#m’baku fanfic
itaintenough · 2 years
m’baku, under his breath: future husband says what
namor: what?
m’baku: [screeches internally]
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Warm Colors: Chapter 6
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SugarDaddy!M’Baku x Oshun(reader)
Summary: M’Baku has a future-determining meeting whilst Oshun reveals secrets to a friend.
Words: 2800+
Warnings: None
A/N: YERRRRRRRRR! Hi, lol thanks for reading!
Translations: irhamncwa (monster), inkosikazi (wife), umntakwethu (brother)
Chapter 6: 
A familiar icy wind brushed against M’Baku’s arms as he trekked to his throne room for a meeting with the Jabari council; Lady Ifechi and Akunna; heads of two of the Jabari’s eldest families. This meeting was one that had weighed heavy on his mind. When he first met you, he never had any intentions to let it draw out this far; to allow your courtship to gain meaning. Yet, as time wore on, he found that when he left you behind in the Americas, he had left a piece of himself with you. To feel as if something was missing in his homeland was a foreign notion. He chided himself at the idea of it, a sense of betrayal to his people creeping up his back. But there was no shaking this warmth that you had stirred within him. You had done what countless women had failed to achieve in the past. Capturing the Great Gorilla’s heart and mind was a feat that you accomplished gracefully. Now, he had to approach the council with this fact. 
Hanging birch logs illuminated by lights greeted M’Baku as he entered the throne room. Jabari warriors nodded their heads toward him as he passed. He sunk down into his masterfully crafted throne and assumed his usual widened position. M’Bele, one of his most trusted friends, soon took his place beside him as the council funneled into the room. 
“Thank you all for meeting on such short notice. I have made a decision regarding Ochuko’s treason and treachery. Banishment seems a worthy punishment,” M’Baku declared.
“You would let this irhamncwa live after he injured one of our people and attempted to kill many others in your absence?” Lady Ifechi had been beside herself ever since M’Baku formed an alliance with King T’Challa. She didn’t approve of the time he spent away from Jabariland as an ambassador for a king who only ‘welcomed the Jabari in when they needed our help’ she’d said. 
“I will not send him to the ancestors before his time. It is their decision when he has served his purpose on this plane. Akunna?”
“Though trying as it might have been to witness a betrayal on our own land,” Akunna uttered, shutting his eyes at the thought of what could have been. “Taking a Jabari life would not sit well with our people.” 
“So it is settled. Ochuko will live the remainder of his days past the borderlands of Wakanda. I have already spoken with the Border tribe leader and he will put him to work. In my future absences, M’Bele will step in as second in command,” M’Baku noted. 
Ifechi nodded in agreement knowing that she was outnumbered. When it came to the safety of his people, it was hard for anyone to speak against him. Though he was revered as their leader and chief, the council would always contribute to the finality of each decision; which only made him all the more apprehensive. Puffing out his chest, M’Baku gathered himself in preparation.
“Before we end, I have a proposition of sorts. I have spent too long guiding our people with no one by my side. I would like to take on an inkosikazi.” 
“Lord M’Baku, what a wonderful sentiment. Our people need a chieftess and now is the perfect time to do it. To produce heirs to lead the Jabari. Glory to Hanuman.” Lady Ifechi waxed poetically, as she had been waiting for him to bring this up for quite some time. Though never to his face, she never failed to ‘mention’ M’Baku’s need for a wife and that he wasn’t getting any younger.
“Glory to Hanuman,” the room erupted.
“One of our fisherman’s daughters, Imani, is of age. She would make a great chieftess,” Akunna informed the council. 
“I’m sure Imani is beautiful but I’ve already found someone. While I’ve been away, I have been courting a black American woman and I wish to take her as my wife.” 
M’Baku watched as the smiles dropped around him. His brows furrowed as he watched Ifechi and Akunna's faces contort with disapproval. 
“I’m sorry but I must vote against this request. Black Americans have brought no good to this country. Look what happened when they let a child without a tribe sit on the throne in the Golden City,” Lady Ifechi reproached. 
“Council, if I may, Lord M’Baku has given so much to us as a people. He has always had our best interest at hand. He has led us in battle and in life. M’Baku sacrificed his pride so that he could provide for our people. I beg’o, when will enough be enough? How much more will you have him sacrifice?” 
M’Bele’s query to the council was met with silence. Rarely did he talk out of turn but he knew what needed to be said at this moment. M’Baku quietly thanked him for his words and returned his attention to his council. Tightening his fingers around his staff, he watched Ifechi and Akunna gather their answers. 
“We cannot allow it. We must learn from the Golden Tribe’s mistakes. The border tribe has still yet to recover their forces. The general’s own husband taking up a sword against her over a black American with no past and no future. Is this what you wish for our people?” Akunna’s question echoed in the room and M’Baku sat defeated. How could the council ask him to choose between his heart and his people? He simply grunted in response and the council took it as his answer. They knew what kind of leader he was. His people would always come first, even if it meant sacrificing his happiness. 
“It is resolved. If you want a good wife and a chieftess for our people, we will find one here. One of our own,” Lady Ifechi says before leaving the throne room, with Akunna in tow. 
Disappointment swelled in M’Baku’s chest. This answer was the one he expected but not the one he hoped for. The Jabari had come so far in their joining of the other tribes. He himself sat on the elder council in The Golden City and provided efforts to ensure the future of all the tribes represented there. And yet it was not enough for some Jabari. Just as he had refused the need for technological advancements in the past, some of his people hesitated in walking into this new future of acceptance. His council included. 
M’Baku rose from his throne and rolled his shoulders back, trying to elude the building grief within him. He turned to face M’Bele and placed his hand on the warrior’s armored shoulder. 
“I will be gone for a week, please ensure that no mischief arises. Though you are in command, try not to imbibe on the job,” he joked half-heartedly. M’Bele chuckled but saw through his friend’s need to lighten the unfortunate situation. 
“My comfort for you, umntakwethu. I know you care for this woman deeply.” M’Bele bowed his head in shared sadness and M’Baku patted his shoulder once more.
“Unfortunately, it is much more than that. I thank you for your words of comfort, my friend. I must go prepare for my trip.” 
The Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles
Megan was rolling pieces of prosciutto for the charcuterie board while you and her chatted. You groaned, standing on your toes to grab three wine glasses from the cabinet. You, Megan, and Shellee had planned a girls' night to catch up but Shellee was late as usual. Being an entrepreneur with singular control over 3 luxury nail salon locations couldn’t be easy and you knew that. But you couldn’t ignore that it was taking a toll on your friendship with her. Check-ins were sparse even during your two-month ‘break’ from sugaring. And in the times that she did call, she was hard to talk to. She was overly critical about your choices in life and was iffy at best when it came to pursuing art. Your situation had afforded you all this freedom and Shelle was always busy. You simply chalked it up to being a product of adulthood and tried not to dwell on it too much. 
“So when’s M’Baku coming back? Is everything alright between y’all?” 
“Things are good. We revised our contract. He’s coming back tomorrow night and then we’re leaving for a week,” you answered, walking over to the living room and placing the glasses next to a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. 
“Not you getting flewed out right after punishment sex. Where’s sugar daddy taking you this time?”
You smiled as the butterflies in your tummy stirred at the thought of going away with M’Baku again. It had been a while and you couldn’t wait to make up for the lost time. Megan watched as you melted and you both erupted in giggles. 
“I’m not really sure, Meg,” you beamed, placing a few pillows on the floor, “when we first made our little agreement, he asked me to make a list of places I wanted to visit. He just chooses from there.” 
“That’s cute as hell. He must really like you, O.” Shrugging your shoulders, you helped her bring the food over to the coffee table. 
“I don’t know about alladat. He’s just fulfilling his end of the deal.” 
“Oh please,” Megan dismissed your minimization. “It’s giving Pretty Woman.” 
A knock at the door interrupted you and Megan’s gushing session. Standing, you pulled your pajama shirt down and sighed. 
“Okay, don’t mention you know who when she comes in. You already know what she be on,” you warned before heading to open the door. 
2 Hours and a Few Drinks Later
Shellee had brought a few pre-rolls to relax with you and Meg and it didn’t take long for the stress of the day to escape her. All three of you ate, laughed, and drank. And for a moment, through the haze of smoke and champagne bubbles, it felt like old times. 
You leaned your back against the newly clean couch and gave into the heaviness of your eyelids. Flashbacks of why the sofa needed to be cleaned came with each blink. His hands squeezing and kneading your hips and thighs; the gushing noises your body made every time he stroked in and out of you; his deep, rough voice singing your praises in your ear. Both your mind and your body ached for him. Getting lost in your thoughts was far too easy when it came to him.
“It’s so nice to finally be with y’all. This place is gorgeous, Oshun,” Shellee complimented, raising her glass to you. Her compliment drove you back to the present and you clasped your legs together in an attempt to distinguish the fire M’Baku continued to set even in his absence.
“It really is gorgeous, which is why I’ve been meaning to ask; can I use your loft while you’re gone?” Both you and Shellee looked at Megan in confusion. 
“Meg, you have a whole ass apartment and a man,” you chuckled, “why you wanna stay here?”
“Wait, you’re leaving somewhere, O?” 
“Her man is taking her on a trip, she won’t know where till tomorrow,” Megan spilled before taking another puff of the indica pre-roll. You hit her stomach and Megan coughed wildly, realizing what she had just said.  
“You have a whole boyfriend, and you didn’t tell me,” Shellee questioned. Both you and Megan looked at each other and back at Shellee. 
“Not exactly. It’s more of a situationship.” 
“A situationship and he’s flying you out places? Nah, be fucking foreal. You got this new loft, and new clothes, you handed me silk pajamas when I walked in. What is going on, O?” You sat with Shellee’s inquiry for a moment to gather your thoughts and took a long drag from your blunt. If she really wanted to know, you’d tell her.
“You remember when Meg and I went to DC like 5 months ago? I met someone that weekend and we hit it off. But he doesn’t have the freedom to have a normal relationship so we made a sugaring contract that works for both of us and-,” you were cut off by the sound of Shellee chuckling. Your face dropped and you rolled your eyes at her. 
“Why are you laughing, Shellee? You asked her to tell you,” Megan said, coming to your defense. 
“I’m sorry, I just... I thought you were smarter than this, O?”
“Smarter than what? You always so damn judgemental,” you scoffed.
“Oshun, what do you know about this man, really? What does he do for work? Where does he live full-time? Who is he around when you’re not with him?” You leaned back into your pillows, looking down into your glass. You couldn’t answer any of her questions. 
“You don’t even know anything about him. You can’t honestly think that this is going to last. I hope you’re at least saving whatever allowance he’s giving you. Maybe then you can actually do something with your life instead of scribbling and being some man’s pet.” Her words shot through you and blinked wildly at her. 
“Oh, so I’m a pet now? This is exactly why I don’t be telling you shit. Excuse me if I don’t have my master's in business or manage multiple locations. Not everyone wants to live your #girlboss life, damn,” you shut your eyes and took a deep breath, trying your best to keep calm. 
“And what, being easily expendable is better? This can’t be all that you really want, O. What do YOU want?” 
“I want him! I want to paint and fuck and be happy with him and be able to breathe in this claustrophobic, capitalistic, bullshit-ass country. Is that so bad,” you yelled back, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks. Shellee immediately regretted her words as soon as she saw you cry. She knew she could be harsh but seeing you visibly hurt was eye-opening. 
“Shells, let’s just table it for now,” Megan muttered while rubbing your shoulders and telling you to take a couple of deep breaths. 
All the previous comfort had been sucked out of the room like a vacuum. What started out as a relaxing girls' night quickly went left and Shellee knew she had caused this. It wouldn’t be the first time her words had brought down the vibe. You thought you’d be used to it by now. But seeing your position with M’Baku through Shellee’s perspective took her over the edge. It was too much for you to bear. 
“Listen, I just want more for her. I’ve sugared in the past, I know how this ends. He got me through undergrad and right as I began to fall in love with him, I found out he had a whole wife and kids. He supported me for 3 and a half years and fell for him like a fool. Not realizing I was just the hired help,” Shellee sighed. She tucked a loose loc behind her ear and wiped a sole tear from her cheek. 
“I know I can’t stop you from making your own decisions. And I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come at you like that. But just be careful. Try not to fall in love just because he’s showering you with lofts and trips. He could take it away at any time.” 
“Too late,” you chimed. 
“M’Baku wouldn’t do that, Shells. I’ve seen the way he looks at O. It’s not just a contract like they say it is. Even if it took til now for Oshun to admit it.” Megan had pointed out your lackluster confession and you groaned in despair. 
“So everybody knows about this M’Baku except for me? The fuck is-” You and Megan’s pointed glares made her stop talking and she put her hands up in defeat. Shellee would just have to meet M’Baku at a later date. She grabbed your free hand and rubbed her thumb across your knuckles. 
“I love you, O. And if this is what you want, I’ll support you. Regardless of the outcome, I’ll be here,” Shellee said before placing a kiss on your cheek. You silently thanked her and leaned into your two friend’s embrace. 
“So can I show Shellee the painting that you did of M’Baku? He really is fine as hell, you gotta let me show her.” Megan’s request disrupted your group hug and shook your head in disapproval, chuckling.
“Oh my god, Meg. Be serious for once!”
“Nah, if he’s as fine as she says he is, I’ma need to see. To the painting!” Shellee and Megan ‘wooed’ as they left your embrace to go to your painting room. You shook your head and laughed at your friends’ antics. A chime drew your attention to the phone sitting in your lap. Unlocking your phone, you saw a new text from M’Baku.
I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. Time away from you is never easy - M
I can’t wait to see you either. - O
Taglist: @great-neckpectations @babybluepeaches @muse-of-mbaku @melaninmarvel @ashanti-notthesinger @naturallyqueenie @howtoshuckatlife @tgigoldie @archivistofwakanda @alexundefined @minyara-kun @destinio1 @siriuslycollinss @raysunshine78 @madamslayyy @notdsg @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @greennightspider @bitchacho25 @elaindeereads @whatthefuckbilly143 @jordanhelah @puremolasses @ajspencer1892 @wakanda4everinthisbitch @monochrome-pineapple @psuedo4 @bubblyqueen​ @chaneajoyyy @blowmymbackout @tchallasbabymama @bellabiachi
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shewhowillrise · 2 years
As a white fan writer, I need some specific fanfic help.
When writing black characters I know not to use gorilla codes words, but when writing the Jabari and M’Baku, that’s something that’s canon to them and is part of their culture.
Would it still be wrong to use such language or because it’s part of their culture, is it considered okay if used in respect to that canon aspect?
I don’t want to erase their culture but I also don’t want to write racist tropes.
