#lydia lei
@thealmightyemprex​ @amalthea9​ @spengnitzed​ @bixiebeet​ @themousefromfantasyland​ @the-blue-fairie​
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In this comedy, Clifford Skridlow (Dan Aykroyd) is a Comparative Literature Professor and Medieval Literature Scholar who, during a morning making jogging, passes by the limo of the rich pimp Smooth Walker (Howard Hesseman), who is acompanied by the prostitutes who work for him, Karen Blittstein (Fran Drescher), Monica McNeil (Donna Dixon), Jasmine Wu (Lydia Lei) and Thelma Cleland (Lynn Whitfield).
Smooth Walker has a huge financial debt to Mom (Kate Murtagh), the crime boss of Chicago. Not intending to pay it, he invents the story that he got a new partner known as “Doctor Detroit”, and after coincidentally finding the meek scholar again in an indian restaurant, he tricks Clifford Skridlow into enjoy an agitated night with drinking and drugs, and manipulates him to enter his business, without really explaining what it really is.
The next day, Smooth Walker takes a plane and runs away to Samoa with his money, leaving the four woman who worked for him on their own. The ladies make contact with Clifford to help them not be taken by Mom.
After finally learning that the ladies are sex workers and that the business Smooth Walker left for him meant exploiting prostitution, Clifford, wanting to emulate the heroic knights that he reads about in Medieval Literature, decides to take the guise of Doctor Detroit as a way to protect the four ladies, with the help of Diavolo (T.K. Carter), the former driver of Smooth Walker who is aspiring to become a rich and famous actor.
You may be asking how did I heard of this movie and got curious to check it out?
Well, I was watching an episode of the talk show hosted by Fran Drescher on Youtube, where she interviewed both Dan Aykroyd and his wife Donna Dixon, who are both her professional colleagues and personal friends. During the interview, she told about working with them in the movie and how it was during filming that he introduced Dan and Donna, helping their romance to start.
Intrigued by this story of matchmaking in the backstages, and by the title of the movie, I decided to check out the plot summary on TV Tropes. When I learned of this mix of eighties sex comedy, action and chivalric romance, I tought “This is such a weird mix, I have to check this out to see if its real”.
It is, and I never had so much fun watching a silly movie as I had watching this. There are some elements that are dated (like when Smooth Walker offers to pay dinner for Clifford, the main character starts asking almost in panic if he is gay and trying to seduce him), but overall, I went expecting absurd and over the top scenarios, and I was not disapointed.
The colorfull costumes are a marvel to look at, the soundtrack, with songs by big names like DEVO and James Brown, makes you want to party, Dan Aykroyd gives a great performance as the nerd who wants to be a noble knight in cynical modern times, T K Carter is very charismatic as the street smart Diavolo, Fran Drescher, Donna Dixon, Lydia Lei and Lynn Whitfield (in the first of two movies where she played a simpathetic sex worker, the second being the 1985 western Silverado) are pretty wholesome and energetic in their performances as the four ladies that the hero wants to protect (and finds atractive), and is interesting that while there is innuendo, there is no actual sex scene with them, Kate Murtagh brings gravitas as the intimidating villain Mom, and there is the great contrast between George Furth as the pompous and money obsessed Arthur Skridlow and Nan Margaret as the free spirited, light hearted and loving Margaret Skridlow, Clifford’s parents.
If you want to just relax and enjoy some laughs, while apreciating a great pop soundtrack and the colorfull aesthetics of eighties movie fashion, this campy comedy is perfect for a lazy sunday.
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ghostbusters-fan · 2 years
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(And if by some crazy chance Dan Aykroyd actually sees then again Happy Birthday, I hope all your days are amazing and that you live a nice, happy life! I'm sure you get told this a lot but your movies are amazing, you are amazing, and there's a lot of people out there-myself included-who you've made smile and laugh and left them feeling inspired by you and everything that you do. You truly are one of the greats but between you and me, Doctor Detriot deserved that sequel it was so wrongfully robbed of:)
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Riiju-Lei: *sighs with relief up at breezehome as they approach through the still quiet early morning streets of whiterun* Home at last…
Nerevar: I passed by this place so many times when I first arrived here and I had no clue you were just behind these doors…
Riiju-Lei: that explains the random bouts of excitement I had then. I played a lot of tag with the kids those days. Speaking of which, I hope Caryalind handled looking after everyone okay- *opens the door to find Lydia cleaning up the mess the kids had made of the house, Khash quietly helping her and Caryalind passed out from exhaustion by the fireplace* oh dear.
Lydia: *looks up* oh my thane!
Khash: DAD!!! *drops the broom and runs to Riiju jumping up into his arms*
Riiju-Lei: *laughs and hugs her tight* Hello little shadowscale!
Caryalind: *jumps and flails out of his chair with a thud* Ugh! Hnuh?? *looks up to see the group entering* You’re back! It went well I take it??
Riiju-Lei: *smiles* better then just well. *sets Khash down gently* Everything… here? Go well?
Caryalind: *still on the floor* Oh yes, just fine, the kids were delightful…
Riiju-Lei: *quirks his brow*
Caryalind: …Alesan put lizards in my underwear, Blaise got caught shoplifting, Sofie kept bringing wild animals into the house and Lucia broke her hand punching Braith in the face… Khash was the only well behaved one.
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* thank you cary, go have a proper rest I’ll get our new friends settled in and make us all breakfast.
Caryalind: new fri- *spots nerevar then goes visibly pink as Miraak suddenly steps over him offering his hand* I-
Miraak: Let me help you up.
Caryalind: oh my you have a very deep voice- *shakily takes his hand and instantly gets pulled to his feet*
Taliesin: *brow twitching feeling protective of his prince* …
Kaidan: *gives his ass a squeeze* oi. Leave him be.
Riiju-Lei: *snickers taking nerevars hand and leading him upstairs as everyone else starts to unpack and relax* I’ll come help you clean up in a minute Lydia, thank you.
Lydia: *smiles at him and nerevar as they go by* thank you my thane.
Nerevar: *follows Riiju upstairs and into the master bedroom* it’s a lovely house you have here, your daughter is adorable too but… her tail- sh- she wasn’t hurt was she?
