#lynx oc lore
even-light-doesnt-win · 5 months
Research Report 5
Virus Test 2: -//-/— AKA: PX-05
Day 05: We have quickly discovered that the virus does not work with animals. We have also found that humans who do not have an ability are completely unaffected as well, making them and animals what we believe to be immune.
The virus specifically targets the genetic code within individuals who have abilities. The virus also seems to interact differently with those who have regular abilities, such as controlling fire, and those who have mutation abilities which typically already changed their genetic code once to form new attributes to their person, such as cat ears or a dragon tail.
The virus has to be injected into one’s bloodstream for it to take effect, which is why it has been extremely difficult for us to study it.
We have noted down two different ways the virus affects somebody with an ability. Those who have non-physical changes have their ability enhanced, making some individuals seem downright invulnerable. A few have had even eye color changes. Then there are those with physical body changes.
The virus changes their code even more, causing the individual’s body to change. Their body undergoes many transformations such as; tails disappearing and being replaced by wings, teeth becoming longer, nails and hands changing into claws, some even developed impenetrable scales on their bodies.
Some, however, aren’t so lucky..
We found some don’t experience either “transformation” for a lack of better words. Their skin will turn a sickly color, turning pure black or some cases red. Those same areas will begin to peel off and spread. They become mindless, the reason being for this we hypothesize at the moment is that the virus infected their brain, effectively killing them but it keeps their body moving.
We have become to associate them with those stereotypical zombies you see in horror movies, childish I know, but if you saw them yourself you would agree with me
Dear the gods help us all this virus ever fall into the wrong hands. I plan to bring up creating a cure as soon as possible to my colleagues or superiors, maybe that way we can avoid those “apocalypses” in movies.
Until further notice -Dr. Reed
Scribbled over, the message is slightly legible. It looks like Dr. Reed was in a hurry (They sold it. They fucking sold it! They wouldn’t let us make a cure. Please, if you see this, find any trace of that virus, destroy it before it kills us all. Get it out of the wrong hands. And p.s. I’m sorry. I’m probably dead by the time you’re reading this. -Dr. Reed)
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uo6ep · 7 days
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cat ladies
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lilac-cat-draws · 2 months
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The sight of the once shining star in all of Krat, now lays dead upon the cold hard floor near Lynx's feet. The young man could only stare in shock gazing upon the lifeless actress.
It almost felt like yesterday since the former actor had spoken to her, this was a devastating scene to witness and all he could do is mourn for her and her sister's passing. Lynx couldn't help but wonder that if the same thing could have happened to him too if the outcomes were different.
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ugetelynx · 7 months
Kiara dealing permanent nerve damage in her arm while also dealing with period cramps girl is so much stronger than me
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storm-of-silver · 1 year
The Goat, The Exiled God.
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[Image ID: The Goat, a giant deity that takes the form of a dall goat. They have several pairs of horns that fade from black to gold, and golden runes on their chest and legs. Their eyes glow yellow, a halo shines behind them, and their tail fades away into a black starry mist. Art by shadowsymphonies on TH. End ID]
The youngest of the five gods, the Goat was once known as the god of dreams and ambitions, of things larger than one’s self. As ruler over the times between the seasons, the Goat was also known as a god of change and transitions. The Colony of Mist would often send prayers to this god for good hunts, and those trying to adapt to sudden change would invoke the god to give them strength. As the god of all these things, the Goat embodied them as well- they were ambitious, constantly creating and changing their creations, wanting to make more and more and more.
The Goat had been known to disappear at times, coming out of hiding to introduce their latest creation or idea. The first creation they made was the realm of dreams, an elaborate world the living would visit while asleep. The other gods disliked the idea of giving the Goat a realm to rule all by themself, but were persuaded when the Goat suggested using the realm to contact mortals. The Goat was a curious and inventive god, and in the days of old, it was common to believe that those born with ‘oddities’ such as extra toes or miss-matched eyes had been blessed by the Goat.
The Goat’s ambitions and creativity reached its end, as jealousy took over. The colonies all chose to worship a god and dedicate themselves to their name- but only the Goat was without a colony to worship them. The Followers worked in their name, yes, but for the Goat, it was never enough. The Goat created something that would outlive the gods themselves, and in secret placed them into the world to spread. By the time the gods found out about these creatures, the ‘humans’, it was too late. They had cemented themselves as part of the world.
The gods were enraged. Unable to strike out at the humans themselves, the gods instead unleashed their anger upon their creator. They banished the Goat to the realm of dreams, robbing them of their power. They then stripped the Goat’s fragment from the mortal realm, leaving it with the Goat as a bitter reminder of what they had lost. Alone, the Goat wandered the realm they alone had created, damned to rot forever in mortal dreams.
