#made to disturb grand nieces and grand nephews
fortunaestalta · 8 months
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Sweet as Pie
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With some much needed time off, and excitement crisp in the air, you had flown over to Jersey with your husband Henry for Christmas to stay with his family, and they had been delighted to have you both back on his homeland. You settled in to Henry’s old room, unpacking all of the gifts you had brought for his family. You knew his nieces and nephews were going to love you even more when they saw what would be lying for them under the grand Christmas tree in the living room. Secretly, you were their favourite - not that they’d ever tell their poor Uncle Henry.
The large home is tidy, but scattered with family members in every room, all feeling at home in the place where Henry and his brothers grew up. You’d been able to catch up with the relatives you didn’t often see, and promise to spend some quality time together over the holidays.
It was so sweet to watch all the children’s faces light up on Christmas morning. You were glad that you and Henry could be spared an extra few moments in bed, being the only childless couple in the house. Yet moments later, Kal had leapt onto the bed - much to Henry’s annoyance; “down Kal, careful now” -  as soon as he had heard the pattering of his small friends’ feet out in the hallways. And what Kal wanted, you usually gave him.
Which is why, at 6.45am, Kal dragged you and in turn, dragged Henry down to the living room where the rest of the family sat, with the kids lit up like the Christmas tree that their plethora of presents laid under, grinning to their bleary eyed parents who’d barely had a wink of sleep on the cold winter morning.
“You’d think after 6 years it gets easier” you’d heard someone murmur, and so you’d decided to put the kettle on for those poor souls. Luckily for you, 45 minutes later, you’re able to snuggle back into bed with Henry, warming your feet on his legs to annoy him. You kiss the offended pout right off his face, before feeling his beefy arms wrap around your waist. It’s the last thing you had recalled, as you dozed off in his arms only seconds later, feeling his fingertips rub against your hip softly.
The kitchen was bustling with about 10 bodies all completing their various tasks; cooking, washing, baking, roasting, timing and tasting. Well, you had kicked your husband out of the kitchen for sneaking a taste of your dessert before it was ready, chastising him out of the door. 
“You can either help properly or go and play with your siblings” you had bargained while he’d grinned, leaning against the doorframe. He raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down like you were a pastry he was keen to ravish himself; “But who is going to compliment the chef?”
With that, you’d folded your arms across your chest, blushing at his words. The cheek of that man was not lost on you, and it still got you every single time. 
And you loved him for it.
The meal was a total success. A wonderful soup starter, followed by a small appetiser, and then the most magnificent turkey. Feeding over 20 people - now probably closer to 30 if you were to include the children who were growing up so quickly in front of your eyes - had proven to be difficult, but it was a challenge the family had clearly tackled before.
You had been so excited to prepare the desserts, and present your dish. However, halfway through the day, somewhere between the main course, watching your nephews with their new toys, and the dessert course of the delicious homemade Christmas feast, you’d fallen asleep on the sofa completely tuckered out. Your legs rested on Henry’s lap as he’d covered you with a hand-knitted blanket that he’d once slept with as a boy. Henry’s mother speaks up, careful not to wake you. She has a gleam in her eye, not that you or even Henry notice, too wrapped up in your own cozy sleepy bubble together by the fire.
“Dessert can wait” his mother says to the gaggle of children and adults swarming the living room, “go out and get some fresh air.”
She turns to the children, specifically.  “Do not disturb your Aunt, okay?”
Your cheeks are warm as the fire heats the living room, and after a particularly competitive game of rugby with his brothers, nieces, and nephews, Henry quietly checks on you. He had left the room earlier when you had shifted your legs slightly, taking the opportunity to get some fresh air himself. It had indeed been a long day. His brothers had questioned your tiredness briefly, making sure you were well. With the knowledge that you were simply sleepy, they had begun to joke that you obviously just couldn’t keep up with the rest of the Cavills - despite having married into the family for 2 years and been around for the holidays for 4. Henry had promised them that you were fine -  that you still weren’t used to the long trip back to the island for the holidays. 
Not exactly a fib, he’d thought.
Kal was laid beside you, loyal as ever, watching out for anyone who may disturb your rest, sending a rumbling growl towards anyone who approached. Except Henry. 
While checking on you now to make sure you were still comfortable and resting well, he smiled, taking a picture of you wrapped up cosily by the fire, at peace in his childhood home, completely at rest and ease with him and his closest relatives. Petting Kal softly, he thanks him for looking after his mama so well.
His mother, he hears. She’s alone for once as there was no one rushing to check for updates on food, no enquiries about the house, or any funny stories woven into a ten minute tale from her grandchildren. She’s alone, with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.
Henry stands up straight. There’s nothing that can wipe the tremendously cheesy grin off of his face. He can’t even speak. Even after dessert had finished, you were the one who would be doing all the talking, the telling, the explaining.
“Henry. She’s not ill. and i know you’re sensible enough to not be up the whole night with your wife...at least under my roof. So…?”
He looks over at your peaceful form, and then scratches his neck, blushing at being caught out, but also ecstatic that he can finally say something about it.
“She’s eleven weeks. We’re expecting a baby next summer”
With that, his mother almost leaps with joy over to her son, who she hugs closely despite the obvious height barrier. 
“Oh i knew it, I knew it! I’m so happy for you Henry, for you both. I thought, ‘She normally loves that bread for starter’, hm? Oh my boy! A father!”
With her proclamation, Henry finds that he has tears in his eyes as he holds his Mother close, finally glad that it’s not just a little secret between the two of you - well, the two of you and Kal, who had already been a stellar protector and big brother.
“We had planned to tell everyone after dessert…we’ve known for nearly 2 months and it’s been killing me that I couldn’t say. We’ve had to be so careful-“ 
“Henry?” he hears your quiet voice from across the room, as Kal’s collar jingles. He turns to see you sitting up from your nap with Kal booping his nose at your stomach. You’re scratching at his head, thanking him for being such a wonderful boy, while looking up at the two Cavills.
It takes less than a second for you to realise what is happening in front of you. Your jaw drops and louder than your previous call, you exclaim, “Henry you told her?”
“She worked it out! Practically forced it out of me.” he grins, holding his hands up as his Mother pretends to smack his arm.
You stand, watching not to step on Kal or any stray Legos that your nephews have left strewn across the floor, and walk over to hug her. She’s been so caring and kind since you’ve joined the family all those years ago, and you know that she will be an incredible Grandma to your little one. 
Breaking apart from the hug, you find Henry pulling you to him carefully, letting you melt into his side. Kissing your forehead he asks, for your ears only, “Good sleep? No pains? Sickness?” He has a small crease of worry between his brows and you always do your best to soften that small tense area with regular updates and sweet kisses.
“Yeah i’m okay honey” you reassure him, patting your stomach, “this ones growing up a storm in there”. 
And they really are. Henry’s mother cannot believe she’s seeing it, and mostly can’t believe she missed it. You’re already showing, but a large loose sweater -probably one of Henry’s old ones that has since become yours - over your dress, has hidden a sizeable roundness to your stomach that you were excited to finally show.
“How did I miss this!” Your mother-in-law gasps, causing you to grin, and Henry’s chest to puff with utter pride and excitement.
“I know it’s bordering on having too much to eat, but we’ve been hiding it for a couple weeks now. Doctor thinks that baby’s gonna be big. Just like their daddy.” You explain, giving your stomach another gentle rub, surprised to find Henry’s hand there on it already.
If you’d thought Kal was protective, Henry was another thing altogether.
He’s still grinning as you kiss him, before you pull away to speak more to his mother about all the details, especially when you’ll be coming over to Jersey again. Kai follows you closely, making sure you’re staying safe. He’s known that there’s something up with his mama, there has been for weeks, especially with the way his master looks after you now.
Henry, deciding to be sneaky while the two women in his life are currently distracted chatting, takes another taste of the dessert you made, now set out on the kitchen. The worst part is, he thinks he’s got away with it.
He realises he doesn’t the second you smack his hand from the dessert.
“Strike two Mr Cavill! Step away from the pie.”
“And if I don’t?” he raises an eyebrow, watching your reactions as you hold a butter knife in your hand trying to look at least vaguely threatening - failing miserably. “Maybe i’ll strike out tonight, hm?” he continues with that wonderfully mischievous glint in his eye, taking cautious steps towards you. “You look even sweeter than your pie with this little bump here. Maybe I’ll have a taste later after all.” 
Henry’s mother had not been right in her assumptions, for under her roof, you and Henry were not sensible at all.
please let me know what u think! i am v nervous to post but excited!!!
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Distant Memories - Prologue
One fateful night, the young Prince Samuel Hale disappears when the palace is overrun and the royal family are murdered. Years later, the Grand Duke Peter offers a reward for the return of his nephew. Stiles and Boyd come up with a plan to find someone to play the role and take the money; that’s when they stumble upon an orphaned man with no memories of his childhood and who bares a remarkable resemblance to the missing prince.
 For @benaya-trash​
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  The large ballroom was filled with light and sound. The hall had been decorated with strings of crystal beads, draped from the chandeliers to the golden filigree of the ornate crown moulding and the towering columns on either side of the hall. The crystals shimmered like stars in the night as they caught the light.
Small groups of people gathered on the mezzanine, talking quietly as they sipped on champagne or looking over the ornate railing to watch the others dance.
Guests filled the dance floor, dancing gracefully to the music, the fabric of their ball gowns and evening coats billowing as they moved.
Grand Duke Peter sat on one of the thrones positioned on the landing of the staircase at one end of the hall, the hard lines of his face and his cold composure softening as he watched his nieces and nephews move among the crowd.
The eldest of the three children, Laura, smiled sweetly as she danced with her father – the Tsar. She moved gracefully, gliding across the dance floor as if she were floating on air. The fabric of her deep indigo ball gown billowed and swayed like the waves of the ocean in the darkness of the night; the gold embroidery and beading that ran down the front of her dress caught the light like moonlight reflecting off the waves. Her long dark hair was pinned back from her face, left to hang loose in cascading waves past her shoulders but decorated with gleaming beads and the delicate golden tiara that sat atop her head.
Nearby, Prince Samuel danced with his younger sister, Cora.
The young princess was dressed in a blush pink gown with a scooped neckline. The corset and sleeves were decorated with white flowers and pearls that matched the string of pale pearls that sat around her neck—the one her mother had given her to wear that night. Her long hair was tied back in a pony tail with a pink ribbon tied into a bow. The look was finished by a small tiara sat atop her dark hair. She looked much healthier than the last time he had seen her.
Prince Samuel wore a navy blue coronation suit much like his father’s, with gold embroidery around the cuffs of the sleeves and the stiff collar. Two rows of shining buttons lined the front of his jacket with braids of golden string hanging across his chest, draped from the golden plate on his right shoulder to the buttons on his chest.
Peter couldn’t help but smile as he watched them dance. Samuel would pick his sister up and twirl her around or spin her in circles until the sound of her laughter drowned out the music.
The girls were the splitting image of their mother; they had inherited her beauty and her elegance, but it was Samuel who had inherited her calmness and her patience.
Peter looked away from the ballroom floor, turning to look at his sister who stood beside him.
Tsarina Talia smiled at her brother, gently setting her hand on his shoulder before stepping down onto the dance floor and joining her husband.
Laura curtseyed as she stepped back, turning to see her brother’s pleading expression. She chuckled as she stepped over to their side, taking Cora’s hand and dancing with her.
Samuel stepped back before making his way over to his uncle’s side.
“I wish you didn’t have to go to Paris,” Samuel said softly.
Peter’s smile fell slightly. “I was going to wait until later to give you this, but I suppose you can have it now.”
Peter dug into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small bejewelled silver box; the dark sapphires and pale aquamarine and glossy opals catching the light.
“A jewellery box?” Samuel asked, bewildered.
“A secret,” his uncle corrected. He pulled out a necklace; a small silver pendant in the shape of a triskelion hanging from the end of the chain. He slotted it into the matching hole, holding onto the small grip on the back of the pendant as he turned it.
The top of the bejewelled box opened, revealing a surprise; inside were two figurines that looked like Samuel’s mother and father, spinning in circles as they danced along to the sweet melody of a familiar song.
He straightened, his eyes widening with realisation as he looked up at his uncle.
“The lullaby,” Samuel said.
“You can play it before you go to sleep and imagine that it’s me singing to you,” Peter said. He waited for the melody to catch up and softly sang, “On the wind, across the sea, hear this song and remember.”
Samuel smiled, his voice quiet as he sang along with his uncle, “Soon you’ll be home with me, once upon a December.”
Peter pulled the pendant out of the side of the music box and passed it to Samuel.
“Read what it says,” he instructed.
Samuel turned the pendant over, reading the text that was inscribed on the flat surface of the triskelion.
“‘Together in Paris’,” Samuel read. His face lit up as he looked up at his uncle. “Really?”
Peter smiled and nodded. He took the necklace from Samuel and lifted it over the young prince’s head, letting the pendant fall against his chest.
The ballroom fell silent.
Samuel turned around, watching as the crowd parted and a dark figure emerged. His heart sank, his stomach twisting in knots as his eyes fell upon the woman.
She was a young lady with a golden wave of curls that cascaded down her back, bouncing off her translucent skin as she walked forward unhindered. She was dressed in a long black dress and a fur-lined coat, the tail of the coat sweeping across the floor as she glided forward. Her sapphire blue eyes sparkled in the light, but there was something about her gaze, a glint of malice that gave away the darkness in her heart.
Peter rose to his feet, gently ushering his nephew behind him as he stood defensively before the prince.
Laura and Cora ran to their mother as their father stormed forward.
“How dare you return to the palace?” the Tsar growled.
“But I am your confidante,” Kate said, her voice sickeningly sweet, “I healed your daughter.”
“For that I have thanked you, but you are no longer welcome. Now, get out!”
“You think you can banish me?” Kate scoffed, her hand absentmindedly reaching for the yellow crystal that hung from an old leather rope around her neck. “By the unholy powers vested in me, I will banish you; mark my words. You and your family will die. I will not rest until I see the end of the Hale bloodline forever!”
She turned sharply and stormed towards the large doors. The lights that filled the room blinked out, the crystals overhead catching the silvery glow of the moonlight as the chandelier swung back and forth dangerously.
“Father!” Samuel cried out.
His father looked up, noticing the chandelier. He staggered back as the chandelier crashed to the floor, scattering glass and crystal across the ballroom floor.
“Darling,” Talia called out, reaching out for her husband.
“I’m alright,” he reassured her as he stepped over to his wife’s side.
Cora clung to her father’s leg, burying her face in the fabric as he gently patted her head and hushed her tears.
Samuel and Peter ran to their family’s side; Samuel wrapped his arms around his father’s waist, holding him tight as Peter checked on his sister and Laura.
Several houseboys emerged from the darkness, holding candles. The dull glow of the flickering lights lit the ballroom as the Tsar made his apologies and the staff saw their guests out.
Peter gave his sister a look, a silent message passing between them, but Samuel knew them both well enough to know what it meant; don’t let them see how scared you are.
 “Laura?” Samuel’s quiet voice disturbed the darkness of the night.
Laura sat up in her bed look to where her little brother stood in the doorway to her room, holding a small candle in his hand. “Are you alright?”
“I can’t sleep,” Samuel admitted.
Laura’s shoulders dropped as she let out a soft sigh. She shuffled over in her bed and pulled back the blanket, patting the mattress beside her.
Samuel stepped over to her bedside, Cora’s little figure trailing in his shadow He set the candle down on the bedside table and lifted his little sister into the bed. He pulled himself up onto the bed, letting Laura drape the blankets over them as they curled up together, drowning out the sounds of shouting and rioting that filled the city.
At some point they must have drifted off because they woke to their mother gently shaking them awake.
“Come now,” she said softly. “We have to go.”
She lifted Cora out of the bed.
Peter took the girl from his sister’s arms, wrapping her in a thick coat.
“What’s going on?” Laura asked as her uncle passed her a coat.
“We have to go,” Peter repeated.
The sounds from outside were louder than before, the deafening roar filling the air as a crow of armed men threw themselves against the palace gates.
“Let’s go,” Talia urged, taking Cora’s hand and leading the way towards the hallway.
Peter wrapped his arm around Samuel’s shoulder as they followed Talia out of the room and down the hallway.
“Wait,” Samuel said, pulling back from his uncle. “My music box.”
He turned and ran back down the hallway.
His uncle called out his name, chasing after him back through the dark halls of the palace. He sprinted into his nephew’s room, watching as Samuel scrambled to pick up the small bejewelled music box that sat on his bedside table.
“Samuel,” his uncle said firmly. “We have to go.”
There was a deafening crash as the doors fell, the sound of heavy boots against the floors like rolling thunder as armed men and soldiers stormed the palace.
“There has to be another way out of here,” Peter said quietly.
There was a small tug at his sleeve.
Peter turned to see a young house boy pulling at the sleeve of his coat.
“This way,” the boy insisted, pulling Peter and the young prince towards an open panel in the doorway. “Follow it all the way and you’ll come out near the kitchens.”
“Thank you,” Peter whispered, leading the way into the darkness.
Samuel followed after him, the bejewelled box slipping from his fingers as his uncle pulled him into the dark tunnel.
The sounds outside the room grew louder as the soldiers drew closer. The young kitchen boy looked at the hidden passage way. He swallowed hard and pushed the door shut, turning to face the men that stormed into the room.
“Where are they, boy?” one of the soldiers demanded.
The kitchen boy didn’t reply, staring the man down defiantly.
“Where are they?!” the soldier shouted.
The kitchen boy grabbed the vase of flowers from the bedside table and hurled it at the man.
The man turned slightly, shielding himself with his arm as the vase shattered against the sleeve of his coat. Jagged pieces of porcelain rained across the floor.
The soldier charged at the boy, slamming the butt of his rifle into the boy’s cheek and knocking him to the ground.
The boy felt a rivulet of warm blood trickle across his cheek, his ears ringing and his head pounding as his heavy eyes fell shut and the cold embrace of darkness enveloped him.
 Laura thrashed about as the soldiers dragged her down the dark hallways beneath the palace and into the safe room. They threw her to the ground beside the rest of her family.
He father tried to catch her as she fell, holding her close and craning his neck to look her in the eye.
She gave him a sweet smile, trying to reassure him as she straightened herself up and turned to face the soldiers that gathered in the doorway.
She glared at the woman who stepped forward, her blonde hair hidden beneath a fur-lined cap.
Laura swallowed hard against the lump in her throat.
The room was designed to be fortified; one door in and out. But now it felt like a coffin.
“Take aim,” a soldier shouted, his voice ringing through the night.
Kate’s emotionless eyes stared at Laura as the solider ordered, “Fire!”
The gunshots rang through the dark hallways, echoing in the confined space of the room as the bullets tore through flesh. Blood was splattered across the wooden floorboards as lifeless, bloodied bodies fell to the ground.
Searing pain tore through Laura’s side, her blood soaking into the fabric of her nightgown—clinging to her skin. She drew in deep breaths, tears pricking at her eyes as she slowly opened her eyes.
Her father’s body lay beside her, his eyes clouded and unfocused. His clothes were torn and stained red. Her mother’s still body lay beside his, her dark eyes staring into oblivion as the life drained from her body.
“Mama,” Cora whispered.
The soldiers rushed forward, grabbing Cora by her hair and hauling her to her feet.
“Leave her alone!” Laura shouted.
A second man grabbed Cora’s coat, digging into the pockets and pulling out chipped jewellery and silver lockets with bullets embedded in them.
Their faces twisted with rage as they threw the young princess to her knees again and drew a pistol, aiming it at her head.
