#m small too brain is mush in the best way
uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
30 Seconds
This one might get a sequel but I’m not sure yet
Bodyswap Soulmate AU
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Warnings: gore, graphic depictions of violence, threats of violence, kidnapping
It was like something out of a horror movie.
Several men lay before you in a darkened room, pieces of their bodies – their heads even – completely gone, the marks that were left around the gaping wounds that had an odd white glow to them, akin to something having taken a bite out of them.
Something like the fish that swam in the air above you.
A million questions flew through your mind, of what the hell this was; who these people were; how was there no blood despite the obvious carnage - you were literally just in the bathtub, how did you even get here?! Then you remembered that humans needed to breathe in order to live, and your lungs hadn't taken in anything since this nightmare scenario started.
You let out a breath, and along with it escaped a small, sad whimpering noise as you tried to process the scene in front of you. And then you froze again.
You were speaking, but the words that were coming out of your mouth were not in your voice.
For the first time, you looked down at your body.
This was not your body.
You were in the body of a pale, bare-chested man wearing a long black trench-coat with fur on the lining, holding a book in one hand.
Your discovery was so jarring that you almost forgot about the men and the fish.
“Y-y-you..... Phantom Troupe monster!”
The words were just about screamed at you and you jumped back. The man laying closest was facing you, the entire top half of his head completely gone. He had to have been missing most, if not all of his brain. How the hell was he still talking? Glancing at the bodies of the other men, you saw that, to your horror, they were still alive as well. Groaning and moving as best as they could despite how the severity of their wounds meant that they should not still be alive. One of the fish came down close to your head and you flinched, stumbling backwards until you fell to the floor.
“Damn you, Chrollo!” the man from before yelled.
“Even if you don't die tonight, someone will get you someday! You'll pay for your crimes, you Meteor City piece of trash!”
His last words were spat out before one of the fish dipped down and bit off the remainder of his head, leaving behind the stump that was his neck and more of that white glow that came from the edges of his skin. His body began to flail, with what remained of his arms and legs banging against floor. Maybe in an attempt to crawl to you, or maybe it was simply all he could do at that point.
Your breath started coming out as short, harsh gasping as you began to hyperventilate, your eyes going back up to the monstrous fish that still moved about. They didn't seem to be paying attention to you, but you had no idea when that could change. Nothing about this made sense, but you did your best to reign in the terror that kept you immobile. The single rational thought of “get out of this room” pushed through your panic, and your eyes darted about the space as you tried to find an exit. But a glance at the large mirror on the wall that reached up to the ceiling made you pause once more.
The man who's body you inhabited sat next to you in the reflection, his eyes - your eyes? - wide as you took it all in. A smooth pale face, slicked back dark hair, an odd tattoo on the forehead and gray eyes that filled with tears before they began to trickle down your - his - cheeks. Breath came in harsher and you could hear a heartbeat thundering in your ears. You were in someone else's body and you had no clue what to do or why this was happening. And that didn't even factor in the deadly fish or the men currently being eaten alive by them.
In the mirror's reflection, you saw a door open behind you, a strip of artificial light coming from it that grew larger as it opened wider. You snapped your head back to see a a blonde woman in a purple suit standing at the door. The neutral expression she wore morphed into one of shock as she looked at you, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
“Chrollo?” she asked.
And suddenly it was all gone.
You were standing by the hanger that held your purse, holding your wallet in one hand and your ID in the other. A shiver ran through you, and you realized that you were naked and dripping with water, like you'd gotten out of your bath without drying off first.
You stared ahead at the wall blankly for a few moments. And then, like a car smashing into a concrete slab, the utter shock and fear of what you had just experienced hit you, and you fell to the floor crying, holding yourself as you tried to understand what had just happened.
You didn't get any sleep that night. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see were those men lying in pieces and the nightmare-fuel fish. Hours later, when you had finally calmed down, you took to the internet to try and figure out what had happened and what the hell you had just seen.
A Google search on “swapping bodies” brought up a few results, but they all seemed questionable to you. The most common claim was that it was how you found your “soulmate”. An enthusiastic blogger had detailed her experience with finding her current husband in this way, of how one day she and her husband unexpectedly swapped bodies for thirty seconds and later found each other. The blog post quickly devolved into the kind of romantic mush that was only fit for the most asinine of rom-coms that included how the blogger and her husband spent months trying to find each other on opposite ends of the continent because they knew they “were meant for each other”. Other posts that didn't appear outwardly fake told basically the same thing with much less flair, and the term “soulmate” came up several times. You weren't sure how willing you were to believe in such a concept. If everyone was supposed to have a soulmate, shouldn't such a phenomenon be reported on in the mainstream? Wouldn't there be people trying to figure out how such a thing was possible? If it was real, you wouldn't need to dig through personal online testimony from anonymous users to read about it.
And yet it had happened to you. Your consciousness had entered the body of a man who, if these posts were correct, was the person you were meant to be with. The only other option was that you were going crazy, and if you were really just having delusions that felt that real, then you needed to get yourself checked into a mental hospital.
Speaking of that man...
The words that had been yelled at you were still fresh in your mind. Phantom Troupe. Meteor City. Chrollo. The woman you saw near the end had also used the word “Chrollo” when referring to you, so it seemed likely that it was his name.
While looking up body-swapping had produced mostly questionable results, the next few terms brought up practically nothing.
Google didn't recognize the name “Chrollo” and kept trying to autocorrect it. “Phantom Troupe” brought up a few conspiracy forums talking about an underground criminal group that had allegedly slaughtered thousands, but the posters claimed that if you wanted any more information you would need to pay to get it on the “dark web”. The only one that gave you something of a lead was “Meteor City”. You found an article from a few years back reporting on some government official speaking out against the city's existence and announcing plans to have it destroyed, though the words he used to describe this process were a bit more diplomatic. But when you tried looking for a follow up to the article, you only found various reports of how the official and his entire team vanished overnight.
Meteor City: A place populated by undocumented inhabitants and a hub for criminal activity.
The Phantom Troupe: A group of criminals allegedly responsible for countless deaths but with no official record of any of their crimes.
Chrollo: A person who was somehow connected to these things and, if what you had read earlier was true, was also your “soulmate”.
The term still seemed ridiculous to you, but if that really was the case, and the Phantom Troupe really was as bad as the things you had read, then you were in danger. And you had no clue where to start to try and protect yourself.
The sky was tinted with the pink and yellow hues of sunrise when you finally fell into a dreamless sleep, exhaustion finally taking you. The laptop remained open in front of you, Google once more showing you no results for the name “Chrollo”.
The next few weeks passed by with you on constant high alert, always looking over your shoulder and triple checking the locks on your door at night. You were jumpy, and every time you came across someone who looked even remotely like the woman or “Chrollo”, you had a hard time breathing. The only upside had been that your fear left you exhausted most nights, and your subconscious was too tired to conjure up the images of those fish in your mind while you slept. Any time you did dream, that scene played again and you often woke up with a start.
Several of your friends had noticed the change in your behavior and had approached you privately to ask what was wrong. As much as you wanted to tell them everything, you doubted they would believe you. So you had made up a story that you were worried that you were being stalked, citing that you felt like you were being watched and that you had come back once to find items of yours displaced (which the second part wasn't technically untrue).
Most of them tried to insist that you go to the police, but begrudgingly backed down when you told them that there wasn't enough evidence for anything like that. Their plan B was then to stay around you as much as they could, at least one person escorting you from your apartment to you job, and several nights a week a few people would stay over. Having them around you and just hanging out with them calmed you. The time you spent with them were brief moments of levity that took your mind off of what you were actually afraid of, and when you were alone after, terrible thoughts of them being ripped apart and eaten plagued your mind.
The moments of peace you had with them lasted for about a month, where you had all agreed that the “stalker” wasn't an issue anymore since there had been no trace of such a person. As much as you wanted them to stay with you, you weren't about to try and push it for fear of them thinking you were lying (which you technically were). They all made it clear that you could go to any of them if something came up again, and one of them, Harrison, gave you a taser, just in case things took a turn for the worse. Carrying such a thing was nerve-wracking, but at least it wasn't a weapon that could do permanent damage to you if you somehow managed to accidentally use it on yourself, and it gave you some comfort that you were no longer walking around completely defenseless.
It had been over two months since that incident, and you had yet to see anything of that man. It wasn't lost on you that when you had returned to your body, you had been holding your ID with your full name and address. Given the state you had found yourself in, he'd wasted no time finding out who you were, having gone straight from the bathroom to where you kept your purse to find your identity. He was calm enough in that situation to know he had limited time to find out about you and had managed to do just that. He was planning on tracking you down, you were certain. And while you wanted to run as far away as possible, it wasn't so easy to just pack up and leave.
Your lease renewal had been coming up, and you needed time to find new housing in a different area. Somewhere away from here where he hopefully couldn't find you. It wasn't what you wanted, but you needed to get away. Whatever it was that Chrollo wanted, whether it actually because of a “soulmate” connection or if he just wanted to kill you, nothing good could come from meeting him. Of that you were sure.
As your final day in your apartment came closer and more and more of your belongings were packed into boxes, the weight of the anxiety that had been on you began to lift. There had been no sign of that man, and as that date approached you felt a sense of relief, that you really were going to leave and he wouldn't be able to find you after that. You'd deactivated all of your social media accounts and once again asked your friends for help, this time to just keep quiet about where you had gone to in fear of the “stalker”. If a random man approached them asking questions about you they would know better than to answer, and your landlord legally couldn't discuss the whereabouts of former tenants.
You paused in the middle of packing up some of your clothes.
A man who fed people to monster fish probably didn't care about what was “legal” or not. And he probably wouldn't accept any stories your friends gave him if he was to go to them.
The fear that had been in the back of your mind since you'd opened up to your friends had been growing stronger. That Chrollo's response to you running would be to take it out on them. That they would deny knowing you when he asked and he would bring out those murder fish and make them pay for lying with their lives.
'I should warn them', was your initial thought, to tell them everything. But telling them the whole story would make things more difficult. They'd probably keep you from moving away and try to make you seek psychiatric help. Getting out of the area after that would likely be impossible. And it didn't help that you had no proof that he actually was coming after you; only a strong feeling that he definitely would be closing in on you sometime soon.
Your friends didn't deserve whatever horrible fate he could bring upon them, but you weren't going to stick around to see what happened to you if he found you. The best bet for them was that he would just leave them alone.
You continued with your packing, telling yourself over and over again that he wouldn't do anything to them and that there was no shame in running to save yourself, doing your absolute best to ignore the part of you that repeated that they wouldn't survive.
Maybe deep down you were just as terrible of a person as your soulmate and this connection to him was your punishment.
Everything that wasn't packed away in a moving truck had been stuffed into a suitcase that waited for you at your now empty apartment. Just one more night here and you would have successfully uprooted your life and moved on to one that was hopefully better.
You were walking back after your last shift at work, thinking of the things you might do after your move while also wondering how far you would need to go to protect your identity, maybe look into changing your name and dying your hair. The afternoon sun was beating down on you and the sidewalk was filled with other people who were likely also just getting off of work, the level of noise fairly high.
Being in a crowd of people had always made you feel safe. You had reasoned that there was no way anything would happen if you were surrounded by potential witnesses; no matter what sort of things your soulmate was capable of, there was no way he could do anything that could hurt dozens of people all at once. That was what you had told yourself all this time.
But the next time you glanced up, you froze.
He was there.
That man whose reflection you had seen in the mirror, whose body you had inhabited for that brief period of time, was standing in front of you, his hands in his pockets and his head tilting to the side with a small smile when the two of you made eye contact.
Your hands rigidly gripped the strap of your purse while your legs stayed stiff. You wanted to run, you desperately wanted to run away, but like that night when you had swapped bodies, your limbs felt like lead and you couldn't bring yourself to move more than a few inches.
He started to approach and you tensed. You'd only managed to take a single step back before he was on you, his hand firmly gripping your arm and pulling you with him to the side.
“It would be rude to stand in the way of all of these people, don't you agree?” he asked, motioning to the people who now passed the two of you by.
You didn't answer, and all you could do was hope that someone would notice that something was wrong with you two and raise some sort of alarm. Remembering the taser Harrison had given you, your free hand slipped down to your purse, trying your best to remove it without him noticing.
“It's very nice to meet you,” he continued, “I'm Chrollo.”
His hand stayed on your arm, and he clearly had no intention of letting go.
Words didn't want to leave you, instead blocking up in your throat. All you really wanted to do was scream and get away from him. The man you had been stressing out over for the past few months found you just as you were about to leave and had casually came up to introduce himself. As if the circumstances surrounding your swap weren't any issue.
Taking in a few deep breaths, you composed yourself enough to speak, all the while he waited for you patiently.
“This.... This isn't a very nice meeting for me,” you said, “actually, I really wish you didn't come to see me.”
Surprisingly he nodded, seemingly understanding why you didn't want to meet him.
“Our switch happened at a very unfortunate time; I can't blame you for being apprehensive.”
..... Apprehensive?
This man made you a witness to that horror show and he was brushing it off as just apprehension?
“That's kind of an understatement, don't you think?” you snapped, the fear that had kept you petrified breaking for a moment.
“I understand that you're afraid. But you shouldn't be. I'm not going to hurt you; I'm here to take you with me.”
“I don't want to go with you,” you said.
“I won't make you witness anything else like that. You'll be taken care of for the rest of your life,” Chrollo continued, ignoring your statement.
“You made me watch those men die.”
You then hissed in pain as his grip on your arm became tighter. Evidently your voice was raising too much for his liking.
“There isn't much that can be done about that now,” said Chrollo, “I'm sorry that you needed to see that, but in time I'm sure you'll forgive me for it.”
He remained nonchalant, that small smile still on his face while he spoke of those dead men and what you had experienced as if he was talking about the weather. Below, you found the taser in your purse and gripped it, readying yourself to bring it out.
“I want nothing to do with you.”
Chrollo sighed.
“I'm afraid you have no choice. Soulmates are meant to be together,” he answered. His other hand gripped your chin, raising you up as if to pull you into a kiss.
“You were meant to be with me,” Chrollo whispered.
He stopped suddenly, his expression changing to one mild surprise as he looked down to where you had jammed the taser beneath his ribs, your thumb hovering over the ON button.
“Get the fuck away from me or I'll turn this on. I'll scream for help and tell everyone here that you're trying to kidnap me,” you hissed.
With the way the two of you were positioned, none of the passersby could see the taser you held against him. So there was still a way to get out of this with nothing happening, which would be the best option for him. If he left you now, you would be able to escape and leave all of this behind in favor of your new life. Chrollo was bold, you would give him that, as you had been so sure he wouldn't approach you in public. But being in public gave you an advantage: a young woman yelling about a man attacking her would instantly draw attention, and Chrollo would have all sorts of scrutiny on him. A man who officially didn't exist wouldn't want dozens of witnesses to any sort of crime. He had to leave you alone.
Chrollo stared at the taser for a few moments, and then looked back to you, his expression neutral. Despite your threat, he wasn't letting go, though his grip had lessened.
“This is a surprise. With what Pakunoda said and what we saw on our observation of you, you seemed like a much more compliant type. Where exactly is this fight coming from?” he murmured.
The way those gray eyes seemed to look right through you made you more uncomfortable the longer you kept eye contact, and you glanced back to the people around you. No one had noticed what was going on between you two; even if they couldn't see the taser, you had been hopeful that at least one person would have seen that something was wrong and would have come up to investigate. You had broken out into a nervous sweat, and your anxiety only got worse the longer he stared at you.
“Do it.”
The words that he spoke so calmly caught you by surprise, and once more you couldn't speak.
“If you're that desperate to try and get away from me, then turn that thing on and call for help,” he said, “but know that if you do that, all of these people will die. And you won't be getting away from me.”
You looked again to the crowd of people.
“You.... You can't do that. There's too many..... You'd never be able to...”
That smile returned to his face.
“My dear, much like how you know very little of taking yourself off the grid, you also know very little of what I am capable of. I assure you, I can kill everyone here within a matter of minutes. Of course, I would rather you didn't drive me to that point; it would be much easier for all of us if you just came with me.”
The hand on your jaw slid downwards until it was gripping your own, and he pushed the taser harder against himself as if to encourage you to use it.
“Do it, but know that it won't change anything. All you'll be accomplishing is killing these people and making things unpleasant for yourself once I take you to your new home. Cooperate, and you won't be responsible for anyone dying.”
Despite his slight smile, his eyes were cold. He meant it when he said he would kill everyone. You recognized what he was doing with the way he worded it: that you would be responsible for the deaths of these bystanders, as if you were the one willing to murder just to make a point. But you also recognized that you had no way of stopping him – no, that wasn't correct. You had a way of stopping him, and that was to do as he said.
The crushing defeat you felt snuffed out the fight that had been sparked within you, and your head hung low when he pulled your hand away and slipped the taser out of your loosened grip.
“Smart girl,” he said, placing it in his coat pocket.
Chrollo wasted no time in taking you away, pulling you forward and placing an arm across your shoulders, ensuring that you couldn't pull away from him. The two of you walked in silence, making your way past the other men and women in the street. So many people around you, and not one of them was aware that you were being taken against your will.
“You don't need to hold me like this,” you mumbled.
Chrollo didn't answer, nor did he look at you, his eyes staring straight ahead as you turned a corner down a smaller side street. There weren't as many people down this way, and as you came towards the end, you saw two people standing next to a van waiting for you and Chrollo. One of them was a blonde man in light purple clothes that you had never seen before, but the other one you recognized: the woman in the suit who you had seen just before you left Chrollo's body that night. Their gazes were heavy on you as you got closer.
“No trouble then, boss?” the man asked Chrollo, his tone lighthearted.
“Not much,” Chrollo answered. He finally pulled away from you and, to your surprise, pulled out your taser that he had pocketed earlier, tossing it to the man.
“Get rid of that, will you?”
Neither of them said anything: the man inspected it before laughing a little while the woman raised an eyebrow at you. You kept your gaze on your shoes, not saying anything as you were guided to an open back door of the van. You were sat in the middle of the back seat, in between the woman and Chrollo while the other man climbed into the front passenger's seat. Another woman was already sitting in the driver's seat, this one older, most likely middle-aged. She was staring ahead blankly, and you noticed a strange needle with a bat on the end sticking out of her neck.
“Don't worry about it,” said Chrollo, as if reading your mind.
“Let's get going. How far to the next town?”
“With this traffic, it'll likely be about fifteen minutes,” the woman said.
“Alright. Drop us off there; I'll find a car and take her the rest of the way myself. You two shouldn't have too hard of a time taking care of things here,” Chrollo replied. The man and the woman nodded, and a silence fell over all of you as the van began moving.
The man in front looked like he was playing on his phone while the woman in the driver's seat moved like a robot as she drove, and the woman on your left stared out of the window, occasionally glancing at you, as if anticipating an attempt to escape. As much as you wanted to, you weren't stupid enough to try that. The doors on either side of you were blocked off, and any attempt to get out through the back door would be stopped easily. You were trapped and there was nothing you could do.
You stared down at your hands while you gripped your knees, your fingernails slowly digging into your flesh while you silently berated yourself for getting caught, for not doing enough to prevent this, for not telling anyone the truth. Because of your preparations for your move, it would take your friends a long time to figure out you were missing, and by that point who knows where you would be. This was your fault and you were paying for it.
A hand suddenly covered one of yours, and you glanced over to Chrollo. He pulled your hand into his, lacing your fingers together while he smiled at you again, as if sensing your turmoil and trying to calm you down. It didn't feel genuine, however, and you wanted to pull your hand away from his.
It's a better idea not to, a voice inside you said, and you turned your gaze back downwards, leaving your hand in his and trying to ignore the way he chuckled at you.
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hornime · 4 years
guns out | sakusa kiyoomi x f!reader
he did little to stop you, gaze clouded with lust and awe as he watched you give his gun the treatment he wanted so badly for his cock.
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warnings: 18+, yakuza!au, GUNPLAY, a little foot play (?), some good ol’ man hating (like two sentences), oral (m!receiving)
w/c: 1.1k
a/n: if you can’t tell already from this fic and my kyoutani one, i really fucking love turning the tables on a guy when they think they’re the dom hehe
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“so we meet again, kiyoomi,” you snarked, a small smirk playing on your lips. you were gutsy, too gutsy, for the situation you were currently in: hands strapped behind the chair you'd been thrown onto hours earlier, the cold metal of a gun digging into your forehead. the tall, dark, and handsome man that stood before you had a gloved hand wrapped around the trigger, ready to shoot an a given instant. you were unfazed: “think we can part ways peacefully and forget about this little incident?”
his face was emotionless as he peered down, undoubtedly amused at the juxtaposition between your physical helplessness and insufferable attitude. “i don’t think you’re in a position to make demands here,” he stated, the hint of a chuckle marking the end of his sentence. “so why don’t you shut up before i get tired of hearing your voice and put a bullet in your brain?”
you raised your eyebrow as you played with the ropes restraining your wrists, hearing a small rip!, that went completely unnoticed by sakusa, when they gave way. when did he get so cheeky? 
“so that’s how we’re gonna play this, huh?” you asked, slowly trailing your foot up his leg. you lightly nudged the inside of his thigh with your heel, making his eyes widen in surprise. you looped your toe around one of his belt loops and sharply bent your knee, forcing him to stumble forward and causing his arm to falter, the gun now pointing straight towards your mouth. “and just so you know, i can use my mouth for a lot of things.” he made a small noise of shock as your wrapped your lips around the weapon, soaking it in your saliva, before pulling back and licking the muzzle, simultaneously rubbing his crotch with the balls of your feet. 
you shot him a seductive look as you trailed you tongue up the side of the barrel. there was not a single concern of cleanliness in your mind; as much as you were sure that the very gun you were currently licking had been shoved between car seats and thrown under dusty rugs to conceal its presence, jammed into jacket pockets filled with lint and less-than-legal drugs, and splattered in the blood of someone killed from its bullet, you weren’t worried about what you were possibly ingesting. if there was one thing you knew about this gang, it was that it was led by sakusa kiyoomi. and sakusa kiyoomi was a very meticulous man who made sure everything—his crime scenes, his appearance, and his guns—were clean.
you leaned your head forward, bobbing it up and down the metallic length, bringing your hands to your front to unzip his pants. he did little to stop you, gaze clouded with lust and awe as he watched you give his gun the treatment he wanted so badly for his cock.
he was too distracted to even question how you’d gotten your hands free.
hit swollen cock hit his stomach as you yanked down the slacks and underwear, and you released your mouth from the barrel, now slick with spit, to play with his shaft. 
after a few calculated swipes of your tongue up his veins and under the sensitive part of his flushed tip, you took him fully down your throat, relishing in the choked groan of the man. his head fell back, eyes clenched shut, focusing on the feeling of your mouth working wonders on him. much to your disdain, though, he maintained a steady grip on the gun, though his other hand had found its way to your head, fingers laced in your hair and pulling slightly as you moved.
guess i’ve gotta do more, you lamented, pressing your face forward until your nose was met with his trimmed hair. his fist tightened, and you smiled as best as you could with his girth stretching your lips open. bingo.
suddenly, you swallowed, and the tight warmth had him releasing a strangled moan. “fuck... fuck.” his chin hit his chest as he struggled to keep his eyes open long enough to look at you. “i think ‘m gonna cum.”
you swallowed again, ignoring the burn of the constriction, and he choked out a quick “cummin’” before shooting hot, white spurts of cum into your mouth. his body shook with the force, and his hold on the gun weakened significantly as his wrist trembled. in an instant, you’d seized it from him. 
ripping your bodies from each other, you swung a leg over his hip and flipped you both over so that you had switched positions: he was sitting on the chair with you straddling him, directing the gun towards his skull. a menacing glint of the light almost taunting him for stupidly getting into this predicament.
“all men really are the same,” you sighed. “so dumb that the moment they get their dicks wet, their minds go to mush.” he glared at you, mouth opening in a scowl to probably threaten you with death, nothing new, but you stopped his words by shoving the barrel between this teeth.
“ah, ah, ah,” you hummed. “i wasn’t done talking.” his resolve flickered and he gulped, ogling the location of your finger on the trigger. “all men are the same. that’s how i got your dear cousin komori,” his eyes shot up to meet yours, blazing with both shock and anger evident, “and that’s how i’ll get you.”
you rolled your hips, purposely brushing your clothed cunt across his naked cock. a muffled whine came from him, and he blushed at the instinctive sound, chastising himself for still being turned on when he was literally on death’s door, rather, death herself was seated on his lap: you.
“i like playing with my food, though,” you said, continuing to rock yourself back and forth, forcing more noises to come from sakusa, who was tilting his head back in a feeble attempt to hide his bodily desire. you grabbed his hand, slipping it into the waistband of your pants until the pads of his fingers were prodding at your throbbing clit. “so i think i’ll toy around with you for a little. maybe if you make me feel good, i’ll spare you and walk out of here with nothing more than a memory.”
you gasped sharply as he moved your panties to the side, teasing your hole, and a sadistic smile appeared on your face. “if not though,” you pushed the gun farther into his mouth, forcing him to gag, “i’ll be leaving with a corpse. choose wisely, or your next breath might be your last.”
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ super duper party people ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!96z(Jun/Hoshi/Wonwoo/Woozi) x reader
genre&warnings; this is literally a 5-some djfhsd(96z gangbang hskshdksjh). incubus!seventeen, double penetration/anal, blowjobs, handjobs, cum eating, bukakke,  (minor)subspace, tentacles(as if there weren’t enough cocks in this), 2woo(wonwoo/woozi) have a (minor)crying kink don’t look at me, degradation/namecalling/dumbification, dirty talk. ☠️ hooooooly jesus please dont come for me kdfks 😩😩😩
notes; *hypnagogia is that weird threshold between being awake and being asleep where some people experience hallucinations/lucid dreaming/sleep paralysis. Also i have no excuses for this one LMAOOO SKJHFKJH this is def me indulging but thats what halloween is all about right? 🥴 SINS AND DECADENCE!! So enjoy~ have a good day/night!! stay hydrated and I'll see u tomorrow!! (also I accidentally sandwiched this one in between jun and wonwoo’s indiv fics so we got 96z action 3 days in a row kjfhsdkhf)🎃👻 💕
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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ooh, all the girls and boys on the dance floor,
and they lose all their heads to the groove of the record;
drink a little velvet so you get into the beat,
strike a bolt of lighting and become a superfreak!
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Club Hypnagogia was a small club.
A hole in the wall space tucked away on the further side of town that people tried to avoid after the sun went down. Most people knew it to be where the seedier characters tended to lurk, but the small niche knew it to be where the more supernatural characters gathered instead.
You take a sip of your drink, eyes already focused on the two males standing across the club. It wasn’t as busy tonight which came as a shock to you considering it was Halloween night, but they’d caught your eye as soon as you’d walked in and you found yourself unable to look away.
One was much taller than the other but both of them had the same sultry smirk painted on their lips and you soon found yourself already drawn to their allure as you abandon your drink and make your way across the club.
You already knew what you were in for when you stopped in front of them.
“My, my, such a pretty ‘lil thing, aren’t you?” The taller one comments.
You take in their appearances; red and black outfits that showed off their bodies and they also made no effort to hide their crimson eyes and black horns either.
“You’re Soonyoung’s plaything, correct me if I’m wrong.” The shorter one teases; lips easing into a knowing smile.
“Soonyoung’s? I thought she was Jun’s?”
The two of them share a look, brows raised at you as you bite your lip. “Um…”
“Interesting. I take it you’re a regular around here then?” The taller one asks, stepping closer to you as you immediately feel their energy pour over you in an instant. “I---I guess you can s-say that…” You mumble.
“D’you think either of them would get mad about this, Wonwoo?”
“Dunno. Let’s find out.”
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Wonwoo and Jihoon.
That’s what their names were.
They came as a set; nothing more and nothing less.
Unlike Soonyoung and Jun who always came individually, unwilling to share their time with you.
“Look at you, crying while you choke on Jihoon’s cock.” Wonwoo laughs, legs crossed as he sits in a chair across the bed. “Does Soonyoung make you cry prettily too? Or maybe Jun?” Jihoon’s hands tangle in your hair, holding you still as he thrusts into your mouth. You gag around his cock as your own fingertips rub at yourself through your panties that already stick to you like a second skin.
“She’s even touching herself while she chokes on my cock like a good fuckin’ cockslut.”
Wonwoo gets up from his seat, cropped top shifting slightly to show off his toned abs and slim waist as he joins the two of you on the king size bed. Thank god for the private rooms, you’d said.
He sizes up behind you, his hand over Jihoon’s as he holds your head still for the other male. “Bet you’re already thinking about both of our cocks inside of you at the same time, huh?” There’s a pause and a smirk from Wonwoo, “You wanna be a good plaything for us and let us use your holes like a good cock hungry slut but what are you gonna do about that mouth of yours, hmm? Nothing to keep it filled.”
Jihoon catches his drift, a smirk of his own plastered onto his features as he cuts your airways off with his cock. “Should we invite some friends? Y’know, somethin’ to keep your mouth busy?”
You feel a shiver run up your spine, head fuzzy at the lightheadedness and the thought of more hands on your already burning skin.
Jihoon pulls his cock out of your mouth as you sputter and drool. “Well?”
“Y-yes…” You croak, stray tears slipping down your cheeks as Jihoon tilts your head up to meet his stare. “What was that? Say it louder.”
“Yes, I---I want… I want m-more… I wanna choke o-on cock while the--the two of you f-fuck my c-cunt and my ass…” Tears spill down your cheek as the lust pools in you and Jihoon is quick to lean down, tongue already lapping up the salty tears. He smirks, “You’re so pretty when you cry, y’know?”
Wonwoo nods, licking his lips. “Especially when you’re begging about wanting more cocks in your pretty body.”