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ohjustkreat · 11 months
Closing The Distance
A Shuri x Riri Fanfic
A/N: Well hello!!!! Chapter 20 is finally here. 20 chapters and almost a year later, I truly have no words. Thank you to everyone that has read this story. I’m beyond grateful.
As always,
Table of Contents
Chapter 20
The next day, a new energy was prominent in the air. Riri was currently configuring the last few things on the prototype, or the I-SPY as Riri had come to name it. Carefully, she made the last adjustments and looked proudly over her work. After a moment she stepped back and exhaled, "Now, for the moment of truth."
Pressing one of three buttons on the small device, she saw it flash a light purple signaling it was powered on. Next, she turned on a monitor that bad been linked to the small device. Moments later, she recognized her face as it appeared on the larger monitor. Continuing her testing, Riri picked up a sleek black, remote controller. Pushing one of the switches upwards, the small device began to roll forward. Getting lost in her creation, she didn't notice Shuri who had stopped at the top of the stairs and was watching her.
"Having fun?' Shuri questioned, startling the other woman.
Riri jumped up, almost dropping the remote controller. "Oh, uh, sorry I was just testing the device. Look at this!" Riri said as her nerves calmed and excitement replaced them.
Shuri watched as the device rolled along the floor, evenetually making it's way over to her. Soon it was her face that had been plastered among the monitor.
'If you two are done here, then it would be helpful if you could offer your services." A voice sounded from the top of the lab, at the doorway, belonging to none other than Nakia.
“Greetings, while you two were busy playing with your toys, I was actually doing real work.”
“Not. A. Toy.” Riri said through gritted teeth. “This,” Riri said as she waved one hand under the device, showing it off, “is the I-SPY. Hopefully this little guy can get us a drop.”
Nakia stopped and took a moment to examine the small device from afar.
“Cute.” Nakia said as she started to descend the stairs. “Anyways, I just came across some information I thought you might want to hear.”
Her banter filled face regretfully turned to a small frown.
“Well?” Shuri questioned , eyes wide as she awaited her answer. Her questioning, being only for the sake of details. Shuri had seen the look before, numerous times actually. And all she could do is brace herself for the dreaded news that would follow.
“ I was doing some intel last night and what I found was shocking to say the least. It’s not good to say the least.” Nakia said, with a tablet now in her hands. After a few minutes of touching the screen, numerous documents started to appear above the group’s head. The holographic images showed financial documents, messages, and a plethora of other documents.
“Tell me they aren-“ Riri’s voice questioned among the growing tension.
“Yes, it seems they’ve been secretly dealing arms, specifically small amounts of vibranium to other countries without our knowledge. Knowing Shuri wouldn’t stand for such a thing, well…” Nakia’s voice trailed off as she made eye contact with Shuri, who was standing silent. From previous experience Nakia knew this wasn’t a good thing.
“Where’s M’baku? Does he know?” Shuri questioned as she began to pace her lab’s floors. The thoughts looming in her head would have pushed any other person into a stage of panic. Yet, Shuri was only fueling her rage into a plan of action. At times like this, she couldn’t afford to be selfish and fall to her emotions.
“I spoke with him briefly. He had his suspicions something else was going on that they didn’t want him to know about. From what I can tell, Shuri, they expected him to be more passive than previous rulers.” Nakia spoke carefully, trying her best not to enrage the other woman even more.
Riri approached Shuri, attempting to pull her out of the daze she was in. Placing one hand on the small of the back, she used the other to stroke the side of the taller woman’s face. Instinctively, Shuri relaxed under Riri’s touch. Her eyes fell shut as she exhaled.
“Breathe, baby. Look at me.” Riri hallowed as she coaxed Shuri back to reality.
A few moments passed until Riri saw the ever timeless sight of Shuri’s deep chestnut eyes.
Slowly she saw the flames of rage diminish to embers.
“I’m okay.” Shuri said as she pulled the smaller girl in for a short hug.
“Ahem.” Nakia fake cleared her throat. She grinned at how attached the two had come in such a short time.
At the sound, the couple were jerked out of their world and back into reality. Shuri let Riri go as she finished composing herself. Riri could almost see the wheels turning in Shuri's head. Whatever Shuri was plotting, Riri would do nothing other than support her.
"Hm, GRIOT."
"Yes, Shuri?"
"Contact M'baku, as well as the Dora Milaje and have them meet me here immediately."
"Right away, Shuri." GRIOT responded.
"The situation just went from bad to worse." Shuri looked into the distance, as the weight of her world fell back onto her shoulders.
'Shuri, what should I do?" Nakia questioned.
Shuri looked to Riri then back to Nakia before continuing, "Riri, love, can you give us a moment?"
"Of course. I'm gonna go and tinker with something." Riri muttled off as she left them to talk. She settled in front of a monitor on the far side of the room and inserted her headphones, assuring their privacy.
"Shuri, this is much worse than I thought. They sure covered their asses with this one. There's almost no way to know who they sold them to."
"I know. We need a new plan. But first, I need a list of everyone possibly working with the elders. They aren't capable enough to carry this out themselves."
"On it. I'll be back shortly. I already had a few names, but ,ah, you can never be thorough enough." Nakia turned to leave, but stopped and looked over her shoulder at Shuri. "And before you start being too hard on yourself, you couldn't have prevented this. You did not know." With that she turned and started to ascend the staircase and exited the lab.
Shuri was left grappling with herself. Fighting the parts of her that felt she could have done more. Been more aware, more in tune with what was going on in her kingdom. She would be the first to admit her recent break had been needed, but like all things her time for self reflection and healing had come met its dilemma. The sound of the doors open and a familar voice greeting Nakia pulled Shuri from her thoughts. M'baku had arrived.
'Perfect timing.' Shuri thought to herself as she watched M'baku stalk down the stairs. His mountainous figure coming closer into their view.
A grin crept upon his face before he spoke, "Little panther," M'baku began as he landed at the bottome of the stairs, "I see we have much to talk about."
"Yes, we do. One moment." Shuri excused herself before going to retrieve Riri, who appeared to be entranced in whatever technology she was working on. Shuri lighty grabbed her shoudler and was met with soft brown eyes and a slight smile.
"Hey, you guys done already?" Riri questioned as she got up and entangled herself in Shuri's arms. As much as Riri needed to feel Shuri, she knew Shuri needed it more. No matter how well she carried herself, Riri knew what Shuri really was feeling. Which was anxious and scared. But she also knew that Shuri couldn’t be forced. More so, in Riri’s mind, Shuri was a force all in herself. PpRiri knew to wait and not push Shuri; she would come to her when she was ready.
"Yes, love, we are. Come on." Shuri ushered them back towards where M'baku had settled at the large table in the center of the room.
"So, I see Nakia has shared her findings with you?" M'baku questioned.
"Yes and as you can see it is much worse than we could have ever thought." Shuri replied.
"Any idea on where to start?" Riri chimed in.
"Not really. I've sent Nakia to go and find out more about what's been going on and who all is involved. Once we have more information, all guilty parties will answer accordingly."
"And getting the vibranium and other weapons back? How are we even going to locate them?"
"Once we get more information on the buyers, we can take the known locations of everything and see what we're left with.' Shuri took this time to look up and meet M'baku's eyes, then Riri's before contiuing, "This- this won't be easy or brief."
"I'd be concerned if things were peaceful again. It was getting a little boring. If I’m not saving everyone, what is my purpose?" M'baku sarcastically let out.
"I’m sure we’d manage." Shuri shot back.
"Aht, Aht little panther, " M'baku teased, letting his native tongue linger on the nickname, "Save your energy, you did say this was not going to be a simple task."
Shuri shot a glare at M'baku as she began to protest, but not before getting interrupted.
"Okay, you two, let it go. As you both said, we have a lot of work to do. So," Riri, paused and looked between the two, "Where do we start?"
"You can start with explaining what's going on?" A voice sounded from across the room.
The group turned to meet them. There stood Aneka and Ayo, along with Naseema and Asira.
"Ah, come over and we can get you caught up." Shuri answered.
The small group made their way over to the rest. After they were informed fully on the situation, everyone prepped for the first part of the plan. Which was placing the I-SPY technology.
"So, if everyone is ready, these" Riri, holding one of the small spheres up, " will be placed in every council member's room tonight." She proceeded to hand two to each of the members of the Dora Milaje that were present. "Remember, while they can be operated remotely, you must turn them on first, inputting the password key before starting. Our team of scientists, here, will be monitoring the activity. In shifts, 24/7. Any questions?" Riri looked at the group of warriors, and not to her surprise, no questions.
"Okay, that's it for now. I'll see you all tonight." Shuri said, relieving everyone, watching as the group dispersed.
Riri waited until the room was empty and the last lab assistant had left to approach Shuri. Walking up softly behind her, she placed her hand on Shuri's back and began softly rubbing it. "Hey, you sure you okay? I feel like your mind's been everywhere lately. Even if you don't want to talk, I'm here when you're ready."
Shuri turned to face Riri, as she took her in her arms and olaced her head atop the shorter woman's. "Thank you. And I know. This is just-" Shuri let out a heavy sigh, "Way more than I was expecting."
Riri heard the tears fighting to stay behind the walls of leadership Shuri had built. "Hey, it's okay."
She coaxed as she continued to rub the small of her back.
"It's just," Shuri paused as she collected herself, "I just wish they were here. They'd know what to do."
Riri knew who they were. And it killed her that this was a problem she couldn't fix. "Babe, look at me." Riri pleaded as she pulle away from Shuri, so she could look directly at her. "You're doing everything right. They would have been so proud of you. You're honoring them the best way you know how. By fighting for their memory and their legacy, by using what they taught you."
Shuri only nodded in response, a small smile growing on her face. “I’ve been thinking.” Shuri looked up before continuing. The small smile faded. “There’s still one person I need to talk to.”
Riri’s eyebrows quirked as she waited for Shuri to continue.
S/N: Happy belated birthday TISHHHH!!
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Summertime Magic XIII
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A/N: WHAAAAT?!?!?! Another chapter of your FAV fanfic with Mr. N'Jadaka Udaku.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: Nothing really but there is a discussion about ... uhn uhn no spoilers sorry
Word Count: 4182
Song Recommendation: All Mine - Brent Faiyaz
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
N’Jadaka looked up at Leslie and said “I can explain everything, Leslie. Wait, does she-“.
“Nope. She doesn't know anything. Y’know I was a little skeptical when we first met then I started to see you more and when Y/N told me about your trips to Wakanda, I just thought ‘hmmm, just another person from Wakanda. But then low and behold the freaking king and lord of Wakanda are in your house. You don’t know how to hide it, don’t you?”, Leslie asked before she took a sip of red wine. The prince looked down at his hands and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry but you have to keep this between us. She can't know right now”
“Why? So, my best friend doesn’t know she is gonna be one of your wives?”
“One of my wives? Leslie, where the hell did you hear that from?” Leslie poured another glass and said, “my grandma told me when she was back home, the kings and princes had multiple wives. Look, I ain’t tryna talk shit about our own culture but Y/N is too good to be one of your wives. I ain’t with that shit and neither would she.” N’Jadaka laughed and said “with all due respect, she must have not been there for decades because we stopped that shit when my unc became king. Queen Mother wasn't with that shit at all either so I get you. I care about Baby Girl too damn"
Leslie leaned forward on her hand as she asked "then why can't she know? I mean you love her and what not so why keep her in the dark?" N'Jadaka took a deep breath and started to explain why. "Well, I feel like if she finds out she may leave me, use me, or just whatever the fuck she wants. I had to basically stop my friends from mentioning people around me. I have to keep a very low profile at all times or someone will run and ask for my autograph like I'm Beyonce or something."
"With all due respect my prince, you will never be Beyonce. And do you really think sissy is like that", she asked in a monotone voice, left brow rose and arms extra folded. N'Jadaka sat up and looked her in the face before saying “no. To be honest, I just wanna protect my baby. She really does mean a lot to me but I just know a lot of folks will come after her. I promise I will tell her.”
"When", said Leslie when she rolled her eyes, not believing him. N'Jadaka kept her eyes on her as he dug in his pocket and slid a velvet box towards her. “N’Jadaka…is that what I think it is?” Leslie looked to him before grabbing the box and once she opened it, all she can say was:
"Yeah, been holding on since we made it official."
"N'Jadaka, this is beautiful. But wait, why buy a ring but not tell her about you being royality?"
"It may seem foolish but it was M'Baku's idea. He said it would be more suspenseful, dramatic but mostly I did it because I want to take her on a trip to Wakanda in a few months and tell her." Leslie couldn’t stop looking at the ring; a 2 1/4 ct tw Emerald-cut 14K White Gold but the band looked like it was a polished vibranium finish. Leslie felt teary eyed just looking at it, just imagining how her best friend would react and how beautiful of a bride she would be. “Wow, this is really nice and beautiful and sweet. I’m sorry that I’m so dramatic. I am just so happy for y’all.” He walked over to her and hugged her tight as he chuckled. “Well, I’m happy you love it. I can’t wait to see my baby’s reaction.” 
They heard footsteps and had to be inconspicuous; N’Jadaka let go of Leslie and started caressing the fridge while Leslie wiped her face clean of tears and sipped her wine clean, they saw the ring and its box; he grabbed and hid it in his pocket. Y/N waltzed in with her nephew on her like a koala. “Hey, Monte. They in here and for some reason, babe is making love to y’all new fridge.”
“If he gets my fridge pregnant, he will pay child support”, Monte said as he walked behind her. Soon, everyone made their way to the backyard where it was a whole barbeque feast along with pot roast, baked mac and cheese and multiple side dishes. “So, JD. How is the OutReach center going, man? Sis been tellin’ me about some of programs already?”
“Oh yeah. You know we have the whole nine yards but I think the kids are going to be more into the science and art programs though. We also got the sports coming in too so the kids are gonna love it.” Monte nodded and asked “So JD, when are you and sis gonna make me an uncle?” Y/N coughed on her white wine and fanned herself to breathe again; Izaiah patted her back to make sure she was okay. Leslie told Monte “baby, don’t tryna sound like pops please. They will have kids one day.”
“Leslie baby, I know. I’m just talking trash, that's all.” Leslie cut into her pot roast as she glared at him and said “well, ya better stop or your butt is gonna be talking to that couch.” Monte looked at her and glared at her back but went back to his food then asked “so, baby sis, when y’all getting married”; this made Leslie choke like Y/N and she quickly drank her water while everyone watched. N’Jadaka sat there with wide eyes eating his food then relaxed them once she felt Y/N’s hand on his thigh. She looked to her good friend and said “when the time comes, Monte. I don’t want to rush into anything, you know what I mean but even if he never asks me to be his wife; it doesn't matter to me. I will always love him.” N’Jadaka looked at her and smirked as she winked and went back to his food. 
