#barbery dustin
thenorthsource · 2 years
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Catelyn Stark / Donella Hornwood / Jyana Reed / Barbrey Dustin / Bethany Bolton / Lyessa Flint / Sybelle Glover / Maege Mormont
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visenyaism · 1 month
ok i make fun of the asoiaf conspiracy theories being dumb a lot however some people really ARE about an inch from posting like “the (((maesters))) control everything” and need to dial it back it’s getting weird
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satinoflowers · 2 months
19 and 31!
19: a theory you've adopted as canon- hard one but I'm partial to the jon coming back with anime hair and red eyes., its too sick to resist i love cool guys. I think it was shwifty who proposed that jon wouldnt have any more pov chapters and i would fucking love that, some of my favorite parts of the series is the distinction between old humanity warped into sorcery and obsession and how it affects the present (eg bloodraven) so id love to see jon fully old god-ed. cersei being her own valonqar is also a nice one i like to come back to but she needs to be ten percent more transgender for me to fall in love w it i think
31: who would you elevate to a POV character- well. I have a very obvious answer. Other than satin, i think myrcella would be a neat way to show whats happening in dorne and id like to know more about her. More mel chapters fs :,) oh and just ONE northern lord. Barbery dustin, a manderly, roose idc i need an in on the great northern conspiracy bullshit. Oh one more! Either osha or rickon because what the fuck is happening
Ty for sending :)))
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
A)What do you think of the possibility of ned/ashara love given they're described as looking similar to jon/dany & we know these two will hookup, even though sansa will be his great love. Why do you think ned reacted so strongly to cat when she mentioned her name?? Also it's possible that ned never knew that ashara was pregnant as he only meets her at the end of the war. So he never knew it was his child that was killed at KL. Barristan doesn't hold anything against ned as ashara's lover in his
B) his POV. So he thinks it's Brandon. But I feel like it's a red herring- perhaps a misunderstanding at harrenhal. I read a theory that ashara was the paramour of lewyn martell. Maybe seeing ashara in love with ned, he might have tried to dishonor her & the martells tried to cover it up from rhaegar by falsely blaming Brandon( knowing the STAB bloc forming against targs). Rhaegar after falsely assuming that Brandon has done something inappropriate to his bff(Arthur)sister(even if the assumption
C) could be violation or Brandon just seducing ashara & then dumping her even though he's engaged to cat) could also be the one of the many reasons R crowns L( to stick it to Brandon who was right beside her "I know what u did to ashara"). I think the whole thing with barbery dustin was to let the readers know that cat dodged a bullet wrt to Brandon & Brandon's general image. Most people would assume B as A's lover, not the shy quiet Ned(except the select few inner circle). Also ned never thinks
D) badly about Brandon who apparently slept with his crush. I think N/A would be similar dynamic to jon/ygritte & upcoming j/dany dynamic- more teenage puppy lots of sex with betrayals on both sides. And J/sansa would be like ned/cat. I see similarities b/w A/N/C love triangle with dany/j/sansa. I think N/A were definitely a thing. I don't think anything happened b/w A & Brandon. I also think A is lemore.
Hi anon!
I suppose I already right off the bat disagree with a number of assumptions going into this ask, so I'll do that and explain how this informs my own guesses of that backstory. :)
We don't actually have any evidence that Ned even had a crush on Ashara, let alone slept with her. We know that they danced together after Brandon asked Ashara because Ned was "too shy to leave his bench", not "too shy to ask his crush" to dance. We know the rumors about them started because he returned the sword to Starfall after killing her brother. If Ned had had a crush on Ashara let alone slept with her, you'd think Robert would mention that to him before he brings up some peasant woman named Wylla? Ned literally never thinks about her EVER. The only one spreading that information as fact is a twelve-year-old nephew who never met her and is also spreading blatantly false information about Jon's mother being Wylla. Hmm.
We do not know that Jon and Dany are going to hook up. The fact that the show went that route makes it show canon, not book canon, and we know they were willing to be Very Flexible with shifting storylines around.