“No!” Laura screamed.
The gunshot rang in her ears as she watched the bullet tear through her sister’s flesh, bathing her pale skin in red as her body collapsed to the floor.
Another soldier grabbed Laura, tearing her coat off.
“This one’s mine,” Kate said, grabbing Laura by her hair and dragging her out of the room.
Laura thrashed about, her head burning as Kate tightened her grip on the fistful of Laura’s long, dark hair and pulled her down the hallway and out the front door.
She dragged her into the open courtyard before the palace, a trail of red following them as Laura’s blood dripped into the snowfall.
The cold snow bit at her bare feet, the hem of her nightgown soaked and her skin prickled with goosebumps as she shivered in the cold. Searing agony flooded her veins as blood seeped from the wound where a bullet had torn through the skin over her ribs.
Kate threw her to her knees.
Laura’s long dark hair fell loose around her face, bruises marring her skin with smears of blue, black and purple. A stream of blood fell from her nose, trickling down her chin and staining the front of her gown red.
Tears welled in her eyes, glimmering in the moonlight as she blinked them back and lifted her gaze defiantly. She glared at the woman who towered over her.
Kate drew a pistol, aiming the barrel at Laura’s forehead.
“I curse you, Kate Argent,” Laura snarled. “The Hale bloodline will find you and make you pay. And when that day comes, I’ll be waiting at the gates.”
The gunshot rang out thought the night, the deafening boom echoing through the shadows as the spray of blood stained the snow red and the princess’s body fell against the icy ground.
 Peter held onto the sleeve of his nephew’s coat, pulling him through the crowds that gathered in the streets. They kept their heads down, shielding their faces to avoid recognition as they ran through the falling flurries of snow.
Samuel’s feet pedalled beneath him as he stumbled and staggered on the icy cobblestone paths.
“Where are we going?” Samuel asked.
“There’s a train to Paris leaving soon,” Peter told him.
A thundering rumble grew louder as a carriage came barrelling down the street towards them. The carriage struck Samuel, tearing him from his uncle’s hand.
He was thrown aside, colliding with the icy cobblestones. Blood coursed from the wound on Samuel’s head, pooling on the ground around him.
Peter cried out his name, but the crowd pulled him away, leaving his nephew’s still body lying among the muddy sludge and falling snow.
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There’s Something about Mary
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gif by @ofyourshadow-blog
Today was Polly’s sixty fourth birthday, and even though she was getting more up there in age she was still sharp as a tack, still in a sound mind and still kept her position at Shelby Company Lt. even though she was well past retirement age. But she loved working and didn’t want to quit until she was too ill or dead.
Michael was more worried about her being by herself and begged her to move in with him, you wouldn’t mind of course and there was plenty of room in your home, plus you had two maids and hired an assistant to help her for when she’s out and about and to help her organize. Once she finally agreed to the arrangement, Michael had put her house on the market and made sure that the money was put aside in her account, and her new bedroom was his eldest daughters old room, which was the second biggest room in the house.
It didn’t take her too long to get settled in, and she loved the feeling of not being lonely. Her first night there she learned of the new nanny that her granddaughter had hired to help out with her son. Polly’s first great grand child was born just four months before she and adored his adorable chubby self, who in their right mind would want to mistreat a life so innocent? She’s had to deal with her fair share of evil and neglectful adults but when it came to her own blood it engraged her even more.
Mary was her name, and she was no older than Pol herself, the woman stood at only five foot two and had loud dominating footsteps that would click and clank against the shiny wooden floors. While the nanny had normally lived with yours and Michael’s daughter and your son in law, today she would be hanging around to keep watch of the kids, the party would be held in the dining room at your house, it’s not too big but not too small, which was the perfect size since Polly didn’t want a big grand celebration, mostly close family and friends.
While your daughter Francine and her husband Gregory had went to pick up the cake and decorations, Michael headed to the jewelry store to pick up a custom piece he had made for his mum, and you stuck around to help the maids set up the food and checked on the entertainment. All while Polly was to remain out of the way and relax, the house was big enough so she was able to find other ways to entertain herself as the hours passed by, one of the things she liked to do was listen to records, so she sat in the upstairs library and played one while reading and sipping her tea, in the middle of humming along she was able to pick up the sound of a baby crying, knowing instantly who it was she rushed out of the room and down the hall, before she could turn the corner she heard a rushed whisper before the voice picked up.
“It’s alright my boy, you just go back to sleep, and don’t let those little bastards disturb you anymore”
Mary walked up to the window and saw the other children playing, yelling and having a grand old time. A few of John’s kids, Karl and Billy were grown now and had some children of their own, and the nanny couldn’t have hated them more, it was little Phillip that she favored more out of all of them and she loathed having to watch extra.
“Fucking parasites, will be nothing else but criminals, scum of the earth”
She jumped and turned around once she heard the sound of a throat clear, her eyes went big once she saw the source of it, ever since she was introduced to the Shelby/Gray matriarch she instantly felt unwelcomed by her, it was like she was constantly studying her and attempting to read her mind, so she kept up a good enough facade as to not prove her suspicions, but today of all days she’s failed.
“Mrs. Gray-I-I thought you were listening to your music?”
“Well I was until I heard the cries of my little Phillip, so what was the reason of his discomfort? My great nieces and nephews? Or as you call them...parasites”
“Mrs. Gray I meant no harm I was only jok-“
“Put him down and leave right now, I’ll watch him until his parents get back, I’ll explain everything to them later”
“But Mrs-“
“Trust me sweetheart, you don’t want to be here to when Rebecca finds out what you said about her kids, Karl won’t hold her back either, so put him in his crib and leave while you still have your hair still attached to your scalp and teeth still in your mouth”
“Yes ma’am”
After putting Phil down she gathers her coat, hat and purse, doing her best to avoid Polly’s eye contact. The whole time little Phil whined in protest of no longer being held, she took over Mary’s previous job and held him in her warm arms.
“Madam, I’m very sorry for my poor choice in words, I-“
“Just leave while you still have no limp in your walk”
She rushes out of the door at her threat and out of the house, wiping away her tears. As she was pulling out of the driveway, you walk out of the kitchen while wiping your hands on your apron, you heard the sound of weeping and rushed footsteps heading out of the door, worried about what was going on you rush upstairs to check on Polly to see what was going on.
You finally find her in one of the spare bedrooms where Rebecca and Gregory were to be staying for the weekend, she’s looking out of the window while holding Phil, she turns around with a grin on her face, letting out a sigh of relief you walk over to them to see that he’s asleep.
“Pol you should be relaxing, where is Mary?”
“I sent the mesirable old hag on her way, consider her fired”
“What? What happened?”
“She insulted my nieces and nephews, called them future criminals and parasites, oh and scums of the earth”
“Well then, she must have been the one running out of here crying”
“Crocodile tears my dear, and she’s lucky she still has eyes to cry out of”
“Always looking out for the lot of us ay Pol?”
“You’d all be lost without me”
“So you like to remind us”
“And I will continue to until I have no more breath in me”
“Which hopefully won’t be anytime soon”
“I plan on at least thirty more years my dear”
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
The Red Flags of Meghan Markle (& other essays)
Hello empress! I changed phones & cloned the old one. Apparently, I wrote this stuff on the Harkles in my notes. Done in 2018, edited Feb 2019. How time flies on this trainwreck duo! Thought I'd share, for a bit of reminiscing :)
1) the running to Vanity Fair
2) she herself praised her father (until she started dating Harry)
3) The only one at her wedding was her mother (who wasnt there while she was growing up, but convenient now because she can play the racism card). Out of all her family, no one gets along with her? Not even a niece or nephew, a cousin? Not even the uncle who got her the embassy job (and she did not qualify for a foreign service position. Oh she must be so smart)
4) With money at her disposal, how difficult is it to fly and talk to her father in person? Make a deal.
5) the "racism" card
6) No lifelong friends (and her best friend spoke out against her) Forget childhood friends, but not even college friends?
7) The confusing bump. All the bending (that pregnant women attest simply is too difficult).
8) The yoga but no muscle contour
9) Shady AF at Eugenie's wedding
10) apparently still living-in with the chef when she went on a blind date with Harry
11) "Is he kind?"
12) Not knowing much about the RF or Harry when she followed Diana, and wrote about Kate and William's wedding on her blog.
13) Got a role in suits, dumped the producer husband. Met harry, dumped the chef who introduced her to the higher circles in the Canadian society. Who's next after Harry, a Russian oil magnate?
14) The merching. And its obviously merching. Usually 3rd party websites and blogs post what they wear but with M, its the designers themselves who post on their sites, even soho house
15) The dysfunctional family.
16) I get the sexy scenes which are for roles, but the other racy videos, what were they for?
17) labeled herself a "humanitarian" after 1 World Vision trip. If that isnt egoism right in there.
18) the word salad speeches. I admit she really talks well (in manner) but doesnt get to the point. Thats her way of showing her "
"intelligence ."
19) the being disturbed by the media (lol we didnt see her being papped, Kate experienced that for years). What Diana and Kate went through was scary. Where are these photos and videos of Meghan being chased by paps? Im sure even with KP dealing with things, some would still surface. Even went on a pap walk with the PR guy, she was not ever chased. And you see people in the background did not even bother to pull their phones to take a photo of her.
20) the way she flips her coats to show her bump
21) the expensive clothing for a technically minor royal. Spent almost 400% more than Kate, not even a year into the family. She's not even important in the grand scheme of things. And many of those dont fit her right. Doesnt know how to dress for the occasion.
22) the bump holding. We get it, you're pregnant, but to have your hand attached to it almost 24/7, thats not normal anymore. Thats drawing attention.
23) The unprofessional behavior. People are easily fooled into loved up displays because who doesnt want love right? But when you're representing an office, you have to be professional. The constant PDAs are like teenager behaviors. You're not there to showcase yourself, you're technically diplomats/ambassadors. Do we see handholding among those in events? Very childish. Look at them now, even when there are times Harry obviously does not want to hold hands, they still do because they've set a precedent. Look at the Endeavour Fund handholding, that looked so stiff and hard. In the event they dont show PDA, the people will be wondering why and the attention will be shifted off the cause they're representing.
24) the clinginess. She cant make a move without clinging on to harry. Isnt it just stupid to walk in really high stilletos if she cant walk in them? 2-3 inches are fine.
25) the cookbook. Made it all about her in her written foreword (and thats her only contribution, it was the ladies who worked hard on it. Then she barged in and it is now her project. Wasnt there a story of her claiming her bf's recipe as hers too?). Is she still working with the charity now after the isis fiasco?
26) the inappropriate tour clothes. Sure KP would post it, they had to.
27) did not curtsy properly to the king and queen of tonga. Basic respect. People said its because she was pregnant and can't bend, but why is she bending non-stop?
28) the borrowing of jewelry (half a million for that? Lol). Are they allowed to? I thought they are not allowed to borrow or receive those kinds of gifts.
29) the engagement interview. Took over even questions directed to harry. And they dont match answers (18 mos and 2 yrs)
30) the engagement photoshoot. Even the future king and queen did not have 1, they had just done it in the palace, no need for a location shoot and expensive dress.
31) cant dress appropriately. Summer clothing in the winter? Really thick skinned.
32) couldnt take criticism. She lashes out in the form of her "friends" everyone critical is a bully and racist. Statements had to be made for her. Lol.
34) who runs KP IG? Her people? Liking Meghan's friends post when they were not supposed to. Its also been observed that criticisms against her are erased, but the ones on Kate stays on. Her "fans" even hijacked William's speech on bullying. How is she bullied? People have reactions to HER OWN actions. And you,'re living partly on public money, it comes with the territory.
35) the doxxing of people. No more free speech now. Arent people allowed opinions (as long as there are no threats). Isnt it her fans who are on twitter wishing for the deaths of the cambridges so she can be kween?
36) leaked private engagement photos (there werent leaks before she came in) esp after a series of K & W private engagements. It's like "oh im important/doing something important too"; the " secret" visits with a lot of photographers and a red carpet rolled. Note that these are supposed to be secret, and not an embargoed private engagement.
And weren't there studies that those who show too much PDA are those who are insecure in relationships?
37) exorbitant cost of clothes when they are taxpayer-funded. And they're so ill-fitting and lacks class. Even if it is funded solely by the Duchy and not taxpayers money, it still smacks of bad taste to go spending that much in UK's troubled times. Marie Antoinette?
38) the constant belly cupping, the back bending before she was "showing". Even on an official photo. She cant even clap properly bec it goes back to her belly. And usually pregnant women cup the top or the bulge, but she does it at the bottom. Afraid the bump would fall off? Maybe that explains the tight clothes, so the bump wont fall off. And notice she does it much when the engagement is of only her or with harry. If out with other royals, though she still does, its not as much. As with all things, there's a level that ok and fine, then there's overkill.
Also, people noticed she did not gain any weight, and 1 week after (the museum event), she showed up with a plumpier face (fillers?), But nothing changed in her body, esp the ankles.
39) the KP statement: when was she papped? Were people chasing her like they did diana and kate? Were there police reports of attempted entries to her house? Who are these friends and were they at the wedding?
They just called the british public racist. If someone who partly lives off my taxes (and they are not voted into it), I would certainly react and ask for a proper vetting before that someone gets my taxes.
40) The 2013 interview with Craig Ferguson. Ive seen a lot of celebrity interviews never this level of flirting. This is blatant flirting and she's obviously selling herself hard. So don't be fooled by the doe eyes, she looks at other men that way.
41) The Markles were silent until PH said the RF will be "the family she never had." Compare that with William's statement on the Middleton family. Before that, even when she was in Suits, they did not say anything. But before dating Harry, dad was the best. Haha! I get it, hiring papparazi is also despicable but seriously just talk it out? How hard can that be? He had to navigate his way through the news and did not receive help/orientation. Besides, Harry has despicable offenses also (eg the Nazi stunt). But he had always been forgiven because "oh poor boy, lost his mommy" but William did not act out even though he went through the same thing (although I know people react to trauma differently)
42) more on Harry but the "I hope she loves me" is already indicative of the state of things. Haha!
43) the doxxing of those who dislike Meghan but no efforts being done for those who posf against Kate (even with those who post threats)
44) when she started dressing for the winter (museum outfit), she looked like Melania Trump. Hahaha!
45) The royalty worked hard to shed its celebrity image after Diana. And now its back to that, even worse bec there's social media.
46) what was that shoot for that ended up in Pornhub? (Was that for a role?)
47) the recognition of fans she supposedly interacted with in IG. It stopped when people reacted how many more of them were planted.
48) her IG popping up. Im sure thats no Instagram breach. Were there previous cases of deactivated IG accounts suddenly popping up without the owner activating them again? We would have heard of it. Someone, even with a few followers, would complain about that. Just 1 public complaint and the others would jump on IG bec thats a privacy issue.
49) the inconsistencies. Vegan but cooked and ate chicken, wore leather
50) abandoned her dogs. Seriously, they can afford private jets. How hard could it be to transport an injured dog? If flying is dangerous, there are ships. Even the photos with her animal patronage, the dogs dont look like they like her
51) the #hellotokindness campaign which only applied to her (but not to Kate and Camilla).
52) changed her nose, got implants which are gone now (those boobs in deal or no deal were obviously fake) .
53) what's the deal with her constantly eyeing up William? And side eyeing Kate?
I think Harry is more spoiled than what I previously thought, seems like no proper vetting was done on her. Or they feared the "racism" backlash. After all, its easier to divorce than to be labelled as a racist, especially in current times when it could easily backlash the whole institution (that could be a global outrage).
What she is not:
1) contrary to what her fans claim, she is not a Hollywood a-lister. In fact, her biggest role was as a supporting character in a cable show. (Was it overly popular? If people had to google who she was - someone told me she was most searched- then that means not a lot of people knew her). She already had one foot in the door (with an Emmy winning dad, and still cant get roles? Must be a bad actress.
2) She does not embrace her black side (until the narrative was convenient). (Does she bleach?) Didnt she list herself as Caucasian (not half-caucasian in her bio/resume?) Who were her friends before Serena Williams and Jessica Mulroney? Straightens her hair, changed her nose.
Her fans who do not know the history of the family (even as recent as Kate and William and label everything as "Meghan inspired Kate" Kate copies Meghan. Lol. Kate was already in the RF before Meghan was in Suits.
I dont get the lazy title. Kate was part time royal, building a family and stepping up now that both her and William are full time. I wonder, if they are lazy, what did Harry do before Invictus? The current run of Invictus wasnt even that successful (his wife stepped all over it). And what is Harry doing now aside from tagging along his wife's engagements?
There were negative press about Kate (but only in Britain) but Meghan seems to be widely disliked (her "friends" called it global bullying). Maybe because social media was different then but to be vilified by other populations (than your own/new country), why isnt she sitting well with the world?
- The need to "modernize" the need to "rebel". Dont fix anything thats not broken. I dont really get this preoccupation with having to rebel, sometimes there are things that dont need changing. There are rules for there to be order. There can be healthy respect for tradition (unless its harmful and had to be changed. But what is harmful with the way the RF is ran?) Surely things can be improved (but does it have to be done forcefully and disrespectfully?)
- kate and william are boring. Lol. They're steady and dependable. You can be exciting nd wild at any time, but that wouldnt help in the long run. See how cheeky and wild Harry was, what now?
- KP releasing a statement essentially calling people "racists". Kate had been heavily papped in her early 20s and why wasnt there notice to back off? Then this 35 (then, or maybe 39 already) actress who should have already been used to being papped complained a lot about it (but then ran to Vanity Fair. Lol). You can tell people to back off without calling them racists ya know. Kate and William did it well (and sued those who severely infringed their privacy)
Sometimes I think "oh she might be telling the truth bec who has the audacity to lie that much in such a public setting". But then I think, oh yeah politicians, some actors, and some encountered well-spoken psychopaths. So its really possible.
How were the Middleton family social climbers? What is wrong with being an air hostess? If they managed to enroll their children in expensive schools (even at a young age), wouldnt it mean that the business is already successful before William and that they already had money? All these years (aside from that one uncle), they all had behaved impeccably and are a grounded family. You do not see them imposing themselves but you can see the support they have for Kate and William's family. Btw, who informed the press that Doria was invited for Christmas? Wasnt true no? Hahahaha! Also, who told the press about a possible US-Canada tour? That's like putting the queen into a corner isnt it? Since the public "knows" even if there are no such plans, they should just give in. And why send them for a trip with that level of importance? They're not the ones who will be running the royal family. Essentially, they will be nothing once George comes of age.
- what is this preoccupation about "modern". What do they mean by modern in this instance?
- the current fan culture. The royalty is not Hollywood, they are not celebrities. They are ambassadors/diplomats. They represent causes, not actors.
- The way Ive seen things progress, the anti-Meghan accounts are a reaction to the Meghan fans who first created anti-Kate accounts. They started the comparisons, people just defended. Crazy stan culture. Havent seen people calling for Meghans death, but I have seen plenty threatening the lives of all the Cambridges.
- Oh Harry was fun, wild, cheeky. He has more "personality." And now, what did fun, wild, and cheeky bring to the family? Not fun no?
- the constant use of the race and bullying card. People cant have opinions now? And even though she is criticized, she is not criticized because of her race (she doesnt even claim to be black, she's always identified as half-white, not half-black). That's why there are many who dont give a toss about racism and bullying because its constantly used as an excuse (I know there are REALLY MANY cases of racism and bullying and those make me angry), it's almost like the boy who cried wolf.
