of dangerous things, tumblr dropping a new feature is technically not high on that list.
I get out a filter, pour in water, add the cheap hotel coffee, turn it on. It takes less than five minutes to make a cup of coffee that steams gloriously and smells sweet and dark chocolatey at at the same time, with hints of smoky herbs. Not bitter, of course. I’m not sure Jay gets how to do bitter.
“So. What happens if I dump this fabulous coffee down the sink because I’m despondant that Jay isn’t here?” I say aloud.
The coffee vibrates. The machine ripples.
Jay appears beside me, all eleven and contrite, eyes wide. Today he’s wearing jeans, a skirt and a dress along with an actual bonnet.
“I’m here but! I’m hiding,” he says.
“You’re still hiding even if I can see you?”
Jay vanishes from view.
He appears to my left with a huge grin, and slams into me for a hug. “It’s hard to hide from you cuz you’re the bestest, Charlie!”
I hug him back. The coffee does not spill. I am not certain it can, because Jay helped make it.
I have a sip. The world is filled with music notes I’ve never heard, every sound and colour sharp and vibrant.
I set it down. My hands are shaking with the effort of not drinking more.
The aroma is taking root inside me. I close my eyes. I’m not a magician. I’m not Jay. I have some tricks, and the aroma is eaten a moment later by the aromas of cheap gas-station coffee from earlier this week.
“I didn’t mean to use your phone but! I was worried you hadn’t done a poll,” he wails.
“... Yes. I gathered that. You could have asked me why.”
“In general it is better to ask people before you help them.”
“Oh, I totally know that but you’re Charlie!”
There are many questions I could ask to that; I am not certain I want any of the answers.
“Next time you want to hide from me, try not hiding and face me. Hiding just makes me cross.”
Jay thinks that over, then nods. “I’m not hiding from you right now!”
I rub the bridge of my nose. Some battles you don’t win. Some I should know better than to never fight.
“You are being very jaysome at that, yes. Tell you what: see if Honcho wants the coffee, while I get finish packing my things for the next town we’re going to?” “I can do that!” Jay vanishes along with the coffee.
The wandering magician will have words with me later, but the coffee might help him. I am pretty certain it can’t not help, given it was made with jaysome and with love.
I call reception and tell them the coffee machine is broken, but we got Starbucks so we’re fine, brushing off any apology as I hang up. Anyone else using this machine could have problems. I reach out with a hand, focus, and ‘eat’ several vital chips until they don’t work.
There are very few god-eaters in the world; I am not certain any other can do most of what I can, but you learn to broaden your power and understanding when travelling with a Jay.
I leave a good tip for the cleaning staff, get our clothing and stuff into the three duffel bags we use and head down to our RV. I’m just glad Jay didn’t decide to hide in it.
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Last Love: Part Two
Summary: Based on the quote “He may be your first love but I intend to be your last” by Klaus Mikaelson.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Aftermath of domestic abuse, swearing, bitchy mom alert.
Note: This is a small part two because we needed so see more of these two together (:
Part One Here
All Writings Masterlist
*gifs not mine
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From the moment you told Bucky you love him, he was more motivated to show you how much he loves you. You still had your struggles but Bucky was doing everything he could to show you how much you meant to him. He would pull you into his arms every night and whisper sweet things in your ear until you fell asleep and when you had nightmares, he would wake you up and wipe your tears away as he listened to what you had dreamt of before saying all the right things to make you feel safe again. Steve lived with Bucky so it took a little bit for you to stop flinching when they would start to howl with laughter, but you eventually joined in the laughter when they joked with each other.
It was almost Christmas time again and you were having struggles with the memories of how the last holiday season went. Your nightmares were more frequent and you were in no way in the holiday spirit. You tossed and turned in the bed until Bucky’s arms found you, pulling you against his chest so your face could nuzzle into his neck.
Bucky loved having you next to him. He loved everything about you. He loved the way your nose scrunched slightly when you tried to hold back a laugh or when he would catch you singing softly to yourself when you didn’t think anybody was around. Most of all, he loved having you in his arms and the honor of being the man to keep you safe and love you. After pulling you into his chest, he lets one hand stroke through your hair while the other rubs your back, “Still having bad dreams, babydoll?” He murmurs out to you sleepily, keeping his eyes closed as he rested his head on his pillow.
You nodded into his neck, sniffling a little against his skin as you held back tears. You hated crying from your nightmares. It made you feel like you were still being haunted- like Charlie still had a hold on you, “Yeah… Sorry I woke you.”
Bucky opens his eyes to see his room lit up from the sunlight peaking through the windows and scoots away a little bit to be able to look into your sleepy eyes, moving his hand from stroking your hair to cupping your cheek in his palm, “No need to apologize, sweetheart.” He said with a small smile before pressing his lips to your forehead for a comforting kiss, “How about I make us some breakfast?”
You smile softly up at him, “Blueberry pancakes?”
Bucky nods to you with a smile, “Of course, I’ll even make you some bacon.” He said before dragging himself out of the bed and pulling on some grey sweats. He headed for the door but stopped before he opened it, looking back at you in his bed like he did every morning. It was his favorite thing to see everyday- you looking over at him while tangled in his sheets, “God, you’re gorgeous.” He told you with that crooked grin before heading out the door to go start breakfast.
Once you managed to get yourself dressed in some jean shorts, a white tank top, and one of Bucky’s red flannels, you brushed your hair and teeth before making your way to the kitchen rubbing your eyes sleepily. Your eyes focused on Bucky when he let out a whistle toward you, blushing and taking a seat at table.
Bucky grinned, he loved seeing you wearing his clothes. It just imprinted more in his mind that you were finally his as you were always meant to be, “Damn, doll.” He said over to you while he flipped some pancakes onto a plate, “I thought you looked gorgeous in my sheets…” He carried the plate over and placed it in front of you before placing a finger under your chin, pulling your gaze up to meet his. His lips parted as he ran his eyes up and down you one more time, his tongue flickering out to trace his bottom lip at the sight of you before his pearly whites softly bit down with a small groan passing his lips, “But you in my clothes is a whole other level.”
You blushed at his words, your eyes watching his tongue trail along his bottom lip. He knew what he was doing to you, making your breath catch in your lungs. Luckily, you were seated so you didn’t have to rely on your legs that always felt numb when he talked to you like that, “I like wearing your clothes, smells like you.” You say softly back to him, reaching up a hand to tangle in the back of his hair and pull his lips to yours for a deep kiss.
Bucky groans at the feel of your lips on his. You were like his favorite liquor- making him love drunk with every touch. Every touch from you felt like a gift to him. He couldn’t begin to describe the fire you made him feel. He places one hand on your thigh and the other on the back of your neck, pulling your lips rougher against his and took advantage of the small whimper that passed your lips for his tongue to sneak into your mouth, entangling with yours. Finally pulling away for oxygen, he leans his forehead against yours, “Your pancakes are goin’ to get cold, doll.” He said with that crooked grin, “We can finish that up later."
While you two ate, you discussed the plans for the day. Bucky said he had to go to work for a little but should be back soon and you told him you had to return some books to the library and pick up some new ones to read. You stood up with your plate, on the way to the sink when you ran your hip into the side of the counter, dropping the glass plate to the floor and watching it shatter to pieces. You gasped and brought your hands up to your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes as you look over to Bucky. Anytime you broke something with Charlie it was met with yelling and a few hard slaps to your face. You started spewing out apologetic sobs, “Oh god… I’m.. I’m sorry…”
Bucky stood, noticing the way you reacted and how your eyes immediately started releasing tears. He walks slowly towards you, “Shhh, doll.” He said gently, “It was an accident.” He gently wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up, placing you seated on the counter, “Are you okay? Didn’t step in any glass did you?” He gently takes your cheeks into his palm, looking into your eyes with a comforting smile.
You shook your head, “N-no.” You whisper to him, your body shaking slightly in muscle memory as you expected to be punished for breaking the plate, “I’m really sorry… It was my fault and-“ “Stop, sweetheart.” Bucky said softly, cutting you off, “It was an accident. Accidents happen.” He said before gently placing a kiss to your forehead, “You don’t have to apologize. Nobody is upset with you and nobody is going to hurt you. Now breathe with me, okay? In….. Out…”
You breathed in deeply with Bucky’s words and slowly released the air in your lungs, feeling yourself calm down. You did it a few more times with him before reaching up a hand and wiping your tears away on the sleeve of his flannel you wore, “I’m sorry, Bucky..” You breathed out to him, slowly leaning your head on his shoulder, “It’s been bad lately with the holiday coming up… I know you’d never hurt me.”
Bucky wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back softly as you leaned your head on his shoulder, smiling to himself at your warmth you always brought him when you were close, “I know, doll.” He whispers back to you, “I know it’s a hard time for you and that’s alright. I’m here for you.”
After you helped Bucky clean up the shattered plate from the floor and the rest of the dishes from breakfast, you gave him a tight hug and a soft kiss before he left for work. He lovingly stroked your cheek with his calloused fingers and told you that he loves you as he did everyday before he left for work. You managed to talk Steve into going to the library with you, though it didn’t take much convincing. He was happy to help you out especially since he knew you were having such a hard time. Plus there were some new books he wanted to give a read also.
“Thanks for coming with me, Stevie.” You said with a small smile up to him as you walked into the library and placed your books into the return slot.
Steve gave you a gentle smile, his hands tucked into his jeans, “No problem, haven’t been here for a while. I need to catch up on some reading.”
“I’ll be over there if you need me.” You said, pointing over to a section of the library before making your way over. You usually would check out a mixture of books from fantasy to art books but today you felt the need to glance over the self-help books. Maybe there would be something that would help you figure out how to get rid of the hold you felt Charlie still had over you. You grabbed one of the books off the shelf, flipping through the pages and reading some of the passages when you heard a woman clear her throat. You turn your gaze to look at the older woman and instantly froze. Charlie’s mother, Rose.
“Y/N.” The woman said to you, “Haven’t seen you in a long while.”
You bit into your cheek hard enough until you could taste copper in your mouth from blood, “Yeah… Hi, Rose.”
“It’s Mrs. Baker to you now, Y/N.” She said, folding her arms and giving you a soft glare.
As long as you have known Charlie’s mom, you two didn’t get alone. Anything you had ever done in her eyes was never enough and she would always criticize saying that Charlie needed to teach you to be a better woman, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Baker.” You said softly, looking down to the floor.
Rose took the book from your hand in one swipe, “What are you doing in this section?” She asks before reading the cover of the book, “Your Life After Trauma: Powerful Practices to Reclaim Your Identity….” She scoffed and looked at you, “Still living a lie? Going around telling everybody that my son hurt you?”
