#ma'am that is not a pun that is a whole-ass man
curiosityschild · 7 months
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Amphibiuary Day 25 - Clothes
An attempt at Beatrix Potter's Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Sir Isaac Newton. Because when I think of animals in clothes, I think of Beatrix Potter.
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yawnderu · 9 months
I'm a simple creature- I see requests are open, I sitters to the ask box.
Hello! Hope you're doing well! Time for my thots ( pun VERY much intended):
This is inspired by something @sky-is-the-limit posted, about how Kyle would absolutely be the kind of man to say "yes ma'am/sir/chef (I added that last part, lolll)". And I just...I'm short-circuiting. Imagine those gorgeous brown eyes staring into your soul as you ask him for a favor and he goes "yes ma'am" or "yes sir". Me personally? I'm getting him pregnant!
HIIII GOD YES, i'm getting this man pregnant the moment he says ''yes ma'am''. Absolutely knocked up. He's carrying my babies like a male seahorse. Whole 9 months. I'm there when he gives birth.
''Kyle!'' You call out, trying to focus on making lunch for one of the special times your boyfriend is home.
''Yeah?'' He steps into the kitchen, giving you a once-over with a small smile before his arms are wrapping around your waist from behind, planting gentle kisses all over your shoulder.
''Could you go to the store for me? I forgot to buy sauce and I don't want anything to burn.'' The hints of guilt you felt asking him to go out when he just got home completely disappear when you hear a chuckle from behind, Kyle finally letting go of you and giving your ass a soft pat.
''Yes ma'am.'' You know he's teasing you by the way he's grinning down at you when you turn around, prominent smile lines making him even more handsome.
''We're having a baby.'' You say it so bluntly he seems surprised for a second, dinner long forgotten as you drag him by the shirt to your shared bedroom.
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soybeantree · 4 years
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pairing: johnny x reader
genre/warning: fluff, magic!au
word count: 3k
description: you hated him. his stupid face smiling. his stupid charisma that would always woo the customers - of which you had no doubt was aided by the use of magic. his stupid cousin - that you actually adored and would kill to have him even notice you, but who continuously chose johnny over you for assistance. and most of all you hated how your lungs forgot their one job whenever he was within 5 feet of you.  
a/n: from the essem: rosemary by moonlight universe. not necessary to read that first, but some things may not make complete sense.
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"I'd like an iced caramel Frappuccino with low fat milk and a pump of pep. To go." The customer rattles off her order as she approaches the counter, never sparing you a greeting or even a glance. From her clean-cut bob to her khaki shorts and salmon button down, you know exactly how this conversation is going to go.
Contorting your cheeks into your best customer service smile and using your most pleasant tone, you inform her, "I'm sorry ma'am, but any drinks with magical add-ins must be consumed within the cafe."
Now, she glances at you, her wallet poised in her hand as her face falls into what you refer to as the entitled scowl. "Excuse me?"
“Any drinks with magical add-ins must be consumed within the café.” You repeat, despite the fact that you enunciated clearly the first time. To help with any possible confusion, you gesture to the bright golden script at the bottom of the menu which states the same.
The woman scoffs, and you inhale a deep, imperceptible breath. “Why?” Indignation laces the word and colors her cheeks red.
Many reasons. Most of which revolve around negligence and exploitation, but that explanation drags. Reminding yourself that you want this job and have jumped through hoops to get it, you dredge up every ounce of patience in your body. With a smile still in place, you say. “We strive to abide by the standards set forth within the Council’s Magical Charter. I would be more than happy to complete your order, but any drink with magical add-ins must be consumed on property.”
“I-“ You brace yourself for the entitled tirade, but the woman’s face melts into a bewildered smile. A glance over your shoulder reveals the reason. Johnny, your fellow barista, stands behind you, his cheeks pulled back by a swoon worthy grin. 
With a sigh, you step away from the counter and let Johnny work his magic. Quite literally. Johnny, like you, has the skill of enchantment. As a member of the Essem Family, he has had access to training and knowledge all his life. You on the other hand come from a no name family who has one grimoire passed down from generation to generation, and the two-page section on enchantment only works for curing melancholy. 
In moments, Johnny has the woman pacified with an iced caramel Frappuccino with low fat milk and no pump of pep, to go. She sends him another smile before she nearly collides with the door on her way out. After a giggle which Johnny echoes, she is gone, and you’re ready to vomit. 
"Did you add a shot of charm to your coffee this morning?" You ask as you resume your position.
Johnny flashes you a grin while raising a single smug eyebrow. "No, I'm just naturally this charming." You gag as you turn away which elicits a chuckle from him. “What, you don’t think I’m charming?”
“I think you are a talented witch.” You say as you reorganize your station. While leaning over the counter to schmooze the woman, Johnny managed to throw the entire place into disarray. You return the business cards to their holder and the pencils to their cup.
“You really think I’m using magic when I calm irritated customers?” 
A twang in his voice draws your attention back to him. Glancing over your shoulder, your stomach twists. For such a tall man, he can make himself appear so small. His shoulders hunch in as he fiddles with the ties on his apron. The posture throws his long bangs into his eyes, obscuring them from your scrutiny.