- who paid for M's gown? With the veil overkill. If M's dad was supposed to be in the wedding, did we see him with tuxedo fittings? Was he given proper orientation? Seems like no one from KP briefed him on anything. I think this is more deliberate to have Charles walk her down the aisle. That solidifies the 'family she never had.' Besides, C is the next king, she had to get close to him (although I doubt Camilla will tolerate it, esp in private)
- "she's doing more engagements than Kate when she was pregnant. She's more hardworking. Kate has HG, thats fucking life threatening"
On Prince Harry
- We know people react differently to trauma but how long will he use the excuse of his mother's death (and how long will the public let him). People seem to forget that while Harry lost his mother, william lost his mother too. And yet he did not act up. He probabaly had it even harder because he's older, he had seen more and understood more than Harry. He had to deal with his pain while he was helping Harry deal with his. Yet he did not lash out, did not do anything wild. Except for that night he went dancing with a random girl on a boys' vacation (I felt really sorry for Kate on that one and really girls, when a man is already married, hands off), he conducted himself with dignity in all times. He finished his education, done courses on agriculture, trained in the military and served. He took his time to marry (and while there are many negative opinions about him and Kate, those had been thrown out the water once perspective is gained in comparison to Harry and his wife).
- Harry was tolerated and babied for so long. Was he reigned in after his Vegas stunts (on public money?)
- wanted the quiet life and yet, married an actress. He could give up his titles and lead a private life (he's not really important anyway) but he wont, too many privileges to give up too (or his wife would run in the opposite direction since she wouldnt have attention)
What Meghan fans criticize about Kate
- her flying skirts (can you control the wind? Even if weights are put on hemlines, strong winds can still blow them). That is different from someone DELIBERATELY choosing clothes with thigh-high slits, and see-through dresses.
- she has not worked. She was in college, then worked for Jigsaw, then worked for their company. Try working also with papparazi hounding you every day.
- Meghan hustled, she is a millionaire. Oh really? Did she buy her gown? Besides, there was some declaration that she was paid 450,000 per season, was that net income? How about payments to PR, stylist, etc etc?
- K & W kept their relationship lowkey as much as they could. M deliberately displayed hers on IG (that spooning banana. Lol)
- Kate is a curtain, she's just in the background. Lol. Try raising a family in her position. Even if she is "just a housewife" (which she is not), what's wrong with being a housewife. She's raising her children who are the future of their family. And its obvious that her and W are hands-on parents, you can see it in how they interact with their children. Besides, isnt that what feminism is, to allow women the choice to do as they want. While others want to be CEOs, others want to be housewives. Kate has a lot of supported charities, she envisioned Heads Together (there was one interview where W said something like she is not given much credit, but she started the project- it's the interview of Heads Together with all 4 of them).
Meghan could not claim that she was not welcomed. In fact, among all royal girlfriends (Diana to her), she had it the easiest.
- before her IG shut down, she was allowed to post coded innuendos of their relationship
- the Vanity Fair article was allowed to be printed
- she was welcomed into the fold even before she was wed: Christmas in Sandringham and was even given an engagement: Heads Together
- most of all, KP and Harry issued a strongly worded statement for her.
If the public perception of her is negative, its all on her. She's already 36 (or 40) at the time they got engaged, she should be mature enough to understand the world she entered into. But no, she chose to barge her way in (really verifies that she is pushy).
This. Is. Amazing. Thank you. 
What a long and comprehensive list of red flags. And you know what.. this doesn't even include all the things that went wrong on their tours, the NYC baby shower, the Wimbledon debacle, the Archie reveal. There is so much more. I appreciate this submission. 
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My Only Photograph
OK, this is only my second time writing for the fandom... please be gentle!
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David didn’t keep other photos on him. No photos of his parents, no nieces or nephews. No pets. No wife. Just Joe.
It was faded now, after so many years, but he would still look at it sometimes. When he was alone, late at night, thinking back to those years. Or sometimes, when he was walking through a gallery or along a street and spotted a flash of dark hair, the hint of a smirk. Then, his hands would go straight to his breast pocket where the photo was, patting it to make sure it was still there and had not leapt out into real life and was now standing before him.
He knew it was silly. He hadn’t seen Liebgott in years, but he still couldn’t help but carry that photograph around with him. It was almost as if he was afraid that if he didn’t have it, he would forget that Liebgott had ever existed.
 Well that was stupid. Like he could ever forget that man. That arrogant, rude, brash, beautiful man. How they had always argued. For all of his Harvard education, David had always been a little shocked at how well Liebgott was able to keep up with his arguments and provide snappy and at times, rather biting comebacks that stung like David was back in the harsh cold of winters in Europe.
 How Liebgott had weaselled information about the patrol at Hagenau out of him, promising not to tell and then instantly dropping David in it with the new lieutenant. How after that patrol, Liebgott had held out his hand to help Web into the truck as they moved out again. David remembered the glint in his eye after the French soldiers shot the surrendered Germans as they drove past. And then later the haunted, broken look on his face when they had found that camp.
 He remembered when they were in Austria. How Joe had laughed on the baseball field, how he had smiled and hugged his fellow soldiers at news of the end of the war. How flushed Liebgott’s cheeks had been later that night when they were all drunk on Austrian wine and celebrating VE day. How Liebgott had caught his eye, gestured his head to the open door that led to the balcony. How he had nodded, slowly following Liebgott so nobody would notice they had gone.
 He remembered how Liebgotts’ – Josephs – face had lit up like gold when he flicked on his lighter to light a cigarette, passing it to David before lighting one for himself. They had stood at the balcony for a while, smoking and looking out at the moon shining on the lake down in the valley.
 He remembered how much he had wanted to move closer. Just a step or two, until he was pressed alongside Joe. He always imagined how it would have gone. Joes eyes would have moved from the lake to look at David, eyebrow raised. David would look back at him with a steady gaze. Joe would smirk, of course. Smug bastard. Because he knew. Knew how David felt about him, what David wanted from him, but was too afraid to ask for.
 So it would fall to Joe to make that final move, turn to face Webster. Glance back quickly at the still open door, where the sounds of the other men’s revelry could be heard. Satisfied they would not be disturbed, Joe would reach out and place his hand on David’s face, bringing it down towards his. Joe’s lips moving closer, closer…
 Of course it had not happened like that. They had smoked. Joe had even lit the cigarette for him. They had stared out at the lake below. But David had not moved closer. Sometimes he could almost convince himself that if he had, maybe something would have happened. But he hadn’t.
 There was a glance. Just after Joe had finished his cigarette, he had looked at David just for a moment. But then he had laughed, clapped his hand on David’s shoulder and moved to go back inside. David had watched him go.
 He hadn’t really spent any one on one time with Joe after that. There had been too much activity, too much to be done, even with the war in Europe over. Before he knew it, they were being shipped back to New York. He had looked for Joe when they landed in Brooklyn, but between the swarm of GI’s and families anxiously waiting their return, he lost Joe somewhere in the crowd.
 Just when he thought that was it, David had spotted him with a group of Easy guys, Luz, Martin, Grant and Malarkey, starting to make their way towards the bus that would take them to Grand Central and their trains home. Running to catch up, he made it just in time, settling down next to Grant.
 David found himself next to Grant on the train too, though he had tried to grab a seat next to Joe. Instead, Joe sat opposite and to the window , while Webster was by the aisle. The journey was long. While they had left Luz at the station to catch his own train, Malarkey and Martin had been with them for a while before each made their own departure, exchanging handshakes and promising to write to the others. Then it was just himself, Grant, and Joe, who had taken advantage of having two seats to himself and had stretched out to sleep. After a while David himself had dropped off. And, though it did not seem like a long time to David, they found themselves in California.
 David and Grant reached their stop first. As the train pulled into the station, the pair stood and begun to gather their things from the rack above their heads . Chuck aimed a swift kick at Joe to wake him, laughing at Joe’s disgruntled expression as he was rudely awakened from sleep.
 ‘Well this is it I guess’, Chuck had said, shaking David’s hand and reaching over to ruffle Joe’s hair, laughing as he avoided a retaliatory kick from Joe before he made his way off the train. Joe had grumbled, fixing his hair, while David hesitated.
 He smiled at Joe, and politely extended his hand to shake goodbye. Joe had stared at him and scoffed, knocking his hand away and surprising David by standing to give him a hug.. ‘Take care of yourself Web’, he had said.
 ‘You too Joe’, David said with a wistful smile before they broke apart. And again, for a moment, it felt like they locked eyes.
 Just as David opened his mouth to say something else, say more, say how much it had meant to know Joe while they were over there, a whistle sounded and the conductor began calling out on the platform for final passengers to board the train. ‘You’d better go Web’, Joe said, gesturing his head to the train door like he had done with the door to the balcony in Austria those few short weeks ago.
 David nodded and after another second, tore his eyes away from Joe and quickly made his way off the train. He didn’t look back.
 So now, here he was, years later and back at Harvard, with nothing but memories and a photograph of Joseph Liebgott, kept safely in his breast pocket. Kept safely close to his heart.
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danguy96 · 5 years
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Rewrite - Story Outline
Since a lot of you liked the set-up I had in mind for a “redo” of the sequel trilogy, I was thinking of finally laying the basic, rough outline of the first “movie”.
I decided to make this its own post, because it turned out to be pretty long, and would likely take up a lot of space in messaging on either Tumblr or Discord.
As I said before, the universe this takes place in is a mash-up of both old and new canon stuff, with some events happening different than others.
I hope you all like it, and if there’s any questions about this planned story, feel free to ask me them, because there’s a lot I have in mind beyond this.
Also, it’s best if you read the original set-up post I created, since it covers a lot of background surrounding the setting of this story. You can find it here.
With all that out of the way, let’s begin, and start off with a familiar phrase:
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We start off our story with a small spaceship landing on a mysterious planet, in front of what appears to be an ancient Jedi Temple.
A hooded figure emerges from the ship, and soon is accompanied by another hooded figure, with this one being female.The male figure says “I apologize if I’m late. I came as soon as I heard”, and asks where the others are. The female figure says that the “Master” has already given his instructions to them, and that they are the only two left to receive the orders from the one who summoned them.
We cut to another hidden figure, meditating and chanting in a long-forgotten tongue. We do not clearly see who this chanting figure may be at first, but I think savvy audiences could guess correctly. Anyway, we see this hidden figure continue meditating, until we cut to his point of view. We see that in the middle of meditation, he is suddenly met with visions.
We see familiar locations, such as the desert world of Tatooine, the volcanic planet Mustafar and a large fortress which towers above everything on the planet, and a mysterious, snow-covered forest, where another figure lights a red cross guard lightsaber. We also see visions focusing on a single Stormtrooper out of all the rest, and visions of young scavenger/mechanic.We then see a dark aura consuming all in its wake, as what sounds like a horrifying voice of legion cackles horrifically.The mysterious man suddenly breaks out of his meditation with a start, and looks around as he breathes heavily.The man turns around, and his apprentices ask him what is the matter.
The old master calms down, and says that he senses a great disturbance is rising within the Force, as his visions become worse and worse with time.The two figures ask if there is anything they can do to stop whatever new dark force is threatening the Galaxy.The old master says there is one chance. He says he has seen figures in his visions. While one of them he cannot reach, the others must be found immediately.The old master says that the two must go in his stead, along with other Jedi Knights he has already sent out into the galaxy, as he senses whatever dark force is out there wishes to see him come out of seclusion.The two pupils bid their master farewell, leaving the master alone with his thoughts about this new threat to the Galaxy.
Of course, the old master is revealed to be Luke Skywalker, now a full-fledged Jedi Master, and currently one of the most powerful wielders of the Force in the galaxy, if not the most. And the two apprentices he spoke to him are his niece and nephew, Jacen and Jaina Solo.
We cut to Poe Dameron receiving vital information, only this time it’s not a map to Luke Skywalker, but info which reveals the connection between those within the Coalition and the First Order, and plans of attack with their new battle station, the Starkiller Base, and the planet he’s currently on isn’t Jakku, but Tatooine itself.
In this version, the Stormtroopers are being led by two members of the Knights of Ren; Kylo Ren, of course, and his rival/teammate, Zayla Ren (and yes, it’s revealed a bit later that Zayla is actually a woman early on, and her personality was inspired by Azula’s from Avatar, only Kylo and her aren’t related).
We go through the song and dance of the Rens and the troopers laying waste to the place, but in this version, Kylo, while appearing threatening, is a bit more reserved than how he was in the OG film, with Zayla being the one to kill San Tekka, and giving the order to shoot any villagers who do not wish to cooperate.
Also, Zayla’s lightsaber would be two-headed, like in that Teen Titans episode where they went into the TV world:
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Poe is tortured out of the info by Zayla and Kylo, but as Kylo makes his way out, Zayla tells him that he “hesitated” and she sensed weakness in him. Kylo says that he only took what information was “necessary”, but she reminds him that their master does not accept hesitation or weakness, no matter what. Kylo continues walking down the hallway, but Zayla just continues as he goes, saying that at the rate he’s “improving”, it would “just be awful” if their master soon announced that the Knights of Ren were to have a new leader, chuckling to herself as Kylo resists the urge to practice his Force powers on her.
Anyway, Poe’s droid, BB-8 encounters Rey, much like in the film, but here it’s established that not only is Rey a scavenger, but she’s also a mechanic of sorts, and, as seen in the details of room containing bits of memorabilia from the days of the Rebellion, giving a sort of meta thing of her a fan of the tales and legends of the Rebellion and the Jedi, but she doesn’t have the money to ever leave Tatooine and go on her own adventures. Also, it’s explained that she didn’t know what the Millennium Falcon looked like, due to her hearing it looked much differently than it actually does, as sort of another meta joke about how the Falcon was supposed to look differently in the original draft. And her lineage does get explained, but both sides of her family are explained better, and she struggles with one of them in not just the last part of the story.
We then have a disillusioned Finn free Poe, and they’re shot down, but this time, instead of implying Poe is dead or actually having Poe die, both Poe and Finn make it out, and both travel across one of the many deserts of Tatooine until they find Rey and BB-8. The newly established gang of Finn, Rey, Poe, and BB-8 make off in the Millennium Falcon, but this time Poe is the main pilot, while Rey is the co-pilot, and Finn puts his marksman skills to use by manning one of the Falcon’s gunners.
We then get the reintroduction of Han Solo and Chewbacca, which is somewhat similar to the actual movie, but with a few tweaks, such as them always being a part of the Resistance. It’s also established that Han and Chewie were already trying to get the Falcon back as part of another misadventure which is practically begging to be told in a hypothetical cartoon or comic, and that they’re not washed-up, and Han isn’t separated from Leia. Han still wants his ship back, and is skeptical about the ex-Stormtrooper and the mysterious girl Poe has in toe with him, but he still ends up taking them on board with him, since Poe still has the documents within BB-8.
And don’t worry. Things start to depart from a lot of TFA’s story soon, given how the New Republic is still standing by the end, and we still have a senator and Chancellor to introduce.
As for the Resistance, in this version, they’re more of a smaller ragtag army fighting the First Order, but they need further help from the Republic, which they’ve tried to get for some time. The Starkiller plans and the data which confirms that the FO is receiving funding from those within the Coalition/Confederacy could be what helps them finally win over the Republic to provide military aid. This is continuing with the proxy war/cold war thing going on.
As our heroes make their way to the rendezvous planet where they’ll meet up with Leia and the other freedom fighters, we cut to the capitol city of the Coalition/Confederacy (I’m going to being calling it the Confederacy and the UGC interchangeably), where we’re introduced to First Chairman Krazvlin (it’s a work-in-progress name, but I wanted something which sounded vaguely Russian, and also villainous).
This scene is mostly based off the scene where we’re introduced to the emperor in the original drafts for “The Star Wars”, though here the Chairman’s speech is to celebrate the anniversary of the unification of the new Confederacy, and how their hard won “peace” will not be deterred by any “terrorist” scum.
After finishing his speech, the Chairman and his generals make their way to another, more private meeting with members of the First Order, to discuss the negotiations of the technological behemoth known as the Starkiller, discussing if it will truly be the deterrent the UGC needs to secure superiority against the Republic.
Among this meeting are General Hux, who used to work for the UGC, but is now the leading military officer of the First Order, and Grand Admiral Prydus, commander of the UGC’s main starship fleet, and a veteran of the old Galactic Empire (you can see I took the character of Pryde from Rise of Skywalker, and made him into something more than just a last minute addition, and I imagine him looking different from Pryde as well, with Jason Isaacs being my headcanon choice as to who would play him). 
Prydus questions why Hux, who seemed like such a promising general for the Confederacy, would lend his support to “a bunch of Sith fanatics”, to which a smooth, yet sickening voice answers back “You’d best watch your tongue, Admiral. You’re lucky the Chairman finds you to be still of use, even after your glory days”, and from the shadows step out the two Knights of Ren, Kylo and Zayla.
After the Rens make themselves known, much to Prydus’ exasperation, Hux answers that he lent his services to the First Order not due to admiration of any “religious cult”, but to prove himself as being the commander of his own military force. A military which he says would be “nothing” without his leadership, while Prydus claims that Hux is merely “standing on the shoulders” of those of the former Empire. Krazvlin silences both of them, and says that they still have the matter of the info on their plans and alliance with the FO are still with the rebels/resistance.
Hux and Prydus reluctantly simmer down, though Prydus still questions why the First Order always sends in their middle men, while their true leader keeps himself in secret, not even willing to share a hologram of himself with the Confederacy. Prydus says that he’s tired of all the secrecy surrounding the First Order and their leader, demanding to know his identity. Kylo interjects, saying that his master wishes to remain hidden, until his plans have come to full fruition. Prydus asks just when will these plans finally come to fruition, so that the UGC can finally get back to handling it’s own matters. Kylo answers back once again that his master doesn’t have the time to deal with such useless questions, and that his wisdom is spent on better things. Prydus says that if the Rens’ master was as wise as they say he is, he would have the guts to show himself, and not hide like a coward behind children playing dressup. But as he goes on, he suddenly stops, finding it hard to breathe. We see Kylo is the one Force-choking Prydus, but Zayla turns to Kylo and says “Kylo, I said he was currently still useful to us”, and Kylo releases Prydus.
Krazvlin, going on as if that didn’t even happen, continues on by saying that it is imperative that the BB-8 droid unit not reach boundaries of Republic territory. He asks Hux if he has any whereabouts of the rebels who took the documents, and if he knows where they’re headed. Hux says that the last his troops saw them, they had just left Tatooine on a Corellian freighter, and are now suspected to be in neutral space. Chairman Krazvlin says to alert any troops and spies patrolling that sector to look out for them, as the future of the stability of the UGC and it’s relationship with the Republic relies on those documents being found.
We cut to our trio of Finn, Poe, and Rey, who are currently on board the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca (yeah, a lot of the New Jedi Order stories either haven’t happened, or happened drastically differently, so no Yuuzhan Vong just yet). The gang is currently flying through neutral space, and each member of the gang has different interactions between themselves and Han. Rey, being something of Rebel fangirl, asks him a bunch of questions of what was it like with the Rebellion, many of which Han either gives brief answers to, or doesn’t answer (I was thinking we could even throw in some dialogue which confirms the Thrawn trilogy did happen in this universe, at least to some extent). Poe is honored to be in the presence a hero of the Rebellion, and the man who fought alongside his parents. Finn, though, is a bit more apprehensive, considering he’s worried Han may suspect him of being a double agent for the First Order, but Han, despite his misgivings, says that Finn “isn’t the first Stormtrooper to defect”, and he won’t be the last (which is not only a shout-out to his original EU backstory of working for the Empire for some time, but also one to Kyle Katarn, and foreshadowing of later events in this saga).