“Christ, the two of you are somethin’ else.” A voice chips in. You sniffle, turning your head slightly to see Soonyoung and Jun standing by the door.
You whimper their names as they step closer to the large bed, both also adorning the same knowing smirk that Wonwoo and Jihoon had when you’d seen them for the first time.
“I’ll admit, I’m not particularly good with sharing but my, are you a sight for sore eyes. Sandwiched between two incubus and still wanting more. Tsk, and I thought I was enough for you.” Soonyoung smirks, fingertips reaching out to cup your tear-stained cheeks.
Jun joins you on the bed, leaning up against the headboard. “I will say, you’re quite the risk-taker for a human. Wanting to get fucked by all four of us at once. Care to give us a reason why we even should?”
You let out a choked sob, lips chapped. “I--it’s ‘cause… I--” The words die on your tongue, slightly embarrassed.
Wonwoo takes the hint, chuckling under his breath. “Lemme guess, human males don’t do it for you, do they? They don’t know what you want. Or rather, when you tell them, it scares them off. You want to be treated like a plaything, holes stuffed full of cock ‘n cum until your brain is just a pile of mush, right? You like it when we use our abilities to make you feel good, our tentacles when they wrap around your pretty throat or when they fuck your ‘lil ass with our cocks shoved deep inside your cunt filling you to the brim with cum until it’s spilling out of you. You’re an ‘freak’ to normal standards. Tell me if I’ve hit the nail on the head, or if I should keep going.”
Your fingers still tucked between your legs press hard into your clit at his filthy words, shaky eyes unsure of who to look at first.
“Y--yes… You’re r-right...” You whisper quietly.
Soonyoung leans in, lips ghosting against yours.
“Then let’s indulge.”
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You were used to Soonyoung and Jun both using their ‘abilities’ for added pleasure; almost addicted to the way they each knew exactly what you wanted and needed.
“Hey, fuck, it’s my turn!” Soonyoung grumbles, trying to bat away Wonwoo’s fingers that were knuckle deep in your pussy. 
This was precisely why he never liked sharing.
You were on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed, lips wrapped around Jun’s cock and one hand wrapped around Jihoon’s as you worked them both. Wonwoo and Soonyoung were both behind you, arguing as Wonwoo thrusted his index and middle finger into your tight cunt.
“Cripes, Soonyoung, give us a break. And anyway, who says we both can’t finger her pussy at the same time.” Soonyoung’s annoyed expression turns into one of agreement; spitting on his fingers before he positions them next to Wonwoo’s. He sinks them in and you moan around Jun’s cock at how full you felt with four of their fingers fucking you open and getting you read to take their cocks.
You squeeze Jihoon a little harder when you feel a tentacle slithering across your torso, wrapping itself around your midsection to keep you upright as another two wrap themselves around your breasts. The sensations are almost too much for you to handle, but you try your best to stave off your orgasm for now.
“Hmm, we have her cunt filled up but what about her cute ‘lil ass, huh? Give her what she wants already.” Jun comments. You clench around Wonwoo and Soonyoung’s fingers, whimpering when you feel them both spit onto the puckered rim.
This time, a smaller tentacle slithers up your leg until you feel it prodding at your ass and Jun pulls you off of his cock, licking his lips at the precum and drool that drips onto the sheets under you. “Let’s hear it, princess. How much do you want it?”
Your grip momentarily loosens around Jihoon when Wonwoo and Soonyoung both curl their fingers right into your g-spot. “Pl-please... I--I want… I want you to---to fuh--fuck me… use, ah, my h-holes like I’m your--your toy…”
Jihoon laughs in amazement, “Shit, you’re fuckin’ cute. I could get used to you.”  
Jun rubs the head of his cock against your lips, smearing the precum on them before you part your lips for him once more.
You start a rhythm again, letting Jun fuck your mouth and running your hand up as down Jihoon’s cock as you fuck yourself on Wonwoo and Soonyoung’s fingers. The tentacle slowly eases past the rim of muscle and you moan around Jun’s cock at the fullness you feel when it starts fucking into you as well.
“Hmm~ Look at our 'lil dumb cumslut. Filled up just like she wanted. Must be so happy, huh?” Soonyoung teases.
The urge to cum is strong and you feel your self control starting to slip quicker and quicker, unable to warn any of them when your body suddenly seizes up in between them all.
“Oh~ She’s cumming~” Wonwoo singsongs; wiggling his fingers inside of you as your walls flutter around his and Soonyoung’s fingers.
In an instant, they all pull away from you, watching as your body slumps to the sheets and your whole body trembles. Your fingertips go numb, head muddled at the intensity of your orgasm that you seem to momentarily black out.
“Fuck, she’s so pretty when she cums~”
Your eyes clamp shut with unshed tears and you can’t even tell who’s speaking anymore, but the tentacle wrapped around your waist slowly starts to lift you back into your previous position as you whine in sensitivity.
“Since it’s our first time with our new plaything, why don’t Jihoon and I have the honours?”
“Just say you wanna fuck her ass, Wonwoo, it’s fine.” Jun retorts.
Wonwoo shrugs in return, a cocky smirk on his lips. “Okay, I wanna fuck her ass and Jihoon wants to fuck her cunt. The two of you have already gotten to play with her so it’s our turn, isn't it?” He turns to Jihoon who nods, head tilted in mock thought. “Seems fair to me, ‘Woo.”
Soonyoung and Jun both narrow their eyes at the other males, lips pursed. “Fine.” They comment in unison.
“See, the two of you are capable of sharing.”
“Shut up, Wonwoo.”
You feel yourself being readjusted as Jihoon slides underneath you; hand wrapped around his cock as he positions it at your entrance.
You take a shaky breath, lowering yourself down onto him as you brace your shaky hands on his chest. “Oh, f-fuck…” It takes a moment for you to adjust to his size, clenching around him in a vice grip. “You’re s-so big…” Whimpering, the other three watch on as your, still, sensitive body sits pretty on Jihoon’s waist.
Their hands itch to get onto you; eyes fixated on the way you start to swivel your hips on Jihoon’s lap. “Shit, she’s so tight and wet around my cock…” Jihoon mumbles, hands on your waist to replace the tentacles that’d disappeared again.
“Fuck, okay, please tell me I can fuck you already too.” Wonwoo groans, hand wrapped around his own cock as he jerks himself off behind you.
“P---please, Wonwoo…”
He pushes you down until you’re chest to chest with Jihoon, exhaling harshly when he sees how stretched out your cunt was around the other male’s cock. “Fuck, baby, d’you even think you can take me?” He teases.
You let out a series of whines, shaking your hips slightly when Wonwoo rubs the head of his cock at the tight ring of muscle. “Yes, p-please, it’s--it’s, hah, not my first t-time, you don’t have--have to, ah, treat me l-like glass...” He lets out a small scoff, slowly easing his cock in.
“Okay, but you fuckin’ said it, princess. Once me and Jihoon start fuckin’ you ‘til you break, you can’t complain, okay?”
You nod your head shakily, groaning at the feeling of them both inside of you when Wonwoo finally bottoms out. “Fuckin’ do i-it then, make it s-so I only k-know your cocks, fuckin’ ruin m-me…” You slur out.
Soonyoung whistles in surprise as Jun’s eyes widen. “Shit, do you think we influenced her too much with our energy?” The latter asks, only slightly concerned. Soonyoung kneels to your side, tilting your head up until your lust filled eyes meet his.
“How’re you feeling, baby? Too much?” He asks, leaning down once to kiss you on the lips before he pulls away. “I--I feel g-good… really r-really good…” You swivel your hips, letting the two other males you wanted them to move. And they quickly take the hint as Wonwoo draws his hips back before he thrusts back into you as Jihoon cants his hips up into you at the same time, making you cry out at the way they filled you at the same time.
“Fuh--fuck, please…” You beg, unsure of what you even wanted now that you were close to satisfied. Soonyoung tilts your head back towards his cock, tapping your cheek with the head of it as he smears his precum against your skin.
Your lips part and you stick your tongue out, letting Soonyoung fuck your open mouth as you gag around him. You feel the tentacle come slithering back, wrapping itself around your midsection again just as Jun’s fingertips wrap around your wrist.
“Figured I should help you a little, hmm? Can’t have you falling over Jihoon now, can we?” Chuckling, he brings your hand towards his cock as you slowly wrap your hand around him. You let Soonyoung tangle a hand in your hair as you get used to the feeling of all four of them in and around you.
“She’s such a good ‘lil plaything. Can’t believe neither of you shared before.” Jihoon jokes; reaching up to pinch one of your nipples as you moan around Soonyoung.
“It’s ‘cause her fuckin’ cunt is too good to share. I was being selfish on purpose.” Soonyoung grits out. Laughing, Jun thrusts into your closed fist, “Hey, I was maybe willing to share. Neither of you bothered to ask.”
“Neither of us knew she was this fuckin’ good, genius.” Wonwoo retorts. He places his hands on your ass, blunt nails digging into your skin as he alternates his thrusts with Jihoon. “But hey, now that we do, I guess she’ll be seeing more of us, huh?”
You clench around him and Jihoon, whimpering around Soonyoung, and gripping Jun just a little tighter at the thought of seeing them again. 
You could get used to that. 
“Guess she likes the idea.” Jihoon mutters. “Although, it seems like Soonyoung’s still a little reluctant.”
A certain warmth pours over you, eyes fluttering shut at the sensations overwhelming your body. Your head feels fuzzy and unfocused; body feeling weightless as they continue to fuck into you. This was definitely more than your usual encounters with Soonyoung or Jun. 
The head of Jihoon’s cock grazes against your g-spot and you whine around Soonyoung; thrusting your hips back as you chase the feeling. You do your best to keep your hand on Jun as well, tightening your fist around him as a high pitched whine spills from his lips.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed, only able to focus on the way they all fall into a rhythm that keeps you wanting more.
You needed to cum again.
Wonwoo and Jihoon can feel the way you tighten around them both, doubling their pace as they, too, chase their highs.
Jun’s fingertips circle your wrist, tugging you off of him as he goes to lean against the headboard again. “Hey, Soonyoung, let’s let them have their moment.” He grins, wrapping a hand around his cock as he watches. Soonyoung grunts but nods in agreement, slipping his cock from between your lips as you sputter and catch your breath.
“How’re you feeling, princess?” Soonyoung asks.
“H--huh?” You blink slowly, hazy eyes unable to focus on the male.
“My, my, I think we really did fuck her into our dumb ‘lil cockslut.” Wonwoo laughs, fucking into you faster now that Soonyoung and Jun had eased off. “Isn’t that right? Just a dumb set of holes for us to fuck and play with.”
“Y-yeah…” You whisper; head rolling as Soonyoung rests next to Jun against the headboard. Your body buzzes as you let Wonwoo and Jihoon fuck into you at a harsh pace, losing their rhythm as they feel their impending orgasms.
“I’m gonna cum, f-fuck, cum with us, princess. Let us feel how fuckin’ tight you get for both of us while we fill you up with cum.” Jihoon growls, fingertips reaching down to rub at your clit.
The action proves to be too much as you cum on his command, lips parting in a high pitched cry while you clamp down on both of them. Their hips stutter as they follow suit, cocks snug inside you as they ride out their highs with you. The tentacle wrapped around your waist disappears again in the midst of your orgasm and you feel your body go slack; arms and legs trembling as you do your best to not fall onto Jihoon.
“Hoo~ Isn’t that a sight, Jun? She’s so fucked out of her mind right now, she can barely even hold herself up.” 
You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, riding out the remnants of your orgasm as Wonwoo starts to pull out of you.
A garbled moan floats past your lips at the feeling and you can’t help but thrust your hips back as you chase for him to fill you up again.
“Chist, she’s insatiable.” Wonwoo quips, eyes hyper-focused on the cum that drips down from your ass. He wraps a strong arm around your midsection after a moment, helping you up as Jihoon slides out from underneath you.
You sit with your legs folded outwards, cum pooling underneath you onto the sheets. It feels warm and sticky; pin pricks on your skin as you sit in the afterglow of your orgasm.
“Our turn~” Jun singsongs, gesturing to Soonyoung who gets up from his place, quicker than lightning.
They each kneel on either side of you, hands wrapped around their own cocks as they jerk themselves off above you. “Tongue out, princess.” Soonyoung groans.
You sit directly in between them as they cum, both of them covering your face and chest in rivulets of the warm, salty substance. It trickles down your hair, to your cheeks and mingles on the bed of your tongue as you grind down onto the sheets underneath you. Their moans draw you in and make you crave more, brows furrowed and eyes clamped shut as a wave of arousal floods your system again.
They all can tell as soon as it happens; eyes flashing a blood red as they, too, gain a new wave of energy from your actions.
Soonyoung and Jun scoot further away as their orgasms ebb off and all four of them pause to admire your body covered in cum.
You draw your tongue back in, swallowing the mix of Soonyoung and Jun’s cum and it’s the latter who leans back in; fingertips swiping at the cum that covers your eyelids. He brings the soaked digits to his lips, licking them clean as you gently open your eyes.
The first thing you see is all four of them in a half circle around you; the same dreamy smile plastered on all of their faces.
Your cheeks burn crimson as the shyness overtakes you with all of their eyes on you at once.
“Um…” You don’t even know what to say next, instead waiting on one of them to take the lead.
Jihoon’s the first one to scoot forward, gentle hands pushing you back down until your back rests against the soiled sheets. He parts your shaky legs, this time leaning over you as he grins.
“Well, we’ve got all night, princess. How about we indulge a little more?”
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
The Odds of Us All
Special CH1: A Glance At The Past (the one where Sakusa meets Y/n)
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Okay so this chapter takes place right before Y/n’s first year of high school! I wanted to write more Sakusa within the “The Odds of Us All” AU but it’s not my dudes time to shine yet :( So here we are, I’m going to write about the time Y/n met Kiyo ahahhaha. Enjoy my fellow Sakusa simps ;)
*technically this can be read as a stand alone one shot but why would you only settle for that when you can read the series?
“Y/n, I know you want to stick by Tetsuro and Kenma... but you seriously need to consider your future. Eventually you’ll have to separate from them, don’t let your history hold you back in the past.” M/n Ushijima, Y/n’s competent and straight forward mother advised, gazing at her daughter with a knowing stare. At the moment the h/c girl was looking through a long lists of high schools she had the options of attending. Her top four options were Fukurodani Academy, Shiratorizawa Academy, Itachiyama Institute, and Nekoma High. 
Fukurodani was a good option, they had a focus on subjects like Japanese and English literature, as well as history and art. While Nekoma High’s more favored subjects were the STEM courses, and they even had a bonus of being the chosen high school of her childhood friends, Kuroo and Kenma. These two were the cheapest options- neither of them being a private academy like the other two. 
Itachiyama Institute was probably the place her mother wanted her to attend, they were renowned for their excellent college prep classes, exceptional sports teams, and high rate of graduating students getting into Imperial Universities (Japan’s Ivy League basically). Shiratorizawa Academy was all the way in Miyagi- but they had a dorm that she could stay in. There was also the fact that she was guaranteed an invitation from the headmaster himself, due to the Ushijima family’s children studying there as per tradition. Her cousin Wakatoshi also attended the school, as expected of him, if she chose to follow his lead she was guaranteed friends and a good time also.
Choosing a high school was hard- especially when her mother was pushing her in one direction, only to backtrack and say that she would support her no matter what school she wanted to attend. Y/n briefly wondered what it’d be like when deciding on a university in the future- however those thoughts were far from pleasant so she shook them off. 
“I... don’t know mom.” M/n looked at her daughter long and hard, releasing a soft sigh before pulling out her phone and tapping away.
“How about you take Itachiyama’s entrance exams and see if you at least qualify? Any other school on this list will accept you as a student in a heartbeat. At least this way you’ll know if Itachiyama is even an option for you.”
You blinked, considering her words, they made sense so you agreed.
“Great, the entrance exams are this Sunday, I’ll drop you off then.”
~Time skip to Sunday, location: Itachiyama Institute~
You had finally finished the god awful tests. It had taken an excruciating three hours of your time to complete and your brain felt like literal mush. Stomach rumbling, you made your way to one of the vending machines you remembered passing by earlier. One thing you were glad for was the location of the exams- right in the administration wing of the school- naturally, the heads of the place had access to the best snacks. You walked silently, eyes gazing at the ceiling, not paying attention to anything but the fluorescent lights. Rounding the hallway corner, your eyes fell to the end of the hall- where the vending machine was located. Humming a small tune you continued your leisure stroll, fishing through your pocket for your credit card. After retrieving it you purchased a mini chocolate cake (that looked more like a brownie than anything), white chocolate matcha cookie, and a tiny cup sized bottle of milk tea. As the transaction was going through, you picked up on approaching footsteps and people’s voices. 
“Apologies *indistinguishable*-san I simply must take this phone call. There’s a vending machine around the corner, would you please wait for me there?��� An adult said, heavy footsteps receding, a door opened, then shut. You turned back to the task of collecting your snacks. 
“Is this what I think it is?” A noticeably younger sounding male’s voice asked, barely audible. You vaguely wondered what was going on over there, before promptly setting your food on a nearby chair, pulling out your hand sanitizer and applying it swiftly. As you contemplated what snack to indulge yourself with first, you were deaf to the incoming footsteps and soft gasp from behind you.
“But if I ate the cake I might accidentally spill crumbs in the hallway... maybe the cookie’s a better idea?” You wondered, pocketing your sanitizer, still oblivious to the boy behind you. “Hmm...”
“Uhh... excuse me?” That voice from earlier called out, startling you. You whipped around, only to make eye contact with pretty onyx eyes, the color of warm coal and cooled lava rock. His entire being was outlined in a highlighter yellow- it was kind of fitting, having matched the schools signature colors. 
‘Woah my soulmate’s actually kinda hot,’ you thought to yourself, taking in the boys appearance. Wavy black hair, two moles above his right eye, you couldn’t see the rest of his face- since it was obscured by a white face mask. He was perhaps 5′11- but something told you he was on the cusp of a growth spurt. So caught up in your musings you hadn’t noticed that you had accidentally voiced your thoughts out loud. “Thank god he’s not an old man.”
“...Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Mr. Highlighter questioned, staring at you incredulously. 
“Oh no did I say that out loud? I am so sorry- I swear I didn’t mean too!” You exclaimed before bowing in apology, cheeks hot with embarrassment. Sometimes you spoke whatever was on your mind- a bad habit you were currently working hard on breaking.
“...” He didn’t say anything, still looking at you judgingly. Internally he was wondering why he was destined to be with someone like you. “Sakusa.”
“Huh?” You straightened back up, wide eyed. 
“My name’s Sakusa Kiyoomi... this is the part where you’re supposed to introduce yourself.” Uh oh ‘Sakusa’ sounded a tad bit irritated with you now. His name sounded familiar somehow... but you didn’t quite know why.
“R-right! My name’s Ushijima Y/n!” You smiled nervously, awaiting his reaction. He looked pleasantly surprised at that.
“Ushijima? Like Ushijima Wakatoshi?” Your smile dwindled slightly at his choice of words. Of course he was excited- not because he met you- but because he was able to use you to meet Toshi. 
“Yeah... he’s actually my first cousin.” Attempting to keep the conversation flowing you asked “are you a volleyball fan?” 
Unbeknownst to you, Kiyoomi noticed how you reacted when he asked about Wakatoshi, so he decided to avoid that topic for now. 
“Mm... I’m actually a player. That’s what I’m here for... I was scouted for the volleyball team.” He says it so nonchalantly, as if he wasn’t sought out to join the best high school boys team in the entire country. 
You’re just as impressed as he hoped thought you’d be, all starry eyed and mouth open in awe. “Scouted? That’s amazing Sakusa!” He’s pleasantly surprised that you forgoed the honorifics, but a tad bit disappointed at your use of his surname. “You must be very skilled- I’m only here because I had to take the entrance exams.” 
“How were they?” He finds himself blurting out softly, it’s uncharacteristic of him- not that you could know that- but he finds that he doesn’t mind being a bit forward when it comes to you. Despite not usually being one for conversation, he doesn’t want this chat to end. 
“Mm they were okay I guess... but the math portion was pretty difficult.” Speaking about the hard exams remind you about how hungry they made you and your stomach gurgles in response. Behind his mask, Kiyoomi’s lips quirk at the abashed expression you make- which disappears once you wave it off with a laugh and a brief apology. “Want a cookie? Or a cake?” You question, nodding over to your waiting snacks. He shakes his head. It feels almost invasive as he watches you unwrap your cookie- noticing the care you take in making sure your fingers only touch the wrapper, not wanting to touch the cookie itself, lest you get crumbs on your hands. But you don’t look uncomfortable at his weird interest, so he continues to stare. “I can buy you a snack? What do you like to eat?”
“It’s fine, I have money.” The dark haired male pats his pocket, “I like umeboshi... anything with umeboshi.” Those enchanting e/c orbs flit over to him once more and he discovers that you’re probably the only person that could stare at him endlessly without making him uncomfortable. This thought scares him- he doesn’t even know you- he shouldn’t be thinking such things. You’re tapping away at the vending machines, cookie having been finished and trash tossed in a bin nearby. He assumes you’re just buying another snack for yourself.
“Here... is ume daifuku good?” You question, holding it out to him with one hand, while your other one reaches back into the dispenser part of the machine and retrieves a can of matcha tea. “Delivery for one!” The smile adorning your lips sends a pleasant feeling throughout his body, normal tendencies forgotten, he accepts your offer. 
“Thank you... can I pay you back? I don’t have cash on me at the moment, but maybe another time?” He pockets the canned tea and holds the daifuku in one hand, allowing you to spurt some hand sanitizer on his empty one. You shake your head, h/c hair swinging, his heart sinks in his chest- rejection overcoming him. 
“Don’t even think about paying me back Sakusa... but we can meet up again... maybe off of school grounds?” A shy look overtakes your features and he can feel his heart picking itself up off the floor and taking flight at how cute you are. 
“I... wouldn’t be opposed.” 
“Great, let’s keep in touch then! What’s your number? I’ll text you!” He tells you his number, watching as you type it into your phone quickly. 
“Say cheese!” You twirl around holding the camera up so that it focuses on Kiyoomi’s tall figure, your head poking in at the corner of the screen. He doesn’t do much- the only noticeable change in his demeanor is the *very* slightly shocked look on his face (you can tell by the wide stretch of his eyes). He licks his lips behind his mask and looks as if he wants to say something, but he doesn’t get the chance. 
“Sorry about that Sakusa let’s continue the tour- hm am I interrupting something?” The headmasters voice says from the end of the hallway, he’s pleased to see the two of you together. Both being the children of very influential people- it bode well for the school if you kids got along. 
“No, we’re good thank you... I’ll talk to you later Ushijima.” 
“Call me Y/n, Sakusa! I’ll text you okay?” 
The headmaster walks off, expecting Sakusa to follow. As he passes you he says one last thing. 
“You can call me Kiyoomi then.”
Series Masterlist
Taglist: CLOSED @kac-chowsballs​ @kotwd​ @ems1des​ @normalisthenewnorm @micheleinumaki @gomchan @empress-simps @mer-der-mi @honeyswhiskers @sakusas-number1-stan @astronomyturtle @akirahyoshi @afire24  @its-the-aerieljeane @carla-1217​ @fucktheworlddude @baes-x @shadoweepingscream @sirachano0dles @katamint @420-uwu @xstormiii​ @youtuboo​ @chibiitakoyaki
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malewifegradyruewen · 3 years
Ceux Qui Ne Meurent Jamais, Chapter Three
three chapters in three days i'm insane-
previous | next | masterpost
trigger warnings: overall creepy vibe, i was almost too scared to finish, that's why it stops so abruptly, i don't recommend reading late at night or in the dark, ask to tag
word count: 1715
tagging: @fire-sapphics @zoyyanazyalensky @dirty-racoon @della-vacker-supremacy @raiinyrxse @lucat13 @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @genyyasafin @cadence-talle @thewhiteblades @gay-otlc @brilliantblindinglights @enbies-and-felonies @love-pyramus @silver-war @pencilwritesshiz47 @littlemisscupcake lmk if you want to be added/removed!!
Nathalie awoke to the sound of what she assumed was a door slamming shut. The wind howled outside her window, making the panes rattle. She looked at the clock, but the room was too dark for her to see. She lit the candle that had been sitting on her bedside table and padded across the floor to look. Two-fifty-four.
Given the strong winds outside, a draft blowing a door shut was nothing too out of the ordinary, so Nathalie decided to return to bed. She started crossing back to her four-poster when she heard another SLAM! It sounded closer, as though the first one had been one of the vacant bedrooms at the far end of the hallway, and this one was only a few doors down. While it did seem odd, she didn’t think much of it. An old, empty manor could only withstand so much on a night as windy as this one.
SLAM! A third door slamming shut, this one stopping Nathalie in her tracks. It sounded as though this door was across the hall, the door to the only accessible room that was currently vacant. She turned around slowly and crept towards her door, so she could check the hallway and put her mind at ease before returning to bed. She reached out to grab the doorknob before she realised she was shaking. Maybe checking the hall wasn’t the best idea. But her curiosity got the best of her, and she kneeled down on the floor and laid down on her stomach, peering under the door. She couldn’t see anything, and after a few minutes she was ready to go back to bed, until she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
She could just make out a heavy pair of boots, walking swiftly yet somehow silently across the floor. She held her breath as the boots stopped right in front of her door. Her heart was pounding, louder than it ever had before. The boots moved closer to her door, taking one step, then another, before stopping once more. They turned and ran down the hallway, towards the vacant bedrooms.
Nathalie wasn’t sure how long she stayed there, on the floor next to her door, the only light the candle on her nightstand slowly dimming as the wax melted. Not another door slammed, though the wind blew ever stronger. Who was that, with the black boots, and why were they here? How had they gotten here? Her brain rattled with questions, like the panes clattering in the window frames. But there was nothing she could do about it tonight. She’d ask Lady Lucie in the morning.
Slowly, she got up off the floor and climbed back into bed, snuffing out the candle as she did so. Her heart was still racing and her head was still pounding, but as darkness enveloped the room once more, she couldn’t fight the exhaustion, and she slipped into an uneasy slumber.
Nathalie was awoken by the sun streaming through her windows, so bright it felt blinding. The house was quiet, the ticking of the clock the only sound. Nine-twenty-seven. Lady Lucie had said breakfast was typically at nine, but she’d make it fresh for Nathalie. She could afford a few more moments in bed before getting ready for the day.
Thoughts of breakfast and sunlight and the other ladies in the house distracted her for a moment, but it wasn’t long before her questions about last night’s events took front and center in her brain. Even now, she shuddered at the memory of the boots standing outside her door, silent on such a creaky floor.
She couldn’t bear to sit and wallow in memory any longer, so she instead climbed out of bed and changed out of her nightdress to an outfit nearly identical to that of last night, only the skirt was green and the blouse was white. She quickly untied the ribbon wrapped around the end of her braid and tied her hair into a bun, the same way she had everyday since she was a child. Slipping her grey shoes back on, she headed downstairs to the dining room they’d eaten in the night before.
There was no evidence anyone had used the dining room thus far that morning, but the door to the kitchen was propped open. Nathalie cautiously walked towards the kitchen, spotting Lady Lucie elbows deep in the sink. The clatter of dishes being plunged into the soapy water was loud, but it still seemed strange to Nathalie that her footsteps hadn’t been loud enough to alert Lady Lucie to her presence.
“Good morning,” she said, raising her voice so she could be heard above the dishes.
Lady Lucie whipped around, as though she hadn’t been expecting Nathalie. “Lady Nathalie!” she cried. “Good morning! Don’t mind me, just tidying up after breakfast! I left a bowl next to the stove for you, and there’s a plate of fruit and a bowl of sugar on the counter.”
She pointed as she spoke, guiding Nathalie to a pot of porridge on the stove. She groaned. After eating it nearly every day of her childhood, she despised porridge. The bland, tasteless mush was one of the worst things about Hazelford Children’s Manor. However, she couldn’t deny that her stomach was rumbling, so she took a small scoop and added several heaping spoonfuls of sugar before taking her bowl and the whole plate of fruit to the dining room. There wasn’t much on the plate, as the native berries were mostly out of season, but there were apple slices, which in Nathalie’s opinion, were the best of all the fruits. She reluctantly put a bit of porridge on the apple slice and ate it, delightfully surprised at her creation. No longer despising the food in front of her, she ate it as quickly as she could.
Partway through her bowl of porridge, Lady Lucie emerged from the kitchen and joined Nathalie. “I trust you sleep well?”
For a moment, Nathalie debated lying, saying that her sleep had been uninterrupted. Would Lady Lucie know if she lied? But she decided to ask about the heavy yet silent black boots last night.
“There were some doors that slammed last night. I don’t know if you heard them. They woke me up, and I saw something...strange.”
“Oh? Strange how?” Lady Lucie seemed surprised, though Nathalie couldn’t fathom how. The doors had been quite loud, and she wasn’t sure how anyone could sleep through them.
“There was...a person, in the hallway upstairs, I think. I saw, under my door, a pair of black boots, but they were silent.” She decided to leave out the part where they had walked towards her door, and had seemingly been called away.
Lady Lucie paled. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
“The what?”
“Cavalier de l'ombre. A legend,” she said, jumping up. “Come, to the library, I’ll show you what I mean.”
Nathalie had no time to argue, because Lady Lucie had grabbed her wrist and was pulling her away from the table. She had no choice but to run to keep up as they wound through hallways, past closed off sitting rooms and boarded up doors, too many to count. Finally, they reached a pair of the largest doors Nathalie had ever seen, even larger than the front doors. Lady Lucie let go of her wrist to push the door open, not straining despite their size.