The answer to his question is “yes”, but the answer brews from a petty spite which you stoke every time Minseok, the café’s owner and the foremost expert on enchantment magic, chooses him as an assistant over you. The whole reason you strived for a position at the café was to become Minseok’s apprentice, but every day he chooses Johnny to help with his brews. While you enjoy blaming Johnny, you know the favoritism is due to the inclusiveness of the covens. After all, Johnny is Minseok’s cousin. 
“Since when do you care what I think? I thought I was just the hired help.” 
His head snaps up, the ties of his apron forgotten as he gazes into your eyes. The contact cools your spite, and it sours. Your stomach rolls at the discomfort, and you clear your throat and return to your reorganization.  
“Minseok doesn’t hire just anyone to help in the café.”
You know this. You badgered him for a job ever since Johnny told you about his cousin and his café. Minseok had been the sole employee for years after the café’s inception, hiring Johnny only when the café’s popularity grew. Eventually, the work became too much for the two of them, and rather than hire a qualified enchantment witch, Minseok had hired the girl with little-to-no skill who practically lived at the shop.
“Whatever.” You grumble as you throw another pencil into the holder. The force sends the jar spinning. It falls on its side spilling its contents across the counter. With a growl, you reach for the scattered pencils, but Johnny’s long arms reach around you. The pencils disappear into one hand as his other rights the holder before returning the contents. 
You duck out from under Johnny’s unintentional embrace, your cheeks burning. He has to be using his magic. You hold tight to this belief as you breathe to calm your racing heart. 
“Minseok likes having you here. You’re as detail oriented as he is.” Johnny nods to the front and back counters both of which have everything in their place and a place for everything. “I’m pretty certain you’re the only person in the world who understands his organizational method.”
“It’s not that hard. Ingredients are organized first by purchase date and then alphabetical. Supplies are..." You trail off as you catch sight of Johnny’s smirk out of the corner of your eye. “You really expect me not to think you’re using magic when you always seem to know exactly what to say to distract me?”
He shrugs, but his smirk only grows. “There are other reasons, I might know that.” Before you can question him further, the bell above the front door jingles. “Duty calls.” He tips his head to you before disappearing back into the brewing room. 
With a deep breath, you shove the conversation from your mind and rattle off the customary greeting as you turn to face the new customer. 
“Good morning, Y/N. How goes the grind?” You blink a moment as your brain registers that your cousin is here. She misses your confusion as she is too busy chuckling at her pun.
"It’s great. How goes your fruitless endeavor to start a school of magic?"
She scowls which brings a genuine smile to your face. "It's not fruitless. It's slow moving because covens are full of stuck up assholes who refuse to share their knowledge because of what? They're afraid it will diminish their power and their prestige. They need to get their heads out of their asses and think about how much better the world would be if we all worked together and shared our knowledge." 
This tirade is as familiar as the Entitled tirade. "And yet, you always get coffee at an Essem café?" You comment as you punch her order into the register.
"Minseok has the best coffee.” She hands you her card. “Everyone in the city knows that. Everyone in the world probably knows it too."
"But you're supporting the coven with the most stuck up assholes." You return the card to her.
"You're working at the coffee shop."
"But I don't have the same issues with them that you do." Not mostly at least. You would appreciate it if Minseok occasionally asked you back into the brewing room. 
She shrugs. “Did you place that order for here or to go?”
“To go?” You raise a brow. 
“I need it for here.”
“Why?” You stretch the word into two syllables. 
“Because I’m staying here.” Rolling your eyes, you adjust the order. "I'm supposed to be meeting up with Yuri." She explains as she checks her watch. "But, she's late as usual."
Your finger pauses above the register as you gawk at your cousin. "Yuri? As in the hedge-witch of the Stahn Family?"
"Yuri is much more than a hedge witch."
"Okay, whatever,” You hold up your hands, stopping whatever tirade she will surely start. “But she’s a Stahn and this is an Essem cafe?"
"Yes,” she crosses her arm, and there is no stopping this coming tirade. “Why is it so hard to understand what me and the Fantagios are trying to do? We want to create a world where people can see beyond their family covens and share knowledge for the benefit of the world."
Leaning forward, you shorten the distance between you and your cousin. The more heated she becomes the louder she gets. The customers have already started to side eye her, and the last thing you need is for Johnny and, especially, Minseok to hear her. "That's great and all. But your dream is not reality and you agreed to meet up with a Stahn on Essem territory. They're basically mortal enemies. This could end in bloodshed, and I could lose my job because I'm related to you."
"Calm down. Yuri wouldn't have agreed to meet here if she was worried for her safety."
You swallow your rebuttal as you hear the hinges of the brewing room door squeak. Your cousin’s eyes grow to the size of saucers, and you wonder why Minseok is delivering her coffee. He rarely leaves the brewing room, leaving all the deliveries to Johnny.
Minseok extends a mug to your cousin who whimpers a “thank you” as she takes it. She sips. Her cheeks flush, but whether that is due to Minseok or the heat of the coffee only your cousin knows. 