Also, instead of having the run-in with the gang Han pissed off being just a thing in this movie, I was thinking it could be something that carries over across the trilogy, much like Jabba’s subplot.
Anyway, after Han exposits about how he lost his ship after a spat he had with a crimelord who holds a massive grudge against him for “ruining his business” after working with the New Republic to help bootstrap trade with smugglers, and how Luke has been in isolation to keep himself from being discovered ever since a certain incident Han doesn’t like to talk about, they arrive at Takodana, where they’ll lay low until a group of Resistance members meet up with them, along with some Republic help.
They land on Takodana, and meet up with cantina owner, and secretly a leading member of the Resistance, Maz Kanta. She offers to help hide Han and co. until the Resistance/Republic arrives to pick them up.
Later that night, in the secret quarters where Maz offers the gang to rest before the Republic forces arrive tomorrow morning, Rey is stirred awake by a strange sensation, and is drawn by a strange voice to a secluded vault, where she finds an old lightsaber. She tries to pick it up, but the moment she holds it, she’s visited by strange visions. Some of them visions of her past, and how she was supposedly abandoned as a baby on Tatooine. She soon finds herself standing in the middle of a snow-covered forest, where she see a man whose face is hidden beneath a hood reach out to her, with the calm voice of another man calling out to her (the voice of the second man sounding oddly like Ewan McGregor). However, as she moves to approach the man and the voices, she’s grabbed by the leg by something. She turns around, and what’s grabbing her seem to be this formless mass of darkness, trying to suck her in. Rey tries to run, but the man in the hood seems to keep getting farther and farther away, and soon she’s forcefully dragged into the darkness, as a hideous voice cackles loudly (a voice which strangely sounds like Ian McDiarmid). Rey suddenly snaps back to reality, and looks around, alone and afraid. 
We cut to the First Order’s secret weapon and one of their bases of operations, the Starkiller Base, where General Hux is informing the Chairman via hologram that one of their spies has told them that they have seen the BB-8 droid in a cantina on Takodana, and that they will retrieve it before the Resistance/Republic makes it there. Chairman Krazvlin says that for Hux’s sake, he better deliver it them, and ends the call. Hux, visibly frustrated, calls Captain Phasma to handle the mission, and bring the droid to them. She says that it would be her pleasure, and that she also requests permission to go after the traitorous Stormtrooper who let Poe escape. He grants her permission, and sends her on her way.
Meanwhile, Kylo Ren is busy practicing his Force powers and his lightsaber technique, when Zayla storms in and tells him that he can train later, because their master is calling them right now. Ignoring Zayla’s jabs of telling him not to “dawdle”, Kylo goes off with Zayla, to meet their master, and the true power behind the First Order: Supreme Leader Snoke.
When they make it to the room where they contact Snoke, we first see his form through a psychic link which Zayla and Kylo project, using their Force powers (this is sort of taking that whole Force Projection and Force psychic link we see in TLJ, and actually doing it beforehand by more powerful Force users). Snoke says that he has felt yet another Great Awakening in the Force. This one slower than the one after the fall of Darth Sidious, but still a source of rich, yet untrained power. Snoke orders the Rens to travel to Takodana along with Phasma, and retrieve the ones who have been awakened by the power of the Force, to prevent them from becoming Jedi. The Rens accept the order from their master, but before they head out, Snoke says that he can sense that there is still much both must learn, such as Kylo is still “holding back”, and how he senses “much fear” and “insecurity” deep within Zayla (that bit was inspired by a scene from the Genndy Clone Wars series where Dooku says that Ventress has too much fear to be Sith). Snoke finishes by saying that in order to truly awaken their full power, and become true successors to the Sith, they must negate all feelings of fear, and strike without mercy. Only then will they be able achieve their true potential.
We cut back to Maz’s place on Takodana, just as morning starts to break. Finn asks about where Rey is, as he hasn’t seen her all morning. Maz and Han say she’s been pacing outside all morning, and it seems like she doesn’t wants to talk. Finn, however, decides to go and see if he can comfort her. Finn finds Rey staring out into the distance, staring at the rising sun. He asks Rey how she’s doing, but she turns around fast, revealing bags under her eyes, and a worried expression on her face. After calming down, she reveals not only about what happened last night when she found the lightsaber, but also her past on how she was abandoned on Tatooine as a baby and her feelings about her she’s always felt like a nobody, and how she took comfort in hearing the tales and legends of the Jedi, the Old Republic, and the Rebel Alliance, wishing she could be a part of a grand adventure like that. However, now that she is on such an adventure, she’s starting to see it’s not as fun as she thought it would be, and even something inside of her is saying she’s getting in too deep. Finn comforts Rey, saying how he understands what it’s like to not have any other family to confide in, but says that if things do get ugly, he’ll be there to help her out.This helps Rey calm down just a bit, but she still says that she would like to go out and take a walk in the woods. Finn understands, but he says that she should at least take his blaster with her, just in case. She thanks Finn, and goes on her way. 
Rey goes out into the woods to clear her mind, while Finn goes back inside. Han, Maz, and Poe ask if Rey is alright. Finn says that he hopes so, but then he mentions how Rey has been out of it ever since she grabbed that lightsaber, which causes Maz to look up in surprise and worry. Han asks what she’s worried about, and she and the others go the room where the lightsaber is, seeing that its case has been opened. Finn goes up to inspect the lightsaber, feeling almost drawn to it, but when he touches it, he gets visions of his own. Visions of a baby being taken away from his father, and visions of the future featuring a growing army of sinister Stormtrooper-like droids with glowing, red eyes.Finn comes to, and is asked what’s wrong. Something in him tells him that they need to go and find Rey, now.
In the forest, Rey is feeling a bit better, and all seems quiet in the woods. Too quiet. Just then, she hears a roaring sound in the sky. The sound of spaceships. She looks up and sees First Order ships heading towards where the rest of the gang are, and runs back in an effort to help them escape. Unbeknownst to her, a figure in a dark cloak and mask follows her.
We see Zayla Ren and Captain Phasma leading a group of Stormtroopers to search and storm the area for the droid, the traitor, and the members of Resistance and Republic armies. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is hiding away, forming a plan of attack that’ll buy them some time before the Republic’s ships show up. Finn volunteers to go after Rey, but Han objects, saying it’s better if they stayed together as a group. However, Maz says that if Finn feels that Rey might be in danger, it’s for the best that he goes after her. She gives Finn the lightsaber, saying that he must keep it safe, and that he must trust in his instincts to find Rey. With their plan formed, Han, Chewie, and Maz and her forces stay behind to hold the front line of the cantina, while Finn and Poe go off to find Rey.
While on their way, they end up encountering a few Stormtroopers, including Captain Phasma and good ol’ TR-8R. Finn holds back the Stormtroopers with the lightsaber, as they fight in armed combat, with a few troopers using the weapon TR-8R used, while a few have gained a new upgrade, inspired by the original drafts of the first Star Wars; lightsaber-esque swords.
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Finn fights surprisingly well, but soon they seem to be outnumbered. But just when it seems like Poe is about to be struck down, an unseen presence suddenly drags half a dozen trooper in the air, and tosses them like ragdolls. Finn, Poe, and Phasma look to see the source of this, and we see a cloaked figure, brandishing a green lightsaber. A Jedi Knight. One of the two Jedi Knights we saw in the opening. The Jedi removes his hood and cloak to reveal a young man with brown hair. Jacen Solo. One of the Solo Twins.
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Phasma at first orders her men to attack, but Zayla intervenes, saying that it’s best if Phasma goes off to handle finding the droid. The Jedi is her priority now. Much to Phasma’s chagrin, she follows orders, and leaves Jacen to Zayla. We then get the first half of our first lightsaber duel of this new story.
We cut to back in the woods with Rey, who’s been trying to make it back to the others, but she feels like someone is following her. Sure enough, her suspicions are correct, when she suddenly comes face to face with Kylo Ren. She backs off fast and pulls out the blaster Finn gave her, pointing it at an unfazed Kylo Ren. She trembles as holds it, threatening that she will use it on him. Again, Kylo remains silent and comes towards her. Rey, in a panic, wildly shoots at Kylo, but he merely deflects each blast with a wave of his hand. Kylo approaches her closer and closer, until another Jedi jumps in Kylo’s way, brandishing a purple lightsaber. The Jedi removes her hood to reveal Jaina Solo, the other Solo Twin.
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And so begins our other lightsaber fight, which is going on simultaneously as the Zayla vs Jacen fight.
We cut back to the fight over on at the cantina, where it’s become a mini war-zone. Jacen is continuing his fight with Zayla, while Han and Chewie are defending BB-8. Meanwhile, Poe and Finn are fighting their way towards the woods where Rey is. On their way, they’re attacked by flying fighter droids (sort of like speeder bike-sized versions of those vulture droid fighters, only with a new design to fit with the First Order), and run into the forest for protection. As the droids prepare to attack our heroes, Finn puts his hands in front of him to shield himself, but suddenly the droids are Force-pushed back, and crash into the trees. Finn doesn’t know what he just did, and Poe just stands there with his mouth agape.
We cut to Han and Chewie and Maz, who’ve been holding out as long as they can. However, the tide suddenly turns when an X-Wing blasts a group of troopers and fighter-probes. Yes, backup from the Republic has finally arrived, with a few of their starships now hovering overhead, and some carriers starting to land. Zayla manages to match Jacen in skill in their lightsaber duel, but she is reluctantly forced to retreat, saying that Jacen is “lucky” this time, before distracting him and taking off.
We cut over to Kylo, still fighting with Jaina, and while they both seem to be evenly matched, Jaina has been mostly defending herself without intention of doing harm, as she can sense who it is underneath the mask. Kylo Ren demands to know why Jaina is holding back. He says “Is it because of guilt or pity? If so, then you are wasting your time.” Kylo manages to knock Jaina back, and says that she can’t change anything. He continues with saying that it is only through this path that he can truly achieve the power to bring order, and gain the power which the Jedi foolishly fear. Kylo goes on about how it’s too late for him, and that Jaina should just give up trying, but before he can do anything, he receives a message from Zayla to stop fooling around and leave with one of the force-sensitive users already. Kylo stops, and uses his Force powers to distract Jaina, and then Force Jump away from the fight, going after Rey. Rey, meanwhile, thinks she’s gotten far away enough, but is exhausted from her lack of sleep and running for so long. She stops to rest, but then Kylo Ren appears behind her, and he uses his Force powers to put her already exhausted self to sleep. He then takes on board his ship, just as Jaina catches up to him. 
Finn and Poe manage to spot Kylo’s ship, just as it takes off with him and Rey in it. They come across Jaina, and, both being worn out, ask if she could possibly explain what’s going on. She says she’ll explain on the way back, but then she notices the lightsaber Finn has, and asks where he got that from.
Back at the cantina, Republic forces have arrived, here to pick up Han Solo and the rest of the gang in order to bring them to the Republic capitol in order to blow the whistle on the First Order and the Confederacy. Among them are a few familiar faces, including R2-D2 and C-3PO, and, most importantly for Han Solo, Senator Leia Organa, his wife.
There’s a heartfelt reunion between husband and wife, along with Artoo and Threepio, with others soon joining them, as Jacen finally reunites with his mother and father, and Jaina soon makes the reunion complete as she arrives back with Poe and Finn. This family reunion however soon takes a darker turn, as Jaina brings up the news that she saw Kylo Ren, and faced off with him, which worries Han and Leia. It’s then revealed to Finn and Poe that Kylo Ren is actually the son of Luke Skywalker, and also that Finn has been carrying the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker, the man who became Darth Vader.
Maz later explains to them how she was able to come across the lightsaber. It was thought to have been lost in Cloud City after Luke’s battle with Vader, but Maz says that some Cloud City personnel was able to find it. Not knowing the Jedi were to be reborn in a couple of years, the staff member sold it off for credits. Luckily, Lando and Maz were able to track it down, and managed to buy it back. They knew Luke wouldn’t want it back, so Han, Leia, and the rest decided that after fixing it up, it would be a gift to Luke’s son after he completed his Padawan training. Needless to say, those were the best laid plans of womp rats and men (I know this seems a bit much, but I wanted to fill in that hole where Luke’s lightsaber came back, and I wanted to give it some weight and meaning as to why it was brought back, besides nostalgia).
After Jaina explains that Rey has been kidnapped by the First Order and we learn of Kylo Ren’s identity, we cut to the Starkiller Base, where Phasma is being berated by General Hux for letting the droid fall into the hands of the New Republic. She assures him that she will not fail in the future, with Hux responding that she had better be sure of that, reminding her that she can be considered expendable if the time arises. Phasma walks off in a huff, and crosses paths with Zayla, who says that she doesn’t see any reason to be so upset, saying that she could be “lucky” and end up being shipped off to work in mines of Kessel, which Zayla hears are “simply lovely” this time of year. Phasma tells Zayla to mind her own business, and asks why Zayla isn’t as upset about their plans being found out.  Zayla says that while the UGC lost what they needed, she says that they managed to succeed in finding what’ll eventually be worth more than this hulking mass they call a battlestation. Zayla continues her little verbal spat with Phasma, saying that as they speak, Kylo Ren is interrogating their new “guest”, probing her mind before seeing what other uses she can be of for them. “Soon we shall have the precious data your troops failed to retrieve, and so much more”, Zayla says, and then she casually walks off, leaving Phasma to stew in her anger and resentment.
We cut to Rey, strapped to an interrogation chair. The beginning of the scene starts relatively similar to how it did in the movie, with Rey asking where her friends are. Kylo replies that she will be relieved that he has no idea, and asks if she still wishes to kill him and if she still fears him. Rey replies that it’s a natural reaction when you’re being hunted by a “creature in a mask”. After a moment of silence, Kylo removes his helmet, to finally reveal the face of Rey’s captor. We now see Kylo Ren’s true face, a young man with dark hair, and greenish-blue eyes, but also with a solemn look on his face, and a scar across one side of said face.
We go on with the scene playing a little bit like it did in the film, with Kylo asking about the droid, and Rey hesitating to give the full answers, and Kylo knowing what information the droid has, but there’s a twist in this, with Kylo saying that it’s not just that information he’s after. He also senses something within in Rey. Something his master is after. He probes Rey’s mind, sensing the fear, uncertainty, and apprehension within her. How she feels like she shouldn’t even be here. He assures her that her she is meant to be here, and tells Rey that things such as fear and hesitation makes one weak. He continues to search Rey’s mind, trying to go deeper. Yet, Rey tries to resist, making it difficult. Kylo demands that she stop resisting, but Rey keeps going on.
Both try their hardest, but then something happens. As Kylo stops trying to hold himself back into Rey’s mind, and as Rey, being surprised at how she’s even resisting him, pushes back, the two are suddenly mentally transported to this realm of utter darkness, where Kylo not only hears and even sees some events from Rey’s life, but Rey hears and sees some events from Kylo’s past, but some seem to be blurred. She hears a young boy crying out for his mother, and hears a sinister voice saying how someone will learn how to how harness the true power of the Dark Side, and suffering shall be his master, before there’s a flash of what appears to be lighting and a scream. Just then, both Rey and Kylo Ren come back to reality. Both are in shock, but Kylo Ren angrily brushes it aside, and orders a Stormtrooper to take Rey to her cell.
After the interrogation scene, we cut to the Republic/Resistance forces touching base on what’s going on, and giving us some exposition about what Jedi Council has been doing, and I was also thinking this would be a good time to give some exposition as to how Anakin Solo (Han and Leia’s other son from the old EU) disappeared and was presumed dead, and why that was one reason Ben/Kylo turned to the Dark Side. They also hint that “something else” also sent Kylo over the edge, but they don’t have time to explain, as they prepare to land on the new capitol planet of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime.
When our heroes land on Hosnian Prime, they are greeted by officials of the New Republic, here to congratulate Poe, Leia, Han, and the rest for safely retrieving the information they need on the existence of the Starkiller Base and the alliance between the First Order and the Confederacy. One of these officials is the Margaret Thatcher-esque, supposed ally to our heroes (and someone who most certainly isn’t secretly a traitor); Senator Holdeena (guess which character she’s based off of). She says that their valiant efforts are greatly appreciated, and that now all they need to do is convince the Senate and the Chancellor to take action. Finn and Jaina inform the Senator that they hope the Senate will take action soon, for a friend of theirs has been captured by the First Order.
We cut to everyone’s “favorite” part of Star Wars; a bunch of guys talking about politics in the Senate. Though, in this case, it’s a bit more interesting than trade routes.
The Senate discusses about whether or not to officially give full aid to the Resistance, and if a rescue mission is worth the tensions of spiraling into further conflict with the Confederacy and the First Order. Some representatives accuse Leia and Holdeena of warmongering, with the first vocal ones about it being reps from the Chiss (the race of which Grand Admiral Thrawn is a part of, mostly due to Thrawn being considered one of the founding fathers of what became the UGC). Leia argues that while the possibility of a war may occur, she says that the First Order has been carrying out numerous attacks for years, and, if these new documents are to be believed, all with the support and financial aid of the UGC/Confederacy. Leia says that she wishes to avoid full-out war with the UGC as much as possible, but requests that at least she and the Resistance members be given aid with a star fleet to help disable the weapon firing capabilities of the Starkiller Base, as well as be given clearance to stage a rescue mission. While still a risk, the deciding vote goes down to Chancellor Jorgeus Kartemur, who allows for a rescue mission, as well as an attack, but he grants them only a limited number of Republic fighters and carriers.
We cut back to Starkiller Base, where Kylo Ren is having an “emergency meeting” with Snoke, discussing how he was trying to probe Rey’s mind, but she was able to resist him, and then they inadvertently made a mental link with each other. Snoke says that it seems that this new “child of the Force” is strong. Very strong. Snoke then instructs Kylo to keep his guard up around her, and that she must not fall into the hands of the Jedi, especially those members of the Skywalker Clan. Kylo says he he will make sure Rey and other “children of the Force” will either join them or die, and ends his conversation with his master.
Kylo Ren goes off to be by himself in his room. There we get a scene reminiscent to the one from the actual movie, where he is talking to himself while staring at the broken mask of Darth Vader, only now he’s also discussing about he can’t go back to the Light. Not after what he’s already done, and he says that the Light Side cannot grant him the power he seeks. The power to undo the misery he’s endured. Kylo swears he will achieve that power, and “finish what [Darth Vader] started” (however, the more we get to know about Kylo/Ben’s backstory in this, it puts this scene into a whole new and different context).
We cut to the Republic-Resistance Alliance, going over the plans for a small group to secretly land on Starkiller Base, while a team of fighters, lead by Poe, will make their way to the main weapon reactor. Like in the film, comparisons are made to the Death Star, but here they really push this being even stronger than the Death Star, saying that the plans for it need to be examined even further before figuring out how to destroy it completely. It’s decided that those going on the rescue mission will be Han, Chewie, Finn, and the Solo Twins, along with a few red shirts. Han and the twins say goodbye to Leia, who is still worried about Ben/Kylo. They reassure her that they’ll be okay, and Jaina tells her she sensed the conflict within Ben. Finn wishes Poe good luck on his mission, and Poe says he would like to thank Finn for saving him. Finn, in turn, says thanks for believing and trusting in him, and they both head off to begin their respective tasks. After those little character-driven moments, we see the cruisers and ships take off for the Starkiller Base (oh, and in this version, they’re launching from Hosnian Prime, and not D'Qar).