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Once they finished dessert, Monte, N’Jadaka and Izaiah were playing with a huge yoga ball in the backyard. Leslie grabbed her vape, added a cream pineapple flavor and took a small puff, making sure to blow the smoke out where Y/N wasn’t sitting. “I can’t believe Monte asked that”, Y/N said before pouring her fourth glass of white wine. Leslie took another hit and asked “which one”?
“About me having a kid with him. He know that is a touchy ass subject so why ask?” Leslie took a deep breath sipping her red wine and said “I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I feel bad now.” Y/N looked to her then looked at the three boys and watched as N’Jadaka played with her godson. He looked so happy as he played with the small child; it warmed her heart so much but then she felt a tear drop and her heart shattered. She excused herself and went straight to the bathroom. Once she did, she saw her mascara running down her cheeks. “Great, there goes my makeup.” She grabbed one of Leslie’s makeup wipes and tapped her running mascara marks away. She then dug into her purse to grab her setting powder, her travel powder brush and started to cover what was missing from her makeup. Y/N closed her eyes, took a deep breath and told herself “I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am strong. I am loved and I matter.” She opened her eyes to see Monte standing behind her with a concerned face that made her heart fall to her kneecaps. “What the fuck, Monte?! When the Hell did you get in here?!”
“Uh, when you started chanting like Angela Bassett praying like Tina Turner”; she rolled her eyes and he looked at her reflection. “Bae told me where you were and also cussed me the fuck out so yeah.” She looked at him as she reapplied her eyeliner then her mascara. Monte bent down to place his head on her shoulder, pouting as he looked in the mirror. “Sissy, you ain’t mad at me are you?”
“I’m chillin’, Monte.”
“You sit on a throne of lies, madam. I’ve known you since middle school and I know how you are, missy. You get that look in ya like you wanna shank someone in the knee cap then ya nostrils start flaring up.” Y/N looked up to him which made him point at her and stand up straight. “See, there it is”; she turned to him which made him yelp and slam his back into the door. She poked into his chest as she said the following words:
“Why the hell would you mention children knowing what I've been through?” Monte relaxed his shoulders a tad and took a deep breath; he hung his head in defeat and replied: “I am sorry, sis. I feel really bad. I meant no harm by it.” Y/N looked at him with folded arms before he asked, “he doesn’t know, does he”; she stood in silence which he took as an answer. “You gonna have to tell him one day right, sis? You can’t hide it from him forever.” Y/N stood there, feeling as if she was disappointed in herself. She loves N’Jadaka dearly but what if her secret would make him leave for good. 
Once it was time to go, Y/N placed her god baby in his bed and tucked him while JD watched. He grinned thinking of how great of a mom she would be. He thought about what he was asked at dinner and just couldn’t stop imagining him and Y/N as parents. He felt like she he was a chunky baby, their child would also be a chunky one as well. He didn't care if they had a boy or girl first; the only thing that mattered was the health and well being of the child or, as he would like in the future, children. When he was growing up in Oakland, California, he only really had his father up until he was eight sadly. Once his father passed away and his family took him to Wakanda, Mother Ramonda and Father T’Chaka were his parental figures. At fourteen years old, his family decided to explain his mother’s death; she passed away two days after giving birth to him. This became a fear for him especially if he and Y/N decide to make their own family.
The ride home was honestly so quiet which wasn’t their typical quiet, there was some tension that you can cut with a knife.When they got to N’Jadaka’s home, she hopped in the shower as he was checking his phone and getting undressed. Y/N stood looking in the mirror after she hopped out, she had to come clean about her secret. To her, communication was key and she knew that if she kept this hidden then it would keep eating at her. In bed, her in a huge shirt and him in just sweat pants, they just lied there looking at the ceiling; and that’s how they dosed off.
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Y/N woke up to the smell of breakfast so she stood, stretched her limbs and headed to do her morning routine before leaving the bathroom. N’Jadaka stood at the counter as she walked out, listening to Brent Faiyaz and setting the waiting area. He poured some OJ in tall curved glasses and followed half the cup with champagne. On their plates were fluffy omlettes with spinach, peppers and cheese, wheat toast, turkey sausage links, bacon and a side of hashbrowns. She sat at the counter and took a small sigh before saying “good morning” with a small smile and buttering her toast. N’Jadaka can tell something was troubling her and said “y’know? My unc always said ‘you can always feel if something is troubling someone you care for.’ You have something on your mind. I can feel it”. 
“I just been thinking about what Monte said at dinner”, she said after showing and finishing a slice of toast. N’Jadaka looked up at her while he sipped his mimosa. Once he placed his cup back down and moved his food next to her as he sat. N’Jadaka sat ext to her and leaned into her saying “baby, we already talked about this. We don’t have to get married anytime soon, love. We-”.
“I can’t have kids, N’Jadaka”, she said as she poked at her food. N’Jadaka was taken back honestly mentally. He had no idea what to say in the situation. He couldn’t imagine what was going on through her mind. But all he can do was stand as ahe looked down at her plate and hugged her from behind. He rested his chin on her head and as the hug went on, he heard little sniffs and felt her rub his arm slowly; the sound of her crying broke his heart. He kissed her head to comfort her and said “it’s okay, Y/N.” 
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“It’s not. I just-” ; she stopped and continued. “What if you wanted kids one of these days and I can’t give them to you. I just- I just don’t want you to regret being with me...” He looked over her head, took a deep, holding her tighter before he letting go and went to sit back down. “Y/N, I will never regret being with you. I love you way too much to say that is a deal breaker. We don’t have to have kids right now and when the time comes, we can just try and do our research. And even if we still have a baby, I can’t see myself with anyone but you.”
“Really”, she said as she look up at him while tearing up a bit. N’Jadaka wiped her tears with his thumbs as he told her “of course, beautiful. I would never call it quits because of that. We will make it work. Aight?” She nodded and he leaned into her lips and kissed them softly. “Now, eat ya food, shower, get dolled up, alright? You been working a lot, you may got a little burn out and stress going on so I’m take you to get ya nails and feet done. Maybe, a deep ass massage, a little shopping trip for you and not for your shop. Okay?”
Y/N sat there in her feelings but they weren’t bad feelings. She felt love, she felt safe and never felt this way with any man before and she was okay with that. After they ate and got ready, they headed out and spent the day together. He would steal some looks of her. Watching her with pineapple hair, black shades, tye dye body con dress with red slides to match, she was beautiful not even trying. As they walked the street of Rodeo, he would pull her and wrap his arms around showing her a warm embrace. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. Even just watching her get nails and feet done, he still loved being around her and in her presence. As she talked and got pampered, he watched as she smiled and everytime she did, there was light that just shined and made everyone smile from ear to ear; he couldn’t wait to make her Mrs. Udaku and treat her like royalty the rest of their lives.
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The following week, both of their schedules were hectic as heck. From the Outreach Center to the grand opening of her salon, they have been overly busy with everything. When ever they were together, they were always working but they always made sure that made time for one another. On the next off day for N’Jadaka, he sat at his place bored and laying in bed. All of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door and got up to answer; it was Jerald and Sheila. The couple wore a matching Nike sweatsuit and had bags in their hands. “Hey, man. Where baby girl at”, Sheila asked. He told her “working on the shop, S. She’ll be home in a few hours.” 
Jerald places the bags on his counter and said “my moms made you grip of food, bruh. Cornbread, greens, pot roast, all that.” N’Jadaka rubbed his hands together feeling his inner fat boy jumping for joy. “Awe shiet. Ma Dukes threw down, huh?”
“You know she did. How ya fam doing by the way? I know the finna all be down here soon for the grandopening in like a month, huh?”
“Yeah, but between me and you, they just wanna meet Y/N. M’Baku and T already did and B’s big ass try to talk to Leslie.” Jerald and Sheila now sat on the couch as Jerald said “Leslie got a whole ass child and man though right.” While she rubbed Jerald’s back, she told the guys “please that aint stopping nothing for M’Baku. Remember her tried to get at me when I was a few months pregnant?” N’Jadaka chuckled and said “oh yeah and he was trying to challenge him on the mountain. Nah, that was funny as fuck.” 
“Man, I still got PTSD from being on that damn mountain being butt ass naked.” N’Jadaka passed them some drinks like water and apples juice before sitting. “So, JD, did you do it yet”, Jerald asked and N’Jadaka replied “nah, not yet man. I want it to be special though and y’all got be apart of it.” 
“I’m sorry but what are y’all talking about?”
“N’Jadaka is proposing to Y/N”. N’Jadaka said “NIGGUH! Now, you know S can’t keep a damn secret.” She stood and said “am not. At least I aint tell the baby you a whole ass Prince of Wakanda. Did I, hmmm?” Jerald looked at N’Jadaka and said “bae, you kinda told the last girl he hooked up with though.” She looked at him and seemed as if a ray of heat hit the back of his head because his eye twitched once before he said “she looking at me is she?” He avoided her glance as his friend chuckled before saying “Sheila, please don’t tell my girl anything. But my plan is to tell her that I got a surprise vacation planned, she won’t need anything just her and her phone, right? Ima get Dora Milaje to dress up and up on the aircraft then on the plane I will tell her we in Wakanda and all that but then once, we getting greeted by all the tribes. Ima make her feel like royalty the whole night you know after I tell her. Then Auntie talking about a welcoming feast and party but after that, Ima take her to the garden then BOOM candles every where, flowers falling, the purple night sky and my hands in hers as I get on one knee and then this.” He even got on his right knee as he showed the ring. Jerald stood and looked at the ring. “This shiet is sick as fuck, bruh.”
“Is that a vibranium band, JD?” The prince looked at the ring as he stood and said “yeah, it is. Because just like vibranium, our love can withstand anything and last for generations to come.” He heard sniffles as he looked up and saw not only Sheila crying but also Jerald. “That’s so beautiful, nigga. Got my crying and shiet.” Sheila looked to him and pushed him out the way to get to JD. “I promise I won’t saying anything. I am so happy for y’all, baby brother. EEEEK, I can’t wait.”
“Hey, y’all. Can’t wait for Sheila?” They shock to see Y/N standing there with black plastic bags of food. She wore some distressed jeans, a white tee and matching Converse; her hair was in a low bun. Sheila looked at the box in N’Jadaka’s hand and stood in front so he can hide the ring in his pocket and said “the grand opening of the salon, sis. Y’know what? That reminds me, girl. We actually got to get our fits ready. The event is in two days, right?” She pulled Jerald up and pushed him to door as she got her answer and walking; they said their byes with some hugs and left. Y/N turned to her man and said, with a confused expression as she walked to him, placed the bags on the coffee, “was J crying?”
“Yeah, we watching a sad ass movie, Sheila made us watched.” She giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss his lips once; he growled in pleasure and wrapped his arms around her waist, deeply kissing her. She moaned as her lips and tongue make love to his. She began to hold the back of neck getting deeper into the kiss until she smelt the food. She tried to pull away from the kiss but he didn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, the food is gonna cold.”
“Fuck that food. I wanna eat you instead.”
“Baby, I’m hungry.”
“You can eat later after I eat.”  With that, he picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and made their way to the bedroom. He threw her gently on the bed and started crawling up her body. “You gonna feed me, baby girl, or do I gotta unwrap my food myself.” She looked up at him while on her elbows before unzipping and slipped out her jeans. He began kissing her inner thighs before slipping her panties to the side. Slipping his thick digits inside her made her grip them instant as he did a curling motion as he sucked her clit. She moaned at the feeling and felt all her stress from the work week. She looked down at him to see his gentle orbs looked right at her. 
He loved making eye contact whether it was missionary.
“I love you so much”.
From the side.
“Damn, this pussy good as fuck, baby girl.”
And especially from the back. God, bless that mirror.
“Look at you taking all this dick. Mmmm fuck. Don’t you look beautiful taking this dick.”
“I look so good taking this dick, daddy.” After they made love, he stood from the bed still nude and said “aight, baby. You wanna eat?” All the answer he got was when he heard little snores behind him; he just chuckled and laughed.
It was the night of the grand opening and they were ready. N’Jadaka looked in the mirror of the bedroom and knew he looked good in his attire with his coat wide open and gold fangs glistening. Y/N came out in her amazing dress and he was taken aback. He kissed her cheek and they were off. They saw the news trucks, her family, friends, and supporters as they pulled up. Y/N got local black businesses to cater the event, and she had something to say before she opened the doors. 
“Hey, everyone. If you do not know who I am, I’m Y/N Y/L/N . I have been doing hair since very young young and been saving for this moment. This may sound cliche but I honestly am very thankful for y’all support and just being here. It was a very long road to travel down but it was all so worth it. I appreciate you all from friends and family for having my back for years but I also want to thank a man who has showed me so much love in the year and few we have dated and that man is Mr. N’Jadaka Udaku, who without him, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”  She held out her hand to signal him to come and as everyone cheered, clapped and took photos, he stood behind her, hugging her from the back and just being so proud of her but they didn’t know what was happening a few feet behind the crowd. 
There was a couple leaning in a silver Nissan Altima, wearing all black hiding in the night. “So, what you got planned to fuck them over,” said the man who was still upset N’Jadaka has his ex now. He looked towards the woman and said “just know, you inspired this plan… a lot.”  The woman was about to do something to ruin what a good thing the couple had, but she didn’t care and was willing to do anything to let Y/N know she made a huge mistake.
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Um....who in the raggedy hell plotting on Y/N and the Prince and HOW do you think Y/N will feel when she finds out N'Jadaka is a whole Prince? Find out in the next chapter. *evil cackle*
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lifeisapitch15 · 2 years
Gara aga, Ugbu a, N'ọdịnihu.(Past, {Present, Future.)
Pairing: M’Baku x OC
Word Count: under 1k
Warnings: None. Yet.
Summary: Kya finds her self at the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately, M’Baku finds her before the avengers do.
A/N: My first real fanfic!🎉. I’m so happy to do this but i have a hectic schedule, so I can’t promise the next chapter will be anytime soon. I love all who read my work and give criticism. I am a fairly new writer so don’t judge to harshly. 😅😆
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I’m freezing. My skin is engulfed in snow and all I can see is white the blaring sun. Did it work? Where am i? More like when? Before I could move an arrowhead was pointed toward my face.