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out, instead biting onto your cheek again as you looked at her with sad eyes.
Rose pushed the book back to your chest, forcing you to grab ahold of it. She took a step closer to you, pointing one of her fingers in your face, “My son tried with you. Tried to turn you into a woman worthy of being his wife even though I told him you were a waste of time.” She hissed out.
“What’s going on here?” Steve asked, suddenly appearing beside you after hearing some of the conversation. He had a deep frown on his face and was glaring daggers at the woman who seemed to be scolding you.
The woman looks at Steve before her eyes returned to you, “I wouldn’t trust this one, young man. She’s a liar and a manipulator- she will ruin your reputation.” She hissed out before turning to walk away.
You frowned and walked forward, “I’m not a liar, Mrs. Baker.” You said, finding your courage as you gripped the book in shaking hands, “Your son is a monster. Anything that has been done to his reputation is his own fault from the way he beat me. You should be just as upset that he dared to lay a violent hand on a woman.”
Mrs. Baker turned to face you, listening to your words with narrowed eyes. Once you finished your piece, she scoffed at you with a roll of her eyes before walking away.
Steve walked forward to stand beside you and looked at you as you still stared off after her, tears slowly slipping down your face as you clutched the book tightly to your chest. He sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder softly, “You alright?”
You sniffled and nod slowly, blinking yourself back into reality, “Yeah… That was… That was Charlie’s mom…” You stammer out quietly, looking down at the floor again.
Steve let out another sigh and a shake of his head. Geez, you couldn’t catch a break, “C’mon. Let’s get the rest of the books you want then we will go out for some feel good food.” He said softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to help you feel safe. He had taken on the role as a big brother to you over the past year and hated seeing you upset almost as much as Bucky did, “Burgers, fries, and milkshakes on me.”
You nod and gave him a half smile before returning to quickly picking out the books you wanted. Steve stayed close to you in case Charlie’s monster of a mother came back to give you another earful, walking you up to the counter to check out your books before heading to the car and stopping at one of the diners. You sat across from him, dipping fries into your chocolate milkshake. You were already feeling a little better after the horrible interaction with Charlie’s mom. You eyed Steve suspiciously when he kept ordering more baskets of fries even though both of you were barely touching them, already full from the burgers, “You’re up to something, aren’t you?”
Steve looked at you with a small smile, leaning back in the opposite side of the booth, “Me? Up to something?” He asks, “Never.”
You point a french fry at him, your eyes narrowing, “You’re lying.” You stated before dipping your fry in your chocolate milkshake, “But you bought me food so I’ll let it go. For now.”
You had been out of the house for hours with Steve and you knew he was distracting you but couldn’t figure out why. Eventually Steve checked his phone before waving the waitress down for the check where you two argued about splitting it before he ended up paying for the whole lunch. You kept eyeing him suspiciously the whole car ride home as he wore a big goofy grin on his lips like he knew something you didn’t. When he pulled up to the house, you saw Bucky’s truck in the driveway and you look over to Steve, “I thought he was working today?”
Steve smiled over to you, pulling in the driveway and turning off the car, “He was working. Just not at work.” He informed, getting out of the car.
You get out and follow him up the steps of the house, giving him one last suspicious look as he opened the door for you. You walked in and froze, looking around the living room. It was like Christmas had literally just thrown-up all over the house. There was a tall tree in the living room decorated beautiful, fresh poinsettias on every surface and stockings hung up on the mantle with yours, Bucky’s, and Steve’s names on them written sloppily in silver glitter. Then your eyes fall on Bucky who was standing there with a Santa Hat on and holding a box wrapped in gold wrapping paper, “Bucky…” You breathed out as you walked towards him.
Bucky set the present down on the coffee table before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him as he wore that big cocky grin on his lips, “Figured you needed some Christmas Spirit…” He murmurs out to you before pressing a kiss to your lips, “You didn’t get a Christmas last year because of all the shit. So I’m going to give you the best Christmas you’ve ever had, sweetheart.”
Your lips slowly curved up into a smile at him, your eyes for the first time in a long time filling with happy tears, “It’s beautiful and perfect.” You whisper to him, wrapping your arms up and around his neck, “Thank you.”
Bucky smiles, kissing your cheeks as the tears fell to kiss them away, “Almost perfect.” He said, releasing you from his grasp and picking the gold wrapped present back up and holding it out for you, “This is for you. Early Christmas gift.”
You took the box, gently unwrapping the paper and setting it aside before opening the box. You gasped at the nutcrackers staring back at you. Almost similar to the ones your grandmother had given you, the ones Charlie had broken last year. You gently ran your fingers over one of their faces, “They’re almost the same…” You whisper out, swallowing a sob. You suddenly frown up to Bucky, “I didn’t get you anything…”
Bucky grabs the box of nutcrackers, putting it down on the coffee table before wrapping one arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest as his other hand went up to the back of your neck, “Yes you did.” He replied with a grin, “You gave me your heart and love. That’s the best gift I could’ve ever received, sweetheart.”
You smile and blush at his words, standing on your toes and pressing your lips to his soft ones, pushing yourself against his body until he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist with a soft giggle, “I can think of another gift to give you…” You whisper with another giggle after trailing kisses up his jaw, smiling when you heard a small groan pass his lips.
“Dear god, at least take it upstairs.” Steve interrupts, adverting his eyes from the view of you tangled in Bucky’s arms, legs around his waist as Bucky’s hands had moved to rest on your ass.
“Gladly.” Bucky growls out, tightening his grip on you as he started for the stairs to take you up into the bedroom. He moved his hands to squeeze your bottom slightly as you left lingering kisses along his neck, nipping at his skin. He groans again then chuckles, “Oh, sweetheart… I love you.”
Permanent Taglist: @buckypops @bibliophilewednesday@stcrryslibrary @redhairedfeistynerd
@shawnie--jo @bvckys-doll Here is the part two for Last Love since we needed some fluffy happiness (:
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
My Thoughts on Trollhunters : Rise of the Titans
Mmmmm. Okay. So I just finished the movie. I’m fatigued as always so this’ll be a bit of a mess lol. Gotta spew the thoughts while they’re still fresh, y’all know how it is.
Right out the gate, I definitely want to talk about the things I loved.
The animation was, of course, phenomenal and gorgeous!
Voice acting was incredible as always
Douxie. I just loved seeing Douxie again and honestly kept my eyes trained on him for most the of movie lol
OK DOUXIE AND NARI SWITCHING?? BODIES??? Definitely didn’t see that coming and I legit started screaming lol
Nari in Douxie’s body is the most precious, chaotic, and wholesome thing like holy cow that was so adorable LOOKIT DOUXIE CROUCHING AND CRAWLING AROUND ON ALL FOURS WITH THOSE NOODLE LIMBS OF HIS I CAN’T --
We called Nari’s mind control and Douxie trying to reason with her!
In the very few scenes they were together, Douxie’s love and affection for Nari really came through. You could really feel how much he cared about her. ALSO THAT TENDER HUG AND NARI’S LITTLE HAPPY SQUEAK MY HEART NO--
Loved Barbara. Always love Barbara.
Walter and Barbara getting engaged
Nomura back in action
Claire being the powerful sorceress she’s become
Loved seeing Aja, Krel, and Varvatos all together again.
The way Douxie yelled Nari’s name and ran to her after she died and the remnants of her magic falling all around him, like she was saying goodbye, just *UGLY CRYING*
It was so cool to see Charlie out of his den and flying about like the mighty dragon he is
Loved the Guardians of Arcadia pulling Excaliber out together.
All the gang all going after Bellroc together
Aarrgh I love you so much
Stuart, what a bro!
We saw a hint of mercy in Bellroc towards the end.
Toby’s death... That was a huge curveball. Jim might as well have cut my heart out with Excaliber as he sobbed over his best friend.
Uh.....um....and.....Er...what else........ .___.
..........Alright so.......It’s about to get a bit brutal from here on out as I talk about the things I didn’t like at all. And the really sad thing is, at least to me, the cons far outweigh the pros in this movie. Because I’m actually having difficulty picking out things I enjoyed, they were so few and far between...which really sucks.
So here we go.
Gosh, where to begin... I guess I’ll go ahead and say this : I’m really disappointed. 
Like as I’m here typing this, I’m just thinking, “...That was it? That was the movie?? The big finale???”
So much of this movie just felt....unnecessary. I hate to say almost like filler. The entire intro re-caping the series really wasn’t needed. And then Toby went and restated it all again when he was being interrogated. The pacing, oh my gosh...Guys, the pacing in this movie was not good. The action started and it never seemed to stop. There wasn’t a single moment of rest, of levity, of our characters just being themselves, getting to know each other, being friends outside of the battle. No Reckless Club Segment. No fun, just... I mean Claire and Aja didn’t speak to each other at all. Douxie and Toby hardly interacted. Steve was turned into a gross male pregnancy joke. Jim and Krel barely spoke. Douxie and Aja had nothing to say to each other. Even Aja and Krel didn’t have any moments together. The list goes on. The whole movie was just go, go, go. And it’s so frustrating because there was time for it but it was poorly executed.
Like was the whole break-in to the Chinese Trollmarket really necessary?? Guys, I really found myself not caring. I didn’t care to see this random side quest involving an insignificant new troll character and a Trollmarket that had little to no bearing on the plot. Did I love seeing Charlie, Archie, Blinky, and Claire? Of course! But these scenes were so pointless. So needless. They could’ve written other ways for all our heroes to go after the chronosphere (Maybe we could’ve had Zoe for crying out loud). But instead this vital artifact was the hands of a character we don’t know and don’t care about in a place that turned out to have basically nothing to do with anything.
Deaths. The deaths in this movie. Because of the pacing in this movie, there wasn’t nearly enough time for the emotional impacts to sink in. Nomura? Gone and the only ones mourning her are Aaarrgh and Douxie, who barely knew her. Walter’s death was handled better since we got to see Jim and Barbara actually having a moment to mourn him. The weight of Nari’s death was singlehandedly carried by Douxie, but even that was over before it started. The immense gravity of Toby’s death, which really got to me, was also short-lived to make way for an ending that...I don’t know. 
“I hope he’s happy.”
Douxie’s reaction objectively doesn’t make a shred of sense. Geez, it’s almost like Douxie was expecting Archie to up and leave him someday to be with Charlegmane. Just...what???
What also frustrates me so much is how this movie undid so much characterization and development that happened in Wizards. Or more like all that development didn’t even matter.
What was the point of Steve’s arc in Wizards if he was just going to be reduced to...this?