We cut back to Rey, and we see that she’s mostly been sitting in her cell, with a Stormtrooper patrolling it, while occasionally going off to do something else (making the rounds, I guess?). However, Rey has been currently been trying to get out of her cell while the guard is away from the door, and has been using a device she helped fix back on Tatooine to see if she can open the door (I think Ezra from Star Wars Rebels used something like that one time, though I think this would be a bit different, considering she’s on the inside of the cell). However, the trooper comes back and almost catches her, berating her for trying to escape. He gives Rey her scheduled prison meal, and continues to mock her, taking away the device she had. Rey in a fit of frustration yells at at him to just leave her alone. Much to her surprise, the trooper says back in a monotone voice “I will leave you alone”. Rey, confused, remembers the stories of Jedi Mind Tricks, and, to test it out again, she tells the trooper that he will give her device, which he does. She then she uses it to tell him to leave the prison bay, and unlock the doors for her so that she may leave, and to leave his weapon. The trooper does all of this, and Rey manages to unlock the door, and then escape with the trooper’s blaster (I know this seems as asspull-ish as the original movie, but it’s leading to something).
We cut to the command center of the Base, where Hux is in a meeting with Prydus and Krazvlin, being informed how the Republic now knows of their secret location and their alliance, and could launch an attack any moment. Prydus says that if that superweapon of theirs is supposedly stronger the Death Star, why haven’t they used it to alienate the Resistance in one fell swoop? Hux says that it’s increase in power also means an increase in charging time, and that it requires a large amount of energy. Prydus says that whether it’s ready or not is irrelevant. If they can at least use at least fraction of its power against the Republic, use it while they still have the chance. Hux says he will see what he can do, but before he ends his conversation, Krazvlin tells him that if this really is more powerful than the Death Star, like Hux says it is, then that better mean that that battlestation is strong enough to avoid going down in a ball of flame.“This Confederacy has paid well over a thousand kings’ ransoms to fund this project. For the sake of your career, General, you best hope that it is worth the price.” says Krazvlin. Hux says he understands, and the meeting ends. Hux then orders his men to prepare the fleet of First Order and Confederacy ships for the arrival of any Republic dreadnoughts and Resistance fighters. Hux then says to himself that he’ll show them it’s “worth the price”.
We then cut over to Kylo Ren, who’s making his way over to Rey’s prison cell with Zayla Ren. As they’re walking, Zayla keeps getting on Kylo’s case about how instead of getting the information they need, he allowed her to see into his mind via a Force Link. Kylo defends himself while trying to keep his cool that he had no idea that would happen, and that it doesn’t matter, because with they’re combined strength, they can reach into the mind of their prisoner with ease. However, when they come to the cell, they find it’s been opened, and the guard is missing from his post. We don’t see Kylo’s facial reaction to this, because he’s wearing his mask, but we do hear his heavy breathing. Zayla makes one last stab at him, before leaving him to his “tantrum”. We see a scene similar to the movie where some Stormtroopers casually walk away, but there’s a third one Kylo Ren Force pulls towards him by the throat, and orders him to have the troops search for the missing prisoner, and bring him to her alive (I was thinking of reimagining this scene to have it appear slightly humorous, but then takes a dark turn when Kylo goes back to being threatening).
Speaking of Rey, we cut to her sneaking around the Starkiller Base, trying her best not to get caught. She does well in dodging the Stormtroopers for a while, but then she comes face to face with a few Stormtroopers. Low on options, she once again tries to do a Jedi Mind Trick, holding her hand out and doing the motion, while trying to get the Stormtroopers to let her pass.Though, to her surprise, it doesn’t work, and the troopers just stare at one another in confusion. Rey, tries it, saying “You will let me pass”, to which the troopers say, “No, we won’t”, and they raise their blasters. Thankfully, Rey shoots at them with the blaster she has first, and then runs off while they’re distracted, managing to lose them by some miracle. 
Rey is left more confused than ever (I wanted to make it clear that while she has potential, she’s not a god-mode character. Also, the idea of that scene was just too funny for to pass up.)
We cut to the Republic-Resistance Alliance fleet, preparing begin their mission. They first send out some troops and ships to distract the fleet surrounding the Starkiller, while Poe’s squadron goes in to destroy the firing device, while Han’s group goes in to rescue Rey, and to disable any remaining shields the base has.
The battle is intense, but they manage to buy enough time for Han, Chewie, Finn, the twins, and the red shirts to sneak aboard.Once on board, they use both Finn’s knowledge of the base, as well as the mini-map of the base they got from the plans, to navigate where they might find Rey and the shield controls.However, Finn gets a strange feeling inside him which tells him that Rey is somewhere other than the holding bay. Han doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but Jaina and Jacen say that Finn is onto something, as they sense where Rey is, and they make their way to her location.
Meanwhile, Hux is preparing to fire the Starkiller’s laser, and targets two of the 6 large Republic ships.The Starkiller Base charges its main laser, and opens fire on the two ships, wiping them out. From his ship, Poe hopes the rescue team is able to shut down the shields in time.
We cut to Rey, who, after also sensing the familiar presence of her new friends, is finally able to reunite with the gang. However, this reunion is short-lived, as Phasma and her guards have caught up to Rey, and try to surround heroes. Phasma insults Finn, referring to him by his number and calling him a traitor, and questioning why would he join such a pitiful band of miscreants Finn answers back by saying his name is Finn, and over the course of a few days he’s found more respect and companionship from this group of people than in all the time he’s spent in the First Order. Phasma scoffs at him, saying they’re still outgunned. Finn says that’s where she’s wrong, and smiles toward Jacen and Jaina. Taking the cue, the twins use their Force powers to go all Force Unleashed on the troopers, taking apart some of their weapons, while tossing around others. Some of the smarter troopers flee for their lives, leaving Phasma on her own (There’s also a small line where Jacen says, “Sorry if you knew any of those guys” and Finn says “Don’t worry, I didn’t”).
Just when it seems like they’re about to take her out, Phasma says that in exchange for her life, she can take them to the base shield control room. After making her promise that she won’t backstab them. Phasma takes the group to the shield controls, and turns them off. When asked by Jaina why she’s doing this, she says that she’s not the only “Force-wielding brat” she has an issue with. As the shields go down, the Republic-Resistance morale goes up, and they begin their direct attack on Starkiller Base. While the gang wonders what they should do with Phasma, with Han suggesting the garbage chute, they feel a huge rumbling, signifying the true attack on the base has begun. Phasma uses this as a distraction for her to escape. Before they can catch her, they’re stopped by Zayla Ren, who allows Phasma to get away. 
Jacen volunteers to fight off Zayla as part of a “Round 2” between them, while the others make their escape back to the ship. Jaina says she’ll help, but Jacen says that they still someone to take the new users back to “him”, and she reluctantly goes off. As Zayla and Jacen have their second battle, the rest of the crew head on over to the Falcon and the other small ships they used to get there.
While making their way to the ships to escape, they once again come across Kylo Ren, and we finally get to that scene, only it thankfully plays out differently, with certain characters getting out mostly okay (oh, and they’re not on a narrow platform when this happens).
Han confronts his nephew, calling him by his true name; Ben. Han tells Ben to take off the mask, which Ben does, revealing to Han and Jaina the scar he’s gained from his “training” with Snoke. Han is visibly disturbed by what he sees, demanding to know what Snoke has done to him. Kylo answers that Snoke has taught him more about the power of the Force than any other Jedi has. Han replies “Including your father?" 
Kylo hesitates, until he says that Luke did not hold the power of which seeks. Only through the path he is currently on, can he achieve it. Han says that Ben is talking nonsense, and asks him to look at himself. Han says that Ben has already seen what Jaina thinks of him in this state, and asks him to imagine what Jacen thinks of him. What his aunt think of him. And then Han says "What would Anakin think? What would your mother think?”
At first, it seems like Ben is conflicted, and has some wavering in his voice which seems like regret. But then he starts to slowly become more angry, telling Han that he doesn’t know him, and that he doesn’t know what Anakin or his mother would think.“You’re not her… You can’t possibly know how she could’ve felt.”
Han, his gruff exterior lowering, beseeches Ben to please come home, practically begging him at this point (I was even thinking you could hear him starting to cry, in a rare moment of weakness for his character). Ben, however, just keeps giving a hushed “no” to each plea, until he finally shouts it, Force-choking Han. Ben/Kylo says that he can’t be changed. This is what he is now. Han still pleads between gasps, but Kylo just lets his anger and pain out in one burst and violently force pushes Han into a wall, yelling “Just leave me alone!”
Han crashes into the wall, and is knocked unconscious, while debris from the surrounding area covers part of the lower half of his body. Kylo runs off, not looking back behind him. Jaina tells Chewie and the remaining red shirts to take Han back to Falcon, and get him medical attention ASAP. She goes after Kylo, with Rey and Finn following close behind, despite her warnings.
We cut to Poe and his squadron, finally being able to make it to the main defense reactor. Destroying it would mean that the Starkiller Base would be defenseless. And just in time, because it appeared to be charging for another blast.
We then cut back to Jacen and Zayla’s fight, where both the Jedi and the Would-be Sith have been pushing their limits, with their battle being so intense that make it to the outer, planet surface of the base. As they each try to outmatch each other, Zayla reveals a trick her twin-headed lightsaber can do; she’s able to split it in two, and wield them at the same time (drawing parallels to Asajj Ventress, once again).
We then cut back to Jaina, Finn, and Rey, who’ve caught up to Kylo Ren. 
Suddenly, Rey stops and recognizes this as the same snow-covered forest in her vision. Finn asks her what’s wrong, and she snaps out of it, regaining some of her composure.
Jaina fights off Kylo, while Finn goes off to attend to Rey after she’s been knocked back by Kylo. Jaina manages to fend Kylo off, but Kylo senses Jaina doesn’t want to hurt him, and tries to use this to catch her off-guard. However, Finn returns, with Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber. Kylo pauses, and recognizes that lightsaber from his father’s descriptions. He demands to know how Finn has it, and demands that Finn hand it over, but Finn says if he wants it so bad, then he should come and get it for himself, igniting the saber. Kylo is now facing two against one, and manages to hold his ground, but struggles. Kylo senses that Zayla is nearby, fighting Jacen. He mentally calls out to her for assistance, to which Zayla agrees, baiting Jacen to follow her to where Jaina, Finn, and Rey are.
It’s now three against two, but Zayla has a trick up her sleeve. Sensing that the twins are close, she uses lightsaber techniques to catch Jacen off-guard while he’s fighting her, and uses one lightsaber of hers to slash at his back, taking Jacen out of the fight. Jacen, wounded, falls over, as Jaina is distracted enough to be knocked back by Kylo. All that leaves is Finn, who is outmatched by the Knights of Ren, but still manages to be cornered by Kylo.
Rey has been coming to, and sees her friends in trouble. She becomes so filled with passion, that she lets out a huge “NO!!”, after muttering smaller nos (another parallel to Kylo), which causes a huge Force push which knocks back Zayla and Kylo (but mostly Zayla, who is now injured and out of commission). We then have the scene where Rey gets Anakin’s lightsaber, only Finn, Jaina and Jacen are all conscious enough to witness it. That, and instead of fully  defeating Kylo, Rey uses her skills she learned with her staff to compensate, but she’s still not managed to completely beat him, only fighting to a standstill (and it even seemed like Kylo might win, despite his injuries) when parts of Starkiller Base start to explode.
Snoke mentally calls out to Zayla and Kylo to retreat for now, but they will make sure the children of the Force will pay dearly for this humiliation. Zayla and Kylo retreat back into the non-explodey part of the base, while Rey and the others are left in the snow. Just then, a light above appears. The Millennium Falcon has arrived, and lands just in time for the rest of them to be picked up, and brought to the medical bay.
Meanwhile, Poe has successfully destroyed the main defense reactor, causing a chain reaction which greatly damages the Starkiller. A good chunk of the FO/UGC forces have also been trashed, and soon begin to retreat, with the Republic-Resistance Alliance having achieved a massive victory.
However, not all is well. Those on board the Falcon are taken to a medical bay on one of the ships (sort of like that ship at the end of Empire Strikes Back), with Jacen having to heal from the wound Zayla gave him, Han slowly reviving from Kylo’s attack, but still in a weak condition, and Jaina, Finn, and Rey being exhausted from the battle.
A week passes, and emergency power is turned on in the command center of the Starkiller. Hux is getting an earful from Krazvlin and Prydus, looking at the ground for much of the conversation. Krazvlin is losing his last bits of patience with the FO, while Prydus is all but foaming at the mouth. Hux does say to the Chairman and the Grand Admiral that while they may have failed today, the Starkiller Base is still in operation. With new upgrades and restructuring, they could have it rebuilt better than ever, and then truly make the Republic pay for this defeat. While Prydus is against it, Krazvlin agrees, on the condition that this will be the last chance on the Starkiller Project. Hux says he will not fail them, but says that they’ll need to regroup their thinking about the First Order, including the construction of a more stable and organized star fleet, as well as more effective soldiers. Prydus, having calmed down, says that is one alternative; a remnant plan from the days of the Empire. Prydus asks Hux and Krazvlin is they’ve ever heard of the “Dark Trooper Project”.
We then cut to Phasma, who is once again having a spat with Zayla Ren. Zayla says that Phasma looks like “something the nexu dragged in”, while Phasma tells Zayla that she’s not in her most “lovely” state, either. Phasma asks why Zayla seems so cheerful, saying that they lost control over their battlestation, and she lost those force-sensitive users as well. Zayla says while that is true, she also says she’s gained something else today. Phasma asks what that is. Zayla says “Oh, just your loyalty, and leverage”.
Phasma asks what Zayla is talking about. Zayla replies that she recalls having saved Phasma’s life twice now; once on Takodana, and few days ago she saved her from being thrown in a trash compactor. Phasma asks that because she was forced to rely on her once or twice, that now means she’s supposed to be indebted to Zayla. Zayla says “No, no, no, it’s not because of something so childish. It’s because I would hate to see someone like you be turned in for treason.”
Phasma is shocked by what she hears, stammering as she asks what Zayla means. Zayla says that she was around the area when Phasma decided to turn on them and turn off the shields to the base. Phasma says that Zayla must be bluffing, and this is another one of her foolish mind tricks. Zayla guarantees Phasma that it is no trick, and she produces a small data drive, saying it contains all the footage the security sensors were able to pick up. She tells Phasma “not to worry” as she managed to delete all the footage of her betrayal, and that all that’s left is within this drive. 
Phasma stammers once again, asking Zayla what she wants. Zayla says that all she wants is to help “protect” Phasma. After the fiasco that’s happened over the course of the past week, she’s been hearing about how heads will roll because of this, and she’s just making sure that Phasma’s won’t be one of them. Phasma remains silent, and Zayla tells her not to worry, because as long as she does what she says, “this ‘Force-wielding brat’ will help you stay in your cozy position, and maybe even get you promoted”. 
Phasma, knowing that she can’t do anything, resigns herself to Zayla’s service, which pleases Rayla as she goes her own way.
We cut to Kylo Ren, communicating with Snoke (I was thinking that now it would be via a hologram, instead of a force bond), saying that he has failed him. Not only have two potential allies to their cause slipped through their fingers, and but the First Order’s main weapon has been crippled. He expects punishment, but Snoke says that while that may be true, Kylo has also shown his willingness to stop holding back, and willingness to cut the ties he had in his “past life”. Snoke says to report to him in-person at his secret location, so that he may begin to complete his training, along with the training of the other Knights of Ren. Snoke says that Kylo is that much closer to achieving the power he so desperately craves; to power to be master over life and death.
We cut to our heroes, with some of them celebrating their victory, while others are more melancholy, seeing it as a bittersweet victory.
The Republic has lost two of its cruisers and some of their own fighters, and have stirred tensions even further with the UGC, which some view critically. However, they’ve also left the First Order licking it’s wounds, and many in the Senate are seeking to pursue economic sanctions against UGC groups who were associated with the First Order.
And it’s also bitter for our heroes. Han is still breathing, and he’s regained consciousness, with Leia at his side, but he’s also hurt emotionally, wondering if the nephew he loved really is gone.
Unlike the movie, Finn is still conscious, but he’s still recovering from the fight with Kylo and Zayla, as is Rey, who he finds sitting by herself, looking a bit forlorn. Poe comes up to Finn, and says she’s been like this for a long time. Mirroring the talk on Takodana, Finn goes up to Rey, but this time Poe accompanies him. Finn and Poe try to comfort Rey, who’s trying even to comprehend all that’s happened in the past week or so. She’s wanted adventure all her life, and thought it would be fun and exciting, and while she admits she’d be lying if it wasn’t fun making fools out of First Order troops, she’s also scared about her encounters with the Knights of Ren, who apparently want her because of Force powers even she can’t understand. Finn and Poe comfort her, while also informing Rey of Finn going through instances similar to Rey’s, where Finn says that he might be also be in tune with the Force, and reaffirms that if there’s any trouble she’s in, he’ll be there to help, with Poe joining in on that declaration of friendship, and they share a big group hug.
After that’s over with, Jacen (who has recovered, mostly) and Jaina approach the trio, saying they must discuss something of vital importance.
Later on, they are discussing with Leia and the trio that from what they’ve seen and what they’ve felt within Rey and Finn, that they are two of the Force sensitive users their master told them to find and protect
The gist is that Luke sent them out to find new Force sensitive students for him and the Jedi Council to train, and that Jacen and Jaina are merely two of the Jedi Knights he’s sent out on this mission to comb the galaxy for potential Force users, young and old, to help train them in the ways of the Force, to combat the growing evil presence behind both the Knights of Ren and the First Order. However, in order to throw off suspicion from the First Order, Luke decided that while some of his new students should be trained by him personally, it would be best if others were to be trained under the guidance of the Masters of the Jedi Council who are currently standing in for Luke while he is in hiding.
The twins decide to take Rey to Luke, and that Finn must be brought to the New Jedi Council.
Rey doesn’t know how to feel, considering while she wants to discover the mystery behind her new power, which could also lead to the mysteries of her past and the visions she’s had, she’s also apprehensive because she was just reunited with Finn, Poe, and the rest of the people she’s just come to now as the only friends and family she’s ever had. Jaina and Jacen assure her that this is not goodbye for her and friends, and Finn and Poe reassure Rey that though they may be apart physically, they’ll always be together in spirit, and will wait until her training is complete.
Although still having mixed thoughts, Rey still agrees to go, and Finn agrees to meet with the Jedi Masters on the Council.
They all say their goodbyes to each other, with Jacen deciding to take Finn to the Council and the Academy, while Jaina takes Rey to where Luke is hidden.
Leia and Han (the latter of whom currently having to temporarily use a hover chair while he recovers), say to them as they begin to depart “May the Force be with you, always.”
Just before they leave, however, Finn says for Rey to keep Anakin’s/Luke’s lightsaber. Rey objects at first, but Finn says that while Luke may not need it, she likely will, and tells her not to worry, since he’s always been a bit better with a blaster, anyway.
With everything said and done, both Jacen and Jaina’s ships take off for their respective planets.
We then cut back and forth to Rey and Finn on board Jaina and Jacen’s ships, respectively, nervous about the whole situation, wondering what’s going to happen to them. While in thought, they’re alerted that they’ve arrived their respective destinations.
Finn and Jacen arrive on the planet home to the Jedi Council and the Academy, Dantooine (Luke decided to move the Council and the Main Temple far away from Coruscant, and also has a temple and academy on Yavin IV, like in the old EU), while Jaina and Rey arrive on the planet with the Ancient Jedi Temples we saw at the beginning of the “movie”. 
Finn and Jacen arrive on Dantooine where they stop in front of pristine structure of the enclave of the Jedi Temple. Jacen says he has important business with the Council scheduled, and they’re led to them.
