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true story
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positively-madd · 5 years
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badsadnmadd · 5 years
Schools back. What to do?
Hi yea after only 11 days of school I already have to pull an all nighter because I'm so behind on assignments.
I know a lot of people with madd struggle with education and staying on top of assignments, lessons, and projects.
I wanted to ask you guys, how do you survive your learning career with madd? What do you daydream about when you have to get stuff done?
Please leave this in the comments so that people in our community can see it, your advice might really help someone!!
If you're not comfortable commenting but want to contribute, dm me and I'll put it on the post so that your name doesn't show along with it if that kinda thing stresses you out. Anything you do could help someone else so please share
I'll start off with some things I do.
I'll usually make an AU/go to the past in a paraverse and have some of my favorite paras go to college so that I feel like I need to do work so that they can get the job/education they need.
I'll also work what I'm doing into the jobs/interests of my paras so that it's just a project for them to do.
I'll work hard for 20 minutes and then take a 20 minute break to daydream (remember to set timers)
I'll add more if people dm me or I think of something else.
I hope this helps someone. Have a great day
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perseus-raine · 6 years
When you're trying to focus on something but you can't because the daydreams are slowly taking over and you're just
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I don't have a "dream job". Don't want a career. Just want something that'll keep me fed, clothed, and sheltered while between the times I'm in my mind. I'd stay here forever if I could.
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Song of the Week! Hope this gives some awesome daydreams 🌌
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languidschizoid · 4 years
I've almost never read fanfic before but now I've been reading through a list of common fanfic tropes and frankly I'm offended at how many of these have occured in my paracosm
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thunderdome-s · 5 years
I saw your post about you feeling bad about all your paracosms being based off of other works but don’t feel bad! I’m like that too, and I think that it’s a way of showing how much you really care for that work. Quite a few times when I fixated on a game/show/other I would only daydream of those for months on end because I really connected with them. Maybe that’s the same for you? I know for sure it it for me! 😁
Hi! Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️ It's basically the same thing as you, but since I never had contact with other MaDD's, I didn't knew if it was a common thing and was really ashamed about it. Thank you for the love ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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the-para-zone · 6 years
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Paracosm: scp artistic liberty
Para: Ellery
Themes: neon, colourful, artistic, glow, sparkly
I just wanted to do a stimboard for Ellery idk.
X X X / X X / X X X
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paraconvo · 7 years
Jodi: Do you promise not to tell? Ted: Yes, I swear on a stack of Bibles Jodi: You’re an atheist Ted: Meme Bibles
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mymaddlife · 7 years
So I need some new music to listen and daydream to because somehow the 500 songs on my phone don't seem to do it so I thought it would be really cool if we could start a tag (maybe something like #maddmusic or something?) where we share our favourite songs to daydream to. What do you guys think about it?
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pastel-daydreaming · 7 years
Me talking about real life ▶ 🔘──────── 00:00:01 Me talking about my daydream universes ▶ 🔘──────── 23:59:59
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positively-madd · 6 years
When my daydreaming starts to affect my real world life
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badsadnmadd · 6 years
Hey hey hey my fellow madders. I wanna interact with you dudes but I'm real awkward. Please just like send an ask to my box. Anyone who reblogs this gets an ask from me (and hopefully some others)
Questions about paras, cosms, inspiration, music, me, litterally anything. You can ask
I wanna see more interactions in this community and I want to talk to you fools.
Reblog if you want an ask or if you agree with me.
Also if you're a new madd blog reblog this so I can follow you!!
(Side note, if you don't want an ask but you reblog this for one of the other reasons it's totally cool you don't gotta answer my asks)
You can also dm me if you want I'm cool with that too
Anyways have a good day guys
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perseus-raine · 6 years
Getting excited to ride the bus just so you can listen to music and daydream.
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when you remember there are other people out there who love their characters as much as you love yours and who get it
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