I was so excited to see Douxie really being a Master Wizard. To see him lead the Guardians of Arcadia alongside Jim. To see him in action as Successor to Merlin and Protector of this Realm.
But no.
Douxie, who had such an incredible arc in Wizards and a character who’s come to mean so much to me in my life, was nerfed and sidelined.
And then time restarts and I can’t help but wonder why any of this mattered at all. What the heck was the freaking point of the suffering, the loss, the pain, the growth, enduring and overcoming so much, the friendships and family spanning across three shows... All gone. Starting all over. Undoing everything, except what Jim went through. As much as I love Jim, I didn’t think he’d be the only character I’d be getting closure for at the grand finale of this entire franchise. But that’s what happened and I really hate it.
Just...all in all, this movie wasn’t satisfying. Not to me. It had its good moments. But not nearly enough. The comedy was misplaced and fell flat. The climax was sorely anticlimactic and didn’t hold a candle to Eternal Knight. The writing, the direction, characterization...For some reason it was all lost and confused and none of it felt right and so much didn’t make sense.
I’m not at all upset with the writers, though, because they still pulled through and did what they could. When the movie did something right, it was beautiful. The things I loved about it I truly adored. No, I’m not upset in the least bit with any of the creative team.
I’m upset with Netflix. I’m upset that Wizards was robbed of the seasons it should’ve had. I’m upset with big cooperations stifling creators. I’m upset that this’ll be it. This is the ending we got and nothing can be done about it.
Aaron did say there’s every possibility for the franchise to continue in some capacity, and I’m hoping for that someday. Because so much, too much, has been left unanswered. So much left to be explored that couldn’t. But until then....I guess this is it. This is what we get.
Now, I want to remind everyone that this is my own personal experience with the movie. These are all my opinions. If you enjoyed every second the movie, that’s wonderful! And who knows how my thoughts will change upon another viewing. But in the meantime, Rise of the Titans really missed the mark for me. I wanted found family badassery and fluff. But nope. Just fighting and heaviness and no payoff. It’s such a letdown...a real shame. 
But yeah...Thanks to any and everyone who read to the end of this haha
I still love Tales of Arcadia. It’s a series that has blessed and inspired me so much as an artist, writer, and as a person in general. I do want to keep making ToA content for a while. Cause this movie isn’t the end. Not my ending, at least.
I’ll continue to hope for more Tales of Arcadia in the future (a Douxie spin-off series please Lord pleaaase). We shall see. Until then, fics and fanart fixing this mess galore haha
Until next time everyone! God bless!
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Stopping You [Part 10] - Michael Gray
Words: 8.9k+
Summary: Y/N’s recovery from both her feelings and her wound takes a step back after a specific night.
Warnings: Female!Reader. Mentions of wounds, a lot of blood, death and night terrors. Emotional cheating. Self-hate (discrediting their own sadness and feelings; hateful inner voice).
Prologue    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5     Part 6    Part 7   Part 8    Part 9    Part 10    Part 11
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It has been a total of 24 hours.
Yesterday was a bad day. Both mentally and physically.
Polly tried her best into bringing your mood up, which worked in some way. She eased your mind by telling you that what you were feeling is completely normal, but as soon as you were alone, it was like the whole world was crashing on you.
Over crying so much as hateful questions filled your mind, you were sore at the end of the night. You contracted your muscles so much while sobbing that you could feel your wound pulsate against your skin in pain.
You questioned almost everything about your life before and after Michael left and when he reappeared. Things have changed, not just around his family, but also around you. And that seems to be one of the most confusing matters.
You never cared too much about this, but you can’t help but think about how so many things have changed since Michael came back. From your behaviors to how you function. Everything has changed in some way.
You’ve always suffered with night terrors in your life, ever since your parents left, but they were almost never about Michael. The exception being when the whole Italian/New York mafia situation went down, and Michael got injured. But other than that, it was always you, or anybody else close, that would die.
Never Michael.
You want to know what could’ve possibly awaken those thoughts and that part of your brain that makes you think like that. Could it be because you now connect him to something bad in your life? Or that when he came back, he had-
No, you’re not going there. It’s useless. It will cost you nothing pain, and it won’t grant you any answers. Might as well push that away and live your life.
Or at least try.
You bring your hot mug back to your lips and take another sip of your tea, letting your eyes fall to the ground.
Polly believes you could talk to him. Tell him about how you’ve been feeling lately. But, honestly, for what? To say that you’re falling right back in love with him just to later be thrown in the face that he does not love or feel anything for you anymore.
He. Is. Getting. Married.
It would just be simply ridiculous to do such a thing.
He doesn’t feel anything for you and that’s okay. All he feels is pity and maybe he got a little scared over you being shot, but that’s it. There are no feelings attached, no romance. No nothing. Just simply… a connection through pain, which awoke lost and forbidden memories.
Maybe this could just be your pride talking over your heart but, you just can’t believe that you’re letting yourself fall so easily. After so long of crying over him and overworking yourself to become a Peaky Blinder and just- not worry about anything in your demolished love life. All of it going to the trash because… You caught feelings for him again?
It’s disappointing to say the least.
Today, you awoke as soon as the sun made its way into the living room and since then, you haven’t done much. You walked back to your room after getting yourself a warm drink and sat by the window staring at the green grass of the neighbors’ house like it’s the most entertaining thing in the world.
A book is resting beside you. You have read a few good pages, but you can’t bring yourself to read more than 20 at a time.
Your mind is too heavy.
Voices coming from downstairs make you look away from the window and up to your door. You try your best to identify them as soon as you find them familiar.
You can hear voices and the laugher of Lizzie and Arthur. Which is awfully strange.
You scowl at the sound, and the soft patter of quick feet running around the house squeezes your heart. The kids are here too.
You rise from your seat and walk across your bedroom to the door. You open it softly and the sound of everyone’s voices is now louder. Confusion is the most prominent emotion you can feel right now, but you can’t help but welcome it better than any other one you’ve been feeling lately.
While walking down the main stairs silently, a soft gasp is heard over the loud voices. Ruby’s.
You smile at her as she spots you walking down the stairs and she quickly let’s go of her mother’s hand to run towards you.
As you’re distracted swallowing down the jab of pain at your middle while leaning down to grab her, Polly’s eyes meet you. The smile in your face is almost like a warm hug in the winter. She could get used to this sight forever.
“Look who came back from war,” Ada jokes as she spots you.
She walks towards you and her arms wrap around you as soon as you’re close enough. You lean towards her, even with Ruby on your hip, and she squeezes you in closer.
“I was so worried,” She tells you, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
You pull away from the hug with a small smile and she gives you a wide one in return. It’s been a few weeks since you last saw her. She had left back for London not long before the whole event happened. You honestly didn’t expect to see her this soon.
As Ada moves back, everyone’s attention goes over to you. Everyone, or at least, almost everyone pulls you into a hug, sharing their words of how grateful they are from knowing that you’re still breathing.
You know they had visited you back at the hospital when you were still asleep, but nothing compares to actually seeing you move like nothing had happened. Arthur’s words, not yours.
Talking about Arthur. He was awfully apologetic while you two hugged it out. You believe he must have blamed himself for what happened, but you were quick to take that idea off his head.
You’re not about to see anybody else beating themselves for something out of their reach.  Unless that’s you, of course.
Tommy and Arthur, not even 20 minutes into stepping in Polly’s home, excuse themselves and leave off to work.
The crowd in the living room doesn’t consist in much more people. Both Ada and Lizzie, and of course the kids, stayed behind and took a seat on the couch. The kids surrounded you as soon as you all sat down, while the women in front of you were distracted on talking about whatever, or rather, whoever worth of gossiping.
You listen to some of their words while being continuously pulled into conversation by Charlie as you let Ruby sit next to you, leaning to your side.
Karl is sitting closer to his mother, but looking at you and joining the conversations, nonetheless.
“What about you, Y/N?” Ada asks as she sips her tea.
“What about me?” You ask confused, obviously having no clue on what she’s on about.
“We were talking about weddings,” Lizzie explains, “Sharing our opinions on what is the best wedding. And Ada asked if you have anyone in your mind as your future husband?”
Her tone is playful more than anything. Both Lizzie and Ada expect a disgusted scowl or a roll of your eyes as an answer, but Polly can’t help but tense up against her seat at the question.
As innocent as this conversation was, it was more than powerful to push you back into your inner darkness.
“Not that I know of.” You answer, trying to mimic Lizzie’s tone.
“Oh, come on. You don’t find any man attractive?” Ada asks, putting her cup down beside her, “Not even one?”
You shake your head slowly and she stares at you with half closed eyes, almost as if she has a suspicion of some sort about your feelings towards any male presences.
“There has to be someone,” Lizzie agrees with Ada, “It’s been… what? 3 years?”
You shrug, fighting your urge to correct her since it won’t do you any justice, and the two women share a look as Polly watches all the action unfold.
“What about Finn?”
Oh god, you almost gagged right here.
Ada laughs under her breath at your disgusted yet shocked look and shakes her thoughts of that couple even be slightly real, away.
“God.” Polly scoffs out loud, making every woman rip a slight smile.
“What’s so wrong about my baby brother?” Polly asks, hands over her hips, playful grin on her face.
“Nothing is wrong,” Polly explains, “They would just be the most chaotic couple to existence. Can you imagine?”
You chuckle at her words and shake your head.
“They would burn down the church right at their wedding,” Polly jokes making both Lizzie and Ada laugh, “Probably even when saying their vows.”
There’re a few seconds of silence as the women let their giggles die down.
“Where is Finn?” Lizzie asks curious.
“Oh, Tommy has been making the boy work double the shifts now, for some reason.” Polly answers, “I don’t understand why, but they changed a lot of his shifts since their last meeting.”
“There was a meeting?” You ask confused.
Polly looks over at you.
“Yes, there was. It was only between Tommy and some of the men.” She answers with a short nod, “Nothing too important was talked about, I’m sure.”
You nod at her a little bit unsure and Charlie is quick to grab your attention back to him. He pulls you by your sleeve to look at him and he starts showing you his new toy horse, again.
You feel like you’ve seen that horse a thousand times, now.
Another conversation restarts between the women and you lean back on the couch, letting Ruby continue to play with your gold necklaces as Charlie talks his heart out about the horse that his dad gave him.
Your mind is constantly somewhere else. But this time, it focused on work. Mainly, on what the meeting could’ve possibly been about. As if any meeting with just the men was ‘not important’. They always have the most interesting meetings.
And with that train of thought, hours go by.
You were so distracted by listening to the women beside you laugh and talk, or just with looking down at the kids, that you didn’t even notice the time pass.
