#but worth the amusement
fortunaestalta · 8 months
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pucksandpower · 6 months
Somehow there are actually fans upset that George Russell wants Formula 1 to implement an automated safety system that will suspend racing after incidents where crashed cars are stranded on the track.
Let me make one thing very clear: drivers already put their lives on the line every single time they get in their cars, they do not owe it to anyone to stay silent when measures can be taken to mitigate further risk.
Have we learned nothing from the t-bone crashes that took the lives of Dilano van 't Hoff and Anthoine Hubert?
If the only type of racing you enjoy is one where the drivers are in more danger than they should be, I can safely say that you are not a real fan.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Scamming the scammer
John Constantine was the biggest headache Danny had managed to get, ever. After becoming King he did not think that his first task would be to solve the man's soul problems.
And it seemed quite incredible to him that the hellbazer would consider selling his soul as if it were a used car that he wants to get rid of to buy a new one. He was aware that he needed a soul, wasn't he? That it was not possible to buy a new one? Because he didn't want to be the one to inform him if that was not the case.
To top it off, beings from different domains within his kingdom came explicitly to claim the British's soul, which didn't even make sense, there were thousands of souls! Why did everyone want the same one? And why did he have to be the one to take care of it?
Completely frustrated, he placed all the paperwork for John Constantine in an empty room and locked the door. He smiled as he came up with a plan to improve the situation, it might be worth it.
That's how a drunk John Constantine found himself signing a dubious contract in exchange for the power to turn any liquid into beer, he didn't bother to read the contract, most demons just wanted his soul and this guy looked so human, with a presence so light it must be a minor demon for sure.
This turned out to be a bad decision when the next morning he found himself trapped in a room full of documents, the door locked. Taped to the door was a green note that said "Enjoy doing your own paperwork sir, I hope you're pleased with yourself", and well, maybe he should have read that contract after all.
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #50
The Justice League are investigating a series of accidents in a haunted newly-abandoned high rise, and call in Constantine to take care of the problem.
Danny is retrieving one of his wayward subjects from the same building.
Quiet murmurs fill the stuffy room as the leaguers sent to deal with the problem wait for Constantine to sort out their problems for them. One of the newer heroes shrieks as a door flings open and a white haired teenager all but struts through.
“Connie! It’s been a while since we ran into each other like this-!” is all he manages to say before John yanks him by the wrist and chucks him out the open window.
The heroes freak out, (their coworker just threw a child out the window!) and demand to know why he did that.
“Every time i run into him, without fail, something always happens!” The kid knocks on the window next to the one he was tossing out of, floating like he’d never even heard of gravity, and John lets out a string of very creative curses about the trouble magnet ghost king.
Half a second later, he’s just proven right when a hair raising shriek and a rumble like an earthquake shake the building.
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the-modern-typewriter · 10 months
Just a brief anecdote based on your most recent posted anon that I thought you might find amusing- one time I was talking with someone about protag/antag dynamics and how they're some of my favorites in media. They mentioned that they hadn't seen that dynamic very often and I was like "huh, weird! I've read so many, I see it all the time!" And then when I was thinking of examples I realized that. I was just remembering your whole catalog of work which I love dearly and have read all of (I'm a long time subscriber to your patreon as well). A slight spiders georg moment
oh my god
am I villain spiders georg
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not exactly the same, but here are four books with good protag/antag vibes:
Summer sons by Lee Mandelo
Dark Rise/Dark Heir by C.S Pascat
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E Schwab
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi
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dinosaurwithablog · 4 months
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"We are not amused!!" That cat's expression says it all. How adorable 😍 🤣🤣🤣😍 I'm still giggling. My cat would never tolerate that.
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toomanywatchers · 11 months
me to watcher: 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳
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kopykunoichi · 9 months
No thoughts in my head, just them.
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Left column: chapters 47, 62, 98
Center column: chapters 137, 175, 175
Right column: chapters 201, 225, 225
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st4rstudent · 2 months
centipede brian feels alot like glados from portal (in a good way) it’s probably the cocky smart attitude that lacks hesitation to mock somebody
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they both love insulting! The difference is that Glados at least has something to back it up with.
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lovvecherrymotion · 2 months
Nace, when he joined the band: "ahh sorry I'm a bit shy in front of the camera 😅"
Jan: "🙂.... let me help you with that.... 🙂" *takes the phone. Opens the bedroom door*
honestly, it's so kind of jan to help nace feel more comfortable. i'm sure it was something he did out of the goodness of his heart and not just because nace is hot 💜 what would we do without him?
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slythereen · 11 months
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imagine the scenes if we somehow get greater coordination with max than with carlos in lap 1… it would be completely insane of rbr/max. it would also be such a diabolical unhinged move by rbr like i would laugh for 20 years
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morsesnotes · 7 months
Some scenes from Cashback (2006) for anyone who hasn't seen it.
It's a sex comedy from the 00s, and Shaun's character is supposed to be a total pervert, so...prepare yourself for that, lol. Also in the background there's artwork of naked women FYI.
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unholyhymns · 26 days
abandoned carousel horse in a pile of trash inside a building archway, inexplicably, despite there being no place that could have come from in a large radius
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just cuz i'm hitting the buttons doesn't mean i am ready for what's about to happen
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who-is-page · 4 days
do you allow anti-endos in your community/group 'Alterhuman Community'? asking out of concern for other members of that group, because one of the members who made an intro [paruf1shh] is quite anti-endo. the first post i saw on their account after the pinned post was a reblog of a post saying that endogenic systems are not real, and they had it tagged "I HATE ENDOS" and i worry they may go out of their way to harass other members of the community/group.
I had hoped that the blurb about inclusivity and our own presence as admins (as a system who predates "-genic" terms and who find the attempts to proselytize around trauma-related "-genic" terms enormously tiring) would be enough to ward off such folks, but I suppose not everything in life can be a win.
After checking his blogs briefly myself, I've removed that individual from the group and permanently banned him from rejoining. We do not allow anti-endos, no.
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despair-tea · 4 days
I think I'm growing up alright. I'm gonna keep at it.
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