#machining service
machinedcasting · 2 years
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CNC Machining BD-Machinery
While CNC machining does have certain benefits over traditional production techniques, there are limits to the level of complexity and intricateness that can be achieved in component design as well as the cost-effectiveness of creating complicated parts.
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cnclatheparts86 · 2 years
A Lathe Machine Offers Several Benefits to Its Users
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The lathe machine tool rotates an item around its axis while cutting, sanding, drilling, or otherwise forming it. A lathe machine andlathe service often has multiple components and is used to shape workpiece. The feed service lever, rear gear level, headstock, face plate, tool post, compound rest, saddle, clutch knob, and half nut lever make up the majority of them. Every component of the machine is crucial and carries out intricate tasks. Turner is the name of the guy who runs the machine. The skilled turner must perform an excellent job, which requires a high level of attention.
CNC system principles should be emphasized as advantages. The primary benefits of a good CNC unit are the same for every unit and every organization that owns one. Technology supported by computers is a good thing. That advantage is provided to its owners by the CNC system. Less intervention from the staff is needed since, once the programs are configured according to the chosen technical specifications, the machine will take care of everything in turning service.
Woodworking, metalworking, glass working, metal spinning, decorative turning, shaping, rotating & watchmaking all require many types of lathe machinery. Every kind of lathe has a certain purpose. For instance, a steel shop utilizes lathes for dealing with metal, but a carpentry shop uses ones for working with wood. Different items may be shaped with a lathe machine. Additionally, by creating a suitable thread, a solid circular bar may be fashioned into a bolt. It may be used for intricate drilling where a standard drilling machine would struggle, and it can drill at precise angles by adjusting degrees. Making holes inside an object is possible with the lathe's additional function of boring. Using sharp instruments, it can easily carve a 6-inch hole. The thing that is sharpened on a lathe is an alloy that is created by adding ingredients to make it harder. Since 1300 B.C., the notion of lathing and machining service has evolved until the present. It developed throughout this period for a variety of uses, but it was particularly useful in the fields of steel manufacturing, carpentry, glass, and mechanical work.
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Original source: https://cnclatheparts86.weebly.com/
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ilikeit-art · 1 year
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presiding · 1 year
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billie lurk by @gravehound
commissioned for the contract, aka dishonored 1 but lets give billie more character arc (& daud more common sense)
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rthidden · 2 months
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What is an Algorithm in 30 Seconds?
An algorithm is simply a series of instructions.
Think of a recipe: boil water, add pasta, wait, drain, eat. These are steps to follow.
In computer terms, an algorithm is a set of instructions for a computer to execute.
In machine learning, these instructions enable computers to learn from data, making machine learning algorithms unique and powerful.
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lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
Aliens react to customer service voices
Human: ugh, I should quit. The higher-ups are such—
*communicator sounds*
Human, with a business smile: Hello, chief, how can I assist?
Alien: *stares in confusion*
Human: any time, truely! *communicator turns off* ugh, what a prick
Alien: ???
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craftycoola · 1 year
as i get older, i'm gaining an increasing appreciation for natural fibers.
the crinkliness of cotton, the itchiness of wool, the stiffness of linen... it feels heartier than synthetics, you know? there's something that feels real about natural fibers that synthetics somehow lack. and i know that wool felts and linen softens and whatever, but i love that progression so much more than the way synthetics (including processed cellulose) go from unnaturally soft to weirdly plasticky.
anyways the point is i love science, and there's value to technology that improves the way we make textiles. but it's frustrating when, rather than making textiles better, science robs them of their longevity in the name of making things cheap.
there is a lot of beauty in imperfect things -- "ugly" things, sometimes -- that last.
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liesmyth · 3 months
adults should be allowed naptime
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isbergillustration · 2 months
I am going to throw either me or my printer or both out of this fifth story window I want to fucking die
'edit: got it working so i am human again
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ftl-faster-than-life · 4 months
…man it still pisses me off that Team Flash had the drug that could knock a speedster out starting in the SECOND SEASON and never ONCE did they use it on Barry for Barry’s benefit. “Sorry Barry, we don’t have an anaesthetic or painkillers that work on you you’ll just have to suffer through this insanely painful process/literal surgery/injury.” KNOCK HIM OUT.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Wrens played a major part in the planning and organisation of naval operations, serving at Bletchley Park and its out-stations, operating machines used in code-breaking.
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"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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bamsara · 2 years
I got some sticker envalopes send-backs today (aka postal service couldnt deliver them to kofi/patreons for some reasons) and I would like to know why an envalope that was being delivered to someplace an hour from me, took 3 weeks to get back to me after not being delivered :D
No blame on postal workers who are understaffed and busy rn but like, oh man
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fastwalker · 2 months
the disdain capitalist women posing as "radfems" have for disabled women who are dependant on care and can't meaningfully contribute to shared income is revolting. you can become useless to the market any moment too you know? hope your partner will be kinder to you if it happens and not see you as deadweight to get rid off like you're spouting on your blog
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jangillman · 7 days
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dearest-alexander · 1 year
THAT BILLOW-Y SHIRT was really working overtime.
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rthidden · 2 months
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The Frame Problem: AI's Unseen Nemesis
The frame problem is AI's Achilles' heel, lurking since the 1960s and still unresolved.
1. The Robot Dilemma
Daniel Dennett's thought experiment illustrates the issue: a robot must save its battery from a room with a bomb.
Initially, the robot pulls the battery on a cart but also drags the bomb out, unaware of this side effect.
Solution attempts include programming awareness of side effects, leading to analysis paralysis as the robot debates endless possibilities.
2. The Side Effect Spiral
When programmed to consider all side effects, the robot wastes time on irrelevant details—like pondering wall color changes.
This shows how difficult it is for AI to filter relevant from irrelevant information without getting bogged down.
3. Human Intuition vs. AI Logic
Humans effortlessly ignore irrelevant details, making quick decisions in complex contexts.
Programming AI to mimic this selective ignorance is resource-intensive and remains a significant challenge.
The frame problem underscores a subtle yet crucial aspect of human intelligence: our ability to instantly prioritize relevant information. As we advance in AI development, solving this problem will be key to creating truly intelligent systems.
Got thoughts on tackling the frame problem? Share your ideas!
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