Your mind is still on that damned meeting, but you don’t let it get the best of you. You’re sure that the information will eventually reach you. In one way or another.
Three knocks are heard from the front door, and only Polly stands to open it. Nobody thinks too much of it. Everyone knew that eventually someone would come and pick up Ada, Lizzie and the kids.
It’s soon to be dark out, they must be almost leaving now.
“I’m sorry that we’re late.” A familiar voice sounds from the door.
Ada freezes and at the same time she looks up at you, you look up at the door. Not even 5 seconds later, Michael enters the house, followed by, of course, Gina. His blue eyes travel to the couch in the living room, and as he finds you, you’re already looking down at Charlie.
Your hand rests against Charlies’ head, smoothing his soft hair between your fingers, detangling it softly.
He forces his gaze to go back to the blonde behind him and his mother closes the front door behind them.
“Go sit. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll go make more tea.” Polly says, voice strong, not as soft as it was previously.
Ada’s and Lizzie’s eyes stay on both Michael and Gina as the couple stands in silence. They don’t find the women’s gaze as nothing more than their way to look at guests before exchanging some welcoming words, so, the tense air and shock just came unnoticed.
“Oh, hi Michael” Ada says, standing on her feet. “Didn’t expect to see you today.”
She gives her cousin a quick hug, in which he hugs back, but her eyes quickly fall on the blonde.
“And who are you?” Ada asks softly.
“Michael’s fiancée, Gina” She says with her American accent, extending her hand towards the other family member she hasn’t heard of before.
Ada shakes her hand, feeling slightly confused and shocked with her words, but, just like anyone else in this room, she’s quick to hide her emotions.
“Please, sit. I don’t want you standing all night.” Polly says to the new guests, from the kitchen door.
Michael is the first one to move towards the couches. You don’t dare to look up at him and he notices, fighting his own urge to start a conversation.
Your heart quickens the closer he gets to you and Charlie looks up at him, probably recognizing his face somewhere.
“Charlie, honey, scoot over a little.” Lizzie tells the boy.
The boy in front of you nods in response and takes his eyes off Michael. He stands on the couch and carefully steps over your lap and sits on your other side, by the arm of the couch.
Michael takes his seat next to you and you hold in your breath as your arms rest completely against one another. Lizzie moves a bit to the side and Gina sits beside her fiancée, who has his attention somewhere else.
“How are you?” Michael whispers down at you and you still don’t look up.
Your tone is cold and distant, which he finds extremely strange and awfully uncomfortable.
The couch is surely not large enough for 4 people, but you and Michael are having it worse than anyone else seated down on it. Lizzie and Gina have at least a few inches between themselves, while you and Michael are almost completely leaning against one another, trapped between Gina and Charlie.
Michael’s hands rest over his lap as he hears the awfully awkward conversation between the women start, not finding it at all surprising that you are paying them no absolute attention.
Ruby lets go of your necklaces for the first time and looks down at your hands.
They’re slightly sweaty over the presence of the man beside you but she pays them no mind, grabbing onto them as she eyes the expensive jewelry, surely something she loves a lot about you.
Polly comes back not too long after, and she’s quick to serve everyone another cup of tea.
You refuse any more, since you feel like you’ve already drank too much and explode your own bladder if you keep on going. And as your hand lifts to dismiss the tea from Polly, Ruby catches it.
You smile a bit at her and Michael grins slightly at the sight of the small girl being so interested in your hand. You let her twist the rings on your fingers and her gaze moves up at Michael.
His grin seems awfully contagious to her since she ends up smiling shyly at him as she continues to hold your hand up. As they do their staring contest, you look over at Charlie, who entertains himself and his mind with his new, and very loved, horse.
You sigh softly as your heart continues to beat quickly against your rib cage and you can’t tell if it’s just because you’re anxious about Michael or is it just his presence that is making you react like this.
“Have you taken your pain meds?” Polly asks.
You look up quickly as you notice that the question must be for you and a shiver runs past you as everyone’s eyes fall on you, even Gina’s.
“I will when I go to sleep.”
She gives you a disapproving look and you give her a grin in return.
“It helps me sleep.” You justify, and she sits back in her chair.
Michael grins at the exchange of words and your stubbornness and Ada notices it before continuing with her conversation.
Ruby rests your palm against hers and starts comparing both sizes.
You chuckle at her and as your body jumps at the laugh beside Michael, he looks down at Ruby to see what made you react. The small girl looks up when sensing his eyes on her and as Gina joins the conversation between the other women, Ruby extends her other hand at Michael, holding it upright.
He looks at her confused and you notice.
“She wants to compare your hand to hers.” You explain in a low whisper.
He takes his hand from his lap and extends it to her. His hands are surely bigger than yours, and that seemed to shock the small girl.
You smile as she lays her hand over his with widen eyes and Polly looks up from her tea at you, mind still on the conversation she started.
Her heart swells up at the sight. You and Michael smiling down at the girl sitting on your lap as she holds your hands up and compares them to hers. She can’t hear what you say over the loud voices and from being across the room, but she sees you saying something to Ruby, making her nod.
Michael’s smile widens at the small girl and you look up at him quickly, stealing a look before you get caught, which you don’t, not by him at least. Polly surely did, but she doesn’t say or do anything.
It’s so obvious that you still feel something for him, at least for her. But Michael seems to be unreadable, sometimes. It’s hard to figure anything out.
Gina stares at Polly while grinning at what Ada says and finds her staring at her son, she follows her gaze and clenches her jaw. The urge to roll her eyes feels stronger than her, but her bottled up rage triples at sight of you smiling.
Ruby takes her hands off yours quickly, shyly putting them close to her chest. You continue to smile down at her and as you and Michael try to retreat your own hands, she holds on to them.
Her actions are innocent, purely curious on the size of your hands, but she still leans both of your palms together, still holding them upright.
You and Michael don’t give that much of a reaction as Ruby tries to align them perfectly at the base of your palms and see the size difference from the top of your fingers.
An idea pops in your mind as your hand rests against Michael’s, and as Ruby pulls back to check the difference after so much adjusting, you slide your palm against Michael’s, so your fingers align right at the same height.
Michael chuckles at the confused look on Ruby’s face and she smiles at the contagious sound.
But as soon as the small girl notices what you’ve done, she sends you a glare, making the two of you laugh at her.
Your conjoined laughs catch everyone’s attention for a quick second and Gina doesn’t even care to take a second look. Ada smiles as she sees Ruby readjusting your palms, and, this time, it’s Michael who moves his hand, almost making his fingers only lay over half of your palm.
Ruby glares at him too and you two laugh, again.
“Alright, we’ll stop.” You tell her.
Ruby retries, but this time she has a tactic. As she makes sure that you are aligned perfectly, she holds both your and Michael’s thumb and force them to rest against the other’s back of the hand.
She leans back and stares at the difference between your hands, now happy with her achievement.
You two let her stare at the size difference with her big wide eyes, but something interrupts the sweet moment.
“Michael, honey.” Gina calls out as the conversation between everyone restarts, “Can you pass me that cup?”
Michael takes his hand off yours and you can’t help but feel disappointed at the loss of his touch. He leans forward on the couch and grabs the cup of tea for Gina from the center table, something she could easily get it herself.
You let your hand fall back to your lap and you take a sharp deep inhale, not wanting to be sitting on this couch for any longer.
You let some minutes pass, so you don’t seem like a total bitch, and when feeling ready, you lean forward on the couch, wincing in pain as your body shows to have grown sore over the lack of painkillers and from not moving at all for the past few hours.
Polly’s eyes go over to you at the sound only her seemed to notice, and you look back at her.
“I’m going to bed, I think.” You explain, making everybody get silent and look at you, “I feel exhausted.”
“Need help to find your meds?” She asks, already starting to get up, and you shake your head.
“No, no.” You hold your hand up stopping her, “Stay here. I’ll find them.”
You make sure to sit Ruby on the couch comfortably before forcing yourself up from the low couch. You fight off any sound of pain as you stand on your feet, but your face made it quite obvious.
You really should’ve taken those meds earlier.
You walk to the kitchen, trying not to show any other expression of pain, and everyone’s eyes are on you. Gina stares as you lean against the doorframe to regain your strength, yet she doesn’t feel anything in return. Not even an ounce of pity.
You stumble into the kitchen and look at the main counter, expecting the meds to be sitting right in the middle, just like you left them. But this wouldn’t be Polly’s house if they were.
Your feet get dragged as you take your time walking around to the kitchen.
You start opening every cabinet and drawer that could possibly have your meds, but there are too many to find them right away. Maybe going to bed without your meds wouldn’t be that bad.
You just need to lay down, now.
“Need help?”
You turn on your heels to find Michael by the doorway, already in the kitchen. You look away quickly back to all the drawers and try to hide any type of emotion towards his sudden appearance.
“No, I think I got it.” You answer back.
You continue to look through the many drawers and only after 2 minutes of seeing you struggle; Michael decides to move. He walks towards you and you stand still as he does so.
As he passes between you and the counter behind you, he holds onto your shoulders to make you stand back a little and let him pass. Something that surely made your skin react, but, thankfully, it all came unnoticed to him.
He opens a drawer slightly away from you and pulls out exactly what you’re looking for.
“How did you know?” You ask, curious.
“This is where she would put my meds after I got shot. It’s her drawer from stronger meds.” He explains.
How the hell did you not know that?
You walk towards him as he opens the small paper bag, taking your medicine out and handing it over to you. You take it from his hands carefully and put it down on the counter beside you.
“Thank you” You whisper at him.
You take your medicine in silence as the conversation restarts in the living room, and you try not to cringe at anything that you’re taking. Why is everything so bitter?
Whenever you’re done with one of the meds, Michael grabs them slowly and puts them back on the bag without saying anything.
He slides the drawers closed when done and you start taking the jewelry off your hands, just to start and get your way to the bed way quicker.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks and you look up at him.
“No. But I’ll be.” You say sincerely before looking away and taking a step away from him, “That’s what matters.”
Michael notices your hesitation into continuing some sort of conversation, just like your slight cold tone, but he tries his best to ignore it.
“I’m going to bed,” You announce while turning your back to him and making your way out of kitchen.
“Good night.” He says as you reach the doorway.
You send him a tight-lipped smile and walk out, back into the living room. Polly is, of course, the first one to notice you.
“Did you find it?” She asks.
“Michael did.” You answer.
You walk over to her and once close, lean over and kiss her cheek. The rest of the family distracted with something else or some other type of conversation.
Michael walks out of the kitchen and you reach the stairs, after saying a quick good night, loud enough for everyone else to hear.
