#madoka hiroo
buffaloborgine · 1 day
Google Drive link for Death Mark manga vol 2 (raw scans + translation)
Here is the google drive link for Death Mark manga vol 2 with RAW Japanese scans and the doc file translation still in process by me and @kidowos. We are continuing the translation slowly, because both of us are busy with works so we welcome anyone that would like to assist in translating or typesetting (if you really, really like to do it and have time to, we value real life job/work/business first and foremost). Please pm me if you want (and **most importantly** have time) to assist the translation. We appreciate all help. Thanks for reading and enjoy the manga.
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Note: In case anyone looks for vol 1 with translation, I recommend follow @ lamentations-lighthouse, they are working on translating vol 1 and are probably going to upload it soon.
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spirithunterfamily · 2 months
Happy birthday yashiki! Hope you got plenty of presents. Don't overindulge in the sugar, you're at that age where you need to worry about diabetes
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alpanmix · 9 days
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Part 2 of the Fox Curse AU! Yashiki has to go out to investigate and calls for back up!
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sleepyminty · 15 days
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Im not including the dm2 cast since they dont leave a mark on me
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gynohorror · 10 months
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joz-yyh · 2 months
It's interesting to think about all the mark bearers/companions in Death Mark going up against the NG companions in a battle royale type Persona Arena style crossover.
For example: Who would win in fight and would hit it off and become friends/rivals? There's some match-ups that are pretty close in terms of personality/interest. Consider ...
Shou vs Amanome -- I feel like they would hate each other and want to rip each others throats out. Shou is too (secretly) kind-hearted to stand up against a Yakuza's son with unlimited connections and a sadistic streak. Mashita vs Ooe -- Cop on cop violence. I think they would grate on each other's nerves at first glance (considering Mashita's tarnished past), but gain a mutual respect for one another. If they went toe to toe, I have a feeling Ooe would win, but it would be a very, very close fight. 🤏 Together as a team, they would be virtually unstoppable.
Natsume vs Saya -- I think they would have a lovely time chatting about spirits over tea either at the Kujou mansion or at the Black Rabbit Bar. Saya tells the aspiring horror author tales about her spirit work and while Natsume's concerned for the woman's safety and the danger of it all, she is also on the edge of her seat listening. Their meetings fuel the writer's muse for new horror novels.
Then there's pairs that are likely not to stimulate much
Hiroo vs Ban -- Even with thier respective first-hand encounters with spirits, I don't see these two getting along, let alone being interested in each other's work. Ban is too fueled by guts and passion and instinct. Hiroo focuses more on fact, letting other others take charge, providing tips and moral support, but with Ban all she can do is criticize.
Christie vs Rosé -- They're both well mannered career women used to the spotlight. I think they would tolerate each other, attempt small talk, but I have a feeling Christie wouldn't like Rose's flashy style and would make many off-handed remarks about it. The reporter is a much more modest woman with societal norms views and I think she would try to get the magician to tone things down. Rosé is not about to let her cramp her style, preferring her life as it is. Maybe, if they can manage some middle ground and put aside their differences, they might be come really good friends later on down the line.
If there's a match-up you'd like to me to cover/discuss or want to contribute your own thoughts, feel free to leave a comment! There's too many options for me to cover everyone, but I could manage doing a few crowd faves/suggestions.
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Kazuo Yashiki is never beating the eternally haunted allegations
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cursedxwt · 7 days
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robotica-draws · 5 months
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T4T realness
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fandom-go-round · 23 days
The First Few Dates aka Middle Aged Lover's Club (MALC)
The first time they go out, it's not really a date. At least Yashiki doesn't think it's a date. Are four people allowed to go out on dates?
Mashita Satoru x Yashiki Kazuo x Daimon Shuuji x Hiroo Madoka (Poly Relationship, OT4)
This won't leave my head. You're welcome world for the ship no one asked for. Is this going to be a thing? No idea.
Warnings: Implied Canon Typical Violence, Low Self Esteem (Yashiki), Polyamory, Poly Negotiations, Pre-Relationship
The first time they go out, it’s not really a date. At least Yashiki doesn’t take it as a date. Hiroo had insisted the adults get together to let loose and Yashiki didn’t have the heart to say no. Mashita had loudly and insistently said he wasn’t going, a blatant lie since he was sitting right next to Yashiki. Hiroo and Daimon sat across from them, a bottle of sake in the middle of the table.
