#made to make a career and be a ‘productive member of society’
doctorweebmd · 1 year
Honestly I am very good at being at home
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wakeup01 · 1 month
hi i would love if you could transform me into your stupid foot slave.
Clean Slate
“What do you want to be in life?” I ask you as we relax at my place at the end of our date. You give a rather non committal shrug as I peel off my socks and rest my feet on the living room table.
“Huh. No career ambitions? Artist, scientist…cleaner?” I smile at you as you approach and sit across from me, scrunching your nose slightly while the scent of my feet wafts over to you.
“N—no. I guess not.” You reply sheepishly, your eyes leaving mine as they lower to my large feet.
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“I’m sure we can find your place in life. You probably have lots to give. Talented at many things. Such as…cleaning.” I sway my feet back and forth on the table as I watch your eyes follow them. “Just keep watching.”
“Huh?” Distracted, you don’t even look away. My feet and their movements were utterly fascinating. “I—I don’t…”
“Cleaning.” I repeat bluntly. “I bet you’re good at cleaning.” Your back bends as you naturally feel yourself lean forward, your head lowering slightly as my feet take up more of your vision. I hear you take a tentative sniff, your eyes glazing over.
“Cl—cleeaning.” You slur as a bit of drool slides from your mouth. I give a little snicker as I witness you lick your lips. Your head begins to sway along with my hypnotic sweaty feet. Mirroring it’s motion. The smell at this point was incredibly overpowering, burning away your feeble inhibitions. My feet are fucking your mind, my toes pushing to the back of your skull. Reshaping your soft brain like playdoh. Back and forth. Back and forth…
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“See, I’m not so much looking for a ‘boyfriend’. Too much maintenance. But I’m sure we can find a use for you. Cleaning clothes perhaps? Maybe bathroom cleaning? No. Cleaning…feet.” I look down and validate you with a smirk.
Cleaning. Feet.
“Foot cleaning. Yes, yes I think that’s your place in life. A mindless foot cleaner. Cleaning my rank feet. You’re very skilled at it.” I assert, placing my hand on your head and guiding you closer. “It’s okay. Some of us are meant to improve the world, some of us are meant to be productive members of society. And some of us, some of us are meant to lick the space between men’s toes.”
“I…no. Please.” You plead as your face enters my feet’s gravitational pull. The musk flowing up your nose and swimming around your emptied, foot fucked mind. They smelled just as you suspected they would, of feet. Your attention is captivated by a bead of sweat on my sole. It didn’t belong there, there on my perfect feet. You feel an impulse growing. A need. You needed to…needed to…
“Clean.” I answer for you. Making everything suddenly fall into place. It just made sense. “Clean my stinky feet.”
You shudder, any hint of resistance fading in an instant. Your mouth obediently opens and your tongue glides down the length of my sole, picking up all the sweat and grime that gathered from our long walk. The taste is sour and foul but for some shameful reason, that stirs your cock. You didn’t want this, but not wanting it made you so unbelievably hard. My feet had successfully hypnotised your mind, conditioning you to kneel at the mere sight of them. Seeing my sole was the only trigger needed for your mouth to water, for your thoughts to dissipate. For you to become no more than a rag to wipe my feet clean.
“Always glad to see someone enjoy their job so immensely.” I bend forward and pin a little badge to your shirt. The two words printed on it in basic typeface describe your entire existence ‘Foot Cleaner’. Now no one, including you would be confused about your role in life.
“Cweeann siiir.” You moan with a mouth full of my flavourful foot cheese.
I laugh above you, flexing my arms as you perform your job. “Good boy. Good foot cleaner. Lick every inch until they’re glistening with your saliva. Aren’t you happy I helped you find the height of your aspirations at the bottom of my feet. Dumb idiot.”
“Yusss, thank you sir.” You wanted to be a good obedient boy for master.
“Shut up and work.” I shove my feet into you, rubbing them across your face. “I expect my feet to be spotless slave. You will be here every evening from now on to fulfil your duty. And then you will pay me for the privilege like the pathetic foot slut that you are.”
Do I make myself clear?
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Down by where I used to live when I was a productive member of society, there's a nice steakhouse. Be aware that when I say "nice," I am primarily referring to the ambiance. Everyone in my friend group has jealously informed me that they could make a better steak on an abandoned charcoal grille under a highway overpass. The steak, it seems, is only so-so. You don't go there to eat.
When I went there, when I was the cream of the crop, you attended in order to cut deals. For whatever reason, our brains are hardwired to make it easier to find agreement with another person when we are eating together. It helps if that other person is buying you a moderately nice steak dinner.
This makes sense from a historical perspective: you weren't eating with your enemies. You were primarily eating with your ancient cavepeople bros, sis-es, and theys. Your family, extended family, and in-group. No vicious gorillas pretending to be one of you just long enough to take your money and not deliver on a big new deployment of sump pumps for your upcoming luxury-residential development. Of course, now that humanity is the dominant species on this planet, this mechanism doesn't work too well. I exploited it, because that's what you do when you work in sales.
Sometimes, I think about going back in there and having a nice dinner, just to sell myself on the lie that things are working out. Eat a steak sandwich, bring in a pocket mirror to tell sweet untruths to. Sign a contract telling myself that I'm going to try harder to bring myself success in the future. It sounds pretty good, the kind of thing that might even be worth the money that could better be used on batteries or oil.
Even so, I can't go to the restaurant. The valet can't park my car. It's not that he can't drive stick. It's not even that he can't drive a Lenco sequential drag-racing transmission ratchet-strapped to the inside of a fifty-year-old Mopar unibody made partially of road signs. It's because the restaurant's health insurance does not cover hantavirus (which is fake) or tetanus (which is even more fake) for its part-time employees.
Until I get back on the horse, career-wise, I'll be perfectly happy cooking this stolen dumpster steak on my exhaust headers. The char that you get from a good cast-iron hotside is simply the finest, and if you don't believe me, we'll eat it together and then you can give me a ride to the steakhouse. You're buying.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
Challengers is going to be such a stepping stone for Z. Like both Mike and Josh are unknown actors ngl so the pressure is on for her marketability international to sell seats. My production is the film is going to make 400 million. What do you think? Also, what are your opinions, especially after taraj p henson's outcry about black actresses not getting lead roles and studios' opinions that black lead films do not sell well outside a franchise. The last black actor I could thibkvof that had that universal appeal was Will Smith.
Yes! I'm excited Anon!! 😊
FINALLY!! A film led on her own on the big screen. 😁🙌🏾 I'm actually glad that Z went the more gradual route and honed her acting talent for years on TV (with Euphoria) and doing several smaller parts as a costar on the big screen in large films before tackling a huge film on her own where she's the lead.