You jump up the steps with your rings in your hands as you bring your cold and clammy hands to your neck to try and unclasp your necklaces. Your eyes land on Michael’s as you reach the top floor and he’s staring back.
Gina calls his name in a whisper and he looks at her, breaking your eye contact. And as soon as his eyes reach Gina’s, he doesn’t hesitate into giving her a sweet smile.
As he looks back up while walking around the couch, his eyes meet nothing but some painting on the wall.
You’re not there anymore.
The sound of birds surrounds you, their soft and energized tweeting coming from the trees far away from you and some branches above you, as the warm summer wind hits your body like a warm hug.
You shift your position on the ground, laying on your stomach and looking up at the sky between the branches high up, far, far away from you.
Solitary clouds float over the bright blue sky, almost not shielding any land from the sunlight.
Your exposed back is warm, erupting into chills whenever Michael moves his hand. You close your eyes again and let yourself relax again.
A hand touches the side of your head softly and slowly you feel its fingers start to trace your hairline. You open your eyes, blinking the sunlight away, and look up at Michael.
His hand falls to your cheek as you move and a small smile spreads over his lips.
“Let me sleep,” You whine, and he finally gives you a full smile.
“Alright,” He answers in a whisper, “Sorry.”
You sigh and hold yourself up with your hands, you push your body up on his torso and his hands go to your waist. Not caring over only wearing a dress, you lay yours legs over his hips, straddling his lap while pulling yourself up.
“I forgive you.” You whisper back playfully.
You snuggle into the crook of his neck and his smell hits you like an embrace. The small bit of communication pulled you away from your sleepy thoughts and movements, but you still felt just as clingy and slow.
As you lay back against him, his arms wrap around you, pulling you close to him with everything in him. You snuggle in to welcome his tight hold and one of his hands stretches over your skin of your back.
You’re wearing a simple black dress, baggy from your waist down, but completely backless.
“Can we lay here for, like…” You pause, “Forever?”
Michael chuckles from under you and leans his head to the side to rest it against yours.
“We’ll get hungry eventually.” He answers, and you smile.
“I’m sure there’s some animals around here.” You continue to play around, smile prominent in your voice.
“I hope you know how to make a fire, then.”
You giggle into Michael’s neck and pull away slightly. His hold loosens slightly so you can move a bit and you look down at him.
“Don’t you know how to make a fire?” You ask and he frowns.
“Why would I?”
“I don’t know” You shrug, “Weren’t you like a country boy or something?”
With that, Michael lets out the biggest belly laugh ever, leaving you to smile as he cackles away at your words. Your tone had been obviously playful, but it still made it just as funny for him.
“I lived at a farm. I wasn’t a cave man!” He exclaims, tilting his head to look at you better.
“Sounds the same to me.”
He smiles at you and you bring one of your hands to his cheek, caressing it with your thumb. You lean in and give him the softest peck you could. When pulling away, you look at him in the eyes as he tries to pull you into another kiss. You let him, letting your lips rest over the softness of his as you too fall into the pit of slow and lovingly making out.
He sits up in the middle of the kiss and you sit over his legs as he does it. His hands travel effortlessly down your waist to your legs, lifting your skirt enough to slither in his hands underneath.
You pull away and look down at him as you stand on your knees, adjusting your seating on his thighs. You peck his lips multiple times before sitting back and eyeing him.
“I love you” He confesses in a whisper, eyes staring back onto yours, “so much”
“Really?” You ask, serious, leaning a little back and he frowns.
He’s confused, but soon your playful smile reappears.
“How much, again?”
“A lot.”
“How much is ‘a lot’?” You keep going. “Like, ‘a lot’ like the size of a mountain or ‘a lot’ as in…” You think for a second, but he interrupts.
“How old are you again?” He teases about your childish words and you force your smile to disappear, just so you can scowl at him.
“Oh, fuck off” You say to him, “I was trying to be cute here, no need to ruin the moment for us.”
“Alright, keep going then” He says, “The size of a mountain or…?”
“Uhm… The size of…” You try to think, mind completely blank over any ideas. “The size of… the ocean?”
He chuckles at your final words and you grin.
“The ocean.” He says, sure of his words, no hesitation.
You stay silent for a bit.
“Which one?”
“Oh, come on!” He says, completely bored out of this conversation, making you laugh at him, “The biggest one you can think of”
“Yes. Now, can you please” He emphasizes the word comically, dragging it, “for the love of God, just tell me that you love me back?”
You kiss his lips over his frown.
“You’re so romantic.” You comment sarcastically.
“I know.”
You smile at him and decide not to give in just yet. The boy can suffer for a bit.
Telling him that you loved him now or in 5 minutes won’t exactly make that much of a difference.
You stand up on your feet, away from his lap, and he stares up at you while letting out a sigh.
“You gotta earn it.” You say with a playful look, making his frown break slightly.
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” You nod.
You take a step back as he stands up and your smile doesn’t disappear at all as you move away from him. Every step forward from Michael is a step back for you, making his urge to get to you bigger.
And soon, the running around starts.
You laugh as you run from him, sometimes feeling his fingers graze over your arms, making your heart beat faster with the adrenaline.
The tall weeds slap the skin of your exposed legs softly, tickling you as you ran away from your boyfriend. The scenery in front of you motivates into keeping on running, the summery flowers all open and colorfully staring up at the sky.
All you hear is your soft steps over the plants and the birds, it gives you peace. You can still hear Michael running behind you.
You let out a giggle as he’s about to touch you and out of nowhere, it stops.
The warm breeze lifts into a cold one and you look around confused.
You know that the weather can be unpredictable, but this is too radical for it to make sense.
Your hands start getting cold rapidly and soon your body is enveloped into complete body chills, your dress being nothing but useless when it comes to make you stay warm.
The breeze goes from cold to freezing in the matter of seconds, leaving you nothing but panicked.
You feel lightheaded and short of breath and as you try to warm yourself up with your own arms, soon you realize… You can’t feel your own palms touching your skin.
The sunlight fades as clouds fly their way in to color the skies a dark grey and you stare up.
You’re in a dream.
You’re dreaming.
You look over your shoulder at Michael to find him just as confused just a few steps away. He must have stopped running right as you did. But his skin, is not reacting like yours. His exposed arms, from the folded sleeves are not reacting to the cold in chills. It’s like it’s not affecting him.
He’s not the real Michael.
“What’s happening?” He asks you.
“I don’t know” You lie. You know exactly what’s happening.
Your dream is becoming a nightmare.
You look around as the wind gets harsher and your heart starts to beat more violently, just like your shortness of breath forces you into panting your way to find your peace again.
You step closer to Michael and cup his face.
He stares back at you still with his confused eyes and you kiss him. Your lips touch his and his hands come to rest over your waist as the wind continues to come at full force towards you.
Your hands feel numb, not being able to feel the texture of his suit, just like you had felt a few minutes prior. But you feel his hands, the way they rest on your waist, warming your skin under the violent and freezing wind.
“I love you,” You tell him as you pull away.
You open your eyes and you’re met with Michael’s pale face. His eyes are empty, with absolutely no light or sign of life.
You caress his cold cheeks with your thumbs, and you notice blood over his bottom lip. His hands had fallen a second ago from your waist, and you already miss his familiar warmth.
You bring your finger to wipe the blood away carefully and notice that it’s all over his mouth, coloring his white bottom teeth.
A small trail of blood starts falling off his nose and soon from his ears as well, slowly coloring your hands into the color red.
Red, hands completely filled with deep red, now that you try and wipe it.
Michael falls onto his knees and you do the same, holding him close to you even though it’s just his corpse. He’s cold and his hold is not even there anymore. His arms are by his sides as his head rests over your shoulder.
You wrap your arms around him, and the wind becomes more and more violent.
You force your eyes closed and let it take you too.
You open your eyes, and a loud gasp escapes your mouth. You’re not panting anymore, but your heart is beating quickly.
You try to sit up, but a sudden jab of pain hits you. You gasp and wince in pain but still bring yourself to do it. A sob escapes your mouth too right as you’re able to sit upright.
Your face feels wet and cold in the air of the room. You must have been crying before you woke up.
You whine in pain as you bring yourself to turn on the light beside you and as the warm yellow light illuminates the room, all you see is blood.
Your own blood, spread around your white shirt and white sheets, painting your hands just like in your dream.
“Pol-” You try to call out, but your voice breaks in a sob as pain runs through you.
You sob into the empty and silent air and try it again.
“Polly!” You sob out loud, hoping that that was enough to awake her if it’s late enough for that.
You wait a few long seconds for any sound coming from the hallway or stairs, but nothing.
“Polly!” You try to scream louder.
Polly holds her hand up to shut up Gina and the room falls silent. Michael leans forward from the railing of the stairs and looks at his mom confused; arms still crossed over his chest.
“Poll-” You cough.
Michael, before Polly could even get up, makes his way up the stairs and runs down the hall, trying his best to be fast enough to get to your room.
Your door swings open and you continue to sob as the lights are turned on.
“I don’t know what I did wrong.” You sob to whoever is at the door, staring down at your hands, “I-I, I woke up and…”
Michael shakes his shock away at the sight of your bed all bloodied, just like your hands, and walks towards you. His eyes fall to your shirt and notices from where your blood is coming from, your wound.
“Mom!” Michael shouts while looking up at the door.
Your ears start to buzz as panic starts to set in in your system and two hands move yours away from your eyes.
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” The voice repeats and you sob helplessly.
Michael sits in front of you in the bed and brings you close to him, ignoring that he’s now being covered in blood as well.
He makes you rest your hands on his shoulders so that they’re away from your eyes and starts to unbutton some of the buttons of your shirt.
Polly finally gets to the door and the sight is absolutely terrifying.
“She ripped stitches. I think.”
Polly forces herself to walk to the bed and to help Michael check your wound. He continues to unbutton your shirt with one hand only and he’s quick to rip the bandage off.
You sob in pain as he does it and both him and Polly try to look past the blood and ignore your sobs to see what happened to your wound. It opened, maybe 3 of the 9 stitches ripped.
“I’ll call the doctor.” Polly says.
Michael nods and holds you closer to him, not wanting you to move too far away. Your side rests against his chest and he wraps an arm around your shoulders, while one of his hands grabs the sheets and holds them over the wound.
You sob silently while leaning closer to him and he looks up at your face.
“Hey. You’re okay, look at me.” He whispers at you and you do it, “You’re okay. It’s not too bad. You’re safe. I promise.”
You stare at him in the eyes and he leans his forehead against yours.
“You’re okay” He whispers lower.
You nod as tears continue to roll down your face and he nods with you. Your breathing starts to slow down, and he presses a kiss over your wet cheek.