“Don’t move” a dark skinned woman with brown breastplate, grass-like skirt with what looks like an animal pelt underneath, and hard looking shin armor with fur wrapped around. The long wooden slender stick pointed at my face. I surrendered with my hands up as they grab me. Probably Taking me to their leader. They look like a strong warrior type. They would have to be to survive just cold. They didn’t put cuffs on me seeing as my ass had been too beaten to walk. The lady on the left pushes me forward and the pain shoots it to my side. I may have broken a rib. I could heal it by that would lead to too much suspicion. I continued walking. They talked in Igbo which my mother spoke to my father. I gathered bits and pieces since my father was the king of Wakanda and needed to know all the different languages. As I wondered who was the current King,the woman next to me hit my side, breaking my train of thought. I bent over in pain as the King of Wakanda looked at me with interest in his eyes. “Do not hurt her. She looks bad enough.” M’Baku spoke his deep, rich voice filling the room, shaking the wooden structure above a bit. “Leave the room. I need to talk to our “prisoner”. He commanded the room, chuckling at last word. He gets up and this man doubles in height. 6’5” was an understatement. I’m 5’5” and towers over me. I looked up and it was never ending. He was big and broad. His armor made him look more intimidating. Remember him from either a meeting with the whole council or in my dreams either way I like what I see.
“I come in peace.” I lift up my hands and try to put up my hand with the broken rib. I can't wait to heal myself.
“I can see that.” He stated walking around looking at my injuries. “How did you get inside Wakanda?” He walked in front of me grabbing my face to still inspecting if I was okay. He has a certain gentleness to him I admire.
“I am a Wakandan.” I confirmed. He let go and I grabbed my lip, pulling out so he could see the tattoo on the inside. It glowed white which I forgot and quickly let go before he inspected that too. If my white hair didn’t give me away. Has my mom been here yet? What year is it?
“What year- where am i?” I questioned as what I said out loud and my thoughts had intertwined with themselves.
“It is 2025 and you are in my home of the Jabari. That is all you need to know since you are my prisoner” he was suspicious, but he brushed it off.I stayed quiet trying to remember him and his powers.
“You are no threat to me.” He admitted. “You will stay here and heal and then you will become a servant. Guards!”
“What! No!! I have to get home! Please!” I screamed as the guards flooded the room. He got down to my level, anger written all over his face.
“Do not argue with your King. Take her to the healers” he spoke firmly. They picked me up as I tried to wiggled my way out despite my side hurting like hell. They dropped me in front of five women as I looked up and the man knocked me unconscious. So it begins.
Next chapter
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alexa-santi-author · 1 year
If anyone is looking for a romance novel with M’Baku ✨vibes✨, it’s hard to go wrong with Alyssa Cole’s How To Catch A Queen. It’s a contemporary romance that takes place in an imaginary African kingdom that hasn’t had a queen in decades, because both of the most recent kings kept annulling their marriages. Shanti Mohapi is convinced that she’s going to be able to change that, but she’s going to have to change her view of how to be a good queen in order to succeed.
And when I say that you can take your AU fanfic and turn it into an original story … this is the kind of thing I mean. Cole was very clearly inspired by the Black Panther movie and characters, but used that inspiration to create a world of her own.
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umber-cinders · 1 year
I think my entire brain have been wrapped into omegaspace
Currently obsessed with ABO fanfics if you haven’t seen from my last one. But I think its time I did a long non-oneshot one lol I’m still hyperfixated on M’Baku from Black Panther so...It is what it is 🤣Expect more ABO/Omegaverse from me soon.
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mymidwestfandoms · 2 years
Everyone is over here talking about Shuri and Namor and I am like WHERE IS THE SHURI AND M’BAKU FANFICS????
Tell me I’m not the only one to see chemistry there?!
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sharonrb · 2 years
Death is only the Beginning Pt2
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Disclaimer: If any characters resembles any of those in BP2WF; because maybe they are. They story has been altered due to the imagination of the author. Fanfic and all in fun.
A continued of pt1
Chapter Fourteen
Wakanda spent the last week or so rejoicing for the return to life of their Queen Ramonda; whom they thought had been dead. Along with them, the Talokanils celebrated a milestone for their kingdom. It was the first time in five hundred years and since the birth of their kingdom; they crowned themselves a Queen.
Finally, their ruler K’uk’ulkan found himself someone to marry and share his throne. It was the last night of festivities by tradition for the Wakandans; but it will continue for days to come. The Talokanils were still in their jubilee as the morning sun crept over the two worlds. But, unknowingly to them both, things have taken a turn for the worse.
“What do you mean the Queen is missing?” King M'Baku yelled to the top of his voice. Okoye bowed her head in submission. She had sought a private counsel with him, and wanted him to know first of the events that had occurred through the night and the morning.
“She’s gone and we have no idea her whereabouts, My King,” she told him. M’Baku had agreed to meet with her in a secluded place free from itchy ears. He knew it wasn’t going to be good news, but never in a million years did he expect this situation.
“Tell me everything,” he demanded. Okoye relayed to him what occurred the evening before, and earlier in the day. He allowed a growl to come through, releasing the tension building. This was not good!
Shuri’s mind kept replaying all that had come to pass and her reaction to her mother coming back from her night with Namor. Her mother informing her that she would be returning to Talokan and Namor. The Shaman had given her a potion swearing it would reverse the side effects from the previous in gestation of the heart shaped herb.
Shuri knew her mother wouldn’t take it willingly; she had embraced these knew abilities. She felt of she could convince her, but with Ramonda informing her she would be back with Namor, Shuri made a conscious decision to spice her mother’s tea.
Ramonda took a few sips, relaxing from the fresh air and Shuri’s company. Then she grabbed her head, her face distorting; she yelled out in such excruciating pain. Shiri jumped to her feet backing into the wall thinking; what had she done. Ramonda stood to her feet and with one last agonizing scream flew straight up and away. Okoye and Attuma came onto the scene in confusion. Then the appearance of Namor only made it worse with his announcement of the marriage between her mother and him.
“That damn Shaman,” she could have kicked herself. “Why would I listen to you. It was your recklessness in the first place that brought this about; by giving my mom the herb without consent or permission. You’re going to wish you hadn’t done it.” Shuri caught herself and calmed down. She has to bear some of the blame too. The Shaman didn’t force her to give it to her mother. Or neither would being angry help find her mother and bring her home.
Shuri began to ponder over something that’s nagging her. if the recreation of the potion to remove the Black Panther powers didn’t reverse the effects on her mother. Then maybe the enhancement is due to something else. Shuri walked over to the vial and began to study it, thinking scientifically and objectively. She had been too close to the problem to think straight.
Then her brilliant mind took over; she needed to get to her lab. That’s where she could work the best. She just needed to run some tests. She gathered what she needed and called for one of the planes. Right now, she has no idea if the concoction the Shaman gave her worked or not. She just hopes her mother is alright.
Namor came back to his dwelling and started tossing things about; in anger and silence. Attuma and Namora stayed on the outside for two reasons. First, to let him blow off his rage, and second to await his next command. Namor was very concerned because he has no idea what happened. What he did know it all lead back to Shuri. He didn’t know for sure what she did to Ramonda; but he has no doubt Shuri did something. Now he will have to break his people’s hearts. He could hear them still in festivities; they finally have a Queen of their own. But that is not the case now.
When Attuma had summoned and notified him Ramonda had disappeared; he swam like he never had before. He would have flown but Namora had demanded to come. Hope was in his heart Ramonda would be there once he arrived. It was not so, his fears manifested. Namor stood before a wall he had began another mural; one of Ramonda and his love story. How will it end?
Attuma and Namora heard him grow silent and knew he was in much pain. They wanted to get out there and find their Queen; and wondered why he was hesitating. Namor emerged from his room, subdued and walked over to the edge staring into the water.
“Prepare my people for the announcement. I will not keep this from them any longer.” He told them. “Then I will go to Wakanda to speak with King M'Baku. I need to know what are their plans to assist me in finding my Wife!” He turned and went back inside, never looking at either of them. They looked at each other knowing this was not good. They plunged into the water and headed for Talokan to gather the citizens to the meeting place.
Ramonda stood in the entrance of the cave, pressed against the frame. She stared out as she would the windows of the palace. Not much to see but the majestic mountains, unlike the beautiful capital city of Wakanda. She has a lot to process and decisions to make.
Months of being comatose, being giving the herb that gave the Black Panther their powers. And how did that happen, since the last she recalled; Killmonger had destroyed the plants. Maybe he missed one. No, they had searched diligently to save T'Challa; there were none. Evidently, they did discover more somehow. So, if they have the plant, and they used it on her. Then there has to be another Black Panther.
“What the---,” it dawned on her. The last thing she remembered, Namor and his people were attacking Wakanda. He flew to the throne room where she was with Riri. “Riri!” She remembered him throwing spheres of water at them, and they burst through the windows, exploding. She swam down to get the child who was unconscious and brought her to safety; then everything went black. She wondered, what happened after that? How did they rebuild Wakanda so fast? The biggest question of them all. How did they become allies with Talokan.
“The Talokanil are my people now, and I am their Queen.” She whispered. How will she be able to pull this off? It was not their fault Namor is who he is. They were so welcoming and full of joy to have a Queen, for the first time; since their kingdom came in to existence. If she went back to Talokan, she would have to pretend she was still with Namor; and that would be a lie. She could never be with him ever again. Never!
He seduced her, knowing she had no memory of what he had done. She recalled coming home from the banquet. He was there waiting for her, they talked and walked on the beach; he was so sad. He knew then, it was a possibility he could lose her; if her memories would return. But, he had a chance to tell her the truth; but he did not.
Instead, he took her to meet his people, knowing they would be ecstatic to have a Queen. He knew also she would fall in love with them. They made their commitment to stay yoga her before all of Talokan, binding them as long as they lived. He took her to his rooms; there he made passionate love to her. She was so happy and full of love for his people and him. She came to tell Shuri, she was his wife and Queen of Talokan. And that she was staying there, because they needed her more than Wakanda. But she didn’t get a chance!
Shuri gave her herbs, adding to what was already in her system. All for what? Was her hatred for Namor, greater than her love for her; that she would risk her life? She felt like a guinea pig being tested on all those months; and with Shuri’s betrayal. No one knows but her, what actually transpired the first time she was given the herb. It was frightening; even more now that she has regained her memories. Yes, great decisions have to be made.
Chapter Fifteen
After Okoye had enlightenment M'Baku of everything that happened, from the evening before and earlier that day. He shuddered at the fact; he would have to call another emergency meeting, with the council and Chieftains. His respect for T'Challa grew even greater; this was not an easy position. There was always something new to deal with.
At that moment, M’Baku stiffens; catching movement out the corner of his eye. He turns to see Namor approaching, not surprising! He needed to have a word or two with him, concerning the part he played in this debacle.
“I was wondering when you would come to meet with me,” M'Baku acknowledged his presence.
“We have much to discuss before you announce the disappearance of my Wife, Queen of Talokan,” Namor is straight to the point. M'Baku chuckled.
“Your wife?” He questioned. “And Queen of Talokan?”
“Why are you disputing what is a fact?” Namor held his anger; with M’Baku’s query of the validity, of the matter.
“I am not per say,” M'Baku took a seat on his throne. “What I am inquiring is, does Queen Ramonda feels the same. Now that is the question.” Namor stared at him, as the answer formulated in his brain.
“That I don’t know,” He replied as honestly as he could. The fact of the matter, he has know idea what is going through Ramonda’s mind. Or if she’s even alive; he knows nothing.
Okoye, Ayo and Aneka arrived ahead of the council. Okoye had already filled the two of them in on what was happening. She looked at Namor, then came to him. An unspoken understanding went between them. She went to take her place at the side of M'Baku. Ayo and Aneka were already in place. The council spilled into the room. Namor started towards the door.
“Namor,” M'Baku called out to him. Namor slowly turned around; the two stared each other in the eyes. “I would like for you to stay; after all, it is your wife and Queen of the Talokan whom we will be discussing. Your input will be greatly appreciated.” M'Baku gestured to the very chair he possessed; during the meetings with Queen Ramonda. Namor was surprised, but took the seat offered while the room erupted. M'Baku smirked; it was always a pleasure getting the council roused up. Namor grew a great admiration for M'Baku, he will truly rule Wakanda well.
Attuma was standing outside Namor’s quarters, when Namora came up. Namor informed him he was leaving, to go speak with King M'Baku concerning Queen Ramonda. Even though, it hadn’t been very long since her disappearance; the way she left in such excruciating pain, was alarming.
“K’uk’ulkan is not here?” She asked peering inside, searching for him.
“No, he left for Wakanda to talk their King; to see what they were doing to find our Queen,” he told her.
“That’s good and fine, but why are we depending on them to find her. She is our Queen,” Namora had a certain emotion in what she was expressing. This caused Attuma to take a double look. Is this the same Namora who was angry that Namor had yielded to the Black Panther? But now has a hint of desperation in her voice, for the new Queen.
“Namora, you sound as if I you care about the Queen,” he had a little chuckle, as he teased her.
“You joke at a time as this?” She snapped. “Don’t you understand? Our Queen is missing, Attuma! Our people our basically mourning now. And our K’uk’ulkan is miserable with the loss.” Attuma stood towering over her, with a serious demeanor enshrouding him.
“I understand quite well, Namora,” his voice low and deliberate. “The K’uk’ulkan and our kingdom in whole are sad, so yes I do. But I was wondering the attitude you are displaying. You didn’t want him with the Princess; but you accept her mother for him, as his wife and as our Queen?” Namora walked away from him and stared into the water.
“No, I did not feel the Princess was the right one for him or our people,” she told him. “But yes, the Queen is a Queen; she will love and protect us, just as our K’uk’ulkan has done. She is better suited for him; look how happy he is around her. We have never seen this in him since ever. So yes, I want her back in the worse way.” She ran and nosedive into the water, then swam away.
Attuma stood watching the ripples settle down, then laughed out loud. Could there be a surface dweller, their Namora could truly love and care about? This is astonishing. He couldn’t wait to pass this development along to Namor. He wasn’t sure about Namora accepting Ramonda, let alone as his wife and Queen. Well, Namor can rest on that problem and dwell on finding their Queen.
While Shuri was grieving over her mother’s flight and after she had given her the potion. There was something that lit up the corner of her brilliant mind. She just hoped she was on the right trail. After gathering some things that belonged to Ramonda, she went to the lab.
“Griot” Shuri called to him as she rushed into the lab, tossing things everywhere. “There is something I need help with.”
“Yes Princess, anything I can do I will,” he told her.
“Pull up the analysis of my recreation of the herb, and the one the Shaman gave my mother. Then analyze this sample I am going to give to you.” Shuri dropped what was left of the vial onto a slide, and pushed it into a compartment; then waited.