Riiju-Lei: hm? Oh Khash. No she just wasn’t born with one. She’s small but she’s the oldest of my kids. The others must all be still asleep. Usually she comes along on adventures, she’s an excellent fighter but… given miraak sent cultists after me and they targeted my family specifically… I didn’t feel safe bringing her along. *chuckles* funny how he’s now downstairs wooing the prince of the aldmeri dominion.
Nerevar: *brain short circuiting* I’m sorry he’s the what now?
Riiju-Lei: oh right, there’s a lot you need to catch up on. I’m sure we’ll discuss it over breakfast but let’s get you unpacked first yes? *smiles at him before dropping his pack on the bed to empty it*
Nerevar: … *smiles and gently embraces him from behind, resting his head against his shoulder* you’ve built a beautiful life here LeiLei… you found so many people who love you and a place where you can feel safe.
Riiju-Lei: *gently reaches back running his fingers through his soft white hair* and now I can finally feel that love thanks to you making me whole again… my moon and star…
Nerevar: *slides his hands up his torso beginning to playfully tug at and undo the straps of his armour* there was a place within my heart empty for too long when I was without you… im glad we’re finally together again… My Voryn…
Riiju-Lei: …I think we can wait a few minutes for breakfast don’t you?
*meanwhile downstairs*
Sero: They’re certainly taking a while up thei-
A wine bottle on the kitchen table: 🍾
Kaidan: and they’re fucking.
Taliesin: *sighs* I’ll get breakfast started.
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laf-outloud · 5 months
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Hook ‘em horns!
Walker actor Jared Padalecki and his wife Genevieve were in attendance at the launch party for The Statesman supper club and cocktail lounge on Wednesday (January 17) in Austin, Texas.
Other attendees included Jamie Lynn Sigler, Cutter Dykstra, Dave Annable, Odette Annable, Stacy Keibler (with husband Jared Pobre), Tony Gonzalez with wife October (Tobie) Gonzalez, Chuck Liddell, Becca Tobin, Olympian Lydia Jacoby, owner Craig Ley, and more.
Just a few more pics of Jared and Gen at The Statesman!
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kirinda · 2 years
(icon and header and art in this post r by @/cupiidzbow !)
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my names voltaire and this is my selfship blog! i barely use this blog and it needs revamping, my main is ousama!
im selfship tumblrs most hated thats how you know im a good blog baby yeah!!!!
do not follow me if you are a minor. do not follow me if you are a proshipper.
if you rb from misogynists ill probably block you its not my job to tell you when you follow one use that little brain in there
sharing f/os is awesome! be nice about it
Kirinda (Eto Ranger) tag: 📸
Trafalgar Law (One Piece) tag: 🫀*note: I ship with all of the heart pirates and use the same tag for them. Only Law is a major F/O amongst them.
Masked Deuce (One Piece) tag: ♠️
Banban (Garten of Banban) tag: 🥳
Kaito Kumon (Kamen Rider) tag: 🍌
Rowena MacLeod (Supernatural) tag: 😈
Shelda (Bugsnax) tag: ☮️
BOe (Магазинчик БО) tag: 🐰
Biznella (Super Sentai) tag: 🃏
Nellie Lovett (Sweeney Todd) tag:🥧
Chuck Keith (Gundam) tag:🌌
Olympia (Pokemon) tag: 🔮
Marcus Kane (Twisted Metal) tag: 🚧 *Only the Head-On and Black continuity
Lard Nar (Invader Zim) tag: 🛸
Misasagi (Rune Factory) tag: ⛩️
Self Inserts
Makoto Edamura (Great Pretender) tag: 🐱
The Director/Hubert (Interliminality) tag: 📺
All of my inserts use any pronouns while i usually default to he/they for them
My Eto Ranger self insert is Cabbage! He's shipped with Kirinda/Lydia. he's a...janitor i suppose? its his job to keep the ship and common area clean. he's super antisocial but enjoys speaking to kirinda while cleaning because it's less stressful than talking face to face with a living person. He falls HARD for that robot and their relationship begins before kirinda gets his physical body back but cabbage certainly enjoys the goofball regardless of form
My One Piece self insert is Karma! He's shipped with Law and sometimes the heart pirates in general as a polyship. Hes the user of the ryu ryu no mi model chameleon. He joined the crew a little after Sabaody after stowing away. He's kind of a menace but hes their menace. hes really bad at his job because he doesn't have the skills to utilize his fruits powers correctly. Law unfortunately sympathizes with them having childhoods that parallel at points. I do not have a self insert that i ship with Deuce. I have delusions about being Ace and we were partners
My GoBB self insert is named Eddie! Theyre an anteater who was made to work with disabled children and theyre shipped with Banban! I hope that doesnt sound weird I was in and out of sped classes as a kid so I wanted to reflect that.
My Kamen Rider self insert is Jules! They're shipped with Kaito and are a member of team baron. They dont really have any lore yet except for hardcore yearning lol. Might make them a rider too?
My Supernatural self insert is Voltaire!!! Hes shipped with Rowena hes a nachzehrer and certified menace. His ass should be dead but free will keep him alive bc hes Rowenas little play thang and keeps her slightly in line. Not by much. His heads so empty only thoughts of his pack and beautiful older women
My Bugsnax self insert is Sunnie Cuteloop theyre a magician! They heart Shelda we love faking magic. Two dif kinds of magic but you know.
My Pokemon self insert is currently unnamed and shipped with Olympia! They're also a magician I swear im not unoriginal I just do magic irl. They're the child of Hocus from the Oblivia region but moved to Kalos to pursue their career. They want to separate from their father and aim to be a better magician than he ever was.