It doesn’t take long for Hiroo and Mashita to start bickering, Hiroo getting louder the more alcohol she drinks. Daimon sends Yashiki an amused look, shaking his head and ordering appetizers for the table. The two of them catch up while the younger two exchange barbs, easily starting an impromptu drinking contest. Daimon’s leg bumps into Yashiki’s under the table and he winks, Yashiki’s cheeks going pink. The other two don’t notice, getting close as they lean across the table.
The night ends with Hiroo leaning heavily on Daimon and Mashita smirking at her half-asleep state. Daimon gives Yashiki’s arm a squeeze before taking Hiroo home, the dual lab coats blending into the night. Yashiki drives Mashita back to the mansion, the ex-detective’s good mood not faltering. Mashita spends the night and Yashiki basks in the lightness in his chest; the normal crushing weight has left for the night.
The four of them don’t have time to get together for a couple of months, seeing each other sporadically. Yashiki takes a few cases with Mashita, not as partners but just to help. The knowing glint in Mashita’s eyes betrays what they both know, it’s only a matter of time. He always feels safe with Mashita, even when they’re running for their lives. The younger man is a steady presence at his side.
He goes to lunch with Daimon a couple of times, the two of them meeting at a diner close to the hospital. Yashiki always feels comfortable with the doctor; he doesn’t know what exactly it is but he enjoys relaxing with his friend. They talk about music and the other Mark Bearers, content to exist just the two of them.
Hiroo is harder to get a hold of but Yashiki does his best to make time for her. Usually that means she drags him over town to run errands, carrying her bags and then going for drinks after. She takes longer to relax than the others but Yashiki is proud the first time she actually laughs in front of him. She’s beautiful when she grins.
The next time they’re all able to get together Daimon picks the place, a trendy karaoke bar. Mashita looks like he’s going to cuss everyone out but Hiroo drags him to their room before he can make a scene. Yashiki doesn’t know half of the songs they pick but it’s fun to see everyone let loose. Daimon has a nice voice (when he’s able to sing without coughing) but Mashita is tone deaf. Hiroo vows to never let him live it down but Mashita doesn’t complain too much. It might be because she’s leaning so heavily on him as she laughs.
Something is changing between them. Yashiki can’t pinpoint when or how but things are changing. Mashita has been thawing, not only to himself but the others as well. Hiroo’s teasing is less mocking and has a sweeter edge. Daimon jokes more, something sly on his face instead of serious. Yashiki thinks that he’s changing too; more willing to relax and connect with the people around him.
Moe has been teasing him, saying that Mashita and Hiroo visit him at the mansion a lot more often. Once Moe knows, everyone else knows. Yashiki doesn’t think it’s a big deal, everyone comes to visit him, but there’s something that he’s missing. The one time he asks Mashita, the ex-detective looks at him, sighs and then rolls his eyes.
“Figure it out yourself, idiot.” The words lack their normal heat, Mashita sounding fond. Yashiki had meant to bring it up to Daimon before their next get together but it slips his mind with another spirit case.
Eventually Mashita drags them all to a local hole in the wall, something that Yashiki had walked past without noticing. It’s a mix between a jazz club and a bar, the lights dim and booths secluded. Mashita had swung by the mansion before hand and helped Yashiki pick out an outfit, something completely out of the norm. The detective hadn’t let anything slip, just smirking as he got Yashiki ready. As questions were ignored or brushed off, the older man giving up after a while. Yashiki feels silly as they walk in but once he sees Hiroo and Daimon he feels better; they’ve dressed up as well.
They’re booth is tucked into a corner, away from the noise and other customers. Yashiki enjoys how the low lighting caresses everyone’s face and resists the urge to touch. It’s not something he thinks about often, the way his eyes and hands want to wander. Most of the time he’s able to push the thoughts back but tonight it’s harder. Partly sake, partly because Mashita’s hand has been on his knee the entire night. There’s something unsaid pulsing among them and Yashiki isn’t as scared as he should be.
The tension bubbles over once they leave, exiting into an ally in the back. Yashiki is laughing at a joke Daimon told, bumping shoulders with Mashita. Hiroo turns around at his laugh, letting go of Daimon’s hand to cup his face and kiss him. She tastes like sake and mint, Yashiki freezing before kissing her back. His eyes slide closed, only opening after Hiroo pulls back. The look on her face is self-satisfied, the scientist licking her lips as Yashiki’s cheeks go red.
Mashita let’s out a scoff behind him, Daimon offering a kind smile at Yashiki’s mounting horror. The doctor doesn’t give him time to react, leaning down to kiss him as well. This kiss is softer, tasting like citrus and sandalwood. Yashiki gasps when Daimon’s tongue brushes his lips, the older man taking advantage of his open mouth. Yashiki is sure that he’s going to stumble until Mashita’s arms wrap around his waist. Daimon pulls away; Yashiki gets a brief view of Hiroo dragging him into a kiss before Mashita is on him.