I think that was very smart and strategic imo.
As far as box office numbers? Ooof....I honestly don't know girl lol. I'm the worst person to predict that.... Especially since it's not often that we see a woc in a role like this opposite TWO white men lol 😆
Roles like this USUALLY go to white girls, so I'm honestly not sure what the box office numbers will do tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But Z has a HUGE fanbase, so I def don't think it will be a "flop".
That film "Anyone But You" seems to be getting butts in the theaters (at least, around my area 👀), and Sydney and Glen are not huge box office draws on their own. I think people just like the plot premise and want a light hearted rom-com. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can see similar audiences being interested in "Challengers" as well, especially if they market the film right.
Re: Taraji....
I def think Taraji was speaking TRUTH. Hands down. There is a lot of inequality in Hollywood.
On one hand, YES, I DO think that some black films DO have a hard time getting worldwide appeal just simply due to racism factors, and society in general. Another issue too though is that a lot of Hollywood studios just don't spend the same kind of money on Black actors and Black films when it comes time for promotion, sooo how are Black films supposed to do well overseas when you're barely sending them overseas to promote, and are barely spending money to generate hype for the films??
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Yes, Will Smith had crossover appeal, Denzel had/has crossover appeal, etc... But one of the reasons why Will has crossover appeal is because look at the types of films he's been doing in his career. For many years he was in large films that had a diverse cast that would have gotten a lot of attention and promotion anyway. Plus, he's charismatic asl! Say what you want about Will Smith, but it's undeniable that he has a charm and an energy about him that's larger than life. Def "movie star" energy. That also helped his worldwide appeal.
This is a very deep question Anon, because on the other hand, I honestly don't think that Black films CAN'T do well overseas/worldwide (look at "Black Panther" and "Get Out" for example).
But I def feel like it depends on many various factors....
The film genre
The cast
The money to back up promotion
The plot of the film
HOW the film is marketed
One of my biggest issues sometimes with HW is that they've made films with a predom. Black cast into a term called "Black Films", as if they should be a genre in their own right, when in reality, they're just FILMS that just so happen to have a predominantly Black cast, and should just be treated like any other film out here imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
There shouldn't be one way to market one film with a certain race of cast members, and a separate way to market films with another set of cast members. 🤔
Another gripe is that a lot of films that are catered to us usually focus on struggle, racism, slavery, etc.... and while there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with films like that, sometimes it's nice to see a predom. Black cast in a film in a genre like adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, light-hearted rom-com, horror, ROMANCE, thriller, action, etc. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Not all of us (even as Black people) want to see struggle in the screen all the time. Many people go to the movies to ESCAPE.... not to be reminded of how awful life is lol. 😅
I def feel like well-written, well-acted, and well-promoted films can do pretty well regardless of the cast demographics.
That's one thing I've been appreciating about A24.... They've been taking risks, and things have worked out pretty well for them. I look at films like "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once", and "Moonlight" for example. Both smaller, indie films, but both had Oscar appeal and won Academy Awards for Best Picture.
So, films with a Predominantly Black cast CAN succeed, even worldwide, I just think that there are a lot of factors that have to be in place, and one additional factor is people of other races needing to be more OPEN-minded and willing to watch more films with predom. Black actors.
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
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chevelleneech · 4 months
So, I had to look up the posts people were talking about regarding Lou, because no one was showing proof of anything, just saying he used to post racist, misogynistic, and fatphobic memes.
Now, I saw what I assume were all of them, and while I disagree on two or so, I do think people are right to call him out. The posts are from 2013-2014 from what I saw of the dates, which was ten to eleven years ago, and people can grow and change, I say as much all the time, but… Lou would have been between 28 and 30 at the time he made those posts, and while they were products of their time in terms of the “humor”, he was beyond old enough to know better.
It appears to me, from a quick search of when his career as an actor picked up around 2012-2014, he may have stopped posting them as much. I don’t know, but I can see that being a reason. Don’t want to fuck up the career before it begins, even with his nepo connection.
That’s neither here nor there though, because it really boils down to what he did was mainly just loser shit. He seems to have had a very gym-bro personality, and thought “jokes” about Black people and women being harassed were funny. Very teenage boy antics, but again, he was not even college aged anymore when he posted that stuff.
It’s not surprising to me, because I really do expect the worst out of white people. Everyone can fuck up, but I promise you I have a very low expectation bar for white folks who grow up with money, especially. He may be a different person now, but I can’t say I’m overly convinced. I don’t watch his Cameos or anything, but I did see people say he brushed off Tommy’s past actions toward Hen and Chim as teasing.
Now, if you’ve been reading my posts, you’d know I was and am team: Tommy’s past behavior was either retconned or more or less decided to have been forgiven due to how Chim and Hen respond to him in current episodes. However, knowing Lou views Tommy’s actions as fun and games, while also now knowing he himself has a past of thinking racism and misogyny is all fun and games… it makes it hard to believe he’s actually learned anything in the last decade.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on the situation. Like I am with Ryan, I feel rather neutral on him as a person. Not because I think what either of them did is okay or complex, because it’s not. I honestly struggle to think about any moment in my adulthood where I took fatphobia, racism, or misogyny as a joke. I was still ignorant to victim blaming as a teenager, and into my early twenties I had a lot to learn about transphobia, but I’m in my early thirties now and can’t really see how Lou or Ryan or Jennifer made it this far being ignorant to society.
It honestly shows a huge amount of privilege that they are as ignorant as they are, but as adults, they should know when and where to express their dumbass views.
As well, it’s possible Ryan has changed. I do think he is the one in the position to have been informed and can do better going forward. Simply because, “defending” oneself using slurs conversationally is not inherently an act of dislike for Black and Asian people. Being a Zionist or having a history of thinking “jokes” at the expense of other people’s race or gender though, that you still don’t appear to understand the weight of a decade later… idk. I don’t see that being as easy of a thing to claim changed behavior on.
Either way, I don’t think he’ll be fired any sooner than what may already be planned. Not unless Oliver sees it and decides he doesn’t feel comfortable working with him anymore. We know he doesn’t exactly bite his tongue, as he didn't with Ryan despite knowing that man was contracted in as a series main. Lou isn’t, so if he or any of the other cast members no longer feel comfortable, I assume that would change things. Other than that, it’s Hollywood, he’s white, is a nepo baby, and gave ABC huge ratings for being part of Buck’s queer awakening. I do not imagine ten year old posts are going to factor into anything as far as Tim or the network goes, especially since the finale is this week then the hiatus will take plenty eyes off him anyway.