Ashara has a vague resemblance with Dany through the purple eyes, but her hair is actually dark, unlike that of her nephew Edric Dayne. The visual you get with her and Brandon might as well be reminiscent of Brandon and dark-haired Barbrey, you know? Less so of Jon and Dany.
Ashara was not the paramour of Lewyn Martell. That one is described as "an old woman now", so her identity is known and she is officially alive. But even that would be more credible than shy and honorable Eddard Stark having premarital sex with a highborn lady at a tourney, no matter how willing. That whole assumption is so out of character for him! We know people think it's hilariously unlikely that he fathered a bastard, and the only reason they believe it is because, well, there's a bastard that looks like him. Remove that "proof" and you have an Eddard who is exactly what is says on the tin: shy and honorable. Know who's described as "never shy about taking what he wanted"? Brandon. In the context of sleeping with a highborn maiden. Maybe it doesn't have to be as complicated as you're making it. Maybe it's as simple as Barristan thinking "Stark" dishonored Ashara and it's the one who has a history of doing exactly that.
If Ashara and Ned had parallels to Jon and Ygritte, Ashara would have forced herself on Ned and he'd have been filled with self-blame and shame. There is no "teenage puppy love", there's an abusive relationship. Which would STILL make more sense than Ned willingly having premarital sex with a highborn girl. There is no Ashara/Ned/Catelyn triangle. The whole point and irony is that the woman Ned "loved fiercely" is his sister, Jon's mother.
Not going into that bit about Rhaegar because that makes absolutely zero sense. If you think some Lord's heir assaulted your wife's lady in waiting, you don't solve that by shaming your wife and that guy's sister in a huge public scandal. Especially with fragile politics in the background.
Why do you think ned reacted so strongly to cat when she mentioned her name??
Because Catelyn is inquiring in the direction of the origins of Jon Snow, and Ned is panicking. If he had had a relationship with Ashara, nothing would be easier or smarter than opening up about it to Catelyn in this moment. She is clearly trying to forge a connection there, to find common ground and ease the tension between them. Instead, Ned shuts it down harshly, demands her sources and then shuts those down, too. That's not the actions of a man grieving his lost love with the wife he clearly already cares for. This is a man having a knee-jerk panic-driven reaction to make sure he never has to answer any questions in this direction that might lead to revealing his secret or getting caught in contradictions. Because, you know, Lyanna. Being the mother of his fake bastard. The whole point.
I also think A is lemore.
I do agree with that, at least!
Basically, no, I just think it's incredibly unlikely that Ned ever slept with Ashara, and questionable if he ever had a crush on her. Brandon sleeping with a highborn maiden at a tourney is far more likely, because he has a history of doing that. If a Stark is the father of Ashara's child, it's going to be Brandon. Which is something Ned may never have even found out about. A secret he is likely privy to is Ashara's involvement in the baby switch and her caring for Aegon. Why else would the Dayne's be covering for Ned when it comes to Jon Snow's parentage, unless they are tied together in secrecy?
Trying to turn that into evidence that Jon and Dany are going to be a thing, let alone a "puppy love" thing, or that there will be a love triangle of some kind is a bit of a stretch.
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kemihaydeestantonva · 5 months
Currently my hyperfixation ping pong game goes like this
I can't stop thinking about the Agatha Christie tier murder mystery intrigue happening in Winterfell right now, who is the hooded man, who sent the pink letter, how is Wyman Manderly's plot to retake the north gonna play out, is the night lamp theory real CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME MORE ABOUT BARBERY DUSTIN SHE IS SO FASCINATING???? George it's been so many years I'm BEGGING YOU for Winds of Winter
I NEED to know how the full moon is going to play out, I am shaking, crying, THROWING UP over these two DISASTER GAY DEMONS I know that it's probably going to release on the actual full moon later this month and that's probably better for my mental well being but also if it doesn't come out RIGHT NOW I'M GOING TO HAVE A MELTDOWN VIVIENNE
there is no cooldown or in between I am either in Winterfell or in Hell do not talk to me
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xxlilredshewolfxx · 3 months
10 Book Character Omissions That Hurt 'Game of Thrones' https://collider.com/game-of-thrones-missing-book-characters/
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templarhalo · 5 years
ASOIF ramble of the day
I’m surprised GRRM didn’t make Mark Ryswell, one of Ned’s companions at the tower of joy, Barbery Dustin’s brother.   Like that would have given her even more of an incentive  to make good on her vow to feed Ned’s bones to the her dogs. 