My Invader Zim self insert is Tiere Ley a vortian scientist. They've been with Lard Nar since before the war but didn't officially get together till the Resisty was formed.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
hi! TRC & TW crossover??? yes please! tell me more? ❤
any time there's a shared surname between fandoms, OBVIOUSLY there must be a crossover, and thus! (also i think the timelines align perfectly, they should canonically be the same grades and ages.) when Adam presses charges against his dad, he can't go home. because he's still underage, CPS wants to put him in foster care, and he really really doesn't want to do that so he offers up an alternative: he can go spend the summer with his cousin, Jordan, who is working as a deputy in california.
he hasn't seen Jordan in a while, but under the circumstances, Jordan doesn't hesitate to throw the door wide open for him. Adam's not expecting Beacon Hills to be anything more than another gossipy medium-ish town for him to work in until he turns 18 and can go back to Henrietta for senior year, and he's definitely not expecting to feel anything weird this far away from cabeswater and his newly-made deal, but.......yeah there's definitely cabeswater-esque energy here too. pretty strong.
he tells Gansey this. and, unfortunately, Gansey has access to a helicopter. SO, by the end of the week, Gansey is in Beacon Hills with half his equipment and detectors and shit. and where Gansey goes, Ronan goes, obviously. and Blue is not about to be left behind when she's finally found a group to belong to. and hell, this town seems to be on the same ley line as Henrietta, so maybe Noah can even make an appearance, he just pops up out of nowhere and scares tf out of everyone XD
idk what would happen first: Stiles being nosy as fuck about his dad's new deputy's cousin suddenly hanging around the station, Deaton connecting with Adam over mystical stuff, Lydia sensing Noah and being like ???!?!!!?!? without being able to put her finger on why, or Derek hearing/smelling a bunch of new people trampling around in the preserve. but all of these things definitely do happen at some point.
other things that happen include: Derek and Ronan bonding over their murdered parents love of driving way too fast; Adam and Isaac forming a quick bond but never actually using words to acknowledge why, they just gravitate together; Allison teaching Blue a bunch of fancy tricks with her switchblade; Lydia struggling to decide if Blue is an absolute eyesore or an avant garde fashion genius; Scott and Stiles nerding the fuck OUT over Gansey's journal; Gansey trying to find a way to tactfully ask Derek if he can study him like a bug, for science, because omg wEREWOLVES ARE REAL; Adam, Blue, Scott, Isaac, and Stiles all being super fucking over having even more obnoxiously rich people in their lives throwing money around like confetti; Blue's presence focusing and boosting Lydia's powers, for better or for worse; Ronan dreaming some kind of monster and the whole pack crashing in to fight it for him because these guys have become pack somehow and that's what pack does for each other.
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lamiaprigione · 2 years
Mi piace scavare dietro le obiezioni delle persone per capire cosa le conduca realmente a compiere una decisione, si nasconde sempre qualcos’altro e ti accorgi che nessuno è sincero, mai. Non per chissà quale bisogno, c’è una tal vergogna al mondo che ti chiedi cosa viviamo tutti a fare. Non so perché io piaccia alla gente, forse avvertono che tanto capisco comunque e quella maschera non serve.
A proposito di persone che non sono sincere mai, ogni giorno mi ritrovo a dovermi rapportare con una persona la cui miglior definizione mai rilasciata è: se le chiedessi l’ora e lei ti rispondesse, ti verrebbe comunque naturale guardare l’orologio al polso per trovar conferma. Credo che quando tutto sarà finito ne uscirò macchina della verità, probabilmente potrò raccontare storie per sempre: di quella madre settantenne che è caduta in depressione perché l’unico figlio se n’è andato di casa per sposarsi (e mentre mi parlava mi ricordava tanto Lydia Brenner ne Gli uccelli di Hitchcock, aspettavo l’attacco da un momento all’altro), di quello che ha mandato via di casa tutta la famiglia e consegnato i suoi avere a una setta (film che farei dirigere a Tarkovskij), di quei due fratello e sorella che hanno fatto morire il proprio vecchio di stenti e quanto vorrei facessero la puntata di un giorno in pretura, potrei ben testimoniare che quella fu l’unica casa in cui non resistetti più di venti secondi (questo magari lo farei dirigere a Cronenberg).
Mi chiedo sempre come possano condurre la propria esistenza, persone poco curiose. Quelle che appena gli nomini qualcosa che non conoscono non corrono subito a cercare. Io avrò anche una qualche forma di patologia, d’accordo. A ben pensarci, le mie uniche patologie sono nella testa, a parte una. Undici anni fa iniziai a soffrire di acufeni bilaterali cronici in seguito a un’otite curata poco bene. L’otite se ne andò e mi lasciò in eredità i fischi. Inizialmente sottovalutai la cosa e non ci pensai, ma dopo qualche mese cominciai a fissarmi e un anno e mezzo dopo non riuscivo più a dormire. Ogni visita fu inutile. Ricordo che mi colpì molto la storia di una donna olandese, madre di due adolescenti, che per una forma molto grave di acufeni arrivò a chiedere l’eutanasia. Le venne concessa. Cercando possibili modi per uscirne che non implicassero la morte, arrivai alla soluzione di coprire quel suono fastidioso con un rumore bianco, almeno di notte, per addormentarmi. E da allora è così. Ma siccome non mi piace perdere senza portarmi neanche un insegnamento a casa, capii quant’è suggestionabile il cervello umano. Gli acufeni li sento solo se mi concentro sulla loro presenza. Se una cosa non la penso, allora non esiste.
Che la gente si metta a filmare uno che sta morendo non mi stupisce, voglio dire, non avete mai visto black mirror dai?
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vanbredevoort · 11 months
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@incubabe asked: [ text ] : i mean i’m honored that i’m the one you texted but if there’s a monster in your room you are on your own my guy
text starters / accepting
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Everything was still. Lydia and the monster in her room. Every sense was amplified--- she could feel the tickling of the clock in her bones. The door to her room was half open and if it were for her, it would stay like that.
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[txt to: ley ♥] i meant a metaphorical monster [txt to: ley ♥] wow you must be fun at parties riley [txt to: ley ♥] when they bury me pls attach a note to my corpse that says 'this happens when you count on riley in life threatening situations'
The monster moved. Lydia took three steps back.
[txt to: ley ♥] scratch that its not metaphorical its huge and evil and identifies as the harbinger of doom [txt to: ley ♥] i will not step into my roOM WHILE THAT THING [txt to: ley ♥] riley please its evil and it knows. its staring RIGHT INTO MY SOUL. [txt to: ley ♥] every life in this planet matters. i don't like killing. i hate killing. i kill with reluctance. [txt to: ley ♥] BUT I WANT IT DEAD.
She snapped a photo quickly, and it was, beyond doubt, a clear image of a massive spider attached to her bedpost. Lydia was not one to be afraid of bugs, roaches and spiders, but, she realised, size matters.
