#mabinogi chapter 6
triestella · 2 years
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"Look at you, already done from the first touch? How adorable."
I commissioned my guildie Pibbles to draw me Talvish x Elysia.
Essentially this where Yandere!Talvish goes fucking bonkers at Elysia's insistence of leaving Erinn and refusing to be his. So he straights up overpowers her and soul binds Elysia to himself so that she'll never leave him. :)
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glytchflower · 4 years
ok look i know theyre sworn enemies and all but devcat. you cant tell me that avelin and brilluen havent dated or, in some way, had an affair turned sour before. no normal, heterosexual villain-hero interactions go like that.
their intersections are a fucking enemies to lovers to enemies plotline and i will not -- cannot -- be convinced otherwise
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margridarnauds · 3 years
For the fandom ask, 1, 6, and 15?
1. What fandom(s) did you join this year?
I really, really surprised myself with how much I fell in love with Resident Evil: Village. If you'd told me this time last year that I'd end up having too many feelings over the Vampire MILF's brother, Garbage Magneto, I'd have laughed. (Actually, that's a lie -- I KNOW my taste is shit and I own it.)
Likewise with AC: Valhalla -- I'd started playing AC when the pandemic started, as a way of de-stressing (The duality of man: Stardew Valley and Assassin's Creed), but because of how expensive Valhalla was, I wasn't able to justify it until I got it as a birthday present, and then promptly proceeded to spend the entire summer fixated on it.
La Revolution was really unexpected because that one is such an obscure musical; I had no idea that there was something out there that was so perfectly tailored to my interests.
6. Did you have any new ships this year?
Heisenwinters/Wintersberg (RE); Alcina/Maiden (RE); Harald/Eivor (Valhalla); Eivor/Basim (Valhalla); Richard/Emma (I Am From Austria -- I think? I know I WROTE that one this year); the Disaster OT3 from Crimson Peak; the Disaster OT3 from La Revolution...there are probably many, many others, it's just been a long year and my memory's absolutely shot.
15. What are you looking forward to coming out in 2022?
In a fandom context, there are a LOT of fics that I've started bookmarking and subscribing to, I'm really excited to see what developments they'll end up getting.
As far as my stuff...I really want to wrap up Pour la Peine. I know I keep saying this, but after this next chapter or so, I'll have it pretty much entirely written out, which will be a massive, massive moment for me because I started writing it in the last year of my undergrad and now I'm a PhD student. It and I have been through a lot together, we've grown and developed, and I want to give it a fitting send-off. (I'm literally preparing some sparkling juice so that I can fully send it off in style.)
I really want to finish Door #2 -- This fic's meant a lot to me, the RE fandom, for the most part, have been absolutely lovely, and I want to end with a bang so I can start working on my other RE 8/Wintersberg content ( I have multiple AU ideas I'm putting on the burner so I don't distract from Door #2, especially since several of them are set in the same universe.)
A few Valhalla ideas I want to see out there, when I have the time to put in the research. 
A few 1789 ideas -- The Fairytale AU had some good progress this year; I don't think we'll make my goal of finishing by the New Year, but I think that sometime in 2022, possibly early 2022, we'll see movement.
I want to do some more work with my series on the Fourth Branch -- Thus far, we've gotten one piece from Gwydion's perspective, one piece from Lleu's, but I want to really expand to as many characters from the Fourth Branch as possible -- I especially want Aranrhod and Blodeuedd to get their piece. I might have a piece for Gilfaethwy planned out that...well. It's in keeping with me. And it's in keeping with the Mabinogi, God knows if I'll ever be brave enough to publish it.
I also want to start a separate series on the First Branch/Third Branch, with the first piece to be about Rhiannon during her penance, another piece after the events of the Fourth Branch. In general, I kind of want to do a thing with the Mabinogi where each of these one-shots added up ends up telling the whole story of the Four Branches, with all of them interlocking at different times, I think it'd be really fun and a really wonderful way to pay tribute to a tradition that's come to mean so much to me. (If I do this, the Second Branch is coming last because that one's too mentally exhausting for me.)
