#macula retina
asiawalecka · 5 months
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Fundus, 23/24
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mmm I love it when the scar tissue on my retina starts acting funny
sometimes it’s noticeable but it usually isn’t bed I’ve just learned to filter it out
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🔵 Cos'è la macula e la "degenerazione maculare legata all’età"? Nel nostro articolo trovate integratori, terapie e cibi consigliati per vedere bene a qualsiasi età. 👉 Leggi l’articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2018/09/25/degenerazione-maculare-legata-alleta-essudativa-miopica-cure-e-rimedi/ ✅ #occhio #vista #retina #macula #oftalmologia #oculista #MedicinaOnLine
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dingergum · 6 months
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(Characters are from @canisalbus)
Something very different from what i usually draw and from my last Vaschete fanart. I love those guys so i really wanted to make more fanart, but i didn't know what to draw exactly.
Here, i tried to paint Machete, Vasco and Smollchete in the style of the character portraits in Disco Elysium. I don't think i quite achieved that effect, but i still liked the end results.
Smollchete is further away from the usual character portraits in DE, but it was on purpose because i wanted to emphasize how he's just a little guy. And the little guy gets smaller and smaller...
In retrospective (because i finished this art a few days ago) Disco Elysium's style of painting doesn't really seem to mix the colors, which i did a lot here, specially on Machete. Also not a lot of gradients like i did on Vasco. They also shade with much more wild and different colors.
I'm going to put all the rest of my madman ramblings below. It's long and your mileage may vary if you played Disco Elysium or not (no spoilers tho.)
Okay, so... As i had the idea of making these disco elysium style portraits but with the gay catholic dogs, i had just beaten Disco Elysium. And so, as i was doing my things in my day to day life, waiting for the opportunity to actually draw them, i kept thinking about skill interactions with the boys, like if your main character talked to them and had enough points in the skill.
Things like Half-light identifying Machete as a brutal and hardened survivor just by looking at his eyes, but Physical Instrument doesn't believe that because Machete looks like just a spindly noodle. And Half-light would be like no bro, trust me, this guy is hardcore.
Shivers or Spirit-de-Corps would tell you how Machete is treated among his fellow bishops and how he's either vilified or seen as a tool. And at that Inland Empire would pipe in saying “He is treasured. But not here.” because yeah we love him. Despite almost everyone in his world hating his guts
Also yeah Reaction Speed clocking Machete as super paranoid. Specially considering maybe in this universe you'd be investigating one of his assassination attempts or maybe even something sinister that Machete had done.
Reaction Speed: “His eyes dart across the room, checking if you have any backup. Then, a twitch of the ear, followed by a sideways glance." Logic: "He is making sure he isn't being flanked.” Inland Empire: “But he's all alone...”
I also feel like Rhetoric would have a field day with Machete. Like, finally, a worthy opponent.
Empathy would get the feeling that despite his reputation, that there is someone else behind Machete's bug eyes, someone other than Machete, the pale eminence. If you have enough points in a skill, it would try to pipe in saying who they think it is, judging Machete (e.g: Authority: "A man superior to you."; Pain Threshold: "It's just sweet pain all the way to the bone."; Half-Light: "A survivor."; Encyclopedia: "The inside lining of the eye is covered by special light-sensing cells that are collectively called the retina. It converts light into electrical impulses. Behind the eye, your optic nerve carries these impulses to the brain. The macula is a small extra-sensitive area in the retina that gives you central vision.") concluding with Drama: "No one he'd want you to know, sire."
That would trigger a dialogue option for an Empathy white check to try and see who's actually behind Machete's eyes and see beyond his reputation and demeanor. I'd imagine you would get a +2 if you talked to Vasco before. And if you pass the check, the screen would go white and Machete's model and portrait would change to Smollchete and you'd be able talk to him for a moment, the little guy, and learn a little bit more about his backstory, stuff that he hides behind the Machete persona. That's why i painted Smollchete too. I don't think Empathy has this same kind of metaphysical effect like others skill in-game, but i thought it would be cool.
Talking to Vasco for the first time would just straight up heal you 1 morale. No skill check necessary. Here, have some free morale.
Your Encyclopedia would recognize his coat of arms and maybe deduce that Vasco is a diplomat or a politician. Then your Composure would tell you straighten your posture and put up your serious face, Suggestion would tell you to flatter him while adressing him strictly formally, but the two of them would be thrown off-kilter as Vasco starts acting very casual and down-to-earth. Maybe Authority would judge his attitude to be unfitting of someone in such position. Idk. This is all random ramblings that were bouncing in my head that i needed to let out.
Hope this isn't too weird, i just had a lot of time between having the idea to draw this and actually sitting down to draw it, so these ideas were just popping up in my head. I wish i could've just put those in the tags, but it waaaay exceeds the tag limit.