[txt to: ley ♥] i've never been more afraid of a living thing in my entire life. [txt to: ley ♥] i might set my own house on fire. but it will survive and find me. look at the eyes. there's evil there. [txt to: ley ♥] how will you live with yourself if you let me die like this riley how [txt to: ley ♥] IT MOVED AGAIN.
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sallytations · 16 days
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Lei, Joecy and Lydia, playing in the den on Memorial Day weekend. They will be leaving soon for the midwest because Joecy has a postdoc at Purdue. We will miss them.
All the crew together on the front lawn.
With Suyapa on a walk together.
It was so good to see all the friends and family on Memorial Day, the time that is usually hard for me because my mother passed away on this weekend many years ago. So, kids and dogs and games and family fun were the perfect antidote.
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whatcha-reading-today · 2 months
House of Flame and Shadow Sarah J. Maas
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I'm not sure how I missed this was the conclusion to Bryce and Hunt's story but it didn't feel like a conclusion until they were having sex on a desk in the art gallery. I did like this book in a chilled out, hang out sort of way, and I do like Maas's writing.
But upon reflection, the book can be summarized as people hanging out in tunnels and caves, and then big ole battle time. Hunt is the biggest simp.
Some random thoughts which include spoilers:
1. The Nesta and Azriel section works best for folks who like those characters. I don't particularly care for either of them so it felt tedious until we get to Princess Leia's hologram info-dumping.
2. Hunt's flaccid dick being so big it doesn't fit in underwear is HILARIOUSLY stupid. Boxers allow tons of space, boxer briefs have a big ole pocket for the peen--and elastic. Briefs also have a big ole peen pocket and elastic.
3. I was most invested in Hunt, Ruhn, and uhh the other guy being tortured. Cool! Violence! Yeah bite his hand off! But then everyone seemed totally ok after a week+ of torture. Which? Why? Why not spend time with these characters as they try to navigate their relationships and who they are following HORRENDOUS TORTURE.
4. I have to comment on Lydia unzipping her spy suit so Ruhn could fuck her. First, is she not wearing a bra under that thing? Are her nipples chafing? I would be so sweaty. Kinda ruined the boinking.
5. The amount of people who want to bone down near their friends in the middle of some serious conflict is LUDICRIOUSLY high.
6. I saw another review talk about how all of these books go--we hate the government and now we ARE the government and that is very true.
7. I think a general problem I've had with this series is that it's an urban paranormal romance fantasy. We spend so little time doing stuff IN Crescent City that I have a poor understanding of how this magic city works. We do get time with the Asteri, talk about ley lines, magic tv shows, but I think I was just craving more fantasy in a city. Your mileage will vary on whether you want more romance or more fantasy but I just needed way more fantastical stuff.
Format: Physical copy
Read in: March 2024
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weirdesplinder · 2 months
Romance Storici con protagonisti maschili con difetti fisici/menomazioni
Il velo della notte, di Lydia Joyce
Link: https://amzn.to/3PDh7r6
Trama: il protagonista ha una malattia per cui deve evitare il sole, o si ricopre di cicatrici, e questo lo ha reso un recluso un tantino misogino che purtroppo arriva a ricattare una donna che vuole salvare il fratello dai debiti pur di avere un poco di compagnia femminile nella sua vita. L'incontro li cambierà e salverà entrambi dalla solitudine.
La figlia del matematico, di Laura Kinsale
Link acquisto: https://amzn.to/38hLbmZ
Trama: il protagonista brillante matematico nobile bello e pure ricco cade vittima di un ictus, e non riesce più a comunicare cadendo nella disperazione e nella rabbia. Rabbia che lo fa prendere per pazzo da alcuni, ma per fortuna una donna, figlia di un matematico, lo sposerà e lo salverà dal manicomio e lo aiuterà a riprendersi almeno in parte.
Desiderio selvaggio, di Jennifer Ashley
Link: https://amzn.to/43CYM3m
Trama: il protagonista crede di essere pazzo come sua madre e non vuole sposarsi per non trasmettere questa tara ai figli. Ma è nobile e se non ha eredi la famiglia perde i terreni perciò i suoi famigliari gli trovano moglie, una donna emancipata con l'hobby della medicina che capisce quasi subito che lui non è pazzo ma probabilmente solo malato e cerca una cura per migliorargli la vita almeno un po'.
Come d'incanto, di Elizabeth Hoyt
Link: https://amzn.to/3vDWGmZ
Trama: Sir Alistair Monroe ha perso un occhio e due dita e ha bisogno di una governante. Helen Fitzwilliam ha disperatamente bisogno di un tetto per sé e per i suoi due bambini. Così, che lo voglia o no, il tenebroso e solitario Alistair alla fine si piega e la assume. Helen lavora con grande dedizione e l’antico castello in rovina si trasforma giorno dopo giorno in una vera casa: le sue amorevoli cure riescono anche a mitigare i danni che la guerra ha inflitto all’animo e al corpo di Alistair. È un desiderio che pensava sopito per sempre, quello che lui sente risvegliarsi. Ma un segreto nel passato di Helen minaccia di distruggere anche le vite di chi le sta più a cuore.
Mia adorabile canaglia, di Elizabeth Hoyt
Link: https://amzn.to/3TxRWHv
Trama: Lady Phoebe Batten è una ragazza sveglia, vivace, desiderosa di quella vita sociale che si addice alla sorella di un duca. Ma Phoebe è quasi completamente cieca e il suo iperprotettivo fratello insiste perché abbia sempre con sé una guardia del corpo, l'insopportabile capitano James Trevillion. Fiero e minaccioso, nonostante la ferita riportata a una gamba prestando servizio nel quarto reggimento dei Dragoni, James ha una mira infallibile e cavalca come un diavolo: proteggere una lady non sarà un problema per lui… Riuscirà invece a fronteggiare la passione figlia del pericolo? Saprà destreggiarsi e non cadere vittima della sempre più dolce e amabile Phoebe?
Un amore al Cairo, di Connie Brockway
Link: https://amzn.to/3VzBcSM
Trama: qui l'eroe non ha difetti fisici esattamente ma è affetto da dislessia ed è analfabeta. Caduta nelle mani di una banda di beduini del deserto, Desdemona Carlisle è tratta in salvo da un cavaliere. Senza macchia e senza paura, il cavaliere in questione? Tutto il contrario: avventuriero al limite del libertinaggio, Harry Braxton viaggia per l’Egitto in cerca di emozioni forti. Ma quando Desdemona comincerà a essere attratta da un altro uomo, Harry dovrà fare i conti con il proprio cuore.