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bollywoodirect · 1 year
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Remembering dada moni Ashok Kumar on his birth anniversary (13/11). Ashok Kumar, originally Kumudlal Ganguly, was born on 13 October 1911. He was a remarkable figure in Indian cinema, gaining iconic status through his natural acting style which was a fresh introduction to Hindi films. His impact was most profound during the black-and-white film era of the 1940s and 50s, where he was celebrated as the first superstar and the initial lead actor to take on anti-hero roles. His ability to reinvent his career allowed him a lengthy and successful journey as a character actor, making him a revered member of the cinematic Ganguly family. His accolades include the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1988 and the Padma Bhushan in 1999, both awarded by the Indian government in recognition of his significant contributions to the film industry.
His beginnings in the acting world came unexpectedly while working as a lab assistant at Bombay Talkies. The 1936 film Jeevan Naiya saw him step into the lead role after the original actor eloped with his co-star, marking the start of his acting career, albeit reluctantly. His partnership with Devika Rani, starting with the socially impactful film Achhut Kanya in the same year, resulted in a series of successful films, making them a popular on-screen pair of that time.
Though initially overshadowed by Devika Rani, Ashok Kumar's star rose as he starred opposite Leela Chitnis in films like Kangan (1939), Bandhan (1940), and Azad (1940). His role in the 1943 film Kismet, directed by Gyan Mukherjee, marked him as the first anti-hero in Indian cinema, and its success at the box office solidified his status as a cinema superstar. His popularity soared, as depicted in Manto's words describing the frenzy of his public appearances. In the post-Kismet era, Ashok Kumar enjoyed a series of box office hits like Chal Chal Re Naujawan (1944), Shikari (1946), and Mahal (1949), among others, establishing him as a bankable star.
He also ventured into film production, contributing to the success of Bombay Talkies and nurturing the careers of future stars like Dev Anand and Raj Kapoor through films like Ziddi (1948) and Neelkamal (1947), respectively. His later years saw a reduction in film roles but he made memorable appearances on television, notably hosting India's first soap opera Hum Log and acting in the detective TV serial Tehkikaat. His final film role was in 1997’s Aankhon Mein Tum Ho. Besides acting, he was a dedicated painter and a qualified homeopath, known for his miracle cures. With a legacy spanning over 275 films and more than 30 Bengali dramas, Ashok Kumar’s multi-faceted contributions to Indian entertainment and society remain etched in history.
What are your favourite Ashok Kumar films?
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This is unrelated to matty and the guys but I'm interested to hear your pov about the writer's strike
It's a very complicated issue because of the number of factors involved. I can't speak on all of them with equal levels of "knowledge" or whatever, but I can speak on a couple things.
TLDR: Unions ( are vital in our capitalist society; I'm largely in favor of the strike; we need to invest more in the arts overall (including TV and film).
MBA: So, the fact that the Minimum Basic Agreement (the agreement that enforces wages for film and tv writers, etc.) leaves out writers for streaming is INSANE to me. Especially when more and more productions are starting to make media (film, tv shows, Late Night talk shows, etc) exclusively for direct to streaming. Like tons of shows are made FOR Netflix. Tons of TV shows are "Netflix originals," or "Apple+ originals." Hulu is also involved in this, but I think Hulu has a lot of partnerships with broadcast tv, so to a slightly lesser extent. Meaning, those writers, unlike their fellow broadcast writing staff have less protections and must negotiate for themselves individually, without the support that they would get otherwise.
Residuals: Same as the above. Writers report a significant decrease in the amount of money they seem from residuals after steaming has gotten involved. Like, compared to a decade ago. I get that streaming is a fairly new phenomenon, but it's not THAT new at this point. And there are so many of them that things get murky. Like HBO has one, and so does....CBS? Whatever "Peacock" is supposed to be. So, there are cases where shows are being made for both TV AND streaming. we've had it long enough, though, to have data. And to be able to see how much money is being spent and where it's going. Writers deserve to see their fair share of that money.
Mandatory Staffing: This one's a bit tricky, mostly cuz I don't know enough about it, but also because I have mixed feelings. Essentially, writers are calling for a requirement that companies have a minimum number of writers on their staff at all times. Like, regardless of project, x number of writers would come to work every day and know that they have a job to do. If Y TV show is finished/ not being worked on right now, then Z project is still there. etc. And I don't know if that's feasible? I imagine that there's enough work in Hollywood for everyone to be doing something all the time, lol. Like, for allll the tv shows and movies that we see, there's TONS that don't get made, or get a pilot but don't get pick up by network, etc. But they still needed writers to make them in the first place! so, its not like the minimum mandatory writers on staff will be twiddling their thumbs all year, lol.
I could see it MAYYYBBBEEE getting to be a problem if, like, someone's a comedy writer, but gets stuck on a horror show or some shit and turns out not to be great at doing the job. Or if they do scripts for John Oliver and they suddenly have to write a Game Of Thrones spin off episode, lmao. But, realistically speaking, that would probably happen very rarely? and I imagine most tv and film writers have had to write across genres throughout their career at least a couple of times? It's not like the WGA is demanding that EVERY SINGLE ONE of their writers be employed at all time. they just want to negotiate a certain number of minimum staff members. Like, (im making this up now for examples) 8 out of the 30 that usually work on a team. a portion of them. not all 30. you know? Again, I don't know much about financing production companies for media, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that first they pay themsleves, then the actors, then everybody else, lol. Basically like any other capitalist institution, people at the top get the goods, and everyone else gets leftovers.
Pensions and Insurance: This one I feel VERY passionately about. I wanted to be a novelist when I was younger. Up until like the first two or 3 years of undergrad. Published short stories here and there, but then when I realized the financial scarcity involved, I did some math and I JUST couldn't see a way where I would make it work. Like, say I get a job and "write on the side," in this country and culture id be committing my whole damn self to said "job" and barely have time, energy, etc to write. But I can't be jobless and JUST focus on writing cuz then I'd have no health insurance, no 401K, no perks or benefits whatsoever. But this gets us into a conversation about how healthcare should be free for all. And...thats a different issue.
We glamorize the idea starving artists, but artists can't make art when they're starving. Why SHOULDN'T someone be able to maintain health insurance and get paid a decent living to like, keep their apartment/ mortgage, etc while they make the sort of art that influences us and our culture? when we think of TV and film, everyone's always interested in the actors. Sometimes, if you're Chris Nolan or Taranto or whatever, then maybe a director or producer. Seldom are screenwriters acknowledged and that's wild to me because they are behind the storylines and words that we see!!!
idk, just my two cents lol.
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passionforfiction · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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In these past years the advocacy for inclusiveness and representation has been strong. In the United States it focuses on African Americans, minorities and the LGBT+ communities. There are other communities that lack representation and inclusiveness, marginalized because they experience the world differently than the masses. The doors slowly opening for some of them. I think of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, the blind, others with down syndrome, autism, ext. Their stories are valid, and they should be heard. Inclusiveness and representation needs to also be about these people that have been marginalized for too long.