“Princess your recreation as we discovered; is not the same ingredients as that of the Shaman's. She added some other herbs, but they didn’t alter the outcome of what makes the Black Panther.”
“Yes, I just wanted to double checked if my mother was given the Black Panther serum. And see what was in the latest one I just gave to you?” Griot begins to analyze it.
“It’s different than the others. I’m detecting a rare flower plant, that hasn’t been used in Wakanda for decades. It was banned by the Shaman sect due to the after effects.” Shuri became alarmed.
“A rare plant? Banned for decades you say?” She asked.
“Yes Princess,” Griot replied.
 “What were the side effect?” Shuri asked.
“After twenty-four hours of ingesting, they would go insane,” he informed her.
“Why would she do this,” Shuri recanted her statement. “Why would I ask? She fed her mother the Black Panther herb for months. I can’t deal with her right now. Griot, what was that particular plant used?”
“It actually was a type of memory elixir. It didn’t effect all but enough to cease using it.” So she was trying to help her mother regain her memory. Why didn’t she tell her the truth?
“Alright, I will take care of her later,” Shuri took a comb she had brought from home and pulled a strand of hair from it. Then she placed it on a slide, and pushed it inside a small drawer for Griot to analyze. “Alright Griot, what you see?”
“Very interesting,” Griot stated.
“What? What you see?” Shuri was frantic.
“This person has the X-gene; the Black Panther mixture triggered it. They are in full blown mutant stage.” Shuri’s jaw dropped. She figured as much, but needed for it to be confirmed.
“That’s why taking the serum had not effect. My Mother is a mutant!”
Ramonda came down on the shore near the hut. She felt out if anyone was there; she wasn’t ready for any confrontation. She needed more time to sort things out; too much was at stake. She moved closer seeing it was empty. Shuri most likely went to the lab. She had came to get some things to hold over until she returned; whenever that would be.
She retrieved a tote bag to carry whatever she could. The outfit she wore would not do. Shuri had some pants, maybe she could get a couple or so. She had lost weigh to next to Shuri’s size, if she could not fit them, she could always alter them. She saw Shuri’s jacket tossed across her bed. She picked it up and placed it to her nose, breathing in her daughter’s scent.
“Shuri!” She rubbed it against the side of her face. Tear filled her eyes. “Now that I remember you, I don’t want to see you right now. If I did my words would be too harsh, and it’s been enough separation between us. And I don’t want that; give me time.” Ramonda got herself together and grabbed what she could; then ran to the shore, only to stop abruptly.
“My Queen!” Namora exclaimed with great joy. Ramonda was stung beyond words. So much for get in and out, she thought to herself.
“Namora! What are you doing here?” She asked. Namora came closer to her. “We are all out looking for you.” Ramonda feared as much. She hates she’s hurting others, but if she doesn’t deal with this right now; it will be more painful later.
“Namora,” She said. “I need to figure some thins out. It has been so much to deal with, especially now that I got back my memory. “
“Oh,” Namora said quietly.
“Oh no, not like that. I remember everything, even last night with all of my Talokaniles. You all showered me with so much. I remember all of that.” Ramonda informed her. “This is one of the reasons I need to make some decisions. It’s not going to be easy for me. I have to be away from everyone that I love, so I can be with those that I love. Does that make sense?” Namora understood, so much has been done to the Queen.
“I do My Queen. We all love you. We want you home and safe.” Hearing this coming from Namora warmed her heart. She always felt Namora was the more standoffish. Ramonda walked up to her and pressed her face against the side of Namor's. If blue could blush it would be Namora.
“Thank you for all you said. You really don’t know how much I needed to hear that.” Ramonda wanted to cry, but kept her composure as Queen.
“What should I tell K’uk’ulkan?” Namora asked.
“I don’t want you lying to him. Just tell him what we discuss.” She told her. “It probably be a few days, then I will return.” Ramonda told her and flew high in the air, so when she made the turn towards the mountain; Namora couldn’t see it.
Chapter Sixteen
“Okoye, where are you?” Shuri asked, calling on her kimoyo beads.
“I’m in the throne room. We just finished speaking with the council and tribal Chieftains” she informed her. “They are aware of everything.”
“Good, no more secrets and lies,” Shuri says. “I need to share some findings; I discovered this morning with all of you.”
“I will let them know,” Okoye told her. “You want us there in your lab?”
“Yes, please,” Shuri expressed. “It’s easier to explain here.”
“Something you should know,” Okoye says.
“Yes?” Shuri braced herself.
“Namor attended the meeting, and remains here speaking with the King.” Okoye enlightened Shuri.
“Good, then I won’t need to summon him,” Shuri replied. “He has to hear this too.”  Okoye was taken aback at how somber Shuri seemed; at the mention of Namor’s name. Now she was anxious to hear, what is so important.
Namora returned to Talokan and sought out Attuma; she had to notify him she had spoken to the Queen. She needed him to be her support; when she reveals this to Namor. She found Attuma playing their favorite pass time game with a few of his friends. Namora pulled him away, which didn’t please him at first; but he saw her distress and came with her.
“What’s wrong, Namora?” She took him to a place where they would not be heard by anyone. This needed to be confidential.
“I saw and spoke with the Queen,” she told him.
“This is good news, Namora,” Attuma yelled out in excitement. Namora tried to calm him.
“No, no it’s not Attuma,” she expresses. “She’s still gone.” Attuma stared at her bewildered.
“What? What do you mean she’s still gone?” his excitement turned to dismay.
“I went to the place the Princess and she lives, just by chance,” she begin to explain. “I was standing on the beach when she appeared; coming from their home. She was very surprised to see me there, and I also. But that changed, when she told me she remembers everything. She knows who she is, Attuma.” He was silence for just a moment; until all Namora had told him registered.
“That means she knows what K’uk’ulkan did, and the cause of all this trauma,” he looked to Namora.
“I’m afraid so,” she confirmed. “But she remembers all of us as well; with love. This is what is making it so hard for her; choosing the right path. She is truly our Queen, and she wants that to be known.”
“For us it sounds good, but for K'uk'ulkan it’s not,” he sighed loudly. Namora sadly agreed.
Shuri was going over her files on her mother, when M'Baku, Okoye, Ayo, Aneka and Namor entered. M'Baku could tell by her expression, they were not going to like what she had to say. He had come to consider her his little sister now. A promise to her brother, T'Challa. Namor was edgy with the uncertainty of what he was going to have to accept. Okoye, Ayo and Aneka waited patiently.
“Thank you all for coming,” Shuri was nervous. “While I was thinking about what happened, and my mother in so much pain that I inflicted on her for my own selfish reasons. I realized I was too close to the subject.”
“Subject, Princess?” Namor injected. “She is not some lab research; she’s your mother and my wife.”
“You don’t have to remind me of that, Namor,” She snapped. “Or the fact, it was your actions that generated this whole mess.”
“Alright! Alright you two! Let’s get on with it,” M'Baku demanded. Shuri turns around from facing them, exhaling; then slowly back to them.
“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted,” she rolls her eyes at Namor; and he conveys a loud snort in response. Okoye, Ayo and Aneka look on; amused with the interaction of the two. “I ran some tests on a theory. The herb I recreated for the Black Panther and the one the Shaman gave my mother; were one in the same.”
“We know this, Princess,” Okoye came closer.
“True, but why did it not kill my mother; is the question needed to be answered.” She addresses her AI. “Griot, explained what you told me.” She told it. They all moved in front of the screen, to see what was being displayed.
“Queen Ramonda, at some point during her comatose; went into a death state. And when the elixir was administered; she was revived. The reason it was able to bring her back? Because she has what is known as the X-gene. Once this gene is activated; mutation occurs. The Queen is at this time in full generated mutant stage. She has been endowed with her powers; whatever they may be.” The room was silent, each lost in their own thoughts with what was revealed.
“You telling us, she is no longer human?” M'Baku asked, breaking the quiet. Namor took offense to M’Baku implications. But it didn’t hinder him from asking a question of his own.
“Can you explain, what caused her to suddenly fly off in pain?” Namor already knew that answer; Shuri had something to do with that. He felt this was the best time to get the bottom of it.
“It was something I gave her,” she finally admitted to him. His eyebrows furrowed. He knew it! “The Shaman said it would reverse the effects from the herb. I trusted her, but now I know she did it again.”
“Did what again?” M'Baku asked.
“My mom did die. Not initially, but when I saw her on the ancestral plane; she was gone. The Black Panther serum was given to her by the Shaman; activating the x-gene to initiate her into a mutant.”
“We need to deal with the Shaman; she did too much without authorization,” M'Baku looked at Okoye. She turned to Ayo, signaling for her to arrest the Shaman.
“Wait! If she had not taken the chance, Ramonda would not be among us. No matter in what state!” Namor reminded them. “Did not Shuri in desperation, do no differently?” They digested what he said.
“One other thing,” Shuri looked at each one. “The herb the Shaman gave to me was not the same herb, as the heart shaped,” she informed them.
“What?” M'Baku said.
“It’s a flower that was banned by the Shaman sect because of the side effects,” she explained.
“Princess, tell me it is not the plant for memory loss,” Okoye asked.
“Okoye, you know of this flower?” M'Baku asked.
“Yes, many years ago it was used to help those who suffered from memory loss in some forms.”
“Princess!” Namor came to her, she could see the fear in his eyes. “What are the side effects?”
“Only one, Namor,” she was gentle in replying to him, but nothing will soften the blow. “In twenty-four hours of ingesting it; the person goes insane. Not all have; but enough did that they chose to banned it.”
“What?!!” Namor was beside himself. He had heard enough, and left the room before they could notice he was gone.
“Twenty-four hours,” M’Baku paced the lab, thinking. “How do you find someone who doesn’t want to be?”
“With everything we have,” Okoye said and left also. Now there were four.
“We need to activate the Midnight Angels, come Aneka!” Then there were two.
“What good is being the Black Panther, when I can’t find my mother and save her?”
“Aww Shuri,” M'Baku walks to her and rests a hand on her shoulder. “You are one of the most brilliant minds around. Just like you figure your mother becoming a mutant; you will find her.” He left to expedite the search; time is of the essence. Shuri stood alone in the lab feeling hopeless.
“Princess?” Griot called to her.
“What Griot?” She stared at nothing in particular.
“What happens after the Queen is found?” Shuri thought about what he just said.
“What do you mean?” She asked. “We bring her home.”
“And then what? Watch her go insane?” Shuri realized what he was asking.
“We have to find something to counteract the plant,” Shuri sprung alive. “Let’s start with its make up. Maybe if we discover what is in it that causes the insanity; we could isolate it, and actually create a variant to aid in memory loss.”
“Exactly Princess,” Griot agreed.
“We don’t have much time,” she reminded him. “It’s going to be a long night.”
Ramonda arrived back at the cave she now calls her refuge; and placed the bag of supplies in a corner. A cool breeze flowed through from the outside; she saw she would need to start a fire. Luckily, she thought of grabbing a lighter. She wishes there were a door to shut, and curtail the cold. It was close to winter and the mountains were feeling it’s approach sooner than any other place in Wakanda. Soon they will be covered in snow. She would have to endure, there is none other place to conceal her whereabouts; and especially from Namor. She paused, hearing a noise coming from the entrance.
“What is going on?” She exclaimed, turning to see the opening had been sealed over. She slowly approached it, staring at what was once a exit, but now sealed. “Open up!” She yelled! At that very moment; it did as she commanded. The entrance became as it once had been. She began to inspect the walls not sure of what was happening; her mind racing. Could it be another one of her abilities; connected to the earth? She will have to figure what her powers were and how to control them. This time she willed it to close; then she returned to start a fire.
Ramonda pulled the bag in front of her, as she sat near the warm fire. Even with the protection of the wall in place of the opening to the cave; the brisk air could be felt. She brought out the blankets she had retrieved from the hut. Shuri won’t miss them; she can always have more delivered. Or better yet, she could just return to the palace.
Ramonda paused for a moment of reflection. She was very angry with Shuri for her part in this; but she was being sarcastic with what she had thought. Shuri is her little girl; her baby. Well, not exactly a baby anymore. With so much that has hit her; in such a short time. It would easily: have cause a person to make bad choices out of desperation. Her baby has grown into womanhood; and she was proud of the person Shuri had become.  
Ramonda came across a mirror and peered into it; shocked at the person who gazed back. Someone a little younger than herself; but definitely her. Had to be at least twenty years younger. How did this happen? Is this another one of those side effects, from taking the heart shaped herb? If so, will she be going through, what that guy in the movies; Benjamin what’s-his-name did? He continued to grow younger and younger, until he became a baby; then he died? What’s happening to her?
Ramonda gathered her knees to her chest, and as sort of cushions; rested her head on her arms. She stared into the fire, watching the flame swaying in a seductive movement. Her mind reminiscences that fatal day her life ended. The day her husband; Namor threw those water grenades right at her, as she stood in the window. Right after he had tossed his spear into the window; right at her face at her. But the window only cracked.
Ramonda recalled the way he glared, because she pulled Riri behind her; as a protective mode. That sinister smile chiseled on his face. She saw him leave and knew he would return to deal the death blow. She told Riri to run, but children are children; Riri didn’t want to leave her side.
Namor came back as she knew he would, the windows exploded with the impact of the water bombs. Riri and her were thrown backwards, losing consciousness. She was able to come too quicker than Riri; she was sinking fast and needed to be saved.
Ramonda remembered making a crucial decision, she plunged deeper into the water to save someone’s drowning child. She struggled with the dead weight of Riri to get her to safety. It took all she had in her to get her out of the water, and onto the floor. Ramonda tried to pull herself up and along side Riri; and make a attempt to revive the child. But too much of her strength had been exhausted. She remembers sliding back into the water; it covering her face, then it all went black.
There was something else cloaked from her happened; prior to her waking up in the room, she now recognized as the Hall of the Shaman Sect. She didn’t remember anything or anyone, except the summer place she spent summers with Shuri. She made her way through the catacombs and by the river; until she saw Namor. No, she didn’t recognize him; but he knew her, and that was comforting. At that moment, her body quake all over with forcible tremors.
Did he devised this plan, once he realized her memories were lost? All the sweet gentle kindness he showed her; but plotting all along. Her tears stung her eyes, her heart ached. She felt violated! The man who killed her, let her fall in love with him. For what? She was no longer Queen of Wakanda, it does not make sense. What did he hope to gain making her his wife, and moreover; Queen of Talokan.
Why? To get an alliance? He had that. This was wrecking her brain. He gained nothing, unless there is a piece from this puzzle missing. But what wasn’t she getting? Namor was not complex then, nor is he now. He is always straight forward. People only get fooled when they paint him as this complicated person. But she knew then and knows now; Namor needs and wants are very direct.
