dudeshusband · 2 months
Title: My Heart Seems to Melt in Your Glance
Ship: Mike x Matt Helm (the next fic might also be this ship because i got an idea)
Words: 1.4k
Description: Mike finally gets that date they asked Matt for.
It was incredibly silly to Mike that this would be their first date. After everything they’d done with Matt Helm, this was their first actual date. They sighed as they applied their makeup, a much subtler look today than many of their other ones.
Matt was supposed to meet them at 7 o'clock. Whether Matt was a particularly punctual person was yet to be seen.
They powdered their face and inspected themselves a little too long in the mirror. They were worried tonight was the end of everything. Maybe tonight was when Matt decided this wasn't casual enough anymore or when he decided after a good long look that they weren't even pretty.
Mike didn't have too much time to stress because Matt was, very surprisingly, on time for their date.
He honked outside their house. Mike hurried out to meet him.
He gave them an appraising glance through the window. His gaze tended to linger. “You look very nice. Get in.”
“You’re on time,” Mike said.
“Why would I stand such a pretty thing up?” Matt asked flirtatiously.
Mike appreciated that he changed his habit of saying “girl”. He was oddly accommodating to them.
They rolled their eyes at him.
Mike got into Matt’s car, and slid across the seat. Matt’s car didn't have seatbelts.
He gave them a peck on the lips, then pulled back. He tasted faintly of what Mike thought was gin and orange juice. He smiled at them and asked, “Ready?”
They nodded. After Matt released the emergency brake and moved the stick into 1st, they were off. Eventually it was moved into 3rd.
At this point, Matt pulled a flask out of the glovebox and flipped it open. Mike gave him a disapproving glance.
He tilted his flask toward Mike. “Want some?”
“Someone in this car has to be sober and it’s not going to be the driver.”
“I haven't crashed yet.”
Matt grinned at them. His cheeks were always tinted slightly red and his eyes crinkled. Mike couldn't help but find him adorable.
Mike shoved him. “At least look at the road.”
“Road’s not as pretty.”
“The road is more important. You can look at me later.”
Reluctantly, Matt looked at the road ahead. Despite Matt usually driving tipsy, he never seemed to have any trouble with it. Mike felt more safe with him tipsy than they’d felt in some others’ cars when they were stone cold sober.
“Can we go to a drive-in?” Mike asked him as they approached one.
“With all the teenagers making out in cars?”
“No- well, yes, but I’ve never been.”
“No? No boy’s ever taken you?”
Mike smiled in a way that betrayed insecurity. “No guy’s taken me anywhere. Besides you. You know that.”
If Matt ever showed pity, that’s the look he had now. “You picked a hell of a guy to start with.”
Mike took this opportunity to lighten the mood. “That’s not how that happened and you know it.”
They booped the tip of his nose playfully.
He grinned wolfishly, possibly replaying their first night together in his mind. “No. That’s not how it happened. But you could've told me to shove it.”
Mike laughed. “About how many people have told you to shove it?”
Matt considered this as he pulled into the drive-in theater. “Not a lot, I guess. Doesn't mean you couldn't have.”
“I didn't want to,” Mike said plainly. “I know that, you know that. I won’t lie and pretend I wasn't interested. That I’m not still interested. Even with how annoying you are.”
Matt knew they didn't mean that at all. Mike didn't have to take into account his playful grin or the pinch he gave their hip to know.
The gentleman who gave them their speaker gave them a strange look but said nothing except “enjoy your movie.”
“What was his problem?” Matt asked.
“I think he was trying to figure whether you’re my father or if we’re going together.”
“Your father?” Matt said incredulously. “Don't hurt my pride.”
Matt had crows feet, laugh lines, and graying hair. Mike liked all of these things but knew how they compared to Mike’s youthful appearance.
“You were almost twice my age when we met.”
“It’s only natural for a man to want a younger woman. Why are you after an older man? It sure isn't my maturity.”
Mike snorted. “Definitely not. I'm more mature than you.”
“Why then?”
Mike shrugged. “You’re attractive. You’re funny. You’re not bad in bed. Despite being a louse, you're charming.”