Conservative cultures tend to make people ashamed of having relatives who don't fall into what society deems acceptable or "normal." In Korean Drama we saw a male main character who had autism be a genius in the medicine field - Good Doctor - which was a great drama and Jon Woo's performance was beautiful. In It's Okay Not to Be Okay, we also have a memorable male character with autism. In Our Blues we had actresses and actors who have down syndrome show how they can also be productive in society with love, understanding and guidance. It was sad to see how these characters were abandoned by family and only had their care giver to support them. And now in Extraordinary Attorney Woo we have a female main character who has autism make her mark in the law profession. I liked the series. I think that it not only gives a voice to people with autism, but it also present other important issues: discrimination against women in the work force, motherhood and a career possibility, mental health, questions double standards (among friends when it comes to money and that of rich parents and their children), children's lives and parents' obsession with academics, and how people see love between people who are in two spectrums of society: the one that is accepted by society and the other one marginalized by it. This series poses issues that we need to ponder on. There were a lot of hard and difficult questions posed in the series through the different cases they took on. It is a criticism to their society and I like that about this series. They are things that need to change for the well being of every member of a country.
I would like to see people who have been marginalized find a space where they can share their voices, their stories. . . They have the same right as everyone else to see representation in media and also feel genuinely included in the world they live in.
I truly loved the characters in this series, all of them felt real to me. It made me smile, cry and think through the issues presented. To see her and Jun Ho fall in love was so sweet and sad. The series also left me wondering why CEO Han doesn't like Tae Soo Mi, I guess we'll find out in the second season that I think will be coming in the future.
It is a series that I recommend to anyone.
Poster from The Korea Times - https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/08/688_334915.html
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oldbutnotyetwise · 2 years
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     The following views are mine, and mine alone.  They don’t represent the opinions or positions of any organization, or of any people that I may, or may not be attached to.  They have not been researched or scientifically tested, there have been no polls or input received from people wiser than me.  They are quite simply the ponderances of a man who would seem to be getting crankier as he gets older.
     For many years after I retired I would wake up in the morning, make my morning tea, return to bed where I would sip my tea while listening to the news and gently ease myself into the day.  Well that has changed over the last year or two as I now find myself turning the news off after only a few minutes because, well because of what I am not fond of listening to.  I’m not sure what the technical term for it would be, I think it might be belly-aching.  
     Somewhere along the way it seems our society has gone off the tracks, the old way of working for what you want has been replaced with people constantly demanding what they are “entitled” to, or what they think they deserve.  I saw something on-line the other day, it was a picture of a piece of paper, written across the top was the line, “This is what the world owes you”, the page was blank under that.  It made me smile because it really rang true for me.  
     When did the tail start wagging the dog?  During Covid people were allowed to work from home but now the time has come where the employers want the person to return to work and people are demanding that they be allowed to work from home, demanding.  Perhaps I am biased having worked my career in a paramilitary organization where orders were given and expected to be followed.  It was a very black and white existence, and I took comfort in it.  I always knew where I stood, and yes I sometimes followed directions that were poorly thought out, but it wasn’t my place to question it unless I was asked for my input.  If the order was lawful and not harmful then I shut up and did as I was told.
     I had many dealings with people who were on Welfare over the years.  I felt some used it as it was meant to be used, they used it for a period of time until they could get back on their feet and then earn their own keep.  Then there were others who had been on welfare for decades and they raised children and grandchildren destined for the same lifestyle.  Can someone explain to me why someone on Welfare gets medical and dental coverage while the person out working two jobs to make ends meet doesn’t?  Where is the logic in that?  Why do we have so many people on Welfare while at the same time Restaurants and stores are unable to find any staff to fill their positions?  How about the people in jail collecting welfare?  Did you know that someone who has been convicted of defrauding the Welfare System, can not be denied Welfare?  So let me explain it to you this way.  Someone who you are helping steals from you, you catch them stealing, and when you tell them that you are no longer willing to help them because of this betrayal of trust, the courts then tell you that you have to keep helping.  How would you feel being told that?
     Why are seniors scraping by in run down Senior’s Homes after having spent their lives working and being contributing members of society while prisoners in medium security prisons live in cottage like facilities, take advantage of free education and entertainment programs while eating nutritious meals?  I know of prisoners who specifically request a longer sentence so they can go to a federal facility, live the good life and get out sooner due to parole requirements.  Why are prisons not run to be self sufficient, supplying some service or producing some product to reduce the financial burden that they put on society, while at the same time teaching valuable work skills?
     There are all these special interest groups out there demanding that their group gets this or gets that.  They are not demanding equality, they are demanding special treatment.  I think what we need is to eliminate all these divisions, people are people, and everyone deserves to be treated equally, period.  If someone is being mistreated then everyone, and I mean everyone should be standing up for that person, not just the people that look the same, have the same religion or share the same sexual orientation.  Just do what is right.
     Recently during the Covid pandemic the government was giving out money like Halloween candy.  People were purposely not working to take advantage of this government grant.  Again jobs were there but people preferred to take the free ride being offered by the government.  Is there any wonder why so many young people feel entitled?
     Having a child is quite often the best thing that we will have happen to us in our lives.  The reality that comes with this is that having a child, or children can be expensive.  Somewhere along the way though society is becoming responsible for the costs of raising people’s children.  Shouldn’t you be responsibly for your own children?  People who choose never to have children nevertheless have to pay a good portion of tax to support the school system, basically they are paying to support other’s children.  Now there is a government program for ten dollar a day daycare, once again supported by people who have no children, or perhaps by someone who stayed home to raise their own children.   Keep in mind that some, certainly not all, of the people benefiting from this program could afford to pay for their own daycare.  Is that fair to the people who stayed home and looked after their own children?  What is next, will we start paying stay at home Mom’s for looking after their own children?
     I think we are depriving this generation from learning a good work ethic.  Learning that hard work is what will get you ahead in this world.  Instead we are creating a generation of people demanding things and expressing a sense of entitlement that is nothing short of offensive.   Please know that I acknowledge that there are hard working young people and they have my respect and admiration, it is the coasters that I have trouble with.
     I remember recently hearing the Prime Minister of a country that had been struck with a horrific Natural Disaster.  He was expressing that he was not asking for charity, he expects people to give his country money because they deserved it.  What?????  So I thought to myself, maybe I need to check the definition of charity.  So a quick check of the Oxford Dictionary came up with “the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.”  Maybe I should check for an email for this Prime Minister to help educate him on the definition of charity.  What is clear to me is that one does not demand charity, you can ask for help, but you can’t demand it. 