Had she not been terrified of what seemed to be imminent doom, Nathalie would have stopped and marveled at the library. The ceiling was three stories tall, and at least half of Hazelford Children’s Manor alone could fit in here. Bookshelves spanned from floor to ceiling, with two balconies wrapping around the entire room so books higher up could be accessed. There were at least a dozen ladders hung onto rods above the bookcases with small wheels at the bottom so one could reach any book they pleased. The highest balconies had small baskets on pulleys to lower books down while climbing down the narrow spiral staircases hidden in the corners. Grand chandeliers illuminated the room, along with the light streaming in the great stained glass windows directly opposite the doors, the only bit of wall space that wasn’t covered in books. Sofas, tables, armchairs, and desks were scattered about so that everyone had a spot to read and study, although there was a fair number of floor pillows as well.
But Nathalie had no time to marvel at these wonders as she was dragged up a spiral staircase and around a balcony until Lady Lucie stopped so abruptly, she almost fell over.
“Here it is,” Lady Lucie said breathlessly, pulling a book off a shelf at eye-level and flipping through it frantically. “Legends of the Ladies, by Lady Auriane. It’s old, maybe 12 cycles, but it’s one of the best when it comes to our lore. Here,” she said, settling on a page and pointing to the header. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
She offered it to Nathalie, and she took it and started reading. “Le Cavalier de l’ombre is a figure who has no face, makes no sound, and leaves no memory of their visit. They travel in shadow, typically appearing at night to unsuspecting souls. Only appearing to the ladies of the order thus far, they seem to steal immortality, weakening the lady until she has no life left within her, so she meets her demise shortly thereafter. The ladies who fall victim pass with no knowledge as to how or why. No lady has been able to speak of how their immortality is stolen, but all can recall a sense of dread and a drop in temperature before their memory is blank. There seems to be no pattern as to who falls victim to this being, but they will choose one lady and pursue them until they have achieved their goals. Thus far there has been no way found to harm this creature.”
Nathalie finished reading and looked at Lady Lucie, who was paler than any person Nathalie had ever seen. “What does this mean?”
“It means,” Lady Lucie choked, “you’re the next victim of le cavalier de l’ombre, and we don’t know how to stop it.”
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claymorecut · 4 years
Gintsu week // Day 2
The school hours were finally over for the day. The sun was already setting, painting the sky with red and orange hues as the students and staff members left the campus one after another. The corridors were now completely silent; with the doors locked and lights turned off, not a single speck of noise could be heard in the school.
Well, except for the faint voices coming from the one store room around the corner of the third floor which was apparently under maintenance.
They knew they were stuck inside. They knew he shouldn't have pulled the door close even the slightest because the lock was broken and it was a windy day and damnit, why wasn't this a sliding door!? The room was so small and packed with old documents and broken desks that there was hardly any space for two people to stand in a good distance. And the best part, the dim sunlight coming from the tiny window and the broken light switch was the cherry on top in this miserable situation.
"Now what?" Tsukuyo asked as she let go off the door knob in defeat once again.
"What do you want me to say?" Ginpachi replied calmly as he took a seat on a nearby desk. "I've already tried opening the door plenty of times and it's stuck."
"Ginpachi, It's almost six-thirty and we have been stuck here for almost half and hour now!" Tsukuyo spoke, her voice a little higher than before. "Nobody seems to be coming here either. Do you want to spend the night here!?"
Even in the dim light, Tsukuyo could see the teasing smirk growing on his face. "I don't have any problem with that."
She really wanted to punch him. Of all the times, he had to flirt with her right now but seriously, she was just not in the mood to listen to his nonchalant comments. "You do know it was your fault, right?"
Ginpachi knew he was the one who pulled the door slightly but not completely closed it because hey, that was a habit of his apparently and he had no idea that Tsukuyo was right behind the shelf and if he had any idea the wind was going to be a bitch today of all days and that it was going to lock them both inside by pushing the door with its stupid force, he would have never entered the store room in the first place!
"It was not my fault! It was the wind!"
"Sakamoto-san notified the whole school yesterday that this room is under maintenance and under any circumstances, no one is supposed to pull the door close even the slightest because accidents can happen anytime!"
"Woman, I was here to check on some documents! How'd I know that the wind was going to lock me inside and that too with you of all the people in this world. I have no intention of setting a camp here with you, what the hell do you take me for, huh!?"
Tsukuyo knew he didn't mean any of it and the whole situation was only irritating her even more. "I know." she replied quietly. "Where's your phone though? Mine can't get any signal here."
"....uh...my battery's dead."
Wow. No lights, no signal, they were really going to spend the night here.
"You know what? Nevermind. Why did I bother asking you anyway?" she couldn't help the scowl appearing on her face.
Taking note of her frowing face, Ginpachi couldn't help but speak in an irked voice. "Hey. You don't make such a disgusted face."
And this reply only poured fuel in the fire.
"So what do you want me to do? Smile!?"
"No!" Now Ginpachi was standing up from his seat. "But how about you try to be a little polite!?"
"And how about you start talking responsibility for your actions!?"
"Hey!" Ginpachi yelled as he stomped towards her angrily. "Do you think I'm enjoying my stay here with you? Because let me make this very clear to you. I. AM. NOT!"
"Oh thank you so much for the clarification, Ginpachi-sensei" the way she mockingly called his name only made his blood boil "The feeling's MUTUAL!" she spat right on his face.
"The last thing I wanted was to get stuck inside a store room with an unfunny woman like YOU!"
"Like I was dying to spend a night with a bastard like you!"
Ginpachi could just glare furiously as he inched his face close to her. "This is why men don't come near a BITCH like you!"
"Yeah sure!" she too moved her face close. "Like there's a huge crowd of women out there waiting for your LAZY ASS!"
"I pity the men who're out wasting their time on a brute like you!"
"And I pity the woman who're drooling over you!- oh sorry, there's literally no one drooling over you!"
Smart. "Aww. Well I'm not the twenty-seven year old chain smoking virgin here!"
"Well at least I'm not spending all my salary on jump magazines and parfaits like a certain dumb perm-head here!"
"You do know too much nicotine can speed aging. Ah that's why I see all the wrinkles around your face."
"And you do know that too much sugar can cause erectile dysfunction."
This was getting too much. "You know what woman? How 'bout you shut that little mouth of yours!?"
They knew they should stop. "Well how about you shut up by sucking on that stupid strawberry lollipop of yours!?"
Their faces were close, too close, their noses almost touching but no one was willing to back off anymore. There might not be a lot of light inside but they could clearly see the fire in each other's eyes. It was not like these two didn't respect each other. It's just that sometimes, they just couldn't stand each other and that's why they were called the bickering couple of the school. However, this argument was no longer their simple banter.
It was now a matter of pride.
"Listen here." Ginpachi's voice was so low and chilling it could make a grown man piss his pants. "If you don't shut up, I'll make you."
Tsukuyo could just chortle mockingly as she didn't budge an inch from her place. "I bet you can't."
He had a sly grin on his face now. "I'm warning you, Tsukuyo."
Tsukuyo matched his expression. "Like your threats can scare m-"
But before she could finish, Ginpachi already captured her lips with his. Tsukuyo's eyes widened with shock as she felt him take her breath away in that one short kiss. But before she could even react and shove him off, he quickly pulled away with a cheeky and breathy laugh.
"HA! I warned you!"
Tsukuyo couldn't process what just happened but his smug laughter only angered her more. Before she could think what she was doing, she found herself returning the favor by pulling him by his white lab coat and kissing him feverishly on his lips. And this time, it was Ginpachi's eyes which widened into large saucers.
Tsukuyo quickly pulled back, leaving both of them brrathless again. "Don't you dare act so smug with me!"
Both of them just stood there for a second, their minds trying to process what happened. They were just arguing, right? Telling how much they didn't enjoy each others company inside a locked storeroom?
Then how did this happen?
Was it the frustration of getting stuck with each other? Or was it solely the insults? Was it the packed room and the heat which messed up with their brain? Or was it the fact that they wanted to prove something to each other?
But whatever it was, why did they choose to kiss each other?
And why the hell did it feel so good?
Before their minds could answer these questions, the two coworkers found themselves lashing on each other.
Tsukuyo had always been a calm and level-headed person but never had she find more thrill in anything than pulling Ginpachi by his collar while pushing his oval specs up his head and kiss him with all she had got. Ginpachi, on the other hand, never let his control slip by in front of any woman. But this woman he was kissing right now only made him lose control and devour her with every kiss he gave her. Not in a million years had these two thought that they would be making out in a locked storeroom and that too after a long argument where they constantly insulted each other. And yet, kissing each other only made them realize how much they wanted this.
"What're we doing?" Tsukuyo asked gaspingly between kisses as she found Ginpachi cradling her face in his palms. His touch was firm yet gentle and she felt like turning into a mush.
"Just shut up and kiss me woman." Ginpachi almost growled as he now pulled her closer by her waist and planted his lips on her again.
Tsukuyo have never had such an experience in her life- this was her first kiss. With the energy and passion Ginpachi kissed her, she could feel her legs go limp as she found her arms wrapping around his neck to get some support. She shouldn't have provoked him. But damnit would she be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying this. Matching his lips, Tsukuyo copied his movements with the same intensity as she found his tongue battling hers. The way he sucked and bit her lower lip and then lightly kissed it- her mind was going completely dizzy. She then went for his red tie, tugging it loose as she let her hands roam on his well-built physic. He was just too much for her and even though the kiss felt too rushed and sloppy, she didn't mind any of her inexperience.
As for Ginpachi, he didn't seem to mind any of her inexperience as he continued to lick and taste her mouth with no shame. His hands were everywhere, her waist, her ass and then sliding up to her full clothed breaths and shit! how could no man not want her. She was just so intoxicating he could just eat her up in one go. Her curves, her voice, her beautifully scared face, the way she squirmed in his arms as she clutched on his lab coat for support- everything she did, she was always perfect. The smell of nicotine along with her lavender perfume and her small breathless moans only overwhelmed his senses as he no longer cared where they might end up later.
Never had Ginpachi wanted a woman as much as he desired her.
Never had Tsukuyo thought she would feel such security in his arms.
Sensing her wobbly legs, Ginpachi picked her up by her ass in one go as Tsukuyo found her legs now wrapped around his waist while he pressed her against the nearest wall for more support. Without leaving his lips from her, he found his hands now playing with one of her clothed breasts as he heard another muffled moan from her.
But alas they finally broke for air.
In the dim light of the evening, the two could see the string of salive that connected their tongues as both of them huffed for air. The way they looked now- their completely messed up hair, wrinkled clothes, Ginpachi's loose tie and Tsukuyo's unbuttoned shirt- never had they thought they would engage in such a reckless and intimate act together.
And yet, the way they panted and looked at looked at each other, as a small smile suddenly appeared on their faces, this didn't feel wrong to the them at all.
But before they could continue with their little session, the sudden turning of the door knob made them both jolt in shock as Tsukuyo jumped off Ginpachi's lap. Both of them looked at the opening door in horror as they found someone moving the flashlight right on their faces.
"I knew you guys were-" Ah shit, it was Zenzou. And the two of them were completely disheveled. "...You guys continue." And he switched off the flashlight and was again locking the door.
"OII WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!" It was Ginpachi who called out as he rushed towards the door. "The hell are you doing? We've been locked here this entire time!"
"Yeah?" Zenzou gave the unkept man a skeptical look and then looked at Tsukuyo behind who quickly turned her red face in shame. "Looks like you guys were having a good time and I was the one who disturbed you."
Ginpachi could feel his face flush in embarrassment as he glared at his colleague. "THAT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"
On this, Zenzou gave him a are-you-serious-man look and Ginpachi only felt his face grew hotter.
Tsukuyo could feel the tension around as she rearranged her clothes a little and walked towards the two men. "Hattori-sensei," she spoke up, "this...was not what we...we were really locked inside!" she finally got the out, her face turning red once again. "...but things just happened.."
Zenzou looked at Tsukuyo and then at Ginpachi as he felt a small grin escape his lips at their embarrassed faces. "Don't worry." he spoke in his nonchalant voice. "The whole school already knew that there was something going on between you two."
Ginpachi and Tsukuyo looked in surprise as a quick "eh!?" left their mouths simultaneously.
"Well whatever. It's already late. Good thing I came here to check." he turned around to leave as the other two quickly tidy up their appearances a little.
"By the way tempa! Good job." he gave a thumbs up to Ginpachi and then picked his pace, leaving the two behind.
Ginpachi and Tsukuyo turned to look at each other as they again felt the tension increasing between them. It wasn't always when these two make out and well, this was a first for them and yet, both of them seemed to have no problem with it. They might have never accepted it on their own but they sure did enjoy their company together. And a lot more than they could have guessed.
"Uh...." both spoke up simultaneously. And both of them chuckled at this. But again, silence followed.
"Hey." It was Ginpachi who spoke first. "I don't know what happened but..."
"...wanna get some lunch together someday?"
Hearing his earnest request, Tsukuyo felt her heart flutter. "Sure." she replied with a smile. "I hope you won't regret it though."
Ginpachi could only give her his honest answer. "Of course I won't."
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fairytsuk1 · 4 years
late-night snacking (s)
Tumblr media
part of the autumn experiences collection.
pairing: osamu miya x reader
genre: smut
warnings: fem!receiving oral
words: 1.8k
summary: let me please you.
prompt: feast
     You've come to realize that your boyfriend is essentially a human heater. Osamu seems like he'd be the stereotypical cold man who just couldn't (and wouldn't) extend his emotions to others, but that just wasn't right. Having dated the man for five years, you'd come to realize that he wasn't prickly and cold but rather eager to show how much he cared about people close to him.
     He wasn't too forward about that either, but you knew what he was trying to do.
     Curled up into his side on the couch, you're partly thankful your heater was all the way in storage and the two of you were too lazy to fish it out. Osamu's body heat was much nicer to be curled up against, and his relaxed breathing soothed you; it made you feel sleepy.
     "You're gonna miss the best part if you fall asleep," he looked down at you and squeezed your shoulder before motioning to the romcom movie.
"I'm not sleeping. I'm just...relaxing."
     He was not convinced but hummed and settled back on the movie. You'd chosen it, of course, the cheesy plots and stereotypical tropes always made your heart melt because they were just so cute but poorly done—something about things not being absolutely perfect made your heart do flips.
     Like 'Samu. He wasn't perfect, but you adored him. He had trouble expressing his emotions when problems were occurring, that always led to a lot of back and forth silence until one of you broke. It was annoying, you hated it when you could tell something was wrong and he wouldn't spit it out. It clashed with your need to problem solve and get to the bottom of the issue at that exact moment.
     He wasn't all bad, though. He was good with romantic gestures! Making lunch was his favorite if you recalled correctly. It must be an instinctual thing, wanting to provide for the one you love. That fact just made your heart pound more at the thought of it. He was also incredibly dazzling. During his volleyball era, you were obsessed with the way sweat rolled down his jawline, and how he'd look at you in the stands with a ferocity that made your knees completely weak. Sometimes, he'd come to your bedroom and completely envelop you with his mouth, lingering touches, and soft-spoken words. Other times, he pushed your face into the bedsheets and shuddered from how hard he came while you pathetically clenched around him. The mere thought of the various ways he could and would use you made your thighs clench as you looked up at him.
     His adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed, and you admired the creamy skin tone on his neck that was begging to be littered with bruises. His eyes caught yours and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. You'd been caught.
     "Got something on your mind, doll?"
     Your face grows hot as you scrunch your face up and turn away from the knowing gaze, "nothing you need to know."
     "Yeah? Well, it's your movie night, and you're not even paying attention. Don't be mad when you don't like the movie I pick next time."
     He adjusts his seated position to pull you into his lap, large hands glide gracefully to your waist, and fingertips dip just under your pajama shorts. He's close, too close. His eyes are hooded as he looks at you expectantly.
"I don't know what you want from me! Now you're distracting me from the movie."
     "We can catch up on it later."
     His lips capture yours in a kiss, and you're weakened. He always knows how to have you where he wanted you. Strawberry chapstick, he's conscious of having soft lips. Mainly because Atsumu made fun of him for having dry lips so he continually puts it on. You don't mind too much; it tastes good and feels nice on your skin.
     He pulls away with a final tug to your bottom lip before giving you a small smile.
     "You look pretty tonight."
"Thank you."
     Diving back to your neck this time, he latches onto the left side of your neck and peppers kisses on the area. He takes his time, methodical and careful. It's nice, but it has you rolling your hips against his to feel just a bit of friction. You manage to wiggle against the tent in his sweatpants only twice until he bites down and sucks a bruise into your neck.
     "Stop trying to rush me, I'll give you all you want and more."
     Soothing the ache on your neck with a gentle kiss, he lifts your sweatshirt up to your collarbone and grins. He looks so stupid and boyish, you can't even believe that you're already ruining your underwear when he tugs your left nipple into his mouth and sucks.
     Keening, you immediately try to arch away, but he's faster and stronger. Peering up at you with those sinful eyes, he holds you in place. Your breath is starting to come out in short bursts, and you can feel him smiling as he kisses and marks up the valley between your breasts.
     "Let me eat you out. Lie back."
     He flicks your nipple to hear the yelp come out of you. Immediately, you glare at him.
"That's not funny."
     "You like it when I'm mean to you. I'll stop, but just because I wanna see you cry under me."
    ��Molten lava swirls in your gut as you shift off of him and lie back on the expanse of the couch. Your underwear is sticky and now that you think about it, creaming on his tongue and fingers was not a bad way to get what you wanted. Though, you'd always prefer him fucking into your pussy with the appetite of a starved man, the fullness of his cock overtaking you and your brain turning to mush till all you could cry out was, "'Samu...Please, it's too much…!"
     He pushes you up so your head is supported by the armrest while focusing on your lower half. His eyes greedily take in the pose you're in before untying your shorts and shimmying them down your ass, tapping your thigh to lift as needed.
     "Oh? For me? I'll be sure to enjoy it."
     You feel exposed when he pulls your panties taut against your lips, the visible dark patch giving him an ego boost.
"Just get to it!" you huff and look down at him, impatient as ever.
     "Why are you so bratty?" you make eye contact with him and tremble under his dark gaze, "I told you I would take care of you, didn't I? You're not acting very gracious right now."
     You open your mouth to protest but cross your arms and glare up at the ceiling. Maybe you were being a bit bratty today...It was fun, though. You liked the way he looked at you and treated you.
     Your panties were taken off slowly and dangled on your foot; you'd begun to sweat by now. He was just staring at your cunt, not moving. You went to close your legs, but the sudden harsh suck against your clit made you jolt and grip his hair. Your legs naturally went to close, but he held them open effortlessly. He flattened his tongue and licked from your soaked opening to your clit again before pulling back.
     "Are you going to apologize?"
     He let his fingers form a peace sign before gliding between your wet lips, purposefully avoiding your clit.
"...'M sorry, Osamu. I'll stop being a brat. I love you."
     "I love you too, sweet girl."
     His head that rested on your thigh gave butterfly kisses to your it while his thumb rubbed a hard circle to your clit. Then, he did it once more as he sucked a hickey to the inside of your thigh.
     The pressure against your clit versus the softness of his kisses made your head spin. You rocked your hips up to catch more of his love and groaned at his ministrations. You looked down at him and bit your lip when you saw his eyes looking straight at you already. He smiled, and you watched in near admiration as he ground his tongue into your core and let a finger dip into your already soaked hole. 
"I need...I want you to…"
     "I know."
     Your voice, honeyed and needy, wailed as he gently crooked his finger up, lightly grazing the sensitive flesh while he worked the outside of your cunt in such a way that only your lover could. He murmured something incoherent against your flesh before letting two fingers delve inside you, a cry being torn from your throat as you shifted your hips to feel more of him inside you. You wanted him and only him.
     You were absolutely soaking his fingers as he let them glide in and out of you, soft groans falling from his lips as he watched you take him in. Your hand twitched, and he used his free one to interlace your fingers;smoothly working you to the point of release. The tight coiling in your loins let you know that you were so close. Osamu watched your free hand rise to toy with the pebbled buds of your breasts.
     You were panting now, your breath coming out fast as incoherent moans and cries spilled out from your lips. 
"Osamu! Please let me cum, I wanna…"
     He laughed lightly as the fog that clearly withheld all coherent sentences clouded over. He worked his fingers faster, the sloppy noise of him fucking your pussy being raunchier than any porn you two had ever watched.
     Pulling his fingers out, you cried and squeezed his hand. Though, he was not one to disappoint as he buried his face into your cunt and wormed his tongue through your folds to circle your sopping wet entrance. His fingers gripped your thighs so hard you could nearly feel the bruises appearing as he tongue-fucked you to your release. The wet gummy intrusion sent you spiraling as his nose bumped against your clit. Of course, the coil snapped, and you soaked his tongue as you came.
"Hah...oh god! 'S-Samu!!"
     He let his tongue lap up your essence while you spasmed around him. You rode his face to completion and sobbed from pleasure; he simply guided you till your thighs shut around his head, and you began to tilt your hips away from his mouth.
     Of course, cumming around his cock would've been ideal, but this was the next best thing. Your thighs released his head, and when he came up for air, you throbbed at his glistening chin. He smirked at you and licked his lips before butterfly kissing your-in his words-pretty pretty pussy.
     You lie on the couch boneless, convinced you'll have to get it steam cleaned as there was no way it wasn't wrecked with your cum.
"You shouldn't be allowed to be that good at that."
     "What? Eating your pussy? Well, eating is my favorite thing to do."
"'Samu! Don't be gross!"
     He sat back on his haunches and tilted his head.
     "I was just trying to thank you for the meal."
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
I was in desperate need of some beel fluff, so i wrote some. As one does. Uh, ive never done this,(posting fanfic, i normally jus write small things for myself tbh😅) before so please have mercy lol
I hope ya like it though, it put a smile on my face so im hoping it does the same for you♡
You started filling the hem of your shirt with snacks, as many as you could fit in the scrunched up fabric that is, a tired but playful grin on your lips, as you thought over what you planned to do, mentally prepping yourself.
Normally, you're not so bold about seeking out comfort and such, feeling shy about showing vulnerability...but today, ugh, today had you particularly worn down. You needed something, affection preferably. You'd settle for a warm bath and some melatonin if you had to. Though, you really didnt want too.
You were tired of self soothing all the time. And Asmos care packages could only help so much. But you knew how to make it all magically better. There was only one option in times like these .
You worked quickly, excitement bouncing around in your gut, making your hands a little shaky.
Having grabbed all you could you carry, you practically dashed from the kitchen. Your mind set on finding a certain big demon. Last you heard, he was headed to his room for a bit. You hoped he was still there.
When you finally reached his bedroom door, you found yourself in a tad bit of a pickle. Your eyebrows furrowed, the realization that you wouldn't be able to open the door making you frown at the closed door briefly. You cursed yourself slightly, for not thinking that far ahead. You forgot in all your excitement.
Briefly you considered trying to use you feet before dropping the idea. Guess you've got no choice.
Dang it! You felt kinda bummed that you'd be losing the element of surprise, but the grin soon returned, thinking about seeing Beel always you happy, regardless of the circumstances.
"Beeeeellllllllllll!" You called out, letting a bit of a whine into your voice, hey, who knows? Maybe it'd get him in front of you faster?? He tended to be on the slower side of answering his door, sometimes he simply didnt hear it. Especially if he was working out or watching tv.
Apparently, whining his name did not speed him up:(
You were about to call out again, worried he hadn't heard you, when the door clicked open. The mere sound making you feel slightly giddy. Your eyes snapping up to meet his briefly. You soaked in as many details of him as you could, without just straight ogling him, before flicking your eyes back up to meet his.
"Y/n?" He seemed pleasantly surprised, dressed in a black tank top and grey sweats (you were happy to see him wearing them, because while he looked like a whole ass meal in them, it also meant he had no plans of leaving the house tonight).
His eyes were quick to find the odd lumps wrapped up in your shirt, as well as the bit of tummy peaking out. The position you held your shirt in had caused the bottom of your stomach to show, something you had worried about on the way here, anxious about a different brother catching a glimpse of you. You could feel his stare burn against your skin, he was about to say something, but then his nose twitched, and his eyes fixed on your bundle of snacks instead.
Not that you minded his staring your stomach, not with Beel.
The others...maybe.
Your tummy was one of his favorite parts about you, he's hands finding their way under your shirt to touch and squeeze the soft flesh more often than not. Always gentle and non intrusive. I think he'd full on cry if he accidentally upset you somehow tbh.
Boy had absolutely no shame about it, once he learned you didnt mind much.
Especially when you seemed to be a bit shy about showing your stomach, with the others, or just in general. He made sure to let you know how much he loved your squish. Be it at RAD or just casually in the house.
The only person who ever raised a fuss over it was Mammon, although, he tended to fuss over everything you did anyways;; His protests did absolutely nothing to deter you or Beel, much to his dismay.
Sometimes, if Beel was hungry and needed a distraction or a quick 'pick me up', he'd scoop you up and just shove his face into your tummy. (Much like what I do with my cat when I'm bored and/or sad) Then he'd just hold you there until he absolutely had to let you down.
Relishing in the feel of your softness and you heart racing under your skin, fluttering so delicately under his lips, pressing his face against you was an instant mood lifter for him.
You loved it, a surprised but delighted laugh always ripping from your chest, almost subconsciously. You couldn't hide your happiness in his affections, not that you would want to (thats a lie, you cant help but be embarrassed at the end of the day by the intensive joy you felt whenever you looked at him). Which only seemed to motivate him even more, and soon each time he scooped you up, he'd kiss all over your tummy, making you giggle because it tickled, before hugging you close with a small sigh.
"I brought snacks, and some cuddles. So uhm, can I nap on you for a bit? 'M tired. Unless your busy or something..." you beam up at him, starting to hesitate toward the end, suddenly a little unsure.
"Pretty please?? I wont bug ya, I promise." You plead, pulling your best puppy dog eyes, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. His eyes widened as his brain processed what you said, and the cute sight in front of him. If he was being honest, it made his brain stop for a split second.
He chuckled at you and lifted you up by the back of your knees, holding you carefully to his chest, mindful of your full shirt. A small startled squeak coming from you as he did so, a sound he never got tired of hearing.
You glanced in the room as he closed to door, he had papers sprawled over the small coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few (you spotted more in the trash bin in the corner) empty food wrappers around his work space. He plopped down in front of the table again, taking only a few steps to reach it. You were kind of jealous, your short legs never being a fair match against his. Luckily he enjoyed carrying you, which solved that issue right quick.
"You can keep me company while I finish my homework." He says, shifting you into his lap and keeping a loose hold on your lower stomach, fingers splaying out to get a small feel of your exposed skin. Glancing around, you dont see belphies mop of hair in his bed, he was probably sleeping in the attic or the observatory, you quietly hum to yourself, abit happy to have Beel all to yourself for the moment. Shifting forward, Beels hands refusing to let you go and setting on your waist, you hold your shirt above the edge of the table, and let the snacks spill from your shirt before smoothing the garment back down, missing Beels frown as he looses sight of your tummy. Quickly moving to organize the snacks a bit, so that they were within reach and not scattered all over his papers and in the way.
"Thank you, your the bestest!!" You say, the dull ache in your arms more than worth the effort in your opinion.
You tilted your head back so you can look up at him. Making eye contact with him made your brain kinda just...mush. Your hands slowly squeezing his on your waist, lifting them so you move a bit.
You tore you gaze from his, before turning around and wrapping your arms around his nack and your legs around his torso,(like a koala in his opinion).
Scooting as close as you could get away with, (your not as stealthy as you give yourself credit for, he knows, he just too nice to tease you for it, and he doesn't want you to stop), so you could snuggle up to him and be comfy at the same time. Which wasn't all that hard to do with him, being the teddy bear he is.
Your eyes glazed over slightly, and you were distracted as you mind pulled your attention away.
Ah, you were in pure bliss, you could die happy like this~
You had grabbed plenty of snacks, being sure to vary in your choices, knowing Beel would like to have options, and hoping to be able to buy some extra time with him and a cute Beel smile as a reward for your effort. Tho, youd do it anyways.
Not that you'd ever admit to that. Nuh uh, no way. Unless he asked nicely, you'd give in embarrassingly fast if he ever did, the realization making your face heat up.
Embarrassment be damned, youd never tell Beel 'No'.
He looks down at you, face going all blushy and soft at your slightly dazed and flushed expression. Your thoughts getting the best of you for a moment. Shaking your head slightly and letting out a resigned sigh.
"Of course you can," you snap out of it when he speaks up, looking up at him, quick to give him your full attention. "I love when you cuddle up with me, it helps me focus a bit. You didn't have to bribe me, though, as long as its you, my cuddles come free-" wrapping his arms around your shoulders, giving you a snug hug, he moves to continue. "Not that I'm complaining-" you cut him off, feeling slightly guilty about it. You were already flustered, and his sweet words weren't helping your predicament one bit. That was until your eyes actually focus on his face, oh sweet hell, hes so precious!!! Your heart thumps nearly painfully for a moment, nerves biting into your thoughts.
Your face was definitely beat red now, you could feel it at the tips of your ears even. Yet you refused to move, your eyes locked on his. A rare occurrence, one you could tell he was basking in, his eyes were glued to your face, studying it. His flush deepening slightly.
Squishing his cheeks and "shushing" him gently. Your basically cooing at him, to tired suddenly to care much about how your words or actions came off. The nervousness slipping away from your voice and movements. "Its not a bribe hun, I just felt like seeing you smile before I fell asleep on you. Heh, your smile is my goodluck charm for good dreams, ya know?" You tiredly rub his cheek with your thumb, eyes lit up happily and content. Giving him a small breathless laugh at the end.
He really did calm you down, your mind slowing down as the excitement started to fade, a fact you became overly aware of quite suddenly, your eyes feeling quite heavy now that you felt safe.
You yawned, your weariness catching up to you.