Meanwhile, Jaina and Rey arrive on the world where Luke is, where it appears that other Jedi Knights are arriving with other Force-sensitive users, young and older.
Also, just to note, Luke abolished the rule of taking Force-sensitive people when they’re children or babies, opting instead to either have them be trained closer to home, so that they can still go back as if it were school, or have their families come along with them, where they provide for them as well (this especially happens with poor families with Force-sensitive children, who wish to have a better life). 
Anyway, Jaina takes Rey to the main ancient Jedi Temple, where Luke is waiting.
We then get another back and forth scene where we cut between the scenes of Rey and Finn meeting their new masters. 
With Finn, we’re brought to the Jedi Council room, where two figures have their backs turned from them, and are looking out the window. Jacen says that he trusts they sensed why they are here. The female figure in the white robes says that they have. Jacen then formally introduces Finn to the Jedi Masters whom Luke left in charge while he was away, and the ones who will help him train him.
The two Masters turn around to reveal an older human man, with a slight scar on his face, and faded brown-gray-ish hair, yet with smile on his face, and a Togruta woman, with also a warm smile on her face.
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The Torgruta woman removes her hood, and welcomes Finn to the Jedi Order, and they each introduce themselves as Jedi Masters Ashoka Tano and Kyle Katarn.
Finn is in awe of actually meeting two legendary Jedi Masters.
At the same time, Jaina brings Rey to where Luke is, practicing his Force meditation, currently even levitating a bit from the ground, as certain small objects levitate around him (sort of like he was supposed to be introduced in TFA before changes were made). Jaina pardons her interruption, but she says she’s brought one of “children of the Force” he sensed, and that Rey apparently has something for him. Luke slowly stops his levitating, and the objects around him follow suit. He stands up, and thanks Jaina, to which she says that it was no trouble (a small joke on her end), before calling Luke “uncle”.
Rey steps forward to the man, who turns around and removes his hood to reveal the face of the one who destroyed the Death Star, the one who helped restore the Jedi Order, and the one who brought Anakin Skywalker back over to the Light Side so that he could finally bring balance to the Force; Luke Skywalker.
After a moment of staring in awe, Rey realizes something and remembers what Jaina just said, as well as what Poe said earlier, and takes out the lightsaber Luke once wielded, and his father before him. She presents it to him, thinking he might still want it back as a keepsake. She reaches out to hand it him, but before she can, Luke holds up his hand, and says with a solemn, yet warm smile “No. It’s not mine, anymore.”
Rey is taken aback, but then Luke says that if she so desires it, that lightsaber is now hers. Rey is even shocked now, and Luke simply says with a nod, “Welcome, Rey. As of now, your training has begun.”
We then get a scene where we pan back, and see both the scenes of the new Jedi apprentices standing before their new masters, side by side.
The End of Episode VII
Some fitting music to cap it off:
And that is officially my rough storyline pitch for my rewrite of The Force Awakens. I hope you at least enjoyed some of it, because I have big plans for it in the future, when I come up with the other two story outlines for this trilogy.
Again, feel free to ask me what I have in mind for this “rewrite trilogy”. along with any other questions which spring to mind.
However, I will say this; I will try to treat the original trilogy characters as well as I can, show that their efforts weren’t for nothing, and that everything will turn out right for them in the end.
Until next time, when I come up with the story outline for the next part in this rewrite trilogy:
Episode VIII:The Lost Jedi
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fanesavin · 5 years
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Tensions come to a head with killers abound in the city both inside and outside of its walls. Masks begin to crack and the truth begins to filter through.
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (x) | (x) Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (x) (x) | Part 7 | Part 8  (x) | Part 9 (x) | Part 10 | Part 11 (x) (x) | Part 12 (x) ]
@cassiegermaine / @thatwhichbindsus / @danisavin / @ianncardero / @faye-andrews / @thisbrutalbelle / @thisdaringdanny
Cassie heels clicked against the marble floors that shifted to stone as she followed the staircases down to the castles dungeons. After yesterday's skirmish with the Kesley's they had been rightly siezed and thrown into captivity. She would have waited for the Iquistor for better formality's, but he was well distracted with the death of the Raj, so Cassandra took the Kesley's fate into her own hands. The gaurds outside the cell looked a little weary at the well-born lady's arrival, but she easily explained, "Lord Fane requested I deal with the Kesley scum. Please, allow me access." The pair tilted their head quietly in aknowledgement and left after unlocking the iron door, but only because the High Lady had another cloaked figure with her. Cassie stepped inside, nose wrinkling at the smell before she stared down at the Kesley Lord crumpled on the floor, "You fool. Did you really think you could get away with it?"
A Kesley looked up sullenly, but once he saw that it was Grand Lady Cassandra, he clambered to his feet. "You..." he sneered, gripping the rusty cell bars with scraped, red-tinged hands. "How did you get past the guards? I am under their protection, as per the command of that bastard Inquisitor of the North." He looked smug in the fact that his justice would be served later. "Whatever you've come to say, say it now. You stupid woman." He insulted her, but there was a slight thin taut string of fear in his voice that he tried to mask with disdain.
Cassie scowled at the man as he seemed to clearly doubt her, and then he went as far as to blatantly insult her? Did he not realize where he was? "That's hardly a way to speak to a Queen." She folded her hands in front of her body and let out a dramatized sigh, "I've simply come to informm you I no longer require your services. You've failed them, as far as I'm concerned landing behind these bars. These pathetic crumbling walls are the last thing you'll see Kesley. I hope you've come to terms with that."
A Kesley "Know that I hate you, vile woman. I curse you, and you will pay for what you've done to my men. But I did do exactly as you said--" he rattled the bars then, spittle flying from his mouth in his rage. "- and you must keep your end of the bargain. Send the ravens to your pathetic Summerset. Release my nephew, as you promised!"
Cassie If Cassandra was bothered by the Kesley's rage, she didn't let it show on her placid face and instead just quietly flicked away some of the spittle that landed on her cheek. When she spoke though, her voice was dark and sharp, and she stepped just a bit closer, "You stupid, stupid, man-" She let out a laugh, "Do you think I'd really let that bastard nephew of yours live? He's dead. Has been dead. All the Kesley's are dead. Do you think I'd risk my plan getting out?" She raised her hand to motion the cloaked figure forward as she turned slightly. The blade caught a glint of firelight before it slashed into the Kesley across the way.
A Kesley Too late the Kesley saw the cloaked figure and he tried to step back from the bars, but something seemed to hold him there. "Guard! Guard, please! The G--" but his words cut off in a gurgle, and a fountain of blood that spilled across the bars and the stone floor. He slumped ungracefully across the bars, then slid down in a sodden, wet heap of blood and urine.
Ciara stalked the halls in a hurry, running her hand through her hair anxiously as she did. There were things she knew, that others did not. A missing spy, a venomous snake, and whispers about the Kesleys. So many whispers about the Kesleys. And here were some, locked away, perfect for her to speak to. Ciara made her way down the hall, a shawl covering her hair, an appropriate rite of mourning. She slowed suddenly at the sight of a shadow coming up from the stairs of the dungeon, cleared her face of any concern, and turned her attention to a letter from her father as she walked more idly. It was Lady Cassandra coming up the stairs. There were other places those stairs led, of course, but most of them were no places for a Grand Lady. It was too late. They had already seen eachother.
Cassie As Cassandra was coming up the stairs she was concentrating on not tripping over her heels or skirts, so when she saw the darker figure of someone looming about, she was taken off guard. Seeing it was Ciara of course made the Summerset heir straighten, and silently thank the gods she had paid off the assassin in private. Her blue eyes blinked for a moment before Cassandra smiled softly and continued down the hall towards Ciara, "My dear, you look absolutely flustered, I think even royal informants deserve a break in the Grand Hall, don't you?"
"Do I?" Ciara asked, smiling just as softly, keeping her gaze kind and easily on Cassie's expression. Looking around now would only be suspicious. "I must admit I find all the people in the hall a little overwhelming at times. I am not used to such crowds." She glanced down at her own hands, gloved and clasping the letter from her father. "And sometimes there isn't even privacy in one's own room." She looked back up at Lady Cassandra. "I hope I am not disturbing you."
Cassie couldn't help but laugh some at the comment about the others in attendace currently at the castle, "No, I don't think I could blame you for that. Everyone is especially on short fuse and patcience these days. If I could eat in private without causing some sort of alarm. I would." She waved her hand as if in dismissal, "Even in a palace such as this we are bound to cross paths, it's hardly a bother." Her eyes flicked down to the letter, "Are we any closer to finding the High Raj's killer then?"
"That I understand," Ciara chuckled, "But I fear the prince and lord Cardero might revolt to be denied time with their niece." She followed Cassandra's gaze. "Oh, this is merely from my father. Regaling me with tales of my own nephews. I miss them, but my duty is here. In truth, I do not know. The Inquisitor does not share with me." Not intentionally. The Eagle Commander had left a meeting with the Inquisitor looking green around the gills, and had started chasing his captains. Ciara's mice had felt his urgence in their whiskers, nervous that blame might be assigned the wrong person in all this, and audible relief when his hurry passed them by. And now one of them was dead, by his own hand, reportedly. A man who believed himself acting for Juan Carlos. Ciara had assumed the Prince Cardero was to blame, but this was perhaps to coincidental a meeting. "Part of me wonders if he is not sharing because he is not truly looking. He has benefited greatly from this." Deflect, mislead.
"Indeed." Cassandra nodded, "They do enjoy to dote on her so." Which was validating and comforting enough for Cassie. "Ah-that's kind of him to write." She commented about Ciara's father. She wondered if the girl was really telling the truth, but it wasn't as if she'd command to see the letter. She frowned though at the information that she Ciara was suspicious of the Iquisitor. "Do you think? He seemed pretty enraged by the Kesley's out in the courtyard the other day. Imagine, a never ending Inquisition." She wrinkled her nose, "I don't think the Kingdom could withstand it."
"It is. He wishes he were here instead, but I do not think he would feel that if he were." She folded the letter between his hands and tucked it away within her robe. It was cold, this deep in the castle, the rocks cool to the touch. One could catch one's death in here. "I do not know," Ciara replied instead. "Or perhaps he serves another cause." Her voice dropped low, looking right in Cassie's eyes. "The kingdom could not stand another war, and yet here we are. We need a new ruler, and soon."
Maya sat in the Great Hall at the long wooden table. Taking a break from investigating she was eating dinner. A dinner which, of course, had been tested for poison before she started eating. It was better to be safe than sorry. One of the doors opened, drawing her attention. She had to resist the urge to stand, curtsey and make excuses for her presence. Instead, she asked, "Have they called another meeting?"
Faye had finally had to come out of her rooms to find something to eat. She was starving, and after the events of earlier, she found herself still feeling slightly ill. So she went to the Great Hall, hoping to find someone that could tell her where the kitchens were. When she entered, she didn't expect to find anyone (thought why she hadn't expected it, she didn't know), but instead found the girl who's name she knew to be Maya. "Oh. No. I'm just... a bit too hungry to wander around for ages in search of the kitchen. Pardon the intrusion."4
Maya turned her head towards one of the side doors in the hall, "Hey Annabella!" After a moment a young servant women appeared. "There's some extra of this in a pot downstairs, can you please grab a bowl for Lady Lacroy?" Maya asked. The young woman nodded and curtsied. Maya couldn't help, but shake her head, "No need for that Annabella." The servant nodded again before disappearing. "It's just stew, but it's better than nothing to eat at all," she said, turning back to Lady Lacroy and gesturing for her to sit.
Faye glanced at the girl who ran off to get more stew. "That's kind of you," she said to Maya, coming to sit. She appeared a bit more pale than usual, her countenance slightly unsettled. "I haven't had a good stew in ages. I'm sure it's wonderful." She adjusted her skirts, looking around the hall. "You're of Lord Savin's House, are you not?"
Maya shrugged, "There was extra and I know it won't kill anyone." She took another sip of her wine. "Plus, I was a servant up until last night. Old habits die hard and all." She nodded to Lady Lacroy's question. As far as Maya was concerned she was still part of Lord Savin's household although her title had changed. At the very least, she was not of House Parker anymore. "Are you all well?" she asked, "I imagine that scuffle earlier was quite trying."
"Not dying is always preferable." A small smile turned the corner of her mouth. "They do," she said of habits. Faye knew that all too well. Having been virtually a recluse for so long left her uncertain of the world at times. "I'm no less well than I've ever been," she nodded. The mention of the events of earlier had Faye taking a deep breath. "I haven't witnessed violence like that... in some time. It was... shocking, yes. I didn't get a chance to thank you for what you did, by the way. With a frying pan no less."
Danny had departed from the door of the Queen's chambers when one of her men relieved him, hungry he came downstairs in the hopes of grabbing something to eat while royalty was not in the room, and he was lucky. Perhaps not entirely since Lady Lacroy still held a very high position but no one who would imagine he could not eat with them. "Do you mind if I join?" he asked the ladies, not having heard a lick of what they had been saying.
Maya had her own curiosities about her lord and Lady Lacroy, but they were probably best kept to herself for the moment. After all there was a much more important investigation to focus on. She did raise an eyebrow when Lady Lacroy claimed to be well. She didn't entirely look well. Maya chose not to comment on that though. "Hmm...I wish I were more surprised by it," she replied. She shook her head though at the Lady's thanks. "I think you'll agree that enough innocent blood has been shed already. As for the frying pan, you learn a few things down in the kitchens." Her attention was drawn to the great door again by its opening. At the knight's question, she shook her head. Still, she looked to Lady Lacroy who had the final say in the matter.
Faye nodded at Maya's lack of surprise. Faye had been waiting for it in all honesty. For fear and uncertainty to evolve into violence and outrage. It had happened a bit sooner than she'd expected, but otherwise it was par for the course. "I do. The innocent always pay the price for men's fear. Or their greed." She turned her head as someone else came in, and greeted the knight with a nod. "By all means, join us." Faye gestured to the table. "How fare you, sir knight?"
Their conversation seemed to halt when he came in so Danny looked behind him, wondering if perhaps he should just eat in the kitchen but they invited him in. "Tired," he admitted to the women. "I suspect we all are, but having to stay awake a lot longer than the rolls has me falling asleep at my post, I figured some food might help me survive the night." Danny wandered over, looking at the tables food and picking at some meet with his fingers.
"I think everyone pays, eventually," Maya replied. Of course for some that payment was long time coming. As they turned their attention to the knight, Annabella returned and set a bowl of stew in front of Lady Lacroy without a word. The knight explained his troubles. "Perhaps we should ask one of the servants to brew some coffee for you and your fellows? I saw a bit in the kitchens yesterday morning."
Danian shuffled into the Great Hall, rubbing their eye. They didn't look to be in the best shape -- shadows under their eyes, hair messier than usual, clock not sitting quite right on their shoulders. They looked like hell. Fortunately, that hell had nothing to do with too many drinks at the tavern. No, this was all work. They weren't made for staring at books and scrolls through the night. Candles made harsh light for reading. But, they had wanted to get things and here they were now. The hand that wasn't wiping the haze from their eye held a bowl with a few scraps of venison dropped inside. They didn't want to bother anyone to make them a meal when they knew it would be easier and quicker on all parties involved if they simply walked into the kitchen and asked what they had left over. It earned them a couple of stares, but the young lord was used to that by now. Besides, they could do with a reminder of home and a simple hunter's meal was perfect for that. "M'Ladies. Ser." They nodded in greeting to the party as they sat down, a light huff escaping them. "Hope it's alright if I join you."
Faye gave a small nod to the girl who brought her stew, and then turned back to the conversation. "I'd chance to say that being to exhausted to stand upright hardly makes for a good watchman, does it?" The comment was curious, and slightly concerned for who he was supposed to be protecting.
Maya struggled not to raise an eyebrow again, surprised that a knight would know how to brew their own coffee. Then again he had claimed the understand the commoner's point of the view the night before so perhaps he had come from more humble background than most nights. She nodded to Danian as they burst into the room. "Please do," she said to them. "I'm well thank you, if a bit tired as well," she replied as far as the knight's question. It wasn't entirely true, but it would suffice for present company.
She turned to her stew, contemplating it as Maya spoke to the knight as well. Coffee sounded absolutely wonderful. Faye couldn't remember the last time she'd had any. Her eyes rose again as someone else joined the growing part. Danian she knew, having met them in the library. Faye nodded in greeting, and that it was certainly fine for them to join, before turning back to the knight. "Nothing that wasn't handled," Faye said, glancing at Maya, who had been there too.
"Handled?" Danny asked with a rise of his brows before his eyes flickered to the new addition, someone of stature he looked down, deciding it best that he not sit. "Perhaps I should go make everyone some coffee?" he offered.
Maya gave non committal shrug, "There may have been a frying pan, some light stabbing and House Kelsey ruffians involved. As Lady Lacroy said though, it's handled." She nodded, "That may be a good idea. I fear we all have long nights ahead of us."
"Have I missed anything exciting yet?" Danian asked of the conversation, putting on a slight grin. It was more meant to be a cheerful sort of amusing ask. Not entirely a serious question. They could all do with a bit less excitement anyhow. When the knight looked down at them and rose to his feet, their brows raised and they blinked, not quite sure why he felt compelled to do so. They certainly weren't the sort of nobility that demanded formality. "Aye, I'd bet Maya's right. Might as well prepare ourselves as best we can. Thank you." Danian gave him a smile.
Faye wasn't sure if spreading the word of what had actually gone on during the 'scuffle' would do any good. Rumors were no doubt already spreading like wildfire. Though if this knight hadn't heard anything, perhaps it hadn't got too far. She was about to reiterate that it yes, things had been 'handled,' when Maya beat her to it. "Coffee would be much appreciated," she said instead to the knight as he offered to fetch coffee. "And no, nothing overly exciting. Though I think we've all had enough excitement, haven't we?" She gave Danian a small smile before turning to her stew.
Danian nodded at Faye and sighed. "Maybe we have," their head tilted aside, "or perhaps..." as they spoke a mischievous gleam sparked in the corner of their eye -- the liveliest thing about them yet, "...perhaps we just haven't been having the right sort of excitement." But then they shrugged, which dimmed that glimmer in their eye. "I need to get out of here. Even for one hour in the city. I don't think I stand being trapped in here much longer. I was never made for cities in the first place. Now I'm being held in one like a prisoner."
Maya considered the offer for a moment. She could use a break. The last two days had been more stressful than she'd like. Still, she wasn't one to abandon a problem before it was finished. Then again it might be useful to know what the city's population were thinking of the last few days events. If someone had leaked the secret of the Raj's death, it might point to a suspect who wished to reignite the war. She couldn't help but snort a laugh though when Danian mentioned feeling like a prisoner in the keep. "You're telling me," she said before thinking better of it.
"I don't like cities either," Faye said quietly. "It's so... busy. All the time. There's never any real quiet."
Danian didn't see much into Maya's outburst. They chuckled at it, actually. "Maya, if anyone deserves a break, it's you." They hadn't forgotten how the Red Priestess had called her out at the Quiver of Houses. It was cruel and unfair, even if the woman thought her actions were just. That revelation, true or not, hardly changed Maya in their eyes. Danian had always enjoyed her company. She was sharp-witted and bold and was one of the few servants at Blackspire actually willing to loosen formalities around them. The lord leaned forward slightly, looking between the two ladies, "I say we go out. If we're not able today, then as soon as we've got the chance. I've been meaning to explore the Lower City myself. I've heard it's been rather chaotic recently. Why not have a look ourselves?"