“Is it good?” Minseok’s question raises one of your brows. In the year and a half that you’ve been working for Minseok, you have never heard him ask a customer’s opinion of his work. Pink tinges the tips of his ears, and you have to refrain from pinching yourself. Maybe, this whole day has been a dream.
“It’s delicious.” Your cousin, the queen of social justice tirades, simpers.
The nausea from earlier returns as you suffer through the ensuing conversation. Despite your effort to tune it out, you hear Minseok comment on your cousin’s frequent visits to the café. She explains that you’re her cousin, which you wish she would have left out given what is about to happen, and that he makes the best coffee in the city. His whole ears brighten at the compliment, the red creeping into his cheeks. Surely, a customer is bound to come in soon and end this disgusting display of emotions.
“Y/N can keep you company while you wait.”
 Your name snaps your attention back to the conversation. You blink as you search your brain for the lead into the statement but find nothing. “What?”
 “I was telling Uko,” Your cousin must have introduced herself while you attempted disassociation, “that you can take your break early to wait with her.”
“Oh, I mean sure if you’re okay with that.” The look on Minseok’s face screams that he would be okay with anything that your cousin wanted. 
“Go ahead.” He motions for you to be on your way, and with a slight nod, you head into the brewing room which offers the exit into the main area.
Johnny, busy at a cauldron, eyes you as you walk past him and remove your apron. “Where are you going?”
“I’m taking my break.” You say with a shake of your head as you hang your apron on its hook.
A glance at the clock scrunches up Johnny’s face and puffs out his already large lips. “But, your break’s in an hour?”
“Listen,” you say, turning to face him completely. “I don’t know what I just witnessed out there.” You gesture to the door behind which you are certain the uncomfortable situation is continuing. “But, Minseok said go to break, so I am going to break.”
“What did you witness?” Johnny grabs a mortar and pestle from the counter and adds three pinches to his cauldron. A faint smell of strawberries wafts through the room bringing with it the image of sunlight fields and a gentle breeze. He’s brewing happiness. The ingredient he added was green. Was it an herb? A stone? A mixture of different things? “Y/N?”
“What?” Your mind snaps back to the moment as you remember that Johnny did ask a question. “Is your cousin dating anyone?” You ask rather than answer.
Johnny pauses mid-stir and stares at you. “No.” He draws out the word as he slowly starts to stir the cauldron counter clockwise. “Are you asking for a friend?”
Your eyes narrow at his tone. “No, I’m asking because he’s currently flirting with my cousin, and it’s gross.”
“What?!” His whole face lights up, and he nearly spills the cauldron in his haste to reach the door to the order counter. Sprinting across the room, you reach the door before he does and block it with your body.
“What are you doing?” You pant as your lungs struggle to refill.
“Our family, at least the cool people in our family, have a bet going that Minseok has a wife and two kids in hiding or that he is a celibate monk. I bet that he hasn’t found the right one. Now move, so I can prove I was right and win the bet.” He tries to shove you to the side, but you dig your heels in and refuse to budge. “Come on.” He whines, pulling his bottom lip up into a pout.
“If you want me to move, then you had better use your magic because this is already ridiculous enough.” Fortifying yourself for the oncoming attack, you blink in surprise when Johnny steps back with a shrug.
“I don’t need to. I can ask Minseok about it when he comes back here.” He returns to the cauldron. The potion has turned a putrid shade of green, and Johnny hisses as he tries to fix the problem. 
Staying would provide you valuable knowledge, but Minseok has yet to approve your assistance with the brewing. Staying also means you would witness the next installment of this non-thrilling saga.
Minseok and your cousin are still talking when you exit the brewing room into the main area. They probably haven’t even realized how long you’ve been gone or that their conversation was almost interrupted by an overly inquisitive mind.  
“There’s a free table over there.” You bust into the middle of a conversation about magical vs. non-magical cleaning products. 
“Right.” Your cousin looks to you, then back to Minseok. “It was very nice talking with you.” Her smile stretches across her face. “Maybe we could talk more later.”
Minseok’s smile is more subdued than your cousin’s, but it’s more than what you witness on a typical Tuesday. “Yes, I would like that.”
“Minseok.” Johnny’s head pops out of the brewing room. “I need your help with something.” The stench of rotten fruit leaks through the open door. Minseok mutters a quick apology before disappearing into the brewing room. 
You take a seat at the free table, a smug smile on your face. Your cousin is slower to take her seat, her smile still in place. “Is this really the first time you’ve met Minseok?” You ask when she finally settles in her seat.
“Yes,” she answers though her eyes remain on the brewing room door. “He had already graduated when I started high school. I heard about him from the upperclassmen, but they did not do him justice. He is one fine man.”
“Gross. Can you take your thirsty ass and get out of my place of work?”
“You work in a coffee shop, a place where thirsty people are literally supposed to come.” She quips back, finally glancing at you.
“Please, people don’t come to cafes because they’re thirsty. They come to work, socialize, or take aesthetic photos, and maybe sometimes for caffeine.” 