Stories spread about the Goat, various superstitions surrounding the god and dreams. Cats who fell asleep and never woke again were said to have been taken by the Goat, falling too deep into their dreams to escape. Those who are challenging the Seasonal Trials claim they had met the Goat while asleep, the god trying to tempt them with leadership and power in exchange for their loyalty. Sometimes, rumors of a particular commander rise from the depths, whispering that they had taken this deal, swearing loyalty to the Exiled God. While no such claim could be verified, it raises the question; 
What would it take for someone to accept the deal?
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skykiuwu · 1 year
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Need to fully introduce the Not my Shadow cast someday so here’s Lynx
When he’s first introduced he’s one of 6 leaders of the town run by the Veria cult, Haven. Someone on discord gave me a really good idea for how he’s gonna be introduced, I just have to share the fully idea here.
So when Isabelle first takes Shadow and Clover to the Haven she takes them to this place with 6 hooded figures. Clover and Shadow are kind off intimated by the group because their all mysterious and shit but Isa just runs up to one and starts blabbering. The guy takes his hood off to bitch to Isa and you guessed it, it’s Lynx. Isa introduces Lynx to Shadow and Clover and they get to stay with Lynx for a while.
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maareyas · 2 years
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@silvershayde​ well, since you asked ( • ω • )✧
Anyways, here’s some lore about the Black Arms on Edea, stuff about Teo’s appearance, and A LOT of talk about scifi genetics (that is likely inaccurate to how genetics work)
On the left is Levy, Teo’s dad who is half-Black Arms. On the right is Teo himself, who is only 1/4 Black Arms by blood. Notice how Teo has more visible Black Arms-ish features despite having less Arms lineage.
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Things is, all Edean-Arm hybrids tend to follow this pattern.
1st-Gen hybrids more or less look like your average Edean--except they have black pupils and a higher tendecy to have yellow/orange/red irises.
2nd-Gen hybrids have MUCH more prominent Black Arms features. Scaly skin, black sclera, lighting bolt pupils, red/black pigmentation when there was previously none, etc.
The reason for this? The Black Arms have really powerful DNA tech, and they freely use it on themselves.
“Pureblood” Black Arms aren’t compatible to have kids with “pureblood“ Edeans. But! the Arms are like cuttlefish, in that they can (relatively) easily modify their own bodies’ DNA on the fly to fit their environment. That coupled with said DNA tech, made it possible for them to have children with Edeans. (Do not ask me the specifics/how it actually happens. Idek either)
As masters of playing god with their genetics, it’s also easy for them to control how their genes are expressed in their offspring. And they do 🎵 Along with making themselves compatible with Edeans, the Black Arms also made it so their own genes are more subtle, aka their aesthetic features don’t show up in their hybrid offspring. Historically, this was done so the child won’t be as ostracized back in Ye Olde Days when Edean-Arms relationships were still new.
So! the resulting child, a 1st-Gen hybrid, has the appearance of a pureblood Edean, but is genetically half and half.
Now onto the next generation. The DNA of hybrids actually function like normal, aka “the genes do whatever they want and everything is based on luck”. Not to mention, the Black Arms only understand how to manipulate Black Arms DNA. So they physically can’t do the gene-editing trick on their hybrid kids.
The hybrid child has kids of their own, and those once-subtle Black Arms genes are now free to do/express itself however it wishes. Leading to 2nd-Gen hybrids gaining more Black Arms features; like Darkling-esque eyes and a whole tail.
TLDR; Levy’s B.Arm genes are subdued on purpose, but Teo’s Arm genes get to party and give him the signature B.Arms traits.
also more lore on traits and stuff ig
1st-Gen hybrids:
They look like a pureblood Edean physically, but internally their bodies are somewhat built like Black Arms.
Due to this, their body produces little to no Quri, and do not have the elemental powers Edeans do. However, they are also more resistant to Quri poisoning.
They have slight telepathic abilities, but only within the shared “telepathy network“ all Black Arms have. They cannot listen too clearly, or for very long.
2nd-Gen hybrids:
They have more visible Arms traits, but are still similar to 1st-Gen hybrids in terms of body structure.
Have a 50% chance of being born with a Quri element (if one parent is pure Edean. 35% if also a hybrid)
Have a 10% chance of being born with weak telepathic abilities (also limited to within the Black Arms network)
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slade-neko · 2 years
Designing Sonic OC's with waning sleep deprivation energy using an app that runs on Flash from 2007. I blame @raccoonium Thaaanks. This is just what I needed for Fun Day Furry Friday.