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maxbytes · 6 months
the best way to check is to get an eye exam. its possible it did some damage to your retinas that can be detected by getting some fundus photography done (typically ~$40 on top of whatever they charge for an exam). extensive sun damage can catalyze the development of macular degeneration or even retinal detachment. if you dont notice anything particularly weird about your vision (any dark/white spots, decreased color perception, getting more floaters or anything like a hair obscuring your vision) youre probably fine, but its always good to get fundus photos as they can detect conditions that dont show any symptoms, like damage to the macula/retinas -optometry tech
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Seeing Unclearly
The light-sensitive tissue at the backs of your eyes, your retinas, allow you to see. But your macula is the real superstar of your vision. This tiny part of your retina is responsible for seeing fine detail. In the eye disease, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), it's the macula that deteriorates. Modelling AMD is tricky as mice don’t have maculas, so researchers created lab-grown retinal organoids made from human induced pluripotent stem cells. These organoids mimicked the makeup of the retina, including the macula. Fluorescence microscopy of slices through organoids (pictured) revealed adding chemicals associated with eye disease caused changes seen in AMD, namely, loss of photoreceptor cells (green) and more glial cells (red) in diseased organoids (right) versus healthy ones (left). Further experiments uncovered how photoreceptor cells are lost – through cell extrusion – and that the protein PIEZO1 is involved. This model can, therefore, help unpick what's happening in AMD.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image adapted from work by Manuela Völkner and colleagues
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, October 2022
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
There are approximately 120 million rods and 6 million cones concentrated in the centre of the human retina. This area is called the macula, and it allow us to see fine details.
But all I see is you xx
🫣 I'm starting to think you got a vibe off my posts last night since you sent so many anons 😅 If you're worried you don't have to be, I'll be okay. But your lil puns help, thank you! You're so sweet and smart 🖤
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southsideeyecentre · 2 days
Retina Surgery in Brisbane: A Guide to Treatment and Recovery
Common Conditions Requiring Retina Surgery
Several conditions may necessitate retina surgery, including:
Retinal Detachment: This occurs when the retina pulls away from its normal position, causing vision impairment or blindness if not treated promptly. Retina Surgery in Brisbane Retinal detachment is considered a medical emergency, and surgery is often required to reattach the retina and prevent permanent vision loss.
Macular Hole: A macular hole is a small break in the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision. Surgery may be needed to close the hole and restore normal vision, although success rates can vary depending on the size and duration of the hole.
Diabetic Retinopathy: People with diabetes are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, a condition where blood vessels in the retina are damaged due to high blood sugar levels. Advanced cases may require surgery to remove abnormal blood vessels and prevent further vision loss.
Epiretinal Membrane (ERM): Also known as macular pucker, ERM is a condition where a thin layer of scar tissue forms on the retina's surface. It can cause blurred or distorted vision, and surgery may be performed to remove the membrane and improve visual clarity.
Types of Retina Surgery
There are various types of retina surgeries, each tailored to specific conditions. Some of the most common procedures include:
Vitrectomy: This is a surgical procedure where the vitreous gel (the clear, jelly-like substance inside the eye) is removed to access the retina and repair any damage. Vitrectomy is commonly used to treat retinal detachment, macular holes, and ERM.
Laser Photocoagulation: This minimally invasive procedure involves using a laser to seal or destroy abnormal blood vessels, such as those found in diabetic retinopathy, or to create a barrier around retinal tears to prevent detachment.
Scleral Buckling: This procedure is used to treat retinal detachment by placing a silicone band around the outside of the eye to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina, helping it reattach.
Finding a Specialist in Brisbane
Brisbane boasts several highly trained retinal specialists offering advanced surgical options. When choosing a surgeon, it's important to consider their experience and success rate with the specific type of retina surgery you require. Consulting with an ophthalmologist for an accurate diagnosis is the first step in determining if surgery is necessary and what type of procedure is best suited to your condition.
Recovery and Post-Operative Care
The recovery process after retina surgery varies depending on the procedure performed and the individual's overall health. Patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, or blurred vision in the days following surgery. Cataract Eye Surgery Cost Brisbane Strict adherence to post-operative care instructions, such as using prescribed eye drops and avoiding certain activities, is critical for a successful recovery.
In some cases, patients may need to maintain a specific head position to promote proper healing, especially after a vitrectomy. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor healing and ensure that the retina remains stable.
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retinography · 5 days
Cystoid macular edema
Cystoid macular edema (CME) after phacoemulsification can be effectively treated with topical steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These treatments reduce inflammation and fluid accumulation in the macula, helping to restore visual acuity and prevent further complications. #CME #Phacoemulsification #TopicalSteroids #NSAIDs #RetinaImaging #retina #oftalmo #ophthalmology…
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drkasture66 · 7 days
What Are the Key Signs of Diabetic Eye Problems?
Diabetes is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and one of its most serious complications involves the eyes. The term "diabetic eye problems" encompasses a range of vision-related issues that can arise from poorly managed blood sugar levels. Early detection and prompt treatment are crucial to prevent irreversible eye damage. If you're based in Baner, seeking out specialized Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment in Baner could be a vital step in safeguarding your vision. In this blog, we'll explore the key signs of diabetic eye problems and the importance of Diabetic Eye Treatment.
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Understanding Diabetic Eye Problems
Diabetic eye problems typically refer to a spectrum of eye conditions that can result from diabetes. The most common and severe among these is diabetic retinopathy, but it also includes diabetic macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma. These conditions are often asymptomatic in the early stages, making regular eye check-ups essential for those with diabetes.
Key Signs of Diabetic Retinopathy
1. Blurred Vision:
One of the earliest and most common symptoms of diabetic retinopathy is blurred vision. High blood sugar levels can cause the lens inside your eye to swell, creating temporary blurriness. Over time, if the blood vessels in the retina are damaged, this blurriness can become more persistent and severe.