Before she can formulate a rebuttal, the bell above the front door jingles, and in walks the reason for your cousin’s visit. In your disgust, you had forgotten the threat to your job. Panic races through your veins as your attention shifts to the counter. You wish for all the luck in the world, but luck abandons you. Instead of Johnny coming to greet the new customer, Minseok emerges once again. Habit controls him as he smiles and gives the customary greeting. Only after the last word leaves his mouth does recognition register in his eyes. 
"Yuri." The name is a question and a greeting.
The hedge-witch tilts her head a fraction of a degree in the semblance of a nod. "Minseok." She returns the greeting. You wait - breath held, heart racing - for the coming altercation.
"Kyungsoo's been looking for you. He seems to be worried about something. Is everything okay?"
"You can mind your own damn business." She huffs, her arms crossing over her chest.
You flinch, but Minseok chuckles. "I'm merely a messenger."
"Well messenger, you can tell Kyungsoo - and please make this verbatim - 'I'm fine. Thank you. You can suck my dick'."
Minseok jots the message down on his guest check book, glancing up at Yuri when he finishes. "Anything else?"
"No, that's all."
"Would you like to order anything?"
"Hell, no. I'm here to meet with someone." She glances around the shop. 
You shrink down in your chair, hoping to avoid detection, but your cousin shreds that hope. She waves her hand, drawing both of their attention to you two. Minseok’s eyes rest on you for a moment before shifting to your cousin. 
Yuri returns the wave as she walks to your table. "Hey Uko, sorry I'm late. The potion needed to brew a little longer this morning than I anticipated. I blame this muggy weather. It's messing with everything I make. Is this your cousin?" She nods to you as she plunks into the last of the three chairs at your table. Uko nods her head. "Nice to meet you."
"You might not think it's so nice. She works here."
A hiss slips out as Yuri shakes her head. "Why must the young always be corrupted?"
"Don't worry. I might not have a job for much longer." You sigh as you push yourself out of your chair. "Breaks over. I’ll find out soon enough if I do or not."
"Minseok might be an Essem, but he's not going to fire you because you have a connection to me.” Yuri assures you. “If he does though, let me know and I'll kick his ass." Yuri grins, showing all of her teeth, and you chuckle despite the anxieties waging war in your stomach.
Walking back into the brewing room, you grab your apron and slip it on while keeping your back to Minseok and Johnny. With a deep breath, you turn to face them. Johnny stands over the cauldron which is a deep forest green and simmering pleasantly. You breathe in the smell of strawberries and hope the happiness has rubbed off on Minseok who is standing beside Johnny and whispering instructions. 
With a glance up, Minseok pats Johnny on the shoulder and walks towards you. Lifting leaden feet, you meet him by the door to the ordering counter. 
A volley of words waits on your tongue, but they retreat when Minseok asks, “Can you give this to your cousin?” The “this” he is referring to is a folded scrap of paper.
You take the paper, nodding as you slip it into the back pocket of your jeans. “Sure. What is it?”
A small smile lifts his cheeks, and his voice is soft when he says, “My number.”
You choke on your response, and you can hear Johnny chuckling as you attempt to regain your breath. Minseok offers to get you a drink, but you wave off his concern. “What?” You finally manage to get out.
“I forgot to ask for your cousin’s number when we were talking.” He pouts. “I was hoping you would give her mine and tell her she can text me whenever.” 
“Sure.” You pause before asking, “Should I go back to work now?”
“Of course.” His response is instantaneous and a flood of relief washes through you. “And thank you.” He adds, the corners of his mouth quirking up. With a nod, he returns to Johnny’s side. 
Exiting the brewing room, you shake your head. On the plus side, you still have your job. On the negative side, your cousin might start dating your boss which may not be a complete negative but it definitely isn’t a positive.
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teatimewithhiddles · 6 years
"I hate you for not partnering me with Tom in the procession" I grumbled drunkenly at my best friend, the bride. Molly and Jeremiah had just gotten married that afternoon and I was now having a pity party for one at their reception. "Lacey looked all tall and fancy next to him. Now they're dancing and I'm sitting here with my whiskey."
Molly burst out laughing. "Even with heels you'd still only come up to his shoulders. It would have thrown the whole thing off. You were fine with Greg. Besides, this way you could at least watch his ass on the way up and down the aisle."
"You have a point and I appreciated that but damnit my T and A look great in this dress and he hasn't even LOOKED at me!"
"That's because Jeremiah threatened him within an inch of his life. He loves you like a sister and knows Tom is always so busy. He doesn't want to see you hurt. I have caught Tom staring a few times though, when you weren't looking, like right now."
I swung around, almost falling off the bar stool. "What? Where?!"
"Breathe, girl. Now I have to go finish mingling. I've also cut you off. Come with me to the balcony and get some fresh air."
"Fine. Fine. Whatever" I sighed, throwing back the rest of my whiskey. I glanced at Tom still dancing with Lacey. It would have hurt just as much sober. Tom and I had been flirting for years but had only snuck the occasional quick makeout session at get togethers. I knew I wasn't the type he usually went for but we made each other laugh. I could always get that full grin giggle without even trying. I knew Lacey was more his type. Elegant, refined, fancy job as a barrister. I'm more of a have a drink at the pub, watch a football match and go to a show type of girl. As a jewelry designer and writer, I had no idea how to act at all the posh places he's used to. I always felt as though he'd be slumming if he and I were together.