Ramonda felt cozy secluded from the outside. She made a cot with her blankets before the fire; and laid down on it, resting her head on a pillow she had brought also. She continued to look at the flames at their sultriest dancing was almost hypnotic. She knew what it was that Namor wanted and needed, but she didn’t want to think about.
It’s insane to formulate in any words; but it’s classic Namor. When did he first developed the scenario in his mind? When did it hit him what he wanted; but above all needed? She had to know at what point, Namor decided he wanted and needed her as his wife; and the Queen of Talokan. Her head had begun to pound. Maybe a nap will help, she thought. Ramonda shut her eyes; seeking some equivalent to tranquility. She then found her peace and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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wakandanwritings · 2 years
meeting m’baku part two
i’m so sorry this took ages to post, my wi-fi has been giving me hell lately. but thank you for all the kind words on my debut piece, it means the absolute world to me that there are people who enjoy my midnight thoughts!
part one
warnings : none :)
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side note, this man is so unbelievably beautiful 🫶🏽
ever since you first ran into m’baku (literally) you saw him at the palace more often. and even though you didn’t find it odd because you’re relatively new to wakanda, t’challa and shuri definitely found it interesting that m’baku’s visits became more frequent after your unexpected meeting.
m’baku on the other hand, found himself to be uncomfortably irritable whenever he graced the palace with his presence only to find bucky by your side. obviously the two of you were just friends but i don’t think the jabari leader knew that. shuri being the genius that she is, noticed the jealousy that painted his face every time you and buck were together.
enough time had passed and almost the whole castle noticed his stolen glances, and the softness that takes over his features when he looks at you and the bitterness that surfaced when you’re not alone. obviously you’re blind to it all and so shuri decided to intervene despite t’challa and ramonda’s disapproval.
shuri took one for the team and volunteered m’baku’s services as a tour guide for the rest of wakanda. as expected, being the drama queen he is, he grunted and rolled his eyes and begrudgingly agreed, secretly excited to show you not just his home but also the most important parts of it, far far away from the man with a metal arm.
the next morning you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed, not wanting to keep m’baku waiting. you decided on a yellow sundress that complimented your melanated skin in the loveliest way possible.
for someone who always has a smart ass remark or comment, m’baku was speechless when he saw you. during your previous meetings, he was always taken aback by your beauty but almost all of those instances included you in an oversized hoodie and while he adored the way you look in literally anything, he couldn’t deny that there’s something about the way you looked right now, in a pretty little sun dress that made him feel absolutely feral.
surprising you and everyone else in the room, he took your hand and escorted you away from the palace as you waved goodbye to shuri and t’challa, buck still asleep, shuri sporting a suspicious smile on her face and t’challa playfully rolling his eyes at his sister.
you looked up at him and smiled (even though his eyes refused to meet yours), excited and ready for what the day holds, more importantly, for what m’baku has planned.
part three soon 💜
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Warm Colors: Chapter 7
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SugarDaddy!M'Baku x Oshun(reader)
Summary: M’Baku takes you on a 2-week excursion to St. Lucia and feelings boil over.
Words: 4600+
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst 18+ only
Author’s Note: Sorry, I know it’s a long one. Let me know what you think!
Suggested Listening: Something Different by Adekunle Gold, Can’t Anymore by Shenseea, Indélébile by Yseult
Translations: uthixokazi wam, uyamangalisa (my goddess, you’re amazing), sthandwa (my love), umntu (person), iyinto yam yonke (you are my everything), ukukhanya kobomi bam (light of my life)
Chapter 7
The Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles
M’Baku walked into the loft silently and placed his bag down by the door. The setting sun peered through the curtains on the windows and illuminated the dim room. His eyes closed and he let out a long sigh. This weight of emotion he had been carrying finally rolled off his shoulders as he opened his eyes and took in the surroundings of his second home. After a harrowing time in Jabariland, he only sought your comfort. On the flight over, he found himself anxious to get to you. Wanting, needing to have you in his arms; to hear the melodic tone of your voice as you speak. Finding solace in your being was something he had become accustomed to. But now, it was all he craved. It seemed that being away from you for even a day was too much after the two months he spent trying to instill a sense of security in his people after the coup. He wanted so desperately to make up for the lost time between you, but that was a power M’Baku knew he could never possess. 
The kitchen and living room were empty but he knew exactly where you’d be at this time. If there was one thing he had learned over the past six months he had known you, it was that you rose with the sun. And surely he’d find you behind a canvas as you always were. M’Baku followed the sounds of soft music dancing through the air and stopped just short of the source. He rested his towering frame against the doorframe of your art room when he saw you working, still in your pajamas. Not wanting to be a distraction, he watched you for a moment as you moved your hand up and down the canvas in a circular motion. Fragments of gold flew away with each movement; streaks of sunlight catching each piece and reflecting its light onto the walls. The cowrie shells in your braids clicked and clacked against one another as they sway across your back; this moment in time was one that he would cherish till the end of his days.
“Uthixokazi wam, uyamangalisa.” 
You looked over your shoulder to see the gentle giant smiling at you, his cute little gap on display. Rubbing your hands together to rid them of the excess gold flakes, you stood up and walked over to hug his waist. 
“I missed you,” you muttered into his chest. He rubbed your back and chuckled.
“I told you I’d return in a day's time, sthandwa. Show me what you’ve made.” 
Leading him by his hand, you positioned him in front of the canvas resting on your easel. A twilight-skinned woman with stars for freckles held her palms together over her chest and golden adornments sat upon her chest and wrists; a golden halo surrounded her. It was your first commission and it felt so good to finally be done with it. You watched as M’Baku’s hand traced the edges of the painting slowly. 
“You’re torturing me, Emby. Tell me what you think.”
“I think..,” M’Baku trailed off. “I think I must have it.”
“What? No, this is a commission that someone paid for! You can’t just have it,” you chuckled as his face turned from wonder to annoyance. 
“Nonsense. How much did this umntu pay you? I have $10,000 American dollars in my bag, surely that will be suitable!” You couldn’t help the bubbling laughter that was spilling out of you. You were aware that M’Baku was as serious as could be but his face when you told him ‘no’ was priceless. Giggles echoed through the room and you could tell he was taking none of your shit. 
“I can’t, daddy. But I will make a painting just for you. Wait, why do you have so much cash on your person?” The question came out as a shout and he shook his head at you, waving off your concerns.
“We have a flight soon. Are you packed?”
“Yes, my bags are on the bed,” you noted, picking up a drop sheet, “Can I ask where we’re going?”  
“Of course. We are going to St. Lucia for two weeks,” he smiled, holding the other end of the drop sheet and helping you cover your masterpiece. He laughed when your face lit up at the mention of the destination. Your excitement always pleased him.
“Two whole weeks? Someone must miss me.” 
“I don’t know what you speak of, Oshun.” He shrugged his shoulders and you chuckled, lightly hitting his thick abdomen. 
“You play too much.”
“Come. Knowing you, you most likely ran to this room at first light rather than having any sustenance. I will make us something to carry us through the journey,” he muttered, shaking his head in disapproval. 
“You’re always trying to feed me. ‘Baku, you don’t have to-”
“Hush. Let me care for you.” M’Baku’s hands squeezed your shoulders gently and he leaned down to press a kiss onto your temple. You could only smile as words left your mind and you followed him to the kitchen. 
Kalinago Beach, St. Lucia, Caribbean
The island was lush with mountainous greenery and the sweet sounds of technicolored birds speaking to each other in the trees. It was the most beautiful place you had seen and also the hottest. The sweltering heat made you thankful for the protective style you asked Meg to put in last week. But the view of the Kalinago Beach resort made you forget the heat as you walked hand in hand with M’Baku. The resort was nestled between the two towering dormant volcanoes and had clear, crystal-blue waves crashing upon the private beach. 
This resort had been at the top of your list for a long time. It was the only resort in St. Lucia that was owned by descendants of the slaves that worked on the sugar plantation that stood here years ago. When you first told M’Baku you wanted to go there, you made it known that you only wanted him to spend money at Black Saint Lucian-owned places. St. Lucia’s history was tainted with France’s colonial bullshit, but you still wanted to see it. You were eager to see everything the island had to offer. Where would you go first? Embark on the Chocolate Heritage Tour? Experience the Diamond Falls? Maybe visit the bird sanctuary? You couldn’t make up your mind but before you could do anything, you’d need to rid yourself of your luggage. 
Once you stepped onto the checkered floor of the lobby, M’Baku instructed you to sit whilst he checked in. You sat under a palm leaf-shaped fan and your eyes wandered until you caught sight of a gift shop in the corner. The trinkets and oddities that filled the windows piqued your interest and yet, you did not leave your seat. After all, he did tell you to rest. 
“I’m so sorry, sir. Your room isn’t ready yet. We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.” 
“Hmm, are there no other rooms available?” 
The woman’s thick accent was all you knew of her as M’Baku’s height was blocking any view of her. You shifted in your seat and fully turned your body to peek into the shop. A film camera sat in the window and felt that familiar tingle of inspiration calling you to it. It was a new medium but you’d welcome the challenge. You turned back to see that M’Baku was still preoccupied.
“We have a couple of beach bungalows available but they are expensi-” 
“Money is no object. How quickly can you have our things moved there?” You shook your head in amusement at M’Baku’s antics with the check-in clerk. How he came into such money was a question that never left your mind, but you wouldn’t dare ask him. Why ruin a good thing?
You stood from your seat and as your curiosity got the best of you, you waltzed over into the gift shop. Name keychains, sunglasses, and chocolate bars filled the stands of the shop. But only one vintage camera sat on the checkout stand. Making quick about asking your questions, you decided to purchase it. There were so many ideas you wanted to fulfill through the lens of this camera and you couldn’t wait to use up all of the film the gift shop could sell you. Just as you began to pull out your card to pay, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your whole body froze up when you heard his voice. 
“I was just paying for-”
“Paying for what,” M’Baku grunted, pulling cash out of his pocket, “I will not have it. Surely you know better than that.” 
He handed the clerk the money and squeezed your hips and belly, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. You rolled your eyes playfully but relished in his touch. 
“Newlyweds? We get a lot of them here,” the clerk cleared his throat, securing the camera in wrapping paper before putting it in the bag. 
“Something like that,” M’Baku answered, smiling down at you as he grabbed the bag. You couldn’t help the grin at his infectious smile. 
The Beach Bungalow
This is luxury. That was all you could think of while the ‘lifestyle assistant’, Georgie, assigned to your bungalow guided you and M’Baku to your home for the next two weeks. The walkway was shaded by towering greenery with peaks of light and small glimpses of the pitons peeking through. The bungalow was slightly secluded and right on the beach, with a wading pool on the side and a sitting patio around back. The hushed tones of the crashing waves could be heard from your front door and you wondered how you would be able to leave once your baecation was over. 
“Here are your door keys. Should you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me from the bungalow’s iPad.” You whispered a thank you and walked into the living room while M’Baku helped bring in the luggage.
You placed your sandals in the corner of the foyer and set off to explore your new digs. The dark wooden floors were cool beneath your feet and set a stark contrast to the white walls of the residence. The same palm leaf fans from the lobby made an appearance in the living room and hall. Pictures of modern art lined the walls. The decor was simple but beautiful. 
Once you opened the door to the primary bedroom, you found it littered with gifts. Christian Louboutin boxes on the floor and the easily recognizable blue coloring of the Tiffany boxes on the bed. Stunned, you walked over and swiped your hand over the bows, feeling the ribbons against your palm. A pop of red caught your eye and you turned to see giant bouquets of red roses on the dresser. You stood in awe, holding your hands to your cheeks. You had never seen so many gifts at once. Thoughts of whether or not you deserved all these gifts flashed in your mind and you shooed them away, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Doubt would not get the best of you now. You wanted to savor this moment of pure bliss. 
“That look on your face is one I will keep with me for my darkest days,” M’Baku cooed, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Emby, there’s so much. Why all the gifts?” 
“I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me, enhle. But if you don’t want the gifts…” He trailed off, chuckling at the look on your face.
“You know I want them!” 
“Then open one so that I can put this old tech to good use.” 
You shook your head at him as he unwrapped your film camera. You chose a large Tiffany gift bag and flung the tissue paper out of the way. Underneath all the wrapping sat a pink leather crossbody bag with a heart pendant. ‘Please Return To Tiffany & Co. New York’ was written on the front and a silver chain hung below it. Your eyes widened at the sight of it and you heard a click of the camera. 
“Open another one!” 
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You and M’Baku had spent an entire week exploring the island. He had created an all-encompassing itinerary full of adventurous activities that absolutely wore you out. Just today, you toured a reclaimed chocolate plantation and saw the most majestic waterfalls. You got into the water at your own pace as you had yet to learn how to even doggy-paddle. But M’Baku was slowly teaching you to swim and though you were a difficult student, he insisted to help you overcome the feat and finally learn. And who were you to say no? You loved being in his strong, burly arms and would jump at the chance to be in them once again. 
With every outing came the heat of the island. And the heat always resulted in M’Baku shedding layers to keep cool in the sun. It took everything in you to not want to run your hands up and down his sweat-glistened chest on your hike this morning. Or when you visited the cacao factory and watched him rip open a cacao pod with his bare hands, his biceps flexing and catching the attention of other women on the tour. Audible gasps sounded as another group thirsted over him, but you couldn’t care less. The lewd sounds he made when he sucked the flesh off of the seeds made your insides writhe and you swore that you could have creamed your shorts right then and there. But M’Baku, being the ever-observant man he was, immediately saw your body language and knew where your mind was; your thighs clasped together, biting your bottom lip and wringing out your hands. He knew exactly what was going on in that pretty little head of yours and had lectured you about ‘undressing him with your eyes’. Being a good sugar baby, you listened and nodded your head in agreeance. Yet, that didn’t stop you from ogling his 6’5 frame for the rest of the afternoon; hell, most of the photos you had taken on your new film camera were of him. Or of you on top of him.
That night, you and M’Baku had dinner plans at a Saint Lucian restaurant called Montie’s. The beautiful eatery sat on the beach covered with palm fronds. When you walked up, a live band was performing on the open-air deck. The sounds of steel drums and rich tones of singing swam through the tables of people and your body couldn’t help but dance to the beat as the two of you walked hand in hand to your table. He pulled out your chair before taking his own and ordered drinks for the table. You clapped along with the rest of the patrons once the band finished their song and the waiter left to grab your refreshments. Turning your attention back to M’Baku, you caught him staring at you. Your face started to heat up under his gaze and you looked down at your hands, smiling. 
“What are you staring at ‘Baku?”