Il destino tra noi, di Anne Gracie
Link: https://www.amazon.it/destino-Gracie-Harmony-Allegato-Intimit%C3%A0/dp/B07ZD15JP2
Trama: Kate Farleigh, in apparenza vulnerabile, nasconde in realtà una volontà di ferro. Sopravvissuta alla dura vita dei campi di battaglia, alla perdita dei suoi cari e a uno scandalo che le ha rovinato la reputazione, cerca solitudine e tranquillità. Solo quando incontra un uomo segnato quanto lei dagli orrori della guerra, sfregiato e con una gamba ma del tutto guarita, si abbandona alla speranza di poter amare ancora. Ma il destino la metterà nuovamente alla prova.
Link: https://amzn.to/4aKDGD7 
Trama: Figlia di un famoso autore di favole, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight era cresciuta ascoltando storie di cavalieri coraggiosi e belle fanciulle. E non aveva mai dubitato che anche nel suo futuro ci sarebbe stata una grande storia d'amore. I libri di fiabe dopotutto offrivano infinite possibilità. Ma crescendo si è resa conto che nessuna per lei si era avverata. Il brutto anatroccolo è diventato cigno? No, era ancora il brutto anatroccolo. Rapita da un bel bandito? No. Salvata dal principe azzurro? No, mai successo. E così Izzy aveva rinunciato a tutti i suoi sogni romantici. Quello che sognava al momento era un tetto sopra la testa poichè stava per perderlo. Ma ecco che a 26 anni avviene il miracolo e erredita un castello. Un vero catello, proprio come quello delle principesse. Solo in rovina, e occupato da un duca burbero, sfigurato e quasi cieco…. che si rifiuta di cederle quello che lui considera il suo castello. 
La sposa di Lord Carew, di Mary Balogh
Link: https://amzn.to/3TBraOp
Trama: Durante una passeggiata solitaria in campagna, Samantha Newman si ritrova nella proprietà del marchese di Carew. Qui incontra Hartley Wade, un uomo gentile, all’apparenza un giardiniere. Non è bello, zoppica vistosamente e ha una mano rovinata, eppure tra loro si instaura subito un profondo legame. Tornata a Londra, Samantha viene avvicinata da lord Kersey, il crudele libertino che sei anni prima le ha spezzato il cuore e nei cui confronti si sente ancora vulnerabile. Ma per fortuna Hartley l’ha seguita, e quando le propone di sposarlo Samantha accetta, ignorando che in realtà si tratta di lord Carew e che la ama profondamente. Ma è ancor più inconsapevole delle maldicenze che la affliggeranno e del malanimo di lord Kersey…
Semplicemente amore, di Mary Balogh
Link: https://amzn.to/3PDK0mU
Trama: Anne Jewel, madre nubile e insegnante, viene invitata con il figlio nella residenza gallese dei Bewcastle per l'estate. Il giorno del suo arrivo Anne si ritrova a osservare, non vista, un uomo che la colpisce per avvenenza e virilità: quando però si volta, le rivela un volto deturpato dalle cicatrici. Rimpatriato dalla guerra orribilmente menomato, Sydham Butler ha vissuto da recluso, e in quella donna deliziosa, altrettanto ferita nell'anima, riconosce uno spirito affine. Succede così che, un pomeriggio, amicizia e desiderio esplodano in incontenibile passione. E Sydham dovrà poi convincere Anne che l'amore non è semplice né complicato, ma è proprio quello che entrambi meritano.
La grande occasione, di Gayle Wilson
Link: https://amzn.to/3PItIt1
Trama: Il protagonista ha una scheggia ancora in petto e diverse cicatrici e problemi fisici. L'affascinante Ian Sinclair apprende costernato di essere diventato tutore della figlia di George Darlington, l'uomo per colpa del quale in guerra anni prima ha riportato ferite gravissime che gli condizionano la vita. Credendola una povera, piccola orfanella, decide di accoglierla in casa propria, ma scopre che in realtà Anne è un'incantevole ventenne, tutt'altro che indifesa. Pur innamorandosi all'istante della fanciulla, Ian si sforza di nascondere i propri sentimenti per via di un terribile segreto che si rifiuta di rivelare a chicchessia. Riuscirà la bella Anne a fargli capire che non è affatto detto che le sue paure si concretizzino?
La mia opinione: questo è un romanzo che va preso un attimo con le pinze e voglio avvertirvi. Per tre quarti viaggia normale come molti altri romance con trame simili e protagonisti tutore e pupilla, ma verso la fine c'è una scena di violenza sessuale che riguarda la protagonista femminile che viene rapita. Il colpevole non è il protagonista maschile, ma ciò non toglie che questo rompe del tutto il mood fino ad allora creato, invece l'autrice riporta quasi subito la trama su binari classici e scontati come se il trauma non esistesse e questo destabilizza assai il lettore.
Fantasma d'amore, di Christina Dodd
Link: https://www.comprovendolibri.it/libro/96792477/Fantasma%20d%E2%80%99amore.htm
Trama: Lord Rand Malkin è paralizzato per colpa di un trauma subito, durante la guerra, un trauma più psicologico che fisico. Assumono una ragzza di buoni natali ma dalla reputazione rovinata che quindi deve trovare il modo di mantenersi per fargli da infermiera e lei soprendentemente ci sa fare e lo tira fuori dalla depressione senza cedere nè alla sua rabbia nè alla pietà.
La mia opinione: la trama sembra bella e classica lo so, ma attenzione in realtà è un romanzo piuttosto confuso ed altalenante, soprattutto dalla metà in poi l'autrice aggiunge una morte tragica, un mistero con degli attentanti da risolvere...insomma aggiunge talmente tanta carne al fuoco che il rapporto tra i due non viene molto sviluppato e molte cose vengono dette sbrigativamente. Non è un gran bela libro ma l'ho voluto in lista perchè era interessante che l'eroe fosse paralizzato a causa di un blocco psicologico e non fisico.