     Now that I have you all looking at me like I am a cold hearted, or perhaps even heartless evil person, let me qualify some things here.  There is a great quote, that I believe in whole heartedly, it is by Ghandi. “The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members”.  I strongly believe in supporting the most vulnerable in our society, what I am questioning is how we define who “the most vulnerable members” are, and what the best way to help them is?
     I will now share a second quote with you, this one by Desmond Tutu.  “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.  We need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in.”  I think it is time for us to go upstream, let’s look at the problem from another angle.  Let’s stop the people from falling in the river in the first place.
     Throwing a lot of money at problems is easy when you are a politician, especially since it’s not your money that you are spending.  I think it is time that we realize that what we have been doing all these years isn’t working, things are just continuing to get worse, it’s time to think outside the box, look at the bigger picture or whatever catchy phrase you want to use.  It’s time to do things differently, if you truly care, lets fix the problem because we are running out of bandaids.  
     Let’s help those who need help, that are grateful for help, and who are trying to get back to being contributing members of society.  Perhaps those who are not trying, are not grateful and who are demanding more than is being offered, perhaps we need to assess if they are someone that we should be helping.  Let us look after the vulnerable people in our society, but let’s stop being taken advantage of by the “takers”, who only take, and take, and take.  Imagine how much better things could be if we redirected funds to the truly vulnerable in our society, and we pushed the takers into accepting responsibility for themselves.  Who knows, maybe one day they would thank us for that hard push in the right direction.
     The young, the elderly, and the unwell are the people who deserve our support and assistance.  Let’s make our charitable contributions count, spend it where it will do the most good.  Let’s search out strong leaders who will make the tough decisions compassionately and with empathy, and not bow down to political pressures being exerted by the “Special Interest Groups”.  Back to the very simple but profound statement; Just do what is right.
     Okay, that’s enough bellyaching for today.  This cranky old man can feel your Stink Eye being aimed at him.  He will go back home, not listen to the news and maybe just sit and continue pondering the state of the world these days.  You may be able to change his mind on some of these things, but probably not all of them.  
     The question is, did he change your mind on anything?  
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I was talking to two people today about books, and my acquaintance brought up Jordan Peterson’s books, which he’d read. He said he found it to be a contradiction when Peterson said that grit and perseverance were important, but that you also shouldn’t do things that make you miserable. Now I haven’t read any of his books, I’m just familiar with him through videos and interviews. And love him or hate him, he’s a very smart man and I err on the side of trusting him to say things that make sense, even if you’re not prepared to understand them the first time you hear them. My take is that both things can be true; you should persevere through tough or simply boring times, but you also should avoid misery if you can. 
Your vocation is a good example. If circumstances allow you to choose your path, you should of course do your best to get out of jobs that make you miserable and into jobs you’re proud of. I strongly disagree with the sentiment that “work is work” and it’s drudgery no matter what. No calling in life is going to make you happy 24/7 - even among religious clergy, who had years of training in which to reflect upon their vocation, there are moments of doubt and hardship - but you can do something that’s interesting, or exciting, or helps you build experience, or leaves you feeling like you’ve made a positive contribution to society. 
I used to do a job I hated. Really, really hated. I could barely enjoy my evenings or weekends when doing that job because I thought about it all the time. I remember very few happy days when I was doing that job - I can actually name the dates I was happy because they were so rare. It made me feel like throwing myself into the river. I would rather work at a grocery store than go back to that job. Just thinking about that job makes me feel a sense of profound relief and gratitude that I got out - still, 16 months after leaving. I can’t think of enough ways to express how much I hated it. And now I do a job that isn’t the be-all-end-all of my career. I don’t hate it. I don’t dread going into work. I don’t feel relief or excitement when leaving the office. I feel very comfortable with my team. I often directly see the product of my efforts and the positive impact on people in need. But I also want to branch out into other fields. I even want to open a solo practice. Of course, I want to move across the country. To be perfectly honest, I feel like I’m in a “lull” in my life. Nothing’s bad, but I know something better is ahead. And to get there, I have to gain more experience through my current job. I have to research where exactly it would be feasible for me to live and make plans and lay out a lot of money to move there. So I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, until I get where I’m supposed to be. 
There’s a difference between persevering toward a worthy end goal and doing something that makes you miserable. When I was in my old job, there was no light at the end of the tunnel - I had no interest in sticking it out a few more years for some reward, all I could think about was getting the hell out. Now, I genuinely believe there are good things I’m working toward. And this applies to so many other areas of life! You might persevere in a relationship with a family member or friend because you want that person to still be in your life 20 years from now - or you might find yourself in a situation that’s exactly the opposite, where all the relationship brings you is misery and you just need to let it go. You might persevere through the drudgery of learning foundational skills in a field of knowledge or a craft because you know the benefits it will bring down the road. You might persevere on a tough hike up a mountain for the joy of the accomplishment - or with a physical activity generally because you know it will be good for your long-term health. 
A great insight, just from one five-minute conversation. 
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sgtengineering · 1 month
Gratitude to the Faculty of Education at SGT University: A Journey from Special Educator to Assistant Professor
My name is Tarun Pataanjali and I am a proud alumnus of the Faculty of Education of the SGT University, considered the best education university in Haryana. I started my education by enrolling in the B.Ed. Special Education (Intellectual Disability) program during the 2020-2022 session. Inspired by the exceptional learning experience at the best university for B.Ed. in Special Education, I then proceeded to get my M.Ed. Special Education (Intellectual Disability) from the same university.
Why Faculty of Education at SGT University Stands Out
The Faculty of Education at SGT University stands out as the best university for education because all the programs are professional-oriented, skill-based, and competency-based, where theory and practical and field-wise activities are conducted. The strong faculty helped to construct transformative, holistic, and value-based immersive learning to pave the way for a productive career in special education.
Innovative Pedagogy
Among the main advantages of the Faculty of Education at SGT University is the rather efficient approach to teaching and training, that focuses on creativity. The faculty of the university adheres to the principles of andragogy and heutagogy, developing a research approach with students. The practical classes are conducted as creativity-promoting experiences, and the application of ICT tools within instructions guarantees that the students have a comprehensive overview of the offered instructional technologies.
Expert Faculty and Mentorship
I would like to express my appreciation to the faculty members, particularly Dean Prof. Madhvi Sharma, H.O.D. Mr. Ravinder Saini and the rest of the team in the Intellectual Disability department. They have provided me with professional guidance as well as support, which has helped me launch a very successful career in specialties in education.
Also Read: Education: The Bridge to a better future, Educate yourself , Empower your world
UDAAN: Empowering Extraordinary Lives
Undoubtedly, one of the most profound and promising commencements of the Faculty of Education at SGT University is UDAAN, a center that offers education and therapy to children with low abilities arising out of any type of disability—be it physical, intellectual, or multiple disability—belonging to any community. UDAAN provides services based on the child’s requirements, on a group or one-to-one basis, depending on the child��s functioning level.