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ofevilforces · 4 years
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Omg i literally never posted the first one, which is from october, so that’s kinda wild. anyways, there may be points where i regularly update this blog, but if we’re being honest it’s literally just resorted to a deviantart replacement because there is no way i’m drawing consistently HELP!
anyways... the first bad boee is bed the twice reborn, whomst i made really quickly for a dnd campaign... LMFAO. i made it in under like 30 minutes & it was something i really did not want to be TOO dedicated to bc ik how that would turn out & i just wanted it to be like a mockup of him.
every time i write a dnd character’s backstory i literally just like black out and the spirit of character creation does it for me. no i will not elaborate. so bed was originally a magma spirit that was apart of the earth’s core, in which it lived a hivemind-like existence before a scar was left on the core that was strong enough for the spirit to split off. it clawed to the surface before inhabiting a random villager. the villager’s conscious was now gone & overtaken by the spirit who is now soul searching, trying to piece together the personality that was left within him by the villager while also preventing more scars, which he believes were man-made, while searching for the cause of the original scar that caused his new birth. he is bed twice reborn, bitch!
that was too long & i will not talk about that every again anyways. this second one didn’t start as cethlenn from mabinogi but that’s what it turned into. wild. i know it doesn’t look like ceth but let’s be honest i didn’t even touch chapter 6 yet . . . not on purpose. HELP. this is from april 23
and the last one was honestly from me like... mid-daydream. i was imagining myself performing songs live like with synthesizers & drum kits & everything for a talent show & i got through 3 songs in my head before i was like. “what would i wear” & so i thought of this one outfit i had but i didn’t know if it would like actually look cute so i drew it. justresourcefulthings mayhaps. the random lips were just a test but i kept them for the atmosphere xd. this one is another piece i did not want to get too invested in or spend too much time on so i like started rushing when i felt that like mounting dread of “omg there’s so much wrong” LOOL
it is not as serious as i describe it so like don’t worry.. that’s that & c’est la vie
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dignifiedrice · 7 years
ooooh what books do you think were the most formative influence on you at different points in your life?
1. The first memory is Goodnight, Moon. My mother read it to me. She read it every night, and also little baby books with golden spines, some sort of mail-order collection. I always felt loved. 
2. The first chapter book was James and the Giant Peach. My Pop bought it for me when he got tired of buying me picture books that I’d read in five minutes. I was so, so angry at first, but then I read it during Drop Everything and Read Week at my school, curled up in a sleeping bag, and it was the nicest thing I’d ever done. 
3. My teacher read Holes out loud to us. That was the first time I realized that a book could respect you enough to let you fill in the pieces. 
4. A different teacher read Harry Potter to us next year, a chapter a day. That was the first time I felt addicted to a book. Mom bought me Prisoner of Azkaban for Christmas -- I SALIVATED over it, I coveted it, I outlined the shape of it through the wrapping as it waited for me under the tree. Mom took me to the midnight party when the fourth one was released, and we got locked out of the house when we came home and had to climb back in through a window. 
5. During the hard years in California, Eoin Colfer gave me Artemis Fowl. “For Jackie,” it said on the dedication page. 
6. During the summers I was forced to spend with my biological father and my stepmother, I had Sabriel. My stepmother tore it in half to punish me. I fished the torn halves out of the garbage. I tricked her son into buying me Lirael. I didn’t live in that house with those people; I lived in the Old Kingdom whenever I could get away with it. 
7. Diana Wynne Jones’ Chrestomanci books made me want to write. They bounced off of something writerly within me. Howl’s Moving Castle was and still is one of my favorite books. No one else has the voice of Diana. 
8. War for the Oaks is a near-perfect book. It made me want to write Urban Fantasy, and now I’m doing that. I got a snowdrop tattoo. I wrote a senior thesis. I’ve got two novel manuscripts. There’s no going back.  