Matt grinned, and returned, “You’re sexy, for a nerd.”
“If it’s a bimbo you want, get to stepping.”
Matt waved one of his large hands. “Eh, I could find 10 of ‘em tomorrow.”
They shrugged. “You could find 10 of me just as easily.”
Matt smiled. “A girl who doesn't annoy me? That’s not so easy.”
That shouldn't have been flattering but Mike found it flattering anyway.
“Maybe that’s exactly why you like me. I’m not a man so you find me attractive but I’m not a woman so I don't annoy you.”
“Could be,” Matt looked up at the sheet where the movie would be projected. “What are we watching, anyway?”
“No idea. I didn't come for the movie.”
“Did you come to make out in this car like a couple of teenagers?” he teased.
Mike turned down the speaker. “No, I told you I came to talk. A real date.”
“What do you want to know?” Matt asked. “Name’s Matt Helm. I work for the government at I.C.E, which if anybody asks you, doesn't exist. I work for Slaymate magazine on the side. Tell anybody you like about that. I like taking pictures. I’m single. I never want to be married. I’m 6 feet, 165 pounds. I love booze but I don’t like bourbon. Want my codename?”
Mike laughed. “I already know that, Eric.”
“You could be very useful to Big O, you know that?”
Mike feigned a gasp. “That’s why you keep me around! You accidentally told me too much. I might leak government secrets.”
Matt gave them a mock hurt look. “You’re giving me too little credit, sweetheart. I never tell anybody anything by accident.”
Huh. There was something there. Something suspicious.
Mike furrowed their brows. “Why tell me on purpose?”
Matt shrugged nonchalantly. “I figured if you were coming around enough, you should know. Might put your life in danger.”
“You care about my life being in danger?”
Matt turned and gave them as serious a look as Matt Helm ever had. “I’m not a bad guy, Mike. I don't like seeing people hurt for no reason, especially not on my account.”
With all their jesting, Mike never thought that Matt was a bad person. Matt was a lot of things but not evil.
“I know that. You’re a good person when you get the chance. I didn't mean to say you’d trade me to the devil for a corn chip, Matt. I’ve seen the way you protect civilians. You wouldn't risk me even if you hated me.”
“I don't hate you,” he said.
But do you like me? Mike wondered.
“I know you don't.”
The pair actually started to watch the movie. It happened to be some cheesy romance flick. Even so, it was better than the strange tension in Matt’s car.
Soon the movie was over, and Matt drove them home. Not much was said on the way.
Matt pulled up to Mike’s house and stopped. Matt kissed them goodbye when he turned off the car.
Matt felt up Mike’s thigh. They laughed and swatted his hand.
He leaned into their ear. “You sure I can't come in?”
“Back off, you pest,” Mike joked.
“I had a nice time,” Matt said. It was one of the few sincere things Mike felt he had ever said to them. Mike was surprised considering how the conversation left off.
“Could you spend an evening just talking to me again?” Mike asked nervously.
“I think so. You’re pleasant company, sweetheart. I might keep you around longer.”
Might. He might. Mike didn't like the phrasing.
“I genuinely like you, Matt, I want you to know that.”
“You’re something else, Mike.”
Mike kissed him. “See you this weekend?”
“Only if I can wait that long.”
Mike’s heart leaped to their throat.
He stole another kiss. Mike had a difficult time leaving his car, but managed after a few more kisses and Matt’s squeezing their thigh.
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Illustration by M.H. de Sachy in the Mariani Album
French vintage postcard
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deadstarswalking · 2 years
are any of you guys homiesexual
... may i plead the fifth? - m.h.
i thi-think i am? i think men-n are... somethi-thing. - two!
please dont hurt me but i think youre in denial. also hey i like dudes - four.
Bisexual, but even that's debatable. - Davis / Five.
Of course I am. -6.
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teaspoonnebula · 2 months
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And here we see the exact moment when a young Mycroft Holmes thought "Oh stuff this" and decided to stop trying to solve mysteries and retreat to a life of chilling at his club and keeping records for the government.