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I swear if Sonic Forces had a better character customizer that didn't spit everything out looking like cereal box mascots that game would've been way more fun.
I dream of a Sonic game that takes place in the Mobius universe with MMO elements and everyone can fully design and customize their own Sonic OCs and draws design elements from the old Sonic comics. Those comics had some sweet character designs ranging from a plethora of animals. Wolves, foxes, squirrels, bunnies, cats (that aren't Blaze,) lynxes (again cats), more hedgehogs and echidnas, and even a walrus. Yeeeeah, now that'd be a cool Sonic game.
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moxielynx · 3 months
How is Rocky still alive if Catnap tore out their heart-?
ima be real i wasnt really thinking i just thought it would fit story wise and also it looked kinda cool, but also dogday somehow survived even when half of his body was torn off so i imagine the living toys in the factory are harder to kill in some ways
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lynxfrost13 · 7 months
Time to learn how to back up my blog i guess
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The College
Lore dump
Many, many decades ago the first sample of PX-05 was discovered by a band of government scientists, one of which was Doctor Ahusaka Reed.
Over the course of a few months Reed and their team studied it worry and fear began to fill Reed, slowly deteriorating their mental health. They couldn’t find a cure and began to worry about what would befall them if this virus, or whatever you wish to call it, fell into the wrong hands.
On an early Sunday morning after weeks of begging the government to focus on making a cure, they find every sample of PX-05 gone. They yell at their coworkers about what happened to which they’re informed the virus has been sold.
At the revelation they break, screaming and shouting at everyone for being so careless. That they had doomed everyone. They disappeared off the face of the Earth the next morning, quickly assumed to have taken their own life and not bothering to look for them.
Who exactly was the virus sold too? Well, a young man with an odd glint to his eyes. A man by the name of Anwir Jones. However, most people simply refer to him as “The Headmaster.”
Anwir went on to create a college, advertising it as a “prestigious yet affordable for anyone” school. Many speculate after the college’s collapse that he was specifically targeted people down on their luck, broke families, and the like.
Why would they think that, you might be asking. Well I’ll tell you.
Over the course of the college’s reign, many students applied and would be accepted, around 85% of those students would never come back out.
They’d mysteriously disappear, later discovered dead after the college’s collapse, each victim was described the same way many subjects Reed and their team discovered.
Anwir had been experimenting on his students, and killing the ones that didn’t fit his standards. Though he dubbed them his failed experiments as provided by a key witness named Tushima Vivain, a survivor of the college.
Yes, the same Tushima Vivain publicly detained on the news for burning the college down and allegedly being the one to murder Anwir.
The college existed for many years, yet only recently did it meet its end.
How many students died under his care? How many families lost their children because of him? How many people did he give a sample of PX-05 too? Who will be the next victims?
Ahusaka sets the pen down, rubbing their eyes. “They didn’t believe me and I was right.” They mumble to themself as they stand up, shutting the diary in the drawer of their desk and leaving the room. “I should be happy that bastard got what was coming, yet I can’t help but think this isn’t the end of that virus yet.”
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lilac-cat-draws · 3 months
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While Krat is under the disaster it's resulted in many things being forgotten during the chaos. Lynx still yearns for the glory he lost, but that past is also a painful reminder of a version of himself that has already been long dead no matter how much he tries to deny it
Here's some oc lore for Oliver/Lynx, thought i'd added the idea that Carlo and Romeo had seen one of his shows, so Lynx has a weird sense of familiarity when he looks at P
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frutavel · 21 days
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Animal People That Live In My Brain || 4/5
● Rebreather || Quote
● Bauhaus || Roman
I've been posting these guys in duos, but it felt wrong to separate these four. These four have some of my favorite designs of the cast, with Rebreather as a sparkledog (technically a sparklewolf), Quote as a ghost cat, Bauhaus as a good old borzoi and Roman as a bearded vulture/lynx gryphon.
Quote is also one of my oldest OCs to date, and like many of this cast, one who hasn't had much story or lore until now <3
Mantra and Momobear
Luna and Ophelia
Rachiel and Azazel
Cinnarust and Lilibear
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fish-ears · 5 months
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OC posting time!!! Today we have: Cyf, the bodyguard with a lynx and her "contractor", Shazik! No detailed lore being typed in this post yet, but a few fun facts about them:
-Cyf`s lynx is called "Major".
-Shazik uses they/them, he/him and she/her.