"Are you and she dating?" Lacey asked as she and Tom finished their dance and went back to the table for a drink.
"What? No. Who?" he asked, following me with his eyes as I stepped outside.
"Tom, you don't have to fool me. I know you and I aren't a match as much as I'd like us to be. You've been staring at her all night. Why didn't you ask Jeremiah to walk with her?"
He sighed. "I did. He threatened bodily harm if I fucked with her. Also said the height difference would throw everything off. BS, but whatever."
"You fancy her!"
"No, we're just friends...that occasionally have a quick snog" he smirked as he threw back his whiskey and loosened his tie.
"I knew it! You DO fancy her!"
"She won't have me. I'm "too busy" and "too posh". I've suggested it before and she is convinced I'd be "slumming" if we got together. I could care less where she grew up or what her job is. She makes me laugh, she has a heart of gold and well, she's hot as fuck" he grinned.
"Well, go try it again! See if she wants to dance at least!"
"Yes, ma'am" he smiled, bussing her cheek before heading to the balcony.
I had happened to glance over just as he leaned in and was not a happy individual. Tom found me muttering to myself about "posh bitches" as he snuck up and wrapped his arms around me.
"What was that?" he purred in my ear.
"Shit! Don't DO that!" I yelped as I jumped in his arms. "Came to slum for a bit before going back to your barrister girlfriend?"
Tom raised an eyebrow. "How many times do I have to tell you that you will never, in any way, shape or form, be considered "slumming"? You're a gorgeous, funny, self made woman and anyone would be lucky to be with you. Also, Lacey and I are not, and will never be, dating. I actually have my eye on someone else but she won't have me."
"Is she dumb? You're a great catch!" I laughed.
"Now darling, don't call yourself dumb" he smirked.
I stared at him, jaw dropped. "I walked into that one, didn't I?"
"Hook, line and sinker" he grinned. "Now if you won't date me, at least dance with me" he suggested, offering his hand as Glenn Miller's "In The Mood". "So what says you, darling - *in the mood* to dance?"
I snorted and took his hand. "You know I can't resist bad puns and Big Band music."
"Couldn't have planned it better myself" he winked as he led me back inside to the dance floor.
I giggled as he led me in a complicated jive, complete with twirls. I was a decent dancer but that man had such energy on the dance floor. I was exhausted by the end. I moved to go sit when the song flowed into Chris Botti's version of "When I Fall In Love" but he wouldn't let go of my hand. "I'm wiped out" I chuckled.
"Then let me hold you and we'll just sway" he smiled softly, pulling me into the comfort of his arms.
I leaned my head on his chest and sighed, wishing I could keep him. Tears came to my eyes as he murmured the lyrics to the instrumental in my ear.
*And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too (I feel that way too)
Is when I'll fall in love (I fall in love)
With you*
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delkios · 5 years
Trade Your Ghosts for Heroes (ToRays/ToV)
What started as a silly scene with Cress's pun ended up turning into a nearly 2k post-Mirrage Prison fic. Caveats: I've only played, like, three Tales games and two of those were 15+ years ago so characterizations are primarily based of ToRays depictions. Apologies if they're inaccurate. Also my knowledge of Mirrage Prison is an incomplete hodgepodge of translations and summaries. Apologies if that, too, is inaccurate. Title a re-worded line from Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" because ~what are titles~?
(dreamwidth) (pillowfort) (AO3) Title: Trade Your Ghosts for Heroes Fandom: Tales of the Rays, Tales of Vesperia Rating: PG Word Count: 1996 Characters: Flynn, Yuri, various minor appearances Summary: Following the end of Mirrage Prison, Flynn is finally properly introduced to the other Nexuses. Though everyone kept a clear path to the makeshift medbay, there were plenty of onlookers as Yuri, leading the return group, carried Ix. Which was as good a time as any for Yuri to name each Nexus they passed to Flynn. Proper introductions could be made later but the roster was pretty big, so he may as well get a head start. Raine and Ruca met them just outside the medbay, the young man and Mileena taking Ix from Yuri and bringing him inside with Kocis following close behind. Raine gave the remaining two men a slight smile. "Why don't we go to the conference room," she said with a mild warmth that barely disguised a cool caution- which Yuri would bet she wasn't really trying to disguise. If Flynn wasn't already used to having his every move scrutinized and questioned, Yuri might have been offended on his behalf. "I'm sure everyone would like to officially meet you." The conference room wasn't quite filled with people, many still making their way back to the fortress, but there were still a good number in there. "Yo," Yuri called out to the group, clapping a hand on Flynn's shoulder and pushing him forward slightly. "This is Flynn."