Beels quick to notice, taking note of the bags under your eyes. Dont worry, he'll make sure you get some good sleep, no bad dreams were gonna plague you on his watch. He glances over at the snacks you brought, unbelievably happy. Seeing you so cutely curled up to him, the fact that you brought him as much food as you could carry(a sight he nearly died from when he saw it) and your sweet sweet words, it definitely warmed his heart to say in the least.
He loved that you actually came to find him, just so you could cuddle. His adoration for you is bottomless, just like his hunger.
So, Beel wraps you inna big bear hug, pulling you closer and peppering the top of your head and face with kisses. He gives you a big grin, his eyes sparkling happily. "Nap, I'll wake you up when I'm done and we can hangout till dinner."
You tiredly nod, relaxing against him.
Grabbing a baggy of chips, he smooches your forehead, before tucking your face under his chin so he could munch, and see his work(not like that was much of an issue, beels a big boy after all👀), without completely covering the top of your head in crumbs (you'd told him you didn't mind, especially since he always ruffled your hair to get then out, and you loved that...but he still feels bad about it and tries to avoid it to some extent) and being able to rest his chin on top your head was just the cherry on top for him.
💗Happy beel mode activated💗
Sighing happily, you close your eyes. Beels cuddles making all your stress melt away, just like they always did. Slowly, you start to drift off, listening to the soft scratch of his pen as he starts to work and his deep breathing, letting it lull you into sleep.
I dont know why my brain wanted me to got all out on this. I literally jus couldn't stop tweaking with it. Imma post if before i decide to change it. Imma just conveniently forget i wrote this now, maybe ill like it more after a week or two... :/ also if theres any spelling or grammar issues plz tell me, its like 2am rn so im sure i missed something
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agentfreckles · 4 years
Hey, hello! How are you? I wanted to tell you that I like how you write and I really liked the story you wrote about Farah and the gender neutral detective! do you remember when F asked if they could have the goodbye kiss? Can you write one where Felix asks again about the kiss at the M!Detective, please? (I need some fluffiness sigh)
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Thank you both so much for the kind words and these requests! This one was a little more challenging than I had hoped, but I really like how it turned out in the end so hopefully it was worth the wait. Enjoy!
Pucker Up 
Rating: T for smooching and Mason’s potty mouth 
Word Count: 1,724
Pairing: Felix x Male!Detective (Lucas Kingston)
Summary: Lucas gets called back to the station and forgets to give Felix a kiss goodbye before he leaves. Felix isn’t having it.
Notes: F is the biggest drama queen and you will not convince me otherwise. Based on Sera’s goodbye kiss ask that we all went feral for. I want to extend a massive thank you to @lilyoffandoms for letting me borrow their hunky detective Lucas for this. He really helped this story come alive and I can’t thank you enough!
Felix hates goodbyes. Like really, really hates them. 
They’re sitting on the couch in the warehouse living room in their usual position, with Lucas’ arm slung around Felix’s shoulders while his hand rests firmly on the detective’s thigh. Conversation flows easily between the two of them and the rest of Unit Bravo — maybe even a little too easily for some of the team’s more senior members given some of the subject matter that’s managed to crop up here and there — but, hey, any gab session where he and Mason have managed to make Nat sigh in exasperation and pinch the bridge of her nose multiple times is pretty damn good in Felix’s book. Hell, even Ava, perpetual hard-ass that she is, managed to get in a joke or two. It’s been a great day, the best day. And it’s times like these where Felix takes a look around the room at his family and the love of his life and just feels...happy. Really, truly happy. And he knows in this moment that there’s nowhere else in the world he’d rather be than right here. 
But then that all too familiar buzzing noise pierces the blissful atmosphere in the room and Lucas removes his arm from Felix’s shoulders, taking the warmth with him as he reaches into his pocket to fish out his phone and Felix’s heart sinks because he knows what’s coming. 
Lucas heaves a heavy sigh, frowning at his phone’s screen. “It’s Verda. I’ve got to get back. Apparently there’s a bit of a dispute going on at the station involving a couple of disgruntled fishermen and Douglas is the only one around to handle the situation. You can image how well that’s going.” 
Felix visibly deflates. “You’re leaving? But you just got here.” 
Mason scoffs from his spot perched against a side table in his preferred dark corner of the room, lit cigarette dangling from his lips. “He’s been here since this morning.” 
“Well, it feels like he just got here. Not that anyone asked you anyway,” Felix retorts, tossing Mason an unamused glare before fixing his focus back on the detective. “Are you sure you have to go?” 
“Duty calls, I’m afraid,” Lucas says with a soft smile, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he stands and begins collecting his belongings from the nearby coffee table. 
Felix frowns at the sudden distance between them, eventually giving a resigned nod. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
It sucks, but honestly he gets it. Lucas is a busy guy; he can’t just stay and laze around with Felix forever. But, man, does he wish he could just wrap Lucas in his arms and never let go instead of having to sit idly by as he gets called away once again to go off and be this badass crime solver extraordinaire. God, he’s amazing. And handsome and funny and smart and — 
He misses him so much already and the guy hasn’t even left yet. 
Felix shakes himself out of his lovesick haze before he makes things even worse for himself, instead rising up to his feet and positioning himself in silent preparation for the one event that makes these goodbyes even remotely bearable. 
Goodbye kisses may be born out of less than ideal circumstances, but they sure are enjoyable. Especially the way he and Lucas do them. They’re soft and tender yet charged with heat and every one gives Felix just enough to get by in Lucas’ absence while also leaving him eagerly waiting for their next meeting so they can come together all over again. 
“Let me get your coat,” Nat offers, reaching for the trench coat she’d folded over the back of a nearby arm chair and stepping behind Lucas as she helps him slip it on. He hums absentmindedly in thanks, his focus zeroed in on his phone and a deep frown settles onto his face as he reads through his texts — Verda’s updates on the dispute at the station, no doubt — but Felix’s focus is only on the excitement bubbling in his chest as the kiss draws near.
Any moment now Lucas will put his phone away and those blue eyes will lock on him. They’ll sparkle with heat as he strides over to Felix with slow and steady purpose and a small smirk will rest on his lips because he knows all too well the effect he has over him. Then he’ll take him in his arms and- 
And…he’s heading for the door.
Wait, seriously? 
“Babe!” Felix calls out automatically, mouth falling open in disbelief as the fantasy he was losing himself in shatters.  
“Hm?” Lucas responds in surprise, spinning on the spot to face him. The phone in his hand chimes with another incoming text. His eyes fall back to the screen and he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Sorry, Felix. I need to get back before Douglas gets himself killed. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” Felix presses, halting the detective’s movements once more. 
Lucas’ brow furrows in confusion and he begins patting himself down and checking his pockets in earnest. “Uh, no…? I don’t believe so.”  
Felix can hardly believe what he’s hearing. His head swivels around to the other members of Unit Bravo looking for someone to back him up on the cruel twist of fate life has handed him, but he’s met with three faces displaying the same sheer confusion as his boyfriend currently is. “Is anyone else seeing this right now? I can’t be the only one who noticed, right?”
“None of us have any fucking idea what you’re talking about, Felix,” Mason snarks, followed closely by a disapproving click of the tongue from Nat. 
“Felix, the detective clearly has important matters to attend to,” Ava scolds and wow, okay, maybe Felix really is alone in this after all. “I suggest you save your concerns for-“
“You’re really just going to leave without a goodbye kiss? Babe!“ 
Felix swears he feels the ground shake under the combined forces of Ava and Mason’s groans. He ignores them, striding across the room with his head held high and determination set on his features as he prepares to confront his boyfriend for this most heinous of slights. 
He comes to a stop in front of where Lucas stands by the door. Channeling his inner Ava, Felix folds his arms and tries his best to peer down his nose in disappointment at Lucas despite their rather large height difference. “Well, detective? What do you have to say for yourself?” 
Lucas sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, his gaze sidelong and woefully apologetic. “It appears I was forgetting something after all.” His blue eyes shift back to catch his and Felix feels his breath hitch at the intensity in his gaze. “Please allow me to make it up to you before I go.” 
Oh, well, now there’s a thought. 
“I don’t know…” Felix trails off in faux consideration, determined to milk the moment for all its worth despite the somersaults his insides are currently doing at the implications of the request. It’s a little much, he knows —and Lucas really needs to get over to the station like now — but then again, Felix never has been one to waste an opportunity to charm his way into a larger payout. And something tells him this reward is going to be big if he plays his cards right. “That was a pretty big offense, babe. You’re going to have to come up with something pretty special for me to forgive you.”
“Special, huh?” Lucas grins, all too ready to accept the challenge Felix has laid out before him. He shortens what little distance remains between them, one hand snaking its way around Felix’s waist while the other gently comes to rest on his cheek. Felix swallows heavily under the heat of his stare. “I think I can manage that.”
Lucas closes the distance between them and Felix gasps in surprised delight as he feels himself being lowered horizontally into a dip, suddenly feeling very much like one of those couples from those black and white romance films they’d sometimes show on movie night at the Facility. He used to call such dramatic romantic displays cheesy and unrealistic, but this is…wow. It’s heady and delicious, a perfect blend of yearning and desire and love that’s just so right that his brain just kind of short circuits from the intensity of it. He hopes that Lucas will be able to resolve that problem at the station quickly because there is no way in hell Felix is going to be able to focus on anything else until he gets back. 
Distantly he feels himself being placed upright again as Lucas finally breaks the kiss and releases his hold on him. The detective’s breath is ragged as he straightens his tie and runs a hand through his red hair before fixing Felix with a smile. “So how did I do?”
“I…uhh…heh,” Felix stumbles, unable to form words thanks to the pile of mush his brain has been reduced to. He blinks back the dense fog just enough to reply with a breathless, “You’re forgiven.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” A sharp ringing sound fills the air. Lucas swipes the screen on his phone and answers the call. “Yes, Verda. There was a small matter that needed attending to, but I’m on my way now.” And with a small nod of his head and one last dazzling smile, Lucas departs, the living room door closing behind him with a soft click. 
“That was quite the parting gift,” Mason remarks, giving a small nod in approval as Felix all but floats back to the couch.
“The best gift,” Felix corrects him as he collapses onto the cool leather. His eyes flutter closed, mind dancing with images of red hair and blue eyes and impossibly soft lips that leave him breathless and aching for more. 
Nat chuckles fondly nearby. “One that’ll make the wait much more bearable until Lucas’ return, I’m sure.”
The sentiment has a grin tugging at Felix’s lips. He’s not sure anything could ever make waiting to see the detective again not feel like an eternity, but straight-out-of-the-movies kisses are one hell of a good try. 
Maybe goodbyes aren’t so bad after all. 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                    Caught in a Riptide
Summary: After the infamous Count Dracula is discovered and taken into custody by the Jonathan Harker Foundation, former nun and now guardian to her young niece, Zoe, Agatha Van Helsing is tasked with keeping tabs on the vampire after a mishap leads to his release into modern day society. Can Agatha remain levelheaded, or will fate turn her onto a new path?
Pairing: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rated: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Ah, what a way to finish the first school week--a brand new chapter! I hope you enjoy! I am pleased by how long it is! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated--reblogs too! My brain is mush so now I shall go an Netflix! Enjoy! -Jen
                                                   Chapter Eight
"Why can't I come?"
The seven year old glowered at her aunt as Jack moved around in the kitchen retrieving the ingredients needed to make slime. Normally creating such a monstrosity would've excited the child, as Agatha usually forbade the stuff in the house, but Zoe seemed more concerned about the woman's agenda with the vampire. After all, she found Dracula fascinating. A potential friend-though, not truly understanding what he really was.
"It's a trip for adults." Agatha sighed, grabbing her purse. "Besides, you get to visit with Jack. You're always talking about him coming over."
"Yeah." Zoe replied, hands on her hips. "But he's not Mr. Dracula."
"Zoe, that's very rude." Her aunt chided-but thank god for that. "You apologize to Jack now."
"Sorry." She muttered under her breath, rubbing her feet against the floor. "But can't I come with you, please?! I promise to be good! 'Sides, Mr. Dracula is new here! What if he gets lost? He might need my help!"
"He won't and he certainly doesn't need anything from you." Agatha realized the harshness in her tone and inhaled. "Zoe, listen to me." She bent down to meet her niece at eye level. "You'll have more fun here with Jack. Mr. Dracula…" Her nose scrunched at the name. "And I have business to attend to. It'll be very boring, I guarantee it."
"And I brought glitter." Jack added, smiling as he picked up a tiny, sparkling container. "It's rainbow!"
"Just try not to get it everywhere." Agatha snorted, pecking Zoe on the cheek. "Have fun you two and don't get slime on my furniture. It took forever to get out last time."
"Okay, Aunt Aggie." The little girl exhaled. "I love you! Tell Mr. Dracula I said hi!"
"I love you too." The woman replied, knowing very well she wouldn't be fulfilling her niece's wishes on the second part. "Be good for Jack."
She tried not to think about how big of a mess her kitchen would be in when she returned. However, all concerns about that immediately dissipated the moment she stepped outside. There, standing on the curb, was none other than Dracula himself. He gave her a toothy grin as he opened the passenger door. Agatha's eyes flickered to the driver's seat where Frank Renfield gave her a nervous smile and a quick wave. There was no way in Hell. Not a single, solitary way in the underworld she'd be getting in a car with him where she wasn't in control of the vehicle.
"I thought it would be best if we had a chauffeur." The vampire explained, motioning for her to get in. "That way we can get to know each other even more." He chuckled and gave a small shrug. "Not to mention he knows his way around just as much as you do. Now we don't have to worry about you being distracted when we drive."
"I didn't agree to this." Agatha replied firmly, folding her arms. "Any of this."
"Oh come now, Sister Agatha." The Count called out smugly. "Live a little-well, one of us has to."
Just the very look of Frank's expression sent chills down her back. He wasn't a threatening man, at least in a physical sense, but something about him didn't settle right. And it didn't help that there was a valid reason that this had been constructed alongside Bloxham. At least she wasn't the driver, everything was unbearable enough as it was.
"Fine." The woman resigned. "But we stick to the approved locations, no detours." Now that she thought of it, she hadn't exactly gotten the list of places they were going. "Just get in so we can get this night over with."
"Ladies first." The vampire bowed, motioning for Agatha to step inside. She knocked purposely hard into his shoulder as she climbed in. His mouth twitched into a sneer as he slid in beside her, much to her discomfort. "I think we're ready to go to our first stop." His eyes met those of the former nun. "The Prospect of Whitby!"
Agatha barely acknowledged Frank's sheepish greeting as she stared with great fixation out of the window. She could feel Dracula watching her, waiting for her to finally turn around and address him. But her attention remained glued to the trees and cars that zoomed by as they drove into the inner, more populated part of the town.
"I thought you could use some dinner." The vampire suggested, finally breaking through the silence. "And during my research as well as Frank's recommendations," he nodded to the driver. "This seemed like the perfect location. Did you know tavern itself claims to be the oldest around dating back to around 1520? Fascinating that such a place could possibly be nearly a century younger than me."
"Just because I'm forced to keep an eye on you doesn't mean I'm interested in the history of my basket of fish and chips." She retorted. "And I'm not hungry."
"Nevertheless, we're going in." The vampire stated as Frank pulled up to the curb. "Mr. Renfield, if you'll just wait out here with the car."
"Oh!" The lawyer spoke up softly. "I thought it would be alright if I came in and…"
"Your presence is not needed nor wanted." The Count exclaimed with a dismissive wave. "Come, Agatha, we have a table for two reserved."
If given the choice of publicly eating a meal in front of Dracula or stepping through a hallway of hot coals, legos, and thumb tacks, the last option sounded far more appealing. She didn't take the vampire's hand as he held it out towards her, merely exiting the car and slamming the door roughly behind her. A small part of her felt bad for Frank, a part that felt guilty that he was roped into this night. But the bigger part of her blamed him and she secretly hoped something would happen whilst they were inside.
"Vlad Balaur."
Agatha internally groaned as Dracula grinned at the hostess causing her to blush. If she really knew what she was, that flattered expression would've morphed into one of horror. She sucked in her cheeks as she followed the young woman to a small table with rather intimate lighting.
"Oh, we only need one menu." The vampire explained to the lady. "We're here for her. I have...allergies." And when he spoke, his eyes were fixed on the innocent hostess's jugular. Agatha kicked him hard under the table causing his attention to travel back to the woman's eyes. "Yes, just one will do."
"You're disgusting." Agatha hissed under her breath as the woman walked away.
"So you're telling me that if you saw a divine burger you wouldn't salivate?" Dracula countered.
"What does a burger have to do with anything?!" She replied almost flustered. "And...and it's not like it's still breathing." Frowning, she snatched up the menu and pretended to read it. "How long are you going to force me to sit here before we can go?"
"Until you order something." The man replied simply. "I'll pay, of course."
"This isn't a date!" She snapped, firmly setting the menu down. "So don't act like it is!"
"I wouldn't dream of it." The corners up his lips twitched in slight amusement. "But I am humored that the thought even came to your mind."
Before Agatha could retaliate, a waiter approached the table. The former nun exhaled softly through her nose and straightened up in her chair. Better not lose it in the middle of a crowd. Bloxham would have her head and Dracula would most certainly enjoy that.
"Can I start you off with anything?" The man asked, looking between the two. "Might I recommend the fish and chips? We are known for having the best in Whitby. Fresh cod caught today!"
An interesting thought came to Agatha's mind. An idea she didn't consider until now. Forcing a smile, she picked up her menu once more. Dracula had offered to pay after all. Who was stopping her from ordering the most expensive items available?
"I'll have the eight ounce sirloin." She read out loud, her eyes scanning the drink section. "And the Champagne Lallier Grand Cru Grande Réserve Brut-the full bottle." Agatha grinned at the waiter as she handed the menu back. "Thank you."
The man nodded and disappeared, leaving the two alone once more. Feeling rather proud of herself, Agatha leaned back a little in her seat as the vampire watched her with great interest. Clearly, it had been a move he hadn't expected. Check mate.
"I thought you didn't drink?" Dracula inquired, a brow raised in surprise.
"I don't." The former nun smirked. "But you offered to pay and I thought it'd make for a nice centerpiece."
"Well played, Agatha Van Helsing." The vampire chuckled, causing the woman to frown a little. "It's not often that I'm surprised. A shame though for such an expensive bottle to go to waste. What, pray tell, do you plan to do with it if you aren't going to drink it?"
"I don't tell my enemies my ideas." She replied, folding her arms. "But I can think of a few things." A thought flickered in her mind for a brief second of her bashing the bottle against the wall and using it as a makeshift stake. "I suppose I'll keep it with me for a special occasion. For now."
"Until then," the vampire answered. "I shall wait with bated breath."
Not long after the wine discussion, Agatha's meal was brought from the kitchen. As much as she hated to admit it, the smell was heavenly. She thought back to the hostess and wondered if that's what Dracula meant by divinely appetizing. The former nun stared at her steak and tried her best to will herself against consuming it. But oh how it smelled so heavenly.
"The last thing I'd wish to do is make you feel uncomfortable by you eating alone while I merely watch." Dracula exclaimed. "But I think you'd prefer that over me joining you in my own matter."
Absentmindedly, the former nun picked up her fork and poked at the juicy meat. Tender. Cooked to perfection. There was a reason this place had lasted for centuries. Slowly, she cut herself a small piece and pushed it past her lips. Then another. And another.
"A glass of wine to go with that?" Dracula smirked.
Agatha merely frowned around her utensil and continued to eat until there was nothing left. Wiping her mouth with her napkin, she set it upon the empty plate. Maybe she'd take Jack or Mrs. Avery here some time to thank them for watching Zoe. For now, she dreamed of nothing more than leaving the damn place. Whether or not it was her imagination, the lights seemed to be dimming around them.
"I'm glad to see you mostly enjoyed your meal." Dracula commented as he flagged the waiter down. "I'll pay, as promised. Perhaps next time you can pick the restaurant?"
As her fingers gripped the neck of the bottle, Agatha had to refrain from bashing the thing on top of the vampire's head. Not surprisingly, Frank was still seated out front in the car just as they had left him. A light drizzle began to spill from the sky and Dracula miraculously produced an umbrella. He held it out towards Agatha who immediately rejected it. Rolling his eyes, the man found his place in the car beside her.
"So we went to a historic tavern." Agatha exhaled, looking to the vampire. "Is that not enough of an adventure for you for one night?"
"Not quite." Dracula admitted. "I said I had an itinerary, Agatha. I really did mean it." He could see the look of detest on her face. "Alright, for you, I will compromise. I just ask that we go to two more places and then we'll call it a night. Do we have an agreement?"
"I don't suppose I really have a choice in the matter." The former nun exhaled in defeat. "Fine, two more places, then you're taking me home and leaving me be." However long that would last.
"Sounds reasonable enough." The vampire nodded. "Frank, if you would."
The rain began to fall harder as the pair, along with their driver, drove in awkward silence. Out of the corner of her eye, Agatha noticed Dracula fiddling with some app on his phone. As he continuously swiped his index finger across the screen, her curiosity got the better of her.
"What are you doing?" She inquired, craning her neck to get a better look. "Is that...is that a dating site?!"
"Well, I suppose if one chose to use it as such it could be." The vampire replied simply, locking his phone. "But from what I've learned it can be used for other reasons."
"You mean sex." And her nose crinkled at the thought of him screwing anyone. "If you're…"
"I'm not, nor do I plan to." His eyes flickered up to the rearview mirror where Frank stared back at him intently. "At least for awhile. I understand the rules. However, there is nothing in the bylaws that says I can't at least explore my options. Whether they be sexual or flavorful." The vampire's lips curved into a suggestive smile. "Temptation is one of the greatest sins, Agatha. But I am sure as a nun you are well aware of that. Or...rather were."
"Well, your account will be tracked nonetheless." Agatha said quietly, ignoring his attempt at provoking her. "I'm sure Mr. Renfield will see to it. Bloxham would want to know." Her eyes locked on to Frank's. "As a precaution."
"I haven't decided which best describes your treatment of me yet." Dracula chuckled as the vehicle began to slow in front of a building. "Am I a child or a prisoner to you? Perhaps both? Your nagging behavior might otherwise irritate me, but tonight is for excitement." And with his hands, he gestured to their next stop. "Behold!"
At first, the former nun thought she was seeing things. As she exited the car, she once again forwent Dracula's umbrella. The rain poured down in heavy torrents soaking her hair and clothes. But that was a concern not at the top of her mind.
Agatha's lips pressed into a firm line as she stood alongside Dracula outside of Pleasureland Amusements. When the vampire had insisted they spend the night exploring what Whitby had to offer, she hadn't expected to be coerced into going to an arcade. A place where she begrudgingly had taken Zoe more than once for a friend's birthday party.
"Perhaps I should've read up on this more." The vampire commented, breaking the silence. "I assumed Pleasureland meant something quite different." His eyes flickered to meet hers. "You should have said something."
"I should have said something?!" Agatha scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. "You are the one who picked this place out. I assumed you knew what you were doing."
"Well, you are the one who is supposed to properly introduce me to the town after all." Dracula countered with a smirk. "I could've easily gone alone, but that would breach some form of the contract–on your side." He shrugged and through her a false sheepish look. "I suppose we better go inside then. See what you humans call entertainment nowadays."
The former nun rolled her eyes as the man began to walk towards the entrance. "I'm tired of playing games with you!" But he merely waved his hand dismissively before disappearing into the crowd. "Arsehole…"
The sound of the rain was immediately placed by the excited, shrill cries of patrons and whirling games as Agatha stepped into the building. It was almost overwhelming. She stood in this world of towering machines that flashed and flickered, beckoning for her to draw closer and take her coinage. It wasn't until someone grabbed her by the forearm that she snapped to.
"Looking for me?"
The Transylvanian Count grinned at her, illuminated from behind by a pinball machine. Agatha pulled away and sucked in a breath. She hated it here, and quite frankly despised it even more. But this was for her job. This was for Zoe. So if she had to suffer by playing sticky games and cramming endless tickets into her pockets, so be it.
"What do you want to play?!" She nearly had to scream over the chao sound. "I know you are going to ask, but I have no preference."
"Actually, this one piqued my interest." Dracula replied obnoxiously cheerful. "This way."
She followed him, still dripping wet and slightly cold from the elements outside until they stood in front of a game. The timeless classic Skeeter's Ball. One is given a certain number of balls and you attempt to roll them into holes with different amounts of points in an attempt to get a high score. Agatha had never been good at this game. On one occasion, she rolled a ball so hard it flew and hit someone on the back of their head. Maybe that was one of the main reasons she couldn't stand this place.
"You go first." The vampire said as six balls rolled down. "To demonstrate."
"Okay." Agatha sighed, lifting up the weighted object. "But I'm not very good at this." With that, she gave the ball a hard roll. Not to her surprise, it landed in the lowest hole-100 points. "I told you. Now you go."
With lightning speed and precision, the vampire stepped forward and aimed for his target. The ball barely bounced before it landed in the center, 500 points. Agatha gawked as Dracula beamed with pride at his accomplishment.
"Beginner's luck!" She insisted, snatching up another ball before thrusting it into his hands. "Try again!"
Just as before, Dracula rolled and landed the bonus hole as before. As the game chimed in congratulations, the former nun frowned, feeling oddly competitive. Suddenly, she felt Dracula move behind her.
"What are you doing?!" She snapped, completely caught off guard.
"I'm assisting you." Dracula said, taking a hold of her forearm. "Trust me, you look rather pathetic rolling like that. Allow me to show you how it's really done."
The vampire's grasp was firm, but not strong enough that if Agatha so chose to, she could break away. Lifting up a ball, she allowed him to ease her wrist forward, fingers curled around the ball. When she finally let it go, it rolled smoothly up the ramp before landing in the 400 point hole.
"Not too bad." Dracula nodded, letting her go. "Perhaps if you practice for a few centuries, you'll be as good as me."
"Apparently living several centuries also increased your ego." Agatha snorted, trying to hold back a smile. "What next?"
"Hm…" The man pondered as he looked around. "Now that looks worthy of our attention!"
Agatha turned to see a large claw machine filled with plushies of all sorts. She pictured Zoe standing right in the center, her bright blue eyes lit up in excitement. The things were usually rigged, from her experience at least, but this was Dracula's place of choice so she didn't argue against it.
"How enthralling." Dracula murmured as he studied the throttle. "What an odd contraption!" He turned to Agatha with a grin. "What shall I aim for?"
She shrugged. "Something close to the top or near the drop box. If it looks crammed, don't go for it. It's hard to even win something." Her lips pursed as she watched him stare at the game in complete wonder. "Be strategic. I suppose like you're in battle."
The vampire straightened up and smirked at her words. "For that, I shall win you that purple blob looking thing."
The former nun gave a half smile and rolled her eyes. "That's supposed to be an elephant...I think." She paused. "And you don't have to win me anything."
"Then it'll be a gift for Zoe." He replied, gaze now fixed on his victim. "And you don't have to tell her that I won it. I know how you are. Though I wouldn't ever hurt her…" His fingers delicately maneuvered the throttle. "It's been over a century since I've done such a thing…"
Agatha felt her stomach twist at the thought of his words. For a brief moment, she had forgotten about what he was. As she opened her mouth to question him further, to her shock, he managed to snag the toy. The vampire let out a triumph 'ha' as the object fell down the chute and into the box.
"I have many hidden talents it would seem." Dracula exclaimed as he retrieved the toy. "I believe this belongs to you."
Slightly hesitant, Agatha accepted the elephant from the vampire. She looked it over somewhat turned off by it's sickly cute appearance. Exhaling, her attention returned to Dracula. Clearly seeing she was growing weary of the place, the Count cleared his throat.
"One more game." He posed, nodding towards an air hockey table. "And I promise it will be worth your while."
Out of all the games, this one seemed to be less populated. Agatha set the elephant down and stood on one side of the table. Dracula smiled at her, his hand already on a paddle. The game was pretty self explanatory which made the former nun question why he'd choose it to be their last.
"We will play the game as usual, but bend the rules just slightly." He instructed. "Whoever makes a point against the other player gets to ask them a question. Any sort of question. Personal or not. And the loser must answer." Dracula gave a knowing smirk. "And while I could easily find everything out about you in a matter of seconds, this seemed like a fun start."
She pushed away the eeriness of his words. "Alright then." She nodded, gripping her paddle. "You're on."
It didn't take long before the puck found its way into Agatha's hole. Not that she was shocked by that loss. Grumbling to herself, she retrieved it and placed it back in the center.
"Ask away."
"Have you always been in Holland? Or were before England?" Dracula inquired. "I know Abraham was Dutch, so after everything he decided to go back to the lovely land of windmills?"
"Yes," Agatha admitted. "I was born in Holland and stayed in Holland until Zoe's parents…" She shook her head. "Well, now I'm clearly in England. Again."
The next round lasted a few seconds longer than the first with Agatha scoring the goal. However, she knew Dracula had intentionally planned it that way. Still, it was a chance to ask him a question he couldn't refuse.
"Why are you afraid of the cross?"
Dracula let out a laugh so loud it just about startled the woman. "Come now, Agatha." He snickered in amusement. "I ask you something easy and you go ahead and cut right to the chase. Well, I suppose I shouldn't expect any less coming from you." He sighed as he studied the puck between his fingers. "Have you thought about what the cross stands for?"
"Of course." She replied curtly. "I was a nun. It stands for goodness and virtue and…"
"No, Agatha, no…" The vampire exhaled, rolling his eyes. "I was hoping you'd see the broader picture of it. When you look at the cross, really look at it, what do you see?" He doesn't wait for her to reply. "War. Fear. This internal feeling in your gut that you must not slip up on your endless virtues or will fall into the ever grabbing hands of damnation. That, my dear Sister, is why the cross is frightening. Or, so the many, many, hundreds of men and women I haven consumed over the centuries think."