Texas Destiny di Lorraine Heath (inedito in italiano)
Link: https://amzn.to/3vjA23r
Trama: Arrivando sul treno per Fort Worth, Miss Amelia Carson, sposa per corrispondenza, non aveva mai incontrato Dallas Leigh, il texano che aveva promesso di sposare. Il cowboy alto alla stazione non era Dallas. Era Houston, il fratello di Dallas, inviato per scortarla durante il duro viaggio di tre settimane fino al ranch dove Dallas aspettava. Cresciuta nella Georgia devastata dalla guerra, Amelia pensava che le lettere di Dallas facessero sembrare il Texas un paradiso, un posto dove far crescere i suoi sogni con l'uomo giusto accanto a lei. E il suo unico amore... A quanto pare, Houston Leigh difficilmente sarebbe considerato "l'uomo giusto". La guerra a cui era sopravvissuto lo aveva segnato dentro e fuori, e lui non poteva competere con il suo bel fratello. Ma dal momento in cui Houston incontrò Amelia, capì che possedeva il coraggio di cui questa terra selvaggia aveva bisogno. Aveva occhi che potevano vedere oltre il suo volto ferito fino alla sua anima. E avrebbe combattuto qualsiasi uomo, tranne suo fratello, per il suo cuore. Ora lui e Amelia stavano percorrendo sentieri pericolosi, dormendo sotto le stelle, e Dio li aiutasse, si stavano innamorando.
Reforming Lord Ragsdale, di Carla Kelly (inedito in italiano)
Link: https://amzn.to/3xf3vMs
Trama: Emma Costello ha un debito d'onore con uno dei lord più disonorevoli del regno. Il famigerato Lord Ragsdale, ricco come il peccato, peccatore quanto ricco e spietato quanto bello (nonostante gli manchi un occhio). Lui ha salvato Emma da un destino peggiore della morte quando ha impedito a un bruto lascivo di comprarla come serva a contratto. E ora è il turno di Emma di salvare Lord Ragsdale dalla sua vita corrotta. Deve trovare un modo per fargli smettere di bere, di scommettere... E deve anche costringerlo a rompere con la sua amante, la superbamente sensuale Fae Moulle, perchè vuole che si accasi con una donna perbene e a modo come Lady Clarissa Partridge.
Marian's Christmas Wish di Carla Kelly (inedito in italiano)
Link: https://amzn.to/43ClxEd
Trama: il protagonista maschile è stato sfigurato in guerra e ora non vuole passare il Natale con la sua famiglia perchè non vuole lo vedano così, perciò ha deciso di passarlo con la famiglia di un amico ma ha sottovalutato il caratterino della sorella minore di lui che per le feste vuole rendere tutti felici.
Forse potrebbero interessarvi anche queste altre mie liste di libri:
Libri ispirati alla bella e alla Bestia: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/13727436624/libri-ispirati-alla-bella-e-alla-bestia
Lista di romance a tema Mail order brides: https://youtu.be/D6obShlato0
I miei romanzi preferiti di Carla Kelly: https://youtu.be/_jH3sU22V3g
Romance contemporanei con protagonisti maschili con difetti fisici: https://youtu.be/c5MclFUolXA
Addicted - lista di titoli romance con protagonisti affetti da dipendenze: https://youtu.be/9f7zBHIV5qE
Romancing the duke è stato pubblicato in italiano finalmente: https://youtu.be/_pRulnF17FA
VideoLista di Romance con eroine con difetti fisici: https://youtu.be/rYKYDuTZ-nE
Romance con eroine con difetti fisici: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/645634440924692480/romance-con-eroine-con-difetti-fisici
Romanzi rosa contemporanei con eroine imperfette: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/626086793988702208/romanzi-rosa-contemporanei-con-eroine-imperfette
Romanzi rosa contemporanei in inglese con eroine imperfette: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/626087334935412737/romanzi-rosa-contemporanei-in-inglese-con-eroine
Link al video dei miei dieci romance preferiti: https://youtu.be/Lq3Wn4mEB9U
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The mourned and the heretics pt1
Follow up from this post
Kaidan: Morrowind ey? When do we leave?
Riiju-Lei: I? You guys, want to come along?
Taliesin: Of course~ as, charming as skyrim is, Xelzaz & Sero have charmed me with tales of blacklight and I’d love to see it for myself~
Kaidan: aye, and the dominion has no presence there.
Khash: When are we going??
Riiju-Lei: *remembers his mothers stubby tail, where it had been docked and punctured for a chain to be looped through it to bind her to her station in the ash rice fields… the whip marks on her back and legs, her smooth numbs were her horns had been hacked clean out* …
Xelzaz: *gently pats Khash on the head* Morrowind is still a very. Very dangerous place for argonians Khash. I’m safe because of my ties to house telvanni but, you yourself have told me that other argonians attack you, and with many, many violent ones still rampaging through the land, it’s not safe for you there.
Khash: but- I can protect myself I-
Riiju-Lei: Xel is right Khash… please. *pats her head and smiles* stay home.
Khash: b-but I missed out on the trip to solstheim too! This isn’t fair!
Caryalind: oh Khash, it’s not all bad. Miraak and I will be sitting this one out too.
Riiju-Lei: you will be?
Caryalind: of course! Someone has to help Lydia watch the kids.
Miraak: Besides, I have a lot to catch up on with Paarthurnax… Khash, would you like to visit him with me? He quite liked the flower crown you made him last time.
Khash: I- wait! Really?! I can actually come meet him now?!
Miraak: of course. So long as you’re alright with flying.
Miraak: so long as your father is okay with it?
Riiju-Lei: I’m fine with it, just- please don’t let her fall off.
Nerevar: *chuckles* well childcare is sorted then, Lucien? Inigo will you be coming?
Inigo: Yes absolutely! Are- things okay there for khajiit though?
Nerevar: I believe so. Of course there are a few bad yams to spoil the crop but it’s a lot more pleasant there now than it was a few hundred years ago.
Inigo: great! Count me in then!
Lucien: Oh can we please visit some dwemer sights there?! I want to see how they differ from skyrim and solstheim.
Nerevar: I can take you to the court of my old-… Acquaintance… Dumac. *sighs* it’s not in the best shape now, but I spent many days and nights there with him… he was my closest friend next to voryn.
Riiju-Lei: *gently holds his hand*
Nerevar: *smiles and squeezes it* though, now we’re a lot more than just friends.