9. Good Omens showed me that good books are OCCASIONALLY written for adults. It got me into Gaiman and Pratchett, and gave me a new direction for my readerly pursuits. 
10. The Wee Free Men has a tender place in my heart; Ian read it to me when I was sad. Johnny and the Bomb has a similar place of honor; Ian read it for me in chapters when we spent a year on other sides of the Atlantic. It was the only sound I could fall asleep to.  
Who knows what’ll knock my socks off next? 
Honorable mentions: The Box Car Children, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Ella Enchanted, Redwall, The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, Neverwhere, the collected Grimm’s Fairy Tales, The Secret Life of Bees, Pride and Prejudice, the Mabinogi, The Lord of the Rings (natch), every single Discworld Book but especially Going Postal, Night Watch, and the Witches series, the My Teacher is an Alien series, Naruto (SHUT UP MANGA ARE BOOKS OKAY), the Dark Tower, the Mistborn series, the Rivers of London series, and countless others too numerous to mention but whose spines I stroke in bookstores as if greeting old friends. 
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sylvarwolf · 7 years
Sundry Lenten Customs - British Goblins CT023
Sundry Lenten Customs
British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 3 Chapter 2
by Wirt Sikes
All about traditions and customs occurring around Lent in old Wales. Sikes tells us all about Hot Cross Buns and how they are tied up in a bag, the ceremony of 'Lifting' women high into the air that takes place at Easter, and the possible origins of April Fool's Day. He talks about the Maypole and the giving of Birch rods as a token of love, as well as the battle between the Winter and Summer Kings that takes place each Mayday.
Sundry Lenten Customs 0:57
Mothering Sunday 1:58
Palm Sunday 2:09
Flowering Sunday 2:15
Walking Barefoot to Church 2:52
Spiritual Potency of Buns 3:18
Good Friday Superstitions 4:20
Making Christ's Bed 4:26
Bad Odour of Friday 5:00
Unlucky Days 5:20
Holy Thursday 6:00
The Eagle of Snowdon 6:18
New Clothing at Easter 6:57
Lifting 7:33
The Crown of Porcelain 8:10
Stocsio 9:05
Ball-Playing in Churchyards 11:00
The Tump of Lies 12:35
Dancing in Churchyards 13:13
Seeing the Sun Dance 14:10
Calan Ebrill, or All Fools' Day 14:56
May Day 15:42
The Welsh Maypole 16:33
The Daughter of Lludd llaw Ereint 17:31
Carrying the Kings of Summer and Winter 18:45
  Names Used in this Section
All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronunciations right for you.
Snowdon Stocsio Calan Ebrill Lludd llaw Ereint Monmouthshire Cardiff Pembrokeshire Tenby Brahmins of India Giraldus Thor Hampshire Bragawd
pic. Lifting
Rhag i'r feinwen losgi ei thalcen ('Lest the maiden burn her forehead') Aberconwy Pen Twthil Dr. Fosbrooke St. Dogmell's Parish 'Cnwc y Celwydd' videlicet Aberedwy Malkin St. Almedha, Breconshire Ffwl Ebrill Saturnalia Bedwen Bedw Collen Mabinogi Kilhwch & Olwen Gwyn ap Nudd Gwythyr Greidawl Arthur Defynog Yo ho!
  British Goblins can be found on Archive.org
You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.
Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.
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triestella · 2 years
Witness ( Mabinogi AU Oneshot)
This contains violence against one singular child (pre-Milletain), Gore, Bystander Syndrome, Cruelty depicted in higher entities, corpse desecration
Note: My AU is based on Dark Souls Series, Warframe, and my ideals of mythology.