Faye glanced at Danian. The thought of getting out of the keep was... enticing. But being out there in the open, with people that had already seen her attacked. With people that had - as Danian said - been a bit chaotic, only made Faye feel ill at ease. "I don't think I should venture out. I was asked to stay nearby." Fan- Lord Savin had asked her not to stray too far, lest another incident occur.
Maya huffed a laugh, "You're too good to me." She liked Danian. They tended to see the servants more as people than most nobles she knew. She turned to Lady Lacroy as the woman expressed hesitation at venturing out of the castle. "I don't know, if I escort you," she replied, "Plus I know a thing or two about disguising one's true identity."
"You can't change the color of my eyes, no matter what else you do." Anyone who looked at her would be able to see them, and it was her eye color that was her distinguishing feature. But Faye was grateful for Maya's offer, even if going against the advice of the Inquisitor seemed... unwise. Especially considering the trouble she'd already caused him. His ire wasn't something she wanted to provoke.
Danian looked at Faye with a slight frown. "Are you sure?" They understood why she was asked not to venture too far. She had been attacked upon her arrival. And with the way everything seemed to be going... They sighed, but of course Maya brought their spirits back up in an instant and they grinned. "I do try, m'lady." They might have given a mock bow if they had been standing. Then, they looked back to Faye. "Maya is right. You would have the both of us with you. A guard would be too obvious, but we don't need to worry about that." Glancing down, they patted the sword at their hip. Not to mention, Danian knew a thing or two about wielding knives and, in their own way, concealing identities. It was Faye's eye color that was the issue. "No, we can't change the color, but we could find a way to hide them. We would just have to get inventive."
"I don't know..." Faye said to Danian. "It would be good to get out of here, I'll admit that much. But... I don't wish to put anyone in any danger because of me. What reason do I have to venture out besides?"
Danian gave Faye a light smile. "I'm used to danger, but I understand. My only thought would be to offer you a bit of fresh air and some time to stretch your legs, if you wish." The woman had more stress surrounding her than most of those gathered in the keep. "Of course, if there is something else you'd like to do to relax a wee bit, I'm willing to help if I can."
"I'm not sure I should be that adventurous just yet. But... a walk possibly? Around the upper balconies might be enough to clear my head." Faye appreciated the offer, just as she had Maya's, but it felt selfish to break an order just to get some air. Though Danian and Maya weren't under the same scrutiny as she had recently been.
"I think I can manage a walk," the Northerner grinned. "The city isn't going anywhere. I could always head out later today or tomorrow." Danian crossed their arms on the surface of the table. "Is there anything you need to get to prior? Wrap up any investigative business? I know the whole point is to avoid it for a time, but I'd hate to take you away from something important."
"Thank you." Faye gave Danian a nod. "I won't keep you long." She shook her head that there was nothing pressing. Having already met with Lady Florent, and done enough reading in her room to burn down an entire candle, Faye needed a bit of time with nothing swirling through her mind. "I still have books in my room that I'm looking over, but I can come back to those afterwards."
"Alright then. And it's my pleasure." They could say the same in regards to books. Both of them had been drowning in literature for days. A necessary evil. "Would you like to head that way now?"
Bella felt the fur of her wolf beneath her fingers. Others had been summoned and distributed about the city, mostly in areas of unrest and crime. It had been a long walk to the edge of Bluesprings to direct them and felt like an even longer walk back, even with the short rest she had taken in the Inn. The closer she drew back to where the rest of the nobles were still kept under more stringent guard the more Bella felt as though eyes were on her, bare feet leaving bloody marks on the stone from the cuts of her jewels on her feet and the cuts from various rubble she had walked over but Bella was used to such pain and ignored it, far more concerned with whispered words she couldn't hear, especially in the daylight, her darkness not around to bring her comfort. "We're close, Bastian," she said to the wolf that snarled at anyone who gazed too long at her.
Commonfolk cringed and fled at the sight of the strange monstrous woman and her giant wolf. She was so small, but she radiated a permanent darkness around her that may not have been visible, but was certainly felt. It felt like being cold and alone and lost in deep woods that had no goal other than to hurt you. People were terrified of her - and they watched as she walked through them, and they wondered how the Inquisition could allow this devil-thing a seat in the Quiver of Houses. Some knew she hailed from the Dark Woods, a place renowned among the commonfolk as a place one did not enter, at the risk of their lives. And now she was here, and the rumours flew about what she was doing here, and why she was allowed a space in the Inquisition. Still, they were looking forward to the High Raj's Funeral, if only for the pomp and ceremony, and a way to feel a penultimate closure to the shocking event of his death.
When the Queen of the Dark Woods made it to the gate between the Lower City and the Upper City though, a person swathed in all-white appeared in front of Bellamy. Everything was wrapped in white, obscuring their face, even their gender. "Queen Bellamy, of the Dark Woods." The person pulled out two wicked-looking swords, made of an ancient metal that shone bright light, and repelled dark things like werewolves. "It is time to die."
Bella frowned in irritation, the wolf snapping at the air and growling feverishly as the light of the person's sword started to disrupt the magic in them that was keeping their human form at bay. Bella barely knew what to say, human threats not laid against her since she was in her family home, and they weren't for death but for something far worse, a life of chastity and constricting human attire. Fortunately human attire allowed for weapons and from the long sleeves of her dress came daggers, slicing her skin as she pulled them from the bands at her arms. "Bastian," she summoned but his head was twitching as his mouth began to pull back in and his shoulders shrank.
Some people fled at the scene that seemed to lay out before them; but at the same time, others remained to watch - terrified, curious, desperate for something new and exciting to happen to dispel the thrum of constant anxiety that lay over the commonfolk like a blanket more oppressive than any new ruler. This being the Lower City, some savvy old foxes even started trying to take bets: the dark witch against the white angel, et cetera. The white-wrapped assassin ignored all of it, but one might say that they wanted this to happen in plain daylight, in front of a crowd. The assassin pointed a sunsword at Queen Bellamy. In the name of the one True Church, and the Chevaliers," the assassin announced, before they flew towards Bellamy with a terrifying speed and nimbleness.
( tw self harm, blood, etc ) As the person attacked Bella's wolf fell to their human form, naked on the street still on all fours, snarling and biting but not strong enough to draw near the woman he was meant to be protecting. If he did not die that day the King of the Dead Woods would kill Bastian on his return, whether Bella survived or not. Bella herself was terrified, out in the light like this she had no help, no way to summon her Lord and beg his protection, so even with her daggers at her hand she ran, searching for any place hidden from the sun's high light. Bloody footprints stained the ground, no way to hide her direction, but she was fast, used to running over roots and bones that moved as her lord's energy flowed through them. "Octavia!" she called but it did nothing, and the people did even less. Bella finally shoved one aside to enter their home, shadows casted from the walls allowing Bella to fall to her knees, thrusting daggers into her thighs as she screamed to summon the darkness she worshipped.
The Assassin darted effortlessly through the crowd, their focus on the Queen alone. As they stepped under and through shadows, it was almost as if the Assassin glowed, bright as the angel that the bookies and other toothless lollygaggers dubbed the white-wrapped creature. How could they not? All their mythologies and tales in the Capital centred around the idea that dark was bad, and white was good. That the Dark Woods meant death and wolves and dark magic, and this white-wrapped creature was some summoning of the Cloverry, or perhaps even the Red Priestess's God of Light. Whatever it was, some people ducked and screamed, others followed to watch. The scream from the Queen was terrifying, but the Assassin was not deterred. The Assassin struck to attack the wolf-man first, knowing that the wolf-man was weakened against the imbued power of their werewolf-killer swords.
Perhaps it was her darkness, perhaps it was the scent of her blood, perhaps it was her scream of agony, but as Bella withdrew the daggers from her legs, blood pooling around her legs, soaking into the human attire she wore for the sake of decency in the city. They didn't know what the church of her home was, they didn't know it was suppression and self-loathing, that while perhaps her beliefs weren't good they were nowhere near as cruel as the ones in the Kingdom of Chevalier. What all would know, was the sound of dozens of wolves descending upon what they called their home. The rumble was loud as wooden carts were knocked over, windows were shattered, even walls fell as the werewolves bounced off them in an attempt to get to their Queen. This sound was far louder than the Assassin's blade piercing Bastian's form, burning him as it past through his core, even his growl was undermined by the growling of his sisters and brothers. Upon the small home Bella had hidden herself in the wolves came, claws shattering the stone pathways, broad shoulders knocking out commonfolk. Once there they leapt upon the one clothed in white bearing his sword, others snarling and sneering at any commonfolk that remained, insisting they keep their distance.
People fled screaming, and other Guards rushed forward - some from various Houses, others Capital Guards and Knights. They tried to get people under control as well, get the out of the way - but it was difficult to know (or remember) who to fight, at the sight of the growling werewolves collected in the tight space of the Lower City's cramped bowels. They'd been brief that the werewolves were on their side, but that didn't mean the Guards didn't find them fearsome and untrustworthy. They were beasts after all, not men. It was chaos all around: commonfolk running around, some hiding and watching, some breaking into looting and fighting the Guards. The commonfolk at least didn't dare to attack the werewolves, keeping their distance from those as instructed. The white-wrapped assassin spun so quickly it was almost like a dance. Their swords spun as well, like blades that chopped off anything that tried to come close - ears, noses, paws. "Hiding behind your werewolves will not do you any good, Queen," the assassin said, leaping nimbly up the walls of the building until they reached the rooftop. Immediately they produced a bauble from their wrappings and cast it downwards. The burst into a bright glowing white powder that obscured and brightened everything - which of course only added to the chaos, Guards and werewolves and people crashing into each other, into buildings, destruction abound. Through it, the Assassin managed to get a sword close against Bellamy skin - possibly close enough to cut Bellamy - but the Assassin was unable to complete the task, as werewolves leapt onto them, knocking the Assassin so hard that they Assassin went through at least five buildings away in a loud, destructive crash.
The light hurt but the wolves were determined to protect their Queen. Loyalty to her meant the protection of their home. If she fell then there was no human representative of their land, it would be taken and over run. It was her who kept Kingdom's at bay through her own actions, her worship of the darkness or her direction of them. Bella could barely react, blood loss taking over as she muttered blessings to save herself, the light blade cut her, burning her flesh as it had Bastian's but fortunately not going deep enough to kill her before her wolves descended, tear tearing the assassin into small pieces, devouring him like they would a squirrel or deer. The journey to Bluesprings had been long, they needed to feed. As they did however Bella fell into the pool of her own blood, muttering blessings still.
And just like that, it was over. The white powder dissipated bu the sounds of slavering and crunching of flesh and bone echoed through the twisting side roads of the Lower City. The powdery smoke cleared, and the destruction was everywhere - not just from the Assassin, but the werewolves as well as they rushed to protect their Queen. The smell of blood permeated everything. Injured people groaned and moaned for help along a stretch of space from the Gates of the Upper City down to the clutch of houses where the Queen of the Dark Words herself knelt, muttering words. Words that to the commonfolk, sounded like spells and chants, rather than prayers, because they couldn't imagine prayers coming from the mouth of a creature so unholy. And this....thing, and her werewolves - this Dead Queen was a part of the right and just Inquisition?
Bella's eyes began to roll back into her head, mutterings fading away the more blood fell from her. She had hit her arteries, as it was easy to do when hitting such a major area, so for all the blessings she summoned it couldn't mend something like that. Her wolves who did not identify as being even remotely human, did not even conceive of switching back to their human forms to help her, but fortunately guards were duty bound and whatever had happened she was a guest of the High Raj, before his passing, and a member of the Council, so they mustered up the courage to venture in the direction of her and the wolves that were scattered about to grab the woman. She would need whatever physician was available in the keep.
Iann stalked through the Great Hall, catching sight of Danian as he passed. "Have you looked outside, son? Something's happening at the gates of the Upper and Lower City..." Iann walked past, heading up some curving stairway to take him up to a higher balcony, to get a better vantage.
Danian "Wha--?" Danian was caught off guard when Iann suddenly stalked through the Hall and grabbed their attention. They took one look at Faye, a quick 'I'll be back.' Though, of course, there was nothing to keep her from joining. "Something's happening? What kind of something?" They asked the prince as they hurried up after him.
Iann hadn't seen Lady Faye there, or else he would've addressed her as well. But once he reached the balcony, he squinted, and efficiently opened his spyglass, raising it to his eye. "....There--!" he handed the spyglass to Danian, but his own gaze was affixed on the white glowing powder floating up into the sky, his gaze like a hawk. "Werewolves, it looks like? But something else as well..."
Faye was just about to rise to follow Danian for their walk, but then the prince was there and they were speaking and leaving the hall in a rush. Faye frowned, the urgency in the princes voice and the look on Danians face enough to make her follow.
The wolves cleared whatever path was needed for the guards to make their way to the keep as quickly as possible, less destruction than they had initially caused but not none by any means, the stone pathways and a few windows were torn up or broken. When they finally reached the gates the wolves stopped, all bar one with greying fur that tore a guards sword from his hands with snouth and threw it to the ground, insisting entry. Unable to stop him the guards allowed the lone aging wolf to follow, rushing the Dead Woods Queen inside.
There was smoke rising over the lower city as Faye reaches the balcony. At least it looked like smoke. The call of werewolves - gods above - had her heart skipping a beat as it leapt into he throat. Faye couldn’t see them, but she watched regardless, a feeling of dread in her chest.
Danian had been scanning over the city from the balcony as they reached it, but Iann's spyglass was far more effective than their own eyesight. Werewolves. He was right. They had seen Queen Bellamy's one at the Quiver of Houses, but there were so many! Like Iann, however, it was the white powder that caught their eye. "That's strange..." they mumbled, partly to themself as they squinted even through the instrument. "It doesn't seem natural to me. Clearly not snow. Doesn't seem like ash..." Pausing, they handed the spyglass to Faye and pointed out the mysterious feature for her to inspect. "Any thoughts?"
"No thoughts needed - look," Iann pointed grimly directly below them, at the Gates that opened into the Keep itself. Guards marched in at a rapid clip, and on their shoulders they bore none other than the Queen of the Dead Woods herself, who looked almost completely black-red with blood. "Kraken deep," he cursed, as the maesther scurried out, looking at the Queen before calling for his apprentices to guide the Guards to his physician's temple. One wolf stood outside the gate, grey fur matted with blood.
His expression cold and unfathomable as the ocean, the Prince pressed his lips together. "I have to go." Iann took his spyglass first, swiftly pivoting on his heel and leaving the young Ward and the Lady alone once more.
Faye took the glass and after a moment of adjustment took a look at the rising smoke. “It’s... shimmering. Could be... some sort of alchemical reaction. The wind is taking it out to sea though.” She turned as the prince took his spyglass back, frowning before glancing down at the creature at the gates. Faye’s blood ran cold, but it just stood there, watching the bloody body of its queen pass through into the city.
The wolf did not snarl or bite once inside, keeping his jaw shut firmly, eyes moving with more clarity than the previous one to watch over her had shown. He would remain at her side as Prince Cardero's physician's worked on her throughout the day and into the evening, stoic and strong. It was at the stroke of midnight the Queen arose, weak and bloody, the old wolf crawling onto the wooden table she rested upon and gifting her comfort so she knew she was safe to rest. "My King," she let out hoarsely, falling almost immediately back to sleep.
Danian tore their eyes away from the white powder to look below them, leaning partially over the railing as they did so. Their eyes widened at the sight. "By the Gods, Bellamy??" The shock on their face was clear, but shifted in an instant. One second, shock; the next, a withheld, though not invisible, fear. "If Her Majesty is there, then where's... I don't see Octavia with her." Danian suddenly felt a twist in their gut, bolting back down the stairs on instinct. They may not have known the knight extremely well, but she was a fellow Northerner, and one Danian felt compelled to protect, in some capacity. They guarded her secret. A secret that called for vengeance, rightfully so. Danian hoped for her to regain what she had lost. But if she had been in the midst of the fray below, her chances of having survived it didn't seem very high. With the Queen injured, they weren't able to inquire the knight's whereabouts from her at the moment. It seemed Danian would be exploring the Lower City today after all-- only the atmosphere was far from that of the escape they had planned.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 7 years
Twenty-second Christmas
the series is as follows so far:
First … Second … Third … Fourth … Fifth … Fifth Christmas, Part 2 … Sixth … Seventh … Eighth … Ninth … Tenth … Eleventh … Twelfth … Thirteenth … Fourteenth … Fifteenth … Sixteenth … Seventeenth … Eighteenth … Nineteenth … Twentieth … Twenty-first … Twenty-second … Twenty-third
I have to mess with the timeline again but I need another Christmas in here before Maggie dies so I’m putting one in and shifting the rest of the timeline … sue me … 8^)
Maggie had lay down the law with his previous year’s Christmas gift. It was a smartphone, a simple one, one without a camera on it, one attached to her cell plan, one that she insisted he keep on now because she was getting old and if she fell, he would be the first one she’d call and he needed to be reachable at all times.
He tried to argue but she shut him down, good-naturedly and with mother’s love abounding but still, she told him to be quiet and do as he was told. He’d fought her but she was more stubborn than her daughter had ever been and much scarier so he relented, taking her at her word that she’d be calling him at random times just to check that it was on.
It didn’t annoy him.
It made his heart beat a little faster, however, at the prospect of something on in his house at all times that wasn’t ‘firewall-paranoid-Frohike would be proud, technologically protected from everyone in the world who was not him or Scully or Maggie’. He did, once he got home, stare at it for a long while, power it down, felt the crushing guilt of having turned it off, turned it back on, plugged it in in his office, shut the door, went to bed, returned five minutes later to retrieve it because he had sudden visions of Maggie falling down the stairs, Maggie burning the house down, Maggie getting in an accident, Maggie showing up to read him the riot act for having turned it off in the first place.
It took until the next morning for him to use it to call her with one simple response to the whole situation, “why wouldn’t you just call Scully? She’s closer and can sign forms and stuff and won’t need to wait for a cab to get to you.”
Maggie honestly had no idea it would take him this long to figure that out and she laughed, “just leave it on, Fox, for me.”
He did.
Now he called her like a normal human being, she called him and somehow, Scully began calling him … not often but at least once or twice a week, sometimes just to see if she had any mail there or if he was doing okay or if he needed anything …
Scully’s standard mode of caring when she wasn’t sure if she could handle admitting she cared.
He accepted the erratic thud of his heart when he saw her name flash on the caller ID and the second thud as he hit the accept button. It returned to its normal beat two minutes later when she deemed the conversation over, having satisfied some nameless need buried deep inside for another few days.
He accepted this, too.
They hadn’t eaten a meal together in nearly two years but Maggie had called about a dripping pipe and Mulder had come, even though it was a Wednesday and Scully had dropped by unannounced because it was Wednesday and not Tuesday and the moment she saw him, soaking shirt with a wrench in his hand and he saw her in a messy ponytail, keys dangling from the Apollo keychain held precariously in her teeth while she tried not to drop her purse and what looked like Maggie’s mail, her mother/his adopted mother felt a spark in the air, a flutter in the ozone, a blip on the radar and breathed a sigh of relief because, regardless of what may have happened between them in the last 24 months, the magic was still there, sleeping but stirring awake once again and palpable in her freezing living room.
“Dear, would you shut the door, please? Fox is going to freeze solid and I don’t think he’ll enjoy that.”
Scully quickly gathered her senses, dropping keys and mail, shutting door, opening door again to retrieve dropped keys before finally standing up, blowing stray hair from her eyes with a sudden puff upwards, “sorry. I just … wasn’t … sorry.”
Maggie nearly giggled but managed to contain her glee at her two people finally in a room once again, “it’s fine. Come on in. We were just about to have some dinner. Fox came over to fix a pipe that was dripping.” Twisting her hands gently, “old things don’t grip quite as well as they used to.”