Flynn gave Yuri a sideways, disapproving look when it was clear that was the extent of his introduction. His attention was drawn, however, by a sharp bark. Repede charged at the duo, jumping up so his front paws hit Flynn's shoulders hard enough to rock him back a step and covering the man's chin and cheeks with long licks. "Repede!" He laughed, giving the dog a good scrubbing at the thick fur of his neck. "I'm glad to see you, too!" "I've never seen Repede so happy before," Sophie said, looking envious. With a playful nip at Flynn's fingers, Repede dropped down, moving to sit between Flynn and Yuri's feet as Estelle took his place, embracing Flynn with a great big hug. "Flynn! We were so worried about you!" "I'm sorry for making you worry, Lady Estellise," he gave her a hug and, when she moved aside, held a hand up for Karol to slap with a wide grin. While Judith, Rita and Raven didn't greet him with anything more than warm words and welcoming smiles, they gathered around the latest member of their group like they were worried someone might try to take him away again. Standing toward the back, Velvet gave him a cool once over before declaring more than asking, "So you're the guy Yuri lost his head over?" Flynn laughed, both self-conscious and self-depreciating. "I didn't really apologize for putting you in that position, did I?" He gave his best friend a guilty smile. "Sorry about that." Yuri just scoffed. "What I said about that gloomy expression is still in effect." This laugh was more genuine, "Of course." Expression cautious and arms crossed, Cress asked, "We've heard Baldr's side but I think it's worth us knowing: what exactly possessed you to do such a thing?" Chester's arm shot out like a reflex to punch his best friend in the arm. Unfortunately he only hit pauldron and he half curled over his aching knuckles with a quiet 'ow'. "Well, it wasn't exactly-" Flynn paused for a moment then grinned, "Oh! Very clever!" Estelle giggled, "Cress is very good with word play." Cress gave Chester a smug look and Chester just groaned. "Why does everyone keep encouraging him?" "Yeah, sorry, should've mentioned," Yuri said with dry resignation, "Flynn's got terrible taste in everything." "Including friends, unfortunately," Flynn said, equally dry. "Maybe I won't care so much next time you get bodyjacked." "Or maybe you could react in a less haphazard way." Yuri made a show of scowling. "I get lectured even when it's not my plan." Flynn just gazed back at him coolly. "I'm talking about your particular actions. As always." "Next time I'll submit my snap decisions for you to review before saving your ass." Heads bobbed around the bridge, various Nexuses muttering to themselves or each other, "Definitely childhood friends." "As much as I hate to break up the heartwarming bickering," Raine said in a way that clearly stated this was not the case, "Cress's question is still a valid one." "Yes, ma'am, I apologize," Flynn said and Raine muttered an amused, "Such manners!" into her sleeve. He cleared his throat and said to the room at large, automatically falling into professional knight mode, "Before the procedure that placed Baldr in my body, I was only aware of very few things: I was not in the world I knew and the Asgard Empire was determined to use me in some way. When Baldr and I first... well, spoke, I suppose you could say, he told me that he wasn't able to possess my body without my consent. I could sense he was troubled by the entire process and didn't seem very keen to do it but, he knew as I did, that Mercuria and Naza would find another body if he was unable to use mine. We came to an agreement: I would allow Baldr to use my body but I would retain my consciousness. This allowed open dialogue between us and he even allowed me control of my body on occasion. Despite his misgivings over the Empire's actions, Baldr was loyal and it took some time before I was able to convince him that they needed to be stopped." Flynn cast a sideways look at Yuri. "I suppose I'm lucky for the experience of dealing with someone far more stubborn than he." Yuri just snorted, "You're worse than I am." "Asides from Naza, I was the first to be possessed. Apparently there is something about my ...anima, I believe? That's unique but I'm uncertain as to the details of what that means or even why it is. As far as I'm aware, I've never been any different than Yuri." At his side, Yuri nodded. Had it been Estelle or Raven it would have been obvious, even with Judith or Rita guesses could have easily been made. But the two of them and Karol were just regular guys. Rita stepped in front of him, arms crossed, looking him over as if she could find the answer if she glared at him hard enough. "You should come down to the lab so we can run some tests. I don't know why you would be unique, but that might mean some of the other 'normal' Nexuses we've gathered might also have unique properties. If that's the case, it's definitely something we should know about." "If the bodysnatching process was so easy for you and Baldr," Chester asked, looking like he wasn't sure if he should be upset or not, "why did the Empire have so much trouble with others?" "I think," Flynn said slowly, thinking through his answer, "that has to do with Baldr needing my consent. For that, I had to be... me, still. Awake, aware- but for the others, it's like their minds and personalities were completely rewritten. The Empire had to rework the procedure and," his expression grew dark with guilt, "a number of people were left comatose before they succeeded. I don't know how many or where they were put after, Baldr kept me away from... the failures when he realized how upset I was." Estelle put her hands around one of his, giving it a squeeze. "It's alright, Flynn. We figured out how to bring them back." He let out a shaky breath and grin. "Thank you, Lady Estellise. It's relieving to know. There was only so much I was able to do, even when Baldr decided to help me. I hated being unable to do anything for them." "Yeah, yeah, we know what a bleeding heart you are," Yuri drawled. "Unfortunately, now Psycho Princess is intent on taking Flynn's head in addition