It wasn't like Elysia to take notice of the foreign strangers and she eyes them. She know they're watching her, but they aren't hostile. But she never could be too sure, after all they do love their mind tricks. But Elysia need to move, even if her tiny legs aches and what's left of bandaged face swells as she trudges on, swiftly weaving out of harms way and slaying any monsters in her path.
All she wants to go home, but she's in no shape to go back. Not when she's in a Hunt again. She could feel eyes on her, from them and the foreigners. It didn't take long till one finds her due the new distractions. The hollow sounds of amusement as they playfully miss grabbing her or even tossing her around.
She sobs as she tries to escape into the pits bellow, knowing for sure she'll escape but she wouldn't be safe but it was to late as a god before her had her skewered.
Elysia looks away from the god to see the watching foreigners watch in horror as they see many more gods descend around her vision and start ripping her apart, the scraping metal and flesh torn asunder and the smell of ash and blood fills the air along with her weak pleas and anguished filled screams.
It felt like hours, but soon enough the gods have their fill and they leave her and the unseen foreigners behind. Elysia could still see them, but she does not hate them for not interfering. Many won't and the are only willing to die for the chance of favors, after all, one does not trifle with gods unless they have the means to do so.
It doesn't take long for her 'curse' to starts and flickers of light and embers start to smoke as bones and flesh start to piece back together. Like that she returned back to her cursed state and she sobs but she must go. At least the only good thing out of the wretched 'curse' was that she was back in good health.
It doesn't take long for her to cover her self with rags from corpse and ashes from the ruined city around her, her equipment was worse in wear but still useable enough to take only a few hits, but it was better then nothing.
Elysia pauses and hiccups.
"I want to go home..."
The group follows her and she thinks, maybe she's being haunted now. It does not stop her from crying, and the mutters thoughts of her old home, the people and the guardians that loved her to the end.
The Alban Knight watched everything and they could not describe what they saw and understood. Poor Altam was nearly hysterical, frozen in his steed as the Milletian was torn apart and then witness something thought to be as unnatural and unholy. The others themselves had to hold back Talvish and Altam personally.
Horrified was the minimum description of the event that unfolded. Was this what the Milletian experienced through out her life before her arrival?
Why did she choose to care when Erinn was entrenched in their love and hate for gods, 'zealous' the Milletian was once murmured as she passes by the Church of Lymilark in Tara. It was no wonder why she had not hid her dislike of deities and those religious enough to make fuss of her views on them, after all from the behavior they had witness, Elyei surely is a saint in tolerance for her to roam their home world.
She choose to help, though noted only when she was asked, had willingly allowed herself be entrapped in conspiracies, wars and even pitted herself against their own gods when they threated Erinn.
Elyei does not express much, besides a few sightings of a smile, but mostly anger, annoyance and empathy.
The child like voice, eyes dead to the world around her, what world was this that she had now mentions in dark humor. She jests that all is well when she was inconvenienced in Erinn, but here?
The Milletian will not reveal much more then what was unfolded here. But a thousands of words and understandings can be made from a view upon.
Maybe her intentions are still unknown but it's clear she means no malicious harm to Erinn or the very gods they worship.
Caswyn sighed as he broke from his thoughts, and notice Talvish remaining back.
What alarmed him was the fact that Talvish has picked up what likely could be Elyei's blood soaked rags and pocketed it.
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sylvarwolf · 7 years
Classification of Welsh Fairies - British Goblins (Welsh Folklore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions) CT003
Classification of Welsh Fairies
British Goblins: Welsh Folk Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions (1881) Book 1 Chapter 2
by Wirt Sikes
Examining the different types of Welsh Fairies, from the Pwca (and Shakespeare's Puck) to the Ellylldan, Coblynau, Knockers and household fairies. Sikes also looks at Dwarfs, bogies and hobgoblins as well as telling us a humourous story of the Preacher and the Bwbach.