Riiju-Lei: speaking of which… the reason we decided to leave for morrowind now is… we’re getting married.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Khash: b-but you promised I could be the flower girl!!
Riiju-Lei: and you will be Khash. When we come home and have a ceremony here that is.
Nerevar: because we both have such widely different pantheons and cultural rules, given he was raised in a nord household. We’ll get married in morrowind first and unify our houses.
Riiju-Lei: then come home and be married under the eyes of mara.
Khash: so? So I won’t miss out then?
Riiju-Lei: *smiles* no dear, I want you and all your brothers and sisters to be there. But morrowind is a very long trip away, and you really hate water. More than taliesin does I believe.
Taliesin: my stomach and I. HIGHLY, doubt that.
Khash: I do hate water… *plays with her shirt a little*
Riiju-Lei: Oh Khash… *pulls her into a hug* it’ll only be for a couple months dear. You won’t even notice we’re gone…
Khash: but that feels like forever… what will I do on my own?…
Riiju-Lei: you won’t be on your own Khash. *smiles* you’ll have Cary and Miraak, and Lydia and your brothers and sisters. You’re not on your own anymore little shadowscale…
Khash: *looks down shyly then back up at him* will you bring me back something pretty??
Riiju-Lei: *chuckles* yes Khash. I’ll keep an eye out for a bow maybe. Or a new dress. Maybe some interesting flowers we can grow here.
Khash: *gasps and claps her hands* Ohh! Yes please!!! *hugs onto him* but- wait. If you two are getting married… Mr nerevar what do I call you?
Nerevar: *smiles* whatever you’d like Khash. It’s not my place to demand a title from you. But I’ll raise you along side LeiLei, and I’ll love you and all your siblings as my own. Speaking of which- aren’t you? Playing hide and seek right now?
Khash: …I FORGOT I WAS IT!!!! *bolts out of the house scrambling to find the other kids*
Kaidan: *snickers* She’ll be okay… so… when are we leavin?
Nerevar: in a couple days. It should give everyone time to prepare. It’ll be a very long trip.
Lucien: I’ll write home tonight and- is there somewhere I can redirect my mail?
Nerevar: I’ll give you the address to the Mournhold post house. They collect all the correspondence for the temple separately for us.
Xelzaz: I? Temple? Sir?
Nerevar: of course, that’s where we’ll be staying mainly and we’ll travel from there. As head of house indoril and the Hortator it’s the seat of my kingdom. You’re all my welcomed guests.
Taliesin: Well then~ I’ll start packing~
Sero: Me living in a temple~ it’ll be a miracle if it doesn’t collapse on my head haha!
*Meanwhile in the bowels of the clockwork city*
Vivec: *steps into the main chamber after making light work of all the guards both flesh and metal* my, my… *removes his hood and mask, pacing around the room, staring at the mechanical corpse of sotha sil* what a number you’ve done to yourself my friend… *walks to it and pulls a ceremonial mask from his cloak, placing it onto the corpses face* no matter, let me put you back together… *takes muatra in his hand and slices his thumb with the tip, letting his blood drip into the open screaming maw of the mask* awaken back to this realm Seht, walk the waking dream once more so we may take ou-
Vivec: *looks around hearing the familiar voice of sotha sil* Seht?… *looks to the corpse but senses no life or response from it… before slowly glancing up to see the steam from the many pipes and valves forming into the shape of a dunmer* you… you promised… You promised we’d ascend together!!! Instead you left me here to fester in this body!!! You left almalexia to wither away with your disfigured corpse!!!
Sotha sil: *glares down at him, form twisting and shifting in the steam* That was before I saw the person you really were, Vehk. Before I saw the person she, really was… When we betrayed Nerevar we agreed it was for our people. For the betterment of our people… I held true to that promise and left them this city so I may continue to help them… you two. Fell to vanity. Greed. Lust. And power corrupted you both and when the heart began to fade from your grasp your true colours revealed themselves from beneath the grey and gold. Almalexia killing me was the last phase of my plan. By striking me down with the last of her power I ascended… please my friend. It is not too late for you to do the same… Don’t pursue this path… it will only lead to your end…
Vivec: *glares up at him gritting his teeth in anger* you knew she was coming to kill you… you planned this! You used her and left her to die!!
Sotha Sil: She made her choice even in her madness… If this is the path you wish to take Vivec… I will not help you… goodbye my friend *disappears as the steam suddenly evaporates*
Vivec: *steps back and laughs softly* you… h-heheh- you sneaky- FUCKING BASTARD!!! *runs muatra through his mechanical corpse ripping it from its now obsolete wires and framing letting it drop and shatter to the floor* I should have listened to alma and killed you when we did nerevar… *pulls another ceremonial mask from his cloak and looks around the chamber before spotting a pile of bones and armour nestled haphazardly in the corner of the room, her body just left there to decay by nerevar when he walked as the nerevarine* At least she’ll help me… *walks to the bones and gently places the mask on the skull before squeezing his blood into its mouth* Breathe life once more, walk the waking dream… *steps back watching as the bones begin to connect and sinewy tissue begins to worm and twist its way over them like hundreds of writhing worms that give way to muscles and organs before being covered in a dark, grey, flesh* Rise now. Almalexia.
Almalexia: *floats up from the ground, landing on her feet letting the mask drop to the floor revealing her new dunmer face* …Agh- *snaps her head back and gasps in a deep, long breath as she opens two, red eyes before bellowing out a roar like a wounded animal* NEREVAR!!
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francyfan-bukowsky · 5 months
Lydia Vance indossava una giacchetta di pelle da cowgirl con una frangia intorno al collo. Aveva un bel seno. Le dissi:" Mi piacerebbe strapparti via quella frangia…potremmo cominciare da lì!". Lydia se ne andò. Non aveva funzionato. Non sapevo ami cosa dire alle signore. Ma aveva un bel didietro. Guardai quel bel didietro mentre lei si allontanava. I bluejeans lo fasciavano e io continuai a guardarlo mentre lei si allontanava.
Finii la seconda metà del reading e dimenticai Lydia proprio come dimenticavo le donne che incontravo per strada. Presi i miei soldi, firmai qualche tovagliolo, qualche pezzo di carta, poi me ne andai e tornai a casa in macchina.