2. Dark Spots or Floaters:
As diabetic retinopathy progresses, it can cause small blood vessels in the retina to bleed. This bleeding can lead to the appearance of dark spots or floaters in your vision. These floaters may drift in and out of your visual field, and while they might seem harmless
initially, they indicate underlying damage that requires immediate attention.
3. Difficulty Seeing at Night:
Many people with diabetic retinopathy report difficulty seeing in low light or at night. This issue, known as night blindness, occurs because the retina's ability to adapt to changes in light is compromised. If you notice that driving at night has become more challenging or that you need more light to see clearly, it could be a sign of diabetic eye problems.
4. Colors Appear Faded:
Another subtle but telling sign of diabetic eye issues is when colors seem less vibrant or faded. This change is often due to damage to the retina, which affects your ability to perceive colors accurately.
5. Vision Loss:
In advanced cases of diabetic retinopathy, patients may experience partial or complete vision loss. This can happen suddenly and is often a result of retinal detachment or significant bleeding within the eye. Vision loss is a medical emergency, and immediate Diabetic Eye Treatment is essential to prevent permanent blindness.
Other Diabetic Eye Problems
While diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye condition, there are other issues to be aware of:
1. Diabetic Macular Edema (DME):
DME occurs when fluid builds up in the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp vision. This leads to swelling and blurred vision. If left untreated, DME can lead to significant vision loss.
2. Cataracts:
People with diabetes are more likely to develop cataracts at a younger age. Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy, leading to blurry vision and, if untreated, blindness.
3. Glaucoma:
Diabetes can also increase the risk of glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye, which can damage the optic nerve. Glaucoma often develops slowly and can lead to peripheral vision loss.
Importance of Early Detection and Treatment
Early detection of diabetic eye problems is critical to preventing severe complications. Regular eye exams, especially if you have diabetes, can help catch these issues before they progress. If you're experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, it's crucial to consult an eye specialist promptly. For those in Baner, specialized Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment in Baner offers comprehensive care tailored to manage and treat diabetic eye conditions effectively.
Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition. They can range from controlling blood sugar levels and using medications to more advanced interventions like laser surgery or injections to reduce retinal swelling.
Diabetic eye problems are a serious concern for anyone living with diabetes. Recognizing the key signs—blurred vision, floaters, night blindness, color changes, and vision loss—can help you seek timely Diabetic Eye Treatment and prevent long-term damage. If you’re in Baner and struggling with diabetes, prioritize regular eye check-ups and consider specialized treatments to protect your vision.
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A Vision of Clarity: A Review of SightCare Supplements
As someone who has always been heavily reliant on my vision, I've always been mindful of maintaining its health. When I started noticing slight strain and discomfort in my eyes, I knew it was time to take proactive steps. After extensive research, I decided to give SightCare Supplements a try. This review will delve into my experience with these supplements and how they have positively impacted my eye health.
The Search for a Solution
I've tried various eye drops and over-the-counter remedies in the past, but none seemed to provide lasting relief or address the root cause of my eye discomfort. I was looking for a more comprehensive approach that could nourish my eyes from within. SightCare Supplements seemed to offer just that, with a blend of natural ingredients known for their beneficial properties.
The Experience
I started taking SightCare Supplements as directed and immediately noticed a difference. The supplements were easy to swallow and did not cause any adverse reactions. Within a few weeks, I began to experience a noticeable improvement in my eye health. The strain and discomfort I had been feeling subsided, and my vision felt sharper and clearer.
The Benefits
One of the most significant benefits I've experienced from SightCare Supplements is improved focus and concentration. I've noticed that I can read for longer periods without experiencing eye fatigue. Additionally, my night vision has also improved, making it easier to see in low-light conditions.
The Ingredients
SightCare Supplements contain a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients, including lutein, zeaxanthin, and bilberry extract. These nutrients are essential for maintaining eye health and protecting against age-related macular degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin are concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina responsible for central vision. Bilberry extract is rich in antioxidants that can help protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals.
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healthwellness02 · 16 days
Sight Care Supplement Reviews
Introduction to Sight Care
Sight Care is marketed as a natural vision support formula designed to enhance eye health, protect against age-related vision decline, and improve overall eye function. The supplement is intended for people experiencing blurry vision, dry eyes, or other common eye health problems. It’s also promoted as a preventive measure against more serious eye conditions such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.
In a world where screen time is ever-increasing and the aging population is on the rise, supplements like Sight Care Reviews are gaining popularity. With promises of better focus, clearer vision, and long-term eye health benefits, it's no wonder that Sight Care has caught the attention of many.
The Importance of Eye Health
Before diving into the specifics of Sight Care, it’s crucial to understand why maintaining good eye health is essential. The eyes are sensitive organs prone to damage from environmental factors, aging, poor diet, and extended use of digital devices. Common vision problems include:
Blurry Vision: A frequent issue caused by refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, often worsened by prolonged screen time.
Dry Eyes: Occurs when the eyes do not produce enough moisture, causing irritation, discomfort, and blurry vision.
Macular Degeneration: An age-related condition that affects the central part of the retina, leading to vision loss.
Cataracts: Clouding of the eye’s lens, causing blurry vision and difficulty seeing at night.
Glaucoma: A condition where increased pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve, potentially leading to blindness.