"But why does it hurt you?" The woman asked. "Why…"
"You already got your answer." Dracula cut her off with a smile. "Next round."
She lost. Almost immediately. And she didn't need to look up to know Dracula was grinning widely. It was her turn to be interrogated and since she didn't go easy on him, now he was going to use the same power against her.
"Why did you become a nun, Agatha?" The vampire asked. "Out of everything, why that profession? Surely there were some more interesting options...a librarian perhaps?"
"I did it with the intent of learning more about you." She attempted to appear focused on a nearby pinball game. "From the stories past down about my grandfather, I thought perhaps going through religious texts might serve some purpose."
"And did they?" The Count questioned. "Or have you received more than your fair share about me from the Jonathan Harker Foundation?"
"That's more than one." She challenged, eyeing the puck in the center of the table. "Next round."
Thus the game continued, Dracula and Agatha posturing one another for information. It wasn't until the vampire scored once more, the puck flying into its intended target, that things began to take a turn.
"Why won't you let me talk about Zoe?" The man inquired. "It's oddly endearing of how overprotective you are of her."
"I just don't think it's appropriate." Agatha responded tersely. "I'd prefer to keep my home and work life separate."
"And I fall into the work category…" Dracula nodded thoughtfully. "She is an interesting child. Something rather unexpected must have happened to her when she was really young."
It was clear that the vampire was trying to worm another question in by making it sound like a remark. The car crash flickered in the back of the woman's mind as she took a step back from the table.
"I have a question." Their eyes locked as Agatha began to speak. "What do you mean that if you could, you could easily know anything and everything you want about me in a matter of seconds?"
The Count folded his arms. "You didn't make a goal."
"And I'm done playing games." Agatha responded firmly. "What is it that you are hiding, Count Dracula? And how and why does it involve me?"
"I should ask you the same." The vampire answered. "I believe we are equally fascinated by one another. However, I too think I'm done with these games." He glanced towards the door and smiled. "I promised you one more location. It's getting late, for you at least. We should make it there while it counts."
"But I…"
"Poor Frank's probably wondering if we've abandoned him." Dracula exhaled, clicking his tongue. "A smart man, but rather meek. Mousy. Best not keep him on edge." Once more he produced the umbrella. "I suggest you use this now. Best not get Zoe's new toy wet."
As Dracula had predicted, Mr. Renfield seemed very relieved upon their return. He eyed the stuffed animal on Agatha's lap curiously before pulling away from the arcade. The former nun reclined back on her seat, thinking of the scraps of knowledge she'd gathered from Dracula and how she could possibly piece them together. It wasn't until the car pulled to a stop that she snapped back to reality.
"Last stop of the night." The Count grinned as he stepped out of the car. "Saving the best for last."
Agatha's eyes traveled upwards to the sign on top of the building. Raw Nightclub. Heat rose to her cheeks as she looked herself over. In a pair of jeans, old shirt, and hair wet from the rain, she was in no condition to go into any establishment of class, let alone a nightclub. The restaurant and arcade had been hard enough. But before she could protest, the vampire was already on his way inside. Biting back a groan, she hurried in after him. Fucking blood sucker.
The chaos in the arcade was child's play to what was happening in the club. Smoke, multicolored flashing lights, mixed with the smells of sweat and cheap perfume. The music, whatever was playing, vibrated the floorboards as a pale hand extended towards the former nun. Agatha looked to see Dracula offering her a toothy grin.
"Agatha Van Helsing." He bowed, completely out of place to the DJ's upbeat remixes. "May I have this dance?"
22 notes · View notes
And How You Gripped My Hips So Mean 
Pairing: Ironfrost (Loki/Tony Stark) Rating: Mature (M) Notes: I blame this entire on @goindownshipping! We talked about Tony saying « is that a knife in your pocket, or you’re finally happy to see me- oh dear. that’s a knife. » to Loki and it just sort of went from there.  Warnings: this is 3k of shameless smut. there’s some bondage in there, too. NSFW things, y’all.  Summary: 
I took “There’s no version of this where you come out on top” and mixed it up with some d/s undertones. 
Tony jiggled the glass of whiskey in his hand while trying to keep his composure in front of Loki. He felt tired down to his very core, and completely wrecked mentally – but, he never backed down from a challenge. The ease in which they launched words back and forth shouldn’t have been so exhilarating – it shouldn’t have taken his focus and broke it to pieces over a knee. 
“There is no version of this where you come out on top,” Tony stopped when a rabid look crossed Loki’s face. Anything else he was going to say stopped at the tip of his tongue. All of a sudden, there wasn’t any air in the room – it felt like it’d been sucked out through a tube, leaving nothing but the two of them panting in an attempt to catch their breath. 
Loki’s next move was straight for him, the scepter in his hands tapping on the arc reactor attached to Tony’s chest. He felt a jolt run through his entire body – the effect immediate. Tony sucked in a harsh breath in an attempt to calm his pulse, but that was quickly cut off when Loki’s hand gripped his neck. “Seems like you might be wrong, Mr. Stark,” Loki said, the mirth in his voice causing his hand to clench slightly. 
Thinking quickly, Tony kicked out and knocked the scepter from Loki’s hands, the movement away from the arc reactor letting him catch his breath. He swung a knee up and got Loki right in the groin, Tony wincing at the sound of pain that left pale lips. Sucking in a deep breath, Tony coughed a few times, his lungs attempting to get rid of the blockage to his airway, despite the fact that the hand wasn’t there anymore. 
With the villain distracted, Tony picked up the scepter, running with it until he was close enough to chuck it at the window, the point of it shattering the glass. Loki looked helplessly at his prize rushing out the window, a projection of himself doing its best to grab it before it flew out the window. Tony tried to laugh, the sound coming out as a choked cough – but enough to pull Loki’s attention back to him. 
“The sacrifices you make for the greater good get you nowhere, and yet, you still make them. What will they say when they find you dead in your own tower?” Loki questioned, his voice rough, the depth of it a combination of the pain he was still feeling, and a rough spike of anger Tony could see from where he was standing. He thought about putting an arm out and calling his armor – it’d be easier to protect himself. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to make a move – Loki looked like murder, but he hadn’t made a move in his direction yet. 
“I believe that’s the expectation – a prince in his tower. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon, though. You’ve been a lot of talk, Loki – why don’t you put your money where your mouth is.” Tony knew it was dangerous egging a maniac on – he couldn’t help the way the words slipped from his mouth, however; the darkness in Loki’s eye did something to him. 
Loki seemed to sense the change in the challenging words, the darkness in his eye shifting from psychotic to aroused in a millisecond flat. The squeak of leather accompanied his long strides in Tony’s direction, loud steps were magnified by the silence of an otherwise empty tower. Strong fingers buried themselves into Tony’s shirt and yanked at him, the move just barely on the right side of threatening, his grip sending a shiver running down his spine. Tony held on to Loki’s hands, his knuckles white.
“Funny,” Loki started, his upper body quickly invading Tony’s space. “It looks like there are other places you might like me to place my mouth.” He gave Tony a roguish grin before he surged forward and harshly pressed their lips together. Tony immediately felt the copper tinge of blood on his tongue, Loki’s teeth digging into the plumpness of his bottom lip. It should’ve repulsed him, the blood – the kiss itself; but it didn’t, he felt himself stiffen almost instantly. 
Tony used his last remaining brain cells to move his hands and grip Loki’s cheeks, his fingers digging in ever so slightly. The move must have shocked the magician – Loki sucked in a breath and created just enough space for Tony to tilt his head and bite down hard on Loki’s lip. He tugged until Loki was pushing him away, the other man’s lip split and dripping blood. A satisfied look settled on Tony’s face – served him right. 
He watched Loki suck in a couple of breaths, then fill the space between them again, his hands working quickly to pull Tony in and turn him – the cool leather of the coverlet Loki wore pressing against his arms adding to the sensation and making his cock absolutely ache. “Fuck,” Tony grunted out, his ass pressing back in attempts to create a little friction. 
“Yes – that’s what I had in mind, too,” Loki whispered, against Tony’s ear, his sneaky hands first on Tony’s chest, then suddenly cupping the erection pushing against his jeans. Tony let out a chocked off groan and tossed his head back, Loki tall enough that he pressed into the hardness of his chest instead of a bony shoulder. 
Reaching up, Tony took advantage of Loki’s distraction and used his leverage to flip him over his shoulder – his long legs spreading as his back hit the ground. Tony took advantage and settled himself between them, the weight of his body pressing Loki even harder against the hard tile floor. It took a quick adjustment of his hips and a lift of Loki’s chest to bring their cocks together, a groan slipping from Tony’s mouth against his will. 
He stuck his hand between them and started to grapple with the long leather coverlet that kept Tony from getting a step closer to naked flesh. It went past his hips and seemed to have no end. Frustration had him reaching lower, his fingers brushing over a hardness. Looking up, he caught deep blue eyes with his own – the fire in them catching him along the edges, burning him alive. 
“Is that a knife in your pocket, or are you finally happy to see me?” Tony asked, the sarcastic remarked earning him a thrust up, Loki’s hard cock shoving against his own. Grappling in the pocket, his fingers wrapped around the hilt of a small dagger, his eyes widening. “Oh shit, that’s a knife.” Before he could do or say anything else, Loki was flipping them over, long legs straddling Tony’s hips – his weight more than enough to keep Tony pinned tightly to the floor. 
Big hands collected both his wrists and pulled them above his head, his torso stretching out. The next second he felt a burning sensation on his wrists, Loki looking at him heatedly when he pulled back, his hands free but Tony’s wrists still stuck together. Tony pulled at the restraints, his eyes bulging when he realized Loki magicked something to keep his hands bound. “Good god,” Tony babbled, his feet moving restlessly against the tile below him. 
Loki leaned forward, his hands settling at the bottom of Tony’s shirt. “I don’t think I like the sound of that. Say my name, Tony Stark.” Loki’s fingers slipped under the faded blue t-shirt covering his stomach, the chill of his hands a ridiculous contrast to the heat Tony was putting off. He pulled his lip between his teeth and worked at the bite there in hopes of coming back around a little – but there was no relief, his brain was completely taken over by the burning thump of arousal. 
“Loki – fuck. Loki. Please – “ Tony shouted the words, his hips thrusting up. The leather of Loki’s coverlet was unforgiving and creating too much space between them. “Take that fucking thing off. Makes you look like an asshole.” A challenge resided in his words and had the exact effect he wanted them to. Loki took care of Tony’s shirt first, ripping it to shreds right up the middle. It still caught around his arms; his warm chest the only thing completely exposed to the cool air of the room around him. He closed his eyes against the shutter that rocked through him, his cock throbbing desperately against the seam in his jeans. 
It took a quick snap for Loki’s leathers to come off, his chest bare and pale under the bright lights. Tony wanted to run his fingers over it, feel the softness and ruin the clarity of it with red fingernail marks and purple hickies. The tightness of whatever was keeping his hands held together reminded him that he wouldn’t be able to do anything from here on out. Loki’s crazy look made his muscles clench, his cock harder than ever before. 
Tony let his eyes roam further down Loki’s long torso, only stopping when he reached the beginning of low-slung leather pants. They were held together by a couple of ties – the little strips of leather doing nothing to contain the cock that pressed against them. His mouth watered and he groaned again, the sound making Loki’s cock throb against the confines of his pants. 
Without any warning Loki shifted his weight and turned Tony over. His hands were quick to grip Tony’s hips and pull him back against the impressive bulge – Loki finally letting a few noises slip from his lips. “I’m going to ruin you, Stark – take you apart any way that I want because you’re all tied up and can do nothing about it. I don’t even have to touch you to know how hard you are – how crazy just the thought of my hands on you can make you.” He enunciated his words with a couple of rough thrusts. 
There weren’t any words to say to that – his brain was a pile of useless mush in his head. The only thing he could think about was the tightness of his pants and how much he wanted to get them off – or at least down far enough to relieve some of the tension pressing his cock uncomfortably against the denim. “Do it – please.” He brought his still joint hands towards his chest so he could get up on his forearms, the leverage pushing him back against the delicious heat pressed against him. 
Fast hands were around Tony’s hips palming his erection in the blink of an eye. Nimble fingers worked the button and zipper down – his eyes closing in bliss when finally, he could breathe a little; the overwhelming need to bust out of the fabric wasn’t there anymore. A quick squeeze of his cock left him thrusting into the contact, but the hand was gone again. Loki made quick worked of his jeans and boxer-briefs – his was only patient enough to get them down around Tony’s knees.
Loki didn’t hesitate to take both of Tony’s ass cheeks between his hands and spread them, his eager tongue infiltrating the crease with abandon. Tony bit down on the raw cut on his lip to try and calm himself down – his neediness hitting a whole new level when the wetness of Loki’s tongue and mouth started to drip down his balls. There wasn’t any finesse to it, Loki pressed his tongue recklessly against the rim of Tony’s hole – a couple of his wide fingers joining it after a while. 
Tony heard Loki spit into his hand, then felt the blunt press of his hardness against his somewhat relaxed entrance. He laced his fingers together and did his best to push back as Loki pressed forward – he didn’t stop until his pelvis was pressed against Tony’s ass. There were a couple of moments where Tony felt the slightest bit of tenderness slip into Loki’s touch – he ran his hands down Tony’s bare chest and teasingly across his untouched hardness. Fingers tangled in the back of Tony’s shirt, using the leverage to pull him onto his cock even further. 
Feeling completely stuffed and going madder by the second, Tony started to babble. “Please – just fuck me. I want it – want you.” His fingers were squeezing together tightly, the need to reach down and stroke himself driving him absolutely insane. Looking back, Tony felt another surge of heat rush through him when he noticed Loki hadn’t taken his pants off – in fact, the leather of them was sticking to the bare parts of Tony’s legs with every thrust. A bead of precum rolled down the tip of his cock and started to trickle slowly to the floor. 
The hitch in Loki’s breath when a considerably hard thrust had him grazing Tony’s prostate was almost enough to pull him over the edge. It’d been a long time since someone made him feel so desperate that coming without being touched was actually a reality. Loki fisted his shirt and kept his thrusts long and deep, the man obviously desperate to keep the noises running out of Tony’s mouth, the praise swirling in the air around them. 
It didn’t take but a few more thrusts for Loki to flatten his chest against Tony’s back and desperately reach for his face – the press of their lips hot and needy, the right stimulus to break up the intensity of his prostate getting hit with every single stroke, his leaking cock wobbling in need with each passing second. Tony sucked on Loki’s tongue, his bound hands reaching up to rest on one of Loki’s hands on his cheek. It was just enough to keep him tethered. 
With a wave of his hand, Loki undid whatever was holding his hands together. Tony used his now free hands to break the kiss and reach behind them, his hands digging into Loki’s leather covered ass. It did something to him, the thought of something so perfect and regal slick against his skin, sticking from the moisture. 
“What would the rest of your team think, Stark – seeing you like this. On your knees, seconds away from begging. I’d like to think they’d be envious, but a part of me thinks you’ll keep this to yourself. The dirty secret you cling to when there’s no one there to fill you up like this,” Loki’s lips were right against his ear, his thrusts moving manically – the slap that echoed around the place absolutely obscene.
Tony wondered, for just a second, how they hadn’t been found – but quickly forgot anything but the pleasure boiling over in the center of his core; his orgasm hit him without warning, the blow like being thrown back by a bus. “Oh, fuck. Loki – “ Tony groaned, his hand sliding down his own stomach to curl around his cock and milk out the last few spasms of cum, the warm liquid on his hands causing another round of shivers across his skin. 
Loki wasn’t gentle when he slammed his hips forward and buried his cock deep inside him one last time. Tony felt every splash of cum coating his insides – his worn-out cock trying to jump back in the game with a couple of excited twitches. His hips were already covered in bruises and if he clenched too tightly, he felt the burn of little prep and very aggressive sex – yet, he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset with the situation; no matter what happened next, he knew one of Loki’s weaknesses. 
Tony pulled his pants up when Loki pulled out, the wet mess there a good souvenir for him to think about later, when they fixed whatever the admittedly sexy piece of shit looking smugly at him tried to do to finish this. He was surprised to be pulled into Loki’s arms – the man’s long dark hair clinging to his forehead and cheek, the sweat from their exertions apparent. “For all your troubles,” Loki mumbled, his lips finding Tony’s, one of his hands slipping the knife from his pocket into Tony’s grip. “To remember me by.” 
Whatever illusion they were both under ended a moment later – Tony pressed one last kiss on Loki’s lips before jumping out the window and calling his suit. He settled into the flight right before he smashed into the ground. It took him a minute to get his shit together and forget about the feeling of Loki’s hands on him before he joined the rest of the team. They were in possession of the scepter, so Tony took to the sky and did what he could to close the wormhole and save the city. 
As Thor led Loki away the next day, Tony leaned against his vintage car, playing with the small knife he’d had in his pocket since leaving Loki the day before. He kept the pommel in his hand, his fingers gripping it tightly. His chest burnt with a sort of conflicting fire that made him want to shout at Thor to bring him back and see him crumble under the pressure of whatever punishment awaited him.
He shifted against the car when Loki looked back over his shoulder a couple of seconds before they were picked up by the Bifrost. He threw Tony a wink, his look playful. His eyes locked on the knife in Tony’s hand, his cheeks pulling up despite the muzzle that covered his mouth. Tony’s breath caught, his heart hammering. 
Even though he watched them disappear, Tony knew it wouldn’t be the last time he saw Loki. Something told him nothing was going to hold Loki back from whatever crazy shit he wanted to accomplish. Reaching down, Tony gripped his hips, a smile slipping across his cheeks when he pressed against the bruises – a jolt of pleasure-pain rushing through him. He pledged to save the Earth – that much was true. Yet, he didn’t think the world would mind if he took a little something for himself while he did it. 
He knew that wouldn’t be the last time he saw Loki – and he couldn’t wait. 
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nam-nam-joon · 5 years
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along the shore
Pairing: yukhei x reader
Genre: meet-cute, summer friendship
Wordcount: 10.3k
Warnings: proceed with caution if large bodies of water/rescue breathing makes you uncomfortable
Summary: the vacation you’ve been waiting for so long is finally here, but the sleepy town by the ocean is holding more secrets than you think
this was written for @kacchand​ ~! i’ve been thinking of dedicating a few fics to the people whose content i’ve been enjoying on here immensely, and you’re first! here is your well-deserved vacation. i hope you like it :)
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It was so early that fog still obscured the tips of the cedars lining the shore.
Well, early was relative - 8 am would be late had it been any other day you’d have to get up and prepare for work. But here and now, on vacation, it was fairly early, especially considering you had, naturally, planned to sleep in every other morning. Theoretically at least.
And yet here you were, comfortably toasty in soft, fluffy clothes, stuffed into a big red wetsuit, head topped with a thick beanie and with excitement in your heart.
The little boat, driven by one of the guides knowing the area like their pocket, didn’t look too reassuring; it dipped and swayed in the little waves that licked at the pontons, shortly below the main tourhouse up half a flight of sun-bleached wooden steps.
Half a dozen other people milled around the waiting area as well, all without exception holding cameras.
You felt around one of the outer, non-waterproof pockets of the thick suit - yep, your phone was still there.
Not to think what would happen if you’d take the expensive digital camera out on a boat ride like this, only to have an unexpected little wave knock it out of your hands and plunge it into the bottomless depth…
Your phone was an acceptable substitute, especially considering how you hadn’t come here to take pictures, but to make memories.
“All aboard!” Came the hoarse cry from the driver. Anticipation washed over the group.
You would really do it. All these months of work and saving everything you could, for this vacation, for this boat ride - to drive out to the open ocean, to see wales.
The excitement made your hands quiver.
On your way out of the safe haven, a sound nestled into the embrace of the coast, you caught he guide throw a few questioning glances at the sky.
They only paused minimally in their telling about bald eagles sitting in the trees and how everyone was on watch-duty to spot them.
The fog stayed behind with the trees as soon as the driver turned towards the open ocean, past a formation of rocks that were covered in seals.
One of them lazily lifted one of its flippers and waved.
“Alright folks, so we might have to cut this tour short today - we’ve been getting reports there’s some heavy rain coming in, and we don’t wanna get hit with that on the open waters. But so far it’s looking good, so, eh, we’ll see.”
Someone asked about experiencing a storm in this boat, and the guide gave them a lopsided grin.
“In this old thing? You’d be lucky if you came out alive. Nah, you best sit out a storm safe on the shore. Better, in a warm cabin with someone to keep you company and a good drink in your hand!”
Cheers and laughter.
A little way further out the driver slowed the boat so everyone could take a good look at a sea otter that was just floating between the waves, disappearing now and then before coming back up and cleaning its little head. Not long after that, the walkie-talkie crackled and an almost not-understandable voice spoke something.
“Folks! We just got news of a whale sighting not too far from here. Hang in tight, we might end up seeing some today after all!”
The murmurs and approving words didn’t last too long, after the clouds started to look a little darker grey, hanging a little low. But then another tour-boat came into sight, and you caught a glance of a rounded back with a minimal fin and every doubt you’d had about anything else was swept away.
The salty breeze blew into your face, left a hint of the ocean on your lips as you followed the others and stood from the bench in the middle of the boat.
Two whales were gathering food, the driver narrated, explaining there wouldn’t be sights of a tail fin until one or both decided to dive deep.
For a while everyone took pictures and admired the parts they could catch of the large animals mostly hidden below water.
Then the other boat started to move, the crackling of an incoming message disrupting the otherwise very peaceful mood. Something like the sound of something big rushing over the water, still far away, reached your ears. Confused by its origin you turned in your seat.
In moments the wind picked up. The breeze from before, salty, suddenly smelled like rain, whipped the long hair of a fellow passenger next to you around and had the boat gently swaying from side to side.
“Everybody sit down and hold on to the boat, the rain might have come earlier than expected - if everybody holds on, we should get-”
You momentarily stopped listening as a boy, surely younger and nonetheless taller than you, rudely shoved his elbow into your back.
“Hey, watch it.” You grumbled, annoyed at how disinterested the other was concerning his surroundings. Another shove that brought you to the edge of your seat, literally, and you turned around, ready to raise your voice when a small wave hit the side of the boat, the top of it spraying water on the passengers. Some of it got into your eyes and you blinked at the sudden sting.
Raindrops began to fall, the water like a wall pushing itself over the ocean.
Mind focused on the primary problem at hand - not being able to see without mild irritation in your eyes - you didn’t see the second wave coming, larger and wilder than the first.
It hit, unexpected, and your butt slipped off the seat completely, forcing you to stand to hop back up. In the short moment in which you still tried to find your balance in the swaying, now moving, boat, a third wave collided with the vehicle.
The edge of the boat had seemed quite high.
And then suddenly it wasn’t, and you couldn’t muster as much as a noise of surprise before the sky and the ocean switched places and you plunged into the water.
Everything got very quiet suddenly.
And cold.
It was cold, so, so cold, and you dimly remembered the safety instruction, some hour ago, and how the person had mentioned that the suit would automatically fill with water. What had been the next step in securing your survival in the water…?
You opened your eyes.
The pain was all but forgotten as you looked out through the surprisingly clear water, saw the whales - three, not two - move under the surface.
They turned and twisted, and their songs reached your ears through the water.
Something glinting on one of their flippers caught your attention. Narrowing your eyes at it, they almost immediately widened again at the sight.
Someone was swimming around the gigantic animal, their hands rubbing over its skin. A silver grey tail shimmering behind them.
The salt began to burn in your nose.
Nothing changed, and yet the person - was it a person? Were you seeing things? - let go of the whale and paused.
Your thoughts started to grow sluggish in the treacherous cold of the sea.
The person was incredibly fast in swimming around its larger friends. Within seconds large hands reached for you and intelligent, dark eyes, found yours.
“Humans…” Mused a voice, so clear in your ears as if they were speaking above water. “You always forget the most important parts when falling into the ocean.”
A broad smile brightened the boy’s - or was he a young man already?- brightened the face in front of you as quick, nimble fingers worked to tighten the loops around your arms and legs that would halt the flow of water into the suit.
You could do nothing but stare.
Short, dull brown hair flowed with every movement; pearls and other small stuff delicately woven into it, shimmering and glinting now and then.
You tried to speak but the boy was quick to press the pad of his finger to your lips.
“Hush, human. Your voices were made for the air, not the water. Save your breath.”
Only then did you realize your chest hurt.
“Hmm? Human, what’s the m-” His wide eyes travelled up to your own gaze after lingering on your lips, where his finger was still mushed against. Then he noticed your hand, weakly clutching at your chest.
“Oh. I see.”
His eyes seemed to search for something above before reconnecting with yours, and for the first time you thought to see something like mild worry in them.
The bewilderment reached through the haze that settled over your oxygen deprived brain as the boy moved forward, one of his hands on your jaw, the other holding you close, and then pressed his own lips to yours.
There was no leverage to hold on to, or to push away the stranger, and your fists weakly connected with his chest.
His hands only held you tighter, your heart beating faster in a rising panic.
With the shock it was easy for him to tilt his head and open both of your mouths together in what turned out to not be a kiss. Instead, he gave you air, and even though your head still swam, the pressure on your temples lessened.
“Let’s get you back up, you don’t belong here.” Were the last words you could hear before you felt the water pulling at you as the boy swam forward.
Shortly before you could break the surface you went limp in his hands.
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You came to as the boat docked below the tourhouse, wet to the bones and shivering.
It took three mugs of steaming tea, an abundance of warm blankets and a donated hoodie and pants you were ushered into in favour of your soaked clothes, until you were somewhat clear in the head again and your hands weren’t shaking anymore.
After the head of tours had apologized, along with the rude boy from before that had definitely been a big part of the reason why you’d fallen, you sat on a bench above a heater, overlooking the haven and following the raindrops that raced down the glass.
Outside the storm was fully raging, and the opening through which the boats entered and left the haven was hidden in the rain.
The young man with the fishtail wouldn’t leave your mind.
Had you hallucinated him? The combination of the shock from the cold water, the salt, the lack of air…?
You had almost asked about it, after the guide had helped you ashore, the small team from the tourhouse already waiting to get you inside to dry and get warm as soon as possible.
There had been something like a silent exchange of words between the staff, at least it had seemed so. Or maybe the guide had just quietly accepted their fate of being beheaded later.
“How are you feeling, dear?”
As if sensing your thoughts were circling back to one topic and one topic only, the friendly woman from behind the counter slipped around it and towards you, hand already extended towards your mug in a questioning manner.
You nodded and smiled, politely declining the offer to get another refill.
“Better.” You sighed, then. “Can feel all my toes and fingers again.”
The woman pursed her lips but refrained from apologizing once more.
“You had the unfortunate luck to be our one-in-a-hundred case… Good thing you remembered the safety procedure.” She lifted an eyebrow, and you dipped your nose back into your mug to humm in agreement.
Except you hadn’t, hadn’t remembered, had been frozen in fear and if it hadn’t been for-
“Well, I guess, the kayaking tour this evening will have to be postponed to tomorrow… doesn’t look like the rain will stop anytime soon.”
As if on cue, thunder clapped in the distance. The woman frowned.
“Yikes. Stay as long as you’d like, okay? I threw your clothes into the wash, they should be good in an hour or so.”
You set the mug down on the windowsill quite suddenly as a thought fell into your head.
“The wetsuit… did you find a phone in it? I remember putting it in one of the outer pockets…”
The apologetic look on the woman’s face was saying it all.
“So sorry. There wasn’t anything in your suit after we helped you out of it. It must have slipped out when you fell.”
“Damn.” Your eyes fled outside the window, and resignation tugged at your heart. 
This long awaited trip had, within only its first two days, gone from the dream of your dreams to a very unfortunate collection of mishaps.
“But there’s good news too; The weather’s supposed to get a lot better in the next days. It’s not much, I know, but it’s something, hm?”
After your clothes had come out of the drier, as fluffy and warm as they had been before, the friendly woman from the counter lend you a sturdy, bright yellow wax coat to keep you dry on your way to the hostel, and you took your leave.
On the way there you stopped by one of the many cozy, tiny restaurants.
The salmon soup and the freshly baked bread that came with it somewhat soothed the loss that your missing phone had left in you midst; replaced with food it was bearable for now.
It still sucked, but that was out of question.
The afternoon was spend in the common room of the hostel, overlooking part of the harbour and the sound.
There was a guitar sitting in a corner, and someone picked it up and began plucking calm tunes that mixed with the chatter of the two handful of people milling in the beautiful glass house addition to the main hostel.
Wrapped in a blanket with your book the time passed easily enough. The rain was still pouring and you decided against going out for dinner. Instead you raided the ‘up for grabs’ section of the hostel kitchen, and later slept in with a belly full of noodles and sauce you had cooked up from the bounty of the free shelve.
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The next day dawned bright and early, warmer than the ones before and without a single cloud in the sky.
The sunscreen you had packed suddenly didn’t look as obsolete anymore, and you generously applied it before leaving the hostel to finally explore the small town.
It was already past noon when you stumbled through a patch of forest, the trees unkept and the barely there path overgrown. The tote over your shoulder held a sandwich of a respectable size and two cans of lemonade, and your belly had been loudly requesting them for a while.
You had been looking for a good place to sit down and rest for about the same time. As the trees thinned out and gave the view free on an old walkway that reached into the water, you felt relief washing over you.
The place for lunch had been found.
It felt awfully touristy but along with your food you had bought a simple straw hat. Sitting here on the edge of the walkway now, it made the burn of he sun bearable.
Your toes barely touched the water below as you dangled your legs over the edge, leaned back on your hands and just resting after wolving down the sandwich.
The sun was glistening on the surface of the waves. A few seagulls passed by overhead.
It was very quiet here, the trees in your back doing a great job at filtering the noise from the street beyond them and shielding the seclusive lagoon from prying eyes.
Sat here the awful events from yesterday were almost forgotten.