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tigereyes45 · 7 years
Lectures and Lessons
Benjen attempts to study as Brandon and father begin to argue again. His eldest brother had brought home Barbrey Ryswell. A daughter who had also been under guidance at Lord Dustin’s home. Brandon wanted to wed the other northern lord’s daughter. He claimed they were in love and Bradon would marry no other. Of course, father was not happy.
Benjen could hear the shouts and screams coming from the main hall all the way from his hidden spot perched on top of the wall. He sat in on the stones that stuck out from under one of the corner towers. The closest to the main hall. Now you might be wondering why would Benjen choose the closest? That was simply because the stones he could perch on were the largest on that tower. His father’s men could not see him when he sat there either, not unless they were to look straight across at him from the other towers. Rarely did any of the men look in when on patrol.
Candles go out from around the front of the hall. The loss of light clear to the young boy. Benjen wonders if Ned could hear father all the way from Jon Arryn’s home. It had been months since Benjen had seen his older brother. It had been much longer since he had last Brandon as well. Benjen only got to hug his brother and sit to eat dinner before the fight began. Tomorrow he decides he will ask Brandon to help him with his lessons. If he was still allowed too. Father was rather angry, but there was no one else better with a sword then Brandon! So maybe father would allow him to teach Benjen despite the fight.
A crash comes from below as Benjen watches the doors to the hall open and close. The door itself creates a loud slamming noise as it blows out the rest of the torches and candles lit outside. Suddenly the night felt a lot colder too little Benjen. He pulls his fur coats tighter around his body and tries to follow the dark figure below with his eyes. It was almost impossible with so little light from the moon.
Still, Benjen strains his eyes to see where the tall figure was going. It had to be his brother Brandon after all. He watches it go all the way to the stables before losing sight of it permanently. Was Brandon planning to leave? He couldn’t! He just came back. Benjen almost jumps up before remembering where he was sitting. Carefully Benjen climbs back over to the pass through. Slipping into the tower Benjen runs over to the ladder. He climbs down it as fast as possible.
Horses neigh as Benjen slips into the stables. Squinting into the darkness Benjen calls out his brother’s name as quietly as he could. He wasn’t supposed to be out of his room this late after all. “Brandon?” No response. Benjen walks farther end before calling out again. “Brandon?”
A torch lights behind him, causing Benjen to jump as his head whips around. Holding the torch in his left hand was Brandon Stark. Benjen felt fear and joy in the same instant. His big brother was right there before him but clad in riding ware. A horse’s reins held in his right hand tightly.
Benjen meets his brother’s deep grey eyes and sighs. “Y-you’re leaving aren’t you?” He asks feeling dejected.
Brandon’s eyes melt as they watch Benjen. “Come here, Benjy.” Brandon orders carefully he sets the torch back in its holder. The eldest Stark child drops to one knee and releasing the reigns holds his arms out to his brother. Benjen took no other goading to jump freely into them.
“You should be in bed, you know.” Brandon points out as he squeezes his brother tightly. It wasn’t often Benjen got a hug from his older brothers. So despite feeling pain, Benjen holds his tongue and tries to squeeze Brandon back just as hard.
“I couldn’t sleep,” Benjen explains.
Brandon does not ask why he knows what kept Benjen up this night. So Benjen asks his question again. “Are you leaving? I know father is angry, but you should stay. Mother misses you.” Benjen quickly explains hoping to convince him. He doesn’t bother to mention how lonely the castle felt without his brothers. He wasn’t supposed to talk about that. Father always told him not too.