“I got you.” He whispers against your skin.
Michael sighs loudly as he walks into the kitchen and he feels exhausted.
“Is the doctor finished?” Polly asks him and he just nods, “And her?”
“Passed out before he could even start” He answers, “The doctor said to just let her sleep.”
He walks towards the sink and he turns on the water, holding his bloody hands under it. The two women standing in the kitchen are silent, watching him wash his hands carelessly while staring at the wall.
“I’ll go get you a clean shirt.” Polly says.
His mom walks out of the kitchen and he turns off the water, turning around to face Gina.
“Are we going to the hotel after this?” She asks softly.
“I can drive you there, but I’m staying here, tonight.”
She takes a deep breath and brings her hands to her head, annoyed.
“Why? She’s asleep. You can visit her tomorrow.” She tries.
“I’ll sleep better here.”
She scoffs.
“You’re fucking unbelievable.”
“I’m unbelievable?” Michael answers, bringing his hand up to point at his own chest.
“Yes!” She almost screams, “You are unbelievable! And you want to know why?” She asks, “Because no matter what I fucking do or fucking say, you will always put her before me.”
“Always, Gina? Are you serious?” Michael asks in disbelief, “You’ve been my fucking priority ever since we met, and now because I show some sort of affection towards a girl that is fucking bleeding and crying her lungs out, I’m supposedly putting her before you?”
“Yes! I don’t even know what you had with her before me!” She shouts, “Ever since I step foot into this shit hole I’ve been listening to her name and seeing her over and over again. Do you really think I believe that she’s simply a ‘family friend’?” She air-quotes.
“You want the truth?” He asks, no shouting needed, but he sounds mad.
“We dated for 4 years, almost 5. I ended our relationship when in America.” He answers and Gina stands silent, “See? I can tell you the truth when you ask nicely.”
“And if you broke up why do you still like her?” She asks, ignoring his hateful tease at the end of his sentence.
“You have to be joking-”
“Are you going to say that that’s a lie?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest, “Let me give you some of my truth, Michael. I honestly don’t give a shit about what you two went through, or if you were in a good relationship or not when with her, but you broke up. I don’t care why, but you did. And there was a time when you chose me over her. That’s why you proposed, right?”
Michael doesn’t answer her.
“So, please, for the love of God, stop being a child and move on with your life. You’ve been mopping around her, touching her all the time as if you’re dying to do it at every second of the day… Even if she does still like you, you are with me now, not her.” She spits at him, “Move. On. She’s not yours anymore, Michael. I am.”
He swallows hard at her words and looks at her emptily.
Polly makes her way back inside the kitchen, acting as if she didn’t hear a thing, but that seems to not scare off Gina from continuing.
“Are you even listening to m-?”
“I am.”
“Then say something, Michael.” She scolds, “Is it not true, what I’m saying?”
Polly looks between them as if waiting for it to evolve in any way, and simply extends her hand towards Michael, so he can grab the clean shirt.
“Is she your priority or no-”
“Yes.” Michael answers, “Y/N is my priority.” He nods, sure of himself and his words. “Yes, I’m engaged to you, Gina, but I care for her, and she will always be my priority.”
Gina bites her tongue and looks at Michael.
It honestly comes to no surprise. She had just thrown these words at him not that long ago, at lunch. He had just never confirmed it for her, and now… he did. But ‘always’? You will always be his priority? Now, that, doesn’t sit right with her.
They stand in silence and Michael leans back on the counter, finally taking the shirt from his mom’s hands. He thanks her with a look but to no avail because her eyes are not even on him.
“You’re serious?” Gina comments in slight disbelief.
“I am.” Michael confirms.
“What does that mean for us, then?” She asks.
Michael stays silent and the blonde slides off the highchair she has been sitting on, standing on her heels. Her eyes stay on him as tears threaten to swell up at her eyes.
“I’m not sure.” Michael answers truthfully.
She nods at his words and brings her eyes to the ground. She feels disappointed but mostly betrayed. Her eyes are good to show that emotion, but soon, it evolves into something else.  Pure anger. Anger over the betraying words and truth, the one that just got thrown around as if it was nothing.
And Polly notices it.
“I think it’s better if you leave, Gina.”
Michael takes his eyes off his fiancée to stare at his mother, who just opened her mouth. He didn’t expect her to get herself involved in his worries, but she did.
“What?” Gina asks, bringing her head back up to stare at Polly.
“You heard me.”
Her eyes travel to Michael in hopes that he would defend her, but nothing. He’s just staring back at her, almost holding the same look as his mother.
He doesn’t want her here. He wants her to leave.
She shakes her head, overcome with emotion, and forces her feet to move. Her palms tingle with the idea of hitting something, or rather, someone, but her eyes fill with tears.
How could have she been so stupid?
She slams the front door shut behind her and the Gray family stand in the kitchen unphased.
“Rather dramatic that one, uh?” Polly asks her son.
Michael doesn’t answer her venomous comment, but that didn’t seem to surprise her. His mother walks around the counter and grabs the cup Gina used for her whiskey, bringing it to the sink so she can wash it.
It’s like this conversation didn’t affect her a slight bit.
Michael feels weird. He doesn’t regret telling Gina anything but the look she gave him spoke more than any of her words could. She felt betrayed by him, and she was holding back so many emotions and words.
He knows that if it wasn’t for his mom, Gina would be screaming at him, maybe even throwing stuff at the walls. Just like she usually does when she’s upset. But she didn’t do anything, she decided to contain herself and not scream or even curse him out.
And honestly, Michael doesn’t know what’s worse. The fact that she could be destroying his mom’s kitchen or the fact that she’s bottling up all her frustration and anger.
He thought he knew Gina before coming back home, but the trip only made him and her show their true colors. One can’t stop comparing his newfound love to his old one, and the other obsesses over the idea of power and desperately wanting to overthrow anyone in her way.
Quite a pair, that’s for sure.
You open your eyes as the lights burns your eyelids open and an involuntary groan runs off your mouth as you’re hit with the morning light right in the face. You turn your head to the side, but you’re met with another window with the curtains open.
“Fuck.” You curse out loud.
You sit up and another sound escapes your mouth, but this time, a whimper of pain.
It takes you a few seconds to connect the dots and you finally remember why you’re in pain in the first place.
“Jesus Christ.” You comment to yourself, again.
Your bloody sheets are set to the side, right next to your door, and before your mind could even try to process it, you push any thoughts of your nightmare away from you.
You pull yourself up carefully and try to ignore the tightness that you feel over your wound. You’re not quite sure what happened after the doctor appeared, but if you’re still at Polly’s house, it could only mean one thing…
It’s not as bad as it looked.
You walk to the bathroom and the sight that meets your eyes is, just, great.
Your shirt is mostly unbuttoned, bloodied, just like your bra. Some of your skin has been cleaned, but not all. Your face as some blood smeared on it, but it doesn’t surprise you. You remember moving so much when you woke up, it would be a miracle it your feet would be clean.
You throw the clothes into the bin and start cleaning yourself off. You can’t exactly bath over having to make the wound be dry at all times. But you have been able to manage quite nicely. With weird positions, for sure, but you’re able to wash your body and hair quite nicely.
You put on some washed clothes on and make your way out of the bedroom. It must be really early since the house is more than silent.
Before you walk down the stairs, you walk over to the guest’s room just to check. Finn is laying on his back over the large bed, mouth partly open as some light snores escape his lips, making you smile at him.
You take a step back and close the door back up. He must’ve gotten here after the doctor.
You make your way down the stairs easily, and as soon as your eyes land on the couch, you see Michael.
He’s awake with a mug on his hands, eyes on the carpet as he is completely lost in thought. He has a scowl over his face, hiding any kind of emotion from anyone’s eyes, and as your feet finally meet the last step, he looks up.
His scowl disappears and a slight grin appears over his lips.
“Good morning.” You say before he could.
“Good morning.” He answers back.
You walk towards him and he watches you as you carry yourself with ease over to the couch. You take a seat next to him and notice that his mug is still filled with warm coffee.
He extends the mug your way when noticing your interest and you smile, taking it.
“Thank you.” You whisper.
The hot mug burns your cold palms, and you welcome the almost uncomfortable heat into your skin. You bring it to your lips and take a small sip of the dark liquid.
You’re sitting close to Michael, sitting on top of one of your legs as you sit looking at him. You’re not wearing much more than a shirt, exposing your legs to him and to anyone in the house, but you don’t seem uncomfortable with your lack of clothing.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks and you bring the mug down from your mouth, licking your lips at the same time.
“Yeah” You nod.
You give him back his mug after taking your generous sips and he takes it back onto his hands.
“When did Finn get here?” You ask him, curious.
“About half an hour after the doctor left.” He answers, leaning forward to put down the burning mug on the coffee table, finding it impossible to drink from how hot it is, still.
You nod at as his answer and while you’re thinking about what else to ask, he speaks again.
“You scared the living shit out of us last night.” He says, making you look back at him.
His eyes are back on the carpet and your chest tightens at the sight.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize.
“Don’t.” He says, finally looking back up, “It’s not your fault.”
He leans back on the couch and both of you continue to look at each other. The air is not thick as it usually is, it’s light and easy to breathe in. Your looks are both familiar, always taking your minds back in time for a quick second.
Your mind takes you to your dream and soon his pale face reappears in your mind. You shake the thoughts away, right as Michael opens his mouth to talk.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, “I can make you something to eat.”
You smile widely at him and bring your hands to your lap.
“Are you finally proving yourself useful around the house?” You tease, making him smile back, “I must be in a dream. Since when do you-”
“I’ve always been able to cook” He defends himself.
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true!”
“Michael, you couldn’t even cook potatoes!”
“Couldn’t!” He says to you, leaning forward to be right in front of you, “Things have changed in my kitchen.”
A laugh escapes your lips as he smiles down at you and he stands from the couch. He gives you his hand and as soon as your palms touch, he pulls you up from the couch.
“Come on, I’ll show you my experienced cooking.” He encourages as you take small, demotivated steps his way, “Do you want me to make you potatoes, just so I can prove my point?”
“No.” You giggle, “Just- Do whatever.”
He turns around and starts walking to the kitchen, letting your hand fall from his as you stay a little behind.
“You know what?” You ask him as you get in the kitchen, making him look back at you, “Maybe you’re not as insufferable as I thought you were”
Michael laughs at your words as you say them, and he nods.
“Oh, why, thank you!” He says enthusiastically, “Aren’t you lovely right as the sun rises?”
You let out a loud laugh and he moves over behind the island counter, looking around the cabinets to look for something to cook for you.