“I’m simply admiring the beauty on this island, thixokazi wam. Are you enjoying our time here?” 
You nodded, sighing in contentment. He pulled a red Cartier box out of his pocket and placed it on the table. 
“I have also enjoyed my time with you, Oshun,” he said, sliding the box to you, “you have truly filled my days with joy. Please, open it.”
Opening the box with slightly shaky hands, you found a small gold cowrie shell on a thin chain. The shells that were in your hair. You gently lifted it and watched it turn and shine in the light as it dangled. M’Baku stood from his seat to come behind you. After handing him the necklace, you lifted your hair to aid his view and he placed the chain around your neck; securing the clasp. His hands lingered at the nape of your neck before returning your shell-adorned braids to their original resting place. Your hand shot to your chest and felt the cold metal shell that had made its new home there. Now it was your turn to stare at him in wonderment as he returned to his seat. 
His smile lit up the room and for a moment, you felt as if the two of you were the only people in the world. The lights were bright but nothing could shine as he did. You had met M’Baku during your search for inspiration and understanding. But you had found so much more. He had become your muse in such a short span of time and in some ways, you became his. Somehow, this man sitting before you, that you barely knew, had stolen your heart; and you could only wonder if you had stolen his in return. Was his tenderness and affection a ploy of the contract that now guided your life? Or could it be something more? You desperately wanted it to be something more and prayed to someone, anyone, that Shellee wasn’t right. It wasn’t the trips, the gifts, or the allowance that kept you in his grasp. It was him. And as M’Baku sat there, smugly smiling, knowing he had you; you wanted him too. 
The waiter placing your chocolate martini in front of you brought you back to the present. Releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you wiped the singular tear that hadn’t noticed fall. 
“Did you not like it? Are you alright,” M’Baku questioned with worry overtaking his face. Leaning forward, you held his hand from across the table.
“No, I love it. I’m more than alright. This is- everything is perfect.” 
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After showering, all M’Baku mentioned was that all he wanted to do was rest after dinner. But you had other things in mind. 
You laid on the couch in your sleep dress with your head on M’Baku’s lap while he got lost in a book. Brown Sugar played on the tv but you found it hard to pay attention to the movie. His hand was rubbing your belly incessantly as he delved more into his story and you could only think about his hand being somewhere else. Shifting underneath his hand, you watched to see if he would somehow read your mind and do as you pleased. And still, his attention stayed on his book. With a small sigh, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Pulling his hand away from your stomach, you placed it on your chest, peering up at him to see how he’d respond. He offered you a quick glance before kneading your breast through the fabric. His book could not cover his smirk when he felt your nipple hard underneath his touch. But you needed more. 
You sat up with a huff and scooched back until you were seated in his lap. Pecking his lips, you trailed kisses down to his neck, softly biting and nipping at the sensitive area. A content hum left his lips as he continued to read, trying to ignore the uncomfortable strain against his pants as he hardened beneath you. Not letting up from his neck, you moved his free hand underneath your dress and pressed his hand onto your pussy. Desperation overtook your movements as you quickly spread your lips. He felt how wet you were and quickly moved his digits around your clit. 
“You just won’t leave me be will you?” M’Baku chuckled as you moaned ‘no’ and placed his book down. He held you close to his chest and you rested your cheek against his. 
“I know exactly what you need, sthandwa.”
He shoved three fingers into your soaking entrance and covered your moans with his lips. His kiss was intoxicating and you slid your tongue across his bottom lip, begging for him to grant you access. Pumping his fingers in and out of you, he pressed his thumb against your clit and you threw your head back in ecstasy. The action threw your body into hyper drive and you could feel your stomach tightening; steadily building a climax...
“Fuuuuuck, ‘Baku, please,” you whimpered. You were practically begging for release as his fingers fucked you dumb. The only thing that existed in your brain at this moment was the man beneath you, whispering praises into your ear. 
“Iyinto yam yonke. Ndiyakuthanda.” 
The more he spoke to you in his native tongue, the closer you were. His words felt like a spell he had cast to excise this vivacious coil tightening deep within you; to pleasure you beyond belief. And he was determined to help you release. 
He held you firmly as he felt your body seize up. One more stroke of his fingers and you were squirting into his hand. The build-up from all the exchanged lustful gazes and loving caresses of the trip was spilling out of you in waves. As your breathing slowed, you watched  M’Baku slide his fingers out of you and place them into his mouth, licking the taste of you off of his digits. The sight alone was enough to make you cum again and again.
“M’Baku,” you moaned, dragging out the last syllable in his name. He hooked his arm underneath your knees and stood, effortlessly carrying you as he walked towards the bedroom of the bungalow. 
“Keep moaning my name like that and we won’t leave this room for the rest of the week.” 
“I never get to see stars like this,” you whispered, leaning back into your patio chair; shimmering lights dancing across your vision. 
The sky was a black canvas and the stars were glittering against it like it was their last chance. M’Baku only hummed in accordance. He had been oddly quiet since you two had finished a third round in the primary room. It was out of character for him and you did your best to lighten the mood. 
“You talk to me in your mother tongue a lot. I can’t always remember the words but I remember some. What does ‘izo-kazi wam’ mean?”
M’Baku chuckled and you felt a tinge of embarrassment hearing the words come out of your mouth. You were sure you just butchered the hell out of whatever you just said.
“Thixokazi wam,” he corrected, moving his chair closer to yours, “means ‘my goddess’. And that is what you are to me, a goddess.” A blush made its way to your face and now you were even more curious.
“What about sthandwa, does it mean like baby or something?”
“It means ‘my love’.” He placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed it, sending a chill through your body.
“Okay, one more. On the couch earlier, you said something, I know this going to sound horrible. Uh, ndi-ya-ku-thanda?” 
M’Baku turned his whole body toward you and sat there with his mouth agape before closing and opening once more; had you butchered it that badly?
“It means ‘I love you’, Oshun.” 
Your heart skipped a couple of beats as it sounded loudly in your ears. Looking at the man next to you, you sat there in bewilderment. He took your hand into his and brought it up to his face, placing the sweetest kiss over your knuckles. Tears began to stream down your cheeks as you watched him intently. 
“Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done, sthandwa. I love you with all my being. Please, omncinci, please tell me you love me as well.” 
Standing from your chair you watched as he held his arms out to you, welcoming you in. You fell into him and took what felt like your first breath in months. The shoulder of his shirt was soon becoming soaked from your endless tears but you couldn’t help it. The light of your life just professed his love to you and was awaiting a response. 
“I love you too! I was so afraid to tell you,” you sighed into him. M’Baku rubbed large circles into your back, soothing your soft cries.
“Don’t ever be afraid to tell me how you feel. I want to know your thoughts, always.” 
You sat like that for a few minutes. Wrapped in the embrace of a man that had fallen in love with you, under the stars on an island that you could never have imagined you would be able to visit. 
“Wait, so what happens to the contract? It’s done, right? Are you moving in full-time?” Your excited questions were met with silence and you sat up to look at his face; to search for answers in his eyes when his mouth had yet to answer. 
“The contract would have to be in place for as long as you would have me. With my company, in my home country, I cannot commit to a relationship because of it. But, enhle, when I saw you for the first time I knew that I needed you in my life which is why I pursued the contract,” M’Baku trailed off, watching you stand from his lap. 
“But why does your company have anything to do with us? That doesn’t make sense, what aren’t you telling me,” you questioned in confusion. 
“This is all I can give. I could not… I cannot give you the loving relationship you desire. The one you deserve. It cannot be enough.” 
You held his large face in your hands and wiped away the tear that had escaped from his eye. 
“It will, I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. Everything will be okay. We can just keep the contract.” Your words spilled out in nervous haste as the tears began to stream again. M’Baku brought his hands to hold yours. 
“Ukukhanya kobomi bam, how long will it be enough?” 
You couldn’t answer. You didn’t know how long this contract would be enough to satisfy you after the confession he’d just made. How could he expect you to respond? You could lie to yourself. But after looking into his eyes once more, you knew you couldn’t lie to him. 
“Do not rush yourself. We can speak more about this in the morning. Come.” 
The next morning, M’Baku stirred awake and felt around the bed for you, wanting to pull you in close and lull himself back to sleep. But when he couldn’t find you by touch, he opened his eyes to find an empty side of the bed. He sat up slowly, stretching his wide arms with a yawn. Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, he slipped on his shorts and got up to find you. 
After checking every inch of the bungalow, he looked out past the porch and saw you sitting near the soft waves of the beach. He walked over and sat down in the sand next to you silently, not wanting to disturb your thoughts. You immediately reached for his hand and he intertwined his large hand with yours. 
“I think you’re right,” you whisper with a quivering voice, “I think I deserve something more. I didn’t want you to be right.” 
Wrapping his arm around you, M’Baku pulled you closer, allowing you to cry into him. He recognized that this may be the last time he gets to hold you; there was so much he wanted to say, but he settled on silence. Words could not change the outcome. Not this time.
Taglist: @great-neckpectations@babybluepeaches@muse-of-mbaku@melaninmarvel@ashanti-notthesinger@naturallyqueenie@howtoshuckatlife@tgigoldie@archivistofwakanda@alexundefined@minyara-kun@destinio1@siriuslycollinss@raysunshine78 @madamslayyy @notdsg@ghostfacekill-monger@soufcakmistress@greennightspider@bitchacho25@elaindeereads@whatthefuckbilly143@jordanhelah@puremolasses@ajspencer1892@wakanda4everinthisbitch@monochrome-pineapple@psuedo4@bubblyqueen​ @chaneajoyyy@blowmymbackout @tchallasbabymama @bellabiachi
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sisterwifeudaku · 6 years
King’s Trip
T’Challa , M’Baku, Redeemed! Erik
Warning: Mention of death, slight cursing
Word count: 1,914+ words
Note: This is part one to a fandom collab started by @royallyprincesslilly !! @blackandfair I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
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"I'm just asking you both the same question I did in family counseling...how are you two going to run Wakanda if you can not get along?" The therapist posed the question making the cousins sit back and digest what was said.
A technique that they had learned during one of their many sessions. Erik was the first to speak up and voice his opinion.
"You right Iyanla. We gotta do better in order to be better for all these nigg- the citizens of Wakanda".
The therapist, actually named Fundiswa laughed lightly at the joke Erik threw her way. After knowing her and sharing his darkest secrets with the woman he felt comfortable enough to crack a little joke here and there. At first she thought he just didn't want to say her name but he later explained why he called her that, "she fixes and saves lives and that's what you're doing. I never had anyone to talk about my feelings with", so you gladly excepted it as a way of him showing that he cares.
T'Challa looked at his cousin and smiled. He had witnessed him battle with his demons from the moment he stepped foot on Wakanda soil and he had come so far.
"My dear cousin you have taken the words out of my mouth. I agree we must do this for not only our Citizens but ourselves as well" the two slapped hands as they sat on the couch.
"Great! Now if I recall M'Baku was a problem for you N'Jadaka correct?" The man nodded and ran a hand over his lowcut fade.
"Ok so why don't you two invite him and go on some type of trip perhaps? That way you can bond and talk about whatever issues that are bothering you." Fundiswa suggested. The royal family did group sessions as well as individual sessions which showed her that they all had secrets that they have yet to share with one another.
" So you saying we should have a guys trip?" Erik spoke rubbing his chin hairs.
"I like it. E it sounds very interesting." T'Challa spoke up before standing and looking at the time.
"Ms. Fundiswa thank you for this suggestion. We might need a How people say brocation-" T'Challa stated only to be cut off.
"Nigga I know you didn't just say brocation. We need a cooler name like Kingcation or some shit." Erik said as he stood up and stretched his limbs.
The two men bid the therapist farewell as they began to walk down the hall towards T'Challa's office.
"Inform Lord M'Baku that I would like to meet with him." T'Challa told his assistant as she nodded and ran off to do what she was told.
"Thank you" he yelled out as she sped walked down the long hallway.
The following day the Royal Family stood waiting for the Great Gorilla to exit the vibranium ship. Being the man that he is, M'Baku chose to make a grand entrance having his soldiers chant and bang on drums.
Shuri and Queen Mother looked at one another with questioning gazes before looking to T'Challa whose face held a smirk as his hands stayed behind his back.
"Brother why is it that every time Lord M'Baku comes to the palace he does something this extra?"
"Well princess" a beat "I am a big man and a big man deserves an even bigger entrance" M'Baku answered walking on the rose petals that were thrown at his feet.
As the large man greeted the Udaku family he stopped at Erik.
"Outsider" he stated with a small nod.
"Mr.T" Erik stated back curtly
Before M'Baku could say anything else T'Challa stepped in and began to talk.
"Before the two of you start to argue let us talk in my office"
Once they made it to the room the two male's bodies possessed the seats on the opposite side of the vibranium desk facing the King. It was quiet as he observed the two in front of him. Sure he had his issues with them both but after a year of therapy and coming to terms with everything that had transpired since he became the king he learned to let go of any and all animosity towards them, mostly his cousin.
"M'Baku" a beat " For years you have been voicing your opinion on how we run things here and once you decided to no longer isolate your people from the rest of us I noticed the hostility towards others." The king spoke as he sat back in his seat.
"Well we believe now that in order for us all to move forward we must put the ill feelings aside. And what better way than to learn more about one another"
"That is not the worst idea I have heard but why is he here" M'Baku asked, pointing to Erik who sat beside him mugging him.
"He is here because he will be learning more about us and vice versa" he responded in a matter of fact tone.
"I see" a few seconds passed before he finished his statement.
"You make a valid point. A true warrior and king must put his feelings to the side and focus on his people". It was silent before he spoke up again.
"So how exactly are we going to do this?"
"N'Jadaka go on and tell him" T'Challa spoke. He had no time to plan anything with his busy schedule so he gave Erik that task along with his trust to ensure that he would make the right decisions for the mini vacation.
"Ok so peep this shit" the man stated as he stood up and clapped his hands.
"So we going on a lil kingcation for 10 days. Starting off in Cali for numerous reasons" he stated before bringing in a chart and laser pointer.
" To show you all where I'm from, California knows how to party, and lastly we can do something at the outreach center so it's not just all play" he listed off folding his arms once he was complete.
"I for one find that to be a good plan. Count me in cousin" the king stated pulling at his father's necklace.
"Perhaps I can attend. Just keep Agent Ross' people away from me" M'Baku stated.
"So that settles it huh? Kings take LA" Erik stated with a smile. He missed home just a little. It wasn't better than Wakanda but it was all he knew for so long.
"Kings take Los Angeles" T'Challa and M'Baku reiterated before M'Baku started to bark.