“I am, but just for a time. I will be back.” Benjen looks down, not sure if he should believe his brother’s words. “Benjen I promise I will be back. I am going for a ride.” The eldest swears ruffling his brother’s hair.
“Benjen Stark! Where are you boy?” Comes the call of Old Nan.
Goosebumps form on his skin as a shiver crawls down Benjen’s back. Brandon fails to hold back his laughter, causing her to travel towards the stables. Old Nan’s face was one filled with amusement when she finds the two Stark boys squatting together in the stables.
“Now what would you two be doing in here? Going for a late night ride?” She looks over Brandon. “Ah, one of you are.” Her smiles dissipate as her old eyes fall to Benjen. “I’m sorry my Lord but it is the young lord’s time for rest. I’m afraid you can not take him with you tonight.”
“I know.” Brandon stands up and calls his horse over with a quick whistle. “Will you make sure he gets to bed Old Nan?”
“Of course my Lord.” Old Nan promises to take Benjen’s hand.
“He isn’t lord yet.” Benjen points out eagerly.
Old Nan begins to walk away, waiting until they were almost to Benjen’s bedroom to answer. “No, he isn’t.” Her words sound thoughtful and sad. He was going to tell her not to worry. That Brandon would be back and one day he would be the lord. Yet Old Nan’s next words chill the young Benjen. Enough so for him to stay quiet the rest of the night. “The world of cold nights and endless riding is not for you yet young man. It will claim you and you won’t be able to run.” With those words, she tucks him in and leaves him alone. Benjen slept none that night.
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agameofclothes · 7 years
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What Barbery Dustin would wear to the wedding of ‘Arya’ Stark and Ramsay Bolton, Dior
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esther-dot · 2 years
Remember when some fans claim that Sansa was given Barbery Dustin story in show because of her icy nature and politically shrewd. They also pointed out that maybe Barbery will be leading North and fight against Boltons. So Sansa being Stark heir leading North against Boltons who wronged her family and ruling WF effectively is impossible. I want TWOW to put and Sansa to succeed just to see antis how will they accuse her of stealing other character story.
Hey! I’m a firm believer in QitN Barbrey, y’all are just haters. 😂
I love both versions of Sansa, and comparing show Sansa to a woman who plans to give Ned’s bones to her dogs is offensive to me as show Sansa dearly loved her father. Also, show Sansa wasn’t bitter even when she believed Jon betrayed her. She was heartbroken, but remained loyal to the family, to him, and thought of him as her king until the end. Barb’s hatred for Ned burns bright years later for what I would argue is a much smaller grievance. These are not remotely similar characters.
However, as someone who thinks D&D were using info from Martin, I understand the impulse to draw connections between book stuff and show stuff and think that it can be helpful in guessing where things are going. But, I did laugh that the people who latched onto this idea were the very same people who insist the show has nothing to do with the books, that all the plot points are wrong/that Sansa isn’t going North, so it makes no sense to then say, “it will be totally different because D&D read the books and gave Sansa the characterization of this minor character.”
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As if D&D didn’t alter everyone’s characterization from the beginning.
And yet, I have to point out that in the books, Tyrion compares Sansa’s courtesy to the Wall, which is the tiniest bit icy, so I’m not sure why Sansa, once she is pushed into a political arena trying to guide people who don’t initially respect her, having a little coolness to her interactions was suddenly such a problem. 
In s6-8 she had plenty of soft moments, she is the one who showed the most open affection to the other Starks, and even in s8 when everything was off kilter, she still had moments of raw emotion that broke through the bullshit, so it isn’t the case that she truly had an icy nature, either. She was wearing her armor save when she felt safe enough not to do so (her reunion with Bran, a few moments with Arya, with Theon, several scenes with Jon…), so I don’t think the basic idea is as far removed from the book as people pretend. Obviously D&D reinterpreted her, but I think it’s weird that fans act like later seasons Sansa was more ooc than earlier seasons Sansa. They interpreted her differently all along but all along, I still saw traces of my girl.