to Mileena's, so you should probably lay low for a bit." Raven hummed unhappily. "Kiddo didn't take betrayal too well, huh?" "Guess she's less forgiving than some people," Rita said flatly. Raven's only response was a rueful twist of his lips. A couple others in the room shifted uncomfortably. "If I may take a moment to recap here," Jade said with a feigned thoughtfulness, "in answer to Cress's question, Flynn allowed Baldr to possess his body because he knew the Empire was adamant about using him, if it wasn't his body then Baldr would be placed in someone else, and, because Baldr didn't seem entirely happy about the Living Doll Project as a whole, you thought you might be able to convince him to defect. Is that more or less correct?" "Yes," Flynn said. There was a brief silence, then Raine asked incredulously, "That was your entire thought process?" "Well," Lloyd said in cautious defense, "it worked?" "It is quite the Flynn thing to do," Judith said with amusement. Raven nodded. "Wouldn't expect less from the man that helped get the Union and Empire working together." "I'm sorry everyone," Flynn said softly. "I thought I'd be more useful than I ended up being. I should've done more to help." "Oh," Jade said with flat distaste, "he's one of those genuinely humble types." He them promptly walked out. Yuri snickered at the exit- he certainly hoped watching Jade and Flynn interact would be as amusing as he imagined. But... ignoring the people quick to reassure Flynn he'd been helpful- and keeping the Empire from realizing Baldr had left was very much so -Yuri prodded his friend in the chest hard with the sheathed end of his sword. "I warned you. I'm wiping that look off your face right now." "Wait," Reala looked between Yuri and Flynn. "You're going to fight him? But you just got your friend back." "It's that bastard Baldr's fault," Yuri said decisively, arms crossed over his chest. "I don't care about his reasons or that Flynn agreed to it, I'm pissed that he took over someone's body. But since he went and disintegrated before I could beat his ass, I'll just beat Flynn's for being stupid enough to agree in the first place." Confused and hesitant glances shifted around the room, made all the more so by the fact neither Flynn nor any of their friends seemed at all bothered by this declaration. Reala inched a little closer to Flynn. "Are you alright with this?" He just looked as if that was a strange thing for someone to ask him. "Certainly." "They fight a lot," Karol said like it was perfectly normal. "I haven't let loose in a while," Flynn added with a deceptively angelic smile, "it'll be a nice challenge." "You making preemptive excuses for when you lose?" Yuri asked with a sharp grin. Though Flynn's smile hadn't changed, there was something decidedly less angelic about it. "You know what they say: once is an accident." "You saying my win was a fluke?" "I suppose we'll see." "Wait," Kyle popped in between them with wide eyes, "does that mean Yuri's only beaten you once?" "Oh, well," Flynn chuckled and turned away from Kyle's awed expression, ever the humble knight, "I... suppose I may have won more often than not when we were kids." "All of 'em," Yuri said bluntly. "He won all except for the last." "It really isn't as impressive as it- er?" Suddenly Cress and Luke were on either side of Flynn, grabbing an arm each. "Sorry, Yuri. You'll have to postpone your match a bit," Cress said brightly. "Yeah," Luke added, "I have got to see what this guy can do!" Then, using Flynn as a pivot point, the two turned around and started pulling Flynn out of the room. "O-oh, um... okay?" Flynn called out even as he was dragged away. "It was nice meeting everyone!" Yuri just sighed while Estelle and Karol giggled. "Always the charmer," he drawled with- and he'd deny it if confronted -a spark of fondness in his eyes.
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tintinwrites · 6 years
soft | Modern Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: So this isn’t a request and idk if anything like this has been written before, but it came to me while I was hanging up a suit jacket at work and they are just SO SOFT INSIDE
Rating: T.
Warning: Naughty words and sexual references.
Word count: 1,449 words, I think. this was supposed to be short
Summary: You, a bridesmaid, and Poe, a groomsman, bond over how terrible the bride and groom are, and Poe has nothing but big dick energy okay
"Who puts their bridesmaids in short, strapless dresses in the middle of winter? A bitch, that's who. Only a horrible human being would do this."
Your words would have sounded angrier if your voice wasn't shaking from the chill biting right through you. Even with your arms wrapped around yourself, you might as well have been naked with the way you were freezing in your definitely out of season dress.
Your words also would have had more impact if you were ranting to someone.
But no. You were standing outside all by yourself, pacing and bouncing from one foot to the other to keep the thick layer of snow on the ground from soaking into the open-toed shoes you were forced to wear. They were heels, too, and you were surprised you hadn't tripped and fallen over as you paced and bounced.
"Oh, and she is. I always knew that. Why did I agree to be in her wedding?"
"You're a pushover?"
The sudden voice made you misstep and now you did trip, crying out as you fell right over into a small snowbank. "Fuck, that's cold!"
"Sorry." The voice was sincere even if the owner was laughing. Two hands came to your arms and hauled you to your feet, bringing you face to face with Poe Dameron.
You...kind of knew him. He was one of the groomsmen, but you were walking with Finn rather than him, so you hadn't exactly spent time with him. You probably didn't go further than an introduction, and you only remembered hearing him talk to other people at the rehearsal dinner.
The bride told you that he was a 'perverted asshole with total small dick energy' while the groom told you that he was only in the wedding out of pressure from loved ones. He was a pilot. Or was in the Air Force. Or traveled on planes a lot. Or...was part of the mile high club?