The center’s vision is to regard and nurture each learner’s capacity and talents, supporting and facilitating their learning process and their experiences in life. The mission of UDAAN is to ensure that every child attains his or her full potential and gets equipped with all the life skills to enable him or her to become a productive citizen.
Some of the services offered by UDAAN are assessment and identification of all types of disabling conditions, special school, counseling sessions, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy, play therapy, prevocational training, remedial classes and hearing assessments.
It also engages in innovative research on special education practices, which includes interventions and technologies, making the center a one-stop center for its students and aspiring educators in the field of special education.
From Student to Special Educator
When I finished my B.Ed. Special Education (Intellectual Disability) from SGT University, I obtained a place as a special educator at the best-known educational institution, Khushboo Welfare Society in Gurugram. This coursework opportunity was also a valuable experience to enable me to be exposed to an environment where the knowledge and skills learned were used directly and made a difference in society, particularly for people with special needs.
Ascending to Academia
At present, I teach as an assistant professor at the Ashtavakra Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research in Rohini, Delhi. I consider this success proof that the Faculty of Education at SGT University has provided me with very solid groundwork, along with a wide and thorough educational program. The emphasis that the faculty places on interaction with enterprises, research, and social initiatives helped me develop all the proper skills and mentalities needed to succeed within the sphere of academics and in the field of special education as well.
Career Opportunities and Support
Career opportunities available for graduates of the Faculty of Education at SGT University include school teachers, special educators, counselors, social workers, e-tutors, entrepreneurs, teacher educators, principals, academic auditors, and research professionals. The faculty liaises closely with industry and reputed organizations such as Jhpiego, Laerdal Medical India and the Indian Nursing Council; thus, students get exposure to the latest research and can do their internships with such affiliations, making this the best university for education in Haryana.
Dedicated Special Education Career Support
Furthermore, for students aspiring to build a career in special education, the Faculty of Education at SGT University provides premium career coaching. Professionals in this faculty also include a placement cell that conducts career counseling sessions, workshops, job fair and finding internships and placements in good organizations that offer placements to special education graduates. The faculty’s alumni also have a responsibility to support and provide direction to the current students; this is through sharing their experiences so as to ensure that the students do succeed in their chosen careers.
SGT University: A Research and Innovation Powerhouse
In the same way, SGT University, in its general sense, is a research and innovation hub, oriented to give an opportunity for higher education to different groups of the population. Integrated into these complex facilities is a multi-specialty SGT Hospital full-fledged, NABL and NABH accredited to meet the healing needs of the communities and offer real-life exposure to the medical students. SGT University has also formed relations with the leaders of other universities to form the Center of Excellence to promote and support research as well as development in its faculties.
After considering all these opportunities and privileges I have received throughout the journey, I really can not thank enough the Faculty of Education at SGT University. I must commend the faculty’s passion for preparing students to be competent special educators and/or specialists in inclusive education. I am sure that SGT University and the Faculty of Education will always help me and many other graduates in our further careers, as they have been doing for everyone else.
If you are determined to unlock a positive change for the disabled and if education is the tool given to you, then join the Faculty of Education at SGT University, the best university for B.Ed. in special education. Take this chance to study at the faculty with such qualified teachers as Prof. Madhvi Sharma, carry out research, and join the friendly community working for the development of society’s tolerance. Based on the faculty’s endorsements and advice, one can establish lucrative employment in special education and assist individuals who require support in their lives.
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sanaiscorner123 · 2 months
Sword Art Online
Immediately upon viewing several episodes of this series I was intrigued with the presentation of a unique storyline. Creators took an alternative approach to the normal Japanese animation and included one that merged a futuristic theme with the timeless ideal of neoliberalism. The mending of such opposite topics made for an engaging, entertaining, and insightful viewing experience. I won't say this was my favorite, as I enjoy more nostalgic viewings. however, the unique concept of the future made it worth watching.
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One can metaphorically associate the concept of a game where contestants are essentially “held captive” until they reach the 100th floor to work culture terms such as Shūshoku, where the pressures of obtaining and moving up in a career are high. Essentially, the typical salaryman was ‘held captive’ or forced to stay within the same company for their entire career. A game creator, Kayaba is extremely representative of the average ‘boss’ or founder of a Japanese corporation that binded its workers to extreme hours. If we want to push the envelope even farther we can compare such rules of the game to slavery that is reflected in smaller countries across the world such as South Sudan or Eritrea where essentially citizens must work their way to freedom. I must fully note that this game no where near includes such horrendous conditions displayed in these countries, but I enjoy making associations of anime both on a smaller and wider scale. As the story progresses, we can see the character Kirito as a skilled individual who proves himself to b extremely resilient and motivated to overcome this game. As a successful rescuer of others within the virtual relam, we begin to notice both the similarities of the virtual and physical world. Overall I was left pondering whether virtual reality may serve as an escape from capilaism for those classified as non productive (NEETS and Furita) within the real-life societal economic structure.
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While watching this series I immediately thought of one of my favorite movies, Jumanji. Similar to like in Sword Art Online, several teenagers log onto an old video game and are horrified once they realize they have been sucked in and must work their way out of the game without dying. We see a reoccurring theme of working ourselves to freedom, with some characters easily adapting to, and even appreciating the virtual world. It is with this that we are faced with the idea of VR providing an adequate escape for individuals who struggle to adapt to the real-world. In Jumanji, characters like Spencer had never felt so important and meaningful within his real society, which therefore tempted him to remain within the virtual realm. This can even be applied to the average American citizen within a workforce. From a young age we start in a specific year and must then work this career until we reach a retirement age, thus reflecting a real-life video game simulation. It isn’t until retirement where we enjoy several insurance benefits and leisure time to travel and visit family members. Overall, as the world of technology progreses, we are bound to see individuals offer virtual reality as an escape from societal pressures.
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rippleon-blog · 5 months
Lorenza Muñoz Is Making Community Cool Again
I was so honored to interview former L.A. Times reporter and Amazon MGM executive Lorenza Muñoz in this episode of The Ripple Effect Podcast. Lorenza is an incredible entrepreneur on a mission to create connection, community and collaboration together to create even bigger Ripples in the world.
Connecting as human beings is in our evolutionary nature. It is fundamental to our human experience and essential for flourishing. Obviously, this is not news. Communities throughout history have gathered around fires, told stories, bonded, reflected on spiritual needs–together.