Addressing these conditions early on can make a significant difference in maintaining optimal vision. This is where Sight Care claims to play a preventive and protective role.
What is Sight Care?
Sight Care is a dietary supplement formulated with a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbal extracts. The creators of Sight Care suggest that their product targets the root causes of poor vision and eye strain by nourishing the eyes from within.
The supplement is designed for adults of all ages, particularly those experiencing the onset of vision issues or looking for a proactive approach to maintain eye health as they age. While Sight Care is not a substitute for prescription medications or professional treatments for severe eye conditions, it is marketed as a natural, non-invasive way to support daily eye function.
Key Ingredients in Sight Care
The effectiveness of any supplement depends largely on its ingredients. Sight Care’s formula is a blend of natural components, each chosen for its potential to improve or support eye health. Below is a breakdown of some of the most notable ingredients found in Sight Care:
Role in Eye Health: Lutein is a carotenoid that accumulates in the retina, particularly in the macula, where it acts as a protective shield against blue light. Studies suggest that lutein supplementation can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and improve visual clarity.
Dosage: Research indicates that a daily intake of 6-20 mg of lutein may benefit eye health.
Role in Eye Health: Zeaxanthin, another carotenoid, works alongside lutein to protect the eyes from oxidative stress and harmful light exposure. It’s known to enhance contrast sensitivity and reduce glare, making it beneficial for night vision and clarity.
Dosage: A recommended daily dosage is about 2-10 mg, which is often paired with lutein for maximum effect.
Bilberry Extract
Role in Eye Health: Bilberry is rich in anthocyanins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Bilberry extract is often used to reduce eye fatigue, particularly in people who spend long hours staring at screens. Some studies suggest it may also improve night vision and circulation in the eyes.
Dosage: Standard dosages range from 80-160 mg of bilberry extract.
Role in Eye Health: Zinc is essential for maintaining the health of the retina and supporting enzyme function in the eyes. It helps transport vitamin A from the liver to the retina, which is crucial for producing melanin, a protective pigment in the eyes.
Dosage: The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc is 8-11 mg, but supplements may provide up to 25 mg per day for enhanced benefits.
Vitamin A
Role in Eye Health: Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the cornea, the outer layer of the eye. It also supports the function of rhodopsin, a protein in the eye that helps with low-light vision. Deficiency in vitamin A can lead to dry eyes and night blindness.
Dosage: The RDA for vitamin A is 700-900 mcg per day, but higher doses may be found in eye supplements.
Role in Eye Health: Eyebright is a traditional herbal remedy used to alleviate eye discomfort, inflammation, and irritation. It is believed to support overall eye health, although more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.
Role in Eye Health: Quercetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties that may protect the eyes from oxidative damage. It is also believed to support the integrity of blood vessels in the eyes, which could help prevent retinal damage.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Role in Eye Health: Omega-3s, particularly DHA, are crucial for maintaining the structure of the retina and reducing inflammation in the eyes. They are commonly recommended for reducing dry eye symptoms and supporting overall eye function.
How Does Sight Care Work?
Sight Care aims to work by addressing multiple aspects of eye health. The combination of antioxidants, carotenoids, and vitamins is designed to protect the eyes from oxidative stress, improve the function of the retina, and reduce the risk of age-related vision decline.
Oxidative Stress Reduction: Antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and quercetin help neutralize free radicals that can damage the eye’s delicate structures.
Blue Light Protection: Lutein and zeaxanthin form a protective barrier in the macula to filter harmful blue light, which is emitted by digital screens and sunlight.
Improved Circulation: Ingredients like bilberry extract and omega-3 fatty acids support healthy blood flow to the retina, ensuring that it receives the necessary nutrients and oxygen.
Moisture Retention: Omega-3s also play a role in maintaining the natural moisture levels in the eyes, reducing the symptoms of dry eye.
Potential Benefits of Sight Care
Enhanced Visual Clarity: Many of the ingredients in Sight Care Supplement particularly lutein and zeaxanthin, are known to improve the sharpness of vision and reduce the strain caused by prolonged screen use.
Reduced Eye Fatigue: Bilberry extract and quercetin may help alleviate the discomfort associated with eye strain and fatigue, especially for individuals who spend long hours working on computers.
Protection Against Age-Related Conditions: The antioxidant-rich formula of Sight Care offers a defense against oxidative damage, potentially lowering the risk of conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts.
Support for Night Vision: Ingredients like vitamin A and bilberry extract may improve night vision and contrast sensitivity, making it easier to see in low-light conditions.
Reduced Dry Eyes: Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the moisture balance in the eyes, offering relief for those with dry or irritated eyes.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Sight Care is generally considered safe for most individuals, as it is composed of natural ingredients. However, some people may experience mild side effects such as:
Allergic Reactions: Individuals allergic to any of the ingredients in Sight Care should avoid the supplement.
Digestive Issues: Some users have reported mild gastrointestinal discomfort, which may be attributed to certain components like zinc or bilberry extract.
Overconsumption Risks: Exceeding the recommended dosage of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, can lead to toxicity. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with a healthcare provider if needed.
Sight Care vs. Other Eye Health Supplements
When comparing Sight Care to other popular eye supplements on the market, several factors come into play, including ingredients, price, and overall effectiveness. Sight Care distinguishes itself with its comprehensive blend of antioxidants, carotenoids, and herbal extracts. However, other supplements may offer higher concentrations of certain key ingredients like lutein or zeaxanthin.