Okay, you honestly couldn't remember what you were told he did.
All you knew was that he was — apparently — a jerk. He couldn't have been too bad, though, since the incredibly drunk bride admitted to you at her bachelorette party that she would 'jump at the chance to ride him like a horse'.
"It's co-cool." You brushed some snow off of your dress. You noticed him smirking at you and furrowed your brow before realizing why he was. "Th-that wasn't a pun."
"Sure." He slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit pants, taking in a deep breath and letting it out with a white puff because of the cold air. "So, let me know if I'm overstepping my bounds here, but I saw you storm out crying. Figured I'd make sure you were okay."
"I wasn't crying." It was one tear. One tear! And you wiped it away pretty quickly, so you thought no one saw.
He shook his head. "Okay, okay. You still stormed out, though. You know, I hear ranting feels better when someone's listening."
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Alright." He turned around to walk back into the venue, where the reception was being held.
"—she is just such a bitch."
He immediately spun on his heel, grinning knowingly. You wouldn't be surprised if he was counting to three in his head, but you were just so angry and his offer to listen was incredibly tempting.
"I know I shouldn't use that name, but she is! Look at what she's having us wear! Who in their right mind picks out shoes and dresses like this when they know they're getting married in the winter?"
"So you were crying— sorry, not crying because of your dress?"
"Yes." You paused, reaching up to rub your forehead. "No." He was giving you this expectant look that made you feel that you could absolutely tell him everything. "I told her I needed to leave a little early. She was expecting everyone to stay well into the night and party, but I'm just a little tired from all the wedding planning and stuff."
"I'm guessing she didn't take it well based on the reaction I saw when her grandmother left."
"She called me...a word I won't be repeating outside of the bedroom, told me I was going to die alone and childless, said she never wanted to see me again, and honestly said she was going to slap me before her dear husband stopped her." Now that you had started, you were on a roll, walking back and forth again. "And, like, so what if she's horrible and got a husband before me? He's kind of horrible, too. And in the next couple of years, she's probably gonna pop out a baby that she's not even going to love properly, but, you know, whatever." You were crying again, more than one tear.
"Hey, don't cry. Your tears will freeze to your face."
You gave a pitiful laugh, wiping the tears away. "It's stupid."
"It's not stupid if it got to you." He pursed his lips for a moment, then walked over to be closer to you. "Look, I'm gonna tell you something, okay?" He waited for you to nod. "Okay. You are one fine piece of ass. Some guy's gonna come along and marry you, and give you as many babies as you want."
"Yeah. I guess." You might have been blushing thanks to his flattering words.
"She's just a horrible person."
"True." There was a long stretch of silence, both of you looking at each other. "At the bachelor party, you-know-who got pissed that we didn't get a stripper. He tried to get one himself, but Finn and I stopped him. 'Course, he went into the bathroom and ordered five strippers on his phone, and we spent the whole night keeping his drunk ass from touching them, but we tried."
How low were you standards for men that you found it sweet for him to disapprove of a soon-to-be-married man getting a stripper?
"If it helps, I'm proud of you." You smiled at him, then frowned when you felt something light and cold hit your nose. You looked up at the dark sky to see snowflakes starting to fall. "It wasn't freezing enough already? Great." You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself.
Poe shrugged off his suit jacket, stepping even closer so he could pull it around your shoulders. He was practically pressed against you and you were aware of just how good he smelled.
You were also aware that he wasn't a 'perverted asshole with total small dick energy', and you should have known that anyway since you were told that by a horrible person.
"You don't have to..." You were definitely blushing now.
"I've still got sleeves and pants. You're about to freeze your ass off."
You bit your lip, brushing your fingers against the soft, silky lining of the jacket.
"How can I repay you?"
"Well, there is one thing you can do."
"Tell me you love me."
You gave a laugh that was far less pitiful now. "You move really fast, you know that?"
"Some people find it charming." His grin was so goofy, and sweet, and genuine, and beautiful.
"I'm sure they do." Your grin was flattered, and delighted, and intrigued, and fighting to keep from getting too wide because you basically just actually met this man and it was crazy for you to already like him so much. "I should really be getting home."
"Let me walk you to your car?"
"Yeah, I slept over her house with the other girls and we all came together, so my car is at home."
"Man." He chuckled. "Okay, let me drive you."
"You really don't have to do that."
"I insist."
You should have protested, right? Not only did you hardly know him, but it wasn't fair to put him out. You imagined he wouldn't give up, though, and your other options were to get an Uber or cab that might not even come, or walk through the snow. "Okay."
"Great. Right this way, ma'am." He gestured to a spot in the parking lot, waiting for you before you started walking together.
"Wait, you're not a serial killer, right?"
"Shit! I knew I forgot to mention something. What about you?"
You shrugged. "I'll just say that if you come into my apartment and wake up restrained in the bathtub, it's your own fault."
You slipped on a bit of ice as you were getting in the passenger seat, and he was quick to take your hand from under his jacket.
His hand was practically frozen, but he gave no indication. He just smiled at you and helped you into the car.
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