 But these societal norms have slowly been eroding for a variety of reasons. Community seemed like it was much easier to find only a few decades ago, whether it was through religious institutions or neighborhood gatherings or long held traditions. The lingering trauma of COVID isolation we all experienced, the distraction of social media that seeks to replace in person connection with a virtual one have made the need for connection urgent. As human beings, we need to socialize in order to understand our connection to the world around us.
The premise behind Artemis Muse Productions is threefold:
•Bring back the concept of community–live and in person.
•Catalyze groups and individuals around issues, themes, art or ideas through vibrant gatherings and discussions.
•Advance company or individual business initiatives and ideas through curated gatherings.
Artemis Muse is a connector-catalyst, ready to spread ideas, to create experiences that light up our emotional, artistic needs and to instigate change.
Salons: Back in the 17th and 18th Century, Salons were held (mostly led by women) in Paris and other European cities to discuss ideas, science and politics. These women were friends with the artists and writers and intellectuals. Some were patrons of the arts. But mostly, they provided exposure to artists and thinkers and served as catalysts for some of the radical ideas that led to the Enlightenment.
Harlem Renaissance: The cradle of Black intellectual and artistic thought. A movement that continues to reverberate today with its thought leaders like Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston and others blazing a path for Black influence, thought and art. Georgia Douglas Johnson, a poet and writer who hosted the S Street Salon in Washington DC, was particularly influential. Her Saturday Nighters were legendary gatherings where women’s rights were discussed, anti-lynching action was hatched and literary minds expanded in a supportive, safe environment.
Mexico City: My personal inspiration came through osmosis. Within my own family, there were salons hosted by my Great Aunt (affectionately called Toe). She was a maverick for her time and place, deciding not to marry and instead to follow her own career path in Mexican society. For nearly two decades, Toe held court in her beautiful apartment overlooking Mexico City with writers, intellectuals, bankers, artists and thought leaders. My grandmother also developed and cultivated community. For nearly 70 years, she was at the center of a group of women (jokingly) called “Las Intocables,” or “The Untouchables.” They were a fearsome group of 12 or so women who were best friends and saw each other through life and all of its changes, rituals, happy moments and tragedies. They were also the group to know for any woman hoping to enter into the tight knit world of Cuernavaca, a city about 1 hour south of Mexico City that became a weekend destination and globally renown resort town.
I learned about community through my family, but I began to nurture and lead community gatherings professionally during my time as the head of member relations and awards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. When I arrived in 2015, my mandate was to create outreach and opportunities for the members to feel more connected to each other and the institution. We needed to find ways to open up the membership to more women and underrepresented groups who, historically, had not been invited. We needed to create events and gatherings that brought together our members several times a year–not just through the Oscars. We were successful in creating the first ever annual gathering of female members in Los Angeles, New York, London and other cities–complete with a grant award for female filmmakers. We ushered in a new era of inclusivity, with the organization’s Board of Governors becoming more diverse in gender, race and ethnicity than ever before–nearly 50% female by 2020 compared to less than 10% in 2015 among many other accomplishments. It was at the Academy that I realized that no matter how rich or how famous you might be, a sense of belonging, of feeling seen and valued, is essential for any human being.
Be sure to check out her website and let her know one thing that stood out or inspired you about what she shared in this episode: https://thelorenzamunoz.com/
Ready to get your Ripple On? Check out the latest episode of The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper!
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iclick-blogs · 6 months
Benefits of Corporate Photoshoot For Your Business
The process of taking pictures that companies and corporations can use for internal communications, advertising, or promotional purposes is known as corporate photography. Your original appearance might not matter in the business world, but your presentation definitely does. 🙂 Establishing trust and fostering positive connections with individuals in your sector starts with your presentation.
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In the digital society we live in today, first impression is everything. It's likely that this initial impression happens online, not during your in-person meeting, when the client or potential employer searches you up. There's only one first impression, and it happens right away. If you have a high-quality corporate photo shoot, you can be sure that people will have a positive first impression of you whether they choose to look you up on LinkedIn, or in a website, or in other social media.
Because the corporate world is so competitive, you need high-quality corporate photo shooting if you want to stand out from the crowd when you apply even for a job also. Getting a professional photo taken is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself apart from others. A superb business headshot should show you looking your best, have a good resolution, and be aesthetically beautiful. It will make you more noticeable.
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Uses of Corporate Headshots and Portraits
For usage on websites, business cards, and other materials, companies frequently need high-quality headshots of their staff members and employer. It's essential for establishing connections with people in the business sector. Consumers are curious about the appearance of the person they are doing business with you. A corporate headshot photo can help set the correct tone, particularly in situations where face-to-face interactions are not possible. Before they meet you in person, they can learn a little something about you from your corporate headshot. A high-quality photo will communicate professionalism, friendliness, and approachability, which will facilitate a good connection.
You want to project a sense of thoughtfulness, reliability, and confidence in your corporate shoot. People must sense your personality and determine whether you will be able to do their business.
Are you serious about your career? Show it. You will go above and beyond if you value developing your profession and yourself enough. Employers and clients will also take note. Corporate photoshoots communicate to prospective employers or clients your commitment to your work. You send the message that you will put in a lot of effort and be proud of every corporate undertaking by investing in your career and yourself.
Uses of Corporate photoshoot The corporate photoshoot covers a broad spectrum of topics, such as Business Events: To capture the moment and promote upcoming events, photography coverage of conferences, seminars, trade exhibits, and other business events is important. Architecture and Interiors: Business branding, marketing, and facility promotion are all accomplished via photographs of offices, buildings, and interior design. Product photography: For e-commerce websites, catalogs, and advertising campaigns, high-quality pictures of products are essential.
Executive Portraits: Press releases, annual reports, and other corporate communications frequently feature photos of executives and other important individuals.
Corporate Branding: The development and upkeep of a company's visual identity and brand image depend heavily on photography.
Corporate Lifestyle: Taking pictures of workers in action, in collaborative settings, and informally can help to humanize a brand and communicate its culture. Stock photography: Certain businesses may require generic photographs for publications, websites, and presentations. These images can be made especially for them or purchased from stock photography sources.
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When selecting the best corporate photoshoot, businesses frequently seek out experts with relevant experience who can meet their unique requirements and provide photos that complement their messaging and brand identity.
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Corporate photo shoot becoming more important in Singapore because of the country's dynamic business environment and the demand for high-quality photos for marketing and branding. The venue of the photo session may vary based on the company's tastes and branding, and may include the office building, outdoor spaces, or rented studios. It's imperative to work with a talented photographer that specializes in corporate photoshoot Singapore to produce more quality images for businesses. They ought to have prior expertise taking group images, business imagery, and expert headshots. Working with a photographer who is familiar with Singaporean business culture and can customize the shoot to the company's exact requirements is an important thing to keep in mind when organizing a corporate shoot in Singapore.