You stare at the back of his head as he walks around and take a seat on one of the chairs.
One could get used to this.
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Taglist: @ohhersheybars @woodland-mist @onlythechicagoway @soleil-dor @finn-shelbys-bulldog @oh-theres-a-woman @peakyxtommy @ms-reader @beautycinders @lovemissyhoneybee @graceedwards @jadesbabylon @marvelismylifffe @a-dorky-book-keeper @peakascum @shanetoo @hufflemendes @cherrytop02 @http-cherries @burnitup @livingforbarnes @iccyyyybitch @ravennaofasgar @carezzesuigraffi @fernweh-fangirl @hufflepeople @huskyhunny @desertgremlin @fireawayxx @lemur46 @sugarcoated-lame @i-sneeze-to-appease @gabytodd​ @cococola-cocaine​ @namelesslosers​ ​
If you’d like to be apart of the taglist, let me know.
Hope you enjoyed this! If would like to make any questions about the characters or when the next part will be available. My ask box is always open.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Phenomenon of the Immortal Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 1
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Summary: It was time for Fleur Swan to become Fleur Hale/Whitlock. She has started to adjust to the lifestyle of a vegetarian vampire as well as her powers, which she seems to develop a new one once in a while. But what happens when something happens that none of the Cullens are prepared for.
"Nature will get her way Though you took her for a fool Walking on the lake Frozen under you."
Run Cried the Crawling by, Anges Obel
When Bella got home from Vegas with Edward at her side it was the most pissed off my dad had ever been at her. He knew she would throw out the "I'll move away." Card on him but he wasn't fazed by it anymore. She was married, and a adult... he couldn't stop her. It was satisfying to see dad finally stand up to her, letting go of the fear of losing her. Bella eventually developed a guilty look on her face while Edward tensed by her side. She decided that she would have her honeymoon after Jasper and I got married, since dad would know we would both be out of the house. It confused me since she would have to wait 5 months just to go on her honeymoon, it also delayed her changing into a vampire. Since they both agreed to do it on there honeymoon.
Regarding me however my eyes are still a dark red rose color, which completely puzzled the Cullens. It confused me as well...knowing that after a year of transformation my eyes should be golden by now. I had never drunken an once of human blood but, my eyes were just as red as they were when I first turned. My blood lust got a lot better and I was beginning to gain control of my powers. It turns out I am also a shape shifter in a sense... I can transform myself into anyone I wanted to be. Things seemed to have calmed down it was nice to have a moment of serenity.
I stood in my room which was now void of my items being out on display. They were instead all in boxes stacked up on top of each other. Dad helped me out earlier in the day, it was nice to spend so one-on-one time with him while I still lived here. Bella was packing up too, excited to finally leave the house and become a vampire. She wouldn't let dad help her out however and spent her time locked up in her room. Probably waiting for Edward to enter and talk with her. I just sat down on my bed looking at my surroundings when I heard Jasper enter through my window.
"I was waiting for you to show up." I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.
"Mmm, hello to you too." Jasper said.
"You're not going to believe who accepted my RVSP'd to the wedding..."
"Who is it?"
"My mom, her new husband is coming with her too."
"I hope they won't cause any trouble." Jasper grumbled.
"Well... the last thing I said to her was when I moved back down here when I was 15...I told her that next time I see her would be at my wedding. I then told her that she would enjoy the the open bar and her speech for me would be her barfing all over the place. So umm... be prepared for that to happen." I explained trying to hold in a laugh at the face Jasper made.
"Damn love...you're brutal sometimes."
"Thank you... that is so sweet to say!"
"You better get down to our place... Alice and Rosalie are waiting for you so they can throw you a Bachelorette party."
"Yeah... they'll probably break the house trying to get to me." I said and then began to laugh.
"Have fun darlin." Jasper said softly.
"You too, if Emmett, Edward, and Dean got you a stripper I will murder all of them."
"Don't worry about that darlin, we're merely going out to the woods to hunt bears... maybe a few mountain lions. Besides Edward won't be there anyway"
"Oh fun...wait, Edward won't be there?"
"Yeah... it seems he still holds a grudge after I called him a boy before the battle."
"Only a boy would be offended by that." I said
"I better go love you." Jasper replied and pecked my cheek.
"Love you too." I did the same thing, pecking his cheek. He left a few seconds afterward leaving me alone. I pulled on pair of boots and ran downstairs.
"I'll see you later dad, Rose and Alice are throwing me a little party."
"Alright Petal, love you."
"Love you too!"
I arrived at the Cullen's house in record time, my tracking ability had improved greatly. I zoomed up to the door and before I could open it Rosalie, Esme, Bree, and Alice stood there with excited smiles on their faces.
"The party has arrived." I said jokingly.
They all laughed and ushered me into the lounge room.
Bree had been living with us ever since the end of the battle, she struggled to conform to the diet after living off of human blood so long and she couldn't leave the house much since she was presumed dead. But Jasper has been helping her out a lot.
"I can't wait to see what you did with the venue outside... can I take a look?"
"No, you may not, Rosalie and I all agreed that you shouldn't see it until tomorrow. It'll be great with the pictures."
"Okay okay... is the dress finished?"
"Yes, now that you can see." Rosalie said, dragging me down to her room. A large vanity was set up with hundreds of makeup products. I turned around and saw my dress... it was beautiful.
(I know the dresses aren't exactly the same but just pretend the one showing off the back of the dress has sleeves haha.)
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a"Oh my gosh Rose, you know my style so well."
"You're going to look beautiful tomorrow." Esme said, her gracious smile still on her face.
"Thank you guys so much... for everything."
"No problem Fleur, I can't wait for you to officially be a part of the family." Alice replied.
"So, how is everything back at home?" Rosalie said, already playing with my hair.
"It's tense...dad's pissed at Bella, Bella is pissed at dad. I still can't believe she actually eloped."
"Doesn't surprise me any... Bella's priorities have certainly changed." Alice grumbled.
"Yeah... not gonna lie though Alice they've always been like that, she just hid it from you guys pretty well."
"Yeah... I guess so." Alice said disappointment was on her face.
"Let's talk about something else...Fleur, did Jasper tell you where you two were going for your honeymoon?"
"No... he wants it to be a surprise, I can't wait to see where we're going."
"I'm sure it's going to be fun." Alice said, nudging me playfully.
"If I could blush right now, I would." I said.
Timeskip: The next day.
"Rosalie this is like we rehearsed it... smile and don't kill my mother." I reminded her.
"I'll try my best... Why does Bella have to be a bridesmaid again?" She said, brushing back my long black hair.
"Because I don't need my mother talking my ear off saying how selfish I am."
I saw Alice shake her head before going back to steaming my dress in the background.
"Fleur, Rosalie? Where are you guys?" I heard my dad call out.
"In here dad!" I called back.
"Renee get your butt up here your daughter is getting married. Get over this stupid grudge." I heard dad yell. Rosalie, Alice, and I all laughed.
"Aww, you look beautiful Petal." Dad said, smiling at me. I said Renee in the background she had a shocked look on her face.
"Thanks, Dad, you can thank Rosalie and Alice for all of this. Mom? You gonna come over? I'm not infected with anything you know."
She scoffed and walked up to me, we both gave each other fake smiles.
"Did you get plastic surgery? Your face looks... I don't know more sculpted." She said.
"No mother I just aged... the last time you saw me I was 15, I'm 20 now." I lied, everyone knew most vampires' facial features perfected when fully changed. But I couldn't exactly tell her that.
"Okay..." She said in a skeptical voice. I heard Rosalie growl behind me.
"Renee knock it off." Dad said he had a curt look on his face.
"Well since it's your wedding day we thought you needed something blue." Renee started, her face didn't look too happy.
"And something old, besides your mother." Dad joked, Rosalie and Alice let out a chuckle.
"Nice Charlie," Renee said rolling her eyes.
Dad then opened a jewelry box that had a hairpiece in it. I knew it was grandma swans.
"It was Grandma Swans, I added the Sapphires though, I thought it matched your ring pretty well. When the time comes around you can give it to your daughter." Dad said he handed it to Rosalie so she could put it in my hair.
"Aww thank you so much dad." I said I was lucky I didn't have my dress on yet so I could hug him.
"Should've saved this for Bella." Renee grumbled quitely.
"Oh no I forgot her veil, Rose could you come with me?" Alice asked.
Rosalie hesitated before answering.
"Sure..." They walked out a few seconds later.
"So... you stuck true to your guns. I didn't see you until your wedding day." Dad just looked at the two of us and walked out.
"How many men did you date before you got engaged to this one. I know how bored you can get." Renee said, implying I sleep around a lot.
"He's the first and only man I've dated." Renee's reflection was shocked in the mirror.
"Well... I knew my Bella would do that but... not, you." She said in a condescending voice.
"You have no idea what Bella has done."
"So who is he?" Renee said, ignoring my previous statement.
"His name is Jasper and he's an amazing, kind human being." I answered back, pride-filled my voice. I could suddenly feel Bella's presence behind the wall in the other room listening in on us.
"Sure... we all know women like you say that when the men have slept with you."
"You're childish insults do not bother me anymore mother."
"What childish insults? I'm stating facts." Renee said, acting innocent.
"Yeah, facts you convinced yourself are true."
"All I know is if my Bella wouldn't gotten married so young. So let's cut to the chase how far along are you?"
'I'm not pregnant Renee, I need to go help Rose and Alice find that veil." I got up to walk away when I got an idea.
"Oh by the way, Bella got married at nineteen in Vegas."
Renee just stood there in shock. I smiled in satisfaction.
"Enjoy the open bar!"
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szchaql · 4 years
Total Opposite (part 8)
Paul Lahote x Swan reader
Hi!! I'm back with Chapter 8! Sorry took so long hehehe hope you enjoy❤
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(Y/n) could never imagine that her boyfriend and friends try to kill Bella. They, out of people, the one who know about her close relationship with Bella, try to kill her sister.
She's been thinking to call Bella. But she's scared of what will happened next. So she decided to just call Seth and ask him about Bella.
"Well... she's not good.. but she'll be fine.. the Cullen always be there for her." He said over the phone. (Y/n) sigh. "What happened, (y/n)? I heard from Leah that something happened with you and Paul."
"Uhh.. it's actually the same problem like Jake.. you know.. regarding my sister..."
"Ohhhh.. i'm sorry.."
"Why say sorry? You didn't do anything wrong.. me and Paul just didn't agree on a same thing... it's okay.." (y/n) say softly to her best friend on the phone.
Seth sigh heavily. "He didn't hurt you right? He didn't phase in front of you right?" He frantically ask as (y/n) chuckle.