In terms of price, Sight Care falls within the mid-range for eye health supplements, making it accessible for most consumers while still offering a potent formula.
Customer Reviews of Sight Care
Customer reviews for Sightcare Reviews  are generally positive, with many users reporting noticeable improvements in their vision and eye comfort after consistent use. Some common themes in reviews include:
Improved Visual Clarity: Users have noted that their vision seems sharper, particularly after prolonged computer use.
Reduction in Eye Strain: Many people reported less eye strain and fatigue after taking Sight Care for a few weeks.
Relief from Dry Eyes: Users who struggle with dry eyes have mentioned that the supplement helped keep
Sight Care Supplement presents a compelling option for individuals looking to support and improve their eye health naturally. Its blend of well-researched ingredients, including lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry extract, and omega-3 fatty acids, offers potential benefits like enhanced visual clarity, reduced eye fatigue, and protection against age-related vision conditions.
While it is not a substitute for medical treatment for serious eye conditions, Sight Care Supplement Reviews  can be a valuable addition to a proactive eye health regimen, especially for those experiencing the early signs of eye strain, dryness, or mild vision decline. Its ability to protect against blue light exposure and oxidative stress makes it particularly relevant in today's screen-heavy world.
As with any supplement, results can vary depending on individual health conditions, and it’s always wise to consult a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your routine. For most people, however, Sight Care offers a promising, natural approach to maintaining optimal vision and protecting against the inevitable effects of aging on the eyes. With generally positive customer reviews and a moderate price point, Sight Care stands out as a balanced, effective supplement for those serious about long-term eye health.
Visit Here To Official Website>
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twinkl22004 · 17 days
“Macular Dystrophy (age-related)”, Victor McKusick, Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 1966.
Here I present: “Macular Dystrophy (age-related)”, Victor McKusick, Mendelian Inheritance in Man’, 1966. INTRODUCTION. Macular dystrophy is autosomal dominant eye disorder which can cause progressive vision loss.  This disorder affects the retina, specifically cells in a small area near the center of the retina called the macula. The macula is responsible for sharp central vision.  The condition…
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healthupfront · 20 days
SightCare Supplement: A Natural Approach to Better Vision and Eye Health
In today’s digital age, eye strain and vision problems are becoming more common due to long hours spent staring at screens. When I began noticing subtle changes in my vision, like eye fatigue and difficulty focusing, I decided to try the SightCare Supplement, a natural solution designed to promote better eye health. After several months of using the product, I want to share my experience and offer a detailed review, from the ingredients and benefits to pricing and where to buy it.
In this post, I’ll cover why I chose SightCare, how it works, and the results I’ve noticed.
What is the SightCare Supplement?
SightCare is a natural dietary supplement formulated to support and maintain eye health. It contains a blend of ingredients known for their ability to improve visual clarity, protect against age-related vision decline, and reduce eye strain. The supplement is marketed for people experiencing vision issues related to aging, screen exposure, and environmental factors.
SightCare promotes optimal eye function by targeting the root causes of vision problems, such as poor circulation, oxidative stress, and nutrient deficiencies.
Why I Chose SightCare
As someone who works long hours in front of a computer, I’ve experienced increasing levels of eye strain and mild vision problems, especially in low-light situations. I was looking for a natural solution that didn’t involve prescriptions or invasive treatments. After reading through various SightCare reviews, I noticed many users reported improvements in visual clarity, reduced eye strain, and better overall eye health.
The positive feedback, coupled with the supplement’s natural ingredient list, convinced me to give it a try.
How SightCare Works
SightCare works by providing the eyes with essential nutrients that support their natural functions. Its ingredients are known for promoting better circulation, protecting against free radical damage, and improving the health of the retina and macula—two critical areas responsible for sharp vision.
Here’s a breakdown of how SightCare works:
Boosting blood flow to the eyes: Proper circulation ensures that your eyes receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to function optimally.
Providing antioxidant protection: The supplement contains antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from harmful oxidative stress and reduce the risk of age-related vision issues.
Supporting night vision: Ingredients like bilberry extract are known for enhancing night vision, which is often one of the first areas where people notice a decline.
Ingredients in SightCare
One of the main reasons I felt confident trying SightCare capsules is the natural ingredients included in the formula. These ingredients are specifically chosen to support eye health and improve overall vision:
Lutein: This carotenoid is crucial for protecting the eyes from harmful blue light and supporting the health of the retina and macula.
Zeaxanthin: Another powerful antioxidant, zeaxanthin helps to protect the eyes from oxidative damage and reduces the risk of age-related vision decline.
Bilberry Extract: Known for improving night vision and reducing eye strain, bilberry is an essential ingredient in any eye health supplement.
Quercetin: A flavonoid that protects the eyes from oxidative stress and boosts immune function, helping the eyes recover from strain.
Zinc: Vital for maintaining the health of the retina and supporting overall eye function, especially when it comes to night vision.
Vitamin C: Known for promoting healthy blood vessels in the eyes and protecting against inflammation and oxidative stress.
Each of these ingredients has been carefully selected to support different aspects of eye health, offering a well-rounded approach to vision care.