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cruhxx · 1 year
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happy 4/13 get that elixir and jam it in your bloodstream
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monettsuki · 4 months
Love you to the end
Angell x fem!chief
Genre: Angst (with a happy ending kind of?)
Idk if this is good or not, obviously not proofread
Second AN: this is formulated so bad I might just rewrite it soon bye
When longing is a feeling that you can't shake off, even after she had left a long time ago.
You fed the goldfish once again, having provided them a much bigger aquarium, now lavishly decorated and having regular water changes as expected.
Turning on the record player that once belonged to a person now missing from your life, that once sat in the dimly lit bedroom that was always cluttered, where you tucked in someone that at first meant you harm but in the little time you had spent together she seemed to warm up to you, her cold exterior actually making her approachable.
Days are passing by, living this lie
Not knowing what we're looking for.
Gray, these walls are gray and there's no sky
There is no hope, there is no soar
I know somewhere there must be more
You started asking yourself what did you actually miss about her? What did you actually want from Angell? Was it love or just a comfortable feeling between two people that just got accustomed to having the other around and then missed their presence when they could no longer be around. You hoped for the day when Angell would be back and maybe then you'd share a bed, being in her arms and seeking out comfort for all these cold and sleepless nights you had spent dreaming of her, cooking red bean soup for her as the familiar song, always playing in her headphones would be heard.
A thought that maybe you had gone a bit insane while you had been with her appeared in your mind. How could you wish for closure with someone that had initially kidnapped you, and was about to hurt you in ways that could have put you in a coffin. Maybe there was a possibility that she would have attended the funeral, or there could've been a possibility for you to spend your night in the room that was always messy, in the same bed Angell found solace in and hoped for good dreams.
For you she was the good dream, the good dream that you experience only once and you always remember it as one of the best you've ever had. Sometimes you wished that she'd just show up out of nowhere, not to stay but just to visit, to see how you're feeling, maybe pat your back while she's at it for a job well done, not dying on her watch that is.
How have you become her sunshine in such a short amount of time? Maybe you could even drag her out of the abyssal sea she found herself in, having embraced death and became a version of it. But then she left her sunshine, and she was your moon, the moon that protected your nights and rested in your dreams, or watched over you with your head in your hands on restless nights,nights spent listening to the song that reminded you of her.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, you continued going on about your days as usual, trying to forget about Angell even if you dedicated your nights to her. Wanting to feel her presence again, to seek comfort for all these soulless nights you spent without being in her arms.
One rainy evening, a good decision seemed to be to take a long walk, maybe the rain and coldness of the nighttime would push away any thoughts of Angell that remained in your mind, something which you have been trying to do for a long time.
Fate seemed to have other plans that night, as when you found yourself on the ground with some gangsters that were after your head someone took care of them just like that. You could barely make out the silhouette of the one that stood in the shadow, yet recognising the blade held by that person right away. Jumping upwards, even if your limbs ached a little bit from the hits you got, ultimately making your way to touch the figure's shoulder.
In the end it was Angell, who had somehow become an angel that just saved you ,ending up again in her grasp after all this time although this time it was something that both parties seemed to want.
At this point both of you were soaked by the rain, hearing Angell let out a chuckle, picking up your umbrella as the two of you started walking in a comforting silence, reminiscent of the times when you both sat down on the couch which she always seemed to stay on before retreating to her room.
The walk back to your home was a daze, not even realising that you found yourself close to Angell, somehow having convinced her to stay for the night,finding yourself wrapping your arms tightly around her, knowing that the next morning the bed will be cold and empty, no remnant of her presence remaining. Not only was she holding you close to her, you realized she had kissed your cheek, the second sign of affection that she newly showed to you, it felt like she was confessing silently, something you had grown accustomed to for her to be silent, seemingly not liking to speak much.
She started humming a melody, one you had associated with her, as if to lull you to sleep, with no promise if she will stay, her fingers tangling into your hair, her chin on your head as she held you in a warm embrace, something you've never expected from her.
But the next morning you found yourself still in her arms, being held closely as you could feel her chest rising and falling, sitting up and making sure you didn't wake her up, because she needed a good night's rest, now watching her sleep and wanting to touch her, only to make sure that it wasn't all a dream.