"No. He just shaking. There're the others to prevent it. It's okay, you don't have to worry. By the way, I hope i can see Bella. But i don't feel safe and comfortable around them.. the cullen." (Y/n) confess how much she miss her older sister. It's been a month, she think, that she hasn't meet Bella.
"Don't force yourself.. and there are me, Jake ans Leah to protect you. And besides, they won't hurt you. They are vegetarian, remember.." Seth always knows a way to comfort the young Swan and (y/n) glad that they are best friend.
"Well.. maybe after all of this is over. Me and Paul have to reconcile too. Seeing Bella with my condition, doesn't sound great at all."
Then she heard the voice of Jake calling Seth name from a far.
"Yeah, that's right. Well, i have patrol. Will talk to you again. Okay?"
"Yeah, text me okay? And tell Jake and Leah that i say hi." Seth hum and hang up.
(Y/n) feels a lot better after a talk with Seth. But the knot on her heart still there. She still feel hurt after the fight with Paul and the pack. She want to talk to him and reconcile. But she's scared. And she don't want to give up just like that. She want to teach Paul a lesson. He hurt her, he has to try to accept her decision. He know very well about her and Bella and how close them two.
She lay down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought when her dad open the door.
"I'll go to the town. Want to come? You haven't go out since your fight with Paul." He said with a tone full of worry.
"No, thanks Dad.. maybe later." (Y/n) give him a small smile. Charlie nod his head, knowing that his daughter still need some time to collect her mind and heart.
"Call me if you need someting, okay? I will be home before 6." Then he close the door and go out.
As much as she love to be home alone, with the situation of supernatural things make her feel uneasy. She can's ask Seth or Leah. Heck, she can't even ask Emily. In this situation, she hate how her house is close to the forest. She decided to sit up and look out to the window, hoping that one of the boys have patrol around her house.
When she look out, she caught a glimpse of the wolf. But she can't tell which one since it's so dark. Part of her hope that it's Paul, but part of her hope it's someone else. But when the wolf walk closer to her house, she knows that it's Paul. His silver fur shine from the moonlight, making it more beautiful. His deep brown eyes meet her one, making her shiver.
Paul lay down closer to the house, watching her in full alert. Seeing how her boyfriend is watching her, make (y/n) feel safer. But the memories of how he and the pack want to kill her sister make her hurriedly close the curtain. She still can't look at him.
She decided to just doing her homework before she go to sleep.
Paul keeps watching the house for days non stop. Sometimes Embry watch the house at afternoon. But Paul always keeps watch at night until dawn.
Today is the day where (y/n) finally can enjoy her day. She is sitting on the sofa, eating snacks while watching a movie. Charlie is at work, as always.
In the middle of her movie, the sound of someone in the front door make (y/n) turn her head in alert. She stand up and walk toward the window to look outside. There are Embry and Quil, standing in front of the door. She sigh, knowing very well what they want. So she walk back to sit on the sofa and enjoy the movie, doesn't care about the 2 wolves outside the house.
They knock, but (y/n) doesn't even give them a mind. She keeps continue watch the movie, until Embry speak up.
"Hey. We know you are in there. Please let us in! There's something we want to talk about!"
(Y/n) keeps silent.
"Come on, (y/n)! Please!" This time it's Quil who yell.
(Y/n) groan before she yell back. "What! I don't care anymore! Now leave!" Her mood crush down. She didn't want to watch the great movie she watched anymore. She just want to be alone.
"Please! This is about Paul! He need you!" Embry yelled while banging the door mercisely. But (y/n) being a stubborn woman doesn't even give them a mind. She walk up to her own room, locking the window and closing the curtain.
But even then, the boys has another idea. They barged into the house, breaking the door. Hearing the sound of door being broken make (y/n) readi to smack them with a bat on her hand.
"OW!!" Embry yelled in pain as (y/n) smack his head with a bat, strongly. Quil couldn't believe his eyes as he retreat slowly.
"Get out! Now! Before i call my Dad for breaking the house!" She yelled angrily, ready to smack him again.
Embry hold his hands up, trying to calm the girl. "Please, (y/n). Just this one. He really need you." He said in desperate.
(Y/n) snort. "Need me? Need me?! After what he had done?! Unbelievable! Do you think i will easily get back to him?! Or to all of you?! You try to kill Bella!" She didn't know why she cried. Tears just pours out from her eyes.
"He regret it deeply, (y/n).. he's been sick since you left. And he won't eat anything. We are worried about him..." Quil speak slowly, trying not to get into her nerves.
"Still no. Now get out. I won't be back to him until you all, the pack decided not to kill Bella. That's it. If you still manage to try to kill her, it's over. It'll be done with all of you, including Paul." (Y/n) shoved the boys out of her room, even her house, with a bat still in her hand. Of course Embry and Quil still not give up to persuade her to meet Paul and reconcile. But it's no use as (y/n) bang the door in front of their face and lock it.
Regret? So now he regret it? He didn't even think about the consequence when he try to kil Bella.
Feeling tired of the situation, she decided to call her mom and spend some times with her, until everything is over.
"What happened?" Rene ask with worried tone over the phone.
"Will tell you later... I.. I just want to be back with you and spend time with you, mom... i really need this.. please?" (Y/n) voice is shaking, ready to cry in no time. She's so tired. She just want to live a normal life for a while.
Rene sigh, knowing very well about her youngest daughter. "Okay. Tell Charlie okay? I'll be waiting for you at home. Be carefull, dear one."
After speaking to her mom, (y/n) call her Dad about it. He agreed immediately. "Go. Rene will help you. Okay?"
(Y/n) hurriedly purchase the earliest plane and get her things. She just pack her clothes and bring some book. She also call Seth about it. "Do you need me to take you to the airport?" He ask as he help me pack my things.
"No.. it's okay, Seth. Dad will take me. Sorry for bothering over this. I just... i just want to live a normal life for a while.. this is too much for me.. i don't feel safe.." (y/n) said as she take out some of her clothes and put it in her suitcase. Seth helping her with the books.
"I'll inform Bella about this. Do you want to tell Paul and the pack?"
"No. Don't. Just tell Jake and Leah. And of course Bella. And i don't know if i'll be back after all this over...." Seth frown.
"You will be leaving for good? What about Paul?? Didn't it hurt you two?" (Y/n) sit down on her bed, Seth following to sit beside his best friend.
"It hurt of course. But what he did really hurt me. I know it's excessive. But.. Bella... she means so much for me. I can't let her die... it's okay even if she get turn into vampire. But at least she's alive and i can see her. And the most painful thing is that they didn't even hesitate to kill her..." (y/n) sigh heavily.
Seth nod, looking at her. "If you miss me so much, call me. I'll go to see you. Okay?" (Y/n) smile listening to it. Seth is always a cheerfull guy. He always try to make me feel better despite the circumtance.
"Thankyou.. for always being there for me..."
"Do you need anything?" Charlie ask (y/n) as they arrive at the airport.
"No. I'm fine.. thankyou, Dad..."
Charlie smile softly and hug her. "It's okay, dear.. as long as you are happy. Tell your mom i said hi. Get a full rest and enjoy it as long as you need. It's okay if you con't come back, I still can come see you."
After the hug, (y/n) get ready to go boarding. They hug for the last time and she receiving a goodbye kiss from Charlie before she leave. Sitting on the plane, she sigh. She knows sooner or later the boys will know. And of course Paul will do everything in his power to reach her and get her. She decided not to think further of it and just enjoy her quality normal life with her mom.
On the other side, Sam's pack has been restless. Bella's due date is almost there. Sam can't even rest his mind for a single bit. He think about Paul and (y/n) condition, and the Bella thing. He knows that when they decided to keep trying to kill her, (y/n) will never back and even forgive them. This will be bad for Paul. But he just can't let that baby do something horrible affer they are born. They almost kill Bella on the way.
The night comes.
Bella is in labor. Paul is watching the Cullen, despite his protest. As soon as Jake is running out of the house, crying, he know that Bella is dead. So he retreat and head back to inform Sam.
Billy try to stop Sam from doing what he want to do. Aa soon as they know that Bella didn'f make it, Sam immediately decided to fight the Cullen to kill the baby. It's getting out of hands.
Sam's packs are fighting the Cullen and Seth and Leah, when Jacob running in between them to stop. He even shift to talk with Sam.
Suprisingly, Jacob imprinted on Bella's daughter, Renesmee. Sam can't do anything about it. He can't kill her. That's against the law. So he and his pack retreat. But before they get to fully leave, Jacob inform that they didn't regret what they did. Because (y/n) surely won't come back.
"What do you mean?" Paul asked as he heard Sam's thought.
"She's back to Phoenix, living with her mom. Once she heard that you still tried to kill Bella, she won't forgive all of you and she won't come back. That's what she told us before she left. You knew about the consequence, Sam. But you still did it. You knew that the baby wasn't a harm to anyone, but you still tried to killed it. And now, see what have you done. To Paul, to (y/n), to us. I don't mind about us, but think about how hurt (y/n) will be when she knows. Just prepared yourselves then." Jacob said to Sam in warning tone, before he with Leah and Seth leave them.
Sam couldn't believe his ears. (Y/n) leave?
"What?!" Paul yelled in shock after he heard that his imprint leave. "Sam! Tell me!"
"Let's get back first and change." He and rest of his pack retreat. Paul forcefully follow him.
Once they back to Emily's and shift, Paul immediately ask Sam. "What do you mean that (y/n) leave?!"
"Jacob told me that (y/n) leave to meet is mom in Phoenix. She leave a week ago. Seth said that she want to have short normal life with her mom, that she's tired of all of this. She didn't feel safe at all. And there's a chance that she won't be back here anymore. And knowing that we tried to killed Bella... make things worse between us and (y/n)..." Paul couldn't believe at what Sam had said.
She leave just like that? She didn't feel safe? Why? Why did she just give up like that?
"I.. i have to see her! I have to ask her! I.. she can't leave!" Paul yelled angryly and feel hurt, then he leave. He have to see her no matter what. He feel so guilty for hurting her to this extent. He didn't imagine that (y/n) dare to leave him.
Jared and Embry go with Paul, for mental support. "Make sure he or she didn't do anything stupid. Make sure you two help them.." Sam said as they all in the airport, waiting.
"Of course. Don't worry Sam. We will do our best." Jared said.
When they heard that they need to get ready to board the plane, Paul without second thought leave first. Jared and Embry follow him after. Sam just hope that Paul and (y/n) can reconcile faster and make the best decision. He hope that (y/n) will back to Paul.
Taglist : @calling-dips-on-j-hope @tbhprobablydontcare @ivettt
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