sjorakonst · 2 months
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my shadow priest lyonette riverwood! she's kinda evil
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caer-gai · 8 months
"Satisfied" from Hamilton is just Lynette giving up Gareth to Lyonesse
Or Gareth giving up Lynette to Gaheris
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th0rn-ghost · 3 months
Making memes to deal with the tears prt 4
In celebration of the wandering inn finally being atgged as 'dark fantasy', it only took like 8 books.
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thefandommind · 10 months
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More photos from the weekend
Spoiler warning ⚠️ end of series
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krdraws · 2 months
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I finished!!
Also context, Ein doesn’t have a full body like Bain & Lyonette because 1) his size and 2) I wasn’t considering making him more that what I originally got for him
But yeah
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jessalynny · 2 years
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Last minute Wandering Inn costume let’s go
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Kushiel’s Legacy GIF sets || Lyonette de la Courcel de Trevalion
There are individuals who relish a spectacle, and who dote on seeing those on high brought low. Though I am not sorry to have witnessed this trial, I am not one of them, and I took no relish in the proceedings. Lyonette de la Courcel de Trevalion was foremost among the accused, and the first brought for questioning. I had glimpsed her only once, from Cecilie’s balcony, but I had heard tales all my life of the Lioness of Azzalle. She swept into the Hall of Audience attired in a splendor of blue-and-silver brocade, the colors of House Courcel, reminding anyone rash enough to forget it that she was sister to the King; and bearing, prominently, the shackles of her confinement. At the time, I was surprised to see that Ganelon de la Courcel had demanded his sister enchained. Later I learned that this dramatic touch came at Lyonette’s insistence; but it mattered naught. Never let it be said that the Lioness of Azzalle lacked for pride. Of her part in the scheme, she denied nothing. The evidence was brought forth; her chin rose, as she stared defiantly at her brother. He was a full twenty years her elder—she was born late and they are long-lived, the scions of Elua—and it was plain that neither bore each other a great deal of filial affection.
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roseunspindle · 1 year
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sociochaos · 2 months
Crompton & Lyonette
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(2008) women do 2h30/day on DL; men do 1h/day.
men and women spend similar time on gardening and pets; but the only activities men spend more time on than women are DIY and car-maintenance.
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shadowleafprincess · 9 months
Headcanon: The Rest of the Adventuring Party
Lyonette: A Human Warlock. The one who starts off this whole thing (aka 'the girl crying in the bathroom'). Fresh off a bad breakup with an asshole who stole her pseudodragon (OH HELL NO). So now they're off to get them back.
Karene: A Half-Orc Barbarian. Honestly, was just about to head home. She came into the bathroom to wash her hands and pick some mascara out of her eye and oops. Now she's on an adventure.
Natrissa: A Tiefling Ranger. Has given up on her date ever showing up and is in the bathroom, contemplating finding someone else to go home with. Just sitting on the counter, with a drink, polling everyone who comes in with a 'should I break up with him... y/n?'
Note: What I like about this party makeup is that it's four women at different points in their life. Elara's about to get married and ditched out on her Hen Night. Lyonette has JUST been broken up with. Karene is staunchly single. And Natrissa is trying to decide whether or not to break up with their significant other.
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sad-trash-pigeon · 1 year
this dating sim picrew is so cute!!
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@swiftieannah @underappreciatedtomato @skilletthescarletspaghet @chlorine1 @just-sarah-xx @rosees3ray @ray-of-midnight-storm @ticcywhaleshark @wib-was-here @ava-taylors-version @sh1nykitsune @a-pr0per-full-0n-gay-crisis @doepedip @ast3ria-blue @nova-bean @confusedkitkat @nothing-is-black-and-white @lyonette-does-things and anyone else!!
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OC mood board
I keep seeing the tag game where you have to enter your name + "core" on pinterest and make a mood board/aesthetic using the first nine images. Well now do the same thing just with your OC's name instead of yours. Or you can put the name of you WIP + "core"
OC: Aidene Rayners
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Damn...half of these images have nothing to do with her.