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qnewsau · 9 months
Treading Water on a Stage
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/treading-water-on-a-stage/
Treading Water on a Stage
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Led by an all-trans and gender-diverse team, Overflow is a ‘devastating tour of women’s bathrooms- who is allowed in and who is kept out.’   QNews spoke to spoke with director Dino Dimitriadis and transgender actress Janet Anderson about the acclaimed play Overflow, which sees a trans woman trapped in a flooding bathroom, as it returns for the Sydney Festival.
Dino, can you give me a brief synopsis of Overflow?
Dino Dimitriadis: Overflow is the story of Rosie, a young trans woman who is cornered into a train station toilet cubicle.
Determined not to be rescued again, Rosie distracts herself with memories of bathroom encounters, drunken heart-to-hearts by dirty club sinks and friendships forged in front of crowded mirrors. It’s a powerhouse new work by one of the UK’s leading trans writers Travis Alabanza. What can people expect from this production? 
Dino Dimitriadis: Overflow is a 60-minute tour de force. The production transports audiences into Rosie’s world, through a thrilling design and a standout performance from Janet Anderson. It is full of laughs, memories we can all identify with, and deep insights in a life living outside of gender expectations. 
What is it about this show that resonates so strongly with audiences?
Dino Dimitriadis: The humour, the humanity, the extraordinary range of story that unfolds over 60 minutes. One of the most profound aspects of the show was meeting audience members afterwards. The production is made by a beautiful community of artists and this community extends into our audiences. Rosie is magnetic and deeply human. She’s funny, real and steals audience hearts. 
Who should come and see Overflow?
Dino Dimitriadis: Working with an all trans and gender diverse team deeply informs the texture of the work. It’s a production, though, for all audiences, of all ages and identities. Now more than ever, with trans lives politicised in the news, spending an hour in the bathroom with Rosie offers human insight through Travis’s astounding words and the thrilling theatrical experience created by our creative team. Bring your friends, your Mum, your date. This is theatre for now, and we’re thrilled to share it with you again in Sydney.
Janet, this is the second production of Overflow, and with an all trans and gender diverse cast and crew, what is it about the role of Rosie that had you coming back for more?
Janet Anderson: It’s not only the joy of playing Rosie every night that had me itching for a return season, but the team I got to make it with, plus the way the work was received and heralded made it a no-brainer. 
To be able to perform this incredible show every night to a packed out audience, this early in my career, is Disney-channel levels of ridiculous!  
Can you speak to the significance of the play’s setting in a women’s bathroom?
Janet Anderson: Women’s bathrooms and their fraught existence is the core of Rosie’s journey. They act as a barometer for her comfortability in her own skin. 
They’re often the only refuge many women and femme’s have to connect on a night out, without the gaze of men. Who among us hasn’t had an undeniable experience of sisterhood in the sticky sanctuary? 
But for trans people in particular, the bathroom has become an unlikely point of violent contention. 
We seemingly can’t escape the conflation of trans people needing to piss and trans people wanting to overthrow society and install a genderless, polyamorous hellscape. 
I hope I don’t even need to articulate the stupidity of that.
Can you speak to the importance of this show for the trans and gender diverse community?
Janet Anderson: I’ve been lucky enough to meet so many gorgeous trans humans after the show and hear what the show has planted in them. A couple have said it’s encouraged them to go into the arts themselves, to have hard conversations with friends, or even start making the choice of living authentically in their bodies. 
But what’s even more beautiful is how many people are able to sit silently and listen to Rosie’s words, and leave feeling something they’d never considered, witnessed or felt before. 
The beauty of Overflow is that you get to KNOW Rosie in her entirety. You get to see her in her most feral and vulnerable state. I don’t think it’s possible to leave the show without her on your shoulder.  What’s next for you? Is telling queer stories a priority?
Janet Anderson:Absolutely! If telling complex and provocative trans stories is my lot in life, then sign me the fuck up. What’s next is secret but exciting business. But Rosie will be back with a vengeance. 
Tickets are available at www.darlinghursttheatre.com/overflow
Sydney Festival Eternity Playhouse, 39 Burton Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Darlinghurst Theatre Company 17 – 27 January $49 – $70
Midsumma Festival Arts Centre Melbourne 31 January – 4 February 2024
Geelong Arts Centre 8 – 10 February 2024
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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nurmalaevi · 10 months
Denny Ja: Explores inspirational stories about struggle and courage
Denny Ja is a figure that inspires many people with his struggle and courage in various fields. From politics to the world of literature, Denny JA has made an unforgettable trail. Let's explore inspirational stories about his life journey full of challenges and courage. Denny JA was born on September 9, 1956 in Jombang, East Java. Since a young age, he has had a great spirit to contribute to advancing the nation and society of Indonesia. Denny JA is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, but his great interest in politics led him to go into a wider world. Denny Ja's political journey began in 1999 when he was elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction. As a member of the Parliament, Denny Ja fought for important issues related to the welfare of the community, education, and the environment. He has an active role in guarding policy making at the national level. In addition to a career in the political world, Denny Ja is also known as a productive writer. He has written a lot of essay and essay poems that raise relevant social and political issues. His work is a source of inspiration for many people who want to explore deeper about the dynamics of Indonesian socialpolitics. However, Denny Ja's journey does not always run smoothly. He must face many obstacles and criticisms that come from various parties. However, his courage and determination made him keep fighting for what he believed. Denny Ja understands that in the struggle will never be easy, but he remains persistent in maintaining his establishment and principle. One inspirational story of Denny Ja was when he founded a research institute called the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI). LSI became a famous research institution in Indonesia and made many significant contributions in analyzing public opinion and political trends. The establishment of LSI is a brave and innovative step from Denny Ja to bring positive changes in the world of Indonesian politics. In addition, Denny Ja is also involved in an effort to fight for freedom of opinion and encourage active participation of society in the democratic process. He often gives lectures, seminars, and public discussions to provide a better understanding of the importance of the rights of democracy and freedom of expression. Not only in the realm of politics and literature, Denny Ja also contributes to the world of education. He is one of the founders of Paramadina University, a private tertiary institution that has given birth to many quality graduates and is committed to advancing Indonesia. Denny Ja is a real example that the struggle and courage are the key to achieving goals and bringing positive changes in society. He has inspired many people with his work and his determination in dealing with various obstacles. The inspirational story about Denny Ja must continue to be immortalized and told as a motivation for the young generation of Indonesia. His courage and enthusiasm in fighting for truth and justice are something that should be appreciated and followed. Denny Ja is an inspirational figure who has made a big contribution to Indonesia in various fields. Through his struggle and courage, he has changed and left an unforgettable trail in history.
Check more: Denny Ja: Explore inspirational kisakisa about the struggle and courage
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