Benefits of SightCare
After several months of using SightCare, here are some of the key benefits I’ve noticed:
Improved visual clarity: One of the most noticeable changes is how much clearer my vision has become, especially after long workdays in front of a screen.
Reduced eye strain: My eyes used to feel fatigued after a full day of work, but since taking SightCare, I’ve experienced much less discomfort.
Better night vision: I’ve always had trouble seeing in low light, especially when driving at night. SightCare has noticeably improved my ability to see in dim conditions.
Natural ingredients: I appreciate that the supplement is made with natural, scientifically backed ingredients that support eye health without harsh chemicals.
Special Offers and Where to Buy
If you're interested in trying the SightCare Supplement, the best place to purchase it is directly from the SightCare official website. Buying from the official site ensures that you’re getting a legitimate product and allows you to take advantage of any special offers, such as:
Discounts on bulk orders: SightCare offers discounts when you buy multiple bottles, making it more affordable for long-term use.
Money-back guarantee: The official website offers a 180-day money-back guarantee, so if you’re not satisfied with the results, you can return the product for a refund.
Free shipping: Certain promotions include free shipping, which can save you money on your order.
SightCare offers flexible pricing options depending on how many bottles you purchase. Here’s a quick breakdown:
1 bottle (30-day supply): $69
3 bottles (90-day supply): $59 per bottle
6 bottles (180-day supply): $49 per bottle
The pricing structure makes it affordable to stock up on SightCare for long-term use, especially if you choose one of the multi-bottle packages.
SightCare Reviews: What Others Are Saying
From my own experience and reading through various SightCare reviews, it’s clear that many users are happy with the supplement’s results. Here are a few highlights from other customer reviews:
Improved focus: Many users report that their visual clarity improved after a few weeks of taking SightCare, with less eye strain and better focus during the day.
Positive long-term effects: Several reviewers mention that after consistent use, they’ve noticed more substantial improvements in their overall eye health.
Easy to use: People appreciate that the supplement comes in easy-to-swallow capsules and can be easily incorporated into their daily routine without disrupting other health practices.
While most users are satisfied, it’s important to note that individual results can vary, and some people may need more time to see significant changes.
FAQs About SightCare
1. How long does it take to see results?
Results can vary from person to person, but most users notice changes within 2 to 6 weeks. I personally started seeing improvements in my eye strain after two weeks and better clarity after about a month.
2. Is SightCare safe?
Yes, SightCare is made from natural ingredients that are generally safe for most people. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are on medication.
3. Where can I buy SightCare?
The best place to purchase SightCare is through the SightCare official website to ensure you’re getting an authentic product and taking advantage of their special offers.
4. How should I take SightCare?
The recommended dosage is two capsules per day. I usually take them with breakfast, which makes it easy to remember to take them consistently.
My Final Thoughts on SightCare
After using the SightCare Supplement for several months, I can confidently say that it’s made a noticeable difference in my eye health. From clearer vision and reduced eye strain to better night vision, the benefits have been well worth it. Plus, the all-natural formula gave me peace of mind knowing that I was supporting my eye health without the use of chemicals.
If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your vision and protect your eyes from strain, I highly recommend trying SightCare. The positive SightCare review, combined with its powerful ingredients and results, make it a great addition to any eye care routine.
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adoctorx · 20 days
Gene therapy is an emerging treatment for both wet and dry macular degeneration. It requires fewer eye injections than standard treatments. Macular degeneration, also called age-related macular degeneration (AMD), affects your ability to see things straight ahead of you. This makes it difficult to perform daily activities like reading and driving. This progressive eye disorder is the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 65 in the United States. AMD occurs when the macula, a small area in the center of your retina, deteriorates. This leads to central vision loss, but your peripheral vision is usually not affected. There are two types of AMD: Dry macular degeneration: The most common type, dry AMD occurs when the retinal pigmented epithelial and photoreceptor cells on your macula degrade. It develops gradually and may progress to wet AMD. Wet macular degeneration: Abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina due to a protein called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Wet AMD develops and progresses more rapidly than dry macular degeneration. The treatment for AMD depends on the type. Treatment generally involves antioxidant vitamins for dry AMD and anti-VEGF eye injections for wet AMD. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, anti-VEGF treatment stabilizes vision in 90% of people who receive it and improves vision in about one-third of them. There’s currently no cure for either dry or wet AMD. Gene therapy is a new and promising treatment that may target both dry and wet AMD. Although it may not cure AMD, gene therapy could eliminate the need for ongoing eye injections. How does gene therapy work to treat macular degeneration? Gene therapy for macular degeneration involves inserting a genetically modified adeno-associated virus (AAV) into your eyes’ retinal cells. AAV blocks VEGF to prevent the growth of abnormal blood vessels. AAV delivers therapeutic genes that interfere with the activity of retinal cells. The modified retinal cells can then begin producing their own anti-VEGF proteins. Unlike other AMD treatments that require a series of eye injections, with gene therapy, only one injection may be necessary. This is because the modified retinal cells can continuously produce therapeutic proteins on their own. How effective is gene therapy in treating macular degeneration? Although gene therapy is a new treatment currently in clinical trials, it shows promise for treating both dry and wet macular degeneration. More research is still needed to further determine the effectiveness and safety of gene therapy for AMD. Gene therapy effectiveness for dry macular degeneration Gene therapy for dry AMD reduces the overactive proteins in the retinal cells that may lead to holes in your eyes, called membrane attack complex (MAC). Participants in the following clinical trials experienced a slowing of the progression of the disease, with no adverse side effects: HMR59: This clinical trial by Hemera Biosciences inserts a protein that increases the production of the CD59 protein that prevents the formation of MACs. GT005: Conducted by Gyroscope Therapeutics, this clinical trial also prevents MACs from forming. It boosts complement factor I (CFI) proteins, which stop your immune system from attacking your retinal cells. Gene therapy effectiveness for wet macular degeneration Ongoing clinical trials are testing the effectiveness of the following gene therapies for wet AMD that block the activity of VEGF: Ixo-vec (ADVM-022): You can receive injections of the modified protein ADVM-022 into your retinal cells in a doctor’s office. In a clinical trial, many participants who previously needed monthly injections of other AMD drugs didn’t need another ADVM-022 injection for over 2 years. RGX-314: This gene therapy delivers AAV8, a protein similar to ranibizumab (Lucentis), an injectable drug that treats wet AMD. An AAVIATE clinical trial found that it had only mild adverse effects and reduced the number of injections needed by 66.