Your wrist had been caught swiftly in a firm grip , Angell being wide awake now and hearing the familiar words that she had been resting her eyes, which was a complete lie. She let go of your wrist, her eyes being once again closed as you leaned down to kiss her forehead, something which prompted her to pull you back into her arms, mumbling something under her breath that she didn't want to get up yet.
This was a good dream for both of you it seemed, one that could be neverending if she just came with you.
Closing your eyes you decided to put that thought away, not wanting to disturb her good dream, which seemed to just be laying in bed with her former captive, now her sunshine, a sunshine that she had decided long ago to protect, even if she was something that couldn't be contained, both of you knew that maybe this could work out in some way. That if some effort was put into it.
Angell was now watching you intently after she had dragged your body back down next to hers, letting out a relaxed sigh, wishing to make this dream last forever. But to do that it meant that she had to make a sacrifice, and now it mattered how willing she was to do so.
Kissing the top of your head while restraining herself from kissing her cheeks again, or kissing your lips. She was asking herself how would it feel if she cupped your cheek and then closed the distance between your lips. Would you reciprocate the kiss? Was it something that would make you push her away or pull her in for more? But for now she only wishes to have you in her arms, for as long as humanly possible.
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thebeautifulbook · 4 months
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THE HEROES, OR GREEK FAIRY TALES FOR MY CHILDREN by Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875. (New York: Russell, 1901) Illustrrated by M.H. Squire & E. Mars .
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mzskaoz · 4 months
| M.H characters in the Sims |
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(Part 1)
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theories-of · 7 months
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Josiane M.H. Pozi living 3, 2023 Pastel on paper, 31 x 44.8 x 3.4 cm
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peabah · 11 months
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Josiane M.H. Pozi
living 3, 2023
Pastel on paper 31x44.8x3.4cm 121/4x175/8x13/8in Framed
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dudeshusband · 1 year
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"What am I supposed to do with it?" She asked. Her friend stared blankly in response. "I knew him so long that I had him totally memorized you know?  I knew how he liked his coffee and all the movies that could make him cry. I knew his favorite books and the ones he'd reread when he couldn't fall asleep at night. It's not like you forget those things when you stop talking to someone." She sighed.  "And I guess thats just how relationships are, but when I hear a song on the radio that I know he'd love. What am I supposed to do with that? "
m.h excerpts from a book i’ll never write #5
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deadstarswalking · 2 years
who let him in. i’m not complaining but he was... left out for a reason right. someone make a list of names or something so people don’t get lost.
wait. six runs the blog, right. like he’s the owner of it. hey.. um.. no, he’ll see this.
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psychicmisfortune · 1 year
You seemed pretty interested in the idea of an au ask blog and the poll said I should do it so do you wanna b tagged when it's done or smth?
omg YESS pls i love ur art n aus 🧡
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cruhxx · 1 year
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worm on string boa......
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triste-guillotine · 1 year
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CONDENADOS "El Camino de la Serpiente" CD 2023 (Finally a third album, six years after "The Tree of Death", still of an excellent breed of Occult Doom Metal from Chilean' Inferno)
"Prefiero cabalgar en mi caballo de acero Que escuchar tu puto sermón He recorrido universos enteros Más allá de la razón En mi vida sólo tengo enemigos Y todos quieren verme morir.
He practicado los rituales antiguos Ten cuidado si vienes a mi No soy oveja de ningún rebaño Yo sólo vivo para mi.
Cuando era niño yo sabía que un día este mundo se iba a acabar Por eso preparé mi alma y mi cuerpo para la guerra que vendrá No tengo tiempo para estupideces No tengo tiempo para tu religión No tengo tiempo para vivir la vida ¡ Sin ninguna pasión !
Prefiero cabalgar en mi caballo de acero Que escuchar tu puto sermón He recorrido universos enteros Más allá de la razón
He practicado los rituales antiguos Ten cuidado si vienes a mi No soy oveja de ningún rebaño Yo sólo vivo para ti."
El Camino de la Serpiente | Condenados (bandcamp.com)
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