The voice startled you. There was noone on the wooden planks behind you, noone on the shore; it took your searching eyes a moment to move to the water.
“I’m- I’m down here.”
There was humour swinging in the words but you inched forward on your hastily pulled back legs, wary. You spied over the edge and sighed.
A head was bobbing shortly above the waves; the same wide, brown eyes staring up at you now that had so curiously taken in your face yesterday.
Here, in the sunlight, his skin had nothing of its ghostly paleness from below water anymore. Indeed he was quite tan, although his hair was still much darker. The pearls in it blinked.
“Hi?” You answered, not entirely sure if you had fallen asleep in the sun and were experiencing a very realistic dream.
“Hey. You’re the one from the tour yesterday, aren’t you? I found this after I brought you to the surface, it was just sort of… drifting. This morning it wouldn’t stop making noise, Yuta said it was probably yours?”
His words didn’t make much sense before he lifted a hand out of the water, droplets of the liquid running over the skin that blended into scales on one side of the appendix. Clutched in his fingers, looking almost entirely human, was your phone.
“My phone!” You repeated, hastily taking it from the boy and drying it with your shirt. The screen lit up after you pressed a button, and even though one edge of the display was of a slightly distorted colour, otherwise it seemed to be fine. You looked back at the boy, still floating in the same spot.
“Thank you so much!” You blinked, and lowered the device until it rested on your thigh. “Thank you. Not only for my phone but...you know. Saving my life.”
The previously rather passive expression on the merman’s morphed into a big grin. One hand ran through the wet locks, messed them up a bit. Already they were drying under the sunlight.
“You’re welcome. Taeil was worried when they saw you fall.”
“My friend! One of the whales you saw yesterday.”
“Right.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I-”
“Sorry,” He interrupted you, and you fell silent immediately. “Would you mind if I came up and sit with you? It gets super exhausting to keep talking up to you like that.”
“Um, sure.” You shuffled over to the left until there was more than enough room for one more to sit. After hastily stuffing the sandwich wrapper into your bag, you gave a thumbs-up to the guy below.
In the next breath he was already pulling himself up, arms flexing and tail splashing a fine mist of water over you before he settled down next to you.
You ran both your hands over your face and lifted your hat to brush back a few strands of hair. When you opened your eyes again you suddenly had to look up.
The guy was taller than you while sitting, his friendly face smiling down on you.
It was a fleeting thought in your head before your eyes travelled down and latched onto the same, glimmering, grey tail that had caught your attention yesterday already.
Up this close it was incredibly beautiful.
The scales overlapped, creating a shimmering slick surface that was able to follow every move the strong muscles did below.
It narrowed where it vanished in the water, the end concealed in the depths. The occasional single scale was brighter that the others wich, under a closer look, ranged from dark grey, almost charcoal, to a silverish concrete grey. The ones around the boy’s hips were overall lighter than the ones closer to the water, but the brighter scales dotting the whole tail were more noticeable there.
You realized you were staring and turned your head in the other direction, feeling a heat that had nothing to do with the clear sky entering your cheeks.
“First time seeing a mermaid, huh? I get it, we can be quite breathtaking.”
“Oh jesus christ.” You let out, glaring at the smug grin on the boy’s face. “At least introduce yourself before subjecting me to such horrible… horrible puns.”
The laughter, waiting to boil over beneath the cold surface, finally broke free after looking at the other’s face a little longer.
“You really think it was terrible, hmm?” He grinned, hands folded in his lap. “I’m Yukhei. What’s your name?”
“_______. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh please, the pleasure is all mine.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and you laughed again.
“Do you do that often?” You asked, after taking a sip from your drink.
Yukhei made a small noise of question and turned his head. Your eyes were trained on the horizon melting into the ocean in the heat.
“Save people who fall overboard.”
“Oh.” He huffed, following your gaze. “No, not usually. I mean, usually, people don’t fall in, and usually, on the rare occasion they do, they’re busy helping themselves.” He shrugged.
“Guess I owe you big time, then.” Your eyes dropped to where your legs dangled next to Yukhei’s tail.
The other watched you for a moment.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it. Many people forget everything as soon as they join us in the water. It’s not your fault.”
Your eyes briefly met with his and got stuck on the empathy in them. 
The fingers in your lap, circled around your phone, tightened.
“Still. If there’s something I could do for you - it’d make me feel better.”
Without asking, Yukhei’s hand stole behind you and grabbed the unopened can of lemonade.
“Well, if you put it like that…” He took a sip of the drink, paused, and looked at the label. “Ah, this one’s good. Um. Yeah, if you really want to, I’d love to get some licorice. The good, german one. Think you can get me a pack of those?”
He lifted his eyebrows over his drink, hopeful smile half hidden behind the metal.
“Sure.” You laughed, incredulous at his odd request. “I think I can manage that.”
Yukhei’s smile was a radiant as the sun above. “Great! Thanks.”
A moment of silence in which you both sipped your lemonades in silence. Then he spoke up again.
“So did you get a good photo of my friends? That’s why you were there, right? To take photos of the whales?”
You shook your head, eyes leaving the deep blue of the ocean for the brown of Yukhei’s gaze. “No. I have a good camera but I didn’t take it out to the tour - looking back it proved to be a really good decision because I was- Well I wasn’t anticipating taking a dive but the possibility was there. You know? I mostly went to see whales and make memories.”
“Huh.” The mermaid sipped his drink, lazily swishing his tail through the water below. “That doesn’t happen too often. Mostly it’s just ‘Oh I gotta take a picture of this! Oh I gotta take a picture of that!’.”
“Tell me about it…” You sighed into your can, eyes squinting at the glistening water once more. “This is a super beautiful tiny town, I’m just glad not more people are as crazed to ban everything they get in front of their lense on photos. It’s the worst when they stop in the middle of the walkway and if you don’t pay attention you just smack right into them!”
Exasperated you dropped the hand that had gesticulated wildly back on your leg. Yukhei watched you with interest, taking in every word.
“So you’re not a tourist-tourist?” He asked, tip of his finger running over the top of the can in his hand.
You shook your head.
“I mean, I do take pictures as well, but at least I try to… Not inconvenience anyone else while doing it. I wanna have keepsakes that I won’t just throw away after they gather dust on some shelve.”
“That’s a good approach.”
The time seemed to fly by the longer you sat on the walkway with Yukhei, even after you had both finished your drink. He was a great listener and soaked up everything you told him about the town you usually lived and worked in, about the town just behind the line of trees that the merman had obviously never seen.
Before long you glanced at your watch and had to hurry to excuse yourself because the kayaking tour you’d signed up for would depart soon.
“Kayaking?” Yukhei’s eyes glinted. “Maybe I’ll come.” His smile was mischievous, and you worried your eyebrows.
“But- That means people would see you.”
“You saw me just now?”
“Yeah but-”
“Relax, I won’t swim next to your boat or something.” He grinned, entertained by your exasperation at the prospect of having a mermaid trailing your boat. “But maybe you’ll catch glances of me in the distance - keep an eye out on the horizon, baby.”
He winked, with both eyes, and clicked his tongue suggestively. It had you breaking into a laugh before you shoved him back into the water. He went in with a great splash, hovering in one spot and beaming up at you.
“Meet you back here at sundown? With my licorice?” His eyebrows curved on his forehead in an adorable way, and you weren’t entirely immune to those round, hopeful eyes he gave you.
“Sure.” You laughed again, hoisting the tote higher up your shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
You waved with the hand still holding your phone, and then had to run to still make the kayaking trip.
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In the evening you went into one of the shops and eventually had to ask one of the clerks there if they had what the mermaid had asked for.
With a small package of ‘Haribo Rotella’ in your sunburned hands you returned to the thick patch of forest you’d been wondering by noon. The store had had a select few packages of other Haribo sweets as well, smurves and something colourful, too, but you’d stuck with the ‘Rotella’ stuff since it was purely licorice.
Another two cans of the lemonade you’d bought before were in your bag now, and as you made your way down the hill to the walkway you could see something bobbing in the water next to it.
Yukhei was waiting already when your feet touched the wood on the construction, hair dripping water on his shoulders and droplets glistening all over him.
He waved enthusiastically as you approached, hopping in place and reminding you very much of an excited puppy.
“Did you get it?” He almost shouted, and wordless you held out the sweets. “Omg yass!”
He tore into the package and fished a coil of the black stuff out, munching on it excitedly.
“Did you just say ‘omg’?” You remarked with a smile as you smoothed down the fluttery fabric of your summer clothes to sit next to the merman. He grinned at you.
“So what if I did?”
“I didn’t know that was something merfolk - do you call it that?” Yukhei nodded patiently. “Didn’t know merfolk used such words.”
He shrugged. “You pick up a lot, you know? I mean, I do speak your language as well, so.”
“Oh yeah you’re right.” You looked at him with new interest. “Where did you learn it? Do merfolk have school as well?”
He was on his third of fourth coil now and not showing any signs of stopping.
“Your parents teach you, mostly. And the human children coming to the sea sometimes.”
At your astonishment he chuckled, plopping another piece into his mouth. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Mermaid’s a fairy tale right? Except for the natives living by the coast. They know they’re not. But you can’t really trust anyone else.”
Uncomfortably touched you looked away. The sky was a dusty orange dulling into greyish blue the lower the sun, just out of sight already, sunk. The breeze was still warm, but the freshness of summer nights began to circle on the area.
“But… That means… You trust me not to tell anyone I saw a mermaid.”
You looked back at Yukhei who, after more than half the pack, had seemed to finally slow down. The sweets were momentarily placed aside as he leaned forward, his elbows on his tail and holding your gaze with an unfamiliar intensity you hadn’t seen before.
“It’s less trusting and more desperately hoping. Of course, nobody would really believe you if you told them you’d seen someone like me… The locals who know will say you got a bad sunstroke and the glittering on the light on the water fooled your eyes. Nobody will carry word outside this town except you, maybe, but we hope you don’t. That wouldn’t be very nice. Not only because I saved your life.”
Stunned by the calm sincerity in his voice you just sat next to him for a moment. The bubbly, loud demeanor from before was entirely gone and there was something intense in his eyes the longer you looked into them.
“I won’t say anything. I promise.”
“Good.” He leaned back, smiled, and the tension dissipated.
His broad shoulders relaxed and he sporadically took out another piece of licorice, going back to the somewhat mindless chatter he’d filled your conversation before.
It felt a bit strange, to have the bubbly, open, happy version of himself back so suddenly, and it made you think twice when regarding him.
His looks were easygoing and borderline cheeky again, but now you could see something simmering beneath it.
When you had parted ways that evening, the night sky dotted with stars already, and finally lay in bed, your thoughts wouldn’t let go on how much he had risked in the gamble of not only saving you but also returning your phone.
It was currently charging at the port inside one of the small lockers that had come with the room. The discoloured corner would probably remain, but after a few hours stuck in rice you were positive the rest would work just fine.
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Before you knew it, the first week of your vacation ended already.
Almost daily were the visits to the ocean, to the little, hidden walkway. More often than not you could see Yukhei already waiting, swimming between the wooden pollers keeping the walkway up, weaving in and out of them. After a few days he was laying with his arms and upper torso on the wood, baking in the sunlight.
As you approached your meeting space today you found him laying completely out of the water, with only his fluke hanging over the edge.
To see his tail in all its glory  brushed all conscious thoughts from your head.
The boy seemed to sleep, his eyes closed and face relaxed as you crouched next to where his ankles would have been.
The glint of his scales was inviting you to reach out with a hand, to touch it, but you refrained and stuck to only watching how it slowly moved from side to side.
A sheen of moisture sparkled in the sunlight.
When a cloud pushed itself in front of the radiant orb in the sky the temperature went from scalding to bearable, waking Yukhei.
He scooted forward until he was on one height with you, at the edge of the walkway, yawning and pouting a bit.
“Why the long face?” You playfully jabbed an elbow into his side.
“You should have woken me up when you arrived! I don’t want to waste time I could spend in your company.”
It was difficult to suppress the fond smile spreading on your face.
“You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you. Sorry.”
He shook his head and placed it on your shoulder.
“You were looking at my tail again, weren’t you?”
Now it was your turn to pull a pout. “Don’t call me out like that. Yes I was. It’s a very pretty tail.”
“You can touch it if you want, you know?”
You lifted your head and turned it to look at him. “You sure?”
He hummed affirmatively, lashes fanning over his cheeks as he watched where his appendix sloshed in the water below.
Hesitation made your hands heavy. But curiosity won.
With a single finger you poked the skin, on the height of where his knee would have been.
He giggled at the way you leaned down to inspect it better. The scales where smooth and covered in a thin film of slick, and it was almost like petting koi. His smile was still wide and the twinkle in his eyes still glinting when you leaned back after your thorough inspection.
The slick rubbed off and stuck to the palm you had hesitantly stroked Yukhei’s tail with and you were a bit grossed out at how it coated your skin.
The water wasn’t too far down and so you switched your legs hanging over the edge for your torso, reaching down to wave your hand around the water, hoping the sheen would dissipate. It didn’t, at first, and you went on to rub the fingers of the hand against each other before outright wiping the palm on the wood of a pillar. Still hanging with around half your body over the edge you collected your strength to pull yourself back up, before-
“Watch out!” Yukhei suddenly called, his hands jerking to your sides as you startled at his voice.
The blue came a lot closer and the next moment you were sputtering and coughing, treading water to hold yourself up while attempting to blink the salt out of your eyes.
The merman was cupping the lower half of his face in his palm, trying and obviously failing to hide his laughter.
“You idiot!”
He cackled at that, head tipped back and with an arm wrapped around his middle to hold himself together while you glowered at him from the wetness.
Grumbling you went to the rusted steps of an ancient ladder mounted to the wood meant for this exact occasion.
The water clung to your clothes, dragged you back, and you needed to strain your arms to heave yourself up - were almost out of the water when two strong hands clamped over your hips and pulled you back in.
His name got half swallowed by a mouth full of saltwater and again you were coughing and glaring at the face of one all too happy merman.
He was effortlessly floating by your side, staying out of reach of your moving legs.
He was giving you the doe eyes again, the fake-i-am-so-sorry-pls-don’t-hurt?-ones, and you shoved water at him. It didn’t yield much result as all it accomplished was soaking his hair, but the smile on his lips widened a little.
“Aww come on!” He circled you once, coming closer and tugging you towards him afterwards. With his arms around your middle it was easier to stay up, and the immediate fear of being pulled underwater by something vanished.
“We always sit on that dumb pier and talk, how about we play a bit now? In the water? Pretty please?”
All by themselves did your arms come to rest on top of his shoulders, after wiping the strands of hair from your face.
“You could’ve just asked instead of shoving me in!”
He was pouting now.
“You were slipping in already! I meant to save you!”
“The hell you were… you’re a really fishy person, you know that?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you.”
He released you as you made attempts to get to the ladder, his expression now a little dulled at you continued lack of excitement.
“Don’t pull a face, Mr. Fish, I’ll come back in, I just need to take off my shoes first.”
He was beaming up at you again as you came back from stowing away the shoes, bag and other valuables you’d brought in a shaded spot under a tree, where it was unlikely to be spotted or taken. This place was pretty reclusive as it was already, but better safe than sorry. You’d already lost your phone on this trip once, you weren’t keen on that or worse happening again.
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That evening you slept in early, tired as can be.
It had been fun, playing with Yukhei where he was most at home. The shallow water in the hidden lagoon had been a lot warmer than that out on sea, but even with the hot temperatures that had settled in after the first days it was still taxing on your body. Not to mention the exhaustion the physical exercise brought.
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The next evening you brought your polaroid camera down to the hidden beach.
Yukhei in the light of the dying sun was something you didn’t want to forget.
It lit up his skin in touches of caramell and gold, caught in the pearls and glittering stones woven into his hair and the droplets of water on his skin.
You made sure not to aim at anything of his lower body, so to anyone who didn’t know, he just looked like a boy fresh from the surf, shirtless and with salt-swept hair.
There were soft scales running along parts of his upper body too, but to anyone who didn’t know what they were, they would just look like a funny reflection.
Yukhei hovered over your shoulder, asking to see the selfies you’d taken on your phone, gasped in amazement as you handed him the polaroid one and told him he’d have to wait until the image showed.
You laughed a little at how he spend the next few minutes sitting hunched forward, the small picture cradled in his palms, eyes fixed on the developing image.
“Look! Look, it showed up! It’s us!”
“I know.” You smiled at him and stabilized the shaking piece of paper and plastic he held out to you. His fingers didn’t let go and together you watched on as the final details showed up.
“You look happy.” You commented, peeling your eyes away from the keepsake and looking up at the merman.
“You too.” He mirrored you, squinting against the last rays of sunlight falling from around your back into his eyes. The smile seemed glued to his face the past days.
“Can I keep one as well?” His voice was a bit smaller than usual, his hands gripping the other in his lap.
“Mhm- Yeah, I think I could print one of the selfies and laminate it, so the water wouldn’t soak it. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow, okay?”
Satisfied, he nodded, slinging an arm around your side and tugging you into a hug.
“Thank you. I’m so glad I pulled you from the water. You’re a great human.”
You smiled and leaned your cheek against his shoulder and hugged him back, but when the sun had vanished completely and the darkness pulled over the sky on your way back to the hostel you were reminded how your vacation would end soon.
It was still several days, and yet…
The end drew closer with each sunkissed day you spend in this sleepy town, with Yukhei by your side.
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He picked up on the somewhat gloomy mood you’d fallen into, asked what was wrong with a concerned expression and his head ducking down to meet your line of sight.
You told him, throwing tiny pebbles you’d picked up by the waterline back into the small waves lapping at the wooden structure.
He grew silent after that, and it seemed you weren’t the only one who had temporarily forgotten there was a clock ticking down.
You hadn’t explored nearly as much of the town and the surrounding area as you’d originally planned, and that was okay because there was Yukhei, but part of you knew the people who knew about your trip would nag you endlessly if you came back and told them you’d only seen a fraction of the scenic area.
For a while both of you stewed in silence.
Eventually your thoughts cleared a little again and you were able to focus on nicer things, but when you turned to Yukhei and wanted to ask him something he was already squinting his eyes into the distance, hand shielding his face. Shortly afterwards he turned and met your eyes, an apologetic look on his face.
“-Sorry, whatever you wanted to say, do you think you can keep it ‘till tomorrow? I think I have to go back, I’ve kind of been neglecting my duties these past days to come hang out with you and I think they caught on to me.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
He shrugged, already slipping into the water.
“Don’t know.”
And without saying more, he was gone.
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You came back the next day, finally with the laminated selfie he’d asked about. You’d taped off the edges to make it even less likely for water to  get to the image safe between the sheets of plastic, had put it into an envelope, even.
But Yukhei wasn’t there.
You waited, more than an hour. The waves and the gulls overhead were the only things keeping you company.
Back up on the hill you looked down one more time; at the spot on the walkway you knew was the envelope with a stone on top so the wind wouldn’t blow it away. You hoped Yukhei would find it, if he came by later.
The rest of the day was spend walking the town and finally crossing some things off your checklist.
It was nice, to see so many other people, to hear different voices and laughs and bathe in the general, light-hearted mood, but the disappearance of Yukhei yesterday nagged at the back of your head and wouldn’t go away completely.
As the sun lowered and you came by the path through the small forest, familiar for your eyes already, there was a moment in which you hesitated. Should you go look, see if Yukhei had found the photo? -But he hadn’t been there in the morning, he’d said people had caught him slacking off, maybe he would be banished to work extra now.
Your feet hurt and your shoulders too; Forgoing to put on sunscreen just because you wore a light button down with short sleeves over a tank top. But the day had been warmer than expected and so you’d taken the shirt off eventually, forgetting about your unprotected shoulders.
A cool shower and a snack and then bed would be nice.
A bird flew past you, keckering and complaining in the still evening air, and brought you back from your thoughts. No. It’d be best to just head back for now. Tomorrow you could come by again. And the day after, and then another day, and the day after that… Maybe you could say goodbye before catching the bus back. Maybe. Hopefully.
The moon hung over the ocean, big and bright, casting silver light on your path and dipping everything in mystic touches.
There were light clouds coming in from the sea over the following morning. By noon they had thickened, rain beginning to fall.
The earth smelled rich, the scent of the water on hot stones surrounding you.
The hostel had provided an umbrella as you’d mentioned you had forgotten to bring your own, and now you were huddled below it, barefoot and in shorts to get as little of your clothes wet as possible.
The path down the hill was slippery and you had to focus on every step in order to not take a tumble over the rocky patches of grass.
Mud squelched between your toes as you stepped onto the sand finally. The pier was deserted.
Still you walked the length of it, the raindrops washing your feet clean while you moved.
There was the stone you had left behind.
A sigh escaped you as you crouched down, gently lifting the weight. The envelope had turned to off-white mush, the last, dry spot it had had under the cover of the stone quickly soaking.
Among the dissolving paper was the selfie.
“Well, at least I know it’s waterproof now.” You put the stone back, deciding against taking it with you. Maybe if Yukhei would come by, maybe he would find it. There was a lot of maybe and you weren’t ready to accept he might have just left like that.
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The inside of the restaurant was warm and dry and nobody gave you dirty looks for coming in like you had.
The sky was still covered in clouds when you went to bed, afternoon spent exploring the local museum and art gallery, but the rain was that of a summer day, not pelting down too harshly.
It trickled down the window in the dorm room and whenever the wind came in just right you could hear the waves crashing in the distance.
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It was still dark when you sat up.
Hands reached for the water bottle by themselves until your thirst was quenched and still you didn’t feel like lying back down.
Moonlight shone through the window and painted rectangles on the floor, patterned by the half-drawn blinds.
No sound came through the cracked window, and none came from the people sharing the room with you, either.
For a moment you froze in your place, not daring to breathe.
It was like the world was holding its breath alongside you, was waiting for something. Anything.
The breeze came back, gently carding through the long grass below the window.
Someone turned on their other side in their bed, the wood creaking.
You relaxed, shoulders dropping. Whatever it had been seemed to have passed.
The pillow settled around your face as you lay down, drawing the blanket up higher as a shiver in the still air crept down your back.
Even with eyes closed your ears remained wide open, sensitive to any sound.
Sleep began to reach out its hands towards you once more, until-
The world spun a bit, so fast had you sat up.
There it was again.
Whatever had woken you before, there it was again, and it was… Music?
A song?
On quiet feet you stole towards the window, opening it a little wider.
The wind turned and the singing voice couldn’t be heard anymore.
Your phone proclaimed the time to be one am as you plucked it from its charging place, shrugged into a cardigan and slipped into a pair of shoes.
All the clouds had left the sky and it stretched endless into every direction, littered with stars.
There were so many more than you were used to, empty spaces filled in by more glowing dots than you could count, and every time you had to pause, wait for the wind to carry the song to your ears again, you stared up at the dome with wide eyes and wonder.
The patch of trees came into view and your steps sped up.
You really hoped this wouldn’t turn out to be a dream as you pushed through the bushes, eager to get to the other side, stumbling once and only barely regaining your footing as the slope began to dip further.
Next to the walkway floated Yukhei.
With steps as quiet as you could muster you inched over the wood, towards the mermaid drifting close by the edge. A small rectangle on his chest was a ghostly white and you didn’t know what it was until you stood next to him, saw the tape around the edges.
But by then his singing had picked up a note, had won in intensity.
He didn’t need instruments to accompany his voice. It was so rich, so deep and yet so melodious that anything else would have only interferred with the story he wove with the words that you couldn’t understand.
There was an ache in your chest growing as Yukhei’s song went on, his notes becoming more desperate until there were tears in your eyes because you knew Yukhei was calling for something, something out of his reach, but you didn’t know what and it brought pain into your heart.
His voice grew hoarse on the next verse and he broke off, closing his lips and swallowing once.
The silence filled the air around you, made the cool summer night heavy. Breathing was difficult and you hoped, longed Yukhei would continue.
But his eyebrows furrowed, creasing the skin between them, and he stayed silent under the stars, only drawing a slow breath every once in a while.
“What were you singing about, Yukhei?” You asked, crouching on the wood, cardigan wrapped around your legs.
The merman startled so badly he caused a small wave that swept over him, got into the wrong pipe and made him cough.
Bobbing upright in the water his wide eyes stared up at you, as if you were the mythical creature bathed in the light of a million stars and not him.
As if the moonlight didn’t put silver between his strands, place a silver glow over his shoulders.
“You’re here.”
You nodded, still looking down on him in the water.
“You- You came.”
Again you moved your head.
Yukhei seemed at a loss for words.
“You weren’t here yesterday.” You picked at a loose thread on your knitwear, averting your eyes. “I see you found the photo.”
He stilled in fiddling with the rectangle, flattening it to his chest instead.
He remained silent.
It must have been the longest time you hadn’t heard any sound coming from him before he gently laid the photo on the wood and pulled himself up to sit beside you.
His tail was so close to your leg you could feel the coolness that clung to his scales so fresh out of the water.
“Your song,” You continued, as it seemed unlikely he would raise his voice sometime soon. “It was so… full of emotion. What were you singing about?”
His gaze, erratic, fled your face and focused on the water rippling around his tail.
“I lost a friend.” He answered eventually, and although he didn’t whisper, it almost felt like he had. “I was trying to call them, pleading for them to come back to me.”
“I’m sorry.” You held your gaze trained on him until the brown, in the moonlight grey, eyes met yours again. Under your attention he stilled. “You must have liked them a lot if you were this desperate to have them with you again.”
He nodded, not losing the contact. His tongue flicked over his lips and the crease between his eyebrows returned before he spoke again, slowly, like he was picking his words with great care.
“They’re in a place I can’t reach. We don’t sing often. Your kind have made tales and warning stories of those you call Sirens, who lure sea-faring folk to their death by bewitching them. But it’s not like that. We protect what is most dear to us with the only thing more powerful than any weapon your kind could craft. We sing. But we don’t sing for destruction. We sing to make peace, to calm waves and to save those too weak to defend themselves.” He paused, the interruption minimally. “We sing for our loved ones, to heal and to lighten the mood and when they leave for their safe return.”
His face was uncharacteristically somber as he spoke, and you listened intently.
“Your friend,” You looked out over the ocean, thinking about how incredibly it had looked to see him swimming with the whales. “I hope they’ll come back to you soon. Even though that song was so beautiful, if it speaks of loneliness and the wish to see them again, I hope you won’t have to sing it too many times.”
Yukhei had taken the hand that had been lying on the wood between your bodies away, holding it by its wrist with the fingers of the other hand.
His expression was unreadable as you looked up into it, tried to see anything.
“Where is your friend? How far have they gone?”
The tips of his fingers were dry but still cold to the touch when they met with the skin of your own hand. You felt them when he moved his hand up your arm, to your shoulder and then across your back.
Tears collected on the waterline of his eyes as he turned to fully face you, looking down and taking in every detail of your face.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, and you didn’t know what for exactly.
He closed his eyes before  leaning forward, his chin on your shoulder and his arms holding your tightly.
With the weight of his arms over yours it wasn’t easy but you did your best to hug him back, waiting if he would explain.
His voice was husky when he drew a shaking breath through the hot liquid running over his cheeks and collecting in your cardigan.
“I don’t know where my friend went, but it was because I left them first, but they’ve come back now and I’m so happy but I’m so sorry.”
He tightened his hug and in the breathless moment in which he squeezed you as close as he could you realized he’d meant you.
He’d been singing about you.
With your hands cupping over his shoulders you pushed him back a little to be able to see his face properly.
He squinted his eyes at you through sniffling a little.
“You were singing for me? To come back to you?” He nodded, biting on his lower lip and covering the hand you’d put on his cheek to wipe away his tears. “You wanted me to come back? But- You were the one who didn’t show up. Who left without saying anything.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he knew exactly what you were saying was true.
“I know. It was rude of me and I hate myself for doing it and- That’s not true, I was there when you put the photo on the pier, but I didn’t show myself which makes it even worse and I’m so sorry but when you said you were going to leave soon I just- I didn’t know what to do. Of course I knew you’d be gone sooner or later, of course I knew it shouldn’t mean anything to save you from drowning, but I still hoped… We would have more time.”
The corners of his mouth drooped down alongside his shoulders.
“In a way, I- I didn’t want the time I could spend with you to end yet, and that’s why I didn’t show- And also you said you wanted to see lots of the village, and I thought I kept you long enough but-”
You sighed deeply. “I understand.”
He closed his mouth and looked up to you ruefully.
“I’m sorry too. For not telling you earlier.”
This time it was him sighing, taking your hand from his cheek to his lap and curling both his palms around yours.
“Can we watch the stars together tonight?” He asked after a bit of silence in which he’d tapped on your skin in what you were pretty sure was morse code for something but you didn’t know morse and so didn’t know what he was saying.
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Lying side by side, with your pinkies linked, Yukhei pointed at brighter spots overhead with his free hand, telling you about formations and tales he’d been told as a child about those who swam among the stars.
He described a gigantic whale, swimming through the sky, and you told him how humans had been to the moon and how there was no air in space and eternal cold that would freeze anyone who didn’t wear a suit.
“I don’t believe that.” Yukhei said after a moment of consideration. “Your stories are a lot less fun than mine.”
You turned your head to look at him, watch him looking into the endless dark, and laughed at his defiant comment.
There was no point in disagreeing with him or trying to prove what you had said was right and the space-whale he was sung to about wasn’t.
There were many things he wouldn’t believe if you would have told him, but you figured the concept of space was one of the most harmless he could choose to disbelief.
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In the grew hours of dawn the day of your departure you sat in front of Yukhei on the walkway again, legs crossed and hands folded.
He had dipped down into the water for a moment before setting himself next to you again, and now your eyes switched between his hands, which he held cupped close, and his face; holding barely contained excitement.
“Okay, close your eyes and open your hands.”
“If this is a fish you caught for me, I told you, I can’t eat raw-”
He rolled his eyes but failed to bite back his grin.