Here all three of them were walking off the ship with the a decent amount of Dora Milaje and Jabari warriors for protection walking into the outreach center in California.
"Better to get it over with now than to wait until I get you two fucked up off the Henny" Erik said when in reality he just wanted to see the place where his father took his last breath.
The whole time T'Challa showed the two around Erik's mind was racing and when they got to the exact area of where the worst day of his life had happened so did his heartbeat.
He stood there in the entrance as everyone else piled into the room reliving the tragedy.
His chest got tight as he looked over at his cousin who had been trying to get his attention for the last few minutes.
"N'Jadaka what is wrong?" T'Challa questioned as he observed his odd behavior before it clicked in his mind. This must be where his father, T'Chaka, had taken the life of his own baby brother. 
"This is where I became an orphan. Where I saw my father laying in a pool of his own blood." He spoke up as the room fell silent and he continued. He didn’t want to keep talking about the issue but the large range of emotion he felt at the moment made him just blurt everything out. Perhaps it’s what he needed.
"Sometimes Iay awake at night thinking about that day. What time I woke up to my father making me breakfast, he hated cereal and refused to let me eat it. And how we watched Saturday morning cartoons together before he sent me to get dressed and play outside with some kids from the building. That night he let me stay out a little later since Uncle Ja- Zuri came over to talk to him. I was usually asleep when this happened but this time he let me play. I always think of that day and how I wish I was in my bedroom. That way he could have killed me too, taken me with him, or I could have protected my daddy since nobody else would" by the end of his little speech everyone had a sympathetic look on their face and some were even wiping tears.
He didn’t feel completely better but it was a start. He had explained his sorrow infront of his cousin one time and that was when he took the throne in ritual combat. Yet this was the first time Erik noticed how the king and his people cringed at the thought of the previous King’s actions.
"Shit coulda been different man" he spoke before a few tears fell from his eyes. T'Challa looked at him before wrapping an arm around his shoulders leading him to a corner so they could talk.
" I know you are in pain now and this pain may never end but you must know your baba is no longer suffering. I too have lost my baba to a senseless act of violence but I know I must keep moving on, it is fine to cry and express that pain but life must still go on" he spoke as he rubbed his cousin's back.
"N'Jadaka" M'Baku spoke as he made his way towards them.
"I am sorry if I interrupted however I just wanted to give you my condolences. No child should have to go through what you have went through. I don't want you to take this as pity but you have earned my respect sir. You dealt with that tragedy and still managed to live on"
"Good looks man. 'preciate it" he said extending his right hand for a handshake.
"You know what you a ok nigga" Erik responded as they dapped one another up.
"Aye T y'all niggas got a kitchen in here. Crying made a G hungry as hell" he spoke making some of the employees of the center laugh.
"I believe so. Follow me" the king said leading the group towards the cafeteria area.
"Aweee shit is that fried chicken" Erik said as he looked at the kids plate when they walked past.
On his way to get himself a plate Erik saw a speaker and auxiliary cable sitting on a vacant table. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and connected it to the speaker.
All of a sudden the children jumped up to dance as Tupac Shakur's "California Love" blared through the area. "Now let me welcome everybody to the wild Wild West a state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness" the kids and the adults screamed as they jumped and danced. Erik smiled at the sight of people enjoying life. The place he dreaded and felt unsafe in was a place these people loved and felt safe. The place that took so much from him gave so much to the community. It provides education, jobs, sports, and a place for families to prosper. He could deal with his demons if it meant less problems for the youth to endure.
"So how do you like it N'Jadaka?"
"Man T this shit is dope" he spoke before grabbing his tray.
"So you do not want to leave after we eat? You are fine here today?" M'Baku asked raising his brow.
"I'm a hunnid man we can chill out here. They lit" he responded with a genuine smile watching the kids.
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mbakusthrone · 6 years
Fever Pt. 4 [M’Baku x Reader]
Summary: They do the freaky deaky y’all
A/N: For some reason Tumblr will not let me tag people so I’ve just been messaging the people who have asked to be tagged, thank you again for the support! Also my first smut, feel free to give me some pointers
Warnings: Smut
“I can DO it.”
You looked and sounded like a child, pouting as your husband held your arm to help you out of your hospital bed despite your objections. M’Baku gingerly kept you balanced as you slowly moved your trembling legs out of bed. Apparently, the poison had attacked your nervous system, and you would be, as Shuri put it, “wobbly” for the next few days. Admittedly, wobbly was the perfect word. Your legs shook like a newborn fawn as you tried to balance yourself on your brand new vibranium cane. The cane was sleek and thin, with bright blue designs woven around it. You kind of liked it, even if it did make you look like an old woman. You took a practice step towards the door, where T’Challa and Okoye stood outside, waiting for you to get dressed with complimentary clothes. M’Baku hadn’t let you do that by yourself either. Your leg trembled and almost gave out, M’Baku lurched towards you, hands wavering around your body, ready to catch you at any time. You shot him a look, but he didn’t take a step back. The next few days were definitely going to get on your nerves.
“I haven’t had this attitude from you since our first month of marriage.” M’Baku grunted. He covered it up with a tight smile, but you could tell you were taking a toll on him. You sighed.
“I’m sorry, my head is still pounding no matter how many drugs Shuri pumps into me, my skin feels so sensitive it hurts to exist, on top of that I can’t even walk...I’m just...” You didn’t need to find the words as M’Baku reached down and picked you up bridal style. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, M’Baku leaned and kissed you softly, at first, then as if someone had lit a fire within him, he was kissing you deeply, taking in a sharp intake of breath as he selfishly took your lips. And just like that, he pulled away, leaving you both breathless and with the alarming reminder that you hadn’t had sex with each other in at least four days. A record.
“Is it a coincidence that I keep walking in on this or do you guys just do this all the time.” Shuri skipped into the room, followed by an awkward looking T’Challa and Okoye.
“Sorry to interrupt,” T’Challa started, “but we’ve set up a suite for you in the palace. I think it’s best you stay here until we figure out our next move.”
You shook your head.
“We can’t stay here, our people need us. I don’t think anyone even knows that I’m alive!”
“We’d like to keep it that way, let’s stay low, maybe wait for the perpetrator’s next move.”
M’Baku grunted.
“The next move could be another poisoning! What if the next move is to attack the Jabari? What if the plan was to get rid of us the whole time?”
“You don’t know if the criminal is someone in or out of the village,” Okoye pointed out, “Y/N is still sick. Rest here until she gets better. Keep going over the day in your brain, if you think of something, let us know.”
Clearly, it was an order. Something your husband wasn’t too keen on. You looked up at him, he was awaiting your decision.
“We’ll stay here, at least until I can walk. Then we’re going back.”
“Excellent,” T’Challa said, he took a step forward and placed a hand on M’Baku’s arm, “You are still apart of Wakanda. An attack on you is an attack on all of us. We will find who did this. They will be punished.”
Slowly, M’Baku nodded.
“I trust you,” your husband said lowly, “for now. Before we leave, I need to speak with you.” He said to Shuri. Unsure, Shuri nodded.
The palace suite was...different. In the middle of the room was a canopy bed topped with frilly, doily blankets and pillows that were a deep, purple. Thin, lilac curtains hung around the bed. The carpet was purple. The doors were purple. The window curtains were...green? There was no Jabari wood, no fur, no warm lighting from bedroom lamps. It wasn’t home.
It took some convincing for your husband to finally let you alone in the bathroom, when you saw yourself in the mirror, you jumped back.
You looked like you had died on that night, your under eyes dark enough to look like someone had punched you in the face. Your skin and lips were ashy, hair dried out and frizzled.
You looked dusty.
Your husband had seen you like this? Had kissed you like this?
You turned on the shower and with wobbly steps, entered the amazingly hot water. A hard knock came at the bathroom door.
“Do you need help? Can you stand?”
You ignored your husband.
When you left the bathroom, a soft purple towel wrapped around yourself, M’Baku was standing at the window, his back facing you. Sometimes you forget how tall he is, him actually having to bend his head down to see out the window. He was so...thick. His back muscles were taut and rippled even as he stood still. His Herculean arms hanging all the way below his waist. In his left hand were a pair of purple night clothes that he was waiting to dress you in. His massive legs stood at an impossible flex. He was a powerhouse, a big brick wall. And still the biggest softie. For you anyway.
“M’Baku?” You said softly, taking slow, careful steps towards him. He turned to you, and in two strides was already picking you up.
“These clothes feel, scratchy, but at least they’ll keep you warm. I hate everything here. It’s too loud, too pretentious.”
You shook your head.
“I don’t want the clothes, the towel is plenty. Just put me on the bed.” You were tired, exhausted, sleepy. All of the above. Life was coming at you in a million different directions. For now you just wanted to be in bed with your man. Even if it wasn’t your bed.
M’Baku slowly settled you on the bed, your body almost being swallowed by the amount of blankets. M’Baku crawled in beside you, and placed a heavy arm over you. Still protecting, even now.
“I can’t believe I almost lost you.” He whispered, his deep voice floating in the dim light.
“You still have me,” you whispered back. You reached out your arms and touched his skin, gently tugging on him. He followed your lead and moved closer, his leg moving in between yours and your forehead pressing against his chin, just the way you liked to sleep.
“I missed holding your body like this.”
You looked up and kissed him, hard. You had meant to do it softly, but all the built up emotions you had for the past few days seemed to spill out of you. M’Baku had been waiting for this, he deepened your kiss feverishly. You were greedy, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him so that he would roll on top of you. Your skin was still sensitive and your head was still pounding, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him. You just wanted M’Baku. M’Baku moved his lips to your neck and you whimpered, rubbing your hands around his smooth back and hugging him, trying to get as much of his skin on yours as possible. His need was already poking you in the stomach as he kissed your neck and collar bone. Everything about him was so...large. You reached down and told hold of him, slowly circling your hand around his tip. He groaned loudly, almost too loud. You laughed and shushed him, someone could hear you. Suddenly he sat up, and took your towel and unfolded it, revealing your naked body. He stared for a second, his eyes following the curve of your breasts, down to your stomach, around your thighs. He loved every curve, every stretch mark, every inch of your body and everything it came with.
Whatever clothes he was wearing were quickly thrown off the bed, and his mouth hungrily went to your breasts. You whimpered loudly as his tongue flicked and sucked on your nipple. You were quickly becoming wet. Sensing this, M’Baku pressed his thumb flat on your clit, causing your back to arch. His large thumb circled on your clitoris as he worked your nipples, a tight coil forming in your stomach already.
“Baby!” You sighed, it was all you could say while M’Baku turned you into a weeping mess, your body already on the fast track to an orgasm. A pressure was building fast at the bottom of your stomach, you pushed your hips into his hand.
“I won’t stop, Y/N, I won’t stop.” He breathed and took your lips again, this time his tongue pushing into your mouth. He started to move his thumb faster, and before you could take a breath, the coil snapped and you were coming. Your cries of pleasure filling the room.
There was no time to regroup, there never was, with M’Baku.
“I need to be inside you, right now.” M’Baku growled in your ear as he effortlessly pushed your legs wide apart and pressed his thick tip to your entrance. You dug your nails into his back and you both groaned in unison as he stretched you, his thickness delving inside of you slowly, one inch at a time. M’Baku wrapped his strong arms around you as he began thrusting, his tongue circling with yours as he groaned into your mouth. You two were so close, the sounds of his skin smacking against yours muffled by the blankets. My God, you missed him. You missed this. Somehow, you held him even closer and bit his shoulder, trying to anchor yourself down. It felt like he was fucking your entire body. M’Baku moaned in surprise of your bite and started thrusting harder, desperately in chase of his orgasm.
“C-come insi-ide m-me, baby,” you could hardly talk with how hard he was rocking your body, M’Baku’s grunts becomes louder and longer. With one hard stroke, he was coming inside you, slowly giving you baby thrusts as he filled you up.
Headache gone.
You collapsed under him, he almost collapsed on top of you, but hesitated then rolled beside you. You both sat there, breathing hard, eyes closed. You couldn’t move. You wouldn’t move. After a solid minute, he turned to you.
“NOW can I help you shower?”
You laughed, “Yes,” you breathed, “you can help me shower.”
That night, you dreamed of your wedding again. Still the same guests, the red trees, the ash falling from the sky, but something was different. YOU were different. Instead of a smile on your face, you were solemn. Your eyes were sunken in, hair falling in broken strands around your face. Blood pooling out of your eyes, nose, and lips. Poisoned.
You sat up in bed, breathing heavy from your dream. You looked around, it was daylight, maybe early morning. Next to you, the bed was empty, except for a small white note. {Went to fetch my Queen her breakfast and medicine, please don’t get poisoned until I return}. You rolled your eyes at M’Baku’s ill timed joke and flung the covers off of yourself, taking a shaky step out of bed. You couldn’t tell what you were shaking from, sickness or your husband. Either way, it was a struggle to get halfway to the bathroom. There was a knock on the door and you groaned. It had taken you all this time just to get halfway, there was no way you’d make it to the door.
“Come in,” you called, attempting to straighten yourself to stand normally.
The door opened and Shuri walked in, dressed head to toe in blue pajamas that had little black cats on them. Not cats...
“They’re baby Panthers!” Shuri answered, catching your stare, “Brother refused to wear his, even though I had them specially made.”
You laughed and beckoned her in.
“Good morning Princess, what can I do for you?”
Shuri sighed and walked to your bed, plopping herself down on them.
“I didn’t want to tell you this, with M’Baku around. But since I’ve finally got you alone, I wanted to confess, that I lied to you.”
You were taken aback.
“Lied? Lied about what?”
“Well, in your medical history, do you remember when you were a little girl, and you were in that accident?”
You pressed your hand to a small scar on your stomach. You were 7 at the time, shopping in the merchant tribe with your father. You were chasing a ball in the street when a street car hit you. It took a week in the hospital and a lot of stitches, but you turned out okay.
“What does that have to do with anything?” You questioned, giving her a wary look. Shuri was scaring you.
“On your record, it took 42 stitches to patch you up. 42 stitches, each woven with a small amount of vibranium.”
Patience was leaving you.
“Shuri, I know all this, why does this matter?”
“Okay! Well, those minuscule pieces of vibranium seemed to have, grown with you. They helped you survive, but I didn’t tell you earlier because...”
Shuri looked nervous. It made you nervous.
“Shuri, please look at me and tell me what I need to know.”
Shuri look at you with wide, curious eyes.
“Y/N, the vibranium was working so hard to keep you alive because, it was trying to keep another life alive as well.”
You looked at her, confused and dumbfounded.
“What are you saying?”
“Y/N, you’re pregnant.”
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vneuns · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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phenomenal1500 · 3 years
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