I suppose since Barb mentioned her dogs and hates Ramsay, we could say that having Ramsay eaten by his own dogs is something that she might oversee rather than Sansa (who will not be married to him or raped by him), so maybe the idea was that it would be ooc for book Sansa to watch someone get eaten alive. And I guess this would be similar to how they had Arya do some Lady Stoneheart-y things, so, maybe there was a swticheroo there?
That specific scene aside, there’s a line about how every battle for Winterfell has had a Stark present, and I don’t think Martin dropped that in there for it to be retaken by someone other than a Stark. I mean, Barb does hate Ramsay in addition to hating Ned, so I guess she can betray the Boltons and decide she wants to be QitN instead of letting them have all the fun (I’m not remembering anything specific pointing in that direction, just entertaining the notion), but I don’t see how that is a substitute for Starks reclaiming Winterfell or Starks ruling the North again. It could happen as a stepping stone, but it’s not interchangeable and wouldn’t impact the endgame of a Stark being in Winterfell. To pretend that Sansa’s role as a Stark in the North was a total show fabrication is odd.
I don’t have any specific ideas of how we’re gonna match up the timelines and have the necessary forces to retake Winterfell, but it’s interesting to me that as much as Barb has a problem with Ramsay, she dislikes Ned too, and combining that with the impending Stark succession crisis is a really fun thing to do because of what it could mean for her interactions with the Stark kids, lots of anger and resentment, as they potentially work together to defeat a common foe regardless. That’s a path too.
Whether Sansa is the key to reclaiming Winterfell by bringing the KotV (which I believe was the plan at one point), or she arrives later because of timeline issues, I’m confused why people would think that Stark kids popping up in the North won’t impact the politics more than these minor characters? Wont the supporting cast be how Martin fleshes out the rival claims, as the Starks won’t be at each other’s throats out of any power craze of their own? And we need those characters to make the revelation of Jon’s daddy to be a huge political issue, as the Starks aren’t gonna disown him, but we need someone to raise hell. It seems to me that the Starks and the power players in the North have distinct roles and that the interplay there will matter.
I’m not sure why even other Sansa fans are so adamantly apposed to her ending up in the North. That isn’t actually an anti position, that’s common even among her fans, but I truly thought her “If I am ever a queen, I'll make them love me.” line felt like a very direct compare and contrast moment between her and Cersei which we would get to see manifest when she came into a position of political power at some point, and seeing as she is the oldest living true born Stark, I think that position would be in the North as LoW or QitN. I don’t think that’s a stretch at all, especially now that we know Bran will be king elsewhere.
Anyway, Barbie is my queen forever and ever amen!
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visenyaism · 1 year
for the theory rubric: domeric bolton was actually brandon stark’a bastard son
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1) how
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ladyviserra · 3 years
Bolton Bride | Ramsay Bolton
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton x Female!Reader
Summary: Ramsay visits the Rills and kidnaps you from your family.
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of death
A/n: If you want part two of this story let me know! Pt
Part 2
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The new Warden of the north became Roose Bolton, all of Westeros knew, not all of it cared, just the Northerners. It will only affect us. What does it mean for us?
" It means it's going to be worse than it already is. " Your father repeated your aunt's words. 
No one liked Boltons, your family despised them even with being a part of the family as well. Domeric Bolton, Roose Bolton's son was your cousin, your aunt, Bethany's son. He died a mysterious death.
It is said he was killed by Ramsay Snow, Lord Bolton's bastard son. The bastard wanted to be an heir, which he did become eventually. News of the new legitimized boy hopped to the ears of your family.
All of house Ryswell and Dustin weren't happy with some bastard earning a title of an heir, nor Domeric's death even though it's been two years now.
" The North remembers. " Your uncle Rickard's words. He spoke of his anger when his sister died. He cursed the now Lord Bolton in such ways that your mother covered your ears to not learn to say such bad words to someone else.