“I promise, it’s not. Not this time.”
Mouth falling open you stared at him. “Wh- Not this time? When did you plan to give me a live fish?!”
“Can you please close your eyes now I want to give you your present.” He pouted, and finally you complied. Closing your eyes against the pastel colours of the coming sunrise in the sky, holding open your hands.
Something was placed into them; thin, with a small roundness to it at one point.
The wetness of Yukhei’s fingers brushed the side of your palms as he retracted his hands and then made a small sound, signalling it was okay for you to look.
Blinking down on your hands you took in what he’d put there.
It was dark with water but it looked like yarn or some other string, twisted and knotted and braided into something that was barely large enough to be a necklace.
Three small pearls were woven into it, a bigger one the size of your pinky finger’s nail flanked by two smaller ones.
You looked up into Yukhei’s nervous face.
“We give pearls or other pretty things as gifts, but my kind doesn’t wear bracelets or anything like that because it can get caught on sharp edges and strangle us; We put everything we get gifted into our hair, because it’ll hold on to it for us, but for you I had to improvise because your hair is dead and won’t be able to hold them.”
Your fingers curled around the gift protectively, but faced with this new information you couldn’t help but wonder.
“Your hair is alive?”
The merman nodded, hands clasped in front of him. “Touch it! You’ll see what I mean.”
Even more careful than when you had first stroked over his tail you now reached out with a hand, two fingertips brushing the darkened strands.
To your bewilderment and elation the hairs pulled away from the skull and wrapped around your fingers for a moment.
Spurred on by the soft giggle of Yukhei and the positive first contact you extended the rest of your hand and ran it over the side of Yukhei’s head.
The strands parted easily for you, reached up and placed themselves around your hand, slipped into the creases on your palm and held you in place for a moment before giving you free again.
“That’s amazing!”
Yukhei’s grin was big and contagious as you gave him his space again.
“Pretty cool right?”
“Yeah!” You sat in front of him for a moment longer, marvelling at him, all of him.
“You want me to help you put the necklace on?” He offered, but you insisted on trying it on your own first before having to relent to his help after not being able to fit the small wooden pearl through the designated clasp.
The necklace sat against your throat like a choker, and even though Yukhei expressed worry at how tight it was you waved it off and told him it was fine.
“Thank you so much.” You held out your hand, waiting for him to put his own into yours.
He did, thumb rubbing over the skin around your wrist.
“Thank you.” He echoed, smile wide and warm. It simmered down a little the longer you held eye-contact, until he looked away and cleared his throat.
“You’ll come back soon, right? I want to introduce you to everyone.”
“I have free time during winter again, but maybe I’ll be able to come by for Autumn break.” Yukhei groaned a the prospect of having to wait that long, pouted at you shamelessly.
“That face won’t get me back to you faster, I still have to earn the money it’ll cost me to come and stay here, you pebble.”
The playful expression replaced the half-hearted sulking, and he nudged your knee.
“Don’t you have a bus to catch?”
You checked the time.
“I think I have enough time for one last hug.”
And even though the saltwater still covered him head to fin, you held on to the other until the sun had almost fully risen above the horizon. Unwilling to let go just yet.
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Months later you sat on the bus, face so close to the window the glass fogged over. There was a lot less green outside, and the thick clouds didn’t let through much daylight, but you could make out the rocks in the distance, the roofs of the houses.
In your luggage, safely stored underneath your seat, were gifts for a certain someone, alongside a neoprene suit and diving goggles.
Soon you would check into the hostel, to get rid of the bag. But after that there’d be nothing holding you back from venturing through the path of trees, down the slope of the hill and onto the wooden planks above the water - you’d see how many stones Yukhei had been able to gather and put there, one for each day he’d waited for you. And then you’d put them all into a single heap, a pyramid maybe, and wait.
You had a feeling it wouldn’t be too long before the familiar blinking of the pearls and glittery things in his hair would break through the surface, and you smiled to yourself, looking forward to being able to hug him again.
You settled back into your seat and watched the world outside, watched the town by the ocean grow closer every moment.
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i hope you liked it! ♥
72 notes · View notes
azaleablueme · 5 years
M for the minifics! Btw that V one was so heartwarming, made my night!
Thank you so much!!! Sorry, this came so late but I still hope you enjoy it! 
M: When it rains/snows/storms (prompts)
Ron had been really looking forward to that particular Hogsmeade weekend. That was until, the obnoxious toad handed Harry a detention the very last minute, putting a dampener on all their plans. The poor bloke had been eagerly looking forward to stepping out of the castle, having missed the previous Hogsmeade weekend as well. All because of that … 
“Do’ya think we can feed her to the Giant Squid?” he asked, gritting his teeth and wringing his hands, picturing himself strangling the pink toad while a teary-eyed Harry cheered him on.
“I doubt,” Hermione replied in utmost seriousness. “Moreover, Hagrid will be devastated if we poisoned the poor creature that way.”
“Yeah,” he intoned as they walked on, their feet taking them towards their favourite pub automatically. But just feet away from the door of the Three Broomsticks, he stopped short.
“Hermione I-”
“-don’t feel like going in when Harry’s missing it? Me too.”
He looked at her, his anger melting away slowly at her sight, and grinned. He loved these moments when she seemed so in tune with his thoughts. There seemed to be rather a fair few of these recently. 
“So?” he asked, suddenly gripped by the insane urge to hold her hand. He scratched the back of his neck nervously instead and looked around, worried that she’d read his secret thoughts if he met her eyes.    
“Will you mind if I drop in at Scrivenshaft’s and then, I don’t know, go back to the castle?”
He shrugged casually and she nodded once and pulled out a small parchment from her sling bag. Hermione bought herself some parchment, a few quills, a couple of books(seriously?!) and other tidbits while Ron lingered around the shop. Once she was done, they took the cobbled road running through the middle of the village, slowly making their way back to the castle. Now that he thought of it, he’d have rather liked to spend a few hours alone with her. But he had already agreed to her plan before and honestly, he didn’t quite know how to suggest a change. 
What if she asked what he wanted to do instead? 
He could, under no circumstances, tell her what he wanted. It wasn’t like the two of them hadn’t visited Hogsmeade all by themselves, they had,  and they’d enjoyed it a lot too. But back then it was different- back then, he didn’t know how much he fancied her. His heart gave that same sort of tumble again, the one that made his insides feel all empty. She was his best friend. 
What if his stupid desires cost him her friendship as well?
 “I don’t know how we’ll take our O.W.Ls this year with this- this-”
“Treacherous toad, bumbling baboon’s backside, stinking dung bomb…” he provided easily. 
“Yeah, her,” she agreed. “I’m worried she’ll ensure Harry fails!”
“Nah, she won’t- can’t rather. They’re overseen by ministry officials, a separate department altogether,” he replied as they walked on.  
As they crossed the cobbled road and reached the narrow alley that bent and turned after a few cottages and led up to the school, Ron’s steps began to slow down. This was one of those conflicting moments when a part of him felt nervously excited about spending some alone time with Hermione, while another bit of him that was unquestioningly loyal to his best mate, wanted to kick his own arse.    
He realised that he had absolutely no clue what she had been saying, mesmerised as he was watching their feet walk side by side. Her steps were much smaller, and he had somehow managed to match her pace.
“You weren’t listening, were you?” she asked, stopping and turning at him suddenly. A loud clap of thunder roared above them at that very instant, saving him. She let out a shriek as the skies seemed to open up and drench them in the sudden downpour. 
“My books!” she screamed, cradling her bag and holding it against her chest, while Ron looked around helplessly for shelter, but they seemed to have reached an open spot; even the nearest tree was many meters away.
“Hold on!” he shouted and pulled off his cloak and held it over their heads. It was a good thing she was so much shorter than him, it worked pretty decently as a makeshift umbrella. As he grinned and turned to her, his heart gave that same tumble again. She was really, really close now, and drenched and had water droplets trickling down her curls. 
She looked up and he could see her smile. There was the rare twinkle in her eyes that always made mad things happen inside his chest. “We should keep walking!” she yelled over the sound of the pouring rain, and he nodded.
His cloak- though huge when compared to hers- wasn’t still big enough to cover their feet, and they splashed and slipped on the muddy road until Hermione decided that she wanted to wrap an arm around his waist. 
“Can’t risk falling down!” she stated, and Ron nodded once again for her proximity and water-drenched state had turned his brain into mush, wiped off his vocabulary until he was left with gibberish or Troll language. 
With one hand holding her bag to her chest, the other wrapped snugly around Ron, Hermione guided them towards the castle while Ron ensured he kept them relatively less wet (as the cloak was practically soaked and dripping on them, but she didn’t mention it and neither did he). His hands ached- the walk wasn’t a very short one- and they were walking treacherously slow, but he couldn’t care less. Hermione was as close to him as she’d ever been, and he knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime scenario anyway. He wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Finally, they reached the school gates and once within Hogwarts’ boundaries, Hermione pulled her hand away, leaving him feeling strangely lonely. It would be barmy if she held on, he knew. The others would see and make assumptions. A small part of him reminded that he wouldn’t actually mind…
While he was caught up in his own head, however, Hermione had gotten down to work. A blast of hot air from her wand warmed him right through before she cast the same on herself.
He pulled down his soaking cloak and hung it on his arm and cleared his throat, hoping to say something witty. But Hermione was pouted to herself now, after unsuccessfully trying to dry her hair, and got busy tying it in a knot instead. Ron looked on, unable to tear his eyes off her.
She’d notice him and hex him into next week! He knew it, but bloody hell, she looked insanely adorable… 
“Ron?” she asked with a hint of a smile, bringing him back to his senses and he scratched his neck again while she eyed him curiously as she adjusted her bag. 
Ron cleared his throat again. “Yeah?” he managed somehow.
“We should get something warm to drink,” she suggested and he voiced his agreement with a muffled ‘hmm’. His mind was still in a daze, her soaking image still etched in his eyes. For many nights now he knew, he’d dream of those water droplets trickling down her curls, remember in great detail the moisture that clung onto her lips and lashes, remember her slightly shivering form and feel her arms around him.
He noticed they were walking back to the dorm and for some reason, she’d grown quiet too.
Hermione came to an abrupt stop in a lonely corridor and he followed suit, just about to question her. But then she looked up and he forgot what he was going to say. He found himself wishing really hard that he knew Legilimency; he desperately wanted to know what she was thinking as she met his eyes. 
But any and all thoughts drifted off to a hazy bliss when Hermione stood up on her toes and kissed him softly on his cheek. “Thank you, Ron,” she whispered and smiled nervously before looking away quickly and walking away.
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carlisle980 · 5 years
Manchester, 1972
It would rain on commencement day. She checks her hair in the mirror one last time. She’s fixed it twice since arriving. Thankfully they’ve moved the ceremony indoors. She smooths her collar, rolls her shoulders. Practises her smile as the words of her speech run through her head. She mouths them, pacing, the click-click-click of her high heels echoing off the walls, setting a cadence for her to follow.
She is nervous. It isn’t that she lacks confidence in her ability to deliver the speech, exactly, it’s …
Her musings are interrupted by a knock at the door. “There she is … the woman of the hour!”
She turns to see Reginald Crawley stood in the doorway in coat and tie.
“Reggie! Oh wow, hi! I hadn’t expected you to turn up today. I didn’t know as Daddy could spare you.”
“We only had two patients on for this afternoon and both of them rang to cancel. And even if they hadn’t, your mum would have persuaded him to close early. It’s not every day his only daughter delivers the Head Girl’s speech at Lady Barn House.”
“About that …” she mutters, studying the floorboards.
“What is it? Not nervous, are you? You’ve performed a thousand times.”
She responds with a withering look. Meets his eyes. Sees him grinning, and grins back. Shrugging her shoulders, she tells him, “Yes, but speaking is rather a different animal from playing piano. That, and I still feel like a bit of an interloper, I suppose.”
“Because you’re leaving a year early and these aren’t the lot you started with.”
She opens her mouth to reply, then closes it promptly. He’s done it again, she realises. He’s said precisely what she’s thinking. Again, because it’s been happening rather frequently of late. It’s true that they spend a lot of time with each other, she managing the clerical things at her father’s surgery and he assisting with as many procedures as his training permits. She works the maximum hours allotted a secondary student, determined to put by as much money as she can for her university tuition fees. But her brother works just as much as the both of them, and if he’s got any inkling as to her mental state he seems completely oblivious.
Of course, there could be an explanation for Ed’s aloof manner of late. He’s recently been spending the little free time he’s got in the company of a young lady called Alice Tamworth. Alley. She was two years ahead of Isobel at Lady Barn House. She’s taking a degree in literature at U of M. Isobel likes Alley. Rather a lot, in fact. But she’s turned Eddie’s brains to mush. Which is why Isobel has resolved that love is not for her. The path she’s chosen demands excellence, and the pressure on her will always be greater by virtue of her having been born female. She can’t afford to give her studies — or her work — less than her absolute best.
Why, then, is it suddenly so difficult to ignore the piercing blue of Reginald’s eyes? And why does it feel as though his ability to discern tiny details about her is rooted in something deeper than just friendship?
“Earth calling Isobel,” Reginald teases.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was miles away.”
He grins. Was he always so handsome?
“Penny for them.” He pulls out a chair for her and indicates she should sit before taking a seat of his own.
She smiles softly, feeling her cheeks pink. “I doubt they’re worth that much.”
“Ha’penny, then.” He smiles again. Her heart pounds in her chest. He’s gorgeous. How had she missed it all this time?
“Have you noticed a change in Ed lately?” she manages. If he’s so skilled at reading her, she shouldn’t have to elaborate.
“You mean the way his brains leave the building whenever Alley’s around?” He shakes his head. “Wanker.”
“Exactly, and I hope you tell him that! Lad’s twenty; he can do what he wants, but—”
Reginald scowls. “No, he bloody well can’t! Not as much as your dad relies on him; never mind the fair fortune he and your mum are spending on his education. Oh I’m bally well brassed off with him; don’t you worry … missing clinic hours, failing to submit assessments. He’s had the world handed to him on a silver platter and he’s blowing it spectacularly. But haven’t you got bigger fish to fry?”
She grins. “Well then … tell us how you really feel!” He studies his shoes and she notices the way his ears redden. She likes that about him. Come to that she can’t think of anything she doesn’t like about him. Shaking off that realisation, she continues, “It’s everything you said … and I suppose it also makes me think that if love does that to a person, it’s an experience I’ll have to forgo.” He scoffs and she rebuffs him. “You can’t sit here and tell me I’m wrong, Reggie! Both you and my brother got onto the premed course by virtue of your marks alone. I, on the other hand, was made to provide twice the number of character references and go ten rounds with the department chair over whether my science A-levels will count seeing as I finished them a year ago. And all of that despite having higher UKCAT scores than the both of you!” She pauses for breath, her expression moving through agitation to resignation. Ruefully she adds, “It’s a risk I can’t afford.”
He rises from his chair and walks towards the door. It’s only moments until she’s due at the podium. “Look, I’ll go. I came to say good on you and break a leg and walk out there with your head held high because you’ve earned this …”
Getting to her feet, she moves to the doorway. “Reg, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so ratty. Thank you for coming to see me.” She squeezes his bicep, smiling softly.
“I’m not going to argue with you. We haven’t any of us chosen an easy path: you, me, or Ed. And there’s no doubt you’ve had a harder go than us. You’ll always have an uphill climb. I just think it’s a mistake to write off love because of it.” The earnestness in his eyes catches her on the back foot.
“That’s as may be,” she demurs, eyes cast towards the floor. “All the same I can’t see why you should trouble yourself with what I think. I mean I know I’m like a little sister to you, but—”
“No, Isobel. That’s not how I see you at all.” Their eyes meet. He takes a small step closer to her. The world stops turning as she watches his eyes flit from her own eyes to her lips. He touches her shoulder, his hand moving up to cradle her cheek.
Surely he isn’t … He can’t … He is! He’s going to kiss me! “Reggie,” she whispers, almost too faintly to hear, “I don’t know how … I’ve never—”
“I know,” he murmurs. “It’s alright.” He leans in. She can feel his breath on her face.
I should close my eyes, she thinks. Aren’t you supposed to close your eyes? He stops just short of her mouth. Giving her time to pull away. Oh! he’s warm. And he’s handsome. And I don’t want to close my eyes. I should touch him. Shouldn’t I touch him? She’s never been in such close proximity to a man before. To be sure, she’s danced with Daddy and Ed at weddings and hospital functions, but they don’t count. She reaches up with uncertainty and fumbles, her hands finding purchase in the lapels of his jacket.
In the next moment his lips touch hers and apprehension vanishes. He is so gentle, brushing the backs of his fingers across her face. She has no idea what she’s doing, how to make this enjoyable for him, but as the first kiss melds into the second she opens her mouth under his, and then so does he. She makes a sound that surprises her, moaning into his mouth when he deepens the kiss and she doesn’t want this shouldn’t want this oh sod it all this is incredible but what the hell does it mean? Oh shut up, for the love of God would you just shut up and enjoy something like a normal person for once you fool?
“Oh!” she gasps loudly when the tip of his tongue slips just past her teeth. Alright, I was wrong; this isn’t unpleasant at all and his mouth is so sweet and I don’t want to stop and—
He pulls back. She gasps again, missing the softness of his lips. “Are you alright?” he pants. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” She frowns, inching closer to him again, aiming to put her hands on his shoulders. He stops her, taking her hands in his own.
She has never thought of herself as small. In fact, she has scarcely ever given any thought whatsoever to her stature. Wit is the standard by which she has measured herself against others. Intellect. But now she notices two things: firstly, that her hands are tiny, held inside of Reginald’s. And secondly, she doesn’t want him to let go. Ever.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he whispers, looking down at their hands. Her left thumb has begun tracing tiny circles over the blue veins on the underside of his wrist. He should stop her. He doesn’t.
“Why not?” she counters. “It was … nice. Wonderful, actually. I suppose the first time was going to happen sooner or later, and there’s no one I’d—” She stops herself suddenly, realising what she’d been about to say. There’s no one I’d rather have done this with. She scolds herself. But you just finished saying that love is for fools, not for women fighting like hell against men for the right to practise medicine. Not for you. Her cheeks flush bright red and she presses a hand to her mouth.
Yet he still holds the other. He waits for her eyes to meet his.
“There’s a longer conversation to be had,” he says gently, astutely. “But now you’ve got to go. Look, it doesn’t have to mean anything, Isobel, if you don’t want it to—”
“Yeah, but you do! You never do anything unless you mean it.” She pauses briefly, pacing back and forth. “Right, I can’t talk now. But we need to do …”
“So ring me up when you’re ready. Best of luck out there, you’ll smash it. I’m going to go find your dad and mum.” He drops her hand and starts to walk away.
She catches his wrist. “Wait,” she implores him, sounding less steady than she means to do. “Reggie, I …” She leans in and presses her lips to his, deepening the kiss when a soundless ‘Oh!’ escapes his lips. “I don’t know, alright?” she whispers when they break apart. He nods. “But I’ll ring you.”
He lifts her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. “You’ve done it, Izzy,” he says, giving her fingers a squeeze before leaving go of her hand. “Congratulations.” As he walks away she touches her lips. They still tingle from his kisses.
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awake-not-today · 5 years
Tumblr media
Kinks/warnings; size difference, cum eating, cock worship, breeding, noona, blow jobs, bondage, thigh riding, switch!kook, switch!reader, unrealistic sex in the form of cervix penetration, unprotected sex, probably inhuman amounts of cum???, swearing, male and female oral, muscle worship, creampie, forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, fingering, edging, pussy slapping, pining, corruption kink in you squint, praising, mind break, lots of dirty talk, fluffy ending, stomach bulge, cock ring, degradation, overstimulation
tortoise and the hare
If you told the you from a year ago that to mark your first year in Korea you’d currently be under the boy you had, until your first orgasm of the night anyway, previously only seen as a little brother she’d probably call you crazy. And yet here you were desperately clinging to the ridiculously toned biceps of one mister Jeon Jungkook, aka the best friend and roommate of your former friends with benefits Namjoon, and begging him to fuck you harder as he grinned down at you.
Fucked silly.
That’s how you were going to describe tonight to your friends over lunch the next day. This impossibly cocky boy was fucking you silly and to be completely honest with your Catholic guilt you’d have it no other way. Soft kisses were placed along your jaw and neck before being turned into hickies you knew you’d be carrying for a week. All you could do was moan and wrap your legs as tight as possible around his stupidly tiny waist while he pounded into your tight heat and your brain turned to mush at the onslaught of pleasure.
A little over a year ago you’d been pen paling your new friend Nari when she’d invited you to her wedding. You had come two weeks before the ceremony to help with any last minute things and to explore a new country. It was during your two weeks that Nari managed to convince you to instead stay for a few more years. Agreeing you went about filing more paperwork than you ever have in your life before getting your five year visa. You were lucky that your job had a branch in Seoul and allowed the transfer. You adore your job in historical conservation and were proud of how far you’ve gotten in your career at only twenty-four.
It was how you met your second friend Namjoon. A student teacher from the art department at a nearby school he was wandering the galleries when you both turned the corner at the same time quite literally falling for each other. The first thing you noticed were his dimples and how smooth his voice was as he apologized over and over. You assured him that it was fine and no harm done. The second things you noticed were how tall he was compared to your 5’2” frame and just how good his english was.
After buying you a coffee to again apologize it didn’t take long before the two of you became friends and eventually leading to friends with benefits. You’d be lying if you said that man didn’t know how to behave in bed. This is also when you first met Joon’s roommate and friend Jungkook. Slightly younger than you by three years he was a student athlete on the basketball team at the same school Joon taught at and was studying physical therapy. Joon had signed up to mentor freshmen and been partnered with Kook. They’d be inseparable ever since. Student teacher and student relations be damned.
Your first meeting was less than ideal. You’d just left Joon’s room after waking up from sleeping over after sex when you came face to face with his roommate. His very shirtless and sweaty and drop dead delectable roommate. You had stared at his chest for far longer than appropriate before his embarrassed cough brought you back to your senses. Hastily apologizing you introduce yourself before making a quick exit cheeks burning. You avoid their place for the next week claiming busy schedule.
The second time you meet you’re out on Friday for girls night and drunk off your ass when you bump into Joon, Kook, and their friends. It wasn’t long before your entire groups were mingling while you ended up in Kooks lap. Giving him a kiss on the cheek when leaving. The next morning he sympathetically handed you Advil after Advil while you threw up. After that the embarrassment of the first meeting was gone and replaced by your drunken kiss the pair of you settled into an easy friendship.
Kook remembers your first meetings very differently. The first time he saw you he was convinced you were an angel. Messy hair and wrinkled dress be damned you looked amazing. As soon as your eyes met bells went off in his head and he knew for sure that you were the one. He was pretty smug about how you couldn’t take your eyes off his body, but unfortunately you had left embarrassed and he didn’t get to introduce himself properly until a few weeks later. He dropped coffee off at your work one day and properly said hello easing the embarrassment of the first two meetings.
You came around their apartment a lot after that since it was closer to your work than your place and he got used to having nearly zero boundaries between you two. You had no qualms about sitting on his lap, using his height to reach things, playing with his hair while cuddle up, and even dropping kisses on his head sometimes. He figured out pretty quickly you thought he was too young for you and he accepted that. Hated it but accepted it. You two fell into an easy friendship and he wouldn’t have traded it for the world. He’d just have to wait patiently for you to see him in a different light.
That moment wouldn’t come until your first year in Korea had passed. You all went out to celebrate at Nari’s insistence and while Joon left early on to follow some brunette Kook stuck by your side the entire night. He’d had a few hookups and brief girlfriends over the year to scratch the itch but he wanted you and he was determined to finally have you. He held you up around the waist as he helped you into your own apartment where you tiredly kicked off your high heels. You weren’t drunk, but you were dead tired. Turning your back to him you asked sweetly if he’d get your zipper for you.
Shivering at the strong hands covering your back you felt him slowly unto your little black dress and turned to give him a huge grin in thanks before walking down the hall to your room. You reappeared a moment later with clothes for him to change into. Eventually you came out and flopped onto the couch next to him curling into his side in your sleep shorts and tank top.
“Have fun tonight?” he asked thanking the gods that you weren’t wearing a bra and trying not to be obvious about it.
Sleepily you nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for coming out tonight.”
He gave a low chuckle and flipped through netflix. “Anytime.”
It was quiet for a few moments before he spoke with forced casualness. Tonight he was going to use your perceived innocence of him against you. “Hey noona?”
“Can I practice eating you out?”
You sat up abruptly to look at him not thinking you heard him correctly. “Excuse you?!”
He shrugged, not even having the decency to look ashamed. “There’s this girl I like and I want to make sure I make a good first impression.”
Not technically a lie. He did like a girl, you, and he did want to make a good impression, just on you. He looked at you and stuck out his lower lip slightly. You spoiled him and let him get away with so many things he was fairly certain you’d say yes.
Ah there it was. That moment you hesitated.
“Please noona?” he whined. He dramatically flopped into your lap looking up at you with practiced innocence ad puppy eyes. “Don’t you want me to be happy?”
You snorted at that and rolled your eyes. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”
He sighed and looked at you. “Noona.” he looked disappointed. “If this doesn’t end well, I'll never be able to show my face on campus, be forced to drop out due to bad grades, then spend the rest of my life bouncing between you and joon-hyung.”
Playing with his hair you again rolled your eyes. “Maybe you should have been a drama major.” you teased.
He huffed at you while you thought. It had been a while since your last hook up and if you were being truthful you had in fact thought about kook more than once late at night. But he just seemed so young and uninterest in you those feelings never went anywhere. Besides one lesson wouldn’t hurt, would it? Gently pushing him off you agreed. Letting out a small scream at suddenly being hoisted in the air over his shoulder you missed Kook smirking the entire way down the hall to your bedroom like he’d won the universe.
He gently tossed you onto the middle of the bed before stripping himself of his shirt and while you were distracted he managed to get your shirt off. Moving down to your shorts he quickly rid you of them delighted that you hadn’t worn panties. “Noona.” he teased. “Expecting something?”
Blushing you slapped his shoulder and was about to snark at him after finally tearing your eyes from his very well defined ab muscles when his mouth was on yours and all thought went out the window. Briefly you wondered just how inexpieranced was he actually was because fuck did he know how to kiss. Lost in the feeling of his soft lips moving against yours you could only look at him with a dazed expression as he pulled back to stare at your body. Fuck he had dreamed of this moment for months and now here you were all ready and willing for him. He could feel his cock start to harden in his sweats while he pushed you gently down and placed small kisses down your chest until latching onto your right nipple.
Groaning you threaded your hands in his hair eyes slipping closed as he bit and played with the moon shaped piercing. Once it was all pebbled and sensitive he switched to your left and played with the star piercing. Glancing up he moaned at the sight of your blissed out face.
“I t-thought you only gon-na eat m-me out.” you gasped.
He shrugged and shot you a sweet smile. “Just want to make sure i do this properly.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and were about to say something until he bit down on the nipple in his mouth and you let out a loud moan arching your back. Fuck that was hot, he thought eyes transfixed on your face. Releasing your nipple he continued on his way down your stomach leaving small bites before reaching his prize. Gently he used his fingers to spread you apart smirking when he saw how excited you were. Practically dripping like a flood.
“Look at me.” he commanded you voice slipping an octave.
Startled at the change you did and with no warning he licked a stripe from the bottom to your clit. Hands immediately went to his hair encouraging him to keep doing that as your moaned above him.
“Please.” you whispered already sounding fucked out.
He loved that.
Continuing his task he dived back in and began eating you out like a man starved. Never in your wildest dreams had he thought his plan would work out so well and now that he had you naked and writhing under him wanting more he wasn’t about to let you down.
After all he did have only one chance to make a good first impression on you.
Whimpering above him your mind was going a mile a minute. You thought that you’d have to coach him through this, but now he was making you evaluate everything you thought you once knew. Did he even need the practice? A well timed harsh suck to your clit assured you that no he didn’t. So what was his angle? Lost in pleasure you idly wondered if maybe he did have feelings for you, but you shut that thinking down before it could bloom. If any point Kook was interested in you then surely you would have noticed. The boy wore his heart on his sleeve after all. Groaning you could feel your orgasm fast approaching.
“Kook.” you begged. “Please i’m so close.”
He glanced at you face shiny with your juices looking unfairly innocent through all of this you thought. He lightly traced a finger at your entrance glancing at you. You nodded quickly your permission but he only smirked at you and pulled away making you whine.
“No noona you’ll have to use your words.” he lightly pressed against your entrance then went back to thumbing your clit.
That cocky bastard.
Shifting your hips in search of more friction you gave in. “Please Kook i need your fingers in me.”
Looking at your fucked out state and how hard your chest was heaving as you breathed he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. “Okay noona. Since you asked so nicely.”
His mouth latched back onto your clit and ever so slowly he stretched you open. First one finger, then two, then three leaving you moaning even louder your hands in his hair begging him to not stop. “Kookie please i’m so close.” you babbled. “Dear god faster.” hips bucking up as you moaned.
He drove into you harder until he felt you tense as your first orgasm of the night rashed over you. You arched your back pressing your mound further into his face desperately trying to ride it. He continued to finger you through the aftershocks as you breathed heavily looking down at him tiredly. “I-I think you’re g-gonna be fine kookie.” you praised, panting.
Crawling up your body again he smiled and claimed your mouth once again for a few minutes letting you come down from your high as you tasted yourself on his lips. He loved the feeling of your chests together feeling right at home hovering above you and settled nicely between your legs. Eventually he moved back down again and started back up his ministrations. You whined and tried to move away but with no warning he brought his hand down on your pussy right on your clit.