Tenderly Tagging: @holdmyteaplease @lyonette-does-things @tailoroffates @kooperation1101 @yesireadbooks @enne-uni @aether-wasteland-s and if you see this you are legally obliged to do this and tag me so I can see
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caer-gai · 9 months
Orkney Boy Head Cannons
- Gawain and Gareth are the big huggers of the family but they have different styles. Gawain exclusively does bear hugs, where Gareth is more likely to just slide up next to you and put a discreet arm over your shoulder.
- Aggravain and Gaheris are the best at chess / strategy games, but they're banned from playing against each other bc it always ends in a fight
- since Gawain and Gaheris left when Gareth and Mordred were so young, Aggravain is more of a direct older brother figure towards them than Gawain. He's also very overprotective of Gareth
- Aggravain's jealousy of Lancelot quintuples when Gareth becomes Lancelot's squire. He's constantly on the lookout for ways Lancelot is messing up and/or mistreating Gareth and will often jump to conclusions about their relationship. Any time Lancelot does something that genuinely upsets or hurts Gareth Aggravain is fully ready to duel him on it
- because of his powers Gawain usually crashes hard pretty soon after sunset, and gets up right at dawn
- conversely, Gaheris is a true night owl. Gareth got used to staying up late to work in the kitchens so he and Gaheris hang out at night sometimes
- Gawain is the absolute worst at chess. Which everyone but Gaheris teases him for.
- Mordred is the family board game champion (in all things except chess) but his brothers always get caught up in their bantering and forget to look out for him. He's very good at staying quiet until he knows he's won.
- Gareth beat any of his brothers in a fight powers or not. He has used this ability exactly once and no one talks about it for fear of facing Gawain's wrath
- in spite of the above point, all of the Orkney s see Gareth as the baby of the family.
- Gaheris and Gareth are very aware of Gawain's massive crush on Lancelot and spend most of any quest they go on together giving each other long suffering looks and making fun of their knights
- Gareth gives Gaheris really, really good relationship advice and actively tries to make both their marriages work even though he still loves Lyonette. Gaheris can see right through his brother and it makes him jealous how well Gareth and Lyonette get along.
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rayshippouuchiha · 10 months
You do book recs as well as fic recs right? Because I have a book series that I desperately need other people to read.
My friend and I are the only people we know who have read it and we are starving for other people to rant with.
Its a high fantasy series called "The Legend of Eli Monpress" and the first book is called "The Spirit Thief" it's written by Rachel Aaron.
The main characters are Eli Monpress (the greatest thief in the world), and Miranda Lyonette (the wizard trying to capture him for his many crimes), as well as Josef (the greatest swordsman in the world, and Eli's traveling companion who also has a magic sword), and Nico (Eli's other traveling companion who is also a demon)
In this world, everything has a soul, rivers, trees, mountains, everything. All of them are sentient and can speak. Humans also exist and have their own souls, but the majority of them can't hear the spirits and are "spirit deaf". The humans that can hear the spirits are called wizards and are able to communicate with the spirits around them.
Eli is trying to get his bounty to 1 million gold standards and is a bit of a chaotic bastard, a gentleman thief if you would. Josef is the grouchy mom friend. And Nico's along for the ride and also best girl (very sweet we love her so much).
Miranda is a loyal and kind, though hot headed wizard who just really wants to do good by her court. PEOPLE NEED TO INFORM HER WHAT'S HAPPENING MORE OFTEN, SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY GET SHIT DONE.
The first book sets up the rest of the series really well and is a very good foundation for the world building. It's got a lot of themes of abuse and ethics and stuff like that. It's written very well and isn't super dark at all. [In the second book there is a scene where you very clearly feel like a door is being abused and it makes sense, don't worry, it gets its revenge eventually]
There is a total of NINE fics on AO3 and like five Tumblr accounts who've ever mentioned it (my friend runs one of them). Please somebody else read this book!
My friend says, you're guaranteed to be hilariously intrigued by the end of the first chapter.
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thefandommind · 10 months
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Miranda Lyonette for Teslacon 2023
And Nico to match @random-human-or-am-i
When the thief is out of commission and a Great Spirit is trying to drown you
We've changed to red for the evening
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krdraws · 2 months
Bain teasing Ein in their first month of being friends officially.
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Also mini fan comic because I’m a nerd and made too much of a story in my head already because I love it
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