But he didn't curse him as much as he did his bastard a day after he arrived. A raven flew to the Rills in an early morning announcing that, Ramsay of House Bolton rides to the Rills. The reason? Not mentioned. Your aunt was informed of it and rode herself back to her homeland.
" What could that boy want from us? " Your father asked himself out loud with the whole family your aunt Barbery, your uncles Rickard and Roose, your grandfather, your parents and yourself around the table.
" Your daughter, that's what. " Lady Dustin's angered face pointed at you with her words. For a moment silence played in the room.
" Well, he can't have her. " Your father yelled, the rest of your family nodded in agreement. No one asked you anything about it. You didn't want to marry a Bolton, have the same fate as your aunt.
Four days after the letter arrived, so did the Bolton. Was he proud, oh he was, very much so. Your whole family shoot him glares which did not bother him at all. He was to be the Warden of the North, no one in his way, that's how he thought of it.
His icy blue eyes watched you, Barbrey noticed it, of course, she did. Pulling you closer to her side.
" See how full of himself he is. There is no way you are going to with or without him Winterfell. " She never liked the Starks, but the Boltons were never the better option.
" Lord Ryswell, good to meet you. " Ramsay shook your grandfather's hand.
" Lord Bolton, what brings you to the Rills? " He didn't waste his time, none of the Ryswells would, he wanted an answer fast.
" We shall discuss my wishes inside, I believe it will be more comfortable. " The same silence from before, danced around when you walked inside, no doubt you felt eyes focused on you. His eyes burned into your body shamelessly even after all of you were sat down.
" Lord Bolton, would you like to explain your visit? "
" Very gladly. " His eyes looked away from you and stopped at your father. " As you know, my father is now the Warden of the North, and I am his heir, my father sent me to you Lord Ryswell to ask for your daughter's hand in the marriage. " The last words made him eye you.
" I am sorry, but I don't think I can accept it. " Your father said seriously.
" And why is that? " The legitimized bastard asked interested.
" She is already promised to another. " Uncle Roose lied. You weren't betrothed, if Domeric haven't died it would probably be he who you would marry. In the lastest time, North doesn't have too many young Lords your age.
" Who is that lucky man if I can know of him? " Ramsay was seeing the untrue words.
" My son, Petyr Dustin. " Aunt Barbrey lied to his face. Lady Dustin doesn't have any children as her husband, Lord Dustin died early in their marriage.
" Mhm. " He hummed standing up. " Well best of luck to you, m'lady, I hope you find happiness in your marriage truly. You deserve it. " Former Snow gave you disappointing smile. " We'll take our leave. " And they left just as fast as they came.
Your aunt wasn't pleased with it, thinking he has something else in his sleeves, but your father and uncles told her that he will probably find some other girl to marry. Before the sunset, aunt went on to return to Barrowhills. It was over, we wouldn't be seeing him for a while. Wrong.
In the middle of the night, a noise woke you up. In your room, everything was quiet, outside of it you heard groans from men and then the door opened. Ramsay fastly walked over to you. You were only in your nightgown, covering yourself in front of the man that invaded your home.
" If you cooperate, no harm will come to your family. " He held his hand for you to take. Thinking it thought, if it wasn't for your family, you would kick and scream. Taking his hand, he gave you a small smile as a reward, covering you with his cloak. A hand over your shoulders to keep you from running away.
Outside were his men and some of House Ryswells knights, throats slit or organs butchered. It was a gruesome scene that made you gasp. He took his horse and made a gesture to get on the horse.
" Is my family safe? " You asked him, scared that he already slaughtered them too. His lips gave a tiny peck to your cheek.
" What husband kills his wife's family? " Chuckles escaped his and his men's mouth at that. His wife? So he was planning to marry you, but if your family didn't accept the offer he would take you himself?
You climbed on the horse's back, Ramsay following after you. You quickly rode away from your home as a tear fell down the same cheek that was kissed by Ramsay.
" Don't cry Lady Y/N. You were a good girl so far, don't ruin it. " His whispered into your ear followed by a kiss.