This is the kiss that makes Yashiki ground, all teeth and tongue and smoke. Yashiki thinks he’s dreaming, that has to be the reason all of this is happening. There’s no way everything would fall into place this perfectly; life doesn’t usually give him what he wants.
“Stop thinking.” Mashita’s voice is a growl, pulling away just enough to scold Yashiki. He doesn’t respond, brain still trying to reboot. Hiroo lets out a uncharacteristic giggle, smirk wide on her face.
“He should be thinking about the right stuff now at least.” Her tone is teasing and Daimon shakes his head, a fond look on his face.
“Should we take this inside?” Daimon’s words help to sober them up a bit, the four making sure no one else has seen them. The ally is empty and Mashita takes charge, taking Yashiki by the wrist and pulling him towards the van. Yashiki let’s them lead him away, slender fingers brushing over his hips.
“Does this mean we’re dating?” Yashiki can’t help but blurt out, the other three stopping just at the mouth of the ally. There are a few heartbeats of silence and he’s sure he’s ruined everything. Hiroo breaks the silence with a lout groan, running a hand down her face. Daimon starts to laugh, loud and carefree in a way Yashiki only hears occasionally.
“Of course we’re dating. We’ve been dating for months.” Hiroo’s voice is her normal brisk tone, Mashita giving a chuckle.
“Now you feel my pain.” Mashita teases, Hiroo smacking him on the arm.
“This is all your fault! You told us you’d talk to him!” Yashiki watches as the two begin to bicker; Hiroo pinches Mashita’s wrist and the ex-detective smirks.
“I did talk to him. It’s not fault he’s dense and self-sacrificing.” Yashiki snorts, feeling a wave of confusion and affection.
“We didn’t really talk…” He trails off and Daimon raises an eyebrow, interpreting something different in his silence. Yashiki goes red again and Hiroo huffs, crossing her arms.
“You liar Mashita! You were supposed to keep your hands to yourself!”
“Shut it you noisy brat; you’re one to talk about keeping your hands to yourself.” Mashita looks pointed at her fingers on his arm and Hiroo pulls back like she’s been burned. Her face goes red and Mashita gives another smirk, crowding her towards the wall. Yashiki clears his throat, all of them turning to look at him.
“I’d like to talk about it, if you’re all still willing.” Some of the sexual tension bleeds away, soft looks appearing.
“We’d like that.” Daimon gives Yashiki’s shoulder a squeeze, the doctor moving onto the street. They all share a secret smile, Hiroo moving to walk next to Daimon. Mashita falls into place by Yashiki and the older man smiles, linking their pinkies for a moment before letting go.
He doesn’t know when they started dating but he’s not going to complain. Yashiki might not think he deserves it but he’s going to cling to this happiness with everything he has. That’s what it means to live, after all.
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incorrectdeathmark · 1 year
Yashiki: I wish you’d just admit when you’ve made a mistake.
Hiroo (drinking coffee): I prefer it with salt.
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spirithunterfamily · 2 months
Hello! How is everyone doing today?
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Good, I think?
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Goodbye Tokyo Mew Mew Ole
Illustration done and shared by Madoka Seizuki to promote the last volume which will be released on 13/9/2022
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hikayagami · 2 years
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Reminder that the final volume of Tokyo Mew Mew Olé! will be available to purchase in Japan on September 13th! Be sure to buy a copy if you can!! The manga ships internationally through CDJapan, AmiAmi and Amazon Japan. It can also be purchased digitally through Bookwalker.
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gynohorror · 1 year
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Characters I will write for in the Spirit Hunter games
For now I only have characters for the first game on the list because I only just finished the main game and working on chapter 6!
Death Mark:
Kazuo Yashiki/Masamune Kujou
Satoru Mashita
Shou Nagashima
Christine Arimura
Madoka Hiroo
Shuuji Daimon
Coming soon
Death Mark II:
Main crew:
Kazuo Yashiki/Masamune Kujou
Satoru Mashita
Shou Nagashima
Madoka Hiroo
Shuuji Daimon
Konoehara Academy Students:
Himeko Douryou
Michiho Kinukawa
Naomi Horikoshi
Hanako Akai (au where she is still alive)
Toshihiko Izumi (au where the reader stops him from bullying Hanako anymore, so he may be a bit ooc)
*will add more soon
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