You yelped and looked at him wide eyed instinctively trying to close your legs, but he landed another hit and another until you left your legs open and your head was swimming in the pleasure-pain mix. Distinctly you could hear him chuckle and hover over you again his mouth leaving hickies all over your neck and collar bones.
“Did you really think the night was over so quickly noona?” he questioned sweetly. “I’ve wanted to have you like this for so long.” He confessed against your neck. His eyes met your shocked ones. You opened your mouth several times to speak but he beat you to it.
“I’m not a kid.” he said lowly making you shiver right down to your core. “I am a grown man noona and I’d like to show you just how grown.”
He kissed his way back down to your pussy without another word and kept your hands placed firmly at your sides while he returned to eating you out. All you could do was pant his name while your head swam with pleasure and confusion shifting your hips up into his mouth.
“So needy noona.” he teased. “I’ve imagined what this would be like for so long but it’d far exceeded my expectations.”
Your head was going a mile a minute but you managed to sit up and bring his mouth back to yours. You could be deceptively strong too. “I’ve been thinking about you like this too.” You confessed. “I just always thought that I’d be too old for you.”
“Noona.” he laughed breaking away. “You’re barely three years older than me. You’re not a grandma you know.”
You shrugged feeling a little silly and just a little aroused at being called noona during sex before moving down his jaw and sucking hickies along his neck. “God you’re gonna look so good for noona all marked up.” You said lowly and were rewarded with a low whine from him before he was pushing you back onto your back and diving back down. He kept your hands and hips pressed firmly down so you were unable to move away from his teasing tongue.
It wasn’t long before you were fast approaching your second orgasm. Just as you were about to reach your peak he pulled back grinning at you deviously. “You’ve been teasing me for far too long noona. Naughty girls deserved to be punished don’t you think?”
He waited until you calmed down before starting back up again and yet again pulling away right before you came. He did this for nearly thirty more minutes leisurely edging your poor clit until you were a soaking mess begging him to finally fuck you. He looked up loving the way you were on the verge of tears his name the only word on your swollen lips.
“Kookers please.” you begged. “I need you to fuck me and I need you to fuck me now.”
How could he possibly resist?
Rising to his knees he slid off the bed and stripped himself of his grey sweat letting his erection free. It slapped against his stomach and for a solid minute you couldn’t breathe. Standing a proud seven and a half inches with nearly three inch girth and a nice curve you were fairly certain he’d break you. Smug at your reaction he crawled back onto the bed, letting his cock rest against your stomach as he brought his crotch flush against yours groaning at the feeling.
“You won’t fit.” you blurted out eyes wide.
He leaned down to kiss you gently. “Trust me beloved it will. Condom?”
You barely heard the question way to focused on the monster that was about to be in you. “You’re clean right?” you asked. He nodded. “So am I and I’m on the pill.” He looked at you blankly head cocked to the side.
“I want you to fuck me raw kookie. I want to feel you bare.” you were blushing furiously at the words having never said them before.
Above you kook groaned. “Beloved you’re going to kill me.”
Grabbing the lube from where you directed him to it he dumped a libral amount onto his fingers before sliding all three of them into you at once. You groaned at the burn but it felt so good. He added another finger and continued to finger you until you were shaking and looking for more. He withdrew and grabbed his cock hissing at the pressure. God he wasn’t sure how long he’d last once he was finally in you. And raw at that. This was more than he could have ever hoped for.
Grabbing your hips he slid in half way sighing at how you immediately clenched around him moaning. He waited a minute to let you get used to the feeling before he resumed sliding into you inch by inch until his cock bumped against a barrier that prevented him from pushing the last inch and a half into your core. Below him you panted and shifted your hips causing the head of his cock to rub against the barrier again.
“Cervix.” you gasped out barely able to form a full sentence finally understanding. “I-I think you’re hitting my cervix.”
Secretly he thought it was kinda hot that he filled you so completely that he could reach your womb. Briefly he had a fantasy of you not on the pill and how easy it would be to flood your fertile womb with his seed but he bit back those thoughts before he came too early. Unknownst to him you also thought it was kinda hot at how deep he was, but you weren’t thinking of getting pregnant right now. Gently he eased out until the head remained and made eye contact before he thrusting into you quickly setting a rapid pace.
The air left your lungs as you let out your loudest moan yet. You knew your neighbor would be complaining in the moaning but the only sensation you could think of was how fucking good it felt to have him pounding into you reaching sensative spots you didn’t even know you had. It was all you could do to wrap your legs around his waist and hang on for dear life begging him to go even harder.
“Geeze noona who knew you’d be so insatiable?”
Glaring at him you bit back, “if you don’t pick up the pace and fuck me so hard that i forget my name I’m kicking your ass out.”
It was an empty threat and you both knew it. There was no way in hell you were going to give this up after you finally got it. Annoyingly he only laughed and slid his hands under your ass to help lift your hips up until your legs were spread obscenely wide as your lower half was supported by his thighs and he was hovering over you sucking more hickies along your neck.
“As you wish princess.”
Not holding back kook let himself really pound into you and it wasn’t long until all you could do was moan eyes unfocused looking up at the ceiling drowning in the sensation of kook having his way with your pliant body. To be honest he could ask you to rob a bank and you’d probably say yes.
After all that teasing and edging your orgasm was fast approaching. “Gon-gonna come.” you moaned out.
That only encouraged him to try even harder rubbing up against your cervix as his cock had no other place to go. “Go ahead baby.” he panted into your neck. “Come on my cock like a good little whore.”
You whined making him grin.
“Yeah? Like being called a whore?” he asked rhetorically. “Does baby girl like it when I remind her of how desperate she was to have my cock inside her? Begging me repeatedly to cum in her pretty pussy. Such a sloppy girl.”
You were going to explode at his words you were sure. Damn near screaming out your orgasm you tightened around him lost in the white hot pleasure. That was without a doubt the best release you’d ever had before. You felt kook slowing down to give you time to rest but you shook your head.
“No. Want you to keep pounding me until you come in me. I want you to force me to come on your cock over and over until you’re satisfied.” you panted out avoiding his eyes suddenly shy. God what had gotten into you. You were never like this for the first time.
Kook stared down at you in amazement before kissing you deeply and sending up a quick prayer to any deity that was listening thanking you for coming to korea. He wasted no time resuming fucking you and this time it took only a few more times before he was burrying himself as deep as he could go and releasing into you. You both groaned at the sensation and laid there tangled up until he started to move once more still hard.
“Fuck I can feel your pussy quivering around me.” he groaned out. “It’s like it can’t get enough of my cum. Trying to swallow up as much of me into you as possible, yeah? Just wanna be filled with my cum all day?”
He filled that thought away for the future while you tried to say yes but all you could do was tighten up around his cock in response.
Shivering you could feel the cum slide out of you and down your ass. It felt almost nice in a weird slimy way. As he started up again your mind went blank unable to focus on anything but the pleasure he was giving you. Mouth open panting you were distantly aware of kook talking in your ear. You clenched again at being called a good girl and he smirked.
“Yeah baby girl? Like when i call you good? You’ve been so good for me that you deserve a reward.” his hand slipped between your bodies until he was rubbing your clit and abusing it until you came once more, but this time he didn’t let up until you came again after the last one in quick succession. Your mind was so drunk on pleasure and your body so pliant and willing to be fucked you almost missed it. It wasn’t until kook stopped suddenly and you whined at the loss of movement that he helped you sit up slightly and that’s when you saw it.
He had completely bottomed out in you.
That last one and a half inches that wouldn’t enter you had finally done it. You both lay there panting staring at this new development not really comprehending what had happened until kook tried to slide out but he got caught on something inside you and you knew what it was.
“You fucked open my cervix.” you gasped out stunned.
He looked a little worried. “Should we call the emergency room or?”
“I dunno this had never happened before.”
Kook would be lying if he said that statement didn’t fill him with a tiny amount of pride at being so big. You both laid there silently for a few minutes.
“Nothing hurts so I think you’re fine.”
“Yeah.” you wiggled your hips and moaned eyes fluttering shut. “Yeah no we’re definitely good. Please kookie bury your cock in me.” you whined.
Giving you a cocky grin he did just that. Pulling out and moaning as he was finally able to bottom out in you. He looked down marveling at the bulge his cock made against the outline of your skin. In all honesty it was really fucking hot.
“You know what this means?”
You shake your head as he picks up speed again and you’re drifting off into a world of nothing but pleasure.
“It means your body is becoming the perfect sleeve for my cock.”
You groaned feeling yourself get wetter at his words. Dirty talk, especially degradation, was a huge yes for you, but not many guys would go as far as you wanted them too. They always backed out not wanting to get really harsh with you, but kook wasn’t like that at all. He had no problem letting you know what a good slut you were and you loved it. Loved the feeling of being nothing but a toy for the man above you.
“Yeah, beloved? You like this don’t you slut?” his voice teased you. “You like it when I point out how well your slutty little body is molding itself to match the shape of my cock, huh?”
“Yes!” you nearly shouted out frantically nodding. God you wished you’d been brave enough to pursue him earlier. “Want to be your good little cock sleeve. Use me please.” you babbled. Above you kook swore, lowly growling.
He was in absolute heaven. Here you were the girl of his dreams, his crush, begging him to use you as basically a human fleshlight while he watched his cock sink into you with no resistance. For a year now he had pined after you thinking you’d never see him as anything but a little brother and now he was balls deep, calling you names that drove you crazy, going as rough as he could, and you still asked for more.
And damn was he going to give it to you.
Moaning into your ear he came in you for the second time triggering your orgasm as well. With a jolt he remembered that there was no barrier to your womb. He had directly come in your womb and fuck if that didn’t make him rut a little harder into you drunk on the feeling.
Unable to focus on anything you felt on the verge of passing out. You were so overwhelmed by everything you were feeling it was hard to recognize what was happening before your eyes rolled back in your head and you fainted. Looking down at you with a smile kook gently pulled out letting his spent cock flop down on your stomach and softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“Sleep well princess.”
He gave himself a few more pumps to land a couple lines of cum on your stomach satisfied at his marking of you before he got off the bed and on unsteady legs he headed to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower and brought back a wet washcloth and cleaned up all the cum on your body. Frowning at the large wet patch on your bed he gently picked you up and took you to your roommates room. She was gone for the week on a business trip so it wasn’t like she’d mind. He went back to the bathroom and came back to wipe down your body of all sweat and grime.
When he was happy with the results he took the dirty sheets from your bed and put them in the wash along with the mattress cover. Idly he wondered if he made you squirt and that’s why it was so wet. He made a note to explore that route at a later date before heading back and slipping into bed with you aftering taking a quick showers to clean himself up. You were so tired you didn’t even stir. Spooning you from behind he played with your soft tresses and placed a kiss on your cheek before snuggling into you and falling asleep.
The first thing you noticed when you awoke was a glass of water and two advil next to it. Time seeming to crawl like molasses around you. Trying to sit up you noticed two more things. One your lower body hurt like a fucking bitch and two there was a heavy arm around your waist. Swallowing down the meds and water you look down to see kook sleeping peacefully besides you.
Slow on the uptake you belatedly realized that you were both naked and then all the memories came flooding back. Blushing furiously at how kinky you’d gotten you groaned unable to face kook after this. What would he think of you? Going slowly you slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. You looked even worse than you felt.
There were hickies all over your neck and collar bones. They were going to be nearly impossible to hide for work you sighed to yourself. Going through your morning routine you returned back to kook still sleeping. Smiling to yourself you were fairly certain he could sleep through world war three. Staring at his sleeping figure you got an idea on how to pay him back for last night. Going to your room you got out a length of soft silk rope from its hiding place and a small black ring.
Taking both back to the sleeping kook you carefully and slowly climbed the bed and took his wrists in your hands. You always had liked how big his hands were and made a note to explore other possibilities with them later. Gently tying his wrists to the bed posts you made your way back down the bed and slid under the sheets until you had settled between his legs cock right in front of your face.
You hadn’t gotten a proper chance to look at it last night and damn if you weren’t going to take that time right now. Careful of your still sore lower body you settled down and took his soft cock in your mouth. Even soft he was still a hell of a mouthful. Bobbing your head and letting your spit slide down to help lubricate your way down you could hear him moaning above you coming awake.
God you loved how deep his voice got first thing in the morning. Taking the ring you’d brought earlier you slipped it onto his cock near the base and smirked. Oh yeah you were gonna have fun this morning. Giving his cock one last suck as the blood came south you sat up onto your knees revealing yourself between his legs. In an instant his gaze darkened with lust at seeing you and you smiled innocently throwing the covers off and resettling yourself down on your stomach continuing to lick and suck at his cock like it was a sucker and glancing up at him.
“Good morning.” you greeted sweetly.
“y/n what are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” you asked playing dumb. “I didn’t get a chance to show you my appreciation of what happened last night.”
You blew on the tip gently causing him to groan at the cool air and tug at the rope holding him still and at your mercy. Ignoring his noises you went about licking all up his fully hard shaft completely focused on acquainting yourself with every inch of it. Rubbing it all over your face loving the feeling, licking, sucking, and maintaining eye contact for finale you dove down until your nose was pressed against his stomach and hummed. The vibrations and hot warmth of your mouth proved to be too much and sent him into his first dry orgasm of the day. Panting he looked at you questionly.
“Cock ring.” you informed him. “It keeps you hard while preventing you from cumming.” You grin at him. “Which means I can play with your pretty cock for hours until you’re the one begging me to come.”
He groaned at that as you resumed your worshiping. “Besides,” you say casually running your tongue piercing right along the vein on his shaft causing another helpless moan. “I might have a slight oral fixation and honestly kook you have the best cock i’ve ever had the pleasure of servicing.”
You delighted at how red his cheeks turned at your words the blush even going so far down to cover his chest. It was cute how he was all commanding last night but now he was putty in your hands. You watched him amused as he struggled to compose himself as you happily deepthroated him. This went on for nearly fourty minutes of you mouthing and sucking at him until he was the one going crazy just like you’d said.
“Please baby girl have mercy.” he moaned out. “Just want to come down that mouth of yours.” his hips tried to buck up, but you kept them firmly pinned down to the mattress. He tugged uselessly at his restraints. You watched fascinated at how his muscles moved under his skin. God he really was built like some Greek hero.
Finally taking pity on him you released his cock from the ring and without warning deepthroated once more also sucking hard earning both a moan to rival your own from last night and his cum. You waited until he was done before pulling off slowly and leaning over him to show him the cum in your mouth before swallowing. His pupils were blown wide as his eyes never left your lips. You moved back down to his cock and took him in the mouth once more enjoy the moans above you. You cleaned any remaining come before letting him fall from your mouth and sitting up stretching out your tired muscles.
“Alright beloved you’ve had your fun, but now it’s time to untie me.” he tried once again to get loose, but your knots were too good.
His head snapped up and he glared at you. “Oh?”
“You had fun with my body last night and now I get to have fun with yours.” you explained shrugging and you seated yourself on his thigh. You sighed at the pressure on your puffy lips. Kook couldn’t draw his eyes away from your wet pussy currently sliding along his thigh. His breath hitched as you moaned and began playing with your nipples.
He really loved those piercings of yours by the way.
You relished in the undivided attention his lust filled eyes were giving you. With no warning kook bent the leg you were currently on slightly drawing his leg up so his foot was planted firmly on the bed so you could grind easier on the angle and in thanks you leaned forward to kiss him. He sighed into his mouth and let you take the lead exploring his mouth as your pace all while the feeling of your wet pussy drove him crazy.
“Hey.” he started off as you broke apart for a breather. “There’s a game tonight. Wanna come and after we can, i don’t know, see a movie or something? Like a date?” he asked tentatively.
“Wouldn’t you rather celebrate the win with the team?”
He scoffed though secretly flattered that you already thought they’d win. “Believe me I’d much rather spend the time with you. y/n I’ve liked you since the very first moment we met.” he confessed.
You sat there stunned for a moment before kissing him again.
“Yeah.” you said grinning at him. “I’d love to go on a date with you after the game. And i’ve also been ummm thinking of well you too.”
It was his turn to grin at you revealing those adorable bunny esque teeth. God you loved this man so much. Leaning forward you met him in another kiss as you sped up your pace on his thigh and bringing your hand to your clit. You came with a loud cry before nearly collapsing onto him in your post orgasm haze. How you still managed to come after last night you don’t know. Speaking of last night.
“Sorry about all the dirty talk and stuff. I'm not usually like that.” you say a little embarrassed as you move to untie him having had your fun.
He snickered and flipped you over effortlessly once he was free. You stared up at him confused. “Trust me. Hearing you beg for my cock and agree that your body-” he trailed his hand down the valley of your breasts and down to your clit “-was made to fit said cock was the hottest thing I have ever heard.”
Your cheeks could rival the sun you were fairly certain. “Good. Because I loved every minute of last night.”
The grin on his face slipped as you once again used your deceptive strength to flip the pair of you yet again so that you were settled right above his cock tracing the abs below your fingers. Rubbing his hands along your ass and thighs he sat back and let you trace his chest and abs and arms to your hearts content. He loved the way you looked and admired his body.
He had been taking working out seriously in the last year to impress you after all.
Lulled into a false sense of security of your hands just trailing all over that he jolted at the feeling of the cock ring slide down his shaft again effectively keeping him hard. Startled he looked at you only to see you grin deviously as you slipped your wet and open pussy down on his cock. He had no idea as to when you’d opened yourself up, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
“Now.” you said with an edge he hadn’t heard before, but it sent more blood going south. “Since you were so good for noona-” he shivered at the word the sensations going right to his cock, “-this morning I figured that you deserve a reward.”
You looked amazing as you rode his cock, he thought dazed. Pausing you glanced at him head cocked to the side all innocence. “Are you going to be good for noona kookie?”
He nearly broke his neck trying to nod fast enough and sighed with relief bucking up his hips as you started moving again.
“Good boy.”
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I’m Gonna Get Myself Back Home To You (one-shot)
Requested: by Anon (the same one who requested Just Touch My Cheek Before You Leave) hope you like this one :) not really a happy ending, but more so bittersweet... just the way things progressed, whoops :D
Synopsys: Sometimes time spent apart isn’t a good thing. Sometimes it lets the people drift too apart. And sometimes you just need to let things go.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x f!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: swearing??? maybe??? I don’t even remember :D
Word count: 2417
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   For a while, Y/N had known something was wrong. The calls became sparser, the smiles were faked and the ‘I love yous’ were said through tight lips, eyes never meeting. So now, when Ben’s name was glaring at her on the phone screen, she had to swallow a lump in her throat.    “Hey, love,” he said, the usually bright green eyes, tired and glazed. “How are you?”    “ ‘M good,” Y/N mumbled, looking around their apartment. She felt like an intruder, had been feeling that way for a while now. “Actually, no. I’m not.”    Instantly worry flooded through Ben’s veins. “Are you alright? Do I need to fly out?”    They had gone to LA for two months to film additional shots for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and as much Y/N missed Ben, it seemed like a blessing in disguise now.    “It’s actually much better that you’re not here,” she muttered, not looking at him. “If you were, I don’t think I’d be able to do this.”    “Do what?” Ben’s heart pumped so hard, it was the only sound he could hear. “Baby, what are you talking about?”    “I think we need to break up,” it was barely a whisper, and Y/N wanted to slap herself because, for the first time in months, her heart felt light. “It’s just not working anymore. I can’t take this.”    Ben didn’t respond. He couldn’t, for he no longer had a voice. He didn’t even think he was breathing. The sight before him became blurry, and hot wet tears dropped down in his lap.    “We can make this work. Please, love. I’ll- I’ll come home. Right now, just don’t do this.” “A relationship is not a fairytale,” Y/N said, wiping her own tears away. “Nothing magically falls into place, Ben. You have to work, hard, to keep that good thing intact. But I think neither of us has been doing anything to save it. We just kinda... let it roll on its own course and now we’ve drifted apart. Too far apart.”    “No, we can sti-“    “I’ll have my stuff out by the end of the week, and I’ll leave the key in the mailbox,” Y/N interrupted him before Ben could argue any further. “I’m sorry.” And with that she ended the call, curling up in a ball, letting sobs shake her body.
   On the other side of the world, Ben stared at the black screen of his phone, completely frozen in spot. He must have misheard the conversation, he must have made all of that up in his mind, cause there was no way in hell, Y/N would have actually broken up with him.    Faintly he heard someone call his name, but with the way his head pounded, Ben wasn’t sure if it had been a trick of the mind. A strong palm clamped down on his shoulder, and he was startled back to reality.    “Mate, you alright?” Gwil’s voice was the epitome of concern.    “Y/N,” he said turning around, eyebrows furrowed as his brain was still attempting to wrap around the new information. “She- umm- she just broke up with me… I think…”    “What?” Gwil’s eyes widened as he took a step forward his friend and gripped his shoulder tighter. “And what do you mean ‘you think’?”    “I mean, I just called her to say 'hi' and that I miss her, and the conversation ended with her saying she’ll have her stuff out of the flat by the end of the week.” Tears rose in his eyes. “That means she ended things, right?”    The question had the tone of ‘please tell me it’s not true’, but the looks his fellow cast mates shared between them, told Ben enough.    “What did I do wrong?” he was breaking apart at the seams. “Why would she do that?’    “I-“ the other Brit stumbled over his words, cause he truly didn’t know what to say. “I have no clue why Y/N would do that.”    Joe and Rami glanced at one another, Rami chewing on the inside of his cheek, trying to figure out something to say that would console their friend, but it would seem his fellow American was faster.    “Dude, what are you still doing here?” Joe came forward and pushed Ben towards where the trailers were. “Go and get your girl back.”    “B-“    “Every second you spend here, only pushes her further away. And if we have to be next to you as you sulk about a breakup, rather than simply being away from Y/N, I swear to everything holy, I will personally kill you,” it was Rami who said it, lips tugging up in a smile. “Go and help that girl get her head back in its place. She loves you, and I’ll be damned if there isn’t more to this than her simply wanting to break up.”    Without wasting another moment, Ben dashed towards his trailer, ripped off the clothes and wig, and like a madman raced to the airport.
The night was dark, as usual, but this time it also felt heavy. She had dropped Frankie at Ben’s parents, saying she had to go out of town for a couple of weeks and would only be back by the end of it. When seeing the confusion on Ben’s mom’s face, why Y/N wouldn’t be picking Frankie up, she made up a little lie, how Ben would be visiting London, and he would be flying in before the girl.      She had packed just the essentials and called up one of her best friends Anna, who at that moment was out of town, but allowed the girl to use her apartment. Being in the place where she used to see her future was too hard because now, nothing but ash floated in the air.    Pathetically, she was attempting to make some food. Pasta Bolognese seemed like something a toddler could make, but through the crying and shaking, she managed to overboil and turn the pasta into a mush and burn the sauce. She couldn’t even taste the tomatoes, even though she'd cut a whole one in, just to minimize the flavour of charred food.    In the end, she dumped the sad attempt at a dinner in the garbage and ordered some greasy takeout. Maybe that would fill the Ben-sized hole in her chest. Y/N gazed at the blank TV screen for what seemed like hours, before deciding on grabbing a hot shower and going to bed.    Scalding water met her skin and she savoured every flaming pellet. In a way, she thought to herself, it was like a phoenix rising from the ashes, only this time she wasn’t reborn. More so the water, if only for a second, washed away that defiled layer, of Y/N, that had had the audacity to hurt Ben.    But reality has a nasty habit of settling back in and ripping one out of a dream. As the warm water ran cold, Y/N reached out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around her body. Shivers had already settled in, but they could not be helped, for they were not of cold, but from the sobs, that overtook her form.    Crying, she slipped under the covers and crying Y/N fell asleep, letting her mind be overtaken by the blissful unconsciousness, where Ben existed; smiling and happy and not in the heartbroken state, she had left him in.
   Rapid knocks against the door woke Y/N up. She was delirious for a moment and thought she had only imagined it, but then they came again, this time stronger and much more persistent.    “I’m coming!” Y/N called out, her voice a rasp from all of the weeping she’d done the night before. Looking in the mirror, the girl saw just how horrible she looked, so quickly snatching her hairbrush she pulled it through her hair, once, twice. Deeming that part presentable, Y/N quickly rushed in the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face to somewhat give it an ‘I’m-not-a-zombie-please-believe-me’ look, before the knocks came again.    Grabbing Anna’s silk robe, Y/N pulled it over the tank top and shorts, and thinking it was her that had come home a bit earlier than planned from the trip, without thinking, she yanked the door open, only for all the air to be punched out of her body. “Y/N.”    Her name was a breathless whisper of hope, love and adoration on his lips. Of home. Ben took a step forward, ready to engulf her in his arms when she stepped back.    “What are you doing here?”    For a moment there, he couldn’t move a muscle, but luckily his mouth had a mind of its own. “Please, come home.” “I am home,” Ben could hear the pain in Y/N’s voice as she told the lie to him and herself. “No,” he shook his head, stepping inside her friend’s small apartment where she was staying until she found her own place, and grasping at her wrist. “No, you’re not. This isn’t home. It’s with me in our flat, where Frankie runs around like crazy. It’s where all of our plants die, cause we’re two bloody idiots who always forget to water them,” Ben stepped even closer and pressed his forehead against hers. “It’s where we started to build our life together. That’s home. Not here or wherever you’re planning on moving.”    “Then how come it no longer feels like it? How come when I think of us, it’s always you and me, separately?”    “Don’t say things like that, please, Y/N,” Ben was crying, and she couldn’t help herself. She hated seeing him hurt, so with a tender touch, she wiped the translucent pearls away. “I told you, we’ll make it work. I’ll take more time off, I’ll come and visit more often, please.”    “I don’t want you to sacrifice everything you’ve worked so hard for!” she harshly replied. “I won’t let you.”    “If it’s the price I have to pay to be with you, I’ll give everything up!”    “And then what?” Y/N scoffed. “Trust me, a few years down the line, hell, give it a few months or even a few weeks, and you’ll start to hate me and resent me for what I made you give up.”    “Do you not realise how little I care for any of it if I don’t have you by my side to take part in it all? It means nothing when I can’t share the world with the person I love most!”    “But I don’t fit in it!” and there it was. That vile truth Y/N hadn’t wanted to admit to. She didn’t fit in his world. He was a big-shot Hollywood star, girls and guys flocking around him 24/7, begging for any bit of attention the handsome Brit could give, and Y/N… she was just that… Y/N. A girl who got lucky when Ben had noticed her, and she had stolen his heart. A girl who fell in love with a blond-haired, green-eyed boy, whose smile could light up New York City in the dark.    And for a while, they had relished in the fantasy that was their lives, before Y/N noticed how different they actually were. He was surrounded by glitz and glam, while she was surrounded by essays and Red Bull cans and three all-nighters in a row.    He was the bright Sun, warming up the Earth and Y/N was a small meteorite hitting the atmosphere and burning up instantly, not even large enough to leave a mark that she’d been there.    “Do you love me?” Ben’s voice brought her out of the pondering, and two warm palms settled on her cheeks, making her look up in those emerald eyes.    “Ben…”    “It’s a simple question. Do you love me?”    A beat passed before Y/N answered, every single word being completely true. “I never stopped and never will stop loving you.”    He was just about to lean in to press their lips together when Y/N’s palm came in between them. “But love isn’t enough,” her voice cracked. “It’s never enough, cause you can’t build a relationship worth fighting for, off of it… and when you feel like an outsider looking in, it’s even more discouraging.”    “What can I do?” Ben whispered, desperate to somehow fix a seemingly unfixable thing. “How can I convince you, that whatever we’re going through, is worth it in the end?”    Y/N’s voice was small, the same way she felt. “I don’t know. I don’t think you can. Cause you’ve been nothing but loving and supporting and amazing. And the guys and all of your other friends, as well… and that’s the thing- no one has explicitly done anything to make me feel like I don’t belong… I just can’t help but feel that way… which is even worse, because then I’d have an actual excuse of why I’m throwing away three of the best years of my life, but I don’t.”    Ben sighed, wrapping his arms around Y/N, and this time she didn’t protest, letting herself melt in his embrace. He hid his nose in her hair and pressed his lips against her forehead before speaking.    “I know, that whatever I say, won’t change how you feel. Not now, but sometime down the line, I hope you realize how amazing and special you are. But I won’t push you to live in the limelight like I do. So, if you want to break up, I will accept it. Not gladly, but I’ll… figure out a way to move on.”    Her heart broke at Ben’s confession.    “But,” he said, “I’d like for us to try. We can start off completely new, a blank page, if you will,” his voice dropped down to a deep husk. “I just don’t want to lose such a good, thing. We’re so good together.”    Y/N’s mind was reeling as thoughts came and went one after the other. A new start, continue on with the old one or leave everything behind. Never had she hated being in the crossroads so much.    “I’ve already hurt you so much, Ben… I don’t wanna do it again.”    She heard him sniffle and felt his grip tighten on her body. “Then come home,” he replied. “We’ll work through it together, no matter how long it takes. Just come home.”    And despite everything, despite the fact she’d never truly feel like the fame and fortune was for her, Y/N nodded her head, pressing a kiss to Ben’s neck before burying her face in the crook of it. She'd fight for it because Ben was her home.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take): @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @16wiishes @wanderingsami @desir-ae @thiccio-and-thicciet @roseslovedreams @vesoleil @gloomybisexualemo @kostyaownsmyheart @perriwiinkle @screaminggalileochickenwrites
A/N: boiiii, do I like to make you all suffer :D
Woke up this morning to find out there are 4k of you following my blog.... ummmmm whatttttt????!!!! hooooooowwww?????!!! whyyyyyyy?????!!!!!!
all of that aside- a huge thank you, for liking, commenting and reblogging my work. any author without an audience to share their pieces with would be nothing, so big hugs and kisses and all of that jazz to each and every one who follows me or just though ‘meh, that was alright’ :))))
P.S. what did you think?
P.S.S. my tags are always open, don’t be afraid to drop a message :)
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