-Both are acearo.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 2 months
Lynx's Profile (Yandere OC)
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Current Name: Lynx Andromeda
Old Name: Lucille Andromeda
Age: Same age as you
Species: Vampire
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual (no preference)
Personality: Energetic, rebellious, tries to always be positive, extroverted, confrontational, teaser, affectionate | extremely jealous, cold-blooded, territorial
Yandere type: Possessive, over-protective, calculating, manipulative
You have been best friends since elementary school and currently go to the same college together. She's popular and easily makes friends with everyone she meets, but despite that, she always finds the time to come back to you, she's always waiting outside your class at the end of every period, and she sits next to you in every class you have together.
Out of all the people she knows, she is truly close to just a small group of individuals she's introduced you to, for some reason she has never allowed you to go out with them outside of school tho.
She's very controlling when it comes to you having friends outside of her. If she doesn't like someone or they distract you too much from her, she might just grace them with a warning before she drags them into an alley and sinks her teeth into their neck.
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The stuff:
Property rights
A taste of you: (Part 1) (Part 2)
An obedient pet
My personal project
Tainted claim
Your lovely facade
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robins-s0ngbird · 7 days
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Hello, I'm robins-s0ngbird, but call me Serenia/Iris! I go by both~
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You most likely recognize the name 'Serenia' from somewhere~ It's most likely from my roleplay blog @intergalactic-singer (which is technically my main according to tumblr, but this will act as my main!) for Robin from Honkai Star Rail! All follows and likes will come from the Robin account, simply because I had 0 idea what I was doing when I made the account..
I'm a Hoyoverse girl, mostly playing Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd, and the occasional Genshin Impact when my friends bother me to play with them. I also play Wuthering Waves, Cooke Run Kingdom, Cookie Run Ovenbreak, AFK Journeys, and Brawl Stars!
Even with my somewhat busy life, I tend to learn all the lore in each game I play~ I also currently run 8 RP blogs across 3 fandoms, but they'll soon increase with my new obsessions.
List of roleplay blogs will be added here soon!
I mostly write small stories or my OC lore with my mutuals, which we often tie their lore together. I usually write whenever I'm bored, or someone asks me to write them something. I also send mutuals a lot of random stuff, from music to art~
My current obsession is Aventurine and Robin (plus their boyfriends!) from Honkai Star Rail (as you could probably tell from my username and graphics-) I also happen to have Robin as my main muse, but thats also not the point-
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(。^▽^) (robins-s0ngbird.carrd.co) Heres my carrd if you need any extra info~! It has some of my mutuals on it, but a full list will be added later~!
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Though my blog may mostly be tagless (because I tend to forget them-), heres a list just in case~!
for friendship ~ For anything for my mutuals!
serenias snippets ~ Any random short stories/headcanons
serenias song queue ~ Any music/playlists I share
serenia shares art ~ Any art I reblog, regardless of fandom
beloved gem ~ Anything Aventurine/Aventio related because im very not normal
beloved songbird ~ Anything Robin/Robinhill related
angelic siblings ~ Any Robin post with Sunday in it
elysian realmkeeper ~ Anything with Elysia in it
fontainian actress ~ Anything Furina related
riding the stars ~ Anything Star Rail related
across the sea of quanta ~ Anything Honkai Impact related
all across teyvat ~ Anything Genshin related
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Honkai Star Rail;
I fell in love with this game, simply because I saw that it was releasing, and I needed a new game. I never knew that it'd become my main game and fandom I'd be in. I loved the character designs, the lore, and the writing behind it all. I even appreciate the Honkai Impact references since I started playing that too~! I play on NA, and my uid is 60196942 :> (also, beware of my Aventurine. just saying.)
Current Main: Aventurine, with a bit of Dr Ratio and Welt on the side~
Current Main Team: Dr. Ratio, Silver Wolf, Aventurine, Lynx
My Favorite Characters: Aventurine, Robin + Sunday, Boothill, Silver Wolf, Dan Heng/Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, Welt
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Honkai Impact 3rd;
I decided to play this game because, I simply went 'I play Star Rail. I should play this too because its a honkai game!' and suddenly I love this game so much. I fell in love with the characters, the buildup, the worldbuilding, everything.
I still play on the American server, with my UID being 107786863 :3
Current Main: Senadina (sorry Elysia)
Current Team: Senadina, Helia, Coralie
My Favorite Characters: Elysia, Kiana Kaslana, Bronya Zaychik, Welt (again), Senadina, Griseo, Kevin Kaslana, Li Sushang, Shigure Kira
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Thank you for reading~!
aventurine dividers at the beginning: @preydatory robin, boothill, and ratio dividers: @kaeyaphile
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