7% after three years. 4D-150: This involves injecting both an anti-VEGF protein and RNA interference (RNAi) into retinal cells. The need for follow-up injections was reduced by 96.7% overall, according to a PRISM clinical trial. Research summary Research on gene therapy for AMD is still in the early stages, but the findings so far are promising. In general, studies show the following: Gene therapy is well tolerated, with only mild to moderate side effects. Fewer injections are needed compared to traditional AMD treatment. Gene therapy helps prevent further vision loss. HEALTHLINE NEWSLETTER Get our Macular Degeneration Newsletter Improve your eye health with our macular degeneration newsletter. Receive expert advice on managing your condition, answers to your FAQs, and the latest on condition breakthroughs delivered to your inbox. What is the procedure for gene therapy for macular degeneration? In gene therapy, a doctor may inject genetically modified proteins into your retinal cells in one of the following ways: Intravitreal injection: An eye care professional uses a needle to inject the proteins into the vitreous cavity, the fluid between your lens and retina. This is usually painless and can take place during an outpatient visit. Subretinal injection: This procedure, which requires eye surgery, is becoming popular among researchers because it allows more precise targeting of the outer retina. Doctors inject proteins directly into the subretinal space, located between the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layers. Suprachoroidal injection: Doctors inject proteins targeting the outer retina into the suprachoroidal space between the sclera and choroid. This relatively new procedure can take place in a doctor’s office. What are the risks of gene therapy for macular degeneration? In gene therapy clinical trials, 87% of participants reported only mild adverse effects. Most of the following potential risks are related to the surgical procedure rather than the gene therapy itself: eye inflammation triggered by an immune response to the genes post-operative subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding) eye irritation or pain reduced sharpness of vision Finding a clinical trial As of July 2024, seven AMD gene therapy clinical trials are recruiting participants in the United States, including the following: A phase 3 clinical study with 94 locations is evaluating RGX-314 for wet AMD. Participants must be between the ages of 50 and 88 and have had previous anti-VEGF eye injections. A phase 1 and 2 clinical study with eight locations is evaluating SKG0106 for wet AMD. Participants must be age 50 and older and have had previous anti-VEGF eye injections. A phase 1 and 2 clinical study with 26 locations is evaluating 4D-150 for wet AMD and recruiting people 50 years of age and over who’ve been diagnosed with macular choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to AMD. Frequently asked questions What is the newest treatment for macular degeneration? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the following injectable drugs in 2023 to slow the progression of geographic atrophy, an advanced stage of dry AMD: Izervy (avacincaptad pegol): This drug blocks complement C5, a protein that may worsen dry AMD. Syfovre (pegcetacoplan): The first FDA-approved drug for dry AMD, it also blocks complement protein C5. How close are we to a cure for macular degeneration? Researchers are making rapid and significant progress in developing effective treatments for AMD. Emerging treatments such as gene therapy and stem cell therapy may lead to a cure in the next several years. Is there a gene for macular degeneration? Although genetic factors may increase the risk of developing AMD, a single gene does not lead to this disease. Studies have identified more than 30 genes with possible links to AMD. Variations in the following two genes in particular may put you more at risk for developing AMD:
complement cascade genes on chromosome 1 ARMS2/HTRA genes on chromosome 10 Takeaway While gene therapy is a relatively new treatment for macular degeneration, the research conducted to date suggests it effectively reduces the need for ongoing eye injections without adverse effects. Gene therapy does not, however, cure AMD. Further research is necessary to improve the effectiveness of gene therapy and to better determine its long-term effects.
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healthy-diet12 · 21 days
SightCare Supplement: Benefits, Reviews, and the Official Website
As someone who has always been concerned about maintaining healthy vision, I was excited to try the SightCare Supplement after hearing about its natural approach to eye health. After using it for a few months, I’m here to share my experience, along with everything you need to know about SightCare, from how it works to its benefits, ingredients, and pricing.
In this review, I'll cover why I chose SightCare, how the supplement works, and answer common FAQs to help you decide if it's the right fit for your eye care routine.
What is SightCare?
SightCare is a natural dietary supplement designed to support and improve eye health. It’s formulated with a blend of powerful ingredients that target common vision problems like eye strain, poor night vision, and declining visual clarity as we age. The supplement is aimed at anyone looking to maintain or enhance their eyesight without relying on harsh chemicals or expensive treatments.