Rowli Pugh and the Ellyl
Running Order:
Section 1 0:42
General Designation 1:53
Habits of the Tylwyth Teg 3:43
Section 2 5:38
Ellyllon, or Elves 5:42
Shakespeare's Use of Welsh Folk-Lore 7:41
Section 3 8:28
Rowli Pugh and the Ellyll 9:24
Household Story Roots 12:22
Section 4 13:42
The Ellylldan 13:44
Section 5 17:19
The Pooka 17:20
Puck Valley, Breconshire 18:11
Where Shakespeare got his Puck 21:07
Section 6 21:43
Pwca'r Trwyn 21:44
Usual Form of the Pooka Story 21:57
Section 7 22:44
Coblynau or Mine Fairies 22:46
The Knockers 23:01
Section 8 24:14
Miner's Superstitions 24:18
Basilisks and Fire Fiends 27:50
Section 9 28:54
A Fairy Coalmine 29:20
The Dwarfs of Cae Caled 30:29
Section 10 32:18
Counterparts of the Coblynau 32:18
Section 11 34:36
The Bwbach, or Household Fairy 34:40
Legend of the Bwbach and the Preacher 35:33
Section 12 37:20
Bogies and Hobgoblins 37:23
Carrying Mortals through the Air 37:47
Counterparts and Originals 38:04
 Charcoal drawn figure of the Pwca
  Names Used in this Section
All proper names, and words in Welsh or other languages, are recorded here in the show-notes and we've done our best to get the pronounciations right for you.
Keightley The Elves The Dwarfs or Trolls The Nisses The Necks, Mermen & Mermaids The Ellyllon (Elves) The Coblynau (Mine fairies) The Bwbachod (House fairies) The Gwragedd Annwn (Lake Fairies) The Gwyllion (Mountain Fairies) Y Tylwyth Teg (yn y Coed), Tylwth Teg y Mwn Bendith y Mamau Eumenides Sir Walter Scott Dayak Laplander Ammam El - 'spirit' Elf - 'element' Elihim (Hebrew) Davydd ab Gwilym Yr doedd ym mhob gobant Ellyllon mingeimion gant Ymenyn tylwyth teg bwyd ellyllon menyg ellyllon Gwyn ap Nudd Shakespeare Mercutio Mab Cymric mabgar mabgath mabiaith mabinogi Mabiogion Peterston-super-Ely Cardiff Glamorganshire Rowli Pugh Ellyll Catti Jones Bwbach Mr. Baring-Gould Grimm's Witchelma(umlaut)nner Hausma(um.)nner Milton's L'Allegro Ellylldan Will-o'-wisp Scandinavian Lyktgubhe Breton Sand Yan y Tad (Saint John the Father) Dan (fire) ignis fatuus Jack-muh-lantern Iolo the Bard Pwca, or Pooka, Puck
  The Pwca
Cambrian fairies Richard Price, son of Sir John Price Brecon Cym Pwca, Puck Valley Clydach in Breconshire Frere and Powell Trwyn Farm, near Abergwyddon (Abercarne) Pwca'r Trwyn Campbell Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Siddons The Oswestry Advertiser Cefn Penrhyn Priestley Knockers Newport, Monmouthshire William Evans of Hafodafel Beacon Mountain Egbert Williams Denbighshire Cae Caled Parish of Bodfari Lanelwyd House Barbara Jones Wichtlein (little Wights) Haus-schmiedlein (little House-smiths) Heldenbuch Catskill Mountains Hendrik Hudson Cardiganshire Cwrw da Bogie Hobgoblin Gobelin 'Le gobelin vous mangera, le gobelin vous emportera.' hob, hopp, coblyn, goblin Slavonic 'bog' Baga of the Cuneiform Inscriptions Professor Fiske Aryan Bhaga, Sanskrit of the Vedas Phrygian Zeus "Bagaios" Xerxxes Southey
  British Goblins can be found on Sacred Texts.
You can find out more about Wirt Sikes on Wikipedia.
Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at http://celticmythpodshow.com or on Apple Podcasts.
Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.
Check out this episode!
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