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Charles Buk🖤wski
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gazeta24br · 8 months
Está chegando a oportunidade de participar de um dos eventos mais impactantes do pensamento contemporâneo! Nos dias 30 e 31 de outubro, o Fronteiras do Pensamento desembarca em Salvador para apresentar a temporada de 2023 no Teatro Sesc da Casa do Comércio. Este ano, o evento traz o provocativo tema “Manifestos para o século XXI”, convidando os espectadores a refletirem sobre grandes pensadores que incentivam a tomada das próprias decisões. A jornada começa em 30 de outubro, às 20 horas, com Lydia Cacho, aclamada como a jornalista mais corajosa da América Latina pela Time Magazine e pelo jornal The Guardian. Lydia e a mediadora Malu Fontes, doutora em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas, conduzirão uma discussão fascinante sobre "Instruções para mudar o mundo". Elas abordarão como o trabalho investigativo de Lydia sobre o Crime Organizado Transnacional se entrelaça com sua advocacia pelos direitos humanos. No dia seguinte, 31 de outubro, às 20 horas, James Martins, poeta e criador do Pós-Lida (recital de poesia e alguma prosa), mediará as palestras incríveis deste dia, com Sidarta Ribeiro, o neurocientista e autor best-seller, que apresentará sua palestra provocativa "Sonhar futuro". Sidarta mergulhará nos temas do uso xamânico de medicamentos sagrados e do potencial psicoterapêutico de substâncias psicodélicas, examinando como essas práticas podem catalisar curas individuais e coletivas tão urgentemente necessárias. E a renomada psicanalista Vera Iaconelli, que subirá ao palco com a discussão envolvente sobre "A psicanálise e a ideologia materialista", discutindo as condições do nosso futuro enquanto sociedade pensado a partir da questão do cuidado. Os ingressos para essa experiência já estão à venda! Mergulhe nas ideias e reflexões e amplie seus horizontes no Fronteiras do Pensamento! Fronteiras do Pensamento é um projeto realizado pela Caderno 2 Produções, Delos Bureau, uma empresa DC Set Group, e conta com o patrocínio da Acelen, através da lei de incentivo da Fazcultura do Governo da Bahia. SOBRE O FRONTEIRAS DO PENSAMENTO O Fronteiras do Pensamento reúne pensadores influentes em ciclos de conferências anuais para debater os temas mais intrigantes da atualidade. Aposta na liberdade de expressão intelectual e na educação de qualidade como ferramentas para o desenvolvimento. Siga o conhecimento em fronteiras.com ou nas redes sociais @fronteirasweb. O Fronteiras do Pensamento nos convida a fazer perguntas e se comprometer em desafiar suas perspectivas pré-estabelecidas, nos guiando no caminho para um pensamento mais crítico e uma compreensão mais profunda dos temas importantes que moldam o mundo ao nosso redor. O Fronteiras do Pensamento realiza anualmente edições em Porto Alegre e São Paulo, e na edição especial em Salvador abre espaço para o debate e a análise da contemporaneidade e das perspectivas para o futuro, apresentando pensadores, artistas, cientistas e líderes que são vanguardistas em suas áreas de pesquisa e pensamento. Os valores básicos do projeto são o pluralismo das abordagens, o rigor acadêmico e intelectual de seus convidados e a interdisciplinaridade de ideias. Por isso o Fronteiras do Pensamento já trouxe a Bahia importantes nomes como Enrique Peñalosa, Leymah Gbowee, Wim Wenders, Edgar Morin, Manuel Castells, Contardo Calligaris, Luc Ferry, Salman Rushdie, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Valter Hugo Mãe, Mia Couto, Camille Paglia, Graça Machel, entre outros. SERVIÇO: Fronteiras do Pensamento: Local: Teatro Sesc Casa do Comércio Data: 30 e 31 de outubro de 2023 Ingressos: https://www.sympla.com.br/
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la trata de personas, comercio de personas o llamado comúnmente tráfico de humanos, es el movimiento ilegal de seres humanos con propósitos de esclavitud laboral, mental, reproductiva, explotación sexual, trabajos forzados, extracción de órganos o cualquier forma moderna de esclavitud contra la voluntad y el bienestar del ser humano.
Colombia cuenta con un 62% de víctimas que han sido explotadas sexualmente. lo que ocurre en Colombia es que contesta el panorama global. en nuestro país el mayor porcentaje de víctimas son explotadas bajo la finalidad de prostitución y otras formas de explotación sexual.
en el caso colombiano, se observa un recrudecimiento de la tendencia regional y global con respecto al sexo de las víctimas, Nacionales unidas advierte en referencia a qué el 87% de las víctimas son mujeres
los grupos armados ven en la trata de personas un nuevo negocio, aprovechando el control que ejercen en las zonas donde hacen presencia, este tipo de trata se dan en las zonas de producción y transformación de coca
Colombia es el tercer país más afectado por este flagelo en Latinoamérica, posicionándose junto a México y Brasil, cómo una de las naciones con mayor número de víctimas, quienes son explotados tanto al interior del país como por al interior
a continuación, hice una entrevista hacia un ciudadano del barrio la milagrosa, con el fin de indagarle lo sucedido me cuenta este ciudadano que se vio abusado de la trata de personas, dónde se vio afectado por la extracción de uno sus órganos (pulmón) y también por el abuso sexual.
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Lydia viajo durante 5 años por el mundo para escribir esclavas de poder, un libro que hace un panorama del mercado sexual de niñas y adolescentes. Lydia en algunos casos tuvo que disfrazarse de monja o de prepago para saber sobre dicho tema
Lydia decidió abordar este tema por qué incluso ella fue violada, pero eso no fue obstáculo para ella, dependiendo de esto nosotros como ciudadanos de Colombia estamos protegidos por la ley 985 del 2001
está ley tiene como objetivo adoptar medidas de prevención, protección y asistencia necesaria para garantizar el respeto de los derechos humanos, de las víctimas y posibles víctimas de la trata de personas, tanto los residentes o trasladados en el territorio nacional, cómo los colombianos en el exterior
conclusión : la trata de personas es un problema mundial y unos de los delitos más vergonzosos que existen, ya que priva de su dignidad a millones de personas en todo el mundo. los tratantes engañan a las mujeres, hombres y niños de todos los rincones del planeta y los someten diariamente a situaciones de explotación .
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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