Why I Chose SightCare
I had been experiencing mild vision problems like eye strain after long hours in front of a screen, and I noticed my night vision wasn't as sharp as it used to be. I wanted to find a natural supplement that could support my eye health. After researching, I found several SightCare reviews that were positive and promising. The fact that it’s made from all-natural ingredients, and promotes overall eye health, made me feel comfortable giving it a try.
How Does SightCare Work?
SightCare is designed to work by nourishing the eyes from within. The supplement targets various aspects of eye health, including:
Improving blood circulation to the eyes: Good circulation ensures that your eyes receive the nutrients and oxygen they need to function optimally.
Supporting the retina and macula: The retina and macula are crucial for maintaining clear, sharp vision, and SightCare provides the necessary nutrients to support these vital areas.
Fighting oxidative stress: The supplement contains antioxidants that protect the eyes from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to vision decline.
SightCare doesn’t just work on vision—it also supports overall eye function, making it a comprehensive solution for those experiencing eye fatigue or age-related vision issues.
SightCare Ingredients
One of the reasons I felt confident trying SightCare capsules is because of the natural ingredients it contains. Each ingredient plays a specific role in promoting eye health:
Bilberry Extract: Known for improving night vision and reducing eye strain, especially in low-light conditions.
Lutein: Often called the "eye vitamin," lutein helps filter harmful blue light and supports the health of the macula.
Zeaxanthin: Like lutein, zeaxanthin protects the eyes from damage caused by exposure to sunlight and blue light.
Quercetin: A powerful antioxidant that protects the eyes from oxidative stress and supports the immune system.
Vitamin C: Essential for maintaining the health of blood vessels in the eyes and promoting healing.
Zinc: Helps maintain the health of the retina and supports proper night vision.
Each of these ingredients is carefully chosen to support different aspects of eye health, making SightCare a well-rounded solution.
Benefits of SightCare
Here are some of the key benefits I’ve experienced with regular use of SightCare:
Improved visual clarity: I noticed a significant improvement in my ability to focus, especially after long hours in front of the computer.
Better night vision: One of the main reasons I tried this supplement was for my night vision, and it didn’t disappoint. I feel more confident driving at night.
Reduced eye strain: I used to experience eye fatigue after work, but since starting SightCare, my eyes feel less tired and strained.
Natural and safe: The all-natural formula gave me peace of mind knowing I wasn’t putting harsh chemicals into my body.
Special Offers on the SightCare Official Website
If you're interested in trying SightCare for yourself, the best place to buy it is through the SightCare official website. They often have special offers and discounts that you can take advantage of, such as:
Bulk discounts: When you buy multiple bottles at once, you can save a significant amount of money. For instance, buying a 3- or 6-month supply will reduce the cost per bottle.
Free shipping: Some offers on the official website include free shipping, which is a nice bonus.
Money-back guarantee: SightCare offers a 180-day money-back guarantee, so if you’re not satisfied with the results, you can get a refund.
Here’s a breakdown of the typical pricing for SightCare:
1 bottle: $69 (30-day supply)
3 bottles: $59 per bottle (90-day supply)
6 bottles: $49 per bottle (180-day supply)
While it’s not the cheapest supplement out there, the pricing is reasonable, especially considering the quality of ingredients and the positive impact on eye health. I found the bulk pricing to be the best value for long-term use.
SightCare Reviews: What Others Are Saying
Like me, many users have reported positive experiences with SightCare. Here are some common points from SightCare reviews:
Better focus and clarity: Users frequently mention that their vision becomes sharper after a few weeks of taking the supplement.
Ease of use: The capsules are easy to swallow, and most people appreciate that they don’t have to make drastic lifestyle changes to see results.
Natural solution: People who prefer natural supplements love that SightCare is free from artificial ingredients and chemicals.
However, as with any product, results can vary. Some reviews mention that it took a few weeks before they started noticing improvements, while others experienced quicker results.
FAQs About SightCare
1. How long does it take to see results?
From my experience, I started noticing subtle changes after about two weeks, but for more significant results, it took about a month. Most SightCare reviews suggest that it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to see noticeable improvements.
2. Is SightCare safe to use?
Yes, SightCare is made from all-natural ingredients and is generally considered safe. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions or are taking other medications.
3. How do I take SightCare?
The recommended dosage is two capsules per day. I found it easiest to take them in the morning with breakfast to establish a routine.
4. Where can I buy SightCare?
The best place to purchase SightCare is through the SightCare official website, where you can take advantage of discounts and the money-back guarantee.
5. Does SightCare have any side effects?
I didn’t experience any side effects while using SightCare, and most reviews seem to suggest that the supplement is well-tolerated. However, as with any supplement, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage and be aware of any potential allergies to the ingredients.
Final Thoughts: Is SightCare Worth It?
After using the SightCare supplement for a few months, I can confidently say that it has improved my vision and reduced eye strain. If you’re looking for a natural way to support your eye health, I recommend giving SightCare a try. The combination of natural ingredients, positive reviews, and the fact that it’s available on the official website with a money-back guarantee makes it a risk-free investment for your eyes.
Whether you're experiencing mild vision problems or just want to maintain your current eye health, SightCare could be the perfect addition to your wellness routine.
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