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astormofsilk · 2 years
“Bad news. He’s still alive.” (for auntie Barbrey Dustin)
"Unfortunately your father's bastard seems to have inherited the Bolton inability to die when it's proper." Barbery groused softly, wrinkling her nose at the news "No matter, there's always tomorrow"
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sayruq · 3 years
I am fascinated by Barbery Dustin. She claimed that just like Theon she wanted to be part of Starks but couldn't. She knew that despite her hatred towards starks the north loved them. She hates Ramsey and fond of Domeric. People think she is like Lysa or even LF. But I think she is likely gonna be ally to new starks. She never going to be against them especially when she knew the Ned is loved by North. She will likely gonna hate LF.
i actually feel like she's more like littlefinger than a true ally. in fact, once ramsay is dealt with, i think barbrey will be a real obstacle for sansa.
i feel like sansa coming into winterfell will be similar to ned going to king's landing in some ways. littlefinger positioned himself as somewhat an ally to ned and barbrey will do the same to sansa. though, unlike ned, sansa has spent years in king's landing and the vale, she's going to be better at realising who is on her side and who is working against her.
i don't think barbrey is going to suddenly forget all her anger towards catelyn (for being betrothed to brandon and then marrying ned) and ned (for apparently getting her new husband killed as though he planned it). it's no surprise that a younger barbrey, like baelish, thought that her feelings and wishes could outweigh feudal contracts (though to be fair, it sounded like her father was very ambitious and was using her to get what he wants). baelish is willing to do just about anything to get back at the starks and tullys and prove that he was better than them. i'm assuming barbrey will be similar but not as sociopathic. sure she's allying with roose but that's not nearly as bad as what littlefinger has done.
anyway barbrey has been denied what she wants twice now which means a third time is coming. i don't think that whatever confrontation between the two will end in barbrey's death necessarily. she and sansa might even end up becoming allies eventually, who knows.
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why do you believe ned and ashara where together over brandon and ashara.
Howland Reed and House Dayne say Ned/Ashara.
It is not "dishonorable" for Ned and Ashara to have a romance. How do I know that? Harwin, Arya VIII "I doubt there's any truth to it. But if there is, what of it? When Ned met this Dornish lady, his brother Brandon was still alive, and it was him betrothed to Lady Catelyn, so there's no stain on your father's honor. There's nought like a tourney to make the blood run hot, so maybe some words were whispered in a tent of a night, who can say? Words or kisses, maybe more, but where's the harm in that? Spring had come, or so they thought, and neither one of them was pledged."
What does Brandon/Ashara serve to the over all story? Nothing as far as I can tell. I know Ned/Ashara serves the purpose of making Ned's backstory just a little bit sadder, and to kind of be the ghost in Ned/Cat's otherwise great marriage.
Just to address it, Barristan Selmy's thoughts on that matter mean jackshit to me. He was a creeper that as far as I can tell never really interacted with Ashara. His thoughts are only good for knowing how she superficially looked like, not the real her in my honest opinion.
Another character to be addressed, Brandon stark was the wild wolf, had wolfs blood, and he slept with Barbery Dustin when he was teenager. Unlike other parts of this fandom that isn't enough for me to label him as some womanizer on par with Robert Baratheon. The evidence for him being the kind of dick that would push his brother to dance with crush just so he could fuck her is thin at best.
This is the second most important point for me at least. Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct answer. Not everything has to have twists and turns.
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istumpysk · 3 years
What I found ridiculous is that everyone accused show Sansa for stealing everyone's arc indicating she would never end up where she was in the end. That Barbarey Dustin post imply that Sansa has no knowledge in North politics and show Sansa was sassy and cold which is not in her book character. Also Sansa hatred for Dany can't be possible so it must be Barbery.
I'm reminded of this exchange between @eonweheraldodemanwe and @hellsbellschime.
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Sansa Stark didn't become cold, stern, and sassy because she adopted Barbrey Dustin’s plot. She became cold, stern, and sassy because D&D have a very narrow view of what strong women sound like.
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