Mulder scrambled out of the way, “yeah, sorry. Come on in. I’ll head out in a minute, just need to find a dry shirt.”
“Fox, I promised you dinner and you are staying. I’ve made your favorite so you don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
Shrugging but smiling, he looked at Scully, “she really enjoys ordering me around.”
Returning the smile before quickly looking away, “she does it out of love.”
“She must adore me something fierce then.”
Tentatively touching his arm as she passed, “she does.”
Dinner itself wasn’t as awkward as it could have been but there were definitely moments, moments of dead air that pressed down, compressing the spine and shoulders, back hunching involuntarily under the weight of the silence. Scully excused herself to the bathroom in one moment … Mulder to blow his nose in another … both stood in unison for the third to bolt then both smiled shyly for a moment before turning their looks to a Maggie simply shaking her head, “we need some dessert and music. Dana, go find a decent station on the radio for me, please.”
All in all, it was a happy night, all three parties going to bed at ease with the world.
Maggie had her normal, raucous Christmas with the family, sans Charlie and Bill but with enough grandchildren and grand nieces and nephews to fill her house to cacophonous capacity. She had invited Mulder but he was nowhere near ready for that and politely declined, telling Maggie he’d be around on the 27th with her gift and to help her clean behind the oven and refrigerator. Instead, he settled with an orange cat on his lap, a bag of Cheezits so if some got on the animal, he’d never know and six bottles of ice tea and root beer.
Nearly asleep, with the cat ninja-like attempting to steal snacks from the open box, he startled awake at the sound of a quiet knock on the front door. Jerking upwards, the cat, the crackers and two empties clattered to the floor, the yowling cat jumping immediately to the coffee table to give Mulder a piece of her mind at the disturbance.
He ignored the cat, optioning to panic at the midnight rapping at his entryway. Peering cautiously through the front curtain, he saw Scully’s car and pulled the door open immediately, “what’s wrong? What happened? Is Maggie okay?”
His intruding presence, inches from her, panic look on his face made her smile, arms automatically going to his chest, pushing him back slightly into the house and out of the freezing wind, “we’re all fine, Mulder, I promise.”
Next he pulled her further in, shutting the door, softest touch of coiled steel to her forearms, “are you sure?”
“Yes, honest, I swear to you. She’s fine. I’m fine. Everyone’s fine. I left there about a half-hour ago and everybody was just going to bed.” Still bundled in her coat and knit rainbow stocking cap with the tassles on top, her pink cheeks peeking through her matching rainbow scarf, “I just wanted to come wish you a Merry Christmas.”
Studying her for another second, he deemed her honest and let out a sigh, “you scared me.”
“I’m sorry. Truly. I didn’t think. I should have called to warn you.” He saw the doubt at her side excursion creeping into her eyes, which began darting around the room, then angling towards her escape, “I can go though. Sorry … sorry again.”
Finally smiling in her direction, “get in here. I need help drinking my root beer.”
Raised eyebrow met crinkling forehead, “root beer?”
“No liquor for me anymore. Interferes with the meds.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he nodded over his shoulder, “me and Flab share us some of that fine New England root beer every so often. Keeps us young.”
Hearing her name, the cat jumped from table to couch to end table to chair back to Mulder shoulder in silence, perching as if she were queen of the kingdom and Mulder was her throne. Scully laughed, “Flab?”
He scratched the cat’s chin, “Flab.” Finally remembering the rest of his manners, “shit, sorry. Would you like to stay?”
Great debates raced through her mind, even as she was shrugging out of her coat, stuffing scarf and hat into her sleeve, “for a little bit.”
Twenty minutes later, they were settled on the couch, Scully on one end, Mulder on the other, Flab stretched to maximum capacity in the middle, head pressed against his thigh and feet pushed against hers. The TV was on but mute and making the darkened room glow blue, “so, don’t hit me for this but I can’t ask your mom and I’ve been wondering for awhile now … what the hell happened with Charlie?”
Scully could only shrug, picking at the label of the bottle in her hand, “nobody really knows. Mom won’t tell me, Bill talks to him occasionally and can’t get anything out of him, Sarah, while she loves us and is around all the time, we’ve stopped asking because it just makes her cry and that bothers the kids and so … we just … ignore it, I guess. The kids bring him up sometimes and we all are fine with that but usually it’s just to say what they used to do with him or something he would have liked.” Turning her head and resting it on the couch, “I hate to say it but it’s like he’s died and we’ve moved on but he’s still alive and we don’t know how to move on.”
Moving his hand to touch her automatically, he discovered his reality a moment too late and instead of hanging there like an idiot, he nonchalantly dropped his hand to pet Flab instead.
Scully was not an idiot and knew what his hand movement had been about though she couldn’t fault him since her body anticipated the touch, craved it and standing up, she turned, then sat on the table, knees touching his, bottle still in hand, although not for long. Setting it down beside her, she let her fingers float over his denim, loose fitting cotton over hard thigh. She didn’t move any further up than just past his knee but it felt warm and comfortable and right.
“Nothing’s going to happen, Mulder. I know it can’t but I haven’t touched you in centuries.”
His hand drifted to cover hers, digits between digits slipping in divots and dips. Fingerprints circle knuckles, palms against backs as his thumbs finally settle softly against wrists, “I miss you everyday, Scully. Every hour, every minute, every second, every millisecond and whatever the hell comes after that.”
She couldn’t begin to echo the sentiment, even come close to how much she missed him. Needing to break eye contact with him before she came apart completely, she looked around the room, letting the emotions settle, “not decorating this year, I take it?”
Beginning small circles on the softest skin known to man, he felt the delicate tendons under her skin, the underside of her wrist his sole dream in that moment, “I haven’t decorated since you left. I didn’t see any point to it. Have you decorated?”
Truth bubbled up, threatened to pour forth in a torrent of painful, hurtful words but a quick intake of air shored up the dam, “no. Haven’t been in a Christmas mood the last few years. I do well at Mom’s but I go home and I don’t want that there.”
“You don’t want what there?”
Shit, she couldn’t stop it now, “I don’t want that sense of permanence, the notion that I’m going to be there long enough to have to go out and get more decorations, pack things up and put them within easy reach for the next year. I’m not ready for that. I want a place that is mine but I’m not ready to call it my home yet. Decorations are for a home, Mulder, not a stale apartment in the city.” Tears pricked her eyes but always the expert at pushing through them, she blinked rapidly, although not fast enough to hide them completely, “I will someday but not yet.”
Checking the clock and seeing they still had about a half-hour, he squeezed her wrists lightly, “what do you think about decorating now? We could put up all our regular stuff and make this place look like it used to.”
Suddenly, she missed him so much her chest ached, a stabbing pain across her breastbone reminding her she did indeed have a heart, still broken but very much there. Fighting the logic racing through her brain, she nodded, “I’d like that.”
Slipping into old habits instinctively, Scully set up the tree while Mulder hung stockings and garland. Both quietly placed ornaments until Scully came across the one her mother had made him. With a smile, “I knew she made you one, too! She didn’t answer me when I asked but she had that ‘I’ve got a secret’ look on her face.”
“What color is yours?”
“Red, white lettering.”
He scooted just a little closer, brushing shoulders with her, “you should have bought yours with you. We could have added it to the collection.”
“Maybe next time I come by.”
Mulder wanted to smile at the prospect of her coming by again but he couldn’t look forward to it, knowing disappointment would set him on edge so he chose to continue staring at the tree, feeling her warmth, her energy, the life he had once and would give almost anything to have again.
Scully felt it, too and nudging his hand with hers, no commitment, no expectation, just touch, “you got any hot chocolate around this place?”
“I think I got some on my last shopping trip. Flab likes to drink it with me on our Saturday dates.”
Following him to the kitchen, “you have a standing date with your cat on Saturday nights?”
He knew she wasn’t judging so he told her over his shoulder as he rummaged through cupboards, “yeah. We have tuna salad, carrots, biscuits and hot chocolate or steak, baked potatoes, spinach and hot chocolate. We eat on the couch and she gets to share and then she gets to lick my mug when I’m finished. After that comes brushing and then she falls asleep while I watch bad sci-fi.”
Deciding the past wasn’t as forbidden as she thought it was when she knocked on the door, “that sounds surprisingly like our Saturday date nights used to be as well.”
With a glance at her hair, “speaking of brushing, what happened to your hair? I mean, it looks good but it’s not the right color suddenly. I noticed earlier but forgot to ask.”
Self-consciously touching the strands against her shoulder, “yeah, so I was at the hospital and Methylene blue sprayed on me and dyed my hair a lovely shade of splatter-pattern Cobalt and it wouldn’t wash out so I had to bleach my whole head and then the woman who went to dye it back to my regular color did something and it came out like this. It’s paler than it used to be but I’m getting used to it.”
Reaching out to feel it, “are we mentioning the straw feeling?”
With a smile, she batted his hand away, “we are not and I was also informed that if I try to color it again in the next six months, it’ll all fall out of my head so I’m living uncomfortably with it until further notice.”
“Good to know.” As he pulled the hot mugs from the microwave, he handed her one, “I’m liking it, if that’s any consolation but I gotta say, I would have liked to have seen you as a blonde again. It’s been awhile.”
“Well, next time someone tries to turn me into a Smurf and I have to bleach, I’ll be sure to call you.”
Grinning, he nodded, “I’ll be waiting.”
Mugs in hand, they headed back to the couch, where they proceeded to sit until well after 3am, when half-asleep on his end of the couch, he suddenly remembered, “shit! Aren’t you due back at Maggie’s in two hours?”
Scully, more than half asleep on the other end, grunted quietly, “then I’ve got an hour and a half to sleep. Be quiet.”
Flab, happy to snuggle on the lap of the strange lady invading her home for the evening, stretched, kneaded, wiggled and purred her way to sleep, notifying the stranger, in no uncertain terms, she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“I don’t think the cat was going to let you leave anyways.”
“My kind of cat. G’night, Mulder.”
“G’night, Scully.”
Baffled as to how she got out of the house without disturbing him, he awoke to Flab on his lap, the Christmas tree lights still on and a new ornament on the tree.
Well, new to the tree but matching the one Maggie gave him the previous year. She’d smuggled hers over, sneaking it onto the tree before disappearing to her Christmas morning chaos. Picking up his puddle of cat, he held her, showing her Scully’s ornament, “that’s your mom’s. She’ll be back someday I hope but for now, I think we should decide to have truly enjoyed last night then move on to breakfast. What do you say … eggs? Pancakes? Tuna?”
The cat simply purred, licking his hand for a moment before going back to sleep.
He kissed the top of her head, “Merry Christmas, animal.”
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asegbolu · 7 years
Preview 2018 second term English Questions
                               FIRST TERM  EXAMINATION, 2010/2011 SESSION.                          SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                  CLASS: JSS 1                 TIME ALLOWED: 1HR                                                                                  PART I Read the following passages and answer the questions below each passage.                                                                                Passage A      One day, Owina was called by his father to get ready to travel with him to Lagos the following day.      The boy was very happy because he had never visited Lagos before. Moreover, he was going to travel by air for the first time.       The other children became jealous when they heard the news. They had all gone to Lagos with their father at different times in the past, but did not travel by air. So they cried and appealed to their father to take them along. Their father�s stern look was enough to send them out of the sitting room. They went back to the playground behind the house where they had been playing. Ogegere was going to attend a meeting in Lagos.        He decided to take Owina this time because the other children always laughed at him for having not been to Lagos. This often made the boy cry.        Owina�s preparation was little. He needed a few things as he was going to be away for only three days. His mother got a few clothes and a pair of shoes. These were carefully put in a leather bag which she bought for Owina. Questions: (1) Why was Owina happy to go to Lagos?        (a) He had not been there before.               (b) He wanted to go and stay there.         (c) He was going to see his teacher.           (d) He was born in Lagos.          (e) His mother invited him. (2)  The other children were jealous because        (a) Owina was their enemy            (b) their uncle also invited them            (c) Owina was born in Lagos                       (d) Owina was going by aeroplane      (e) they wanted to go and see their mother (3)  How did father send the children out of the sitting room?        (a) He flogged them and they ran out.       (b) He gave them a stern look.       (c) He fought with them.                  (d) He told their mother to send them out .                  (e) He closed his door against them. (4)  What was the children doing before they learnt that Owina was to travel to Lagos.        (a) They were praying                        (b) They were eating                   (c) They were cleaning the house                                             (d) They were playing behind the house                                     (e) They were helping their mother (5)   What was Owina�s father going to do in Lagos?           (a) He was going on holidays                                                (b) He was going to buy some goods                                                                         (c) He was going to see his mother                                        (d) He was going to see his brother                                                                     (e) He was going to attend a meeting          The Homecoming           Faith and her twin brother Joshua were visiting home for the first time since their birth twelve years ago in far away Chicago. The home coming was an experience neither of the twins would ever forget. Never in their lives had they experienced so great a show of love. Almost everyone in the village turned out to welcome them as soon as the news of their arrival spread.          The exclamations, the hugging and the embracing were nearly too much for the children and even their mother, Hannah, who at one point collapsed in a chair and shed tears of joy.           The children were attracted by the way their kinsmen and women dressed. Their mother and father had not told them much about their culture. In fact Faith was so fascinated that on one occasion, she went up to one of the women who was sitting down and stared, touching and feeling her braided hair. This action immediately earned her further hugs and embraces from the woman whose hair-style had attracted her attention. And even now Faith remains, a special friend to Hauwa.           Suddenly someone raised a song. There was clapping and singing all round. The merry-making continued until later into the night. The result was that the following morning all of them including the twin�s father, were too tired to wake up early enough to receive the early visitors who had come to ask Abraham, his wife and the twins whether they had slept well  Questions: (6) The twin�s homecoming was a memorable experience because-----      (a) they had been taught in school to remember such things.                                                                                 (b) there was such a strong demonstration of love from people.        (c) they were naturally anxious to know the people.                    (d) they were born in a far away land.        (e) they could not understand the people�s language. (7)  The twin�s mother collapsed in a chair and shed tears because ---------           (a) She had hurt her feed.                                    (b) She had just been told that her mother had died.           (c) She had lost her necklace at the airport.                         (d) She had not wanted to return home.            (e) the happiness and attention were too much for her. (8)  The woman whose hair Faith touched-----            (a) pasted a one naira note on her fore head              (b) merely laughed and showed no further interest                         (c) embraced and hugged Faith             (d) thought Faith wanted to mock her                                           (e) Complained to Fatima�s parents (9)  The twin�s mother was called ---------------            ( a) Hannah                  (b) James                  (c) mummy                  (d) Fatima                  (e) Joy       (10) The family could not wake up early the following morning because---------           ( a) they were upset with the visitors.                                    (b) they were disturbed by mosquitoes.           (c) they were afraid of the crowd.                                                     (d) there was no fan in the room.            (e) they were too tired. Choose from the options lettered A-E the correct word to complete the following sentences: (11)   My cousin is the son of my -------          (a) brother                (b) nephew                (c) sister                (d) step brother                (e) uncle (12)  Mary is my ------- since we only have the same father but not the same mother.            (a) brother�s wife          (b) cousin          (c) half-sister          (d) father�s sister          (e) step-sister (13)  Audu has no --------, he is an orphan           (a) brothers                (b) friends                (c) neighbours                 (d) parents                (e) relations (14)  Immediately after the wedding occasion, the bridegroom carried up his --------- (a) baby                     (b) best man                     (c) bride                     (d) girl friend             (e) pastor (15)  My ------ is my mother�s mother.         (a) aunt                     (b) uncle                     (c) sister                     (d) niece                     (e) grand mother (16)  The children of the same parents are referred to as --------          (a) cousins                (b) brothers                (c) fianc�                (d) siblings                (e) nuclear family (17)  I must obtain --------- university degree this year.          (a) a                            (b) an                            (c) same                             (d) the                     (e) these (18) There was ------- attack from the terrorist camp         (a) is                               (b) an                               (c) the                               (d) a                       (e) same (19)  I prefer reading newspaper ------------ watching television programmes.           (a) instead of                   (b) more than                  (c) rather than                  (d) than                       (e) to (20)  We -------------- the senior students  recently .           (a) are seeing                          (b) saw                          (c) see                        (d) seen                  (e)sees   (21) Koyejo bought -------------pens last week.           (a) an           (b) a                          (c) much                           (d) little                                 (e) plenty (22) The book has ------- attractive colour.         (a) some                        (b) few                         (c) an                           (d) a                        (e) the   (23) The --------- blew his whistle to signal the end of the football match.          (a) captain             (b) commissioner             (c) linesman             (d) referee             (e)  umpire (24)  Cholera is --------- disease          (a) some                         (b) an                         (c) a                         (d) few                         (e) the (25) Stanley�s shop is stocked --------- a wide range of items.          (a) by                            (b) for                            (c) in                            (d) to                            (e) with Choose from the options lettered (a) to (e) the one that contains the given phonetic symbol    (26) / f /           (a) cord                        (b) cough                          (c)court                         (d) fault                    (e) ought    (27)/    i  /               (a) toy                     (b) symbol                     (c) house                    (d) gate                     (e) hair   (28)  / m /           (a) Gather                   (b) leather                   (c) method                   (d) they                   (e) wither   (29) / i : /          (a) meal                            (b) bit                          (c) give                           (d) ink                  (e) lick   (30) / g /          (a) cough                          (b) sign                           (c) large                           (d) gate                 (e) ought   (31)  / i /          (a)bee                           (b) field                          (c) pretty                          (d) half                          (e) fate   (32) / v /          (a) cough                      (b) life                             (c) van                        (d) half                     (e) fate   (33)  / ai /         (a) go                             (b) gate                             (c) boat                             (d) cot                      (e) why   (34) / e /          (a)  love                        (b) mother                        (c) doctor                        (d) hen                     (e) bee (35)  / t /         (a) tight                         (b) mother                        (c) think                        (d) anthem                 (e) this                                                           LITERATURE   (36) ---------- is the place where the event of a story takes place.           (a) Cast                (b) Setting                        (c) Theme                        (d) Simile                     (e) Fiction   (37)  A story that is based on real events or a true life story is a ----------------           (a) Fiction                     (b) Biography                     (c) Cast                     (d) Non-fiction              (e) Plot   (38) ---------- is the story of a man�s life written by someone else.          (a) Biography            (b) Geography          (c) Non- fiction            (d) Fiction            (e) Autobiography   (39)   -------- is the list of characters in a play          (a) Fiction                (b) Biography               (c) Setting                  (d) Cast                  (e) Autobiography   (40)� Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah� is an example of ------------         (a) Personification             (b) Biography             (c) Metaphor             (d) Simile             (e) Hyperbole (41) �The wind whistles by� is an example of -----------           (a) simile               (b) hyperbole              (c) metaphor              (d) fiction              (e) personification (42) Prose texts are written in --------         (a) Chapters and paragraphs              (b) Poems              (c) Plays               (d) verses                (e) Stories  (43) Poems are written by ---------         (a) novelists                    (b) playwrights                   (c) poets                   (d) casts                   (e) fictions                               Like Father, Like Son                                                      By   (44) What is the name of the school in the story?    (45) Where did the orientation exercise take place?    (46) Which student made the day during the orientation exercise?    (47) Who is the class teacher for J.S.1A?     (48) Who was made the assistant class captain of J.S.1a?     (49) How many students joined Peju in the saving scheme?     (50) How much did Peju leave on her locker? PART  II English Essay Write an essay on, �How I Spent The Last Mid Term Break�.                                                                                                                 ( 20MARKS)
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